  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @kizzdougs
    @kizzdougs 9 місяців тому +8

    Obviously Rylanor's upgrade was the most important change 💜

  • @chrisg1954
    @chrisg1954 9 місяців тому +4

    What's been done is largely positive (odd Moritat buff aside) what has been untouched is the negative. Wouldn't be such a negative if there was a sense that the next FAQ might be sooner than 18 months.

  • @rychardharris3934
    @rychardharris3934 9 місяців тому +9

    Just a quick one on the Caestus assault ram, it doesn't say it gains the assault vehicle special rule. Just said you can charge. Its its own unique rule so can charge after a deepstrike!

    • @heresyhammer
      @heresyhammer  9 місяців тому +4

      Fuck, didn't even pick up on that!!! Caestus is back on the menu boys!!!

    • @michaelcarmine2310
      @michaelcarmine2310 9 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, that's right. They deliberately changed it for the Ram, since it had the Assault Vehicle rule before the FAQ👍🏻
      Makes sence when you think, what the job of the ram actually is ^^

    • @rychardharris3934
      @rychardharris3934 9 місяців тому +1

      Glad I kept mine now 😊

  • @jw7500
    @jw7500 9 місяців тому +2

    Moritats stonks are way way up. Having said that, the problem with the FAQ is that it only addressed some things (and mostly fringe things). The main problems are still there.

  • @SnowTroIl
    @SnowTroIl 9 місяців тому +5

    I kinda dislike that you can't use "instead of shooting" special powers in reactions. It heavily nerfs many psychic powers EXCEPT telepathy. There was some sillyness because of the rule but now telepathy is heads and shoulders above any other psychic power.

  • @sonicwingnut
    @sonicwingnut 9 місяців тому +1

    Yeah I kinda agree now with the Moritat thing lore-wise but I do think Dominion Zephon should be allowed to join other squads and have a command retinue. That said they could have just made his destroyer retinue not crap or just given him an exception to bitter duty or something.
    I do have a moritat but tbh fancied sending him out there with Angel's Tears so they have Bitter Duty anyway.

  • @fitnessandinjury
    @fitnessandinjury 9 місяців тому +2

    "Get the hose out...."😂😂

  • @Instar_nine
    @Instar_nine 9 місяців тому +4

    The new heresy faq update coming out 1 year 7 months after release has caused a stir in 40k circles
    Alot of 40k u tube channels were saying 40k is releasing too many FAQs vs 2nd one for heresy
    No one can keep up
    I watched quite a few today with all the personalities
    Auspex tactics is what everyone watches to understand the changes is what alot of the 40k content channels were saying.
    No one has time to read all the FAQs
    And they were stating the obvious heresy is obviously not getting enough support here
    So it's kinda created a bit of a reaction in 40k with them wanting gw to balance it out how they release faqs
    It's interesting
    As part of all this Winters said if he had only 1 choice he would play heresy over 40k anytime haha nice
    Cheers for your episode going over the faqs

    • @heresyhammer
      @heresyhammer  9 місяців тому

      It's an interesting one, we certainly don't want to be waiting years for FAQ's, but I'd certainly rather be in the position heresy is over 40k. I (Lee) dabbled a bit in 9th edition 40k and just couldn't keep up with the constant stream of FAQ's / points changes. It's just not fun when you're constantly changing things, for me anyways, I guess some people like that? 🤷‍♂

    • @andrewbakescakes9684
      @andrewbakescakes9684 8 місяців тому

      Getting it right the first time reduces the need to these FAQs. Yes, it is hard to balance things perfectly, but it is easy to see how busted Contemptors and IF are in HH, and how busted Eldar and IK were in 40K. You don't need play-testing. Just simple stats/math can tell you that for the points, some things are too lethal and/or too survivable.
      But Heresy is plagued by poorly written and conceived rules on top of its bad balance. 40K at least has a sleek rule-set, at the tradeoff of the granularity of HH perhaps.
      Given the opportunity, I would volunteer (work unpaid!) to fix their rules and balance, as it is a major bugbear for me. Maybe I'm from the Emperor's Children, but this deviation from perfection is abhorrent to me.

  • @Instar_nine
    @Instar_nine 9 місяців тому +2

    There was rumour floating around about an FAQ on the mournival fb page so it's wasn't a super surprise lol. What was surprising was how limited this was

  • @UntiltedName
    @UntiltedName 9 місяців тому +1

    The Chaplain clarification for weapons was big for me. There were always guys angle shooting on that one for their thunder hammers.

