I'm a french air force veteran, and my daughter is now a NCO in the french air force, and this song makes think that the link has not been broken. We are all members of this chain, whatever have been our uniforms, our brotherhood is bigger than anything else. Long live the Royal Marines.
i am vet from both swedish army and 2:em rep french forein legion. we use to play this song since you get a bond you cant explain to your brothers in arms .
te dire algo simple el unico lazo que se acaba es la familia. por que la politica esta seca de emociones tus hijos. cuando estan ahi solo quieren tus brazos por luchar batallas en su nombre y una bandera en tu patio en tu corazon. que felicidad amigo que los puedas abrazar no seas ignorante ok
I lost my Brother in 1986, I was only 18 , he was 21. We loved Dire Straits together. I’m 55 now, miss him every moment of everyday. Why are the good always taken early, he was my real Brother. I miss you Peter 🥰🌟👌🏻👍. Thank you Royal Marines for playing Sweet Music 🥰🌟👍👌🏻🥃🥃
FMF Navy Corpsmen here Vietnam Vt. Thank you for this song it was done fantastically and with honor. This lady left it all on the stage. Welcome home my green brothers and god bless all service men and women.
Sorry to hear that mate, but thank you for your service and also to your lost 12 brothers, I salute you all - Doe altijd je best en wat juist is Leer van fouten Wees trots op de Koninklijke Landmacht door houding en gedrag Respecteer en heb je collega’s nodig als onderdeel van een team U bent verantwoordelijk voor de aan u toevertrouwde benodigdheden en materialen Houd rekening met uw omgeving en geef prioriteit aan beveiliging Vermijd drugs en drink met mate Respecteer de mensenrechten en volg de oorlogsregels - Damn respect to you my friend!
Ben in 1992 gelukkig aufgekeurt,moest niet in de Balkan oorlog. Daar ben tot op vandaag heel blij mee,maar ben mij bewusst,voor allen die gedient hebben, dat jullie een Belangrijke taak hadden
Are you aware the Lead Guitarist is wearing the UK's Afghanistan Operational Service Medal on his tunic, so he knows........as does his Vocalist who is wearing her Afghanistan Operational Service Medal, as the RM's have other roles than Bandsmen.
I saw Bloody , first ( Bluey my awesome proud Korean Air Force but bloody. was dad’s word and I , bloody beautiful , Nots ( nickname ) I love ❤️ this and is used for a friends , mate (27 ) drowned at Gunamatta Surf 🏄 beach ,huge RIP , 6 years ago . . I had never heard it until then ! Bless you , all those who have given lives to their countries . Boy I miss Bluey , red hair self made everything , who smart also ! South Korea , have more free speech than me , me dad , here in worlds most locked down city 🌃 you loved , so proud , zoo guide, bloody fiasco dad !
Anyone can talk the talk, but it takes a special breed of men and women who are actually willing to stand up for their country and fight what they believe in no matter what it costs, and for that I want to say thank you for your time and service.
The Military/government doesn't stand up for them when they get too badly injured to serve during combat or training. They have to rely on charity to support them afterwards.
As a decorated US, Vietnam combat veteran I have always loved this song since the first time I heard it in the 1980s. When I heard of the Falkland war in 1982, my first thought was of those 'Brothers in Arms' I had lost so many years ago. Then I cried thinking of those valiant men of HM Royal Service experiencing the same things a decade later. The Bands of HM Royal Marines have provided us with an outstanding rendition of this ‘classic’ remembrance song, arguably as good as “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Thank you for this memorable and moving rendition. A truly remarkable performance of this heartfelt song. God bless and may the Queen's soul rest in peace.
@@thomasnewsom7570 Thank you for your Service! On this day (11Nov), We Honor those who Serve and have Served. We Respect the Families of those who Serve and have Served fir in their own way, they have Served also. My Thanks to all those who Served and their Families!
The singer and the guitarist is spot-on with the delivery of this song. Salute to each and everyone of the members of the HM Royal Marines. To all those who had fallen, may you rest in peace.
As an ex Royal Navy matelot who lost brothers in arms and close friends in '82 this song will always hold a very special place in my heart,, bless you all
My friend, This is a soldiers song to the core. I feel I can truthfully say that I am among this Sacred Brotherhood, as was my Father who served in the United States Marines. I have come to the belief that more of my Brothers in Arms have been felled by politicians lies than enemy bullets. Please, do your best to hold any you know to be liars accountable. Dune U.S. Army 67-70 ....
U.S. Army 66-70 , This is a soldier's song. Mark Knopfler understood the pain any righteous soldier feels to have to take the life of another soldier, no matter how necessary it may seem at the time. Millions up millions of soldiers lives have been lost because the people of their own country did not have the Love of Jesus Christ in them and therefore lacked the courage to tell the truth. Fear is the opposite of having the Love of Jesus Christ in you. Jesus was a *WARRIOR* for the truth, and died on the Cross. Any person that protects a lying politician or any world leader that has sent a soldier to die because they lied is responsible for the death of that soldier more than their supposed enemy on the battlefield.
Yes these are Amazing musicians and may very well be the best military band in the world, but these are not the elite force. That's the Green beret wearing Royal Marine Commandos ( different group of male only elite fighting force )
As a Former Swiss NATO/KFOR Soldier ( 2004 - 2006), i have Goosebumps and Tears in my Eyes when i see and hear this Clip :( . I served a first mission, came home, my Family and my Friends thought, all is okay with me. But it wasn`t. I had to fought with my demons alone. They didn`t understand, why i made a second mission. The answer is very simple. Civilian life was hell for me. This song represends for me all that, what i was going trough.
I don't understand something here. You served 2004-2006 and served active duty. So if you serve active duty in your first year you can leave? I was under the perception that if you joined the services that you had to do a minimum of 2 years regardless of whatever happened in that time or where ever they sent you, unless invalided out?
@@paulmitchell4544 A Mission / Deployment was for only 6 Months. You could extend for a second, maximum a third Mission, before they send you Home, back to Civilian Life. I made my Military Service in Switzerland. For KFOR you could volunteer.
Sorry, don't know your name. When you come home from a mission you can't talk to the average person; You can only SHARE with people who have seen what you have seen.
Being French I can certainly not have the cultural background of a native English man ( or woman).... but this song speaks to me. And much more than a lot. This album has a very special meaning for me, for it's related to a peculiar period of my life. A very, very sad one. This song was the apex of the LP... I cried a lot at when listening to it. Even today I still can't listent to it without gossebumps (at the minimum). This version is very, very good for it is played and sung with guts... Love it.
I share your sadness, probably for very different reasons, but I feel know what you mean. Sadness and feeling, transcends national boundaries. Je partage votre tristesse, probablement pour des raisons très différentes, mais j'ai l'impression de comprendre ce que vous voulez dire. La tristesse et les sentiments transcendent les frontières nationales. With you in spirit.
