RimWorld Alpha 7 - Things Made of Stuff

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2014
  • Change list below!
    Game site: ludeon.com
    Personal site: tynansylvester.com
    -Stuff system allows you to build walls, furniture, and other structures out of arbitrary materials.
    -New stats system for calculating and reporting thing stats from skill, race, stuff, and other factors.
    -There are now multiple types of stone: sandstone, granite, marble, slate, and limestone.
    -There are now multiple mineable minerals: metal, silver, gold, plasteel.
    -Leather harvesting from animals, and cloth harvesting from cotton crops. Special space-tech cloth types.
    -Make clothing from arbitrary fabrics or leathers.
    -Reworked damage deflection chance per-damagetype armor system. Some animals and mechanoids have natural armor.
    -New biome: tropical rainforest. A choking, disease-infested jungle. Disease rates are linked to biomes.
    -Prosthetic limbs, from simple to complex: peg legs, wood dentures, simple prosthetics, enhanced bionic limbs and eyes.
    -Organ harvesting and transplanting.
    -Diseases: flu, plague, malaria, sleeping sickness.
    -Chronic conditions (age-related): Cataracts, bad back
    -A bunch of new traits. Brawler, prosthophile, and more
    -New trade system and interface.
    -Traders carry and buy any item, including prosthetics, neurotrainers, organs, slaves, weapons, apparel, commodities.
    -Neutrotrainers: Matrix-style instant training devices.
    -Lockable doors
    -Melee weapons: Club, knife, spear, shiv, short sword
    -New animals: cobra, monkey, camel, tortoise, boar, rhino.
    -Storyteller redesigned and rebalanced.
    -Visitors carry their own food and hopefully won't raid your food supplies.
    -Translations can be set to avoid using tiny text (useful for Asian languages where tiny characters are unreadable).
    -Rewritten credits system integrates translator credits from each translation automatically.
    -Piles of other additions, fixes, and tunings.
  • Ігри


  • @chashagin1
    @chashagin1 3 роки тому +10

    I also got this as a random recommendation; what a blast from the past. Unbelievable how much the game has grown since then.

  • @Fangoros
    @Fangoros 3 роки тому +25

    Random recommendation :,D but nice to see how far you have grown

    • @BUTTERSKY11
      @BUTTERSKY11 3 роки тому +1


    • @Angelotrauma
      @Angelotrauma 3 роки тому +1

      lmao that gap between comments "3 years ago" and one above is just "1 week ago" holy crap, great recommendation lol

  • @InventorRaccoon
    @InventorRaccoon 9 років тому +16

    ''I'm gonna make my walls out of solid gold!''
    *red letter appears, massive flash and BOOP noise*
    A group of mechanoids have landed right on top of your colony!
    P.S Super expensive golden walls? Hm, I might want some of those for my expensive wall stockpile...

  • @pengibdg
    @pengibdg 9 років тому +4

    Amazed at all the effort and work put into this game. Been a supporter for a long time, actively advocating this game to friends and will continue to do so. If only more indie developers cared as much about their game and less about the money as you guys...the gaming world would be much better. Thanks for everything Ludeon!

  • @mongislort6440
    @mongislort6440 9 років тому +17

    Kidney walls here I come!

  • @mileskeller2003
    @mileskeller2003 9 років тому

    I got a little giddy when kidney harvesting was mentioned. The attention to detail like the peg leg needing a log and tropical biomes causing malaria is just top notch.
    RimWorld just keeps getting better and better. We are behind you all the way Tynan, keep up the excellent work.

  • @StormWatchdog
    @StormWatchdog 9 років тому +6

    I love this game! Keep up the good work Tynan.

  • @skyalert32
    @skyalert32 9 років тому

    Wow tynan, this game has exceeded my expectations over a thousand times, you could release this game now and i wouldn't complain.
    Aside from a couple things, thinking about how this game will get better for me is as hard as understanding the universe. Any updates will be like putting gold plated lamragini airplanes on top of a diamond mansion on a private island.
    Ive got to say this was the game i was looking for when i was younger and I'm glad i found it, thank you VERRRRRYYYYYYYY much!

  • @joshcarter-com
    @joshcarter-com 9 років тому

    Congrats! This looks wonderful, can't wait to play this evening. I'm super happy I bought into RimWorld, it's provided tons of fun and each new version provides a ton more.

