If they had disclosed maltodextrin on the label then sales would would take a hit. Claiming "no dodgy ingredients" and covering up a dodgy ingredient makes it magnitudes worse - it's deceit for profitability.
I expect that real transparency is one thing RFK Jr is going to fight for, along with removing unhealthy chemicals from foods. Imagine being able to trust that food is exactly what the label says it is…!
My issue is a family member who is highly allergic to maltodextrin. It’s a matter of throat closing and needing to carry an epipen. We rely on labels to be able to keep her safe.
@pamelaspain7841 …that must be a nightmare to be allergic to maltodextrin …it’s not specifically labeled in anything that has natural flavours ( it’s 1 of more than a 100 of ingredients used under the umbrella term “natural flavours “)
When Dr Berry asked Rob how maltodextrin got into LMNT, Rob did not answer but began telling a long story. To me it sounded like “I was born in a middle class family…”
@@synergyb3926 I hope so, but any company that knows that some kind of sugar - or what my body will turn into sugar, like bread or malto - is in it, and doesn't put that in the ingredients, I don't care what the law says. No way, Jose. It don't matter? Fine, and that comment doesn't matter, since I feel that any company that leaves out any kind of sugar in their ingredients on the label has lied to me. Law or no. liar.
@@MichaelConlon-j7z - Unfortunately, most people don’t have the same standards we do regarding our health and right to know. When this first came out, I just decided it was time to stop drinking flavored electrolytes. Like Dr B said, we don’t need flavored drinks all day long. Using drops or capsules is a healthier option.
“People don’t understand the complexities of manufacturing.” Maybe not; but, we DO understand when you CHOOSE to not report the presence of maltodextrin in your product ON THE LABEL when you knew from day one that it was there. That is deceptive and possibly fraudulent.
Have been watching your channel for years. I am a board certified physician with two subspecialties. I recommend your channel to most of my patients. Normally, I do not comment. This comment will probably be immediately removed for censorship. First, LMNT LIED. Second to call us average is nothing short of an insult. One must realize that customers/consumers/patients are far more educated than they were 50 years ago and by the way, they keep a company going. Third, LMNT omitted the truth for one reason only, SALES!!!!!! To double talk us with PHD/minor deity BS is out right insulting to the "average" consumer ( your words). Consumers are constantly lied to. I didn't go to Harvard's Medical School, but Maltodextrin is a sugar. FYI if it tastes really really really good, it's probably not good for you! I used LMNT myself and recommended it to my patient's until I saw the UA-cam video on it. Will never use it again and I am very sorry I ever recommended it to my patient's and my adult children. Tons of it went right into the garbage. Wouldn't it be amazing if we practiced some radical honesty in marketing??????
I agree with you. The problem is the lack of transparency, the lies, and treating the consumer like they don't deserve to know the truth and even that consumers don't deserve the transparency. The average person who has chosen to consume a Carnivore diet has usually done a LOT of research - they are NOT stupid.
@@kathleenmcdonald4888 my daughter has a rare genetic disorder and doesn’t digest most sugars including maltodextrine which is even in unsugared kool-aide! A teaspoon of sugar can ‘trip her trigger’. They lied. I’m better off using other brands with sugar in them.
I READ LABLES!! I do NOT purchase ANYTHING with MALTODEXTRIN! I TRUSTED LMNT! I take this three or more times a day!! I was WONDERING WHY I cannot get into KETOSIS!! I’m SO DISAPPOINTED! I’ve been looking at going on straight sardines thinking there was something wrong with me!!! I couldn’t understand my cravings getting WORSE!! I’ve been doing this over a year.. and recently ordering LMNT MONTHLY! I’m on disability, I’m 72 years old! I’m so disappointed! I’m not happy about this at all!
LMNT: NATURAL FLAVORS is your first warning on any product. This product made me anxious, not like drinking too much coffee but like taking a chemical stimulant. It's not just the maltodextrin that was included in the "natural flavors" bundle, but something else is in that product. Further, maltodextrin is 95 on the glycemic index, table sugar is 65. And yes, livid . . . people should be livid.
My understanding is that Maltodextrin is even higher than 95 on the glycemic Index. Above 100 with varying degrees making it even higher than pure glucose.
Robb wants to be a nice guy and in general, their customer service is very good. However, in listening to him it’s easy to realize he’s not that smart. He’s in over his head and so is the other guy. They are just like every doctor office that tells you, “it’s all in your head.” LMNT has made gobs of $$ in the Carnivore space by paying nearly every influencer (not you Kelly Hogan), and yet LMNT doesn’t understand why people are seeking elimination diets. Nick, Phd, not being transparent is LYING. Geeze
According to ch Bobby Fav City (who's ch is about reading lables) he says that the FDA allows "natural favors" to cover over 1000 ingredients without the manufactures having to list the toxic ingredients. Basically its a catch all to hide bad ingredients from the public. Shameful.
I was on the fence on how I felt about this situation but now I know for certain how I feel after hearing robb talk. This is downright evil. I have to make all my & my family's food from scratch because I almost always get sick or someone else gets sick from packaged & restaurant food. This man is not sorry & doesn't think he did anything wrong because of regulations?! How morally corrupt he is! People wonder why the food in America is poison & it's because of people like this. Absolutely despicable.
@@KH-vv5dqYes, maltodextrin must be listed on a food label as an ingredient, as the FDA requires all ingredients to be declared on the label, including maltodextrin,
Absolutely. The first question was specifically about the scandal, and he just went on to his personal history, just like a politician. I’ll never touch his product because of that alone. I’m disappointed Ken didn’t intervene.
Agree. He admits he made a conscious decision not to list the ingredient he knew his customer base did not want. This was no accident or mistake and he still doesn't even realise what he's done. On a positive note, even though I eat almost no packaged ingredients, I now know to avoid anything with 'natural' flavourings!!!
@@jimw6659 He started out with a poor me story of how he had ulcers and got so skinny and was so sick. That was to build sympathy before he hit us with the poison he knowingly allowed into his product.
A lie is a lie. The product advertising was false. I don’t care if you say it just an insignificant amount. The amount is not the point. Your advertising was a blatant deception.
The more I listen to this the more astounded I am. Robb & Nick declare that IF THEY HAD KNOWN that transparency had become so important post-COVID, things would have been done differently. Do they not hear themselves? They are saying that transparency is a a social trend, not a moral decision. And Dr. Berry nodding along with it all is frustrating.
Tiny amount or Not, It should have BEEN ON THE LABEL. Imagine if products claiming "Gluten Free" but has miniscule amount tolerated by many are consumed by a person with Celiac. It can cause so much harm. So should their defense be "Its such a small amount" ? Just LABEL what your product has in it, small amount or NOT. ALL companies need to stop with the dang loopholes.
I hate to break this to you, but gluten free doesn't mean no gluten, it means such a little amount that it can carry the designation legally, or less than 20 parts per million of gluten. Same as in the LMNT circumstances, below legal threshold.
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
it doesn't matter what he has to say. A lie is a lie is a lie period. overpriced electrolytes! once I'm lied to small or big lie I am finished with the product and person. I really don't care how he apologizes etc. This will absolutely never change my mind.
"I don't want people freaking out about something that I just don't think is metabolically significant." Apparently, we're not capable of deciding what's metabolically significant for ourselves. Okay. Got it.
What is disturbing about the LMNT scandal for me is that even a tiny amounts of free sugars can have an effect on the brain and trigger addictive behaviour. That's why I don't buy anything with even miniscule free sugars content...
@@btudrus yes, I have an autoimmune disease and I cannot have ANY maltodextrin. I get that it may not effect most folks but for those of us with AI diseases it can be extremely detrimental to our health and we are trying our best to make intentional choices best for our health. I feel duped and will not use LMNT again!
@@wlpc1919 same for myself and many others. as I finally healed through carnivore I saw many carnivore drs promote LMNT so I got them used them. Never realized why I was feeling like shit afterwards. SCAM! Im disgusted. No excuse this guy is a POS
@@karengarber8257 Yes, but the interior of your body knows zero difference between maltodextrin and the carbs in an egg. Humans can't absorb complex carbs, they have to be first broken down into glucose, so everything coming in is the same thing, or glucose. And this little amount of maltodextrin is probably broken down by amylase in saliva before even reaching the stomach, certainly right after if not. And to keep in perspective how much incoming glucose from the maltodextrin and LMNT, it would amount to a little over an eighth of teaspoon of sugar, although half that is fructose.
This hole situation pissed me off so much. I was eating as close a to zero carb diet for almost 2 years & the 5 to 7 carbs I allowed in my body was LMNT and eggs, but I never could get my morning blood sugar to lower under 130 until this scandal came out & I quit using your product. Within 2 weeks of being LMNT free I lost 10 pounds & my morning blood sugar has been rocking around 89 every morning. As far as I'm concerned your product f'd my life. To think that this non disclosure won't hurt people is crazy beyond words. And the fact that you still won't disclose the maltodextrin on your product & are willing to f'k more people's lives up for profit is insane. NO LONGER A FAN OF LMNT. I won't even buy your unflavored product, because who could trust that you don't have something hidden in that too! Bad PR to say the least.
@@Kroh13 it is proven to harm others with insulin resistance. It may not raise the blood sugar finger check but it is raising insulin causing issues that is not as easily checked.
I entered nursing, and everyone around me were doctors, nurses, nutritionists, etc. At the time, Dr. Atkins was the doctor who was into Carnivore eating. The nutritionist told me the diet was going to kill me, the doctors swore I could not survive with carbohydrates, and the nurse just plain treated me like I was a mental case. I even wondered how I could be right; everyone else was wrong. I finally went off the diet, believing that it was "bad" for my health. My health deteriorated so bad that I eventually quit listening and went back on to the diet. Best decision I have made in years.
So it didn't occur to you that humans have eaten this way for thousands and thousands of years, you know, before we had all the stuff? Mass obesity, diabetes, massive heart disease, peanut allergies, all these auto immune diseases, most of these cancers, etc. I'm not trying to beat you up, just giving you the fuel for defending yourself next time. : ) Thanks for sharing!
Really people this is another media sound bite to cause in fighting among carnivore, keto, low carb groups. Two calories in packet in probably not the problem for people but the stevia that keeps the sweetness drive active in carb addicted people. Carnivore groups will often say don’t use artificial or “natural sweeteners” because of carb addiction. Let’s all turn our energies to stopping the attack on cows and forcing ranchers and farmers out of business. Importing beef from other countries is also dangerous to cattle production in the US as they are intentionally sold at lower cost. Try to buy locally grown meats.
@@stvcolwill Funny because I was one of those who it "never occured to"... raised on the Standard American Diet and in Nursing school we had all of 4 hours of Nutrition that pushed eating a diet that included plenty of carbs. Despite my health issues, my body was deteriorating and I couldn't figure out why. A few years ago, a good friend told me about the Keto and Carnivore diet and I thought she was nuts. I legit couldn't wrap my head around this way of eating, muchless give up carbs. Like so many, I had been brainwashed into believing that carbs were a necessity. My friend encouraged me to try keto for a few weeks and she sent me to a Facebook group where I read story after story from people who were reclaiming their health, reversing heart disease, diabetes, getting of meds, etc. All basically anecdotal evidence mind you, and completely antipodal to what the diet "experts" had been recommending. I finally decided to try it out. The results were so significant, that I've never looked back. The diet industry is full of shit.
@@PistolJenny Amen to that! 100% agree with every word of that! Also, sorry, I didn't mean it to sound that way "never occurred to you". Of course it never occurred to us (myself included). Two years in and my story is very very similar to yours. I initially meant it as a defense or answer, and not an accusation.
@@wlpc1919 They're a bunch of scum bags charging an outragous prices for their product too.. It cost them pennies to make and they sell it for about $1.50 per packet.
I stopped using LMNT months ago. Love the watermelon flavor but every time I drank it my right ankle swelled up, I gained weight, I broke out in hives and craved sugar like crazy. Once I did my own experiments on my body it was definitely LMNT. An employee emailed me there was 1/2 tsp of maltodextrin between 2 packets. I tried to spread the word to influencers but I was called a liar. Glad to see it finally came out!
Thank you for mentioning this. I have a pesky ankle tendon injury that won’t go away. I never stopped to think it might be the malto in LMNT. While malto doesn’t affect my blood sugar, I have noticed ankle flareups that I couldn’t explain. I’ve been drinking more chocolate LMNT due to the colder weather. Never would have connected the two.
