Shoutout to the following people for helping & submitting clips so close to the holidays: Ravioli, ElderGoose93, Triskai13, Thrumond, Weeks, Rogulus, Icicle, GhaniRulz, The_Jokers_Wild96, SilliestPutty, Ludovician_fear, Crixus2580, and everyone else who reached out to help! 15,000 Likes on today's vid = Follow-up Video ✌️
so sorry but your wrong about last word i know some one who has over 3000 kills on his last word in pve GM last word master raid last word he needs therapy
how did you not talk about the sound Outbreak Perfected makes! 99% of the reason i use it is just to hear that cheeky affirmation every time i proc Outlaw
Fun fact: the reason why Sturm mains say it "feels better" is because it's the only high impact hand-cannon that didn't get a recoil nerf when beyond light changed 110s in to 120s. And also because it has like a billion handling more than other options.
I hardly play pvp but Sturm to me feels better out of all the hc (save for ace) because of the sound to me. It's been one of my more enjoyed ones since years before lightfall dropped. Also I hit more shots somehow
As someone who's loved Le Monarque in PvE before it got it's overload buff, you would not believe the amount of sweat I was generating when it got popular and annoying in PvP. I was praying to god that Bungie wouldn't obliterate it in PvE when talking about changing it's frame type.
Agreed i came back to d2 bc i heard bows were a thing after like 3 years and saw monarque in the kiosk and was like i need that then got it and loved it can started seeing it get a lot of heat in pvp and was like oh no please dont
I used Le Monarque so much when ever Overload bow came around, before Bungie made it intrinsic. It's so good at stunning Overload champs and keeping them stuck, it's difficult to use anything else
Wish-Ender and Le Monarque have situational advantages. Nezarec's Sin and Le Monarque work so well, and it'll out-damage Wish-Ender in dense groups. Not to mention the super regen with abyssal extractors active. In sporadic enemy groups, Wish-Ender shines much more because it works better against single targets with beefy health bars. Both are good in their own ways and have their places as top tier bows.
I went into this not actually entirely sure which exotic was my main until you hit Ticcus. That spoke to me. You missed the part where anybody who uses Ticcus PRAYS ON THEIR KNEES every night that bungie will give it some solar 3.0 synergy.
As a fighting lion main titan, I thank you for the thumbnail. It feels damn good to be recognized for how difficult our road was to reach this level of infamy. Also I like barricading and shooting angles around it its really fun to see the hunter try to dodgeroll a remote controlled explosive.
Well I'll complete the trinity as a Warlock who hasn't let go of Fighting Lion since week 1 to when I quit before Arc 3.0. Between Empowered Rift Stag checking people into the floor and being an oppressive Stasis jack-hole I can agree with the videos opinion of us.
Outbreak Perfected: You're either that PVE player Fallout talks about or you secretly know that power it has in PVP and will annoy everyone on the enemy team with how accurate the gun is.
As a Tommy's Matchbook user this season (Getting ignitions in solo coil on shielded enemies felt more fun than Polaris Lance did) and a Centrifuse main from the last two seasons... I approve these messages.
@KillMeForReal Centrifuse is usually my PvP just because I'm lazy and don't want to swap my loadouts. But, if I am in the mood for swapping, I typically end up running 2 legendary weapons as I find my armor piece matters more (Warlock main, btw)
I've been running a warlock build this season with Tommy's and karnstein armlets and let me tell you, being always radiant and having perpetual health regeneration as long as you keep killing even if your gun is literally setting you on fire is such a cool gameplay
I still haven't used Final Warning once since I got it. I remember just being disappointed when I got it, because it didn't have a catalyst. No gold border
I had no idea Bad Juju was an odd sight. And yes, I use it in both PvE and PvP. It's all about the recoil, not the super regen. Plus, it confuses the hell out of my teammates.
Been my main since D1 lol I like large magazines, and Bad Juju basically has unlimited ammunition. I also like the look and it just feels really nice to use. I know it kind of sucks, but that won't stop me.
And along with it's catalyst and more people it's one of the more damaging guns in the game especially as a primary it goes crazy. I remember when it first came out it used to shred bosses alone
Osteo Striga main here, can confirm on that bit. As soon as I got my hands on this thing, I realized it was a Destiny-ified Halo Needler, and man oh man do I love me a needler. So couple that and its absurd crowd control now, I can confidently say that my needle sprinkler and I are the best of friends.
As a Dead Man's Tale enjoyer this is very accurate. I've mained it since the day Presage first came out. I'm a bit sad about the nerfs but it's also kinda fun that it takes more skill to use now.
I was considering dropping Destiny after Beyond Light, and I remember the exact moment I scrolled down the TWAB, saw the preview image of Dead Man's Tale, sighed, and pulled out my wallet. Truly the Yeeest of all Haws was had when this gun was crafted.
I'm 100% with you. My favorite gun in the game. It is quite literally the top gun in PvE, Crucible, and Gambit for me in the kinetic slot. I use it so much that my crafted DMT is now also registering in the top 5, because apparently, they're treated as different weapons in the API.
I’m so happy Polaris Lance is having a moment. I’ve been in love with it ever since it came out and always loved solar burn days so it felt like it was doing something.
Bad juju was my first exotic quest weapon in destiny 1 and carried me through my very first VOG. When D2 brought it back it has stayed in my primary inventory and will never go in the vault.
Considering Lumina is the only handcannon I ever liked, Traveler's Chosen is a comfortable sidearm and Verglas Curve just feel like one of my top three favourite bows, this video seems accurate... for now. Also, I'm revoking one point of cool factor because of that crouch spam with Centrifuse. You can have it back next video.