  • @Freakling6
    @Freakling6 9 років тому

    Very nice update! Whenever i play this i get some oldschool civ-dungeonkeeper2-something else feeling. The level of detail you put into this game is amazing!

  • @patrick4357543
    @patrick4357543 9 років тому

    Just wanted to say you do a fantastic job. Should truly be a role model that other game developers should look up to. I really appreciate the time you work on this game and the time you spend with the community. It is on par. Thank you very much for making an original and engaging game.

  • @ThrashingMadPL
    @ThrashingMadPL 9 років тому +6

    Great job - you're working fast. :)

  • @Samji3877
    @Samji3877 9 років тому

    This is looking REALLY good! Well done with all the progress!

  • @karlosanchez1
    @karlosanchez1 9 років тому +4

    I would really next like to see water, not only as something colonists need which they could get from stagnant pools which could be dirty or flowing water which is clean or extracted from the soil and air with machines but also to water crops, so if you dig channels coming off a river you could end up drying the river and killing all the grass and trees that rely on the river, also if you extract the moisture from the ground it dries the ground up, I guess rain will replenish the moisture in the soil, you could even make rain collectors, I guess also you could assign waterers for crops if there is no flowing rivers

    • @karlosanchez1
      @karlosanchez1 9 років тому +5

      Itl make desert colonies a real challenge, if raiders that set up camps don't have a water supply they would dehydrate, they could set up their own moisture collectors which could mess up your water gathering as less is going to you, in rainforests, cutting down too many trees should mess up the water cycle and decrease rainfall and slowly turn the nearby area to arid desert

  • @James_2194
    @James_2194 9 років тому

    Awesome work Tynan! Can't wait to try it out.

  • @EntranceDenied
    @EntranceDenied 9 років тому

    Finally! Been checking for updates everyday!

  • @sasnycon
    @sasnycon 9 років тому

    The sound track is.... perfect! Just what this game needs. The track which starts on 07:05 is my favored one. It feels just in place.

  • @DanielThompsonDT
    @DanielThompsonDT 9 років тому

    Awesome. Getting better and better.
    @Tynan- do you have a comprehensive or high level feature roadmap for us to peruse?

  • @zayravenscode487
    @zayravenscode487 9 років тому

    Lol, "stone doors open slowly" As soon as I heard that I thought "Taking micro management to a new level of how fast your people get out of a door!" XD

  • @DudokX
    @DudokX 9 років тому

    I am very satisfied by the latest updates and their frequency!

  • @xelgringoloco2
    @xelgringoloco2 9 років тому

    Haven't played this game since Alpha 5, but I fucking love it. What a huge amount of change from a few months ago!

  • @kallybay1990
    @kallybay1990 9 років тому

    With the new cloth system, it would be neat to see cloth walls and stuff so you can make like tents :3 ((wall and roof collapses if a support of wood or something isn't near by.))

  • @TheWordWind
    @TheWordWind 9 років тому +1

    Slavery, Organ trading, Cannibalism, Human-leather based clothing, Eye gouging, Dismemberments, Rotting corpses, Running amok, Mental breakdowns, etc.
    This game makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.
    Though it's probably just a Scyther Lance lodged inside you making you feel that way...

  • @Draanor
    @Draanor 9 років тому

    Great work, I always like these developer update videos. Can't wait to see the future of Rimworld.

  • @articulair4224
    @articulair4224 9 років тому

    Awesome ! Bodypart trading is a genius idea !

  • @sargentsteveEr
    @sargentsteveEr 7 років тому +1

    The moment here left kidney gets shredded in a firefight and her right kidney is not in her

  • @shutupshawn74
    @shutupshawn74 3 роки тому +1

    I love how this game has changed

  • @TyromR
    @TyromR 9 років тому +14

    Holy. fucking. shit.
    Time to lose my life again!

  • @BesorgterSimsSpieler
    @BesorgterSimsSpieler 9 років тому

    Very nice, please keep developing. :) DF, Starbound and RimWorld are games, that keep getting better and better.

  • @xavierhaywood7296
    @xavierhaywood7296 9 років тому

    I have been waiting ages for this alpha 7

  • @Engineer_rob95
    @Engineer_rob95 9 років тому

    Awesome! I love your game :)

  • @sully9088
    @sully9088 9 років тому

    I don't know if you know who Scott Manly is.... but I saw him playing this game, and I'm so glad you are making it! It seems pretty awesome!

