Alternate idea. Eldritch knight fighter instead of battlemaster. Continue spell progression by getting more slots, and can get shield and mage armor for when you're wearing the spore robe. Also False Life to refill temp HP to not lose the necrotic damage and you can bind the torch and throw it to start fires.
Being Eldritch Knight would only get you one additional 4th level slot since it's only a one-third caster (which is admittedly helpful for some of those Conjure spells). But you'd also be limited to just four additional 1st level spells in your bank. Your suggestions are fine (I'd trade Mage Armor for maybe like Magic Missile), but I would argue that fully disarming enemies so they deal significantly less damage over the course of several fights with dice that replenish on short rests is WAY more valuable than occasionally taking no damage using spell slots that only come back on long rests. You really want to be using those 1st level slots for Faerie Fire in mass fights so you're almost always guaranteed to hit them. Speaking of hitting things, not being a Battle Master would also eliminate the extra damage maneuvers deal, meaning it would take even longer for them to die.
Watching your channel has inspired me to try and come up with my own builds. Most recently, I came up with a touch of death sorcerer that off hands their trident of the waves and aims to soak my oponent before unleashing a super amped shocking grasp. I decided to stack critical hit stuff (GOO, Spell sniper, Vicious potion) since I can create an electrified puddle and force my enemies to stand in it due to the fear effect from being crit. It doesn't hold a candle to the damage in ur builds, but I can consistently pump out 70+ damage a turn for no resources. And even more with twined spell, haste, or quickened spell. Im currently looking into building a gish like mourning frost build (Since insidious cold triggers off of smite spells).
best way to to get it is to put all of brem’s stuff in a pouch or backback. the. throw zarys off the top. then blow it up. you kill everyone and get all of the gear.
I noticed there is a hierarchy of physical damage types in BGIII. Bludgeoning>Slashing >Piercing. Bludgeoning is the most common weakness and Piercing is the most common resistance thanks to undead and Grymm, with Slashing being rarely resisted or a weakness. The only caveats is that any magic physical damage beats non-magical physical damage on average and Bhalist Armour basically operates outside this hierarchy and pushes piercing far and above bludgeoning.
If you want a broken spore druid build, take one level of cleric making sure to pick up sanctuary. After that switch to spore druid for the rest, making sure to pick up moonbeam and all summon spells. Make sure dex and wisdom are your highest stats so you have more chance of going first. Cast moonbeam, then cast sanctuary on yourself. Moving moonbeam and damaging an opponent after already casting it doesn't drop sanctuary. Summons attacking don't drop sanctuary neither. You can only be damaged by AOE and environmental damage. Pick up some healing and utility spells to aid allies too. The thing you want from spores is your zombies.
There is actually a kinda broken interaction with symbiotic entity and boots you can buy in the crechè that give you 8 temp hp when casting concentration spells. With them you can cast guidance to refill all of the hitpoints of symbiotic entity for free, if you still have it up
Fun fact about Moonbeam: Moving it doesn't break sanctuary. So you can cast it, then either go 1 cleric to Sanc yourself, or have someone else cast it on you, and you are pretty much untouchable for 10 turns. And if your druid is alone, enemies will cluster up for you. My level 3 druid just solo'd the gnoll fight. All I did was run up, cast moonbeam, then have shadowheart (hanging in back) Sanc the druid and keep out of combat range. All the gnolls just crowded around and growled while Moonbeam fried them. Easiest Gnoll fight I've had.
I utilized a lot of this in act 1 then made way more use of Moonbeam and Spike Growth (works with callous glow) in Act 2 onward. You can combo it with 1 point in Cleric if you wanna cheese the game with Sanctuary.
Pro Tip: Elixir of Bloodlust grants +5 temp HP + an Action on a kill and those THP will refill your Symbiotic Entity pool of THP! D&D doesn’t work like that but BG3 does.