I may not play this game anymore, but my favorite exotics will forever be Thorn (been using it since D1), Sweet Business, Lumina and the Huckleberry. Graviton being a runner up.
The sunshot meta slave hurt given it only became meta recently. As a hand canon connoisseur, I’ve been having the best fun with it for a while, kind of like Graviton till it got its buff. Then I went from the cool niche user to meta slave in a heartbeat. I’m glad Twin tails hasn’t suffered the same fate when it got it’s catalyst. It was my first ever exotic and I love it to bits.
Revision Zero main here! Man, from the 19th season (just when i got into D2) i still think that this is a best pulse rifle in the game for me. I mean, the heavy "series"? its just so good, so universal for both pvp and pve, and i LOVE IT! And, ofc, you can kill barriers in a one mag. WITH A PRIMARY
It's been years since I played, but I still fondly remember the trickshots. Oh, how I cackled with glee! That and shotgunning people in the face. I could never make up my mind which was better, so I frequently did both.
Lumina is my go to exotic, usually combo'd with boots of the assembler. I used it in pvp for a while before they changed glaive damage because you could one shot people with glaive plus lumina buff
Used Cryosthesia since it dropped because back then I didn't have beyond light and it was the only way to get stasis bounties completed. So you not mentioning the PVE side of Cryos when I mained it for fun for like 2 seasons makes me feel like a Cryptid seen in the snow of Europa and I love it.
Same lol! Been using Cryo since it was launched and pre nerfed. Nowadays, you see it a bit more; but mostly with people trying it our for a niche build
when i use cryo i do it on stasis warlock 2 coldsnaps the rift freeze and smt to regenrate melee energy for even more freeze i must be damn annoying to fight against but after the arc titan meta with anteus there is no honor
Cryosthesia is really fun, i absolutely love it. On small pvp maps ill use nezarec's sin/winter's guile/rain of fire on stasis with a backup plan epicurean, and on larger ones ill just use a winter's guile and archer's tempo + swash IB bow (frostpulse highly recommended for guile, and I never take iceflare bolts off)
I used cerberus in trials and its probably the most unironic best primary for point blank situations where an smg genuinely feels obsolete compared to an automatic rifle shotgun
I, admittedly, started using wishkeeper to find a less "obviously likely to be nerfed" weapon than quicksilver to lean on for my strand building. Honestly, I love the depth it adds for scoring precisions, and I don't dare go back again. The nerf is inevitable.
@4EverSavvy, we will see. When something is a swiss army knife and is nearly the best at everything in every activity, it rarely is allowed to shine like that indefinitely if it wasnt a earned exotic, and even then it will often get a pass to bring it back in line. Do you think the weapon in its present iteration is balanced?
You're partially right about my Cerberus+1 bit. When I take my dogs for a walk in PvP, it's a goofy bit for my clanmates that have just gotten used to my particular brand of unhinged. But my dogs have also helped me reliably get to Lighthouse a few times, thoroughly chewing up and spitting out overconfident slideshotting Shotgun Titans that were oh-so-certain they could slide into range before my dogs finished barking. Cerberus buff in TFS gonna be absolutely cracked in half, and I cannot wait.
this was the best D2 content I've ever watched lol as a PVE main who consistently drools over Osteo, & Quicksilver with my strand assassin build -- I accept all the call outs lmao
My Titan mained Hard Light during S20-not because I thought it was great, but because I had just joined, Actium was my only halfway decent Exotic armor, the Volatile seasonal perk seemed neat, and I had literally no other void autos of ANY rarity until Xur sold a couple near the end of the season. (I also ground lost sectors and Terminal overload for EXITUS of all things, because the only other Void MG I could get was Deterministic Chaos.)
Honestly kinda spot on with the three or so that apply to me. Quite impressive. What you said about DMT fits me perfectly. The gun just clicked with me. It feels like no other. Trinity ghoul is just about 100% spot on. I love how redbars just evaporate. The only one that is not perfect is Osteo Striga since I use it a lot in pvp as well as pve. I was relieved to see what the nerfs were even though they affected my warlock build that's correct.
yeah, DMT is the wild west rifleman, part of it for me is the iron sights rather than a proper scope, focus, but not tunnel vision with a quick but stable tap, tap, tap, tap taptaptaptap that eats through bosses since most of them have a clear critical point to hit in pve trinity ghoul goes bzap, not much to say there for me, running around like a doofus stabbing things with the new monte carlo is just stupid fun, I know my builds would be better with a glaive, but glaives aren't auto rifles
As someone whose favorite is Traveler's Chosen and has no idea who True Vanguard is - thanks for helping me find a cool streamer. When I first picked up destiny - I had never played an fps - except at friend's houses - so all the unique guns and loadouts really confused me at first. Traveler's Chosen was the first exotic that I fully understood - and I love it for that. It's a pistol - it shoots fast and gives energy. Love that thing. Now - even though I understand the ideal meta stuff and the more wacky unique guns (and I do like me some Sweet Business and Last Word) - Traveler's Chosen remains the favorite.
ok but the vigilance wing description was too on point, like literally, my Dad, who has been playing since D1, still only uses Vigilance wing and sunshot ever since he got them 10 years ago in D1, and he is still cracked at the game, legit just remembered him saying i can play destiny once you when 14 and i was currently 4, and my brother was shoving the fact that he can play destiny 1 before me since he was 7, now 10 years later my 17 yr old bro, my Dad, and I are now playing D2 and its so nostalgic to play with them like the old times. haven't had this kind of bonding time with them since forever.
