That's why I love Giuliani, because he's that crazy AND he's right! Crime is lower than ever 'cos of his policies, and our socks are safe from those pesky alien! #Trump2016 Make America Safe Again.
He's finally speaking from his own gut rather than just reading jokes, which is good. Jon was at his best when he did that as well, and having looked at some of Trevor's candid interviews I have to imagine that what CC hoped for when hiring him. I just hope he doesn't bury himself by going overboard. He needs some better humor (may be his writers, may be his own need to get comfortable with it, not sure) to balance the feels, then he'll be golden.
Embracing it is the first step to letting it go. Even Jesus went to Hell before making his ascension (I like that imagery. Way more badass than the robed European dude with doves up his sleeves.) If you cannot embrace the darkside, you are as intolerant as those who seek to destroy the light. There must be a balance in the Force.
It was awesome to see trevor get upset at the end about freddy grey, Thats how he is gonna make the daily show his by expressing him self with out careing what people will think. It is sick to hear how happy that man was that no one is going to b held accountable for freddys death
It was good because you could tell Trevor was passionate about it. That's what made Stewart so likeable, you could tell he was really passionate and genuinely affected by what he talked about. At first, Trevor basically just seemed like a talking head, but now he's starting to find his footing. This piece was pretty good.
Almost makes you wish the old man was here still, he'd be taking the lead in the media war against Trump. That aside, Noah stood out glowingly in this segment. Right now he's hitting way harder than Colbert even is, in my opinion.
That whole bit past 3:16 was just powerful. My favorite sketch of his was comparing Trump to African dictators but the second half of this video easily beame my favorite.
i agree what made the original show so great was that john stopped trying to fit into the role of a host and just just did what he wanted to do making him an amazing host i often felt like trevor tried to imitate john a little if he stops doing that and gives us more of his personality he has what it takes to do a great job as a host
This guy is passionate about what he does and people can feel that passion and they respond to that in kind. In my humble opinion, anything done with passion is done right.
Uh, no. You must be living under a rock. And some of the officers were black, but you racists love to talk bad about whites constantly as if we are all racists and black people chanting RIP Dallas Copkiller as a good thing, only BLM supporters of course.
His Mom is a slumlord in South Africa and he has also been included. It was in all the national newspapers here in South Africa so who is he to slate others?
+Wendy Ferguson first off you started with "his mom" so let me just stop you right there as whatever his parents did or didn't do does not take away from his success... that's like if your son mass murder a group of innocent people and nutbags try to get him off by going "well his mom was a great doctor. I mean she was all in the national papers for her work."
***** The work was done under hire for her, so Michelle Obama owns the intellectual property rights to the speech. Now Melania's speech, on the other hand, she ended up not using most of the work done by her speech writers, but doing her own speech, which was a big mistake. She just was not nearly good enough at it, and this is why it is so embarrassing. Her speech writers would not have re-used Obama's words like that.
mmmm in my opinion, not necessarily... ask microsoft if you own Windows or Apple if you own macos even if you paid full retail... it depends on the terms of agreement... but really, Im pretty sure Trump's army of lawyers check'd in on the ownership of those words and probably find out that even though they came out of michelle's mouth, they're aren't hers... funny how your law system works hu? or, hillarious clinton will come with a lawsuit out of Malaria trump's behind... cheers!
When they say "This is the last safe place" I can't help but smirk. I live in China, a country that those same people criticize for human rights violations and "communism", but what they don't say is that you can walk the streets of a 20 million population city at 2am, and NO ONE will bother you. No one carries guns around, not even the police, everyone has something to eat, education is affordable. The dangerous socialism of China is actually helping its people. I've lived in China for 10 years, seen it improve drastically over the years, wages increasing, opportunities increasing, standard of living increasing. I thank goodness I don't live in the media inspired fear tank that America has become.
