10 Yoga Asanas for Flat Stomach | Shilpa Shetty Yoga Programs

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ranughosal9457
    @ranughosal9457 Рік тому +30

    Surya Namaskar 4 rounds
    Meru vakrasana 1 round
    Pawan muktasana 2 rounds
    Naukasana 1 round
    Padahastasana 1 round
    Tolasana 1 round
    Yogic Breathing: 3 minutes
    Kapalbhati : 3 minutes
    Agnisar kriya : 30-50 times

  • @daminirawat1195
    @daminirawat1195 2 роки тому +60

    Though i loved doing this.
    But Too fast for beginners there is no timer alarm , no indication when is your time about to end , and no transition reminder that what is next asana going to be. As we finish last one simultaneously Shilpa is on next asana and when we are about to start she is already halfway of round.
    So please consider this... ❤️

  • @RiyaKarthi999
    @RiyaKarthi999 9 місяців тому +4

    Omg 😮... Agnisar kriya 😮😮 She nailed it. 21:15

  • @nataliialebid1336
    @nataliialebid1336 2 роки тому +46

    Thanks for your video! Humans pay the price for having excessive fat. I easily understood that I was overweight - my BMI was 26. I really had problems which with this channel Practical Health speaks of. Thanks to its explanatory videos I shed 15 kg and really feel younger! My sleep and mood become better!

  • @86trs
    @86trs Рік тому +97

    For me i am a big fan of Shilpa for her fit and healthy life style. Let's not judge her and appreciate her for the effort she is doing inspite of her busy schedule. Anyways Shilpa your fans know you and we are really thankful for the effort. You inspire me to do yoga inspite of my pain in the body. Keep rocking👏

    • @gouravmehra5159
      @gouravmehra5159 Рік тому


    • @gouravmehra5159
      @gouravmehra5159 Рік тому


    • @gouravmehra5159
      @gouravmehra5159 Рік тому

      😊❤😂😅😮❤😂❤😅😂😅❤😅❤😮😊😂😅❤😊😅❤😅😊❤😮😊😂😢😮😅 1:21 😮😊😅😮😅😮😅😮❤😅❤😊❤

    • @gouravmehra5159
      @gouravmehra5159 Рік тому

      😊❤😂😅😮❤😂❤😅😂😅❤😅❤😮😊😂😅❤😊😅❤😅😊❤😮😊😂😢😮😅 1:21 😮😊😅😮😅😮😅😮❤😅❤😊❤

    • @gouravmehra5159
      @gouravmehra5159 Рік тому


  • @shripadpuntambekar4834
    @shripadpuntambekar4834 Рік тому +4

    Dear SS , I already following your previous session since last few months. i really dealing very better. In this video you really instructed many things. Last Yoga you showed is really very difficult for general man. You are Yogi Women . Hts off Thankyou.

  • @Shaheena-Mira7942
    @Shaheena-Mira7942 Рік тому +1

    I only use Igrotum products to lose fat because they are FDA approved and work like magic

  • @Shilpa-602
    @Shilpa-602 6 місяців тому +2

    🙏🙏🙏tq's lot ...my shugar level is allso..normal...I m diabetic patient at 32 age..after dng excersize..my shugar level is normal..after 8days of yoga I lossed 5kg...

  • @TheNara30
    @TheNara30 Рік тому +1

    I tried this and it sure works 😳

  • @archanashitut5699
    @archanashitut5699 2 роки тому +25

    This is the surya namaskar that i was looking for, what I have learnt in school but cudn't recollect d steps. Thank you so much Shilpa!

  • @pushpalalwani3151
    @pushpalalwani3151 2 роки тому +26

    Fabulous¡ I so wish I could it do this as gracefully as you do it.

  • @relaxzenmusic4477
    @relaxzenmusic4477 2 роки тому +93

    Namaste - This video is just very soothing for my soul, or as Buddha would say: Take the time every day to sit still and listen to things. Pay attention to the melody of life that resonates within you. Keep up the good work, see you there! @ALL everyone stays healthy.💛💚🌏✨✔

  • @Sehat36995
    @Sehat36995 5 місяців тому +3

    Amazing work it needs a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve this level of excellence,hats off to you 👌

  • @Shilpa-602
    @Shilpa-602 6 місяців тому +1

    I lossed 2kg in 4days tq very much mam..