Some interesting shout outs in the video for sure. The best combo I found for spore druid though is rocking hand crossbows to keep them out of melee which helps: * to preserve their temp HP dependent feature * still utilizing the extra necrotic damage without getting too far away to use the free damage ability * leaving room for summons such as zombies to screen for you. * flexible enough to easily give them the radiant orb kit, heat kit, arcane acuity kit, or reverb kit, ect, whichever you aren't using on other characters * hand crossbows make the efficient use of any weapon coatings and arcane acuity when used by a spell caster * leans on Dex, which even in spite of all the great balancing bg3 brought to dnd 5e, dex is still a incredibly broken stat * A 1 to 3 level dip into fighter, rogue, or bard all work well, so very flexible for your party or play style * a 6 or 7 level mutli-class into oath breaker paladin makes for a interesting necromancer build That may just be my play style though.
i was using this as a step by step guide and pressed proceed only to find out not to make my character a druid but a fighter instead. now i need to start over lol
Since Druid is the last non-Origin class I haven't run yet, I'm currently trying a fighter/spore druid build. I've also made this my second Durge-run, so I'm a bit restricted WRT background. I'm also not going to do the torch-thing as it just looks too goofy to me to be running around, bonking people on the head with the BG3-equivalent of two Maglights. One adjustment I made (since I'm running honor-mode difficulty minus the single save-slot) is reduce STR to 8 and dump the points into CHA (up to 12) - none of my regulars can handle conversations well and I don't want to have to swap Wyll in and out just to go shopping every day. :) That said: I just hit level 4 and it's a bit weird to find the right melee-weapon for this character. I was thinking about going two-handed and using a greatclub, but then found out that Shillelagh doesn't work on that weapon. I'm currently on a staff (Nature's Snare) and shield, but damage is a bit underwhelming, even with the staff enchanted or with STR-elixirs. I don't want to have to rely on elixirs, so I'm gonna have to have a think on that whole melee-thing. AC is very good though - I already hit AC18 or 19 with just the starting medium armor, 16 DEX and a shield and I think I'm now on 20 after I upgraded to a +1 scale-mail. I clearly will have to rebuild this one to see if I can optimize it for the early game (currently at 1 fighter/3 spore druid). One thing I will say is that it was a pain to knock out poor Alfira without killing her - not sure if it was Nature's Snare's special ability or the fact that I had Symbiotic Entity active when I tried this, but in the end, it was a two person job - one of whom had to take my only potion of speed to pull it off quickly.
Awesome video as always, never think that torch could do so much damage.... By the way still being persistent about the druid Spider focused build, thanks Im advance man 🎉🎉
I really wanted to try this build for a new run I'm starting as it looks really fun. But sadly it is not possible on console. The way the game works with the controller interface makes it almost impossible to keep the Shellelagh up long enough on both torches due to how slow it is to get it put on to them both, to enter combat with up on both for more than 1 or 2 rounds. You end up entering combat with only 1-2 rounds on the first one, your main hand, if you are fast enough. And 5-6 on the off hand one. The controller interface is just too bulky and slow for something like this. Sadly it is the same with dipping a weapon into say fire or poison. And as there is no way to use a hireling to use Shellelagh due to how it is cast, only on the character who is casting for their equipped weapons, there is no way to cheese it. This is why I think Shellelagh should be until long rest. It makes no sense to have to keep casting it over and over for only 10 turns, which goes way faster outside of turn based. When things like bind pact weapon do the same thing for warlock, and are until long rest. But sadly can only be done on a single weapon at a time. So now to look through more videos for another idea for the next run.
I figured a way to do this. Add the two torches to your radial menu, also add shellageh and a 2 handed weapon next to them. What you do is click the first torch in the radial menu, then shella it, then click the 2 handed weapon in the radial menu (this will unequip the first torch), and then click the 2nd torch in the radial menu and shella it, then you can right away click the other torch (already has shella on it) and you have both equipped. It sounds complicated but once I got used to it, I usually entered battle with at least 7-9 turns left on each torch.
