OCPD: Why do we have to overcomplicate everything?

  • Опубліковано 10 бер 2018
  • OCPD: My Life In Debris - Vlog Episode 004 Why do we have to overcomplicate everything?
    This latest vlog is presented as more of a regular release video. Although discussing things of a personal nature, we really delve into how OCPD might shape someone’s work style and the quality and quantity of their output. If you have OCPD and you’re looking to self-identify where OCPD can be more of a hindrance than a help, I hope that you’re able to get something out of this episode.
    Email your questions to:
    to have them answered in an episode.
    The International OCPD Foundation:
    1:1 Video or Call Consultation & Support:
    / ocpd_my_life_in_debris
    OCPD: My Life In Debris is a channel dedicated to helping sufferers of obsessive compulsive personality disorder and those dealing with the people in their life that are afflicted with this personality disorder. We will delve into topics covering detailed explanations of the disorder, exploring treatment options, interviews with sufferers, how to live with the disorder, interviews with those that have people in their life with OCPD, and talks with treatment professionals. In addition, we will explore personality disorders and mental health disorders and how to navigate the world when these are a part of your daily life.
    最近、日本で􏰀パーソナリティ障害クラスターC 群がますます増えてきている点で、私􏰁注意 を引きました。こ􏰁ようなことが起きている理由を説明する􏰁􏰀困難ですが、日本􏰁文化がそ 􏰁一端を担っていると考える􏰁􏰀不自然で􏰀ないでしょう。チャネル􏰁アナリティクスを確認し てみると、私􏰁コンテンツに􏰀アジア、特に日本から􏰁関心が寄せられていることがわかりま す。こ􏰁チャンネル􏰁目的􏰀、できるだけ多く􏰁人にメッセージを届け、役に立ててもらうことな 􏰁で、動画を日本語字幕付きで提供することにしました。コンテンツ􏰀、特に「強迫性パーソナ リティ障害」をテーマにしています。強迫性パーソナリティ障害􏰀、日本でも多く見られる強迫 性障害と􏰀別􏰁疾患です。強迫性パーソナリティ障害􏰀、略して OCPD と呼􏰂れており、また 文献上で􏰀強迫性パーソナリティ障害 (Anankastic personality disorder (APD)) とも呼􏰂れて います。OCPD 􏰀、白か黒か􏰁思考と完璧主義的な特徴を持つ障害です。実際􏰁特徴􏰀、􏰀 るかに複雑ですが、それを説明するために動画を用意しました。内容がお役に立てれ􏰂、ある い􏰀少なくとも情報として参考にしていただけれ􏰂幸いです。ご覧いただきありがとうございま した。また、以下にお気軽にコメントをお寄せください。


  • @daniellesdocuments4154
    @daniellesdocuments4154 4 роки тому +11

    Listening to your explanation cracks me up because it sounds like an explanation I would give 😂 it is so multi-layered and you would have lost the average person minutes ago.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  4 роки тому +3

      Danielle's Fitness Journey I suppose you're probably right. Good thing my target audience isn't the "average" person. :)

  • @brittanystorey9460
    @brittanystorey9460 Рік тому +1

    Every time I watch someone talk about OCPD and their work process I am relieved; I’m not the only one who goes through this. Validating to say the least.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  Рік тому

      Brittany Storey you are definitely not alone. We are all here to support each other.

  • @redrockasrama7215
    @redrockasrama7215 6 років тому +6

    You are wonderful. Thank you for putting so much effort and energy into your content. I went so crazy that I deleted almost a years worth of movies off my channel. Now I regret it and it is difficult to start over. Wear your glasses if you need to. I am autistic and you have to do what you need regardless of what it "looks like". Id say you are hot but not sure if that would be creepy. I'm so sorry that your equipment is giving you a hard time. I don't even have a computer and it is difficult to record on your phone with no editing ability what so ever. I said that I had to give up perfectionism cold turkey when I started recording. I struggle with refusal to do things unless I can do it perfectly. I just told my new therapist that I had been doing research and that I believe I have ocpd. I hope you feel better soon. And know that we love you no matter what. Don't apply extra pressure to satisfy the viewers. If you need time than take it. If you feel funny than make the joke. I know it can be awkward thinking your family or friends might view something. It is also difficult to know where the line of personal information is. Its difficult to tell stories that require filtering. I can relate to everything you say and I appreciate everything you share. No pressure. It is us that puts the most judgement on ourselves.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому +1