When I drank it my heart would race! I've been out for a few days and feel so much better. Now I know why! I hope this greedy company goes belly up!!!!
@@jtalias Oh it affects your blood sugar - your insulin reacts fast to take it down but that insulin stays elevated all day and inflames everything. No one should be eating maltodextrin
Dr Berry why make excuses for Robb? He specifically admitted he did not disclose Maltodextrin on the product but on their website. Totally totally wrong!
What other chemically-laden things do you voluntarily shove into your mouth EVERY SINGLE DAY??? Since I KNOW you do not grow or personally manufacture every damn thing you consume, you DO consume chemically-laden food, and the ludicrous concept that you somehow are virginally exempt from chemicals in your food is absurd!!!
@808OWSwimmer Be disappointed. Go back on the SAD...if you ever left it. Since I KNOW you do NOT grow or personally manufacture every single thing you shove in your mouth, you voluntarily consume all sorts of chemically-laden foods all day, every day.
@ I’m honestly shocked. Berg and Berry are my favorite. I trust those two with my life. I feel very betrayed. Watching him sit here and smile when Robb talks about maltodextrin…floors me.
It was part of the “natural flavors” and not considered to be an ingredient so they don’t have to list or disclose it. The FDA would only make that the law to hide unhealthy ingredients.
Slimy excuse after slimy excuse. "My intentions were good!" "I didn't hide it, but I wasn't fully transparent!" "In retrospect, I *probably* shouldn't have done that." Probably??? Dude is still in CYA mode when he should be in humble pie mode. And it disturbs me that Dr. Berry prefaced Wolf's explanation by saying he guessed that Wolf wasn't even aware of the actual amount of maltodextrin in the product. A journalist would call that "framing the issue" -- attempting to lead the audience down a particular path before any facts are heard. Not a good look for Dr. Berry, a man I admire and am grateful for.
Dr Berry may have been taught in his childhood to go along in order to get along. He tries endearingly hard to befriend everyone and develop a “tribe”. 😮
I didn’t hear Dr. Berry or Rob Wolf mention food sensitivities or food allergy reactions once. That was the initial report, when someone had a reaction after taking LMNT and went digging to find out what caused it. She found out that it was maltodextrin hidden in the product under “Natural Flavors”. So I am disappointed in Mr. Wolf’s responses in this video, because he knows it’s not about an undisclosed amount of carbs.
I have a corn allergy. I cannot have any corn derivatives as it now gives me breathing issues. And itching. Burning eyes. Etc. And Maltrodextrin is definitely corn!! People with corn allergy are already struggling bad as its in everything!
@@sarahb.6475 gluten does me that way . Wheezing . Watery eyes joint pain and from what I have found out is all grains have gluten . Just different amounts and when you are sensitive any amount can cause a reaction ..
And oddly, he has freely posted the recipe to make your own electrolytes on his website. No charge. I have to wonder if you've actually BOUGHT his products or you are just jumping on the current bandwagon. Make your OWN electrolytes--because you CAN--and STFU!!!
@@christopherw4527 Says you. Last I heard, this is STILL a free country, and we are all free to choose what products we want to use. And...don't be a hypocrite...unless you grow or personally manufacture every thing you use or shove in your mouth, then you DO consume some amount of chemically-laden products...and I KNOW you don't!!!
Letting Rob rant on and on and making excuses, screams his dishonesty. Liars always try to claw their way out by continuously talking and making excuses, playing the blame game, going on about their life story and how hard they worked etc etc.. the pattern is there, plain as day.
The longer I listen, the more irritated I get. Berry's experience of 5 lbs weight loss in a short period of time after stopping the consumption of the flavored tells you everything you need to know about consuming LMNT's maltodextrin. But I recall someone suggesting that they couldn't sleep and waking up in the middle of the night wanting to drink LMNT. You can soft talk this all you want, but that only serves the distrust.
So true! I even wrote a comment that got deleted at how addressing his 5 pounds of weight loss missed the point. All three of them missed the main point which is ….. they blame and dismiss the sickest people in any community who are trying to heal. Like you said with someone with their sleep, I read a comment here earlier that is 70+ year-old started taking it and had high blood pressure in a week really high. This podcast was a joke as far as accountability or honesty goes. This podcast only brought more distrust towards LMNT. Sad.
Dr Berry's response to Robb's "explanation," was very disappointing. Smells fishy. Especially his vouching for his honesty after having known him for several years. ??? $$$$$$$
@@KateBee123 You are critical without considering that Berry is being wise not to directly challenge his guest. He's not weak, he's smart. He shared his personal experience which clearly emphasized the issue and neither of his guests comment on his experience. Getting booted off UA-cam is what your desired method would achieve. That is the reality.
Dr. Berry, for someone who boldly calls out health "experts" on their BS, this interview was beyond disappointing. Robb simply rambled on with excuses and told his life story without getting TO THE POINT. Being so soft on him while the keto/carnivore mob is shouting loud and clear that this lack of disclosure is unacceptable. Nick, bless you for your patience and concise thoughts. This video only needed to be ten minutes. Robb is dishonest and the damage has been done. I trust Dr. Berry much less now as well.
I watched the entire video and noticed that the LMNT claim/brag of "no dodgy ingredients" was mentioned in the beginning by Berry but never truly addressed by Wolf. He has one excuse after another as to why he chose to not be transparent about the maltodextrin. He starts out appealing to our emotions saying: "25 years ago I nearly died from ulcerative colitis." While I have compassion for that, it sounds a lot like "I was born into a middle class family." He didn't say anything to win my trust. Maltodextrin definitely qualifies as a "dodgy" ingredient. I used the flavored LMNT packets for a solid year in my diet after being on Carnivore for a year and 10 pounds from my goal weight. Here I am a year later and the flavored LMNT packets were the only thing I did different on Carnivore and I attribute that to a 30 pound weight gain in one year. It also exacerbated my IBS which had been in remission for a year. Within 5-15 minutes of consuming the flavored LMNT in my coffee I was running to the restroom. I totally bought into the marketing of "no dodgy ingredients" and thought it must be true because it was just so darn expensive and all the influencers were recommending it. Now I don't even know what products to use or who to believe. Mr. Wolf has had several weeks to formulate his answer and all we got were excuses. Maltodextrin is WORSE than sugar. Nick doesn't seem to add much to the conversation and seems more like an apologist for Wolf's choices. This was such a disappointing podcast. I expected better out of this community. I do applaud Berry for hosting this and letting us hear from Mr. Wolf himself. I wish I could get back the $$$ I spent buying LMNT over the last year.
You explained very clearly exactly what I was feeling, experiencing while listening to to him. I predict a major downfall for this company. I’m not trying to be mean, I just feel we, as the public are sick and tired of liars and dishonesty, may I say, very tired. NEXT…
I agree with Dr. Ken Berry. The phrase “natural flavors” needs to stop. They should instead list out the extracts, starches, and seasonings. Edit: Even adding percentages next to the flavors could be helpful to inform customers.
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
Exactly, I'm very surprised that Ken Barry let him on.... Even more surprised that he let Nick on here after his treatment of the whole situation..... Makes me question everything I've read and watched from Ken Berry
Robb Wolf lied. His tag line -'no dodgy ingredients' is a lie. His response of 'everyone makes mistakes' shows his true character. LMNT is overpriced and over pushed. Aside from the fact that their ratios aren't good and the ingredients are crappy. He's shady and knew exactly what was in his product and what it does to people.
@@suewitteman59 I agree, that’s his job, but anyone selling a product of deception for the benefit of getting rich is a crook, and there are a lot of crooks in this world.
I honestly wanted to try because it looked appealing but yet I was not totally sold on it. And yes I thought it was two of her priced. I thought of my body needs sodium I'll just take a couple flakes of sea salt and put it under my tongue before I drink something.
I tried all the flavors and watermelon was my favorite although I still struggled to get it down. And yes, way overpriced for some salt and a few minerals.
Yes he knew exactly what choice informed consumers would make if maltodextrin was on the label and how that would translate to their profit margin. 1 LMNT prior to bloodwork raised my fasting blood sugar level to 119. Normally 90. A friend of mine is a type one diabetic and was using LMNT which was dangerous. Completely unacceptable on endless levels.
Robb has a degree in chemistry. And he’s a business owner. 1. He should know better than to simply accept that the shipments he receives are what they say on the box. His own chemists need to randomly sample and confirm batches regularly. 2. Putting an ingredient in a blogpost is bullshit. If it’s in the package, it needs to be on the label. 3. I hired Robb to provide me with electrolytes. I didn’t hire him to decide what ingredients matter TO ME. That isn’t ’majoring in the minors’; that’s me taking responsibility for my own health goals. 4. If I happened to be a Type I diabetic, trying to wrestle my glucose into some sort of control, swigging a sugared drink is not a minor concern. Robb needs to not gaslight me into thinking it doesn’t matter. 5. Ken: You are entirely too forgiving in this interview because he’s your friend and part of the low-carb tribe. Demand accountability for the health of your patrons. He chose NOT to disclose the facts where they matter.
I tossed my LMNT out. The dishonesty was enough for me. LMNT posted it on the website but not on the packaging. I know of 5 other families who stopped LMNT as well.
Plus the gentleman's reaction to how we are only a small subset (paraphrase) of his market - he is not losing much. We are only ones making a big deal about this. That is a slap in the face along with the dishonesty. At least he learned to be transparent 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
This is absolutely not comparable to Costco not labeling a milk allergy warning on butter. No kid gloves for LMNT. You made the choice to be deceptive.
@@SplashJohn..i agree with the first part of what you said totally...but not wishing bad for anyone ✝️.. iam surprised Dr Berry supports the dishonesty.
@@gypsyrider237 I'm not wishing "bad" for anyone, only justice or Karma or whatever you like to call it. When a business is built on dishonesty, failure is the just outcome. If customers choose to ignore dishonesty and continue to buy from a dishonest company, they reward/incentivize dishonesty.
so sad. I used a lot of this expensive stuff. I'm done. I think it's flat out disgraceful. Just as bad as any of the other corrupt stuff going on in this world. Don't make excuses for him Dr. Berry. It doesn't look good on you.
He says (19:25) "The Keto/Carnivore scene was absolutely up in arms, pitchforks ready to go. Once you took one step out of that community nobody cared at all.... And the high power athletic scene, people consume maltodextrin by the kilo " .. Geeze, read the room and know your audience. Why dismiss us as if WE are the problem?? Perhaps recognize that the Keto/Carnivore communities are more knowledgeable and enlightened than others.
I don't see LMNT promoted by influencers outside of the carnivore/keto space. I see a lot of other supplements and protein powders promoted in the weightlifting space. Seems like most of the customer base is in the carnivore/keto space. What other space is he referirng to?
Exactly right. I've spent a lot of time educating myself on all the lies about food, and now I find out about this. I don't want any carbohydrate in my body!
We are the target customer, if not at the very least a large portion of the people investing in this expensive product. Our community raising hell about this issue is the only reason we’re even talking about it. And it’s a very good talking point that the few companies the carnivore community trusts be trustworthy.
I was floored by this comment also. What an absolute douche bag. I don't consume stuff like LMNT (having worked in manufacturing, I know the dirty secrets) but those carno/keto people who chose to use the product fully expected this product to be free of nonketo ingredients and THEY KNEW IT. This was blatant fraud.
LET'S HAVE A LITTLE MORE CLARITY HERE and ask in WHAT UNIVERSE IS THIS INGREDIANT CARNIVORE OR KETOGENIC IN ANY WAY? Maltodextrin is a white powder made from the starches of plants like corn, rice, potato, wheat, or tapioca: The starches are cooked at a high temperature. Enzymes or acids are added to break down the starches. Maltodextrin is a highly processed carbohydrate that's used as a food additive
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
@@DangerZone-w6y I answered on another thread, but carnivore is only animal products so anything with natural flavors is technically not pure carnivore. As far as keto, I don't know why you would think it's not keto with 2 calories from half a gram of maltodextrin which is just another carb chain that will be broken down with enzymes into glucose before even being absorbed.