He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither mate! I have great respect for China and its accomplishments (not just recently either, but 3000 years of amazing culture and progress), but I hope you and its people are not seriously buying the communist party line that because there is security and economic prosperity it is OK that if you seriously criticize the government you'll end up in jail. The criticism of human rights violations and communism in China is perfectly valid. Think about it: under Mao the country was very poor, and since Deng Xiaoping instituted economic freedom reforms it has prospered. There is no reason why China can't or shouldn't have political and social freedom as well as economic freedom, and i very much hope people don't believe the CCP when they take credit for an economic boom caused by millions of the Chinese PEOPLE who are so enterprising and industrious! I guess what I am really saying is that the country has prospered IN SPITE of tyranny and repression from the government, not because of it!! I hope you understand that because if you don't I believe you are not giving the Chinese people the credit they so rightly deserve. I say all this understanding that the government is much more transparent and less oppressive than it once was, but I stand by the assertion that China would be EVEN MORE successful if there wasn't a corrupt and repressive political elite with a vested interest in maintaining their connections and privileges. So I would say here that America has its problems but that doesn't make ALL criticism of the Chinese government invalid (though much of the criticism is untrue or racist). Pays to remember that hypocrisy doesn't make an assertion untrue, it just removes any sense of moral superiority that might have been there had they also practiced what they preached. All the peace in the world from New Zealand, I love China and its people very much (many of who live here and are my friends).
"The dangerous socialism of China is actually helping its people" Bull ...shit. 7% of over 1BN people are living in complete poverty in China. That's a whooping 96.000.000 Chinese. How the hell can you say socialism does anything against that? If anything it has been the slow but steady introduction of more capitalism that has lowered the poverty rate from 26% in 2007 to about 7% now. Throughout the same period income disparities have hugely increased, where really only the urban areas are actually better off. Socialism has literally done nothing good for China.
First, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was China. Second, what percent of America's population is living in complete poverty? 15.1%, which has been that way since 2010. China's poverty rate has been shrinking, with many of the urban centers becoming workplaces of migrant workers who ultimately send the majority of their wealth back home where the buying power of each Yuan(China's currency) is much higher. Socialism has done plenty of good for China, just as it has done plenty of good for countries around the world, from Sweden to Canada. Believing unregulated "free market" capitalism is anything less than giving the powerful a free pass to screw the greater population is just idiotic. Of course, China isn't without its faults. 1.4 billion people is a huge population, but their government is doing a pretty bang up job, especially when one considers how much more China has done with so much less than America and how each year China improves for its citizens while each year America becomes more of a circus. Don't bother quoting Wikipedia to me to prove how wrong I am. I could do that as well, but I'm giving you my own account of living in China, as I have lived and currently DO live here. My evidence is not fed to me through channels which try to paint a pretty picture of America while condemning other places.
"I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to chaos. I want everyone to remember why they need us!" Everyone should go watch V for Vendetta, then look at this election. The similarities are staggering.
Oh hell. That is the sort of plagiarism no one needs. It took me a troubling moment to figure out whether that quote was from the movie or the convention.
Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. [carves 'V' into poster on wall] The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
ladyles, they live by double standards. I have several 'liberal' friends and they are total hypocrites, to the point of complete immersion in their hypocrisy. It's like they are zombies unable and unwilling to engage reality on most levels.
When Meryl Streep spoke, I did not see her as an actress; I did not hear her as a celebrity. I saw her as a citizen who has the same right as all citizens... Freedom of Speech.
Trevor is not growing up to Jon Stewart nor filling his shoes.He is being Trevor, waiting on viewers to come around and catch up to a global perspective.He will never be Jon,but he is TREVOR!!!!
Trevor Noah should have run for president, and his platform should have been "common sense".... Did all Republicans drink the kool-aid or are they just crazy?
Just to be clear (and I know you know this, 'cos you used quotes) - he's not a third world citizen. Firstly, I'm guessing he's a US citizen since he's been in USA for quite a while now. Secondly, I don't think South Africa was ever classed as Third World. Lastly, that categoriation is now defunct as it refers to cold war alliances. ^Increasing levels of pedantry :)
+jacob robertson S. Africa is a third world country, just because they have large cities doesn't mean that they aren't a third world country, Second, Trevor has only been living in America since around last September, when he became the host of the daily show, so get rekt
Trevor Noah you are the best replacement possible for The Daily Show! You speak your mind and you don't care what others think of your opinion, Great job on all your episodes man! Keep up the great work!