  • @zephy777
    @zephy777 9 років тому

    wow. amazing update!

  • @MrWooaa
    @MrWooaa 9 років тому

    Fantastic work. This game gets better and better every update. This game could be game of the year.

  • @Coeurebene1
    @Coeurebene1 9 років тому

    As a software developer I have to say i'm impressed by what they can achieve with such a small team.

  • @Kivalt
    @Kivalt 9 років тому

    The game is already great, but it has the potential to be absolutely amazing. I hope it keeps being developed for a long time.

  • @MownzTV
    @MownzTV 9 років тому

    looks very good!! can't wait till i can buy this awesome game!:)

  • @jankhambrams
    @jankhambrams 9 років тому +1

    This update has been a lot of fun. I've spent 8hrs playing today already.

  • @miket73
    @miket73 9 років тому

    Hello tynan, i am a common rimworld player and was introduced by blitzkriegsler. There is one request that I people may not have thought of, but will greatly help the colonists. The ability to have a ranged and melee weapon will give more purpose to keep knives, swords and others instead of selling them all. Also, when your colonist has a gun vs a tribesman with a spear or other melee weapon, your colonist is likely to survive...Only until they get face to face. If the colonist pulls out the knife/sword from his inventory it could give him a larger chance of survival. I know you are getting thousands of requests, but I believe you should consider this one. It makes sense, because people could have a knife on them, and can whip it out when needed.

  • @Duckman1616
    @Duckman1616 9 років тому +1

    I was too distracted by that turtle wandering around to pay attention to the rest of the video. >.>

    • @JStankXPlays
      @JStankXPlays 9 років тому

      Those turtles are nasty. Don't fight a turtle with fists

    • @Duckman1616
      @Duckman1616 9 років тому

      He seemed pretty docile to me. Maybe you're just bad with turtles. =P

  • @thezorba1000
    @thezorba1000 9 років тому

    I think that adding rivers and bridges would be pretty cool.

  • @kubeface115
    @kubeface115 9 років тому

    Your game is the best thing since nipples. I've tried several times to create a colony of psychotic cannibals on the hardest difficulty but they always end up going mental and killing each other. Fitting end really.

  • @Apoz
    @Apoz 9 років тому


  • @RMJ1984
    @RMJ1984 9 років тому

    The music is really nice, it gives me the desolation feel as the music in Borderlands gave me.

  • @Bli8Bli
    @Bli8Bli 9 років тому

    Thank you :)))

  • @laiyeelee9556
    @laiyeelee9556 9 років тому

    OMG u made my wish came true :D finally get to do operations , also turtles:D

  • @marcpurdy3066
    @marcpurdy3066 9 років тому

    Hey Tynan,
    I'm a big fan of Rimworld, I've watched numerous lets plays of your amazing game and have enjoyed its content ever since I saw it back in its pre alpha form.
    I've been wondering for a little while now, is there any possibility of seeing a multiplayer functionality in the next update, maybe where you can have around 4 people on one world.
    I think that would be cool and I can wait to see what's to come with alpha 8.
    Best wishes-

  • @Pixelkvist
    @Pixelkvist 9 років тому

    Looking forward to when character creation is implemented! :)

  • @jinhong91
    @jinhong91 9 років тому

    From what I could see, trading ui could use some work. There should be a box where you can just type in the amount of stuff that you want to buy/sell. The rate at which the local animals going insane are well, insane. They are more of an annoyance than anything, especially with that sound effect. I think melee could be better with stealth. You use stealth to close the distance quietly, could make for an interesting approach aka Ninja. It would be nice if you could visit other locations on the world map. Makes it feel less like a fancy way to select starting area and more meaningful. Could make it so that you could build a tiny outpost to gather resources to be carted back to the main colony. Patch has great stuff.

  • @k1ll3rM
    @k1ll3rM 9 років тому +5

    You should make it so that workshops can be assigned to people like you have 1 person butchering and 1 person cooking thats currently the only small feature I'm missing XD

    • @spicydeath82
      @spicydeath82 9 років тому

      it is already like that. you set peoples jobs under the overview tab.