Start as a Drow and war cleric, for all weapons, armors and handcrossbows. thrn 11 lvl spore druid. add the longsword from underdark aluve. which does finesse, so you can drop strength lol
Thorn Whip kinda'll likely never use it, if playing the build as you should (melee fighter). Better to get Guidance instead, for an easy concentration spell to combine with the gear that give you more damage when concentrating...and reduce dependency on needing an item or cleric in the party to cast Guidance for dialogue checks.
pratically every class has some OP build. you can do op throwing weapon builds with both the eldritch knight and the barbarian, hand crossbow builds with rogue, could go on talking about monk, cleric, sorcerer or warlock. even ranger can become op. druid also has very op builds with circle of the moon wildshape builds.
What about using a barbarian? Being able to rage could be crazy cause spores stay active and depending if you got bear heart those additional points essentially double. Or maybe wild magic for the extra spell progression and the ability to replenish spell slots?
I think I am doing something wrong. When I am in combat, the game is not allowing me to swap the shillelagh torch in my main hand to my off hand. To get both I seem to have to be out of combat. But I can't always predict when I will be in combat so the whole two handed mojo doesn't come together. Thoughts? What am I doing wrong?
maybe I'm dumb, but I'm playing on a switch deck and I can't for the life of me figure out how to cast Shileleagh on both of my torches or to switch hands for that matter to be able to cast on both torches. Any advice?
you can try adding items directly to action wheel, and do same algorith as me (but i haven't tested it on controller). Actually you'll be fine with one shileleagh and shield in another hand :)
A better "torch" in act 1 would be the Gold Wyrmling Staff from Roah Moonglow. it ain't free, but it has 1d6 base damage + 1d4 fire if held in one hand or 1d8 versatile (two hands) + fire. Better than the Ironwood Club from act 2 imo.
Problem is then you need dual wielder feat or you're stuck with only one weapon, which means your two weapon fighting style goes to waste. Staves are not light weapons so you can't dual wield non-light weapons without that feat.
I think you can render the shillelagh buff permanent with the hireling glitch. I have not tested it but it should be the same principle as flame blade I guess. Can someone try it? 😂
Isn’t casting Shillelagh on both Torchs really only reasonable if you *know* a fight is coming? Considering that, wouldn’t it make more sense to use a Shield?
Just trying this build out. How did you get 19 AC on Level 2? Highest I can get is 15 AC. I started as a fighter but for some reason it doesn't give me CON profiency.
I’m sure he’s modded it and added the dark justiciar armour from act 2, he has all the gear in the bags he’s just showing how strong it is to have heavy armour… I think anyway? If not then they might’ve patched it!
Does it make sense to take Two Weapon Fighter over say Defense? If you're using Shillelagh on both weapons, doesn't it just apply to the offhand the same as the mainhand?
Yea, that startup won’t work. By the time you get circle of spores open, you’ll be way past the starting ruins after the ship and heading to the blighted village and the goblin camp, which are above the level he is talking about. Maybe you can still one shot blighted village goblins but idk if having to co stately switch hands to use the cantrip on each torch is worth it to me. Seems like a lot of hassle
You get a like and subscribe just for using a scene from the movie Snatch. Absolutely love that film. He's not a fucking tin of baked beans! What do you mean open him up?
I don't understand how you can use something like Shillelah on two different weapons when it is a concentration spell and you can only use one of those at a time unless twinning with sorcerer.
@@InnocentLock-er6etExcept for the special quarterstaff you get for talking Kagha down, but that’s the only instance. Ironic, seeing as how there are two other Druid characters you can have in your party!
Hi, I'm kind of new to the game (just finished my first run and I'm starting to get used to the DnD gameplay) and I'm currently trying this build, I'm at act 1 but there is no way i can get my armour class higher than 14-16 is there anything I'm missing? without that it is still good, but I loose my buff for spores after i get attacked once or twice. Thanks in advance
its so weird when i try any of these "streamer builds" on honor mode they seem to not work. darkness? no sweat every enemy hits through it as if they have advantage
Sneak into the room behind Kagha and loot her chest hidden in there. You’ll get a quest to investigate Kagha and it leads you to an area near Ethel’s hut. Once you have the evidence from there you can confront Kagha with it and without aggro’ing the whole grove.
