Quest 3 & Virtual Reality - "I'm Mad As Heck, And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore!"

  • Опубліковано 28 лип 2024
  • Jolly Julian gets MAD sometimes, and it's usually when people laugh, and point, and say "You're NUTS If You Love Quest 3 & VR!" Well, Jolly Julian has found a way to shut those people up - and YOU CAN TOO! (or, if you're one of "THOSE" people, maybe this will make you stop laughing, and have you joining the crazies LIKE ME)!
    COMMENT BELOW - do you agree, disagree, want to throw something at me, want to hug me? I want to hear from you - let's have a conversation about VR!
    #quest3, #meta, #virtualreality, #bobovr, #visionpro, #bigscreenbeyond, #VR, #JollyJulian, #metaquest3, #asgardswrath, #skyrimvr, #walkaboutminigolf, #mightycoconut, #airlink, #steamlink, #virtualdesktop, #wolvesinthewalls, #kayakvr
  • Ігри


  • @roycole3511
    @roycole3511 7 місяців тому +15

    I'm 75, and I love my Quest 3, I really enjoy vr, I would highly recommend to people of all ages!

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому +5

      I really do feel VR might be even more effective and powerful for people who are a bit older than younger users sometime! Maybe because we have more context and have lived through more advancements in tech, so we really appreciate how far immersion has come already?

    • @darkfutureproductions
      @darkfutureproductions 7 місяців тому +1

      I met someone who was in their late 50s or early 60s in VRChat. He was having a blast. Its nice to see. I see VR as having less of an age bias than most gaming. Its much less of a toy and more of a virtual vacation or sport.

    • @LuckyMonkeyVR
      @LuckyMonkeyVR 7 місяців тому


  • @steffendetrick
    @steffendetrick 7 місяців тому +4

    Like I stated, in another comment, I think part of the reason why VR is having a tough time taking off is because people have a misunderstanding of what the experience is going to be. And it is tough to demo VR. people buy things online now when I was growing up if you wanted to try super Nintendo when it first came out or PlayStation you could go to Toys “R” Us you could go to circuit city, etc. if they could actually get headsets into peoples hands for people to try and actually experience, I think the VR community would be much larger.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Yes, I agree - that might be the biggest challenge facing VR - making it easy and enticing for people to try it for the first time before buying. Love your comment, and hope more ways make this possible going forward!

  • @henrymonroy9533
    @henrymonroy9533 7 місяців тому +4

    I got my 1st headset in early December. I agree with EVERYTHING you said here. Flatscreen is now "less" than the VR experience.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      It is an amazing thing - the difference between "playing a game" and "being IN the game." I can certainly acknowledge that there is a place for both, for sure, but for me, it will almost always be VR over flat when I have the choice. Still pulling for more MODS in PCVR for great flat games to be brought into VR. PRAYDOG'S Unreal Injector mod - I can't wait! CAN NOT WAIT.

  • @Ninjahsh
    @Ninjahsh 7 місяців тому +5

    Im new to VR. I got the Quest 3 on black Friday and I love it. it is way more impressive than I expected. I look forward to seeing how the technology evolves over the next few years.

    • @steffendetrick
      @steffendetrick 7 місяців тому +1

      Don’t realize what it’s like and I think that’s the problem with getting people to buy it. When I first tried it, I remember thinking to myself why isn’t this more popular? and part of the reason it is you can’t demo it people used to buy everything from retail stores where you could try the new consoles, etc. now everybody orders off of Amazon but I think if more people tried it, it would really grow VR from a community to a mainstream.

    • @tattoodude8946
      @tattoodude8946 7 місяців тому +1

      It really is impossible to make anyone understand what it's like without trying it. It really transports you to another world in a way no other medium can. And I think a lot of people's first experience is with the phone VR stuff, and that really is garbage compared to a true VR headset.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Love this! It really is an amazing headset. Here's the future of VR!

  • @RaYRoDTV
    @RaYRoDTV 7 місяців тому +6

    As an enjoyer of Virtual Reality myself, I enjoyed listening to what you had to share.
    It was well spoken, thorough, and I completely agree on all points.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this! :)
    I have a PSVR 1 & 2 and recently purchased the Quest 3. Very excited to experience it when it arrives!