  • @sasiradha9571
    @sasiradha9571 Рік тому +3

    Super mam innum neraya videos podunga mam thankyou😊😊😊

  • @NaslinAnoop
    @NaslinAnoop 4 місяці тому +2

    Thank you mam i started this yoga today ❤

  • @pradorocks25
    @pradorocks25 Рік тому +1

    I remember all the treatments i got in school. All the teachers there used to carry one fat cane to the classroom. I used to get combo treatment. The teacher used to make me do Uthak baithak (also called as baski or situps) for every situp i did i got one whack with the cane on my bum whenever my bum came down😓 Another package was getting imposition by one teacher and caned on my bum by another on the same day...so while i used to write impositions at home i had to stand up rubbing my bum with the left hand and writing the impositions with the right hand.

  • @veganlifeintrivandrum
    @veganlifeintrivandrum Рік тому +11

    very effective yogasanas , it has really flattened my belly . Thank you for sharing

    • @nishunishu2618
      @nishunishu2618 Рік тому

      Is aasan se belly fat loose hota h kya plz reply

    • @veganlifeintrivandrum
      @veganlifeintrivandrum Рік тому

      yes , if done consistently for 3 months at least @@nishunishu2618

  • @anduiban1561
    @anduiban1561 2 роки тому +23

    OMG I fall in love with this Yoga move. I'll start it as soon as possible. 🥰

  • @supriyakambli3380
    @supriyakambli3380 Місяць тому

    I like the way you are teaching very calmly and nicely

  • @librablog4992
    @librablog4992 2 роки тому +4

    Yog se nirog rahe very good yoga steps 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️

  • @M.Born007
    @M.Born007 7 місяців тому +2

    Superb Outstanding Fantastic Awesome … Inspirational❤

  • @RavinderKumar-zm5eq
    @RavinderKumar-zm5eq 9 місяців тому +2

    thank you mam😊😊😊 very nice video😊😊😊😊

  • @jennifermukhia2759
    @jennifermukhia2759 Рік тому +6

    Truly an inspiration. I'm already beginning to feel better doing the basics. Hope to become better in time.

  • @exercisefitt
    @exercisefitt Рік тому +23

    She can do such difficult stretches so effortlessly!Awesome!🧘🏻‍♀️💗

    • @pihu2639
      @pihu2639 Рік тому

      Ofcourse because she is Shilpa Shetty ❤❤❤❤

  • @hemants5822
    @hemants5822 5 місяців тому +1

    Thank you Shilpaji ..
    You are an inspiration

  • @PreetisDesiRasoi
    @PreetisDesiRasoi 2 роки тому +8

    U r really sach a hard working women. Proud of you 👍🏻 dii 😘❤️

  • @KalsoomBano-h6x
    @KalsoomBano-h6x 4 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for sharing. Which time is good for yoga?

  • @joydeeproy9485
    @joydeeproy9485 Рік тому +3

    Very beautiful yoga asana for healthy life , stay and fit

  • @Vaishali-paithani20
    @Vaishali-paithani20 Рік тому +2

    Actually I actully understand surya namskar and mainly agnisaar... I found it very simple... Before watching this I was on conclusion that this Agnisaar is just impossible for me

  • @radhikapatil7486
    @radhikapatil7486 10 місяців тому +1

    Shilpa is fit about yoga I inspire yoga for shilpa

  • @ustadali8280
    @ustadali8280 Рік тому +3

    Very beautiful exercise dear sister. Just like a fairy 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤

  • @sabinasheikh6911
    @sabinasheikh6911 2 роки тому +4

    Thanx for this wonderful video please make a video on how to reduce hips fat and cellulite

  • @Залина-ы2ц
    @Залина-ы2ц 2 роки тому +10

    Вы мой кумир.Ваши фильмы вдохновляют и приносят любовь людям как это йогавская гимнастика.Вы супер.Человек добрым сердцем.Вы как ангел.👍👌🎓❤🥰😍😘🤗Мои прочтения вам.🙏Желаю Любви❤,здоровье удачи,много радости безграничных долгих лет вам и вашей семье.Добра и Мира🕊 и всем комментарам вам.

