The Council Forcecast: Episode 25 - Rogue One Review

  • Опубліковано 3 січ 2017
  • The first unambiguously good Star War movie since the original trilogy.


  • @DB6195
    @DB6195 7 років тому +51

    I am one with the Force, and for the next 3 hours the Forcecast is with me

  • @TheLoreMasterYT
    @TheLoreMasterYT 7 років тому +69

    Finally, I've been waiting forever for this.

    • @angrychicken1910
      @angrychicken1910 7 років тому +9

      Fact Free?!
      Commanding Officer on Deck, all soldiers front and center!

    • @bumpyroosej.r9082
      @bumpyroosej.r9082 7 років тому +4

      Friendly Phycopath
      Private Lenny reporting sir

    • @colemontrebor8104
      @colemontrebor8104 7 років тому +5

      Friendly Phycopath
      Sergeant Billy Bobert Reporting.

    • @williamhenning4700
      @williamhenning4700 7 років тому +4

      Lieutenant William Henning reporting.

    • @angrychicken1910
      @angrychicken1910 7 років тому +3

      Bunch 'o mixed ranks here....essh.

  • @DB6195
    @DB6195 7 років тому +71

    Okay, 3 years now with the same question
    What would your unique force power be? E.g. Kinetie, Shatterpoint, Battle Meditation.
    As a secondary question as you rarely get to choose what your unique abilities or aptitude will be. I suggest that you assign *each other* what unique abilities would suit their personalities in your own opinions.

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +23

      'Definitely one I'll be voting for.

    • @tannerlowrie8084
      @tannerlowrie8084 7 років тому +1

      DB6195 This is a great idea!!!

    • @D3m0nhuntr
      @D3m0nhuntr 7 років тому

      Fantasy Flight Games - Edge of the Empire, theres 2 other versions, Force and Destiny (more jedi/sith oriented) and Age of Rebellion (anti-empire focus). They are all eligible for play together

    • @darthrevan3342
      @darthrevan3342 7 років тому

      Postco + peco indepth farsight midn reading. by teh way Jensaarai, do you think that Death troopers are super lame? Because they are basicly shadow trooper.

    • @darthrevan3342
      @darthrevan3342 7 років тому

      By teh way jensie, Do you think the Death troopers are lame? Because they are basicly shadow trooper. Bionics, stealth suit, higher than 2 meter, black armor. Elite troops. It is all teh same.

  • @williamhenning4700
    @williamhenning4700 7 років тому +19

    Agreed completely. Tarkin's CGI was on point and his character was portrayed flawlessly.

    • @colemontrebor8104
      @colemontrebor8104 7 років тому +6

      William Henning
      The lip movement was a bit awkward but that's still some damn good CG.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому

      +William Henning Going to agree on everything but the lip movement. Idk there was just something about it that made him feel not alive and made we realize immediately that he is Cgi.

  • @Reti4
    @Reti4 7 років тому +42

    It's been a while, but we're back in action. 'Hope you all enjoy.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому

      +Reti4 I'm watching this right now. Thank you so much! Also, I posted my council question.

    • @jacksonwolfe-smith4711
      @jacksonwolfe-smith4711 7 років тому

      Glad you guys are back this is one of my favorite episodes so far! Well worth the wait :]

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +1

      Jackson Wolfe-Smith I'm glad you enjoyed!

    • @dragonballtalk8527
      @dragonballtalk8527 5 років тому

      Why cant i hear or understand redi4 hes like boomhour from king of the hill

  • @Jedi_Spartan_38
    @Jedi_Spartan_38 4 роки тому +8

    57:42 "Whatever, he's an Inquisitor, he's disposable, he doesn't matter." After seeing gameplay for Jedi: Fallen Order, it actually has an Inquisitor that doesn't suck in my opinion.
    Also the guy who wrote about Synthetic/red lightsaber kyber crystals no longer being able to be created was (I think) James Luceno with the Prologue novel to this film.
    1:34:45 He wouldn't have to see that as the two stormtroopers turning into a droid would have given it away.
    Palpatine: So who's left? Are you s***ing me? Then where are you?
    2:36:45 "Yarrel Poof was dead at this point so they needed someone to get the pizza."

  • @Wittle_Boyo
    @Wittle_Boyo 7 років тому +14

    Midichlorians. The most misunderstood concept in all of fiction.

    • @mylesclark1603
      @mylesclark1603 7 років тому

      Elf Friend yeah it's a great book but if you don't have a high reading level it's gonna be hard to get through it.

    • @benderthepirate
      @benderthepirate 7 років тому

      neverable2 Darth Plagueis explains midichlorians best: messengers and translators of the Force.

    • @matthewkellar9757
      @matthewkellar9757 7 років тому

      Thank you, thank you! It's soo misunderstood.

    • @gummybearchewy5444
      @gummybearchewy5444 7 років тому

      neverable2 so true

  • @ericahoh282
    @ericahoh282 7 років тому +14

    Honestly I agree with you Jenseraai1, I am an EU loyalist; with EU there were so many more opportunities for originality and to explore the lore, but now the object of continuity is really biting Kathleen in the ass. I have s read a few of the canon novels and they are decent, Chuck Wendig is a great author, but the Rebels is an absolute cluster fuck. Since season 1 there has been no new concepts that don't ride the cotails of what already proved popular. I mean they brought back Ahsoka, the Clones, now Thrawn, Obi-Wan, Mon Mothma, Princess Leia, Lando Calrissan etc. It's basically glorified upchuck. And with Disney's acquisition the material is now all kid friendly and has lost some edge anyways. I really enjoyed the movie but more so on my second viewing. The ending was something new that actually showed that not everyone lived happily ever after in war, and Vader was cool as we saw some new swordsmanship and utilization of the force in combat against the Rebels. But Cassion FTW!

    • @gummybearchewy5444
      @gummybearchewy5444 7 років тому

      Starseeker Erica have to disagree if they do the characters right then it is not a problem and personally I think for Vader, lando, Rex, Ashoka, obi-wan, Darth maul, and thrawn they did do the characters right. However I do think that leia was unnecessary and pointless for the one episode she was in.

  • @aliceinthewired
    @aliceinthewired 7 років тому +12

    I love how united this film made the community this time around. After all of the bickering post TFA it's nice to see people are enjoying Rogue One.

    • @aliceinthewired
      @aliceinthewired 7 років тому +1

      William DeMarco Those claims never really bothered me. It was the more hyperbolic claims, the half truths and the outright lies I've heard since the release of TFA that used to piss me off. Now from here I think we can move forward.

