DC’s The Flash Loses Another Director, The Batman Script a Mess

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @gamster96
    @gamster96 7 років тому +88

    WARNER wanted a more character driven story with less action. I don't buy that for one second.

    • @BloodoperaBlackvomit
      @BloodoperaBlackvomit 7 років тому +9

      They are scared stiff with the reaction to the ending of Man of Steel... they never want to make a film again wich remind the audience to 9/11 ' ;)

    • @doctorvanya
      @doctorvanya 7 років тому +25

      Less action = smaller budget = lower risk.

    • @ericp1139
      @ericp1139 7 років тому +22

      "character driven" = "cheaper"

    • @StarWarsAddict527
      @StarWarsAddict527 7 років тому +1

      doctorvanya not having a ton of action isn't a bad thing. They just need to make the character drama and characters themselves interesting and be able to get audiences engaged and invested.

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 7 років тому +3

      They clearly made WW their Captain America "period piece" film. DCEU stay swagger jacking MCU.

  • @TaliaIGhul
    @TaliaIGhul 7 років тому +46

    DC's attempt at a shared-universe seems to be a failed experiment.
    Also if AT&T's managing films is anything like their customer service in their mobile, DirecTV, and U-verse divisions (I have my own horror story so I know what I'm talking about), then the DCEU is fucked. :(

    • @DeaconG1959
      @DeaconG1959 7 років тому +6

      AT&T=the old Southwestern Bell, the worst of the Baby Bells. I wish to God that the old BellSouth had become AT&T instead...

    • @SuperWolsey
      @SuperWolsey 7 років тому +3

      DeaconG1959 BellSouth. There's a blast from the past

  • @rodneymckay8860
    @rodneymckay8860 7 років тому +51

    It's near impossible to fix the mediocre universe Zack Snyder created. They can either retcon the DCEU or set a new continuity on Earth 2.

    • @alsoknownas875
      @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +13

      Yeah I think they just need to start over.
      They have to work with Snyder's casting choices, too, in addition to the story points he's already established.
      They should scrap the whole thing and start from scratch, with Johns taking the helm.

    • @TheDifferenced
      @TheDifferenced 7 років тому +2

      They need to make a Kevin Fiege thing. Johns taking the DCEU will be a good start.

    • @HubPie3
      @HubPie3 7 років тому +3

      Y'see, I just don't see WB starting over from scratch with the DCEU. I think a lot of people are starting to go with the "start from scratch" thing is because Sony did that with Spider-Man, but that's because they were in a situation where they could either lose more money through diminishing returns, or get more money with the help from Marvel Studios. It also helps Spidey's case that he isn't cut out for a whole cinematic universe approach. He's great as a separate piece of a bigger whole, but one character isn't going to be enough carry an entire universe.
      With DC, having to start over an entire universe is a sign of defeat. I'd rather see DC actually come back from this losing streak, so we could look back and say "Hey, remember when DC was in the shitter before they came back and kicked ass?" But, knowing their track record and how things are panning out behind the scenes, having a great DC cinematic universe is a pipe dream at this point.

    • @alsoknownas875
      @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +8

      Hub Pie At this point I don't know what else DC/WB has to lose. So what if people think they're admitting defeat? Nobody will care if the movies ultimately turn out great.
      The issue right now is that Zack Snyder, with Man of Steel and BvS has established this cinematic universe, with some major story points and elements that can't easily be tossed aside if they want to move forward--Superman is (already!!!) dead, Batman is a sadist, Doomsday has (already!!!) been destroyed, as has General Zod, for example.
      On top of that, we'll have to continue on with Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ray Fischer as Cyborg, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, etc. While there have been some WONDERFUL casting choices thus far (Margo Robbie as H. Quinn, Viola Davis as Amanda Plummer, Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman, and I still like Henry Cavill as Supes), for better or worse they've now got to stick with what they've got--even if it turns out that those actors don't capture the spirit of the characters in a Geoff Johns-backed DCEU.
      The Captain America movies would NOT work as well without an actor like Chris Evans; Tony Stark would NOT have been the breakout star of the MCU without RDJ's embodiment of the character; hell, just look at what they were able to do with Tom Holland's Spider-Man and Chad Boseman's Black Panther in "Civil War".
      Casting is super important. If DC/WB scrapped everything and started building their cinematic universe from the ground up, it would free them to choose actors more in line with a singular vision. They don't even have to be that well-known, since the characters and franchises themselves will sell tickets.
      They'll never scrap it all, but I think they would stand to gain a lot from doing so.

    • @HubPie3
      @HubPie3 7 років тому +5

      Also Known As I'd say there's a bigger issue at hand beyond Snyder, but he is a big reason as to why the DCEU has been fumbling. I'd say studio interference is a bigger issue if Suicide Squad and BvS have anything to go by. Hell, while I still think the Ultimate Cut of BvS is still garbage, at least it was more cohesive and complete than the theatrical cut.
      I 100% agree on casting. While I'm holding out a little more for Gal Gadot, she didn't give me a very good first impression, but that was a combination of her delivering the lines she had rather stiffly, and how Wondie in general felt like an afterthought in the script. Jesse Eisenberg has to go, since his character was an embarrassment.

  • @ToddTheTolerable
    @ToddTheTolerable 7 років тому +24

    Sometimes I think Warner Bros is deliberately trying to crash the superhero movie market just so there'll be less competition for their new expanded universe Harry Potter movies.

    • @kurvos
      @kurvos 7 років тому +5

      Well, there lies some truth in parts of what you say - but it's not so much that they're deliberately trying to do it since that would put too much money at risk. It's more about how they are focused on other franchises - like Harry Potter as you mentioned.
      Marvel Studios is a superhero-focused movie company exclusively on the other hand. So it makes sense they know their shit ten times better when it comes to this.

    • @BloodoperaBlackvomit
      @BloodoperaBlackvomit 7 років тому +2

      Doctor Strange STILL openened VERY good... people know what a MARVEL movie is nowadays.

    • @gammerguy1995
      @gammerguy1995 7 років тому

      that's like the most retarded thing you can do as a studio with big franchises in your hands.
      plus for all we now fantastic beast could be shit as well.

    • @kurvos
      @kurvos 7 років тому

      ***** I honestly hope it will be. Fox deserves to get crumbled down into dust.

    • @imyourhuckleberry4208
      @imyourhuckleberry4208 7 років тому +5

      ToddTheTolerable it makes you wonder because it is all fast becoming a total mess, studio interference, re-edits at the last minute,it is like they are trying to catch up to Marvel and making a fool of themselves trying! or trying to shoot themselves in the foot?

  • @dragonphoreal
    @dragonphoreal 7 років тому +24

    It is insulting just how dumb these higher ups think audiences are. Moviegoers are typically smarter than the higher ups like to give them credit for.

    • @markuswiezorrek7490
      @markuswiezorrek7490 7 років тому +2

      Moviegoers are typically smarter than higher up give them credit for? I wish that was the reality. I think moviegoers are as stupid as normal people. The catch is that the higher ups don't really know in which ways the stupididy goes and that it changes over time. Change doesn't mean the people get smarter, but stupid in another way. The result is that former successful tactics on dealing with the stupid crowd stop working.
      But hey, I'm just a stupid person like everyone else.

    • @psychokinrazalon
      @psychokinrazalon 7 років тому +2

      Hard to tell when Transformers continues to be as profitable as it is.

    • @riffgroove
      @riffgroove 7 років тому

      Then how do you explain the number of Fast & Furious movies?

    • @cordia96
      @cordia96 7 років тому

      And Adam Sandler's ongoing success.
      While I'm not cynic about movie audiences, there are certain formulars that make money. But is that a problem in the age of Netflix and limited cinema releases?