The Torcherer
We also cast Shillelagh on our Torch but we need Lump's Headgear for 17INT and more Spellslots via Eldritch Knight.
16Dex, 15CON, 17WIS Starterclass: Fighter
- LV1: Fighting Style, CON Saving Throws
- LV2 (D1): Whip & Shillelagh
- LV3 (D2): Spores Symbiotic Entity
- LV4 (D3): Moonbeam, Hold Person
- LV5 (F2): Action Search
- LV6 (F3): Eldritch Knight (INT17)
- LV7 (F4): +1 WIS / +1Con
- LV8 (F5): Extra-Attack
- LV9 (F6): Savage Attacker
- LV10 (D4): +2WIS
- Rest Druid
If you went Half Orc with your fighter, you would get Savage Attacker for free.
@@com5 i think the passive of half orc is not the same
Alternate idea. Eldritch knight fighter instead of battlemaster. Continue spell progression by getting more slots, and can get shield and mage armor for when you're wearing the spore robe. Also False Life to refill temp HP to not lose the necrotic damage
and you can bind the torch and throw it to start fires.
Add in the bonus element damage from the drake glaive if it stacks.
You can use the Headgear of Lump-Oger for INT 17 until you arrive in Last Light.
Unfortunately, the spore robes are light armor, so mage armor does not work
Being Eldritch Knight would only get you one additional 4th level slot since it's only a one-third caster (which is admittedly helpful for some of those Conjure spells). But you'd also be limited to just four additional 1st level spells in your bank. Your suggestions are fine (I'd trade Mage Armor for maybe like Magic Missile), but I would argue that fully disarming enemies so they deal significantly less damage over the course of several fights with dice that replenish on short rests is WAY more valuable than occasionally taking no damage using spell slots that only come back on long rests. You really want to be using those 1st level slots for Faerie Fire in mass fights so you're almost always guaranteed to hit them. Speaking of hitting things, not being a Battle Master would also eliminate the extra damage maneuvers deal, meaning it would take even longer for them to die.
while the false life is nice, the temp hp you gain form symbiotic entity scales better with your modifiers.
Watching your channel has inspired me to try and come up with my own builds. Most recently, I came up with a touch of death sorcerer that off hands their trident of the waves and aims to soak my oponent before unleashing a super amped shocking grasp. I decided to stack critical hit stuff (GOO, Spell sniper, Vicious potion) since I can create an electrified puddle and force my enemies to stand in it due to the fear effect from being crit. It doesn't hold a candle to the damage in ur builds, but I can consistently pump out 70+ damage a turn for no resources. And even more with twined spell, haste, or quickened spell.
Im currently looking into building a gish like mourning frost build (Since insidious cold triggers off of smite spells).
Went to buy titanstring bow in the Zhentarim hideout, walked by something flammable, nuked team. 10/10 honor mode friendly 👻 will try again
best way to to get it is to put all of brem’s stuff in a pouch or backback. the. throw zarys off the top. then blow it up. you kill everyone and get all of the gear.
@@minnesotanose noted
@@cerebralcrit5741 same thing happened to me
Being 💯 distracted by the Dragon Age music lol
I noticed there is a hierarchy of physical damage types in BGIII. Bludgeoning>Slashing >Piercing. Bludgeoning is the most common weakness and Piercing is the most common resistance thanks to undead and Grymm, with Slashing being rarely resisted or a weakness. The only caveats is that any magic physical damage beats non-magical physical damage on average and Bhalist Armour basically operates outside this hierarchy and pushes piercing far and above bludgeoning.
You noticed correctly😊
Bhaalist armour Duel wield crit build is so simple yet so powerful
If you want a broken spore druid build, take one level of cleric making sure to pick up sanctuary. After that switch to spore druid for the rest, making sure to pick up moonbeam and all summon spells. Make sure dex and wisdom are your highest stats so you have more chance of going first. Cast moonbeam, then cast sanctuary on yourself. Moving moonbeam and damaging an opponent after already casting it doesn't drop sanctuary. Summons attacking don't drop sanctuary neither. You can only be damaged by AOE and environmental damage. Pick up some healing and utility spells to aid allies too. The thing you want from spores is your zombies.