  • @GAdmThrawn
    @GAdmThrawn 7 років тому +8

    Yay, you're back! And yes, we will all miss Carrie Fisher. She is one with the Force.
    As a movie, it is one of the best I have seen all year. A solid story with solid characters. I think it will be one of those movies that will continue to impress and invest audiences. As a Star Wars film, I'm in line with +EvanNova95. I think it surpasses ANH but not quite ROTJ. There is still plenty to see and there is not only new characters both human and alien but a few old ones as well. I'm in the same boat as Evan for TFA. Out of all of the Star Wars movies, it is the one that I watch the least.
    GreyJedi makes a good suggestion about Saw. I think if Saw had witnessed his men trying to escape from the destruction only to be killed by it, and then decides to stay would add more to his character and more to the scene. We would see the soldier in him as he would be one who had learned after Jyn that he should stay with his men and share in their fate.
    Since Director Krennic had no speaking lines in any of the trailers (except for when he's talking to Tarkin) I had no idea what to expect from him. Which is why his scenes are the most surprising because every time that he does something it adds more to his character. The best villains are the ones which we understand their motivations and sympathize with them. Something that TFA lacks somewhat. I do wish that they didn't cut the scene from the trailer where he walks through the water on Scarif. It would've been great to see that this guy wasn't just a project director but that he was also a fighter. And when Tarkin showed up, I was genuinely surprised. Despite what some critics and reviewers may think, I was not distracted by Tarkin's CGI (or Leia's). It was as close of a match to Peter Cushing as I could think of as well as the voice. The voice was a nice catch Reti4. I did not know that Guy Henry did Tarkin's voice.
    I liked how they kept Vader's castle. In the old canon, Vader had up to three different, personal castles and palaces: Bast Castle on Vjun, and his personal palace and retreat on Coruscant. I also love that they really examined the old canon material for anything of Vader's. The tube treatment is actually one line taken from James Luceno's Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader. "The synthskin that substituted for what was seared from his bones itched incessantly, and his body needed to be periodically cleansed and scrubbed of necrotic flesh." (pg. 57) At least I like to think that it was taken from this line. I think that his castle on Mustafar is both a monument and a place of retreat. It symbolizes his first failure as Darth Vader and it probably is a place for him to learn and practice the Dark Side away from the watchful eyes of Palpatine so that he doesn't fail again. Mustafar was also the location where he lashed out at Padmé, and so the memory of that place and returning to it would fuel his anger. Because the production crew knew that hardcore Star Wars fans (such as ourselves) would notice anything wrong with Vader's look, they made sure that they had to get it right with his look from ANH. Which is why there is the red tint to his lenses and the way his clothing and armor is fixed.
    I really liked Chirrut and Baze. Donnie did a really good job in acting as a blind, wise, cryptic, humorous sage, and Wen did a good job in being his opposite. In my second viewing, it was Chirrut's death that I first got emotional over.
    Lightsaber crystals now being the all-purpose Kyber crystals is just a disappointment. However, I think they were wanting to keep with the original look found in the Star Wars Visual Dictionary (episodes IV-VI). There is a cut-away image of Luke's lightsaber crystal which shows two crystals (primary and focusing) that are clear.
    I also caught the scenes of the unused Star Wars footage. I was immediately surprised and joyful that they added those characters in. It was a really good continuity moment. In fact I love all of the continuity moments in this film. Bail Organa sending Leia to pick up Obi-Wan before returning to Alderaan, the Ghost, Chopper, General Syndulla's name over the intercom, Hammerheads, the Death Star plans being exactly the same as what was seen in the film (I already mentioned Darth Vader's look), Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba, and Leia receiving the plans. It really shows that these people care about the material that they make and want it to be seen on the big screen. It's not the first time that's happened as George did a lot of EU references in the Prequels. Although I wouldn't call it a continuity reference, the whole planetary shield with a single entrance is a funny callback to Spaceballs.
    Darth Vader's scene was so good. As Antoine said, it was genuinely a horror piece with him wasting guys all over the place. His moves are very much in tune with his depiction in Battlefront. And I would use Jensaarai's argument on everyone who tries to compare the scene with his fight with Obi-Wan. It's a credit to Obi-Wan and his skill, rather than a detriment to Vader. Actually, now that I think about it, it could be both arguments.
    Yeah, the Death Star's "flaw" isn't a flaw. It's a requirement and extremely difficult to target. It took the Rebel fighters in the battle three tries before they could manage it. And Luke was only able to manage it because of his Force sensitivity and Han Solo's help. The only thing that made it a flaw was because Galen had designed a weakness in the reactor not the exhaust port itself. Speaking of another old canon reference, I liked how they kept the part where all of the Death Star engineers were killed once the project was completed.
    For Antoine's idea of Obi-Wan serving in the Rebellion, you can always play Empire at War. In the Forces of Corruption expansion, you even have Yoda and Luke Skywalker in all their Jedi glory. Seeing Yoda as a little, green, whirling dervish wasting whole platoons of soldiers is so satisfying. Just keep away from the ysalamiri cages. Or Myrkr.
    I think that the Lucasfilm Storygroup has dropped all pretext of physics. Like in this film, this is the second time that we've seen a ship entering hyperspace from a planet! This is supposed to be impossible because of the planet's massive gravity bending space and time and preventing interstellar travel! I can forgive the Millennium Falcon from TFA because it's a very fast ship with a really good hyperdrive that at some point probably received an upgrade. But it boggles the mind now that we see every ship doing this. And then we see Interdictors in Rebels using gravity well generators to pull ships out and keep them in. It just creates inconsistency that needs to get fixed.

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому

      Grand Admiral Thrawn You got me motivated to play EAW, thanks. That game has the galactic Conquest the original Battlefronts wished it had
      Too bad I don't have Forces of Corruption. Hard to find that one. (I found the original EAW at a flea market)

    • @GAdmThrawn
      @GAdmThrawn 7 років тому

      You're welcome. I don't think it's really fair to compare the difference of the campaigns between the two since they are two different games. One is an RTS and the other is a 1st/3rd person shooter. It's been a long time since I've played EAW but since I played it so much in the past I can remember a lot of the play style and strategies. I even made a little booklet with various tips and tactics to use to achieve most victories.
      You might have to purchase FoC on Amazon or something since it's hard to find nowadays. I got it at Wal-Mart when it first came out. You could probably ask gaming places like GameStop to see if they have it in a box (it's doubtful since they mostly sell console games). BestBuy, Target, or Wal-Mart most likely won't have it either unless it's hidden in the PC section. But that is a good find if you got it at a fleamarket. Cheap too.

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому +1

      Grand Admiral Thrawn Thanks for the advice

  • @bumpyroosej.r9082
    @bumpyroosej.r9082 7 років тому +13

    Time to Binge Watch this. Great to see GreyJedi coming out more often. It used to be a rare occurrence him being a truck driver and all. And everybody has a working face-cam....very good.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому

      +Lenny AKA Ark Bumpy Roose J.R same here. Also read my forcecast question. I think you will enjoy some of them.

