5 SIGNS you ARE an FP (INFP, ENFP, ISFP, ESFP) Personality Type | Fi Introverted Feeling

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2024
  • Diane and I list 5 signs you are the FP personality type (INFP, ISFP, ESFP, ENFP).
    ☆Check out what I'm up to!☆
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    #INFP #ENFP #ESFP #ISFP #16types #mbti #cognitivefunctions


  • @RebekahAmberClark
    @RebekahAmberClark Рік тому +25

    A lot of this resonates so strongly with me that I find it almost impossible to imagine that other people AREN'T the same way. There are seriously people who are okay, or at least sort of okay, with going against their CORE values? Like not just their values but the ones they hold most important?
    And yes, I absolutely do feel like I need to make an impact on the world! I feel like, if I don't make an impact what am I even doing here? It doesn't have to be big things, though that's great of course. I want to do small things, too: I want to make someone's life better. I want to inspire someone. I want to adopt a stray cat and give it a comfortable, loving home. I want to share my fudge recipe with a friend. Those things, they add up, they make a difference, and I just want to make as much difference as I can, whatever it looks like.

    • @au_clair_de_la_lune
      @au_clair_de_la_lune Рік тому +1

      Right!?! This sounds like if u dont have high fi youre a psychopath or something... Part of a brain-dead lynch-mob 🤨. If you find out your new friend group or company is racist for example, im leaving the group/job, im not going to go along with anything thats harmful regardless if they're "cool ppl" other than being racist 🙄 - And we all tolerate ppl to an extent, its not like xxfp's remove everything fr their life that doesnt line up w their values (theyd live in a black void, this world is awful haha), but to "be ok with" everything incl harmful beliefs, morals, and values?! What? If this isnt what is meant, then they need to give real life examples to clarify.

  • @DragonshotProductions
    @DragonshotProductions Рік тому +47

    You’re either really happy or really depressed rn

    • @Violet_Odorata
      @Violet_Odorata Рік тому +3

      no in-between

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  Рік тому +20

      A great quote that encapsulates this quality of Fi: “I don't know what it is like to not have deep emotions. Even when I feel nothing, I feel it completely” ― Sylvia Plath

    • @winterbird4447
      @winterbird4447 6 місяців тому

      I feel like Fi is the opposite of that. There are always blended feelings. Depression and happiness. There is a lot of grey area, there is a lot of complexity. So you are never really totally happy in the moment, or completely down as well. Unless you are talking about clinical depression, which is something else completely.
      But more than that it is asking how do these feelings affect who I am, and try to steer or develop or feel certain feelings over others to build your own inner character.

  • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
    @PsychologyandChillwMichi Рік тому +7

    What was said about the ExFP post-reactionary Fi dissonance is so real for me. It's hardly in the moment that I realize something is amiss, it's after, when I've been producing, that I have whiplash that's like "wait, that was not in alignment"