    • @JackDManheim
      @JackDManheim 7 років тому +3

      +Brandon Dozier ,
      I would agree with regards to Warner Brothers and the way that they have historically handled the comic book genre. They don't respect the stories of the source material and they have openly treated their properties with disdain [i.e. Schumacher & his megaphone, Tim Burton & "I've never opened a comic book", and God help us, the Jack Black treatment for the Green Lantern movie]. They have always squeezed out Comic-Creative personnel in favor of those they've deemed "Movie-People".
      It wasn't until the Avengers that Warner became open to the notion that they could cross their franchises over w/o cannibalizing their profits. It wasn't until that tragic waste of cinematic milestones, BvS, that Johns' role was expanded from that of a consultant.
      However, there are large portions of audiences that make it easy for the decision-makers to remain clueless. I mean, we are up to 5 Transformers (6 if you count the only legitimate release back in '86) and people are still attributing the negative reviews of BvS to the story being "too intelligent". Christ. Embarrassing on both sides really.
      Generally speaking, large groups of people always tend to make terrible decisions. Have you seen who our next president will be?
      A person can be smart but people are dumb.

  • @EpictheEpicest
    @EpictheEpicest 7 років тому +38

    the problem does not lie with giving directors creative freedom in general. the problem is that they gave everything to zack snyder and there doesnt seem to be someone at dc who can distinguish who is a shit director from a good director.

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 7 років тому +8

      That and I guess they feel that just following the Marvel train grantees an instant hit.
      I'm all for DC finally getting some live action stuff out now but does anyone feel they're trying WAY too hard to be deeper than Marvel yet it comes off as just...joyless and not at all fun. The best thing I LOVE about comic movies is just how pumped I get while watching them. Yes, I love a well written story but I love the ACTION, the EXCITEMENT of seeing all that stuff that you don't see in say a drama that is set in the real world and stuff. Something that gets the blood going and your creativity going to remind you to just have FUN.

    • @HubPie3
      @HubPie3 7 років тому +10

      They have the mentality that being dark equals deep, which it does not. Batman v Superman had that mentality, and there was a whole lot of nothing in that movie.

  • @TiberianFiend
    @TiberianFiend 7 років тому +13

    WB was stupid to create another Flash when they already had a popular one (and Green Arrow). Making a completely different one is a waste of time and money.

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 7 років тому +2

      Reminds me of when Nick did the Avatar movie when the animated series was still going. Ditto for the TMNT movies being made while the (much better) animated series is still on and going.

    @LIONREV7 7 років тому +18

    The problem of dubbing is that the dub is based on the original script, so if the script is shit, then the dubbed dialogue will mostly be shit. They can change and adapt some things but most of the original bullshit of the script will still affect the dub.

    • @adorcserod704
      @adorcserod704 7 років тому +10

      Yes, it's not like if the original movie makes perfect sense, then the dub will be a mess, the meaning will be the same. If the original story is a mess, the dub can't fix it.

    • @psychokinrazalon
      @psychokinrazalon 7 років тому

      Asuming, of course, that they don't change anything during the dubbing process *cough4kidscough*.

  • @Retrohut305
    @Retrohut305 7 років тому +29

    I am a current employee of at&t and my outlook on At&t doing a good job with the DCU expanded universe is nill.All they care about is their shareholders

    • @MidnightsEdge
      @MidnightsEdge  7 років тому +14

      Your Connected Very interesting comment. You'd be most welcome to join our FB group and share further details there!

    • @pablomolina3041
      @pablomolina3041 7 років тому +1

      Maybe at&t want other things and not DC, remember DC is not at&t problems.
      He said "their shareholders" they want tv power (HBO/streams/warner tv) not the movie franchises, unless they are doing fine, Fantastic Beasts is doing well but DC not, so they can shut down DCEU cause is not worth it and focus in the others things and let only DC move in the TV, cause is there where DC is doing excellent

  • @bobsaggzs2088
    @bobsaggzs2088 7 років тому +22

    This is what you get when you try to build a franchise backwards!

    • @asch7906
      @asch7906 7 років тому +1

      Still feels more original than cookie-cutter.

    • @kurvos
      @kurvos 7 років тому +8

      +Deusirae79 That's a fallacy argument.

    • @asch7906
      @asch7906 7 років тому

      Not so. How many times will Marvel recycle Iron Man for their origin stories already?

    • @kurvos
      @kurvos 7 років тому +13

      Deusirae79 Irrelevant to the argument that DC is doing it backwards. Sure, Marvel is overall doing it safer and easing into the more edgy stuff. But they at least know their shit. And Civil War is in my opinion how Batman v Superman should have been in all ways possible.
      And let's count all the origins we've had so far. Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man... only the last-mentioned is somewhat similar to Iron Man with the origin story.
      Meanwhile, the DCEU fucks up a simple thing like making itself stand on it's own feet. I mean, imagine this being someone's introduction to DC Comics. We see a Batman we know jack shit about fight Superman and has been operating for 20 years we know nothing about, with 1-2 Robins in his past we know nothing about and a burnt down mansion we know nothing about. There's no connection or impact or emotions for this, because there is no context.

    • @xblacklacx
      @xblacklacx 7 років тому +3

      Less times than dc has poorly recycled Nolan

  • @guardiangibbs2663
    @guardiangibbs2663 7 років тому +23

    I figured Batman vs. Superman would suck back when they announced a Superman sequel would be based off of a comic book written by a guy who clearly hates Superman. (Frank Miller)

    • @dragonphoreal
      @dragonphoreal 7 років тому +6

      +Andrew Gibbs
      Doesn't Frank Miller tend to try to be 2edgy nowadays? How will they think that will fix Superman on film....

    • @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502
      @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502 7 років тому +2

      Well, actually, if you read the original draft for TDKR, Miller's vision differed quite a bit from the finished product, so I hypotesize that we are looking at a George Lucas scenario, in which he received a lot of input from other people in his earlier stories but once he became a big name nobody talked against him and thus the quality in his wrk started to decline.

    • @CosmicUndeadElf
      @CosmicUndeadElf 7 років тому +8

      Here is the problem with Batman v Superman: It was trying to be like The Dark Knight Returns (Bruce is getting old and becoming more brutal, He drinks a lot, He fights Superman, etc) yet it also had to carry the weight left over from the events from Man of Steel, plus they were trying to set up Justice League, Marvel-style. This movie doesn't know what it wants to be. If they gave us a more family friendly Superman solo movie the sequel would have worked better. What we got was 2 dark and brooding anti-heroes fighting each other because a campy, cartoonish villain orchestrated it. There seemed to not be any clear focus, it was a bunch of ideas thrown into a pot and stirred by a hollywood hack

    • @CosmicUndeadElf
      @CosmicUndeadElf 7 років тому +3

      ***** Yeah that's right, Man of Steel is where it all started to go wrong. I also think they should have done a solo Batman movie before Batman v Superman.

  • @HubPie3
    @HubPie3 7 років тому +15

    Seeing DC fumble this hard in the movie division really hurts me. If there's any universe that has just as much potential as the MCU, if not more, it's the DCEU. Too bad that potential is being pissed away from troubled productions and studio interference. Here I thought studios would learn from Sony.

    • @imyourhuckleberry4208
      @imyourhuckleberry4208 7 років тому +4

      Hub Pie you would think but is WB listening or now just trying to chase the cash at all cost now. The Flash will be more light hearted and WW with less action and more PC, it is like DC has gone from a dark mess and turning into a bland sickly one! am left thinking DC/WB are only good at Batman movies for some reason?