1 lvl War cleric, for all the arnors and xtra actions, snd drow for hand crossbows. funzies
12:05 that Snatch reference. Truly magnificent. 🤣
These build are amazing, i havent played BG3 for a while but i always enjoy watching these builds and how they work!
Oh nice! I'm currently running the spore necromancer Which is super fun. Can't wait to use this as an excuse to to run druid again XD.
There is actually a kinda broken interaction with symbiotic entity and boots you can buy in the crechè that give you 8 temp hp when casting concentration spells. With them you can cast guidance to refill all of the hitpoints of symbiotic entity for free, if you still have it up
Crazy this is pretty much the exact build I came up with for my Jaheira. Seeing so many damage numbers is super fun
Fun fact about Moonbeam: Moving it doesn't break sanctuary. So you can cast it, then either go 1 cleric to Sanc yourself, or have someone else cast it on you, and you are pretty much untouchable for 10 turns. And if your druid is alone, enemies will cluster up for you. My level 3 druid just solo'd the gnoll fight. All I did was run up, cast moonbeam, then have shadowheart (hanging in back) Sanc the druid and keep out of combat range. All the gnolls just crowded around and growled while Moonbeam fried them. Easiest Gnoll fight I've had.
I utilized a lot of this in act 1 then made way more use of Moonbeam and Spike Growth (works with callous glow) in Act 2 onward. You can combo it with 1 point in Cleric if you wanna cheese the game with Sanctuary.
Pro Tip: Elixir of Bloodlust grants +5 temp HP + an Action on a kill and those THP will refill your Symbiotic Entity pool of THP! D&D doesn’t work like that but BG3 does.
Lilianas song nice choice for background in vi3
I like to use the hill giant club from the Arcane Tower on my spore druid runs.
Some interesting shout outs in the video for sure. The best combo I found for spore druid though is rocking hand crossbows to keep them out of melee which helps:
* to preserve their temp HP dependent feature
* still utilizing the extra necrotic damage without getting too far away to use the free damage ability
* leaving room for summons such as zombies to screen for you.
* flexible enough to easily give them the radiant orb kit, heat kit, arcane acuity kit, or reverb kit, ect, whichever you aren't using on other characters
* hand crossbows make the efficient use of any weapon coatings and arcane acuity when used by a spell caster
* leans on Dex, which even in spite of all the great balancing bg3 brought to dnd 5e, dex is still a incredibly broken stat
* A 1 to 3 level dip into fighter, rogue, or bard all work well, so very flexible for your party or play style
* a 6 or 7 level mutli-class into oath breaker paladin makes for a interesting necromancer build
That may just be my play style though.
Yeah thats cool 😎 i posted dual crossbow spore ranger few weeks ago o guess ))
@@TheSpudKing ah, I missed that. I ll have to go back for a look for sure. Thanks boss.
Moonbeam+Sanctuary. Fantastic combo.
i was using this as a step by step guide and pressed proceed only to find out not to make my character a druid but a fighter instead. now i need to start over lol
Didn't know you could cast Shilelagh on torches, fricking brilliant
Since Druid is the last non-Origin class I haven't run yet, I'm currently trying a fighter/spore druid build. I've also made this my second Durge-run, so I'm a bit restricted WRT background. I'm also not going to do the torch-thing as it just looks too goofy to me to be running around, bonking people on the head with the BG3-equivalent of two Maglights.
One adjustment I made (since I'm running honor-mode difficulty minus the single save-slot) is reduce STR to 8 and dump the points into CHA (up to 12) - none of my regulars can handle conversations well and I don't want to have to swap Wyll in and out just to go shopping every day. :)
That said: I just hit level 4 and it's a bit weird to find the right melee-weapon for this character. I was thinking about going two-handed and using a greatclub, but then found out that Shillelagh doesn't work on that weapon. I'm currently on a staff (Nature's Snare) and shield, but damage is a bit underwhelming, even with the staff enchanted or with STR-elixirs. I don't want to have to rely on elixirs, so I'm gonna have to have a think on that whole melee-thing.
