I found it very informative. I had one question for you. When you were using td27 you said this was a big enough drumset for you. My question is how did you achieve this? Did you use pad splitters to add those extra items? Any help would be great thanks
What I don't understand is why Roland don't make an iPhone/Android App to customize settings of the kit, instead of torturing users with the UI which looks like Nokia Phone.
I’m agree, IT’S one of that issues that cannot be understood, especially because the screen is somewhat small and in an APP you could end up setting parameters that do not have space in the module.
Adrien,besides being a great drummer ,You seem to be a great Teacher as well!I always enjoy coming to your site!The tech is above my head but your knowledge is amazing!Thanks
I would only be using the kit for recording through Superior Drummer 3 most likely, do have any opinion on which model may work better for recording VST’s or would they be basically the same?
Can you tell me how a “cross stick” sound/function is on each of these? I’ve got an older Roland which has distinct head and rimshot sounds…but, not a cross stick function/sound. THANKS!! This was a GREAT review.
Hello Adrien, How well can midi notes be sent to a daw with the Roland 27 without hearing a lot of latency when playing? I just want to trigger my drum sounds in the daw. I want to be able to record with guitar and bass playback (click). I can't do it with my old TD 10 module. Have you tried it and see if it's good enough? Greetings from Germany.
Great comparison, Adrien. I had the TD-27 module, and bought a new TD-50X a couple of months. Tested the two side by side for a month before deciding to keep the 50X and sell the 27. The very first thing I noticed about the TD-50X was that it produces far worse hot spots than the TD-27. Have to add compression and change curves to get it more under control, and it's still not that great. Still not sure if I my unit has problems, or it's a 'feature' of the higher end module. Have you noticed anything similar?
Thanks for the great video. Can you tell me if the TD-27 has the same positional sensing as the TD-50? I heard the TD-27 doesn't have full positional sensing on the digital ride. Is that true?
Salut Adrien! Déjà bravo pour ta chaîne, c'est top, plein de bons conseils. Petite question, jviens de commander la Vad506 jdevrais la recevoir dans pas longtemps (ouais jme suis fait un treeeeeeees beau cadeau de Noel), et du coup j'ai cru lire que c'était juste au niveau du Kick pour la double. Pourtant jvois sur ta caver de Bring Me que ça a pas l'air de poser de problème. J'ai lu qu'il fallait éventuellement tourner un peu la peau pour que la partie ou tu kick soit bien en face de la double, surtout de la batte de gauche. T'as eu des soucis de réglages avec ça ? En te remerciant par avance !
@@traphou9897 Je pense que c'est un bon choix, le TD 27 est vraiment intéressant si tu n'as pas besoin de toutes les options d'entrées et de sorties du TD 30, et surtout, tu auras accès aux pads digitaux, qui sont vraiment fou ! Si tu es satisfait du 30 je te conseillerais de le garder, mais si tu veux changer ça vaut vraiment le coup.
salut Adrien j aimerai sonorisé sur ma sono ma roland td 27 vad 506 Grosse caisse directe vers la sortie 1 Caisse claire directe vers la sortie 2 Reste du kit vers sortie stéréo mais je ne comprend pas a manip a faire sur le module car je ne connait pas grand chose a savoir que j utilise addictive drums merci pour ton aire
Great video thanks 🙏. I’m thinking of TD-27 is the way to go for me . Can you use Bluetooth noise cancellation headphones with the TD-27? Appreciate the help .
Great video and instructive. I am going with the VAD506. I like your set up with the extra cymbals. I have an Octopad 2021 that I will connect as well. I assume there is no problem to recreate the China and Splash cymbal on the octopad instead of adding new cymbals and stands?
Hi Adrien, Very nice and cool channel. I just have a basic question about TD50 and TD27 related to the default kits and sounds. Based on some of your videos, it looks possible to have the same kits in the TD50 and in TD27. Is that correct? Kr, Gaston
@shady xyz This is the worst piece of advice someone can give. You have first to fix the hihat within your drum module. VSTs struggle to make the hh feels good, because triggering a hihat is complexe. VST will only be about the sounds, but the feel would be worse. So first fix your hh within the module. When it feels great, if you don't like the sound you can use VST. But I'm telling you, no VST will come close to the cymbals sounds that you can have with the Roland.
