Amazing how Dr Berg went from so-so on looking healthy (like his early years) to how he looks so super healthy in all of his newer videos. I think I've watched many, if not most of his videos over the years and he keeps getting better and better. Keep up the great work. Its obvious he practice what he preaches. I've learned a ton from him over the years.
Agreed.. he is aging backwards. It's probably the fasting and healthy fats. I've seen men join the NOI and have the same affect after about 12 months. Most look a minimum of 10 years younger.
WOW! I was wondering why I had perfect attendance in elementary school so many times. My mother made my siblings and me take a spoonful of Scott emotion Cod Liver Oil daily, along with a multiple vitamin. We never got sick and we still don't get sick. I'm 65 now and on no meds.
Simple Dreaming. Soñando Fácil. TTYL those are some preetttty bold claims there.. is like to see some evidence Don’t believe everything you read or hear that man looked and I perceive was very ill
It's interesting that many people think vitamin C is the vitamin that helps prevent or overcome colds and flu. Whereas it seems vitamin D play a much more important role.
When my father was at school he was very poor and weighs 27kgs when he was in grade 6. The doctor gave him cod liver oil and now he is 1.80m and his health is really good even if he is 80 years old. His weight is about 85 kgs.
My toddler (2.5 years old) and I started taking virgin cod liver oil this fall and it's the longest he's gone without being sick (he attends daycare 5 days/week so he gets his fair share of germ exposure haha)! I've also stayed very healthy despite lack of sleep (new baby) and all the colds/covid running around.
I purchased the cod liver and just prepared it using toast points. My mother (my personal Guinea pig with food, she’s a sport)) and I both give it thumbs up. It tastes like a very light tuna with the consistency of foie gras. Delicious!
I have a daily routine. A spoon. My bottle of CLO. A spoon. My lidded bowl of Kefir. First spoon - CLO. Second spoon - a few good dollops of Kefir. It doesn't just totally kill the taste I think the nutritional profiles complement each other too.
I have used Green Pasture Blue Ice Royal Butter Oil, Fermented Cod Liver Oil Blend , which is available in gel or capsules for over 7 years. My 3 year old granddaughter began taking it a year ago and 2 tiny cavities remineralized according to the dentist. My mid-30s daughter who is very health conscious has been taking it for a couple of years and noticed her hair shinier. Her friend recently began using it and a scaly, itchy patch on her arm cleared in about 3 weeks. The most dramatic thing I have ever seen with this product was years ago when I was visiting my niece. Her cat was eating 3 cans of food a day and starving. It smelled the liquid Green Pasture oil I had and wanted some, which it gobbled down. I bought a bottle and he began receiving it daily. He lived another year and a half and immediately began gaining much needed weight after being started on it. The vet had expected him to die soon before he began using it.
When we were kids my mom gave us our spoon of cod olive oil every day.I loved the taste ,but the other kids hated it.we also ate rose hips or cranberry on the way to school.2 miles.we were never sick.
I respect your knowledge, Dr Berg. Sadly, most people can't afford the best supplements, the best beef, pork, chicken etc. Its often (unfortunately) hugely more expensive. I keep to what I can afford within you guidence, but compromises are made.
I buy a bag of frozen raw sardines at my local market for $5. Oily fish like mackerel, sardine and salmon can give us the same kinds of nutrients. It is possible to eat healthy while keeping it cheap. That one bag of sardine fish can feed me for a week when I eat it with rice and vegetables.
I remember in 2014 I watched documentary about bipolar disorder. There was a woman that found ways to deal with her BD in natural way, she said the cod liver oil stabilizes rhythms in brains or something like that.
Wow, trying to do research and see if I’m taking enough cod liver oil and I came across this video I haven’t seen yet! Even though it’s older I will still watch! You look so different now! You’re so amazingly Keto-y lean these days!!! 💪🏻Good for you!
Before taking cod liver oil I was not able to walk continuously for 30 minutes. My knee and shines would hurt like hell After taking it I'm able to walk for 2 hours continuously without getting tired. The changes happen in just 2 days. CLO is elixir of life.
Thank you! :) Your videos are very much appreciated and you have taught me so much about so many topics. I am grateful to find someone I trust on the Internet.
I had so many health problems being young including with my eyesight and suddenly after about a week taking cod liver oil daily I feel amazing and no problems I even had no more signs of diabetes type two and I am loosing weight too so I know everything you've just said is true .my great grandparents would of had it and they were very strong while very old 😁
Hi. I bought cod liver oil in soft gel form. I begin taking them today. I have lost 70 pounds over the past year cutting my carbs and walking a 5k every day. I am so much happier now that I am healthy. I want others to do it too! Oh I stopped drinking beer too. 2hich was big deal in helping to regulate my mood. Feels like I am waking up to a new world.
Dr Berg, they are fermenting the livers, not oil, then the oil gets released, goes to the top and acts as a protective layer. They are fermenting using the glycogen in the livers.
Thank you so much. What dosage and how often do I take Cod Liver Oil? I have a lot going on. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Fatty Liver Disease, Degenerative Disc Disorder, Osteoarthritis, Spinal Stenosis. Only 37. Thank you very much for your help and time.
I just found out that I have parathyroidsm from being severly low in vitamin d and it affects my mood. My gut doesn't absorb vitamins. Also all the women in my family have to take vitamins for this vitamin d deficiency. I remember when I was younger my mother's first cousin who was Blackfoot Indian and a nurse, would give me a spoonful of cod liver oil. I was rarely sick. And I was constantly in the hospital since the age of 3 when I almost died. I still don't know why. (Military dependent) I went to school to gain knowledge of what was going on with my body. I'm now returning back to my roots.