  • @ayushikathakur5131
    @ayushikathakur5131 9 місяців тому +1

    Thanku so much saint expedite ❤❤

  • @swativerma8312
    @swativerma8312 2 роки тому +18

    You are my mentor mam ❤️ i love the way you teach us 🙏 thanku so much mam ❤️

  • @PujaKumari-mo7eo
    @PujaKumari-mo7eo 2 роки тому +7

    pls teach some yoga for postpartum belly reduction. i have umbilical hernia too. kindly help

    • @aashvipaneri9631
      @aashvipaneri9631 2 роки тому

      Hernia cannot be cured through anything just get a surgery first then try yoga ☺️

    • @riddhikatariya6460
      @riddhikatariya6460 2 роки тому


  • @urvashidiwan9549
    @urvashidiwan9549 2 роки тому +110

    Thank you mam 10 kg loss weigh 😍💖

    • @English-as-2-language
      @English-as-2-language 2 роки тому +6

      Kitna time lga?

    • @urvashidiwan9549
      @urvashidiwan9549 2 роки тому +7

      @@English-as-2-language 1month

    • @lakashmidevidevi8252
      @lakashmidevidevi8252 2 роки тому +12

      Really 😲 aapka weight loss hua woh b 1 month 10kg wow 😲

    • @urvashidiwan9549
      @urvashidiwan9549 2 роки тому +2

      @@lakashmidevidevi8252 hn ji agar pura sahi diet plan kro to hoga hi

    • @lakashmidevidevi8252
      @lakashmidevidevi8252 2 роки тому +7

      @@urvashidiwan9549 m sirf ghr ka khana khati hu mera sirf belly fat h ☹️ 2 month tk km ho jaega or plz btae ki kinte time kia aapne or kya chvl kha sakte h m bde khati hu ☹️

    @RAJCOMMUNICATIO 2 місяці тому

    good work ...Truly an inspiration

  • @balwinderwarya8333
    @balwinderwarya8333 11 місяців тому +1

    Thanks 🙏🏼 so much I’m so fan Shilpa god 🙏🏼 bless u. Happy new year 🎉🥳

  • @shainithashetty9414
    @shainithashetty9414 2 роки тому +3

    Hi akka how are you. Your yoga asana was amazing. I felt relax ed

  • @eessa1727
    @eessa1727 2 роки тому +23

    ❤️❤️ Loving yoga as none other really listened to my body or mainly the mind🧘‍♀️

  • @hafidbaba4850
    @hafidbaba4850 Рік тому

    Thanks a trillion!

  • @ನನ್ನಹಾದಿ
    @ನನ್ನಹಾದಿ 2 роки тому +3

    hats off to ur petience.
    ur presentation.
    pls bless me for good and healthy life

  • @aashabundhooa4845
    @aashabundhooa4845 2 роки тому +3

    Hello mam if we have big fat belly it's not easy to do, 😭😭big fan of yours from Mauritius

  • @parwatibhati1094
    @parwatibhati1094 2 роки тому +54

    During surya namaskar in ashwasanchar asana we are supposed to keep our toes out. Please do it the correct way.

    • @ketakimahadik8160
      @ketakimahadik8160 2 роки тому +9

      She is doing properly. U need to correct urself.

    • @parwatibhati1094
      @parwatibhati1094 2 роки тому +6

      @@ketakimahadik8160 haha!
      You better correct yourself.
      I have been doing it since 20 years.
      Anyways. This was for the ones you wanted to learn.!
      Don't want to waste my time to fools.

    • @ishubaskati2632
      @ishubaskati2632 2 роки тому +7

      @@parwatibhati1094 lmao how arrogant someone can be

    • @vtslyrically5151
      @vtslyrically5151 2 роки тому +9

      Both ways are right no need to tease. You only might have followed one person or Guru, or a method. Eg I would say surya namaskar is done and followed in different ways methods. One follows shashankasan for 6 and 11 but some do other way that does not mean you are right or others are wrong.

    • @rays_world
      @rays_world Рік тому +1

      Is it okay if I do Surya namaskar after sunset, because I get little time only during then.