    • @HubPie3
      @HubPie3 7 років тому +5

      Dave 101 I think Flash would have been more lighthearted anyway. I don't know much about the character, but if the Justice League animated series has anything to go by, I imagine Flash being more comedic compared to other DC heroes (though I know that Flash was Wally West and not Barry Allen like the CW version and the DCEU version).

    • @imyourhuckleberry4208
      @imyourhuckleberry4208 7 років тому +1

      Hub Pie yeah just not too light hearted i hope, mind maybe i just like Superman and Batman a lot more, WW,Aquaman, Cyborg and Justice League all sound crap next to the Avengers name, and far better looking characters and names and Marvel kick arse with their team movies, even if i like the darker take of DC, to me DC are loads better at the Bat and Sup movies even if Man Of Steel was just good not great, all this rush to get a Justice league together and it looks shit in my eyes.

  • @MidnightsEdge
    @MidnightsEdge  7 років тому +50

    The video was made while travelling, so any unusal glitches in the audio is down to the recording equipment I had at hand;p

    • @jemiahdapap8053
      @jemiahdapap8053 7 років тому +7

      Midnight's Edge no excuses!

    • @r01d2
      @r01d2 7 років тому +23

      Midnight's Edge yet you still narate it with calm and well composure

    • @mic7able
      @mic7able 7 років тому +5

      Midnight's Edge It's fine, only Lennon's hypocrite face nearly spoiled things....

    • @lordbritannic
      @lordbritannic 7 років тому +3

      DUBS before SUBS!

  • @robinthrush9672
    @robinthrush9672 7 років тому +8

    This is a bad way to make movies with Zach Snyder. He really should be a cinematographer and not a director. At best a co-director with someone who can string a narrative along coherently.

  • @archer1949
    @archer1949 7 років тому +32

    Meh.....I'm perfectly fine with the Flash they have on TV right now. Yes, the CW shows have flaws (sappy, unnecessary love interest subplots most significantly) but they beat the hell out of the Snyder-verse right now.
    Plus, the Rebirth comics are kicking ass right now.

    • @herohour6496
      @herohour6496 7 років тому +10

      DC cartoons are great too. It's just their movies are a terrible mess. Suicide Squad was a sure thing. but I'm not sure who said it was a great idea to use Enchantress and her army of goo as main villains...

    • @dragonphoreal
      @dragonphoreal 7 років тому +5

      +Hero Hour
      Expect their cartoons to take a dip in quality though considering the success of *Teen Titans Go* (The cartoon equilevant of Adam Sandler movies)........
      Regardless of quality, finiancial success tends to cause imitation...
      Expect DC Animations to enter the same issues as Marvel Animations because of TTG (*Ultimate Spider-Man* cartoon anyone?)

    • @HubPie3
      @HubPie3 7 років тому +2

      Maybe not kill, but limit the use of Batman more. I get that he's DC's golden boy, but DC have all kinds of characters that can make huge bank.

    • @herohour6496
      @herohour6496 7 років тому

      Hub Pie no, they don't. all their heroes are just comic heroes and are not fit for the big screen.

    • @dragonphoreal
      @dragonphoreal 7 років тому +1

      Good News. It looks like Netflix might have saved Young Justice. (I say Netflix because Young Justice has been a popular title on Netflix and they told the creators they were *considering* funding a Season 3).

  • @harper4898
    @harper4898 7 років тому +14

    So, wat ya sayin is......the Warner executives don't mind phoning those films in......
    See what I did there?

    • @Anonymous01959
      @Anonymous01959 7 років тому

      no I don't see what you did there.

    • @narudan
      @narudan 7 років тому +1

      If i would be american i bet that pun would be mildly amusing.

    • @CosmicUndeadElf
      @CosmicUndeadElf 7 років тому

      At first I thought this was a DBZ reference

  • @AnthonyMcNeil
    @AnthonyMcNeil 7 років тому +10

    A Braveheart-esque 'Wonder Woman' movie sounds pretty frickin' awesome. I personally think that DC doesn't care. People complain about the MCU, rightfully so, but you are right. When it comes to multiple movies and a huge universe there cannot be 100% creative freedom. So there are definite pros and cons to a big universe. DC doesn't seem to care about that. I'm giving DC Wonder Woman to get me going. If not, oh well. They have such great characters...they just can't put it together.

    • @EdwardHowton
      @EdwardHowton 7 років тому +4

      Honestly, I'm not a big enough (nor the right kind of) nerd to do the DC vs Marvel which is better thing, but I don't know why people dislike the Marvel cinematic universe. It's got a few oddities, but it seems fine to me... I won't jump off a building for it but it's pretty evenly good.
      Compared to DC's Batman reboot immediately after rebooting Batman and pitting him against SuperEmo, and then shoehorning every single superhero into it and failing miserably, the MCU looks even better from the perspective of an outsider.
      I mean, maybe diehard lifelong Marvel fans have a good reason to complain, but as someone who has bought exactly one X-Men comic book (which featured Blink taking chips out of Holocaust's armor and Rogue digging a long trench with her head after getting punched), why does the MCU gets so much shit?
      And before someone says it, I'm not trying to defend the MCU, I just don't know why.

    • @Betoven81
      @Betoven81 7 років тому +2

      The thing is they're trying to compete with the Marvel Universe and after the BvS bullshit it showed how they failed trying to cram everything into one movie. Also having coming off the Nolan Batman, it seems like they trying to have the same tone.

  • @burntcrumpet994
    @burntcrumpet994 7 років тому +13

    It sounds like he wanted to bring more of a gritty street vibe to it, which clashes with Geoff Johns generally optimistic and very sci-fi rooted vision similar to the show. I guess DC or Johns didn't like the director straying too far from his vision. I'd prefer that they not have the Flash be very gritty at all so if that's the reason I'm glad they dropped him.

    • @herohour6496
      @herohour6496 7 років тому +10

      Who greenlit Doomsdays and killing off Superman when it's clear that all that is tooooo early? LOL

  • @MrNew122
    @MrNew122 7 років тому +18

    A Wonder Woman movie with less action?? That definitely explains the boring 2nd trailer release. WB should change their name to WTF. DC can seem to make brilliant movie cartoons, but struggle with live action films. Even their video games have a better story and action. If Wonder Woman is a disaster(which it probably will be) DC should break ties with WB and look for another studio that has had better success with comic book to film transitions. WB has dropped the ball big time.

    • @arjankartodirijo3901
      @arjankartodirijo3901 7 років тому +2

      MrNew122 maybe they should go to marvel and merge with them so we can finnaly have a avengers Vs justice league movie

    • @MrNew122
      @MrNew122 7 років тому

      Rhetro Active I personally thought the trailer looked like a cross between Captain America and 300....which is a bad combination.

    • @alsoknownas875
      @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +12

      lol I just wrote a comment about this and then saw yours.
      I'm glad I'm not the only person that raised an eyebrow upon hearing that a film centered around a WARRIOR is going to have LESS ACTION. What kind of sense does that make???

    • @pablomolina3041
      @pablomolina3041 7 років тому +4

      DC comics has some bad blood with WB, thats why Geoff Johns wasnt in the DCEU before, but now that things go bad WB have change their mind, the problem is this change cant be done in 1 year, they need 2 or 3 years to change what snyder did in BVS, cause we all know BVS is a lot of world building and future things to come

    • @ericp1139
      @ericp1139 7 років тому

      That's because WW has the taint of the Snyderverse with the weird lighting/color and slo-mo effects.

  • @sblower9410
    @sblower9410 7 років тому +16

    A bit past Midnight, Midnight's Edge.

  • @GoddessOfWhim2003
    @GoddessOfWhim2003 7 років тому +7

    this is what DC gets for trying to catch up instead of going at their own pace. I'm a Marvel girl to the end, but I want to see DC succeed cause competition is good for all parties involved.