@@tradermunky1998 Well.. KETOGENIC is a clean diet... and maltodextrin is NOT A CLEAN INGREDIANT. But feel free to consume it..as you desire. Here's the deal.. I love the flavor off LMNT.. but.. I'm carnivore.. and I definitely dont want or need MALTODEXTRIN or any highly processed food in my diet. There's also the issue that LMNT FLAT OUT LIED about it.. How or why would I continue to pay a high price for product by a company that LIED TO ME?
Why is Dr. Berry trying so hard to help these guys out with this interview, it's just makes me want to stop watching Dr. Berry because of this interview. In my opinion, it also hurts his reputation with his viewers. Or is it just me? Is he doing it just because he promotes them and he makes a bundle as an affiliate and he doesn't want to lose $$. Something isn't right here. Does anyone else have a problem with Dr. Berry's reactions as well? After all this year, he talked like he wanted products to be cleaned up...not so much now based on this interview. Something's not right here. I've always loved and trusted Dr. Berry and followed his recommendations. Now, not so much any more. =)
@@KateBee123 Telling someone their logic is weak AND flawed IS classy...and correct. Both you and John are wrong in this. I'm extremely tired of people who function out of emotions trying to think they function out of logic when they don't really understand what logic IS. My "STFU" comment was to determine if they were BOTS (they are) because NONE of those "people" have responded to my comments...not ONE...thus, they were NOT actual people. THAT is how logic works. They are BOTS set up to attack LMNT ANY and ALL times they are mentioned...and those actual people who function out of emotions assume they are real and the indignation is rampant...and it's not. They are plying on your emotional response. I hope you learn something. This AI world we are having to reckon with can sort you out quickly and intentionally. BTW...I'm not even sure John is not a BOT. Only you responded...but he has not. BOTS are not able to respond.
We picked LMNT thinking this was great, clean to take …. We understand the world food is corrupt…. As a woman 58 I was eating carnivore and stalled out. Doing everything correct never thought it was something I was drinking…. My insulin was high and not coming down… now I know why! Very upset 🤬
I hope Robb understands going forward that there are people who need to be in ketosis for serious medical reasons & it does matter. He doesn't get to decide for us if it matters. This kind of stuff plays into the FDA's arguments for regulating supplements, which would be a disaster.
@tradermunky1998 Not saying that - saying we need an accurate picture to calculate. My son is keto and has a very tight margin in terms of total carbs he can't go over, so knowing what's in everything he eats matters.
@@CarnivoreCommunicator He broke no laws, just like all the egg companies not disclosing there are carbs in eggs. Or anyone else using natural flavors. Maybe you just expect more of him than any other company?
@@Kroh13 Good for you. You also don't have an allergy to it, apparently. For some people, the amount in one stick pack serving could send them to the ER. People with a severe maltodextrin allergy need to know everything that's in a product by reading the ingredients label, and it wasn't on the label. That is the point here, which you seem to be missing.
@MaryWise-cn8mc he said in the interview that he will market it more to the athletes who love high carbs and sugars for the cardio energy. He got caught and now forced to shift the bulk of his electrolytes to a different group.
When Dr Tro exposed this I sent LMNT an email and basically got no accountability back from the company. No apology, no responsibility, just a lot of blah blah blah. I cancelled our monthly subscription. If LMNT wants to make it right, they need to reach out to actual customers without using the influencers that are locked into an advertising contract with them already. Transparency and accountability would have been a much better response when this was occuring and consumers were finding out truth. 😢 I literally drank this everyday thinking I was doing something positive towards my health. It's really not ok that they did not disclose the truth in this and take responsibility. DO BETTER.
Exactly! I ordered them specifically because I saw Dr. Berry and Neisha promoting them. Dissappinted in Dr. Berry. instead of defending the consumer he's just nodding his head in what seems to be in agreement with what this idiot has to say. No excuse a lie is a damn lie
@@edita5Ken and Neisha haven’t been promoting LMNT for awhile. They’ve promoted SALTT instead. I couldn’t understand why until the maltodextrin controversy broke.
Agreed. Dr. Berry was way too easy on Robb and essentially gave him a platform to spew his lame excuse for lying to us all. Where's the offer to refund us???
30:00 Nick says, "In fact [Robb] went out of his way to provide *some* degree of transparency when he could have just brushed it under the rug." I don't think Nick has thought that through. The fact is, "some degree of transparency" has been a favorite tactic of liars since the beginning of human history. Admit part of the truth in the hope that it will satisfy the investigator and thus deflect further investigation.
Based on this video, it sounded like they did try to brush it under the rug. The real dose wasn't revealed till the 2nd time around. First it was hidden, then it was revealed only a small smigit was in there when people became suspicious and asked due to some customers with allergic reactions, and they only revealed the real dosage after they were caught.
Robb, I'm a very senior Carnivore. I am a Texan. I am a Lean Mass Hyper Responder. My Medical Practitioners don't have a clew what to do with me. I went from Keto to PHD in LockStep with Doc Berry, moving beyond Doc Bosworth and Keto. My point for you sir, you lied to me. I don't give a Flying F**K why! You took my money under false pretenses.
LMNT dude is SUPER nervous. You can tell he knows he got caught being shady. He had hoped no one would find out. His voice is super shakey and he's trying so hard to spin a story. He reeks of dishonesty. Thats does suck because I really liked their carbonated beverages. Hopefully someone else comes out with a better one. Edit: Berry must be a stock holder to defend him so much.
I was trying to remember, I think the company ( post controversial enlightenment) stated that there was NO Malto in the carbonated drinks nor the RAW-no-flavor powder. Anyways, still shady as F!
I really didn’t read his shaky voice as guilt or shadiness. Imagine having to speak to an angry mob and own up to mistakes you made. I know my voice would be shaking. Sincerity and feeling bad about what happened or that you contributed to can result in some elevated heart rates and shaky voice. I’d be more concerned about his intentions if he was confident in what he was saying and acted like he could care less about how his consumers feel, that he didn’t think he did anything wrong.
I am soo impressed with the unanimous distrust of Robb Wolf that we see here in the comments, he comes off like many other corporate CEO's , not satisfied with his millions, he needs to squeeze out even more profit, can't let the true ingredients get in the way.
I had to stop listening to Mr "No Dodgy Ingredients". He's become a DODGY INGREDIENT himself. No more LMNT for me anyway because I noticed I was reacting to LMNT a few weeks before the word came out about the maltodextrin. What a betrayal.
I cannot believe that they have been this dishonest. 15 mins in, it is clear that they knew it included maltodextrin and DID NOT INCLUDE IT IN THE INGREDIENTS! We were using LMNT for our carnivore diet and my wife was using 1 packet per day. Yet it include carbs which completely goes against the carnivore diet. I am just really disgusted.
And yet, you voluntarily shove chemically-laden food into your mouth EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! In know this because I KNOW you do NOT grow or personally manufacture everything you consume!!! Damn hypocrite!!!
@@everettcarroll7428 Come up with a new line. Have an original thought rather than repeating the same boring lines to everyone on here. Are you just a troll? Are you related to these people?
What a crock I'm busy cooking & just listening to this nonsense & there sure is alot of back peddling going on here I'm more disappointed in you Dr Berry for making excuses for this man I can hear it in your voices Between the corrupt government, medical system , FDA is worse to allow what's been going on I'm 80 years old & spent a lifetime in this world & it's horrible & getting worse We'll Mr Robb Wolf part owner ,you didn't have to legally disclose this & you didn't It's alittle late 😢
The fact that any amount of maltodextrin was in it was unbeknownst to me, and I would have never purchased the product if I had known, so that was very deceiving and wrong of LMNT. With stevia or monk, food, or allulose being in it, I have no problem. Here I was drinking this crap and then thinking something was wrong with me because I couldn't lose weight even while fasting.
If you declare no dodgy ingredients, shouldn't you know the ingredients? Oh wait! They DID know. They did test. So they lied and now they're minimizing instead of just owning it.
@tinadehart3526 Bingo! Lmnt is only popular because content creators get paid to advertise it. If anyone look and do the math on the actual contents, it's a complete ripoff
Its nothing to do with calories - it says No Dodgy Ingredients and we Carnivores read every label. You've lost my trust and business.. And time your dodgy partner resigned too!
REPEATED decisions to not include maltodextrin on the label is inexcusable. Personally, I never purchased LMNT because it is so easy to get the electrolytes naturally AND why the hell would anyone pay so much for a product that's mostly salt? It was always a rip-off. Just one more more case in point: processed = problem.
I am tired of having companies hide stuff in food. I read all food labels. Can't trust anyone. I actually canceled my sub with LMNT. They lost my trust...just one more food company in a long long list.
Such a disappointment. I can’t even listen to the interview. I stopped using the product the day I found out. Some people shouldn’t have sugar in any form whatsoever. I wondered why I gained weight and why I was having sweet cravings. This is pure deceit! Maybe someone will sue the company.
I hope he gets sued. Labels should be full disclosure. He decided not to for the sake of GREED. Plain and simple. Hope the company tanks. Ridiculously priced product for what you're getting anyway.
By law (in my country anyway) you are allowed a certain percentage of ingredients that are unlisted (tiny, under a couple percent of the full formulation)... HOWEVER.... if you are marketing a keto product as sans these kinds of ingredients, all the while having it in there.... that is completely deceptive and there would be a case there.
I'm sorry, but Maltodextrin wasn't on the packaging purely for revenue issues. I avoid caffeine completely now, and I would want to know if a product had even a small amount, so maltodextrin should be listed. Also, Robb knows the average person won't see the disclosures made on their blog, etc.
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
I don't read his blogs. I never saw anything and was deeply saddened by the deceit. I'm told the Sparkling doesn't have maltodextrin and have been drinking that now. We'll see how it affects me as I am extremely sensitive to maltodextrin.
@@Tangible_D I agree and I chose LMNT over Ultima Replenisher because I wanted the flavor but trusted the ingredient label. I should have known because it was still so sweet….
People don’t care about the complexities of manufacturing. All they want is be able to trust food companies. The producers of Halo Top ice cream, Quest, and Atkins have sold out to the “dark side,” and the LMNT scandal looks the same.
His personal story only makes this worse, they knew, but hid behind the legality of the “natural flavors” law/rule. “We were shocked”, about how much money we were raking in with dodgy ingredients.
The carnivore influencers who have recommended this product aren't innocent either. Dr. Berry and Dr. Chaffee are the only people I trust in this space.
Oh, sorry, I didn’t read the blog. My bad. I should have known I’m supposed to read blogs to know what’s in my food, not the LABEL on the product. Don’t worry about changing your product for the keto/carnivore group, you’ve already lost their business.
What he did sadly is legal. The FDA allows over 1000+ ingredients to be listed as "natural flavors" = its nothing but a con game to keep citizens sick & overweight.
I WAS very upset because I did a 21 day water only (but I drank LMNT) as step one of a new strategy in a cancer battle. I felt soooo betrayed after years of betrayal from the medical world and the health world. I tried so hard to be “healthy” for decades only y to o continually learn that I was lied to all along the way. That said, I’m very glad for your attitude toward this. I have been using LMNT for about 2 years and always give away the free sample packets they often send me sad o friends can try LMNT. I have had to do my own disclaimer thing with all the people I “converted” to LMNT. I will be watching and honestly I’m hopeful that I can come back to LMNT.
@@Kroh13 You can last 100+ days on only water. Obviously it depends on your body composition starting out. A lot of cancers thrive on glucose. Effectively you are starving them when your body goes into ketosis and burns ketones for energy rather than glucose.
@@doctormarazanvose4373longest water fast I done was 5 days .. how did u start refeeding after 21 days ? Thats what I am scared of . I dont want to have refeeding syndrome ..congrats though. Hope it helped 😊
@@NolaC69 It wasn't me that did 100+ day water fast. There was a documentary following a guy who did it - under supervision of his doctor I may add. Refeeding is typically a slow process starting with liquids such as bone broth due to its high nutrient density.
All three men in this conversation, whether they realise it or not, gas lit the consumers of LMNT as the 'problem' rather than discussing the complete issue, not a version that supports their own agendas. Dr Berry saying only a tiny fraction of people react to maltodextrin, and 'I consume it and it doesn’t harm me' feels like dereliction of the health needs, even if only a tiny fraction of his overall followers, of those of us who have issues with maltodextrin. Robb's stance is more perplexing. He says he has Crohn’s and would know of the severe intestinal problems certain foods cause people, how could he chose not to label his product and protect people like himself? Then Nick's discussion, well, trying to say it's a psychological problem within the community, a little issue being blown out of proportion, is just another attempt to make the consumer seem as neurotic. One can see how complex humanity is, how owning up to mistakes is hard to do, and why money seems to talk louder than 'health'. Final thought, cross contamination is a 'real' concern and the unflavoured version could be problematic too. All three men in this conversation, in their hearts, know the error and is it to much to ask for people to be honest and transparent?
