one of the things that just absolutely blows my mind about a narc: they KNOW they are evil. They KNOW they hurt and use people and they just don't care but HOW DARE anyone, talk about them in a negative manner or confront them. They put on this act that they feel so BETRAYED, when that happens.
That’s because they think others are less than dog poop under their shoes - they think ‘how dare you criticise me, you are nothing’. That is why - they are seriously mentally ill.
A narc will always try to make you look bad so they can look good. Funny. Only the smart ones will see through them. Thanks Danish for all your wisdom and expertise.
That's true, but then as you're trying to get away from them and find support, the victims resemble the narc. It's very difficult for those outside of the situation to see the difference between the narcissist and their victim, sadly. It's a very lonely place for a victim of a narcissist.
My narcissist likes to hang on to every old relationship he had. It doesn't matter if it was good or bad. He'll pick one good point, and he will focus on that good point daydreaming and reminiscing as if it happened an hour prior. However, I had asked him over and over to leave his former relationships in the past and to stop comparing me to all of these other women because they weren't me and I wasn't them. They aren't able to do that. You'll always be compared to whatever was good about someone from a past relationship. It could be as simple as their shoes. That may be the one thing. Their shoes will always be better than yours. Mine has stolen money and denied it and says he has proof that he never did it. The Amazon statements don't lie. I don't lie. He was given the option to just admit it, pay me back and move on. He's not able to do that. They can't accept responsibility for what they've done. They don't believe they are accountable. The list goes on and on. They create different lives and actually live them despite the fact that they don't exist. If one person is the audience for that life they will live it for them. The problem with that is when they live the different life with different audiences eventually the stories start to run together especially if people know each other. That's when the pathological liar gets caught. That may cost them a dozen friends. They'll find a dozen more with some other interest and dazzle them until they get caught. Narcissistic personality disorder often overlaps the exact same symptoms as addictive personality disorder. Most often they share symptoms. The gaslighting is over. On 11/16/2024 he was told I didn't want to hear his voice until he learned to treat me with respect that he's demanding. I told him I refused to take the verbal and emotional abuse anymore. I told him his deviant sexual behavior was unacceptable. I set every new boundary clearly and he's trying to be nice and cross them. Getting help over a 2 week period doesn't fix what's broke. For a narcissist, they've not laid all the cards on the table yet. I think some cognitive behavioral therapy can work for them, but they'll always be a narcissist. Some May respond to EMDR and suppress some of the behaviors, there is no cure for them. They feed on people that are vulnerable. I will always be due to the house I was born into. Not his fault, but it's almost like they can smell that there's prey available.
Narcissism equates to energy vampires! That's the best way I can explain it to myself; narcissists are like energy vampires; they will take and take without giving anything in return. I remember getting off the phone with a narcissistic friend at the time, (not realizing the impact until later). After every call, I felt completely drained of energy, but couldn't figure out why. When I mentioned this to the person that they were an energy vampire, they dismissed it by telling me "Go, talk to your imaginary friend Anne." That's when I realized I needed to set boundaries for myself.
I still have to see my ex narcissist at work. I have imposed strict no contact, but observing him from a distance, without him knowing, I see a man in EXTREME EUPHORIA one moment and DEPRESSION the next. It explains a lot. Why I felt psychotic while with him. Sometimes he looks angry, stares at me agressively and right after that, chats enthusiastically with colleagues. The man represents chaos.
Damn, that's terrible you have to work with him. Out of interest, does he have a substance abuse problem as well? IME that seems to increase the rapidity of mood changes, with Narcs.
gbrown, thank you for your reply. Yes, I am almost certain that he drinks a lot of alcohol on a daily basis and I have suspicions that he does cocaine. I know with certainty that he drinks, but to what extent, not sure.He loved whiskey, he said.
I have started to think of narcissists as the ultimate consumers. No putting in, only taking out. Also, your videos and insights have helped my daughter, thank you for helping her. 💗
They are bullies selfish abusive men . He moved in on me trying to control me in my own house . He scammed me made a personal injury claim against me which was fraud . This monster tried to destroy me
They are also women. Think about the first thing in the morning putting on makeup for an hour to deceive the world into seeing her as she wishes she were rather than as she is. Many women are very transactional, mining men for money before, during, and after marriage.
My ex narc keeps asking me for my house insurance policy number. Even though he refused to take his tools when I asked him to leave and they were eventually stolen by another narc tenant, he will forever harass me about getting reimbursed for an exaggerated amount of money.
Yes! Mine accused me of pushing him down the stairs when it was him who was trying to get in my house. I had to call my neighbor to get him to leave. That's when he started pretending I pushed him down the stairs.
They suck your energy and your spirit amongst other things. It's mentally and emotionally draining!!! I'm so grateful for this knowledge and was able to see without a shadow of a doubt who I'm dealing with because for so many years, I just couldn't figure out what in the world was going on. Now that I know, I can let him go without any regrets ... It's ALL on him!!! I'm blessed I didn't lose my mind ❤. Peace and Blessings to all of you 🙏🏼
You are so right everything you have said I felt it all I just got over that it took a long time I said the same thing I didn’t lose my mind. It was rough now he gone to one of his ex I feel so peaceful now.💜
Same thing happened to me...he kept circling back to me...for years and years..finally 5 years ago I read about narcissist and he fit the profile to a T..I cut off all communication with him and started therapy..I feel like I escaped from prison...😅
Towards the end of our relationship I knew he is eventually going to self destruct. Sad, but not my problem to fix. I tried long enough to realise it's not going to happen - there is no fix.
Not every person who experiences dissociative amnesia is a narcissist. Not sure who needs to hear that to heal/stop blaming themselves, but here you go. ❤
Severe TBI, from a brain-penetrating gunshot wound to the head, caused the official diagnosis of dissociative disorder, by Dr. Askins the Forensic Psychiatrist, whom skillfully becomes a victims' dream come true!!!! The narcissistic discard is all to frequently fatal, so let's empower ourselves to the no-contact mandate for safety….
As a man, I was with a narcissist for 20 years. They truly are unable to feel any pain they do to their own kids or spouse. I call them psychic vampire.
they completely fall apart when they know it is over and their reputation is destroyed beyond repair. They would rather kill themselves then apologize and face the music
This video has been one of your most helpful videos. The “accusing everybody” chapter was so informative. All of your videos are educational, don’t get me wrong, but this one was really timely.
About 1000% sure mine is going through this now … no one is catering to his pitty parties no one is sending him money like they used to he’s alone in a broke moldy camper and an illegal car all of his own doing an choices , he’s definitely on the road of collapse
Peace be with you! But also, be careful; he's at his most dangerous/desperate, right now. As my mother approached the point of realizing she was losing control, she accused the (few) people still around her of every abuse imaginable. I had to get in the habit of recording (legal in my state) any and all interactions with her, for my own protection, because she'd accused me of verbal/emotional abuse and threatened to report me to Elderly Affairs, (even though she was the one being abusive.)
Very well done video. Thank you. So very true. This year would have been my 40th wedding anniversary. I left 5 years ago. Hard at first, but now i am happy and i dont feel like i am walking on eggshells every minute.
a narcissist is nothing more than a damaged person with unresolved childhood trauma. narcissists don’t learn from mistakes. they don't learn from being wrong. they don’t apologize, they don’t change their ways. they will never become a better person. they will, however, learn to lie more efficiently, & convincingly, how to deceive more covertly, and how to deny or cover up wrongdoings, so as not to be discovered the next time. cheers from southern ontario, canada 🍁
Thank you! This is excellent. My father is a narcissist and destroyed me in high school. He turned on me, became paranoid, blamed me all the time even though I felt such compassion - he refused to see the compassion. It was like he wiped me out of his world, like he hated me, like he pulled a plug and stopped loving me. He would only be mean to me.