Used to take Adderall and Ritalin on grounds that they help me to focus and increased my work performance. I was terrified that I might lose my intelligence and intellectual skills if I stop taking them . Since I consume cod liver oil, my days has been so much better . I became more intelligent and healthier even without the aid of other medications. I just realized they contain EPA and DHA 😅 which are exceptionally good for the brain . Highly recommended 💯
Every year my aunt would take a flu shot, and every year she got the flu. (She died from Covid.) My parents never took one and rarely ever get sick. If they get anything, it is more like a cold. Of course, they doctor themselves at home, too. They are 85 and 86.
Thank you so much Dr Berg for what you do. God bless you. I would like to know what you recommend between taking olive oil every morning and taking cod liver oil every morning. I just started taking a tablespoon of olive oil two weeks ago. Remain blessed .
Hello, I take olive oil and cod liver oil daily. In my opinion the King of all oils is olive oil. But I have been taking California ranch olive oil daily for about 11 years now. I have been taking the wild caught Alaskan cod liver oil liquid by steward supplements for about 3 years. I say take them together, I do and I love it and so does my body. Hopefully this helps you. May God bless you in all you do!
one of my biggest regrets in my life is that when i was a young adult, and my mother mentioned how her mother used to make her take cod liver oil, that i dismissed the idea as even being potentially was i not only wrong, but given that she eventually went into a coma and then died, i have often wondered if none of that would have happened to her, had i instead encouraged her to resume taking the cod liver oil
I was in the Navy from 00-04. flu shot was mandatory every year. Every year I got sick after getting the shot. I haven’t gotten any shots since I got out of the Navy in spite of my civilian work places pushing it like a crack dealer. I haven’t been sick except a minor cold here or there with the sniffles... my dad has likewise never had any sickness besides a slight cold once in a while. He got the pneumonia vaccine a couple years ago. He got pneumonia 3 months later and it almost killed him. We don’t do “vaccines” in this family
My father was in & out of the hospital for several years. I told him NO VACCINES, but the second to last time, he was pressured to take a pneumonia vaccine. He had never had pneumonia, yet not long after, he got pneumonia & it wound up killing him. DAMN VAKSINES! (intentional incorrect spelling)
Years ago there was just a random mom on the block who would line up all the kids in the neighborhood and give them each a teaspoon of cod liver oil...
@@TheCarrotCampaign 🤣🤣🤣 give it 5 years mate, myrocardatis is already up 370%, never mind the constant heart attacks from the heart inflammation, maybe give a listen to Dr robert malone😅
if anyone’s gonna have a vax make sure it’s not the gene therapy covid ones, cause you won’t be here in a couple years unless u enjoy heart disease and graphene oxide of course
Dr. Berg I love your channel but I wanted to share this with you. To Clarify the cod liver oil itself it not fermented. From the Green Pastures website it states "Fermented cod liver oil comes from the prolonged soaking of wild cod livers in brine, which allows cod livers to naturally ferment; the oil accumulates on top and is carefully collected. Producing cod liver oil through fermentation"
Is it okay to take a teaspoon of CLO daily even during the summer? I generally get a lot of sun during the warm months. Heard it was good for skin, sun protection and maybe even hair growth.
It has other benefits. With any supplement, cycling off and on is good. Or taking it every other day instead of every day depending on the half of the supplement.
Only problem is nearly all cod liver and fish oils are molecularly distilled, a process that removes all the vitamin A and D along with the unhealthy contaminants. “Fermented” cod liver oil has become ridiculously expensive. It used to be the only kind available. Dr Berg is correct that the oil it's self is not fermented. What is actually fermented are the cod livers themselves. Leaving behind their oil after the livers have rotted away. At this stage the oil contains natural vitamin A and D but in order to remove the heavy metals and dioxins the oils must still go through the molecular distillation process, making them no better than the oils produced from livers that are not fermented. Unfortunately I do not have an answer. I just buy the cheapest molecularly distilled fish oils I can find and get my vitamin A and D from other sources. Up until a few years ago I was able to buy fermented cod liver oil for dogs and cats but now even it too is molecularly distilled. As far as I know it is just as pure as fish oils intended for humans so I cautiously use it and will continue to do so until I find out otherwise. I get my vitamin A from raw liver smoothies and my vitamin D from the sun and a bottle of liquid vitamin D drops that I keep next to my tooth brush so I remember to take it every time I brush my teeth. On occasion I use pharmaceutical cod liver oils that have been molecularly distilled. Though it doesn't say it on the label I'm pretty sure the vitamins have been removed and added back in after the process. I think maybe they add back in some of the vitamins that they have removed after they are separated from the heavy metals and dioxins, but I'm not entirely sure. Also I seem to have lost sight of whether Dr. Berg answers the question as to whether cod liver oil is rancid or healthy... Guess I will have to watch it again!