  • @saquibshastiker5684
    @saquibshastiker5684 Рік тому

    Saquib Shastiker from Mumbai of chorbazar too good exercise ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @deeps385
    @deeps385 2 роки тому +2

    Hello Mam
    Today followed this video.
    Thank you so much

  • @sharu8888
    @sharu8888 2 роки тому +22

    Ma'am , the way u present the yoga is simply superb...😍Keep going on ...I love your body shape, now I got u are doing yoga on regular basis...U are inspiration for me..Thank you so much for this video😘

  • @seww581
    @seww581 7 місяців тому +1

    Thank you ma'am ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @arnikasharma7377
    @arnikasharma7377 10 місяців тому

    ❤thanks शिल्पा

  • @buddhinitharushika-n9m
    @buddhinitharushika-n9m 8 місяців тому +1

    Rata ena eka nawattanna aiye eka hriyana wadak newei plz eka nawattann 💙

  • @darshanachakravarty4360
    @darshanachakravarty4360 3 місяці тому +1

    How many time should I do Suriya Namakkar ..

  • @anilkumarsahoo1170
    @anilkumarsahoo1170 9 місяців тому

    This is very helpful video, I like you mam and your video

  • @dimplesharmalyngdoh628
    @dimplesharmalyngdoh628 2 роки тому +6

    Wow.. This is the secret of an excellent body.. Love it

  • @Krithika-Damini18324
    @Krithika-Damini18324 Рік тому +1

    During my entire primary school, I was overweight. I even skipped a road trip because my class was heading to the beach, and I felt too insecure to show my body, so I didn’t want to go. My teacher asked my parents why, and they explained that I didn’t wan

    • @avalonharps9309
      @avalonharps9309 7 місяців тому

      Primary school students worry about having a beach body ? Wow didn’t know

  • @susmitadas1053
    @susmitadas1053 Рік тому

    First time trying yoga

  • @amreensaifi59
    @amreensaifi59 2 роки тому +1

    Mam diet kya leni chahiye is ke bat breakfast mein kya Lena chahie lunch mein kya Lena chahie dinner kya karna chahie please jarur batana 🙏

  • @Akaza619
    @Akaza619 Рік тому +5

    00:14 🧘‍♂ Start with Arm Raise: Stand tall, interlock fingers, raise arms overhead, and lift heels for 20 seconds, engaging abs and glutes.
    01:16 🌟 Flowing Sequence: Move through various yoga poses like Uttanasana, Ashwasanchalan, Chaturanga Dandasana, Bhujangasana, and Paravatasana in a sequence.
    03:58 🚫 Caution in Back Bend: Keep the head between arms, avoid excessive tilting, and maintain a lengthened spine during back bends.
    07:37 🌀 Seated Twist: Perform seated twists, cross arms around legs, and gaze over the shoulder for 15 seconds on each side.
    09:07 💪 Legs Up: Lie on the back, interlock fingers over knees, lift head and chest, bringing nose between knees for 20 seconds.
    11:03 🌈 Full Body Lift: Lie on the back, lift both legs and upper body off the floor, engaging abs for 20 seconds.
    11:58 🤸‍♂ Forward Bend: Stand, raise hands, and deepen the forward bend, holding for 20 seconds, feeling a stretch in hamstrings and lower back.
    12:44 🌼 Lotus Pose Lift: Sit in Padmasana, press palms into the floor, lift hips and legs for 10 seconds, engaging the core.
    13:52 🌬 Yogic Breath: Practice yogic breath, filling the belly, rib cage, and upper chest on inhale, exhaling in reverse order.
    17:14 🧘‍♀ Belly Breathing: Sit cross-legged, breathe into the belly, exhale forcefully, focusing on abdominal contraction for breath control.
    20:47 🌀 Navel Touch Kriya: Sit in Sukhasana, exhale forcefully, pull the belly in, and push out rhythmically, aiming to touch the navel to the spinal cord.

  • @amrendra607
    @amrendra607 2 місяці тому

    You should do 25 times surya Namaskar

  • @strongsyedaa7378
    @strongsyedaa7378 Рік тому +1

    This is good for Prolapse also

  • @Foodygirl44
    @Foodygirl44 Рік тому +2

    Can 15 year girl do this ? Please tell me 🙏🏻

  • @mahesant6064
    @mahesant6064 Рік тому

    Super Style yoga Very Beautiful . Silpa Sharert ji . Congratulation to 💞🦋

  • @MDZaberhosen-hg6ol
    @MDZaberhosen-hg6ol Рік тому +1

    I love your yoga & fitness

  • @pawansingh2575
    @pawansingh2575 Рік тому

    Breathing wala axa tha....❤

  • @vivimint222
    @vivimint222 Рік тому +1

    How should I practice these asanas? Like how many rounds..?And it is best to do in the morning right?