      RedRock Asrama thank you for your comment. It was nice of you to take the time to touch on most of the points I made in the video. So sorry that you felt the need to delete so many videos off of your channel. Please just make them private next time so that you can retain the option to share them again. Good for you for being strong enough to make them in the first place though. I just checked out one of your videos and saw the donkeys and read about your ranch. Sounds like you're somebody that puts a lot of positivity into the world. Thank you for that. I'm fortunate to have subscribers like you that offer me the encouragement to keep going. I do have three more videos filmed from the past few months. So as soon as I can find the time to get them edited they will be released. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy the new videos when they come.

  •  4 роки тому +5

    Can I ask you something? How difficult is it for you to have people around you, who understand your rambling, your explanations, your search for perfection? (Also, I think you're doing a tremendous job by getting things done. I go through the same thought process as you, and I give up most of the time. Which puts me in a state of depression as a result. It is not easy to get to the finish line when you keep adding obstacles in your path)

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  4 роки тому +1

      Jaqueline Gusmão Madsen thanks for the question. I'd love to answer it, but I need a little clarity. Are you asking how difficult it is to find people that can tolerate my traits and behaviors, or are you asking me how difficult is it for me to be around other people due to my perfectionism? I think you're asking the former, but I want to be sure. Also, thanks for all the kind words. I struggle every single day with depression and my thought processes. In the long run this channel didn't work as a place for me to discuss those specific topics. But I'm in the process of putting together a podcast that I will announce on this channel and which should be coming out this month.

    •  4 роки тому +1

      @@OCPD_support Now you made me think about both questions actually. I was asking about how people tolerate your traits, yes. Because people are not naturally drawn to me, apparently I'm scary or whatever, but I've learned to play the clown and I'm loved, until they get to know the real me. Then they run for the hills. But I also find it so difficult to want people around me, because they bore the fuck outta me.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  4 роки тому +2

      @ that's a hard one to answer. I'm often surprised when people tell me that they enjoy my company. My best guess is that people are drawn to authenticity and self confidence. And even though we may be brash and filled with self doubt, I think that sometimes we project the opposite and for some odd reason people find that different or refreshing. I'm still trying to figure that out. The fact is also, that us with OCPD all have our own unique personalities. So each of us are going to attract and repel different people.
      As far as wanting to be around other people, I'm more of a solitary person anyway. I find other people annoying, ignorant or boring much of the time as well. I have to fight those tendencies from time to time in order to be social as I understand the benefits of being social. But I struggle with this the same as you.

    •  4 роки тому +1

      @@OCPD_support looking forward for the podcast 😊

  • @huricanekat5706
    @huricanekat5706 6 років тому +2

    Kudos on not only starting this channel but still sticking with it and producing videos despite the difficulties that you face. I have dealt with anxiety for most of my life and with depression on and off for the same amount of time. Needless to say that I can certainly understand your struggle, even more so as I believe I have OCPD as well just not yet diagnosed. I myself have been considering the idea of starting a vlog but get overwhelmed with all that it entails and the responsibility of it. One worry and there for block that I have to starting a vlog has to do with a condition that I have that can legitimately cause me to physically or mentally not be able to maintain a vlog. That condition is Multiple Sclerosis, which is also one of the main things I would want to vlog about since it plays a very big part in my day to day life. So seeing you, despite your struggles, still doing this vlog is very encouraging and inspiring, so thank you. I may still yet start a vlog, just not right now as I am still working on getting better and on track with my health due to a relapse of the MS and other issues. Thanks again for this video and your hard work.

    • @huricanekat5706
      @huricanekat5706 6 років тому +1

      Thank you for the encouragement! It is much appreciated.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  3 роки тому

      @@huricanekat5706 did you ever get around to creating that vlog? If you'd like to test out the idea, I'm always open to collaborations.

  • @blahokay1
    @blahokay1 4 роки тому +2

    Just found your channel, thank you for sharing your voice. I look forward to exploring all your new content.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  4 роки тому +1

      blah okay thanks so much for checking out the channel. My upload schedule has been a little slow, but I am still putting out new stuff when I'm able. Let me know if you have any questions you'd like to see discussed.