One thing to note: You don't need a disruption break GL when using cryo. Cryo is stasis and doesn't benefit from DB. This opens up your options a lot. imo the one thing you do want it alh or some other reload perk
Crimson: "PvP player..." Yep! "Controller main..." Yeah, so? "Over the age of 30..." Okay, a little too close to home. "Don't like the kick on other hand cannons..." Please stop. 😭
Those repulsor brace void breaches back in season of defiance were the Collective Obligation glory days…it’s still my favourite and yes I will be praying for it again in every remaining artefact
After I got the gun I told myself I’ll try to learn 140’s but couldn’t stand the flinch and how it messed with my accuracy so I use malfeasance and Crimson favorite hand cannons 💪🏾.
@@silvergrimoire mine too and I am over 30 but they just feel so good! I really like Frontier's Cry and warden's law too, both can't be convinced to wander once they find their target
Looking at my multiple fighting lion loadouts that I've spent the past few seasons refining. 🤔He may have a point. Sidearm + Fighting lion is just too fun.
It's actually ridiculously good when you use the Sixth Coyote + the Threaded Specter/Whirling Maelstrom aspect combo. I have never seen so much green, and so many things die so fast in my life.
I don't work at Bungie, nor am I Merc. RevZero is not only my favorite Exotic but my favorite Pulse Rifle of all time. I love the looks, the feel, the damage, the secondary fire mode, the way it is obtained, literally everything about it gives me serotonin and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise.
Verglas is, no lie, my absolute favorite bow in the game. I don't have the Stasis subclasses because I haven't bought an expansion in years but it still performs fairly well on its own and it's nice having something that mimics some of the utility of the Stasis wall grenades.
@@basedcow Likely won't ever. Destiny 2 isn't a game that I want to sink any more money into. Shadowkeep and Forsaken remain the only expansions I ever bought... and I did get my money's worth out of it. Had over 1,000 hours in the game before I stopped playing and most of that was from the first year the game went 'free to play'.
@@Zed-1213 I think you missed this part: Most of my hours were from the first year of the game going free to play. Since then, that time plummeted to pretty much nil after that year. While I do not regret playing the game for that time, I don't see Destiny 2 as a game worth spending more money, or even time, on anymore.
I'ma provide a defense for all my other Sunshot bros here real quick: Chances are you've loved this gun since launch and have wanted it to be this good for years after incessantly grinding for its catalyst. Seeing it come so far puts a smile on your face, and while you don't like being called a meta slave, you, like the Thorn mains are happy to see your baby finally get the love it deserves Oh and you love explosions, like a lot.
16:39 One thing I'd like to add. If you're a void titan, this gun is perfect for you. Especially if you have the right fragments on. You're a walking solar/void bomb machine. Then you get to throw a shield, make people volatile, then explode in a conga line of purple and orange. Beautiful gun.
Lumina main here. I loved the ascetic first them when I realised I could heal and buff people it all fell into place. Rocking boots of the assembler too and heal nades because medic is the game. If someone dies on my watch I feel personally responsible
It really was like you were in my head for Outbreak lmao it's just my go-to when no other weapons are feeling right and I don't have a better use for an exotic in the other slots.
Thank you for the yeehaw respect. Last Word may be a bit much on controller, but I run it for the Cowboy vibe alongside the TTK - It's honestly kinda silly how many of the fun yeehaw guns have also been kinda busted at some point.
It is so funny that you compared Huckleberry with Osteo because when i first started playing, I only used Huckleberry for everything. Then I got Osteo and after I got its catalyst, it very quickly replaced Huckleberry as my primary.
I use last word I love it because when I earned it back in d1 it felt like such an achievement same with AOS but something about the last word is just so cool the noise is part of the reason
Sweet Business user here, and yes, I love it when people just run into all my dakka. Especially lovely is when you know they're too dense to see the stream of high calibre death while holding that angle they just peeked and get mowed down as they come around again with their boring hand cannons. And also yes, I'm a Titan.
I WAS a Graviton Lance main, but the increased emphasis on Champions and its lack of an intrinsic mod have had me switch to Le Monarque (PvE). Which basically fulfills the same "Grape 'splosions go BRRRRR" need, and also lets me erase Overloads!
Yeah, I still love the gun and get giddy everytime it ignites a grape-reaction on trash but it struggles too much for sustained DPS on Champions. I find Sweet Business to be pretty good on both Champs and Redbars, just not as satisfying when they drop.
7:38 You forgot about how with the relatively new setting option, I can just hold down shoot and sort turn my brain off. But other than that, ya nailed it.
Polaris Lance is my single favorite exotic in D2. I literally have not taken it out of my Warlock's inventory since Warmind. Something about it just checks everything I love about the gunplay in Destiny. Sunshot similarly only left my inventory for the first time in 2022. I just came back to the game after the Dawning in 2022, and I see a lot of talk about it. To me, it the was gun I used to take out Calus in my first current raid clear. Learning that I could trigger it's explosions off of pota in the Leviathan amused me way more than it should. Aside from that Malfeasance was my dream weapon, and I teared up the day I finally unlocked it as a 90% solo player. Thorn was always with me in D1 and today I learned there is a catalyst in D2. I can't wait. Aside from that Bad Juju was my first exotic ever in D1 as a player from the beta, and it was shortly before House of Wolves before I was blessed with that gun. It always rides shotgun with me in D2. I loved this video and it was hilarious. I can't wait to get caught up on the episodes and I bawled like a child when I played the Final Shape.