@shady xyz OMG 😆 ! Just for your information, I’m a professional drummer, and I have been playing electronic for 13 years. I have owned 6 different edrum sets. So I know a bit what I’m talking about. Now, I didn’t intended to upset you nor to be rude to you. I’m just giving you advices from13 years of experience as a professional musician that uses its edrums almost everyday.
@shady xyz okay. So first off, you didn’t mentioned Drumtec at first you mentioned Thomann. And drum tech knows what they are talking about not Thomann (I’m not saying it in a bad way, it’s just that they can’t be expert on all their product, this is not their job). Thomann sales as you said, and I USE the drums. So in your opinion, someone who sales something knows better the product than someone using it intensively ? 🤔. Now I don’t want to argue with you your mind is set. I’m just gonna clarify the initial question. What Thomann said to you, was not about feel I suppose. It was about sound. Therefore The question here was about the feel and the sound. And what I said was that you Should first fix the feel of the HH within your drum module. And Then thinking about VST if you want other sounds. And yes I am confident enough to say 100% that it is the best way to go! Switching to VST when your hh feels already weird in your drum module will only make it worse in terms of feel.
@shady xyz "ha ha ha someone with years of experience claims to have more knowledge than someone whose job it is to sell me things" Not sure you can claim to be any less foolish with arguments like that.
I'm curious of one thing.... Is it better to use the plastic side of the kick beater with e-drums? Some of the shops said the white-side is fine but then some said it should be the plastic side. Appreciate any of comments and answers! Thx!!
I know you only played a small sample of sounds in the comparison but the cymbals on the td-50 sounded so much better to me. The td27 sounded great too but the td50 just sounded fuller to my ears. What's your experience with the cymbal sounds on the 2 modules?
I like both, the TD 50 will have a bit better definition but still they are pretty similar, I think it's mainly due to my export, the sound in the video is indeed tiny concerning the cymbals of the TD 27 but I guess it's a mistake from me. The ride on both is amazing, it's the one that I love the most!
Great video! I have an old TD-20 with VH-12 hihat. Although TD-20 has a lot of outputs, unfortunately it does not work very well with VH-12. I usually record my edrums using MIDI thru VSTs such as Superior Drummer 3. However, I am still struggling to have a good hihat experience. Do you think buying a TD-27 module could improve this? I mean... Does TD-27 support the VH-12 hihat? If does, maybe I can replace my TD-20 with it instead of buying a high-end module like TD-50.
Hi Adrien, I appreciate your videos and knowledge of the ekits! Thank you for sharing! I am considering the purchase of a VAD506. Is there a way to import sounds from Superior drummer 3 and not have latency issues?
Hallo to everybody! Just purchased a VAD503 with TD27 module. I found a big issue on hi-hat response...and this has never been mentioned on any TD27 video on net. I was thinking to bad settings or wrong calibration...but nothing of this...it seems to be really a defect of TD27 module, connfirmed also because the same problem has been descriibed in some USA forums.. The issue is that the rim and the body plays different loud and the semi-open position is late to give response...resulting in loss steps. Really frustrating...after a long investigation I moved the same hi-hat (VH10) to a TD30 set and the issue disappeared...with TD30 module the hi-hat sounds great, with TD27 it is awful. I also tested a VH11 and again: with TD30 it is perfect, with TD27 not. Contacted Roland they replied me that they will investigate on this. No one here experienced this issue??
Hey Marco! I have not experienced this with mine, but a few people sent me messages with the same issue. My first recommendation would be to update the drum module if you haven’t already. When you do that let me know if it doesn’t change anything I will share my settings.
Ciao Adrien...thanks for your prompt reply!! I confirm the last software release is updated but the issue is still present. If you share your settings it would be really appreciated and useful for all!! Thanks in advance...also for your videos, I discovered them only recently and I found the best actually available on the whole network! I will subscribe your channel just now!
@@markt8517 Yes! I would totally get a new drum kit that is not working well and that I play everyday and I would make a video lying about that. That's the spirit !
Please correct me, but why do you think that USB is worse than jack in terms of audio quality? Isn't that a digital lossless connection as opposed to an analog connection with jacks?
nice video, all those features of the td-50 would be useful if the sounds of the module were any good haha. but i assume most serious drummers use other sources like superior drummer 3 nowadays, so then a good midi out is actually enough
@@Adrien-Drums So I can just buy 27kv module and plug it to my td50 set and it will be all fine? Guys from Roland support told me that there are differences and there could be some problems, but I don't know if I can trust them cause whole conversation looked like they didn't had any clue about this topic :P
This is very helpful information to me because I'm thinking about purchasing the TD-27, or holding off until I can buy a TD-50. Either way, I would be upgrading from a TD-6 which would be a huge upgrade.