Thank your lucky stars your not a ENGLISH NATIVE I'm ENGLISH but our TRAITOROUS GOVERNMENT is slowly turning the UK into a 3RD WORLD COUNTRY!! And yeah i might be exaggerating a bit here but i can only see us going backwards with our WOKE LIBERAL POLITICIANS and it might be the time when *WE THE PEOPLE* take our country back from these TRAITOROUS B@STARDS.Because thats what will eventually happen people have just had enough of these SNOWFLAKES now and I'd charge them for TREASON for selling us down the river andget wealthy for it
over 50 years ago i walked through the gates of HMS Raleigh still my brothers in arms rest in peace those brave men who now sleep in those cold south atlantic waters never forgotten always you will rememberd
Joined in 78. My father, twin brother and I were serving in 82. Respect to all of those that sailed south. Mother was waiting for one of us to get our sailing orders and probably dreading the prospect.
What I find even more emotional than the song itself (which send me crying eventhough I'm not in the army) is the amount of comments from veterans here. Each one has a story to tell, but I read that many veterans are lonely and feel deserted. I think of you all and those who gave up their lives. Unbelievable.
I cannot imagine the honor felt by the lead gutarist as he played this song. The pain, the glory, the heartbreak, the gratitude. Thank you so very much
I wasn’t a Marine, but a U.S. Army Sgt. 1970-76 and a rifle instructor. There is not a year goes by, but that I reflect on the terrified faces of the young recruits preparing to go to war in Vietnam. Then I wonder how many of those faces never came home alive, and could I have trained them better?….and yes, I too have my dreams and moments at night !
My father served as an MP and was sent to Vietnamin 1965 where he became a door gunner with the aviation battalion that was assigned to the 173rd AB for their first 16 months in Vietnam. He was one of four in his entire company that came home without a Purple Heart. He later re-enlisted and went into the Air Force. As the dice that was my destiny were rolled, I ended up enlisting in the Marine Corps (mainly because of this very song and bearing witness for almost three straight weeks walking past the hangar where countless Marines were brought to be made ready for their "final" deployment (the Beirut barracks bombing) as a 15 year old on his way from school to football practice. I drew the long straw and luckily never had to go to war. But I was in Germany for countless terrorist attacks, the deaths of 14 men in my Dad's squadron and the Combat Controllers they worked with daily, seeing the men and woman (some only 3 or 4 years my elder) fighting back tears and choking down cigarettes one after another on breaks from the ghastly duty of theirs with those Marines. Death has visited me, even though I never had a bullet or bomb thrown my way "directly" in anger... It does not matter if you are not a Marine, you are still my brother... SEMPER FIDELIS!!!
Sono italiano e credo nell'amore e nella pace tra i popoli. Lo sto proponendo in tanti post. Questa poesia in musica deve diventare un inno. Ci proviamo? La vostra versione è bellissima. La voce di chi la canta trasmette un pathos unico. Grazie.
@@КонстантинЩоголев-и8ц Это потому, что вы, "русские" - параллельная ветвь развития человечества, к сожалению, для такого большого количества населения, и вы этим гордитесь. Где бы вы были, если бы не помощь Америки в 20-30 годы прошлого столетия, когда вам помогали продуктами, а потом строили заводы и фабрики. Но вы любите нравиться "хозяину" - личности, партии ... , а потом ваш "хозяин" задружил с другим "хозяином" из Германии. Но тот первым, не дожидаясь, когда вы нападёте, "вероломно" напал, и вам снова начали помогать - Ленд-лиз, второй фронт для отвлечения Германских войск от Восточного фронта, чтоб вам легче было ... , да и "ножки Буша" ещё не забыли, в 90-е? Вы как тот глупый щенок, которому показывают - как надо жить, чтобы выжить, но вы постоянно кричите, что не такие как все, и у вас другой путь! Так почему "ваш путь" проходит по чужим территориям, и по чужим судьбам? Просто вы не ищете "царя в голове", вам важно, чтоб царь был в Кремле, и руководил вами, и за всё отвечал, но беда в том, что царь "за всё" отвечает вашими жизнями. Вам нельзя помогать именно из гуманных соображений - ваша страна скорее развалится, перестанет влиять на жизнь соседей, а менталитет вашего население быстрее изменится, и оно заживёт, как живут люди во всём Мире. А на счёт комментариев - не забывайте о "тридцати серебренниках", и о том, к чему приводит желание заработать на обмане.
Exactly! These people don’t think about their innocent brothers on the other side their fighting. You are all humans, you’re all being controlled like puppets. Think about the hypocrisy, killing millions on innocent women and children, bombing their homes, devastating countries.
As a former serving member, you have embraced what it means to be Brothers and sisters in arms. You made me cry, you made me smile and you made me remember.
Neither myself or anyone I know have been in the army, and also English is not my main language but this song by Dire Straits has always made me feel so sad and this particular interpretation just made me cry.
As someone who works with Veterans of the Australian Defence Force and lives their sad stories day in day out, i salute each and every one otlf you for your sacrifices to keep us safe. May you be blessed with eternal peace and your brothers return to your arms again.
What I really like about them is you can tell that they actually done tours of "active duty". This song has a proper connection to them rather than just a well rehearsed military trained performance. Some of the other songs are just well drilled rehearsals.
As a Falklands Veteran, thank you Royals. Made me cry, made me feel sad but at the same time remember my oppos and how thankful I am to be here to listen to this. BZ
I'm an Argentine Soldier... not old enough for taking part in that crazy conflict... but very respectful to those from both sides who fought with bravery and comradeship.I served with many UK soldiers in Cyprus and I'm really proud of it... 💪🏼
@@lucasfilippi5556 I think most British military personal would feel the same as you. My father and uncle both went to the Falklands. They never said bad word against the Argentinian soldiers , not once.
Mark Knopfler für dieses Lied im Gedenken an alle gefallenen Kameraden und Waffenbrüder. Danke an die klasse Sängerin, den Gitarristen und das Orchester der Royal Marines. Ich wünsche allen Veteranen der Kriege viel Kraft und Glück im Leben. Frieden für alle Menschen auf dieser Erde 🕊😊
As a 26-year Royal Canadian Navy veteran this rendition of Mark Knofler's song brought a few tears to the eyes of this old matelot. Memories of shipmates who have crossed the bar, especially my brother, are always with me. BZ Royal Marines.
The responsibility for the deaths of millions of soldiers has often been with those soldiers fellow countrymen, ... much more so than the soldiers of the country they fought against. This Includes American citizens for the past 50 years.
This is a wonderful performance and interpretation of a beautiful song. I have read comments below saying that this should be sung by a man but Sam McIndoe is a Royal Marine and as such could be called upon to fight so has every right to sing it. Apart from being gorgeous, she has a tremendous voice and along with great guitar work they have really done Mark Kopfler's song serious justice.
My eldest brother’s favourite song…he was an officer in the Royal Navy and we lost him to a brain tumour a year ago…one of the most moving songs ever written and beautifully performed here…
One of your very best Singer Sam! Little tear to the eye of a Falklands Vet. here, remembering those on land, at sea and in the air who fought bravely in 1982! Military musicians of the very best..... Thank You, one and all!