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Absolutely my pleasure, and glad it connected with many of your feelings about VR. We really are living during a lucky time, and I do believe, it's only going to get better for VR and AR. :)

  • @ProgrammistMusic
    @ProgrammistMusic 7 місяців тому

    after getting my ATARI 2600 in 1978 i started developing games in 1983 for the ZX Spectrum using machine code. Then i went to the ATARI ST mid of the 80s and did some audio and graphics programs followed by OS/2 and finally Windows. I played games from time to time, got hooked by Jedi Knight, Quake 2/3 for a couple of years and some sports games, but i would not consider myself being a gamer at all.
    Back in 2019 my son, aged 16 at that time, asked me to get him an Oculus Rift for Christmas. I heard about VR back in the day, but it was kind of a mysterious technological thing, that just started to get into mainstream. So i bought the Rift for my son and tested it. The moment i put on the headset and saw the first demo i was just blown away. I shouted "That's insane, WTF is going on here" countless times and bought myself the Rift for Christmas too.
    Since then i did not stop playing VR games while my son lost interest after a couple of months. I would not play a single flatscreen game, no matter how realistic they look, but i can totally dive into a simple polygon VR game for hours. I bought the Quest 2, Pico 3, Pico 4 and now the Quest 3. I play No Man's Sky almost every day since i bought it in early 2022 , because this is the experience i have always dreamed of since my childhood days.
    The biggest downside of VR is the experience you cannot explain or show someone in a video. You need to put on a headset and those are still bulky and uncomfortable for most people.Even a modded Quest 2/3 is far away from being a mainstream device everyone can use. The Pico 4 using the AMVR facial interface is much more comfortable, but still not 100% where VR headsets should be. That will change in the future, i am pretty sure about that. You will still need to put something in front of your eyes, but everything heavy will be somewhere else.
    All of this will take a lot of money and time to develop. We will be there in about 10 years, i guess.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      I can relate to SO MUCH of what you said here! I, too, have not really played a "flat screen" game since I got my first VR headset back in 2016 or so. Completely agree that, for me, a lower-res or simpler VR experience is far more interesting and engaging for me that the best looking flatscreen game. And it is so hard to explain to anyone who hasn't been in VR before. No video can ever express it. More and more people are discovering it, and for many, they will have the experience we've had. For some, they will be more like your son, and maybe it won't pull them in as much. But VR is never going to go away. It will just evolve into the next levels of true and deep immersion. Keep VRing! Love this!

  • @Lupain
    @Lupain 7 місяців тому

    5:26 Thats almost exactly how I see it.
    Games are my life but I love VR not because I only want to play games. It feels so different than just playing a game (according to what you are doing in VR), everytime when I'm done I feel like I have experienced something real nice (or horrible lol), not just seen it. It feels like it has a real effect on me, something you won't forget as quickly as with experience something on flatscreen.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Absolutely agree - this is how I try to explain it to people when I talk about the power of VR, and how it goes beyond "playing a game" for me most of the time. Very well said, and I love how invested I am whenever I get in the headset - in ways that regular gaming has never quite done. Both are great, but VR is just another level of connection for me. Thanks for the comment!

  • @Giants83
    @Giants83 7 місяців тому

    I completely agree with everything you said. I grew up playing video games and have had many consoles. After getting into VR for the first time last year I can no longer go back to playing flat screen games. It's all about the experience. The experience I get in VR is far and away so much better then playing your typical PC or console game.
    You mentioned walkabout mini golf which I love on the quest 3. The courses are incredible and the immersiveness feels so real. Bowling and roller coasters are also incredible in VR. I'm currently playing Asgard's Wrath 2 and I'm completely blown away. The feeling of being in that world and taking that journey is truly incredible. I look forward to the future of VR. Cheers.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Thank you for the comment, and I'm really enjoying reading comments from people like yourself (and me) who have a rejuvenated love for gaming and experiences due to VR. It truly surprised me the degree to which I was pulled into the "virtual" world of experiences the first time I put on a VR headset. Truly something special, and I hope more people will take a chance and try out a VR headset. Thanks for sharing that!

  • @Heavnelydemon
    @Heavnelydemon 7 місяців тому

    being unarmed is like driving a car without a seatbelt

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      LOL - I think I get what you're saying....I think.... Love it!

  • @bullshark1152
    @bullshark1152 3 місяці тому

    The true sense of scale was for me the most wow factor when I played my first game in VR. And secondly the fact that you are IN the game world instead of in front of the game world. VR is so cool.. even when I mainly play sim race games.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  3 місяці тому

      You just nailed possibly the two BIGGEST things for me as well - scale, and immersion in the world. The difference between being there, and viewing it through a 2d window. Love it so much!

