  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mlong1958
    @mlong1958 Рік тому +64

    I honestly think that this is Paul's best vocal performance. He had such a vocal range. He even screams in key. The Beatles were ground breakers. They were always ahead of the curve.

  • @andrewschreiber112
    @andrewschreiber112 Рік тому +85

    This is Paul through and through. I think it's one of his best vocals. Incredible song.

  • @rogandbingofbingalahtravel3680
    @rogandbingofbingalahtravel3680 Рік тому +23

    Paul was inspired by Little Richard and this is one of the songs reflecting that inspiration.

  • @marthayoung2308
    @marthayoung2308 Рік тому +80

    Love Paul's voice!!! He plays ALOT of instruments too. Just like Prince did. This song is one of my favorites! Thank you so much, Jayy.❤

    • @newms69
      @newms69 Рік тому +4

      He did it well before Prince, for the record.

    • @marthayoung2308
      @marthayoung2308 Рік тому +1

      @@newms69 Yes, he did. Just making a comparison.

    • @sarahfullerton6894
      @sarahfullerton6894 Рік тому +1

      I absolutely LOVE "Oh Darling!" Loved your response Jayy!! Spot on!

    • @elishabacon2299
      @elishabacon2299 Рік тому +1

      Both Geminis

      @BANANASAUCEYUM 8 місяців тому

      @@elishabacon2299 Stop believing in astrology idiot

  • @jimdev81
    @jimdev81 Рік тому +32

    I think the reason a lot of us old Beatles fans love these reactions so much, is seeing your joy as you recognize how unbelievably amazing they were. Your reactions are always great, you have a good ear for music, and, of course, great taste!😊

  • @willblood7082
    @willblood7082 Рік тому +21

    Love when Paul really opens up his voice and gets that raspy quality to his voice 🔥

  • @marilynholt3775
    @marilynholt3775 Рік тому +35

    Whenever I listen to this song, all I hear is the drumming. Such perfection!!!

    • @richardhargrave6082
      @richardhargrave6082 Рік тому +10

      Ringo is very underrated, not a flash drummer. Just a very very good one

  • @somethingyousaid5059
    @somethingyousaid5059 Рік тому +9

    Paul shredding his voice for the cause.

  • @deadmeat_0152
    @deadmeat_0152 Рік тому +38

    one of the best Beatles songs! Paul can sing!

    • @davidcohen7146
      @davidcohen7146 Рік тому +7

      He could hit those high notes like no other Beatle. Paul has always been my fav Beatle and to me the best one.

    • @isyourbackstillbad
      @isyourbackstillbad Рік тому +4

      @@davidcohen7146 John was the nearest to pitch perfect though. Never heard him hit a flat note and could get deeper than Paul could ever reach. The combination of their voices was phenomenal.

    • @AshenSamarakoon
      @AshenSamarakoon Рік тому +2

      @@isyourbackstillbad No, Paul could sing way more lower than John, and surprisingly even Ringo could.

    • @isyourbackstillbad
      @isyourbackstillbad Рік тому

      @@AshenSamarakoon he couldn't. Don't want to argue on my friend Jayy's space. But the fact - and it IS a documented FACT - is that John's voice was naturally deeper - and could REACH deeper - than Paul's could. They both had great voices, Paul could go shrill and higher than John who's more powerful bellow dominates those early hits (She Loves You, Eight Days A Week etc) where they sing joint lead. Paul provided the counter harmony to John's fearsome vocal. They worked well together and I love them both. But I'm mindful that John is the only Beatle who never sang flat. A naturally instinctive singer whom no one - not even elastic voiced brilliant mimic Paul - could quite copy. Lennon didn't copy anyone else's vocal style and no one could reproduce his.

    • @AshenSamarakoon
      @AshenSamarakoon Рік тому

      @@isyourbackstillbad Lennon's voice was so unique than any other Beatle, but I think Paul's voice was more versatile and capable. They're both great without any arguments, but Yes John had a deep voice, but Paul sang low down to A1 note in a MJ's song which he provided backing vocals to. John could go low down to lower level of the 2nd octave as I remember ( can't remember the exact note), I don't know whether he was capable of singing even lower, but I haven't heard such a thing in any song he sang nor in any of the articles videos which I've watched about their ranges and other vocal stuff. Ringo's low vocals can be heard in his solo work. There are numerous guest singers in his songs, but even he sang really low down to C2 in his solo songs.

