BTW. If you take Sharp Shooter AND Abuse Titan Bow + Giant Elixirs.... You can carry 3 Boxes and make your own portable High Ground to Negate the Penalty. If you Become Half-Squibilly later on, then you can just Fly. For DarknessRogue I just cast Darkness and turned BG3 to a Tower Defense Game
For a much less complicated way to get the Titan String Bow, just sneak in the back entrance of the cave and steal the chest while they are busy keeping the gnolls at bay, you don't have to fight anyone so you can get the bow as early as level 2. (just be aware there is a trap that releases a big boulder in this area that can squish you, I usually climb up one of the platforms and set it off by throwing something that gives an area of effect to set off the trap if my perception didn't find it) Then just take the chest to the Zent hideout. To get pass the guard you can either pass a Dex saving throw to convince him to hear you out first or use a mind reading scroll to get the password. Simples, and you don't have to wait till level five to get it.
I really appreciate how you walk through each act and explain where to find good gear for the build, great info to give us success throughout the whole run!
He is level 12 in act 2 with 30000 Gold in his pocket. Things are not as easy the video will tell you. It is a good build but your own walkthrough gonna be a little different.^^
Hunter's Shortbow from Dammon is actually really powerful as well for granting Advantage against Monstrosities. There are LOTS of Monstrosities in Act 1 and the whole game, and this advantage is given to the bow attacks, as well as melee attacks, and also SPELLS! This is a great bow for your spellcasters too.
@@sorenjensen3863 Whenever you enter combat or even just in general, you can always take the time to examine every enemy on the battlefield. You can see essentially their whole character sheet, and it'll tell you at the top of the tooltip what sort of creature each enemy is. I don't know what the button on controller is, but on keyboard it's mapped to T by default.
@@sorenjensen3863 the vast majority in the game are in Act 1, specifically there's the Minotaurs, the Bulette, the owlbear, the Harpies, the Ettercaps, worgs, the Phase Spiders and the Hook Horrors.
The Dragon's Grasp, Ring of Flinging, Hunter's Shortbow, and a Hill Giant Elixir from Ethel will make Eldritch Knight Lae'zel a brutal tool for killing the Harpies on the beach.
@@TheSpudKing wouldnt it be better to throw the haste potion on to the enemy out side of tbm and then as soon as lethargic triggers, then enter tbm with your own haste so you arent wasting another haste potion and not granting another haste buff on the enemy if they survive the lethargic round?
@@JoHa1337 thats what i was thinking but idk if it works, definitely going to be trying it tonight though. I never thought about hasting the enemy to make them lethargic lol that shit is genius lol
I really hope you do a part two for this build. Love how you showed how to handle the fight with W’wargaz in the crèche with the potions and lotions 😂. Worked perfectly for me! Please do a continuation showing how you would handle other major fights in the later parts of the game. Ketheric fight and orin etc. etc. I’m using this build now on my first major attempt at honor mode for my gold dice.
This is such a good Video! Not only a nice strong build. Its very unique too! Plus it starts strong from the very beginning. And you show every important single step by step. Just wow! Very very wow!
Это потрясающе! С удовольствием посмотрю на соло прохождение этим билдом! Люблю лучников, но все известные сборки уже приелись, а это как глоток свежего воздуха, спасибо Вам :)
i like to build lae'zel as a full eldritch knight, and give her minimal str, and focus on int instead. the build takes a bit to roll, as you will mostly play as a scuffed caster for a bit, but once you unlock either jaheira or grab will's infernal rapier, is when the build really starts. the sad thing is, its one of the most important items, but the rest of the equipment can be found in act 1. the idea is to use shocking grasp into melee attack. since the infernal rapier is a spellcaster weapon, it will use int instead of str or dex. you can make work with other elemental cantrips like firebolt or ray of frost, i just like shocking grasp better since its kinda like a mini sithlord build. until you unlock the rapier, you will kinda depend on hill giant potion to make up for the limited str. the beauty of this build is, since you will mostly attack with cantrips and weapon attacks, you are free to use your spell slots on utility spells like shield. another great item to use in this build is the ring of elemental infusion, as it will buff your melee attack with the element of the cantrip. as for feats, its mostly using them for alert, capping int and elemental adept lightning(or fire if firebolt, cold if ray of frost). there are a few other cool items to use, like anything that buffs cantrips,like the amulet of elemental augmentation, gloves of beligerant skies(if using shocking grasp), and the ring of arcane synergy. and so on.
I can see a playstyle alteration of keeping the elixir of bloodlust and the Titanstring bow but swapping out the Daredevil Gloves for the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength for the best of both worlds. If you do find yourself in melee you have disengage (bonus action from rogue) to get out or you could misty step out as you will have access to the spell and sufficient bonus actions from being a thief rogue by this stage of the game, would let you hit quite hard and let you have the bloodlusted action instead of choosing between the two options.
I really like your build ideas. But at this time it is so hard to understand what is happening in your Showcase. You are using some kind of mod that let you have infinite Actions. I understand, that you want to show the damage when you actually hit, but hex + eldritch blast is usually 1 turn. Not hex eldritch blast and 6 bow shots. Maybe for combat turn this off.
It’s not fake. He’s hasted and he gets another attack with eldritch knights 7th level feature from using a cantrip as one of the attacks. It allows bonus action to be another attack.
@@Shaklor ah thats definitely true. he is using modes and stuff to have access to all the items and levels at any point for easy demonstration purposes. and I think at one point he resets his actions because he was trying to show what happens when you hit and then he got unlucky and missed. so he had to reset it to continue the demonstration. Its confusing but as soon as you get to level 8 you (7 Eld Knight and 1 Warlock) you have enough attacks with haste, action surge, elixer of bloodlust to get a TON of attacks in one turn even on honor mode.