God Bless from this U.S. Marine (86-90). I was 14 and living in West Germany as a U.S. Air Force brat when you were on your way there. This song came out as my world view was crumbling before my eyes. The bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut (dad was stationed at Rhein Main AB where most of the bodies were brought to be put back together for their "final" deployment, home and onwards to heaven). I would walk past the hangars (where all of this was happening) every day on my way from school to where we had football practice. I was 15 and to see these young men and woman, just a few years my senior, when they were on breaks was unimagineable. I grew up in and around the military as our family spent about 70% of dad's time in the Air Force less than 150km's from the Iron Curtain. I knew that bombing would forever change the world. Five months later, we lost 17 "family members" in a crash in the mountains a few miles southwest of Zaragoza AB, Spain. This song came out later that summer and it immediately stopped my downward spiral. It was a few days after hearing this song that I knew my course, either enlisted air crew in the Air Force or becoming a Marine... The Eagle, Globe and Anchor won out...
If you have not seen it, watch the "One Night in London" BBC televised special with Mark Knopfler version. As amazing as this version in, that performance is hauntingly beautiful...
The singer made the song her own - and the guitarist played an absolutely perfect (in tone, faithfulness to MK's original and technique) rendition of this unforgettable anthem. I only wish I could have been in the audience to hear this. And let's not forget to thank Capt. Trudgeon for his masterful orchestral interpretation of the song. Takes me back to a time in 1972 when I heard the Band of the Royal Engineers and a local classical guitar player performing Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez in a small theater carved out of the Rock of Gibraltar.... there were a few tears shed on that occasion too.
You are kidding right. That lady sang so many notes flat i lost count. Very ordinary to be kind. But the guitarist really did a fine job on Knopflers tone,.
@@markhill9275 I agree. This isn't a song that is screamed or protested, instead - as Knopfler sang it - it should be sung wearily (of war) and with a sense of wisdom gained. The Guitarist did a great job emulating the sound/mood - as did the rest of the musicians but the singer negatively affected the whole performance imho.
The deep, rich tone of that Gibson guitar contrasted so well with the power & emotion in her voice! Mark Knopfler wrote this 40 years ago, during the 1982 war in the Falkland Islands. The clear message is the folly of war, the needless suffering that results, yet brings with it such a strong bond between fellow warriors, even to death. My Father in Law served as a medic in Vietnam, and while he survived, he still battles with the emotional scars of war. This song always brings a tear to my eye. I have so much respect for all those that choose to serve and those who make the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for the freedom you fought for.
I've seen this young lady singing before and she has a beautiful voice. Lovely, thank you for showing this to us unlucky people who can't be there on the night.
Such an amazing voice. Guitarist was spot on too. I couldn't imagine anyone else but Dire Straits performing this brilliant track until I listened to this. Absolutely amazing and so apt.
Hmmm, not for me.........Brothers in Arms was written as a lament to the folly of war......it was meant to be sung softly and made all the more powerful for that. It was Knopflers' guitar work that wrought the emotion, pain and sadness into the song.......never the voice. This rendition bordered on operatic in parts and hard, almost abrasive and in that.........entirely missed the point ? Soz
@@garymoore2535 It's not the same song in that regard. I completely agree with you, but I don't see it as a butchering of it. More like a different interpretation. that I found entertaining. I do understand your point though.
I take nothing away from the singer, she can sing, I take nothing away from the band, they can play.....it is just the particular choice of song mixed with the nature of her presentation that completely misses the mark.......for me at least.
@@garymoore2535 Understood and perfectly acceptable imo. I have songs that hold a special reverence to me and I'm usually not a fan of alternative interpretations of those songs. Some songs that even the live versions irritate me. lol No, seriously, in this case, I absolutely get it. :)
OUTSTANDING, this US Marine SGT comes back to this performance once again as I remember comrades who fell. It speaks to the heart. May I one day get a chance to hoist several pints with my cousins across the pond. Well done.
@@kar2ouche I am saying that I am a US Marine and really am moved by the performance of these RM performers-not that they are yanks. It was a compliment. Maybe you should read more carefully. I have had liberty with your Marines, they are fine companions.
@@warshipsdd-2142 : I assume you will have noticed that both of these "RM performers", as you put it, are sporting their Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan.
@@stuartmccall5474 I have the highest respect and fraternal admiration for HM RM Musicians. I am aware of their excellent training and dual role. I regard them as I do the US Navy Corpsmen who fought along US Marines and tended to our wounded at great risk to themselves. I only used the term performer because in the video they were showcasing their outstanding vocal and instrumental skills. I would be honoured to have either one alongside me in a hostile engagement.
I joined the reserve forces and did my basic training in Whittington in 1987. Our drill sergeant, a South African, had us learn these words. At the time it was just something to learn but, in the weeks afterwards and since I’ve often reflected on what these words meant to our Sergeant. I’ll always thank him for making me take notice of the words and Ihope that he has found his own peace.
as As a mother of a serving soldier in the Australian Defence Force I was moved to tears by this poignant rendition. The military musicians have such raw emotions and played brilliantly and the singer was magnificent. Thank you.
I'm with you on that, I too am a very proud parent of a serving Australian soldier and another son who also served. This band did a great job playing this amazing and very moving music.
Не надо лезть в другие страны и все будут живы. На вас никто не нападает. Англо-саксы достали уже всех на планете. / No need to climb into other countries and everyone will be alive. Nobody attacks you. The Anglo-Saxons have already got everyone on the planet.
The expression on Samantha’s face 2.20 to 2.45 - only those who know will know - Thankyou Samantha - that pain will never leave any of us and you respectfully and correctly delivered the meaning xx
I am so proud to have these young men and women serving our country. I am absolutely impressed with your performance. God bless you all. I rest well at night knowing your watching our backs . Thank you all !
What a magnificent rendition. "We're fools to make war on our brothers in arms" - I can't imagine a more eloquent line summing up the tragedy and futility of war.
Gen Z USMC veteran Here. She along with Her Majesty’s Band definitely made mission with this performance. I wish the Marine Corps Bands would step up their game and cover songs like this one.
As a British army veteran and a musician of sorts, I can say that there is no better example of Mark Nofflers Brother in arms than the Royal Marines. Absolutely beautiful vocals that brings chills to the whole body, and the combination of a top military school of music and the Fender bending is out of heaven. I solute each and every one of you. British forces at their best out of a trench or theatre of war.
Many tears here, thinking about our beloved lost friends and brothers. Fair winds and following seas for all those still on duty. Beautifully performed, thank you. I remember seeing this live, there were many tears from all there, and my hubby's medals were definitely tinkling away as the tears ran down his cheeks. Thank you. Xxx
@@c.martin4836 : I think you have missed the point of the song?? This is not a 1960's anti war (on any circumstances) song but a soldier's remembrance song of fallen colleagues who went to War (in this case the Falklands War) to free the Falkland Islanders from captivity and lost their lives doing so. Military people are seldom warmongers, but people who go to war voluntarily knowing it's they who will always pay the bill. It's the same today, no Ukrainian soldier wants to go to war, but the harsh alternative to this is losing their Country, their political freedom and culture to Russian aggression. The point here is, in a just war soldiers fight for the freedom of everybody, including the freedom of the so-called Liberal/ Woke anti-war pacifists types. A good number of the Marines here (including vocalist & guitarist) are wearing the Afghanistan Operational Service Medal, so know 1st-Hand what the song is about. Reflect on this?