  • @jkristia9478
    @jkristia9478 6 місяців тому

    I got a Quest 3, my first VR headset ever for Christmas. I'm a big AC fan and playing AC Nexus (despite the low graphic) is the way to experience Assassin's Creed.
    Also, I was blown away when I played ACC and Automobilista 2 (car sim) the first time with the headset. I even found myself leaning out in my chair to look down the side of my car.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  6 місяців тому

      This is fantastic! While I've never played an AC game before (I know, crazy, right??) - I really look forward to eventually playing it in VR (once I play through some of the MANY other things I have on my plate right now with ASGARDS WRATH 2 and UEVR stuff, etc). And I LOVE playing AUTOMOBILISTA 2! Me and two of my friends play that a lot in VR, and it's incredible. Driving in VR (if you have the "vr legs" for it) is a great experience! Glad to read someone else who's getting enjoyment out of that for sure! Happy VR-ing to you, my friend!

  • @GilMaster2000
    @GilMaster2000 7 місяців тому

    Great video! I am speechless, you expressed so beautifully all the concept that VR is! amazing! Thanks so much. Sharing your video right now. We ♥ VR.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Thank you so much for this comment - really made my day and made me smile. I just love VR so much, and glad you feel similarly. Thank you again!

  • @alexfernandez7529
    @alexfernandez7529 7 місяців тому

    Santa brough us an amazing family preset this year. Our 128GB Quest 3 came with some essential accessories. We got an upgraded headstrap unit and some additional external battery packs. Both have helped tremendously. My kids love them Quest 3. I’m barely dipping my toes into it. I’m just spending short 10-15min intervals on quick short games to get myself more used to the VR experience.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      That's a GREAT present for the family! Love it! The family who VRs together stays together! LOL.... and the way you're going about dipping your toes into is is perfect. A bit each day - short intervals - if you're prone to feeling at all uneasy as you do VR, that will probably go away quickly as you develop your "VR legs." I look forward to hearing how the family is loving the experiences they are going into!

  • @CrowMancerMan
    @CrowMancerMan 7 місяців тому

    I think you described why I love VR better than I ever could have! Great video!

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      I'm glad to hear the video connected with you, and that you feel similarly. Truly is a wonderful medium for connecting and experiences. Thanks for the comment, and I hope to share more!

  • @GameJunky513
    @GameJunky513 7 місяців тому +1

    Ive been in VR for a long time now. Had the CV1. It's been a journey full of highs and lows. I absolutely love the medium and hope it doesn't bottom out. Hopefully woth games like Asgards Wrath 2 will show people the potential for a future of standalone wireless vr gaming.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      I'm there with you - love this medium so much, and hope it keeps moving forward. It's harder than most expected to get a lot of people to realize how amazing VR is, but it is consistently going up, and more and more people are getting into it. Thanks for commenting.

  • @jacquesdemaille8653
    @jacquesdemaille8653 7 місяців тому

    VR enthusiast here. You nailed it buddy. VR is a next level gaming experience. I'm a PC gamer enthusiast(have been for years), but VR is amazing. I tend to play VR before flatscreen now... if VR is an option to a game.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Couldn't agree more - VR is always my go-to. Just so many more layers to the deep immersion and connection. Glad you're loving it so much too!

  • @MickManchester.
    @MickManchester. 6 місяців тому

    Great content, you deserve more subs.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  6 місяців тому +1

      That's very kind of you - thank you so much. Let me know if there's any subject in relation to VR that you would like more info on. Always open to suggestion. Already have 5 or 6 videos planned for over the next few weeks! Thanks again!

  • @cadeandthewolf
    @cadeandthewolf 7 місяців тому

    Verbally, you nailed it. The added visuals, perfect.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much - really means a lot!

  • @gageguiot9721
    @gageguiot9721 7 місяців тому +2

    Keep up with the content and i bet you grow quickly, this video was put together very well. However, I think that it would be an easy little upgrade to put time stamps in your video!

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Timestamps - yes! Thank you for that comment. I've considered it, but didn't know if they would apply very well to these videos so far, but I think I will work on that for upcoming videos. Thanks!

  • @firstjayjay
    @firstjayjay 7 місяців тому

    2D = playing a game
    3D = experiencing a game

  • @Meccarox
    @Meccarox 4 місяці тому

    I love your enthusiasm and energy

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  4 місяці тому

      I appreciate that! I do love VR - got to admit! Thanks for the comment.

