A great guide that really targets what we need to do to get promoted. I was a freshly promoted Herald a month ago. And ever since getting into Guardian I've been on a win streak, only losing when a teammate dced, or when we got really outplayed by the enemy team. Looking back at my games, I think what really worked was that after 10-15 minutes, which was the laning stage. I tried to stick to my cores, be it the carry, mid or offlane who is highest net worth or who's roaming around. I also ping or text me team with stuff like "follow the carry". This way, when we run into the enemy team or 1 or 2 enemy heroes, we usually get the body count advantage and win the fight. Then I just repeated it, won more fights and the advantage snowballed till we win the game!
I gained Crusader 1 for the first time last night, so I think I'm qualified to comment on Guardian mistakes. Definitely these highground failures are the most common way to throw from a winning position (or just make an easy game hard). Specifically: 1. Pushing straight up to T3 immediately after winning a fight and taking the T2 at 20 mins or so instead of going to Roshan. 2. Not having everybody on the same page and together, as in the video. 3. Thinking you have more of an advantage than you do. There are also games that you lose at 20 minutes because you are irrecoverably far behind. Most of the time this happens by chasing bad plays: That guy is almost dead so 2 of us chase under T1 and we both die instead of just letting him go. 2 Guys TP late trying to save the carry or whatever, but they have 5 and now we've lost 3-4 instead of just 1-2. Once you get a little behind you try to initiate on somebody that's stronger than you and it goes badly. Now you're a lot behind. For individual plays that improved my chances of winning, the easiest is just to always assume if you don't see someone on the map that they are immediately next to you in fog: It looks like a guy is all alone, and you think you can jump him with 2 (or even alone), but whoops it was the whole team actually. This is a huge creepwave, it will only take me a second to farm it - the Legion Commander is probably anywhere on this huge map except right next to me in fog waiting to blink and duel me, right? Now you're dead for a minute and the game is effectively over. Like Z says, there are a really broad range of types of players in Guardian and a lot are really good at some things (like Laning, Team Fighting, itemization), and bad at others. But these are the things that I felt held me back the most. Well that and the SMURFS ofc
I am currently legend. Just climbed from crusader 5, through archon and into legend 2 in the last 2 or 3 weeks as support. Was ancient a couple years back. I can tell you, what you've mentioned are not guardian mistakes. You'll see all of those things throughout guardian, archon and legend, and you'll see it frequently. You'll even see it in ancient maybe a little less but ancient still full of wannabes with KDA insecurities that make them unstable.
Excellent discussion as usual! As a Herald 5 (who hasn't even made it to Guardian yet!), I've been somewhat aware of these game plan tradeoffs, but it's nice to see it laid out clearly---should help in communicating to teammates.
Honestly the biggest thing for me was just playing more lol, Grinded for 3 months and went from guardian to ancient literally just 3 games a day as a rule and actually trying to think aboutg what im doing, thanks for that replay review a long time ago btw
Awesome video. I have restarted playing dota recently and I am making some of the mistakes mentioned in this video. This video definitely helped me. What would have helped me more is, if I have never restarted playing dota in the first place.
Thank you so much Zach,Since I watch your 2 video(herald, guardian) I'm out of guardians with in 2 days and not just in crusader now I'm in archon only for only 3 weeks because of your advice. Hope you continue this series it super useful.
Coming back to this video to say that I finally got out of guardian. Could only play a few games a week, but this video really helped correct the mistakes that I didnt even think about as mistakes. Thank you
It's nice to see you making the same observations I have in my games... I've lost quite a few games because we team wipe, we take mid tower and barracks and then they split up to push lanes and I'm sitting there trying to beat ancient towers like WTF ARE YOU GUYS DOING. At worst they buy back, but at this tier nobody knows how to farm enough for buy backs late game most of the games I'm in. It's goddamn frustrating.
@@Cricket0021 I know, I do it as herald. I stack camps and when the carry goes off to farm jungle because he hasn’t learned how to control the creep wave or last hit I run off and grab a couple at 14. Then make my way to top or bottom to grab all the bounties
This was how I got out of each bracket Herald - learn the game Guardian - spammed heroes (100 games of broodmother mid) Crusader - wave control and last hits Archon - map play, playing on timings Legend - get drunk and derank repeatedly Will update when I figure out how to stay in Legend
@@HighLanderPonyYT maybe I should change that to learn the basics. I remember fondly the first time I was flamed for not buying the courier, flamed for not upgrading the courier, flamed for stealing the courier and then chasing it back to base to get my whole item that I hadn’t realised you could buy in parts.
I was a legend player being incorrectly put in guardian once . I stomped like almost every game even with griefers on my team . Then valve said I’ve been incorrectly put inside the wrong bracket and put me into divine games . Then I got destroyed and now I’m back in legend lol 😂
You captured the main issues with guardians well. I'm really glad I'm out of this bracket because 60+min games were quite common and the games felt incredibly stressful due to the fact that neither of the teams were capable of finishing the game at most times. Now I'm a bit stuck in crusader though. I feel like I still have a better game sense than most people in the bracket but I'm generally playing against players that have triple the amount of matches played compared to me, so they're more technically skilled and know their heroes/matchups better so I get outplayed a lot. But I would be glad to hear about your opinion on this bracket as well!