I spent many years in co-packaging. Mixing and packaging some of the top brand garbage out there. One of the things you cannot do is deviate from the ingredients you are given from the company you are packaging for. They knew what was in their product.
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
Oh Dr. Berry. My literal hero that I have sent hundreds to look at your videos will now never do that again. You were a no nonsense,straight to the point and tell it like it is person now condoning a liar! Why? Money? Dammit to hell. Sponsors or not you should have dropped them immediately.
AND yet...you voluntarily shove all SORTS of chemically-laden foods all day, every day, and you aren't out there trolling their products, and STILL bend your elbow to shove it in your mouth!!! What a damn hypocrite!!!
Nick is insulting people who say that the maltodextrin was harmful for us. And who was only consuming 1 a day, most of us were consuming more, so saying that half a gram of maltodextrin is nothing is not true because many people were consuming multiple of them per day, sometimes one after the other. He is saying there is group think going on. I don't think he knows what groupthink is.
LMNT lost me as a customer and not sure this interview did anything to get me back. Just made poor decisions and didn’t even read the conversation correctly. I just believe this was a huge fumble and Robb made terrible judgements. Just safer to steer clear.
@@SplashJohn Nope, he hasn't even learned that that lesson either. You're implying that he can now read the room and react based on the backlash. That's not happening either. Huge failure (second one now). According to this video, his answer was to bring in a LEGAL guy. Also, there doesn't seem to be any plans at all to go ahead and rectify by putting anything different on the packaging. He's standing on "everyone outside the keto-people don't care", and also 'We don't legally have to post it'.
I hear the tremendous stress in his voice. I appreciate the willingness to accept responsibility for the decisions made. How ever the culture of accepting percentages of this and that are unacceptable to me. When multiple products have a tiny percentage of additives that becomes accumulative. There are so many products that when I delve deep and reach out to manufacturers I find additives that have bled into a product but the ingredients are not listed. I grew up in the manufacturing industry. The average person has no idea what it takes to manufacture and bring a product to the market. Many ingredients are added to allow the machinery to move and process the product better. For example there are multiple thickners listed as GRAS added to endless products. I used to have life threatening ulceritis colitis and Carnivore changed my life. ( thank you Dr. BERRY!!)My intestines DO NOT TOLERATE guar gum, carageneen, xanthan gum etc. But these thickners allow processing in manufacturering to run smoothly. I also do not accept the " natural flavorings" term. I tell people all the time rocks are natural. Summary: yes we can say a small percentage of an ingredient is not an issue.....but the same small percentage is in so many products that at the end of the day a person may be consuming a higher amount than they really know. In my case the reaction I have to the gum thickners alerted me to a daily accumulation that reached a tipping point of harming my gut.
Agreed, with the manufacturing of product. The lay person has no clue what is involved in manufacturing a product. I wonder if they had an MSDS sheet for each product.
Carries... This statement is even more true given that There's more Malto than Potassium, and there's more Malto than Magnesium. There's only three ingredients listed: Salt, Potassium, and Magnesium. He literally chose not to list an ingredient that was second largest if it was.
BS. No way would LMNT sell if we the consumers knew what was in the product. He knew. I’m so pissed on how much I consumed. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you.
@@littleone31917 yep, that's what I got. (one of the things). Dude, their marketing literally says 'no dodgy ingredients' yet there's more Malto than Potassium. More Malto then Magnesium!
The Founder clearly is sitting back getting a fat cheque every month and has no idea what he is selling…yikes. The comment‘people don’t understand the complexity…really? We DONT NEED TO KNOW…we need YOU to know. We just want to know what we are actually buying….you just need to tell us…honestly. …people are being ‘experts….’ No…they are just saying‘I want to control what I put in my body…. Terrible.
If you’re going to be a producer, be the consumer. Hiding certain ingredients due to a fear business loss is a reputation killer. Be ethical, ALWAYS be fully transparent and let the consumer decide, regardless of an ingredient’s significance. The hint of impropriety destroys trust.
One thing we should all demand is 100% honesty and transparency from all companies that make food or drink! Who can disagree?
If they had disclosed maltodextrin on the label then sales would would take a hit.
Claiming "no dodgy ingredients" and covering up a dodgy ingredient makes it magnitudes worse - it's deceit for profitability.
Robb Wolf clearly disagrees, based on his shifty excuses.
I guess that's where it says less than 1% by law does not have to be disclosed.
I expect that real transparency is one thing RFK Jr is going to fight for, along with removing unhealthy chemicals from foods. Imagine being able to trust that food is exactly what the label says it is…!
@@di4085 Not disclosing an ingredient due to laws is wholly different than claiming "no dodgy ingredients" - no means no.
My issue is a family member who is highly allergic to maltodextrin. It’s a matter of throat closing and needing to carry an epipen. We rely on labels to be able to keep her safe.
@pamelaspain7841 …that must be a nightmare to be allergic to maltodextrin …it’s not specifically labeled in anything that has natural flavours ( it’s 1 of more than a 100 of ingredients used under the umbrella term “natural flavours “)
The problem is 'Natural Flavors'. How do you handle that? Just avoid all products with that listed on the label?
Define allergic ..
@@Kroh13 throat swells shut and can’t breathe, full anaphylactic reaction. Must carry an epi pen for emergency use.
@@wendell6020 I didn’t realize until recently that it can be hidden like that.
When Dr Berry asked Rob how maltodextrin got into LMNT, Rob did not answer but began telling a long story. To me it sounded like “I was born in a middle class family…”
I was born into a middle class family too.
Robb sounds like a politician with a lot of double talk. He sounds nervous too. Everyone who used his products should sue LMNT!
@@denisewittman975 Actually, he did respond to why they decided to use maltodextrin... You can find his answer at the 18:56 timestamp.
@@denisewittman975 people make mistakes. I say give him a break
"On the legal side we didn't have to disclose this" is the problem with informed choice. If it is in it, IT should be labeled!
I’m pretty sure this is one of the things that will be changed by MAHA.
@@synergyb3926 I hope so, but any company that knows that some kind of sugar - or what my body will turn into sugar, like bread or malto - is in it, and doesn't put that in the ingredients, I don't care what the law says. No way, Jose. It don't matter? Fine, and that comment doesn't matter, since I feel that any company that leaves out any kind of sugar in their ingredients on the label has lied to me. Law or no. liar.
@@MichaelConlon-j7z - Unfortunately, most people don’t have the same standards we do regarding our health and right to know.
When this first came out, I just decided it was time to stop drinking flavored electrolytes. Like Dr B said, we don’t need flavored drinks all day long. Using drops or capsules is a healthier option.
Those with allergies and intolerances can't just motor on dude. This makes me want to never support his company. Sickening.
It was also a copout when you regard the marketing of the product.
“People don’t understand the complexities of manufacturing.” Maybe not; but, we DO understand when you CHOOSE to not report the presence of maltodextrin in your product ON THE LABEL when you knew from day one that it was there. That is deceptive and possibly fraudulent.
Exactly. Could have labeled it could have been honest
And this company does not understand the complexities of the Carnivore Community
POSSIBLY fraudulent??? It is complete 💯 FRAUD!!!
Have been watching your channel for years. I am a board certified physician with two subspecialties. I recommend your channel to most of my patients. Normally, I do not comment. This comment will probably be immediately removed for censorship. First, LMNT LIED. Second to call us average is nothing short of an insult. One must realize that customers/consumers/patients are far more educated than they were 50 years ago and by the way, they keep a company going. Third, LMNT omitted the truth for one reason only, SALES!!!!!! To double talk us with PHD/minor deity BS is out right insulting to the "average" consumer ( your words). Consumers are constantly lied to. I didn't go to Harvard's Medical School, but Maltodextrin is a sugar. FYI if it tastes really really really good, it's probably not good for you! I used LMNT myself and recommended it to my patient's until I saw the UA-cam video on it. Will never use it again and I am very sorry I ever recommended it to my patient's and my adult children. Tons of it went right into the garbage. Wouldn't it be amazing if we practiced some radical honesty in marketing??????
I think they refund your money if you send the products back.
I agree with you. The problem is the lack of transparency, the lies, and treating the consumer like they don't deserve to know the truth and even that consumers don't deserve the transparency. The average person who has chosen to consume a Carnivore diet has usually done a LOT of research - they are NOT stupid.
EUWWWWW did somebody get their undies in a bunch little miss board certified!?!
@@kathleenmcdonald4888 my daughter has a rare genetic disorder and doesn’t digest most sugars including maltodextrine which is even in unsugared kool-aide! A teaspoon of sugar can ‘trip her trigger’. They lied. I’m better off using other brands with sugar in them.
I agree! Yiu said it better than I could have. Makes me realize electrolyte powders are not for me. The whole process sounds revolting and unnatural
I READ LABLES!! I do NOT purchase ANYTHING with MALTODEXTRIN! I TRUSTED LMNT! I take this three or more times a day!! I was WONDERING WHY I cannot get into KETOSIS!! I’m SO DISAPPOINTED!
I’ve been looking at going on straight sardines thinking there was something wrong with me!!! I couldn’t understand my cravings getting WORSE!!
I’ve been doing this over a year.. and recently ordering LMNT MONTHLY! I’m on disability, I’m 72 years old! I’m so disappointed! I’m not happy about this at all!
Please tell me the unflavered doesn’t have maltodextrin.
I tasted the maltodextrin in the flavored.. that’s why I didn’t purchase that.
It does not.
The flavored ones make me feel sick.
Yeah I dont buy anything that has flavor in it.
LMNT: NATURAL FLAVORS is your first warning on any product. This product made me anxious, not like drinking too much coffee but like taking a chemical stimulant. It's not just the maltodextrin that was included in the "natural flavors" bundle, but something else is in that product. Further, maltodextrin is 95 on the glycemic index, table sugar is 65. And yes, livid . . . people should be livid.
My understanding is that Maltodextrin is even higher than 95 on the glycemic Index. Above 100 with varying degrees making it even higher than pure glucose.
Robb wants to be a nice guy and in general, their customer service is very good. However, in listening to him it’s easy to realize he’s not that smart.
He’s in over his head and so is the other guy. They are just like every doctor office that tells you, “it’s all in your head.”
LMNT has made gobs of $$ in the Carnivore space by paying nearly every influencer (not you Kelly Hogan), and yet LMNT doesn’t understand why people are seeking elimination diets.
Nick, Phd, not being transparent is LYING. Geeze
Exactly. I noticed that when he started spouting nonsense about calories. Anyone still talking in terms of "daily calories" is far behind.
According to ch Bobby Fav City (who's ch is about reading lables) he says that the FDA allows "natural favors" to cover over 1000 ingredients without the manufactures having to list the toxic ingredients. Basically its a catch all to hide bad ingredients from the public. Shameful.
Eat real food, you don't need junk. Good source of kalium:avocado's
I was on the fence on how I felt about this situation but now I know for certain how I feel after hearing robb talk. This is downright evil. I have to make all my & my family's food from scratch because I almost always get sick or someone else gets sick from packaged & restaurant food. This man is not sorry & doesn't think he did anything wrong because of regulations?! How morally corrupt he is! People wonder why the food in America is poison & it's because of people like this. Absolutely despicable.
An evil person would not have self-reported it to the customers, ESPECIALLY when this particular compound is NOT required to be listed anywhere.
He didn’t even know. Co-packers didn’t tell him until they audited.
@@KH-vv5dq he only disclosed when it was already outed, that was saving his arse.
@@KH-vv5dqYes, maltodextrin must be listed on a food label as an ingredient, as the FDA requires all ingredients to be declared on the label, including maltodextrin,
I'm not Interested in Wolf's story. He lied. He mislead his customers. Not acceptable. His justifications are disturbing.
Absolutely. The first question was specifically about the scandal, and he just went on to his personal history, just like a politician. I’ll never touch his product because of that alone. I’m disappointed Ken didn’t intervene.