Worth mentioning that in Emerald Grove next to the blacksmith guy there is a quality breast plate near him you can just kinda get a 5 finger discount on that's better than the one you can buy. Its +1 quality, reduces damage by 1 and doesn't have a stealth disadvantage attached to it.
Nice build, nice video. Was more fun to watch than your other videos where you kind of rush through, but it could also be that this build has a very interesting and fun playstyle, where if it was just a simple burst build such a long video might have gotten out of hand and viewers might lose attention.
Yeah, some of them just got few mechanics and i don't want to drag out, while this got lots of small tricks to utilise and maximise potential especially on honour mode
@@TheSpudKing Have you thought of picking Mage Armor at some point since your build utilizes robes lateron instead of armor. And what about dualwielding a dagger or something "light" that increases the crit chance instead of a shield in the off-hand? Another idea: instead of shaprshooter pick tavern brawler and make this a thrower-build?
In the next Baldurs gate game if there ever is one should have the origins characters speak when you choose to play as them instead of getting the silent version of them.
What's nice about this video is that you show how to play this from the beginning, rather than just talking through the leveling choices and listing off BIS gear. Makes it much more approachable from the start rather than filing it away under "Builds to try in Act 3 if I get bored"
I’m in act 3 now with this build. Thanks so much! Again, would really LOVE to see that video about how to close out the game with this character! I’m doing mine with a drow character. Also id like to do this in another honor mode play with a friend but we skipped the spell sparkler… is there away to pay this without that item? If you have a suggestion I’d appreciate it! Thanks!
Markoheshkir in act3 with lightning kereska favor works almost same :) Closing is definitely hard, but technically you need ability to do different type of dmg each round
Couldn’t you also take the club of hill giant strength you get from the underdark to replace the potion so you don’t always have to pop it and then have the staff and the club sacrifice some ac but double attack on opportunity attacks
Something you could also do is have the staff of arcane blessing and cast bless on yourself before battle, because the special version of bless that the staff gives you adds an additional 1d4 to attack rolls and a 2d4 to spell attack rolls, both applying to eldritch blast
The tooltips on the staff and buffs are actually completely wrong. The only thing the staff does is give the second buff when you use Bless, and the only thing the second buff does is +2d4 to Spell Attack Rolls. It doesn't actually give additional 1d4 to Attack Rolls (or Saves).
@@vandril9735 hmm I think I actually have noticed that before, during a dialogue saving throw I used the special bless and only got a +1d4 bonus, but i did also cast bless via the staff during combat and noticed both bless and mystra’s blessing showed up in the list of bonuses
something I don't understand: how can you have the 'Shield of Devotion' and almost 30,000gold in your inventory but the tieflings are still in the Grove? if you haven't played act 1 yet, how can your inventory look like this?
Honor mode, the game mode where you find all the cheats and exploits to play the least honorable you can. i beat most of the people in moonrise with just minor illusion
@@TheSpudKing Ah, right, technically. So that means, you start with the hunter bow, switch the bow (which costs action) and must never lose concentration, which rarely happens in solo playthrough. I think you lost perspective from using the free-action mod. I know how that looks early game. You miss, and the whole turn is lost, while you are attacked by multiple enemies and there is a high chance something will go wrong, unless you have some location advantage, strong control spell that takes out most of the enemies, high AC or summons.
weird build, if you want to use lightning charges, u want to use dash boot from wind mill. definitely not worth wasting 1 entire action for buff. The mainsource of damage is also coming from -5+10, lighting charge is just there to boost attack roll, do not overstack to 5, it will be consumed on next attack. end game bow is in act one, if you are using that bow on a fighter. u can get 1 more action with 20str 22 agility otherwise you would have to drink cloud giant potion.
Never mind, I just figured it out He’s casting the hunters mark, then switching to the Titan string bow, hunters mark as a concentration spell, and you can recast it as long as the target with hunters mark is killed
howly crap, that music at the start is from DION! Used to hangout there a lot with our guild near the monastery, even after we took Giran. But you didn't write music from Lineage 2 tho, was it used in other game?