the knowledge they have are not **that** big of a deal since if they're able to parse and analyze informations well they wouldn't be crusader to begin with (or maybe some do but are just too easily tilted/doesn't play enough lol) and more importantly the "knowledge base" they have is mostly on commonly picked pub heroes like pudge, mirana, sniper, whatsoever. it's still advantage - but not insurmountable to beat as long as u play ur cards right
If you got their tier 3 Tower and they're tier 2, turret is still up and it either one of their lines. We're doing something wrong. It's not always seen it. Because once you open up there are tier 3 and you take their barrack chances are you're strong enough to take the others But you can't because you did not take the other towers. I will never understand why they think it's not important to get all three lanes. 99% is high. If you get Mega's you win. I know from experience because I've only had probably 5 days out of the hundreds I played where I lose after I get megas or we win after they got mega's
So I checked my losses and noticed a trend. I am behind on cs from where I usually am at 10 minutes every single time, but unless I'm the midlaner it feels like/I can observe 75% of the time I don't feel like my lane partner is ever on the same page about what is going on. Its something like I'm 0-3-0 by 6-8 min because I am getting charged by SB and they are showing up to lane late and spending time warding during first creep wave, I double stack jungle and farm it as the offlaner twice and I'm top of the teams networth by 12-14 min period and gotten some kills to bounce back. But the damage is already done. I got charged by SB 6 times while my earthshaker is buying a second bracer and upgrading wand then finally starts making 13 minute arcane boots while he stood in lane on
Sometimes my smoke plays lead to great ganks. Other times they lead to horrible fights. Now I understand why! It’s like you were coaching my typical pub!
Great video as always! :) And excellent example. This is exactly how it goes. IMO its just about greedy players not playing with team but doing what THEY want. And then they flame. I especially love when we have the advantage and our mid sniper jungles for 15 mins…
Baing in gaurdian is all about muting the teammates and doing watever things u like. Fun and dystopia is unlike any bracket. Mostly this bracket is for solo queues.
I see a lot in my unranked games, is sometimes the p1 is alone farming and there are two core/supp pairs roaming (aimlessly?), and the Pairs always run into a glob of Four Enemies and die. What's in the players' heads? I don't know. The 4-man death ball probably scales worse than pairs unless you feed it. There's a lot of considerations, I think the "Game Plan" is a good topic to spend time thinking about.
2 pair roam is probably the safest way to play, they just need to be more careful if the enemy team is sticking early. that means focusing on wards and trying to predict which cores are farming away from the team.
The number one problem I consistently see in low elo is a total lack of aggression. I've been in so many games where we're are light years ahead and instead of pushing, getting objectives, kills, and denying the enemy their jungle, the cores just want to afk farm our jungle for the next 30 minutes while the enemy team farms back into the game. The objective of this game is simple, kill the enemy team and knock down their base. It's the number one rule, the only rule, and yet so many players just want to play passively and "hope" they will magically win in the end. Watch the top pub games, it's fighting nonstop. Kill the enemy and knock down their base!
IQ and common sense go a long way in this bracket. All you need is for you and your teammates to have a little common sense and game IQ to win in a low MMR bracket. Most players are low-skilled and don’t execute anything well, like laning, farming, skill shots, etc., so do not rely on Mirana’s arrows, Pudge’s hooks, or well-timed Warlock ult. Don’t expect any of that, and so don’t get tilted if they miss. Just plan to win the long game by pushing towers and taking objectives. Occasionally, you’ll get a team that understands the game concept and wins fast and flawlessly, but that’s only about one out of ten games. If you’re playing core, expect your support to be lacking-no pulling, no wards, no stacking. Conversely, don’t expect your carry to handle everything alone; you’ll need to help carry the team. Survive in team fights to support your struggling Anti-Mage to help him hit the enemy Slark who no longer has a support. Your AM will win because of you, not because he has better skills or items. In this low bracket, it’s a numbers game-the more players alive on your side, the higher your chances to win. That’s it. The game could take 40, 30, or even 70 minutes; you’ll win if you stay up in numbers. Avoid walking into dark areas and don’t attempt 1v5 fights; it never works out. Even if you’re skilled, don’t! Your teammates likely won’t know how to support you; they might even get jealous and start flaming you for "feeding"or "kill stealing(if it was something like 2 v 5)" Let’s say you’re exceptionally skilled, becuase you have endured this bracket for years, and you know your hero inside out. You manage to kill three players in a 1v 5 but get finished off by their core Void, they’ll end up with more gold and XP, benefiting from your risk. So, don’t do it. Take advantage of every opportunity, like the Tormentor-it’s absurd that nobody wants to do it for that free 1400 gold. In team fights, many low-level players get lost or tunnel-visioned. They’re often clueless about what’s actaully happening and only see colors flashing and sounds booming. Don’t be that person. Keep your eyes open and watch the fight unfold. You’ll catch players who are panicking; kill them while they’re vulnerable. Often, they’ll stand still, overextend, or be out of position. For instance, in a 5v5, if your Bristleback sees an enemy Lion at 10% health, he might chase Lion across the map, only for Lion to bait him out of the fight. Meanwhile, the enemy Slark slips in, demolishes your backline. Bristleback finally kills Lion but realizes his whole team is dead, then blames his team for being “noobs.” Don’t be like Bristleback-don’t miss the bigger picture. And that’s it, folks. It’s straightforward to climb out. Use your brain, have common sense, be patient, and win. You know those games where people start making random, reckless throws/plays at 70 minutes? That’s when patience matters. Don’t be the player who loses their head late-game. The longer the game, the simpler the objectives become. Ward up, take every advantage, and you’ll eventually win.
I feel like so many people are just playing with everyone on mute now, it just feels impossible to get your team to go rosh in like 70% of games. If you go to the pit and try then it can take too long, they can contest and suddenly you are all dead and they kill the 60%hp rosh. It literally feels safer to just ignore it now.