  • @farrex0
    @farrex0 Рік тому +10

    One thing of note, that for Fi, values is often used as morality which leads to two assumptions that often bring people to mistype or misunderstanding with Fi users.
    All Fi users have moral values, but not all values are moral. Fi users are not this overly moralizing people, if you are not overly concerned with what is moral, that doesn't mean you might not be an Fi user. Also, if you are very concerned with morality, that doesn't mean you are an Fi user. Everyone has their own sense of morality, of what is right and wrong for them. Whether someone is moral or not, or whether they are over-moralizing or not, is not a good way to type Fi. I often see people mistyping characters and or real people as Fi blind, because they are not moral. In PDB, I often see people say things like "This character must be an ExTP because they are very immoral". But that is not how it works.
    All functions, can be involved in the moral process. Even withing Fi users there is a lot of variety on how they determine what is moral. For example, Ni in conjunction with Fi.... INTJs can and often are very moral people, despite stereotypes. What they consider moral, might not be what you consider moral. But they concern themselves a lot with morality. Because with Ni Fi, they often go into this search of what is the ultimate moral value. But also, several ethical philosophers have been xNTP, you have Kant for example, who was an INTP. But you will see that he has a very Ti Si approach to morality and ethics. Even Te doms, who stereotypical as portrayed as the bad guys, several of them, often concern themselves with morality. But due to Te they might have a more utilitarian approach to it. All function play a role in determining what the person finds moral. So it isn't as simple as saying, this person is moral, therefore they are an FI user. Even Fi users, you might not think several of them are moral, because what they consider moral, might not be what you consider moral.
    What is important is how you determine what is moral. Fi is more about the process than the end result. Meaning that several Fi users, will not be talking about morality, will not seem extremely concerned about morality. But they will let Fi guide their moral compass. They might not even be that open about it, because Fi is personal. As said in the video, if you cross a value, they might simply distance themselves from you. They might not even tell you what you did wrong. Most of their values might not even be moral things, such as they might love music, they might love the people that are really close to them, they might love quiet people, they might love plants, etc. What it is to note, is that regardless of what their values are, Fi users are the least likely to betray who they are. They might even fluctuate their values, some Fi users can be quite fickle, as said on the video. But whatever their value is, whether is new or it has been there their whole life, they cannot betray it, they cannot go against their value.
    Like the musician who won't "sellout" because they value expression more than money, even if 99% of their problems are caused by lack of money. That is how Fi can manifest. You could try million ways to try and convince the person to "sellout" to get the money, because they really need it. Everyone in society could be telling them that. But if it is an important value to them, they will be stubborn, might not do it, and might even be offended you suggested it. But if they go against their value, they might feel guilty about it their whole life.
    PD. Sorry, I was going to write something simple, but my Ne Ti brain incapable of that xD
    I just heard Diane mention morality at the very start, and my brain shot a million ideas to my brain which I had to analyze and write.

    • @celiasdream145
      @celiasdream145 Рік тому

      What do you think of Fi dom users who break their values? Is it possible for them to go against those values?
      For example, I’ve met a lot of INFPs that love animals, they protect them but most of them they’re still eating animals, despite knowing that’s wrong.

  • @wendisullivan4120
    @wendisullivan4120 Рік тому +11

    Thanks Joyce and Dianne, this was a brilliant summery. Living with Fi for 40 years without understanding it was hard, I wish I had watched this 20 years ago. It’s interesting that you talk about fluctuating moods, because I don’t notice that they are fluctuating or how I am changing, but people do notice and comment. I feel that my core is unchanging and it’s how I express that core that changes. You are so right about black and white emotions. Unfortunately I don’t see the changing moods, I live so much in my emotions and have to focus hard to remember that I wasn’t feeling this way only a few hours before. Also what you say about language less emotions is so interesting. I have painted all my life and it is only in midlife that I’m starting to write, perhaps my Te is developing and forcing me to explain and rationalize. It’s actually quite nice that my Fi and Te are becoming friends.
    I love INFJs and ENFJs.

  • @kathrinethalund4729
    @kathrinethalund4729 Рік тому +13

    I colored my hair so many times in my twenties and tried 4 different educations😂 I have been pretty hard on myself for trying so many things. I envy i**j’s that often stay on the course they chose. But maybe I should just embrace my fi❤️

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  Рік тому +2

      Absolutely. High Ne or Se users sometimes need to try something first to know how they really feel about it, then they change course accordingly. :-)
      Yeah, definitely embrace it. More power to you.

    • @kathrinethalund4729
      @kathrinethalund4729 Рік тому

      Thank you so much! And yeah! I will try☺️

  • @Illysi
    @Illysi Рік тому +7

    This really convinced my I’m Fi.
    I have ironically explored about 6 of the 16 different MBTI types that I may identify with but what sold me is seeking others’ honest feelings about things I put into the world.
    I am a literature teacher and after finishing our first book of the year I asked my students to tell me what they thought. I got a lot of “good” and “fine” but I really truly wanted to know if they book made them feel anything and what it made them feel. Did they dislike it? Why? What was the worst part? What was the best part? I think it was kind of strange for them because most teachers might tell them that they NEED to like/value the book.

  • @scilines
    @scilines Рік тому +3

    Our emotions are sometimes language-less 😮Yes this is perfectly stated 💕

  • @jonathancampbell5231
    @jonathancampbell5231 Рік тому +1

    Joyce talking about hockey is the most Canadian thing I've ever heard from her

  • @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes
    @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes Рік тому +2

    Very cool, it's true, they reinvented themselves !
    To really like or appreciate something or someone (Fi), I need a reason (Te), and a meaning (Ni). I have the impression, no matter what to try to do, our 2 main functions take over.

