Top 5 Ways Destiny Can Be The Best Game (in the long run)

  • Опубліковано 27 лип 2024
  • Let's face it, we all know Destiny is not a perfect game. So what should Bungie focus on going into the future? Let's talk.
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  • @Greg_Buckingham
    @Greg_Buckingham 9 років тому +7

    I've said this multiple times lol. I don't think it's a glitch where the VoG never ends. You're supposed to leave to orbit on your own. Imagine beating the VoG for the first time and be forced to leave in 30 seconds. I think Bungie wanted the player to be able to explore after the boss was over, and cope with the adrenaline after beating the boss

  • @shogun1189
    @shogun1189 9 років тому

    Great video, your uploads are always on point. You totally missed out on Halo Forge haha, those were good times for me. Keep up the good work buddy!!

  • @TheZandaz
    @TheZandaz 9 років тому +23

    I think the biggest problem with Destiny is lack of content. Planets, while open world, are very limited. Missions, while in different areas, are essentially hack something, defend ghost and defend waves/kill boss. Strikes are basically all the same with lots of adds supporting a bullet sponge. While daily/weekly/nightfall strikes add more rewards you do the same shit countless times. Same with the strike playlist. And even if you do all these things you are never sure of good rewards. Also Crucible game modes are few but not far between, and end up being very samey and buggy. Classes are not very dynamic, only the supers and jump abilities vary. All have similar play-styles. Weapons all look very similar, and do not feel very unique when using them. Use one hand cannon and they all feel the same. Cut-scenes cannot be skipped, and the story should be told through missions, cut-scenes and items throughout the world, not on some website. Also, there need to be more large open spaces and other planets. You can only roam around the moon, earth, venus or mars for so may hours before seeing everything and getting bored. Also, gear upgrades are tedious. Ascendant energy/shards are hard enough to come by, but I shouldn't need to spend 3 hours hunting for special plants to fully upgrade my rifle. Also, level cap at 30 is too low. And using gear to get there? What idiot invented that. Means grinding for hours in an attempt to get a lucky drop from a raid which you NEED skilled players to do it with. Seeing how there are all but zero community aspects in game this can be difficult. There are of course many more aspects that need to be addressed, but if all these were fixed maybe Destiny would be worth my £50 ($78). And I shall not get the DLC until these issues are fixed, as I'm not paying £35 ($55) to finish the story of an unfinished and ultimately broken game. Sorry for lack of fluency and formatting in this rant but I can't be fucked with this let down of a game.

    • @TheZandaz
      @TheZandaz 9 років тому +4

      ***** Thanks for reading my rant.

    • @MightyManotaur22
      @MightyManotaur22 9 років тому

      amount of content isn't the issue, it's the quality of content. missions are boring, but there are a bunch of them. but honestly, this is an MMO-style game, so the grinding is par for the course. you can't expect bungie to make a ton of end-game content (like the raid) that only a fraction of players will even see. I do habe faith in bungie for the next game, though. they've been doing a really good job of fixing the things in this game that can be fixed, like partying up and communicating, giving more bounty slots, etc. stuff like story, light levels, and mission structure just can't be changed in this game. we'll see how destiny 2 turns out.

    • @CouchCit
      @CouchCit 9 років тому +1

      You're right, the heart of the problem is lack of dynamic content. For PVE, add more maps, more story (that's actually depicted through gameplay), and the rest won't feel as bad. . For PVP I feel they should disallow exotics in regular Crucible but then make them available in Iron Banner only, and then just keep IB around as a game permanent game mode instead of an event. Add clan and private lobby support and that will solve a good chunk of the problems right there. PVP is easier to fix, its the PVE that unfortunately feels like it's broken beyond repair

    • @HueghMungus
      @HueghMungus 9 років тому

      Zandaz From what I've read BUNGIE literally fucked themselves in the arse. Why you ask me? It was their bad planning. They spent so much effort, time and money only to accomplish so much (also using so much famous actors for voice acting, which could have been replaced, anyways..). Then in order to get funding and not go bankrupted, they got into a contract with Activision; In that contact they would have to release 4 titles under the name of Destiny and with DLCs(first one code name: Cornet). Now with only so little content, and no time BUNGIE had to cut the game in *four* or so, in order to meet the requirements, which effctively reduced the content(that were "promised" to us like shown in the trailers, developers interviews, etc). And with so little story to the game they try to patch it with the famous "Grimoire", which was put in the last year of development. The story got also reworked, to match the DLCs as originally not intended that we were dead in the start, but living with our own ghost...
      Now take things that I've said with a little bit salt, as it is not 100%, but I can assure you they are true. The facts are from people who have looked into Destiny and showed proof/evidence e.g. the Activision contract. Now I've not looked more into this as I'm pretty much fed up with greedy developers and publishers, I'd not have expected this from BUNGIE.

