The Dead Space 3 Remake I'd Love To See

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • It's almost guaranteed that we're going to be seeing more Dead Space remakes in the future based on the success of the remake of the first game. That means, eventually, the team is going to have to tackle the much-maligned third game. Here's how I'd want them to do so.


  • @dankmemer7431
    @dankmemer7431 Рік тому +34

    I think a good way to Remake Dead Space 3 is to have The Action Segments keep the Players together and for Horror Segments Separate Them, This Version of My Dream Dead Space 3 Remake is also a 50/50 Split of Horror & Action much Like REmake 4.

    • @Shweelan
      @Shweelan  Рік тому +17

      Especially seeing how well RE4 remake pulled off the segments where Luis shows up as an A.I combat partner who encourages you to execute combos and actually waits his turn, segments in a hypothetical DS3 remake where Carver does the same for Isaac would be pretty sweet.

  • @Rockerfella360
    @Rockerfella360 9 місяців тому +4

    A more extensive temperature system would be a Fantastic edition. Making you choose between different outfits and redirecting power for heating systems would be awesome.

  • @XHawk978x
    @XHawk978x Рік тому +14

    While I do like your ideas for a DS3 and think they would be great features for it I just want EA to let Motive or which developer they choose make the Dead Space 3 that Visceral wanted to make from the start.
    I don’t think DS3 is a completely terrible game either but after reading the articles from old Visceral devs about their original plans I feel like we lost out on a truly interesting installment and I just want a potential remake to finally give those ideas a chance.

    • @itsblitz4437
      @itsblitz4437 Рік тому +5

      Yeah like go back to Visceral's original vision.

    • @MoonShire
      @MoonShire Рік тому +2

      Tbh it would be dumb to not have motive back for the other remakes

    • @dash3364
      @dash3364 9 місяців тому

      S.C.A.F. so much good lore

  • @blackout570
    @blackout570 Рік тому +12

    I think in terms of unitology instead of action shooter segments have them hunt Isaac in some segments where you have to not get spotted by the gunships to hide from spotlights in darkness or a patrol of marker crazed cultist (so you dont have deal with gun soldiers but people trying to stab you similar to the awakened dlc) unitology of course going to still be a key aspect just give them a horror feel rather than action cover shooter

    • @itsblitz4437
      @itsblitz4437 Рік тому +2

      So basically like stealth action gameplay and stealthily kill your enemies, well human non-Necromorph enemies

  • @cappedminer369
    @cappedminer369 Рік тому +6

    hopefully for the remake of dead space 3 they add a horde mode with many different maps, maybe the ability to hold 8 weapons as an upgrade in the mode.

  • @sirnetflix7162
    @sirnetflix7162 Рік тому +5

    I’m kind’ve hoping we would have a choice of coop or single player, quite frankly. But if I had to pick one, make split campaigns.

  • @ubx9563
    @ubx9563 Рік тому +2

    Split campaign would be better i think. And yes, the whole game needs a retooling and a whole re-writing.

  • @eduardoalvarez7546
    @eduardoalvarez7546 Рік тому +2

    I believe the unitologists should remain as an existing villain, but as the version they were in the DS3 DLC where they suicided and leave their bodies to be transformed and where they mutilated their bodies to add necromorph blades, rather than being the militia type which called for the lame COD gameplay; have the unitologists be some kind of existing present cult threat.
    So much was a great inclusion but poorly executed. Like the side missions, they barely added anything new and when going on them, it was a lot of the same recycled environments with just looting for lame materials.

