When you grow up as the family scapegoat and you were gaslit constantly; you don't know how to fight this as an adult. It's traumatizing on top of the childhood trauma you are left with. Thank you for sharing this information.
the nrp forge lie profile women in niagara because they need a narrative to coincide with covering up a past rape setup decades ago featuring their payrolled nrp woman who did the setup
If you’re unfortunate enough to have this happen to you, then my heart goes out to you. Your life will be changed irreparably for a very long time. It will affect every aspect of your life. This is when you find out who your true friends really are. Remember, you are innocent until proven guilty. 🗡️⚖️
I was wrongfully accused of stealing 90 thousand dollars worth of diamonds. I'd just left my job and the accuser was my ex employer. I was arrested, put in handcuffs in front of my neighbours. Had my house turned upside down and thrown in a cell. She had told the police that I was the only one in the house when this stuff went missing. I was never alone in the house. She had numerous staff and friends and family who were either at the house or called in throughout the day. I gave the police a list of the other staff names, family members and friends that had been in the house in my final week there. When the police told her they needed to interview these people, she immediately dropped the charges. My lawyer told me to get in touch with insurance fraud, as he suspected this was an insurance job. Months later my sobbing ex boss called me and apologised. She told me she'd found the diamonds in her bedside draw! This was three years ago but I still feel traumatised by what she did.
You MUST SUE her, she needs to pay for slander, duress, humiliation, THE TRAUMA YOU SAY. . She can afford to pay for consequences she has $90, 000 diamonds.
@@DR07921 ok just pleeze pray, stay in church. Because her harassment does take a toll on your health. Why not call EVERY attorney in 25 mile radius. You need money for SOMATIC CLEARING therapy, hypnosis. Psoas muscle is where ALL trauma goes to. That muscle needs TO BE RELEASED not strengthened BUT RELEASED
I don’t know who people can sleep or exist doing such things. Life is so hard as it is and to consciously choose to hurt someone with anything false is character cancer.
They are just plain evil. That's why they can do these things to others. No normal person would do this to anyone. I've come across evil many times myself. They just want to destroy me. People believe them, and you're treated like you deserve what you're getting. The devil has to have a gang against you. I've been treated like shit by cops, and local authorities over a lunatic neighbour, and the people who believed the lies around the street were all involved. Pathetic performances daily.
And this is exactly why people like us, end up on the short end of things! Not being able to imagine how devious someone is, puts us at a great disadvantage. Time to wise up.
A corrupt politician got me arrested and lied she saw me with a stun gun at a meeting when she placed her hand on me to check for the stun gun and one of the cops at the meeting told me she can check whoever she wants when my public defender said she can't. I have to go to criminal court because of that snitch for the third time now and my local precinct refuses to provide me with a police report for an illegal search.
I need help with a restraining order against a female narcissist who is obsessed with me ruining my reputation with her silly lies. I am tired of these narcissists they do the same thing over and over
Dude same boat! I exposed her lies and she put a TPO on me that's filled with perjury. I won and the order wasn't granted. But now I'm out 3k dollars... and she doesn't even get a slap on the wrist... I'm trying to figure out how to sue this woman and get her charged for malicious filing. I can prove countless intentional lies she made to obtain the order.
@@Dylan-lt9eoI'm going through this now with my girl..found out she was cheating..agreed that she would move out went to the landlord and she told her she just have to let them know and they will give her 30 days ..the landlord documented it..the very next day she put a tpo saying I threatened her ..have any advice on what I should do??
@@Dylan-lt9eohey my nephew has this ex girlfriend state false accusations on him hurt self and stated he did n reported it and now he’s in jail. She visits him in rikers and what can we do ??she won’t leave him alone she’s obsessed. She told him she won’t leave him. Either she hurts him n keeps him to self or puts him in jail to have him for self in a display unit.
Thank you! I think the abusers are the accusers and there using the justice system to continue the abuse. The system needs to be strengthend and perhaps a little harder for people to get restraining orders . I've seen couples argue and it's like this who ever calls first doesn't go to jail. The abused are not the ones receiving the help. The system is literally helping the abuser . It's really broken.
This is solid advice. Especially, "keep the truth on your side." Liars often lie repeatedly. Show a pattern of them lying...and of you being the truthteller. It happened to me. I overcame the false allegations. (Of course, the courts didn’t punish her for lying or perjury...so the courts enable that behavior.)
Man I'm going through some s*** I've been going through I got jumped at work and no one wants to say anything I'm labeled as schizophrenic now because of it and I don't get no disability so I believe I'm not schizophrenic I ain't trying to live like this I don't lost my an everything
You are right. My brother is a liar, narcatist, controlling. Thinks he's unreachable. I have honesty on my side and a witness with bank statements. He's going to be in crown court and lie. I'll be there and tell the truth. I'm not all good or all bad but I'm truthful
1:10 hire a lawyer 1:30 dont talk to police 2:12 Know the context 2:54 Presumption, dont stoop to their lvl 3:38 deeply troubling 4:09 youre not alone 4:25 find ways to protect yourself 4:40 communicate only with lawyer 5:00 think about in writing tips 6:00 mask is off, keep truth on ur side 6:30 know ur objective so u can know how to appropriately respond 6:50 slander etc 7:00
At least some in the city next to an ex employer.. They will allow false police reports and pay many to stalk you... as well as say your weird..but CONTINUE TO ILLEGALLY WIRETAPP AND TRACK ALL YOUR DEVICES AND VANDALIZE VEHICLES AND SET UP TENNESSEE HITS!!
I resonate with those sentiments and seek assistance. Over the past three years, I have been subjected to ongoing defamation, which has been widely spread within and beyond my community. These defamatory statements include baseless accusations such as involvement in drug trafficking and organized crime, incorrect portrayals of being psychologically unsound despite being mentally fit, and unjust accusations of racism. As a result of these false claims, I've feel ostracized from society leading me to isolate, and further hindering my employment opportunity.
There is a saying: The truth will defend itself! And this is the absolute truth. And if someone has doubts, they should prove you a lie! Hi from Poland 🍀
Well UA-cam lied and accused me of a crime without any reason just for speaking the truth. I was punished and penalized and forced to confess or lose my account. Isn't it unlawful to punish someone for a crime that they did not commit? I was attacked for typing the word, Planned. That is the absolute truth, but UA-cam now decides that the word Planned is a crime and considered h a t e speech. That is ridiculous and truthfully wrong, but that is what they did to me. Open and shut case closed!!
Indeed. However when a false domestic call goes in we can talk the talk all we want but we have the right to remain silent everything you say can and will be used against you. The truth does not always come forth. Right away you can be dealing with this for over a year. And they still might win
Got fired from work for false accusations, asked for more information on it and the manager denied to tell me anything, I’m trying to think what my next steps should be because I’m not going to stand for this.
If there are false accusations, then the individual (victim) has the right to know of these accusations. How can you navigate a situation/accusations if you do not know what they are ?!? Also, one needs to understsnd that if someone is hell bent on destroying you, they may manufacture evidence or commit massive LIBEL/SLANDER ! Those are Tort Law offenses !
The false accusations this wicked town says against me has made me targeted. Everyone flashes their brights as me as I am driving my car including police, fire, and EMS and no one stops them from stalking and harassing me in Berea, KY.
I'm a targeted twin in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. I believe our gangstalkers are military and secret society members. I'm followed and tortured everywhere I go to the point I barely leave the house anymore. They have rigged up our home and torture my disabled husband who is a veteran that was butchered & betrayed by his own government/doctors. It's hell on earth!