  • @kimberlyrosssegovia203
    @kimberlyrosssegovia203 6 років тому +2

    I'm struggling with verbal and physical frustration, like i have to narrate what I'm doing, what's annoying me and kinda knock things around in a dramatic loud way. Im not seeking attention, in fact I love to be unseen, unnoticed and left alone, especially when I'm dealing with grim, hopeless thoughts of isolation, and devastation. This is new for me as anxiety and depression are my norm.
    I don't want meds. But i can't function and find no joy or reason for anything.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому +1

      Segovia Family Life that is really hard and sad to hear. I research a lot about what it means to be content, happy and at peace. It's so elusive at times and it can be hard to track down in the darkness. I think a big part of it is practice. Practice being in a moment. Practice meditation. Focus on the things in life that bring lasting joy, not moments of pleasure. We need to train ourselves to think differently and that takes persistence. That can take up to six months. So it's important that when we try new things we keep going even when it feels like something isn't working. Therapy is a good example. We want it to start working in a couple of weeks when in reality it might take a half of a year before we start seeing results. My recommendation is to start practicing mindfulness. Our thoughts are what deceive us and it's important to clear them out and make room for healthy thoughts. Thanks for leaving your comment.

    • @kimberlyrosssegovia203
      @kimberlyrosssegovia203 5 років тому

      OCPD: My Life In Debris
      My nonstop inner thoughts never thought about it in such a way. I'm honorably perplexed and optimistically encouraged.
      Your channel is my absolute favorite. Your videos have educated, enlightened, uplifted and encouraged me to be more proactive in my life.
      Your work is amazing.

  • @juliawolfe4047
    @juliawolfe4047 5 років тому +1

    Wow, this video was SO relatable. I also go through everything you mentioned when filming youtube videos. I feel anxious the entire time I'm filming, almost like a tunnel vision situation if that makes any sense, which results in getting comments like: "you're boring, flat, robotic & have no personality" haha. The worst part is that I can agree, I see why people comment that. I thought about just deleting my channel many times since it's not going the way I planned (typical ocpd behaviour I guess, lol) but oddly enough I feel like not quitting & just carrying on despite people not being able to relate to me, not like me or whatever, is actually good for me in a weird way. Anyways, I'm so glad I found your channel. I subscribed & I'm marathoning all your videos. I really hope you keep making them. Oh, & I know me saying this probably won't make a difference but I think you should just film in your glasses if it makes it easier for you. The light reflecting in them is not distracting & doesn't lower the quality of your videos, plus you look good in them. Thanks for you channel. :)

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  5 років тому

      the magenta line thanks so much for leaving this second comment as otherwise I would have had no idea you were a UA-camr. I'm not sure the content of your channels is something I'd personally benefit from as my makeup wearing days are over 😉, but I did enjoy your Mexico vlog (not sure if it was an OCPD thing, but I liked the shot of the wet ones on your lap). I think your videos look and sound great. Your lighting is killer. I wouldn't guess you were anxious and if I was into beauty products I'd definitely be down to watch your videos. If you cover other topics let me know and I'll be happy to tune in. You're doing a great job on your channel. I'm glad you haven't deleted your channel and that you plan on continuing.
      Thanks for letting me know about the glasses thing. I go back and forth on that and it would be a lot more enjoyable to film if I kept them on. If you ever want to branch out into another topic, I'd be happy to collaborate. Either way, thanks again for watching.

  • @GinaMarieSiciliano
    @GinaMarieSiciliano 3 роки тому +3

    I am struggling with my agoraphobia. I think this stems from ocpd. I over think and over worry and don't like even going out in my small town cuz I know ppl and don't want to socialize. Even noticing out of town I am still anxious in crowds. I know I'm safe. I know there's no threat. But I am in hyper fight flight fawn or freeze mode... My mental health has me so lonely

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  3 роки тому

      Gina Siciliano well we have one advantage today that they didn't have in the past. We don't have to leave our home to make friends. I don't think that's a healthy long-term solution. But there are many ways online you can help yourself from not feeling so alone. There are even OCPD support groups.
      In the long term, you really need to seek out treatment. And one benefit to Covid is that more and more therapists are offering remote therapy. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or needs. Thanks for watching.