As a serving soilder of over 20 years this is such a wonderful song, beautifuly performed by vastly talented military musicians . The song has a profound meaning, it's a song that condems war, its a song that says we are all one people "There's so many different worlds So many different suns And we have just one world But we live in different ones" And that war is a foolish endeavour, "We're fools to make war On our brothers in arms" Prehapes we need to start to listen to things , maybe we need to start to heed the lesson in the lyrics
So well done, a Mate who served down south with the RM still struggles to this day after picking bits of His mate from His face after a direct hit from a Mortar only a few yards away.
I'm a french air force veteran, and my daughter is now a NCO in the french air force, and this song makes think that the link has not been broken. We are all members of this chain, whatever have been our uniforms, our brotherhood is bigger than anything else. Long live the Royal Marines.
i am vet from both swedish army and 2:em rep french forein legion. we use to play this song since you get a bond you cant explain to your brothers in arms .
te dire algo simple el unico lazo que se acaba es la familia.
por que la politica esta seca de emociones tus hijos.
cuando estan ahi solo quieren tus brazos por luchar batallas en su nombre y una bandera en tu patio en tu corazon.
que felicidad amigo que los puedas abrazar no seas ignorante ok
Amen my french brother (and your daughter, sister)
Well said. German Air Force Vet here. We're one family, regardless our flags. 🫡🎗️
I lost my Brother in 1986, I was only 18 , he was 21. We loved Dire Straits together. I’m 55 now, miss him every moment of everyday. Why are the good always taken early, he was my real Brother. I miss you Peter 🥰🌟👌🏻👍. Thank you Royal Marines for playing Sweet Music 🥰🌟👍👌🏻🥃🥃
My Condolences, sir.
@@mattcavanough Thank you Matt, take care
Take care sir !
@@bartmotte1069 Bart, you take care as well Sir & Thank you 🌟
Sorry for your loss my friend
This woman sings with the heart on her shoulder... such an amazing voice
С сердцем на плече? Это как?! 🤔
@@kozerogmoskva112I think they mean "sleeve" instead of "shoulder". It means to make your feelings and emotions obvious rather than hiding them.
whatever it means... all I know when I was in phenomen of my exaggeration I have heart on my shoulder to became my own myself@@bengmelea8646
Really?she is screaming, not singing! Not so good
@@sjefhendrickx2257 and Specsavers also do hearing tests
Guitarist and vocalist both (from what I can see) wearing Afghanistan and Royal Navy LSGC medals. Literally, brothers in arms. Bravo Zulu
FMF Navy Corpsmen here Vietnam Vt. Thank you for this song it was done fantastically and with honor. This lady left it all on the stage. Welcome home my green brothers and god bless all service men and women.
My brother from another mother, she's not just _any_ lady... She is a Royal Marine
I was a soldier in the Dutch army and I was deployed twice to Somalia and Afghanistan and we lost 12 Brothers rip 🫡🫡
Dankjewel voor jouw dienstbaarheid aan ons land. Veteranen krijgen veel te weinig waardering.
Sorry to hear that mate, but thank you for your service and also to your lost 12 brothers, I salute you all - Doe altijd je best en wat juist is
Leer van fouten
Wees trots op de Koninklijke Landmacht door houding en gedrag
Respecteer en heb je collega’s nodig als onderdeel van een team
U bent verantwoordelijk voor de aan u toevertrouwde benodigdheden en materialen
Houd rekening met uw omgeving en geef prioriteit aan beveiliging
Vermijd drugs en drink met mate
Respecteer de mensenrechten en volg de oorlogsregels - Damn respect to you my friend!
Ben in 1992 gelukkig aufgekeurt,moest niet in de Balkan oorlog. Daar ben tot op vandaag heel blij mee,maar ben mij bewusst,voor allen die gedient hebben, dat jullie een Belangrijke taak hadden
@@raykuiper4979 Thank you Ben .... thank you.
Are you aware the Lead Guitarist is wearing the UK's Afghanistan Operational Service Medal on his tunic, so he knows........as does his Vocalist who is wearing her Afghanistan Operational Service Medal, as the RM's have other roles than Bandsmen.
From a Romanian Soldier I have a big respect for this song god bless all brothers in arms 🙏 !
From an old American soldier, God bless you all. You honor all soldiers with your music.
Thank you for your time served 👍
The American soldier does not got the credits they should. As a Dutch guy I will always be gratefull for what you have done!
As a Canadian soldier, (1973-1980) I join you in blessing these amazing musicians.
Thank you for your service
Bloody outstanding Sarge and CPL, I'm an Aussie Veteran, got a bit of dust in my eye, didn't cry, just dust in the eyes 🙌
Sorry brother, I got a tear in mine.
I saw Bloody , first ( Bluey my awesome proud Korean Air Force but bloody. was dad’s word and I , bloody beautiful , Nots ( nickname ) I love ❤️ this and is used for a friends , mate (27 ) drowned at Gunamatta Surf 🏄 beach ,huge RIP , 6 years ago . . I had never heard it until then !
Bless you , all those who have given lives to their countries . Boy I miss Bluey , red hair self made everything , who smart also ! South Korea , have more free speech than me , me dad , here in worlds most locked down city 🌃 you loved , so proud , zoo guide, bloody fiasco dad !
As a South African who fought in the Border War, I felt it in my heart. We will NOT forget.
it is not dust
I take your word for it.
Anyone can talk the talk, but it takes a special breed of men and women who are actually willing to stand up for their country and fight what they believe in no matter what it costs, and for that I want to say thank you for your time and service.
The Military/government doesn't stand up for them when they get too badly injured to serve during combat or training.
They have to rely on charity to support them afterwards.
@@paulmitchell4544True. They where deceived by lies and propaganda to go to war just to fill weapon manufacturer's pockets...
Thank brother
As a decorated US, Vietnam combat veteran I have always loved this song since the first time I heard it in the 1980s. When I heard of the Falkland war in 1982, my first thought was of those 'Brothers in Arms' I had lost so many years ago.
Then I cried thinking of those valiant men of HM Royal Service experiencing the same things a decade later. The Bands of HM Royal Marines have provided us with an outstanding rendition of this ‘classic’ remembrance song, arguably as good as “I Vow to Thee My Country”.
Thank you for this memorable and moving rendition. A truly remarkable performance of this heartfelt song.
God bless and may the Queen's soul rest in peace.
thanks for youer service
KOBAColo, I'm not a "Jungle Vet", my CA was 50 miles of the coast but I hear you Brother.
@@thomasnewsom7570 Thank you for your Service! On this day (11Nov), We Honor those who Serve and have Served. We Respect the Families of those who Serve and have Served fir in their own way, they have Served also. My Thanks to all those who Served and their Families!
@@KOBAColo Key word son, COMBAT VETERAN
Thank you for keeping us free! Props.
Samantha McIndoe, the best talented soprano.Truly, she represents the best of what a soprano can achieve in a military music context.