Suffering from psoriasis, So as suggested by Dr Berg today i. e 27/12/2021 i started taking cod liver oil suppliment and vitamin d3, i hope it will benifit, thanks dr berg 😇
I cant say its complety cured but the scaly dry and redness vanished, skin has become normal now alhamdulillah, still continuing i dont know for how much time but i will keep on consuming unless i feel it will not reverse
@@abdulqureshi5851 I just took available in market in ksa, if it is severe you can vit D3 and any cod liver it will benifit, recently i kept hold then again it started,,,, next i will try glutamine which is also recommend by dr berg
You can find a list of cod liver oil recommendations from the Weston A. Price Foundation. I was referred to this group by Dr. Berg when I called into his weekly show to ask about what foods to feed my baby. They have an article entitled “Cod Liver Oil Basics and Recommendations.” I love this group. They have a lot of overlap with Dr. Berg’s protocol. Now that I’m in more of a keto maintenance diet, I tend to lean more toward their philosophy in diet. Again, very similar to Dr. Berg’s. Their emphasis is more from a standpoint of nature and tradition.
I can never find the "link down below" on the videos. Also most helpful would be mention of the dosage to be taken, and whether to take with food or on an empty stomach.
I saw your video on the difference between Cod & Fish Oil. I have inflammation issues & anxiety so it’s my understanding Fish Oil would be better for those issues.. because it has EPA & DHA.. but, Can I also take Cod along Fish Oil or is that overkill? Cuz I have depression too and Cod is more concentrated with Vit D, lol.. Just stick w/Fish Oil? I’m already taking your Vit D3 & K2 supplement. Thanks, Dr Berg.
Dr Berg, do you have any recommendations for good brands of cold liver oil. I used to take the Seven Seas brand as a child and started taking it recently again but the quality is much poorer than I remember. It's very difficult to pick a quality product that actually delivers what it claims to.
Dr. Berg, did I miss something or did you forget to explain why it is not rancid? Thanks for your great videos. Also can you do a vid on the 40,000 D3 and 400 K2 you take and further explain why this is not too much and if blood tests are good for determining the level of D3 in the body. How are YOU gaging your own level? Do you take those doses year round or only in fall through spring, or what? There are several vids on K2 and D3 on you tube and they all recommend different amounts of taking them. How does one find what is right for oneself? Lastly, would you do a vid about a lot of vitamins. containing 10.000 of A yet I find that is too much for me. Are there studies for how many people are sensitive to that much A and what those people prefer the amount to be? Thanks!
I'm glad i found your channel Dr.Berg. thanks for all the good informative videos on health care. regarding cod liver oil itself just happend to read an article from the vitamin d council. and it says cod liver oil is bad for you as it has too much preformed Vit A..what do u think of this statement they made..? also i was wondering if we go on providing our body with the preformed vitamin A are v training it to stop the natural conversion capacity from pro vit A some day...
I like that you said you do not like taking flu shots. With the low amount of nutrients in our foods these days, a half teaspoon a day of cod liver oil daily can help you get the natural vitamins and minerals you need.
Is it advisable to take it during summers? I took it once in late May and it made me so dry, chapped lips, flaky skin and a dry throat despite drinking lots of water
Never got the flu shot in my life. maybe got the flu once... I also didn't get the covid vaccine, and well, i never got tested for covid, but I might have had omicron for a day or 2, don't worry, i self isolated and ate soup with a lot of garlic, felt normal after 3 days. other than that weekend, i haven't been sick with a cold in 10 years or more. I'm not obese or over weight in any way, don't smoke, and I'm always eating to boost my immune system and exercising regularly. no co-morbidities for me thank you.
Eloy Garcia After I learned from Dr Berg about iodine solution, J Crow's iodine solution from I have never had to get a flu shot and most of the Men and Women got the flu shot most of them got sick. Not me or my Wife and Sister and her husband we never ever get the flu since we started taking J Crow's iodine solution.
This morning my local grocery store had a folding table and a poster for free Cov... Vac... many people lined up. Do they even realize this is not a good idea, to be taking vaccines from an unknown source and if anything happens medically they cannot seek restitution since it was administered by a third party and not a licensed health care facility!
My mother used to give me Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil every morning after breakfast when I was a child. I rarely got sick. I still take cod liver oil every morning.
My only flu shot is a shot of CLO daily. I've never had a Big Pharma flu shot and I never get the flu even with sick vaccinated people coughing and sneezing on me in meetings at work.
I can testify to this ,,I have taken this since I was a kid,,and to be honest I have never gotten the COLD OR FLU MY WHOLE LIFE,, A LITTLE a little allergy ,,yes in the springtime because of the ragweed and pallen outside but other than that,, a million present GREAT,,,,
Hi! Dr. Berg might recommend a type of supplement but does not get into specifics - you'll need to do a bit more research on this. Dr. Berg's Support Team.
how much cod liver oil is too much? if i add one tablespoon of it per day to one of my daily meals, is that too much? also, is it okay to have it every day, or is it better to alternate between cod liver oil and extra virgin olive oil?
thanku sir....plz one more video on saggy lower tummy. i am loosing weight...adrenal body type...but can't afford tummy tuck surgery...plz once again video on this sagged tummy
neha bandha sareen I'm not Doctor Berg, but I'm losing as well (adrenal type) and I'm doing dry skin brushing to tighten skin as I lose weight. Make sure when you feel up to it you start doing some toning exercises as opposed to cardio.