  • @bluebutterfly7200
    @bluebutterfly7200 6 років тому +1

    I can relate. I have avoidant p.d. and I'm constantly going through difficulties trying to do physical therapy for my ankles/legs. What you described is a picture of what happens to me. I get frustrated and give up for weeks sometimes. I keep overdoing it and re-injuring myself, then I have to stop doing my therapy and just hobble around my house. It's hard to re-motivate myself because after 6 hours of therapy, I keep injuring my foot and achilles and have to take 9 days+ off and start over. Anyway, your explanation of how frustrating it is is really helpful to me bc sometimes these things are hard to explain to others who don't get it.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому +1

      Blue Butterfly thanks for sharing how your P.D. affects a part of your life others might not think about. We can be much harder on ourselves than is ever necessary. I hope that you are able to take the time to heal yourself. Thanks for watching as well :)

  • @kimberlyrosssegovia203
    @kimberlyrosssegovia203 3 роки тому +1

    Still watching and following your channel.
    Love your videos! 👌

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  3 роки тому

      KIMBERLY SEGOVIA thank you so much! I have a new video I'm filming on Monday. So hopefully I'll have some new content out soon.

  • @shoelace81
    @shoelace81 6 років тому +3

    It would be cool to see a video about the holistic approaches you are using to deal with ocpd

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому +2

      Sarah Betz I will absolutely cover whichever methods I try using. I'm changing the format of the video releases a bit. Instead of separate vlogs, I'm going to talk about my personal experiences at the end of my regular videos whenever I have some updates.
      But as you're interested, I won't keep you waiting for information. There are no holistic approaches I'm aware of for OCPD. But as it seems my symptoms manifest a lot less when I'm not full of anxiety or experiencing serious bouts of depression, I can try holistic approaches to impacting those parts of myself.
      For me, I've really come into the fact that exercise is key. I've probably known all along, but I've been putting a lot of focus and energy into going to the gym and it is paying off. I feel lighter when I leave mentally and it helps me act calmer in situations where I'm feeling agitated. I've tried a little aromatherapy by purchasing some essential oils concentrated on sleeping better and calming your mood. I've tried supplements and haven't had much success but that is attributed to my suffering with acid reflux and a lot of medications and supplements agitating that. I've been reading more and trying to spend less time online. The big one that I've really wanted to try but haven't yet in any serious way is meditation. I'm going to be in Bali for two months and I'm hoping to really give it a try there.
      By the way, for exercise I personally do some interval running on a treadmill, some weight training, some stationary bicycling and a bit of pilates. I hope you find this information useful. I will talk about this topic more in depth in a future video. Thanks for watching!

    • @kimberlyrosssegovia203
      @kimberlyrosssegovia203 5 років тому +1

      I agree

    • @kimberlyrosssegovia203
      @kimberlyrosssegovia203 5 років тому +1

      Sarah Betz

  • @ryanliberty
    @ryanliberty 6 років тому +2

    Haha smile! 😅 Sorry to hear you've been going through depression. Every now and then it'll hit me too so I understand how hard it can be to get in front of the camera when that's going on. And I know I don't get it to the same level you do so that sucks. 🙁 I get technical difficulties and you should see me cursing to myself and acting like a crazy person. You'd never know on camera though that I was just pissed off moments ago. Honestly I can't imagine doing all of this with OCPD. I think it's understandable that you have a hard time keeping a schedule (which probably aggravates the OCPD right? Argh...). Glad to see you here and hope to see more soon. 🙂

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому +2

      Ryan Liberty / Mental Health I can absolutely imagine you cursing out your equipment, haha. I'm sure all of us are guilty of that from time to time (or every day). It's nice to have a comment from you. I hope you've been doing well. I've actually been doing much better lately although the anxiety seems to be trying to creep back in. I feel guilty releasing these videos as they are actually older material that I am only now finding the time to edit and release. I have one more video that is older material and two more that were shot within the last month. I'm hoping to get one out per week so that by April I'm filming and releasing current material. Good job with your channel!!