  • @steverigby5965
    @steverigby5965 9 років тому

    I never played an MMO, so I appreciated your comments about taking a break and waiting for the expansions. I always wondered how ppl put so much time into MMOs even after completing content. Really interesting list.

  • @jmarms
    @jmarms 9 років тому

    Great vid / suggestions man.

  • @baicaibangx
    @baicaibangx 9 років тому

    Datto you should make a short video about your feeling and opinion of the last word hand cannon (before the actual detailed weapon commentary), it's very different from ordinary hand cannons (hawk moon, devil you know, lord high fixer, fate bringer, etc)

  • @TJM990
    @TJM990 9 років тому

    i actually like that the raid doesnt end on the mission complete screen, you can cherish the moment better that way, at least have the game recognize that
    managing clans in game though would be nice because my friends and i cant even start ours for some reason

  • @Ceeckoful
    @Ceeckoful 9 років тому

    One Idea I talk about often is a ability to wear the skins of armour and add it to a collection list without effecting the stats like light level similar to DC universe on line's style system, this would add a depth of customization and a reason to do strikes to collect armour to add it to the style list.

  • @seppelycke3592
    @seppelycke3592 9 років тому

    Datto, think about this. The reason why the raid ending is stuck on a loading screen is because there's a way to find a new chest. i think they did that on purpose. So we could find a new 6th chest. That's what i think at least. Amazing vid as always Datto!

  • @Dynamode8
    @Dynamode8 9 років тому

    Very informative.
    I hope you post this video on the Bungie forums so they can be informed better about these problems. However I do think the forums over there is one of the worst places to be in. . .so I don't know.

  • @delbomb3131
    @delbomb3131 9 років тому

    Extremely great video!
    Improving the social aspect of the game will drive the longevity of the game immensely. It really makes me sad to go into the public map and not hear people talking, or to play in the crucible and not hear talking. People interacting with people is what made WOW so successful. I mean people got married to people they met on that game. I feel like you can't even meet people in Destiny. Like if you go in the Vanguard playlist, how do they expect you to complete some of those things with strangers and no public mic settings? Every ps4 came with a mic, there's no excuse.

  • @TheLuciusLaw
    @TheLuciusLaw 9 років тому +2

    I would add the following ways.
    1. new endless modes that reward you for how far you get. This kept me busy on COD (zombie mode) for a loooooong time. It would also require fine tuning and balancing so that it is not exploited, but it would keep us busy between content releases.
    2. take some lessons from rogue like game out there to give us some randomness to what we are doing. Random area dungeons and random enemies might seem like a strange fit for a game like this, but it would keep things fresh instead of the same strikes, the same story missions the same raids..... etc....
    3. I have too many exotic weapons. Everyone does. I am sure this is not the intended feeling from having one of these items. Make them more difficult to get, rare, and powerful.

    • @kouvang5707
      @kouvang5707 9 років тому

      ***** 250 coins, you must play 20 hours a day or make 10 char a week. Hf.

  • @TauxFox
    @TauxFox 9 років тому

    It should also be kept in mind that to update/hotfix games via console usually incurs a fee and are sometimes are limited by the console provider.

  • @TheTrilogy2012
    @TheTrilogy2012 9 років тому

    I'd like to see some sort of AH or trade NPC. Also, would love to see a way to randomly join a raid group just like a tiger strike.

  • @Jutzable1
    @Jutzable1 9 років тому

    Good stuff!

  • @Altoryu
    @Altoryu 9 років тому +15

    I would like matchmaking for weekly, nightfall and even the VoG.
    I tend to play solo though I am in a clan cause most are in America and I am in Australia. It can be hard since I want to do the VoG at least once, I haven't even done a playthrough of it yet as a result of the time differences.
    It's annoying to say the least, and also scene skips of course and even an ingame grimoire system. I can see them adding a location as a sort of library or archive where you can review all cards obtained.

    • @anarchy047gaming8
      @anarchy047gaming8 9 років тому

      I would like the option and option to stop players joining you

    • @octodog5907
      @octodog5907 9 років тому

      Bungie says they don't want matchmaking on those things because they want you to be able to communicate with your teammates more. Why is that dumb? Because whenever I do the Vault, I just find random people in the tower with mics. Matchmaking would make it so that the game does this for me.