  • @shreksnow1918
    @shreksnow1918 6 місяців тому +2

    One of lead guys for Dead Space 3 said if he has the chance to remake the game he’d keep a lot of the lore introduced in 3 and coop since there’s a lot of interesting things you can do with two characters/players having different visions. They’d also make some HEAVY revisions for the story and gameplay.
    I liked your ideas for cold to be an ever present threat and a good chunk of crafting would revolve around keeping yourself warm. The thing you mentioned about having to choose between keeping yourself warm and having an easier time killing Necromorphs. Same goes for taking advantage of the fact you’re on an alien world to have new crazy Necromorphs make the game more interesting and less repetitive. Having augmented Necromorphs is an interesting idea, but it could go wrong if not handled correctly.
    As for human enemies, I personally think if handled correctly they could work. The Unitologists have been one of the main things causing Isaac’s problems, so narratively speaking it only makes sense that you’d come into direct conflict with them at some point. That being said they’d need a complete overhaul to how they function. In MandaloreGaming’s Dead Space 3 video he was saying that in previous entires there was always a sever of reverse around guns with them being used sparingly and you got the impression that they could punch right through your armor. He brought up the fact that there was a rock paper scissors type deal where Issac can take out Necromorphs, Necromorphs take out soldiers, and soldiers can defeat Issac (he listed the part in Dead Space 2 where you have to turn off the power to let Necromorphs in so Isaac can get past the guards). He was also saying that the new mechanics not only clashed with Dead Space’s core gameplay, but they simultaneously didn’t go far enough and because of that it doesn’t hold up to other third person shooters. My schitzo idea for how to make these work is to have firearms be LETHAL to you and the cultists forcing you to really think about how you approach combat encounters. Make stealth a viable option so you can either avoid fights or take out the enemy quietly. They could have multiple parts where you can shut off a security system to let Necromorphs into the area to distract the Unitologists and mop up what’s left. Make the arenas you fight humans in be like a multiplayer map in other third person cover shooters where there’s plenty of cover and flanking routes for you and the enemy. If human enemies were smart it would force you and your coop partner to distract the cultists while the other takes them out (for solo they’d definitely need to make the ai partner actually be smart and maybe throw in commands). To make the Unitologists feel more fair they’d have all these very specific callout that telegraph to the player what they’re currently doing/planning on doing, allowing you to counter them. In games where the enemy has clearly telegraphed attacks and callouts it also makes them feel smarter (FEAR is an AMAZING example of this). Human encounters would be “combat puzzles” that give you multiple options to solve the problem.
    What do you think of my ramblings?

  • @ZombiedWolf
    @ZombiedWolf Рік тому +3

    An idea i had for Carvers story was to have it just be a separate campaign similar to Separate Ways from RE4. I like your idea though so either or honestly.
    Also the crafting was the best thing they did add to Dead Space and I do hope they bring it back even in a potential Dead Space 2 remake. The main issue it had in 3 was that it was too easy to become OP. Just limiting it to one gun would help immensely.
    Also slightly off topic, these games need a horde mode.

  • @Punkrockfan001
    @Punkrockfan001 10 місяців тому

    I actually thought Dead Space 3 was great, and l have 100% ALL Dead Space games. I don't get why it got so much hate.
    Same as Resident Evil 6. I thought that was great to, but alot of people hated that aswell.

  • @ryanartward
    @ryanartward 7 місяців тому +1

    I liked the idea of the Necromorph Fodders, being variants that alter their form after you dismember them in specific ways, either a crawling upper body or a pair of legs with a mass of spines tentacles. I wish they did more similar abilities with the other necromorphs. Yes dismembering them works, but they are already dead, their necrotic flesh could morph into something else.

  • @suzannepage3549
    @suzannepage3549 Рік тому +1

    I've played dead space 3 a lot. I agree carver should stay in he's the most sensible character the weapons are good but too over complex to create with the bench really get rid of robert he's irritating. Reloading a weapon isn't right if I use stasis during reloading I have to reload again. It's too much to think of now what else to improve I still really like playing dd3 even after playing dead space remake a 10 times

  • @oneslimeyboy
    @oneslimeyboy Рік тому +1

    dead space 3 is a good game but a bad dead space game

  • @NickCC4823
    @NickCC4823 8 місяців тому +1

    A split campaign would be sick, if executed correctly. I remember my first play through of DS3 (before my brother was old enough to hop on and co-op with me lol) I loved Carver’s character and found myself constantly wondering what this guy was doing while I was roughing it by my onesie out in the cold, I think that’s a great concept and the direction they should take.