It never ceases to amaze me how well you know my co-worker! Manic highs, manic lows; I can tell by the sound of how he climbs the stairs to the office in the morning which state he is in. Honestly, the manic lows are easier to deal with because he just mopes in his office and leaves me alone. And the manic highs are so fragile! He acts like a child playing stupid practical jokes and fake laughing at everything, but all it takes is some tiny little thing to send him off into a rage and then another manic low after that. At first I thought he was bipolar, but it didn’t take long before I recognized all of my brother’s issues in him and realized what I was dealing with. A vulnerable covert narcissist who’s paranoia is directed at me on a daily basis even though I have never in my life ever tried to sabotage anyone. What a mess he is! Thank you for the encouragement and education that you give to us in your videos!!
Thank you for your insights ♥️! "Un-understandable Rage Spells" that have no rhyme or reason to them that I'd tried to explain to family & friends who'd only witnessed the perpetual smiling, wit & charm - until the black eyes, bruises, etc started appearing. God bless you sir for your VALUABLE work🥲
Mar ex narc did the same thing too me 💯💯💯💯I was 14 when we got married and he was 24 and had 6 kids and he discarted me I just could understand what he was telling me during the phase discarted I was in a term oil I just could not understand he put me in hell and still fighting me with the marital esets 💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🤥🏦💵💵💵💵💔💔👿☠️💯💯💯
I've witnessed this complete collapse . . . which shocked me in that this person flipped into an apparent psychotic state. Later, he did not remember the bizarre behavior that I witnessed. He appeared to be hearing voices of a paranoid type. His "foundation" had crumbled! This after a 5 year relationship. He was most definitely a covert NPD that was hiding a more severe pathology. I can now see that they need to hold onto someone like a drowning man needs a life jacket, someone who validates their alter reality. Desperation! And by bonding with a partner, they have found a safe space - only for a while.
Your video is important! You are among the extreme minority of experts that speaks with authoritative knowledge about the panic attacks narcissists can experience during a traumatic collapse. There is virtually no information about this phenomenon ANYWHERE in professional literature. Many so-called experts are not experientially informed. You gained massive credibility with me when you discussed this. Please expand upon this phenomenon in a future video.
@connievalentine2174 I totally agree with you! And I would like him to expand on it as well, especially as to what happens after the endpoint he spoke about, after the "virus" takes over every part of their being. Do they do away with themselves? Do they start over again? Do they go insane? Like, what??
This is exactly what I witnessed. During this phase (his last days), he had stopped bathing already maybe 2 years earlier. His body odor was so incredibly horrible. He had so many weird behaviors. He was definitely paranoid, and totally psychotic. Detached from reality, he wandered in a dream state. He almost looked as if he was on drugs, but I know for a fact that he was not on any kind of drug. This is the kind of thing which must be seen to be believed. It is very hard to believe that anyone would act like this ... let me tell you something if and when you see it you will definitely believe it. What is being described here is exactly the same thing that I observed and it was a nightmare.
The ex lied, cheated, ignored, demeaned, rejected, stonewalled, etc., but when I was beyond fed up and ready to leave, he went nuts. We were 'one,' I couldn't leave, I just had to forgive. The flying monkeys were after me hot and heavy. He caused the loss of my job. He turned my children against me. Yet he 'loved' me. I have zero good feelings towards him. The sight and sound of him disgusts me. I'm so glad I persevered and got away from him. I felt totally smothered, like I was going to d|e if I didn't get away from him.😶
I feel this right now. He's living in my house and refuses to pay rent or get a job. I'm literally forced to legally evict him, go to court, and have the sheriff remove him.
Narcissist truly helps you in only 1 way , when you have gone through extreme Childhood and Societal Trauma and you have been stranded in those situations alone without help , thereafter if u encounter & be with a narcissist for a while then their gas lighting, blames, victim card really helps to break your own psychological barrier and gives partly idea about how society/people work and the next stage of human growth is strengthening emotional quotient, if you don't have a strong EQ , you'll miss everything sensitive around you , hurt or destroy it and be stuck in psychological web of society.... So much to learn on this journey before reaching the final destination of being a full fledged human. I am not the mind neither the body !!
These sound like they could be other conditions for the most part. Bipolar or severe depression, paranoid personality disorder or even a form of schizophrenia
I appreciate this video. It's been a seven month wild ride with my current situation. My first and last narcissist. This was very helpful with what I'm dealing with at the moment. It really is a shame he is the way he is.
My narc mother has turned her hospice flying monkeys against me. She used to my daughter , but my daughter told her to quit badmouthing me. My mother is a ruthless creature.
Danish, when I started reading and watching all these videos by you, Dr Ramani, Dr Les Carter and others my whole life and damage from my family dynamics made sense. I’d be the one always confronting my mother on her mind games, her favoritism towards my narcissistic older sister who was doing everything she could to get my parents’ love and approval. Well, the game is over. My parents are both gone and nobody wants anything to do with our sister. Narcissists do not get better- only worse.
I helped an old workmate through a tough time. His then wife was sending their money back overseas to her family to buy the family a home. Slowly he caught on & hid his money the old fashioned way - blaming chronic gambling. They agreed to a divorce but she wanted the home so agreed to pay 50% of the value. Little did she know he never paid the home insurance & after a termites attack the frame was very weak. It collapsed leaving her with a pile of rubble & a block of land LOL. She never once paid the house insurance LOL.
Sir i saw lot of ur videos. My husband is a narcissist. Iam sisty five years old. What ever u said is very very true. Iam also a Christian.. Totally fed up. Only God Almighty has to help me to live.
Learn Bhagavad will surely help u. I have laernt and My God Krishna helped me. Now whstever happened all happened for the good of me. Now I totally recovered from the abuse cause am a devotee of Krishna. Thank god.❤👍🙏🌹
If you can just leave him. They're not people they're just biological portals for evil spirits. You don't owe him anything. You owe yourself. Choose yourself and God and leave the Demon.
Don't listen to these people. Also: yes if he doesn't acknowledge his disease (it's a severe mental disease, narcissism) and doesn't want to change (there are paths to change although ostensibly only in terms of behaviour, code of conduct, integrity - not in terms of feelings), leave him if you can - whatever your church's opinion on divorce or separation - God understands and is capable of forgiveness beyond pedantic rules, especially in special cases like this one. Really - you can make up for it in whatever ways you want, but you should not restrain yourself here - it's masochistic and does it help him in any way? At least that's this stranger's opinion ;)) Certain narcissists might change but 1) not while they stay in the position of power, 2) they must want change out of their own volition (or realize this is their only chance, understand who they are etc.); then it's a hard road to becoming as good a person as they can be - check out Sam Vaknin's channel here on YT - he has a video 'If you suspect you might be a narcissist...'. anyway, he also has many videos on narcissistic abuse and/or how to communicate with narcissists - some of that might be of interest to you. Also - about the prospect of change, mortification etc. Good luck - please take care of yoursel!
These things happened when life got boring (stable): Extravagantly wasting money Dressing up, going about town or traveling and spending extravagantly, trying to find new sources Calling friends and family and threatening to commit suicide Deliberately getting sick or injured, neglecting to take medications in order to get sick, or abusing drugs or alcohol. Demanding grandiose celebrations, particularly traditional holidays and especiall their birthday. Refusing to get out of bed or care for themselves or their surroundings Stop paying bills and hiding the fact until there is a crisis Wrecking their car Joining clubs or creating groups that meet regularly, then creating disputes and other drama, including seduction of various members Changing churches, the crazier the better, and attempting to rise in the power structure.