Every thing I do,they say I have done the opposite. Thank you for the good advice young man. I do that anyway,I never accuse,them,slander or try to upset them as they do me.
This is an excellent video. This kind of information should be general knowledge. I'm dealing with a neighbour who recently moved into the neighbourhood (although she's been there a few years now). One day I was standing outside my neighbour's place in public space holding my phone, when she bolted out of the house and asked aggressively if she could help me. She told me we could've been friends (playing the victim) and asked if i was alright (classic gaslighting)? Her sentences weren't coherrent. I returned home stunned. Then she sent her partner over to and who said I'd made her cry. I couldn't believe it. He then had a private conversation with someone I live with which didn't go well for me. On another occasion I went to meet my daughter at the gate after her first day at a new school. She came out of her house again. I then witnessed her yelling at other school children and me before returning inside. I asked if they were ok before returning inside because I was now terrified of her. My daughter was injured when she returned home and I was so upset I couldn't help her sooner. It's too late for me to get a restraimg order, and I'm still too scared to go to the front of the property or open one of my bedroom curtains because she could see in. It's like she decided to hate me before she met me (its possible to see the front of our house from their house). I have no idea what I did wrong. She gets along really well with the other member in my household, apparently I'm the problem. I went to the police but was too scared to do anything. I deeply regret not getting a restraining order. I just wish she'd move away.
I was falsely accused in workplace of sexual harassment by an accuser who requested to remain (anonymous)..yet the very same day after inquiry, accuser tried to walk into me, block my path, even back up into when I walked past her.
My sisters even lied in the Family courts but no way can I appeal. I know that they used coercive mental torture and abuse keeping me away from my dying mum . You cannot now appeal. Been told by my solicitor that they have been doing deals with the cos and that if I admit to two charges they will drop this. The trial was to be held on 9 September. He lied to me as well he would ask the police to come and take a statement about my two sisters who have abused me still waiting. I’ve been waiting for a year for this to go to court. The police have lied in their statement apparently the police have the power to crush your mobiles which they take off people illegally.
Great advice! Thank you. I have 2 narcissists slandering me,one a sibling sociopath and his narc daughter,both very jealous of me and both,who are selfish and money grabbing.
They need to have$7000 in liquidable assetts or $7000savings to get any restitution out of them. Try to find an injury, it's dealt with under tort law.
@@Living_Connectedness Take a different approach. Try being equal to the aggression and be silent and unpredictable in your moves. Make the requisite changes to protect yourself. It has taken me several years to get these stalker preditors off my back but they just took the bait and they are caught!! Hallelujah!! You got this! Go EQUALIZER on their arses and be victorious!
Is it possible for an adult daughter, who has been weaponized against me by her mother, to be held accountable for making and posting UA-cam content that defames me? The sad truth is that I'm now having to face the reality that my own and only daughter is following in her mother's footsteps as an extreme narcissist. As you said, removing contact with people who defame you is important -- and since she isn't repentant about this, and continues to lie and talk to me abusively, I just can't allow it anymore. I'm dealing with advanced kidney cancer here and it hasn't stopped her one bit.
Every day is another lesson.... on the depths..... that some are willing to stoop for personal or other gains. Even further...if these individuals are willing to stoop that low...so easily.... Can you imagine what else they might be willing to do? Pure evil. Criminal behavior. This must be addressed....and stopped!
And ARE doing. In my case, as the licensed protector of an abused elder who was later murdered by the abuser, the same abuser who leveled false charges against myself as his defense of his own horrific and documented actions. It's putrid. Erases heroes and the unmeasurable good they do, have done, and can do. Erased by scum protecting themselves in their indefensible crimes that continue on without reprisal of any sort
@@allkindsamusicchick do you know that I got threaded by some famouse youtuber named Leon saying that to me "i am gonna get feds or court on me" it's kinda messup because I didn't do nothing on the main internet and i seen my point view i didn't do nothing and one thing i do is protect my friends from getting harmed and I know fact these community folks on discord are making Falsey screenshots it's illegaliy and such more. sorry my poor grammer
Thank you! Great advice. Self care first! Truth and justice ⚖ seek the heart that lives in love and hope. Just be in flow with the best possible outcome.
My son has made so many false accusations against me it’s insane. His Dad’s widow has complete brainwashed him and the team up to make false accusations to protect HER actions, not mine. I personally, would never, could never, make false accusations against someone. At least I have that on my side. I’m not like HER and unfortunately like she’s created my son to be.
I sent an email through the famiy attorney to my sister that "if she files a false restraining order I will retain a criminal defense attorney and seek to sue her not only for malicious prosecution but also for infliction of intentional emotional distress as well as defamation." I am waiting for her response!
False accusations….I have experienced that in a real way….on a personal level…. (without the level of using the law)….I have learned to examine myself honestly…..if this is true…I need to repent! If the false accusations are not true… I have a free conscience…, and God will deal with them!!! Does it hurt… oh yes, it does hurt! I can look at myself in the mirror and know I am free!!
My narc has spread a rumour that im looking in people's windows using CCTV, when what he's really worried about is him thieving from a neighbour and that I might have seen it with my own eyes....
I was dating a man dor 5 years who was extremely emotionally abusive and he even came to my mother apartment complex and set my car on fire...I started speaking out about it and was seeking help, when he found out, he filed an EPO on me and won...i was devastated and disgusted....My mother then went and had a background check done on him, in 95' he kidnapped 3 people, handcu6them and locked them in the back of a trunk then went to rob a shoneys....He then, in 2013 went to a barber shop and shot someone and was charged with attempted murder....I am 36 he is 63 and his record run long since around 1971....How could a judge not pull he records that startes 27 years before i was even born and see the type of man this is and his patterns? why was he able to get this EPO granted and the judge basically dismissed my evidence and everything i told her?.... Its like there is no protection for alot of women...its sad and disturbing that many women are going thru abuse then when they speak out, they are the ones to be denied sympathy and understanding?
Going through exactly the same except my abuser was never a boyfriend - he's 104 and I'm 30. His criminal record goes back to the 1950's, he's been in jail, he's been stalking women and children since his teenage years, he has violated children and women left right and center, he has committed several murders. But he and his friend get believed each time they make false accusations against me and it's me that gets arrested each time. I'm a severely disabled girl and without family or friends - I live in constant terror of the next arrest. I tried to get restraining orders and court orders to order him to stay away from me especially so since he murdered my child - judge always sided with him. Six months after a judge decided that he (the old guy) was "not a danger", he murdered my little one... he's still out there, moved to a house just a few doors from me, he mocks me every single day.
Thank you your video was so helpful. I'm being accused of recording someone with my phone I live in a care home. Im so sick of it I'm getting rid of my phone. I do video log but making sure no one is in background. I am treated poorly overall even meds mismanagement resulted in seizure might be off road now and quite cruel treatment around anorexia in general. Im 5 and half stone and unwell. I fell against wall and hit the torch and was immediately accused of recording even though its was accident. I cant use a hand bag as im the size of a 5 year old. Another time I was setting a timer and because the camera was facing a staff they accused me of recording them. I became angry because my watch was flat and my meds need a fasting period of one hour before eating. I am off balance. I now shut myself in my room. Being threatened with removal of phone so I'm just going to do it anyway and get mp3 and i suspect it will move to recording devices in my headset or mp3 player so the accusations won't stop with the phones gone. Its a pattern of behaviour. Im accused of being abusive when I wasn't though I have gotten angry at being discriminated against my weight. One particular lady twisted my very calm and collected complaint " I need to try these kids clothes as the adults fall off, I will not rip the clothes i have a bone deformity and anorexia and you have just embarrassed me", id like the manager. (I have a 21 inch waist and 30 hip corresponding to the sores 8-10 years and most of their wide cuts fit. I cant get most adult to stay om Im an experienced seamstress that can measure my body well and knew my size. I purchased the garments a week later from another store with nicer staff. That went from praise to a yelling match that never occurred so im going to request footage from the store. There was no roaring match.