    • @hawkzulu5671
      @hawkzulu5671 7 років тому +1

      Marvel fan from birth here..but DAM you dont want 2 see go down in flames like this..its Painful. The Donner Superman...Burtons Batman...Nolans Trilogy..DC was the Gold-Standard in comicbook based films.

  • @EvanSol919
    @EvanSol919 7 років тому +8

    Seeing as both BvS and Suicide Squad underperformed due to expectations, it doesn't make much sense for producers to just rely on overseas markets.

    • @Kaefer1973
      @Kaefer1973 7 років тому +1

      Did Suicide Squad actually perform under expectation? Because for a movie about a new team, unknown to general audiences it seems to have done great, it must be compared to other character introducing movies, out of which only very few seem to make that much money.
      It was mostly compared to Guardians of the Galaxy which was a Marvel Studios movie also introducing a whole team out of the blue, that made about the same amount of money.
      I don't see how Suicide Squad ($745.3 million) could be a considered an underperformer while Guardians of the Galaxy ($773.3 million) which seemingly had higher production costs, was seen as a hit.

    • @sideshowmo653
      @sideshowmo653 7 років тому

      I loved Suicide Squad, but I personally felt that there was too much humor, not enough threat and way, way, way too little Joker.

    • @EvanSol919
      @EvanSol919 7 років тому

      Kaefer1973 Suicide Squad had more well known characters (Joker, Harley Quinn) and actors (Will Smith, Jared Leto) as well as having higher expectations. Reportedly it had to make $750-800 million to break even when marketing was taken into account.

    • @L-Thatcher
      @L-Thatcher 7 років тому

      Suicide squad made $399 million in English speaking markets (USA, AU, NZ, UK) and $347 million everywhere else.
      To be clear 4 countries outsold the rest of the planet. (3 actually since NZ is a small movie market).
      Disclaimer: Suicide squad did not open in china

    • @Kaefer1973
      @Kaefer1973 7 років тому +1

      In a way Deadpool probably skewed what is seen as a successful opening movie, but that one came out of left field even for it's own studio.
      One thing that I that both Deadpool and Suicide Squad have in common were the lower ticket prices. They were the only "Superhero" movies this year to play in all the cheap theaters and didn't do any worse than comparable movies with higher ticket prices.
      I hope companies will learn from that, since at least my money only goes to movies which play in the local cheap theater (not only due to principle and greediness, but also for reasons of laziness)

  • @SudoProxy
    @SudoProxy 7 років тому +17

    This channel deserves more subs.
    DC really needs a home run with either Wonder Woman or JL. If they miss the mark again then the franchise is probably a dead one.
    The international market can only carry a franchise so far. People forget that the movies that made the rule (that a movie can be made successful with just over seas audiences) haven't been green lit or has struggled to get a sequel like, Terminator Genysis, Pacific Rim and Robo Cop. Even Warcraft is struggling to get a sequel off the ground.
    The only movie that's working that market is Transformers, and I'm sure not even Michael Bay knows why it's working so well.

    • @robinthrush9672
      @robinthrush9672 7 років тому

      replace the - with _ for _italics_

    • @SudoProxy
      @SudoProxy 7 років тому

      Thanks Robin Thrush. I didn't even notice that. I think I just wanted parenthesis.

    • @billybarnett9518
      @billybarnett9518 7 років тому

      Teens and adults with nostalgia eat up the transformers films.

  • @shadowspider9
    @shadowspider9 7 років тому +4

    As an anime fan I can tell you first hand the reason people hate dubs isn't because the lip movements don't match. It's because dubs have a tendency to either water down of full out butcher the plot of the original.
    I can only count a handful of times where the dub actually took the time to fix plot mistakes made in the original.

  • @jmiller2728
    @jmiller2728 7 років тому +5

    The Batman story was A dude, talked to some guys who talked to some other guys who say the Batman script is a mess. That's hard to believe. Affleck is WB's golden child. His movies make them money, are acclaimed by critics, and get Oscar buzz. I can't see Warner doing that to him.

    • @Kaefer1973
      @Kaefer1973 7 років тому +4

      But, just as mentioned in the video, scripts usually start out a mess, since Ben Affleck Batman is still early stage, I don't think it unrealistic at all. Of course neither would I think it a bad sign.

    • @jmiller2728
      @jmiller2728 7 років тому

      Kaefer1973 I agree with that. I'm mainly talking about WB not caring about that, WB wouldn't do that to Affleck. He's a golden child to them.

    • @Kaefer1973
      @Kaefer1973 7 років тому

      J Miller I can imagine one or two higher ups in Warner actually thinking that way, but I doubt they'd be in the majority or getting their will. Especially since the "DC Comics" franchise isn't doing so well that they'd seem likely to allow themselves to become complacent yet.

    • @jmiller2728
      @jmiller2728 7 років тому

      Kaefer1973 Maybe a few think that way, but not a lot. And they wouldn't bully Affleck as a director.

  • @denial987
    @denial987 7 років тому +4

    So this couldn't come at a worse time for Ben Affleck and Johns with AT & T taking ownership of Warner Bros. and DC.

    • @herohour6496
      @herohour6496 7 років тому +1

      Johns has not proven himself outside of Comics. Affleck has not proven himself inside comics. So, it's a mishmash of talent. Plus, they got executives to go through. They have the titles, but not the ultimate decision making ability.

  • @EdwardHowton
    @EdwardHowton 7 років тому +9

    I'm no comicbook fanboy, but what the hell is that costume Flash is wearing? Was it designed by the guy who got fired from the Robocop reboot's costume design team? Who said yes to that atrocity?

    • @Betoven81
      @Betoven81 7 років тому +1

      that shit looks dope

    • @XenonXyanide
      @XenonXyanide 7 років тому +2

      Comparing the Justice League Flash costume, to the Robocop reboot? Seriously? "Fired from the Robocop reboot's costume design team.." - how would you know?

    • @SudoProxy
      @SudoProxy 7 років тому +1

      It does kind of looks like it was designed by Tony Stark.

    • @EdwardHowton
      @EdwardHowton 7 років тому +3

      Xenon Xyanide Okay, I see I need to walk you through basic communication between people.
      Look at the traditional Flash costume, with its reds and yellows, and now look at this new version, with its armor plating and reds and blacks and the fact that it makes him look like some kind of baby-faced robot.
      Now keep in mind that the Robocop reboot movie had a parade of different costumes, some of them really terrible compared to the all-black one they used for most of it.
      Now, for the purpose of making a joke, imagine there's one guy on the design team who had really terrible ideas that they wouldn't use even for the joke make-over sequence, and imagine that The Flash is his second chance, and boom there it is.
      *IT WAS A JOKE YOU GODDAMN SIMP.* Holy shit seriously.

    • @Betoven81
      @Betoven81 7 років тому

      damn bro

  • @alsoknownas875
    @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +17

    Seems the studio is taking a sexist approach to Wonder Woman?
    Marvel's "Jessica Jones" took a more character-driven approach versus the more action-oriented "Daredevil", but that worked because Jones isn't really a superhero, per se. The characters, relationships, and plotting were compelling enough to hold my attention without amazing action sequences. I assume they shifted the focus of that show AWAY from action in order to appeal more to female viewers.
    But Diana is a WARRIOR. I want to see her kicking a lot of ass, and I'm CERTAIN I am not alone in wanting to see more ACTION in the first-ever big screen adaptation of *fucking WONDER WOMAN*.
    If DC/WB are only thinking of this as a "women's movie" then they are about to lose even MORE money.

    • @HubPie3
      @HubPie3 7 років тому +9

      I don't mind having a more character-driven Wonder Woman movie, but that should be the focus of a sequel, not the first ever silver screen adaptation of Wondie.