TiMalice2009 while that is good advice, we don't know how much she weighs. A 400lbs person is still going to have lose skin regardless if how much skin brushing and weight exercises they do
TheWarIsWithin There is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat. However to get lean you must become healthy BEFORE getting lean. Many people mistake that you'll get healthy by dieting and exercising. That may improve your health greatly BUT you may create other nutritional deficiencies that may prevent getting lean. It happens in many people and that's something many people don't educate themselves in. Thank goodness for soctors like dr. Berg, dr. Guidry, dr. Sebi and others
So helpful, thank you. I see a few other Keto UA-camrs taking a few different sources at once (such as Krill oil, Cod liver, Fish capsules). Is it necessary to take more than one source, or can I take only Cod Liver Oil? Thanks for your time. :)
Dr Berg UA-cam has change the setup I tried to look at as you mentioned I have attached on link below “ an extra virgin cod liver oil” and there is nothing, no attachments at all. Today’s date is November 18, 2022.
Another great video! Love your channel so much! You always provide us with awesome info. I would love to see a video on supplementing with CLA and your opinion on it. Thanks Dr. Berg!
Hi Dr.. First of all thanks a lot for being here for us❤ just a quick question, should I stop taking extra vitamin A and D while taking Cod Liver Oil? Or i can still take them
Amazing how Dr Berg went from so-so on looking healthy (like his early years) to how he looks so super healthy in all of his newer videos. I think I've watched many, if not most of his videos over the years and he keeps getting better and better. Keep up the great work. Its obvious he practice what he preaches. I've learned a ton from him over the years.
I’ve thought the same thing.
@@e-rizzle I was just thinking the same exact thing. I noticed he looks healthier in his latest videos.
That new beard suits him well for sure! ;) And now he looks this video he is a little bit more chubby. Babyface. :D
Yes I love him!
Agreed.. he is aging backwards. It's probably the fasting and healthy fats. I've seen men join the NOI and have the same affect after about 12 months. Most look a minimum of 10 years younger.
WOW! I was wondering why I had perfect attendance in elementary school so many times. My mother made my siblings and me take a spoonful of Scott emotion Cod Liver Oil daily, along with a multiple vitamin. We never got sick and we still don't get sick. I'm 65 now and on no meds.
Linda Shankle any other health tips ?!!
Hi, which brand(s) of cod liver oil you take? and how much per day? do you still take it?
Chris Porter. Yes. Check out Dr. Sebi......He cured AIDS, CANCERS, EBOLA, EVERY DESEASE.
Ultra Instinct Goku what “nonsense”?
Simple Dreaming. Soñando Fácil. TTYL those are some preetttty bold claims there.. is like to see some evidence
Don’t believe everything you read or hear
that man looked and I perceive was very ill
your voice is so soft and elegant, and the things you teach us right here is life changing thank so much for your great work.
It's interesting that many people think vitamin C is the vitamin that helps prevent or overcome colds and flu. Whereas it seems vitamin D play a much more important role.
My daughter said when she had patients with covid, she told them to take 2000mg of vitamin c a day.
Both are very important t prevent colds and flu.
I spent a good hour researching everything you just summarized in 3 and half minutes. I should have came here first!
Finally an honest doctor lucky to came across this channel feeling blessed 🙏🏻
When my father was at school he was very poor and weighs 27kgs when he was in grade 6.
The doctor gave him cod liver oil and now he is 1.80m and his health is really good even if he is 80 years old. His weight is about 85 kgs.
My toddler (2.5 years old) and I started taking virgin cod liver oil this fall and it's the longest he's gone without being sick (he attends daycare 5 days/week so he gets his fair share of germ exposure haha)! I've also stayed very healthy despite lack of sleep (new baby) and all the colds/covid running around.
Which brand please ?
@@karine8738 try Solgar
How do you get him to take it?
We have the liquid and my kids find it awful.
@@karine8738 We are currently using Nordic Naturals.
@@samwiseg7380 I put it in almond milk, and it completely masks the flavor for my boys
my dad was a chain smoking acholic lived 88 years , he always took his cod liver oil
I love you and your wife....I have learned so much from you guys!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!
I purchased the cod liver and just prepared it using toast points. My mother (my personal Guinea pig with food, she’s a sport)) and I both give it thumbs up. It tastes like a very light tuna with the consistency of foie gras. Delicious!
yess the name scared me off for so long, I was thinking it'll be extremely smelly, but I was so surprised, tastes like a nice pâté
I have never gotten the flu shots all my life and I never gotten the flu. Just stay healthy, eat heathy and exercise.
I have a daily routine. A spoon. My bottle of CLO. A spoon. My lidded bowl of Kefir. First spoon - CLO. Second spoon - a few good dollops of Kefir. It doesn't just totally kill the taste I think the nutritional profiles complement each other too.
I have used Green Pasture Blue Ice Royal Butter Oil, Fermented Cod Liver Oil Blend
, which is available in gel or capsules for over 7 years. My 3 year old granddaughter began taking it a year ago and 2 tiny cavities remineralized according to the dentist. My mid-30s daughter who is very health conscious has been taking it for a couple of years and noticed her hair shinier. Her friend recently began using it and a scaly, itchy patch on her arm cleared in about 3 weeks. The most dramatic thing I have ever seen with this product was years ago when I was visiting my niece. Her cat was eating 3 cans of food a day and starving. It smelled the liquid Green Pasture oil I had and wanted some, which it gobbled down. I bought a bottle and he began receiving it daily. He lived another year and a half and immediately began gaining much needed weight after being started on it. The vet had expected him to die soon before he began using it.
There is another essential vitamin in there - K2! These three vitamins work in concert for bone health and immune function.
When we were kids my mom gave us our spoon of cod olive oil every day.I loved the taste ,but the other kids hated it.we also ate rose hips or cranberry on the way to school.2 miles.we were never sick.