    • @bumpyroosej.r9082
      @bumpyroosej.r9082 7 років тому +1

      Rob George
      Oh goodie. I'll read it right now.
      Hehehehehe ohhhhh yes I love some of those questions.....Especially the Evanova one. I know the answer, oh god do I know the answer 😆

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому

      Lenny AKA Ark Bumpy Roose J.R GreyJedi was a truck driver?

    • @SGK1206
      @SGK1206 7 років тому +5

      I can't imagine greyjedi as a truck driver I mean he's well built for sure. But I always imagined him as a literature teacher.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому

      sAm Da Man99 My council forcecast question is about Greyjedi being a literature teacher on Star Wars.

  • @serjorahmormont6124
    @serjorahmormont6124 7 років тому +2

    I always enjoy these videos. Nice thing to have up watching on a free afternoon. Healthy discussions, fun background info on a relaxing pace. Such a contrast from those fast-paced, 7 minute long quick videos I have seen coming by more and more this last year. Also, I did not realize you were being sarcastic Reti. Hope I am not developing some form of autism right now.

    • @phenjaws569
      @phenjaws569 6 років тому

      serjorah mormont autism doesn't mean you can't get sarcasm, I have lived my entire life with autism and I can understand sarcasm

  • @robgeorge4581
    @robgeorge4581 7 років тому +16

    OMG its here! The council's review of Rouge One.

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +1

      It is! I hope that it lives up to expectations and that you get at least some measure of enjoyment from our musings.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому

      Reti4 Already enjoyable and kind of entertaining so far.

    • @williamhenning4700
      @williamhenning4700 7 років тому

      Consternation from the musings. Enjoyment from formulating a response to said musings.

    • @ThePalaeontologist
      @ThePalaeontologist 7 років тому


    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому

      ThePalaeontologist Whoops my bad.

  • @skywriter9532
    @skywriter9532 7 років тому +5

    Since Carrie Fisher has sadly passed, and they will clearly have to wrap up Leia's story in the future. How would you want her story to end?

  • @tysonmccorkle1036
    @tysonmccorkle1036 7 років тому +2

    You have NO idea how LONG i've been waiting for this

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +1

      'Apologies for the wait, I hope the episode didn't disappoint.

    • @bumpyroosej.r9082
      @bumpyroosej.r9082 7 років тому +1

      Disappoint? Hell No. Those Colemen Trebor insults and the sarcasm mishap were on point.

    • @tysonmccorkle1036
      @tysonmccorkle1036 7 років тому +1

      Reti4 You guys never disappoint me

  • @edithholmes4068
    @edithholmes4068 7 років тому +6

    What character would you like to see get a spinoff film? Personally I would love a Mace Windu film.

  • @warmcrunch3829
    @warmcrunch3829 5 років тому +6

    2:05:53 “I don’t think we’ve missed anything.”
    *one hour of video left*
    Classic forcecast

  • @kitfisto4574
    @kitfisto4574 7 років тому +22

    Thank the force i'm not the only one who loves midiclorians.

  • @GAdmThrawn
    @GAdmThrawn 7 років тому +1

    #forcecastquestion Here is a question that I think you guys might have some fun with. What would be your pick of present day actors/actresses to play characters from KOTOR in a film? And why?

  • @TeutonicKnight92
    @TeutonicKnight92 7 років тому +2

    You had the quote wrong..
    "Your generic TIE grunt is just plain suicidal. And the TIE Defender jockey is bloodthirsty. But the TIE Interceptor pilot, he's suicidal and bloodthirsty. When you see a squad of those maniacs flying your way, you'd better hope your hyperdrive is operational."
    ―Kyle Katarn: The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

    • @phenjaws569
      @phenjaws569 6 років тому

      That quote is pretty funny when taken out of context.

  • @venomous_venom3235
    @venomous_venom3235 7 років тому +11

    The force cast is back yayyy!!!!!! Love it!!!

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +11

      I hope the episode is worth the wait.

    • @masterofdisguise1112
      @masterofdisguise1112 7 років тому +1

      Reti4 you were very outspoken in this episode.. good for you man.

    • @matthewwhite4564
      @matthewwhite4564 6 років тому

      sooooooooooooooo whens the next one?

  • @williamhenning4700
    @williamhenning4700 7 років тому +35

    Kaiburr crystals in canon are basically mood rings. Lol.

    • @angrychicken1910
      @angrychicken1910 7 років тому +1

      William Henning
      Hm. That consept bothers me. I'd much rather have them represent their roles as jedi.

    • @bumpyroosej.r9082
      @bumpyroosej.r9082 7 років тому +12

      Friendly Phycopath
      I'm okay with the emotion thing if it's subtle and not mentioned. ever.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому +8

      +William Henning Ikr. When I read the novel, and realized what happened, I was first infuriated and then dyeing from laughing how stupid it is.

    • @edithume5175
      @edithume5175 7 років тому

      Didn't Pablo Hidalgo say they weren't mood rings?

    • @williamhenning4700
      @williamhenning4700 7 років тому +1

      Edith Ume Did he? I wonder how they function then.

  • @macattackk
    @macattackk 7 років тому +1

    #forcecastquestion What do you think will be a fitting end to see for leia in the new trilogy? For example, dying in episode 8 (if so how), living on then dying in episode 9 (if so how), her being killed off screen (e.g. Between episodes 8 and 9), or surviving?

  • @JediAcolyte94
    @JediAcolyte94 7 років тому +1

    What new Legends material would all of you like to see in the form of new novels, comic books, short stories, and video games?
    What would you consider to be the greatest non-force-sensitive warriors out there through the entire franchise(e.g. Kir Kanos, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Ulic Qel-Droma after being stripped of the force, Shedo Shai, Carnor Jax, etc...)?
    What are your thoughts on other Force-sensitive groups such the Fallanasi, Zeison Sha, Matukai, etc...?
    Has anybody on the Council considered using Aurra Sing, Ferus Olin, or Vestara Khai in a versus match (especially being that Evan was the first to utilize Lumiya)?

  • @3TopicsReviewer
    @3TopicsReviewer 7 років тому +9

    These kind of videos are so awesome. It would be a personal dream of mine to join one these podcast oneday.

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +4

      I'm glad you like them. You should try your hand at a podcast of your own.

    • @3TopicsReviewer
      @3TopicsReviewer 7 років тому +1

      Reti4 I'd love to give that a try i would just need some advice on how to pull of a good one.

    • @matthewkellar9757
      @matthewkellar9757 7 років тому

      3TopicsReviewer Hey I'm in the comment of someone awesome, while in a different video. :)

    • @josiahjenksisawesome
      @josiahjenksisawesome 7 років тому +1

      Me too

    • @josiahjenksisawesome
      @josiahjenksisawesome 7 років тому +1

      *+Reti4* Have you ever considered Guest Stars from other channels?