Hiring attorney in the criminal false accusation case could be helpful provided you be sure and hire the right attorney. Otherwise you may be getting yourself into more trouble. Many attorneys will not know how to handle these cases.
@@Steve-yg1pi these are the same evil ones that throw in my face when I'm living isn't it expensive because they know a lawyer is needed they harass the vulnerable they are evil it is satanic and I am so glad I'm not the only one, I'm waiting for justice or just to move on and move the hell out of here where I'm trapped
I have been denied all of my Rights, including, but not limited to, a fair trial and an attorney, even AFTER the FBI and others have acknowledged, in writing, multiple times, that they have thoroughly investigated and based on actual, hard evidences that I am a victim of major crimes/frauds, not the perpetrator! I am being gangstalked 24/7 and denied all of my Rights, Under Color of Law, without legal justification and/or cause.@@clootenlawyer
I learned in my life that i needed help younger,a great attorney was needed when i was young ,i am thankful as some people are not talking truth but has an attorney against me,but my attorney has represented me very well, i am so appreciated of my attorney ,i have attempted to fight criminal behavior as a mere young girl and what a nightmare but today older i learned such a valuble lesson ,Attorneys know law they support us and i am grateful
What if you’re being falsely accused of being a drug dealer by a former neighbor, because you used to smoke pot? And years later she and others are illegally surveilling you, invading your privacy( no matter where I go, the grocery store, or to take my 5 year old to the playground.. they’re there) and defaming your character to the point where they come to your job on your day off to tell your superiors that you’re under investigation for being this big drug dealer. Only to have people look at you in a manner in which they should never, and treat you differently because they now think you’re doing something you’re not….When you never sold drugs! And you quit smoking for years now….. What do you do???
Move away, start fresh. I literally had this almost exact thing happen. My house was raided by police even. All because I smoked a bit. I don’t now and yeah still had that reputation because everyone wondered why police stormed through my house. I’m a mum and just want peace with my son. It’s not fair, and you shouldn’t have to, but if you can - just split and make your life a whole lot less stressful.
I agree completely if it is a criminal case get an attorney, if cos has false accusations too get a lawyer, or counselling help. Don’t face cps ( family and children services ) without help either.
Penal Code: Criminal Act - Depending on the facts in your case, you may be able to seek monetary compensation by filing a defamation lawsuit against the responsible party. Defamation is defined as a written or verbal statement that causes intentional harm to another person's character. The only criminal act stated would be the only person saying it so why accuse to the other person when your accusing your own act against another person.
@@Unknown-zt3ek defamation and slander can only stand if it is both written AND verbal with the person clearly named in the proof that is written . Or everyone could sue
Satan is called the accuser of the brethren (Rev.12:10) in the last days ( times of the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ going on in the world) before darkness ( the power and authority of Satan through his heads and people /followers) takes over completely in an overwhelming attempt to overthrow the government of God .This is Jacob's trouble ( Jer.30) + Dan.12:1; Mat.24:21)
@@clootenlawyer agreed 😂 I’ve gotten false accusations about crazy stuff lol. I regret not being carful with dark humor luckily I have friends that support me
The most dangerous and life destroying accusations don't need proof! Your belief and apparent over confidence in the notion accusations need proof, will absolutely devastate your life one day if your not careful.
Hello Blaine I'm hoping you can help point me in the right direction here. I have been falsely accused of felony elder abuse likely to cause harm/death by 2 women who later admitted that the accusations they made against me were false and completely fabricated. My case will soon be dropped this month. Once I found out they admitted to having lied to the police I asked my public defender if these women will be charged with the crime they've committed against me to my surprise she said no they probably will not be charged with any crime. How can that be? Thats not justice in my eyes. Can they just brush me off like that? How can I make sure these ladies get charged for lying to the police in order to have me thrown in jail for a crime that didn't even happen? As a result of their accusations I was brutalized by the police and suffered severe emotional trauma. What can be done about obtaining justice. They can't just sweep this under the rug and blow me off can they? I was shocked to hear they probably won't be charged with the crime they committed against me.
Please send me an email: clootenlaw@gmail.com. I have several thoughts and suggestions, but this will vary by state. I’m likely going to try to find you an attorney in your area, for those that see this. I’m deeply troubled by your story. Thank you for sharing as I believe it helps everyone understand the danger of false accusations. And, it’s more common than people believe.
That is what happened to me.My partner made false allegations against me I went to court and found not guilty.I had been given a police conditional bail order not to attend my property for over one year six months, I had suffered a nervous breakdown and tried to commit suicide all because my girlfriend made false allegations.I went to court she was found to be lying I asked the police if they were going to charge her for making my life a complete he'll unfortunately they will not charge her.So let's get this straight..if anyone is thinking of physically assault someone,call the police after you have kicked the living shit out of them , put a bit of make up under your eye ,call the police and claim that you have been assaulted, the police will attend the property and remove the alleged attacker.The police will ask who made the phone call and because the attacker made the phone call that means they must follow pressures and assume the attacker is innocent.The attacker claimed that he/she had been attacked and suffered a black eye and reacted in self defence.That is a good way to get away with it.
Yes if people lying in you doing deformation of character it needs to come to an end cause using a person name to lie and do anything Conning it needs to be stopped thanks for the message bless you after birth blessings for me quantum leap amen
What is the nature of this false accusations? Thanks for your presentation here, I am liking your approach and you giving me an update on what I been experiencing
There was a false report about me for a course in the University where I study. The insturctor wrote a false report. I had to go to the disciplinary meeting that insturctor was defended by some person from the diciplinary comitee during the meeting. The faculty dean apporved that false report. I think that is fair enough to report it to the police force with a lawyer. Because I tried to write appeals even complaints but that mechanism does not work on this.
I did that. It has helped me a few times. They just back off seeing my smart phone in the T-shirt pocket projecting the camera lens outward. But not all dangerous situations can be evaded by camera.
A good judge should require the accusers to PROVE their allegations against the defendant. If they can't, then the case has no or very little basis realistically and it should be thrown out. Just my opinion. Unfortunately it doesnt happen that way for everyone.
I remember when ppl made false accusations of my bf being a terrible person and an adult and said he was hurting my fans. I had a UA-cam channel back then. And I denied it bc it didn’t sound like something my bf would do. Bc he is a nice and kind person at heart. But I didn’t had proof to show anyone bc well the internet is scary. These ppl then ambushed his channel making mean comments and tried doxxing him, and said to go kill him. Which thank god, it wasn’t his address. And while they did this to him. They acted predatory towards me, sweet talking me and shit. After all that me and him deleted our channels. We are hoping to return to make a new channel. I am hoping to see if there’s anything I can do to defend myself and others from these ppl
@@_gannon Darn. That’s sad. I suggest if you ever have another relationship to never mention your partner or show yourself cause it’s risky if your a small UA-camr because if you make enemies somehow or some dude hates then they won’t really have much info on you making their accusations false to others. That’s how I kept my latest channel safe and my family so try giving that a shot.