The singer and the guitarist is spot-on with the delivery of this song. Salute to each and everyone of the members of the HM Royal Marines. To all those who had fallen, may you rest in peace.
As an ex Royal Navy matelot who lost brothers in arms and close friends in '82 this song will always hold a very special place in my heart,, bless you all
My friend, This is a soldiers song to the core. I feel I can truthfully say that I am among this Sacred Brotherhood, as was my Father who served in the United States Marines. I have come to the belief that more of my Brothers in Arms have been felled by politicians lies than enemy bullets. Please, do your best to hold any you know to be liars accountable. Dune U.S. Army 67-70 ....
I’m Ex RN WEM ‘O’,
Ever need a chat I’m here.
Ich werde es versuchen aber versprechen kann ich nichts❤
@loyalsupportisthebestever At the setting of the sun we will remember them.
@@bobolade8652 hey, Joda said There Is No Try !!! try it will work ;)
to all the bothers in arms all over the world,who died in combat,RIP.
NO war was ever worth the cause...
Never forget your brothers in arms.
We never will. 🫡🎗️
From an Argentine Soldier my most pure and sincere congratulations for this epic version of such a great Mark Knppfler's song... 😢
That is a class comment sir. Very much appreciated.
Thank you Sir🤝
God bless you
U.S. Army 66-70 , This is a soldier's song. Mark Knopfler understood the pain any righteous soldier feels to have to take the life of another soldier, no matter how necessary it may seem at the time. Millions up millions of soldiers lives have been lost because the people of their own country did not have the Love of Jesus Christ in them and therefore lacked the courage to tell the truth. Fear is the opposite of having the Love of Jesus Christ in you. Jesus was a *WARRIOR* for the truth, and died on the Cross. Any person that protects a lying politician or any world leader that has sent a soldier to die because they lied is responsible for the death of that soldier more than their supposed enemy on the battlefield.
God bless you my friend ❤
This has to be the most British thing I ever saw......love the dichotomy of elite forces playing such beautiful music
So true..Lols
@@ORDEROFTHEKNIGHTSTEMPLAR13"Haha lol so funny roflmao" Be a bit more respectful you dickheads.
Yes these are Amazing musicians and may very well be the best military band in the world, but these are not the elite force. That's the Green beret wearing Royal Marine Commandos ( different group of male only elite fighting force )
Nope, just normal Britishness!
@@bclubs7675and don’t forget SAS or Paras or SBS etc
As a Former Swiss NATO/KFOR Soldier ( 2004 - 2006), i have Goosebumps and Tears in my Eyes when i see and hear this Clip :( . I served a first mission, came home, my Family and my Friends thought, all is okay with me. But it wasn`t. I had to fought with my demons alone. They didn`t understand, why i made a second mission. The answer is very simple. Civilian life was hell for me. This song represends for me all that, what i was going trough.
God be with you brother! Bosnia 97
Bless You Brother. Kosovo ‘99. Iraq ‘03. Afghanistan ‘11
I don't understand something here. You served 2004-2006 and served active duty.
So if you serve active duty in your first year you can leave?
I was under the perception that if you joined the services that you had to do a minimum of 2 years regardless of whatever happened in that time or where ever they sent you, unless invalided out?
@@paulmitchell4544 A Mission / Deployment was for only 6 Months. You could extend for a second, maximum a third Mission, before they send you Home, back to Civilian Life. I made my Military Service in Switzerland. For KFOR you could volunteer.
Sorry, don't know your name. When you come home from a mission you can't talk to the average person; You can only SHARE with people who have seen what you have seen.
Being French I can certainly not have the cultural background of a native English man ( or woman).... but this song speaks to me. And much more than a lot.
This album has a very special meaning for me, for it's related to a peculiar period of my life. A very, very sad one.
This song was the apex of the LP... I cried a lot at when listening to it.
Even today I still can't listent to it without gossebumps (at the minimum).
This version is very, very good for it is played and sung with guts... Love it.
Étant français, je ne peux certainement pas avoir le bagage culturel d'un homme (ou d'une femme) anglais de naissance.. Pauvre con !!!
I share your sadness, probably for very different reasons, but I feel know what you mean. Sadness and feeling, transcends national boundaries. Je partage votre tristesse, probablement pour des raisons très différentes, mais j'ai l'impression de comprendre ce que vous voulez dire. La tristesse et les sentiments transcendent les frontières nationales. With you in spirit.
Thank your lucky stars your not a ENGLISH NATIVE I'm ENGLISH but our TRAITOROUS GOVERNMENT is slowly turning the UK into a 3RD WORLD COUNTRY!! And yeah i might be exaggerating a bit here but i can only see us going backwards with our WOKE LIBERAL POLITICIANS and it might be the time when *WE THE PEOPLE* take our country back from these TRAITOROUS B@STARDS.Because thats what will eventually happen people have just had enough of these SNOWFLAKES now and I'd charge them for TREASON for selling us down the river andget wealthy for it
As a Frenchman, let's face it, you'd no longer have a culture without your brothers,neighbours or wherever, in arms.
Of course it speaks to you friend. France has fought many wars too. I hope you’re well. And send you all the peace and joy
Man that guitarist nailed that.... just superb playing.
Well done from 🇦🇺
He is brilliant
Knopfler would be proud
Did you notice the guitar player finger pics like Mark does
I had Never seen David Gilmour play on a Les Paul :B
over 50 years ago i walked through the gates of HMS Raleigh still my brothers in arms rest in peace those brave men who now sleep in those cold south atlantic waters never forgotten always you will rememberd
Almost 60 years ago I walked through those same gates. My brother in arms!
Joined in 78. My father, twin brother and I were serving in 82. Respect to all of those that sailed south. Mother was waiting for one of us to get our sailing orders and probably dreading the prospect.
1976 my first boyfriend did the same
Straight from school through those same gates in 1977, did 22 years ,would I do it all again……..hell yes in a heartbeat
My first boyfriend went to H.M.S. Raleigh in 1976. He too went to the South Atlantic.
The guitar player... wow.
Really proud moment to appreciate these are serving Army personnel for our country.............How lucky are we!!!! xxx
Brotherhood of veterans from across the globe resonate here with the depth of this number. I am an Indian Navy veteran
Non sibi sed patriae
Tibi gratias ago
😊 1:13
“You did not desert me, my brothers in arms” gets me EVERY-TIME
yeah it does
Was there with my son!!!! One of the best emotional nights of music ever!!!!!!!
What I find even more emotional than the song itself (which send me crying eventhough I'm not in the army) is the amount of comments from veterans here. Each one has a story to tell, but I read that many veterans are lonely and feel deserted. I think of you all and those who gave up their lives. Unbelievable.
I cannot imagine the honor felt by the lead gutarist as he played this song. The pain, the glory, the heartbreak, the gratitude. Thank you so very much
And playing in the same style as Mark Knopfler too! Pretty good!
Ex Royal Navy myself.
I wasn’t a Marine, but a U.S. Army Sgt. 1970-76 and a rifle instructor. There is not a year goes by, but that I reflect on the terrified faces of the young recruits preparing to go to war in Vietnam. Then I wonder how many of those faces never came home alive, and could I have trained them better?….and yes, I too have my dreams and moments at night !