  • @kyon8504
    @kyon8504 2 місяці тому

    I'm an ENFP (thought I was an ISFP before). I'm good at using Fi for many things except for expressing emotions. I'm a singer and songwriter but my music barely carries feelings lmao. Instead, it carries my generative Ne's impersonal ideas (that's how I can create many melodies out of nowhere) + Si personal tastes, styles and genres + Te third in the industrialization and logical organization of music (where each layers fits better). Fi is there though always saying "okay, is this authentic?" because I have this need for authenticity in anything I do, but emotionally expressing? Hardly. I think it's beautiful how people do express their feelings while singing though. It's not my thing. I want you to see my aesthetic not my private vulnerable side haha. There's rare moments where it happened though, alone at home, and it was transcendental. I can't explain it.

  • @TransparentLabyrinth
    @TransparentLabyrinth Рік тому +3

    Once upon a time, I was trying to teach myself french on and off for a while. Over time, my motivations shifted and changed how interested I was in it. At first, it was about wanting to impress someone, but then I became disconnected from them. Then it was about associating it with the cause of the french revolution and motivated me in that way. Then later, due to some new information I encountered, I started associating france more with colonizing than working class cause (something I believe very deeply in) and so my motivation tanked and I had to recontextualize it as something to continue on as a skill that could be useful later on in international working class efforts. I thought of this example because to me, it's a lot like what you two described of high Fi person doing something based on what they value and that changing over time. For a time, because of associating its value with something that is very much against what I believe in, it became hard to want to do the thing and I had to reevaluate my motivation eventually and make a decision about whether I wanted to continue.
    Side note: I don't know if "association" is exactly the right word here, as I could see it being confused with Si (something I've never really related to as it gets described), but the way I'm meaning it, is kinda like my brain was making a connection between resonance and output (to put it in a Fi-Te kind of way). I didn't have a detailed goal of what the output would be, but I wanted the generalized image of output to sync up with what I believe in and when it didn't, I no longer wanted to do the thing, so I had to find an output framing that would sync up again to stay motivated. Or words to that effect.

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  Рік тому +2

      Yeah, that's what we were trying to get at! Thanks for sharing, @TransparentLabyrinth. 🙂

    • @TransparentLabyrinth
      @TransparentLabyrinth Рік тому +1

      @@JoyceMeng22 You bet, I'm glad it synced up with what you were intending, I appreciate the video. :)

  • @hfortenberry
    @hfortenberry Рік тому +3

    Another good one! 👍🏼

  • @shaneaverystarr
    @shaneaverystarr Рік тому

    Great video! Thank you. Whilel I didn't resonate particularly strongly with these points, I could not entirely count them out either. I interpret this with maybe not being an FP, But definitely having Fi in my stack as opposed to Fe.

  • @PowerRedBullTypology
    @PowerRedBullTypology Рік тому +17

    The part about always reinventing themselves is an interesting thing I do indeed see with high Fi users. I am curious what is the mechanism is that (like functions) causes this idea to exist. For example, I am curious if the cause is the high Fi or is the cause low Te? For example, does Fi look beyond the limits of what thinking functions can comprehend when they constantly see themselves differently because they are actually changing, or does the low Te or Ti disallow them to see the consistent parts about themselves, like they are not really changing but going in pretty much the same cycle over and over again?
    Or are they constantly changing because they can not find what they are looking for, which is their identity? Since Fi is often associated with identity, then what does it mean if the identity is constantly changing? Are these changes the identity or is the identity the parts that do not change?
    I could see Fi as being the opposite of Ti or Te, as those functions may try to look at humans in a mechanical way, like looking at the human from a an biological way, which sort of ignores the more personal, subjective human experience. For example, I could see such functions try to make things impersonal by thinking: "Oh, this behaviour right now is caused by hormones x y z'. In that sense, thinking functions may to want to demystify the magic of the human experience, where Fi may want to believe in the magic of the individual, without "putting it in a box". It's like that last moment in a movie where the protaganist is the underdog in some fight which realistically seems impossible to win, but somehow wins the right cause "they believe in themselves" or something like that.