  • @Sanda__-__.99
    @Sanda__-__.99 8 місяців тому +1

    Is it okay to do an exercise after yoga?

    @BBC.SUPERONLY 2 роки тому +1

    Wow it's amazing 😍🤩😍🤩

  • @candydub596
    @candydub596 Рік тому

    she explained very well

  • @theswatijaiswal2048
    @theswatijaiswal2048 2 роки тому +6

    thankyou mam for sharing this Monday motivation ❤️
    love you ❤️

  • @Karm206
    @Karm206 9 місяців тому +1

    How many times should i do same asanas?

  • @simar_preet1757
    @simar_preet1757 2 роки тому +3

    Mam after yoga kya khaye,tea p sakte hai kya,

    • @komalshivanag2433
      @komalshivanag2433 Рік тому

      Dring coconut water. That works magic. Or green tea is other option.

  • @Sscaspirantanjali
    @Sscaspirantanjali 3 місяці тому

    Thanks nice ❤

  • @a3kapadnis
    @a3kapadnis Місяць тому

    Her fitness 👏👏

  • @brihaspatimajhi-e5g
    @brihaspatimajhi-e5g Рік тому

    Last Bala gajab kiye.fantastic

  • @Charusheela-Malaya2468
    @Charusheela-Malaya2468 Рік тому

    I grew up in a very primitive, wild, and challenging environment. Every day, people bullied me because of my looks. I had only a few friends, and I treated them poorly because I was unhappy. I directed my aggression and negative emotions toward them, losi

  • @sunitamore8718
    @sunitamore8718 Рік тому +1

    Respectful Mam Really Flexible Body Very Important thanks Jay hind🌹🇮🇳🙏

  • @nayanashyamali991
    @nayanashyamali991 11 місяців тому

    Thankyou very much

  • @shanujenu
    @shanujenu Рік тому +1

    My neck is very fat and my arms are also very fat. Please tell me a solution ...

  • @ujwalak4204
    @ujwalak4204 2 роки тому

    Fittest body shape👍🏻👍🏻

  • @bhagirathibarik9086
    @bhagirathibarik9086 2 роки тому +2

    Lovely mam😍😍😍

  • @lishatripathy4630
    @lishatripathy4630 Рік тому

    Please share yogasan for spine surgery patient

  • @AjayKumarAjay575
    @AjayKumarAjay575 10 місяців тому +2

    Ma,am aap exercise ke baad kya piti ho

  • @sanduniwithanage8985
    @sanduniwithanage8985 Рік тому

    Good but so speed for biginners

  • @jagatbandhumajumder5822
    @jagatbandhumajumder5822 Місяць тому

    Super cool 🆒😊

  • @Elham.888
    @Elham.888 2 роки тому

    Thank you. 👌👌👌💪💪❤️❤️❤️😘

  • @monikanath2620
    @monikanath2620 2 роки тому

    Happy Birthday God bless you mam🌷🌷🌷🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫💓💓💓💞💞💞

  • @Anusha463
    @Anusha463 10 місяців тому

    Thank you so much mam

  • @anneshabhuyan5731
    @anneshabhuyan5731 5 місяців тому

    Thank you so much sweetheart

  • @sarveshchauhan5925
    @sarveshchauhan5925 Місяць тому

    good job

  • @Modhusudon_
    @Modhusudon_ 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you mam

  • @mariammohsen7341
    @mariammohsen7341 7 місяців тому

    Love your yoga

  • @komallad4052
    @komallad4052 11 місяців тому

    Is it also for lower belly?

  • @charanpalaheer
    @charanpalaheer Рік тому +1

    Wonderful 👍

  • @missuniverse9236
    @missuniverse9236 2 роки тому

    Thanku Shere krne k liy

  • @ManpreetKaur-ne7zh
    @ManpreetKaur-ne7zh 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Shilpa ji,❤️❤️I love you ,watching this video I inspired and happy,pl aur bhi exercise video banaye daily

  • @asif_chouhanproduction415
    @asif_chouhanproduction415 2 роки тому +3

    Respected madam. Keep doing good

  • @උමංගා
    @උමංගා 2 роки тому

    Mam... All these asanas should be done on the same day

  • @susmitasingharoy971
    @susmitasingharoy971 2 роки тому +4

    How many rounds we have to do in a day?

  • @ManpreetKaurMohali
    @ManpreetKaurMohali 6 місяців тому

    Easy yoga