    • @TheAnimeProducations
      @TheAnimeProducations 9 років тому

      i have some times picked group from town and in the end i ended up playing whit pros who jumps in midle of enemies and dies and screams me to revive them

    • @Altoryu
      @Altoryu 9 років тому +1

      Well if not that just some way to let others know you are interested in doing a run of weekly, nightfall or VoG outside of messaging randoms and hoping they are interested.

    • @kouvang5707
      @kouvang5707 9 років тому

      If match making was possible for VOG, people would leech off of other and pretty much kill it for everyone. There are aways the afker, the noobs and those do don't do shet. All in all, if you can find a team now with Destinylfg, then you are too lazy to raid.

  • @MightyManotaur22
    @MightyManotaur22 9 років тому

    I haven't played destiny in almost a month because I broke my hand, and it's been awesome because I'm actually excited for the expansion now. I'm way behind the curve because I'm only level 27, but I'm still greatly looking forward to jumping into more strikes and earning new armor and weapons.

  • @99blackhatch1
    @99blackhatch1 9 років тому +1

    You nailed it. Things should be fixed immediately, not after months. But we don't know how challenging it is to change coding.
    But seriously!? They will fix everything for us to be killed immediately / easier in the Raid, but they can't fix the glitches that prevent us from winning.
    Aetheon and the glitchy portals that we try to exit and then we go right back in?! Why wasn't that fixed yet? Or the sound problems in the Templar fight? It's almost like a subtle punishment to us for beating their game.
    Hopefully the new Raid will be thoroughly tested and have a lot less problems.

  • @TheHutt0326
    @TheHutt0326 9 років тому

    Datto is right saying its easy to go out and find people. When I started playing Destiny I was concerned I would never be able to do raids because I didn't know anyone who played, then one day I got a random invite to do VoG while messing around in the tower. Now I play with that same group all the time.

  • @cesarvazquezgarcia4174
    @cesarvazquezgarcia4174 3 роки тому

    2021 & we're still waiting

  • @jm72504ify
    @jm72504ify 9 років тому +1

    I would like to see a slight change for the Raid. There should be 3 tiers: Story Mode with matchmaking, (nerf it just a bit so you can just queue up and have fun with strangers). Hard Mode, (already there), and Nightmare mode for the "Legends".
    Just a thought, so many don't run the raid, even though there are tools to find groups thare ARE NOT in the game. Hard Mode and Nightmare Modes should not have matchmaking. We all benefit if more ppl run the raid, so let's introduce mode for them :). Happy gaming all!

  • @murlocmasher3368
    @murlocmasher3368 9 років тому

    amazing video. ex wow player myself, and i thought you made great points. especially player generated content!!

  • @artsohc
    @artsohc 9 років тому

    My only requests:
    1. I play most days for about an hour, maybe 2. Some days I can't get on, some days I can. I don't have the time to meet people on Destiny, but I want to play the game...setup some sort of system for people like me to play raids. I can devote 5 hours to a raid every once in a while, but all my friends have either already done the raid or are not available, I'd like to join a playlist and be matched up with people to play Vault of Glass. I understand that VoG is supposed to be really hard and people could drop out or not be as strong as the rest of their team, but oh well, that's life. Give casual gamers the ability to play raids.
    2. The public events are nice, but take it to the next level. Randomly spawn boss characters while on patrol. I'd love to see some overly powerful Hive boss walking around the Moon that I can choose to try and take on or blow by on my way to complete a bounty.
    3. Explain the story. Seriously...why the fuck do the Fallen fight the Hive? Why do the Cabal fight the Vex? Why do the Fallen fight the Vex? Aren't they all part of "The Darkness?" Or is that only the Vex and Hive follow the Darkness and the Fallen and Cabal just happen to be in the galactic area? Cause the chances of 4 vastly different alien races with vastly different goals, leadership and technology happening on the Sol System is pretty remote, even for fantasy. If you want to have a believable story, start with something believable. And don't tell me to read the Grimoire cards...I've read every card I've received, they don't explain the story well enough. And don't hide behind the excuse "the Guardians really don't know much about their enemy either"...humanity has always valued reconnaissance, we would, after fighting an enemy for centuries, understand a lot about them. The only reason there isn't much story to tell is Bungie hasn't actually written a story.