I think your herald advices are already good enough to reach 3k. I haven't seen a player that get consistently 50 creeps with lower MMR. If you add good positioning and fights it can set you up for 4k+.
Damn. Nailed it. Its usually the high ground push. And pushing together. This usually only happens post 40 minutes when the team would had a chance like this 15 minutes back. Including me. Capitalizing on when to push is something i never used to think of before. Usually is, oh, space to farm 😅 IMHO this is where most guardian to archon games tend to bottleneck at.
Great video as always, but since this focuses on teamplay, is it possible to create a vid focuses solely on ones play, like applying those same tactics, but when to join teamfights when to ignore your team doing stupid stuff
5500 hours played, 4900+ matches, 2700 mmr here to says that if you want to get out of your league, go master 1 hero and spam the hell out of it, want to know cheat tips? master how to play terrorblade, ez flash farm, hard carry, low hp use sunder, oh your early get stomped by enemy? your skill is OP, the stronger the opponent the stronger the illusion of them, strong early game, strong mid game, strong late game ez mmr
This will get you out of your rank into the next one, but when you try to play other heroes because you're bored of tb, you'll get stomped, or if tb gets nerfed into the ground/ banned you'll get stomped. its a great way to make yourself hate dota and stop playing fast. Much healthier to have a broad set of heroes and level up your game sense and meta skills. 4k matches, 3526 mmr.
@@Lordofrye yeah well at some point they will realize only mastering TB is not enough to bring them out of let say archon to legend, im just responding to the videos on how to get out of guardian 🥂
@@ferdikristianto i guess thats fair but i feel like the idea of pursuing rank first and skill second is putting the cart before the horse. If you develop your skills you will naturally rank up and have more fun doing it. People end up with the rank they deserve for their skill level, so raising your skill level will naturally make you rank up over time. Ive gained about 1k mmr over the past 6 months with this philosophy.
14:01 doesnt necro need to get bot fast to stop the push? I know you said walking was fine but with the bot wave pushed in like that, it feels like it would make sense. I'm only 1.2k though, so I'm legit asking. (also I posted my WK review request in your last video!)
Great question! So what will really happen if that creep wave pushes in? The T3 tower might take some chip damage, but it's not going to die when all the enemy heroes are dead. Maybe if Enigma was already pushing bottom, but it's currently an empty lane. Let's say Invoker buys back and uses BOTs to go....bot lol. Then he can't defend his base. One fortification probably buys enough time for Radiant to take barracks (or commit for more) and then TP back. Or someone could TP back sooner. All of this will be unnecessary if Necro just walks bottom after that Rubick kill. Or potentially with no BOTs on the team, it could be Slardar who is the fastest hero and could push it out and then rejoin the team ASAP or perhaps someone close to dying/has no more items/spells to be useful so they can deal with the creeps
Also feel free to send the WK game here, though I can't promise I'll be able to get to it. Wednesday streams on Twitch have free replay analysis raffles which is probably the best chance to get a game looked at!
@@ZQuixotix Ah okay, so it's more that the tower is good to defend eventually because the risk isnt there immediately, since a single wave isn't going to be enough to kill it, and since all the enemy heroes are dead, they can't move out to finish the tower off before Radiant can get back to defend it. I see what you mean about Slardar being better to go too, if that's the way the team wants to go. Thank you!
From 1.2kmmr to 2.3mmr. Guardian to arcon the key is to have a good support and know how to gank while using smoke and ward placements. Mostly i spam SK as pos 3 with his OP scepter and warlock, ogre and venge or even dawn breaker.
Exited to see what Legend Rank video will be like. Would have loved more similar style to the Guardian video. Tho i was not disappointed from this vid is i think it very key to get a grip on teamfighting and beeing aware of what the team does.
can u pace ur fights and farming by your ultimate cool downs?...u fight when ur core carries ult is up and farm when their ult is down...maybe ult and right items to pace ur farming&fights
Used to watch you when I played Dota, now I watch you because I play League lmfao There aren't lol content creators like u, no one goes in depth and talks this clearly and well in that game, and dota stuff mostly applies for league, so that's fun
Really insightful! Just saw your previous video as well for herald, and can i suggest you continue this and make it a series? like a full video for getting out of crusader to archon, archon to legend.. etc etc. I know you have a video broadly covering the assumptions, but I believe you've also pointed out there is some nuance as well sometimes that people stuck in those brackets dont realize. I myself have been stuck in crusader for YEARS now for over thousands of games. I've hit crusader 5 at 80% from rank up a few times, but can't seem to break into archon. I know my CS isnt always consistently above 60 when I play core, but I dont know the exact details of *how* to achieve this in some of games.. also when I play offlane I often dominate the lane, but dont know how to scale it into a win, esp when the other two lanes get bodied too hard, and on heroes like NS which require your team to understand your timings.