    • @alsoknownas875
      @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +9

      Hub Pie Agreed.
      Or, as was the case with "Winter Soldier" and "Civil War", they can do a character-driven film that is so well-structured that it fuels amazing actions sequences, and that way we can have our cake and eat it too :)

    • @HubPie3
      @HubPie3 7 років тому +8

      Also Known As Funny, since Wonder Woman might as well be DC's answer to Captain America, seeing as how the first movie is based in WW1 (when Diana fought in WW2 in her first appearance). Only difference is that Cap had to wait to get his own movie whereas Diana was shoehorned into a movie.

    • @alsoknownas875
      @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +9

      Hub Pie You know, that last point you made brings up a sore spot for me:
      In the context of studio bungling and mismanagement, I'm STILL a little salty about DC/WB not making WW a TOP priority, right after Man of Steel. It demonstrates to me that top brass at both companies seem a little out of touch with the times.
      From both a marketing and a sociocultural standpoint, WW should have been next in the line-up after Man of Steel.
      A MAJOR female superhero making her big screen debut, during a time when female-centered narratives are all the rage in the entertainment industry (on both the big AND small screen)? And when culturally, "girl power" is every fucking where you go? WW should have been a *no-brainer*, in my view.
      How could they not have seen the HUGE potential in that???
      Then they wonder why fewer people are going to the movies!
      EDITTED for some clarity.

    • @HubPie3
      @HubPie3 7 років тому +8

      A late reply, but I think Wonder Woman should be a major priority regardless of what movie number it is. Diana may not have the golden character status like Batman does, but she's a very crucial comic book character and symbol of female empowerment. Her franchise could be the next Captain America if done right.

  • @propheci
    @propheci 7 років тому +2

    The attitude of the executive who basically said "##ck the script it'll make money" pretty much tells me that JL will still suck.

  • @richarddixon1450
    @richarddixon1450 7 років тому +3

    I was worried about the Batman film ages ago when it was said it would be featuring a large number of Batmans rogue gallery....

    • @robinthrush9672
      @robinthrush9672 7 років тому

      Maybe it's continuing the 90s' movie series's habit of increasing the number of supers in each flim.
      Batman 1: Batman, Joker
      Batman 2: Batman, Penguin, Catwoman
      Batman 3: Batman, Robin, Two Face, Riddler
      Batman 4: Batman, Robin, Batgirl/woman, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, not-Bane
      Batman 5: Batman, Robin, Joker, Harley, Killer Croc, Scarecrow, Capt. Condiment, Hush, Man-bat, Clock King, Calendar Man

  • @noelitonoelito
    @noelitonoelito 7 років тому +3

    how is it that M. Edge doesn't have 1,000,000 subs yet? they put in a lot of work and push out some great vids. I'm going to start sharing and thumbs uping hard!

    • @SeanStrife
      @SeanStrife 7 років тому

      Some people don't get into the behind-the-scenes stuff when it comes to movies like some of us do. Yeah, it's fascinating as hell, but some people only care about the finished product.

    • @noelitonoelito
      @noelitonoelito 7 років тому +1

      SeanStrife yeah, I was one of them people till I started watching M. Edge. I just got hooked.

    • @MidnightsEdge
      @MidnightsEdge  7 років тому +1

      Jeffrey Cardona Glad you enjoy the content, and any effort to help spread the word is much appreciated:-)

    • @matthewc8241
      @matthewc8241 7 років тому +1

      Ironically I've gotten to the point now where I honestly dont care about the finished product of any of these comic book movies. Its more interesting for me to see how the behind the scenes politics work.

  • @wolf11
    @wolf11 7 років тому +9

    why do we need a flash movie the tv series is just fine and the costume they are going with looks stupid

    • @triple8176
      @triple8176 7 років тому +5

      The Movie universe and the TV universe are separate.

    • @julianwebb919
      @julianwebb919 7 років тому

      wolf11 Id like to see a higher budget version of that character, for me the TV series costume looks really cheap. Also Ezra Miller is a much better and more interesting actor.

    • @rocketcon
      @rocketcon 7 років тому

      +Jylan Cross Unfortunately. I wish they'd follow Marvel's lead and have their characters crossover from film to TV.

  • @Revkor
    @Revkor 7 років тому +2

    Frankly DC should let the animation directors take care of the live movies.

  • @mic7able
    @mic7able 7 років тому +1

    This is becoming an awesome channel. I know a few folk have criticised the speaking style, but it's well compensated for by concision, important content etc. There is a distinct lack of waffle. I feel that points are being made, that research is being done and the subjects are well chosen (Don't rest on your laurels though, M.E.) I was on a Dredd comic site and when I Recommended this, most were already aware. Lets recommend this all to hell and get the Subs up in the high six figures!

  • @ferzum7290
    @ferzum7290 7 років тому +5

    i think a reboot is necesary for dc regardless of the justice league movie, they need to put their things in order and i dont mind recast actors like erza miller

  • @RealRoknRollr3108
    @RealRoknRollr3108 7 років тому +2

    "The art of film" there's no art in these comic films, they're just ads for toys.

  • @jessegartung294
    @jessegartung294 7 років тому +6

    Maybe that why Western movies went exticent because of the produces. Also this is why you can't listen to Bob chapmen because he think non comic book fans are morons.

  • @TAGDevilish
    @TAGDevilish 7 років тому +2

    Has everyone forgotten Geoff Johns had a lot to do with that horrible Green Lantern movie?

  • @EvanSol919
    @EvanSol919 7 років тому +1

    Remember that DC already had an interconnected universe with its animated shows - Batman the animated series, Superman the animated series, Batman Beyond, Stauc Shock, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited along with movies Mask of the Phantason, Subzero, and Return of the Joker. What made that work was all the shows were run by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, just like the MCU is run by Kevin Feige, all of whom are comic book fans who can work in the studio system. That's what the DCEU needs. I know a lot of people think Geoff Johns is that great executive producer but I have yet to see that.

  • @ReignSupreme2014
    @ReignSupreme2014 7 років тому +4

    I honestly feel sorry for Ben Affleck and hardcore DC fans in general. You can tell Affleck really gives a damn about making good movies; all HIS directed movies are superb, but he's stuck in a place where dollars mean more than cohesion and characters. Maybe he, and we, will get lucky and someone at AT&T will scrap this entire universe, fire everyone but Ben and start over.

    • @alsoknownas875
      @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +8

      Thing is, I would assume that given Affleck's track record he would be given more leeway than most to make the film he wants to make.
      It's hard to tell what is going on over there at WB--you would think that since Affleck's a huge fan of the character, and since he's actually really good at making movies, and since he is presumably working with Geoff Johns, that "The Batman" would have all the foundations needed to be a good film. I guess not?
      Something is really wrong over at Warner Bros.

    • @TheDifferenced
      @TheDifferenced 7 років тому +1

      I agree. Hell even Warner can't even fix their damn PC ports (*cough* Mortal Kombat X at launch, Arkham Knight at launch while ordering Rocksteady to STOP finishing the PC port).

  • @assassin117able
    @assassin117able 7 років тому +2

    Problem with Warner is they aren't Disney, everything Disney touches turns to gold, everything Warner touches is a hit or miss, they aren't FOX bad yet.. but they best get their shit together with Wonder Woman & Justice league or they'll end up like Sony and FOX

  • @furchtegottgellert4865
    @furchtegottgellert4865 7 років тому +2

    DC has an interesting definition of an more adult approach on their franchise.

    • @billybarnett9518
      @billybarnett9518 7 років тому

      Trying too hard to milk off the success of the Dark Knight franchise.