Agree. He admits he made a conscious decision not to list the ingredient he knew his customer base did not want. This was no accident or mistake and he still doesn't even realise what he's done. On a positive note, even though I eat almost no packaged ingredients, I now know to avoid anything with 'natural' flavourings!!!
@@jimw6659 YES!! I noticed that!!
He started out with a poor me story of how he had ulcers and got so skinny and was so sick. That was to build sympathy before he hit us with the poison he knowingly allowed into his product.
A lie is a lie. The product advertising was false. I don’t care if you say it just an insignificant amount. The amount is not the point. Your advertising was a blatant deception.
I hate to say it but this guy is making excuses. He should have listed it.
Agreed from another Tina! lol
So true.
I *don't* hate to say it. His slimy excuses and weasel words need to be called out.
Another TINA agree
The more I listen to this the more astounded I am. Robb & Nick declare that IF THEY HAD KNOWN that transparency had become so important post-COVID, things would have been done differently. Do they not hear themselves? They are saying that transparency is a a social trend, not a moral decision. And Dr. Berry nodding along with it all is frustrating.
Good assessment
I suspect Dr Berry will soon find he is losing subscribers.😮
@@1timbarrett..Nobody is perfect..unfortunatly Dr Berry is just being true to a life long friend..im very shocked.
@@1timbarrettto anyone who would stop following Dr. Berry, the loss would be theirs.
@@gypsyrider237 Most of us would do the same. Friends > subscribers. It's to be expected. I won't blame him.
Tiny amount or Not, It should have BEEN ON THE LABEL. Imagine if products claiming "Gluten Free" but has miniscule amount tolerated by many are consumed by a person with Celiac. It can cause so much harm. So should their defense be "Its such a small amount" ? Just LABEL what your product has in it, small amount or NOT. ALL companies need to stop with the dang loopholes.
@melodymelody289 that's a great comparison, especially if you're well informed on celiac disease.
I hate to break this to you, but gluten free doesn't mean no gluten, it means such a little amount that it can carry the designation legally, or less than 20 parts per million of gluten.
Same as in the LMNT circumstances, below legal threshold.
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
@@DangerZone-w6y Anything with natural flavors technically isn't carnivore, and half a gram of carbs is certainly keto.
@@tradermunky1998 Same as the "whole" grain. Packaging is only legal terms. Don't eat processed food, that's the lesson.
it doesn't matter what he has to say. A lie is a lie is a lie period. overpriced electrolytes! once I'm lied to small or big lie I am finished with the product and person. I really don't care how he apologizes etc. This will absolutely never change my mind.
He didn't really apologize, did he? He made excuses.
"I don't want people freaking out about something that I just don't think is metabolically significant."
Apparently, we're not capable of deciding what's metabolically significant for ourselves. Okay. Got it.
Literally not even what he said in the quote you gave
What is disturbing about the LMNT scandal for me is that even a tiny amounts of free sugars can have an effect on the brain and trigger addictive behaviour. That's why I don't buy anything with even miniscule free sugars content...
@@btudrus yes, I have an autoimmune disease and I cannot have ANY maltodextrin. I get that it may not effect most folks but for those of us with AI diseases it can be extremely detrimental to our health and we are trying our best to make intentional choices best for our health. I feel duped and will not use LMNT again!
@@wlpc1919 same for myself and many others. as I finally healed through carnivore I saw many carnivore drs promote LMNT so I got them used them. Never realized why I was feeling like shit afterwards. SCAM! Im disgusted. No excuse this guy is a POS
Don't eat an egg then, there's about the same amount.
@@tradermunky1998Just to clarify, from what I read, fresh eggs in the shell do NOT contain maltodextrin. However freeze-dried eggs may.
@@karengarber8257 Yes, but the interior of your body knows zero difference between maltodextrin and the carbs in an egg. Humans can't absorb complex carbs, they have to be first broken down into glucose, so everything coming in is the same thing, or glucose.
And this little amount of maltodextrin is probably broken down by amylase in saliva before even reaching the stomach, certainly right after if not.
And to keep in perspective how much incoming glucose from the maltodextrin and LMNT, it would amount to a little over an eighth of teaspoon of sugar, although half that is fructose.
This hole situation pissed me off so much. I was eating as close a to zero carb diet for almost 2 years & the 5 to 7 carbs I allowed in my body was LMNT and eggs, but I never could get my morning blood sugar to lower under 130 until this scandal came out & I quit using your product. Within 2 weeks of being LMNT free I lost 10 pounds & my morning blood sugar has been rocking around 89 every morning. As far as I'm concerned your product f'd my life. To think that this non disclosure won't hurt people is crazy beyond words. And the fact that you still won't disclose the maltodextrin on your product & are willing to f'k more people's lives up for profit is insane. NO LONGER A FAN OF LMNT. I won't even buy your unflavored product, because who could trust that you don't have something hidden in that too! Bad PR to say the least.
@@Jay-h9d9hwhatever. You knew what he meant.
It’s 1 carb .. it’s not knocking anyone out of ketosis
@@Kroh13 it is proven to harm others with insulin resistance. It may not raise the blood sugar finger check but it is raising insulin causing issues that is not as easily checked.
I entered nursing, and everyone around me were doctors, nurses, nutritionists, etc. At the time, Dr. Atkins was the doctor who was into Carnivore eating. The nutritionist told me the diet was going to kill me, the doctors swore I could not survive with carbohydrates, and the nurse just plain treated me like I was a mental case. I even wondered how I could be right; everyone else was wrong. I finally went off the diet, believing that it was "bad" for my health. My health deteriorated so bad that I eventually quit listening and went back on to the diet. Best decision I have made in years.
So it didn't occur to you that humans have eaten this way for thousands and thousands of years, you know, before we had all the stuff? Mass obesity, diabetes, massive heart disease, peanut allergies, all these auto immune diseases, most of these cancers, etc. I'm not trying to beat you up, just giving you the fuel for defending yourself next time. : ) Thanks for sharing!
Dr swore you couldn't survive WITH carbohydrates?
Really people this is another media sound bite to cause in fighting among carnivore, keto, low carb groups. Two calories in packet in probably not the problem for people but the stevia that keeps the sweetness drive active in carb addicted people. Carnivore groups will often say don’t use artificial or “natural sweeteners” because of carb addiction. Let’s all turn our energies to stopping the attack on cows and forcing ranchers and farmers out of business. Importing beef from other countries is also dangerous to cattle production in the US as they are intentionally sold at lower cost. Try to buy locally grown meats.
@@stvcolwill Funny because I was one of those who it "never occured to"... raised on the Standard American Diet and in Nursing school we had all of 4 hours of Nutrition that pushed eating a diet that included plenty of carbs. Despite my health issues, my body was deteriorating and I couldn't figure out why. A few years ago, a good friend told me about the Keto and Carnivore diet and I thought she was nuts. I legit couldn't wrap my head around this way of eating, muchless give up carbs. Like so many, I had been brainwashed into believing that carbs were a necessity. My friend encouraged me to try keto for a few weeks and she sent me to a Facebook group where I read story after story from people who were reclaiming their health, reversing heart disease, diabetes, getting of meds, etc. All basically anecdotal evidence mind you, and completely antipodal to what the diet "experts" had been recommending. I finally decided to try it out. The results were so significant, that I've never looked back. The diet industry is full of shit.
@@PistolJenny Amen to that! 100% agree with every word of that! Also, sorry, I didn't mean it to sound that way "never occurred to you". Of course it never occurred to us (myself included). Two years in and my story is very very similar to yours. I initially meant it as a defense or answer, and not an accusation.
“We weren’t gonna put it on our package, but we’ll disclose it in customer service.” I know nothing about LMNT, but that sounds shady as hell.
Yeah WTF that is some Bs
@@wlpc1919 They're a bunch of scum bags charging an outragous prices for their product too.. It cost them pennies to make and they sell it for about $1.50 per packet.
Problem is, customer service won’t disclose it publicly. You have to contact them, then they will respond privately. Totally dodgy.
If maltodextrin is just glucose, why would I get debilitating stomach cramps EVERY time I consume it?
I agree
I stopped using LMNT months ago. Love the watermelon flavor but every time I drank it my right ankle swelled up, I gained weight, I broke out in hives and craved sugar like crazy. Once I did my own experiments on my body it was definitely LMNT. An employee emailed me there was 1/2 tsp of maltodextrin between 2 packets. I tried to spread the word to influencers but I was called a liar. Glad to see it finally came out!
Thank you for mentioning this. I have a pesky ankle tendon injury that won’t go away. I never stopped to think it might be the malto in LMNT. While malto doesn’t affect my blood sugar, I have noticed ankle flareups that I couldn’t explain. I’ve been drinking more chocolate LMNT due to the colder weather. Never would have connected the two.
And how does it make you feel to be talked about as holding a pitchfork, an over zealous nitpicker because you’re advocating for your own health?
@@andreahaney6753Great point.
When I drank it my heart would race! I've been out for a few days and feel so much better. Now I know why! I hope this greedy company goes belly up!!!!
@@jtalias Oh it affects your blood sugar - your insulin reacts fast to take it down but that insulin stays elevated all day and inflames everything. No one should be eating maltodextrin
Really? Telling us to grow up and drink unflavored like it's our fault?
Dr Berry why make excuses for Robb? He specifically admitted he did not disclose Maltodextrin on the product but on their website. Totally totally wrong!
Money talks…makes me very sad….Berry was my one hope to see what he was going to say…and he’s defending it.
What other chemically-laden things do you voluntarily shove into your mouth EVERY SINGLE DAY??? Since I KNOW you do not grow or personally manufacture every damn thing you consume, you DO consume chemically-laden food, and the ludicrous concept that you somehow are virginally exempt from chemicals in your food is absurd!!!
Very disappointed with Dr Berry. Lost all respect for him
@808OWSwimmer Be disappointed. Go back on the SAD...if you ever left it. Since I KNOW you do NOT grow or personally manufacture every single thing you shove in your mouth, you voluntarily consume all sorts of chemically-laden foods all day, every day.
@ I’m honestly shocked. Berg and Berry are my favorite. I trust those two with my life.
I feel very betrayed. Watching him sit here and smile when Robb talks about maltodextrin…floors me.
If it's in the product, it should be on the label, especially when you claim no dodgy ingredients.
And it says no sugar. 😮
It was part of the “natural flavors” and not considered to be an ingredient so they don’t have to list or disclose it. The FDA would only make that the law to hide unhealthy ingredients.
@@mommiedearest5337 it's classified as a starch, not a sugar. There's no sugar.
Slimy excuse after slimy excuse. "My intentions were good!" "I didn't hide it, but I wasn't fully transparent!" "In retrospect, I *probably* shouldn't have done that." Probably??? Dude is still in CYA mode when he should be in humble pie mode. And it disturbs me that Dr. Berry prefaced Wolf's explanation by saying he guessed that Wolf wasn't even aware of the actual amount of maltodextrin in the product. A journalist would call that "framing the issue" -- attempting to lead the audience down a particular path before any facts are heard. Not a good look for Dr. Berry, a man I admire and am grateful for.
Dr Berry may have been taught in his childhood to go along in order to get along. He tries endearingly hard to befriend everyone and develop a “tribe”. 😮
quit crying because he didnt go on a witch hunt. do the opposite of what he suggests then, im sure you'll be better off.
I didn’t hear Dr. Berry or Rob Wolf mention food sensitivities or food allergy reactions once. That was the initial report, when someone had a reaction after taking LMNT and went digging to find out what caused it. She found out that it was maltodextrin hidden in the product under “Natural Flavors”. So I am disappointed in Mr. Wolf’s responses in this video, because he knows it’s not about an undisclosed amount of carbs.
I have a corn allergy. I cannot have any corn derivatives as it now gives me breathing issues. And itching. Burning eyes. Etc. And Maltrodextrin is definitely corn!!
People with corn allergy are already struggling bad as its in everything!
@@sarahb.6475 gluten does me that way . Wheezing . Watery eyes joint pain and from what I have found out is all grains have gluten . Just different amounts and when you are sensitive any amount can cause a reaction ..
Yes all grains!!! I’ll try to make my own w cucumber, grapefruit and lemon
@@sarahb.6475the gluten in corn is as bad as gluten in wheat!
Robb Wolf is just another guy trying to get rich off the backs of people trying to get well.