+Jonathan CF haha i don't think i understand im sorry? i was just saying conservatives are being ridiculous and they prey on fear because from I've witnessed within a conservative family that tactic works on people and it's not alright, imo.
julianna zefangirl There's a lot of tactics used by conservatives, not least of which is their pathetic attempt to pretend racism and sexism doesn't exist anymore.
julianna zefangirl The hate mongers concentrated in Trump's base belong to an underground web movement called "The Dark Enlightenment", which consists of neo-Nazis, "scientific" racists, misogynists (disguised as "men's rights activists"), libertarians, and crypto-fascists. It's an assortment of far right fringers who each have their own core obsession, but stand united in their war against political correctness. Political correctness, in their 'minds', is a secular religion, where they view academia and the media as the main propagators of 'PC culture', and refer to them as "The Cathedral". First up on their political itinerary is the border debate, where they want closed borders to restrict the flow of immigration (non-white immigration, to be exact) into Western countries like the U.S. and Britain. It's not enough for Democrats to continue to use common sense when they speak out; they need to engage in public outreach to expose these hate groups. And other than the Southern Poverty Law Center, there's been little mention of this, outside of pop culture, which is largely ignored. These groups speak in code, but when you understand their agenda, there can be no doubt that the Republican party is aiding and abetting official hate groups, and the RNC Convention is a hate rally posing as a healthy democratic debate.
Very good Trevor, keep on getting your message out. We are depending on you and you team to inform people of the lunacy that is our political state in the United States in 2016.
This is why 60 percent of americans, 6 in 10, hate both candidates. NBC and Fox both reported this last week in a survey they did, so it cant be much biased if both parties shill news groups say it.
Maybe, just maybe, when you learn to spell you will also learn why his 'reporting' is neither unfactual nor biased. You might even learn that what he is doing is not even really 'reporting' in the first place. He is a comic and a good one, NOT a news reporter. is being sold and is being auctioned off to the highest bidder. It would make a great anti republican or anti trump site. Bid on it here:
"Sarcasm mode engaged" But America already has Jesus, Nazi Jesus. Oh, and the Jesus that does all of the dirty work we don't want to do, I think his last name is Mexicano. We don't want bible Jesus, we heard that he was a Jew and you know their reputation when it comes to money and trustworthiness.
+Aiden Gilson Well the biblical jesus can't exactly make the Republicans worse and probably wouldn't make the Democrats worse either. Remember there's a reason they ignore most of well everything said in religion except the "how to control" sections.
Well, considering, belief in Jesus is sort of the justification for homophobia and pro lifers. ..this country probably just needs Sanders. Jesus is of little to no importance.
Boy, the interview with Michael Steel was pretty good. He asked some challenging questions. Great discussion. I also like this segment a lot. Great job.
I like your stuff Trevor and the vast majority of your of is spot on and delivered in a way that the the audience is bogged down technical speack or just board of it and you right there is totally major hurdles to low income people who are disproportionately of color but when you shoot down any mention of problems indicative in their culture it's unfair and willfully indifferent to the real and pressing problems. It's similar to call for a ban on assault type weapons (witch desperately need background checks and some sort of qualification course at the LEAST) when the overwhelming majority of gun deaths are from hand guns. It doesn't address similar problems at all. Your show is great and you unlike most of us you get a real chance to have your voice (and that of the daily show staff) heard and we do need to talk about the fact that low income people in this country are getting unfairly treated and that generations of passive (and in some cases active) racism are almost trapped in a cycle of poverty but to pretend that cultural fueled epidemics aren't a real and pressing problem isn't going to help anyone. The same way the majority pretends that police violence isn't a thing.
"Good news" we killed someone and got away with it.... disgusting.
Rudy Guiliani is like that crazy old guy feeding the birds in the park, while muttering to himself about aliens stealing his socks.
LOL Me bad
***** Maybe he was that guy. Now he's just a loon
CEO, we get it, you're a racist. Congrats!
That's why I love Giuliani, because he's that crazy AND he's right! Crime is lower than ever 'cos of his policies, and our socks are safe from those pesky alien! #Trump2016 Make America Safe Again.
Yup! Agreed!