  • @Daniel_Huffman
    @Daniel_Huffman 6 років тому +3

    The Original Trilogy had the feel, but not the music.
    The Prequel Trilogy had the music, but not the feel. (I still love them)
    TFA had neither.
    Rogue One had both.
    Rogue One also had *real* competition to become one of the most popular movies of 2016.

  • @matthewwhite4564
    @matthewwhite4564 7 років тому +4

    @All...what is your favorite era in the Star Wars timeline and why?

  • @thewanderer7307
    @thewanderer7307 7 років тому +5

    If the powers that be offered you the chance to insert yourself into a canon story; who would your character be and what role would they play?

    • @colemontrebor8104
      @colemontrebor8104 7 років тому

      The Wanderer
      🍔 Mmm. That is, a tasty Question....

  • @banethesithari
    @banethesithari 7 років тому +3

    Which two Sith stand the best chance of defeating Yoda and mace windu in a 2v2 style match up? (excluding sidious)

    • @dimond360_
      @dimond360_ 4 роки тому

      banethesithari Krayt + Vitiate= team of destruction

  • @edithume5175
    @edithume5175 7 років тому +6

    Shouldn't we see more Lightsaber color diversity If that's how crystals work now?

  • @bumpyroosej.r9082
    @bumpyroosej.r9082 7 років тому +5

    What Charactor in Starwars does everybody in the Forcecast think each of you acts like. Personality, Combat, ETC.

  • @kiadisandwich1836
    @kiadisandwich1836 7 років тому

    In Labyrinth of Evil, Grievous and Mace engage in a brief lightsaber duel, but the duel was inconclusive. So, my question to you all is this: who would win, and how decisive would the fight be? And would any of you consider doing it as a Vs. episode?

  • @robgeorge4581
    @robgeorge4581 7 років тому +22

    #ForceCastQuestions I decided to make my questions for each person because why not. Some are serious, some are for shits and giggles. Evannova95: Of all of your videos, which one had the most saltiest fanboys in the comments? I will take a guess the video its either Kenobi vs Plauge or any video with Darth Bane. Jensarrai1: If you had to talk with any of the main people who declared the EU as not cannon and replaced it with the Disney cannon, what kind of venomous nerd rage rant would you deliver to them? Would it be so powerful that a trilogy of rants called "The Nerdy Menace", "Attack of the Nerd", and "Revenge of the Nerd" would be created? Antoine: Time to beat a dead horse. Is Scourge vs Kota going to come out? Reti4: Since you are a fencer, what kind of grip do you use and why? GreyJedi91: If you were an professor teaching a literature course on Star Wars, which EU books would be required reading? Alternative question, can u please do Liam the Padawan vs Emperor Vitiate or Coleman Trebor vs Johun Othone???

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому +1

      Apparently my computer wont let me space apart each question. Sorry in advance.

    • @bumpyroosej.r9082
      @bumpyroosej.r9082 7 років тому +8

      ^ ^ ^ ^
      I wish for this question to be answered. The response would be something I would pay to watch.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому +3

      +Darth Cole Evan is for kicks, Conner's took the most time to properly word, Antoine took a while but his was half kicks half legit, Reti4 is legit, Grey Jedi was legit (its hard to think of what to ask the Grandmaster), and the general question is legit.

    • @bumpyroosej.r9082
      @bumpyroosej.r9082 7 років тому +1

      Rob George
      Only a select few get the Evan Joke...If you could call it a joke, Lol.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому

      Lenny, Evannova's question I thought you would either enjoy or get a headache from. If Jensarrai1 answers my question, I'm going to bring a full course meal and savor this moment. Or run away in fear.

  • @jemijohnson257
    @jemijohnson257 7 років тому +10

    #ForceCastQuestions What are your Favorite Jedi and Sith teams. Examples: Obi Wan and Anakin, Darth Bane and Zannah.

    • @jemijohnson257
      @jemijohnson257 7 років тому +2

      Also Rebels S3 mid trailer thoughts

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +9

      'Good one. It'll be interesting to hear the others' thoughts on this.

    • @robgeorge4581
      @robgeorge4581 7 років тому +1

      +Jemi Johnson Thrawn is finally gonna kick some ass both physically and tactically. Someone needs to get killed.

  • @matthewkellar9757
    @matthewkellar9757 7 років тому +1

    It's 12:39AM. I'm at 58:03 and I already see a pissed Conner. It's about the saber crystals for the new canon. I'm just seeing a red screen on Conner, just hearing, "Bree Du! Bree du! Bree du! Bree du! Da, da, da, daaaaaa!!!" XD

  • @jonas1015119
    @jonas1015119 7 років тому +1

    48:00 I was thinking of the exact same scene in 'Death Star' right before you mentioned it.

  • @macattackk
    @macattackk 7 років тому +3

    When u review 'tales of the Jedi', you should do another council gauntlet, with Exar Kun.

    • @AntoineBandele
      @AntoineBandele 7 років тому +4

      That's the plan.

    • @macattackk
      @macattackk 7 років тому +1

      Antoine Bandele really! That's going to be Awsome and I can't believe I got that right aha

    • @dimond360_
      @dimond360_ 4 роки тому

      Where will the gauntlet be?

  • @andrewperkin7192
    @andrewperkin7192 7 років тому

    Do you think with these more anthology stories that disney should invest in a netflix show? the main question i guess ,i have is a darth bane series based on the book and i personally feel budget won't be an issue due to the books main setting being the sith academy. the only issue is the war on ruusan but if game of thrones can do big fights then star wars can achieve i and the use of old eu but i want you guys to give me input on your ideas of this.

  • @redleaderantilles1263
    @redleaderantilles1263 7 років тому +2

    Just like with TFA hyperspace was used ineffectively. We get like 2 scenes with character binding over the course of what should be like 2 weeks of a trip. The distance between Jedha and Eadu is like 3 weeks for a U-wing. There should have been some bonding moments in that time.

  • @stephenmatousek6009
    @stephenmatousek6009 7 років тому

    #forcecast question
    what species do each of you think would be best for each class of jedi(Guardian, Consular, Sentinel), and the subsections (Peacekeepers, Shadows, Seers)? and how many Coleman Trebors could Grandmaster Luke defeat?

  • @watchface6836
    @watchface6836 7 років тому +2

    In your Force Awakens trailer podcast you all mentioned that Yoda was the best lightsaber instructor for the younglings when they're first developing their skills. Do you think that mentality would apply if a humanoid was being trained by a thispian Jedi Master (like Oppo Rancisiss) meaning that the master might have another Jedi handle their lightsaber training because their physiologies are so different?
    Personally I'd love to see a Council Gauntlet for Darth Vader, late clone wars Council.