    • @Shweelan
      @Shweelan  8 місяців тому

      Alan Wake 2 is a really good example of how you can handle split campaigns, and showed how you can have one be a more action-focused romp while the is a slower-paced, atmospheric horror deal, which would work perfectly for maintaining the dynamic of Isaac being more experienced with Marker outbreaks vs Carver never having experienced one.

  • @suzannepage3549
    @suzannepage3549 Рік тому +3

    Motive needs to make dead space 4

  • @PineappleExpressGaming
    @PineappleExpressGaming 9 місяців тому

    Man love the video, but you need to use vsync so physics do not break

  • @andrewcoulthard-clark
    @andrewcoulthard-clark 4 місяці тому

    A lot of good ideas. There was an official The Thing game, with the approval of John Carpenter, which had a trust system. NPCs wouldn't know who was infected, so you'd have to give them your ammo and health packs so they'd help you survive. Of course, you'd have to risk getting close to them to do so...

  • @18ICWeclipse
    @18ICWeclipse 6 місяців тому

    I think it would be kinda cool to switch between characters, giving each one unique tasks to progress, and more open world for tal Volantis, everyone loves Isaac, but other characters to slaughter necromorphs would be cool. The co op was a fun thing, but if it's brought back, have it randomized for both players so it always keeps u wondering, and make the dlc part of the game, add it all in

  • @RandomWandrer
    @RandomWandrer 7 місяців тому

    I loved Dead Space 3. I came to Dead Space after trying the remake. I played DSR the DS2 then DS3. I had read the hate online for DS3. Honestly I dont get it. I had a blast in DS3. It was definitely better than most games released in the decade since.
    If EA remake it, I want them to keep the lore and setting and gameplay. I would like them to put back the psychosis and creepiness and remove the action music (the silence in DS2 during action sequences was perfect).
    Then 3 would feel like Dead Space.

  • @RandomWandrer
    @RandomWandrer 7 місяців тому

    Oh, to answer your question, split campaign is better. And make both playable solo.

  • @austinwarren8533
    @austinwarren8533 Рік тому

    I’ve been trying to 100% the dead space games(main line not extraction or ignition) for almost 3 years now the only one I have not completed is dead space 3. Which is because of multiple factors but the main one is the absolutely infuriating rock climb sections. I’ve had multiple hardcore runs stopped because of the clunky climbing. And I’ve pretty much given up on completing dead space 3 because quite frankly I hate the game and I can’t stand playing it anymore. (Also I have 100% DSR, DS1,DS2)

  • @duran4689
    @duran4689 5 місяців тому

    I liked 3 but it needed a better gameplay system. That change to a call of duty shooter really alienated it for me. A remake that gives it a similar play to 2 and answering more questions that the game left us with combined with better graphics could redeem it. But these are just a few things that I can think of at the moment.

  • @Chop2NV
    @Chop2NV 9 місяців тому

    Personally i like the idea of bith split campain and co-op.
    Split campain would give more freedom to make each one unique. But Co-op is always a plus for me personally so i could go ether way.

  • @akanji8285
    @akanji8285 9 місяців тому

    I never played ds3 co-op so I’m not sure what I missed. But is always thought it would be really cool if in the co-op sections there’s enemies and jumps scares that only one person can see. Like if you’re carver you can get jumped by a slasher and have to actually fight it only for it to end up being a waste of ammo, but sometimes they are real.
    And I’m ok with human enemies as long as there’s necros in the mix attacking both sides. It should never be just a human vs human fight

  • @VroomNDoom2602
    @VroomNDoom2602 11 місяців тому

    I like the split campaign idea or maybe make it like halo 2 where you go back and forth between the two characters. I think surviving the cold would get very old and unfun to play, but maybe I don't understand it.
    I think the weapon system could be a simplified hybrid of all the games. Instead of 2 in 1 guns with all kinds a craziness, just make it to where you can create guns, and choose between a few specific alt fires which would be mostly unique to each gun. At the same time, crafting materials don't feel right in a linear campaign when you can just use money and upgrade points instead.
    Bringing these two ideas together, maybe Carver buys military guns and Isaac makes odd ones?