    • @sheandg
      @sheandg Рік тому +13

      As a lead Fi user (ISFP) My identity is like the Mona Lisa. It took da Vinci about 16 years to complete one tiny painting. Some historians say he actually never really finished it. That is how I feel with my identity. To me I am the masterpiece, and the artist at the same time, and my life is my canvas. When new information comes or just a gut feeling happens, these are the brush strokes that can change my masterpiece on the canvas. With my FiNi I have a very strong vision of who I am, and what I want to be and it gets tweaked and honed in as time goes by. Like the Mona Lisa, I feel like I will never be perfected in this lifetime for my standards, but I am the masterpiece nonetheless.

    • @farzanarimi2763
      @farzanarimi2763 Рік тому +1

      @@sheandg Thank you for putting your feedback, Sheila! I have a question: Do you feel content with the idea that you will never be perfected in this lifetime for your standards? Or this idea haunts you?

    • @ostranenieminnie
      @ostranenieminnie Рік тому +1

      @@sheandg ohh well said ♥ someone asked if the idea that we will never be perfected in this lifetime haunts us. I think it's more like striving towards a vision of the self is a constant desire of which we are hyper aware all the time. Every piece of the world that I take in and every action that I take feed into this desire, and because of that, I'm constantly re-evaluating and tweaking every aspect of myself and my life. I'll go as far as to say that this desire almost keeps me alive...because I think back on darker periods of my life when the desire is absent or muted, and I felt so much like a ghost in the shell that I would rather die.

    • @chuzzlewitspack9126
      @chuzzlewitspack9126 Рік тому +1

      My husband and I are both Fi dominant and the reinventing yourself part of this is the only thing i don't relate to. We've changed in some ways over the years, but not more than any other person who's growing older. We've moved to new places and learned new things/new ways of life. We've changed our opinions about things when we've learned new information, things like that. But we don't change at the core. Our values are the same. For me, I don't believe that external things like your hair colour or clothes or tattoos really define someone so changing those things wouldn't really change who you are. I also feel like it's more often Ne dominant people who are trying to find themselves or express themselves through trying new things and changing themselves more so than Fi people. One reason I sometimes have a hard time with Ne dominant people is that I don't feel like they're committed to to anything and their constant changing annoys me. I would have thought they're the ones reinventing themselves, so it was confusing to me to hear that Fi people do that. I don't know why we would.

  • @moonmon77
    @moonmon77 Рік тому

    10:50 this really happened to me that i realized it after a long time, while I studied something else it took me 4 years while changing 3 subjects to see how stressed i got and how much it took away from my own without giving something “positive” in my definitions “back”. Only after trying every possibility I got aware that the thing I abandoned long ago was the actual thing I should have gone after. Now studying something more creative and where I can give an impact with my creative ideas as solutions and also challenge my own creativity, I can say everything happened for a good reason. I got back into architecture and realized you should listen to your own voice instead of worrying what your loved ones would think of you. At the end people will see how you do well despite stress in something that aligns better with your gifts and interests. (english is not my second language)

  • @angellombness4371
    @angellombness4371 Рік тому +3

    Feelings are still logic, it's explained in the beginning, they link to our values. Emotions are logic, we must learn to understand what those feeling judgements mean; correct interpretation creates authenticity by learning where joy and deep gratitude come from.
    Guest speaker needs more Fi knowledge, some of those phrases could be harmful to Fi users.

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  Рік тому +1

      Yeah, that is a very valid way of explaining it! Sorry if we mischaracterized Fi in any way. :) Our knowledge of the function is going to improve over time as we have more calibration with Fi users.

    • @angellombness4371
      @angellombness4371 Рік тому +1

      @@JoyceMeng22 Thank you for your work. Your interviews with Dr. Dario Nardi will be legend. I love your work, the specific way you phase your thoughts. Grateful.

  • @ginnyweasley5995
    @ginnyweasley5995 Рік тому

    yeah when you externalize yourself and put it in something (music etc.) and that thing reflected back to you that alone is an affirmation.

  • @writerducky2589
    @writerducky2589 Рік тому

    The "two modes" makes me think of the masculine/feminine of ops and the two sides Dario Nardi talked about (don't remember what he called it, "analytic something something")
    Really like this series of videos you're doing.