  • @basedtexas18
    @basedtexas18 7 років тому +2

    Y'all better stay together as a group amazing work

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +3

      We fully intend to. We actually have plans to make better use of our team dynamic in the coming future.

    • @basedtexas18
      @basedtexas18 7 років тому +1

      Reti4 wonderful I love all the videos you guys make

  • @sirjedisentinel
    @sirjedisentinel 6 років тому +1

    Reti, for me, Vader's eyes looked weird. In A New Hope, the eye pieces on the helmet were a very dark brown (it was probably most noticeable on the Tantive IV scenes). In Empire and Jedi, the eye pieces were black, a darker black than the rest of the helmet. Here, in this movie (and like Saw, the only reason I can think they did this was because it was how it was done in Rebels), the eye pieces were red. Not even a dark, almost black red; they were blood red, or burgundy. I saw his eyes and went "that doesn't look right."
    Also, I think your issues with Vader's movement was all in the cape, because I noticed that too. In the original trilogy, it looked like Vader had this very heavy cape. He'd walk, and turn away, and make all sorts of movements, and that cape would not move. In most cases, it would barely ruffle. The situations where the cape had the most movement were caused by outside forces (such as the wind tunnel in Empire or when Luke kicked him down the flight of the stairs in Jedi). The cape here seems lighter. It looks like every step, every little movement, creates too much motion in the cape.

  • @dulio3240
    @dulio3240 7 років тому

    #ForceCastQuestion Have you guys answer this question before? What kind of lightsaber you guys will wield? Saberstaff?Curved hilt? Dual sabers? Single normal lightsaber?

  • @joshuakei8925
    @joshuakei8925 7 років тому

    +Jensaarai1, I understrand that you hate rebels, but I'd still like a few thoughts on it. do you think Darth Vader had been underpowered as a lightsaber duelist in the series? I know he is ridiculously underpowered as a force wielder, but as a lightsaber duelist in rebels?

  • @Jander833
    @Jander833 7 років тому +2

    I think Saw can't actually, physically, run, he has robotic legs which don't seem to work very well. I think he knew that wasn't going to make it out anyway even if he tried or even slow down the others and prevent them from scaping so he goes "ah, fuck it"

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому +1

      Jander833 I still wish he was around a little longer, but I at least like they way where he went out by just looking at the destruction coming at him and he takes his air tube out and is like "Do you honestly think I give a fuck about your laser right now?"

  • @butlertron
    @butlertron 7 років тому

    Yes, yes, and yes. I've been waiting for this.

  • @bluerino7
    @bluerino7 7 років тому

    good stuff guys keep em coming!!

  • @zenethis92
    @zenethis92 7 років тому +1

    Would love the Vader breakdown on who he would easily take and who are contenders. I looked at the Vader scene as reestablishing that Vader was incredibly powerful (esp. since in Episode 7 "being as powerful as Darth Vader" is a big deal to Kylo Ren) and I look at the duel between Vader and Old Ben similarly to Antione. Vader has been waiting for this duel for literally years. He's dreamed of this and has had years to breakdown where the last duel went wrong and as a result he's being incredibly cautious and trying to feel out where Old Ben is at at this point. It also increases the clout that Luke in ROTJ has as he was able to go toe to toe with Vader and ultimately defeat him outright.

  • @ticklemonster7956
    @ticklemonster7956 7 років тому

    Was waiting for this!

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому

      I hope it doesn't disappoint.

  • @thatguy8501
    @thatguy8501 7 років тому

    #Forcecastquestion If you could be any character from the Star Wars universe(Canon or Legends), who would you be?

  • @DB6195
    @DB6195 7 років тому +3

    Just to build on Reti's streamlining of the start of the movie.
    Have Jyn be taken prisoner on Jehda after one of Saw's raids. The Alliance frees her to use her as a bargaining chip to trade for Bohdi. However Jyn escapes with the aid of Chirrut and Baze. The former saying it was the will of the force for him to interfere.
    Cassian interrogates an Alliance mole on Jehda for any info on Jyn. Same scene as his introduction just different setting.
    Chirrut and Baze (more accurately just Chirrut) help Jyn take out an Imperial squad. She slices into their comms and discover the pilot was sent by her father. She desperately rushes back to Saw and sees the message
    The Death Star arrives. Jyn begs Saw to reach to the Alliance for a joint extraction. Saw agrees and the Rebel strike team and Saw's insurgence launch a joint op to steal an imperial shuttle to carry them all of the planet. Learning to work as a team in the process
    With most of the forces evacuated they succeed. But Saw is killed in the fighting they escape in the same fashion
    Movie proceeds as it was from here. Now we have one narrative on one planet

    • @dantethompson8012
      @dantethompson8012 7 років тому +1

      That is actually pretty damn good, and would help to add some much needed characterization and an emotional component. I still think cassian should murder his informant, but don't have that just be a one off. Have him do multiple shady things, but I'm not sure if its possible to balance it as a "necessary" evil in a 2.5 hour runtime

  • @ldrago4710
    @ldrago4710 7 років тому +4

    bet Corner came a bit when he saw the darth vader scene XD

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому

      L Drago Everyone came to that scene

  • @thepineappleotter8590
    @thepineappleotter8590 7 років тому

    #CouncilForcecastQuestion I've got a few but firstly, what do you guys think about the concept of a Mandalorian Jedi. Secondly, what are all of your preferred lightsaber forms of combat? Finally, what are your top 10 comic/novel (series or individual books) for Star Wars. Thank you :D

    • @SGK1206
      @SGK1206 7 років тому

      Per vista was the closet to a mandolarian jedi

    • @SGK1206
      @SGK1206 7 років тому

      Pre visla

    • @thepineappleotter8590
      @thepineappleotter8590 7 років тому

      I'm sorry but I completely disagree with you; if Pre Vizsla was the closest thing to a Jedi then Ahsoka is a Grey Jedi (which she really, REALLY, isn't). Vizsla was much closer to a Mandalorian Sith than anything else and he didn't have ANY force sensitivity. Personally I'd love to see a Jedi with Mandalorian ancestry (think of the lightsaber designs XD)

  • @xRadinox
    @xRadinox 7 років тому

    Thank You For This Forcecast!:D

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +1

      You're welcome, I hope you enjoy it.

  • @tomcat-ek3bh
    @tomcat-ek3bh 7 років тому +1

    This is kind of off topic but:
    What is all of your's opinions on the warhammer universe. I know Reti has an army but I'd like to hear what you think about it.

  • @banethesithari
    @banethesithari 7 років тому

    Not watched the video yet so sorry if you address this but will you be making a video on the cataclysm novel since James Luceno wrote it ?

  • @samuelmembrino5295
    @samuelmembrino5295 7 років тому

    #ForcecastQuestion if you had to assign each other specific council seats (i.e. Battlemaster, Master of the order, Grandmaster, Spymaster) what would they be, and who would have which seat?