And oddly, he has freely posted the recipe to make your own electrolytes on his website. No charge. I have to wonder if you've actually BOUGHT his products or you are just jumping on the current bandwagon. Make your OWN electrolytes--because you CAN--and STFU!!!
Absolutely. More than likely something worse, and more coordinated unfortunately, but that's just my opinion.
@@joannathesinger770 Chill out Nancy pants. It would be better if he didn't buy his junk.
@@christopherw4527 Says you. Last I heard, this is STILL a free country, and we are all free to choose what products we want to use.
And...don't be a hypocrite...unless you grow or personally manufacture every thing you use or shove in your mouth, then you DO consume some amount of chemically-laden products...and I KNOW you don't!!!
Letting Rob rant on and on and making excuses, screams his dishonesty. Liars always try to claw their way out by continuously talking and making excuses, playing the blame game, going on about their life story and how hard they worked etc etc.. the pattern is there, plain as day.
The LMNT hawker is do full of Shit his eyes are brown!
The longer I listen, the more irritated I get. Berry's experience of 5 lbs weight loss in a short period of time after stopping the consumption of the flavored tells you everything you need to know about consuming LMNT's maltodextrin. But I recall someone suggesting that they couldn't sleep and waking up in the middle of the night wanting to drink LMNT. You can soft talk this all you want, but that only serves the distrust.
So true! I even wrote a comment that got deleted at how addressing his 5 pounds of weight loss missed the point.
All three of them missed the main point which is ….. they blame and dismiss the sickest people in any community who are trying to heal.
Like you said with someone with their sleep, I read a comment here earlier that is 70+ year-old started taking it and had high blood pressure in a week really high.
This podcast was a joke as far as accountability or honesty goes.
This podcast only brought more distrust towards LMNT. Sad.
@@lauracjlaw Yep . . . went from bad to so much worse.
Dr Berry's response to Robb's "explanation," was very disappointing. Smells fishy. Especially his vouching for his honesty after having known him for several years. ???
@jenniferhelder6722. I don't believe he has any connection to the company. He promotes a different product.
@@KateBee123 You are critical without considering that Berry is being wise not to directly challenge his guest. He's not weak, he's smart. He shared his personal experience which clearly emphasized the issue and neither of his guests comment on his experience. Getting booted off UA-cam is what your desired method would achieve. That is the reality.
Dr. Berry, for someone who boldly calls out health "experts" on their BS, this interview was beyond disappointing. Robb simply rambled on with excuses and told his life story without getting TO THE POINT. Being so soft on him while the keto/carnivore mob is shouting loud and clear that this lack of disclosure is unacceptable. Nick, bless you for your patience and concise thoughts. This video only needed to be ten minutes. Robb is dishonest and the damage has been done. I trust Dr. Berry much less now as well.
Dr Berry are you locked into a contract to promote LMNT as so many other Carnivore/Keto influences are?
I agree. I’d expect Dr. Berry to give him a little more shit and he did not.
@@RJ-ry4pu Dr. Berry gave him a love tap. Very surprising and disappointing to me.
@@TrailChapters Any "contract" is voided by FRAUD. Berry isn't "locked in" to anything. He loves the money. It's not complicated.
I believe his wife consumes LMNT and had the brand as sponsor in the past
I watched the entire video and noticed that the LMNT claim/brag of "no dodgy ingredients" was mentioned in the beginning by Berry but never truly addressed by Wolf. He has one excuse after another as to why he chose to not be transparent about the maltodextrin. He starts out appealing to our emotions saying: "25 years ago I nearly died from ulcerative colitis." While I have compassion for that, it sounds a lot like "I was born into a middle class family." He didn't say anything to win my trust. Maltodextrin definitely qualifies as a "dodgy" ingredient. I used the flavored LMNT packets for a solid year in my diet after being on Carnivore for a year and 10 pounds from my goal weight. Here I am a year later and the flavored LMNT packets were the only thing I did different on Carnivore and I attribute that to a 30 pound weight gain in one year. It also exacerbated my IBS which had been in remission for a year. Within 5-15 minutes of consuming the flavored LMNT in my coffee I was running to the restroom. I totally bought into the marketing of "no dodgy ingredients" and thought it must be true because it was just so darn expensive and all the influencers were recommending it. Now I don't even know what products to use or who to believe. Mr. Wolf has had several weeks to formulate his answer and all we got were excuses. Maltodextrin is WORSE than sugar. Nick doesn't seem to add much to the conversation and seems more like an apologist for Wolf's choices. This was such a disappointing podcast. I expected better out of this community. I do applaud Berry for hosting this and letting us hear from Mr. Wolf himself. I wish I could get back the $$$ I spent buying LMNT over the last year.
You explained very clearly exactly what I was feeling, experiencing while listening to to him.
I predict a major downfall for this company. I’m not trying to be mean, I just feel we, as the public are sick and tired of liars and dishonesty, may I say, very tired.
I keep wondering why I don't hear influencers talking about bone broth as a way of supplying magnesium and potassium, etc. ???
@julieann6094 Send them an email. Explain what happened to you after drinking their garbage, and demand a full refund.
@charlottewilliams7866 because you can make it yourself and they can't get rich off of it
I agree with Dr. Ken Berry. The phrase “natural flavors” needs to stop. They should instead list out the extracts, starches, and seasonings. Edit: Even adding percentages next to the flavors could be helpful to inform customers.
Yeah, and come to find out "natural flavors" aren't really all that natural!
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
How do you find that list of sponsors?
Rob is just on damage control on this. I’m never using LMnT again.
@@wlpc1919 pure damage control. I don’t personally believe it’s a significant amount, but it’s like that doctor said, it’s a trust issue.
He’s got to save his business. I can’t blame him. We all make mistakes in life. Give him a break
@@9929kingfish I would be surprised if he could save it. The carnivore milieu is rather absolutist. He should have known that.
Exactly, I'm very surprised that Ken Barry let him on.... Even more surprised that he let Nick on here after his treatment of the whole situation.....
Makes me question everything I've read and watched from Ken Berry
@@9929kingfishit's not a mistake to put something in your brand that is the exact opposite of what people want in what he advertised it as
LMNT is done. They f****d around and found out.
Robb Wolf lied. His tag line -'no dodgy ingredients' is a lie. His response of 'everyone makes mistakes' shows his true character. LMNT is overpriced and over pushed. Aside from the fact that their ratios aren't good and the ingredients are crappy. He's shady and knew exactly what was in his product and what it does to people.
@@Kay-325 he is a bio-chemist. It's his job to know.
@@suewitteman59 I agree, that’s his job, but anyone selling a product of deception for the benefit of getting rich is a crook, and there are a lot of crooks in this world.
Saw the scam from a mile away. Every carnivore UA-camr pushes it?! Make me laugh.
I honestly wanted to try because it looked appealing but yet I was not totally sold on it. And yes I thought it was two of her priced. I thought of my body needs sodium I'll just take a couple flakes of sea salt and put it under my tongue before I drink something.
I tried all the flavors and watermelon was my favorite although I still struggled to get it down. And yes, way overpriced for some salt and a few minerals.
His voice is shaky and he’s nervous. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Ugh I used LMNT everyday, not using ever again. Shady is bad
So sorry. I never did. Anything being promoted -- NO THANK YOU! They are so full of BS.
I almost bought it but I thought it was overpriced.
His excuses are just bs. He thinks we can’t read labels and deciding what goes on the label, he acts like omission is ok. I’m so furious. Jerk
Yes he knew exactly what choice informed consumers would make if maltodextrin was on the label and how that would translate to their profit margin. 1 LMNT prior to bloodwork raised my fasting blood sugar level to 119. Normally 90. A friend of mine is a type one diabetic and was using LMNT which was dangerous. Completely unacceptable on endless levels.
Admitting you made a mistake is not easy.
Robb has a degree in chemistry. And he’s a business owner.
1. He should know better than to simply accept that the shipments he receives are what they say on the box. His own chemists need to randomly sample and confirm batches regularly.
2. Putting an ingredient in a blogpost is bullshit. If it’s in the package, it needs to be on the label.
3. I hired Robb to provide me with electrolytes. I didn’t hire him to decide what ingredients matter TO ME. That isn’t ’majoring in the minors’; that’s me taking responsibility for my own health goals.
4. If I happened to be a Type I diabetic, trying to wrestle my glucose into some sort of control, swigging a sugared drink is not a minor concern. Robb needs to not gaslight me into thinking it doesn’t matter.
5. Ken: You are entirely too forgiving in this interview because he’s your friend and part of the low-carb tribe. Demand accountability for the health of your patrons. He chose NOT to disclose the facts where they matter.
I tossed my LMNT out. The dishonesty was enough for me. LMNT posted it on the website but not on the packaging. I know of 5 other families who stopped LMNT as well.
Me too. Neisha recommended making your own the other night. I’m gonna do that.
I stopped and asked for a refund. They obliged.
And to think the government make Costco destroy 88,000 pounds of butter for not have "made with milk" on the packaging.
I stopped - who would buy from this company now? I am unsubbing every influencer who still hawks this stuff.
Plus the gentleman's reaction to how we are only a small subset (paraphrase) of his market - he is not losing much. We are only ones making a big deal about this. That is a slap in the face along with the dishonesty. At least he learned to be transparent 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
This is absolutely not comparable to Costco not labeling a milk allergy warning on butter. No kid gloves for LMNT. You made the choice to be deceptive.
And he's still being deceptive, by using weasel words to describe his dishonesty. His company deserves to fail, and I hope it does.
@@SplashJohn..i agree with the first part of what you said totally...but not wishing bad for anyone ✝️.. iam surprised Dr Berry supports the dishonesty.
@@gypsyrider237 I'm not wishing "bad" for anyone, only justice or Karma or whatever you like to call it. When a business is built on dishonesty, failure is the just outcome. If customers choose to ignore dishonesty and continue to buy from a dishonest company, they reward/incentivize dishonesty.
@@SplashJohn ..understandable :)
@@SplashJohnthat’s a terrible thing to say.
so sad. I used a lot of this expensive stuff. I'm done. I think it's flat out disgraceful. Just as bad as any of the other corrupt stuff going on in this world. Don't make excuses for him Dr. Berry. It doesn't look good on you.
He says (19:25) "The Keto/Carnivore scene was absolutely up in arms, pitchforks ready to go. Once you took one step out of that community nobody cared at all.... And the high power athletic scene, people consume maltodextrin by the kilo " .. Geeze, read the room and know your audience. Why dismiss us as if WE are the problem?? Perhaps recognize that the Keto/Carnivore communities are more knowledgeable and enlightened than others.
Yep, sounds like the Dems after the election. Blame the idiot voters.
I don't see LMNT promoted by influencers outside of the carnivore/keto space. I see a lot of other supplements and protein powders promoted in the weightlifting space. Seems like most of the customer base is in the carnivore/keto space. What other space is he referirng to?
Exactly right. I've spent a lot of time educating myself on all the lies about food, and now I find out about this. I don't want any carbohydrate in my body!
We are the target customer, if not at the very least a large portion of the people investing in this expensive product. Our community raising hell about this issue is the only reason we’re even talking about it.
And it’s a very good talking point that the few companies the carnivore community trusts be trustworthy.
I was floored by this comment also. What an absolute douche bag. I don't consume stuff like LMNT (having worked in manufacturing, I know the dirty secrets) but those carno/keto people who chose to use the product fully expected this product to be free of nonketo ingredients and THEY KNEW IT. This was blatant fraud.
Maltodextrin is a white powder made from the starches of plants like corn, rice, potato, wheat, or tapioca: The starches are cooked at a high temperature. Enzymes or acids are added to break down the starches. Maltodextrin is a highly processed carbohydrate that's used as a food additive
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
@@DangerZone-w6y I answered on another thread, but carnivore is only animal products so anything with natural flavors is technically not pure carnivore.
As far as keto, I don't know why you would think it's not keto with 2 calories from half a gram of maltodextrin which is just another carb chain that will be broken down with enzymes into glucose before even being absorbed.
Well well.
Sounds like man knows he fkd up.
It’s a money heist.
@@tradermunky1998 Well.. KETOGENIC is a clean diet... and maltodextrin is NOT A CLEAN INGREDIANT. But feel free to consume it..as you desire.