  • @kevinkuschel2457
    @kevinkuschel2457 Рік тому +48

    I am a big Beatles fan since I was a child buying 45s. My first five albums were the Beatles and I thank you for going through these diverse albums. Makes me smile. We knew we were witnessing history.

    • @justme2
      @justme2 Рік тому +4

      My older brother seen them on the Ed sulivan show on TV and became a huge fan. Years later I walked into his room to ask him something and noticed the Sgt. Peppers album he was listining to, I was blown away & got into them hardcore. Their genius was undeniable.

    • @judywein3282
      @judywein3282 Рік тому +2

      Right with you, Kevin. Will NEVER be another Beatles!

  • @davidcohen7146
    @davidcohen7146 Рік тому +8

    @Jayy- Don't ever over think yourself on Paul singing lead in any Beatles song. Whenever you hear the high notes then you know its Paul singing lead bc no other Beatle could hit those high notes like he could. Oh Darling is another great Beatle song. Great reaction.

  • @mitchmitchell80
    @mitchmitchell80 Рік тому +7

    That's a WOW song!! What a singer

  • @joesah92
    @joesah92 Рік тому +25

    I've religiously listened to their music for more than 10 years now and everytime I do, it feels as if I'm experiencing it for the first time. Just legendary and timeless!

  • @Bill_Jones.
    @Bill_Jones. Рік тому +8

    Another great Paul vocal is “I’m Down.” This one is an earlier song recorded on June 14th 1965 when Paul was only 23 years old. He screams his lungs out on this one.

  • @tchampagne1494
    @tchampagne1494 Рік тому +10

    Yeah, the contrast between Michele and Helter Skelter is a great example of the diversity in their music. I'm sure you will find a few more Beatles songs pleasing to listen to. I first saw them on Ed Sullivan when I was eleven years old in 1964. We had the old rabbit ears on the TV so the reception was bad, very fuzzy. But I remember everyone rushing into the room, surrounding the TV to see them. We all joked about their name, but they were no joke, when they came to America it was a period of an amazing explosion of musical creativity.

  • @americangirl6029
    @americangirl6029 Рік тому +4

    One of my favorites!

  • @canarsie56
    @canarsie56 Рік тому +7

    There will never be a better group, they could write every style of music

  • @bobsam55
    @bobsam55 Рік тому +12

    Love the way Paul sang this song. Martha my Dear was another favorite for me.

  • @jonnno243
    @jonnno243 Рік тому +5

    Whenever i play Abbey Road, I love it when Maxwells Silver Hammer leads on to Oh! Darling. Oh yeah.

  • @reinacarbetta388
    @reinacarbetta388 Рік тому +5

    McCartney 🤩

  • @laurenurban3942
    @laurenurban3942 5 місяців тому +1

    Paul’s vocal range is wicked.

  • @diperry4026
    @diperry4026 Рік тому +5

    It is Paul! Good guess! ❤

  • @cman9373
    @cman9373 Рік тому +6

    One of my all-time favorite Beatles songs.....

  • @johnthegreek5836
    @johnthegreek5836 Рік тому +14

    Jayy, I love when you play The Beatles, I’m with you girl, never any bad songs, definitely Paul on lead vocals

  • @stevedahlberg8680
    @stevedahlberg8680 Рік тому +10

    I forgot how much I love your reactions. That was wonderful.

  • @richardhargrave6082
    @richardhargrave6082 Рік тому +15

    I have waited so long for you to react to this song!
    I watched twice!
    Its worth it for the looks on your beautiful face when Paul was pushing his voice to the limit, the "Wooos" and wonderful harmonies.
    Apparently Paul hardened his voice up to sound like the end of a long tour.
    On top of all that, wasn't Ringo just brilliant on the drums?
    One of your bet Jayy ❤❤

  • @wpawson
    @wpawson Рік тому +4

    Abbey Road is what albums were like when I was still a teenager. I wore that album out. Soul, Blues and Jazz was what this was all about.