As a space-age 1920’a gangster, the lightweight throwing knife for radiant, extend radiant with kills, healing grenade for restoration and every other firesprite fragment (especially the one that give restor.) does it for me. Sadly no room for gunpowder gamble. And in the hunter armour video, yes, the ophida spathe is what I run and your description quite accurate
tips for fellow cryosthesia users, put confetti mod on your sniper for maximum whisper baiting and possibly use one with dragonfly (1kyard stare is the best because quickdraw + dragonfly) for some vfx. if you play chef/unicorn build radiant + 3 surge make you 3tap under 7 resilience.
As someone who gets a decent amount of kills while hip firing DMT your absolutely correct recently got the craftable version and I'm still slaying people even getting t-bagged love to see it
I like tommy's bc I think it's funny to set yourself on fire and run at the enemies....that and I'm hardstuck well of radiance so might as well have fun (and you were spot on about the 1920's thing ofc it's for that too I mean why wouldn't it be)
You know as someone who has used trinity ghoul since it its birth... ya got me i cant tell you the amount of time i spent copeing that its not that bad in pvp as well but man when it works... chills
0:04 Sweet Business Warlock rocking Ophidian Aspect with kinetic loader mod for obscene reload speed. Add auto rifle in second slot and machine gun for heavy. Add kinetic siphon for orb making
Shoutout to the following people for helping & submitting clips so close to the holidays: Ravioli, ElderGoose93, Triskai13, Thrumond, Weeks, Rogulus, Icicle, GhaniRulz, The_Jokers_Wild96, SilliestPutty, Ludovician_fear, Crixus2580, and everyone else who reached out to help!
15,000 Likes on today's vid = Follow-up Video ✌️
so sorry but your wrong about last word i know some one who has over 3000 kills on his last word in pve GM last word master raid last word he needs therapy
how did you not talk about the sound Outbreak Perfected makes! 99% of the reason i use it is just to hear that cheeky affirmation every time i proc Outlaw
Yeah you got me with the Devil's Ruin 😅😂
@@Asapanguish Oh, it’s me with Sunbracers.
"Void surge? Imma bout to make this room void of enemies" Hell yeah brother
Grav is the first exotic got after the lightning smg, and have been using it since, even before the much needed buff
Quicksilver should be a Datto callout, because of how many times he spoke about how good it is, and he is right about that
It is damn good.
@MinaStephsame! I started using it when Jez got convinced and it’s my go to now
Its definitely elitest Dattos choice of exotic
the fact it still hits as hard as it does TO THIS DAY, surprises the fuck outta me
I quietly wonder when a nerf will hit it, but I'm having fun with it all the same.
Fun fact: the reason why Sturm mains say it "feels better" is because it's the only high impact hand-cannon that didn't get a recoil nerf when beyond light changed 110s in to 120s.
And also because it has like a billion handling more than other options.
plus two tapping someone with sturm//drang combo is awesome
I hardly play pvp but Sturm to me feels better out of all the hc (save for ace) because of the sound to me. It's been one of my more enjoyed ones since years before lightfall dropped. Also I hit more shots somehow
On behalf of all lumina mains. Thank you for giving us the recognition we deserve and need to keep going
Currently buddy buddy with No Hesitation as well
I receive so much hate because of my build
I know the feeling. I've got 34,000 Crucible kills in my Lumina.
@@fridgegaming1544 Support build go burrr my friend
@@SoNobleRoundsdo you pair it with speakers or assemblers? Or do you deviate from the true path?
Not only am I grateful, I am impressed that you not only complimented but also respected us Rat King users!
We are small, but we are legion.
Why use plural 😛
@@aljazslemc9569 why use big word when small word do trick
@@Razorlight3 can't argue with that😅
We are legion!
None of my clan use it anymore.. I still had the achievement to get with it lol
As someone who's loved Le Monarque in PvE before it got it's overload buff, you would not believe the amount of sweat I was generating when it got popular and annoying in PvP. I was praying to god that Bungie wouldn't obliterate it in PvE when talking about changing it's frame type.
Monarque with nezarecs was my go to for so long. Still is when i wanna play void
I used to main omni monaque in pve in witch queen until lightfall, thats when i swapped to wish ender (it does way more damage)
Agreed i came back to d2 bc i heard bows were a thing after like 3 years and saw monarque in the kiosk and was like i need that then got it and loved it can started seeing it get a lot of heat in pvp and was like oh no please dont
I used Le Monarque so much when ever Overload bow came around, before Bungie made it intrinsic. It's so good at stunning Overload champs and keeping them stuck, it's difficult to use anything else
Wish-Ender and Le Monarque have situational advantages. Nezarec's Sin and Le Monarque work so well, and it'll out-damage Wish-Ender in dense groups. Not to mention the super regen with abyssal extractors active.
In sporadic enemy groups, Wish-Ender shines much more because it works better against single targets with beefy health bars. Both are good in their own ways and have their places as top tier bows.
I went into this not actually entirely sure which exotic was my main until you hit Ticcus. That spoke to me. You missed the part where anybody who uses Ticcus PRAYS ON THEIR KNEES every night that bungie will give it some solar 3.0 synergy.
As a fighting lion main titan, I thank you for the thumbnail. It feels damn good to be recognized for how difficult our road was to reach this level of infamy.
Also I like barricading and shooting angles around it its really fun to see the hunter try to dodgeroll a remote controlled explosive.
Fighting lion hunter. I use it in PvE with gyrefalcon because infinite ammo chain reaction go brrr, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't peak lol
The guy who got me into D2 was a Fighting Lion Titan Main, I will forever be grateful to your kind, from a Outbreak Perfected Hunter main
Well I'll complete the trinity as a Warlock who hasn't let go of Fighting Lion since week 1 to when I quit before Arc 3.0. Between Empowered Rift Stag checking people into the floor and being an oppressive Stasis jack-hole I can agree with the videos opinion of us.