  • @magicianman534
    @magicianman534 9 місяців тому +4

    I don't think anyone would argue that Fulmentarus needed to be strongly nerfed, but this feels like punishing Ultramarines players for having a unit that was made too good. I don't think that's right either. Punishing people by making their models nearly unplayable isn't the purpose of balancing. They should have at least had their points reduced to match what their performance is now. A full squad of 10 with no upgrades is 565 points. You could almost bring a pair of Kratos for that.
    It makes me scared for Suzerains honesty. They deserve a bit of a nerf too, but if it's going to be this heavy-handed, I can't support touching them.

    • @medheadful
      @medheadful 9 місяців тому +2

      The fulmetarus changes were way over the top. I doubt you'll ever see them.

    • @padanfain7466
      @padanfain7466 9 місяців тому +1

      I wouldn't worry. There are official figures for suzerain and they are £75 for 5. No nerfs coming there.

    • @olliep158
      @olliep158 9 місяців тому +1

      As a UM player I never ran Fulmentarus anyway as they were just too OP, however we took a triple hit in this FAQ. On top of the Fulmentarus, Telemechrus going down 1WS (but also 20pts to cover this), and Locutarus went up 40pts. Locuatarus were a staple of my army lists and I'm having to rewrite everything now! :D

    • @hirmetrium1
      @hirmetrium1 9 місяців тому +1

      I think they compare just fine to siege tyrants. They are still BS5 36" plasma on a platform that is far tougher than two kratos are (as if your kratos is running that cheap anyway after sponsors and flare shield, it won't live anywhere near as long)

    • @padanfain7466
      @padanfain7466 9 місяців тому +1

      Don't be soft. Tyrant siege are MILES better now. Go check their profile again. It's not even close.@@hirmetrium1

  • @warpaintjj
    @warpaintjj 9 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for this “shallow dive” into the FAQ… might actually read them now 😉

  • @lionlanger1804
    @lionlanger1804 8 місяців тому +2

    I play Ultramarines and I really like the place Fulmwntarus are in bow they are more in Line with Tyrants and they are fine! I really love the Unit but it was soooo Cheesy and way to good. I will still run them but I do not feel compelled to wrote Lists with a Unit of these Guys in them to start of with.
    Now we can Meele Bully World Eaters with Suzerain and Locutarus

  • @cerrilove700
    @cerrilove700 9 місяців тому +1

    Its funny, "Do an FAQ" episode was almost my joking submission for the Christmas giveaway

  • @jarrydwroe706
    @jarrydwroe706 9 місяців тому +1

    Fulmentarus should have 2 shots with the plasma missiles but would love to see how the go with that and then readjust for heresy 3.0

    • @hirmetrium1
      @hirmetrium1 9 місяців тому +2

      I honestly think they are fine now; they are 36" plasma at BS5 with Twinlink on a terminator profile (2W all the saves), and still have the great pinning missiles. They are very comparable to siege tyrants, who they absolutely stomped before. Forcing folks to choose between melee weapons or better shooting seems absolutely fair.

    • @andrewbakescakes9684
      @andrewbakescakes9684 8 місяців тому

      @@hirmetrium1 - Agree. The old profile effectively allowed them to shoot thunderhammers at range, hitting on 2s. I remember an SN battle report where Pardo justifies bringing 2 full squads of 10 (old profile) because he has "less Contemptors" than his opponent. What a WAAC move.

  • @cerrilove700
    @cerrilove700 9 місяців тому +1

    I think the Moritat thing is nothing new. In First Ed, you could take a Forge Lord to give any unit rad grenades, and it wasn't spammed around.
    Good news is the Militia FAQ will take you 10 seconds to cover - its one change, just to make it clear jumpguys must take 2 pistols instead of their shotgun.
    The confirmation how Zardu Layeks command squad works, and confirmation that you can disembark from a deepstriking vehicle (even if you can't assault) is a good thing

    • @heresyhammer
      @heresyhammer  9 місяців тому

      Yeah true, I certainly think you'll see more Moritat's now than you did before, but I certainly don't think it's gonna break the game in any way. Personally, I just hate the fact that it totally goes against the lore of Moritat's being the kids no one wants to play with!