    • @ryanliberty
      @ryanliberty 6 років тому

      No need to feel guilty. They're new for us! :)

  • @simplyonemortality8122
    @simplyonemortality8122 6 років тому +1

    I completely understand how frustrating it must be for you, being a perfectionist myself, if you have release dates and schedules that you want the videos to be put up but yet it feels at times like you have no control over how you feel (and therefore not being either in the right mind set or able to give it your best - thus release a video with all the material you want to add) and the technical difficulties also getting in the way and constantly going to and fro. If it was me I know at times I would struggle not to scrap a whole video and start over (when I felt in the right frame of mind where I’ll get it “right” which might take forever lol) - but I guess that is in someway the battle of certain aspects of OCPD.
    I’d also worry about how long it was taking to get videos out to viewers and then I would probably at times feel like that would propel a depression which just impounds getting over hurdles you already face in creating material. The fact your willing to share with us such hurdles I appreciate too, I know I don’t like to admit it to others at times but to myself I can acknowledge it.
    There is no pressure here from my end on how often you release a video, I understand how difficult it can be and so I’m a subscriber for the long haul and regardless will continue to watch your uploads when they come.
    Thank you for not giving up on this channel even though I know it can be tough and at times you must feel like throwing in the towel! :)

    • @simplyonemortality8122
      @simplyonemortality8122 6 років тому

      Oh and having set ways which I feel I must do something for it to be right too wouldn’t help, so then to do things specific ways and for things technically to go tits up when I finally was able to feel like I was able to record etc - I can relate hugely to your frustration - even if we may not experience OCPD the same.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому

      Simply One Mortality thanks so much for all your candor and encouragement. One of the things that drives me crazy is that I brainstorm my ideas, really work through what I want to say and the points I want to get across, and in the case of my regular videos I write a script, yet once I'm in the editing and releasing phase I feel like I barely scratched the surface of what I wanted to say. That is one of the things that makes releasing hard. I feel distance from the material by the time I upload. However I try to look at it as an opportunity to revisit the subject in a new video and to do a better job tackling it. Thanks for being a subscriber. I appreciate it a lot. And thanks for sharing your thoughts on how you'd handle the creative process.

  • @johnvaroujan8685
    @johnvaroujan8685 6 років тому +2

    Glad I found your channel. You look great with glasses, and are a handsome young man.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому

      John Varoujan thanks for saying so. I'm glad you found my channel as well.

  • @ratatataraxia
    @ratatataraxia 6 років тому +2

    Keep up the videos, don’t give in and give up. With so few treatments for what’s wrong with us all we really have I guess is each other. Kind of like when I first came out of the closet, except now I can’t stand what gay culture is. None of the gays I know live up to my high moral standards. But thanks to you man, now I know why that is. Maybe I can, through you and your words, better understand myself so I can be a part of something again.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому

      Mark Nicholson well I absolutely appreciate all the kind words and I will do my best to continue with the project as long as I'm physically able. I hope that if you do try to look at any silver linings that you do see that you can be a part of something. A great group of people supporting each other and helping each other to move forward.

  • @jawzbreaker
    @jawzbreaker 6 років тому +3

    thank you for your channel~XOXOX

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому

      DeAnna Cummings thank you for watching. Please let me know if you ever have a question about the information or if there's a topic you'd like to see covered. :)

  • @doublexandichiro
    @doublexandichiro 6 років тому +2

    Woah a new video!! :D

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  6 років тому

      Jimi Schmidt hahaha, yeah and I just saw some pigs flying overhead ;)

  • @im19ice3
    @im19ice3 2 роки тому +1

    lmao i relate so hard

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  2 роки тому

      im19ice3 I've come a long way in my videos and I hope that you're able to relate to some of the more recent stuff as well.

  • @user-rt7fb6kj6r
    @user-rt7fb6kj6r 11 місяців тому +1

    How do I find out about what it's like for others within an ocpd relationship? My ex partner put me through hell for 6 years and I'm still dealing with the fallout. Her immediate family refuses to acknowledge that she has ocpd and didn't step up to help when she was diagnosed. This has completely altered my life and I'm in limbo dealing with criminal charges alleged by my ex partner.

    • @OCPD_support
      @OCPD_support  11 місяців тому

      Lee Dollimore this is an awful situation and I'm so sorry that this is what you're currently going through. There is an OCPD Facebook group that allows people who are in relationships with someone with OCPD to join. You may be able to find people to talk with there. In about a month, I will be launching The OCPD Foundation and there will be a forum specifically for loved ones once that launches.

  • @absolutelynot6086
    @absolutelynot6086 6 років тому +2

    Omg get to the fucking point