@@Bnat36 I won't be using the TD-27 sounds on any professional recordings or gigs so the sound quality difference between 27 and 50 wasn't a huge factor for me, personally. I'd always record with acoustic drums or virtual drum software, never usually the onboard sounds
Are you sure you can put 13 pads into td27? ive read that if you put something in the digital input it overrides the corresponding analog input so isint the whole pad count only up to 10?
The aux inputs are splittable … So it would be a max of 12 pads/instrument inputs, plus the footpedal switch (which is where he gets 13 from, I’m pretty sure).
@@jezusmylord Well, your question was about “13 pads”, not 13 input sockets … and then the cable snake input has to be counted as 5, not 1 … so it just depends how you count things/what one is counting, exactly …
I have the TD-07 module; if I'd like to upgrade, I'd skip the TD-17 and get the TD-27. The Transient designer and Overhead options (which are, wierdly, not present on the TD-17 but are on the TD-07 and I use these a lot to beef up my drum sound) is a deciding factor for choosing the TD-27, even if it is double the price of the TD-17. The TD-50 is too advanced and pricey for me.
merci pour les sous titres super ! je joue actuellement sur une yamaha dtx522k depuis 7ans et j'en peu plus xD j'ai fait le tour des batteries électronique sur internet j'ai envie de me faire plaisir et vraiment envie de prendre la TD27 VAD ! mais du coup j'hésite quand même avec la TD17 VAD par rapport au prix, c'est quoi la grosse différence? merci :)
Merci à toi ! J'ai démarré aussi avec DTX avant de passer sur Roland ;) A part le look qui est plus évident, le module TD 17 sonne très bien, tu as un peu moins de dynamiques, et beaucoup moins de possibilités de modification de son. Mais ça reste un super module, simple d'utilisation, qui partage quand même les sons et le moteur de la TD 50. Ca reste une valeur sûre pour le prix.
There is something a bit misleading about the way you are counting hardware inputs, in my opinion … you can’t use digital and analog outputs for the same instrument, so rather than being 13 v 17 inputs, I think 12 v 14 inputs are more relevant numbers. A difference of 2, not 3 - and because they are splittable, a MAXIMUM difference of 4 extra (single zone) pads one can have on the TD-50 (this difference was correctly counted as 4; though it’s a maximum of 4, as dual zone pads would half that … and the maximum set-up you showed for the TD-27 could have 2 more single-zone pads, if 2 of your pads hadn’t been dual-zone pads as they appear to be). Footpedal is a controller, not really a pad input - besides, that’s the same on both units/a ‘push’, anyway. 🤔🤷🏻♂️
What you are saying about the Jack VS XLR is incorrect. Both jacks and XLR can be balanced while XLR cannot be unbalanced. In fact both the XLR and direct-out jacks on the TD50 are balanced while the jacks on the TD27 are all unbalanced.
I was not talking about balanced VS unbalanced. I was pointing out the fact that out of the drum module, the sound will be better and more powerful using XLR, and less powerful and detailed using USB. And jack are in between
@@Adrien-Drums Most modern equipment outputs are at +4 Db. If for some reason the TD27 has lower outputs, it has nothing to do with the connector type. Tom is correct. XLR and Phono jacks are just connectors.
I have the TD27 that came with my 506 kit. I found the presets on the whole to be not very well set out the factory. After a great deal of tweeking and wondering why the kick sounded way too clicky, I ended up rolling off all the highs on the EQ. what I did find later on was, JUST SWIOTCH OF THE FUCKING OH setting, I have used real over head mics on a kit and they have never effects the kits in a way that the Roland nonsense does. If you want it for home studio work just ignore recording any of the room sounds as they will not give the control over the settings that you will get in your DAW. Then the whole thing was way better. I have other issues with the save and load menu. It is very poorly designed. I do have 2 kits that are now awesome natural sound. I did have issues with the latest update. I also think that the vast majority of the kit presets are a total waste of space, how would any serious player even consider using more than 1/2 of the crap. At the end of the day, yes you get some great sounds but for the price it is to be expected. But, Roland in my view has poorly thought out the whole design of these units. I have a lot of improvements they could make so that they do not work like a drummer has made them.
