“Calling it the Israel-Hamas war is misleading” ft. A Palestinian in the West Bank |

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @nicholasgerard1579
    @nicholasgerard1579 4 місяці тому +17

    Long-time listner/Occasional commenter. - I am deeply aware of the intricate and sensitive nature of the Israel/Palestinian conflict. This complexity often makes it challenging to engage in comprehensive dialogue. It's understandable that differing perspectives and opinions arise, given the multifaceted nature of the issue.
    In light of this, I wish to express gratitude and recognition towards H & T for their efforts in bringing a guest who is bravely sharing their personal experiences within the conflict. While I do have questions on some of her viewpoints, I wholeheartedly respect and value the lived experiences shared by Hanan. It is truly commendable for her to take the time to shed light on her unique perspective.
    In the spirit of fostering understanding and inclusivity, it would be beneficial to also hear from an Israeli guest who can offer their own lived experiences. By incorporating diverse voices into the conversation, we can strive for a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities inherent in this longstanding conflict. Great work Lah Lah BUT team!

  • @dansonng8369
    @dansonng8369 4 місяці тому +15

    Very informative from the Palesstine perspective. However, we need now for an Israeli's perspective for a complete picture.

    • @hellblazersharif
      @hellblazersharif 4 місяці тому

      You get that daily from the Israeli contr... i mean, Completely unbiased mainstream media.

  • @shamimiaj487
    @shamimiaj487 4 місяці тому +7

    Thank you Haresh & Terence for this eye-opening & honest interview! And for letting her speak without interruptions. We need to encourage critical thinking in Sg. I wish the title will be different tho. It discourages people who supports the other side to listen thoroughly and thus miss the main points that she was saying.

  • @John-jy3vn
    @John-jy3vn 4 місяці тому +2

    Consider interviewing Professor Norman Finkelstein, a leading authority on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, who himself is Jewish. Numerous interviews featuring Professor Finkelstein discussing this issue can be found on UA-cam. Additionally, there are several UA-cam videos featuring interviews with Noam Chomsky, an American professor who also happens to be Jewish.

  • @TheGracehew
    @TheGracehew 4 місяці тому +3

    Much Thanks for the Informative and Enlightening podcast…Hopefully, an awakening to the plight of others who deserve no less our Care & Concern.

  • @RH-jb5cc
    @RH-jb5cc 4 місяці тому +5

    You should follow your guest's ethos and invite someone from Israel to also share their opinion so that everyone can be more informed :)

  • @reggy1124
    @reggy1124 4 місяці тому +25

    I disagree with Hanan on the portion of refusing to call Hamas out for the terrorist activities they did - being a victim is not a justification for terrorism, and her ignoring the fact that Hamas intentionally hide behind the Palestinian people as meatshields contributed to tragedy that they face. Maybe there's a future where Palestine can exist in peace, but I doubt that it will be with Hamas governing over it.

    • @XianLongLee
      @XianLongLee 4 місяці тому +1

      Many IDF units are being investigated for conduct of war crimes.

    • @DurianKingg
      @DurianKingg 4 місяці тому

      same, I only hear people calling IDF terrorist and all but what about hamas? Why does it not apply to them?

    • @akhmud
      @akhmud 4 місяці тому +1

      That's why as Hanan mentioned, education is important. I agree, being the victim is not a justification for terrorism. Read up on the Haganah, Irgun, Palmach, Stern Gang. These were Israeli terror groups that facilitated the Nakba in 1948, and who later went on to form the IDF. Being persecuted in Europe does not justify the migrating Zionist Jews to terrorising the indigenous Palestinians ✌🏽

  • @jj96432
    @jj96432 4 місяці тому +13

    I have no issues with this topic being discussed but why invite a clearly biased guest? I'm sure that there are political scientists/ historians that can provide a much more holistic and objective view on this topic instead of this emotion-filled conversation

    • @badarkhan7588
      @badarkhan7588 4 місяці тому +3

      Everyone has biases. How can you expect someone who has lived under occupation to not have a bias she is speaking from her lived experiences. inviting Historians gives only a academic view point which has been discussed to death over the last 6 months. The purpose of this podcast was to talk to a Palestinian living in occupied Palestine. What is an objective view on Apartheid? You are asking human beings not to be human beings and feel nothing towards injustice

    • @jj96432
      @jj96432 4 місяці тому

      @@badarkhan7588 Firstly, my issue is not with the guest but the choice of guest. SG is not a party directly involved in this war so we will be better off looking at this issue from a holistic and balanced view, which i dont think this guest is providing.
      Secondly, why do you feel that theres injustice? Both countries want to destroy each other. just bcos israel is more successful in that doesnt make palestine less wrong.