Thank you so much Danish. You have helped me immensely to recognise and heal from years living with a narc. I have served my sentence. I feel great and free. I feel alive. Thank you. I am so greatful to you.
Great video, there is nothing like a perfect marriage or relationship, I learnt that in everything there is always a solution, 5 years ago I and my wife divorced because we were having some difficulties in our marriage but we are back together ,it was a really bad phase but we got through it...
God you are so accurate ! I personally experience all of this in my daily life ... being with them is a life sentence !. Thanks for putting it all into words . You have put your finger on this subject ... you are spot on !!!. Thank you
After four years of love bombing and a whirlwind of a fairytale romance where I was the love of his life, I suddenly became invisible and a "threat" as he stopped texting me all of a sudden. I saw the signs early on but love bombing numbs and tricks you into believing he's the one. I couldn't help him fight the rage he feels for everyone and everything. It was never directed at me but it was draining listening to all this negativity and trying to make him see that hate does not lead anywhere. He has two sides, one extremely sensitive and loving, the other full of hate for his parents, coworkers, boss, ex spouse and child. I guess it came my turn now. I am gradually learning to alleviate the pain I feel for being ignored. I am sure he goes through all these phases. I don't know whether I should feel sorry for him or not. Your videos are very helpful. Thank you very much!! 6:33
I like to think they at some point in life when they left their true self to go be with their false self that they sold their soul to the devil and his deamons cos our soul/true self as a connection with god who is love and light.when a person leaves all that he/she sells their soul and will forever feel tormented by deamons and the darkness :O . I know couple of these people and this one guy has this bizarre dark,devilish vibe but also tense cold stare and his face looks like a mask for a non human beening.he could need an exorcism xD
My 80 yr old mom has shown these symptoms for @ least 6 yrs. Number 4 is happening more & more. Number 5 also. She didn't have time for her grandkids when they were young. She bragged about them like she was apart of their lives. All a show to make others think what a great grandma she was. The grandkids know the truth. As adults they avoid her like the plague. She just can't understand why they don't call & visit their dying grandma. I also as her daughter finally learned to set boundaries for my sanity. I visit 1 time a week & keep it to 2 1/ 2 hrs. Sometimes less depending on her outburst. What a sad way to have to endure @ the end of your life. Thank God her children despised herbehavior that we took on my father's kind giving nature. All her kids are so involved in our grandkids life.
Great video. I'm just a few days out of an abusive situation and I felt pretty self aware when you spoke about how they reach out to everyone seeking haven... I had to because I was homeless suddenly, and thankfully it's actually been a wonderful healing experience. I realize my abuser had somehow isolated me and taken over most of my relationships for me ... there has been so much gaslighting and projection that Ive been left pretty disoriented. Thankfully I am healing very well, I accept what happened and I'm putting in the real work to recover and build a better future. I hope she does too.
You will get better! It’s been 8 yrs that’s I’ve left my narc! I’ not where I want to be, but not where I used to be! You can’t focus on the past! Replace the thoughts with positive ones! The pain lessens with time! Move forward with your life! Get counseling! Focus on YOU! Do things you enjoy! Form new friendships!(Positive ones)! Stay clear of anyone who is abusive! You have a choice to be treated with respect! Don’t settle for anything less than that!
11 years here, I've been discarded around a year ago. I'm starting to realize many things but it's so utterly disorienting and invalidating.I can only hope time will eventually heal us.
Thank you Danish from NSW Australia. This is one of your BEST VIDS - more of this analysis would be wonderful. Strength courage & love to everyone suffering & trying to understand & heal. It’s very, very intense - I feel like I’ve been turning inside out… ❤️🙏🕊️🤗
I always walk around with a feeling of being blamed for something that I never did or said. They kind of have such a hate towards me for no reason that I end up just falling into a huge depression because I don't know how to handle these people. I walk around with a heavy weight on my shoulders because of this
These steps are very true! I have tried to get my husband help several times but to no avail. He snows everyone who is a professional. One however, was on to his narcissistic behavior. Yet let it all slide, to keep him coming to the office. Maybe dollar signs were in view! All this information is exactly what is displayed in my house.
The mental torture he put me through made me suicidal, I almost killed my self , I lost myself, I just escaped few day ago, I pray I will heal, and never see him again, am also very afraid he might hurt me to revenge.
Is there ever any room for compassion when it comes to hurt and traumatized people? Real narcissists think they own the world. They are not broken and ashamed people.
Now that my ex mal-narc and I have been split for 3 yrs we have a "shark-remora" relationship. We co parent which is truly unbelievable. Hence the shark-remora analogy. Its hilarious when he gives relationship advice to my older son. 🤣 It sounds so good. His explinations on how in a marriage the couple needs hobbies so they dont smother each other..Lol!! As if lack of hobbies was the issue!! I could never have a hobbie smh...I was always exhausted and sick. Many kidney issues etc.Even if I did find an acceptable hobbie in the "king's" eyes he would accuse me of having an affair with whoever else I encountered during this hobbie. What a load of crap.
This is very right and describes perfectly and accurately what happens. I've been through that experience. Worse of all, because it's my mother. The way you talk about them/her gives me extreme pity, because my silent defense is worsening her mental condition. And I'm receiving the pay-off for that each day in a more violent and insane manner. As I rarely visit her, and she's absolutely enraged. But if I do so - and eventually everything goes well (sometimes not, because there's often a final unexpected punch) - , I'll have the next day the same hateful response as if I had again betrayed her... and so on. She writes me awful accusations - sometimes sending also to the family - trying to put them against me, or trying to tell them what they should expect from me - or expecting them to agree with her (nobody disagrees, in fact). It's much more insane than this! Yesterday, for example, she accused me of willing to inherit from her precocious death! (she's 91) She really - as I always knew - wants to have the power and doesn't accept anything others/me say. The most innocent commentary from me is always opposed. I learned to avoid making them, of course. But then I'll be accused of thinks I haven't said. And so on, as you well know and explain. Thank you for your clarity. in conclusion, I feel also guilty of driving my mother to insanity, but I can't help her...
This is awful!! I feel extreme compassion for anyone that is this troubled inside!! There’s got to be a way to gently persuade them to get help! Knowone should live in that kind of pain”
Their brains are physiologically damaged and no one can convince me anymore that this was childhood trauma. You can't fix the devil, so don't be sad for him. There is a lot of pain in the world of people who didn't become evil. Help them!😢
@@nsvshhw I will add: insecurity and anger and all the rest of the stress anxiety that people experience regardless of where they fall on the scale, is an attack, influence or strong hold of the kingdom of darkness. Yes these attacks can affect the mind!! That’s the end game.” Follow Jesus and His Kingdom and it’s there and through Him alone that there deliverance, peace and a sound mind. The battlefield is the mind and Satan since the garden is still roaming about seeking whom he may devour.
On your 4th point: My husband had a weird case of mania which was so bizarre for this put-together, in control professor. I was away for the weekend with two friends and he was just returning from a holiday to France with a friend, who happens to be a woman! He knew it was wrong, but he did it anyway. So, when he called, I was having a lovely dinner with my friends and I had music playing through a Bluetooth speaker. When I saw he was calling (something he rarely did when he wasn't worried about losing me), I wondered aloud whether I should should pick up. They encouraged me to do so (remember, Bluetooth was activated). This euphoric voice launched in, excitedly telling me that he'd just spoken with his travel companion/would-be girlfriend and they'd agreed to "bury their love!" I watched the jaws of my friends drop to the ground and told him he was on speaker phone. He didn't care. He was positively giddy! I was so glad I had witnesses! No one would have believed it was my husband. Just when you think you've seen it all... It was truly bizarre.