Here's the deal.. I love the flavor off LMNT.. but.. I'm carnivore.. and I definitely dont want or need MALTODEXTRIN or any highly processed food in my diet.
There's also the issue that LMNT FLAT OUT LIED about it.. How or why would I continue to pay a high price for product by a company that LIED TO ME?
Disappointed that Ken is not holding Robb to an ethical standard . Everyone’s true colors are showing
Dr. Berry you have always said: " you don't need to eat those keto products-there is sugar in them."
Why is Dr. Berry trying so hard to help these guys out with this interview, it's just makes me want to stop watching Dr. Berry because of this interview. In my opinion, it also hurts his reputation with his viewers. Or is it just me? Is he doing it just because he promotes them and he makes a bundle as an affiliate and he doesn't want to lose $$. Something isn't right here.
Does anyone else have a problem with Dr. Berry's reactions as well? After all this year, he talked like he wanted products to be cleaned up...not so much now based on this interview. Something's not right here. I've always loved and trusted Dr. Berry and followed his recommendations. Now, not so much any more. =)
@lanitaford1239 He is not sponsored by LMNT.
@@littleone31917 I was referring to being an affiliate, rather than a sponsor necessarily. Thanks for your feedback. =)
@@lanitaford1239 he doesn’t push LMNT. He has his own formula called “Keto Chow”.
@@Jock191 Thanks for your feedback.
LMNT: After COVID I wanted to be transparent but I wasn’t. 🙄 BYE BYE LMNT. Transparency is KING!
Nothing is transparent as you think
The logical inference is that if COVID had never happened, Robb would today feel no need (much less compulsion) to be transparent.
@@SplashJohnYour logic is both weak and flawed.
@@KateBee123 Telling someone their logic is weak AND flawed IS classy...and correct. Both you and John are wrong in this. I'm extremely tired of people who function out of emotions trying to think they function out of logic when they don't really understand what logic IS.
My "STFU" comment was to determine if they were BOTS (they are) because NONE of those "people" have responded to my comments...not ONE...thus, they were NOT actual people. THAT is how logic works.
They are BOTS set up to attack LMNT ANY and ALL times they are mentioned...and those actual people who function out of emotions assume they are real and the indignation is rampant...and it's not. They are plying on your emotional response.
I hope you learn something. This AI world we are having to reckon with can sort you out quickly and intentionally. BTW...I'm not even sure John is not a BOT. Only you responded...but he has not. BOTS are not able to respond.
We picked LMNT thinking this was great, clean to take …. We understand the world food is corrupt…. As a woman 58 I was eating carnivore and stalled out. Doing everything correct never thought it was something I was drinking…. My insulin was high and not coming down… now I know why! Very upset 🤬
I hope Robb understands going forward that there are people who need to be in ketosis for serious medical reasons & it does matter. He doesn't get to decide for us if it matters. This kind of stuff plays into the FDA's arguments for regulating supplements, which would be a disaster.
@@CarnivoreCommunicator There is half a gram of carbs from the maltodextrin, about the same amount of carbs in an egg. That kicks you out of ketosis?
@tradermunky1998 Not saying that - saying we need an accurate picture to calculate. My son is keto and has a very tight margin in terms of total carbs he can't go over, so knowing what's in everything he eats matters.
It doesn’t knock me out of Ketosis and I use it during long runs and marathons . I’m not crying over it
@@CarnivoreCommunicator He broke no laws, just like all the egg companies not disclosing there are carbs in eggs. Or anyone else using natural flavors. Maybe you just expect more of him than any other company?
@@Kroh13 Good for you. You also don't have an allergy to it, apparently. For some people, the amount in one stick pack serving could send them to the ER. People with a severe maltodextrin allergy need to know everything that's in a product by reading the ingredients label, and it wasn't on the label. That is the point here, which you seem to be missing.
We were getting LMNT. Not anymore. We don't like sneaky companies.
He gives the recipe to make this yourself. Admirable I think!
@MaryWise-cn8mc he said in the interview that he will market it more to the athletes who love high carbs and sugars for the cardio energy. He got caught and now forced to shift the bulk of his electrolytes to a different group.
@@jimrutherford2773 I understand that but the recipe for the plain has always been available for those of us who don’t want any kind of sugars.
Since the product does not ship overseas, I will not be buying it again. Now I’m not even sad about that choice.😮
I hope Dr Berry & his wife stop pushing it too.
We don’t FEEL we have been misled…WE HAVE BEEN MISLED!!!!
Dr Berry should not make excuses about this deception.
He’s upset me more than any of them.
Dr. Berry’s response is very disappointing.
If the man trawls out his line about how doctors are just dudes and chicks, I will laugh out loud. 🐣 🤣 🐣 😂 🐣
If they are friends, so he is biased in this case.
What would you have done if it was your friend? Its easy to be harsh to strangers .
It's Robb unaware of how maltrodextrin can affect a sugar addicts addiction?
But wasn’t maltodextrin on the label anyway, only the dosage was the query?
I wouldn’t buy stuff with sweeteners anyway while in doubling keto.
Sure he was aware. If your want more, you'll buy more. Create the demand by any means to sell more product.
"We put it on the blog but not on the packaging" That's deceptive. I would never buy that product.
I agree. I am sure I'm not the only person that reads the product labels and not the company blog or website.
When Dr Tro exposed this I sent LMNT an email and basically got no accountability back from the company. No apology, no responsibility, just a lot of blah blah blah. I cancelled our monthly subscription. If LMNT wants to make it right, they need to reach out to actual customers without using the influencers that are locked into an advertising contract with them already. Transparency and accountability would have been a much better response when this was occuring and consumers were finding out truth. 😢 I literally drank this everyday thinking I was doing something positive towards my health. It's really not ok that they did not disclose the truth in this and take responsibility. DO BETTER.
I wish Dr. Berry would call him on the bullshit!!
Exactly! I ordered them specifically because I saw Dr. Berry and Neisha promoting them. Dissappinted in Dr. Berry. instead of defending the consumer he's just nodding his head in what seems to be in agreement with what this idiot has to say. No excuse a lie is a damn lie
I get it.. I think that Dr. Berry wanted us to hear the info and come to our own conclusions without the need to call him out.
@@maryrowan418 true, but Dr. Berry knew Rob Wolf's own words would either clear him or condemn him.
@@edita5Ken and Neisha haven’t been promoting LMNT for awhile. They’ve promoted SALTT instead. I couldn’t understand why until the maltodextrin controversy broke.
Agreed. Dr. Berry was way too easy on Robb and essentially gave him a platform to spew his lame excuse for lying to us all. Where's the offer to refund us???
30:00 Nick says, "In fact [Robb] went out of his way to provide *some* degree of transparency when he could have just brushed it under the rug."
I don't think Nick has thought that through. The fact is, "some degree of transparency" has been a favorite tactic of liars since the beginning of human history. Admit part of the truth in the hope that it will satisfy the investigator and thus deflect further investigation.
Absolutely. That's what satan did in the garden
Based on this video, it sounded like they did try to brush it under the rug. The real dose wasn't revealed till the 2nd time around. First it was hidden, then it was revealed only a small smigit was in there when people became suspicious and asked due to some customers with allergic reactions, and they only revealed the real dosage after they were caught.
Robb, I'm a very senior Carnivore. I am a Texan. I am a Lean Mass Hyper Responder. My Medical Practitioners don't have a clew what to do with me.
I went from Keto to PHD in LockStep with Doc Berry, moving beyond Doc Bosworth and Keto.
My point for you sir, you lied to me. I don't give a Flying F**K why!
You took my money under false pretenses.
ps, Nick, ❤❤❤!! Go Go Go
@@tomdeweese9547 exactly
Agree. I'm utterly disgusted with Rob and his crappy excuses.
You give us other Texans a bad name. What an asshat!!!
Bottom line is they did not disclose on label. It doesn’t matter what the legal requirements are. They should have taken the high road and disclosed.
LMNT dude is SUPER nervous. You can tell he knows he got caught being shady. He had hoped no one would find out. His voice is super shakey and he's trying so hard to spin a story. He reeks of dishonesty. Thats does suck because I really liked their carbonated beverages. Hopefully someone else comes out with a better one.
Edit: Berry must be a stock holder to defend him so much.
I was trying to remember, I think the company
( post controversial enlightenment) stated that there was NO Malto in the carbonated drinks nor the RAW-no-flavor powder. Anyways, still shady as F!
I really didn’t read his shaky voice as guilt or shadiness. Imagine having to speak to an angry mob and own up to mistakes you made. I know my voice would be shaking. Sincerity and feeling bad about what happened or that you contributed to can result in some elevated heart rates and shaky voice. I’d be more concerned about his intentions if he was confident in what he was saying and acted like he could care less about how his consumers feel, that he didn’t think he did anything wrong.
Maltodextrin is the worst kind of Sugar as well
It is 1.5 as spiky on your blood sugar. It’s terrible - making insulin spike all day inflaming everything.
I agree! Made from gmo corn . Should not be in a product advertised for health.
I am soo impressed with the unanimous distrust of Robb Wolf that we see here in the comments, he comes off like many other corporate CEO's , not satisfied with his millions, he needs to squeeze out even more profit, can't let the true ingredients get in the way.
I had to stop listening to Mr "No Dodgy Ingredients". He's become a DODGY INGREDIENT himself. No more LMNT for me anyway because I noticed I was reacting to LMNT a few weeks before the word came out about the maltodextrin. What a betrayal.
I cannot believe that they have been this dishonest. 15 mins in, it is clear that they knew it included maltodextrin and DID NOT INCLUDE IT IN THE INGREDIENTS! We were using LMNT for our carnivore diet and my wife was using 1 packet per day. Yet it include carbs which completely goes against the carnivore diet. I am just really disgusted.
It's a money grab. We all have to earn but this is no better than the rest of "big food."
what is the reason they put it in at all? It doesn't add any nutrition or anything... I don't get it. It's just carbs for no reason
@@JulieRohloff As an item for the fruit flavorings to.hold onto. He explains that in the beginning.
@@littleone31917 Oh, thank you for responding! (I should pay closer attention!)
The milk-in-butter discloser is NOT on the same level as non disclosure of maltodextrin competely! I feel betrayed.
And I was LIVID when I heard that Costco threw it out. Come on people know that butter is made from milk. A total waste of product!!
And yet, you voluntarily shove chemically-laden food into your mouth EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! In know this because I KNOW you do NOT grow or personally manufacture everything you consume!!! Damn hypocrite!!!
@@di4085 Cause too many vegan and fake products on the market.
@@di4085..sad !
I trust Berg and Berry the most. Sadly, rethinking one of my 2 favorite doctors. And I do not say this lightly.
quit crying because he didnt go on a witch hunt. do the opposite of what he suggests then, im sure you'll be better off.
@ never cried. Not asking him to go on a witch hunt.
@@everettcarroll7428 Come up with a new line. Have an original thought rather than repeating the same boring lines to everyone on here. Are you just a troll? Are you related to these people?
@@lanitaford1239 thank you. 😊👏👍
@@tricianottingham1785 you passed judgment on dr berry. that shows a severe lack of comprehension on the topic.
What a crock I'm busy cooking & just listening to this nonsense & there sure is alot of back peddling going on here I'm more disappointed in you Dr Berry for making excuses for this man I can hear it in your voices Between the corrupt government, medical system , FDA is worse to allow what's been going on I'm 80 years old & spent a lifetime in this world & it's horrible & getting worse We'll Mr Robb Wolf part owner ,you didn't have to legally disclose this & you didn't It's alittle late 😢
Im disappointed too. But he has endorsed this product for years so honestly it makes sense Berry is making excuses. SMH
I agree. Typical of a rich scammer, no accountability. I would never buy this crap!
The fact that any amount of maltodextrin was in it was unbeknownst to me, and I would have never purchased the product if I had known, so that was very deceiving and wrong of LMNT. With stevia or monk, food, or allulose being in it, I have no problem. Here I was drinking this crap and then thinking something was wrong with me because I couldn't lose weight even while fasting.
If you declare no dodgy ingredients, shouldn't you know the ingredients? Oh wait! They DID know. They did test. So they lied and now they're minimizing instead of just owning it.
LMNT is 85% expensive refined flavored sea salt
Exactly. Make your own electrolyte powder. It’ll cost you about 3 cents a serving. lol
Ridiculous $45 a box for salt packets.