What do you do when someone makes false allegations of “harassment” and violating the workplace “violence” policy…? I’ve been suspended and now HR is making me write an “action plan” of how I will avoid further harassment violations. I asked her what her issue was with me. I didn’t block her from leaving, once I recognized she was uncomfortable, I left the room and allowed her to speak with my supervisor. She’s a temp agency worker and I’m an actual worker. HR is treating me very rudely and still hasn’t given me opportunity to provide my side of the incident. They haven’t even told me the exact incident except that I was witnessed “harassing” my co-worker. Which I never did. Now HR is also accusing me of workplace violence for apparently cussing in the breakroom? I’ve never dealt with HR before. This is so insane and I’m so full of anxiety. I don’t know how to defend myself.
@@clootenlawyer but will they just terminate me if I don’t show up at 11am to present my plan of action? I’ve never done this before my so “plan of action” is more like a letter defending myself and saying I promise to stop anything that could be remotely deemed offensive.
They even spray chemicals in my direction. They even give me an evil eye. And at night you want believe it......... It's all so subtle. Like a Stephen king movie.
Would making false claims against someone with their employer be considered defamation of character if they're making claims of particular behaviors that are false?
My estranged family members are sick. Theyre mentally ill. Theyve driven me to break beyond my breaking point. I can't handle it anymore. I cant do it anymore I cant. Physically mentally emotionally I feel sick. For years they've accused me of lies, and sayimg im committing crimes and contacting my past attorney and my landlord. I contacted mobile crisis to put them in a mental health facility and they said they cant because they cannot find them. Theyre paranoid and schizophrenic and they hide for their safety. I cant even imagine not even IMAGINE NOT EVEN CLOSE to using an ounce of energy against demented people over delusions. I cant. Im mentally emotionally sick. Im barely hanging by a thread and I dk what to do. Its one thing for them to make accusations i know are untrue. Its another when they threaten me and wont stop. They call and make demands and I dont know what to do. Please. Help
A girl i was friends with ripped off her flatmate for 1500 dollars and blamed me. I didn't realise for years she was the one. It was awful being blamed. Then i remember a boss of hers years before in front of me saying she had stolen from the till. I stood U for her saying she never would.
Where do I go to get started to sue an health insurance company and a doctor? Do I start at the court house or just find an attorney? And do they charge for consultation?
If I was a defendant in a civil court in the UK and the pursuer's solicitor said about me, " She is not being candid" but I can prove that I was honest, can I sue that lawyer for defamation?
What should I do when a customer falsely reports to my corporate office that I have assaulted them? I'm a 46 yo male. The customer is also male and about 55 yrs old. I've never touched this person a day in my life. He didn't like it when I attempted to explain to him that he cannot verbally abuse my coworkers (he has a long history of menacing and hostile behaviors). I told him I would escalate this to my store manager and my district manager as well. He left. Came back 20 mins later with a case # from our corporate customer service reporting system, stating he just filed charges against me for assaulting him just prior. Now, the 17 yrs i have been with my company is under threat and duress. What do you recommend
@@clootenlawyer My manager is reaching out to our corporate law center, initiating a paid Leave of Absence for my mental health recovery and filing a trespass against the customer.
My lawyer want me to take a peace bond. I think I’m being forced to take it when I’ve done nothing wrong. I have false accusations against me from my soon to be ex wife. I don’t know what to do. Part of me wants to fight this the other part wants to just give up. I never committed a crime in my life. I do not have a criminal record either
When you grow up as the family scapegoat and you were gaslit constantly; you don't know how to fight this as an adult. It's traumatizing on top of the childhood trauma you are left with. Thank you for sharing this information.
I share recordings w police now immediately
I was the scapegoat and still am even after I married. I am standing my ground now.
Of course you do. @LovelyFlipFlops-jl9kl
Bless you
A lot of times they lie due to the fact they’re envious and jealous. That’s heinous.
Happening to me. Jealousy indeed.
This is happening to me also.
They're jealous of my youtube success and they're going to extreme lengths to 'destroy me'
My in-laws complete morons every time they see me I remind them of what p.os. shit they are..scanless low down Mexicans
Envy is a deadly sin
the nrp forge lie profile women in niagara because they need a narrative to coincide with covering up a past rape setup decades ago featuring their payrolled nrp woman who did the setup
A psychopath had a third party make false statements about me to the police. It has been a 9-year nightmare of psychological abuse and defamation.
@@priscillawrites6685 this happens more often than you might think.
It’s weaponising the law against you. FIGHT IT!
I totally agree: plus join Men Battered by police group
I pray you get fully vindicated 🙏🏽 and karma will visit them 🙏🏽
Going threw some nonsense
That narcissistic psychopath was my mother-no go between, 40 years of munchausens by proxy, by her to cops and others.
If you’re unfortunate enough to have this happen to you, then my heart goes out to you.
Your life will be changed irreparably for a very long time. It will affect every aspect of your life. This is when you find out who your true friends really are.
Remember, you are innocent until proven guilty. 🗡️⚖️
Not in Australia. You’re guilty till you can prove otherwise.
@@Living_Connectedness Jez! It’s like that here with the family courts.
Turns out I didn’t have any true friends
@@indyku7405 unfortunately, this happens all too often.
Stay strong, as trust is earned.
It can be a lonely world currently, but it will pass.
I was wrongfully accused of stealing 90 thousand dollars worth of diamonds. I'd just left my job and the accuser was my ex employer. I was arrested, put in handcuffs in front of my neighbours. Had my house turned upside down and thrown in a cell.
She had told the police that I was the only one in the house when this stuff went missing. I was never alone in the house. She had numerous staff and friends and family who were either at the house or called in throughout the day. I gave the police a list of the other staff names, family members and friends that had been in the house in my final week there.
When the police told her they needed to interview these people, she immediately dropped the charges. My lawyer told me to get in touch with insurance fraud, as he suspected this was an insurance job. Months later my sobbing ex boss called me and apologised. She told me she'd found the diamonds in her bedside draw!
This was three years ago but I still feel traumatised by what she did.
That's horrible! I am so sorry that happened to you. 😢
I totally agree: plus join Men Battered by police group
You MUST SUE her, she needs to pay for slander, duress, humiliation, THE TRAUMA YOU SAY. . She can afford to pay for consequences she has $90, 000 diamonds.
@@pilarq7886 She can certainly afford it and I have considered suing her but because of who she is, lawyers are not interested.
@@DR07921 ok just pleeze pray, stay in church. Because her harassment does take a toll on your health. Why not call EVERY attorney in 25 mile radius. You need money for SOMATIC CLEARING therapy, hypnosis. Psoas muscle is where ALL trauma goes to. That muscle needs TO BE RELEASED not strengthened BUT RELEASED
I don’t know who people can sleep or exist doing such things. Life is so hard as it is and to consciously choose to hurt someone with anything false is character cancer.
Easy. They don’t have a conscious or empathy.
They are just plain evil. That's why they can do these things to others. No normal person would do this to anyone. I've come across evil many times myself. They just want to destroy me. People believe them, and you're treated like you deserve what you're getting. The devil has to have a gang against you. I've been treated like shit by cops, and local authorities over a lunatic neighbour, and the people who believed the lies around the street were all involved. Pathetic performances daily.
And this is exactly why people like us, end up on the short end of things! Not being able to imagine how devious someone is, puts us at a great disadvantage. Time to wise up.
Returning false accusations has been used throughout history to get enemies off your back and is still very common especially in politics.
And stoop to that level? That's called war. I prefer to tell the damn truth. There's plenty to tell...and it's all ugly!!
And the music industry
A corrupt politician got me arrested and lied she saw me with a stun gun at a meeting when she placed her hand on me to check for the stun gun and one of the cops at the meeting told me she can check whoever she wants when my public defender said she can't. I have to go to criminal court because of that snitch for the third time now and my local precinct refuses to provide me with a police report for an illegal search.