Certified rare breed of guardians
@@roxrequiem2935 We're not like other Guardians, we're quirky!
Receiving hate mail from using devil’s ruin is my passion. Almost 7,000 kills
Finally someone else! getting death mail cuz I spam the beam
Outbreak Perfected: You're either that PVE player Fallout talks about or you secretly know that power it has in PVP and will annoy everyone on the enemy team with how accurate the gun is.
Anytime I’ve used it in PvP after like 2 kills they also pull it out thinking it’s the gun doing all the work lol
As a Tommy's Matchbook user this season (Getting ignitions in solo coil on shielded enemies felt more fun than Polaris Lance did) and a Centrifuse main from the last two seasons... I approve these messages.
I did Tommy's Catalyst two seasons ago and Im so thankful I did. Centrifuge is a good choice as well.
@KillMeForReal Centrifuse is usually my PvP just because I'm lazy and don't want to swap my loadouts. But, if I am in the mood for swapping, I typically end up running 2 legendary weapons as I find my armor piece matters more (Warlock main, btw)
I've been running a warlock build this season with Tommy's and karnstein armlets and let me tell you, being always radiant and having perpetual health regeneration as long as you keep killing even if your gun is literally setting you on fire is such a cool gameplay
Tommy’s is legit in checkmate
I still haven't used Final Warning once since I got it. I remember just being disappointed when I got it, because it didn't have a catalyst. No gold border
I had no idea Bad Juju was an odd sight. And yes, I use it in both PvE and PvP. It's all about the recoil, not the super regen. Plus, it confuses the hell out of my teammates.
I mean, once they fixed the recoil on it it's become much nicer to use.
I was so hype when they brought the Juju to D2, that thing was my baby in D1.
Now if Bungie brought back Invective....
I’ve had no issues using it in PvP and a quicker super there is S tier.
I will not stand for this Bad Juju slander.
Been my main since D1 lol
I like large magazines, and Bad Juju basically has unlimited ammunition.
I also like the look and it just feels really nice to use.
I know it kind of sucks, but that won't stop me.
Right I use it for pvp on console. I shred every time
Have a chair, you clearly don't want to stand
pvp bad juju is underrated asf
i love outbreak perfected because of how cool it looks and how much i love burst weapons
And along with it's catalyst and more people it's one of the more damaging guns in the game especially as a primary it goes crazy. I remember when it first came out it used to shred bosses alone
Osteo Striga main here, can confirm on that bit. As soon as I got my hands on this thing, I realized it was a Destiny-ified Halo Needler, and man oh man do I love me a needler. So couple that and its absurd crowd control now, I can confidently say that my needle sprinkler and I are the best of friends.
Aw man you’re not gonna believe what exotic they released in final shape
As a Dead Man's Tale enjoyer this is very accurate. I've mained it since the day Presage first came out. I'm a bit sad about the nerfs but it's also kinda fun that it takes more skill to use now.
I was considering dropping Destiny after Beyond Light, and I remember the exact moment I scrolled down the TWAB, saw the preview image of Dead Man's Tale, sighed, and pulled out my wallet. Truly the Yeeest of all Haws was had when this gun was crafted.
It's the same for me. The rpm nerf was absolutely needed but I disagree a bit with the other one.
Ever since DMT came out, whenever I play PVP, the gun will always be used regardless the nerf. As scout main, DMT is the way to go
As someone with 28,511 kills on DMT, same. Same.
I'm 100% with you. My favorite gun in the game. It is quite literally the top gun in PvE, Crucible, and Gambit for me in the kinetic slot. I use it so much that my crafted DMT is now also registering in the top 5, because apparently, they're treated as different weapons in the API.
I’m so happy Polaris Lance is having a moment. I’ve been in love with it ever since it came out and always loved solar burn days so it felt like it was doing something.
Only really good if you use the right artifact mods and dawn chorus, even then it’s a very slow playstyle that I would never go for in a speedrun
It's great till you are in close range combat then it sucks tbh
Same idk why people were starting to use now till yesterday cause apparently it had gotten a buff the same was with shnshot
“Sweet business, your a giant goofball and all your friends know it but love you for it” is probably the best summarization for us 😂
Bad juju was my first exotic quest weapon in destiny 1 and carried me through my very first VOG. When D2 brought it back it has stayed in my primary inventory and will never go in the vault.
Considering Lumina is the only handcannon I ever liked, Traveler's Chosen is a comfortable sidearm and Verglas Curve just feel like one of my top three favourite bows, this video seems accurate... for now.
Also, I'm revoking one point of cool factor because of that crouch spam with Centrifuse. You can have it back next video.
Are you me? Lumina, Traveler's Chosen and Verglas are my JAM
Funnily enough that’s the only part of the video i remember vividly, even though it was at the end i had to rewatch because i missed the first 10
im lumina, cryosthesia, fighting lion, and ticuu mostly (for this video anyway)
Lumina is like old reliable. It was my first exotic and while I don't use it often it always feels good
Travelers chosen is even better now that ability regen got hit with a nerf
That last word but spoke to my soul lmao. Awesome vid! 💪
I use lumina in PvE and Hawkmoon in PvP, I feel so validated. Thank you
Same here homie lol. Never saw that coming
I may not play this game anymore, but my favorite exotics will forever be Thorn (been using it since D1), Sweet Business, Lumina and the Huckleberry. Graviton being a runner up.
I love Thorn so much. I’ve been using it since D1
The sunshot meta slave hurt given it only became meta recently. As a hand canon connoisseur, I’ve been having the best fun with it for a while, kind of like Graviton till it got its buff. Then I went from the cool niche user to meta slave in a heartbeat. I’m glad Twin tails hasn’t suffered the same fate when it got it’s catalyst. It was my first ever exotic and I love it to bits.