  • @PrayForMe-iz1sj
    @PrayForMe-iz1sj Рік тому

    Yes! I always used to change my hair color ~infp

  • @hirsch4155
    @hirsch4155 Рік тому +2

    I like how in these ones you just get into it no intros no nothing. Does that make me impatient 😂?

  • @v.s7760
    @v.s7760 Рік тому +2

    I don’t dye my hair often, but I definitely change decor and rearrange often. I do change my hairstyle though! I care to much about the structural integrity of my hair lol I don’t want damage 😂

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  Рік тому +2

      Haha, yess! Fi users differ in the areas that they reinvent :) Nice examples.

    • @mariannar1190
      @mariannar1190 Рік тому

      Same with the hairstyles. I don't want to damage my hair either so I've stuck to temporary hair dyes and braiding hair when it comes to experimenting with my looks to change up my appearance (see what works, what doesn't) and most importantly protecting my hair and letting it grow.

  • @user-kt7ye7wo1y
    @user-kt7ye7wo1y 8 місяців тому

    Can you do something similar with NTs?

  • @ashleyching5786
    @ashleyching5786 Рік тому +2

    Live in congruence with personal values

  • @getreadywithmemamma6973
    @getreadywithmemamma6973 Рік тому

    You’re not going to be able to understand my life path without at least a first year grad student comprehension in psych and philosophy and I am not an intellectual by trade Ahha, but I’ve taken a lot of roads less traveled. I don’t “get things done”, I make wine and let it refine. Haha, or I accomplish nothing if you are straight te. I used to say that it felt like every few years I joined another cast and did that for a while and then onto the next gig. This has happened to my hubs too due to the nature of our vocations but his is much more I did this this this and it makes sense…. Mine makes sense too, but I always have to explain the abstract webbing that runs through it. I think that’s my fi and it’s evolution. Black and white values yep that’s the consistent part of my life and then change it change it until I find what it actually really is hahah red I’ve done a lot of highlights and yes auburn and even violet since I’m a red based brunette have come through the shades of hair more in my twenties than any other time haha.

  • @asiamwithraenetteleepodcast
    @asiamwithraenetteleepodcast 3 місяці тому

    How is it that I relate to FP and FJ 🤯

  • @farrex0
    @farrex0 Рік тому +2

    I remember once talking with my ESFP brother... and he was talking about how terrible society is because "Everyone" prefers blonde women, and he prefers brunette. He was saying it as if society was doomed because of that, and how great brunette women were, and how he was unique or above other people because he does see the value in brunettes.... I also like brunettes, but I found the whole conversation extremely weird. As an Fi blind, I might never get that. I was like "why? Why is it bad that people prefer blondes over brunettes? "And he went on, about how society doesn't value them as they should. But I just found the whole conversation extremely silly.
    he is the kind of Fi user that sees thing as black and white, as mentioned by Joyce. So it is not a representation of all Fi users, it might even be just him. But as an Fi blind person myself, he has always been a very interesting study subject. Because we have always been opposites, but we do get along really well. But I often see his Fi as very silly. Like he focuses so much on a value he deems important and then presents it as if it the most important thing ever. Something that everyone should value. He doesn't go around preaching what he values, he will just judge people for not valuing what he values. As if it is the end of the world, people do not like the same band that he does, lmao.
    I love Fi users, and I am weirdly attracted to them platonically but sometimes romantically. Because their way of processing things is really weird and alien to me. As an ENTP, the more I can learn about anything the better. So it is this allure to the unknown, to what is different from me.

    • @nolimit6377
      @nolimit6377 Рік тому

      Does he know there are other natural hair colors besides brown and yellow? Hilarious thing to get worked up about.

    • @farrex0
      @farrex0 Рік тому

      @@nolimit6377 Yep, I also found it very weird, that is why I remember it to this day, because it was a very silly thing to get worked up about.

