I STAND WITH HUNGRY MAN - Episode 2 (1/19/24)

  • Опубліковано 18 січ 2024
  • In this episode:
    -"Harvard Alumnus"
    -Wheelchair Envy
    -Hungry Man


  • @NotABot101
    @NotABot101 4 місяці тому +104

    I love this dynamic. There's an average straight guy, a fruity theater kid, and then just danny.

  • @xxphantomthief94xx
    @xxphantomthief94xx 4 місяці тому +61

    I need someone to start animating some of the bits from this podcast because the flashback to childhood Jordan having a canon event as to how much food he eats has me rolling

  • @Cjelex
    @Cjelex 4 місяці тому +104

    I cannot believe that you decided the third woman was the asshole. The only thing she did wrong was not lying when her friend confronted her on the girls night. I'm a hungry guy, I'm in the same boat as peeps, but as a hungry guy you gotta understand that and make sure that everyone's getting their fill. The fire fighter husband was clearly not waiting for other people to finish before becoming a vulture. Shame on him on behalf of hungry men from around the world.

    • @Zeroyue622
      @Zeroyue622 4 місяці тому +15

      I'm totally agree. In fact I don't think it is wrong for poster not lying about girls night. The firefighter is clearly taking advantage of the meet up as he eat quickly and rush for 2nd. Based on the description, there are at least 5 people at the dinner. Poster, the married couple, and 2 girls that got hungry and have to order take out. Assumed all 4 girls eat equal amount, then the married couple is clearly the asshole here by taking advantage of poster for granted and eating 5/8 of the total food provided (in 30:17 poster said her normal portion is enough for everybody but to host the husband she need to double the portion).

    • @TheDocperian
      @TheDocperian 4 місяці тому +9

      Yeah, I can also get being poor during the holidays and already being strapped for x meals when from the sounds of it she'd then need to make 2x. Like, sure party meals and planning ahead can alleviate that, but when money's tight then you gotta cut back somewhere. I also don't feel like they were inherently wrong to tell the truth to their friend, but that's much more of a person by person basis.

    • @pokecole37
      @pokecole37 4 місяці тому +15

      Correct, you do not go for seconds and thirds if you are unsure everyone else has had enough, you’re being a prick at that point

    • @ashikjaman1940
      @ashikjaman1940 4 місяці тому +1

      I think they had the right idea when they said everyone involved was a Seinfeld character

    • @prosamis
      @prosamis 4 місяці тому +4

      How you conduct yourself matters. Even though she's "in the right" it doesn't mean she wasn't an asshole in her conduct.
      Obviously the husband is being exploitative and insensitive... Just how she was insensitive in this situation
      Both "your husband eats too much I can't make enough for that" and simply saying "I don't have the funds for the dinner" are both truths. But only one of them is assholish and adversarial.
      Yes, not being the bigger person can very much make you the asshole.
      Sucking at dealing with people makes you an asshole, though unintentionally. Just because she's right doesnt mean she's not an asshole. That's how social interactions work. And she could've done way better in so many ways

  • @AkhierDragonheart
    @AkhierDragonheart 4 місяці тому +33

    I'm a big boy. My mom drilled into me to let others get a second plate before I get one and to not finish off anything early on (I would destroy any sliced bell peppers).

    • @chrisdaalien
      @chrisdaalien 4 місяці тому +4

      This 100% as a big guy, I always double check to make sure everyone ate before I dive back in

  • @Zachpi
    @Zachpi 4 місяці тому +16

    The third lady just either needed to not lie and say it was about money, or double down and stick with the lie, it's literally so fucking simple.