Exactly loved that gun only recently found out it got a buff
Revision Zero main here!
Man, from the 19th season (just when i got into D2) i still think that this is a best pulse rifle in the game for me.
I mean, the heavy "series"? its just so good, so universal for both pvp and pve, and i LOVE IT! And, ofc, you can kill barriers in a one mag. WITH A PRIMARY
Man as a Fighting Lion user I’m upset you didn’t accuse all us users of being in a cult.
I recently started using fighting lion last week and it’s so fun. Idk what it is about getting kills with it around walls but damn it feels good.
Praise the Lion!
as a pve FL main its weird noone acknowledges its actually not terrible hahaha
is it an accusation if its true?
It's been years since I played, but I still fondly remember the trickshots. Oh, how I cackled with glee!
That and shotgunning people in the face. I could never make up my mind which was better, so I frequently did both.
Thought it was just gonna be another of those videos, sees sweet business as the first weapon and it describes me perfectly accurately
Lumina is my go to exotic, usually combo'd with boots of the assembler. I used it in pvp for a while before they changed glaive damage because you could one shot people with glaive plus lumina buff
Used Cryosthesia since it dropped because back then I didn't have beyond light and it was the only way to get stasis bounties completed.
So you not mentioning the PVE side of Cryos when I mained it for fun for like 2 seasons makes me feel like a Cryptid seen in the snow of Europa and I love it.
Same lol! Been using Cryo since it was launched and pre nerfed. Nowadays, you see it a bit more; but mostly with people trying it our for a niche build
when i use cryo i do it on stasis warlock
2 coldsnaps
the rift freeze
and smt to regenrate melee energy for even more freeze
i must be damn annoying to fight against but after the arc titan meta with anteus there is no honor
Cryosthesia is really fun, i absolutely love it. On small pvp maps ill use nezarec's sin/winter's guile/rain of fire on stasis with a backup plan epicurean, and on larger ones ill just use a winter's guile and archer's tempo + swash IB bow (frostpulse highly recommended for guile, and I never take iceflare bolts off)
I used cerberus in trials and its probably the most unironic best primary for point blank situations where an smg genuinely feels obsolete compared to an automatic rifle shotgun
Cerberus all the way
I, admittedly, started using wishkeeper to find a less "obviously likely to be nerfed" weapon than quicksilver to lean on for my strand building. Honestly, I love the depth it adds for scoring precisions, and I don't dare go back again. The nerf is inevitable.
Out of curiosity, what is the build you use with it?
Quicksilver isn’t going to get nerfed.
I think he means Wishkeeper @@SavvyMon4
@@sovereigncharm288 I don’t think so
@4EverSavvy, we will see. When something is a swiss army knife and is nearly the best at everything in every activity, it rarely is allowed to shine like that indefinitely if it wasnt a earned exotic, and even then it will often get a pass to bring it back in line. Do you think the weapon in its present iteration is balanced?
You're partially right about my Cerberus+1 bit. When I take my dogs for a walk in PvP, it's a goofy bit for my clanmates that have just gotten used to my particular brand of unhinged. But my dogs have also helped me reliably get to Lighthouse a few times, thoroughly chewing up and spitting out overconfident slideshotting Shotgun Titans that were oh-so-certain they could slide into range before my dogs finished barking.
Cerberus buff in TFS gonna be absolutely cracked in half, and I cannot wait.
this was the best D2 content I've ever watched lol
as a PVE main who consistently drools over Osteo, & Quicksilver with my strand assassin build -- I accept all the call outs lmao
My Titan mained Hard Light during S20-not because I thought it was great, but because I had just joined, Actium was my only halfway decent Exotic armor, the Volatile seasonal perk seemed neat, and I had literally no other void autos of ANY rarity until Xur sold a couple near the end of the season. (I also ground lost sectors and Terminal overload for EXITUS of all things, because the only other Void MG I could get was Deterministic Chaos.)
As a Bad Juju main in pvp I just like how the gun feels and the fact it has literally 4 perks in one gun makes it even better
It’s pretty good in 6v6 but in trials i was getting my super first so that was nice…just hope bubble titans don’t realize it…
they probably would have stick smgs anyways and I play Berserker in pvp lol@@hardluckmk.52
Honestly kinda spot on with the three or so that apply to me. Quite impressive.
What you said about DMT fits me perfectly. The gun just clicked with me. It feels like no other.
Trinity ghoul is just about 100% spot on. I love how redbars just evaporate.
The only one that is not perfect is Osteo Striga since I use it a lot in pvp as well as pve. I was relieved to see what the nerfs were even though they affected my warlock build that's correct.
yeah, DMT is the wild west rifleman, part of it for me is the iron sights rather than a proper scope, focus, but not tunnel vision with a quick but stable tap, tap, tap, tap taptaptaptap that eats through bosses since most of them have a clear critical point to hit in pve
trinity ghoul goes bzap, not much to say there
for me, running around like a doofus stabbing things with the new monte carlo is just stupid fun, I know my builds would be better with a glaive, but glaives aren't auto rifles
As someone whose favorite is Traveler's Chosen and has no idea who True Vanguard is - thanks for helping me find a cool streamer.
When I first picked up destiny - I had never played an fps - except at friend's houses - so all the unique guns and loadouts really confused me at first.
Traveler's Chosen was the first exotic that I fully understood - and I love it for that. It's a pistol - it shoots fast and gives energy. Love that thing.