I've yet to hear a single module that sounds good out the box. You always have to build user kits. Ive just bought an Alesis Nitro Max and it blows away my Roland TD11KV - there aren't ANY decent toms on the Roland, they all have too much ring.
@@IansDrumsandBass My kit sounds amazing now with my settings, just like a nice studio kit. Thanks. I have been a touring sound engineer for decades working with very high level drummers. Oh by the way they fixed what I was complaining about with the new V71. Yours sounded like trash mine sounded great, Duhhhh.
@@grumpy8413 a sound engineer and you still don't know what sounds good?? 🤣🤣🤣 By the way ALL roland drums sound crap - wanna know why? Coz they don't sample real drums - how on earth can your kit sound better than mine, when the samples you have aren't even real - just synthetic arbitrary trash? At least Alesis have sampled real drums 🤣🤣🤣
After all this is an electtic drum kit and that's the beauty of them. You can make them sound exactly to your liking, even if it may not be the not realistic sound.
New Roland Review ! Let me know what you think & Take care !
You are a Prince btw
I found it very informative. I had one question for you. When you were using td27 you said this was a big enough drumset for you. My question is how did you achieve this? Did you use pad splitters to add those extra items? Any help would be great thanks
What I don't understand is why Roland don't make an iPhone/Android App to customize settings of the kit, instead of torturing users with the UI which looks like Nokia Phone.
I’m agree, IT’S one of that issues that cannot be understood, especially because the screen is somewhat small and in an APP you could end up setting parameters that do not have space in the module.
thank you Adrien for taking the time for making all these videos about roland modules, these videos help a lot!
Glad it helps ! thanks for the feedback
Adrien - thank you for this concise relevant comparison. Really helpful.
Glad it was helpful!
Adrien,besides being a great drummer ,You seem to be a great Teacher as well!I always enjoy coming to your site!The tech is above my head but your knowledge is amazing!Thanks
Thanks, I appreciate that as teaching is very important for me!
@@Adrien-Drums That is very obvoius to me,it takes patience and knowledge and you sure have both!!
Bravo pour ces explications intéressantes, précises et pour la traduction, excellente idée 😍
Merci, Tu vas choisir lequel alors?! 😁 Bises!
Great post. Glad to see my VAD506 isn’t to far behind the TD 50 cheers Adrien great work 🤘🏼
Thanks for the feedback my friend! Yes the TD 27 is really impressive. And I appreciate the fact that Roland offers this quality for that price range.
Well done, Adrien!
I think is so important, the difference between each other, about the functionality on library....
Purchase kits from V Expressions for TD 27. Totally different experience
Using custom presets is the best way to enjoy those drum modules.
This was a great and VERY useful review. Very well presented. Merci beaucoup!
Merci pour ton retour :) and merry Xmas
Brilliant Demo 👌 🤩 🙌
Can I use TD-27 module with my VAD306 instead of TD-17 module? without add digital SD and digital cymbal pads?
I would only be using the kit for recording through Superior Drummer 3 most likely, do have any opinion on which model may work better for recording VST’s or would they be basically the same?
They would be basically the same
Can you tell me how a “cross stick” sound/function is on each of these? I’ve got an older Roland which has distinct head and rimshot sounds…but, not a cross stick function/sound. THANKS!! This was a GREAT review.
Boa tarde. O chicote da td27 (multicabo) me da quantas saidas? Uso o td17, to querendo fazer upgrade de módulo. Abraços
Hello Adrien,
How well can midi notes be sent to a daw with the Roland 27 without hearing a lot of latency when playing? I just want to trigger my drum sounds in the daw. I want to be able to record with guitar and bass playback (click). I can't do it with my old TD 10 module. Have you tried it and see if it's good enough? Greetings from Germany.
Hey buddy! I use this system sometimes, it works perfectly !
I have the chance to play on a TD-50 recently and it's the best (after changing the original sounds ... )
Thanks for your input !
Td 30 or Td 27 wich one should I buy
Great comparison, Adrien. I had the TD-27 module, and bought a new TD-50X a couple of months. Tested the two side by side for a month before deciding to keep the 50X and sell the 27.
The very first thing I noticed about the TD-50X was that it produces far worse hot spots than the TD-27. Have to add compression and change curves to get it more under control, and it's still not that great. Still not sure if I my unit has problems, or it's a 'feature' of the higher end module. Have you noticed anything similar?