It’s a rat race that never ends and consumes way too much time and energy.
I need help with a restraining order against a female narcissist who is obsessed with me ruining my reputation with her silly lies. I am tired of these narcissists they do the same thing over and over
Hang in there your not alone, as long as your at peace with yourself.. only you know. People are evil.
Dude same boat! I exposed her lies and she put a TPO on me that's filled with perjury. I won and the order wasn't granted. But now I'm out 3k dollars... and she doesn't even get a slap on the wrist... I'm trying to figure out how to sue this woman and get her charged for malicious filing. I can prove countless intentional lies she made to obtain the order.
@@Dylan-lt9eoI'm going through this now with my girl..found out she was cheating..agreed that she would move out went to the landlord and she told her she just have to let them know and they will give her 30 days ..the landlord documented it..the very next day she put a tpo saying I threatened her ..have any advice on what I should do??
@@Dylan-lt9eohey my nephew has this ex girlfriend state false accusations on him hurt self and stated he did n reported it and now he’s in jail. She visits him in rikers and what can we do ??she won’t leave him alone she’s obsessed. She told him she won’t leave him. Either she hurts him n keeps him to self or puts him in jail to have him for self in a display unit.
@@Dylan-lt9eoare you out $3k for lawyer fees or because you paid her off?
Thank you! I think the abusers are the accusers and there using the justice system to continue the abuse. The system needs to be strengthend and perhaps a little harder for people to get restraining orders . I've seen couples argue and it's like this who ever calls first doesn't go to jail. The abused are not the ones receiving the help. The system is literally helping the abuser . It's really broken.
Exactly what is happening to me. My life has been wounded deeply and will leave a scar that will never go away.
Corruption overtakes justice
Can we sue once the restraining order is dropped? When false accusations are obviously false?
This is solid advice. Especially, "keep the truth on your side." Liars often lie repeatedly. Show a pattern of them lying...and of you being the truthteller. It happened to me. I overcame the false allegations. (Of course, the courts didn’t punish her for lying or perjury...so the courts enable that behavior.)
That's definitely good ady
Man I'm going through some s*** I've been going through I got jumped at work and no one wants to say anything I'm labeled as schizophrenic now because of it and I don't get no disability so I believe I'm not schizophrenic I ain't trying to live like this I don't lost my an everything
You are right. My brother is a liar, narcatist, controlling. Thinks he's unreachable. I have honesty on my side and a witness with bank statements. He's going to be in crown court and lie. I'll be there and tell the truth. I'm not all good or all bad but I'm truthful
@@CableTV-f6yhow are you doing?🏴
Is it making false allegations at work is a crime?
1:10 hire a lawyer
1:30 dont talk to police
2:12 Know the context
2:54 Presumption, dont stoop to their lvl
3:38 deeply troubling 4:09 youre not alone
4:25 find ways to protect yourself
4:40 communicate only with lawyer
5:00 think about in writing tips
6:00 mask is off, keep truth on ur side
6:30 know ur objective so u can know how to appropriately respond
6:50 slander etc 7:00
At least some in the city next to an ex employer..
They will allow false police reports and pay many to stalk you... as well as say your weird..but CONTINUE TO ILLEGALLY WIRETAPP AND TRACK ALL YOUR DEVICES AND VANDALIZE VEHICLES AND SET UP TENNESSEE HITS!!
I resonate with those sentiments and seek assistance. Over the past three years, I have been subjected to ongoing defamation, which has been widely spread within and beyond my community. These defamatory statements include baseless accusations such as involvement in drug trafficking and organized crime, incorrect portrayals of being psychologically unsound despite being mentally fit, and unjust accusations of racism. As a result of these false claims, I've feel ostracized from society leading me to isolate, and further hindering my employment opportunity.
@@DaVinciOfDemeanor there day will come God knows
There is a saying: The truth will defend itself! And this is the absolute truth. And if someone has doubts, they should prove you a lie! Hi from Poland 🍀
Like project cloverleaf right? Bs
Well UA-cam lied and accused me of a crime without any reason just for speaking the truth. I was punished and penalized and forced to confess or lose my account. Isn't it unlawful to punish someone for a crime that they did not commit? I was attacked for typing the word, Planned. That is the absolute truth, but UA-cam now decides that the word Planned is a crime and considered h a t e speech. That is ridiculous and truthfully wrong, but that is what they did to me. Open and shut case closed!!
Not when the Judge tells me I am a lier. I told the whole truth and nothing but the truth. A neighbor kept butting in more lies and won!
Indeed. However when a false domestic call goes in we can talk the talk all we want but we have the right to remain silent everything you say can and will be used against you. The truth does not always come forth. Right away you can be dealing with this for over a year. And they still might win
So beautiful wild horses
The problem for so many of us is that attorneys are not going to help if you can't pay them their excessive fees.
Got fired from work for false accusations, asked for more information on it and the manager denied to tell me anything, I’m trying to think what my next steps should be because I’m not going to stand for this.
Employment law is a special area that I would definitely recommend talking to an attorney for your rights.
Same here and I worked at this job for years and years.
@@clootenlawyer Employment lawyers are not cheap and sometimes want a lot of money upfront.
Shits happening to me right now
@@williamsturts2330pray to God for help
If there are false accusations, then the individual (victim) has the right to know of these accusations. How can you navigate a situation/accusations if you do not know what they are ?!?
Also, one needs to understsnd that if someone is hell bent on destroying you, they may manufacture evidence or commit massive LIBEL/SLANDER ! Those are Tort Law offenses !
The false accusations this wicked town says against me has made me targeted. Everyone flashes their brights as me as I am driving my car including police, fire, and EMS and no one stops them from stalking and harassing me in Berea, KY.
I'm experiencing the same thing in Chicago... Chicago IL 60645
Sounds like MN
Remember ‘Job?’ from the bible?
I'm a targeted twin in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. I believe our gangstalkers are military and secret society members. I'm followed and tortured everywhere I go to the point I barely leave the house anymore. They have rigged up our home and torture my disabled husband who is a veteran that was butchered & betrayed by his own government/doctors. It's hell on earth!
Every thing I do,they say I have done the opposite. Thank you for the good advice young man. I do that anyway,I never accuse,them,slander or try to upset them as they do me.
This is an excellent video. This kind of information should be general knowledge.
I'm dealing with a neighbour who recently moved into the neighbourhood (although she's been there a few years now). One day I was standing outside my neighbour's place in public space holding my phone, when she bolted out of the house and asked aggressively if she could help me. She told me we could've been friends (playing the victim) and asked if i was alright (classic gaslighting)? Her sentences weren't coherrent. I returned home stunned. Then she sent her partner over to and who said I'd made her cry. I couldn't believe it. He then had a private conversation with someone I live with which didn't go well for me.
On another occasion I went to meet my daughter at the gate after her first day at a new school. She came out of her house again. I then witnessed her yelling at other school children and me before returning inside. I asked if they were ok before returning inside because I was now terrified of her. My daughter was injured when she returned home and I was so upset I couldn't help her sooner.
It's too late for me to get a restraimg order, and I'm still too scared to go to the front of the property or open one of my bedroom curtains because she could see in. It's like she decided to hate me before she met me (its possible to see the front of our house from their house). I have no idea what I did wrong. She gets along really well with the other member in my household, apparently I'm the problem. I went to the police but was too scared to do anything. I deeply regret not getting a restraining order.
I just wish she'd move away.
Ive been homeless since and unable to afford anything my bank card work catd and DL and cash where in my room. This is despecable
happening right now and this absolute evil person has done so much defamatory actions against me and has caused nothing but hell in my home
There name isn't Lisa by any chance is it ?