AC is very good though - I already hit AC18 or 19 with just the starting medium armor, 16 DEX and a shield and I think I'm now on 20 after I upgraded to a +1 scale-mail. I clearly will have to rebuild this one to see if I can optimize it for the early game (currently at 1 fighter/3 spore druid).
One thing I will say is that it was a pain to knock out poor Alfira without killing her - not sure if it was Nature's Snare's special ability or the fact that I had Symbiotic Entity active when I tried this, but in the end, it was a two person job - one of whom had to take my only potion of speed to pull it off quickly.
Awesome video as always, never think that torch could do so much damage.... By the way still being persistent about the druid Spider focused build, thanks Im advance man 🎉🎉
I really wanted to try this build for a new run I'm starting as it looks really fun. But sadly it is not possible on console. The way the game works with the controller interface makes it almost impossible to keep the Shellelagh up long enough on both torches due to how slow it is to get it put on to them both, to enter combat with up on both for more than 1 or 2 rounds. You end up entering combat with only 1-2 rounds on the first one, your main hand, if you are fast enough. And 5-6 on the off hand one. The controller interface is just too bulky and slow for something like this. Sadly it is the same with dipping a weapon into say fire or poison. And as there is no way to use a hireling to use Shellelagh due to how it is cast, only on the character who is casting for their equipped weapons, there is no way to cheese it. This is why I think Shellelagh should be until long rest. It makes no sense to have to keep casting it over and over for only 10 turns, which goes way faster outside of turn based. When things like bind pact weapon do the same thing for warlock, and are until long rest. But sadly can only be done on a single weapon at a time. So now to look through more videos for another idea for the next run.
In console, you can't manually go into turn-based before combat? That sucks.
@@robulrich6355 You can, but its just bulky and slow as I mentioned. Radial menus are the bane of crpg gaming on console.
I figured a way to do this. Add the two torches to your radial menu, also add shellageh and a 2 handed weapon next to them.
What you do is click the first torch in the radial menu, then shella it, then click the 2 handed weapon in the radial menu (this will unequip the first torch), and then click the 2nd torch in the radial menu and shella it, then you can right away click the other torch (already has shella on it) and you have both equipped.
It sounds complicated but once I got used to it, I usually entered battle with at least 7-9 turns left on each torch.
Been wanting to make a Gishy druid for a long time now but lack the game knowledge to do it. (or should I say lacked*) Thanks Spud!
I like this build a lot, but i can't get over how my char runs. Looks so dopey.
The torch shillelagh dual wield is inspired Spud! Love your videos; the edits are great. Any other games / content on your horizon friend?
Yeah, will try myself in elden ring 💍 and/or mostly focus on RPGs , so probably will add some older stuff
I was thinking about doing this with torches when I noticed they were clubs a few nights ago (new to the game). It is hilarious seeing it in action
love the OG Dragon Age Music
Start as a Drow and war cleric, for all weapons, armors and handcrossbows. thrn 11 lvl spore druid.
add the longsword from underdark aluve. which does finesse, so you can drop strength lol
im building a druid now. i got 1 lvl in fighter, 2 into paladin, and im going the rest of the way as druid. so far damage is through the roof
The DA:O music playing the the background 🤌💋
the dragon age origins leliana song made me cry soo hard amazing memories i fucking love that game ❤😭
I never tired see Arnold in your videos)))))))
Thorn Whip kinda'll likely never use it, if playing the build as you should (melee fighter).
Better to get Guidance instead, for an easy concentration spell to combine with the gear that give you more damage when concentrating...and reduce dependency on needing an item or cleric in the party to cast Guidance for dialogue checks.
u can git 2 ironwood clubs. one is in the hags swamp
OFC the druid has been overlooked for a powerful build. What a surprise.
pratically every class has some OP build. you can do op throwing weapon builds with both the eldritch knight and the barbarian, hand crossbow builds with rogue, could go on talking about monk, cleric, sorcerer or warlock. even ranger can become op. druid also has very op builds with circle of the moon wildshape builds.
this looks so much fun!!