    • @badarkhan7588
      @badarkhan7588 4 місяці тому

      @jj96432 ok if you want to argue the guest who do you think they should have asked? As neither isnotreal or the USA would call someone like Norman ficklestein, I can name more too if you want
      One is an illegal occupational force, and the other are trying to defend themselves weather its people or hamas, assuming most of hamas are kids and parents who have lost their family or been orphaned so under normal circumstances they'd be called resistance fighers but because the western worlds who choose to supply the real terrorist with toys and weapons the IDF let's not mention that with the right to return they have also saved alot of pedophiles from the western worlds being prosecuted (the special unit IPF) and on top of that reported instances of in their own military services that people coming from around the world to serve there made up illegal settlements have reported sexual assault and the cherry on top all of this you can find in the isnotreal newspapers dating back from 2011 to present
      So if we are who's the bad guy, one has evidence stacked against them from 1948 onwards

    • @jj96432
      @jj96432 4 місяці тому

      @@badarkhan7588 I know everyone has their own bias but the guest should be someone who at least portrays to be neutral and presents the case from both sides. The current guest obviously has a clear stake in this situation and she is presenting with too much emotion.
      For ur 2nd para, i find ppl like to tie the issue back to civilians. While I sympathise with the palestine civilians, more civilian loss doesnt legitimise the palestine cause. A simple way to think is if palestine has the stronger military, do u think they will not invade israel?
      Theres no good or bad guy in geopolitical issues, it's just depends on which side you are looking from. And history doesnt legitmise a cause. If it does, it means if UK/JP/Msia invade us, we should just take it since they ruled SG b4

    • @badarkhan7588
      @badarkhan7588 4 місяці тому

      @jj96432 in a world of hypotheticals there would be no reason for palestine to have an army if they wasn't getting bullied by isnotreal and the western worlds as you can't really look at this from a baias perspective as one is causing unspeakable act of violence with help while the other are just trying to survive so taking that into account you tell me if the following statement sounds dumb that isnotreal owns the rights for rain water 💧 in palestine 🇵🇸 and let's also use Russia as an example too the amount of sanctions they got for invading Ukraine but if you look at what have they done to isnotreal after all they've done more deaths and horrible actions then Russia not to mention the highest kill rate of journalist
      So it's clear what's right and wrong people just avoid it for whatever reason

  • @jameschan1585
    @jameschan1585 4 місяці тому +4

    Does anyone know what a "While Loop" is? The conflict is as such. No matter which side you are for or against (conditions) the loop will continue until the system crashes or someone outside the system intervenes to write a break code to stop both conditions from looping. Both sides justify their cause as just and it is for their survival and see violence as the only solution to their problem. Unfortunately, these people usually hold the power and drive the narrative that their violence and oppression actions are justifiable. The real enemy is not Palestintinian or Israel, but the justification that violence and hatred are the only solution "the right thing to do" to their survival and welfare for their people. Go ahead and take your side whichever you like. You are just subscribing to that narrative and fuelling this real-life "While Loop" in human conflict.