  • @chrisrozay4976
    @chrisrozay4976 9 років тому

    Just wanted to say your doing a great job. I sub up to you when Destiny came out after watching some of your videos. Your doing a great job and like these 5 top reason. Its not random bitching or just flat out "I hate this game" or "blabla its bad" Every game has a issue and this game disappointed me but i stuck with it. Friends are the key and doing it with people you like to hang with helps a lot. I think they have a winner hear if they try and spend some of that money.
    Well thanks again for a great video and can't wait to see where destiny takes it self. Don't mind the haters and trolls your doing a great job and i'll keep watching.

  • @AhMrJIPresume
    @AhMrJIPresume 9 років тому

    Exactly the same with meeting new people via clans, thanks to destiny I've got to know a few guys from the Shetland Islands, Ireland and America, as well as some of the friends I thought I'd lose touch with because I was going to university.

  • @danielboyman
    @danielboyman 9 років тому

    I agree with datto on why the grimoire cards arnt in the game i feel like that there should be a "library" type area in the tower and people could just go there and read the cards that they have

  • @josephcress2195
    @josephcress2195 9 років тому

    One way to make farming materials slightly more interesting: Make it so that you get materials from playing in crucible. You would get the corresponding material with the planet the map you played on was on(For example, Blind Watch would yield Relic Iron, Shores of Time would give Spirit Bloom, etc.)Make it so all players on the winning team get 3 of the material, and the top player on the winning team gets 4, and the losing team gets 2, with the best player getting 3. AND make it so that the top player OVERALL gets one bonus material(so if he lost, he'd get 4, if he won, he'd get 5) And if you are on a planet without a corresponding material(such as Mercury)then everyone would get a random one. For rumble, make it so that the top player gets 5, second gets 4, third gets 3, then the other players get 2. Anyone think this would be a cool idea? It wouldn't replace farming material in patrol, but it would be a nice bonus for those who prefer pvp.

  • @asurk533
    @asurk533 9 років тому

    I never understood how watching a cosmetic ship fly through space was a better idea than bringing up a random grimoire card you unlocked with a choice to explore all grimoire, or never show that card again. Much more entertaining than going "wow, my brown ship sure looks great..."

  • @justinmasuda4227
    @justinmasuda4227 9 років тому

    I 100% agree with find a clan or group. lots of my local friends have stopped playing but I found a group of guys that I really enjoy playing with and the game has become way more fun. Crucible, raid, strikes are way better with people you know

  • @Rc3651
    @Rc3651 9 років тому

    I feel like if you're burnt out you're going to need a whole lot more than one of these measly expansions to come back to a truly refreshing game. I imagine it'll take one evening to get through almost all of the original content, and the raid's Normal difficulty would fall pretty soon after (if you're geared). Then pretty much all that's left is to get back to the ol' grind for another few months until the next meager content patch.

  • @adam5418
    @adam5418 9 років тому

    I'm one of those solo players, most of my friends only show up to do raids once and awhile so I always play solo which for crucible can be a problem with the tomatoes on my team

  • @MrMRMONKEY232
    @MrMRMONKEY232 9 років тому

    I think on top of the star rerolling they are adding they should impliment a capped weapon leveling. Where you reset your gun you've leveled up and grinded and redo it and all the stats are buffed by like 5-10% or so. I think adding something to change the apperance of items would be cool to. I mean I love thevhunters simbiote helmet but it looks like ass. It would be cool to have different apperances for each item that changes its look slightly so you can make your character more like you want them too.

  • @JeffTerriblz
    @JeffTerriblz 9 років тому

    Well said!!

  • @RexForger
    @RexForger 9 років тому

    Hey datto just wondering what do you think is the best exotic weapon all around that's not a PS exclusive?

  • @Primizzle
    @Primizzle 9 років тому

    I would also add to make the Weekly Heroic/Nightfall and Raids give the players a choice to have them use matchmaking.

  • @josephplett1846
    @josephplett1846 9 років тому

    Very true very true well said also do a marks farming video

  • @placerwiz
    @placerwiz 9 років тому

    Yeah. I have a level 5 sunsinger! i got it by changing it at the beginning of the opening cut scene.

  • @chaosyoshi55
    @chaosyoshi55 9 років тому

    What is your hand cannon Datto? It seems like a legendary but do you buy it in the tower?

  • @fadianwickstrom5970
    @fadianwickstrom5970 9 років тому

    How do you even join a clan.
    Perhaps a video explaning clans?