    • @ashikjaman1940
      @ashikjaman1940 4 місяці тому

      It turns out sitcoms are actually extremely realistic

  • @lambadadark
    @lambadadark 4 місяці тому +18

    I'm surprised Joseph didn’t pick up on a specific detail in the third. She's saying she needed to make a double recipe for the firefighter so he had enough. Joseph treated it like she'd need to cook seven, but the logic of what she's saying is that she needs to make enough for *twelve fucking people*
    Firefighters need to be fucking shredded as a requirement for their jobs so they can effectively carry incapacitated people through a space that's actively trying to kill you, and do it fast. That requires an insane amount of muscle buildup, which means firefighters eat like black holes. He's also not scarfing intentionally, as firefighters reflexively eat fast because when they eat at the station, they can be interrupted at any time by an alarm, and enough fuel can be the difference between success and failure in a potentially lethal scenario. This means he's being 100% honest about not being minimally sated by a small portion. Hell, his biochemistry may have caused him to develop a resistance to leptin, aka the fullness hormone because his job constantly attacks his fat reserves, or possibly even a hyperproduction of Ghrelin, which initiates hunger, if not both.
    None of that is the firefighter's fault, but he needs to acknowledge the reality of his employment, and that accommodations for him can be rather imposing for others. You're basically inviting a physical one man army to dinner, with the corresponding logistics train for all that force.
    I don't blame her at all, but yes. Everyone here is a fucking sienfeld character.

    • @mopanda81
      @mopanda81 4 місяці тому +5

      I appreciate the point but what she needs is a trough of oats for this horse her friend keeps bringing over.

  • @shmat6858
    @shmat6858 4 місяці тому +15

    Never in my life have I disagreed more with what a bunch of podcast people say. Keep it up Baby!

  • @a_speeder1728
    @a_speeder1728 4 місяці тому +21

    I was thinking of the firefighter husband scarfing down the first plate and rushing getting seconds as a cartoon character, and when y’all validated that image and added to it I was busting a gut laughing.

  • @skittezraine
    @skittezraine 4 місяці тому +18

    As a fellow hungry guy (and quick eater), the fire fighter should still offer the courtesy of allowing everyone at the dinners/parties to eat their meals first before clearing out their pantry. But that woman should have definitely lied lol

    • @mopanda81
      @mopanda81 4 місяці тому +2

      how would you approve the strategy of portioning out the expensive ingredients (proteins or whatever) per person and then just making a big bucket of cheap waste carbs (like pasta) for the human garbage disposal to sate themselves with?

  • @TheDocperian
    @TheDocperian 4 місяці тому +6

    You know it's gonna be a good episode when "The Invention of Lying" is the top recommended video.

  • @LazyLee
    @LazyLee 4 місяці тому +14

    this isn't a safe space for tunnel lovers :(

  • @DG-vb4vn
    @DG-vb4vn 4 місяці тому +19

    Don't know what a YCS is but I enjoyed the podcast

    • @Nozo1234
      @Nozo1234 4 місяці тому +4

      It stands for Yugioh Competitive Series - not sure if you're familiar with the creators behind this podcast, but they are all prominent yugioh content creators.

    • @Nozo1234
      @Nozo1234 4 місяці тому +2

      Correction, it's actually Yugioh Championship Series - autocorrect messed me up there

    • @DG-vb4vn
      @DG-vb4vn 4 місяці тому

      People still play that game? Is dark magician still good? Also aren't they all married?@@Nozo1234

    • @godcloakburmy1480
      @godcloakburmy1480 4 місяці тому +5

      Live in innocence, king. Don’t worry about it

    • @PharaohofAtlantis
      @PharaohofAtlantis 4 місяці тому

      YCS is a Yu-Gi-Oh Championship Series. A high level competitive card game tournament.

  • @cedricwong0
    @cedricwong0 4 місяці тому +3

    I do feel like some of these could end with "Everyone is the asshole"

  • @tbaggins5349
    @tbaggins5349 4 місяці тому +3

    Holy fucking shit the 3rd story is actually insane.

  • @Zachpi
    @Zachpi 4 місяці тому +5

    I feel peeps on eating like twice as much as everyone else easily. With my last gf when I was going to her parents for dinner, I would have a snack before and usually get another snack for the drive there to make sure I can eat like a normal amount, because I'm pretty self conscious about it. It wasn't a problem as much when I was younger until I started cross country when I put on like 50 pounds, legitimately all muscle st the time because I was doing exercise as a pubescent guy, and fortunately most of my friends were also runners/athletes and so parents were prepared, but certainly it's a lot of food.

  • @najawin8348
    @najawin8348 4 місяці тому +13

    I think you're misunderstanding the first interaction a bit. The dude isn't lying. He doesn't know that the Harvard extension school isn't Harvard - he seems to genuinely believe that he's a Harvard grad. (It's important to note that the Harvard extension school in its contemporary incarnation relies on this ambiguity, convincing those that apply to it that it has the prestige of Harvard while convincing well, everyone else, that it doesn't. Because otherwise it can't walk the tightrope of getting applicants under its looser standards compared to Harvard proper for the tuition it charges.) She does, and she tells him he's not correct, quite rightly - it's a very large distinction. He takes this news so badly that he then reacts as he does.