  • @scottchapin2323
    @scottchapin2323 Рік тому +4

    Paul McCartney, the man of a thousand voices

  • @debbiechang5781
    @debbiechang5781 Рік тому +15

    I’m so excited that you’re doing this amazing song that showcases another facet of Paul McCartney’s colossal talent!! I just love your facial expressions! Great choice and great reaction. You hit the nail on the head when you talk about their versatility. You can rest assured that the next Beatles song you hear will never sound like the last one you heard! You can stop searching for the bad Beatles song. You will not find it. Keep up the great reactions honey 🌺✌️

  • @leslieduncan2405
    @leslieduncan2405 Рік тому

    ❤ The Beatles!!

  • @waltw4537
    @waltw4537 Рік тому +10

    Haven't been here for a minute but so happy you are still checking out Beatles. Here we go. That's what I'm saying, Jayy. You riding right along with it. Fantastic. Thanks!

  • @kenhoyer8601
    @kenhoyer8601 Рік тому +3

    Ringo's drums

  • @rosieland5072
    @rosieland5072 Рік тому +1

    Paul's voice is amazing

  • @wpollock1
    @wpollock1 Рік тому

    This is what a living legend sounds like.

  • @randallrobin5956
    @randallrobin5956 Рік тому +3

    What a blast from the past! Thanks for whoever made the suggestion!

  • @Jojo-fy2ud
    @Jojo-fy2ud Рік тому

    I love the Beatles.

  • @jollyrodgers7272
    @jollyrodgers7272 Рік тому

    That's Paul singing, from Side One, the 4th track. The Side Two Medley from the album Abbey Road is a 'Must' for your listening enjoyment; YOU NEVER GIVE ME YOUR MONEY, SUN KING, MEAN MR. MUSTARD, POLYTHENE PAM, SHE CAME IN THRU THE BATHROOM WINDOW, GOLDEN SLUMBERS, CARRY THAT WEIGHT, THE END and finally HER MAJESTY - which takes up 16+ minutes, and don't let anyone tell you to do the 'restored version' because that sequence is out of order and DOES NOT flow naturally like the original vinyl studio mixed recording does. So I promise you, Jayy, you will be forever amazed at The Beatles' Side Two Medley after hearing it!

  • @raymondpetersen6155
    @raymondpetersen6155 11 місяців тому +1

    That's Paul, Brown eyes ❤

  • @billhiggins1882
    @billhiggins1882 Рік тому

    That's what made them so great no 2 songs sound alike

  • @iqbalhussain9526
    @iqbalhussain9526 Рік тому

    1:43 was my exact reaction in 1969!😎

  • @cspaikido
    @cspaikido Рік тому +4

    Paul spent some time wearing out his voice to achieve the gravel sound in his voice he wanted.

  • @Russ-gy7tx
    @Russ-gy7tx Рік тому +9

    Paul was paying tribute to legend Little Richard. Even though it’s a Paul song, John Lennon held a grudge because he wanted sing it, John felt it was more of his kind of song to perform.

    • @Brandi6666
      @Brandi6666 Рік тому +1

      It sounds like something john would sing

    • @tombeyerlein3813
      @tombeyerlein3813 Рік тому +2

      I don't know if you could call it a "grudge." Lennon liked the song and would have liked to have sung it, that's all.

  • @rogercaruso9337
    @rogercaruso9337 Рік тому

    Love your expression

  • @j09j19
    @j09j19 Рік тому +7

    Paul sings lead vocals for the whole song of "Ph, Darlin'".

  • @mohamedfarook7140
    @mohamedfarook7140 10 місяців тому

    I like how your eyes go wide with the high notes

  • @keith535
    @keith535 Рік тому +2

    I am 66 years old. This is the first slow song I ever danced to 😂😂

  • @ernestosangiacomo2634
    @ernestosangiacomo2634 Рік тому +7

    Your reactions are priceless.
    If you want to hear Paul go intense again, try "Long Tall Sally." It's an early Beatles cover of Little Richard.