  • @handsomebrick
    @handsomebrick 7 років тому +1

    There's always been something weird about DC. Jim Shooter, former editor in chief of Marvel, claims that his writers and artists would jump at any offer by DC even if it was a clear step down, and the only way he could keep his people was by showing them that DC doesn't promote from within, they just poach from Marvel, so the only way to become top DC talent is to become top Marvel talent first. And the DCU, that's really just a result of people seeing the MCU and wondering why there wasn't a DCU; but if the DCU had appeared first, no one would have wondered why there was no MCU. I suspect that's why the MCU worked, because no one took it for granted that it must connect with audiences. Because of this, I don't even see how the DCU could work, ever.

  • @adorcserod704
    @adorcserod704 7 років тому +1

    It's better to wait for the right people than to rush out a superhero movie, especially for Warner, I would certainly be more careful if I were them.

  • @LazarusSlade
    @LazarusSlade 7 років тому +1

    The solution for DC is to get out of WB AT&T. I like DC even though I'm a Marvel fan boy but DC deserves better. Let's make Detective Comics great again!

  • @michaelmartin9022
    @michaelmartin9022 7 років тому +1

    Why is The Flash wearing an Iron Man suit? Surely his speed is "natural", not machine-enhanced?

  • @jamespfp
    @jamespfp 7 років тому +1

    RE: Warner Studios, "Film-maker friendly" and the way things really are; WB also released "American Sniper" a little while ago, which was a totally shoddy script badly based on a shoddy source text, and given the green light because one of its most famous actor/directors in the stable (C. Eastwood) agreed to direct it. And why did WB go ahead with it? Because its shareholders *INCLUDE* the NRA. So... I'm not entirely buying WB's marketing when it comes to its perceived values. They obviously play politics with their stable frequently; they also obviously prefer some personalities more than others, because audiences will give a director like Eastwood the benefit of an undeserved doubt.

  • @CMontgomeryBurns09
    @CMontgomeryBurns09 7 років тому

    Good video, and I liked the analysis of "creative differences" from both sides of the director/producer coin.

  • @garfield15
    @garfield15 7 років тому

    Great video as usual. I wish you had mentioned what this could mean for Cyborg though since he was originally going to get a solo, but then was put into Flash and then now that the director's gone, who knows what could happen.

  • @Darksmirk1
    @Darksmirk1 7 років тому +2

    Current DCEU is a shit show. It sucks because I love many DC characters.

  • @isntchrisl
    @isntchrisl 7 років тому

    I think it's ridiculously optimistic that someone at AT&T would help fix this mess Warner Bros created.

  • @captainjakemerica4579
    @captainjakemerica4579 7 років тому +1

    This Flash Movie sure does seem like it's gonna be another huge clusterfuck like Batman v. Superman

  • @imyourhuckleberry4208
    @imyourhuckleberry4208 7 років тому +7

    DC/Warner sounds like it is trying to be too much like Marvel! if i wanted to watch fun, fluffy light hearted movies i would be more of a Marvel fan! have WB forgotten they made The Dark Knight?

    • @imyourhuckleberry4208
      @imyourhuckleberry4208 7 років тому +1

      Shadowsafter i did not say go that full on dark like with the Dark Knight with Superman and the Flash because they are not Batman but trying to be too much like Marvel when Marvel do it better is like being second all the time, why watch DC light when you can watch Marvel.

    • @imyourhuckleberry4208
      @imyourhuckleberry4208 7 років тому +3

      Shadowsafter they are too focus on catching up to Marvel and making a total mess, re-edits at the last minute, directors coming and going, at least Man Of Steel knew what it wanted to be, it is getting that much of a mess maybe they should have just stuck with solo Superman and Batman movies.

    • @alsoknownas875
      @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +14

      DC can differentiate themselves from Marvel in terms of branding and image, but there's no denying that the STRUCTURE that Marvel has created works really, REALLY well, and I don't think anyone would fault DC if they just copied that structure.
      My problem with your original statement is that the Nolan approach demonstrably doesn't work for all DC characters. Not everything should be, nor has to be, dark and edgy, just for the sake of distancing themselves from Marvel.
      I'm not a huge DC fan in general, so I don't know that universe too well, but even as a Marvel shill I am the first to say that DC has some of THE coolest fucking characters in comics.
      If they would just set the base goal as "honoring the source material" and NOT "don't be Marvel", they would already be starting off on the right foot, and I believe that the universe would distinguish itself just based on the characters alone.

    • @imyourhuckleberry4208
      @imyourhuckleberry4208 7 років тому +1

      Also Known As well that sounds exciting 😴 may as well have Superman and Batman do a DC-Marvel cross over and have them all team up in the next Averages movie!

    • @alsoknownas875
      @alsoknownas875 7 років тому +1

      Dave 101 Nice job missing the point.

  • @jamespfp
    @jamespfp 7 років тому +1

    RE: "Creative Differences" -- I like your general read of what it means when "citing creative differences" is the euphemism which upholds the pretence of free speech (and full disclosure), *BUT* I think you've suggested a common misconception at the same time. The director and the producer both answer to shareholders. It's possible that one or both of them will also be shareholders, which is what protects the rest of the shareholders.
    But here's something a little more in-depth with this misconception: what Hollywood currently calls a Producer is essentially what used to be a Director; and what is currently called a Director was once an Assistant Director, or a Director of Photography. Of course, the ADs and DPs still exist... but more people are doing overlapping jobs, and the Producer of today (like JJ, or Michael Bay, or Jim Cameron) has exactly the level of creative control that Directors like Alfred Hitchcock always wanted.
    When creative differences splits a modern Director and Producer apart, though, you're essentially correct: the Producer is not motivated to make "art" first, but to get a return on an investment; and furthermore, the current market is saturated with reboots, meaning, there's very little artistic merit anyhow since the reboots are always trying to re-leverage profit from old / out-dated works of art.

    • @jamespfp
      @jamespfp 7 років тому +2

      13:55 -- "...while the script was worked on daily, and a *ghost director*..." -- Exactly what I was saying above, if you think about it. There's more than duplication of effort at the moment, because the Hollywood system itself is bloated by formulaic demands and contractual obligations. Thus, the need for insider tips, because "creative differences" is the only polite way to say "the NDA prevents me from saying more."

  • @CosmicUndeadElf
    @CosmicUndeadElf 7 років тому +2

    I still don't like that costume, I don't see how this is an improvement over the comic version

  • @rodster6campingprepper
    @rodster6campingprepper 7 років тому

    So the execs at WB have forgotten the lessons of Batman and Robin. Just because it's a Batman movie, doesn't mean you can churn out any old shit.

  • @KingFossilFER
    @KingFossilFER 7 років тому +2

    I also live in a country where movies are either dubbed or subtitled, and no matter how bad the dub is nothing is lost in translation. I think they are not seeing thing from the foreign audience's pesperctive, whom are mcuh more exposed to american culture from watching movies instead of being the other way around.

  • @genericname1622
    @genericname1622 7 років тому +1

    God damnit. Little too late now. DC could seriously give Marvel an actual competition but now they keep fucking up. So disappointed because I wanted BOTH universe to be good. Now Marvel's just burying them.

  • @_ethanmc
    @_ethanmc 7 років тому +1

    If you see Ben Affleck in interviews regarding the Batman movie, he's super cagey as not to confirm or denying it's definitely happening. There's definitely something going on.

  • @JackDManheim
    @JackDManheim 7 років тому +2

    Your comparison to Michael Bay makes me curious. At this point, you can't write off the notion that he might have provided a better DCEU than the one we currently have.
    Off the mark as his Transformers and Turtles might be, at least he had the common sense to realize an alien species would not speak English.
    He also understood the importance of securing Peter Cullen.