Both are interesting 👍
Either of them under a VAD506 kit is the best.
Indeed :)
Thanks for the great video. Can you tell me if the TD-27 has the same positional sensing as the TD-50? I heard the TD-27 doesn't have full positional sensing on the digital ride. Is that true?
Salut Adrien! Déjà bravo pour ta chaîne, c'est top, plein de bons conseils.
Petite question, jviens de commander la Vad506 jdevrais la recevoir dans pas longtemps (ouais jme suis fait un treeeeeeees beau cadeau de Noel), et du coup j'ai cru lire que c'était juste au niveau du Kick pour la double. Pourtant jvois sur ta caver de Bring Me que ça a pas l'air de poser de problème. J'ai lu qu'il fallait éventuellement tourner un peu la peau pour que la partie ou tu kick soit bien en face de la double, surtout de la batte de gauche.
T'as eu des soucis de réglages avec ça ?
En te remerciant par avance !
Salut Miguel ! Joyeux noel !! 😆. Merci à toi, je joue de la double quasiment tous les jours, aucuns problèmes rassure toi ;)
What brand and where do you purchase your cymbal attachment arms?
It s always interesting !
🙏🙏🙏Bises !
👋 Is there the possibility to get very electronic sounds (drum n bass, techno, rnb)?
Of course ! and they are actually pretty good!
Superbe vidéo. Que penses-tu de la TD 30?
Merci :) Je connais un peu moins la TD 30. Mais ça reste une très grosse référence. Tu dis ça parce que tu hésites à l'acheter ?
@@Adrien-Drums je l'ai déjà mais je ne l'utilise pas à son plein potentiel.... J'hésite donc à changer avec la td27 ...
@@traphou9897 Je pense que c'est un bon choix, le TD 27 est vraiment intéressant si tu n'as pas besoin de toutes les options d'entrées et de sorties du TD 30, et surtout, tu auras accès aux pads digitaux, qui sont vraiment fou ! Si tu es satisfait du 30 je te conseillerais de le garder, mais si tu veux changer ça vaut vraiment le coup.
What was that transition at 1:22 from those bonham triplets into that awesome tom groove?
strait 8th notes ;) I don't have the time to transcribe but I'm just improvising with an ostinato Kick Hh on the foot
salut Adrien j aimerai sonorisé sur ma sono ma roland td 27 vad 506
Grosse caisse directe vers la sortie 1
Caisse claire directe vers la sortie 2
Reste du kit vers sortie stéréo
mais je ne comprend pas a manip a faire
sur le module
car je ne connait pas grand chose
a savoir que j utilise addictive drums
merci pour ton aire
Great video thanks 🙏.
I’m thinking of TD-27 is the way to go for me .
Can you use Bluetooth noise cancellation headphones with the TD-27?
Appreciate the help .
Nope - and you wouldn’t want the BT audio delay, even if you could …
Any one aware of a kit that just does complex positional sensing without internal patches?
Great info. What is the v80 kit?
Great video and instructive. I am going with the VAD506. I like your set up with the extra cymbals. I have an Octopad 2021 that I will connect as well. I assume there is no problem to recreate the China and Splash cymbal on the octopad instead of adding new cymbals and stands?
I am new to this
Hi Adrien,
Very nice and cool channel.
I just have a basic question about TD50 and TD27 related to the default kits and sounds.
Based on some of your videos, it looks possible to have the same kits in the TD50 and in TD27.
Is that correct?
Yes ! well, not the same kit exactly , but the same sounds
What advice would you give so the Hihat on a TD27KV can have better feel/sound?
You can check out this video, I dedicated a section to the hihat at the end. ua-cam.com/video/FmY3tKgArmo/v-deo.html
@shady xyz This is the worst piece of advice someone can give. You have first to fix the hihat within your drum module. VSTs struggle to make the hh feels good, because triggering a hihat is complexe. VST will only be about the sounds, but the feel would be worse. So first fix your hh within the module. When it feels great, if you don't like the sound you can use VST. But I'm telling you, no VST will come close to the cymbals sounds that you can have with the Roland.
@shady xyz OMG 😆 ! Just for your information, I’m a professional drummer, and I have been playing electronic for 13 years. I have owned 6 different edrum sets. So I know a bit what I’m talking about. Now, I didn’t intended to upset you nor to be rude to you. I’m just giving you advices from13 years of experience as a professional musician that uses its edrums almost everyday.