Now - even though I understand the ideal meta stuff and the more wacky unique guns (and I do like me some Sweet Business and Last Word) - Traveler's Chosen remains the favorite.
ok but the vigilance wing description was too on point, like literally, my Dad, who has been playing since D1, still only uses Vigilance wing and sunshot ever since he got them 10 years ago in D1, and he is still cracked at the game, legit just remembered him saying i can play destiny once you when 14 and i was currently 4, and my brother was shoving the fact that he can play destiny 1 before me since he was 7, now 10 years later my 17 yr old bro, my Dad, and I are now playing D2 and its so nostalgic to play with them like the old times. haven't had this kind of bonding time with them since forever.
Vigilance Wing or Sunshot was never in D1 lol
Outbreak and Necrochasm are my fav exotic primaries and it's scary how accurate they were for me lol
Sweet Business, Cerberus +1, and Rat King here my man.
One thing to note:
You don't need a disruption break GL when using cryo. Cryo is stasis and doesn't benefit from DB. This opens up your options a lot. imo the one thing you do want it alh or some other reload perk
Combining it with a damage buff like Mask of Bakris or Radiant allows it to 2C 2B any guardian, which makes it feel quite good
Haven't played D2 in years but still enjoy watching your videos. Great stuff
The Huckleberry bit was the best thing ive heard in a while lol
Sunshot being “meta slave” is insane considering I’ve been using it for ages
Not a Huckleberry main, but that one was accurate and makes me want to be one.
I audibly laughed when you hit Ticuu's with that "void surge? What's that I'm 'boutta make this room void of enemies."
You randomly showed up on my feed, and I'm so happy about that. I laughed out loud multiple times! Subbed!
As a Lumina user, I am very very happy I am being appreciated!!
Crimson: "PvP player..." Yep! "Controller main..." Yeah, so? "Over the age of 30..." Okay, a little too close to home. "Don't like the kick on other hand cannons..." Please stop. 😭
He got you with the nat 20 vicious mockery.
I'm not 30 yet, Fallout!!
Those repulsor brace void breaches back in season of defiance were the Collective Obligation glory days…it’s still my favourite and yes I will be praying for it again in every remaining artefact
Malfeasance is a laser beam in pvp and punishes people badly for breaking and re engaging a gunfight
After I got the gun I told myself I’ll try to learn 140’s but couldn’t stand the flinch and how it messed with my accuracy so I use malfeasance and Crimson favorite hand cannons 💪🏾.
@@silvergrimoire mine too and I am over 30 but they just feel so good! I really like Frontier's Cry and warden's law too, both can't be convinced to wander once they find their target
Looking at my multiple fighting lion loadouts that I've spent the past few seasons refining. 🤔He may have a point. Sidearm + Fighting lion is just too fun.
1st: someone finally recognized me! (Lumina main)
2nd: my buddy is a le monarque main and you nailed it
my heart warmed as you brought up the Lumina as I 100% main it in PvE
As a 30 yr old crimson user I feel attacked but you are completely right at the same time 😂
30 yr old Crimson users rise up 💪🏾
Final Warning actually goes very well with a Hunter Stand build, especially with the Strand Helmet Lightfall brought
Shhhh let everyone continue to sleep on it, most disrespected and underrated gun imo esp for aggressive stand hunter plays
@@theboid The people have a right to know!
It's actually ridiculously good when you use the Sixth Coyote + the Threaded Specter/Whirling Maelstrom aspect combo. I have never seen so much green, and so many things die so fast in my life.
I don't work at Bungie, nor am I Merc. RevZero is not only my favorite Exotic but my favorite Pulse Rifle of all time. I love the looks, the feel, the damage, the secondary fire mode, the way it is obtained, literally everything about it gives me serotonin and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise.
I keep watching this over and over. Love it!!!! Love the whole series.
This was like destiny 2 Ryan Reynolds does Deadpool reviews of players lol
Verglas is, no lie, my absolute favorite bow in the game. I don't have the Stasis subclasses because I haven't bought an expansion in years but it still performs fairly well on its own and it's nice having something that mimics some of the utility of the Stasis wall grenades.
You're going to lose your mind when you get access to ice flare bolts and whisper of chains with verglas
@@basedcow Likely won't ever. Destiny 2 isn't a game that I want to sink any more money into. Shadowkeep and Forsaken remain the only expansions I ever bought... and I did get my money's worth out of it. Had over 1,000 hours in the game before I stopped playing and most of that was from the first year the game went 'free to play'.
Sometimes they offer a legacy collection for the previous 3 expansions for just $20, or even free.
@@Zed-1213 I think you missed this part: Most of my hours were from the first year of the game going free to play. Since then, that time plummeted to pretty much nil after that year.
While I do not regret playing the game for that time, I don't see Destiny 2 as a game worth spending more money, or even time, on anymore.
I not only wanna see a special version, but also a heavy.
I'ma provide a defense for all my other Sunshot bros here real quick:
Chances are you've loved this gun since launch and have wanted it to be this good for years after incessantly grinding for its catalyst. Seeing it come so far puts a smile on your face, and while you don't like being called a meta slave, you, like the Thorn mains are happy to see your baby finally get the love it deserves
Oh and you love explosions, like a lot.
many thanks. I hope your coming year is filled with many, glorious explosions
As a Sweet Business Titan, not only was I surprised to find it the first one talked about but you absolutely nailed me
One thing I'd like to add. If you're a void titan, this gun is perfect for you. Especially if you have the right fragments on. You're a walking solar/void bomb machine. Then you get to throw a shield, make people volatile, then explode in a conga line of purple and orange. Beautiful gun.