    • @farrex0
      @farrex0 Рік тому +1

      @@nolimit6377 But that is what I have noticed, a lot of things he simply doesn't care much about. But suddenly there is this thing it is just extremely important to him, for no reason at all. And then make value judgement on people on whether they find it important as well or not.
      Which my Ti gets extremely confused by it, I will ask him "why it is important to you? like what are the reasons" and he will simply stop, like he has not even think about it, until that point.
      He has gotten better at it with time, mainly because I keep asking him for reasons. Like I am never antagonistic, nor tell him he is flat out wrong on anything. But I help him do a bit of critical thinking on his Fi.
      I have noticed not all Fi users are like that, but I have met quite a few that are like that too. However, most Fi users do not take it to that extreme, as always there is an spectrum.
      And there is the Fi user as well, that is the opposite, they do form these strong bonds with values, opinions, things they love and you will never get them to betray any of their values. But some do not care at all if others share their values. Others even love to see that people are different than them and value the diversity in identity. Even within the same type, there is a lot of variety on how they use their functions.

  • @Sam-bc9ll
    @Sam-bc9ll 2 місяці тому

    I don’t identify with any of the types anymore. What is happening :0

  • @AdoptionLawSourceTrinity
    @AdoptionLawSourceTrinity Рік тому +1

    Can you give some specific examples of what you mean by "values"?

    • @_linlin_
      @_linlin_ Рік тому +1

      Family, honesty, knowledge, etc.

    • @kathrinethalund4729
      @kathrinethalund4729 Рік тому

      I like to look at the proces when it come to Fi. For example in my family. My sister is a high Fe user (I think maybe isfj) and my brother is either a high ti or fi user and I am an esfp. My sister always loved Christmas (not that all high Fe user does). She loves the tradition and when the people she loves is together. It is a shared value in my family in general (off course she could go against with her ti, but she has not). Me and my brother on the other hand has questioned if Christmas is for us. Why should we spend Christmas just because someone tell us? Is Christmas something for us? We had some winters where we did not celebrate Christmas. Now I do really like Christmas. Right now I intergrated “christmas is a good thing”😅 in my “belief system”. So the values can be the same as with people using high Fe, but the process is different.

  • @PrayForMe-iz1sj
    @PrayForMe-iz1sj Рік тому

    When I used to go clubbing with friends I used to ghost 👻 everyone when I was too drunk and ready to eat, instead of wasting time by waiting until everyone is ready to leave 🚬😼 ~INFP

  • @japanesereadingandwriting
    @japanesereadingandwriting Рік тому


  • @yanasimitchiyska9289
    @yanasimitchiyska9289 6 місяців тому

    What is the guest's type?

  • @mariannar1190
    @mariannar1190 Рік тому

    There was a guy who came from heaven in the form of a human body named Jesus Christ who sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins so we can forgiven for our sins and be able to go to heaven.
    Side note: When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and confess any sin(s) you have committed (gossip, Gluttony, having a lazy lifestyle, being mean to others, taking drugs, murder, etc.), you are given a new identity in Christ that can give you:
    *Love for others (despite their lifestyles)
    *More confidence in yourself
    And so much more.
    I pray God's blessings upon you all. In the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen 🙇‍♀️🙏✝️💖

  • @Stellarfront
    @Stellarfront Рік тому +5

    Apparently Billie Elish is an ISTP... MM-Ti/Se-CS/P(B) on subjective personality analyzer 🤷‍♂️

    • @if3359
      @if3359 Рік тому +5

      OPS is a differemt system. In MBTI she's very likely an ISFP.

    • @Stellarfront
      @Stellarfront Рік тому +3

      @@if3359 it's not that different, cognitive functions are still the same I'm almost positive

    • @if3359
      @if3359 Рік тому +1

      @@Stellarfront not exactly. They have different definitions.

    • @Stellarfront
      @Stellarfront Рік тому +1

      @@if3359 thinking about it more you're probably right

  • @kataiwannhn
    @kataiwannhn Рік тому +3

    I think the subjectification of Fi values goes hand in hand with the secularization of society. When Christian morality was still the norm in Western societies, this extreme individualization of Fi values and the associated chaotic changeability of values and feelings from day to day did not yet exist as a mass phenomenon. The claim to have one's own feelings validated by the environment seems to me to be an inevitable counter-movement in order to master this self-inflicted emotional chaos and to be able to live "modern" according to one's own taste. However, these people are doing themselves and those around them a disservice with this unrealistic attitude. Overall, our modern, secularized society seems to me to be very toxic, especially for people with high Fi.