  • @Kazimandius
    @Kazimandius 9 років тому

    I recently did VOG for the first time, and my group encountered a bug with the Gorgons. If and when a Gorgon spotted someone, it triggered every Gorgon to TELEPORT right to us! Another bug with the Gorgons is that if you got spotted, the Gorgon would trigger it's animation to kill you, but it didn't kill you. My group could just kill all the Gorgons and move on! We tried wiping and it didn't fix any of those bugs. Has anyone encountered these bugs?

  • @timbouton
    @timbouton 9 років тому

    The glitched view at 5:41 and the list of broken mecanics on the templar both comes from the same glitch.
    When you kill ennemies you often get ammo and sometimes there are so many ammo boxes on the floor that the map around you gets overloaded. And when it does, it makes some wierd things happen, like super/grenades not appearing (visually AND phisically), same goes with rockets. I suppose that the same thing happen with oracles detains then... as for detain it might be because of the overload, the game can't handle debuff correctly... :/
    The simple way to know if the map is overload is when you go to your inventory and see the glitched view like at 5:41. A simple way to fix this overload problem is to wipe : it will make all ammo boxes deload (and clean the map overload). You can also quit and restart from the same point, but it would be longer to do it...

    • @timbouton
      @timbouton 9 років тому

      Though, don't take me wrong, I still think it shouldn't be happening...
      I'm not pretty sure, but better allocation of memory might solve the problem, or limitation of mobs-drop (example : can loot 50 white/20 green/10blue max or 100ammo max and if a green drops, a white disappear (if there's already 100ammo on the floor), if a blue drops, a white or green disappear (depends on how much of each...).

    • @timbouton
      @timbouton 9 років тому

      As for other broken mecanics, Templar push (as much as I like this technique) should've been patched the same week as Atheon and Atheon should have been patched a week or 2 (don't remember exactly when the exploit was first found) before...
      As for the wrong # of guardians teleported, I think they really should patch it ASAP, but let a small chance to get zero guardian into the time-stream (as it counts like there is no oracle...). And mission complete screen should appear as it does in crucible/missions/strikes...

    • @timbouton
      @timbouton 9 років тому

      By the way, overloading game is fun when you it on purpose. :3
      For example go to the "loot-cave" near your spawn on earth, overload the map by killing waves and waves of ennemies without looting the drops. Go grab a "Collect blablabla" mission when you finished overloading the map, and come back to kill ennemies in the loot cave. 2 things might happen : either half the collectibles will fall through the floor for ever (you should see the triangle shape icon fall always farther into the ground), or you will be grabing the collectibles from meters away.
      Though, I haven't found anything great to do with map overload on Destiny, but on some game (Halo 3 for example -- overloading the map with a ton of landmines will deload light shields) it will deload some ennemies, walls, doors, even floor. Or even sometime it will simply crash the game... ^^'

  • @RainnFTWj
    @RainnFTWj 9 років тому

    A very interesting topic indeed.

  • @jest_maiz
    @jest_maiz 9 років тому

    The friends I have today came to me. Pretty much I accepted a random tower invite, and party invite, to a VOG fresh. Then they sent me friend requests, made a clan and that's pretty much it.

  • @lashghost
    @lashghost 9 років тому

    Is the end-game screen really broken, or has it always been like that (and maybe is suppose to be)?

  • @kenxer6814
    @kenxer6814 9 років тому

    What about a quick menu on the d pad what isn't used for anything so we dont have to go to the menu while there are tons of adds shooting at us.

  • @423gera
    @423gera 9 років тому

    I was in the stream of the foot xD hahahahah it was awesome

  • @endersaurus5212
    @endersaurus5212 9 років тому

    I think that one of the biggest problem is that people like myself that don't have time can't really progress past level 28 I have been stuck there for 3 weeks because I don't have time to do the raid to get the things I need.

  • @ccrane5959
    @ccrane5959 9 років тому

    I've tried joining a few clans now and I can't join one. What am I doing wrong?

  • @Lwolf99
    @Lwolf99 9 років тому

    How awesome would mob spawners be in a forge type mode with destiny. It would allow community strikes, raids, etc. as far as progression goes they could use a vender similar to the crucible and vanguard vendors, ranking up would allow for more forge options and materials.

  • @LinuxScouser
    @LinuxScouser 9 років тому

    I'm honestly a solo player. I don't know why but I just don't enjoy playing with others that much and I tend to enjoy the game more on my own compared to others. I've yet to do the raid because of it.

  • @DeviousAmbition
    @DeviousAmbition 9 років тому

    I think you missed a very important thing, loot. There needs to be more of it. Bosses need to drop certain legendaries. Items need to be more dynamic where you can make "builds" off of them especially since we can level them.
    When you can earn everything you need within weeks of launch and only end up needing to run the only raid for other people or the weekly nightfall just because it's the only things that drops end game loot then something is wrong.