Thank you for your service, so I may rest at night.
Thank you sir,from the uk
My father served as an MP and was sent to Vietnamin 1965 where he became a door gunner with the aviation battalion that was assigned to the 173rd AB for their first 16 months in Vietnam. He was one of four in his entire company that came home without a Purple Heart. He later re-enlisted and went into the Air Force. As the dice that was my destiny were rolled, I ended up enlisting in the Marine Corps (mainly because of this very song and bearing witness for almost three straight weeks walking past the hangar where countless Marines were brought to be made ready for their "final" deployment (the Beirut barracks bombing) as a 15 year old on his way from school to football practice. I drew the long straw and luckily never had to go to war. But I was in Germany for countless terrorist attacks, the deaths of 14 men in my Dad's squadron and the Combat Controllers they worked with daily, seeing the men and woman (some only 3 or 4 years my elder) fighting back tears and choking down cigarettes one after another on breaks from the ghastly duty of theirs with those Marines. Death has visited me, even though I never had a bullet or bomb thrown my way "directly" in anger...
It does not matter if you are not a Marine, you are still my brother... SEMPER FIDELIS!!!
@@Wolverines77 Thank you for your kind words!
Sono italiano e credo nell'amore e nella pace tra i popoli. Lo sto proponendo in tanti post. Questa poesia in musica deve diventare un inno. Ci proviamo? La vostra versione è bellissima. La voce di chi la canta trasmette un pathos unico. Grazie.
From a ex - British soldier this Royal Marine Bands plus the singer’s are absolutely fantastic I get goosebumps just listening to these guys
Ха у меня нет мурашек потому что Русский ю андестенд
@@КонстантинЩоголев-и8ц Это потому, что вы, "русские" - параллельная ветвь развития человечества, к сожалению, для такого большого количества населения, и вы этим гордитесь.
Где бы вы были, если бы не помощь Америки в 20-30 годы прошлого столетия, когда вам помогали продуктами, а потом строили заводы и фабрики. Но вы любите нравиться "хозяину" - личности, партии ... , а потом ваш "хозяин" задружил с другим "хозяином" из Германии. Но тот первым, не дожидаясь, когда вы нападёте, "вероломно" напал, и вам снова начали помогать - Ленд-лиз, второй фронт для отвлечения Германских войск от Восточного фронта, чтоб вам легче было ... , да и "ножки Буша" ещё не забыли, в 90-е?
Вы как тот глупый щенок, которому показывают - как надо жить, чтобы выжить, но вы постоянно кричите, что не такие как все, и у вас другой путь! Так почему "ваш путь" проходит по чужим территориям, и по чужим судьбам? Просто вы не ищете "царя в голове", вам важно, чтоб царь был в Кремле, и руководил вами, и за всё отвечал, но беда в том, что царь "за всё" отвечает вашими жизнями.
Вам нельзя помогать именно из гуманных соображений - ваша страна скорее развалится, перестанет влиять на жизнь соседей, а менталитет вашего население быстрее изменится, и оно заживёт, как живут люди во всём Мире.
А на счёт комментариев - не забывайте о "тридцати серебренниках", и о том, к чему приводит желание заработать на обмане.
Dont be ashamed, its not your fault. But the fault of the little dwarf in the big red house. @user-to4wr8mk4b
South African vet here....and long time Nark Knopfler fan . What an amazing rendition and performance.....
"We are fools too make war on our brothers in arms" . That really got me. Amazing performance.
Exactly! These people don’t think about their innocent brothers on the other side their fighting. You are all humans, you’re all being controlled like puppets. Think about the hypocrisy, killing millions on innocent women and children, bombing their homes, devastating countries.
As a former serving member, you have embraced what it means to be Brothers and sisters in arms. You made me cry, you made me smile and you made me remember.
Well said Chris!
Да! Невероятно прекрасная песня!
Пусть будет мир на всей планете!
Пусть будет проклята любая война!!!
Less we forget Certa Cito IAF Brothers and Sisters from the ex Job Mob NHS Medic 🇬🇧
@@МихаилСазонов-ц1ц Be safe. And when your country is done with their misdeeds, come to the UK and have a drink with us.
Neither myself or anyone I know have been in the army, and also English is not my main language but this song by Dire Straits has always made me feel so sad and this particular interpretation just made me cry.
As someone who works with Veterans of the Australian Defence Force and lives their sad stories day in day out, i salute each and every one otlf you for your sacrifices to keep us safe. May you be blessed with eternal peace and your brothers return to your arms again.
What a singer! And the guitarist.. the pressure must have been immense to get this right..both are very exposed but absolutely nailed it. Love it.
What I really like about them is you can tell that they actually done tours of "active duty". This song has a proper connection to them rather than just a well rehearsed military trained performance. Some of the other songs are just well drilled rehearsals.
As a Falklands Veteran, thank you Royals. Made me cry, made me feel sad but at the same time remember my oppos and how thankful I am to be here to listen to this. BZ
Thank you for your service! I only wish "we" could prevent 'others' from having to experience the same/similar ever again. God Bless.
Me too, mucker, the "Jollies" band could always play a good tune.
And we, thank you.
I'm an Argentine Soldier... not old enough for taking part in that crazy conflict... but very respectful to those from both sides who fought with bravery and comradeship.I served with many UK soldiers in Cyprus and I'm really proud of it... 💪🏼
@@lucasfilippi5556 I think most British military personal would feel the same as you. My father and uncle both went to the Falklands. They never said bad word against the Argentinian soldiers , not once.
I'm a US Army veteran. Goosebumps and I'm having trouble swallowing.
May God hold all vets past present and future in his loving palm.
Thank you. Love from Denmark.
I'm a UK veteran and worked very closely with the US forces Bill god bless you mate, we are ALL Brothers in Arms!
And you too Sir.
The US contributes more deaths in war than any nation. Why? They’re a creepy bunch who screw the world for a profit
The worse thing here is you can't smash that like button enough. To the whole cast, that was amazing. I fine tribute to all our fallen comrades.
Mark Knopfler für dieses Lied im Gedenken an alle gefallenen Kameraden und Waffenbrüder.
Danke an die klasse Sängerin, den Gitarristen und das Orchester der Royal Marines.
Ich wünsche allen Veteranen der Kriege viel Kraft und Glück im Leben.
Frieden für alle Menschen auf dieser Erde 🕊😊
Kann Dir nur beipflichten.
As a 26-year Royal Canadian Navy veteran this rendition of Mark Knofler's song brought a few tears to the eyes of this old matelot. Memories of shipmates who have crossed the bar, especially my brother, are always with me. BZ Royal Marines.
The responsibility for the deaths of millions of soldiers has often been with those soldiers fellow countrymen, ... much more so than the soldiers of the country they fought against. This Includes American citizens for the past 50 years.
As a Canadian citizen, I thank you for your service.
From an American-- one of my all time favoirite songs. This version was done perfectly.
American. USAF. Vietnam Vet. Beautiful tribute to all who have served.
