Maximiliano Brandt
Maximiliano Brandt
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All things Grant. In this video, Maximiliano Brandt shares his tips on grant writing & reporting
There are a number of institutions, family foundations and offices as well as Multilateral Organizations, governments and their agencies that provide funding and impact investment funding to institutions, civil society organizations, membership associations and working groups. Maximiliano has ample experience in grant making, managed a grant program for capacity building objectives. Please visit At the IDB, Maximiliano designed and monitor non-reimbursable technical cooperation funding with different initiatives, organizations, countries, industries and sectors. Successfully applied to Regional Public Goods for non-reimbursable funding, vast experience developing NGOs capacities to access institutional giving as in the case with WSPA and their network of 300 independent charities in Latin America & the Caribbean and the Project Office with Habitat for Humanity International's membership network. Let him help you develop your Institutional Giving Strategy. As a result of the process, you will receive:
1. An Institutional Giving Strategy
2. Live working sessions with Maximiliano Brandt
3. A strategy for growth in your key areas identified
4. A set of standards with aggregate impact measurements
5. Accompany your team while implementing the strategy
Maximiliano has provided support in over 20 countries. He has supported networks, developed opportunities and designed grants for major initiatives and organizations.
The process:
• Funding Sources Evaluation
• Matrix map design
• Stakeholder analysis: context analysis and main actors
• Stakeholder Plan: identification of possible partners
Concept note design
• Host meetings with corporate, foundations, and Institutional donors
• Agreements with partners.
Grant reporting from the field: OUTPUTS, OUTCOMES & KPI’S
Before the project begins:
Impact measurement tools: recording results and impact
OUTPUT This is the stuff that we make.
OUTCOME is a measurable change in human behavior.
They measure, empirically,..
KPI’s are impact metrics.
How do you build an impact framework?
1. Step 1: Develop a Theory of Change & Log Frame
2. Step 2: Define Key Performance Metrics
3. Step 3: Choose a Data Collection System.
4. Step 4: Analyze Data.
During the project:
respond to donors´ needs:
application process sets first steps,
quantitative indicators,
qualitative indicators,
Development of a common reporting tool: enhanced with reporting dates,
After the project:
report tool by donor type: HNWI, Corporate partners, institutions, Family Foundations,
Projects with multiple donors: assign pipeline work to all donors, geographic, or part of a process, remember to identify special needs by donor.
Granting & Re-granting: Granting: purpose driven, why are they providing this funding?
Re-granting: in addition to your KPIs, remember to keep the KPIs from the funder, develop a tool to meet both needs
Let us help you with your next grant process
GRANT ACQUISITION & MGMT Let Maximiliano help you in your next search for funding & impact investment. You will receive an Institution Giving Strategy, Live working sessions, A strategy for growth in your key areas identified, A set of standards with aggregate impact measurements, we'll accompany your team, volunteers & Board.
Contact us, visit
Consecución de Subvenciones:
Una subvención (grant) es una ayuda de tipo económico percibida por una organización, asociación, institución, persona o grupo de personas desde una organización, institución, entidad de gobierno o individuo con el objetivo de ayudar a llevar a cabo un proyecto, actividad o iniciativa que necesita una inversión. Existe una serie de instituciones, family offices, family foundations, así como organismos multilaterales, gobiernos y sus agencias que proporcionan fondos no reembolsables y fondos de inversión de impacto para instituciones, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, asociaciones y grupos de trabajo.
El Proceso:
• Evaluación Fuentes Financiamiento
• Elaboración mapa matriz institucional
• Elaboración Concept Note
• Elaboración estrategia de marketing
• Identificación stakeholders
• Ejecución estrategia de Vinculación con stakeholders
• Acercamiento con posibles socios y donantes
• Ejecución de convenios con socios y donantes
Maximiliano tiene experiencia en subvenciones o grants, con WSPA administró un programa de subvenciones. En el BID diseñó y supervisó la financiación de cooperación técnica no reembolsable con diferentes iniciativas y organizaciones en diferentes países. También tiene experiencia en el desarrollo de capacidades de instituciones para acceder a fondos institucionales.
Maximiliano ha brindado apoyo en más de 20 países, aredes, desarrollado oportunidades para iniciativas y organizaciones. Con el BID lideró iniciativas de cooperación sur-sur. Cont[actelo, visite
Переглядів: 48


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