I really miss the Eldritch Smite in that Game for creating this Build properly. In the TTRPG you Multiclass for this normally as you need only 4 Levels in Warlock for this and want to invest in the Spellcaster-Classes for bigger Spellslots than the measeley Warlock-Slots that cap early. But, different to the Paladin Smites (can be used on all Melee Weapon Attacks, Damage caps at 5D8 aka Slotlevel 4), the Warlock Smite can only be used once per Turn but has no Cap on the Slotlevel used and knocks the Enemy Prone without Save. (Mind the Prone Mechanics properly - it does not knock Creatures out of the Sky for example as the Creature uses halfd Speed to "get up" and then is "flying again - and only falls "at the end of its Turn" when not able to prevent the fall - sp only a "prolonged Actiopn" timed perfectly can do that. Also, Probe Targets are harder to Hit via Ranged Attacks - mind that strongly. Stuff like that. There are 2 Ways of combining this - one employs Magic and the other is more of a "Fighter"-Class. And even if the Fighter Class is great Fun to play and really nice, I prefer the "Magic" Way. The Fighter Way is easy said - just combine it withn a Fighter and only dabble in Casting classes like Storm Sorc or/and a Wizzard(1) for deploy a Shield or such - else, you go down the route of the Fighter. In the TTRPG you need the Pact of the Blade for unlocking the Eldritch Smite that works aon *all* Pact Weapons (yes, also the Ranged as Hand Crossbow) along also be Level 5 - overall (not Warlock). Also Pact of the Blade is required for "Improved Pact Weapon", allowing a Longbow or Crossbow be a Pact Weapon and a Spellcasting Focus as well. So, you need to get to Warlock(4) to unlock this along be Level 5 overall - and I strongly recommend to be a Sorcerer as Sorc grants Boons at Lvl1 (you choose according to your likings, Shadow and Clockwork are pretty dang wild but I love Celestial for the Clerics Spell list). This depends if you want to be a "Magic Archer" (focussing on Magic shot from his Bow) or a "magical Archer" that mostly shoots his Bow and enhances that. "Thirsting Blade" also needs that Pact but also is a "to be swapped" Invocation - double Attack. I also recommend "Devil Sight", so, you might go up to Warlock(5) for third Level Spellslots and Counterspell. For the Feat, pretty logically, we choose "Sharpshooter" if we do not already have it from other Sources. Now, we go for Sorcerer(4) that grants us our 3rd-level Abilitys as well as Metamagic, allowing us to Bonus-Action-Eldritch Blast (or any other Spell elegible) for 2 Sorcery Points. As second, choose "Twinned Spell" as we are a "More Bang for the Buck" Guy and this wonderfully pairs with the Celestials Guiding Bolt(s). Now, we can chose pathes again - more of a Martial Char or a Caster - and as much as I love the big Spells, I go here for the Fighter Class for 3 Levels. This grants us a Fighting Style (Archer for +2 to Hit) and a Subclass - and as nice "Eldritch Knight" sounds, it is crap. You want the Arcane Archer-Class and choose Piercing Arrow as must have - because you can now Hit multiple Targets with one Shot that at least deals half Damage - so, you can Smite on it and use Sharpshooter as well for the +10 Damage (+5 on Save). As second Option, you want to take Seeking Arrow which allows you to hit some Target you can not see if Present (works wonders with Brandishing Smite and Eldritch Smite done at once, or as I call it, the "particulary and especially "F***! Y**!"" Alternativeley you can employ the Grasping Arrow as well that mostly immobilizes and damages the Target until it basically skips a Turn for a Strengh Check. This is real Fun for it can be paired with "Forced Movement" to damage the Target further. And no, Bursting Arrow does not work as it spreads the Smites as it is a seperate Effect that Triggers, not the Property of the initial Attack that has to hit to activate it - so no AoE-Smite-Spreads. This also is the Way to go for the above more Martial-Themed Archer who now chooses the Sorcerer-Route. As most Campaigns do not go beyond this Level, this is "pinnacle" as you also get Action Surge" and now can fragg up 2 of thoose Arcne Archer Charges, can Combine all of your Abilitys in one deveastating Strike and habe pretty good Recources and thus pretty good Options for at least 2 Rounds, so can be useful in about 4-6 Rounds of combat - which rareley takes longer. For all further Levels now, take Wizzard(2) and pick Divination Wizzard and then just extend your Sorcerer Levels and take the 4th Fighter for a Feat if you get some fancv Combo in your Mind you want to add. But mostly, you now can learn all Wizzard Spells (mind Spell-DC and Attack Rolls are INT-Based for thoose, so no, you're not a Wizzard, Harry.) You can put this in whenever you like before but mind the delay in other Parts through that - not recommended. The rest, extend your Sorcery Points as much as you can for more Versatility and extending the Rounds you can be "useful". Some Notes: - Some may be compelled to use Dex above 14 - but that I do not recommend. I prefer Medium Armor that caps its AC-Bonus at +2 and choose one that does not impede my Dex/Stealth. - You also may include some Rogue and aim at "Cunning Action" - but i remind you, your Weapon is a Cha-based, not a Dex-Based - some GM may want to Dipshit about that 1(2)D6 Sneak Attack Damage. - You end up normally with 1 Lvl6-Slot this Way - so make it count. Your "Everyday Bread-and-Butter" are the Warlock Slots and you want to have more than less Short rests to refill your Arcane Archer/Warlock-Slots. A GM who does never (mind here, I did not say "nmot", I said "never") mind that Mechanics is literally fucking with core Game mechanics and you should adress that with him. I only mention this as I met Way too muchg GMs that make Martials and other Classes relying on Short Rests useless that Way. Rather put in some more "common Folks" to slay and allow to drain thoose Recources in a satisfying Manner as well. - You are a Cha-based Class. Charisma is also selfconfidence and general social aptitude - mind that. Do not play this in a "I do not know what to do, you decide"-Way. You can be the "Face" of the Group (If you do not know the A-Team, look the Meaning up). So, social Skills are Nice, but do not forget that you need to be Aware of Enemys first so you can ahoot them - Wisdom is important as it protects you from beeing Surprised much better than Dex(Initiative). Also Stealth is a fine Thing to know if noone can cast "Pass without a trace" constantly. - The unmentioned Feat mostly goes into ASI or Feats that grant Cha-ASIs as well. - You are not a Ranger. Sneaky-sneaky is not your Main Suit, it is collecting and combining the Mystical Powers from inside and outside the World to weave them into devestating, lethal Attacks. You need a reason for taking this Way that takes real dedication and will end you up your Soul either in some Shadowfell Claws feeding it or in your Weapon making iot m,ore or less Sentient aka Cursed and you beeing trapped in there for Eternity. Also,m you have inherent Powers from your Bloodline or something happened, that chanmged it (Sorcerer). Have a decent explamnation that fits and supports your GMs narrative when you decide to play a tactical Powerhouse like this. - Also, bring the Experience you need for playing a selfconfident tactical Powerhouse like this. Again, you are a Face, a Hannibal - not Murdoc, not B.A.. - If you get Religious, there are alsways tons of Clerics you can add in here for *HUGE* Boons. But to make a God be onk with you beeing Bound to the Shadowfell is hard and making him decide to rescue your Sould might be harder - but most certainly a Thought you have and should play it like that. - As much I would love to recommend mixing it with Artificer here - it would just be insane MAD-ness. Possible- yeah. But a very Different Build. The "Warmachine"-Build, not the Deadshot-Build. - Throwing Weapons are also elegible always for this build. With Tavern Brawler you become literally "Gambit", imbuing Playing Cards with Eldritch (purple) Power do Force-Smite them.