I escaped guardian playing supports that can carry. Lots of witch doctor and warlock. Golem carry. Im almost out of Crusader now. At this mmr IMO you need to play carry or a support that can carry. Otherwise if your team’s carries suck (very common) it’s auto GG. It’s amazing how many games you end up doing all the killing as a support.
yea but speaking as someone who got 4k mmr and got kicked down from inactivity/lack of care + played a lot with lower rank friends, imo herald is a different breed - they generally have a uniquely... "random" playstyle that might be abit hard to adapt for the usual ppl (u cant rely them to do the bare minimum of pressing spells in teamfight or even STAY there even if it's a free teamfight win, etc) so the best u can do imo is try to be as self sufficient as possible then slowly learn "proper dota" after like 1k mmr i think
i still hover around 70%+ winrate with my best heroes that still relies on teammates (faceless void, AM, luna) on said bracket but asking a herald to play on 4k mmr level is just plain unfair lol
"Farm up until you're strong" - My safe lane Riki farmed for 27min yesterday... Kept his lane static at the T2 tower with 85 denies while the rest of the team played Dota. We won, he was 3rd highest net worth 😂
not sure if you are flaming him for having 85 denies but the mere fact that i have to second guess this means you're being ambiguous and passive-aggressive and probably not good to play with
@@shr0udedone The mere fact that that was your takeaway from my little story tells me you're never gonna get it. If you AFK farm (no matter your role), for 27min while your team plays Dota 4v5, you are the problem.
i'm sure it has been said before by someone else and long ago and i have to paraphrase it because i don't remember the exact quote: some heroes generate threat even without participating in fights. if you see an antimage (or in this case a riki) farming nonstop you will feel the pressure of having to stop them, and some people make a lot of mistakes under that pressure. in lower ranks, people just mostly don't know what they're doing, and that allows that riki player to do literally anything and you would still win. not that you would understand any of this.
The greedy goblins of DOTA never made it past the 3 minute mark. Guardian is pick a scaling hero and then wait for the nine other heroes to fuck up and force the game late.
I dont play dota for that long, 7 months into it, just recently hit Legend. So far a generell gameplan as in :do Rosh at 25, and/or before you go HG ; walk as a team to take over a jungle area on the enemys; make sure to make a safe zone for your core to farm up Radiance; etc etc. Something along those lines would be lovely to see in future videos. Tho i think with where i am going is more of a Archon/Legend Rank approach rather then Crusader. From what i´ve seen so far in crusader: staying activ and start playing with your team is allready enough, along having decent hands.
Problem with the video (everything he said was correct) is that most good guardian players already know this, its just you cant tell your teammates this and have them do this consistently. Dota players will do what they think is best and usually cannot be convinced, especially the older players
It's doable but it depends on the person. Technically someone could spam 40 games in a week with a 21-19 score and that's only +50 MMR in the week. 2-1 or even 3-0 is still good gains for the week if you are thinking long-term. The question is if you can stay in shape playing only three games and if you are doing something to improve outside of actually playing. Could be educational content or just thinking about the game a lot.
I got out of guardian without this video… I’m now a herald.
so funny 😂😂
Time to watch How to get out of Herald :D
A great guide that really targets what we need to do to get promoted.
I was a freshly promoted Herald a month ago. And ever since getting into Guardian I've been on a win streak, only losing when a teammate dced, or when we got really outplayed by the enemy team.
Looking back at my games, I think what really worked was that after 10-15 minutes, which was the laning stage. I tried to stick to my cores, be it the carry, mid or offlane who is highest net worth or who's roaming around.
I also ping or text me team with stuff like "follow the carry". This way, when we run into the enemy team or 1 or 2 enemy heroes, we usually get the body count advantage and win the fight.
Then I just repeated it, won more fights and the advantage snowballed till we win the game!
I gained Crusader 1 for the first time last night, so I think I'm qualified to comment on Guardian mistakes. Definitely these highground failures are the most common way to throw from a winning position (or just make an easy game hard). Specifically:
1. Pushing straight up to T3 immediately after winning a fight and taking the T2 at 20 mins or so instead of going to Roshan.
2. Not having everybody on the same page and together, as in the video.
3. Thinking you have more of an advantage than you do.
There are also games that you lose at 20 minutes because you are irrecoverably far behind. Most of the time this happens by chasing bad plays:
That guy is almost dead so 2 of us chase under T1 and we both die instead of just letting him go.
2 Guys TP late trying to save the carry or whatever, but they have 5 and now we've lost 3-4 instead of just 1-2.
Once you get a little behind you try to initiate on somebody that's stronger than you and it goes badly. Now you're a lot behind.
For individual plays that improved my chances of winning, the easiest is just to always assume if you don't see someone on the map that they are immediately next to you in fog:
It looks like a guy is all alone, and you think you can jump him with 2 (or even alone), but whoops it was the whole team actually.
This is a huge creepwave, it will only take me a second to farm it - the Legion Commander is probably anywhere on this huge map except right next to me in fog waiting to blink and duel me, right? Now you're dead for a minute and the game is effectively over.
Like Z says, there are a really broad range of types of players in Guardian and a lot are really good at some things (like Laning, Team Fighting, itemization), and bad at others. But these are the things that I felt held me back the most. Well that and the SMURFS ofc
I am currently legend. Just climbed from crusader 5, through archon and into legend 2 in the last 2 or 3 weeks as support. Was ancient a couple years back. I can tell you, what you've mentioned are not guardian mistakes. You'll see all of those things throughout guardian, archon and legend, and you'll see it frequently. You'll even see it in ancient maybe a little less but ancient still full of wannabes with KDA insecurities that make them unstable.
Hey Zach, PLEASE continue this series. This is valuable information and your commentary is pretty unique in the coaching space.
Honestly very informative videos , I got out of guardian 1 to crusader 3 by watching these videos , Thank you so much
Excellent discussion as usual! As a Herald 5 (who hasn't even made it to Guardian yet!), I've been somewhat aware of these game plan tradeoffs, but it's nice to see it laid out clearly---should help in communicating to teammates.
Love your content man! Just got out of Archon and onto legend with your advice. Keep it up!
I agree
Archon --> Legend is a fun progression. GLHF
Thank you! This video took me from Guardian to Divine in only 3 games!