@shady xyz okay. So first off, you didn’t mentioned Drumtec at first you mentioned Thomann. And drum tech knows what they are talking about not Thomann (I’m not saying it in a bad way, it’s just that they can’t be expert on all their product, this is not their job). Thomann sales as you said, and I USE the drums. So in your opinion, someone who sales something knows better the product than someone using it intensively ? 🤔. Now I don’t want to argue with you your mind is set. I’m just gonna clarify the initial question. What Thomann said to you, was not about feel I suppose. It was about sound. Therefore The question here was about the feel and the sound. And what I said was that you Should first fix the feel of the HH within your drum module. And Then thinking about VST if you want other sounds. And yes I am confident enough to say 100% that it is the best way to go! Switching to VST when your hh feels already weird in your drum module will only make it worse in terms of feel.
@shady xyz "ha ha ha someone with years of experience claims to have more knowledge than someone whose job it is to sell me things"
Not sure you can claim to be any less foolish with arguments like that.
If you see another video like this in the not-too-distant future, I swear I didn't copy 😆
Great video though - concise and very useful!
😂 I was actually wondering why you didn’t upload it already ;) thanks bro I will be looking for yours !
I think that Roland with the 7 series has done something very interesting price wise. TD 17 or 27 are great drums ! Let me know what you choose !
I'm curious of one thing.... Is it better to use the plastic side of the kick beater with e-drums? Some of the shops said the white-side is fine but then some said it should be the plastic side. Appreciate any of comments and answers! Thx!!
Yes plastic is better!
@@Adrien-Drums Thanks for your reply!!
I know you only played a small sample of sounds in the comparison but the cymbals on the td-50 sounded so much better to me. The td27 sounded great too but the td50 just sounded fuller to my ears. What's your experience with the cymbal sounds on the 2 modules?
I like both, the TD 50 will have a bit better definition but still they are pretty similar, I think it's mainly due to my export, the sound in the video is indeed tiny concerning the cymbals of the TD 27 but I guess it's a mistake from me. The ride on both is amazing, it's the one that I love the most!
@@Adrien-Drums -Thanks for the response. Your videos are look and sound fantastic.
You couldn’t find identical kits to compare?
Great video! I have an old TD-20 with VH-12 hihat. Although TD-20 has a lot of outputs, unfortunately it does not work very well with VH-12. I usually record my edrums using MIDI thru VSTs such as Superior Drummer 3. However, I am still struggling to have a good hihat experience. Do you think buying a TD-27 module could improve this? I mean... Does TD-27 support the VH-12 hihat? If does, maybe I can replace my TD-20 with it instead of buying a high-end module like TD-50.
Are the hihat problems just with vst or with module sounds too? I thought the vh12 was specifically made for the td 20.
@@johndef5075 It works ok with the module. I just bought a TD-27 and now I can see the difference using SD3.
Hi Adrien, I appreciate your videos and knowledge of the ekits! Thank you for sharing! I am considering the purchase of a VAD506. Is there a way to import sounds from Superior drummer 3 and not have latency issues?
Yes you can watch my video on TD 27 functions or sound editing I don"t remember 😂 But I talk about it
i had the td 50 sent it back love my td 30 more
Out of the box the 30 sounds best imo.
Hallo to everybody! Just purchased a VAD503 with TD27 module. I found a big issue on hi-hat response...and this has never been mentioned on any TD27 video on net. I was thinking to bad settings or wrong calibration...but nothing of this...it seems to be really a defect of TD27 module, connfirmed also because the same problem has been descriibed in some USA forums.. The issue is that the rim and the body plays different loud and the semi-open position is late to give response...resulting in loss steps. Really frustrating...after a long investigation I moved the same hi-hat (VH10) to a TD30 set and the issue disappeared...with TD30 module the hi-hat sounds great, with TD27 it is awful. I also tested a VH11 and again: with TD30 it is perfect, with TD27 not. Contacted Roland they replied me that they will investigate on this. No one here experienced this issue??
Hey Marco! I have not experienced this with mine, but a few people sent me messages with the same issue. My first recommendation would be to update the drum module if you haven’t already. When you do that let me know if it doesn’t change anything I will share my settings.
Ciao Adrien...thanks for your prompt reply!! I confirm the last software release is updated but the issue is still present. If you share your settings it would be really appreciated and useful for all!! Thanks in advance...also for your videos, I discovered them only recently and I found the best actually available on the whole network! I will subscribe your channel just now!