  • @ericp1139
    @ericp1139 7 років тому +1

    I hope Darkseid wipes out the universe and causes a rebirth so the DCEU can just start over. WB was stupid to put all their eggs in Snyder's basket.

  • @mattrmsf
    @mattrmsf 7 років тому +3

    Everyone knows you never go full Ang Lee.

    • @dragonphoreal
      @dragonphoreal 7 років тому

      2003 HULK movie...

  • @babywolf4238
    @babywolf4238 7 років тому +2

    Are you guys ever gonna do videos on The Walking Dead production, especially now since Darabont is suing AMC? Also what happened to the other fella who does the videos?

    • @MidnightsEdge
      @MidnightsEdge  7 років тому +2

      Baby Wolf42 Never say never, both don't hold your breath for The Walking Dead. The next video will be one narrated by Robb.

    • @babywolf4238
      @babywolf4238 7 років тому


  • @Bondfan1995
    @Bondfan1995 7 років тому +1

    The Deadpool video is awesome! I can't wait until the next one where how Fox got the rights from New Line!

  • @Horacio_Poggi
    @Horacio_Poggi 7 років тому +1

    I hate the fact that I can't see the movies in English anymore, some of the jokes make no sense translated into Spanish.

  • @laki74
    @laki74 7 років тому +1

    After listening to all of this, there is only one things I can say: Thank our lucky stars that Marvel has Kevin Feige.

    • @hawkzulu5671
      @hawkzulu5671 7 років тому +1

      What Stan-Lee is to Marvel Comics...Kevin Feige is to Marvel Studios...We have always been in good hands...people who respect the source material and respect the generations of fans (Even the kids)

  • @RobotShlomo
    @RobotShlomo 7 років тому +1

    AT&T most likely wants a deal like Comcast has with NBC. They want that back library of films and television shows to be available to stream, and for on demand content. But this also raise the whole anti-trust issue, where now you have only about four media companies owning everything. We'll have to wait and see if the deal is first approved, but given that Comcast had their deal approved, I don't doubt that it will be.
    I'm not surprised that the Batman script is "a mess", but you'd think that being their heaviest hitter, that Warner Bros. would have more reverence for the character. Meaning that somebody would step in and say "Hey, we better make sure we get this right". And I've been saying for a while that I had the feeling that the Flash movie is going to be pushed back, and the Batman movie is probably going to be moved up.

    • @dragonphoreal
      @dragonphoreal 7 років тому

      Maybe we need a rise of more independent creators or something.

    • @dragonphoreal
      @dragonphoreal 7 років тому

      Also, did you ever get to see *Shin Godzilla*?

  • @TiberiusMonk
    @TiberiusMonk 7 років тому

    Amazing job!

  • @Hurricanelive
    @Hurricanelive 7 років тому +2

    Flash and Cyborg look so stupid.

    • @billybarnett9518
      @billybarnett9518 7 років тому

      Some people said Cyborgs design wasn't finished yet

  • @jonathanmulondo9206
    @jonathanmulondo9206 7 років тому +1

    It seems Harry Potter is gonna end up being DCs most successful franchise because The DC universe films are not going anywhere near the success of Marvel

  • @CountBifford
    @CountBifford 7 років тому +1

    I commend you, ME, for understanding that making a movie is not the same as drawing a comic strip. It's not a one-artist project, but a massive effort between hundreds of people with lots of money at stake. It's the difference between a single boxer and an army. In a boxing match, the boxer himself is all that matters. When an army goes to war, the general who leads it matters more than the grunts on the ground. That sounds callous, but unless you embrace this, the army will not win wars. Divided leadership has led to the ruin of many, many nations.

    • @Kaefer1973
      @Kaefer1973 7 років тому +2

      But it's not so different for comics, the bigger the publisher, and the older the characters involved, the more executive meddling, I've heard many stories of DC employed comic artists being denied to tell the story they wanted by these higher up. Real freedom only comes for freelancers, artists who somehow hold the rights for their characters and a somewhat good position with the publisher, and to some degree famous authors at the "hight of their power".

    • @Chactemal
      @Chactemal 7 років тому

      comics have writers,inkers,colorists,the editors and those kind of work with the thing that is most popular at the time,(back then toys and cartoons,now movie studios)so yeah,no.

    • @CountBifford
      @CountBifford 7 років тому

      Good point, Lazzen, but it's still done on a much smaller scale and with much lower stakes.

  • @tappajavittu
    @tappajavittu 7 років тому

    DCEU is such a fucking mess, WB should just admit they royally fucked up and have a crisis and reboot the whole thing, keep Batfleck and throw everything else in the garbage.

  • @jamespfp
    @jamespfp 7 років тому

    15:49 -- "So, in other words, these executives seem to be of the opinion that a comprehensive plot and structures story is somehow lost in translation..." -- I am not unfriendly with the rest of your point here, but I wanted to comment on it for this part, first. The higher up the executive chain we go, the less likely the profit motive will fix obvious problems in the design (or blueprint) stage. *This is also a call for independent productions*, because the more the largest multinational corps buy up the mainstream properties, the less actual competition exists for their products, shoddy as they are.
    It is a much better period for fan-films to start challenging some of the property-owners too, in a viral video graffiti manner. Some of the big properties have already attempted to prevent fan-films from making money while making fan-films, *and* don't want any competition for story-lines using classic characters. Star Trek is an excellent example, with incredibly popular idealistic roots, and the cold logic of the profit motive killing all the Vulcans (almost). I suppose, I could argue that the first reboot was a "joke" played on Spock in classic time-travel fashion, with the Grandfather paradox avoided because he's old enough to be his own grandfather, and he doesn't meet himself until after Vulcan has been destroyed.
    But I don't like making up better explanations than the producers or the writers do. And, to be concisely conclusive, I have a very strong suspicion that many of the writers who are taking up key jobs, at this moment in time, are people who used to be employed by studios that made soap operas, but stopped making soap operas. So -- pick your poison: zombie show, fantasy magic dragons show, or superhero show?

  • @This-country-sucks-4
    @This-country-sucks-4 7 років тому +1

    I feel embarrassed for dc. they should just stick to animated movies cause they are embarrassing themselves desperately trying to copy marvel.

    • @dragonphoreal
      @dragonphoreal 7 років тому

      +defender of the good
      They were technically already trying to copy Marvel before moving away from dark n' gritty, like just how they wanted Dark Seid as the main villain coincidently when Marvel was amping Thanos up as the main villain...

    • @This-country-sucks-4
      @This-country-sucks-4 7 років тому

      Brandon Dozier smh, they should just copy marvel in animated form cause their live action films are def lacking.

  • @thetruebause3122
    @thetruebause3122 7 років тому

    Ah "creative differences". I automatically smile knowing how many angry shouting contests went on to lead to that explanation being offered up

  • @stoneddom
    @stoneddom 7 років тому

    I love this channel. :)

  • @kurumais
    @kurumais 7 років тому +1

    how much of flash is going t be dictated by justice league?

  • @suadabeslagic2871
    @suadabeslagic2871 7 років тому +1

    Can I ask what happened with Conan the Barbarian ? That's the first I've ever heard of it being a troubled production.

    • @MidnightsEdge
      @MidnightsEdge  7 років тому +3

      The Conan movies will be extensively covered in the upcoming months;p

    • @suadabeslagic2871
      @suadabeslagic2871 7 років тому +1

      Oh good, looking forward to it :)

  • @f12mnb
    @f12mnb 7 років тому

    "Hollywood" always pushes anything until the last dollar has been squeezed out of it and the market is saturated. It happened with westerns, war films, noir, screwball comedies, sci-fi films aping star wars and the whole James Bond spy craze. Comic book films will get to this point - every film brings it closer - the films are burning through decades of the best comic book stories. X-men are largely tapped out - they are down to Old Man Logan. When the Marvel current run culminates in the end of the whole Infinity Gauntlet theme, things will die down - until someone resurrects it like they are doing with Star Wars.