No mess, no fuss, no razzmatazz, just musical perfection from all concerned, brilliant.
It is beautiful and profound, my Dad was 42 commando RM incredibly proud. 😢
I am a dutch veteran….. lost some of my buddies…… never forget! Thanx for your beautiful song.
This is a wonderful performance and interpretation of a beautiful song. I have read comments below saying that this should be sung by a man but Sam McIndoe is a Royal Marine and as such could be called upon to fight so has every right to sing it. Apart from being gorgeous, she has a tremendous voice and along with great guitar work they have really done Mark Kopfler's song serious justice.
I wasn't a Royal Marine, but I did complete the All Arms Commando Course in 1984 and served for 24 years. Song sums up it all.
My eldest brother’s favourite song…he was an officer in the Royal Navy and we lost him to a brain tumour a year ago…one of the most moving songs ever written and beautifully performed here…
Take care, mate
May your brother rest in peace, Doug.
RIP sailor. Thank you
Fair Winds and Following Seas to your brother, Stand Down, your Watch is Over.
Legends never die. I wish your family the best
Outstanding guitar work - Mark Knopfler’s style can’t be easy to replicate - but he did a terrific job!
I absolutely love this song, love the band, but the singer is just absolutely amazing
One of your very best Singer Sam! Little tear to the eye of a Falklands Vet. here, remembering those on land, at sea and in the air who fought bravely in 1982! Military musicians of the very best..... Thank You, one and all!
Bless your heart John ❤️ I was in the WRNS in 1982 and I cried, listening to this…🥹😢
God Bless from this U.S. Marine (86-90). I was 14 and living in West Germany as a U.S. Air Force brat when you were on your way there. This song came out as my world view was crumbling before my eyes. The bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut (dad was stationed at Rhein Main AB where most of the bodies were brought to be put back together for their "final" deployment, home and onwards to heaven). I would walk past the hangars (where all of this was happening) every day on my way from school to where we had football practice. I was 15 and to see these young men and woman, just a few years my senior, when they were on breaks was unimagineable. I grew up in and around the military as our family spent about 70% of dad's time in the Air Force less than 150km's from the Iron Curtain. I knew that bombing would forever change the world. Five months later, we lost 17 "family members" in a crash in the mountains a few miles southwest of Zaragoza AB, Spain. This song came out later that summer and it immediately stopped my downward spiral. It was a few days after hearing this song that I knew my course, either enlisted air crew in the Air Force or becoming a Marine... The Eagle, Globe and Anchor won out...
If you have not seen it, watch the "One Night in London" BBC televised special with Mark Knopfler version. As amazing as this version in, that performance is hauntingly beautiful...
@@Wolverines77 Thank you, I will 😊and God bless you too…❤️
@@Wolverines77 Strangely, also recorded from the Royal Albert Hall only a few years ago 👍
As a former South African veteran I salute them.
Cheers from Cape Town!
@@GlenRealty Cheers from Johannesburg.
Absolut ! GRANDIOS....FEELING !!!! Musikcharaktern grenzenübergreifend. Tolle Sängerin,Gittarist,Dirigent und ORCHESTER!
1:10 What a voice..
The singer made the song her own - and the guitarist played an absolutely perfect (in tone, faithfulness to MK's original and technique) rendition of this unforgettable anthem. I only wish I could have been in the audience to hear this. And let's not forget to thank Capt. Trudgeon for his masterful orchestral interpretation of the song.
Takes me back to a time in 1972 when I heard the Band of the Royal Engineers and a local classical guitar player performing Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez in a small theater carved out of the Rock of Gibraltar.... there were a few tears shed on that occasion too.
You are kidding right. That lady sang so many notes flat i lost count. Very ordinary to be kind. But the guitarist really did a fine job on Knopflers tone,.
I don't know why they didn't get a male singer or a better one. There's a delivery that lacked.
@@markhill9275 I agree. This isn't a song that is screamed or protested, instead - as Knopfler sang it - it should be sung wearily (of war) and with a sense of wisdom gained. The Guitarist did a great job emulating the sound/mood - as did the rest of the musicians but the singer negatively affected the whole performance imho.
The deep, rich tone of that Gibson guitar contrasted so well with the power & emotion in her voice! Mark Knopfler wrote this 40 years ago, during the 1982 war in the Falkland Islands. The clear message is the folly of war, the needless suffering that results, yet brings with it such a strong bond between fellow warriors, even to death. My Father in Law served as a medic in Vietnam, and while he survived, he still battles with the emotional scars of war. This song always brings a tear to my eye. I have so much respect for all those that choose to serve and those who make the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for the freedom you fought for.
40 years ago....I hadn't realised that......WOW......always has and always will be my favourite Dire Straits song
It was not a Gibson only the belt. It was a Les Paul, look a bit closer.
I've seen this young lady singing before and she has a beautiful voice. Lovely, thank you for showing this to us unlucky people who can't be there on the night.
I'm in tears...............Thanks from a USMC veteran whose been there..........Semper Fi........Always Faithfull
Thank you for this outstanding performance!
Salute from a german veteran.
Let’s not mention any Germans of war🙄
danke Sir!. Ignore her, we British are so immensely proud of to be your cousins.
@@martinafranca6609 you know not what you say or think!
Greetings from a 69 yr old fart from over in South Africa, Salute sir, respect to all who serve
Such an amazing voice. Guitarist was spot on too. I couldn't imagine anyone else but Dire Straits performing this brilliant track until I listened to this. Absolutely amazing and so apt.
Check out James Marcal he sings a few dire straights songs sounds like knopler
Love the sound of that Les Paul! great stuff!
amazing performance
Jesus, Adrian. It wasn't THAT good.
Brilliant. She really feels what she is singing!
As an old school retired US Marine , tears couldnt be with held.
Three words...
Oh,my God.
This was done really well. The singer was incredibly passionate and hats off to the guitarist. The finger picking, the tone, etc was really good.
Absolutely fantastic singing and guitar playing ,such a powerful song,brilliant
Hmmm, not for me.........Brothers in Arms was written as a lament to the folly of war......it was meant to be sung softly and made all the more powerful for that. It was Knopflers' guitar work that wrought the emotion, pain and sadness into the song.......never the voice.
This rendition bordered on operatic in parts and hard, almost abrasive and in that.........entirely missed the point ?
@@garymoore2535 It's not the same song in that regard. I completely agree with you, but I don't see it as a butchering of it. More like a different interpretation. that I found entertaining. I do understand your point though.
I take nothing away from the singer, she can sing, I take nothing away from the band, they can play.....it is just the particular choice of song mixed with the nature of her presentation that completely misses the mark.......for me at least.
@@garymoore2535 Understood and perfectly acceptable imo. I have songs that hold a special reverence to me and I'm usually not a fan of alternative interpretations of those songs. Some songs that even the live versions irritate me. lol No, seriously, in this case, I absolutely get it. :)
OUTSTANDING, this US Marine SGT comes back to this performance once again as I remember comrades who fell. It speaks to the heart. May I one day get a chance to hoist several pints with my cousins across the pond. Well done.