    • @k1ll3rM
      @k1ll3rM 9 років тому

      spicydeath82 -_- there isnt enough different job types butchering is under cooking if you put someone on cooking they will randomly butcher or cook Im saying that you assign someone to a butchering table and they will only butcher and then some other things like if they dont have to butcher then they will do something else and also when they arent there someone else can use the workshop. Sorry for no punctuation Im bad at that

    • @spicydeath82
      @spicydeath82 9 років тому

      k1ll3rM no worries. so your wanting something like how the beds can be set to a specific character? I could see that.

    • @k1ll3rM
      @k1ll3rM 9 років тому +3

      spicydeath82 just like beds but with workshops I use alot of mods and they have alot of workshops but I want people to be constantly making something

  • @jonofwrath
    @jonofwrath 9 років тому +17

    It's looking good :)
    I'm a backer but when are you releasing on Steam?

    • @amshermansen
      @amshermansen 9 років тому

      Oh I'd love to know that too - It would be awesome if I could convert my SendOwl version into a permanent Steam key with no "takebacks". Couple of Kickstarter games (Wasteland 2?) have already done it. :)

    • @jonofwrath
      @jonofwrath 9 років тому

      I don't think he reads the comment section :/
      To the forums!

    • @kattenelvis1778
      @kattenelvis1778 9 років тому

      Jonofwrath he reads youtube comments

    • @jonofwrath
      @jonofwrath 9 років тому

      katten elvis Really? Hi Tynan! You rock!

  • @almostmatt1tas
    @almostmatt1tas 3 роки тому

    This game has come a long way, wow.

  • @Srcsqwrn
    @Srcsqwrn 9 років тому +1

    I love this game.

  • @Altnod
    @Altnod 9 років тому

    amazing this is so cool

  • @Varrgoth
    @Varrgoth 9 років тому

    i was looking at this project a quite a while. but after this uppdate iam buying it.

  • @seimouralrom
    @seimouralrom 9 років тому +15

    I wonder if harvesting organ from prisoners or having organs harvested affect colonist mental state. I also wonder if its possible to harvest body parts from very recently killed raiders/visitors/colonists.

    • @Zombiepull
      @Zombiepull 9 років тому +11

      "...and thats how i lost my medical license"
      * the medic :P

    • @tobcyxob
      @tobcyxob 9 років тому +9

      Zombiepull Don't be such a baby! Kidneys grow back!

    • @jackofsometrades5577
      @jackofsometrades5577 9 років тому +5

      tobcyxob *whispers to Archimedes* No zey don't.

    • @Zombiepull
      @Zombiepull 9 років тому

      Yes you can

  • @Piffpaff333
    @Piffpaff333 9 років тому

    Still my favourite early access game :)

  • @The4stouges1
    @The4stouges1 9 років тому

    well done

  • @inzainiaplays
    @inzainiaplays 9 років тому

    i've followed this game for well over a year, undecided on a purchase...but WOW this game is getting rediculous!! I LOVE IT i'm heading now to go buy a copy!

  • @chrigoog
    @chrigoog 9 років тому

    Good god, YES!!

  • @mingxuanfu6867
    @mingxuanfu6867 9 років тому +1

    This looks more and more like DF in the future. :)

  • @adamstephin3529
    @adamstephin3529 9 років тому

    Tynan, I think that with this update, adding this game to steam would be a nice addition in the next update, you have a lot more content that you had 3 months ago, I think it's time to leave the green light and get on steam before you lose prospectors!

  • @amkop6695
    @amkop6695 9 років тому

    i was wondering about new power sistem and what are you think about windmills and watermills like make them cheap but not really efficency and you can make like water mills do constantly their job but windmills do better job in some wawes (like when is windy time) i hope you will answer me because this is not a big deal to input them into game sooo..... :D thanks and you have a realy biggggg suport

  • @KrK-EST
    @KrK-EST 9 років тому

    Tynan Sylvester
    Can you tweak in the mod sections that the traders would come more often or less ?
    And i found a bug ingame that when a colonst starts to ear sometimes it gets stuck, like he/she is not able to eat it and the food (mostly survival or cooced meals) stuck on them so when recruit them and order around they still have the meal stuck to them untill they die to starvation.

  • @spoonikle
    @spoonikle 9 років тому

    Woohoo bionic limbs!