DAO music nice Spud
What about using a barbarian? Being able to rage could be crazy cause spores stay active and depending if you got bear heart those additional points essentially double. Or maybe wild magic for the extra spell progression and the ability to replenish spell slots?
Yeah, i like it :) still it blocks a lot, but i theorycrafting alot of weird barbarians now
You got Sliders for the character, she looks great!!
I"m going to be trying this next playthrough... but I have a vital question... which dye did you use on that armour in the start act 3 section?!?!
can't remember, but it either "black and jade green" or one from mods "gothic black dye".
Loved the wow music
I think I am doing something wrong. When I am in combat, the game is not allowing me to swap the shillelagh torch in my main hand to my off hand. To get both I seem to have to be out of combat. But I can't always predict when I will be in combat so the whole two handed mojo doesn't come together. Thoughts? What am I doing wrong?
yes you're doing it wrong, you can't switch in combat. but if you swap out of combat and cast Shillelagh twice, it will allow you to do that.
maybe I'm dumb, but I'm playing on a switch deck and I can't for the life of me figure out how to cast Shileleagh on both of my torches or to switch hands for that matter to be able to cast on both torches. Any advice?
you can try adding items directly to action wheel, and do same algorith as me (but i haven't tested it on controller). Actually you'll be fine with one shileleagh and shield in another hand :)
They say spore people is a dj house now I get it now.
A better "torch" in act 1 would be the Gold Wyrmling Staff from Roah Moonglow. it ain't free, but it has 1d6 base damage + 1d4 fire if held in one hand or 1d8 versatile (two hands) + fire. Better than the Ironwood Club from act 2 imo.
Problem is then you need dual wielder feat or you're stuck with only one weapon, which means your two weapon fighting style goes to waste. Staves are not light weapons so you can't dual wield non-light weapons without that feat.
You alternate torches to use your bonus enchant skill on each one how do i do so on console
Did you figure it out I'm wondering the same thing
I think you can render the shillelagh buff permanent with the hireling glitch. I have not tested it but it should be the same principle as flame blade I guess. Can someone try it? 😂
Dual wielding torches looks goofy
DO the flame blade trick with this build. It is insane.
Long live Spud the King!
I used 'Kingdom' as an online alias so I was like "huh?!" at the first 7 seconds
Is it possible to have a build with all planar allies and also all myrmidons? 🙈
The dragon age ost was too good, it had me distracted.
Isn’t casting Shillelagh on both Torchs really only reasonable if you *know* a fight is coming?
Considering that, wouldn’t it make more sense to use a Shield?
Any summoner build they slow down kill speed because you have to manage your army
Just trying this build out. How did you get 19 AC on Level 2? Highest I can get is 15 AC. I started as a fighter but for some reason it doesn't give me CON profiency.
I’m sure he’s modded it and added the dark justiciar armour from act 2, he has all the gear in the bags he’s just showing how strong it is to have heavy armour… I think anyway? If not then they might’ve patched it!
Does it make sense to take Two Weapon Fighter over say Defense? If you're using Shillelagh on both weapons, doesn't it just apply to the offhand the same as the mainhand?
Nevermind. I realized that Shillelagh affects the weapon and TWF affects the character.
Yea, that startup won’t work. By the time you get circle of spores open, you’ll be way past the starting ruins after the ship and heading to the blighted village and the goblin camp, which are above the level he is talking about. Maybe you can still one shot blighted village goblins but idk if having to co stately switch hands to use the cantrip on each torch is worth it to me. Seems like a lot of hassle
You can cast it out of combat and have 9 rounds to wail on them
DAO ost, what are you doing here?
You get a like and subscribe just for using a scene from the movie Snatch. Absolutely love that film. He's not a fucking tin of baked beans! What do you mean open him up?