This was brilliant. I wasn't expecting to find out why he flip flopped from a manic high onto a low and then a rage. I blamed potential undiagnosed bipolar or something similar. This meant he got away with so much more and for a way longer time. He drained us all mentally and physically to the point we all broke or gave up and were his submissive puppets walking on eggshells. 3 years free and still it haunts me.
They always do a highly terrible job of food selection, knowing the truth about a healthy diet and dealing with infections, still all you see is very cheap food and sugary junk food. They taught me so much about nutrition. It is a very dark and gloomy time so within reason I am glad to try and help them somehow. The program sounds great to me, I appreciate the videos, they help me in particular a lot.
My husband is like this. He eats everything in sight, especially sugary foods, and wonders why he looks 9 months pregnant. 😂 They don't live in reality.
Hi. Thank you! I loved this and it was right on! Especially the framing part. I was healed through a spiritual awakening via more of a triad psychopath avenue. I observed extreme evil. When I surrendered and let go, I was given a vision. I was in hell next to an Angel and across two demons and the rapist terrorist was laying face down. They picked up from the floor an illuminated light blue orb. I placed it in my chest and felt immediate relief. I was told I could stay in the dark land of illusion and false beliefs with my light (my gift of grace - 7th seal) or go to the light. I chose the light. Well. The old me did. That was the last time I knew me as an individual identity. Afterwards I just became awareness. Bliss - the kind I guess people talk about when you die. Timeless nothingness and no thought but a knowing of home. Then from the nothing, a particle. Then many particles. Then the rest of the experience of creation and eternal high knowledge. Or the knowing. It heals the body. There is a harmonic balance in the universe. It’s beautiful. Anyone going through suffering, this is essential to knowing the core being. It is peace, joy, love, bliss, eternal - never changing and can never be taken from you nor can it be damaged. Being raped, humiliated, slandered, killed - will not touch you. What it will do, is dissolve false beliefs. Love to all!!!! ❤
I saw my husband (17years) have several collapses. He refused any help although doctors told him he needed help. It was always my fault. The final collapse was that evil was all around him. He said the evil was going to get the kids, get the kids out of the house and to safety. I did!!!! And filed for a divorce the very next day ... along with changing all the locks on the house. I have had lots of counseling since then.
Amen. Let the healing begin. I will never trust a narcissist or anyone with these traits. Question: can they also be a psychopath or sociopath? Let us know. Thank you for this information. All narcs go down 😢 their own fault. Price they pay when messing with others. The bible talks a little about narcissistic traits too. We must be strong and beware. 🙏✌️
Healing the Sacral, Solar and Heart Chakra can greatly help. If they FEEL better they may act and do better. They are basically full of fear and anxiety. Then another person's love and support may help, but before the chakra healing IT WILL NOT HELP AT ALL! They live in Victim Mentality and YOU are their villian in their story. Love and Light🥰
Thank you Danish♥️ When I left my malignant narcissist husband of 30 years (10years ago now), he couldn't believe it and went into complete narcisistic collapse (or so I'm told by family members). He couldn't believe it! He stopped eating and lost 20 kilos, and then began eating all the wrong foods, until, inevitably, he had to have heart bypass surgery. He loved this attention, and hoovered all of his old acquaintances into a gigantic "pity party". Then followed a succession of unsuitable replacements. He exhibited all of the behaviours you have described, and got worse and worse. He even stole from his son, and then expected him to help him! He is 77 now and has a carer who is 19. A very troubled but lovely girl, who worships him. It's a double edged sword for him though. He is so terrified of being alone again that he has to deal with all of her dramas and problems, without revealing himself to her as a narcissist. He really is pathetic and pitiful and EVIL! There are cracks appearing ,already, and soon she will move on. No one else wants anything to do with him.
Oh wow, I almost feel like I read a whole novel within your comment haha.. But really I just *wish* this were a novel, because the way you’ve written just oozes w/ the implication that there is an *immense* amount of story leading up to that man’s 77th year of awful life. I don’t know you of course😅, but I am so glad you’re free of him!!!❤
I just realized my 58 yr old son is a only took me about 45 yrs to figure it out....i went into such rage & hate that he was maipulating me practically all his life....i knew something was off with him but thought it was a phase or he will grow out of it....i feel so stupid i never heard about this personality disorder.....i have been used by my own son ...i am beyond devastated....but I'm getting stronger but it's goingto take a long time to gid rid of my anger.
Funny he says "they're rotten deep within". I have to "co-parent" with a covert narc and just this week I let him know that like he once told me about the apple don't fall far from the tree (referring to me and my mother), I told him in his case, he's the tree, the apple, the roots, and all if it is rotten!
My narcissistic Spouse keeps forgetting stuff and has become obsessed with cleaning everything with water several times a day...does not change his clothes...he accuses everybody part is very true...if he has already got another supply with him then why all this....
Heal After Narcissistic Abuse Program (HANA)
Have you heard of Diana Diamond? She actually helps narassistic people to recover.
@@Mooky1300 Recover? NPD is apparently incurable in all the articles I've read, only manageable with medication and therapy.
one of the things that just absolutely blows my mind about a narc: they KNOW they are evil. They KNOW they hurt and use people and they just don't care but HOW DARE anyone, talk about them in a negative manner or confront them. They put on this act that they feel so BETRAYED, when that happens.
I know. The absurdity of them would be funny were it not for the devastating effect they have on people
That’s because they think others are less than dog poop under their shoes - they think ‘how dare you criticise me, you are nothing’.
That is why - they are seriously mentally ill.
The only thing that matters to them is what others think of them. They have no identity or self esteem. It's really bizarre to me.
That’s the Devil. 🤷🏽♀️
don't worry about dumping them. they will find other people to use.
.....and abuse
Poor other people.
This is absolutely true.
And trash you to that person.
“Stage four cancer of the soul”- Dr. Sam Vaknin, referring to narcissistic collapse
A narc will always try to make you look bad so they can look good. Funny. Only the smart ones will see through them. Thanks Danish for all your wisdom and expertise.
That's true, but then as you're trying to get away from them and find support, the victims resemble the narc. It's very difficult for those outside of the situation to see the difference between the narcissist and their victim, sadly. It's a very lonely place for a victim of a narcissist.
It hits hard
My narcissist likes to hang on to every old relationship he had. It doesn't matter if it was good or bad. He'll pick one good point, and he will focus on that good point daydreaming and reminiscing as if it happened an hour prior. However, I had asked him over and over to leave his former relationships in the past and to stop comparing me to all of these other women because they weren't me and I wasn't them. They aren't able to do that. You'll always be compared to whatever was good about someone from a past relationship. It could be as simple as their shoes. That may be the one thing. Their shoes will always be better than yours. Mine has stolen money and denied it and says he has proof that he never did it. The Amazon statements don't lie. I don't lie. He was given the option to just admit it, pay me back and move on. He's not able to do that. They can't accept responsibility for what they've done. They don't believe they are accountable. The list goes on and on. They create different lives and actually live them despite the fact that they don't exist. If one person is the audience for that life they will live it for them. The problem with that is when they live the different life with different audiences eventually the stories start to run together especially if people know each other. That's when the pathological liar gets caught. That may cost them a dozen friends. They'll find a dozen more with some other interest and dazzle them until they get caught. Narcissistic personality disorder often overlaps the exact same symptoms as addictive personality disorder. Most often they share symptoms. The gaslighting is over. On 11/16/2024 he was told I didn't want to hear his voice until he learned to treat me with respect that he's demanding. I told him I refused to take the verbal and emotional abuse anymore. I told him his deviant sexual behavior was unacceptable. I set every new boundary clearly and he's trying to be nice and cross them. Getting help over a 2 week period doesn't fix what's broke. For a narcissist, they've not laid all the cards on the table yet. I think some cognitive behavioral therapy can work for them, but they'll always be a narcissist. Some May respond to EMDR and suppress some of the behaviors, there is no cure for them. They feed on people that are vulnerable. I will always be due to the house I was born into. Not his fault, but it's almost like they can smell that there's prey available.