I love this guy life changer just gives the facts helps us and no fluff
I respect your knowledge, Dr Berg. Sadly, most people can't afford the best supplements, the best beef, pork, chicken etc. Its often (unfortunately) hugely more expensive.
I keep to what I can afford within you guidence, but compromises are made.
I buy a bag of frozen raw sardines at my local market for $5. Oily fish like mackerel, sardine and salmon can give us the same kinds of nutrients. It is possible to eat healthy while keeping it cheap. That one bag of sardine fish can feed me for a week when I eat it with rice and vegetables.
Yet, they can afford crackers and junk food
Hey Dr. Berg.. you should do a TED talk
Night_Fox He will destroy big Pharma companies. Long live Dr. Berg
+Karim Bekkouche big pharma wont allow it and many have found out. eustace mullins murder by injection.
Great idea 💡!
Big Pharma will kill him.
That's right 🔥
Love watching dr Berg everything is well explained and put out the details 🙌🏼
I remember in 2014 I watched documentary about bipolar disorder. There was a woman that found ways to deal with her BD in natural way, she said the cod liver oil stabilizes rhythms in brains or something like that.
Fascinating! Is there a chance that you recall the name of the documentary?
Wow, trying to do research and see if I’m taking enough cod liver oil and I came across this video I haven’t seen yet! Even though it’s older I will still watch! You look so different now! You’re so amazingly Keto-y lean these days!!! 💪🏻Good for you!
Before taking cod liver oil I was not able to walk continuously for 30 minutes. My knee and shines would hurt like hell
After taking it I'm able to walk for 2 hours continuously without getting tired.
The changes happen in just 2 days.
CLO is elixir of life.
i have the same problem since younger age now 30 what brand do you use ?
Mayank, take it together with Milk Kefir. They complement each other perfectly.
Which brand did you take? How many per day?
Which brand please ?
Dr berg has his own brand on his website
My mom gave it to me and my brother every day before we left for school with orange juice.I'm 65 also.
I’m glad you mentioned the vaccines being a problem. Thanks for the video (:
It's brilliant give to my children and dogs ,cured kennel cough
I have been taking a multivitamin and cod liver oil daily for a month now combined with low carb diet and exercise. Man do I feel good :)
Great. Thank you so much for sharing.
placebo effect
Thankful DrBerg. I haven't got chance to take fish oil in my childhood. So I will encourage my children to take it.
Most welcome!
Thank you! :) Your videos are very much appreciated and you have taught me so much about so many topics. I am grateful to find someone I trust on the Internet.
I had so many health problems being young including with my eyesight and suddenly after about a week taking cod liver oil daily I feel amazing and no problems I even had no more signs of diabetes type two and I am loosing weight too so I know everything you've just said is true .my great grandparents would of had it and they were very strong while very old 😁
Kanika, now that a year has gone by, do you still recommend cod liver oil?
What brand are you using?
@@airishviscara2326 I'm in UK I get them from either Holland and barrats or just anywhere that sells them in high strength and lots of them
Was your vision alot better after taking it
Hi. I bought cod liver oil in soft gel form. I begin taking them today. I have lost 70 pounds over the past year cutting my carbs and walking a 5k every day. I am so much happier now that I am healthy. I want others to do it too! Oh I stopped drinking beer too. 2hich was big deal in helping to regulate my mood. Feels like I am waking up to a new world.
Dr Berg, they are fermenting the livers, not oil, then the oil gets released, goes to the top and acts as a protective layer. They are fermenting using the glycogen in the livers.
Hey Doc. My favorite Doc. Now before i eat a lot of different food I have to consult your channel
Thank you so much. What dosage and how often do I take Cod Liver Oil? I have a lot going on. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Fatty Liver Disease, Degenerative Disc Disorder, Osteoarthritis, Spinal Stenosis. Only 37. Thank you very much for your help and time.
I just found out that I have parathyroidsm from being severly low in vitamin d and it affects my mood. My gut doesn't absorb vitamins. Also all the women in my family have to take vitamins for this vitamin d deficiency. I remember when I was younger my mother's first cousin who was Blackfoot Indian and a nurse, would give me a spoonful of cod liver oil. I was rarely sick. And I was constantly in the hospital since the age of 3 when I almost died. I still don't know why. (Military dependent) I went to school to gain knowledge of what was going on with my body. I'm now returning back to my roots.
Used to take Adderall and Ritalin on grounds that they help me to focus and increased my work performance. I was terrified that I might lose my intelligence and intellectual skills if I stop taking them . Since I consume cod liver oil, my days has been so much better . I became more intelligent and healthier even without the aid of other medications. I just realized they contain EPA and DHA 😅 which are exceptionally good for the brain . Highly recommended 💯
I've been concerned about the same thing lately. When I have an off day, man do I have trouble with working memory.
Every year my aunt would take a flu shot, and every year she got the flu. (She died from Covid.) My parents never took one and rarely ever get sick. If they get anything, it is more like a cold. Of course, they doctor themselves at home, too. They are 85 and 86.
I had to take the flu shot every year at work, and I have NOT had the flu in 40 years.
I quit catching the flu when I quit taking the flu shot.
Oh jeez. Did she get the Covid Vaccine? And / or boosters ?
Thank you so much Dr Berg for what you do. God bless you. I would like to know what you recommend between taking olive oil every morning and taking cod liver oil every morning. I just started taking a tablespoon of olive oil two weeks ago. Remain blessed .