  • @javerosales7339
    @javerosales7339 9 років тому

    I noticed that you compared WoW and Destiny on many points. WoW and many other MMOs are paid per month subscriptions, which could have an effect on developer hotfixes.
    I played a lot of Final Fantasy XI, and what I want to see done in Destiny is something similar to "Besieged" in FFXI. Where mobs will attack Al Zhabi, or in this case Tower. This would be entertaining. Should the Vex capture Zur, they could keep him for an extra week?

    • @DattoDoesDestiny
      @DattoDoesDestiny  9 років тому +3

      I think Tower attacks would be a great thing. Anything that introduces more spontaneity into the game would be great. And yeah, I'm a big MMOer, I just can't help but compare all the time. As for the hotfix thing, I don't think Bungie has any issues with money and I'd sort of label the expansions as the "paid per month" subscription. For a company of 500 people, well, I guess I expect a little more urgency.

  • @halfbakejake
    @halfbakejake 9 років тому

    datto is your clan recruiting? I have been looking for a clan that plays and communicates.

  • @Armystrong512
    @Armystrong512 9 років тому

    Great ideas

  • @AccuracyBeast
    @AccuracyBeast 9 років тому

    To what i know of, Consoles have a bunch of terms where the company (SONY/MICROSOFT) have to agree that the update is suitable for the platform. It also costs the game developers company money in order to get the update onto the platform. For example, EA have to give money to SONY and MICROSOFT in order to put their updates onto the console for games like Battlefield 4.
    This may not be 100% true but i am sure this is how the console updates work if they are not hotfixes.

  • @dadevious
    @dadevious 9 років тому

    I agree on all points.

  • @nirgunayar4304
    @nirgunayar4304 9 років тому +9

    If you have to go out of the game to get the story you failed at telling the story. Easy way to fix this is by letting us see the grimour in game or you know...... add a satisfactional story! Content was cut to reship as dlc and im fucking pissed about it.

    • @tjames6996
      @tjames6996 9 років тому +1

      I mean really there's a goddamn library right next to the speaker. Let us read the cards there they can even add pictures and images to make it more immersive

    • @delbomb3131
      @delbomb3131 9 років тому

      Every Final Fantasy player was so pissed at 13 for putting all of the real story content in an in game library. This just takes that to an entirely new level of laziness. I once heard a quote about film that goes "if you don't see it on screen, it didn't happen in that universe" I feel it holds true to gaming as well. If it's story that pertains to the story you're trying to tell us, PUT IT ON THE SCREEN!

    • @tjames6996
      @tjames6996 9 років тому

      The problem with FF13 was that the story was WAY TO DAMN OBSCURE for anybody to pick up on it. We needed the Datalog to understand Hope's inner conflict about not killing Snow. Like, that wasn't necessary because 6-10 had amazing stories and I never once went to the wiki to understand it.

    • @delbomb3131
      @delbomb3131 9 років тому

      Tyler James but 6 thru 10 had the luxury of anything you needed to know was either shown on screen or explained on screen. There wasn't this vast history that if you didn't know about left the story feeling empty with the only way to find out about it being taking time out from playing the game to read about it.

  • @fartzinwind
    @fartzinwind 9 років тому

    I think one of the ways this game can be the best in it's "class" is the weapons. One of the things keeping me entertained is the weapons I'm earning and leveling. Every time I get a good legendary or exotic weapon it is like getting a new toy for Christmas. No this isn't Halo where everyone loved one or 2 weapons the most out of the selection, because there are just too many already. There is a weapon for everyone. So while you don't get everyone praising any single weapon like in halo, you get many people sharing appreciations for well crafted weapons that fit their style of play. I just got the Suros Regime, and it has totally made me rethink what I'm doing. I'm normally exclusively a hand cannon user as a primary, but the Suros is just a beast and may be a swap to weapon depending on what I'm doing.

  • @nKuch
    @nKuch 9 років тому


  • @taipang2982
    @taipang2982 9 років тому

    ye i joined a clan day one but trying to raid with them is a nightmare.. I cant enjoy this game solo and its too much of a headache to find people who want to play it the way I do.. Im not down to spend 2 hours cheesing fights when i can just do them the way there meant to be done and have more fun doing it. The reason I cant enjoy the raid is because i cant find a group of people that actually like raiding just a bunch of people who want gear without actually giving a shit about how they get it.