Narcissism equates to energy vampires! That's the best way I can explain it to myself; narcissists are like energy vampires; they will take and take without giving anything in return. I remember getting off the phone with a narcissistic friend at the time, (not realizing the impact until later). After every call, I felt completely drained of energy, but couldn't figure out why. When I mentioned this to the person that they were an energy vampire, they dismissed it by telling me "Go, talk to your imaginary friend Anne." That's when I realized I needed to set boundaries for myself.
I truly believe that narcissists are demons in human form. The soul that was in their bodies is long gone.
Empty skin walking
You are Absolutely Correct.
I constantly decree that the demon will leave my son
I saw the mask slip once and it was terrifying.
I still have to see my ex narcissist at work. I have imposed strict no contact, but observing him from a distance, without him knowing, I see a man in EXTREME EUPHORIA one moment and DEPRESSION the next.
It explains a lot. Why I felt psychotic while with him. Sometimes he looks angry, stares at me agressively and right after that, chats enthusiastically with colleagues. The man represents chaos.
Damn, that's terrible you have to work with him. Out of interest, does he have a substance abuse problem as well? IME that seems to increase the rapidity of mood changes, with Narcs.
Yes they are human chaos
@@gbrown9942Mine has a huge gambling problem. Just as bad!!
like my mother.
gbrown, thank you for your reply.
Yes, I am almost certain that he drinks a lot of alcohol on a daily basis and I have suspicions that he does cocaine. I know with certainty that he drinks, but to what extent, not sure.He loved whiskey, he said.
They have the ability to believe their own lies...kings & queens of gaslighting
I have started to think of narcissists as the ultimate consumers. No putting in, only taking out. Also, your videos and insights have helped my daughter, thank you for helping her. 💗
They are bullies selfish abusive men . He moved in on me trying to control me in my own house . He scammed me made a personal injury claim against me which was fraud . This monster tried to destroy me
They are also women. Think about the first thing in the morning putting on makeup for an hour to deceive the world into seeing her as she wishes she were rather than as she is. Many women are very transactional, mining men for money before, during, and after marriage.
My ex narc keeps asking me for my house insurance policy number. Even though he refused to take his tools when I asked him to leave and they were eventually stolen by another narc tenant, he will forever harass me about getting reimbursed for an exaggerated amount of money.
@@annettedillon7751 just tell him the policy was cancelled
Yes, my ex-woman was a most women being financially, emotionally and end up being physically abusing. Women want on the expense of a man’s hard work.
Yes! Mine accused me of pushing him down the stairs when it was him who was trying to get in my house. I had to call my neighbor to get him to leave. That's when he started pretending I pushed him down the stairs.
They suck your energy and your spirit amongst other things. It's mentally and emotionally draining!!! I'm so grateful for this knowledge and was able to see without a shadow of a doubt who I'm dealing with because for so many years, I just couldn't figure out what in the world was going on. Now that I know, I can let him go without any regrets ... It's ALL on him!!! I'm blessed I didn't lose my mind ❤. Peace and Blessings to all of you 🙏🏼
You are so right everything you have said I felt it all I just got over that it took a long time I said the same thing I didn’t lose my mind. It was rough now he gone to one of his ex I feel so peaceful now.💜
Same thing happened to me...he kept circling back to me...for years and years..finally 5 years ago I read about narcissist and he fit the profile to a T..I cut off all communication with him and started therapy..I feel like I escaped from prison...😅
@@sharonoverton9897 That's exactly what you did ... Escaped !!! It's definitely a prison.
Once you see narcissism, you can’t unsee it
Towards the end of our relationship I knew he is eventually going to self destruct. Sad, but not my problem to fix. I tried long enough to realise it's not going to happen - there is no fix.
Sad but true. In my case it was/it is she... I can't help her.
Not every person who experiences dissociative amnesia is a narcissist. Not sure who needs to hear that to heal/stop blaming themselves, but here you go. ❤
Yes, some of these things happen to their victims too.
Severe TBI, from a brain-penetrating gunshot wound to the head, caused the official diagnosis of dissociative disorder, by Dr. Askins the Forensic Psychiatrist, whom skillfully becomes a victims' dream come true!!!! The narcissistic discard is all to frequently fatal, so let's empower ourselves to the no-contact mandate for safety….
As a man, I was with a narcissist for 20 years. They truly are unable to feel any pain they do to their own kids or spouse. I call them psychic vampire.
They don’t want to face their real self. They gaslight themselves when adaptation does not work so they don’t have to face the pain.
they completely fall apart when they know it is over and their reputation is destroyed beyond repair. They would rather kill themselves then apologize and face the music
This video has been one of your most helpful videos. The “accusing everybody” chapter was so informative. All of your videos are educational, don’t get me wrong, but this one was really timely.
About 1000% sure mine is going through this now … no one is catering to his pitty parties no one is sending him money like they used to he’s alone in a broke moldy camper and an illegal car all of his own doing an choices , he’s definitely on the road of collapse
Yes ... His Karma for sure !!
Peace be with you! But also, be careful; he's at his most dangerous/desperate, right now.
As my mother approached the point of realizing she was losing control, she accused the (few) people still around her of every abuse imaginable. I had to get in the habit of recording (legal in my state) any and all interactions with her, for my own protection, because she'd accused me of verbal/emotional abuse and threatened to report me to Elderly Affairs, (even though she was the one being abusive.)
Keep your distance. He’s at his most dangerous right now.
I hope he get a taste of his own Medicain
Very well done video. Thank you. So very true. This year would have been my 40th wedding anniversary. I left 5 years ago. Hard at first, but now i am happy and i dont feel like i am walking on eggshells every minute.
a narcissist is nothing more than a damaged person with unresolved childhood trauma.
narcissists don’t learn from mistakes. they don't learn from being wrong. they don’t apologize, they don’t change their ways.
they will never become a better person. they will, however, learn to lie more efficiently, & convincingly, how to deceive more covertly, and how to deny or cover up wrongdoings, so as not to be discovered the next time.
cheers from southern ontario, canada 🍁
@vaijayantipathak1642 thanks for your support.
-cheers, steven
As a narc I have to agree. We can change our responses, not our internal reactions which 2:41 are those of a child. 99 44/100ths of us only get worse.
So very true
It's sad, isn't it? I hate giving up on people, and yet I have had to - because my energy was so drained by the drama of it all.
Thank you! This is excellent. My father is a narcissist and destroyed me in high school. He turned on me, became paranoid, blamed me all the time even though I felt such compassion - he refused to see the compassion. It was like he wiped me out of his world, like he hated me, like he pulled a plug and stopped loving me. He would only be mean to me.
I am witnessing every single one of these things happen right before my eyes.
It never ceases to amaze me how well you know my co-worker!
Manic highs, manic lows; I can tell by the sound of how he climbs the stairs to the office in the morning which state he is in. Honestly, the manic lows are easier to deal with because he just mopes in his office and leaves me alone. And the manic highs are so fragile! He acts like a child playing stupid practical jokes and fake laughing at everything, but all it takes is some tiny little thing to send him off into a rage and then another manic low after that. At first I thought he was bipolar, but it didn’t take long before I recognized all of my brother’s issues in him and realized what I was dealing with. A vulnerable covert narcissist who’s paranoia is directed at me on a daily basis even though I have never in my life ever tried to sabotage anyone. What a mess he is!
Thank you for the encouragement and education that you give to us in your videos!!
I simply admire your clarity and observation and explanation Danish
Thank you for your insights ♥️!
"Un-understandable Rage Spells" that have no rhyme or reason to them that I'd tried to explain to family & friends who'd only witnessed the perpetual smiling, wit & charm - until the black eyes, bruises, etc started appearing.
God bless you sir for your VALUABLE work🥲
I was always blamed for everything that goes wrong. Everything you said is so true ❤.. Thank you 🙏
I know! I was once blamed for my ex falling off a ladder and I was nowhere near him!
Mar ex narc did the same thing too me 💯💯💯💯I was 14 when we got married and he was 24 and had 6 kids and he discarted me I just could understand what he was telling me during the phase discarted I was in a term oil I just could not understand he put me in hell and still fighting me with the marital esets 💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🤥🏦💵💵💵💵💔💔👿☠️💯💯💯
I've witnessed this complete collapse . . . which shocked me in that this person flipped into an apparent psychotic state. Later, he did not remember the bizarre behavior that I witnessed. He appeared to be hearing voices of a paranoid type. His "foundation" had crumbled! This after a 5 year relationship. He was most definitely a covert NPD that was hiding a more severe pathology. I can now see that they need to hold onto someone like a drowning man needs a life jacket, someone who validates their alter
reality. Desperation! And by bonding with a partner, they have found a safe space - only for a while.
“0nly for a while”
Best line…
Prisons must be full of these people with NO supply.
they prey on other prisoners
Your video is important! You are among the extreme minority of experts that speaks with authoritative knowledge about the panic attacks narcissists can experience during a traumatic collapse. There is virtually no information about this phenomenon ANYWHERE in professional literature. Many so-called experts are not experientially informed. You gained massive credibility with me when you discussed this. Please expand upon this phenomenon in a future video.
@connievalentine2174 I totally agree with you! And I would like him to expand on it as well, especially as to what happens after the endpoint he spoke about, after the "virus" takes over every part of their being. Do they do away with themselves? Do they start over again? Do they go insane? Like, what??
This is exactly what I witnessed. During this phase (his last days), he had stopped bathing already maybe 2 years earlier. His body odor was so incredibly horrible. He had so many weird behaviors. He was definitely paranoid, and totally psychotic. Detached from reality, he wandered in a dream state. He almost looked as if he was on drugs, but I know for a fact that he was not on any kind of drug. This is the kind of thing which must be seen to be believed. It is very hard to believe that anyone would act like this ... let me tell you something if and when you see it you will definitely believe it. What is being described here is exactly the same thing that I observed and it was a nightmare.
The ex lied, cheated, ignored, demeaned, rejected, stonewalled, etc., but when I was beyond fed up and ready to leave, he went nuts. We were 'one,' I couldn't leave, I just had to forgive. The flying monkeys were after me hot and heavy. He caused the loss of my job. He turned my children against me. Yet he 'loved' me. I have zero good feelings towards him. The sight and sound of him disgusts me. I'm so glad I persevered and got away from him. I felt totally smothered, like I was going to d|e if I didn't get away from him.😶
Glad you got away
I feel this right now. He's living in my house and refuses to pay rent or get a job. I'm literally forced to legally evict him, go to court, and have the sheriff remove him.
... this is an extremely difficult thing to do for a person with empathy, no matter how injured by the narc, when you know they'll end up homeless.
You are not alone- these personalities use and discard without any guilt
VERY informative, Thank You. Now, to get them to leave me alone
Block, don't answer nor listen, don't acknowledge and that may only happen when they die, be grateful for small miracles.
@@joseenoel8093 This is in real time.
After I think I’ve heard everything about narcissistic people , you come up with one I am interested to hear , like this one , thanks
Narcissist truly helps you in only 1 way , when you have gone through extreme Childhood and Societal Trauma and you have been stranded in those situations alone without help , thereafter if u encounter & be with a narcissist for a while then their gas lighting, blames, victim card really helps to break your own psychological barrier and gives partly idea about how society/people work and the next stage of human growth is strengthening emotional quotient, if you don't have a strong EQ , you'll miss everything sensitive around you , hurt or destroy it and be stuck in psychological web of society.... So much to learn on this journey before reaching the final destination of being a full fledged human. I am not the mind neither the body !!
These sound like they could be other conditions for the most part. Bipolar or severe depression, paranoid personality disorder or even a form of schizophrenia
This is wild but accurate. I’ve experienced this first hand and didn’t know anything about narcissism. They’re everywhere.
I appreciate this video. It's been a seven month wild ride with my current situation. My first and last narcissist. This was very helpful with what I'm dealing with at the moment. It really is a shame he is the way he is.
There is no gainsaying or even placating a Narcisist: understand this and you understand everything!
My narc mother has turned her hospice flying monkeys against me. She used to my daughter , but my daughter told her to quit badmouthing me. My mother is a ruthless creature.
So by the sounds of it they drive themselves insane in the long run.
Drag a lot of others with them!
The final last person abandons them, themselves.
They destroy everyone including themselves.
I think they are already insane to start with.
@@ekdaufin1485 if you let them . be strong.
Danish, when I started reading and watching all these videos by you, Dr Ramani, Dr Les Carter and others my whole life and damage from my family dynamics made sense. I’d be the one always confronting my mother on her mind games, her favoritism towards my narcissistic older sister who was doing everything she could to get my parents’ love and approval. Well, the game is over. My parents are both gone and nobody wants anything to do with our sister. Narcissists do not get better- only worse.
I helped an old workmate through a tough time. His then wife was sending their money back overseas to her family to buy the family a home. Slowly he caught on & hid his money the old fashioned way - blaming chronic gambling. They agreed to a divorce but she wanted the home so agreed to pay 50% of the value. Little did she know he never paid the home insurance & after a termites attack the frame was very weak. It collapsed leaving her with a pile of rubble & a block of land LOL. She never once paid the house insurance LOL.
This is frighteningly accurate 💔 so sad
Sir i saw lot of ur videos. My husband is a narcissist. Iam sisty five years old. What ever u said is very very true. Iam also a Christian.. Totally fed up. Only God Almighty has to help me to live.
Learn about Islam.
Learn Bhagavad will surely help u. I have laernt and My God Krishna helped me. Now whstever happened all happened for the good of me. Now I totally recovered from the abuse cause am a devotee of Krishna. Thank god.❤👍🙏🌹
Divorce is a healthy option. God isn't against divorce. He'd rather you be healthy and happy then having the life source sucked out of you by a demon
If you can just leave him.
They're not people they're just biological portals for evil spirits.
You don't owe him anything.
You owe yourself.
Choose yourself and God and leave the Demon.
Don't listen to these people. Also: yes if he doesn't acknowledge his disease (it's a severe mental disease, narcissism) and doesn't want to change (there are paths to change although ostensibly only in terms of behaviour, code of conduct, integrity - not in terms of feelings), leave him if you can - whatever your church's opinion on divorce or separation - God understands and is capable of forgiveness beyond pedantic rules, especially in special cases like this one. Really - you can make up for it in whatever ways you want, but you should not restrain yourself here - it's masochistic and does it help him in any way? At least that's this stranger's opinion ;))
Certain narcissists might change but 1) not while they stay in the position of power, 2) they must want change out of their own volition (or realize this is their only chance, understand who they are etc.); then it's a hard road to becoming as good a person as they can be - check out Sam Vaknin's channel here on YT - he has a video 'If you suspect you might be a narcissist...'. anyway, he also has many videos on narcissistic abuse and/or how to communicate with narcissists - some of that might be of interest to you. Also - about the prospect of change, mortification etc.
Good luck - please take care of yoursel!
Nobody explains these things better than you!
These things happened when life got boring (stable):
Extravagantly wasting money
Dressing up, going about town or traveling and spending extravagantly, trying to find new sources
Calling friends and family and threatening to commit suicide
Deliberately getting sick or injured, neglecting to take medications in order to get sick, or abusing drugs or alcohol.
Demanding grandiose celebrations, particularly traditional holidays and especiall their birthday.
Refusing to get out of bed or care for themselves or their surroundings
Stop paying bills and hiding the fact until there is a crisis
Wrecking their car
Joining clubs or creating groups that meet regularly, then creating disputes and other drama, including seduction of various members
Changing churches, the crazier the better, and attempting to rise in the power structure.
Bang on right they do all of these 👍🤗
I forgot this: losing/ changing jobs, especially if it requires disruption in schedules or relocation.
@@Rickettsia505 any thing for a bit of drama to make it all about them and bring attention to them selves as well 🤗
Thank you so much Danish. You have helped me immensely to recognise and heal from years living with a narc. I have served my sentence. I feel great and free. I feel alive. Thank you. I am so greatful to you.
Excellent education 🎉
You explained my father and a few of my problematic staff perfectly
Gosh this seems to hit the nail on the head! You are describing the narc I know (have known) in my life but can't seem to shake off.
Great video, there is nothing like a perfect marriage or relationship, I learnt that in everything there is always a solution, 5 years ago I and my wife divorced because we were having some difficulties in our marriage but we are back together ,it was a really bad phase but we got through it...
God you are so accurate ! I personally experience all of this in my daily life ... being with them is a life sentence !. Thanks for putting it all into words . You have put your finger on this subject ... you are spot on !!!. Thank you
They will just move leaving you alone.
After four years of love bombing and a whirlwind of a fairytale romance where I was the love of his life, I suddenly became invisible and a "threat" as he stopped texting me all of a sudden. I saw the signs early on but love bombing numbs and tricks you into believing he's the one. I couldn't help him fight the rage he feels for everyone and everything. It was never directed at me but it was draining listening to all this negativity and trying to make him see that hate does not lead anywhere. He has two sides, one extremely sensitive and loving, the other full of hate for his parents, coworkers, boss, ex spouse and child. I guess it came my turn now. I am gradually learning to alleviate the pain I feel for being ignored. I am sure he goes through all these phases. I don't know whether I should feel sorry for him or not. Your videos are very helpful. Thank you very much!! 6:33
Excellent message. now I understand why a family member was acting the way you described that behavior of a narcissist. Thank you.
Thats the demons eating them alive
I like to think they at some point in life when they left their true self to go be with their false self that they sold their soul to the devil and his deamons cos our soul/true self as a connection with god who is love and light.when a person leaves all that he/she sells their soul and will forever feel tormented by deamons and the darkness :O . I know couple of these people and this one guy has this bizarre dark,devilish vibe but also tense cold stare and his face looks like a mask for a non human beening.he could need an exorcism xD
My 80 yr old mom has shown these symptoms for @ least 6 yrs. Number 4 is happening more & more. Number 5 also. She didn't have time for her grandkids when they were young. She bragged about them like she was apart of their lives. All a show to make others think what a great grandma she was. The grandkids know the truth. As adults they avoid her like the plague. She just can't understand why they don't call & visit their dying grandma. I also as her daughter finally learned to set boundaries for my sanity. I visit 1 time a week & keep it to 2 1/ 2 hrs. Sometimes less depending on her outburst. What a sad way to have to endure @ the end of your life. Thank God her children despised herbehavior that we took on my father's kind giving nature. All her kids are so involved in our grandkids life.
Great video. I'm just a few days out of an abusive situation and I felt pretty self aware when you spoke about how they reach out to everyone seeking haven... I had to because I was homeless suddenly, and thankfully it's actually been a wonderful healing experience.
I realize my abuser had somehow isolated me and taken over most of my relationships for me ... there has been so much gaslighting and projection that Ive been left pretty disoriented.
Thankfully I am healing very well, I accept what happened and I'm putting in the real work to recover and build a better future.
I hope she does too.
The parakeets in the background, so adorable 🥰
Yes spot on .very sad and nothing can be done to help them. Thank you .😢😊
13 years with a narcissist. Over two years no contact. God help me I don’t think I will ever get pass it.
Same here, not sure how long will take for me to get rid of
You will get better! It’s been 8 yrs that’s I’ve left my narc! I’ not where I want to be, but not where I used to be! You can’t focus on the past! Replace the thoughts with positive ones! The pain lessens with time! Move forward with your life! Get counseling! Focus on YOU! Do things you enjoy! Form new friendships!(Positive ones)! Stay clear of anyone who is abusive! You have a choice to be treated with respect! Don’t settle for anything less than that!
11 years here, I've been discarded around a year ago. I'm starting to realize many things but it's so utterly disorienting and invalidating.I can only hope time will eventually heal us.
The symptoms of surviving abuse, cptsd and borderline are so similar. A borderline switch can mimic these very closely. Very interesting.
I was just listening and thinking this .
Thank you Danish from NSW Australia. This is one of your BEST VIDS - more of this analysis would be wonderful. Strength courage & love to everyone suffering & trying to understand & heal. It’s very, very intense - I feel like I’ve been turning inside out… ❤️🙏🕊️🤗
I always walk around with a feeling of being blamed for something that I never did or said. They kind of have such a hate towards me for no reason that I end up just falling into a huge depression because I don't know how to handle these people. I walk around with a heavy weight on my shoulders because of this
These steps are very true! I have tried to get my husband help several times but to no avail. He snows everyone who is a professional. One however, was on to his narcissistic behavior. Yet let it all slide, to keep him coming to the office. Maybe dollar signs were in view! All this information is exactly what is displayed in my house.
Precisely accurate about time it catches up with them!
Another super video , you have put your finger on every single point of narcissistic collapse. ❤
The mental torture he put me through made me suicidal, I almost killed my self , I lost myself, I just escaped few day ago, I pray I will heal, and never see him again, am also very afraid he might hurt me to revenge.
Is there ever any room for compassion when it comes to hurt and traumatized people?
Real narcissists think they own the world. They are not broken and ashamed people.
Now that my ex mal-narc and I have been split for 3 yrs we have a "shark-remora" relationship. We co parent which is truly unbelievable. Hence the shark-remora analogy. Its hilarious when he gives relationship advice to my older son. 🤣 It sounds so good. His explinations on how in a marriage the couple needs hobbies so they dont smother each other..Lol!! As if lack of hobbies was the issue!! I could never have a hobbie smh...I was always exhausted and sick. Many kidney issues etc.Even if I did find an acceptable hobbie in the "king's" eyes he would accuse me of having an affair with whoever else I encountered during this hobbie. What a load of crap.
My friend is going through this. I thought he was becoming Schizophrenic, this explains So much! Thank you.
This is very right and describes perfectly and accurately what happens. I've been through that experience. Worse of all, because it's my mother. The way you talk about them/her gives me extreme pity, because my silent defense is worsening her mental condition. And I'm receiving the pay-off for that each day in a more violent and insane manner. As I rarely visit her, and she's absolutely enraged. But if I do so - and eventually everything goes well (sometimes not, because there's often a final unexpected punch) - , I'll have the next day the same hateful response as if I had again betrayed her... and so on. She writes me awful accusations - sometimes sending also to the family - trying to put them against me, or trying to tell them what they should expect from me - or expecting them to agree with her (nobody disagrees, in fact). It's much more insane than this! Yesterday, for example, she accused me of willing to inherit from her precocious death! (she's 91) She really - as I always knew - wants to have the power and doesn't accept anything others/me say. The most innocent commentary from me is always opposed. I learned to avoid making them, of course. But then I'll be accused of thinks I haven't said. And so on, as you well know and explain. Thank you for your clarity. in conclusion, I feel also guilty of driving my mother to insanity, but I can't help her...
This is awful!! I feel extreme compassion for anyone that is this troubled inside!! There’s got to be a way to gently persuade them to get help! Knowone should live in that kind of pain”
Their brains are physiologically damaged and no one can convince me anymore that this was childhood trauma. You can't fix the devil, so don't be sad for him. There is a lot of pain in the world of people who didn't become evil. Help them!😢
@@nsvshhw my heart hurts because the one I can’t help is my adult daughter
@@nsvshhw I will add: insecurity and anger and all the rest of the stress anxiety that people experience regardless of where they fall on the scale, is an attack, influence or strong hold of the kingdom of darkness. Yes these attacks can affect the mind!! That’s the end game.” Follow Jesus and His Kingdom and it’s there and through Him alone that there deliverance, peace and a sound mind. The battlefield is the mind and Satan since the garden is still roaming about seeking whom he may devour.
On your 4th point: My husband had a weird case of mania which was so bizarre for this put-together, in control professor. I was away for the weekend with two friends and he was just returning from a holiday to France with a friend, who happens to be a woman! He knew it was wrong, but he did it anyway. So, when he called, I was having a lovely dinner with my friends and I had music playing through a Bluetooth speaker. When I saw he was calling (something he rarely did when he wasn't worried about losing me), I wondered aloud whether I should should pick up. They encouraged me to do so (remember, Bluetooth was activated). This euphoric voice launched in, excitedly telling me that he'd just spoken with his travel companion/would-be girlfriend and they'd agreed to "bury their love!" I watched the jaws of my friends drop to the ground and told him he was on speaker phone. He didn't care. He was positively giddy! I was so glad I had witnesses! No one would have believed it was my husband. Just when you think you've seen it all... It was truly bizarre.
Just a follow up... I got out a few months later! 🎉
Oh my goodness...that is a WILD ONE..stay safe... incredible story wow
@christinemungertgabk God you did7054
Very insightful indeed sir. This vlog is a mirror for a Narc.
Perfect went through it yesterday
This was brilliant. I wasn't expecting to find out why he flip flopped from a manic high onto a low and then a rage. I blamed potential undiagnosed bipolar or something similar. This meant he got away with so much more and for a way longer time.
He drained us all mentally and physically to the point we all broke or gave up and were his submissive puppets walking on eggshells.
3 years free and still it haunts me.
Thank you very much. Super inciteful and deeply fulfilling knowing I'm not alone in dealing with a narcissist in my close family. Ty
They always do a highly terrible job of food selection, knowing the truth about a healthy diet and dealing with infections, still all you see is very cheap food and sugary junk food. They taught me so much about nutrition. It is a very dark and gloomy time so within reason I am glad to try and help them somehow. The program sounds great to me, I appreciate the videos, they help me in particular a lot.
My husband is like this. He eats everything in sight, especially sugary foods, and wonders why he looks 9 months pregnant. 😂 They don't live in reality.
Prayers Psalm 23 -73🙏🇯🇲👑🩺
Hi. Thank you! I loved this and it was right on! Especially the framing part. I was healed through a spiritual awakening via more of a triad psychopath avenue. I observed extreme evil. When I surrendered and let go, I was given a vision. I was in hell next to an Angel and across two demons and the rapist terrorist was laying face down. They picked up from the floor an illuminated light blue orb. I placed it in my chest and felt immediate relief. I was told I could stay in the dark land of illusion and false beliefs with my light (my gift of grace - 7th seal) or go to the light. I chose the light. Well. The old me did. That was the last time I knew me as an individual identity. Afterwards I just became awareness. Bliss - the kind I guess people talk about when you die. Timeless nothingness and no thought but a knowing of home. Then from the nothing, a particle. Then many particles. Then the rest of the experience of creation and eternal high knowledge. Or the knowing. It heals the body.
There is a harmonic balance in the universe. It’s beautiful.
Anyone going through suffering, this is essential to knowing the core being. It is peace, joy, love, bliss, eternal - never changing and can never be taken from you nor can it be damaged. Being raped, humiliated, slandered, killed - will not touch you. What it will do, is dissolve false beliefs.
Love to all!!!! ❤
I saw my husband (17years) have several collapses. He refused any help although doctors told him he needed help. It was always my fault. The final collapse was that evil was all around him. He said the evil was going to get the kids, get the kids out of the house and to safety. I did!!!! And filed for a divorce the very next day ... along with changing all the locks on the house. I have had lots of counseling since then.
Amen. Let the healing begin. I will never trust a narcissist or anyone with these traits. Question: can they also be a psychopath or sociopath? Let us know. Thank you for this information. All narcs go down 😢 their own fault. Price they pay when messing with others. The bible talks a little about narcissistic traits too. We must be strong and beware. 🙏✌️
Healing the Sacral, Solar and Heart Chakra can greatly help. If they FEEL better they may act and do better. They are basically full of fear and anxiety. Then another person's love and support may help, but before the chakra healing IT WILL NOT HELP AT ALL! They live in Victim Mentality and YOU are their villian in their story. Love and Light🥰
I think that only works if you're open to it. I've tried this and it doesn't work. Only for myself because I'm open to it.
Thank you Danish♥️ When I left my malignant narcissist husband of 30 years (10years ago now), he couldn't believe it and went into complete narcisistic collapse (or so I'm told by family members). He couldn't believe it!
He stopped eating and lost 20 kilos, and then began eating all the wrong foods, until, inevitably, he had to have heart bypass surgery. He loved this attention, and hoovered all of his old acquaintances into a gigantic "pity party". Then followed a succession of unsuitable replacements.
He exhibited all of the behaviours you have described, and got worse and worse. He even stole from his son, and then expected him to help him!
He is 77 now and has a carer who is 19. A very troubled but lovely girl, who worships him. It's a double edged sword for him though. He is so terrified of being alone again that he has to deal with all of her dramas and problems, without revealing himself to her as a narcissist. He really is pathetic and pitiful and EVIL! There are cracks appearing ,already, and soon she will move on. No one else wants anything to do with him.
Oh wow, I almost feel like I read a whole novel within your comment haha.. But really I just *wish* this were a novel, because the way you’ve written just oozes w/ the implication that there is an *immense* amount of story leading up to that man’s 77th year of awful life. I don’t know you of course😅, but I am so glad you’re free of him!!!❤
Your information is really good. Thank you!
All you are saying is 100% true. Thank you
Wow....what a lesson! what a depth of self induced psychopathy.....almost unimaginable the length a person would go to, to not grow up. 9:33
Do as I say Not As I Do is their motto.
God forbid you hurt their feelings...
Danish Bashir - This was a fascinating video.
I just realized my 58 yr old son is a only took me about 45 yrs to figure it out....i went into such rage & hate that he was maipulating me practically all his life....i knew something was off with him but thought it was a phase or he will grow out of it....i feel so stupid i never heard about this personality disorder.....i have been used by my own son ...i am beyond devastated....but I'm getting stronger but it's goingto take a long time to gid rid of my anger.
Demons are real!
This was a perfect description of the process of divorcing my ex.
Funny he says "they're rotten deep within". I have to "co-parent" with a covert narc and just this week I let him know that like he once told me about the apple don't fall far from the tree (referring to me and my mother), I told him in his case, he's the tree, the apple, the roots, and all if it is rotten!
Very very interesting thank you.
100% I can identify w/what you said. This was just like my father before he died.
My narcissistic Spouse keeps forgetting stuff and has become obsessed with cleaning everything with water several times a day...does not change his clothes...he accuses everybody part is very true...if he has already got another supply with him then why all this....