@tinadehart3526 Bingo! Lmnt is only popular because content creators get paid to advertise it. If anyone look and do the math on the actual contents, it's a complete ripoff
@@JYAN2852i thought that immediately and have been annoyed at content creators pushing it for years
Exactly. People cannot wait to give their money away for NOTHING. It’s so stupid. I never bought any.
@@JYAN2852it’s so obvious. And grotesque.
Its nothing to do with calories - it says No Dodgy Ingredients and we Carnivores read every label. You've lost my trust and business.. And time your dodgy partner resigned too!
REPEATED decisions to not include maltodextrin on the label is inexcusable. Personally, I never purchased LMNT because it is so easy to get the electrolytes naturally AND why the hell would anyone pay so much for a product that's mostly salt? It was always a rip-off. Just one more more case in point: processed = problem.
I cancelled my subscription to LMNT, EVERYTHING SHOULD BE ON THE LABEL!!!!
I cancelled also
I am tired of having companies hide stuff in food. I read all food labels. Can't trust anyone. I actually canceled my sub with LMNT. They lost my trust...just one more food company in a long long list.
Such a disappointment. I can’t even listen to the interview. I stopped using the product the day I found out. Some people shouldn’t have sugar in any form whatsoever. I wondered why I gained weight and why I was having sweet cravings. This is pure deceit! Maybe someone will sue the company.
I hope he gets sued. Labels should be full disclosure. He decided not to for the sake of GREED. Plain and simple.
Hope the company tanks. Ridiculously priced product for what you're getting anyway.
100% agree way overpriced!
By law (in my country anyway) you are allowed a certain percentage of ingredients that are unlisted (tiny, under a couple percent of the full formulation)... HOWEVER.... if you are marketing a keto product as sans these kinds of ingredients, all the while having it in there.... that is completely deceptive and there would be a case there.
I'm sorry, but Maltodextrin wasn't on the packaging purely for revenue issues. I avoid caffeine completely now, and I would want to know if a product had even a small amount, so maltodextrin should be listed. Also, Robb knows the average person won't see the disclosures made on their blog, etc.
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
I don't read his blogs. I never saw anything and was deeply saddened by the deceit. I'm told the Sparkling doesn't have maltodextrin and have been drinking that now. We'll see how it affects me as I am extremely sensitive to maltodextrin.
@@Tangible_D I agree and I chose LMNT over Ultima Replenisher because I wanted the flavor but trusted the ingredient label. I should have known because it was still so sweet….
@@kimdawcatgirlthe maltodextrin is used in powders to add bulk to the flavorings. There is no reason to add it in the liquid ones.
@@synergyb3926 Thanks! Good to know.
People don’t care about the complexities of manufacturing. All they want is be able to trust food companies. The producers of Halo Top ice cream, Quest, and Atkins have sold out to the “dark side,” and the LMNT scandal looks the same.
Not as transparent as I should have been is a very nice way of saying that you were deceptive
Robb: what we thought was if we told the truth we would lose money.
Dr berry started the interview offering an excuse for robb wolfe. I lost respect for him right there.
His personal story only makes this worse, they knew, but hid behind the legality of the “natural flavors” law/rule. “We were shocked”, about how much money we were raking in with dodgy ingredients.
The carnivore influencers who have recommended this product aren't innocent either. Dr. Berry and Dr. Chaffee are the only people I trust in this space.
@@kjetternDr. Berry's wife sponsors it
@@netta96 probably not after this
All i hear is a lot of excuses as to why they are not and will not put the contents of their product on the packaging
Oh, sorry, I didn’t read the blog. My bad. I should have known I’m supposed to read blogs to know what’s in my food, not the LABEL on the product. Don’t worry about changing your product for the keto/carnivore group, you’ve already lost their business.
Maybe a class action law suit against LMNT is in order... I'd surely jump in.
A public apology would be enough for me. Unfortunately, it appears we’re just going to get more excuses.
What he did sadly is legal. The FDA allows over 1000+ ingredients to be listed as "natural flavors" = its nothing but a con game to keep citizens sick & overweight.
I doubt that's possible. The amount is less than what's legally required by packaging regulations, so there's no legal basis.
Seriously .. what a waste of time . Why don’t you fight Pepsi they put the stuff in the sparkling water and it’s not listed .
@@Kroh13 we know Pepsi is s#it but they CHOSE not to be honest because we DON'T need to know.
I WAS very upset because I did a 21 day water only (but I drank LMNT) as step one of a new strategy in a cancer battle. I felt soooo betrayed after years of betrayal from the medical world and the health world. I tried so hard to be “healthy” for decades only y to o continually learn that I was lied to all along the way. That said, I’m very glad for your attitude toward this. I have been using LMNT for about 2 years and always give away the free sample packets they often send me sad o friends can try LMNT. I have had to do my own disclaimer thing with all the people I “converted” to LMNT. I will be watching and honestly I’m hopeful that I can come back to LMNT.
You only had water for 21 days .. that doesn’t seem correct
@@Kroh13 You can last 100+ days on only water. Obviously it depends on your body composition starting out.
A lot of cancers thrive on glucose. Effectively you are starving them when your body goes into ketosis and burns ketones for energy rather than glucose.
@@doctormarazanvose4373longest water fast I done was 5 days .. how did u start refeeding after 21 days ? Thats what I am scared of . I dont want to have refeeding syndrome ..congrats though. Hope it helped 😊
@@NolaC69 It wasn't me that did 100+ day water fast. There was a documentary following a guy who did it - under supervision of his doctor I may add.
Refeeding is typically a slow process starting with liquids such as bone broth due to its high nutrient density.
All three men in this conversation, whether they realise it or not, gas lit the consumers of LMNT as the 'problem' rather than discussing the complete issue, not a version that supports their own agendas. Dr Berry saying only a tiny fraction of people react to maltodextrin, and 'I consume it and it doesn’t harm me' feels like dereliction of the health needs, even if only a tiny fraction of his overall followers, of those of us who have issues with maltodextrin. Robb's stance is more perplexing. He says he has Crohn’s and would know of the severe intestinal problems certain foods cause people, how could he chose not to label his product and protect people like himself? Then Nick's discussion, well, trying to say it's a psychological problem within the community, a little issue being blown out of proportion, is just another attempt to make the consumer seem as neurotic. One can see how complex humanity is, how owning up to mistakes is hard to do, and why money seems to talk louder than 'health'. Final thought, cross contamination is a 'real' concern and the unflavoured version could be problematic too. All three men in this conversation, in their hearts, know the error and is it to much to ask for people to be honest and transparent?
I spent many years in co-packaging. Mixing and packaging some of the top brand garbage out there. One of the things you cannot do is deviate from the ingredients you are given from the company you are packaging for. They knew what was in their product.
Yep. Totally unethical.
I Unsubed from every channel that's continuing to promote LMNT! They are vastly all KETO and Carnivore channels - GO FIGURE!. They wont give up all the cash their rakeing in from promoting it. I had ordered the 4 box special and just cancelled my next order and I wont be purchasing it again. THEY LIED!
@@DangerZone-w6y I can’t say for sure but I’m betting anyone still promoting it has a contract they have to fulfill 🤷♂️
Issue refunds rather than make excuses.
LOL. Robb has already shown us how ethically challenged he is. Profits over truth. Shady MF.
That's not fair to the manufacturer. He was completely within the law.
I just received two refunds. $300. That's A lot of money. Trying to help my health.
@@judyking4597 the claim of "zero sugar hydration" and "no dodgy ingredients" were boldface lies.
Oh Dr. Berry. My literal hero that I have sent hundreds to look at your videos will now never do that again. You were a no nonsense,straight to the point and tell it like it is person now condoning a liar! Why? Money? Dammit to hell. Sponsors or not you should have dropped them immediately.
“I just wanted to lie to the public.”
Maybe he is a practicing politician 😂😂😂😂
Done with LMNT
HOW MUCH DO THESE GUYS GET PAID TO SUPPORT LMNT??? Clearly a lot. This interview makes me even more upset than I was….
I'm sure dr.ken didn't think the comments would turn out so negative.....but 95% are pro TRUTH!
@ ironic right? I’ve learned to look at actions…not words…he’s showing us his actions.
I never bought LMNT anyway, but this will make me sure I never even try it. I hope it destroys their company. I have no tolerance of dishonesty.
AND yet...you voluntarily shove all SORTS of chemically-laden foods all day, every day, and you aren't out there trolling their products, and STILL bend your elbow to shove it in your mouth!!! What a damn hypocrite!!!
Admit it ,you lied to us to increase profitability 🤬
Exactly! The company comes off as very legit (why prices are so high) people trusted them, really sucks! ~sigh~
Yup. Scam artists
Nick is insulting people who say that the maltodextrin was harmful for us. And who was only consuming 1 a day, most of us were consuming more, so saying that half a gram of maltodextrin is nothing is not true because many people were consuming multiple of them per day, sometimes one after the other. He is saying there is group think going on. I don't think he knows what groupthink is.
LMNT lost me as a customer and not sure this interview did anything to get me back. Just made poor decisions and didn’t even read the conversation correctly. I just believe this was a huge fumble and Robb made terrible judgements. Just safer to steer clear.
Bad decisions, yes, but worse, Robb learned the wrong lesson. "Do whatever you can get away with until customers complain about it."
I feel sorry for the guy, and hope people will not unsubscribe from his excellent newsletter. 🤞
@@SplashJohn Nope, he hasn't even learned that that lesson either. You're implying that he can now read the room and react based on the backlash. That's not happening either. Huge failure (second one now).
According to this video, his answer was to bring in a LEGAL guy. Also, there doesn't seem to be any plans at all to go ahead and rectify by putting anything different on the packaging. He's standing on "everyone outside the keto-people don't care", and also 'We don't legally have to post it'.
I hear the tremendous stress in his voice. I appreciate the willingness to accept responsibility for the decisions made. How ever the culture of accepting percentages of this and that are unacceptable to me. When multiple products have a tiny percentage of additives that becomes accumulative. There are so many products that when I delve deep and reach out to manufacturers I find additives that have bled into a product but the ingredients are not listed. I grew up in the manufacturing industry. The average person has no idea what it takes to manufacture and bring a product to the market. Many ingredients are added to allow the machinery to move and process the product better. For example there are multiple thickners listed as GRAS added to endless products. I used to have life threatening ulceritis colitis and Carnivore changed my life. ( thank you Dr. BERRY!!)My intestines DO NOT TOLERATE guar gum, carageneen, xanthan gum etc. But these thickners allow processing in manufacturering to run smoothly. I also do not accept the " natural flavorings" term. I tell people all the time rocks are natural. Summary: yes we can say a small percentage of an ingredient is not an issue.....but the same small percentage is in so many products that at the end of the day a person may be consuming a higher amount than they really know. In my case the reaction I have to the gum thickners alerted me to a daily accumulation that reached a tipping point of harming my gut.
Agreed, with the manufacturing of product. The lay person has no clue what is involved in manufacturing a product. I wonder if they had an MSDS sheet for each product.
His "willingness" is a marketing decision, full stop.
Carries... This statement is even more true given that There's more Malto than Potassium, and there's more Malto than Magnesium. There's only three ingredients listed: Salt, Potassium, and Magnesium. He literally chose not to list an ingredient that was second largest if it was.
BS. No way would LMNT sell if we the consumers knew what was in the product. He knew. I’m so pissed on how much I consumed. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you.
I'm not believing Robb Wolf at all .
What a piece of garbage for purposely tricking people trying to get healthy.
Is that what you got from this interview???
@@littleone31917 yep, that's what I got. (one of the things). Dude, their marketing literally says 'no dodgy ingredients' yet there's more Malto than Potassium. More Malto then Magnesium!
@@littleone31917I agree with the post
The Founder clearly is sitting back getting a fat cheque every month and has no idea what he is selling…yikes.
The comment‘people don’t understand the complexity…really? We DONT NEED TO KNOW…we need YOU to know. We just want to know what we are actually buying….you just need to tell us…honestly.
…people are being ‘experts….’ No…they are just saying‘I want to control what I put in my body….
If you’re going to be a producer, be the consumer. Hiding certain ingredients due to a fear business loss is a reputation killer. Be ethical, ALWAYS be fully transparent and let the consumer decide, regardless of an ingredient’s significance. The hint of impropriety destroys trust.