Cod liver oil hands down has much more health benefits than olive oil
Hello, I take olive oil and cod liver oil daily. In my opinion the King of all oils is olive oil. But I have been taking California ranch olive oil daily for about 11 years now. I have been taking the wild caught Alaskan cod liver oil liquid by steward supplements for about 3 years. I say take them together, I do and I love it and so does my body. Hopefully this helps you. May God bless you in all you do!
I can recommend Lysi cod liver oil from the plant in Reykjavik, Iceland. There is also Bonus Lysi made for the local grocery stores.
I usually buy Lysi omega-3 and Lusi Vitamin-D. And also i like Moller's from Norway
Hi, Dr. Berg! Just checking out some of your old videos recommended to me. Thank you again for all you do 🥳🙋🏾♀️take god care 🕊✝️
my mother gave my sister and I cod liver oil when we were younger. we hardly ever got sick!!!!
Hi, which brand(s) of cod liver oil you took/take? and how much per day? do you still take it?
one of my biggest regrets in my life is that when i was a young adult, and my mother mentioned how her mother used to make her take cod liver oil, that i dismissed the idea as even being potentially was i not only wrong, but given that she eventually went into a coma and then died, i have often wondered if none of that would have happened to her, had i instead encouraged her to resume taking the cod liver oil
Please don't blame yourself! It's definitely not your fault 👍
I was so mean to my mother 😞
Please so a video on ghost pipe extract. It has ended my anxiety/panic attacks and helped me sleep and cope with the loss of a loved one.
Hello. We will add this to our video suggestion list. Thanks.
-Dr. Berg's Support Team
I was in the Navy from 00-04. flu shot was mandatory every year. Every year I got sick after getting the shot. I haven’t gotten any shots since I got out of the Navy in spite of my civilian work places pushing it like a crack dealer. I haven’t been sick except a minor cold here or there with the sniffles... my dad has likewise never had any sickness besides a slight cold once in a while. He got the pneumonia vaccine a couple years ago. He got pneumonia 3 months later and it almost killed him. We don’t do “vaccines” in this family
Wizard Slayer I agree 1000%
I stopped seeing Doctors when they would dismiss my questions + requests (aka the reason I was there) and then try and get me to take a shot. Nope.
Good for you 👏🏼👍🏼
Yeah, your a smart guy... I've stopped wearing my seat belt, when I jump out of planes, no parachute... And use only gasoline on my BBQ.
My father was in & out of the hospital for several years. I told him NO VACCINES, but the second to last time, he was pressured to take a pneumonia vaccine. He had never had pneumonia, yet not long after, he got pneumonia & it wound up killing him. DAMN VAKSINES! (intentional incorrect spelling)
Thanks for the Cod Liver Oil Link!
Did you try that Cod Liver oil in the link? If so did it help you?
Years ago there was just a random mom on the block who would line up all the kids in the neighborhood and give them each a teaspoon of cod liver oil...
Random mom on the block 😅
Qat Lane lol
They must've loved her!😆
I aim to become that random mum on the block lol
Heheeeee..... bless that mom!
Can you take it all year round? Thank you for sharing your videos.
Thank you for explaining so I can understand!
Thanks for the recommendations, looks like Rosita is a good one for me to get in the UK 😊
Love these videos. So interesting.
Great video Doc. Buying mine right now
That's nice!
@@DrbergDr. It is alright to drink a cod liver oil capsule daily continuously without stopping it let say for 30/40 years?
Finally a doctor honest about the flu shots. Every time I got them I got the flu as well! When I stopped taking them I was good 🤔
I don’t get flu shots, but I do believe some vaccines are beneficial. I definitely got my COVID vaccines, no side effects.
@@TheCarrotCampaign 🤣🤣🤣 give it 5 years mate, myrocardatis is already up 370%, never mind the constant heart attacks from the heart inflammation, maybe give a listen to Dr robert malone😅
if anyone’s gonna have a vax make sure it’s not the gene therapy covid ones, cause you won’t be here in a couple years unless u enjoy heart disease and graphene oxide of course
@@TheCarrotCampaign at least not yet
@@TheCarrotCampaign RIP
long life Dr.Eric
Dr. Berg I love your channel but I wanted to share this with you. To Clarify the cod liver oil itself it not fermented. From the Green Pastures website it states "Fermented cod liver oil comes from the prolonged soaking of wild cod livers in brine, which allows cod livers to naturally ferment; the oil accumulates on top and is carefully collected. Producing cod liver oil through fermentation"
@TrueDepth is this true?
TrueDepth ummm proof???
Thank’s dr, You always tell the truth.
Is it okay to take a teaspoon of CLO daily even during the summer? I generally get a lot of sun during the warm months. Heard it was good for skin, sun protection and maybe even hair growth.
It has other benefits. With any supplement, cycling off and on is good. Or taking it every other day instead of every day depending on the half of the supplement.