  • @RaizenEx1
    @RaizenEx1 9 років тому +1

    I' ve been playing rimworld since alpha 1 i think, basically for a long time, and few things have always bothered me. 1st of all weather, thunderstorms and rain in general is too frequent, 2nd thing is the amount of enemies i get once i manage to collect a lot of people in my colony, a huge number of enemies and there is no way for me to defend from them even with brilliantly placed turrets and walls so that they can't breach, and I don't know how you can just build outside like that. I always build somewhere inside the mountains or they are just gonna bomb the shit out of my structures. 3rd thing is i think since alpha 3-4 game is progressively becoming laggier and laggier, you need to optimize it asap, its not a game that should lag and be almost unplayable for my pc which can run maybe not latest games but it can run games like fifa 14, burnout paradise, dawn of war 2 etc.
    But I also have a few good words for the game and you Tynan, so that I don't seem like some hater, the reason I keep playing rimworld all this time and keep coming back to it is all the new stuff that you add, for example harvesting kidney, new legs and stuff, like wow, who would have thought this game would have that few months ago, you're doing a great job on adding new interesting stuff to game, but as I already said, optimizing the game would be number 1 priority if I were you, also lower down chances of rain and thunderstorm and eclipses and so on. too often, anyway that's it from me, didn't think I'd ramble on for this long haha, hope someone reads all this haha.

  • @juliansuse1
    @juliansuse1 9 років тому

    Amazing, I wish I had more free time to invest in this game. Other early access games should look up to Rimworld, keep up the great work!

  • @gothik33
    @gothik33 9 років тому +2

    I'm still digging this A7 and man Randy can be such a bitch sometimes xD
    I have a few questions regarding some elements:
    - Medecine production, some mod already covers that point but are you planning on including such a feature in the core game ?
    - Bionic/Prosthetic Crafting, a mod also covers that but are you planning on implementing it in the game ?
    Alright, time to continue my epic cannib- uhh veganism quest !

  • @RMJ1984
    @RMJ1984 9 років тому

    Im gonna live in style in this game. All my base are going to be solid gold walls! :D hahah, i find this hilarious that you can do this.
    Its like if you do this, that would be raiders really REALLY interessed in your base. start to steal your wall.

    • @JStankXPlays
      @JStankXPlays 9 років тому

      I have now read every single comment!

  • @MarvelousLXVII
    @MarvelousLXVII 9 років тому

    Fun game!

  • @TheDizzie
    @TheDizzie 9 років тому

    Family units that share living space would be nice, like families of 2-3.

  • @beire1569
    @beire1569 9 років тому

    niiiice !!

  • @aleczwaterman
    @aleczwaterman 9 років тому +1

    pls add it so the towns/fraction are visitable as well as other rimworld towns youve made

  • @RedOrion1985
    @RedOrion1985 9 років тому

    Im really hoping for some kind of multiplayer. Ideas...1. Building a ship and transporting people to a neighbor (friend) map. Keeping your characters under your control. This could also lead to real player raiding parties. If you want to set an option for that...maybe combat colonies and peacful colonies. The difference is whether or not they can be attacked by hostile players. 2. Joint colony building and two players fending off raids...would be awesome each with there own personal colonists...could maybe be color coded.

    • @JStankXPlays
      @JStankXPlays 9 років тому

      Maybe not direct combat but have your friends and you all on one server building colonies individually. Then you can trade resources or go to war demand tribute. An easy way for him to do this is for you to send a war party to the other persons base to raid it. You don't directly control them but who ever you send goes over as an NPC and raids the base. If they are successful and capture people or resources then that gets added to your own stash and if they get killed they don't return! That would fix the not everybody has to be online at the same time problem. If someone sends a raiding party at 12PM, when you come home from work there will be a raiding party waiting for you on your next log in.

  • @wrestlingconnoisseur
    @wrestlingconnoisseur 2 місяці тому

    It baffles me that locked doors is a feature that has long since been removed from the base game. So many sinister implications...

  • @RageDMonkey69FPS
    @RageDMonkey69FPS 9 років тому

    Holly sheet let the organ trade begin :o

  • @SirAroace
    @SirAroace 9 років тому +2

    Can we have a counter to thermal generates. Like a event that cause the geothermal activity to rise and break them/cause disasters near vents.

    • @CHarveyProductions
      @CHarveyProductions 9 років тому

      no dont do that... i wanna live! Vault 101 for the win!