    • @lunam33
      @lunam33 Рік тому

      This isn't accurate because Christianity has only been around for the last 2000 years (age of Pisces) for most of humanity shamanic traditions or paganism was the original spirituality of all humans, if anything the cult of science is a much bigger threat to humanity with its looming AI and trans-humanism. I know everyone is looking for scapegoats for our current state, but when you study the cycles humans tend to repeat patterns so there really is no one group to blame rather we are ALL participants in this drama... This is why the SHADOW work is so important which is interesting that in MBTI community it is not emphasized more given Carl Jung had alot to say about this, he also had things to say about astrology, shamanism, because of people like him brought a much needed revival of shamanism in the west, that a part of our psyche was being denied, our uncosncios, our collective UNCONSCIOUS. Its all about the psychological manipulation of consciousness and the hidden hands that have been influencing human behavior which if you look into the Gnoistic teachings they called them archons... Other tribes, and groups of people had different concepts for this but similar theme, humanity is under a of sort of a hypnotic spell and its been going on for THOUSANDS of years its nothing new, its just our life spans are short and we tend to forget history, but its patterns... Also, technology has catched up to us in a way it hasn't for a very long time if ever...
      Humans are becoming more cyborg like than organic beings. All patterns and cycles. The cycle rules you, if you want any chance at superseding the cycles you have to understand them first, and bring awareness into your subconscious/unconscious.... Its the only chance we really have is to become self aware... Bring the light into the dark corners of our subconscious/unconscious as a collective. Otherwise AI will end up swallowing us, its already swallowing up the younger generation, they are the most hooked on cheap dopamine and a fake AI reality.

    • @kataiwannhn
      @kataiwannhn Рік тому

      @@lunam33 Well, I would say that historically, the secularization of Western societies preceded their relapse into paganism and the revival of science. Secularization probably left a kind of vacuum that had to be filled by other “replacement religions”. In fact, the natural religions already fulfilled this function in pre-Christian times, this is also described in the Bible in the Old Testament. Science, on the other hand, tends to meet the needs for rationality and material comforts, etc. That this amounts to AI was probably not originally known to most people who believe in science, otherwise they would not have started with it at all. My impression is that many young people are less afraid of contact with AI and are almost half artificial beings, including their being manipulated. I think you can also find a prophecy about AI in the Bible in the 13th chapter of Revelation of John where people worship an artificial, talking being.
      That C.G. Jung's psychology is based on natural religions and not on Christianity is also my impression. But I don't think it makes this a positive process. The Christian faith offers people the opportunity to escape from these old patterns of behavior and dependencies and to become new, liberated beings and not just idolaters in one form or another.

  • @johnknight9150
    @johnknight9150 Рік тому +2

    Oh man, that Fi ghosting... yes, sadly I know what that's like only too well! It's weird that INTJs, with Fi in the third slot, have a more stable and reliable image of the authentic self. Why is that?

    • @kathrinethalund4729
      @kathrinethalund4729 Рік тому +1

      It makes sense compared to e**p’s, because you are naturally more introverted. As an e**p myself I often feel that pull to do what is expected of me - sometimes “leaving myself”.

    • @johnknight9150
      @johnknight9150 Рік тому +2

      @@kathrinethalund4729 I was thinking more the other direction, with being pulled in the direction of sudden personal whims, but I guess it goes both ways. But why would INTJs be more stable in their authenticity, despite a strong Fi drive, sitting in the middle of those two poles?

    • @kathrinethalund4729
      @kathrinethalund4729 Рік тому

      Do you think ni as the dominant driver can have an impact on this?

    • @johnknight9150
      @johnknight9150 Рік тому

      @@kathrinethalund4729 Probably, maybe the Te as well. Did you have some ideas on the dynamics between these functions, and how they impact Fi?

    • @kristae.7686
      @kristae.7686 Рік тому +1

      I've described it to my spouse as Fi knocking on my door. The longer it goes on, the louder that knocking gets. Because it's important enough to linger, once I consciously acknowledge it (and often even before) that value now lives in my house, it has moved in. It might ebb and flow throughout life, but barring more information that drastically changes my view on that issue/topic/thing/person, it will always stay. - INTJ

  • @notverynotoriousg5674
    @notverynotoriousg5674 Рік тому +3

    haha, a friend of mine slept with another friend of mines bf and admitted it when they were drunk and said they would do it again given the opportunity, and I was like toodles, creeper. took everything to not throw them out of my car.