True grandmas always knows best, now we have you 👏
Only problem is nearly all cod liver and fish oils are molecularly distilled, a process that removes all the vitamin A and D along with the unhealthy contaminants. “Fermented” cod liver oil has become ridiculously expensive. It used to be the only kind available. Dr Berg is correct that the oil it's self is not fermented. What is actually fermented are the cod livers themselves. Leaving behind their oil after the livers have rotted away. At this stage the oil contains natural vitamin A and D but in order to remove the heavy metals and dioxins the oils must still go through the molecular distillation process, making them no better than the oils produced from livers that are not fermented. Unfortunately I do not have an answer. I just buy the cheapest molecularly distilled fish oils I can find and get my vitamin A and D from other sources. Up until a few years ago I was able to buy fermented cod liver oil for dogs and cats but now even it too is molecularly distilled. As far as I know it is just as pure as fish oils intended for humans so I cautiously use it and will continue to do so until I find out otherwise. I get my vitamin A from raw liver smoothies and my vitamin D from the sun and a bottle of liquid vitamin D drops that I keep next to my tooth brush so I remember to take it every time I brush my teeth. On occasion I use pharmaceutical cod liver oils that have been molecularly distilled. Though it doesn't say it on the label I'm pretty sure the vitamins have been removed and added back in after the process. I think maybe they add back in some of the vitamins that they have removed after they are separated from the heavy metals and dioxins, but I'm not entirely sure. Also I seem to have lost sight of whether Dr. Berg answers the question as to whether cod liver oil is rancid or healthy... Guess I will have to watch it again!
Suffering from psoriasis, So as suggested by Dr Berg today i. e 27/12/2021 i started taking cod liver oil suppliment and vitamin d3, i hope it will benifit, thanks dr berg 😇
Hey there any update on your recovery?
@@rameenimtiaz3344 Alhamdulillah Allah has given shifa in that, Thanks dr Berg
I cant say its complety cured but the scaly dry and redness vanished, skin has become normal now alhamdulillah, still continuing i dont know for how much time but i will keep on consuming unless i feel it will not reverse
what brand of cod liver oil and vitamin d3 you take?
@@abdulqureshi5851 I just took available in market in ksa, if it is severe you can vit D3 and any cod liver it will benifit, recently i kept hold then again it started,,,, next i will try glutamine which is also recommend by dr berg
I've been using the Norwegian cod liver oil, it's top quality stuff.
Good stuff
Is it capsules? Or virgin?
Always have my flu jab - had flue in 1976 [pre jab] - never since! Never had Covid either despite being among many infected people!
Dr Berg
Any updated recommendations about which cod liver oil?
he is recomending Rosita Real Foods, van google it or watch their youtube Channel
You can find a list of cod liver oil recommendations from the Weston A. Price Foundation. I was referred to this group by Dr. Berg when I called into his weekly show to ask about what foods to feed my baby. They have an article entitled “Cod Liver Oil Basics and Recommendations.” I love this group. They have a lot of overlap with Dr. Berg’s protocol. Now that I’m in more of a keto maintenance diet, I tend to lean more toward their philosophy in diet. Again, very similar to Dr. Berg’s. Their emphasis is more from a standpoint of nature and tradition.
Trank you for the links and the Information provided
Would you recommend an omega supplement or cod liver oil? Which is better for skin health?
I can never find the "link down below" on the videos. Also most helpful would be mention of the dosage to be taken, and whether to take with food or on an empty stomach.
I saw your video on the difference between Cod & Fish Oil. I have inflammation issues & anxiety so it’s my understanding Fish Oil would be better for those issues.. because it has EPA & DHA.. but, Can I also take Cod along Fish Oil or is that overkill? Cuz I have depression too and Cod is more concentrated with Vit D, lol.. Just stick w/Fish Oil? I’m already taking your Vit D3 & K2 supplement.
Dr Berg.
Thank you Doc... Great information
After watching 50 videos of dr berg. I think we will need to have 50 supplements daily
It’s a good thing all of his products are conveniently on Amzn. 😂
Don't take too many/much, priority comes first!
Rosita..i just ordered it.
Dr Berg, do you have any recommendations for good brands of cold liver oil. I used to take the Seven Seas brand as a child and started taking it recently again but the quality is much poorer than I remember. It's very difficult to pick a quality product that actually delivers what it claims to.
It’s mentioned in the description box. He links three different brands
Rosita cod liver oil!!
Im glad hes honest
Dr. Berg, did I miss something or did you forget to explain why it is not rancid? Thanks for your great videos. Also can you do a vid on the 40,000 D3 and 400 K2 you take and further explain why this is not too much and if blood tests are good for determining the level of D3 in the body. How are YOU gaging your own level? Do you take those doses year round or only in fall through spring, or what? There are several vids on K2 and D3 on you tube and they all recommend different amounts of taking them. How does one find what is right for oneself? Lastly, would you do a vid about a lot of vitamins. containing 10.000 of A yet I find that is too much for me. Are there studies for how many people are sensitive to that much A and what those people prefer the amount to be? Thanks!
Please answer this Dr. Berg
Hello, and thank you Doctor.
Would you recommend this for diabetics? Or something else?
I'm glad i found your channel Dr.Berg. thanks for all the good informative videos on health care.
regarding cod liver oil itself just happend to read an article from the vitamin d council. and it says cod liver oil is bad for you as it has too much preformed Vit A..what do u think of this statement they made..? also i was wondering if we go on providing our body with the preformed vitamin A are v training it to stop the natural conversion capacity from pro vit A some day...
I live in Florida and I take a walk almost everyday. Should I take cod liver oil? Or, I don't really need it. Thanks in advance! :)
I like that you said you do not like taking flu shots. With the low amount of nutrients in our foods these days, a half teaspoon a day of cod liver oil daily can help you get the natural vitamins and minerals you need.