Honestly the biggest thing for me was just playing more lol, Grinded for 3 months and went from guardian to ancient literally just 3 games a day as a rule and actually trying to think aboutg what im doing, thanks for that replay review a long time ago btw
Awesome video. I have restarted playing dota recently and I am making some of the mistakes mentioned in this video. This video definitely helped me. What would have helped me more is, if I have never restarted playing dota in the first place.
I made it to Crusader from Guardian II in less than 3 months after recalibration.
I was a previous 3.7K MMR player from 2013-2016.
Thank you so much Zach,Since I watch your 2 video(herald, guardian) I'm out of guardians with in 2 days and not just in crusader now I'm in archon only for only 3 weeks because of your advice. Hope you continue this series it super useful.
Coming back to this video to say that I finally got out of guardian. Could only play a few games a week, but this video really helped correct the mistakes that I didnt even think about as mistakes. Thank you
It's nice to see you making the same observations I have in my games... I've lost quite a few games because we team wipe, we take mid tower and barracks and then they split up to push lanes and I'm sitting there trying to beat ancient towers like WTF ARE YOU GUYS DOING. At worst they buy back, but at this tier nobody knows how to farm enough for buy backs late game most of the games I'm in. It's goddamn frustrating.
you can be a support with zero CC in guardian and still be able to steal wisdom runes because people just forget about it
@@Cricket0021 I know, I do it as herald. I stack camps and when the carry goes off to farm jungle because he hasn’t learned how to control the creep wave or last hit I run off and grab a couple at 14. Then make my way to top or bottom to grab all the bounties
Very high quality video, really enjoyed. I guess that mentally I am a Guardian.
at last, now I can get out of guardian
This was how I got out of each bracket
Herald - learn the game
Guardian - spammed heroes (100 games of broodmother mid)
Crusader - wave control and last hits
Archon - map play, playing on timings
Legend - get drunk and derank repeatedly
Will update when I figure out how to stay in Legend
I would say my big skill moving me up through legend is proper objective play. When to take towers, torm, rosh, etc. How to hg.
Even immortals haven't learned the game yet, so putting that at herald seems off.
@@HighLanderPonyYT maybe I should change that to learn the basics. I remember fondly the first time I was flamed for not buying the courier, flamed for not upgrading the courier, flamed for stealing the courier and then chasing it back to base to get my whole item that I hadn’t realised you could buy in parts.
I was a legend player being incorrectly put in guardian once . I stomped like almost every game even with griefers on my team . Then valve said I’ve been incorrectly put inside the wrong bracket and put me into divine games . Then I got destroyed and now I’m back in legend lol 😂
You captured the main issues with guardians well. I'm really glad I'm out of this bracket because 60+min games were quite common and the games felt incredibly stressful due to the fact that neither of the teams were capable of finishing the game at most times. Now I'm a bit stuck in crusader though. I feel like I still have a better game sense than most people in the bracket but I'm generally playing against players that have triple the amount of matches played compared to me, so they're more technically skilled and know their heroes/matchups better so I get outplayed a lot. But I would be glad to hear about your opinion on this bracket as well!
the knowledge they have are not **that** big of a deal since if they're able to parse and analyze informations well they wouldn't be crusader to begin with (or maybe some do but are just too easily tilted/doesn't play enough lol) and more importantly the "knowledge base" they have is mostly on commonly picked pub heroes like pudge, mirana, sniper, whatsoever. it's still advantage - but not insurmountable to beat as long as u play ur cards right
me 6400 mmr watching How to get out of guardian video just bcs i love zquixotix xd
Watched this i was legend now guardian
Great video!! a follow-up video would be awesome!
I feel like some of my ancient teammates still need to hear this ngl
Ancient, Legend are actually guardians with higher ego
Another great video with super useful content. Thanks ZQ
If you got their tier 3 Tower and they're tier 2, turret is still up and it either one of their lines. We're doing something wrong. It's not always seen it. Because once you open up there are tier 3 and you take their barrack chances are you're strong enough to take the others But you can't because you did not take the other towers. I will never understand why they think it's not important to get all three lanes. 99% is high. If you get Mega's you win. I know from experience because I've only had probably 5 days out of the hundreds I played where I lose after I get megas or we win after they got mega's
So I checked my losses and noticed a trend. I am behind on cs from where I usually am at 10 minutes every single time, but unless I'm the midlaner it feels like/I can observe 75% of the time I don't feel like my lane partner is ever on the same page about what is going on. Its something like I'm 0-3-0 by 6-8 min because I am getting charged by SB and they are showing up to lane late and spending time warding during first creep wave, I double stack jungle and farm it as the offlaner twice and I'm top of the teams networth by 12-14 min period and gotten some kills to bounce back. But the damage is already done. I got charged by SB 6 times while my earthshaker is buying a second bracer and upgrading wand then finally starts making 13 minute arcane boots while he stood in lane on
Sometimes my smoke plays lead to great ganks. Other times they lead to horrible fights. Now I understand why! It’s like you were coaching my typical pub!
Great video as always! :) And excellent example. This is exactly how it goes. IMO its just about greedy players not playing with team but doing what THEY want. And then they flame. I especially love when we have the advantage and our mid sniper jungles for 15 mins…
Love that as well ss the ez teamfight kunkka effortlessly swiped the tormentor kill for his team as well.
bro i love you. thanks for your advice - helps a lot
Wait… so getting out of guardian is entirely not up to me, and has everything to do with how my team performs?
Stuck in guardian for a year I'll update if this vid works
Baing in gaurdian is all about muting the teammates and doing watever things u like. Fun and dystopia is unlike any bracket. Mostly this bracket is for solo queues.