I only drink strength potions. I don't even know what the other elixirs are in the game. Damon has crap medium armors. Damon has the best early armor sitting next to him in a crate you must steal. He never sells it.
I am no expert here. I just started BG3. But only you can confirm this. Your Ice Bow Paladin Archer build seemed to me much more powerful than this Eldritch Archer build. Is this correct? Or is the footage deceiving me?
Why not use "Champion" sub class and then use your multiclass to use spells? Seems like your missing out on more critical hit. You hardly use the fighter spells. Then pair it with a wizard and dump charisma for Intelligence. Now you can learn any spell you want. Put this for a side character and have them hold back and crush enemies with the bow.
You didn't actually cover how to get the bow. I had that dialogue with Flint before, it's not like she gave me the bow afterwards so understand my confusion when you talked about the dialogue and suddenly you had the bow without an explanation.
This video is jarring and the levels expected in these areas even more so. I honestly think mods have caused a disconnect between unmodded and modded playerbase. You have to really go out of your way to hit level 7 by the end of underdark. Level 4 in a level 2 dungeon is even more bonkers for a showcase and that area is usually used to start your climb to level 3
You can actually do it. I got video on my leveling route for challenge runs "spud bg3 fast leveling" , lvl 4 without fighting, then almost or even lvl8 going into act 2. And all major bosses in "act 1.5" will be fought at lvl7
I have an idea. 2 warlock/3rogue thief/7 sorcerer. Eldrich blast, quickened spell:Eldrich blast, quickened spell:Eldrich blast. 9 Eldrich blast every turn. And use the spell slots to turn into sorcery points
This is actually going to be my endgame solo karlach honor run. My endgame is going to be Eldritch Knight 6/College of Swords 4/Great Old One2 6 in EK for support spells and things like shield or MM, then acourse the 6th feature. 4 in bard for the 3rd feat, also for the flourishes which uses charisma. 2 in warlock for Eldritch Blast, and Agonizing acourse.
I dont understand what your character will be. An archer? A caster? EB will always outdamage a bow in the long run. Its like you want to be a jack of all trades but this build just doesnt make sense.
this seems like a fun build to try, but i feel that if you really want to showcase the power of a build, fight mobs of equal or close to equal level, when you are running around talking about how powerful the build is but fighting lvl 5 mobs while your tav is lvl 12, it diminishes the credibility
good idea, but very bad executed, could have done lots of stuff better, not one real fight to "showcase" the true gameplay, most stuff you come along anyway while doing it normaly, nothing special, but hey, INSANE
BTW. If you take Sharp Shooter AND Abuse Titan Bow + Giant Elixirs.... You can carry 3 Boxes and make your own portable High Ground to Negate the Penalty. If you Become Half-Squibilly later on, then you can just Fly. For DarknessRogue I just cast Darkness and turned BG3 to a Tower Defense Game
For a much less complicated way to get the Titan String Bow, just sneak in the back entrance of the cave and steal the chest while they are busy keeping the gnolls at bay, you don't have to fight anyone so you can get the bow as early as level 2.
(just be aware there is a trap that releases a big boulder in this area that can squish you, I usually climb up one of the platforms and set it off by throwing something that gives an area of effect to set off the trap if my perception didn't find it)
Then just take the chest to the Zent hideout. To get pass the guard you can either pass a Dex saving throw to convince him to hear you out first or use a mind reading scroll to get the password. Simples, and you don't have to wait till level five to get it.
pretty much i don't even understand whats he saying
I really appreciate how you walk through each act and explain where to find good gear for the build, great info to give us success throughout the whole run!
He is level 12 in act 2 with 30000 Gold in his pocket. Things are not as easy the video will tell you. It is a good build but your own walkthrough gonna be a little different.^^
@@a_tremereandsomeblood_just3642 for the level yes, but gold is really easy to get if you just build a thief with high sleight of hand.
Love this build! And thanks for the potion dropping hint. Never knew that worked.
Warlock: everybody gets an eldritch blast!
E Fighter: everybody gets an eldritch blast and arrows!
What really got me in this video is the lineage 2 music in the background in the beginning. Nice video!
Thanks for that explanation of how to get the most out of the Shield spell! Makes a great spell even greater.
Hunter's Shortbow from Dammon is actually really powerful as well for granting Advantage against Monstrosities. There are LOTS of Monstrosities in Act 1 and the whole game, and this advantage is given to the bow attacks, as well as melee attacks, and also SPELLS! This is a great bow for your spellcasters too.
I've never been able to figure out which enemies are monstrosities
@@sorenjensen3863 Whenever you enter combat or even just in general, you can always take the time to examine every enemy on the battlefield. You can see essentially their whole character sheet, and it'll tell you at the top of the tooltip what sort of creature each enemy is. I don't know what the button on controller is, but on keyboard it's mapped to T by default.
@@sorenjensen3863 the vast majority in the game are in Act 1, specifically there's the Minotaurs, the Bulette, the owlbear, the Harpies, the Ettercaps, worgs, the Phase Spiders and the Hook Horrors.
The Dragon's Grasp, Ring of Flinging, Hunter's Shortbow, and a Hill Giant Elixir from Ethel will make Eldritch Knight Lae'zel a brutal tool for killing the Harpies on the beach.
This feels like it could be one of the best build ideas! Would love to see more gameplay with this!
This is actually insane. I cant believe i sat here and watched this
The Medium armor next to Damon doesn't give you disadvantage on stealth and has the same AC. All you have to do is steal it.