I was falsely accused in workplace of sexual harassment by an accuser who requested to remain (anonymous)..yet the very same day after inquiry, accuser tried to walk into me, block my path, even back up into when I walked past her.
U gotta keep a journal
Thank you, it is good to know there are people and lawyers like you in the world and your delivery and words are warmly reassuring 💙
The system is flawed, the courts and lawyers don't care if people get charged over false accusations because they make money if it goes to court.
I agree my sisters are making false allegations about me and bringing my dead mother into their arguments
My sisters even lied in the Family courts but no way can I appeal. I know that they used coercive mental torture and abuse keeping me away from my dying mum . You cannot now appeal. Been told by my solicitor that they have been doing deals with the cos and that if I admit to two charges they will drop this. The trial was to be held on 9 September. He lied to me as well he would ask the police to come and take a statement about my two sisters who have abused me still waiting. I’ve been waiting for a year for this to go to court. The police have lied in their statement apparently the police have the power to crush your mobiles which they take off people illegally.
Also it sisters statements they claim at the age of 12 I was the problem not them.
I'm just making it don't have money for lawyers to move and live again, I think the corrupt know this to make money off us low-income,
Like in Australia and his family have connections
Great advice! Thank you. I have 2 narcissists slandering me,one a sibling sociopath and his narc daughter,both very jealous of me and both,who are selfish and money grabbing.
Sue them for defamation of character
Defaming one's character is very difficult to prove, so hard to find an attorney who will take such a stance.
So they win again when your bank account is drained 10s of 1000s of $$$?
They need to have$7000 in liquidable assetts or $7000savings to get any restitution out of them. Try to find an injury, it's dealt with under tort law.
@@Living_Connectedness Take a different approach. Try being equal to the aggression and be silent and unpredictable in your moves. Make the requisite changes to protect yourself. It has taken me several years to get these stalker preditors off my back but they just took the bait and they are caught!! Hallelujah!! You got this! Go EQUALIZER on their arses and be victorious!
Attorneys want money instead of helping the innocent..it's disgusting they can all take a walk off a short pier
Is it possible for an adult daughter, who has been weaponized against me by her mother, to be held accountable for making and posting UA-cam content that defames me?
The sad truth is that I'm now having to face the reality that my own and only daughter is following in her mother's footsteps as an extreme narcissist. As you said, removing contact with people who defame you is important -- and since she isn't repentant about this, and continues to lie and talk to me abusively, I just can't allow it anymore. I'm dealing with advanced kidney cancer here and it hasn't stopped her one bit.
Same my nex is turning my daughter into a Narc
Experiencing the same here
Not alone
stay away from single mothers bcz this happen not matter whats end day moral ( raise crows to gouge out your eyes )
I know the feeling
Every day is another lesson.... on the depths..... that some are willing to stoop for personal or other gains. Even further...if these individuals are willing to stoop that low...so easily.... Can you imagine what else they might be willing to do? Pure evil. Criminal behavior. This must be addressed....and stopped!
And ARE doing. In my case, as the licensed protector of an abused elder who was later murdered by the abuser, the same abuser who leveled false charges against myself as his defense of his own horrific and documented actions. It's putrid. Erases heroes and the unmeasurable good they do, have done, and can do. Erased by scum protecting themselves in their indefensible crimes that continue on without reprisal of any sort
@@Sherakee So sorry for your troubles. Unimaginable.
@@allkindsamusicchick do you know that I got threaded by some famouse youtuber named Leon saying that to me "i am gonna get feds or court on me" it's kinda messup because I didn't do nothing on the main internet and i seen my point view i didn't do nothing and one thing i do is protect my friends from getting harmed and I know fact these community folks on discord are making Falsey screenshots it's illegaliy and such more. sorry my poor grammer
Thank you! Great advice. Self care first! Truth and justice ⚖ seek the heart that lives in love and hope. Just be in flow with the best possible outcome.
Thank you so much for this video and advice. It is extremely helpful to hear this broken down by a professional in this area.
My son has made so many false accusations against me it’s insane. His Dad’s widow has complete brainwashed him and the team up to make false accusations to protect HER actions, not mine. I personally, would never, could never, make false accusations against someone. At least I have that on my side. I’m not like HER and unfortunately like she’s created my son to be.
I sent an email through the famiy attorney to my sister that "if she files a false restraining order I will retain a criminal defense attorney and seek to sue her not only for malicious prosecution but also for infliction of intentional emotional distress as well as defamation." I am waiting for her response!
Thank you very much for your message. It's validating and comforting to hear this advice.
Thank you 🙏
Thank you for representing true law, justice.
Thank you ♾️
When criminals try to hurt u to make sure they get away with their crimes!!
False accusations….I have experienced that in a real way….on a personal level…. (without the level of using the law)….I have learned to examine myself honestly…..if this is true…I need to repent! If the false accusations are not true… I have a free conscience…, and God will deal with them!!! Does it hurt… oh yes, it does hurt! I can look at myself in the mirror and know I am free!!
My narc has spread a rumour that im looking in people's windows using CCTV, when what he's really worried about is him thieving from a neighbour and that I might have seen it with my own eyes....
Thank you for the information!! This help me view the situation from a better angle!
I was dating a man dor 5 years who was extremely emotionally abusive and he even came to my mother apartment complex and set my car on fire...I started speaking out about it and was seeking help, when he found out, he filed an EPO on me and won...i was devastated and disgusted....My mother then went and had a background check done on him, in 95' he kidnapped 3 people, handcu6them and locked them in the back of a trunk then went to rob a shoneys....He then, in 2013 went to a barber shop and shot someone and was charged with attempted murder....I am 36 he is 63 and his record run long since around 1971....How could a judge not pull he records that startes 27 years before i was even born and see the type of man this is and his patterns? why was he able to get this EPO granted and the judge basically dismissed my evidence and everything i told her?.... Its like there is no protection for alot of women...its sad and disturbing that many women are going thru abuse then when they speak out, they are the ones to be denied sympathy and understanding?
Going through exactly the same except my abuser was never a boyfriend - he's 104 and I'm 30. His criminal record goes back to the 1950's, he's been in jail, he's been stalking women and children since his teenage years, he has violated children and women left right and center, he has committed several murders. But he and his friend get believed each time they make false accusations against me and it's me that gets arrested each time. I'm a severely disabled girl and without family or friends - I live in constant terror of the next arrest. I tried to get restraining orders and court orders to order him to stay away from me especially so since he murdered my child - judge always sided with him. Six months after a judge decided that he (the old guy) was "not a danger", he murdered my little one... he's still out there, moved to a house just a few doors from me, he mocks me every single day.
Great upload great tips information and pionts of wisdom.
Thank you for your time.
Great advice. Thank you
Thank you your video was so helpful. I'm being accused of recording someone with my phone I live in a care home. Im so sick of it I'm getting rid of my phone. I do video log but making sure no one is in background. I am treated poorly overall even meds mismanagement resulted in seizure might be off road now and quite cruel treatment around anorexia in general. Im 5 and half stone and unwell. I fell against wall and hit the torch and was immediately accused of recording even though its was accident. I cant use a hand bag as im the size of a 5 year old. Another time I was setting a timer and because the camera was facing a staff they accused me of recording them. I became angry because my watch was flat and my meds need a fasting period of one hour before eating. I am off balance. I now shut myself in my room. Being threatened with removal of phone so I'm just going to do it anyway and get mp3 and i suspect it will move to recording devices in my headset or mp3 player so the accusations won't stop with the phones gone. Its a pattern of behaviour. Im accused of being abusive when I wasn't though I have gotten angry at being discriminated against my weight. One particular lady twisted my very calm and collected complaint " I need to try these kids clothes as the adults fall off, I will not rip the clothes i have a bone deformity and anorexia and you have just embarrassed me", id like the manager. (I have a 21 inch waist and 30 hip corresponding to the sores 8-10 years and most of their wide cuts fit. I cant get most adult to stay om Im an experienced seamstress that can measure my body well and knew my size. I purchased the garments a week later from another store with nicer staff. That went from praise to a yelling match that never occurred so im going to request footage from the store. There was no roaring match.