I don't understand how you can use something like Shillelah on two different weapons when it is a concentration spell and you can only use one of those at a time unless twinning with sorcerer.
Its not concentration spell
Its not concentration. More like a 10turn temporary buff that affects your weapons
@@TheSpudKing that's cool didn't know
I use double sausages. Best Weapons!
Curious if shillelagh torches hit harder than the everburn blade we can get from the demon on the nautiloid?
I definitely threw that club away
That cringe Arnold shitposting added riz and charm to it :D
wouldnt 6/6 be better? as you can get another feat, and put them into alert/+2wis?
What about the "flamme Blade" spell ?
Spore Druid does give more dialogue with the Myconids right? Have to try that build out!
Unfortunately no, there is no special spore Druid dialogue even in the colony…
@@InnocentLock-er6etExcept for the special quarterstaff you get for talking Kagha down, but that’s the only instance. Ironic, seeing as how there are two other Druid characters you can have in your party!
This is a masterpiece
I'm missed, how did you get heavy armor at lvl 2?
Start as a Fighter and you will be proficient in heavy armor from lvl 1. You probably will have it on you from the start of the game.
From any trader
Kill the dude with his sister and on the way to owlbear cave. He has level 16 armor
just get very rare gear from any trader at level 2. No big deal.
everyone just ignore the spawned items in his inventory.
@@giantmonkee1199It’s OILBEAR! 😂
I'm on xbox, how did you customize so in depth. I don't have access to any of that you showed in the first 2 minutes.
Hi, I'm kind of new to the game (just finished my first run and I'm starting to get used to the DnD gameplay) and I'm currently trying this build, I'm at act 1 but there is no way i can get my armour class higher than 14-16 is there anything I'm missing? without that it is still good, but I loose my buff for spores after i get attacked once or twice.
Thanks in advance
General question : Is wildshaping a way to keep active the additional HP ?
wildshape breaks symbiotic entity, so you have pick either or
I can only cast it Shalelah on one torch I’m on console
My liege! I love the videos and the builds but I need you to drop a goat build for console! (Something that can be optimized on there)
I got builds for ps5 release, all of them preety easy to play, so you dont need to worry on 100 interactions
its so weird when i try any of these "streamer builds" on honor mode they seem to not work. darkness? no sweat every enemy hits through it as if they have advantage
Doing darkness run right now, feels completely fine :0
What's the music playing at ~4:48?
After searching for over 1 hour myself
"Shepard's Flute" by Bill Brown
Thats impressive
does anyone know if sthing happens if you never talk to withers in the game can you even avoid it ??? thx :)
he will come to your camp anyway ;)
I clearly don't know how to cast shillelagh on both weapons correctly cause one always expells within 2 turns
How do you swap your weapons on PS5 to do this? It just unequips it
If you are going to use a havy armor, why 16 DEX?
Wait- where did you get all that gear at level 2??
yeah you can assume how legitimate these builds are when the guy uses act 2-3 gear on level 2 enemies
how do you get broodmothers revenge? without attacking the grove and making daemon dead?
Sneak into the room behind Kagha and loot her chest hidden in there. You’ll get a quest to investigate Kagha and it leads you to an area near Ethel’s hut. Once you have the evidence from there you can confront Kagha with it and without aggro’ing the whole grove.
what mods are you using ?
anyone else notice the WoW login screen music
Where you get that armor in lvl 2?
where the heck would I get a 17ac medium armor at lvl2?
Shillaleagh only lasts 10 turns. Kind of hard to keep it ready for battle and pretty wasteful of actions at the start of combat.
Spore waifu is a cutie ❤
How do you switch hands anyone?
Does this work with patch 7?
Yeah, should be even better, exploring some druid buffs atm :)
Do i hear Lineage 2 music??
Как же тебе понравились мемы синего =)
Green Flame!!!
always listen to this dude at 0.75 speed and you'll be fine.
Wow, rly? 😅 I always thought im too slow, will definitely work on pronounsiation more and take more time to actually pronounce words!) 😉