    • @ammo_conscious
      @ammo_conscious 4 місяці тому

      Hahaha, i feel this WHILE loop condition is as such:
      ("Israel cause" == "justified" OR "Palestinian cause" == "justified")
      If it is like the above condition, wah...this WHILE loop gonna be (fowl comment incoming) chicken - egg cycle

  • @roychankw
    @roychankw 4 місяці тому +1

    Great interview

  • @Marty-gv4nv
    @Marty-gv4nv 4 місяці тому

    There are no winners or losers in conflict, people fight in wars or conflicts not to win for themselves but for freedom and a right to call a piece of land home, and For the future. We are here coz our forefathers fought for freedom something we may never appreciate and probably take for granted in our lifetime . The simple wish for the conflict between Israel and Palestine is a two state solution for the future of their children and for peace. Props to the yah lah but team Terence , Haresh and Tristan for giving a voice to a Palestinian and the world to see their point of view 😊, Happy Labour Day to one and all a special mention to all workers toiling day and night to provide for us

  • @pangalvin3658
    @pangalvin3658 4 місяці тому +6

    Good job guys. Very good interview with a fantastic guest. I learn a lot.

  • @user-pn3pd1tr4p
    @user-pn3pd1tr4p 4 місяці тому

    I hope the two nations state will come into effect through diplomatic and political negotiation by the international community in the UN.

  • @ivengle
    @ivengle 4 місяці тому +13

    I disagree with Hanan, such one sided view is very dangerous. The staunch refusal to condemn Hamas actions vice versa (Israel) is appalling. Worst guest

    • @ivengle
      @ivengle 4 місяці тому


    • @GeeWhizzzz
      @GeeWhizzzz 4 місяці тому +1


    • @ewmurphy
      @ewmurphy 4 місяці тому +4

      ​@@ivenglePls leave then. Pot calling the kettle black. Binaristic view. Whats so biased from the lens of the oppressed?

    • @ivengle
      @ivengle 4 місяці тому

      @@ewmurphy I do think Israel’s actions now are disproportionate but the Palestinians bear a lot of responsibilities for what is happening too.
      The Palestinians rejected a state of their own five times: Rejection No. 1: In 1937, the British Peel Commission offered the Arabs 80 percent of the geographical area known as Palestine. The Jews were offered 20 percent. The Arabs rejected it.
      Rejection No. 2: In 1947, the Arabs rejected the United Nations partition plan.
      Rejection No. 3: In 1967, in the course of defeating the attempt by Egypt, Syria and Jordan to destroy Israel, Israel conquered the West Bank from Jordan, Gaza from Egypt and the Golan Heights from Syria. Most Israelis had no interest in retaining Gaza or almost any part of the West Bank except for East Jerusalem, the Jewish city in which Jews have lived for 3,000 years, from 1,400 years before Muhammad was born. The Palestinians, as the Arabs of Palestine came to be known, and all the Arab states rejected partition and peace.
      Rejection No. 4: In 2000, at Camp David, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 94 percent of the West Bank with East Jerusalem as its capital. But Arafat rejected the offer. In the words of U.S. President Bill Clinton, Arafat was "here 14 days and said no to everything."
      Rejection No. 5: In 2008, Israel tried again. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert went even further than Ehud Barak had, expanding the peace offer to include additional land to sweeten the deal. The Palestinians said no, again. The Middle East dispute has never been about land. Israel is the size of New Jersey. It is slightly larger than El Salvador. If it were the size of Manhattan, the Palestinians and many Muslim states would still seek its destruction. There are 22 Arab states in the Middle East, but there is no room for one Jewish state. There is even a state with a Palestinian majority: Jordan.
      As much as you want to criticize Israel, it is the only democratic country in the region even though qualified as a "flawed democracy”.

    • @badarkhan7588
      @badarkhan7588 4 місяці тому +1

      You disagree with the lived experiences of someone living under occupation. Why because they're not giving an unbiased view? This is a moronic stance. how can you be unbiased when talking about your lived experiences?

  • @watertreaderwong4142
    @watertreaderwong4142 4 місяці тому +4

    It is good to hear all the hardships and difficulties faced by a Palestinian in day to day life. Rights to movement, to marriage, to resources and even to return home is something Singaporean should appreciate, less we lose them. We should really be thankful we lived in a peaceful country where different races coexist in harmony
    However I really can't help but doubt that the way Hanan framed this conflict as struggle to resist against oppression. Is this just simply against oppression? when she wear a shirt flying Palestinian colours (or what appear to be) over Israel (or what appears to be shaped like Northern Israel).