  • @crimsondragon1794
    @crimsondragon1794 6 місяців тому

    Right now i'm working on a tech demo for a game i want too develop which is based loosely off the sailing sections of treasure planet. i basically want to make a vr Space Pirate game where the space ships are old sailing vessels that you can build and customize on your own while searching for lost cultures and treasure in a forgotten sector known as the star lost sector.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  6 місяців тому

      LOVE the sound of that! Combining two genres in VR that I enjoy so much: Space, and sailing! This sounds fantastic, and would love to hear how development comes together for it. Thanks for sharing that!

  • @Gulfo1000
    @Gulfo1000 7 місяців тому

    You nailed it.
    VR is like a short vacation.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      A glorious short vacation - yes!

  • @chrisf217
    @chrisf217 7 місяців тому

    I 100% agree. I have seen your last videos and subscribed to your channel.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Thank you so much for the comment and subscribing! Glad to hear you agree with much of what I said, and if there's anything you disagree with, or want to talk deeper about, let mek now! Have a great rest of the week.

  • @FuzzWoof
    @FuzzWoof 7 місяців тому

    I'm not really a gamer at all. I don't own any consoles, and I don't play 2D games. Having said that, I could spend all afternoon just playing something simple like table tennis in VR, it's just so much more involving and gets you moving, that added physicality and having real depth perception makes all the difference to me.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      COMPLETELY agree! The multiple aspects of immersion and engagement just pull me in SO much more than any other type of gaming. Glad you're loving it so much - keep playing! Thanks for the comment...

  • @catfishvega3728
    @catfishvega3728 7 місяців тому

    New to VR. I picked up a PSVR2. Mind blown. Love the mini golf game. Bought all the courses.

    • @tattoodude8946
      @tattoodude8946 7 місяців тому

      Mini golf is crazy fun, isn't it? I never would have thought that would be a go-to when next to action packed shooters!

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Such a great game! And I would love to try the PSVR2 at some point -especially for the advanced controller and face HAPTICS! Hope to run into you in MINI GOLF sometime!

  • @almaximus03
    @almaximus03 7 місяців тому

    Totally agree!

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Thank you much - and here's to much more VRing going forward!

  • @adonisvillain
    @adonisvillain 7 місяців тому

    very inspiring speech. i bought quest 3 yesterday for Assassin's Creed nexus. waiting for package delivery. now i even more excited.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Oh, I want to hear how you feel about it once you get it and start playing! Love this!

  • @spicyshizz2850
    @spicyshizz2850 7 місяців тому +2

    Man you’re convincing me to get the quest 3, can’t wait to see this field grow. Btw, is the 128 gb size enough? Or is the extra 150 dollars for 512 gb better?

    • @SaiyanSpiritZ
      @SaiyanSpiritZ 7 місяців тому

      128 is fine if u have good download speed, most games are a few gig so if u REALLY need more space u can always unistall a game and redownload it later, but only asgards 2 is one of the biggest games right now at 30 gig

    • @sanpedrox2
      @sanpedrox2 7 місяців тому

      Get the 512, 128 is a joke and should be 256

    • @mikenelson1614
      @mikenelson1614 7 місяців тому +1

      It really depends on what exactly you are going to do on the headset, if you are going to mostly use it for pcvr you can probably get away with the 128gb, now if you are going to be using it for stand alone games or you plan or creating a lot of content with your quest 3 then you are better off getting the 512gb. I have the 512gb model and I have already used more than 128gb. I use mine for pcvr, stand alone and creating content. One more thing, make sure you get an after market head strap, they are a lot cheaper than what Meta has to offer and the comfort level is like night and day