  • @razerhowl7189
    @razerhowl7189 7 років тому +1

    Atleast we have the show.

  • @trooperjoe73
    @trooperjoe73 7 років тому +1

    I find all of this funny. DC has always sucked, IMO, and I couldn't be happier. Make mine Marvel!

  • @mechajay3358
    @mechajay3358 7 років тому

    DC Films is Waaaay in over their heads when they started to create the DCEU. . . .

  • @Lettich3407
    @Lettich3407 7 років тому

    Ben Affleck said he wasn't happy with the script, he never said it was a mess. That was exaggerated by Marvel bloggers, and you people should stop blaming Zach for almost everything. It's ridiculous. The guy is trying his best that he can, I loved Man of Steel and Batman v Superman (Ultimate Edition) was one of Snyder's best projects he's done since 300 & Dawn of the dead remake. As far as The Flash losing its director, that was bad indeed but it's not the end of the world. Hopefully WB finds a decent director for The Flash.

  • @Ike_of_pyke
    @Ike_of_pyke 7 років тому

    *tries not to laugh at everyone who said lack of Synder would make the batman solo better *

  • @newguy90
    @newguy90 7 років тому +1

    Hold up. This guy lives in subtitle land? I thought he was German, not Dutch.

    • @ZontarDow
      @ZontarDow 7 років тому +1

      He's Norwegian.

    • @newguy90
      @newguy90 7 років тому +1

      Sorry about the mistake then. I thought he was German.

  • @MiXVoy
    @MiXVoy 7 років тому

    this pretty sums up DC Movies/DC Films, the development hell of superhero movies

  • @rrmendoza1
    @rrmendoza1 7 років тому

    Ouch! Just as Marvel is celebrating with the success of Doctor Strange, these happens over at DC/WB.
    I believe The Flash movie news is more troubling than the Batman script and AT&T. Unintentionally, there's the popular CW TV series WB has to compete with. And secondly... Zack Snyder!

  • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
    @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 7 років тому +1

    HAHAHAHAH! Oh god, is that really Aquaman!?
    OH SHIT! He looks like a rejected PotC character with those colors and get-up! XD
    How...how could they miss the ballpark with ol Arthur? I mean, Wondy looks great in her outfit which I know was redesigned to look HARDCORE n shit but....what the fuck? Aqua looks like some random bum they picked up off the street and is holding some Halloween decoration from Spirit of Halloween. He looks like a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT character and I know his outfit is MUCH more bright than the others (well, considering Wondy's bright red white and blue and yellow get up he didn't look that much out of place when you put him with the classic outfits) but if they could get Wondy and the Flash to look like they fit in modern times with their outfits why did they hit a mental brick wall with Aquaman and just make....THAT?
    In short, the costume looks like utter shit. Pure, utter shit. And I liked Bat-Flak's suit in BvS but shit man. That looks AWFUUUUL!.

  • @riffgroove
    @riffgroove 7 років тому

    Lol... I was wondering how long it would take before you guys discussed the Ellis interview.
    The fact that he walked back his interview a tad but din't change his story an iota leads me to believe that there is weight to it.
    It would certainly explain DC's track record with films, wouldn't it?
    They're basically telling us "Only idiots watch these movies anyways. Just make sure they're loud and have lots of explosions."
    "Plot? Who needs it?" I refuse to see another DC film on principle.
    Marvel can take an also-ran character like Dr. Strange and make a huge success out of it.
    Why? Because they don't treat their audience like simpletons.
    Like Ryan Reynolds refused to.

  • @jasonschlierman412
    @jasonschlierman412 7 років тому

    My feelings about the DCEU is that I'm still going to just watch MCU films exclusively. I have no faith in DC anymore and feel at this point they'd need to reboot the reboot before I'd maybe care. I'm not interested in a series that starts off with Man of Fail, and it doesn't look like things will get much better.

  • @golith41
    @golith41 7 років тому

    I'd love to know who's the genius who thought that putting armor on the flash would look organic when the man is supposed to be moving almost faster than the speed of light

    • @golith41
      @golith41 7 років тому

      Adrian Games you dont fucking say, reg material would not last as he ran. its never been normal material read a comic. or the 90s tv show or even the new show. do you know the flash, all three of them, the speed force or the tech thats used in the flash comic. and iam not talking about the reboot flash comic.

    • @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502
      @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502 7 років тому

      You mean like the friction resistant suit developed by Star which looks exactly like the classic Flash suit and not like an armour?

    • @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502
      @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502 7 років тому

      ***** Use yours, Barry didn't design his suit in the DCEU, Batman did.

    • @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502
      @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502 7 років тому

      ***** Interesting. Still, it doesn't really add up since in the comics Barry designed the ring and the suit himself.

    • @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502
      @arturodejesuscruzcasab9502 7 років тому

      ***** But should it be?

  • @botiemaster3356
    @botiemaster3356 7 років тому +1

    Well since AT&T is the southern equal of Time Warner(Yes I know there was a split but once time warner, always time warner), I would not hope for the best. These guys leave you out to dry if your internet is shit in the not so country while they continue to up the ante in city areas. They whine about operating costs and why they have to charge so much for smartphone internet then turn around and spend 50 billion dollars on other businesses like DTV. I would not hold my breathe for AT&T to purchase TW then be this savior of sorts to DC movies. That would require them having souls and caring about DC movies. They really have no business getting involved in Hollywood. All they see is numbers. And I can guarantee after spending 50 billion dollars they will want to have a say on DC movie matters, and maybe even who stars in what role if they think their bottom line is at stake.

  • @MegaBleedman
    @MegaBleedman 7 років тому

    Glad I've given up on DCU movies. This crap don't mean shit anymore.

  • @hanifhalimi
    @hanifhalimi 7 років тому +3

    what u doing WB/DC?

    • @spidergwenstarwars6504
      @spidergwenstarwars6504 7 років тому +1

      Hanif Halimi Trying to be different and failing at it and without thinking things threw and not firing Snyder for some reason.

    • @hanifhalimi
      @hanifhalimi 7 років тому

      rose SKERRETT that sums it up :(

  • @Betoven81
    @Betoven81 7 років тому

    I don't understand the Devil's Advocate reference. Was it a bad movie at the time it came out because I don't recall. and its one of my favorite Pacino movies

    • @zipstermorris8055
      @zipstermorris8055 7 років тому

      Rick Harding he was playing devil advocate...... I

    • @Betoven81
      @Betoven81 7 років тому

      haha duhhh my bad. thanks for that

  • @This-country-sucks-4
    @This-country-sucks-4 7 років тому

    I feel bad for the investors who funded ghostbusters reboot. Paul still can't get over the fail that movie cause. they are still pressing it's cause the cast is hoes.

  • @camethedawn683
    @camethedawn683 7 років тому

    Good analysis, but right now I can't muster up the energy to care whether the dceu films will be good or not. The fans of this genre are becoming more and more abusive and it's not a community I want to be a part of anymore.

  • @gammerguy1995
    @gammerguy1995 7 років тому

    i have highly doubts that WB doesn't care about the script just because you got ben affleck as director/writer. especially when you said that justice league is heavily controlled by affleck and other producers. you just can't shoot yourself in the foot for the third time.

  • @MrMoneyclips
    @MrMoneyclips 7 років тому

    I'm glad there are problems. It means they are trying to fix the awful current state of dc movies.

  • @tbk2010
    @tbk2010 7 років тому

    Watch a german trailer for a big Hollywood movie. The dialoge *appears* to match the lip moment pretty well, if you don't pay extra attention to it.