    • @akhmud
      @akhmud 4 місяці тому

      Just a thought. If Spore was forcefully occupied by X country, i as an indigenous Sporean would resist the occupation to liberate back my whole land, and not just say Woodlands or Tampines. In that regard, i can understand the message behind her shirt.
      The occupation is meant to suffocate and drive out the Palestinians. On top of that, you have the policy of settler migration and illegal building of settlements over forcefully acquired Palestinian homes, in and around their villages. That clearly demonstrates the Israeli gov's intent on not wanting a peaceful 2 state solution. Its virtually impossible to divide the land equally with how their illegal settlements are designed. And they're already planning to build settlements in Gaza, no kidding.
      The point i'm getting at is: Why do people feel threatened when oppressed indigenous Palestinians like Hanan wear a shirt displaying the liberation of their whole land and stoke up fears of the so called annihilation of Israel, when on the other hand you have the Israeli gov literally tryna steal the whole land (+ Gaza) to themselves through a violent occupation?

    • @watertreaderwong4142
      @watertreaderwong4142 4 місяці тому

      @@akhmud I am not threatened but rather wary. if you believe in UN 1948 or 1967 resolution, using your analogy, you are trying to liberate johor as well, that is my point of contention. I do not support Israel building of illegal settlement and their policy but that does not mean I support Palestine claim of Israel as well, thus pointing out her shirt.
      The conflict will go on and I doubt the current leadership of both nation wanted two state solution as it goes against their personal agenda and support base
      An interesting fact is that Gaza used to be a part of Israel illegal settlement which Israel government return to PLO after driving out 100000 israel settler in 2005. Well, when is life just black and white

  • @fenn9911
    @fenn9911 3 місяці тому

    You should do an episode to get Isreali side of story or maybe an Arab Isreali as many already have a biased view of Isreal.

  • @marklee5660
    @marklee5660 4 місяці тому +10

    please remember that its Hamas who started the genocide war in Israel at the beginning and use Gaza as a human shield.

    • @AlexGelinas42069
      @AlexGelinas42069 4 місяці тому +8


    • @imskinne
      @imskinne 4 місяці тому

      Remember that Netanyahu encourage Qatar to send million of dollars in Gaza, into the hands or Hamas, and now his singing a different tune…

  • @lagofala
    @lagofala 4 місяці тому

    1:03:20 The Malayan Federation, Philippines, Macau, Hong Kong, Pacific Islands and and quite a few Caribbean islands didn't have to fight a war that led directly to independence. I sympathize with the Palestinian plight but a military solution won't work in this case. There obviously needs to be a political solution where both Palestinians and Israelis but both are just too far away for that.

  • @fenn9911
    @fenn9911 3 місяці тому

    It’s very dangerous to invite this type of guest at this sensitive moment. There are lots of historical facts out there which tunnel visioned individuals will not want to find out but parroting the same misinformation, this is pathetic.

  • @jasonlim4780
    @jasonlim4780 4 місяці тому +6

    I am a long time listener of yah lah but and appreciate many of the insights. But the title of this UA-cam infuriates me. Yes, Israel is not saint, have gone over board at times, but to have a title that straight out refuses to call Hamas a terror organization, is just plain irresponsible and neglects what the victims of the Oct 7th attacks have gone through.
    Yes I know you need views. But not in this immoral way to pacify populist views.

    • @GaoDaHoi
      @GaoDaHoi 4 місяці тому

      Not putting Blame on Ya Lah but this shows a sign that there are Singaporeans who sympathise Hamas.

  • @user-pn3pd1tr4p
    @user-pn3pd1tr4p 4 місяці тому

    What happened to the PLO?

  • @jslsy4649
    @jslsy4649 4 місяці тому

    Now you have a biased pro Palestine/hamas pov, are you gonna seek a balance by inviting someone who is biased and pro Israel as well?

  • @lishr4536
    @lishr4536 4 місяці тому

    Please also get an Isreali Zionist to come on the show and give their opinion. Also fun fact, West Bank is West of JORDAN, not West of Palestine if you see the map... but Jordan does not want their land back as the prince renounced it in 1988.. I wonder why... maybe as a Palestinian from the West Bank she can offer some insights on this. Would like to know also why Palestinians did not resist when they were "occupied" by Egypt. Did they not want sovreignty then? Or better yet, why don't you get her on with another Israeli Zionist who has done their homework and see how the conversation goes. I think both of you did not do any homework before interviewing here, since this discussion was so one sided.