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому

      We've actually already covered this one in a previous episode and, though I imagine people's opinions have changed somewhat at this point, the answers given back then were:
      GreyJedi91 - Grand Master
      Evannova95 - Master of the Order
      Jensaarai1 - Blademaster
      Antoine Bandele - The always-away field agent that actually gets things done
      Reti4 - Battlemaster

    • @samuelmembrino5295
      @samuelmembrino5295 7 років тому

      Oh okay, i must've missed it, and thank you for answering. Also, i can't wait to see your next masterpiece. Bultar swan vs Asoka tano was great.

    • @omnitool1586
      @omnitool1586 7 років тому

      Isn't that order a little dated. I remember it being stated the reason Evan was Master of the Order was because of subscriber count, but Antoine surpassed him quite some time ago.

  • @tomg582
    @tomg582 7 років тому +1

    #councilforcecastquestion Great episode guys, nice finally seeing the council gauntlet at the end, I think you should do more of that for sure.
    -Question: now that both Star Wars and Marvel are owned by Disney, how would you guys react to seeing a non-canon comic, released by Marvel, featuring a Star Wars and Marvel crossover much like the Avengers and Justice league crossover comic and what matches would you like to see being fought? Side note, it could be in any time period in the Star Wars Universe that you want it to be in. Personally I'd be interested in seeing Iron man vs Vader or Thor vs one of the Mortis entities. Maybe Sidious could get his hands on the Infinity Gauntlet 😱

  • @hotshotisnumber1
    @hotshotisnumber1 7 років тому +1

    #forcecastquestion; if any of you were given the option of re-writing certain controversial series in both the Legends and Disney canon (ie, Dark Empire, Legacy of the Force, TCW, Revan and the like), what would you choose and how would you go about it?
    RIP Carrie Fisher

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому

      hotshotisnumber1 Canon: I can't think of specific materials, so I'm just going to say I din't want saber crystals to be blank at first and change color with the holder. Though Aftermath can be fixed a bit.
      Legends: Get rid of the Jedi Prince series (or the book where Trioculous tries to marry a droid Leia), get rid of the Holiday Special except for a few ideas from it, make the New Jedi Order series a bit shorter (nothing against the series but jesus it's long).
      I know some if this stuff aren't controversial but I can't think about anything that controversial.

  • @tweso1499
    @tweso1499 7 років тому

    What are your lightsaber form (s)/style?
    (ex. similar to Count Dooku or Makashi).

  • @senecaplace3752
    @senecaplace3752 7 років тому

    #ForceCastQuestions what Expanded Universe character would each of you like to see in the new cannon?

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому

      Jonathan Trojan Jax Pavan.
      A lot of the characters I wanted canon already became canon. So yeah, Jax.

    • @senecaplace3752
      @senecaplace3752 7 років тому

      Yeah, I've been hoping Jax would make an appearance in the new cannon, but I think that will not happen sadly...

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому

      Jonathan Trojan Yeah, sadly...

  • @lukebales4750
    @lukebales4750 7 років тому +1

    A conversation about Vaders ability should be the next episode.

  • @centerofstar
    @centerofstar 7 років тому +3

    For Antoine Bandele
    What makes you think Vader is an overated combatant? To me, his entire character is about being more precise, skillful and smarter than his youthful self which he consider him weak. Yes he cripple in the force but not that much, he is 8/10 of Sidious's force power.
    For EvanNova95
    Where do you roughly place Darth Plagues as a combatant in the tiering system. Tier 1.5 or Tier 2? Also, can GM Luke Skywalker take down the entire council member from TCW excluding Yoda and Mace Windu.
    For Reti4
    Did you give up on your versus video already? It's been a year since your last versus video. Also, if Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Obi-Wan and Anakin fought each other with no knowledge of each other's tactic, who will win a 4 way battle?
    For Jensaarai1
    How close are you in finishing Darth Vader vs. Kyle Katarn?

  • @johanlindgren5801
    @johanlindgren5801 7 років тому

    So just to clarify kybercrystals in canon are all blank or colorless before the were chosen by a jedi only then did the lightsabercrystal take on color. The sith red lightsabers are created when a person bends the will of the crystal essentially the will of the force to his own will and in so doing you make the crystal bleed ( no kidding thats what they call it) thus creating the red color.
    just a side-note

  • @SivoDyas
    @SivoDyas 7 років тому +2

    I had a discussion few weeks ago with a random guy on UA-cam about General Grievous.
    My opinion is that if Anakin went instead of Obi to kill Grievous, he would have been defeated, because of their styles play out against each other.
    Several people disagreed with me on this, because they related to the fights displayed in TCW. Of course if you take TCW Grievous there is no doubt that Anakin would win.
    But I think that the show ruined Grievous and the old EU Grievous makes much more sense.
    My question is:
    Do you think Rots Anakin would have been able to kill old EU Grievous?

  • @informalgeek1196
    @informalgeek1196 7 років тому

    not really a star wars question but would like to know if you guys would be willing, if you found somebody, to add more members to the forcecast? #ForceCastQuestion

  • @korvus1393
    @korvus1393 7 років тому +2

    i wanna hear a discussion about who vader could squash and who he couldn't. that would be fun.

  • @fateagle4life
    @fateagle4life 7 років тому +3

    How many of you guys read Catalyst? A lot of character development in that novel. Plus a lot of Saw's is explained there as well. Also much of his character development will be shown in Rebels. They are crossing all the narratives/stories together.

    • @williamhenning4700
      @williamhenning4700 7 років тому +2

      I thought it was possibly the best canon novel so far.

    • @fateagle4life
      @fateagle4life 7 років тому +1

      William Henning just have noticed that 80% of character backstory/development they are saying is missing is inthe novel and other series. Nowadays one doesn't have to read the Stars Wars books to understand the movies, but if one, like these guys, love details, read the cannon novels.

    • @matthewkellar9757
      @matthewkellar9757 7 років тому

      Heath Hinton A movie should stand on it's own. You shouldn't be told, "You need to read just understand something."

    • @fateagle4life
      @fateagle4life 7 років тому

      matthew Kellar did you read what I wrote?

    • @matthewkellar9757
      @matthewkellar9757 7 років тому

      Heath Hinton My bad. I only read the first part. Thought the second part was the same argument.

  • @TheBrunarr
    @TheBrunarr 7 років тому

    Whew, 3 hours... definitely gonna watch this over the weekend!

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +1

      I hope you enjoy it.

    • @TheBrunarr
      @TheBrunarr 7 років тому

      Reti4 I probably will, I always enjoy your guys's discussions.

  • @thomaswilliams890
    @thomaswilliams890 5 років тому +1

    why couldn't there have been a curve or bend in the Exhaust Port's vent? Four simple 90 degree angles would have protected it.