Hiring attorney in the criminal false accusation case could be helpful provided you be sure and hire the right attorney. Otherwise you may be getting yourself into more trouble. Many attorneys will not know how to handle these cases.
You’re focusing on the wrong aspects. The criminal lawyer will protect you from jail. ua-cam.com/video/d-7o9xYp7eE/v-deo.htmlsi=e6cWlafSJ7myKx2j
@@Steve-yg1pi these are the same evil ones that throw in my face when I'm living isn't it expensive because they know a lawyer is needed they harass the vulnerable they are evil it is satanic and I am so glad I'm not the only one, I'm waiting for justice or just to move on and move the hell out of here where I'm trapped
Very true statement. I learned that lesson, now I have to hire good lawyers to correct the damage that my first lawyers made such a mess of.
I have been denied all of my Rights, including, but not limited to, a fair trial and an attorney, even AFTER the FBI and others have acknowledged, in writing, multiple times, that they have thoroughly investigated and based on actual, hard evidences that I am a victim of major crimes/frauds, not the perpetrator! I am being gangstalked 24/7 and denied all of my Rights, Under Color of Law, without legal justification and/or cause.@@clootenlawyer
Thank you so much I’m
In Georgia and we need more videos and lawyers like you to keep the awareness
Character assassination due to jealousy envy false accusations & slander,, can They all be held accountable, maybe I'm hiring an attorney,,🤔
Law is in his worst situation in our country, but their is a hope when you are going after the same... worth watching... thanks
What do you do if your attorney never files a motion and only defends the false accusations?
I learned in my life that i needed help younger,a great attorney was needed when i was young ,i am thankful as some people are not talking truth but has an attorney against me,but my attorney has represented me very well, i am so appreciated of my attorney ,i have attempted to fight criminal behavior as a mere young girl and what a nightmare but today older i learned such a valuble lesson ,Attorneys know law they support us and i am grateful
Thank you for the information 🙌🏼
Thank you. This is a blessing.
What if you’re being falsely accused of being a drug dealer by a former neighbor, because you used to smoke pot? And years later she and others are illegally surveilling you, invading your privacy( no matter where I go, the grocery store, or to take my 5 year old to the playground.. they’re there) and defaming your character to the point where they come to your job on your day off to tell your superiors that you’re under investigation for being this big drug dealer. Only to have people look at you in a manner in which they should never, and treat you differently because they now think you’re doing something you’re not….When you never sold drugs! And you quit smoking for years now….. What do you do???
Jesus Christ is the only way to everlasting life. He loves you, and He is with you no matter what. He will never abandon nor forsake you.
Move away, start fresh. I literally had this almost exact thing happen.
My house was raided by police even. All because I smoked a bit. I don’t now and yeah still had that reputation because everyone wondered why police stormed through my house.
I’m a mum and just want peace with my son.
It’s not fair, and you shouldn’t have to, but if you can - just split and make your life a whole lot less stressful.
I agree completely if it is a criminal case get an attorney, if cos has false accusations too get a lawyer, or counselling help. Don’t face cps ( family and children services ) without help either.
🔥🔥🔥 love and lights always 💫💫💫💯 love ✨✨✨ always 🔥🔥🔥
Penal Code: Criminal Act - Depending on the facts in your case, you may be able to seek monetary compensation by filing a defamation lawsuit against the responsible party. Defamation is defined as a written or verbal statement that causes intentional harm to another person's character. The only criminal act stated would be the only person saying it so why accuse to the other person when your accusing your own act against another person.
@@Unknown-zt3ek defamation and slander can only stand if it is both written AND verbal with the person clearly named in the proof that is written . Or everyone could sue
Thank you… very helpful ✌🏼🤟🏽🙏💙
Very informative advice thanks.
“If you’re guilty, hire a lawyer. If you’re innocent, hire two.”
lol AMEN 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
What about when the whole system involved an they all corrupt as hell...all that legal shit goes out the door.
My rule of thumb: Say it forget it, write it regret it… Thank you for the share!
Accusation demands valid evidence.
Satan is called the accuser of the brethren (Rev.12:10) in the last days ( times of the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ going on in the world) before darkness ( the power and authority of Satan through his heads and people /followers) takes over completely in an overwhelming attempt to overthrow the government of God .This is Jacob's trouble ( Jer.30) + Dan.12:1; Mat.24:21)
Wicked people are everywhere these days
@@dennismclaurin1487 yes Amen it sure is
Thank you for the advice I think need help for someone to look into my case and maybe see what privacy policy act !!
When you hire an ‘attorney’ you lose your inalienable rights. FACTS.
Courts and judges attorneys need education ❤they jealous and envious and want to be you no contact ignore them 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I laugh when people falsely accuse me of s*** because they never have evidence to back it up😂
So often the case!
yep like the community always assume "we keep the community safe" they never keep it anyway they just brought chaos just to seek attention.
@@clootenlawyer agreed 😂 I’ve gotten false accusations about crazy stuff lol. I regret not being carful with dark humor luckily I have friends that support me
The most dangerous and life destroying accusations don't need proof! Your belief and apparent over confidence in the notion accusations need proof, will absolutely devastate your life one day if your not careful.
@@clootenlawyer Yeah now be upfront about the reality of the fact if it ends up with you in court, the burden of proof is ON YOU!
Hello Blaine I'm hoping you can help point me in the right direction here. I have been falsely accused of felony elder abuse likely to cause harm/death by 2 women who later admitted that the accusations they made against me were false and completely fabricated. My case will soon be dropped this month. Once I found out they admitted to having lied to the police I asked my public defender if these women will be charged with the crime they've committed against me to my surprise she said no they probably will not be charged with any crime. How can that be? Thats not justice in my eyes. Can they just brush me off like that? How can I make sure these ladies get charged for lying to the police in order to have me thrown in jail for a crime that didn't even happen? As a result of their accusations I was brutalized by the police and suffered severe emotional trauma. What can be done about obtaining justice. They can't just sweep this under the rug and blow me off can they? I was shocked to hear they probably won't be charged with the crime they committed against me.
Please send me an email: clootenlaw@gmail.com. I have several thoughts and suggestions, but this will vary by state. I’m likely going to try to find you an attorney in your area, for those that see this. I’m deeply troubled by your story. Thank you for sharing as I believe it helps everyone understand the danger of false accusations. And, it’s more common than people believe.
That is what happened to me.My partner made false allegations against me I went to court and found not guilty.I had been given a police conditional bail order not to attend my property for over one year six months, I had suffered a nervous breakdown and tried to commit suicide all because my girlfriend made false allegations.I went to court she was found to be lying I asked the police if they were going to charge her for making my life a complete he'll unfortunately they will not charge her.So let's get this straight..if anyone is thinking of physically assault someone,call the police after you have kicked the living shit out of them , put a bit of make up under your eye ,call the police and claim that you have been assaulted, the police will attend the property and remove the alleged attacker.The police will ask who made the phone call and because the attacker made the phone call that means they must follow pressures and assume the attacker is innocent.The attacker claimed that he/she had been attacked and suffered a black eye and reacted in self defence.That is a good way to get away with it.