  • @Salasaur
    @Salasaur 4 місяці тому +3

    What if the price of peace is injustice?
    Palestinian want their perceived justice to prevail over any hopes of peace. That is the reason why after 75 years, Palestinian is still suffering.
    The claim that Israel is committing genocide... Israel have the means to do it but not the intent. Ironically, Hamas had that genocidal intent but not the means to do it.
    Which is why after 75 years, Palestinian still live despite this suggestion that Israel is committing genocide.
    All this me too movement, black live matters, stand with Palestine. They start off noble, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. When activists start using other victims story as their own, they have lost their bearings.
    South Africa apartheid is believable because the black Africans were extremely skinny with bones protruding out. The Palestinians use the real plight of Black South Africans under apartheid regime to garner international support for their own leadership failures.
    The West Bank is not surrounded by Israel, you border Jordan. The Gaza borders Egypt. The claims you're being encircled by Israel and hence starved by Israel is already fraudulent..
    The fact you're hoping for Singapore to become more like the current chaos in university encampment elsewhere. The fact you hope Singaporeans would start their BDS...
    Why aren't the focus on getting food aid to the starving Palestinian? Or even to get peace negotiations on the way to end this conflict?

    • @june4634
      @june4634 4 місяці тому

      Well said 👏

  • @user-pn3pd1tr4p
    @user-pn3pd1tr4p 4 місяці тому +2

    What about the settlers? Who are they? where are they from?

  • @akhmud
    @akhmud 4 місяці тому +1

    So disappointed to hear majority Sporeans condemning this interview. Sometimes i feel like we should let Japan invade us again and live under occupation, just to see whether these Singaporeans fight or flight..

    • @kelvinkwok5305
      @kelvinkwok5305 3 місяці тому +1

      Dumb comment. Really dumb. From your username I can already tell which side you are on. Are you well-versed in the conflict or you have been taking bits and pieces everywhere and tried forming your own narrative? Calling for Singapore to be occupied just to prove what dumb point of yours?

  • @fboyt72
    @fboyt72 4 місяці тому +4

    The fact that she can get out of Palestine and enjoy life, show that there is definitely a choice you can make in life no matter how bad the situations is. Instead of taking sides, why not invest your time on bringing peace to this conflict now. Ignore the long complicated history, it will be never a ending to say who is right or wrong. If no one is willing to put down their egos than all people in the region will suffer forever.

    • @badarkhan7588
      @badarkhan7588 4 місяці тому

      Instead of taking sides? By saying ignore the history you've already took a side. The occupiers are always the ones in the wrong. Colonialism is wrong.

    • @kelvinkwok5305
      @kelvinkwok5305 4 місяці тому

      @@badarkhan7588 So what is the desired outcome that each side wants? Because from what I gather, it seems like for 1 side sharing isn't possible.

    • @badarkhan7588
      @badarkhan7588 4 місяці тому

      @kelvinkwok5305 Sadly, the only solution here is the West needs to stop funding isnotreal military budgets and restore all hospitals in Gaza resume aid and isnotreal should be charged with war crimes but sadly its not the world we live in that empathy is given to all at the same degree without prejudice

    • @kelvinkwok5305
      @kelvinkwok5305 4 місяці тому

      @@badarkhan7588 But this will only be a temporary solution until the next provocation, isn't it?
      I want to believe that humanity will prevail but in reality, if the root of problem isn't solved than your solution will just be pushed to, at best, the next generation and at worse, maybe only for the next few months?
      So again, I'll ask the same question, what is the desired outcome that each side wants in the long term?

  • @desubakker369
    @desubakker369 4 місяці тому +10

    I'm disgusted by fellow singaporeans in the comments supporting israel's brutality against palestinians, Hanan is a brave soul and voices like hers should be amplified.