Throwing the 2 haste potions to make enemy letargic is the most genius move i've ever seen.. 100% chance of stun without saving throw
Yeah, also this will break "unstopable" buff from act3 enemies :) Feel free to destroy orin on turn 1
@@TheSpudKing wouldnt it be better to throw the haste potion on to the enemy out side of tbm and then as soon as lethargic triggers, then enter tbm with your own haste so you arent wasting another haste potion and not granting another haste buff on the enemy if they survive the lethargic round?
@@JoHa1337 thats what i was thinking but idk if it works, definitely going to be trying it tonight though. I never thought about hasting the enemy to make them lethargic lol that shit is genius lol
I really hope you do a part two for this build. Love how you showed how to handle the fight with W’wargaz in the crèche with the potions and lotions 😂. Worked perfectly for me! Please do a continuation showing how you would handle other major fights in the later parts of the game. Ketheric fight and orin etc. etc. I’m using this build now on my first major attempt at honor mode for my gold dice.
This is such a good Video! Not only a nice strong build. Its very unique too! Plus it starts strong from the very beginning. And you show every important single step by step. Just wow! Very very wow!
Thanks 🙏
The Dragon Age Origin music was crazy nostalgic
Nice vid! Also love the Lineage 2 music.
Это потрясающе! С удовольствием посмотрю на соло прохождение этим билдом! Люблю лучников, но все известные сборки уже приелись, а это как глоток свежего воздуха, спасибо Вам :)
i like to build lae'zel as a full eldritch knight, and give her minimal str, and focus on int instead. the build takes a bit to roll, as you will mostly play as a scuffed caster for a bit, but once you unlock either jaheira or grab will's infernal rapier, is when the build really starts. the sad thing is, its one of the most important items, but the rest of the equipment can be found in act 1.
the idea is to use shocking grasp into melee attack. since the infernal rapier is a spellcaster weapon, it will use int instead of str or dex. you can make work with other elemental cantrips like firebolt or ray of frost, i just like shocking grasp better since its kinda like a mini sithlord build.
until you unlock the rapier, you will kinda depend on hill giant potion to make up for the limited str.
the beauty of this build is, since you will mostly attack with cantrips and weapon attacks, you are free to use your spell slots on utility spells like shield.
another great item to use in this build is the ring of elemental infusion, as it will buff your melee attack with the element of the cantrip. as for feats, its mostly using them for alert, capping int and elemental adept lightning(or fire if firebolt, cold if ray of frost).
there are a few other cool items to use, like anything that buffs cantrips,like the amulet of elemental augmentation, gloves of beligerant skies(if using shocking grasp), and the ring of arcane synergy. and so on.
finally a good guide where someone explains the combat correctly
Arrows coming from beyond and finding everybody's knees 😂
I can see a playstyle alteration of keeping the elixir of bloodlust and the Titanstring bow but swapping out the Daredevil Gloves for the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength for the best of both worlds. If you do find yourself in melee you have disengage (bonus action from rogue) to get out or you could misty step out as you will have access to the spell and sufficient bonus actions from being a thief rogue by this stage of the game, would let you hit quite hard and let you have the bloodlusted action instead of choosing between the two options.
Yeah, i like it! Great 👍 substitute in act 3
I really like your build ideas. But at this time it is so hard to understand what is happening in your Showcase. You are using some kind of mod that let you have infinite Actions. I understand, that you want to show the damage when you actually hit, but hex + eldritch blast is usually 1 turn. Not hex eldritch blast and 6 bow shots. Maybe for combat turn this off.
Everything is fake. I get the reason however this is cheat.
I agree, was a bit jarring.
It’s not fake. He’s hasted and he gets another attack with eldritch knights 7th level feature from using a cantrip as one of the attacks. It allows bonus action to be another attack.
@@coreymcnaught lol. Not at the levels he is portraying early into the guide. Also doing multiple Eldritch blasts mixed with attacks early on.
@@Shaklor ah thats definitely true. he is using modes and stuff to have access to all the items and levels at any point for easy demonstration purposes. and I think at one point he resets his actions because he was trying to show what happens when you hit and then he got unlucky and missed. so he had to reset it to continue the demonstration. Its confusing but as soon as you get to level 8 you (7 Eld Knight and 1 Warlock) you have enough attacks with haste, action surge, elixer of bloodlust to get a TON of attacks in one turn even on honor mode.
Great build and great guide!
Worth mentioning that in Emerald Grove next to the blacksmith guy there is a quality breast plate near him you can just kinda get a 5 finger discount on that's better than the one you can buy. Its +1 quality, reduces damage by 1 and doesn't have a stealth disadvantage attached to it.
insane video as always
Like the Lineage 2 music
I've watched many bg3 build tutorials but this is one is explained perfectly. Nice video
Interesting build, thanks !
Nice build, nice video. Was more fun to watch than your other videos where you kind of rush through, but it could also be that this build has a very interesting and fun playstyle, where if it was just a simple burst build such a long video might have gotten out of hand and viewers might lose attention.
Yeah, some of them just got few mechanics and i don't want to drag out, while this got lots of small tricks to utilise and maximise potential especially on honour mode
@@TheSpudKing Have you thought of picking Mage Armor at some point since your build utilizes robes lateron instead of armor. And what about dualwielding a dagger or something "light" that increases the crit chance instead of a shield in the off-hand?
Another idea: instead of shaprshooter pick tavern brawler and make this a thrower-build?
ill try it on astarion in my current playthrough, thanks!
i love the skyrim music in the background
Lineage 2 background music... nice
that entry song hit me hard, them memories :D Dion theme.
In the next Baldurs gate game if there ever is one should have the origins characters speak when you choose to play as them instead of getting the silent version of them.