God bless you for spreading awareness....
Yes if people lying in you doing deformation of character it needs to come to an end cause using a person name to lie and do anything Conning it needs to be stopped thanks for the message bless you after birth blessings for me quantum leap amen
Especially at a job is not Kool to be accused for something you're not doing.
Thanks for the great advice
Thanks for this. Very helpful.
What is the nature of this false accusations? Thanks for your presentation here, I am liking your approach and you giving me an update on what I been experiencing
There was a false report about me for a course in the University where I study. The insturctor wrote a false report. I had to go to the disciplinary meeting that insturctor was defended by some person from the diciplinary comitee during the meeting. The faculty dean apporved that false report. I think that is fair enough to report it to the police force with a lawyer. Because I tried to write appeals even complaints but that mechanism does not work on this.
Great advice thank you
Get Cameras, that way they can’t try to lie and accuse you of all the things they are guilty of anymore.
It keeps them away
I love the idea of cameras! That's how I was able to show my manager the truth. No one likes the truth...but it's there!!
I did that. It has helped me a few times. They just back off seeing my smart phone in the T-shirt pocket projecting the camera lens outward. But not all dangerous situations can be evaded by camera.
Not allowed in Switzerland. You cannot even film being abused. The only thing: do not be alone with them. Ridiculous.
Phone recording in your pocket... pretty simple nowadays
Wish I had heard this before. I was avoiding verbal statements to keep them from lying.
A good judge should require the accusers to PROVE their allegations against the defendant. If they can't, then the case has no or very little basis realistically and it should be thrown out. Just my opinion.
Unfortunately it doesnt happen that way for everyone.
I remember when ppl made false accusations of my bf being a terrible person and an adult and said he was hurting my fans.
I had a UA-cam channel back then.
And I denied it bc it didn’t sound like something my bf would do.
Bc he is a nice and kind person at heart.
But I didn’t had proof to show anyone bc well the internet is scary.
These ppl then ambushed his channel making mean comments and tried doxxing him, and said to go kill him.
Which thank god, it wasn’t his address.
And while they did this to him.
They acted predatory towards me, sweet talking me and shit.
After all that me and him deleted our channels.
We are hoping to return to make a new channel.
I am hoping to see if there’s anything I can do to defend myself and others from these ppl
Wish I had a gf like u. My broke up after hearing about fake allegations about me
@@_gannon Darn. That’s sad.
I suggest if you ever have another relationship to never mention your partner or show yourself cause it’s risky if your a small UA-camr because if you make enemies somehow or some dude hates then they won’t really have much info on you making their accusations false to others.
That’s how I kept my latest channel safe and my family so try giving that a shot.
What do you do when someone makes false allegations of “harassment” and violating the workplace “violence” policy…?
I’ve been suspended and now HR is making me write an “action plan” of how I will avoid further harassment violations.
I asked her what her issue was with me. I didn’t block her from leaving, once I recognized she was uncomfortable, I left the room and allowed her to speak with my supervisor.
She’s a temp agency worker and I’m an actual worker.
HR is treating me very rudely and still hasn’t given me opportunity to provide my side of the incident. They haven’t even told me the exact incident except that I was witnessed “harassing” my co-worker.
Which I never did.
Now HR is also accusing me of workplace violence for apparently cussing in the breakroom?
I’ve never dealt with HR before. This is so insane and I’m so full of anxiety.
I don’t know how to defend myself.
Workplace allegations are a different animal. I recommend you consult with an attorney to create an action plan.
@@clootenlawyer but will they just terminate me if I don’t show up at 11am to present my plan of action?
I’ve never done this before my so “plan of action” is more like a letter defending myself and saying I promise to stop anything that could be remotely deemed offensive.
✨✨✨ love 💯 light 💯💫💫💫💯 light and love
Must hire a attorney - most of us don’t have the $ for trained liars
And the next issue is…if u do get money to pay…,good luck finding an attorney that’ll take the case
If u don't have money can u talk to public defender
@@LeeM-v5u not for family court there is no public defenders sadly
They even spray chemicals in my direction. They even give me an evil eye. And at night you want believe it......... It's all so subtle. Like a Stephen king movie.
Great advice. Thanks for sharing.
Would making false claims against someone with their employer be considered defamation of character if they're making claims of particular behaviors that are false?
Sad part is the only one to “win” is the attorney making 10’s of 1000’s $$ to defend.
I tried to reach out to legal counsel, and no one would take my case. I feel as though there is no justice on my side. She was very wrong.
Yes I was the scapegoat in the narcissistic family .
My estranged family members are sick. Theyre mentally ill. Theyve driven me to break beyond my breaking point. I can't handle it anymore. I cant do it anymore I cant. Physically mentally emotionally I feel sick. For years they've accused me of lies, and sayimg im committing crimes and contacting my past attorney and my landlord. I contacted mobile crisis to put them in a mental health facility and they said they cant because they cannot find them. Theyre paranoid and schizophrenic and they hide for their safety. I cant even imagine not even IMAGINE NOT EVEN CLOSE to using an ounce of energy against demented people over delusions. I cant. Im mentally emotionally sick. Im barely hanging by a thread and I dk what to do. Its one thing for them to make accusations i know are untrue. Its another when they threaten me and wont stop. They call and make demands and I dont know what to do. Please. Help
You mentioned having a past attorney. Have you asked them for advice?
Jesus Christ is the only way to everlasting life. He loves you, and He is with you no matter what. He will never abandon nor forsake you.
Same here. My family have done the same to me.
What about if is a police officer falsely accusing you of a traffic violation?
A girl i was friends with ripped off her flatmate for 1500 dollars and blamed me. I didn't realise for years she was the one. It was awful being blamed. Then i remember a boss of hers years before in front of me saying she had stolen from the till. I stood U for her saying she never would.
How do you get an attorney without money??? I can’t even get legal advice, I am refused assistance from legal aide.
Thank you. I needed this information.
Where do I go to get started to sue an health insurance company and a doctor?
Do I start at the court house or just find an attorney? And do they charge for consultation?
If I was a defendant in a civil court in the UK and the pursuer's solicitor said about me, " She is not being candid" but I can prove that I was honest, can I sue that lawyer for defamation?
Thanku blessu great job.
What should I do when a customer falsely reports to my corporate office that I have assaulted them? I'm a 46 yo male. The customer is also male and about 55 yrs old. I've never touched this person a day in my life. He didn't like it when I attempted to explain to him that he cannot verbally abuse my coworkers (he has a long history of menacing and hostile behaviors). I told him I would escalate this to my store manager and my district manager as well. He left. Came back 20 mins later with a case # from our corporate customer service reporting system, stating he just filed charges against me for assaulting him just prior. Now, the 17 yrs i have been with my company is under threat and duress. What do you recommend
You need an attorney that is competent in both criminal law and employment law. I would not recommend trying to tackle this on your own.
@@clootenlawyer My manager is reaching out to our corporate law center, initiating a paid Leave of Absence for my mental health recovery and filing a trespass against the customer.
My family has made false claims against me in order to take control over my inheritance so I need a lawyer 😮
My lawyer want me to take a peace bond. I think I’m being forced to take it when I’ve done nothing wrong. I have false accusations against me from my soon to be ex wife. I don’t know what to do. Part of me wants to fight this the other part wants to just give up. I never committed a crime in my life. I do not have a criminal record either
Same case here my friend…it’s so hard to deal with. You’re not alone.
Jesus Christ is the only way to everlasting life. He loves you, and He is with you no matter what. He will never abandon nor forsake you.
Good luck