Trevor is on an absolute tear lately. Filling in Jon's shoes quite nicely
Agreed I thought he was gonna suck but I enjoy it
I thought he could never compare to Jon but I'm definitely coming around.
He's finally speaking from his own gut rather than just reading jokes, which is good. Jon was at his best when he did that as well, and having looked at some of Trevor's candid interviews I have to imagine that what CC hoped for when hiring him. I just hope he doesn't bury himself by going overboard. He needs some better humor (may be his writers, may be his own need to get comfortable with it, not sure) to balance the feels, then he'll be golden.
+Michael Winter -- Eyyy, fellow nerdfighter! Nice to see the positivity spreading in different places.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
Fear is the path to the darkside
Embracing it is the first step to letting it go. Even Jesus went to Hell before making his ascension (I like that imagery. Way more badass than the robed European dude with doves up his sleeves.) If you cannot embrace the darkside, you are as intolerant as those who seek to destroy the light. There must be a balance in the Force.
Sideous, is that you?
It was awesome to see trevor get upset at the end about freddy grey, Thats how he is gonna make the daily show his by expressing him self with out careing what people will think. It is sick to hear how happy that man was that no one is going to b held accountable for freddys death
It was good because you could tell Trevor was passionate about it. That's what made Stewart so likeable, you could tell he was really passionate and genuinely affected by what he talked about. At first, Trevor basically just seemed like a talking head, but now he's starting to find his footing. This piece was pretty good.
Almost makes you wish the old man was here still, he'd be taking the lead in the media war against Trump. That aside, Noah stood out glowingly in this segment. Right now he's hitting way harder than Colbert even is, in my opinion.
That whole bit past 3:16 was just powerful. My favorite sketch of his was comparing Trump to African dictators but the second half of this video easily beame my favorite.
i agree
what made the original show so great was that john stopped trying to fit into the role of a host and just just did what he wanted to do making him an amazing host
i often felt like trevor tried to imitate john a little
if he stops doing that and gives us more of his personality he has what it takes to do a great job as a host
This guy is passionate about what he does and people can feel that passion and they respond to that in kind. In my humble opinion, anything done with passion is done right.
Unbelievable that they were all cheering at the news of Freddie Gray's murderer getting acquitted
Black Robocop authorized this activity. Black Robocop's super-popular with them
I know it made me want to punch someone.
perfectly believable when you know these people.
so disgusting
And because a mob of Black Lives Matter tried to do jungle justice and ruin a man's life
Trevor the one guy who is bold enough to challenge white supremacy.
I like what you're trying to say but there's a hell of a lot of people trying.
I wish he were bold enough to base his arguments on reality.
haha Zuma's regime
there is no regime in south africa, please
Uh, no. You must be living under a rock. And some of the officers were black, but you racists love to talk bad about whites constantly as if we are all racists and black people chanting RIP Dallas Copkiller as a good thing, only BLM supporters of course.
I hope you're being facetious. In which case, I'll respond with sarcasm:
Because there isn't something called Black Lives Matter, or anything...
I love Trevor!
He's flippin' adorable!
Trevor is an idiot.
mee too✌🙌 😄
+militant atheist -
me too !!
"Get the fuck outa here man" oh my god his face was so serious, like I think he saw my soul. Rock on Trevor!!
I would vote for Trevor for President any damned day.
His Mom is a slumlord in South Africa and he has also been included. It was in all the national newspapers here in South Africa so who is he to slate others?
+Wendy Ferguson
first off you started with "his mom" so let me just stop you right there as whatever his parents did or didn't do does not take away from his success... that's like if your son mass murder a group of innocent people and nutbags try to get him off by going "well his mom was a great doctor. I mean she was all in the national papers for her work."
+Wendy Ferguson you're an idiot
Wendy is really dumb hey
***** you genius you.... did you figure that out all by yourself.. well done.. wow
I realize Trevor isn't qualified to be president but can we vote for him instead?
to be fair it wouldn't be hard to find a better candidate than what we've been given.
If we fused Trevor and John Oliver together would the resulting being be American enough to run for president?
I'm game.