It won't happen . Not something you can just "patch"
Of course we'd all love that but the amount of dialogue makes it impossible/not worth the cost
What's nice about this video is that you show how to play this from the beginning, rather than just talking through the leveling choices and listing off BIS gear. Makes it much more approachable from the start rather than filing it away under "Builds to try in Act 3 if I get bored"
Good guide but a summary of the items you're wearing at the end would be nice, to come back to and check.
Damn, DA:Origin soundtrack just broke me.
I’m in act 3 now with this build. Thanks so much! Again, would really LOVE to see that video about how to close out the game with this character! I’m doing mine with a drow character. Also id like to do this in another honor mode play with a friend but we skipped the spell sparkler… is there away to pay this without that item? If you have a suggestion I’d appreciate it! Thanks!
Markoheshkir in act3 with lightning kereska favor works almost same :) Closing is definitely hard, but technically you need ability to do different type of dmg each round
what mode did you use, or cheat engine to be able to level up quick, and have gold, and lot of items ?
You're not even explaining the fact thatyou're spamming extremely rare overpowered arrows you are using a mod to stock up on.
They are not rare
There is nothing to explain go see vendors wth
@@maykolol9505 real, anytime i have an archer in the party they have a pack filled with arrows and by the end i haven’t used 1/3 of them
Rare or not, he’s showing up the maximum output even if we can’t get that output 24/7
@@Youdontneedtoknow_-00 it's not even the max output
Couldn’t you also take the club of hill giant strength you get from the underdark to replace the potion so you don’t always have to pop it and then have the staff and the club sacrifice some ac but double attack on opportunity attacks
spot on
you can always dump intelligence because of the warped headband from the trolls
@@servine1212 true LOL what a blunder
@erosalexander5240 Yeee, i think they are all vaguely related through being a sub species of giants. I know trolls are at least.
Wow... yeah, I want to see you use this build solo! I'm still a noob to bg3, so I'm going to try this out with a full party on normal difficulty lol
Thats a cool build! Have fun!
I’m usually level 2 when I hit that fight at the mausoleum. 🤔
you can explore and then get into this fight as lvl4
Something you could also do is have the staff of arcane blessing and cast bless on yourself before battle, because the special version of bless that the staff gives you adds an additional 1d4 to attack rolls and a 2d4 to spell attack rolls, both applying to eldritch blast
The tooltips on the staff and buffs are actually completely wrong. The only thing the staff does is give the second buff when you use Bless, and the only thing the second buff does is +2d4 to Spell Attack Rolls. It doesn't actually give additional 1d4 to Attack Rolls (or Saves).
@@vandril9735 hmm I think I actually have noticed that before, during a dialogue saving throw I used the special bless and only got a +1d4 bonus, but i did also cast bless via the staff during combat and noticed both bless and mystra’s blessing showed up in the list of bonuses
something I don't understand: how can you have the 'Shield of Devotion' and almost 30,000gold in your inventory but the tieflings are still in the Grove? if you haven't played act 1 yet, how can your inventory look like this?
what about club of hill giant strength? is that better or is the sparkler staff better?
Honor mode, the game mode where you find all the cheats and exploits to play the least honorable you can.
i beat most of the people in moonrise with just minor illusion
How do you use titan bow and have hunter mark from another bow at the same time? Something is off.
You can keep concentration forever technically and recast it
@@TheSpudKing Ah, right, technically. So that means, you start with the hunter bow, switch the bow (which costs action) and must never lose concentration, which rarely happens in solo playthrough. I think you lost perspective from using the free-action mod. I know how that looks early game. You miss, and the whole turn is lost, while you are attacked by multiple enemies and there is a high chance something will go wrong, unless you have some location advantage, strong control spell that takes out most of the enemies, high AC or summons.
23:36 What is Laezel carrying?
How did you get the titan string bow before zentarian hideout?
mod for spawning items in
He used a mod to basically speed run the game without needing to save the tieflings and spawned items. Which is fair game imo when showing off builds
I bypassed the fight be stealthing the back way in and stealing the crate
weird build, if you want to use lightning charges, u want to use dash boot from wind mill. definitely not worth wasting 1 entire action for buff. The mainsource of damage is also coming from -5+10, lighting charge is just there to boost attack roll, do not overstack to 5, it will be consumed on next attack. end game bow is in act one, if you are using that bow on a fighter. u can get 1 more action with 20str 22 agility otherwise you would have to drink cloud giant potion.
Drinking game: drink every time he says “insane”
How are you using the hunters mark from the bow from dammon with the titanstring bow? You cant be swapping weapons mid fight right?
Either a lot of haste potions for the bonus action to make the switch or using action surge to switch between them
Never mind, I just figured it out
He’s casting the hunters mark, then switching to the Titan string bow, hunters mark as a concentration spell, and you can recast it as long as the target with hunters mark is killed
howly crap, that music at the start is from DION! Used to hangout there a lot with our guild near the monastery, even after we took Giran. But you didn't write music from Lineage 2 tho, was it used in other game?
what color dye have you use on potent robe 37:01?
Its "boreal blue" if i remember correctly
Where are you from? Your accent is super cool
Lelianas Song!
Im lost how was he combining eldrich blast with arrow shots
Most likely haste, potions, and action surge
I’m not sure if you can use a cantrip after making a ranged or melee attack
I really miss the Eldritch Smite in that Game for creating this Build properly.