    • @andrewbakescakes9684
      @andrewbakescakes9684 8 місяців тому

      Rad grenades have even less value in 2.0 because the Hold-the-Line Reaction is a thing.

  • @davidmaheux2474
    @davidmaheux2474 9 місяців тому

    How about a dark angel moritat in a companion retinue that would be freaking strong since you cant snipe him

  • @andrewbakescakes9684
    @andrewbakescakes9684 8 місяців тому

    @46:34 Discussing SoH clarification: "The fact that you could turn off a Legion trait was fxcking stupid."
    TS players crying right now.
    EDIT: The Moritat change is a stealth-nerf to DG, who could take rad grenades on Characters in their one RoW, making them somewhat unique. They should have just given Zephon a special rule to allow him to join whoever.

  • @padanfain7466
    @padanfain7466 9 місяців тому +2

    Still confused as to why GW didn't change the charge reaction to match the last FAQ on shooting reactions. i.e. Player declares a single unit will charge. Opponent decides if they want to react THEN the offensive player rolls charge roll for that unit. When I play HH, our group basically calls out what they are doing and asks 'Do you want to react?' - So when shooting, they say 'OK this tac squad will shoot your tac squad, do you want to react?' Dangerous terrain change was needed. Taking 2 rolls in a phase was just stupid.

  • @peterdavies6660
    @peterdavies6660 8 місяців тому

    Spatha useable now?

  • @greyknight8192
    @greyknight8192 9 місяців тому +1

    58:20, doesn't that rule also mean for example they couldn't use the Augmentation Biomancy power on their own unit? That kinda sucks a bit but oh well.

  • @padanfain7466
    @padanfain7466 9 місяців тому +3

    Im an Ultramarine player, but have never played Fulmentaros on the table top in 25 games (well once, they did badly got shot by some Iron Warriors Las and ran off the board). I was actually in the process of building 20 terminators - A kitbash Praetor, A legion standard and then 18 others with various weapons. All of them with hidden magnets so that they could be used as Fulmentaros. Wasted money and time it seems. Everyone talking about Fulmentaros but ALL the Ultramarine units in the Legacies got nerfed. Locutarus and Telemechrus as well. Someone at GW must of got really hurt by an Ultarmarine player thats for sure. I mean sure, they needed nerfing but taking their bloody power weapons off them was just spiteful! Im old enough to remember the old Fulmentaros with a lazer targeter in their hand...basically just looks like they are walknig around with their dick in their hands and thats what they would now be doing if anyone was stupid enough to put them in their list. Terrible artwork and now terrible figures. They should of changed the missiles to S8 AP4 Breaching 4+, kept the range at 24", and removed the round the corner bullshit. Keep the lazer targeting system for removing the option to shroud, or even 'if you dont move you get AP4 and the opponent can not take shrouded saves'. You will never see them in a sensible list again. side note: The other reason for building the terminators is that they look cool and I'm not a fan of the Suzerain models so would of preferred to play Terminators instead.

    • @magicianman534
      @magicianman534 9 місяців тому +1

      People don't mention the other two PDF units because they were all uniquely strong compared to the rest of the legacy units, but Fulmentarus were the only ones that were egregiously over nerfed. The other two are fine.

    • @andrewbakescakes9684
      @andrewbakescakes9684 8 місяців тому

      WE with Red Butchers looking enviously at your "nerfed" Fulmentarus. Want to trade? We'll even allow you to put the Ravening Madmen "upgrade" on all of your units!
      Hey wait. Why are you walking away? This is an amazing deal! (Said in a sleezy car salesman's voice)

    • @magicianman534
      @magicianman534 8 місяців тому +2

      For the record, I would take that deal. If the unit is going to be bad anyway, I'd rather have terminators with actual cool models to build and paint.
      Everyone should have the expectation of their elite special units to be at least decent. World Eaters players shouldn't be screwed, and neither should Ultramarines. It's not an us vs. you situation.

    • @andrewbakescakes9684
      @andrewbakescakes9684 8 місяців тому

      @@magicianman534 - Fair, though the Butchers models are showing their age.
      I've seen some awesome conversions though. And the scuttlebutt is that 40K WE may get an updated version for that game, so that's more possibility there.
      WE players are spoiled for badass minis. Ruleswise, the Rampagers are ace as well.