  • @susanelkins3068
    @susanelkins3068 Рік тому

    Paul- THE BEST! ♥♥♥

  • @leslieduncan2405
    @leslieduncan2405 7 місяців тому

    It's The Beatles...are you really Suprised at there GREATNESS. ❤

  • @DBEENE123
    @DBEENE123 Рік тому

    towards the end she mumbles "is".....this is the voice of God, this is the one and only unmistakable Sir Paul McCartney. His upper registry and rock-voice could upstage anyone, now or then.

  • @billhiggins1882
    @billhiggins1882 Рік тому

    Thats what made them so great, no two songs are the same

  • @richardmartin9565
    @richardmartin9565 Рік тому +3

    We used to sit an listen to the entire Abbey Road Album on a Saturday afternoon just groovin'.

  • @Jody525252
    @Jody525252 Рік тому

    Love love this song!!!!

  • @AdrianbCozad
    @AdrianbCozad Рік тому

    ❤(Class of 71) "May,I have this Dance!"❤

  • @rubenreyes3327
    @rubenreyes3327 Рік тому

    Hello from Texas..miss Jay! I love the BEATLES. I dedicate This Song..TO YOU. Thanks for ur reaction.❤.

  • @sunnyd4734
    @sunnyd4734 Рік тому

    Paul's best vocal performance ever in his entire career.

  • @jamiewilson9280
    @jamiewilson9280 Рік тому +1

    Watching you discover the Beatles is one of the best things ever!

  • @stevensprunger3422
    @stevensprunger3422 Рік тому

    This was the Beatles last album together right before I graduate high school we were all stunned we were all young and stunned

  • @coffee-xg6my
    @coffee-xg6my Рік тому

    One of my favorite 'belting it out' vocals by Paul.

  • @user-ej5gx7ph7q
    @user-ej5gx7ph7q Рік тому

    The Beatles had a great producer 😁

  • @Music-Is-Real-Love
    @Music-Is-Real-Love Рік тому

    It's one of my all-time favorite Beatles songs!.
    Thank you.

  • @kitcatsaunders
    @kitcatsaunders Рік тому +4

    Awesome reaction The Beatles are very versatile , BTW I love your style, honey that lip color is amazing . Good vibes hugs and much love 🙏🤗❤️

  • @Superdelphinus
    @Superdelphinus Рік тому

    one of the few things I like more than the Beatles, is watching people listening to their songs for the first time!

  • @AceRamone
    @AceRamone Рік тому

    Beatles singing the blues! ❤

  • @db90990
    @db90990 Рік тому


  • @numinousbookofreview
    @numinousbookofreview Рік тому +1

    One of the greatest vocal performances in recorded history. It's Paul, btw.

  • @judywein3282
    @judywein3282 Рік тому +3

    So glad you're still on the Beatles journey! Great reaction!
    I hope you are doing well.

  • @charlierussell6577
    @charlierussell6577 Рік тому +5

    That is Paul.....

  • @dalemcmillan7231
    @dalemcmillan7231 11 місяців тому

    Excellent song written by Paul McCartney with
    KILLER vocals!!! ❤

  • @chuckyoneill9029
    @chuckyoneill9029 Рік тому

    No bad songs whatsoever!

  • @rogercaruso9337
    @rogercaruso9337 Рік тому

    Another great 1 Paul really gets into this one

  • @antifax8434
    @antifax8434 10 місяців тому +1

    Grande Paul ❤

  • @CombatVeteranUSNAVY
    @CombatVeteranUSNAVY Рік тому

    Yes, that's Paul!

  • @ralpholson7616
    @ralpholson7616 Рік тому +2

    I am not a huge Beatles fan but have always loved this song.

  • @dave-ox2eo
    @dave-ox2eo Рік тому

    Great reaction!👍💯🎶

  • @johnsrensen3366
    @johnsrensen3366 Рік тому +1

    Pauls best vocal

  • @vincentvancraig
    @vincentvancraig Рік тому +4

    John wanted to, and kind of begged paul, let him sing it because it was his kind of song, with that 1950’s feel, but paul refused.