In the TTRPG you Multiclass for this normally as you need only 4 Levels in Warlock for this and want to invest in the Spellcaster-Classes for bigger Spellslots than the measeley Warlock-Slots that cap early. But, different to the Paladin Smites (can be used on all Melee Weapon Attacks, Damage caps at 5D8 aka Slotlevel 4), the Warlock Smite can only be used once per Turn but has no Cap on the Slotlevel used and knocks the Enemy Prone without Save. (Mind the Prone Mechanics properly - it does not knock Creatures out of the Sky for example as the Creature uses halfd Speed to "get up" and then is "flying again - and only falls "at the end of its Turn" when not able to prevent the fall - sp only a "prolonged Actiopn" timed perfectly can do that. Also, Probe Targets are harder to Hit via Ranged Attacks - mind that strongly. Stuff like that.
There are 2 Ways of combining this - one employs Magic and the other is more of a "Fighter"-Class. And even if the Fighter Class is great Fun to play and really nice, I prefer the "Magic" Way.
The Fighter Way is easy said - just combine it withn a Fighter and only dabble in Casting classes like Storm Sorc or/and a Wizzard(1) for deploy a Shield or such - else, you go down the route of the Fighter.
In the TTRPG you need the Pact of the Blade for unlocking the Eldritch Smite that works aon *all* Pact Weapons (yes, also the Ranged as Hand Crossbow) along also be Level 5 - overall (not Warlock).
Also Pact of the Blade is required for "Improved Pact Weapon", allowing a Longbow or Crossbow be a Pact Weapon and a Spellcasting Focus as well.
So, you need to get to Warlock(4) to unlock this along be Level 5 overall - and I strongly recommend to be a Sorcerer as Sorc grants Boons at Lvl1 (you choose according to your likings, Shadow and Clockwork are pretty dang wild but I love Celestial for the Clerics Spell list).
This depends if you want to be a "Magic Archer" (focussing on Magic shot from his Bow) or a "magical Archer" that mostly shoots his Bow and enhances that.
"Thirsting Blade" also needs that Pact but also is a "to be swapped" Invocation - double Attack.
I also recommend "Devil Sight", so, you might go up to Warlock(5) for third Level Spellslots and Counterspell.
For the Feat, pretty logically, we choose "Sharpshooter" if we do not already have it from other Sources.
Now, we go for Sorcerer(4) that grants us our 3rd-level Abilitys as well as Metamagic, allowing us to Bonus-Action-Eldritch Blast (or any other Spell elegible) for 2 Sorcery Points.
As second, choose "Twinned Spell" as we are a "More Bang for the Buck" Guy and this wonderfully pairs with the Celestials Guiding Bolt(s).
Now, we can chose pathes again - more of a Martial Char or a Caster - and as much as I love the big Spells, I go here for the Fighter Class for 3 Levels. This grants us a Fighting Style (Archer for +2 to Hit) and a Subclass - and as nice "Eldritch Knight" sounds, it is crap. You want the Arcane Archer-Class and choose Piercing Arrow as must have - because you can now Hit multiple Targets with one Shot that at least deals half Damage - so, you can Smite on it and use Sharpshooter as well for the +10 Damage (+5 on Save).
As second Option, you want to take Seeking Arrow which allows you to hit some Target you can not see if Present (works wonders with Brandishing Smite and Eldritch Smite done at once, or as I call it, the "particulary and especially "F***! Y**!""
Alternativeley you can employ the Grasping Arrow as well that mostly immobilizes and damages the Target until it basically skips a Turn for a Strengh Check. This is real Fun for it can be paired with "Forced Movement" to damage the Target further.
And no, Bursting Arrow does not work as it spreads the Smites as it is a seperate Effect that Triggers, not the Property of the initial Attack that has to hit to activate it - so no AoE-Smite-Spreads.
This also is the Way to go for the above more Martial-Themed Archer who now chooses the Sorcerer-Route.
As most Campaigns do not go beyond this Level, this is "pinnacle" as you also get Action Surge" and now can fragg up 2 of thoose Arcne Archer Charges, can Combine all of your Abilitys in one deveastating Strike and habe pretty good Recources and thus pretty good Options for at least 2 Rounds, so can be useful in about 4-6 Rounds of combat - which rareley takes longer.
For all further Levels now, take Wizzard(2) and pick Divination Wizzard and then just extend your Sorcerer Levels and take the 4th Fighter for a Feat if you get some fancv Combo in your Mind you want to add.
But mostly, you now can learn all Wizzard Spells (mind Spell-DC and Attack Rolls are INT-Based for thoose, so no, you're not a Wizzard, Harry.)
You can put this in whenever you like before but mind the delay in other Parts through that - not recommended.
The rest, extend your Sorcery Points as much as you can for more Versatility and extending the Rounds you can be "useful".
Some Notes:
- Some may be compelled to use Dex above 14 - but that I do not recommend. I prefer Medium Armor that caps its AC-Bonus at +2 and choose one that does not impede my Dex/Stealth.
- You also may include some Rogue and aim at "Cunning Action" - but i remind you, your Weapon is a Cha-based, not a Dex-Based - some GM may want to Dipshit about that 1(2)D6 Sneak Attack Damage.
- You end up normally with 1 Lvl6-Slot this Way - so make it count. Your "Everyday Bread-and-Butter" are the Warlock Slots and you want to have more than less Short rests to refill your Arcane Archer/Warlock-Slots. A GM who does never (mind here, I did not say "nmot", I said "never") mind that Mechanics is literally fucking with core Game mechanics and you should adress that with him. I only mention this as I met Way too muchg GMs that make Martials and other Classes relying on Short Rests useless that Way. Rather put in some more "common Folks" to slay and allow to drain thoose Recources in a satisfying Manner as well.
- You are a Cha-based Class. Charisma is also selfconfidence and general social aptitude - mind that. Do not play this in a "I do not know what to do, you decide"-Way. You can be the "Face" of the Group (If you do not know the A-Team, look the Meaning up). So, social Skills are Nice, but do not forget that you need to be Aware of Enemys first so you can ahoot them - Wisdom is important as it protects you from beeing Surprised much better than Dex(Initiative). Also Stealth is a fine Thing to know if noone can cast "Pass without a trace" constantly.