    • @mikeljbarham9555
      @mikeljbarham9555 7 місяців тому

      Get the big memory

    • @tattoodude8946
      @tattoodude8946 7 місяців тому +2

      That is a loaded question. Here's what you really need to ask yourself:
      Will you be traveling with your headset? Yes - Get the 512.
      Are you in an area where download speeds are terrible and swapping games in and out will be a nightmare? Yes - Get the 512.
      Are you a content creator? Yes - Get the 512.
      Will you be playing a lot of your stuff on PCVR or will you only be playing games from the Meta store? Meta only - Get the 512.
      Me - I bought the 128. I own a gaming PC and purchase most of my games on PC/Steam (they look better generally when run on a PC vs. Quest apps). I have good download speeds so swapping games is not that big of a deal if I had to do that as well. I will never bring my headset with me on vacation or travel for work where I would only have access to what is in the headset. I have a half dozen games on my headset right now and roughly 25 gigs of space left so no big deal.
      Another big question is: how long do you plan on keeping this generation of headset? That is tough one because it is hard to say. I am a technophile with a good enough money situation that I can upgrade when/if I want to. Down the line, games may get bigger and if a Quest exclusive game comes out that's 75GB, that's going to suck up a lot of space. Now, Asgard's Wrath is HUGE for a VR game, and it is 30gb so we are nowhere near that, but if games get bigger and all those questions above are a concern, you may want the 512. I don't care if I only have one game on my headset - again, I play on PC or will just swap them out - but if that's not an option or you don't want to be bothered, get the 512.

  • @PaulDFreed56
    @PaulDFreed56 7 місяців тому

    Loved this vid. VR has changed my life post retirement. I can do things in VR (e.g. taking off zombie heads with a cleaver in S and S) that I don’t think I wouid have been doing as a clinical social worker during my career. lol thank you great choice d. Are there groups for older VR gamers to connect and play together ?

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      I love this - the fact that VR has had a positive impact after your retirement, and the fact that it's so powerful for people at every point in their lives. Being able to do things we couldn't (or wouldn't) normally do, and have experiences we could maybe never have - magic. And it's only going to get better! I do think we need a good place for people who are a bit older to get together and enjoy VR together. It has truly ignited a new passion for gaming in me that I haven't had in MANY years. Thanks for sharing, and let's try and find each other and game sometime!

  • @tattoodude8946
    @tattoodude8946 7 місяців тому

    The sense of scale is really what gets me. Although, just to poke at the negative side of that for a minute - as a six-foot-tall man, I do feel they make people too big sometimes. I often walk up to people in the world and find most are as tall, if not taller than me. As example, everyone in Assassin's Creed Nexus is the same height - male or female. And being six foot myself and looking eye to eye with EVERYONE is a bit silly (really? - old world Italy and all the men AND women are eye to eye with me🤣).
    Playing Hellblade (a game I cannot gush about enough in VR), Senua is a little taller than me and stacked! I mean, OK, she's a warrior and yada-yada-yada, but I always find myself wondering why people - normal people - are always so large! I do realize you are playing a character, and they may not be MY height and all that, but it is something I would like to see them work on a bit more.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      That is a very interesting thought! Being 5 ft. 10, I don't notice that as much as someone who is 6 feet or taller - that makes sense! When you're used to a good number of people being shorter than you, when that's not reflected in VR, that could be a bit immersion breaking. That's one of the things I think I recall in SKYRIM VR (PCVR only) - there, characters did seem to be different heights, as I recall, but now I'll need to pay more attention that. Variety of heights would be a good thing!

  • @En1gmatic1
    @En1gmatic1 7 місяців тому +3

    I wanna hear from full out flatscreen gamers who have tried vr but still continue to go back...why? the barrier of wearing something just a bit bulky really that much of a deal breaker to keep you constantly settling for your PS5/xbox or switch?
    Orrr...does your statement about "it's not so much about playing skyrim as it is being in skyrim" that is the true gamers really not care so much for "experience", and care more for straight game play?...bc if it's the latter I just can't understand that mindset at all

    • @GameJunky513
      @GameJunky513 7 місяців тому +1

      I believe it definitely has something to do with the friction of the headset. I love VR but can admit it's shortcomings. These things still are bulky, and if you've just worked a long day it may be the last thing you wanna strap on. This will get better with time, we just gotta hope the industry holds together that long.

    • @mikeljbarham9555
      @mikeljbarham9555 7 місяців тому +1

      More AAA titles on flat screen

    • @GameJunky513
      @GameJunky513 7 місяців тому +2

      @mikeljbarham9555 I don't know how much AAA has to do with it honestly, modern day AAA's are rinse and repeat for the majority. The indie scene carries gaming.

    • @Slykrow
      @Slykrow 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@GameJunky513Triple A games are longer and gamers would rather grind rpgs on a flat screen device. I like the appeal of Asgards Wrath but I don't see myself grinding a game like that in VR. Idk for me personally I like shorter experiences and the Quest 2 is the perfect casual VR device from its cheap price point

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Can totally see this point of view for sure. For me, the bulkiness has never really been much of an issue, but I do know people for whom it is. They will keep getting lighter and smaller, I'm sure, but hopefully they can increase FOV at the same time. Great comments on this thread overall - about AAA games as well. I think there's more discussion to be had here for sure.