+Clockwork Kirlia he would certainly be white enough :p
Considering how far Trump has made it, I don't think being qualified for president has any relevance at all.
Black speakers at the RNC have traditionally been used as props, and this year was no exception.
"...they featured black speakers, if you had closed your eyes you wouldn't have known"
Henry Dube I actually did close my eyes and it’s true.
HERTHA same, I closed my eyes before he even started and opened them only to double-take.
"Terrorists from west Europe are gonna come here and kill us!"
My Response: I can't do this anymore
Hey Trevor, you made "The Daily Show" great again. Thanks mate!
Fear, yes, but it was more "Make America hate again."
Hate the people you are afraid of.
Not again, more
seriously. Mays as well started chanting "Make racism everywhere again"
+Dexios S. Divine racism is always there but America is where it shines(if shines is the correct word?)
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Hate is just an extreme version of fear
Very interesting twist to the Melania deal...... I liked it very effective
That was my favorite line out of all his great lines!
***** The work was done under hire for her, so Michelle Obama owns the intellectual property rights to the speech.
Now Melania's speech, on the other hand, she ended up not using most of the work done by her speech writers, but doing her own speech, which was a big mistake. She just was not nearly good enough at it, and this is why it is so embarrassing. Her speech writers would not have re-used Obama's words like that.
***** No, the work was done under hire. That means the person who paid for it owns it.
***** Did they show you their receipt?
mmmm in my opinion, not necessarily... ask microsoft if you own Windows or Apple if you own macos even if you paid full retail... it depends on the terms of agreement... but really, Im pretty sure Trump's army of lawyers check'd in on the ownership of those words and probably find out that even though they came out of michelle's mouth, they're aren't hers... funny how your law system works hu? or, hillarious clinton will come with a lawsuit out of Malaria trump's behind...
When they say "This is the last safe place" I can't help but smirk. I live in China, a country that those same people criticize for human rights violations and "communism", but what they don't say is that you can walk the streets of a 20 million population city at 2am, and NO ONE will bother you. No one carries guns around, not even the police, everyone has something to eat, education is affordable. The dangerous socialism of China is actually helping its people. I've lived in China for 10 years, seen it improve drastically over the years, wages increasing, opportunities increasing, standard of living increasing. I thank goodness I don't live in the media inspired fear tank that America has become.
And yet you need a VPN to see this video:) If China is so safe as you say, why is the government afraid of a website?
He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither mate! I have great respect for China and its accomplishments (not just recently either, but 3000 years of amazing culture and progress), but I hope you and its people are not seriously buying the communist party line that because there is security and economic prosperity it is OK that if you seriously criticize the government you'll end up in jail.
The criticism of human rights violations and communism in China is perfectly valid. Think about it: under Mao the country was very poor, and since Deng Xiaoping instituted economic freedom reforms it has prospered. There is no reason why China can't or shouldn't have political and social freedom as well as economic freedom, and i very much hope people don't believe the CCP when they take credit for an economic boom caused by millions of the Chinese PEOPLE who are so enterprising and industrious!
I guess what I am really saying is that the country has prospered IN SPITE of tyranny and repression from the government, not because of it!! I hope you understand that because if you don't I believe you are not giving the Chinese people the credit they so rightly deserve. I say all this understanding that the government is much more transparent and less oppressive than it once was, but I stand by the assertion that China would be EVEN MORE successful if there wasn't a corrupt and repressive political elite with a vested interest in maintaining their connections and privileges.
So I would say here that America has its problems but that doesn't make ALL criticism of the Chinese government invalid (though much of the criticism is untrue or racist). Pays to remember that hypocrisy doesn't make an assertion untrue, it just removes any sense of moral superiority that might have been there had they also practiced what they preached. All the peace in the world from New Zealand, I love China and its people very much (many of who live here and are my friends).
"The dangerous socialism of China is actually helping its people"
Bull ...shit.
7% of over 1BN people are living in complete poverty in China. That's a whooping 96.000.000 Chinese.
How the hell can you say socialism does anything against that? If anything it has been the slow but steady introduction of more capitalism that has lowered the poverty rate from 26% in 2007 to about 7% now. Throughout the same period income disparities have hugely increased, where really only the urban areas are actually better off.