  • @SGK1206
    @SGK1206 7 років тому

    #forcecastquestion I know Antonine has stated that he isn't on board with rebels season 3 so far. My question, what do you guys think of the first half of rebels season 3 and thoughts on their portrayal of thrawn?

    • @SGK1206
      @SGK1206 7 років тому

      Antoine* curse you auto correct!!!!!

  • @korvus1393
    @korvus1393 7 років тому

    nice to see you guys back again. for me this movie was more about what the rogue one crew did and not the crew itself. i would prefer a book on jyn urso's life with saw, so im glad they left that out of the movie.

  • @phoenixexalt5985
    @phoenixexalt5985 7 років тому

    #ForcecastQuestion #forcecastquestion #Forcecastquestion is there any reason to why the council seems to be avoiding the fate of the jedi series and characters like Vestara Khai, Ben Skywalker, and the Lost Tribe it seems like you guys don't like to touch on the series except for an occasional reference to Abeloth. so if you could express your thoughts that would be great.

  • @DB6195
    @DB6195 7 років тому +3

    Depa: Completely agree
    Eeth Koth: If Plaguies, goes the force blast route Koth could tank it for awhile with his Crucitorn. But that's about all.
    Coleman Trebor: To be fair the Fact File states he cut through an entire column of battle droids. But yes he loses
    Adi: Completely agree
    Evan: Yep
    Rancis: Agree
    Saesee Tinn: Agree
    Ki-adi: Agree
    Shaak Ti: Agree
    Mace: Yep
    Yoda: Yep
    Plo Konn: agree
    Damn I was hoping I would disagree more for conversations sake

    • @williamhenning4700
      @williamhenning4700 7 років тому +2

      Man, you got lucky. My comment was around a thousands words. x'D

  • @Unseenarchivist
    @Unseenarchivist 7 років тому

    So i recently read Tarkin before going into this movie and I really like the philosophies that that novel gives him. Based on that i have a theory I think you guys might find interesting: When presented with the concepts and true power of the Death Star, the physical manifestion, as it were, of his entire philosophy, Did perhaps something inside him go power mad at that concept, which is what drove him to both his actions in this film and his reckless bullshit in A New Hope?
    He saw this item of perfection in his eyes and in his mind was just going "mine, mine mine, kill everything in my way, i will have this, it will be the culmination of everything i've lived for, i must have it for me".

  • @nickdrew7841
    @nickdrew7841 7 років тому +2

    yea another forcecast I hope we see the next one sooner

  • @MrEffectfilms
    @MrEffectfilms 7 років тому

    Good to see you all liked this one, though I disagree completely with you guys on The Force Awakens.

  • @jedimasterdaniel9666
    @jedimasterdaniel9666 7 років тому

    #ForcecastQuestion if the sequel trilogy followed the Expanded Universe, what EU Story should've they've used if they went directly from the Expanded Universe ?

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +2

      Thrawn Trilogy, no question. The actors being too old is the only problem, taking that into account I'd say the New Jedi Order series.

    • @jedimasterdaniel9666
      @jedimasterdaniel9666 7 років тому

      The Thrawn trilogy would've been cool but realistically the original trio is too old. Using The New Jedi Order series, Dark Nest trilogy, Legacy Of The Force, Fate Of The Jedi, or the cancelled Sword Of The Jedi Trilogy would've been the best direction to go.

  • @rolay504
    @rolay504 7 років тому

    #forcecastquestion is galen marek vs darth caedus possibble or is caedus just too powerful in the force for galen to contend on the force level, i am a huge fan of galen but im not a fanboy i know he is not one of the greatest but i believe if he had been given the chance to you know live longer i think he could have least grown to one of the great swordmaster of his era. even though it was a game he still beat darth vader while he was 17 whats tour opinion could he become a very powerful master perhaps one of the greats if given the chance?

  • @tomg582
    @tomg582 7 років тому +1

    What is the biggest rivalry in Star Wars? For example, Maul And Obi wan, Yoda and Sidious etc

    • @tomriddle8273
      @tomriddle8273 7 років тому

      Tom Grocutt Anakin and Darth Vader lol

  • @lukewarren9069
    @lukewarren9069 7 років тому

    Count Dooku vs Darth Bane? Who Would Win? (If one of you could make a video on that match up, that would be great.)

  • @kadindarklord
    @kadindarklord 6 років тому +2

    The new canon still does have Synthetic Crystals... they just explode.

  • @bluerino7
    @bluerino7 7 років тому

    more vidoes/discussions on the forcecast about versus. preferably stronger Jedi and sith Lords. cool to hear you all discuss at same time 👍

  • @TimothyBukowskiApologist
    @TimothyBukowskiApologist 7 років тому +3

    I am thoroughly enjoying your deconstruction of the "new canon" death of Shaak Ti. Its a fucking bullshit death, it makes no sense, it didn't happen. Shaak Ti is not going to "chill" as Vader kills children. Totally agree. And on the Plagueis verdict I do agree that Ti fights and retreats, but I think that the "fight and retreat" happens in bursts. Sort of a guerrilla tactic

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому +3

      'Preaching to the choir. And yes Ti definitely fights and backs off in bursts, against pretty much anyone she can't defeat with ease. She'll still have to fully retreat in the end though, she's one of the few that can actually pull it off against someone like Plagueis.

    • @edithume5175
      @edithume5175 7 років тому +1

      Why did they choose that scene of all possibilities? Why not have her be on Kamino and get gunned down by the huge sheer amount of clones? It would make a lot more sense and ultimately be more tragic.

    • @phenjaws569
      @phenjaws569 6 років тому

      Edith Ume exactly.

  • @Professional_Dirtbag_Hippie
    @Professional_Dirtbag_Hippie 7 років тому

    #ForcecastQuestion What is each of your favorite franchise outside of Star Wars?

  • @Conzor563
    @Conzor563 7 років тому +4

    A couple of you reference Star Wars SAGA d20 in your videos. Would you ever consider playing a game amoungst yourself and film it? Star Wars DnD is great fun :)

  • @TheZackBriggs
    @TheZackBriggs 7 років тому

    Did anyone think something was off about Darth Vader's voice? Yes, I know James Earl Jones is 85. His age is apparent by certain lines he says. I'm talking about the modulation and effects. It seems as if we were listening to JEJ speaking without the crisp audio mixing heard in the previous movies.

    • @Alex-ji6ob
      @Alex-ji6ob 7 років тому +1

      Zack Briggs I thought the same but figured that was the best they could do to edit his voice.

  • @AL4RC0NR4MO5
    @AL4RC0NR4MO5 7 років тому +1

    1:40:37 I felt Leia saying "we're on a diplomatic mission" in A New Hope becomes funny as a result of Rogue One and not annoying, because you actually feel for Vader when he's like "are you for real right now stop trolling me woman!"