@@shaper71 Probably paid promotion so he probably does have the issue lol
@@markt8517 hi Mark...sorry, I don’t understand what do you mean...
@@markt8517 Yes! I would totally get a new drum kit that is not working well and that I play everyday and I would make a video lying about that. That's the spirit !
Please correct me, but why do you think that USB is worse than jack in terms of audio quality? Isn't that a digital lossless connection as opposed to an analog connection with jacks?
I guess it's because it' not going through the same soundcard inside the drum module
nice video, all those features of the td-50 would be useful if the sounds of the module were any good haha. but i assume most serious drummers use other sources like superior drummer 3 nowadays, so then a good midi out is actually enough
I got Roland TD50 but I want to change my module to 27kv. Is it possible to do that? Is 27kv gonna be compatible with TD50 components?
Yes it is !
@@Adrien-Drums So I can just buy 27kv module and plug it to my td50 set and it will be all fine?
Guys from Roland support told me that there are differences and there could be some problems, but I don't know if I can trust them cause whole conversation looked like they didn't had any clue about this topic :P
TD27 sounds great to me, that's what I own now, but TD50 just blows it away IMO
This is very helpful information to me because I'm thinking about purchasing the TD-27, or holding off until I can buy a TD-50. Either way, I would be upgrading from a TD-6 which would be a huge upgrade.
@@Bnat36 I won't be using the TD-27 sounds on any professional recordings or gigs so the sound quality difference between 27 and 50 wasn't a huge factor for me, personally. I'd always record with acoustic drums or virtual drum software, never usually the onboard sounds
those foot splashes man i cant on earth make them work for me.
Are you sure you can put 13 pads into td27? ive read that if you put something in the digital input it overrides the corresponding analog input so isint the whole pad count only up to 10?
The aux inputs are splittable … So it would be a max of 12 pads/instrument inputs, plus the footpedal switch (which is where he gets 13 from, I’m pretty sure).
@@kierenmoore3236 well thats cheating, I mean i know you can split jack cables but i wouldnt count that as an extra input.
@@jezusmylord Well, your question was about “13 pads”, not 13 input sockets … and then the cable snake input has to be counted as 5, not 1 … so it just depends how you count things/what one is counting, exactly …
But whatever one is counting, I’m not sure how you got “10” … ?
@@kierenmoore3236 me neither to be honest
I have the TD-07 module; if I'd like to upgrade, I'd skip the TD-17 and get the TD-27. The Transient designer and Overhead options (which are, wierdly, not present on the TD-17 but are on the TD-07 and I use these a lot to beef up my drum sound) is a deciding factor for choosing the TD-27, even if it is double the price of the TD-17. The TD-50 is too advanced and pricey for me.
merci pour les sous titres super ! je joue actuellement sur une yamaha dtx522k depuis 7ans et j'en peu plus xD j'ai fait le tour des batteries électronique sur internet j'ai envie de me faire plaisir et vraiment envie de prendre la TD27 VAD ! mais du coup j'hésite quand même avec la TD17 VAD par rapport au prix, c'est quoi la grosse différence? merci :)
Merci à toi ! J'ai démarré aussi avec DTX avant de passer sur Roland ;) A part le look qui est plus évident, le module TD 17 sonne très bien, tu as un peu moins de dynamiques, et beaucoup moins de possibilités de modification de son. Mais ça reste un super module, simple d'utilisation, qui partage quand même les sons et le moteur de la TD 50. Ca reste une valeur sûre pour le prix.
@@Adrien-Drums merci pour t'as réponse et tes conseils 😉
Hi can you Import some rythms and play it back as a Sampler to your drumming live on td 27
Are you the guy that asked me this on Instagram ?
Are the modules midi 2.0 compliants?
Of course !
@@Adrien-Drums where is that confirmed?
@@FransvandenBergeMuziekschuur I just did haha 😂
Hallo everybody ....any suggest to improve the hi-hat response?
Did you saw my settings ?