    • @GaoDaHoi
      @GaoDaHoi 4 місяці тому

      當一個警察給個正在犯案的連環強姦犯棍棒伺候時。there is no reason to bat an eye.

    • @jj96432
      @jj96432 4 місяці тому +9

      I dont think majority of singaporeans are supporting israel's brutality but neither should we be supportive of the palestine cause as well. Both countries want to destroy each other. Just bcos one country is more successful in that doesnt make the other country less wrong

    • @Syn741
      @Syn741 4 місяці тому +1

      people such as yourself are equally disgusting. You guys love to justify an attack by saying Palestintian actions was because of all the attack Israel has done over the years. but have you question why is Israel behaving this way? You guys also say the reason why hamaz attack Israel was because of a slow build up of anger, but never mentioned the same from the other side. They were ethnically cleansed during WW2 by the germans and then further ethnically cleansed again by the arab nations. But it's okay to be ethnically cleansed in that regard right? the jews should just accept it right? To add on to ethnically cleansing, hamaz leaders has gone on record to say that they are going to ethnically cleans the jews again. Another argument is that Israel is ethnically cleansing the palentinians, which is untrue. before oct 7 they do have their skirmishes, but it is in no way ethnically cleansing. israel has the technology to level the ground in seconds. The fact that that did not happen speaks for itself. Also just because Israel is able to defend themselves from the 10s of thousands of rockets being shot at them, doesn't give hamaz the green light to attack.
      That being said, Israel taking over more land is 100% wrong. The bombing of the 3 trucks is also insane. considering Israel have been working with the group to establish safe routes for aid. Israel not pulling back their punches after everything he had done after they got back is also stupid af. idk what the hell Benjamin Netanyahu is thinking at this point.
      The fact that people these days only listen to one side of the situation is insane. I've been following this situation for more than 10 years and it's funny only after oct 7, suddenly everyone gives a damn. At the end of the day, oct 7th shouldn't have happened. It just gives Israel more valid reason to attack after what they went through with WW2

    • @jefri4176
      @jefri4176 4 місяці тому

      Not supporting either. Both are commiting genocide. One using human shield,one also killing many innocent people. Both are terrorist. Those who support 1 side are making it worse. No side are innocent. Both are terrible

  • @user-yd4yf3ho1f
    @user-yd4yf3ho1f 4 місяці тому

    Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Stop firing rockets into isreel… when can’t defend..

  • @heylylaa27
    @heylylaa27 4 місяці тому +4

    Firstly, thank you Yah Lah But for bringing Hanan on and thank you Hanan for speaking about the Palestinian struggle and cause so calmly and clearly.
    It really boggles my mind how completely ignorant and bigoted some Singaporeans are. When we have guests who are not Palestinian or Israeli talking about the issue, people say Terence and Haresh should get guests who have lived those experiences and who have “skin in the game.” Here we have a Palestinian, who has LIVED the apartheid regime and clearly TELLING YOU her experience, and you’re STILL not listening. In fact, there are people denying her of her experience and gaslighting! Like the person who said that she clearly has a choice to make no matter how bad the situation is. The complete disconnect among Singaporeans to how hard life is for Palestinians under Israeli occupation is beyond me. No amount of learning or education or explanation will be enough to turn the hearts and minds of people who have already made their minds up about this issue. A stupid person can be educated, but a stubbornly ignorant person will always be an empty vessel.
    The request from Palestinians is simple. They’re not asking you to bend over backwards to save them. The very least they ask is that you sympathize and empathize with their struggle of over 75 years of occupation and clearly, many Singaporeans or at least those commenting here lack empathy. The very least they ask is that you call for a ceasefire; whether it leads to a lasting ceasefire and open a pathway for peace talks or an end to the occupation. The right to self-defense does not justify the indiscriminate killing of tens of thousands of civilians and using starvation as a weapon of war against two million people.
    Having said that, as a fan of Yah Lah But, I really wished they didn’t choose such a sensationalized headline, Piers Morgan Uncensored style. You don’t need to sensationalize an interview for clickbait and views. I also expect Yah Lah But to get an Israeli voice now, which I’m sure you guys are working on. I’ll look forward to that episode and look forward to seeing how many people will sympathize with that view.