That damn lifestealer from the first clip doesn't go manta + armor against Slardar, Dazzle and Drow. -30 armor
Got me at the SMURFS part 😂
I see a lot in my unranked games, is sometimes the p1 is alone farming and there are two core/supp pairs roaming (aimlessly?), and the Pairs always run into a glob of Four Enemies and die. What's in the players' heads? I don't know. The 4-man death ball probably scales worse than pairs unless you feed it. There's a lot of considerations, I think the "Game Plan" is a good topic to spend time thinking about.
2 pair roam is probably the safest way to play, they just need to be more careful if the enemy team is sticking early. that means focusing on wards and trying to predict which cores are farming away from the team.
That fight @ example 1 gives me PTSD from my herald / guardian days
Herald to Guardian, where u get to see supports farming while enemies are dead. ☠️
Good casting bruv, ricky is a fun play by play too. But more videos pleaseeeeee!!!
I have taken his advice in the past and I actually HAVE risen in rank above crusader. Take the info and use it to adjust your game.
The number one problem I consistently see in low elo is a total lack of aggression.
I've been in so many games where we're are light years ahead and instead of pushing, getting objectives, kills, and denying the enemy their jungle, the cores just want to afk farm our jungle for the next 30 minutes while the enemy team farms back into the game. The objective of this game is simple, kill the enemy team and knock down their base. It's the number one rule, the only rule, and yet so many players just want to play passively and "hope" they will magically win in the end.
Watch the top pub games, it's fighting nonstop. Kill the enemy and knock down their base!
IQ and common sense go a long way in this bracket. All you need is for you and your teammates to have a little common sense and game IQ to win in a low MMR bracket. Most players are low-skilled and don’t execute anything well, like laning, farming, skill shots, etc., so do not rely on Mirana’s arrows, Pudge’s hooks, or well-timed Warlock ult. Don’t expect any of that, and so don’t get tilted if they miss. Just plan to win the long game by pushing towers and taking objectives. Occasionally, you’ll get a team that understands the game concept and wins fast and flawlessly, but that’s only about one out of ten games.
If you’re playing core, expect your support to be lacking-no pulling, no wards, no stacking. Conversely, don’t expect your carry to handle everything alone; you’ll need to help carry the team. Survive in team fights to support your struggling Anti-Mage to help him hit the enemy Slark who no longer has a support. Your AM will win because of you, not because he has better skills or items. In this low bracket, it’s a numbers game-the more players alive on your side, the higher your chances to win. That’s it. The game could take 40, 30, or even 70 minutes; you’ll win if you stay up in numbers.
Avoid walking into dark areas and don’t attempt 1v5 fights; it never works out. Even if you’re skilled, don’t! Your teammates likely won’t know how to support you; they might even get jealous and start flaming you for "feeding"or "kill stealing(if it was something like 2 v 5)" Let’s say you’re exceptionally skilled, becuase you have endured this bracket for years, and you know your hero inside out. You manage to kill three players in a 1v 5 but get finished off by their core Void, they’ll end up with more gold and XP, benefiting from your risk. So, don’t do it.
Take advantage of every opportunity, like the Tormentor-it’s absurd that nobody wants to do it for that free 1400 gold.
In team fights, many low-level players get lost or tunnel-visioned. They’re often clueless about what’s actaully happening and only see colors flashing and sounds booming. Don’t be that person. Keep your eyes open and watch the fight unfold. You’ll catch players who are panicking; kill them while they’re vulnerable. Often, they’ll stand still, overextend, or be out of position. For instance, in a 5v5, if your Bristleback sees an enemy Lion at 10% health, he might chase Lion across the map, only for Lion to bait him out of the fight. Meanwhile, the enemy Slark slips in, demolishes your backline. Bristleback finally kills Lion but realizes his whole team is dead, then blames his team for being “noobs.” Don’t be like Bristleback-don’t miss the bigger picture.
And that’s it, folks. It’s straightforward to climb out. Use your brain, have common sense, be patient, and win. You know those games where people start making random, reckless throws/plays at 70 minutes? That’s when patience matters. Don’t be the player who loses their head late-game. The longer the game, the simpler the objectives become. Ward up, take every advantage, and you’ll eventually win.
Great vid!! Please do this as a series for all ranks
How to get out of Crusader
….. Archon
So on
I wish my team also watches these kinds of videos
Great video. Time for how to get out of crusader.
I feel like so many people are just playing with everyone on mute now, it just feels impossible to get your team to go rosh in like 70% of games. If you go to the pit and try then it can take too long, they can contest and suddenly you are all dead and they kill the 60%hp rosh. It literally feels safer to just ignore it now.
I think your herald advices are already good enough to reach 3k. I haven't seen a player that get consistently 50 creeps with lower MMR. If you add good positioning and fights it can set you up for 4k+.
Damn. Nailed it. Its usually the high ground push. And pushing together. This usually only happens post 40 minutes when the team would had a chance like this 15 minutes back. Including me. Capitalizing on when to push is something i never used to think of before. Usually is, oh, space to farm 😅 IMHO this is where most guardian to archon games tend to bottleneck at.
There should be a tutorial on how to rally your team for a push/fight together.
Though this might go into human psychology territory. XD
Can’t wait to share this with my bois
Waiting for "How to get out of Legend". Thank you!
Question: what’s your advice for getting a farm-oriented team (I find myself on such a team 8/10 matches…) to push lanes?