There is something a bit misleading about the way you are counting hardware inputs, in my opinion … you can’t use digital and analog outputs for the same instrument, so rather than being 13 v 17 inputs, I think 12 v 14 inputs are more relevant numbers. A difference of 2, not 3 - and because they are splittable, a MAXIMUM difference of 4 extra (single zone) pads one can have on the TD-50 (this difference was correctly counted as 4; though it’s a maximum of 4, as dual zone pads would half that … and the maximum set-up you showed for the TD-27 could have 2 more single-zone pads, if 2 of your pads hadn’t been dual-zone pads as they appear to be). Footpedal is a controller, not really a pad input - besides, that’s the same on both units/a ‘push’, anyway. 🤔🤷🏻♂️
What you are saying about the Jack VS XLR is incorrect. Both jacks and XLR can be balanced while XLR cannot be unbalanced. In fact both the XLR and direct-out jacks on the TD50 are balanced while the jacks on the TD27 are all unbalanced.
I was not talking about balanced VS unbalanced. I was pointing out the fact that out of the drum module, the sound will be better and more powerful using XLR, and less powerful and detailed using USB. And jack are in between
@@Adrien-Drums That is what is incorrect. Balanced signals are equal, it does not matter if it run trough jack or XLR
@@Tom-sd2vi XLR outputs on the TD 50 have +4 DB
@@Adrien-Drums Most modern equipment outputs are at +4 Db. If for some reason the TD27 has lower outputs, it has nothing to do with the connector type. Tom is correct. XLR and Phono jacks are just connectors.
So a TD-30 would be right in the sweet spot!……👀😏😎👍👋🎶✌️🇨🇦
bravissimo e grazie
TD 27 AND TD50 Are good modules but the hardware from the VAD 506 is not interesting for touring and playing 2 or 3 gigs a day :)
Yes it is! Why wouldn't it ?
@@Adrien-Drums because to much work to pack up. the TD50 module with the standard Hardware rack, toms, cymbs,... I do in 10 minutes :)
So what you're saying is get a td-30 and just have the best of both worlds.
So sorry bout my earlier comment.. I was smashing my sound card comp because of dialog and drums being so out of whack....😁...
No problem 😊
I have the TD27 that came with my 506 kit. I found the presets on the whole to be not very well set out the factory. After a great deal of tweeking and wondering why the kick sounded way too clicky, I ended up rolling off all the highs on the EQ. what I did find later on was, JUST SWIOTCH OF THE FUCKING OH setting, I have used real over head mics on a kit and they have never effects the kits in a way that the Roland nonsense does. If you want it for home studio work just ignore recording any of the room sounds as they will not give the control over the settings that you will get in your DAW. Then the whole thing was way better. I have other issues with the save and load menu. It is very poorly designed. I do have 2 kits that are now awesome natural sound. I did have issues with the latest update. I also think that the vast majority of the kit presets are a total waste of space, how would any serious player even consider using more than 1/2 of the crap. At the end of the day, yes you get some great sounds but for the price it is to be expected. But, Roland in my view has poorly thought out the whole design of these units. I have a lot of improvements they could make so that they do not work like a drummer has made them.
I've yet to hear a single module that sounds good out the box. You always have to build user kits. Ive just bought an Alesis Nitro Max and it blows away my Roland TD11KV - there aren't ANY decent toms on the Roland, they all have too much ring.
@@IansDrumsandBass You can take out the ring by using the dam settings.
@@grumpy8413 Yeah, and then it sounds like trash. Been there done that - Duhhhh
@@IansDrumsandBass My kit sounds amazing now with my settings, just like a nice studio kit. Thanks. I have been a touring sound engineer for decades working with very high level drummers. Oh by the way they fixed what I was complaining about with the new V71. Yours sounded like trash mine sounded great, Duhhhh.
@@grumpy8413 a sound engineer and you still don't know what sounds good?? 🤣🤣🤣 By the way ALL roland drums sound crap - wanna know why? Coz they don't sample real drums - how on earth can your kit sound better than mine, when the samples you have aren't even real - just synthetic arbitrary trash?
At least Alesis have sampled real drums 🤣🤣🤣
the td 30
them toms don't sound real?
I like how they sound
After all this is an electtic drum kit and that's the beauty of them. You can make them sound exactly to your liking, even if it may not be the not realistic sound.
Ai dentro
Unfortunately, based on this video, I like the sound of the TD 50 better. (more $$$ :-( )
how come all these drums guys slam the hell out of comps WTF//
Nice video!! Very well made, but both the modules sounds horrible!
Or just buy a good electronic kit and use superior drummer and your computer for sound. Those modules are so expensive!
The 27 is horriffic my td9 is way better.the 30 is amazing
Td9 is better than td27?