    • @syqsdq_
      @syqsdq_ 4 місяці тому

      plenty of ignorant, bigoted imbeciles here who seems to be experts on the issue and obviously siding with the oppressor in an occupation which has gone on for far too long.

  • @AngAngAngAng-bf3gi
    @AngAngAngAng-bf3gi 4 місяці тому +8

    Utter rubbish. Disappointed with how lopsided this conversation was.

    • @GeeWhizzzz
      @GeeWhizzzz 4 місяці тому +2

      She has said what she said for all to see.
      You possess criticial thinking... and thats it really.
      No point in those two arguing with their guest
      or getting another guest in split screen to counter her points
      and have them yell insults at each other.
      Thats Pierce Morgan.

  • @XianLongLee
    @XianLongLee 4 місяці тому +1

    Hello YLB. Please do an episode on MFA and Singapore's ambassador to Japan. Ong Eng Chuan might have broken Japanses laws by allegedly taking naked pictures of young children.

  • @XianLongLee
    @XianLongLee 4 місяці тому +2

    Singaporeans must know they have constitutional right to free expression and assembly. You can protest at HLP on I-H topic without a permit, despite warnings by SPF or NPark. The warning by these two government agencies are just advisory because it is unconstitutional. Singaporeans must exercise their right or lose it. Stand on the right side of history and protest for everlasting peace.

  • @june4634
    @june4634 4 місяці тому +4

    Such a one-sided perspective from her. 👎 Please get Mosab Hassan for his views.

    • @do3077
      @do3077 4 місяці тому


  • @claudiajabonillo6900
    @claudiajabonillo6900 4 місяці тому +7

    You should not listen to this

  • @alucardihtaf
    @alucardihtaf 4 місяці тому

    It is just so disappointing that too many people here in this chat is 2 siding a genocide. When we studied history we often ask, how can the world let such atrocities happened in the first place. These are the people who will also want to hear from the side of the Nazis. It is not a complicated issue.
    Been a long-time listener of the podcast as well. Its time for Haresh and Terence to take a stand and not just try to both side a genocide.

  • @kay7139
    @kay7139 4 місяці тому

    Oh boy

  • @lilychua7866
    @lilychua7866 4 місяці тому +1

    Why are you giving airtime to such a controversial topic and an advocate to create further ill feelings and potentially causing conflicts in Singapore?? Just to have a fair view on this since people like to use children to cause anger…. Can you also provide the number of children that Hamas killed over the years too? Tell your guest she cannot protest in Singapore.

  • @jefferytay3225
    @jefferytay3225 4 місяці тому +2

    Take this off before you guys get cancelled. I don't need to watch the content to tell you what's going to happen. What's wrong with you two!?

    • @zxzx4015
      @zxzx4015 4 місяці тому +4

      what is wrong with YOU?, not them. If you dont want to watch, just skip it.

    • @jefferytay3225
      @jefferytay3225 4 місяці тому

      @@zxzx4015 my point exactly. The youths (you are one of them) in our country nowadays are so full of it.
      NOBODY has the right to discuss casually about another country's conflicts. Not for views. If they are doing it in the parliament, or on a world stage, then yeah. Grow up the three of you

    • @reggy1124
      @reggy1124 4 місяці тому +3

      @@jefferytay3225 Discussions are how issues are explored and understood - why does it has to be confined to parliament or "world stage" whatever that means? If we don't discuss key global issues, then Singaporeans will be more insular and ignorant for it.

    • @jefferytay3225
      @jefferytay3225 4 місяці тому

      @@reggy1124 this is no way in any way our problem. Your argument yes it applies if it's a current hit topic like Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, our own iswaran and ridout saga. How will you feel if someone in Russia used your own family disharmony to make a video with the goal of views? Not that this channel is big. Can you kinda use your brain? You are Asian and you get a so called native no one can verify real or not and then make her say "her country's" problems? How about I get someone from somewhere where your race originated from and speak about your entire lineage as a podcast? Do I really have to go to this extent?!

    • @jefferytay3225
      @jefferytay3225 4 місяці тому

      @@reggy1124 are we in parliament now btw? You're welcome