Socialism has literally done nothing good for China.
14% of Americans live in poverty, so I guess we can say capitalism hasn't done anything for Americans?
First, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was China. Second, what percent of America's population is living in complete poverty? 15.1%, which has been that way since 2010. China's poverty rate has been shrinking, with many of the urban centers becoming workplaces of migrant workers who ultimately send the majority of their wealth back home where the buying power of each Yuan(China's currency) is much higher. Socialism has done plenty of good for China, just as it has done plenty of good for countries around the world, from Sweden to Canada. Believing unregulated "free market" capitalism is anything less than giving the powerful a free pass to screw the greater population is just idiotic. Of course, China isn't without its faults. 1.4 billion people is a huge population, but their government is doing a pretty bang up job, especially when one considers how much more China has done with so much less than America and how each year China improves for its citizens while each year America becomes more of a circus. Don't bother quoting Wikipedia to me to prove how wrong I am. I could do that as well, but I'm giving you my own account of living in China, as I have lived and currently DO live here. My evidence is not fed to me through channels which try to paint a pretty picture of America while condemning other places.
"I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I
want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to
chaos. I want everyone to remember why they need us!"
Everyone should go watch V for Vendetta, then look at this election.
The similarities are staggering.
reading that qoute i almost thought that was someone from the RNC.
Oh hell. That is the sort of plagiarism no one needs.
It took me a troubling moment to figure out whether that quote was from the movie or the convention.
Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. [carves 'V' into poster on wall] The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
the GOP in a nutshell : Really rich White People, yelling a lot.
But rich democrats are ok, right? So sick of double speak/double standards.
ladyles, they live by double standards. I have several 'liberal' friends and they are total hypocrites, to the point of complete immersion in their hypocrisy. It's like they are zombies unable and unwilling to engage reality on most levels.
They tend to be less white and less hysterical, so maybe
😱😱 Oh no you have Human Beings for friends...(plays tiny violin)
If you can't tell the difference that's your problem.
What even is the Republican Party?
Look up Sarah Palin for a brief summery
+andrew gregger haha
Is a bunch of paranoic crazy people.
+steviemaotube lmao
White racists and fiscal conservatives
When Meryl Streep spoke, I did not see her as an actress; I did not hear her as a celebrity. I saw her as a citizen who has the same right as all citizens... Freedom of Speech.
He is really growing up to Jon Stewart! Go Trevor!
I also love his accent. It's soothing
No, he's utterly biased and a $hillary tool. I can understand why Jon Stewart left...
that "get the duck outta here man" was so John Stewart. I feel he really needed to witness all the bull before the real came out completely
Trevor is not growing up to Jon Stewart nor filling his shoes.He is being Trevor, waiting on viewers to come around and catch up to a global perspective.He will never be Jon,but he is TREVOR!!!!
Trevor Noah should have run for president, and his platform should have been "common sense".... Did all Republicans drink the kool-aid or are they just crazy?
A little of both!
He was not born in America
MattyBeast12 -
Okay, then Jon Stewart.
Yes, Jon Stewart should run for president.
I mean, they're always crazy by default. This has been obvious for a while now
I feel like Trevor is really taking to the job now. This is so much better than the first few months
Yes we can!!! Trevor!! 🙌🏾 🙌🏾 🙌🏾
Go Trevor, holding South Africa's name high. Proud :)
hahah i love this dude he really a pride to watch
lol funny how the "third world citizen" has more rationality than the first world politicians of America 2016..
Just to be clear (and I know you know this, 'cos you used quotes) - he's not a third world citizen. Firstly, I'm guessing he's a US citizen since he's been in USA for quite a while now. Secondly, I don't think South Africa was ever classed as Third World. Lastly, that categoriation is now defunct as it refers to cold war alliances.
^Increasing levels of pedantry :)
+jacob robertson S. Africa is a third world country, just because they have large cities doesn't mean that they aren't a third world country, Second, Trevor has only been living in America since around last September, when he became the host of the daily show, so get rekt
Well said, Trevor. Well said. Fear is such a disease.
Trevor Noah you are the best replacement possible for The Daily Show! You speak your mind and you don't care what others think of your opinion, Great job on all your episodes man! Keep up the great work!