    • @raze667
      @raze667 4 місяці тому

      I agree. I don't honestly think he's an asshole for putting that on his dating profile. He's not necessarily opting in to attract only Harvard alumni, he wants to come across as well educated, smart. 6 grand isn't something to sniff at. She calls him on his mistake and is a an ass for it.

    • @najawin8348
      @najawin8348 4 місяці тому

      @@raze667 Nah, I don't think she's an ass at all. It's like telling you that your shirt is inside out when you've been wearing it like that for years. You're making a subtle mistake that actually _does_ have detrimental effects on how you proceed through life. And he reacts immaturely to being corrected.

    • @raze667
      @raze667 4 місяці тому

      @@najawin8348 I'm sorry but I don't think I can equate that "your shirt is inside out" is the same as "Yeah your degree isn't worth anything, and why would you think it is?"

    • @najawin8348
      @najawin8348 4 місяці тому

      @@raze667 But she didn't say this. She just said it's not *Harvard.* People conduct themselves completely differently if they have degrees from, say, Harvard, than if they do trade schools, or mid tier universities. And if you portray yourself _in a job interview,_ for instance, as being from an Ivy and you really went to a trade school, well, you're in trouble. This isn't "your degree is useless", it's "you've been misrepresenting yourself, whether or not you realize it".

    • @raze667
      @raze667 4 місяці тому

      @@najawin8348 It still smacks pretty heavily of assholery to stop a date in the middle to google what this guy's degree was in, and correct him. Especially after they had so many shared interests beforehand. Like... enjoy the date, and let it go. "oh you didn't go the campus? Dang you missed a really good time."

  • @Atestinal
    @Atestinal Місяць тому +1

    The over-eating firefighter one is tough... I agree with some of the points the boys made, especially on being tactful. There has to be a better way for her to deal with what's going on. But I also think you can't avoid being honest because otherwise at some point, the issue will likely come back. If they just kept doing girls night, at some point the wife is going to want to bring her firefighter husband. If they do potlucks, at some point people are going to notice how much everyone has to accommodate for the firefighter. Especially if someone can't bring food one night, or doesn't bring enough. I just don't think you can skirt around it forever.
    Or maybe she could just not host dinners anymore, but that might just be my laziness bias. The dinners do sound like it's important to the OP.

  • @D4rk0t
    @D4rk0t 4 місяці тому +1

    another absolute banger of an episode

  • @xslayer1222
    @xslayer1222 4 місяці тому +3

    That guy is NOT a Harvard Alumni, but she could have not flamed bro for it I guess

  • @shaggnasty609
    @shaggnasty609 4 місяці тому +2

    Please turn your mics up fellas

  • @wackychair
    @wackychair 4 місяці тому +2

    my favorite time of the week again

  • @ziltoid984
    @ziltoid984 4 місяці тому

    These are so good I wish this was uploaded twice a week

  • @mopanda81
    @mopanda81 4 місяці тому +2

    in victorian times rich people used to come up with tricks so as to not look desperate and hungry (and therefore poor and unfashionable) at parties including eating a meal before they went out to dinner

  • @Zeroyue622
    @Zeroyue622 4 місяці тому +8

    34:17 I mean she did said in order to host the husband she need to double the portion

  • @mopanda81
    @mopanda81 4 місяці тому +1

    this is what we needed mbt rapping

  • @chrislarkin4789
    @chrislarkin4789 4 місяці тому +2

    My wife and I are the only people married on either side of our friend group. I’m usually invited to her friends stuff and she’s usually invited to mine. We would never think it’s weird for one us to have a girl or guys night though

  • @kaiser371
    @kaiser371 4 місяці тому +8

    Since you guys are doing reddit posts, do the one meme where OPs girlfriend is upset with him for sneaking his Salad deck on a holiday/vacation after he promised he wouldn't bring his cards on thier vacation

    • @ashikjaman1940
      @ashikjaman1940 4 місяці тому +3

      She was dating Soulburner irl

    • @mopanda81
      @mopanda81 4 місяці тому +1

      I’m afraid there’s a lot of inbuilt biases here and the boys did say they were trying not to get cancelled….