  • @chrislair6832
    @chrislair6832 7 місяців тому

    When you mentioned the immersion and the graphics not even being that good sometimes your perfect example was walkabout Mini golf. I'll add ancient dungeon because that might be the most blocky pixelated fake looking game but it's real while I'm playing. I Love It

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому +1

      It does continue to amaze me how much I feel connected to an experience in VR despite the graphic quality. No one was more surprised about this than I was. Love your comment, and totally agree!

    • @chrislair6832
      @chrislair6832 7 місяців тому

      @@jollyjulian And it's only getting better my friend

  • @johnmann7o2
    @johnmann7o2 7 місяців тому

    Man is dropping gems, vr is next level.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Dropping gems - love that! Thank you so much!

  • @petesilvers5053
    @petesilvers5053 7 місяців тому +1

    I agree 3 amazing...take my £s for next quest 4. Sold my Xbox x series for the reasons you stated. I really hope Meta can make some money out of vr to keep going as user base still declining....👍🏻🇬🇧

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      You know it - really hoping Meta can make money on this, and keep this train going, for sure. And that more competitors will also continue in the industry, as competition is always good for use consumers. Thanks for the comment!

  • @AndreSmith
    @AndreSmith 7 місяців тому

    I have the bigscreen beyond, the smallest and lightest and you still have to have the custom fit and not even this company is getting it right, customer service makes all the difference and safely not all companies will love up to all the hype 😢

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      I've been very curious about the Bigscreen Beyond, and have heard good things about it overall. Having more companies in the VR world is good, as it hopefully pushes all VR companies to continue to innovate and up their games. Thanks much!

  • @jfh667
    @jfh667 6 місяців тому

    MS Flight Simulator in VR is so awesome.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  6 місяців тому

      One of my favorite things to do in VR - by far! AGREED!

  • @peffken8834
    @peffken8834 7 місяців тому

    "(...)It's less about playing a game, and more experience in a different reality(...)"
    In my opinion, we should not overestimate the lasting positive effects of (new) empathic experiences or attach too much importance to them. People who see this as an applicable experience were already open to other perspectives beforehand. And anyone who is used to sinking into violence tomorrow or having nothing to eat the next day and lives in an unstable social environment will certainly not attach any practical value to the empathic experience.
    Isn't that a smooth transition from new experience and playing games anyway (the new experience is actually inevitably playable in a certain way)? And the 'negative' point that you have a device on your head that you wouldn't have in reality can (currently) only be welcomed. The less material substance and physical awareness of technology there is, the more immersive but also easier it is to forget reality and lose oneself in 'alternatives'. Various writers outlined such psychological abysses over 100 years ago. What I would give for a 'holodeck' myself! How cool would that be?!!! But I doubt whether people could/can really differentiate themselves from everyday life with a healthy dose of escape and relaxation.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому +1

      A great point and perspective, and I don't disagree with anything you said here. A really powerful comment that begs more study, more reflection, and more insight on all of our parts going forward. I really appreciate you're bringing this up in such an intellectual, psychological, and even philosophical way. I guess that, my only hope is that, some might "accidentally" end up feeling something akin to empathy in a way they weren't expecting by being "IN" the experience more. Whether it will have any lasting or profound effect is certainly up to much debate. I love this topic of conversation, and want to dive into it more. Thank you so much.

    • @peffken8834
      @peffken8834 7 місяців тому

      @@jollyjulian Thanks too, you're my man. I thought it was great that you thought about the technology in a differentiated way. Intellectual - probably inevitable in the end if you philosophize more deeply about psychological and social aspects.
      Anyway, thank you for your answer, which is also enriching for me.

  • @tylerhickernell3099
    @tylerhickernell3099 7 місяців тому

    I wish it covered my whole field of view, but we are a ways off from headsets that can do that at $500. Resolution and frame rates would have to be pretty good too which wouldn’t be easy with 180 degree plus FoV.