As someone who doesn't play PvP but mains ace of spades I love it
Lumina main here. I loved the ascetic first them when I realised I could heal and buff people it all fell into place. Rocking boots of the assembler too and heal nades because medic is the game. If someone dies on my watch I feel personally responsible
The moment he gotten the lumnia and said, "Listen here." My heart sank, but then he said good things. I shed a single tear finally someone cares.
It really was like you were in my head for Outbreak lmao it's just my go-to when no other weapons are feeling right and I don't have a better use for an exotic in the other slots.
As an Outbreak Perfected lover, yes. You nailed it.
I used to be a bad juju pvp player, but that was back in D1. Obsidian mind + bad juju = more kills with nova bomb than without.
You pick up trespasser because Dayton said it’s good, I picked it up because Shiro-4 is my favorite in lore hunter. We are not the same.
Thank you for the yeehaw respect. Last Word may be a bit much on controller, but I run it for the Cowboy vibe alongside the TTK - It's honestly kinda silly how many of the fun yeehaw guns have also been kinda busted at some point.
It is so funny that you compared Huckleberry with Osteo because when i first started playing, I only used Huckleberry for everything. Then I got Osteo and after I got its catalyst, it very quickly replaced Huckleberry as my primary.
Thank you for not insulting us Monte Carlo mains. We are few and far between, and there are many better auto rifles, but we love the method
Yep, good ol’ Ace never fails me
Okay the Sweet Business one is facts, I’m a Warlock Main and I still use it regardless, I’m currently looking for a heavy weapon build to go with it
As a Trinity Ghoul lover, I can proudly say that it feels like popping bubble wrap.
I do love my little Lumina build. It is just the best for me.
I use last word I love it because when I earned it back in d1 it felt like such an achievement same with AOS but something about the last word is just so cool the noise is part of the reason
Sweet Business user here, and yes, I love it when people just run into all my dakka. Especially lovely is when you know they're too dense to see the stream of high calibre death while holding that angle they just peeked and get mowed down as they come around again with their boring hand cannons.
And also yes, I'm a Titan.
I WAS a Graviton Lance main, but the increased emphasis on Champions and its lack of an intrinsic mod have had me switch to Le Monarque (PvE). Which basically fulfills the same "Grape 'splosions go BRRRRR" need, and also lets me erase Overloads!
Yeah, I still love the gun and get giddy everytime it ignites a grape-reaction on trash but it struggles too much for sustained DPS on Champions. I find Sweet Business to be pretty good on both Champs and Redbars, just not as satisfying when they drop.
As a sweet business main, you nailed it right on the head.
You forgot about how with the relatively new setting option, I can just hold down shoot and sort turn my brain off.
But other than that, ya nailed it.
Polaris Lance is my single favorite exotic in D2. I literally have not taken it out of my Warlock's inventory since Warmind. Something about it just checks everything I love about the gunplay in Destiny.
Sunshot similarly only left my inventory for the first time in 2022. I just came back to the game after the Dawning in 2022, and I see a lot of talk about it. To me, it the was gun I used to take out Calus in my first current raid clear. Learning that I could trigger it's explosions off of pota in the Leviathan amused me way more than it should.
Aside from that Malfeasance was my dream weapon, and I teared up the day I finally unlocked it as a 90% solo player. Thorn was always with me in D1 and today I learned there is a catalyst in D2. I can't wait.
Aside from that Bad Juju was my first exotic ever in D1 as a player from the beta, and it was shortly before House of Wolves before I was blessed with that gun. It always rides shotgun with me in D2.
I loved this video and it was hilarious. I can't wait to get caught up on the episodes and I bawled like a child when I played the Final Shape.
Every time I run Riskrunner, I feel like a masochist running at enemies shooting lighting shouting "SHOOT ME!"
As a space-age 1920’a gangster, the lightweight throwing knife for radiant, extend radiant with kills, healing grenade for restoration and every other firesprite fragment (especially the one that give restor.) does it for me. Sadly no room for gunpowder gamble. And in the hunter armour video, yes, the ophida spathe is what I run and your description quite accurate
3:25 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂this part killed me
You gotta do Special ammo exotics next, so we can hear just how badly you roast Witherhoard mains for being trash cannon addicts.
I didn’t know you could stab with the Monte Carlo, I thought it was just for looks.
tips for fellow cryosthesia users, put confetti mod on your sniper for maximum whisper baiting and possibly use one with dragonfly (1kyard stare is the best because quickdraw + dragonfly) for some vfx.
if you play chef/unicorn build radiant + 3 surge make you 3tap under 7 resilience.
0:45 well it’s an awesome gun
As a Le Monarque Hunter main with Knucklehead Radar i just say i see u and hit 90% Headshots all the time no matter how far ur away i will get u!
I think you actually nailed the sweet business player perfectly. It's me.
Love ur commentary! Thanks for the laughs!
As someone who gets a decent amount of kills while hip firing DMT your absolutely correct recently got the craftable version and I'm still slaying people even getting t-bagged love to see it
I like tommy's bc I think it's funny to set yourself on fire and run at the enemies....that and I'm hardstuck well of radiance so might as well have fun (and you were spot on about the 1920's thing ofc it's for that too I mean why wouldn't it be)
Its a very fun gun, will always be my favourite exotic
You know as someone who has used trinity ghoul since it its birth... ya got me i cant tell you the amount of time i spent copeing that its not that bad in pvp as well but man when it works... chills
im glad my minigun baby is getting the love it damn well deserves with my rig, thank you.
0:04 Sweet Business Warlock rocking Ophidian Aspect with kinetic loader mod for obscene reload speed. Add auto rifle in second slot and machine gun for heavy. Add kinetic siphon for orb making
I'm scum and only use Ophidians in PvP lol, forget it even exists when playing PvE