    • @SK-lk3iu
      @SK-lk3iu Рік тому

      And he admitted that Paul wrote it, so he had to let him. Also, Paul deliberately wanted his voice to sound "rough" on some parts.

  • @davidmerritt2837
    @davidmerritt2837 Рік тому

    If I'm not mistaken, John beg paul to let him sing this song. He said that this song was wrote for him to sing

  • @Jody525252
    @Jody525252 Рік тому

    Yes the Beatles were something else, freakin fantastic ❤

  • @ittamandarano8262
    @ittamandarano8262 Рік тому +1

    I love the Beatles too...only like 300 to go...Pls. react to 2 short songs that are often overlooked but great: THANK YOU GIRL and FROM ME TO YOU...early greats and so much fun

  • @christhornycroft3686
    @christhornycroft3686 Рік тому

    Here’s one for you: Hey Bulldog. Such an underrated Beatles song. Another great rocket.

  • @justme2
    @justme2 Рік тому +2

    Paul showing off his chops. 😁
    Jayy, Have you heard Ringo do his drum solo on that album? Right after 'carry that weight' he slips into his solo...check that out. It's pretty good.

  • @charlenewebb5893
    @charlenewebb5893 Рік тому

    Your Going To Love This One .The Fab 4 You Cant Go Wrong With Anysong Enjoy !

  • @jamesbuckingham357
    @jamesbuckingham357 Рік тому +1

    Looking great girl - keep up the good work!

  • @callmemrbroadstreet5602
    @callmemrbroadstreet5602 Рік тому +3

    Keep up the amazing work! ❤

  • @sharonvincent4238
    @sharonvincent4238 Рік тому

    Elvis and The Beatles were my favorites in the 50s and 60s, but this is the first time I’ve hear this song. Both of these artists evolved over time and had different sounds and music.

  • @rufflazy2366
    @rufflazy2366 Рік тому

    Played this on my acoustic guitar with a Beatles songbook and a broken ♥ thanks Jayy and Paul and the other blokes xxxx

  • @jeremyloeffler2783
    @jeremyloeffler2783 Рік тому

    That is paul singing with John backing him in parts

  • @rogercaruso9337
    @rogercaruso9337 Рік тому

    If you notice Paul's not wearing any shoes this is around the time whenever we're saying paul is dead

  • @cojaysea
    @cojaysea Рік тому +1

    Love the background harmony and Paul’s voice of course . What I remember is that when a new Beatles album came out it sounding nothing like the previous album . If a new Rolling Stones album came out we would say oh that sounds like the stones or a new Grateful Dead album we would recognize who it was but the beatles always changed from album to album

  • @bradjbourgeois73
    @bradjbourgeois73 Рік тому +1

    This is the typical "Swamp Pop" sound, though it wasn't known as that back then. It's pretty much New Orleans R&B. Paul was inspired when The Beatles came on tour in Louisiana.

  • @junplanas1403
    @junplanas1403 Рік тому +2

    It is Paul McCartney, singing.

  • @catenystrom6506
    @catenystrom6506 Рік тому

    Wait until you hear Helter WILL NOT expect that

  • @hollywoodpotato5289
    @hollywoodpotato5289 Рік тому +1

    Why is this one of my favorite Beatles songs? I don’t know. They have so many great ones, yet, this one I’ve always loved from the first listened. Listening to my mom’s records when I was about eight or nine, when I first heard this one.

  • @carmeloruiz6021
    @carmeloruiz6021 Рік тому

    John said this is the song he most have written. It's Paul's song. I hope this girl has believed him. I did.

  • @charlesking4780
    @charlesking4780 Рік тому +1

    I love your Beatles reactions 😁

  • @mikefetterman6782
    @mikefetterman6782 Рік тому

    Well over 200 songs and no 2 sound similar. This is Paul, (The Voice) singing, he had the best range vocally and he wrote most of this alone.

  • @beadybaby
    @beadybaby Рік тому

    Precursor to Maybe I'm Amazed ❣❣❣

  • @Laminina37
    @Laminina37 Рік тому

    Thanks Beauty Jayy for coments this great song!!

  • @garyarnett1220
    @garyarnett1220 Рік тому +2

    Yup, Paul's song.