  • @LyndanTylor
    @LyndanTylor 9 років тому

    All I wanted from Destiny was the multiplayer experience we got with Halo. The custom games, perfect balancing, forge, all the custom settings.. Coming up with new games and just having fun with your friends.

  • @wyboycowboy
    @wyboycowboy 9 років тому +1

    Trade System
    Everything-Is-Great PVP Meta
    Share Reputation but not marks
    Fix all bugs in both PVE/PVP/RAIDS
    Allow 6 man Patrols
    Create special versions of current strikes that allow for 6 people to play
    Make exotics hard to obtain and raise damage so they're actually better than legendary weapons
    Allow the buying of materials from the VG
    In the long run, this game will be amazing. Just do this, and the game will be the best.

  • @octodog5907
    @octodog5907 9 років тому

    I don't know if the same is for Destiny (or all AAA games for that matter,) but when I played a small game called Warframe on PS4, it would take them a long time for them to get out the updates (maybe a month.) People started talking about in the forums, particularly on my topic (if you went there now, you'd see mine still has the second most views :D) and eventually, the developers started responding (not particularly on my topic.) Anyway, at one point, I got to talk to one of them, and they said that Sony's set up this thing where they have to approve of their updates, and this accounts for about 1 week of the delay in updates. Now, with Warframe, the developers like to bind all of their hotfixes and crap into one big update, and I don't know if this is because Sony would take just as long to approve of the tiny hotfixes, or if the developers are scared that they will do that, but they don't really know, or what. Anyway, that might be a reason they don't get the updates out as quick as they should. But that's just a theory.

    • @BenjyTheKid
      @BenjyTheKid 9 років тому +1

      You're pretty close to the truth, what actually is the case is that sony charge companies to upload patches/more content. Therefore smaller developers like those behind warframe simply cant afford a weekly update whereas with destiny with a large amount of funding they can

  • @ogjohnny7528
    @ogjohnny7528 9 років тому

    Last word VS hawk moon pls!

  • @hatikay
    @hatikay 9 років тому

    Currently I amnot doing much on destiny except for bounties to get pocket infinity cause i have just joined a clan a couple of days ago but half the time they are not doing the raid cause of "reasons" (Cod aw or some other excuse). Still though being a 27 warlock with out raiding is kind of cool, feels like if i try to join a clan people will think he at least must be decent if he has not done the raid but is 27...i hope

  • @Just_Amatuer
    @Just_Amatuer 9 років тому

    Will you cover the patch for today? I'm too lazy to read. :\

  • @YaBoiJS
    @YaBoiJS 9 років тому

    I would Love some type of Trading System

  • @Jazzman4824
    @Jazzman4824 9 років тому

    There is party chat on xbone, xbox 360, ps3 and ps4, and you jump into that, the only downside is that it has a cap of 8 people on ps4, but that's my clan chat basically

  • @JDsWrld
    @JDsWrld 9 років тому

    DattoDoesDestiny How do I join your clan I'm a lvl 25 with three legendary weapons an I'm half way through the pocket infinity quest. And I need some help the quest.

  • @05DarkSaint
    @05DarkSaint 9 років тому

    All That Remains PS is on We are recruiting PS4 players with positive KDRs. we have 30 members so far. Flawless Raider has been done as well. See you guys there if you are looking for a clan.

  • @silversided
    @silversided 9 років тому

    To be fair, there are some unconfirmed 6th/7th chest theories which involve atheon's room - something about cubbyholes, I don't remember the details. But if the chest is in or involves atheon's room, then they should at least get rid of the UI that implies "ok you're done here, go away."

  • @MrDTCH
    @MrDTCH 9 років тому

    Why no back up plans for the raid?

  • @iBeViking
    @iBeViking 9 років тому

    Hi Datto or anyone else that can answer this question. Is Destiny going to let us keep our characters when the new Destiny comes out? Like how an expansion comes out for WOW. I just don't want to start at level 1 again and repeat this process again. I'd rather they just keep expanding the level cap. And I think raiding is by far the most fun thing on this game. Bungie should focus on expanding the Destiny world and making more raids when Destiny "2" comes out, not remaking everything and making people start from scratch...

  • @BIGGGO4
    @BIGGGO4 9 років тому

    I liked the video just for 2:20

  • @MixedMartialAus
    @MixedMartialAus 9 років тому

    Hey I'm a new fan and I am really enjoying your videos :) I was wondering if I could add you on ps4 :)?

  • @matthewgile587
    @matthewgile587 9 років тому

    all we really want is CTF game mode in crucible. i think that this might make multiplayer more welcoming to those who would not otherwise play it.