  • @shawnmori2644
    @shawnmori2644 11 місяців тому

    I love the crafting but just take away where we can just craft one weapon and not combine them together i prefer it just one gun like in DS1 and 2. Go back to 4 options to switch between weapons.

  • @jdiwkall
    @jdiwkall 9 місяців тому

    DS3 needs a remake more urgently than DS 1 and 2 do. DS 3's DLC is actually decent, they need to remake entire DS 3 to match the tone of its DLC

  • @Spidey_62
    @Spidey_62 10 місяців тому

    You’re idea sounds very cool and actually original instead of just micro transactions and less horror and more action but i Kinda want to keep the coop aspect it’s mainly because of the concept because imagine taking on the horror of the dead space universe with one of your buddies online along side you it just makes you feel more powerful and bad ass just fucking up necromorphs with your best friend

  • @twisoul
    @twisoul 9 місяців тому

    well the way i see the "scary" factor of the games is isaac is probably getting use to the necromorphs so there not as scary to him in the 3rd game vs the 1st/remamke.
    the coop part of the 3 game... i dont hate it nore like it so its OK.
    the human enemies ya... that don't belong in this game unless there a part of a boss fight.
    get ride of the romantic for it feels like it was shoe horn into the story.
    change the weapon crafting like maybe have the resorse for him to upgrade his weapon's and sute rather then make them like you have to clear a surten side quest to get a upgrade for a sute that make him faster or add more time to his air tank/body heat timer or a mode for a weapon and have the sub quest related to it like a soldier had migiver something for there "blank" that game him/her a edge over the other soldier's.
    the drones ya... not that great so we dont need them.
    the story of dead space 3 i can see what there trying to go for but it need a lot of work.

  • @slagwerk111
    @slagwerk111 5 місяців тому

    Nop make it pure horror remove co op pls cant do all qeust it lock behind co up suck

  • @itsblitz4437
    @itsblitz4437 Рік тому +1

    For a DS3 Remake, I would like to see the characters be given more personality or more characterization especially the more underutilized characters like Carver, Robert, and the Unitologist extremist Leader.

  • @Childishxmarkeeloo
    @Childishxmarkeeloo 9 місяців тому

    Dead space 3 is the one game where the devs and make it anyway they want to and nobody would be pissed about it

  • @Emp_worker
    @Emp_worker 7 місяців тому

    I think both is the best option but if I had to pick one I’d say co-op

  • @slagwerk111
    @slagwerk111 5 місяців тому

    Like idd shadow orginal idd

  • @mikecherry7548
    @mikecherry7548 Рік тому +1

    They should make it so that Norton betrays them because he starts getting affected by the marker signal instead of just wanting to return home for no reason.

    • @dragonbornexpress5650
      @dragonbornexpress5650 Рік тому

      That or cut him out entirely; His whole purpose was to be the jackass of the love triangle and nothing else. You cut him out, and the story suddenly gets a tad bit better imo.

  • @jaybrielrosales9191
    @jaybrielrosales9191 Рік тому +1

    If they ever do add humans into Dead space 3 remake they should definitely take more notes from alien isolation. I don't think they're going to remove them unless they vastly changed the way the story's going to go.

    • @Shweelan
      @Shweelan  Рік тому +2

      Having them act as bait you can use to distract more dangerous Necromorphs for a brief while would be a pretty sweet addition, actually. Good suggestion.