Im herald, close enough, im ready
Great video as always, but since this focuses on teamplay, is it possible to create a vid focuses solely on ones play, like applying those same tactics, but when to join teamfights when to ignore your team doing stupid stuff
I'm not sure if you have a losing streak video; I went from 1540 MMR to 1150 over a week of play. Now I need to get out of Guardian (again) :(
Are you planning on doing "How to get out of....?" as a series for each bracket?
Hard stuck in crusader
Yup! It'll take me some time, but I will eventually go all the way to Immortal
Commenting for the algorithm, gotta keep it real here 👍🏼
5500 hours played, 4900+ matches, 2700 mmr here to says that if you want to get out of your league, go master 1 hero and spam the hell out of it, want to know cheat tips?
master how to play terrorblade, ez flash farm, hard carry, low hp use sunder,
oh your early get stomped by enemy? your skill is OP, the stronger the opponent the stronger the illusion of them,
strong early game, strong mid game, strong late game
ez mmr
This will get you out of your rank into the next one, but when you try to play other heroes because you're bored of tb, you'll get stomped, or if tb gets nerfed into the ground/ banned you'll get stomped. its a great way to make yourself hate dota and stop playing fast. Much healthier to have a broad set of heroes and level up your game sense and meta skills. 4k matches, 3526 mmr.
@@Lordofrye yeah well at some point they will realize only mastering TB is not enough to bring them out of let say archon to legend, im just responding to the videos on how to get out of guardian 🥂
I can see why you are 2.7k
@@ferdikristianto i guess thats fair but i feel like the idea of pursuing rank first and skill second is putting the cart before the horse. If you develop your skills you will naturally rank up and have more fun doing it. People end up with the rank they deserve for their skill level, so raising your skill level will naturally make you rank up over time. Ive gained about 1k mmr over the past 6 months with this philosophy.
@@t.etelber8230 2,7k is enjoyable and not really stressful for me, game supposed to be fun
14:01 doesnt necro need to get bot fast to stop the push? I know you said walking was fine but with the bot wave pushed in like that, it feels like it would make sense. I'm only 1.2k though, so I'm legit asking.
(also I posted my WK review request in your last video!)
Huh, I can't find the replay request on the last video, sorry about that.
Great question! So what will really happen if that creep wave pushes in? The T3 tower might take some chip damage, but it's not going to die when all the enemy heroes are dead. Maybe if Enigma was already pushing bottom, but it's currently an empty lane. Let's say Invoker buys back and uses BOTs to go....bot lol. Then he can't defend his base. One fortification probably buys enough time for Radiant to take barracks (or commit for more) and then TP back. Or someone could TP back sooner.
All of this will be unnecessary if Necro just walks bottom after that Rubick kill. Or potentially with no BOTs on the team, it could be Slardar who is the fastest hero and could push it out and then rejoin the team ASAP or perhaps someone close to dying/has no more items/spells to be useful so they can deal with the creeps
Also feel free to send the WK game here, though I can't promise I'll be able to get to it. Wednesday streams on Twitch have free replay analysis raffles which is probably the best chance to get a game looked at!
@@ZQuixotix Oh okay perfect! Didn't mean to try to circumvent the system, thanks!
@@ZQuixotix Ah okay, so it's more that the tower is good to defend eventually because the risk isnt there immediately, since a single wave isn't going to be enough to kill it, and since all the enemy heroes are dead, they can't move out to finish the tower off before Radiant can get back to defend it.
I see what you mean about Slardar being better to go too, if that's the way the team wants to go.
Thank you!
Bless this man. it’s just unfortunate 90% of low-rank players can’t understand / implement what he’s saying.
From 1.2kmmr to 2.3mmr. Guardian to arcon the key is to have a good support and know how to gank while using smoke and ward placements. Mostly i spam SK as pos 3 with his OP scepter and warlock, ogre and venge or even dawn breaker.
Exited to see what Legend Rank video will be like. Would have loved more similar style to the Guardian video. Tho i was not disappointed from this vid is i think it very key to get a grip on teamfighting and beeing aware of what the team does.
can u pace ur fights and farming by your ultimate cool downs?...u fight when ur core carries ult is up and farm when their ult is down...maybe ult and right items to pace ur farming&fights
How to get out of Archon?
I've been stuck between 2.6k and 3k mmr for a while now
(I play offlane)
I tried playing pos 4 and pos 5 on my best pick, the crazy thing is safe lane and offlane picks sometimes ruin the role positions ...
Used to watch you when I played Dota, now I watch you because I play League lmfao
There aren't lol content creators like u, no one goes in depth and talks this clearly and well in that game, and dota stuff mostly applies for league, so that's fun
Why'd anyone punish themselves by playing LoL is beyond me.
Really insightful! Just saw your previous video as well for herald, and can i suggest you continue this and make it a series? like a full video for getting out of crusader to archon, archon to legend.. etc etc. I know you have a video broadly covering the assumptions, but I believe you've also pointed out there is some nuance as well sometimes that people stuck in those brackets dont realize.
I myself have been stuck in crusader for YEARS now for over thousands of games. I've hit crusader 5 at 80% from rank up a few times, but can't seem to break into archon. I know my CS isnt always consistently above 60 when I play core, but I dont know the exact details of *how* to achieve this in some of games.. also when I play offlane I often dominate the lane, but dont know how to scale it into a win, esp when the other two lanes get bodied too hard, and on heroes like NS which require your team to understand your timings.
Is there a way around team work? It is very difficult in sea xD
i actually already got out of guardian, I am crusader 3 now
Are you gonna do a "How To Get Out Of Divine" one day?