Is it advisable to take it during summers? I took it once in late May and it made me so dry, chapped lips, flaky skin and a dry throat despite drinking lots of water
Never got the flu shot in my life. maybe got the flu once... I also didn't get the covid vaccine, and well, i never got tested for covid, but I might have had omicron for a day or 2, don't worry, i self isolated and ate soup with a lot of garlic, felt normal after 3 days. other than that weekend, i haven't been sick with a cold in 10 years or more. I'm not obese or over weight in any way, don't smoke, and I'm always eating to boost my immune system and exercising regularly. no co-morbidities for me thank you.
Dr Berg is looking good 5 years later.
I love the way you think Dr Berg.. I also never take the flu shots when the VA pushes them like Its candy..
Eloy Garcia After I learned from Dr Berg about iodine solution, J Crow's iodine solution from I have never had to get a flu shot and most of the Men and Women got the flu shot most of them got sick. Not me or my Wife and Sister and her husband we never ever get the flu since we started taking J Crow's iodine solution.
@Shannon This comment aged like Fine Rice ! 😏😒
This morning my local grocery store had a folding table and a poster for free Cov... Vac... many people lined up. Do they even realize this is not a good idea, to be taking vaccines from an unknown source and if anything happens medically they cannot seek restitution since it was administered by a third party and not a licensed health care facility!
i havent had the flu in like 20 years. Then i got the flu shot. Ended up getting the flu.
This aged like a fine wine!
I no longer get the flu shot and haven't had the flu in 22 years. I just started this cod liver 2 days ago.
My mother used to give me Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil every morning after breakfast when I was a child. I rarely got sick.
I still take cod liver oil every morning.
Dr. Berg❤, you are my favourite doctor
My only flu shot is a shot of CLO daily. I've never had a Big Pharma flu shot and I never get the flu even with sick vaccinated people coughing and sneezing on me in meetings at work.
Hi, which brand(s) of cod liver oil you take? and how much per day? do you still take it?
Haha I take ACV for flu shot just started codliver oil. I work with boogery sneezers all day, and never get sick.
Steve, what brand of cod liver oil do you recommend?
I can testify to this ,,I have taken this since I was a kid,,and to be honest I have never gotten the COLD OR FLU MY WHOLE LIFE,, A LITTLE a little allergy ,,yes in the springtime because of the ragweed and pallen outside but other than that,, a million present GREAT,,,,
🌺❌ Hi 👋 Cod Liver oil ) as a child 👶 I didn’t like to take it ) but as a capsule it’s much much better :-)✅❌💐🌾🌿🌵😎
Dr. Berg:
If it’s a Capsule, how many mg would be recommended daily? Thank You 🙏 Kindly
Hi! Dr. Berg might recommend a type of supplement but does not get into specifics - you'll need to do a bit more research on this.
Dr. Berg's Support Team.
how much cod liver oil is too much? if i add one tablespoon of it per day to one of my daily meals, is that too much? also, is it okay to have it every day, or is it better to alternate between cod liver oil and extra virgin olive oil?
You should only take 1 tsp.
great video. Thanks✨
glad you liked it!
thanku sir....plz one more video on saggy lower tummy. i am loosing weight...adrenal body type...but can't afford tummy tuck surgery...plz once again video on this sagged tummy
neha bandha sareen I'm not Doctor Berg, but I'm losing as well (adrenal type) and I'm doing dry skin brushing to tighten skin as I lose weight. Make sure when you feel up to it you start doing some toning exercises as opposed to cardio.
TiMalice2009 while that is good advice, we don't know how much she weighs. A 400lbs person is still going to have lose skin regardless if how much skin brushing and weight exercises they do
neha bandha sareen that's what happens to females who just wanna lose weight instead of getting lean. Big difference
TheWarIsWithin stop ✋🏾. You are judging her. Many women try the gym with minimal results.
TheWarIsWithin There is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat. However to get lean you must become healthy BEFORE getting lean. Many people mistake that you'll get healthy by dieting and exercising. That may improve your health greatly BUT you may create other nutritional deficiencies that may prevent getting lean. It happens in many people and that's something many people don't educate themselves in. Thank goodness for soctors like dr. Berg, dr. Guidry, dr. Sebi and others
Can I take cod liver oil as I am diagnosed with Gallbladder cancer????
So helpful, thank you. I see a few other Keto UA-camrs taking a few different sources at once (such as Krill oil, Cod liver, Fish capsules). Is it necessary to take more than one source, or can I take only Cod Liver Oil? Thanks for your time. :)
Dr Berg UA-cam has change the setup I tried to look at as you mentioned I have attached on link below “ an extra virgin cod liver oil” and there is nothing, no attachments at all. Today’s date is November 18, 2022.
Ok so I'm expecting to hear about whether cod liver oil goes rancid but zero mention :(
Another great video! Love your channel so much! You always provide us with awesome info. I would love to see a video on supplementing with CLA and your opinion on it. Thanks Dr. Berg!
Ordering it now!😊
Okay, good!
Hi Dr.. First of all thanks a lot for being here for us❤ just a quick question, should I stop taking extra vitamin A and D while taking Cod Liver Oil? Or i can still take them
My educated guess would be to only take the cod liver oil.
Grew up on that in the Caribbean
Yes! Flue shots made me so sick at various times during the year. I only got the flue shot twice in my life yet I don't receive the shots any longer.
Club a lot of his videos together and the bigger picture is revealed. Wish UA-cam was available X years ago.
What is the perfect balance for A and D? 2:1, 4:1?
The amounts in cod liver or its oil are good.