  • @tje.o.a5477
    @tje.o.a5477 Рік тому +1

    I think that it could work if they just rehashed what was there, I agree that the love triangle can be removed, but keep the co-op, Just don't remove the story. What I mean is, combine the split campaign idea for players who either don't have internet, or friends, or both, so that you can enjoy the full might of the story!
    I also have played the dlc of 3, and I like the idea of it, where carver has to deal with Issac finally breaking down mentally, and is struggling to protect his home planet from the brethren moons after they learn of humanity's existence.
    What they can do story-wise, is maybe have Danik reach out to Issac as a sort of middle man for Ellie, and have Carver be just another guy on the crew when things hit the fan, this way, we can do what the remake also did and gave side characters a more fleshed out appearance!
    Story wise things make enough sense, the markers are driving the unitoligists up and over the wall, and this can be a stockpiling effect that will take place even during the first one, however, have it be a slightly different experience.
    Picture this. You are going about Issac Clarke's day as if nothing was wrong, maybe a little grocery shopping, maybe some target practice, and throughout the day Issac is shown to be quite paranoid. After he gets home, he notices he has his door unlocked, which he then sweeps his apartment before accidentally playing a voice message from Ellie explaining why he and her are not currently together. Issac is then ambushed by Carver, Danik, and a few others, after this, the min story begins as Issac and the others travel to the space port, but get cut off by the Unitologists. After they reconnect with some of earth-gov, they manage to escort Issac to a train station where, that really annoying guy I can't remember the name of, releases the big marker to unleash the necromorphs again. This takes place during the train section where, thanks to the marker, a few buildings go down caused by large crashing ships!!! Issac, Carver, Danik, and a few others manage to make it on-board their ship in a similar fashon to the original ds3.
    After this, we can keep the og necromorphs a little while longer while the main characters chill out aboard the colonist ships, where Ellie and Issac would re-unite and everyone would be all happy and stuff. Most of the characters would die by the midway point either thanks to noble sacrafices, necromorph tomfoolery, or ultimately, the crash landing. Speaking of, let's make that A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE! so basically, you have full control over the ship, where you can fly around and such in a similar fashion to Star citizen or something similar, where you fly down to the planets surface and you get caught in a storm, throwing you off-course drastically. Issac would then wake up surrounded by corpses, and strugging to survive.
    He would then basically just go about trying to survive on Tau volantis while being hunted by his former crewmates, only to inevitably be discovered by alien necromorphs. He would then barely survive the encounter and manage to FINALLY Get a gun.
    Afterwords he would manage to repair his rig enough to contact Ellie, Carver, Danik, that one girl who dies in the elevator, and the other guy who freezes to death, where he would then rejoin with them. They would then stay together awhile before we actually find a functioning radio where Danik actually betrays everyone else when unexplectantly a unitologist scout ship looking for issac picks up the radio, where Danik "Destroys" the radio before they can track it!
    Afterwords, Issac, Carver, and Ellie would all, after Daniks betrayal, attempt to find shelter inside some old colonist structures. They would then explore a little while trying to survive, only to run into a mix of human and alien necromorphs, where they would eventually discover the alien city.
    The final act would include Issac and Carver trying to rescue ellie after the unitologists capture her and begin awakening the moon, where Carver would save ellie and Issac would be left behind on Tao volantis in a similar position as ds2.
    He would then get the idea to hitch a ride on a unitologist ship and try and fix up one of the colonist ships to save himself, but in doing so accidentally reveals Earths location to the bretheren moons.
    Either way, it would be up to the studio what they will do.