"What if Enigma was here" the video
I escaped guardian playing supports that can carry. Lots of witch doctor and warlock. Golem carry. Im almost out of Crusader now. At this mmr IMO you need to play carry or a support that can carry. Otherwise if your team’s carries suck (very common) it’s auto GG. It’s amazing how many games you end up doing all the killing as a support.
When comes how to get out of crusader?
To get out of Guardian I need my teammates buying BKB when very much needed.
Which they never do.
Even when pointed out.
Spam Veno! My 12 game streak with Veno with Double Downs just made me Archon today! 😂
10/10 guide but -1 for not addressing how to deal with immortal smurfs 🤣
Yeah I'm literally on a 9 loss streak because in every game there's a 27/0 arc warden smurf
Yes this ruin the game @@epic0s0ngs89
Report them for smurfing.
if u use these tips in herald is it double good?
yea but speaking as someone who got 4k mmr and got kicked down from inactivity/lack of care + played a lot with lower rank friends, imo herald is a different breed - they generally have a uniquely... "random" playstyle that might be abit hard to adapt for the usual ppl (u cant rely them to do the bare minimum of pressing spells in teamfight or even STAY there even if it's a free teamfight win, etc) so the best u can do imo is try to be as self sufficient as possible then slowly learn "proper dota" after like 1k mmr i think
i still hover around 70%+ winrate with my best heroes that still relies on teammates (faceless void, AM, luna) on said bracket but asking a herald to play on 4k mmr level is just plain unfair lol
a lot of people in divine struggle with these concepts also
"Farm up until you're strong" - My safe lane Riki farmed for 27min yesterday... Kept his lane static at the T2 tower with 85 denies while the rest of the team played Dota. We won, he was 3rd highest net worth 😂
not sure if you are flaming him for having 85 denies but the mere fact that i have to second guess this means you're being ambiguous and passive-aggressive and probably not good to play with
@@shr0udedone The mere fact that that was your takeaway from my little story tells me you're never gonna get it. If you AFK farm (no matter your role), for 27min while your team plays Dota 4v5, you are the problem.
He picked Riki so he was a shitter by default.
Terribly designed hero.
@@HighLanderPonyYT Riki's a great hero... If you play him. At least until you get above 5k-ish where the vision game shuts him down.
i'm sure it has been said before by someone else and long ago and i have to paraphrase it because i don't remember the exact quote: some heroes generate threat even without participating in fights. if you see an antimage (or in this case a riki) farming nonstop you will feel the pressure of having to stop them, and some people make a lot of mistakes under that pressure. in lower ranks, people just mostly don't know what they're doing, and that allows that riki player to do literally anything and you would still win. not that you would understand any of this.
I’m Ancient, can you teach me how to drop to Herald?
The greedy goblins of DOTA never made it past the 3 minute mark. Guardian is pick a scaling hero and then wait for the nine other heroes to fuck up and force the game late.
Wait until my game plan is to Get safelane T1 in minute 5, if i could send 5 heroes and run it down including 2 str + 1 nuker
I dont play dota for that long, 7 months into it, just recently hit Legend. So far a generell gameplan as in :do Rosh at 25, and/or before you go HG ; walk as a team to take over a jungle area on the enemys; make sure to make a safe zone for your core to farm up Radiance; etc etc.
Something along those lines would be lovely to see in future videos. Tho i think with where i am going is more of a Archon/Legend Rank approach rather then Crusader.
From what i´ve seen so far in crusader: staying activ and start playing with your team is allready enough, along having decent hands.
pls make video about getting out of ancient , divine bracket
Problem with the video (everything he said was correct) is that most good guardian players already know this, its just you cant tell your teammates this and have them do this consistently. Dota players will do what they think is best and usually cannot be convinced, especially the older players
@gitjiggybruh and yet im not hard stuck, because I learnt how smurfs win games and got out.
Nice try though loser
Or you think you know but you don't actually know or understand. Comprehending the concept gramatically is far from having mastered it.
baiting your own team is pretty common in guardian/crusader lmao
Before you tell me, was it vision on the high ground they were attempting to push?
Edit- Nope it was team fighting :(
Partly correct though!
@@ZQuixotix You helped me climb to Archon last month, thanks for the quality content and showing me its ok to take responsibility for a loss!
And here I thought it would be the old reliable last hits.
now how to get out of crusader?
I agree and that is the problem you cant control 5 stuborn players. They usually do whatever they want
The way I got out of guardian was playing healing supports and I was on like 20 win streak on it
"How to get out of Archon" when? :D
The only problem is people don't listen to your calls
i was archon 5, now guardian 1, some people loves to loose. I do everything i can do but they feeders or do stupids things.
can you climb if you can play 3 game a week?
It's doable but it depends on the person. Technically someone could spam 40 games in a week with a 21-19 score and that's only +50 MMR in the week. 2-1 or even 3-0 is still good gains for the week if you are thinking long-term. The question is if you can stay in shape playing only three games and if you are doing something to improve outside of actually playing. Could be educational content or just thinking about the game a lot.
Yes, if you take those games seriously and reflect. But if you treat it casually you you'll never go above 50/50 win rate
@@JewTube001 im playing the most toxic server in the game if i take the game seriously ill go insane.
Uninstalling is an option.
Noones gonna steal your stacks in guardian and no matter how useless your team is a 5k gold lead will just win fights.
herald, crusader, archon, legend
Tier is the best for fun 😊
guardian - legend = good mmr bracket to play carry
legend - divine = good mmr bracket to play support and one trick the role
Get 4 more high rank friend and party up. They will proceed to win the game without you (most of the time)
the problem is my team will never see this video XD
wisdom hear hear