  • @ColdEvil
    @ColdEvil 9 років тому


  • @usofdenmark
    @usofdenmark 9 років тому

    its a bit anoying that updates dont come uot very often but it also makes it that much more wxciting when they do XD

  • @genomyoshida
    @genomyoshida 9 років тому

    Haven't downloaded the update yet but I am curious about the price of organs vs the price of slaves. Does anyone know if it is off set so selling a slave alive is just as valuable as having a 'donor farm'?

  • @Herf18
    @Herf18 9 років тому

    LOL i love this game so much, selling body parts

  • @stanleystan7ify
    @stanleystan7ify 9 років тому

    just one question can I rip the eyes out of my colonist and give them new one or do they have to lose them in a fight

  • @KingKam
    @KingKam 9 років тому

    Tynan what would be cool in the next update is being able to make a farm but with animals so trap them in a fence bread them then kill the older ones for food. Hope you take this for consideration

  • @Rath_Burn
    @Rath_Burn 9 років тому

    this update sounds so awesome, to bad my computer bit the dust and broken and my substitute can't really play the game well.

  • @need2sleep69
    @need2sleep69 9 років тому

    wiill log walls make a return?

  • @Pirly25
    @Pirly25 9 років тому

    Is there a way to create medicine? Apart from a mod of course.

  • @ChiwwySiwwyWiwwy
    @ChiwwySiwwyWiwwy 9 років тому

    Turtle!!!!! :D

  • @justthatfluffperson
    @justthatfluffperson 9 років тому

    Is there a possibility of RimWorld ever having locations like Dwarf Fortress that make it intentionally very difficult just for the fun of it? (DF's evil regions). Of course doing it exactly like DF wouldn't work for the setting but there's still plenty of other themes that would fit.

  • @JeySchwee
    @JeySchwee 9 років тому +1

    What about a birth System? That would be great kinda. :)

  • @joshuaclark3406
    @joshuaclark3406 9 років тому

    So Mie - after having her prosthetic peg leg implanted - is going need an eye patch. Seems she is more pirate than ninja? >:3

  • @James_2194
    @James_2194 9 років тому

    Do walls still act as power conduits to transfer power? All walls (including metal) that I build will not take power, meaning I cannot power any of my rooms. No mods are running, fresh game install (twice), new colonies and worlds have been created - same issue. Can't see anything about it on your forums.

    • @SirAroace
      @SirAroace 9 років тому

      you have to build conduit walls

    • @James_2194
      @James_2194 9 років тому

      Sir Aroun Thanks for your help!

  • @TamerBayouq
    @TamerBayouq 9 років тому +1

    A quick note... The selection between Metal silver and wood on every button is a pain. Otherwise awesome!

  • @BadAssCarson
    @BadAssCarson 9 років тому

  • @peytondecker369
    @peytondecker369 9 років тому

    how do you get that god mode thing?

  • @alyyyxxxx
    @alyyyxxxx 9 років тому


  • @MrCattlehunter
    @MrCattlehunter 9 років тому

    Didn't know what to expect from this update, despite having seen the "thing from stuff" meme going around. This looks really cool, am pleasantly surprised.
    But now I guess I gotta wait for all my favourite mods to update to work with it :(
    I'm sure it'll be worth it though, to be able to build my entire base out of solid soylent green walls and doors and assorted furniture.
    also, prosthetics: yey! no more need to humanely and mercifully euthanize my colonists by starving or shooting them to death.

  • @honestlysassy1909
    @honestlysassy1909 9 років тому

    You need to add defibrillators, so that if a colonist died recent;y [like maybe from blood loss or injures and the body is like less than 2 days old] you could revive them?

  • @ThiisStil
    @ThiisStil 9 років тому

    My kidneys are tingling :S

  • @Tanksause
    @Tanksause 9 років тому

    when is it going to be one steam

  • @chrrmin1979
    @chrrmin1979 9 років тому +1

    I need your help, i bought this game back in alpha 3 i think, but the credit card i used doesnt have an e-mail attached so i havent got a single update. What do i do, or can you help, or anything, cuz id rather not buy it twice just for the same thing to happen.

    • @tynansylvester
      @tynansylvester  9 років тому +2

      Email me please tynan.sylvester@gmail.com

    • @chrrmin1979
      @chrrmin1979 9 років тому +1

      Tynan Sylvester Done, this will be from chrrmin@gmial.com