@@kar2ouche I am saying that I am a US Marine and really am moved by the performance of these RM performers-not that they are yanks. It was a compliment. Maybe you should read more carefully. I have had liberty with your Marines, they are fine companions.
Now I understand. Thank you.
@@warshipsdd-2142 : I assume you will have noticed that both of these "RM performers", as you put it, are sporting their Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan.
@@stuartmccall5474 I have the highest respect and fraternal admiration for HM RM Musicians. I am aware of their excellent training and dual role. I regard them as I do the US Navy Corpsmen who fought along US Marines and tended to our wounded at great risk to themselves. I only used the term performer because in the video they were showcasing their outstanding vocal and instrumental skills. I would be honoured to have either one alongside me in a hostile engagement.
I joined the reserve forces and did my basic training in Whittington in 1987. Our drill sergeant, a South African, had us learn these words. At the time it was just something to learn but, in the weeks afterwards and since I’ve often reflected on what these words meant to our Sergeant. I’ll always thank him for making me take notice of the words and Ihope that he has found his own peace.
56 years oid , never served and yes i have tears in my eyes, i dont have the words to describe this performance
As a mother of a serving soldier in the Australian Defence Force I was moved to tears by this poignant rendition. The military musicians have such raw emotions and played brilliantly and the singer was magnificent. Thank you.
I'm with you on that, I too am a very proud parent of a serving Australian soldier and another son who also served. This band did a great job playing this amazing and very moving music.
God bless you Anne, war is a horrible business I'm afraid......
Не надо лезть в другие страны и все будут живы. На вас никто не нападает. Англо-саксы достали уже всех на планете. / No need to climb into other countries and everyone will be alive. Nobody attacks you. The Anglo-Saxons have already got everyone on the planet.
Simply outstanding cover,,, knofler will be mighty pleased with the guitarist
Großartig interpretiert! Kompliment an den exzellenten Gitarristen und eine wundervolle Sängerin in Top Form! 😍
The expression on Samantha’s face 2.20 to 2.45 - only those who know will know - Thankyou Samantha - that pain will never leave any of us and you respectfully and correctly delivered the meaning xx
Wow, great observation. That was completely different from the other singing.
I am so proud to have these young men and women serving our country. I am absolutely impressed with your performance. God bless you all. I rest well at night knowing your watching our backs . Thank you all !
This performance brought a tear to my eyes they're all very talented
From a father of a veteran, I thank you for this.
What a magnificent rendition. "We're fools to make war on our brothers in arms" - I can't imagine a more eloquent line summing up the tragedy and futility of war.
They have the medals to show that they can sing this classic from the heart - respect....
Very moving performance all round. You have an amazing voice, young lady.
Sencillamente maravilloso.
When Mark Knopfler wrote Brothers in Arms, he didn't just write a song, he wrote an anthem.
I’m American (late as usual) but this was awesome. This young lady chose to serve and delivered. Wonderful ensemble.
Never mind, you can't help where you are born 😂
As a veteran of the Angolan war, my heartfelt thanks. My comrades didn’t die in vain and they live on in me.
Na verdade foram em vão, infelizmente. Guerra inútil.
I just watched this. What a beautiful voice. Brought tears and memories. Thank you ❤️
I am honoured, having enjoyed them live in Cologne 1983...
Her voice made me cry. Mark Knofler’s masterpiece displayed in such a magnificent way with that sublime guitar. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️
Brilliant , god bless the Royal Marines
From a US Marine Veteran to my fellow Marine veterans in the UK.....Outstanding Job and Oorah! 👍💯
Semper Fi
Gen Z USMC veteran Here. She along with Her Majesty’s Band definitely made mission with this performance. I wish the Marine Corps Bands would step up their game and cover songs like this one.
@@richirich999 His Majesty's cock! do keep up, make's you Yank's look stupid.
Je suis un vétéran des "french Marines" et j'adore cette chanson et cette interprétation. Bravo
@dudulima291these are british royal marines
Ihr seid eine super Chorgemeinschaft Danke für das Lied
As a British army veteran and a musician of sorts, I can say that there is no better example of Mark Nofflers Brother in arms than the Royal Marines. Absolutely beautiful vocals that brings chills to the whole body, and the combination of a top military school of music and the Fender bending is out of heaven. I solute each and every one of you. British forces at their best out of a trench or theatre of war.
In 83/84 In the portugueses army (Nato Troops) I met and trained with soldiers who were in Falkland. One of them offered me a camouflage shirt.
Gibson not fender
Many tears here, thinking about our beloved lost friends and brothers. Fair winds and following seas for all those still on duty.
Beautifully performed, thank you.
I remember seeing this live, there were many tears from all there, and my hubby's medals were definitely tinkling away as the tears ran down his cheeks.
Thank you. Xxx
My unconditional respect. Spencer Campos. Search and Rescue, Brazilian Air Force.
You can feel the deep emotions as this guitarist plucks each string. I can’t stop watching this video.
She has a fantastic voice
First time I’ve ever heard a female sing this song, I’m absolutely blown away by her. What a fantastic voice
Prenez le temps d’écouter la version merveilleusement bien chantée par Joan Baez et qui date des années 90....
Yeh she has a captivating voice, so strong, clear, perhaps the best female vocalist I’ve heard.
@@c.martin4836 Have you seen the vid of them doing Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin? that I find even more interesting for them to do.
@@Kiyarose3999 definitely
@@c.martin4836 : I think you have missed the point of the song?? This is not a 1960's anti war (on any circumstances) song but a soldier's remembrance song of fallen colleagues who went to War (in this case the Falklands War) to free the Falkland Islanders from captivity and lost their lives doing so. Military people are seldom warmongers, but people who go to war voluntarily knowing it's they who will always pay the bill. It's the same today, no Ukrainian soldier wants to go to war, but the harsh alternative to this is losing their Country, their political freedom and culture to Russian aggression. The point here is, in a just war soldiers fight for the freedom of everybody, including the freedom of the so-called Liberal/ Woke anti-war pacifists types. A good number of the Marines here (including vocalist & guitarist) are wearing the Afghanistan Operational Service Medal, so know 1st-Hand what the song is about.
Reflect on this?
Somehow much deeper and more profound having marines perform this. Great performances all around.
Amazing, I never thought it was possible to be better that Dire Straits, this has cracked it.
As a serving soilder of over 20 years this is such a wonderful song, beautifuly performed by vastly talented military musicians . The song has a profound meaning, it's a song that condems war, its a song that says we are all one people "There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones"
And that war is a foolish endeavour,
"We're fools to make war
On our brothers in arms"
Prehapes we need to start to listen to things , maybe we need to start to heed the lesson in the lyrics
An putin
WW1 veteran? Bet you still do the goose step
We never will unfortunately there's just to much money to be made in WAR and past history hasn't taught us humans anything..
I wish our politicians would listen..
When she started singing I got goosebumps and tears came into my eyes! Beautiful!!!
Una delle più belle ed emozionanti versioni di questo brano. Splendida la cantante il chitarrista e l'orchestra.
So well done, a Mate who served down south with the RM still struggles to this day after picking bits of His mate from His face after a direct hit from a Mortar only a few yards away.