There is no english word for nuance.
Trevor Noah just blew my mind.
Ive seen so many of your videos that im struggling to find new videos to watch hahaha ur amazing!!!
coming from a completely conservative family, i am so sick of this fear shit. having trump as our president is what we should all fear
"Coming from a completely conservative family" Thanks for the warning.
+Jonathan CF haha i don't think i understand im sorry? i was just saying conservatives are being ridiculous and they prey on fear because from I've witnessed within a conservative family that tactic works on people and it's not alright, imo.
julianna zefangirl There's a lot of tactics used by conservatives, not least of which is their pathetic attempt to pretend racism and sexism doesn't exist anymore.
+Jonathan CF agreed. it's disgusting.
julianna zefangirl The hate mongers concentrated in Trump's base belong to an underground web movement called "The Dark Enlightenment", which consists of neo-Nazis, "scientific" racists, misogynists (disguised as "men's rights activists"), libertarians, and crypto-fascists. It's an assortment of far right fringers who each have their own core obsession, but stand united in their war against political correctness. Political correctness, in their 'minds', is a secular religion, where they view academia and the media as the main propagators of 'PC culture', and refer to them as "The Cathedral". First up on their political itinerary is the border debate, where they want closed borders to restrict the flow of immigration (non-white immigration, to be exact) into Western countries like the U.S. and Britain. It's not enough for Democrats to continue to use common sense when they speak out; they need to engage in public outreach to expose these hate groups. And other than the Southern Poverty Law Center, there's been little mention of this, outside of pop culture, which is largely ignored. These groups speak in code, but when you understand their agenda, there can be no doubt that the Republican party is aiding and abetting official hate groups, and the RNC Convention is a hate rally posing as a healthy democratic debate.
So happy that you are finding your voice in this format! I've been rooting for you...silently, of course! :) Good job!
"Trevor" What are we to do if Trumps ENDS the Gov't!!!??!?? You are "Awesome"you were sent from "Heaven"!! So very Gifted !! Don't go away!!! Ever!!!
Trevor, you and your colleges always keep remind in me of the absurdity of Trump and The Repulsive Party, I love it. Keep up the good work. 😂👍♏➰✊
omg that rudi giuliani clip got me dyingggg!!
Very good Trevor, keep on getting your message out. We are depending on you and you team to inform people of the lunacy that is our political state in the United States in 2016.
Just Great Trevor.Congrats to the show and vision.
that last line was pure gold!
I am not American but I must say this... if Hillary is president, nothing will change, if Trump is president, things will change, for the worst.
Wrong again
This is why 60 percent of americans, 6 in 10, hate both candidates. NBC and Fox both reported this last week in a survey they did, so it cant be much biased if both parties shill news groups say it.
***** Fox's shit, don't know anything about NBC though
make underpants dry again..that was hilarious!
Trevor Noah is finally starting to say things of substance. Love it. The platform has great power and he needs to embrace it.
thank you Trevor for using your platform to speak on important topics.
i thought they were going to have celebrities at the convention
They did, the biggest star on the planet, Scott Baio, you know Charles in Charge and he played Chachi forty years ago! 😂😂😂😂
The big celebrities turned their invitation down
Wow Trevor on fire here 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Maybe, just maybe, when you learn to spell you will also learn why his 'reporting' is neither unfactual nor biased. You might even learn that what he is doing is not even really 'reporting' in the first place. He is a comic and a good one, NOT a news reporter.
They sound like an Alien invasion like Independence Day is happening right now.
The Best of Trevor on the Daily Show, this year! He is really finding his feet. Go Trevor!
Trevor is the best , love from INDIA ♥️
Our enemies stole rudy giuliani's neck!!
Hahahah, this comment made me laugh so much.
And his mind!!
this guy is funny and on point
True!!! is being sold and is being auctioned off to the highest bidder. It would make a great anti republican or anti trump site. Bid on it here:
Don't you mean Mark Wahlberg?
That is Marcus luttrell a American hero ... You should look him up
Trevor Noah and the Daily Show... 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Oh, and thanks to John Stewart. ