I know! I had a bit in the vid about rifle infantry as a whole being pretty bad but took it out to save time. Reality is if you need to take out a garrisoned building the rocket troopers inside will kill the chinook long before it has a chance to fly over and lower the dudes. Unless its like one rocket guy in which case the rangers flash bangs do the job way better/safer
It had me worries too but with all the artillery and air strikes it really helps most missions are grinding through pesky stinger sites! Thanks for watching and commenting 😁
I actually completed the GLA campaigns with very few unit loses because I hate seeing my freedom fighters die, so I was extra careful there. USA on the other hand had many casualties when I played them. :D
Angry mobs will forever be a unit that will never be forgotten, its both hilarious and funny and the jank behind this unit is just immense. Strayed too far from the mob ? You die Reinforcing the mob ? You die Recently i have been replaying the old campaigns, but with Rise of The Reds mod (there is a fan made addon that lets you play the OG campaigns) and that, even with deaths allowed on second difficulty makes this challenge look actually easy to try...
Haha i Imagine jarmen kell in the command centre just sniping stragglers as if they are traitors or maybe they have the suicide squad chips in their heads. You can tell they were experimenting with squad mechanics for CNC 3 since that game is ALL angry mobs. Janky but functional 😂
Mob is so angry it annihilates bunkers and heavy tanks with molotovs and small arms fire If only crowd of outraged civilians could mow military forces so easily in real life, governments would fear unrests much more and democracy would be much closer to working 😅
@@AtticusKarpenter If you give them Berber clothes, shoes & AK's (with uranium core bullets) they can do it too :D The Berber clothing gives +3400m/s to the muzzle velocity of the AK ammo xD
@@Admiral_Iddy Something very interesting with the C&C3 ones is that they have a pseudo CoH/Relic RTS Infantry thing going on where they seemingly try to take cover near stuff.
@@Ainigma yeah there is no overarching story or any characters at all save for the general challenge generals but even they are cardboard cutouts. I guess they focussed entirely on gameplay and not story
@@Ainigma yeah that makes sense. Generals is literally just nations fighting each other. Which is cool but Tiberium having deep lore means new players have a lot of stuff to go through.
You know an RTS is good when you can quote the units at will. Speaking of, in one of RubixRaptor's Command and Conquer flavored Arma 3 videos I tried my best to put a unit to the quotes some of the guys Jay was ridding were saying with with only tone of voice for some of them to work off of.
About the CHINA 4, the Stinger Sites are unrelated to the 3 deaths. The mission itself kills the units in the end because there is no airport and once they fire their missiles, they get shot down. Nothing you can do.
Also for anyone else reading this, Red Guard run slightly faster than stinger missiles, and stinger sites don’t retarget as long as their first target is within range. This means you can send a pack of RG to kill stinger sites and just micro the first guy around in circles off to the side. Makes the first half of this mission a breeze
I find it hilarious that the best way to beat this game deathless is to send a bunch of angry mobs to their deaths. TECHNICALLY DEATHLESS! Kind of! Also lol that train company is dedicated! Rain, shine, or nuclear infested warzone, our trains ALWAYS run on time!
the best military unit is a mob of civilians haha and thank the gods for their bugginess haha that should be the slogan of their train company, Id use these clips in the advertisement, "foreign tanks got you down? Chinese Rail will RUNOVER the competition!"
@@Admiral_Iddyi think its the same train company from Code Geass, that transported military vehicles in train that went right through warzone where rebel forces was cleared out by army (so rebels received opporunity to capture vehicles, because plot armor of protagonist with them) Also love mod for Age of Empires 3 that make ghost trains from this game tangible, so they can make a killing spree too 😂
9:47 That "Quad Cannon" impersonation was so perfect, I had to rewind to listen to it again, I almost thought you edited in a direct clip from the game. Amazing!
Also since your doing deathless here is a trick in the zero hour gla campaign you have the mission where you steal toxins form the Usa and with 2 strike teams on each side of the map. During this mission you need to capture some tommahawks to take out some patriots, but when you do a raptor strike destroys the tomahawks. Fun fact if you tell your tommahawk to enter the transport ferry it just drives across the mountain inside it. So as soon as you aluxnh the final tommahawk tell the tommahawk to enter the ferry and the raptors will fly around for a minute or 2 and back off and land at their airfield. Which you can then capture and get 4 free raptors. Thus not losing a unit, hope this helps.
The battleship thing is actually 'realistic' ircc, I think C&C Generals is a parody of the Gulf war where a US battleship did provide bombardments I recall, not all were decommissioned yet. So the game just took that fact and dialed it up to 11 with the WW2 style beach landing XD
If you get a hankering to play it you can get it cheap on steam now! Or by sailing the 7 seas there is also great mods for it too 😃 thanks for watching!
So years ago I had a dumb idea proposed on another channel, saying that rather than a deathless run of Generals and/or Zero Hour, every unit that is KIA is given a Name Rank and Number, with blurbs of which battalion/squadron/division/etc. they're from, and an excerpt of what killed them, all put into a Word Document or Notepad. With vehicles having multiple crew, they'd logically go up in death counts, such as 2 crew for a Humvee (not counting passengers), 4 crew for a Crusader/Paladin tank, 3 crew for a Tomahawk Launcher, 2 for a Comanche, yadda yadda yadda. Exceptions being for when a pilot would eject, as that would subtract from the death counts by the 1 escaping pilot (unless they got killed too during escape, as it sometimes happens). As a bonus, additional paperwork for individual vehicles that have been lost, so if say a tank gets wiped out then it would be listed as [(Vehicle_Unit) (Number, optional nick-name), Platoon (Number), Company (Letter)] or [(Vehicle_Aircraft), (Number+ Air Division), (Number+ Fighter/Bomber/Helicopter/Logistics Squadron)] and then listing the crew lost right below it, while pilots that escape and survive instead being listed as surviving but transferred to a new unit. It's a lot more work sure, but it'd be a neat thing to do.
I think there was that funny bug where quad cannon actually gets weaker as it gets its junk upgrades. The idea behind it was that the upgrades were supposed to offset the increased rate of fire with decrease of damage to keep it from becoming too OP, and over-compensate.
I think someone mentioned that in chat but its hard to test haha the game doesnt tell you hp or damage counts, it would be nice to know what does how much damage and such!
iirc quads get a damage and fire rate increase with each scrap upgrade, and vetted quads also get the same perks. If they’re both upgraded and vetted, they theoretically get a crazy fire rate increase. However, because the quads fire each of their four guns sequentially, with a huge increase in fire rate the game engine can’t actually keep up, so only registers some of the shots going off I think it was better to either have upgraded and unvetted quads or vetted quads without upgrades for max DPS (the latter being preferable because you can’t un-upgrade units)
This one snuck under so many peoples noses! Its my favourite of the 3 but its always overshadowed by its big brothers. It actually doesnt feel like command n conquer like the UI and builder units it feels more like starcraft with no aliens ahha you can buy it cheap on steam or by sailing the 7 seas 😉 if you do pick er up, look up the gen launcher by legionairre it auto patches/wide screen fixes and allows mods easy peasy
@@Admiral_Iddy Thanks for the tip. If you're looking for another lesser known but great RTS to kill time with I recommend Axis and Allies by Atari/Timegate. Circa 2004 with 2 full campaigns (real timeline or axis victory) and global turn based WWII mode with RTS battles. Might be a little heavy on base management, unit squads are a pain to micro and AI can be dumber than a second coat of paint but it's a gem in this WWII history buffs eye.
@@crazyguy32100 ive heard of it before but never played! Ill check it out. Ill counter recommend with Warfront Turning point, an alternate ww2 rts withing cnc generals engine (or at least inspired by)
Leaving all my bias and love for Generals aside, this video was amazing. I loved your narration style. Keep up the great work, I'm looking forward to a Zero-Hour deathless now.
I like that these old-school RTS games (Company of Heroes, Dawn of War, Age of Mythology, and Age of Empires) generally have two ways to complete a mission: the cinematic way, "YES HECK YEAHHH THAT WAS SOOO COOL," and the way where you think, "hey, if I just ignore 90% of the map and simply do this, I can finish the mission in under 5 minutes." And I find that beautiful because my first contact with the genre was when I was about 10-15 years old and I was quite... a kid, obviously. Nowadays, when I play, I think, "hmm, if I just use this unit, I can finish the missions quickly," but I always end up going the "HELL YEAH BABY C'MON NOW PALADIN RUSH 45 VS THE ENTIRE GLA BASE" route.
i was just discussing this in the live stream as well. That is a mark of a good RTS game, fun can also work. Yes there can be a "meta" especially for single player, but if you wanna tech up to Protoss Carriers and make 30 of them ... then go for it champ! And the balance of oooh if I sneak this one guy over here I can cheese a win. I suppose that is the definition of strategy haha brute force? yes. Stealth? yes... cheese? fuck yes haha
The fact that Generals called M60-2000 and M1A2 after SPGs ie Crusader and Paladin, make me wonder if the devs were somehow afraid ro mention named of REAL generals in their game? Humvee and Chinook use their normal "media" names. It's also weird how BTR-50 with 90mm Cascavel(?) turret is GLA's primary tank ie Scorpion despite it being a rare modification used by iraqis.
There's a faster way to complete GLA mission 1: At the start, the game gives you a couple of Bomb Trucks to attack the Chinese base, keep some of them alive. then after the cutscene and when you gain control of the base, use the Bomb Truck's disguise ability and move them to the base of dam and detonate the truck, the explosion instantly destroys the dam.
This game was a case of really, really weird early 2000s German censorship. A lot of C&C games from that time where changed into every unit actually just being robots, but this was the first game the voice modulation really became a problem. All units have a warble effect applied, which combines terribly with the arab and chinese accents and makes some cutscenes downright impossible to parse. And in Zero Hour, all the Generals received changed portraits that made them into robots.
i didnt know they warbled their voices too haha what a bizarre workaround to censoring a game, chinese people bad, chinese robot good! haha was it possible to get your hands on uncensored versions at all?
An uncensored version was briefly sold but then banned. The censorship also wasn't about the Chinese or any nationality in general, but it was done because the game supposedly glorified war. Remember, Germany had just declined to join the invasion of Iraq because we didn't buy the WMD lie and sentiments during that time were not exactly pro US or pro warfare in general (hehe). Zero hour was only available in a censored version, with every combatant and general being a grey skinned android with a warbly voice. That all got even weirder when android terrorists blew up android civilians. Only that the terrorist unit was actually a bundle of TNT on wheels.
There wasnt any Civilians in the German Version, they got completly cut. Some Missions also got changed or cut out completly. Generals basicly was the First C&C Game, coming out in Germany without the "You cant kill Humans"-Censorship, meaning every C&C before, every Person in it, was a Robot/Android/Cyborg already on Release in Germany. However Generals somehow slipped throu the BPJM and was allowed to be sold, but they noticed shortly after and banned it. Forcing the same Changes EA and before Westwood did, so they could resell it on the German market. About the "Its Pro War" Argument.... the BPJM loves to make Stuff up. Because (for some reasons nobody knows why or can explain) its lead and controlled by People of 50y+, with no Idea of Video Games in General, no Interesst in judgeing it fairly or anything(they employed People, who activly took Part on the Pro-Side, in the "Video Games are Killer Games" Controversy in Germany. The Pro War Argument, simply was the "easiest" they could come up with, which wouldnt make them absolut trashable by Critics. From which they get a lot, like basicly every German Gamer does not like them. The last Few Years it slowly becomes better, thanks throu Law Changes, People accepting Video Games as Art and so on. However German Beraucracy is a really hard and slow changeing thing. I mean think about it... The Same People, who on Media and in Politics said "The Reason our Youth becomes Violent and Murdereds are Video Games" were the Same People who Decided about the Age Restrictions, Censorship and Rules about How to Judge Video Games, at that Time. It was just fucking stupid and insane.
The one forever burned into my memory is the USA's rocket solder spawn in when i would spam them for humvees. "I got your rocket launcher. . RIGHT HERE!"
worth noting the battleship thing the usa is the nation that to my knowledge appreicates the concept of naval support guns most and activley wants to do it just hasn't come up very often
and also that the (game) USA somehow moved a pair of reactivated battleships into the Caspian Sea, which is landlocked entirely by nations not friendly to the USA. Gigachad move, that.
P.S.: there WAS drama as game was banned in PRC as it portrayed destruction of Three Gorges Dam. And nuking of Beijing. EA really wanted to avoid it so Hong Kong and Sinkiang are portrayed as GLA strongholds so that players wouldn't question PLA gunning down uyghurs and denizens of Hong Kong.
While it's not often mentioned, people do occasionally bring up Generals when talking about politics. Mostly because of the games prediction that the US will decline and China will rise. On the subject of battleships, they have been used in last forty years, just not very much. What is super unrealistic though is that these battleships are in the Caspian Sea. HOW!? The US doesn't have a coast on the Caspian Sea, how on earth did they get those things in there?!
The whole idea that the US will decline as a world power, and china will rise, wasn't just a thing here. There were and are actual people who have subscribed to that idea since Winnie the Pooh took office.
Generals Zero Hour is not just the greatest RTS, but the greatest game of all time. Period. You basically have a choice between 12 factions, physics matter, hills actually block shots... you can control more than 12 units unlike how it worked in starcraft. Hell, you could have wars of thousands of units fighting each other like its Supreme commander with its infinite money generating units/buildings.
Thousands* This game is poorly optimized and chugs after a certain amount of objects are on the map. The object limit is around 3000 objects, this includes map props, trees, civilian structures, tech buildings, units and structures from all players. When you hit 3000 objects the game slows down significantly as it's only made to use 1 CPU core and glitches tend to happen. And this is just objects, the biggest contributor to lag is the pathfinding due to having to calculate an optimal path that doesn't make units clump together but the individual units do not take into account where another unit would be in the next frame. Infantry are actually better at pathfinding since they can walk through each other but say, you're controlling like 100-something infantry, they will try to walk in a wide formation which may or may not be desireable as they just tend to walk off someplace completely different. Generals/Zero Hour is held together in duct tape and lotsa ambition. It's also one of the easiest games to mod due to the plug-n-play aspect of the file structure so eh~
I find the aircrafts in this game just insane. So detailed and great realistic mechanics for the time. Their behavior tops a lot of plane behaviors from recent rts games.
Fun Fact: In the USA Mission 7, the GLA starts building the Scud storm at the start of the mission, which means you can easily destroy it with your Warthogs, and they do not rebuild! That's how I did the mission on brutal!
One thing I typically do in skirmishes is, if trains hit my units, I spam a ton of superweapons, aircraft or nuke cannons and revenge bomb the heck outta the train.
@@Admiral_Iddylmfao yup, there was once I spammed the SCUD Storm and bombarded the entire train area, “unfortunately”, the civilian population was affected by the collateral damage.
I always loved the 3 icons showing the main units that mission, that dam flood blew my mind as a kid, and man running around with nothing but maxxed rocket buggies 😂😂😂
Angry Mob has an invisible nexus somewhere in the middle of their mass which is where they spawn from when they regenerate their numbers. I find it weird that they need the barracks to spawn the reinforcements from.
this game made my childhood man it felt so awesome and immersive when I played it as a kid. Now i dont feel that anymore probably bc i played way too much back then. Its a gem
6:14, this ability is very useful. If the building is garrisoned by Tank Hunters or Missile Defenders, you can clear it with a Ranger, even if you don’t have the Flashbang upgrade.
You ever hear of a game series known as Cossacks? I only ever played the 3rd game of said series but damn is it a strange and fun take on the RTS genre- 18th/17th century warfare type stuff. Done better than age3 does that time period, but, age just has a totally different feel, as you can imagine. I like both, personally
A note about 31:18 in GLA 6: it is possible to really easily cheese this mission, as contrary to what you said they are indeed full nuclear weapons. The enemy GLA does not recognize you as a threat until _all_ nuke trucks are destroyed, so you can stagger their explosions one at a time to not only destroy their buildings but also clear out the holes they leave behind. The AI seems pretty terrible at rebuilding them, and if you place them in precise positions around the base you can destroy the GLA without ever having to actually play the mission
Amazing video! Really amazing! By the way, on the beach landing mission, be best record is that I lost only 2 ranger 1 time. I m telling you it is possible to save everyone but is very super super super mega rare and hard.
Will you do the Zero Hour campaigns too? I love this game, thank you for the nostalgia. I quote the unit voice lines every month, they're so iconic. "GLA Postal Service" "I have a delivery" "Nothing stops the mail!"
Oh did it out of order it China, GLA, and USA then in zero hour it's USA, GLA, and China because it will not make sense if you read it or how the storyline goes if there is a storyline
A tip for you, If you want your selected squad a in a formation you want. Order how you want the formation ( example tanks front, and light vehicles back). Than select them, and press control + F. This when even if they move acros the map they will keep that formation, and follow the max speed of the slowest unit. Edit: i thought it was "x" but its "f".
Nice! Always fun to see C&C Generals in a video. Wonder if those two 5-death starts are somehow possible to zero with bonkers micro… Hope to see you visit ZH in a future video, or maybe even some of the Generals Challenges! A lot of challenges in the baseline ZH have interesting AI triggers and timers, so aren’t as ludicrously hard as they’re sometimes made out to be (lookin’ at you, SW challenge). Might be too niche, but would be cool to see you do a few of the modded challenges or campaigns, too Also props for using GenTool!
@@MFirone thanks for watching! I do think with perfect RNG and maybe some TASbot micro you might be able to eek out a deathless but i just couldnt find it hah. Ill do zero hour at some point too but going to be rocking some other projects first
Missed this one live, glad to see the vid…nicely done! Pro tip, you can crush thomas easily with a shoe if/when your kids leave him in the middle of the floor 😬
Haha does it actually crush him or does it break your foot with the pain of a thousand spears surging through your body like if you step on lego barefoot? Hah thomas will get his revenge 🤣 those eyes dont lie haha
@@JM_Traslo i never knew you control it! I always assumed it just hovered until it died haha could have spared myself a few deaths there lol! Thanks for the info
For what its worth, theres a channel (called neverdyingstrategygames) that attempted this, without even using the rioters. His tactic was just normal base wirh scud missile for GLA 3, and beat GL4 in 25 minutes using jarnen kell to scout forward and clear the path for buggies. He also managed only one unit loss in USA 4 (the right guy) Worth a watch since he recorded every missions and has barely any views, though some of them have botched audio it seems.
I've also done a deathless run but I've done some things different. I'm just going to leave what I did here in case someone gets inspired to try out new strats for this run. Be advised, wall of text incoming. USA - Mission 4: You could limit the deaths to less than 5 I believe if you're quick enough by having the left most ranger group focus fire the technical. The least deaths I got was 4. Also I found the mission to be much easier just using Comanches to clear the GLA base. Some good micro and the A-10 will do the job. USA - Mission 6: The entire mission could be done deathless with just Colonel Burton, good pathing, map knowledge and support powers. It was a lot of fun doing it this way. USA - Mission 7: Also doable with just Burton, support powers and some Auroras. Although for the heck of it I did also build 10 particle cannons cause why not? I had the money. GLA - Mission 2: You don't actually need to destroy the US base. Just get the amount if money specified. Destroy all the buildings and Clear out the rubble using base construction and cancellation to make more room. Gather enough money to trigger Quad spawn. Kill as many patrols and aircraft as needed without gathering the crates until you have enough of them. A bit tedious but also safer. GLA - Mission 4: It's Cheese time. Build another barracks and a tunnel network next to the barracks. start producing RPG Rebels. At the same time take measures to deal with the first ground attack wave. I used double tunnels but your method is better. Also at the same time send a technical to the cliff side east of the US base and plop down a tunnel network at the bottom of the cliff. you don't need to build it, just keep it as scaffolding. group the built tunnel network next to the barracks as 1 and the scaffolding one as 2. Put a full stack of RPG troopers in the tunnel network. Shift select in this order, first 1 and then 2 and then press evacuate. The RPG Rebels will pop out of the scaffolding tunnel network. Garrison the building nearest to the airfield. If the attack wave is in the way garrison the building nearest to you and deal with them then garrison the needed building. Force attack the ground near the airfield and Command Center to destroy them. The AI will not rebuild the same structure more than twice. The rest is just clean up.
fun fact, GLA 6 can be completed with just the nuke trucks! If you put them in the right spots you can wipe out the entire base less than 90 seconds into the mission!
I loved this game back when I was a kid. I still boot it up every once in a while to play a round against some AI. Maybe the most fun part about it for me is the fact that against the AI you can turtle easier in this game than the other RTS games I tried so you can do the stupid strats you are really set on haha.
Thank you for the new Shoes! I hope to see you try Zero Hour as well, and maybe some general challenges? Damn this game hits me right in the nostalgia ☺
I’m so happy this game is still being played in 2024. Generals was a huge part of my childhood, and I’m glad it’s still getting the love it deserves. You wouldn’t dare see anyone make this type of game nowadays. 🤣 Come to think of it.. I may still have my original CD copy lying around somewhere..
My favorite tactic was 4 snipers and 6 rocket launchers in a building. If baby sat until they get veterans, you just created a kill zone that requires a super weapon to knock out.
@@joshuawilson8804 oh yeah! There was nothing like finding the perfect building like those palace or towers and getting it highly fortified i always liked the barbed wire and sandbags each building got
I think the quad cannon is a half track quad 50, so yes anti aircraft, yes WWII, but not flak. They were used extensively all the way through to Vietnam
Generals is probably the best Command and Conquer game, and it's definitely my favorite RTS game ever - now it's time to do Zero Hour, which has a few missions that may be painful.
Battleships actually have been used in recent times. A few were refitted for a few key Operations during the Desert Storm conflict. As well as some current Operations in the Middle East in the past few years.
looks like you are correct! Didnt realize they were still used up to 1991, I dont believe any have been used in current operations at least none in the naval operations that I myself served in Canada alongside US task groups. Missiles just are better than guns these days spose it makes sense their range and accuracy are nutty in comparison!
It’s cool that this game unlike the Tiberium games with their confusing canon where all GDI and some NOD missions (but not all are canon) or the RA games were only the allies are canon except for uprising in this game all factions and campaigns are canon, the Chinese campaign takes place first, GLA second, and US third in order
I was today years old when I found out that in GLA 6 with the splinter GLA faction…. They don’t attack the nuke trucks! I always fought tooth and nail through them in order to sneak the trucks in and blow up their base.
I didn't even end up using the nuke trucks because by the time they would be safe to move, the enemy base was already reduced to ashes. Now I feel dumb for not at least *trying* to use the nuke trucks.
USA Bulldozer be like
"Ill build anywhere"
"sorry i cant build there"
@@th3_k1d perfectly flat ground for acres except ooh a pebble! Cant build here sir
It's sad to hear that rappelling into a building from a helicopter is useless, because that did look really cool.
I know! I had a bit in the vid about rifle infantry as a whole being pretty bad but took it out to save time. Reality is if you need to take out a garrisoned building the rocket troopers inside will kill the chinook long before it has a chance to fly over and lower the dudes. Unless its like one rocket guy in which case the rangers flash bangs do the job way better/safer
Airforce General introduces himself 😅
(But in all seriousness yes alas)
The helo drop mechanic is badass and you do it because it is cool not optimal
its actually used in pvp
If you can lose units it is one of the best building clearing systems in the game, but you always lose some units
Ah yes, the secret fourth faction: TRAIN
I swear they have gained sentience and are plotting my demise haha
@@Admiral_Iddy worth noting the frontrunner for a while on the third Red alert faction was switzerland maybe the train bore there regards?
@@marley7868 That would have been something to see. I can picture the giant coo-coo clock mechs already.
Or as I would call it
The Belt & Road Initiative
Thomas, the Anti-tankengine
I haven't finished the video yet.
But Generals with its clunky tanks and chockepoint maps has never been a game i considered doing deathless.
It had me worries too but with all the artillery and air strikes it really helps most missions are grinding through pesky stinger sites! Thanks for watching and commenting 😁
I actually completed the GLA campaigns with very few unit loses because I hate seeing my freedom fighters die, so I was extra careful there. USA on the other hand had many casualties when I played them. :D
Angry mobs will forever be a unit that will never be forgotten, its both hilarious and funny and the jank behind this unit is just immense.
Strayed too far from the mob ? You die
Reinforcing the mob ? You die
Recently i have been replaying the old campaigns, but with Rise of The Reds mod (there is a fan made addon that lets you play the OG campaigns) and that, even with deaths allowed on second difficulty makes this challenge look actually easy to try...
Haha i Imagine jarmen kell in the command centre just sniping stragglers as if they are traitors or maybe they have the suicide squad chips in their heads. You can tell they were experimenting with squad mechanics for CNC 3 since that game is ALL angry mobs. Janky but functional 😂
Mob is so angry it annihilates bunkers and heavy tanks with molotovs and small arms fire
If only crowd of outraged civilians could mow military forces so easily in real life, governments would fear unrests much more and democracy would be much closer to working 😅
@@AtticusKarpenter If you give them Berber clothes, shoes & AK's (with uranium core bullets) they can do it too :D
The Berber clothing gives +3400m/s to the muzzle velocity of the AK ammo xD
@@Admiral_Iddy Something very interesting with the C&C3 ones is that they have a pseudo CoH/Relic RTS Infantry thing going on where they seemingly try to take cover near stuff.
Dude thank you for this comment, I've always wanted to play the campaign with RotR
It's wild to me that Generals doesn't get nearly the same amount of love as Tiberium. It's such a cool game. Thanks for making a video on it!
Oh yeah i think its my preferred out of the series, a shame it hasnt gotten any love since release, like even an hd remaster
@@Admiral_Iddy Tiberium is my preferred one for sure. But it sucks games like General don't exist. It leaves a huge gap in the market.
I think its because Generals lacks a good and deep lore
@@Ainigma yeah there is no overarching story or any characters at all save for the general challenge generals but even they are cardboard cutouts. I guess they focussed entirely on gameplay and not story
@@Ainigma yeah that makes sense. Generals is literally just nations fighting each other. Which is cool but Tiberium having deep lore means new players have a lot of stuff to go through.
Good video!
@@danbot1 dont forget your shoes! 😉
I quote a lot of units from Generals all the time...
When I get frustrated, I start putting on the Quad Cannon voice and quotes...
Huh, I always thought Angry Mobs regenerated via mitosis? I guess that's Zero Hour though?
"dont get on my bad side" I do think the mobs heal through mitosis or photosynthesis in zero hour but the og its janky as shit haha
Yeah, the Quad Cannon speaks to me on so many levels. :D
Quoting Dr. Thrax when cooking
You know an RTS is good when you can quote the units at will.
Speaking of, in one of RubixRaptor's Command and Conquer flavored Arma 3 videos I tried my best to put a unit to the quotes some of the guys Jay was ridding were saying with with only tone of voice for some of them to work off of.
About the CHINA 4, the Stinger Sites are unrelated to the 3 deaths. The mission itself kills the units in the end because there is no airport and once they fire their missiles, they get shot down. Nothing you can do.
Ah that makes sense too! Didnt think of that mechanic lol kamikaze chinese migs!
Also for anyone else reading this, Red Guard run slightly faster than stinger missiles, and stinger sites don’t retarget as long as their first target is within range. This means you can send a pack of RG to kill stinger sites and just micro the first guy around in circles off to the side. Makes the first half of this mission a breeze
@@MFirone Red Guards can also kill the Stinger soldiers with their repeating rifles, but it takes a while
I didn't even expect this game could be done deathless, but you proved me wrong.
Now do Zero Hour. That's sure to be a fun and relaxing experience. :)
I find it hilarious that the best way to beat this game deathless is to send a bunch of angry mobs to their deaths. TECHNICALLY DEATHLESS! Kind of!
Also lol that train company is dedicated! Rain, shine, or nuclear infested warzone, our trains ALWAYS run on time!
the best military unit is a mob of civilians haha and thank the gods for their bugginess haha that should be the slogan of their train company, Id use these clips in the advertisement, "foreign tanks got you down? Chinese Rail will RUNOVER the competition!"
@@Admiral_Iddyi think its the same train company from Code Geass, that transported military vehicles in train that went right through warzone where rebel forces was cleared out by army (so rebels received opporunity to capture vehicles, because plot armor of protagonist with them)
Also love mod for Age of Empires 3 that make ghost trains from this game tangible, so they can make a killing spree too 😂
"No main characters or developement."
The trains:
@@DragonSageSequi haha the true "phantom menace" nobody suspects the trains
That "Quad Cannon" impersonation was so perfect, I had to rewind to listen to it again, I almost thought you edited in a direct clip from the game. Amazing!
@@armybird8887 hah thanks my warcraft peasant is pretty good too 😀 too much time playing these games and imitating the voices
Also since your doing deathless here is a trick in the zero hour gla campaign you have the mission where you steal toxins form the Usa and with 2 strike teams on each side of the map.
During this mission you need to capture some tommahawks to take out some patriots, but when you do a raptor strike destroys the tomahawks.
Fun fact if you tell your tommahawk to enter the transport ferry it just drives across the mountain inside it.
So as soon as you aluxnh the final tommahawk tell the tommahawk to enter the ferry and the raptors will fly around for a minute or 2 and back off and land at their airfield.
Which you can then capture and get 4 free raptors.
Thus not losing a unit, hope this helps.
The battleship thing is actually 'realistic' ircc, I think C&C Generals is a parody of the Gulf war where a US battleship did provide bombardments I recall, not all were decommissioned yet. So the game just took that fact and dialed it up to 11 with the WW2 style beach landing XD
They have also been recommissioned and refitted for some recent Operations in the Middle East this year as well
youtube showing me a game i havent thought of in 20 years
If you get a hankering to play it you can get it cheap on steam now! Or by sailing the 7 seas there is also great mods for it too 😃 thanks for watching!
Great mods like shockwave chaos
So years ago I had a dumb idea proposed on another channel, saying that rather than a deathless run of Generals and/or Zero Hour, every unit that is KIA is given a Name Rank and Number, with blurbs of which battalion/squadron/division/etc. they're from, and an excerpt of what killed them, all put into a Word Document or Notepad.
With vehicles having multiple crew, they'd logically go up in death counts, such as 2 crew for a Humvee (not counting passengers), 4 crew for a Crusader/Paladin tank, 3 crew for a Tomahawk Launcher, 2 for a Comanche, yadda yadda yadda. Exceptions being for when a pilot would eject, as that would subtract from the death counts by the 1 escaping pilot (unless they got killed too during escape, as it sometimes happens).
As a bonus, additional paperwork for individual vehicles that have been lost, so if say a tank gets wiped out then it would be listed as [(Vehicle_Unit) (Number, optional nick-name), Platoon (Number), Company (Letter)] or [(Vehicle_Aircraft), (Number+ Air Division), (Number+ Fighter/Bomber/Helicopter/Logistics Squadron)] and then listing the crew lost right below it, while pilots that escape and survive instead being listed as surviving but transferred to a new unit.
It's a lot more work sure, but it'd be a neat thing to do.
Man, that train REALLY hates your units!
Little did he know there was another main character , other than "Mr Dam". The true main character, Thomas the tank engine
I'm guessing that EA was really proud of that whole "Dam Flooding" mechanic since they used it in all three campaigns.
I think there was that funny bug where quad cannon actually gets weaker as it gets its junk upgrades. The idea behind it was that the upgrades were supposed to offset the increased rate of fire with decrease of damage to keep it from becoming too OP, and over-compensate.
I think someone mentioned that in chat but its hard to test haha the game doesnt tell you hp or damage counts, it would be nice to know what does how much damage and such!
iirc quads get a damage and fire rate increase with each scrap upgrade, and vetted quads also get the same perks. If they’re both upgraded and vetted, they theoretically get a crazy fire rate increase. However, because the quads fire each of their four guns sequentially, with a huge increase in fire rate the game engine can’t actually keep up, so only registers some of the shots going off
I think it was better to either have upgraded and unvetted quads or vetted quads without upgrades for max DPS (the latter being preferable because you can’t un-upgrade units)
Really good narration made watching this fun.
The TRAIN killed me too. That was hilarious.
@@Youbetternowatchthis thanks so much bro! And the train killed me too 😂😂😂
I played Tiberium, I played Red Alert. This is the RTS I never knew I needed until now.
This one snuck under so many peoples noses! Its my favourite of the 3 but its always overshadowed by its big brothers. It actually doesnt feel like command n conquer like the UI and builder units it feels more like starcraft with no aliens ahha you can buy it cheap on steam or by sailing the 7 seas 😉 if you do pick er up, look up the gen launcher by legionairre it auto patches/wide screen fixes and allows mods easy peasy
@@Admiral_Iddy Thanks for the tip. If you're looking for another lesser known but great RTS to kill time with I recommend Axis and Allies by Atari/Timegate. Circa 2004 with 2 full campaigns (real timeline or axis victory) and global turn based WWII mode with RTS battles. Might be a little heavy on base management, unit squads are a pain to micro and AI can be dumber than a second coat of paint but it's a gem in this WWII history buffs eye.
@@crazyguy32100 ive heard of it before but never played! Ill check it out. Ill counter recommend with Warfront Turning point, an alternate ww2 rts withing cnc generals engine (or at least inspired by)
Then another obscure rts game is battle realms. Even seasoned rts player know nothing about it.
Leaving all my bias and love for Generals aside, this video was amazing. I loved your narration style. Keep up the great work, I'm looking forward to a Zero-Hour deathless now.
@@exxcalibur thanks so much bro! Thats really nice of you to say. Im doing battle for middle earth 2 next
I like that these old-school RTS games (Company of Heroes, Dawn of War, Age of Mythology, and Age of Empires) generally have two ways to complete a mission: the cinematic way, "YES HECK YEAHHH THAT WAS SOOO COOL," and the way where you think, "hey, if I just ignore 90% of the map and simply do this, I can finish the mission in under 5 minutes." And I find that beautiful because my first contact with the genre was when I was about 10-15 years old and I was quite... a kid, obviously.
Nowadays, when I play, I think, "hmm, if I just use this unit, I can finish the missions quickly," but I always end up going the "HELL YEAH BABY C'MON NOW PALADIN RUSH 45 VS THE ENTIRE GLA BASE" route.
i was just discussing this in the live stream as well. That is a mark of a good RTS game, fun can also work. Yes there can be a "meta" especially for single player, but if you wanna tech up to Protoss Carriers and make 30 of them ... then go for it champ! And the balance of oooh if I sneak this one guy over here I can cheese a win. I suppose that is the definition of strategy haha brute force? yes. Stealth? yes... cheese? fuck yes haha
The fact that Generals called M60-2000 and M1A2 after SPGs ie Crusader and Paladin, make me wonder if the devs were somehow afraid ro mention named of REAL generals in their game?
Humvee and Chinook use their normal "media" names.
It's also weird how BTR-50 with 90mm Cascavel(?) turret is GLA's primary tank ie Scorpion despite it being a rare modification used by iraqis.
There's a faster way to complete GLA mission 1: At the start, the game gives you a couple of Bomb Trucks to attack the Chinese base, keep some of them alive. then after the cutscene and when you gain control of the base, use the Bomb Truck's disguise ability and move them to the base of dam and detonate the truck, the explosion instantly destroys the dam.
good strat but I didnt want to lose any units and I never checked if suicide trucks counted as units lost
This game was a case of really, really weird early 2000s German censorship. A lot of C&C games from that time where changed into every unit actually just being robots, but this was the first game the voice modulation really became a problem. All units have a warble effect applied, which combines terribly with the arab and chinese accents and makes some cutscenes downright impossible to parse. And in Zero Hour, all the Generals received changed portraits that made them into robots.
i didnt know they warbled their voices too haha what a bizarre workaround to censoring a game, chinese people bad, chinese robot good! haha was it possible to get your hands on uncensored versions at all?
An uncensored version was briefly sold but then banned. The censorship also wasn't about the Chinese or any nationality in general, but it was done because the game supposedly glorified war.
Remember, Germany had just declined to join the invasion of Iraq because we didn't buy the WMD lie and sentiments during that time were not exactly pro US or pro warfare in general (hehe).
Zero hour was only available in a censored version, with every combatant and general being a grey skinned android with a warbly voice. That all got even weirder when android terrorists blew up android civilians. Only that the terrorist unit was actually a bundle of TNT on wheels.
@@esprit101 I know, I am literally playing that version.
There wasnt any Civilians in the German Version, they got completly cut. Some Missions also got changed or cut out completly. Generals basicly was the First C&C Game, coming out in Germany without the "You cant kill Humans"-Censorship, meaning every C&C before, every Person in it, was a Robot/Android/Cyborg already on Release in Germany.
However Generals somehow slipped throu the BPJM and was allowed to be sold, but they noticed shortly after and banned it. Forcing the same Changes EA and before Westwood did, so they could resell it on the German market.
About the "Its Pro War" Argument.... the BPJM loves to make Stuff up. Because (for some reasons nobody knows why or can explain) its lead and controlled by People of 50y+, with no Idea of Video Games in General, no Interesst in judgeing it fairly or anything(they employed People, who activly took Part on the Pro-Side, in the "Video Games are Killer Games" Controversy in Germany. The Pro War Argument, simply was the "easiest" they could come up with, which wouldnt make them absolut trashable by Critics. From which they get a lot, like basicly every German Gamer does not like them. The last Few Years it slowly becomes better, thanks throu Law Changes, People accepting Video Games as Art and so on. However German Beraucracy is a really hard and slow changeing thing.
I mean think about it... The Same People, who on Media and in Politics said "The Reason our Youth becomes Violent and Murdereds are Video Games" were the Same People who Decided about the Age Restrictions, Censorship and Rules about How to Judge Video Games, at that Time. It was just fucking stupid and insane.
jermannys lol
The one forever burned into my memory is the USA's rocket solder spawn in when i would spam them for humvees. "I got your rocket launcher. . RIGHT HERE!"
Oh yeah thats a good one withmultiple barracks right here right here missile right here haha my mind has mini gunner reporting for duty burned there
worth noting the battleship thing the usa is the nation that to my knowledge appreicates the concept of naval support guns most and activley wants to do it just hasn't come up very often
and also that the (game) USA somehow moved a pair of reactivated battleships into the Caspian Sea, which is landlocked entirely by nations not friendly to the USA. Gigachad move, that.
I love how you start GLA mission 1 with $53
@@ximbabwe0228 lol never noticed that I wonder if thats an inside joke or an easter egg? Perhaps the money in the map makers wallet? 😄
P.S.: there WAS drama as game was banned in PRC as it portrayed destruction of Three Gorges Dam. And nuking of Beijing. EA really wanted to avoid it so Hong Kong and Sinkiang are portrayed as GLA strongholds so that players wouldn't question PLA gunning down uyghurs and denizens of Hong Kong.
Thank you for covering the game of my childhood!
Always happy to bring the nostalgia back! These games shaped my childhood its only fair I try and honor them as best as I can 😁 thanks for watching!
red alert 2 cutscene: goofy af!
red alert 3 cutscene: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT I WON AN OSCAR? (no joke, the us president won an oscar for this)
God Bless JK Simmons.
While it's not often mentioned, people do occasionally bring up Generals when talking about politics. Mostly because of the games prediction that the US will decline and China will rise.
On the subject of battleships, they have been used in last forty years, just not very much. What is super unrealistic though is that these battleships are in the Caspian Sea. HOW!? The US doesn't have a coast on the Caspian Sea, how on earth did they get those things in there?!
Guess they secretly had a Chronosphere😁
The whole idea that the US will decline as a world power, and china will rise, wasn't just a thing here.
There were and are actual people who have subscribed to that idea since Winnie the Pooh took office.
How did the Americans get battleship into sea? It would take many men and hours to carry!
@@eaglepeakalpha They pushed it, obviously
Dr. Gustav Brackman, he give ships legs
You will look back at your camp and just see old ladies dying in your base LMAO
@@TheAdditionalPylons something in the air causing grammas to just have strokes upon being exposed to fresh air ahah 😂
The way you say "quad cannon" is sexy as hell
haha i have to say it like the game, its a tick now :P
Generals Zero Hour is not just the greatest RTS, but the greatest game of all time.
You basically have a choice between 12 factions, physics matter, hills actually block shots... you can control more than 12 units unlike how it worked in starcraft.
Hell, you could have wars of thousands of units fighting each other like its Supreme commander with its infinite money generating units/buildings.
This game is poorly optimized and chugs after a certain amount of objects are on the map.
The object limit is around 3000 objects, this includes map props, trees, civilian structures, tech buildings, units and structures from all players.
When you hit 3000 objects the game slows down significantly as it's only made to use 1 CPU core and glitches tend to happen.
And this is just objects, the biggest contributor to lag is the pathfinding due to having to calculate an optimal path that doesn't make units clump together but the individual units do not take into account where another unit would be in the next frame.
Infantry are actually better at pathfinding since they can walk through each other but say, you're controlling like 100-something infantry, they will try to walk in a wide formation which may or may not be desireable as they just tend to walk off someplace completely different.
Generals/Zero Hour is held together in duct tape and lotsa ambition.
It's also one of the easiest games to mod due to the plug-n-play aspect of the file structure so eh~
@@dracmeister Dude I've had like 400 nuke silos at one point
thats hella cool
more than 1000 units in a map and the game crashes; go watch Legi's ( legionnaire generals ) stream! its fun stream btw!
I find the aircrafts in this game just insane. So detailed and great realistic mechanics for the time. Their behavior tops a lot of plane behaviors from recent rts games.
Fun Fact: In the USA Mission 7, the GLA starts building the Scud storm at the start of the mission, which means you can easily destroy it with your Warthogs, and they do not rebuild! That's how I did the mission on brutal!
Oh wow! I just assumed it was up like in the final gla mission, luckily its timer is long and the particle cannons have half the cooldown
One thing I typically do in skirmishes is, if trains hit my units, I spam a ton of superweapons, aircraft or nuke cannons and revenge bomb the heck outta the train.
@@berlin_actual gotta show the bastard trains what it feels like! Lol
@@Admiral_Iddylmfao yup, there was once I spammed the SCUD Storm and bombarded the entire train area, “unfortunately”, the civilian population was affected by the collateral damage.
Its funny how a Ranger gets shot by a 60-70cm Cannon and just laughs his Ass of and does the "I Dont Care!"-move
41:15 - LOL! That was hilarious! 🤣😂
It is one of my recurring bits from red alert 3 ahha i think my warcraft vids I snuck in those jokes too 🤣
I always loved the 3 icons showing the main units that mission, that dam flood blew my mind as a kid, and man running around with nothing but maxxed rocket buggies 😂😂😂
17:14 will u look at that sight, ah it's majestic!
I should have put the meme pic of the guy with napalm bombs going off in his sunglasses reflection haha
Angry Mob has an invisible nexus somewhere in the middle of their mass which is where they spawn from when they regenerate their numbers. I find it weird that they need the barracks to spawn the reinforcements from.
Best game ever made, I love this game.
I love your humor throughout the entire video
this game made my childhood man it felt so awesome and immersive when I played it as a kid. Now i dont feel that anymore probably bc i played way too much back then. Its a gem
6:14, this ability is very useful. If the building is garrisoned by Tank Hunters or Missile Defenders, you can clear it with a Ranger, even if you don’t have the Flashbang upgrade.
You ever hear of a game series known as Cossacks?
I only ever played the 3rd game of said series but damn is it a strange and fun take on the RTS genre- 18th/17th century warfare type stuff. Done better than age3 does that time period, but, age just has a totally different feel, as you can imagine. I like both, personally
I've seen videos of GLA 6 being completed with the nuke trucks alone, that could've helped
i beat the american campaign with like a dozen humvees with rocket and rifle4s in...that was it. i barely even lost any.
"no. no, you cannot."
shocked you made it three missions in, though
A note about 31:18 in GLA 6: it is possible to really easily cheese this mission, as contrary to what you said they are indeed full nuclear weapons. The enemy GLA does not recognize you as a threat until _all_ nuke trucks are destroyed, so you can stagger their explosions one at a time to not only destroy their buildings but also clear out the holes they leave behind. The AI seems pretty terrible at rebuilding them, and if you place them in precise positions around the base you can destroy the GLA without ever having to actually play the mission
What a nice video. Great challenge, good pacing and al lot of information. Thanks ! :)
@@Howei1337 thanks for watching! Im glad people are enjoying my stuff 😊 more vids to come!
Amazing video! Really amazing! By the way, on the beach landing mission, be best record is that I lost only 2 ranger 1 time. I m telling you it is possible to save everyone but is very super super super mega rare and hard.
C&C Generals theme is BURNED into my soul. Absolute BANGER sound track
Thank you for the video 😮❤... Your intro is amazing, and your ability to explain things is Epic, I was hooked to watch😅😂
Thanks so much! I always am worried my intros are too long but I enjoy summing up the game im talkin about
the whole train situation gave me a good laugh. well done!
i NEVER feel bad for imitating stereotypes.
Will you do the Zero Hour campaigns too? I love this game, thank you for the nostalgia. I quote the unit voice lines every month, they're so iconic. "GLA Postal Service" "I have a delivery" "Nothing stops the mail!"
definite possibility but probably a little down the line, I have some other games/videos I wanna try first. " We are making a flyby"
15:47 Two Part missions in Command and Conquer games are really fun when you can nick an entire enemy base and use their own gear.
I forgot I had these games, thanks for reminding me. I now have a strong urge to play them
Oh did it out of order it China, GLA, and USA then in zero hour it's USA, GLA, and China because it will not make sense if you read it or how the storyline goes if there is a storyline
A tip for you,
If you want your selected squad a in a formation you want.
Order how you want the formation
( example tanks front, and light vehicles back).
Than select them, and press control + F.
This when even if they move acros the map they will keep that formation, and follow the max speed of the slowest unit.
Edit: i thought it was "x" but its "f".
@@SnapShotter thanks! I think someone mentioned this during the live stream, might be useful when i do zero hour 😁
Nothing can stop the train... Except flame...
the train still chugs along even ablaze hah they dont need no conductors! They are gaining sentience!
Nice! Always fun to see C&C Generals in a video. Wonder if those two 5-death starts are somehow possible to zero with bonkers micro…
Hope to see you visit ZH in a future video, or maybe even some of the Generals Challenges! A lot of challenges in the baseline ZH have interesting AI triggers and timers, so aren’t as ludicrously hard as they’re sometimes made out to be (lookin’ at you, SW challenge). Might be too niche, but would be cool to see you do a few of the modded challenges or campaigns, too
Also props for using GenTool!
@@MFirone thanks for watching! I do think with perfect RNG and maybe some TASbot micro you might be able to eek out a deathless but i just couldnt find it hah.
Ill do zero hour at some point too but going to be rocking some other projects first
Missed this one live, glad to see the vid…nicely done!
Pro tip, you can crush thomas easily with a shoe if/when your kids leave him in the middle of the floor 😬
Haha does it actually crush him or does it break your foot with the pain of a thousand spears surging through your body like if you step on lego barefoot? Hah thomas will get his revenge 🤣 those eyes dont lie haha
@@Admiral_Iddy little of column A, little of column B 😝
Zero Hour is up next.
It actually makes sense that the commander-power spy drone counts as a unit lost as you can actually tell it to move when selecting it.
@@JM_Traslo i never knew you control it! I always assumed it just hovered until it died haha could have spared myself a few deaths there lol! Thanks for the info
For what its worth, theres a channel (called neverdyingstrategygames) that attempted this, without even using the rioters.
His tactic was just normal base wirh scud missile for GLA 3, and beat GL4 in 25 minutes using jarnen kell to scout forward and clear the path for buggies. He also managed only one unit loss in USA 4 (the right guy)
Worth a watch since he recorded every missions and has barely any views, though some of them have botched audio it seems.
For GLA mission 6, it is possible to win with just the 3 nuke trucks if properly placed
Was playing through the campaign recently and had the thought of if this was possible, lo and behold it appears on my recommended list lmao
Underrated video, will you do the same for zero hour?
@@ajdndbdjbdj eventually! Thanks for the support!
Never could I have imagined someone attempting a deathless run for a game with some of the most atrocious ai and pathfinding; hats off to you, sir
I've also done a deathless run but I've done some things different. I'm just going to leave what I did here in case someone gets inspired to try out new strats for this run. Be advised, wall of text incoming.
USA - Mission 4: You could limit the deaths to less than 5 I believe if you're quick enough by having the left most ranger group focus fire the technical. The least deaths I got was 4. Also I found the mission to be much easier just using Comanches to clear the GLA base. Some good micro and the A-10 will do the job.
USA - Mission 6: The entire mission could be done deathless with just Colonel Burton, good pathing, map knowledge and support powers. It was a lot of fun doing it this way.
USA - Mission 7: Also doable with just Burton, support powers and some Auroras. Although for the heck of it I did also build 10 particle cannons cause why not? I had the money.
GLA - Mission 2: You don't actually need to destroy the US base. Just get the amount if money specified. Destroy all the buildings and Clear out the rubble using base construction and cancellation to make more room. Gather enough money to trigger Quad spawn. Kill as many patrols and aircraft as needed without gathering the crates until you have enough of them. A bit tedious but also safer.
GLA - Mission 4: It's Cheese time. Build another barracks and a tunnel network next to the barracks. start producing RPG Rebels.
At the same time take measures to deal with the first ground attack wave. I used double tunnels but your method is better.
Also at the same time send a technical to the cliff side east of the US base and plop down a tunnel network at the bottom of the cliff.
you don't need to build it, just keep it as scaffolding. group the built tunnel network next to the barracks as 1 and the scaffolding one as 2. Put a full stack of RPG troopers in the tunnel network. Shift select in this order, first 1 and then 2 and then press evacuate. The RPG Rebels will pop out of the scaffolding tunnel network. Garrison the building nearest to the airfield. If the attack wave is in the way garrison the building nearest to you and deal with them then garrison the needed building. Force attack the ground near the airfield and Command Center to destroy them. The AI will not rebuild the same structure more than twice. The rest is just clean up.
I appreciate the Kung Pow reference, and well done on the deathless run!
@@amostyx thanks so much! Im a big nostalgic reference guy ahha
A masterpiece as always Admiral! Thomas the Tank had me rolling xD
fun fact, GLA 6 can be completed with just the nuke trucks! If you put them in the right spots you can wipe out the entire base less than 90 seconds into the mission!
I loved this game back when I was a kid. I still boot it up every once in a while to play a round against some AI. Maybe the most fun part about it for me is the fact that against the AI you can turtle easier in this game than the other RTS games I tried so you can do the stupid strats you are really set on haha.
Thank you for the new Shoes!
I hope to see you try Zero Hour as well, and maybe some general challenges?
Damn this game hits me right in the nostalgia ☺
definite possibility of those down the line! One of my favourite RTS games for sure
I’m so happy this game is still being played in 2024. Generals was a huge part of my childhood, and I’m glad it’s still getting the love it deserves. You wouldn’t dare see anyone make this type of game nowadays. 🤣
Come to think of it.. I may still have my original CD copy lying around somewhere..
24:41 grandmas keep tripping as they come out and die falling on the ground
"The US avenger is a powerful anti aircraft Lazer Based machine BUT WE HAVE NO PLANES! so the danger from it is minimum 🥲" GLA spokesman
Since you mentioned Warfront in the comments, I hope you'll cover that game one day! It sparked my interest in wacky WW2 along with Wolfenstein series
If you put on search and destroy on your strategy center, your overlords outrange GLA defenses.
My favorite tactic was 4 snipers and 6 rocket launchers in a building. If baby sat until they get veterans, you just created a kill zone that requires a super weapon to knock out.
@@joshuawilson8804 oh yeah! There was nothing like finding the perfect building like those palace or towers and getting it highly fortified i always liked the barbed wire and sandbags each building got
I enjoyed seeing some ShockWave screenshots and footage in this video :)
I absolutely love this game and I still play it to this day
I can see the train being a reocurring rival for you
29:18 This situation feels... Familiar... *Looks at Grant's various Starcraft Deathless Runs*
I gave you a thumbs up and a subscription for this very well edited and interesting video!
@@lukasvideosify1596 thanks so much! I appreciate the support 😀 Im glad people enjoy my stuff just uploaded a new video a few hours ago
the one unit lost in that GLA mission against the US airbase wasnt the technical, it was the dozer jarmen kell stole
I think the quad cannon is a half track quad 50, so yes anti aircraft, yes WWII, but not flak. They were used extensively all the way through to Vietnam
Generals is probably the best Command and Conquer game, and it's definitely my favorite RTS game ever - now it's time to do Zero Hour, which has a few missions that may be painful.
Battleships actually have been used in recent times. A few were refitted for a few key Operations during the Desert Storm conflict. As well as some current Operations in the Middle East in the past few years.
looks like you are correct! Didnt realize they were still used up to 1991, I dont believe any have been used in current operations at least none in the naval operations that I myself served in Canada alongside US task groups. Missiles just are better than guns these days spose it makes sense their range and accuracy are nutty in comparison!
3:01 you did the GLA Worker so well xD
It’s cool that this game unlike the Tiberium games with their confusing canon where all GDI and some NOD missions (but not all are canon) or the RA games were only the allies are canon except for uprising in this game all factions and campaigns are canon, the Chinese campaign takes place first, GLA second, and US third in order
Couldn't really watch when you were streaming this , but these edits are great. Thomas being wild lol.
I was today years old when I found out that in GLA 6 with the splinter GLA faction…. They don’t attack the nuke trucks! I always fought tooth and nail through them in order to sneak the trucks in and blow up their base.
I didn't even end up using the nuke trucks because by the time they would be safe to move, the enemy base was already reduced to ashes. Now I feel dumb for not at least *trying* to use the nuke trucks.