- The unmentioned Feat mostly goes into ASI or Feats that grant Cha-ASIs as well.
- You are not a Ranger. Sneaky-sneaky is not your Main Suit, it is collecting and combining the Mystical Powers from inside and outside the World to weave them into devestating, lethal Attacks. You need a reason for taking this Way that takes real dedication and will end you up your Soul either in some Shadowfell Claws feeding it or in your Weapon making iot m,ore or less Sentient aka Cursed and you beeing trapped in there for Eternity. Also,m you have inherent Powers from your Bloodline or something happened, that chanmged it (Sorcerer).
Have a decent explamnation that fits and supports your GMs narrative when you decide to play a tactical Powerhouse like this.
- Also, bring the Experience you need for playing a selfconfident tactical Powerhouse like this. Again, you are a Face, a Hannibal - not Murdoc, not B.A..
- If you get Religious, there are alsways tons of Clerics you can add in here for *HUGE* Boons. But to make a God be onk with you beeing Bound to the Shadowfell is hard and making him decide to rescue your Sould might be harder - but most certainly a Thought you have and should play it like that.
- As much I would love to recommend mixing it with Artificer here - it would just be insane MAD-ness. Possible- yeah. But a very Different Build. The "Warmachine"-Build, not the Deadshot-Build.
- Throwing Weapons are also elegible always for this build. With Tavern Brawler you become literally "Gambit", imbuing Playing Cards with Eldritch (purple) Power do Force-Smite them.
Oh. What a nice read 😊 👍
I only drink strength potions. I don't even know what the other elixirs are in the game. Damon has crap medium armors. Damon has the best early armor sitting next to him in a crate you must steal. He never sells it.
I am no expert here. I just started BG3. But only you can confirm this. Your Ice Bow Paladin Archer build seemed to me much more powerful than this Eldritch Archer build. Is this correct? Or is the footage deceiving me?
I built my ranger as a long range bow elf and as a lvl 12 I have never hit that much as you did on lvl 5..... Wtf
Why not use "Champion" sub class and then use your multiclass to use spells? Seems like your missing out on more critical hit. You hardly use the fighter spells. Then pair it with a wizard and dump charisma for Intelligence. Now you can learn any spell you want. Put this for a side character and have them hold back and crush enemies with the bow.
You're losing alot of spell slot progression by going champ
Choosing Dion's theme, and EV theme, AND Gludio, AND Oblivion music, shows your good taste in games.
Thanks;) thats legends i like to nostalgy about ;)
You didn't actually cover how to get the bow. I had that dialogue with Flint before, it's not like she gave me the bow afterwards so understand my confusion when you talked about the dialogue and suddenly you had the bow without an explanation.
Came for the OP build, stayed for underwear Astarion.
This video is jarring and the levels expected in these areas even more so. I honestly think mods have caused a disconnect between unmodded and modded playerbase. You have to really go out of your way to hit level 7 by the end of underdark. Level 4 in a level 2 dungeon is even more bonkers for a showcase and that area is usually used to start your climb to level 3
You can actually do it. I got video on my leveling route for challenge runs "spud bg3 fast leveling" , lvl 4 without fighting, then almost or even lvl8 going into act 2. And all major bosses in "act 1.5" will be fought at lvl7
the last build BG3...
Sorry that soundtrack it sound like lineage 2 .Am I correct?
Could you try to make luality's broken ranger build?
It's already made, isn't it? Why make it again?
i dont get it, why would you use this instead of any other bow-centric build that is 10x better than this, i dont get where this build excels
Just say it, you think it’s trash build
@@richiecha72 I think they did just in other words
To be silly or folic without Min-Maxing."
UA-cam money
I have an idea. 2 warlock/3rogue thief/7 sorcerer. Eldrich blast, quickened spell:Eldrich blast, quickened spell:Eldrich blast. 9 Eldrich blast every turn. And use the spell slots to turn into sorcery points
Damn love the build but ... *cries in Durge playthrough*
Durge can get Potent Robes still
Knock out Alfira before long rest and she will still be in act 2. The game has a failsafe for her at you camp
@chasebootz I got robes on my durge. Then put her body at camp after I killed isobel lmao. So in a way, Alfira will always be with me...always 😈
@@chasebootz Oh I totally forgot about that little trick, thanks!
Did he just magic missile the floor?
This is actually going to be my endgame solo karlach honor run. My endgame is going to be Eldritch Knight 6/College of Swords 4/Great Old One2
6 in EK for support spells and things like shield or MM, then acourse the 6th feature.
4 in bard for the 3rd feat, also for the flourishes which uses charisma.
2 in warlock for Eldritch Blast, and Agonizing acourse.
I dont understand what your character will be. An archer? A caster? EB will always outdamage a bow in the long run. Its like you want to be a jack of all trades but this build just doesnt make sense.
this seems like a fun build to try, but i feel that if you really want to showcase the power of a build, fight mobs of equal or close to equal level, when you are running around talking about how powerful the build is but fighting lvl 5 mobs while your tav is lvl 12, it diminishes the credibility
Im showcasing tav level to area level. Its always level 4 - act1, 8 for act 2, and 12 in act 3
I think this is fairly reasonable. It might be useful to add this and other standards you use at the beginning. The comments are wild.
miss miss miss
they died so too late 😓
This build is terrible. If you want to go Fighter, just pick Battlemaster so you have a ton of cc.
good idea, but very bad executed, could have done lots of stuff better, not one real fight to "showcase" the true gameplay, most stuff you come along anyway while doing it normaly, nothing special, but hey, INSANE
Why are you cheating?
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