  • @TheSacrificium
    @TheSacrificium 9 років тому

    Amen to this video!

  • @baicaibangx
    @baicaibangx 9 років тому

    Well now push the boss off edge is much harder than kill it normally… last time we tried to push Aethon off because we have 2 lv29 and 2 lv28 guys to carry and they are not capable to take the extra damage (we were using the boss checkpoint save) and it took us 4 hours to do it… then few days later we formed a lv30 team and killed Aethon on the first attempt in less than 10 min…

  • @WisecrackJax
    @WisecrackJax 9 років тому

    Chatterwhite and Ascendant Energy from Aetheon. I know how that feels way too well.

  • @sampalin5089
    @sampalin5089 9 років тому

    Help meee. I have the dreaded boar error code. Can anyone help with solving this that has had this before.

  • @Sunnyhari1982
    @Sunnyhari1982 9 років тому

    I had 3 people in my friend list before destiny launched nd thats bcoz i like to play solo but not destiny now i have almost 7 pages of friends list on ps4 nd some of them are my really good friends now

  • @azriljoshua628
    @azriljoshua628 9 років тому

    For the raid. I find it a little bit acceptable with the flaws.. Its their first attempt. I am pretty sure they will get better after a few times of designing a raid level.

  • @bigmandood9861
    @bigmandood9861 9 років тому

    The glitches on the templar arent on Xbone :D

  • @15liran
    @15liran 9 років тому

    Match making for weekly and nightfall strikes! Raids too

    • @williamf7629
      @williamf7629 9 років тому

      U nedd to communicate in raids but I also want MM for weeklys and nightfall

  • @sp4rt4n259
    @sp4rt4n259 9 років тому

    Also, the glitch where time's vengeance doesn't trigger. Really sucks.

  • @Lowlight23
    @Lowlight23 9 років тому

    love and agree with your comments. unfortunately, with bungie's only urgent fix being the removal of the loot cave, I don't think bungie cares about our experience. after everyone who cared about story and such left Bungie, I think they just gave up and figured the longer they can stretch out the grind in this game, the more people will play and ignore the problems. The bottom line is bungie doesn't care and doesn't think too highly of us as gamers... we're idiots in their eyes.

  • @therookie7349
    @therookie7349 9 років тому

    I would like the Factions to be less crucible mark based
    The vanguard marks are barely used id also like if Xür sold legendary items and a better story

  • @johngoode3509
    @johngoode3509 9 років тому

    I want to start or join an Xbox Destiny clan, how? Or if you are in a clan, can I join

  • @fj7509
    @fj7509 9 років тому

    Like this so Bungie can see! Nice facts Datto!

  • @TheMysteriousOswald
    @TheMysteriousOswald 9 років тому

    THANK YOU DATTO! Finally someone who understands that Destiny's story is really, really great, it is the way Bungie TELLS the story that is the problem. Ditch the Grimoire cards and add the story into the game itself. That will MASSIVELY flesh out the depth of the game and its world.

  • @andyfulcher4132
    @andyfulcher4132 9 років тому

    I couldn't agree with this more

  • @Riviera501
    @Riviera501 9 років тому

    Thanks for making this "evidence" video, and expressing yourself in a polite way. I linked your vid in the Bungie forums... Hope it doesn't get you ninja'd from the next Bungie event.

  • @whoathere558
    @whoathere558 9 років тому

    This is unexpected, but still really cool and true!

  • @gakerotz0
    @gakerotz0 9 років тому

    Great video but I all I heard after the first few minutes is dattodoeswarcraft go go

  • @coffdrop94
    @coffdrop94 9 років тому

    they need an option to where you can get a full fireteam and go to the towere and the leader can turn off the display names above everyones head for everyone in the fireteam. that way we can play hide n seek in the tower lol there are tons of hiding spots

  • @dukeskywatcher7708
    @dukeskywatcher7708 9 років тому

    more inventory slots for legendary+ ships.

  • @benmccarthy4482
    @benmccarthy4482 9 років тому

    I want to replay story missions and get rewards, ill go through it on a lower level and then come back and get no rewards even though i haven't done it on that level

  • @Complacency_media
    @Complacency_media 9 років тому

    Datto Datto Dragon Age Woo!

  • @OzymandiasParagon
    @OzymandiasParagon 9 років тому

    Great points.
    Edit: 3:38 = my life

  • @zhqngs
    @zhqngs 9 років тому

    wow, at 3:37 someone found an icebreaker