Reset Your Spine Fast

  • Опубліковано 26 кві 2024
  • Yoga for Back Health
    Erin M Menut is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with a Certification in Yoga of the Heart Yoga Therapy
    I learned how to use Yoga to rehab my back after getting hurt in a car accident.
    I regained my mobility and so can you!
    Spine health
    back pain
    pain relief
    spinal mobility
    spinal articulation
    better posture
    Techniques in this video:
    Finding Neutral Spine:
    Technique: Finding a position where the natural curves of the spine are present, with a slight space under the lower back.
    Benefits: Allows the spine to rest in its natural alignment, reducing strain on the back muscles.
    Experimenting with Foot Position:
    Technique: Moving the feet closer or further away to find a comfortable position.
    Benefits: Helps find the optimal position for the spine where no muscular effort is required to maintain balance.
    Active Rest Pose:
    Technique: Maintaining a neutral spine position with shoulders relaxed and body weight distributed evenly.
    Benefits: Provides a resting position that supports the spine and allows for relaxation without strain.
    Ujjayi Breath:
    Technique: Breathing in and out through the nose with a sound resembling ocean waves.
    Benefits: Calms the mind, enhances focus, and encourages relaxation while promoting awareness of breath and movement.
    Dynamic Bridge Pose:
    Technique: Alternating between lifting the hips (bridge pose) on inhalation and lowering them on exhalation, articulating the spine.
    Benefits: Strengthens the back muscles, opens the chest and shoulders, improves spinal flexibility, and promotes core stability.
    Pelvic Tilt:
    Technique: Rocking the pelvis from side to side while keeping the knees and hips neutral.
    Benefits: Releases tension in the lower back, massages the sacrum, and increases mobility in the pelvis.
    Ankle Circles:
    Technique: Circling the ankles in both directions.
    Benefits: Increases ankle mobility, releases tension, and improves circulation in the lower extremities.
    Shoulder Warm-up:
    Technique: Reaching the arms up toward the sky on inhalation and lowering them toward the mat on exhalation.
    Benefits: Mobilizes the shoulder joints, stretches the upper back, and improves posture.
    Supine Spinal Twist:
    Technique: With knees bent, gently tipping the knees from side to side while turning the head in the opposite direction.
    Benefits: Stretches the spine, releases tension in the lower back and hips, and improves spinal mobility.
    Knee-to-Chest Pose:
    Technique: Hugging the knees into the chest while rocking gently from side to side.
    Benefits: Relieves tension in the lower back, massages the spine, and promotes relaxation.
    Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose:
    Technique: Lying on the back with legs extended vertically up the wall.
    Benefits: Promotes relaxation, reduces swelling in the legs, and improves circulation.
    These poses and techniques contribute to overall back health by promoting spinal alignment, flexibility, strength, and relaxation. Practicing them regularly can help alleviate back pain and improve overall well-being.