  • @dikei4559
    @dikei4559 4 місяці тому +2

    As another big boy (not height tho the other way) I had multiple instances of the childhood story Jordan told

  • @BeanMagoon
    @BeanMagoon 4 місяці тому +3

    1. Correct
    2. Correct
    3. Correct.
    nice work. see ya next time :)

  • @huffypuffy2761
    @huffypuffy2761 3 місяці тому

    For the second story, I feel that the problem could've been so easily solved by the poster themselves informing the rest of the family about the whole wheelchair situation beforehand.

  • @martinrios3546
    @martinrios3546 4 місяці тому +3

    On the third scenario, yeah a simple lie would’ve sufficed lmao. Or even:
    “Why a girls night?”
    “Why not?”
    Also, surely you are aware of how much you eat, and how if you eat so much that they have to literally double the amount of food just so everyone can eat enough you should probably have a small meal or snack before going.

  • @melleen629
    @melleen629 3 місяці тому

    I think hungry man has worms

  • @theredspirit9215
    @theredspirit9215 4 місяці тому

    Never clicked on a video so fast

  • @Isaac-lunar09
    @Isaac-lunar09 3 місяці тому

    If the sister is constantly sick and any announcement bring the whole family's attention. Then shouldn't she be aware that the same could happen if she comes to a wedding in a wheelchair?
    Everyone is going to see so she might as well tell everyone so that she's not the center of attention for that day.

  • @seanh2785
    @seanh2785 4 місяці тому

    If only i could build a tunnel...

  • @andremrsantos
    @andremrsantos 4 місяці тому +1

    As another big boy, my parents thought me to snack or make a small meal before going to parties to not impose. Said that, don’t be rude

  • @seanh2785
    @seanh2785 3 місяці тому

    #2 family is very confusing. Why not just tell people ahead of the wedding?

  • @ErosIRL
    @ErosIRL 4 місяці тому +2

    The fact that the guy doesn’t pay attention to other people being able to have their share as well, he’s kind of a douche. I’ve never had seconds without okaying it with the host, literally in case they were planning on having leftovers as their lunch

  • @MrDegan2
    @MrDegan2 4 місяці тому +1

    Maybe this is a British thing, but when you invite people over do you all give them free reign of the kitchen? you can control what the husband eats, you're serving it. nobody's making you prep a second whole family size meal for one guest

  • @LordParaDax
    @LordParaDax 4 місяці тому

    I completely agree with first 2 third. It sounds like this has been addressed before so she is not THE asshole

  • @RanDoomPuff
    @RanDoomPuff 4 місяці тому +1

    ok im sorry but the third woman cannot be the asshole for just not lying like sure maybe she shouldnt say it but like not everyone knows how hurtful something can sound to someone

  • @passtheyaoi
    @passtheyaoi 4 місяці тому +1

    this podcast is great. never do an ESH
    it's a copout

    • @passtheyaoi
      @passtheyaoi 4 місяці тому

      i really like the "ranked choice" asshole system y'all have going on

  • @obiesenpai3869
    @obiesenpai3869 4 місяці тому +1

    alright, can someone explain how the first lady was being pretentious to my autistic ass? Like, all I am hearing is her calling out his bullshit.

  • @colelvis9337
    @colelvis9337 4 місяці тому +6

    For me all AITA stories are “asshole until proven not” like a in court how it’s “innocent until proven guilty”. All because at the end of the day these people are posting their side of their own stories on Reddit so until they prove they aren’t an asshole I assume they are from the start

  • @Gamemaster13000
    @Gamemaster13000 4 місяці тому +1

    Listen, I may not be a big boy but I love food. You gotta have some level of self awareness about the amount of food you eat and if you're inconveniencing others.
    It's not even about the budget with me, it's just plain rude to eat so much food, you leave other people without their portion. Not everyone is going to be 100% satisfied but if you, as a single person are tapping out the food at an event, you are problem.
    This isn't coming from a place of altruism or moral superiority. I love food and if I see someone eat more food than me, I get territorial. There WILL be a fight in the pits and I'm not coming out without my second burger with a side of potatoe salad!