    • @akanji8285
      @akanji8285 9 місяців тому

      Think your confusing Norton with danik, danik is the unitoligist guy

    • @tje.o.a5477
      @tje.o.a5477 9 місяців тому

      @@akanji8285 yeah I was

  • @dragonbornexpress5650
    @dragonbornexpress5650 Рік тому

    First up on the list: The Co-Op needs to be made optional; The biggest issue resulting from the baked in Co-Op was that the game was balanced for it, so double the enemies were thrown at you while giving you double the ammo and double the items even if you were playing solo, resulting in a game that doesn't feel balanced while also removing all pretenses of horror in the process. As if that wasn't bad enough, the mandatory Co-Op also destroys the pacing of the game's story and nukes Carver's character. Making the Co-Op optional is the first step to fixing these issues.
    2: Norton needs to be gone PERIOD; His entire purpose is to be the bad guy of the love triangle and nothing else. If he IS gonna stay, his character needs to be entirely rebuilt from scratch.
    3: Axe the zombies; We already have super interesting Necromorphs so the zombies don't really add anything. Simply just make new Necromorphs as Tau Volantis is where a big Necromorph outbreak took place in the ancient past anyways, which is why the planet is covered in ice to begin with.
    4: The prologue section with the Sovereign Colonies is very much not needed; All of the info in there could easily be relegated to an audio log or an old video file no problem.
    5: Give the temperature mechanic a bigger focus; It adds more to the survival part of survival horror, and is a great way to set it apart from other survival horror games while also adding more to the difficulty as Dead Space 3 has a real issue with difficulty in that it can't seem to decide whether the game should be difficult or easy even in solo while Co-Op nukes the difficulty entirely.
    6: The Nexus fight is basically just the Hive Mind with a different coat of paint and less build-up; Scrap it without hesitation.
    7: The whole moon section at the beginning of the game doesn't really add anything; If it's gonna stay, revamp it so that it can be revisited later.
    Do I need to go on?

  • @akanji8285
    @akanji8285 9 місяців тому

    I think it would be cool if they kept the space area before tau volantis. But while your there and realize how bad the necromorph outbreak is Isaac is trying to fix one of the big ships to leave and Ellie really wants to stay to figure out what’s happening. But Isaac inadvertently messes something up ( marker influence or something) and the ship your ons orbit decays and the whole ship crashes into the planet. Then you have to survive the elements, locate other sections of the ship scattered around to find survivors / equipment/ ect. And the crash is what awakens all the necros planet side

  • @Aladelicous
    @Aladelicous Рік тому

    I think coop worked for Resident Evil cause theres a goofy charm to most of the games. Dead Space, while not entirely humorless, I think is supposed to be taken a bit more serious. Maybe it's just me, but if I'm playing a game with friends and chatting it up in voice chat, it's harder to pay attention to the games story and since I'm playing with a friend, I'm mostly looking to just have a good time so it's a bit harder to take the story seriously, even when not playing in coop.

  • @bluechips5042
    @bluechips5042 Рік тому

    As someone who genuinely enjoys dead space 3 and never fully got the hate, I agree a lot with the changes you propose especially utilizing the actual environment of tau valantis to make it scary that’s genuinely genius

  • @nathanowen8456
    @nathanowen8456 Рік тому

    I think you should choose a character to play as or you play as Issac Clark in one section then it switches to carver in the other section of the game helping Issac and it would stay a single player game . I do want to you do what I'd want in a dead space 2 remake honestly for me I'd like to see the devs see how many beat the first one on impossible difficulty and when they hopefully announce the dead space 2 in a interview they would we want players who beat the first remake to carry over your burnished suit and foam finger gun with the other suits as well and if you beat dead space 2 remake on impossible difficulty the burnished suit will be gold and the foam finger gun will look different upon completion. And i want clearances for node doors and a tram system to go back and get things you missed plus you parts of the spraw and a change to hard core difficulty to to impossible difficulty from the dead space 1 remake to keep that momentum on the dead space 2 remake

  • @Z3R0-67
    @Z3R0-67 Рік тому

    perfect idea for a remake bro good job

  • @michaelalbertsen6396
    @michaelalbertsen6396 Рік тому

    All games need to be fully coop or none of them should be. As for DS3 - I think they should keep the good characters, but have them be NPCs. I don't like split campaigns.

  • @Ekekeheh
    @Ekekeheh Рік тому

    I don’t think a flash bang would do shit to a necromorph😂