  • @mattmaughan6871
    @mattmaughan6871 7 років тому

    the point of the argument ending with the council divided and ambiguous was not to give us a payoff right there. it was to convince us that the rebellions alliance was weak and tenebrous. despite that ominous mood, and with almost no hope for back up, success or even survival, rouge one undertakes a hail mary play. they go in knowing they are going down, to try to give the alliance the one thing that the meeting made clear was nowhere to be found; hope.
    its about normal people giving up everything not to save the galaxy, but just to kindle that faint flicker of hope. that is the only thing that can give the council that unifying cohesion they lack. hope is their frodo.

  • @JacatackLP
    @JacatackLP 7 років тому

    My critique of the space battles is the capital ships were just there and not really interacting and firing at eachother. Felt like I was watching a real life battlefront 2 space battle

  • @dantethompson8012
    @dantethompson8012 7 років тому

    I thought the same thing about s-foils being in attack position while trying to rush the shield gate. It's not like they were shooting anything while doing that, so why were they open?

    • @Reti4
      @Reti4 7 років тому

      I know right?! It particularly bugged me because the pilot shots in that scene were trying to establish just how much these pilots were gunning it for the gate, but we know they can't have been going as fast as possible because they were in the wrong flight configuration, heavily established in ANH.

  • @GAdmThrawn
    @GAdmThrawn 7 років тому

    Finally the results on the last video! And KOTOR isn't the next one. Shoot. I really wanted that one because then I would've been able to follow your videos. I have access to the comics. As I commented in the last video, Tales of the Jedi is only one that I read once several years ago so my memory is pretty fuzzy. I think I could probably follow the parts about Exar Kun but anything before that I really don't know much about.
    "One of these things is not like the other." That right there cements my liking to the Council Gauntlet. Plagueis gets a substantial amount of wins. Is this going to be a new thing for every Forcecast episode? It would be fun to do especially when you finish the Legends Archive and choose a character from those stories.

  • @williamhenning4700
    @williamhenning4700 7 років тому +3

    2:33:20 - While I agree that Anakin can beat Dooku and Dooku can beat Obi Wan I think the only reason Obi Wan beat Anakin was due to his emotional state at the time.
    If you were using that as an overall example to say that circumstances should always be taken into account I agree.
    If you were saying that regardless of power gaps between opponents these smaller factors will have an equally important role to play then I'd DISAGREE as, like I mentioned before, Anakin is a very special case in that his power fluctuates to an enormous degree based on his emotional state.
    2:33:55 - Heh. I won't get to mad at you for this. I had this very discussion with Grey on another YT video and I can definitely see the point of view on this if you're taking into account Vaapad. Suffice it to say that while I disagree due to certain stances I hold on Vaapad I can respect the opposing stance due to a very respectful debate I had with Grey on the matter.
    2:35:05 - She would take an advantage in a lightsaber duel...? Kind of curious on the though process here.
    2:36:30 - Would have to say that I seriously disagree with that statement Jen. Also Antoine, you know better. While a lot of people do just follow the crowd and would say that without knowing any better you know that good debaters on the battle boards are willing to defend that opinion if challenged and often do.
    Note: Just to clarify here I won't be addressing Jen's statements on how CM's will do against Plagueis in lightsaber combat due to him having made his stance clear on it and me disagreeing with all of it bar his assessment of Yoda and Coleman Trebor. His assessment on Mace I'll respect if it's based on Vaapad.
    2:38:08 - I honestly don't understand this at all. Your reasoning is that he wouldn't overwhelm Koth and allow him to find holes in his defense because he wouldn't pose an overt threat to him? Seems a little wonky to me. If he has the capabilities to do so I don't see why Plagueis would have any reason not to end him quickly.
    2:41:40 - Personally, I view Plagueis's action in the Venamis fight as realizing its riskier to try to outright overwhelm and outskill Venamis then to lure him into a false sense of security and catch him off guard. That's just how I view it though. Regardless I don't think we should take one fight scene as indicative of a character's overall approach to combat.
    2:46:45 - Something interesting to note there Reti. Plagueis is much the same way only seeking the unconventional when he feels they're necessary. The difference of course being that he's a far superior version to her in pretty much every regard and was able to recognize that his rote responses weren't working.
    2:48:35 AND the speed advantage? I gotta know how that conclusion was reached.
    2:52:40 - I actually agree Antoine. Sora is bloodthirsty and enjoys a good fight so for him to opt to use Force stealth to take Oppo out hints at either two things. Bulq didn't have complete confidence he could take Oppo out without endangering his own life or taking out Oppo was such an important objective Bulq couldn't afford to screw around.
    2:59:35 - Marek did legitimately defeat her. After fighting through an army of force sensitives and rancors on a lightside nexus that hindered his powers and amped Shaak's own he fought Shaak in an environment that Shaak had complete familiarity and control of and STILL managed to fight evenly with her after an initial adjustment. His greater force reserves forced her to attempt a desperate final move that ultimately failed due to Marek's superior reflexes and muscle memory he had been training since childhood.
    I will grant you that her Force power is the greatest of the Council Members mentioned up to this point.
    3:00:20 - Well, she's definitely closer to Plagueis in speed then Oppo but honestly she's still outclassed.
    3:04:55 THANK YOU!!! You're absolutely right Grey. The guy who trained Sidious, blocked hundreds of blasters bolts for an extented period and has the logical augmentation to move faster then slightly pre TPM Maul can react to is not going to be outpaced by Yoda by any large margin.

  • @gasmanoo
    @gasmanoo 7 років тому

    Will there be new episodes of The Council Forcecast any time soon ?

  • @phenjaws569
    @phenjaws569 6 років тому

    The best part of this movie is that it managed to get me invested in Melshi, Tonc, and Pao (three characters introduced DURING the climax).

  • @benderthepirate
    @benderthepirate 7 років тому +1

    Which is more important in combat: Lightsaber Combat or Force Abilities?
    P.S. Congrats Antoine on your video being Canon.

  • @jellosapiens7261
    @jellosapiens7261 7 років тому

    One of the saddest things about losing Carrie Fisher is that I absolutely loved seeing Leia's evolution into General Organa in TFA, and we won't be able to see the full growth of the character. It's so sad that she won't be able to be in Episode 9.

  • @bigwill45
    @bigwill45 6 років тому +2

    Like Jensaarai, I am a Kathleen Kennedy, hating EU hardliner. I hated TFA, for multiple reasons. Rogue One is much more acceptable for me because it takes place in the time line of the old Canon, it can fit in with the expanded universe, it makes sense. It was also a fun, exciting movie. It made me almost forget about the absolute car wreck that is The Force Awakens.

  • @obiguels2883
    @obiguels2883 7 років тому +3