    • @tattoodude8946
      @tattoodude8946 7 місяців тому +1

      I think the biggest issue is we just don't have the tech to run it yet. Even with expensive headsets like the Pimax Crystal or Varjo Aero, their capabilities outshine what a top end consumer PC is capable of pushing and they can be a nightmare to get running well. I was looking at both those headsets, but I spoke to a VR UA-camr (Get Your Game On - great guy - took the time to actually talk with me in the comments) and he steered me to the Quest 3. We went back and forth, and the final nail was the channel VooDooDE saying that over 90% of his VR gaming is now on the Quest 3. He owns basically EVERY VR headset, but his go-to is the Quest 3.

    • @tylerhickernell3099
      @tylerhickernell3099 7 місяців тому

      @@tattoodude8946 yeah I generally agree with everything in this video. I am waiting to see what the Valve deckard offers before I consider a quest 3. I still have a quest 2 and index to hold me over.

    • @tattoodude8946
      @tattoodude8946 7 місяців тому

      @@tylerhickernell3099 Yes, very interested in what Valve is working on. They are falling behind in the game a bit so I think it will be some great tech but the big question is: at what cost?

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Yes, FOV is a huge thing for me as well. I want more! But that might be one of the biggest challenges in VR, especially as so many companies and people want to go as small as possible with the headset. Looking so forward to seeing what's coming - VALVE DECKARD - I hope you come soon and rock it out!

  • @alamsyah999
    @alamsyah999 7 місяців тому

    i love Nuts

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Peanuts? Pecans? Cashews? ;)

  • @mikeljbarham9555
    @mikeljbarham9555 7 місяців тому +1

    Vr is so much better than flat screen gaming

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      You know, I have to agree. Nothing against anyone who loves playing Flatscreen more, but for me, nothing comes close to the immersion of VR!

  • @Freedommonk
    @Freedommonk 7 місяців тому

    I love VR but it just doesn't look good enough for long term playing.
    Might be good enough for some people but not for me. That being said, Astrobot and Red Matter 2 looked incredible. And RE4 remake looks fairly good but other than that there's nothing that special. Im blown away by many games on flat screen. Especially on OLED. Id much prefer to be playing games in VR n i can play for hours on end, but i have high expectations and need games to look better.

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      I love this comment, because it shows that everyone has a different reaction and interpretation of experiences. Understand completely where you're coming from, and this is where I feel like the "mobile" version of VR might not be the best for you You might love PCVR more, as there are higher-fidelity experiences that you may love more overall (thinking Half-Life ALYX and Skyrim VR, and Kayak VR, and things like that - plus great mods of traditional games brought into VR. As long as high-end VR keeps going in some form, the look of the games will only continue to get better and better. Thanks for the comment!

  • @juanmata5589
    @juanmata5589 7 місяців тому

    i dont understand the title.... what is it that you are mad as heck about?

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      Well, I am Jolly Julian, so when I get mad, I do still try to do with with some Jolly-ness... LOL... But it's mostly people who haven't yet tried VR for themselves saying that "it's just not for them," or that "It's nothing." I really did not expect VR to be as amazing as it is when I tried it for the first time, and just want more people to get to feel what I've felt over the years experiencing the wonder that is virtual reality. Hope that helps to clarify a bit? Thanks for the comment!

    • @juanmata5589
      @juanmata5589 7 місяців тому

      @@jollyjulian lol- appreciate the reply JJ. I guess it makes sense. I initially clicked on the video because of the thumbnail and the fact that im about to purchase a q3. it said "your nuts if you love the quest 3" then watched the entire video of you explaining how great it is. lol

  • @darkfutureproductions
    @darkfutureproductions 7 місяців тому

    Non-VR is a baby's toy

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому

      LOL! It does really start to feel like non-VR is a completely different thing, and it really is. Has it's place, and people can still love it, for sure, but VR - whole other level. Get in here with the adults, all! LOL

  • @SkyHighMelody
    @SkyHighMelody 7 місяців тому

    Your video essays/manuscripts kind of needs some work, in terms of not repeating yourself. We understand completely what you say the first and the second time. But when you state that its covering your entire vision like 20 times i start to feel kinda annoyed you know

    • @jollyjulian
      @jollyjulian  7 місяців тому +1

      Totally get where you're coming from, and thanks for letting me know that. Always looking to make the videos the best they can be, and I get annoyed by too much repetition as well so all good! Thanks much!

    • @SkyHighMelody
      @SkyHighMelody 7 місяців тому

      @@jollyjulian Sorry if the wording was a bit harsh, thank you for listening to constructive criticism. That's really good on you as a creator :)
      Good luck and wish you the best :)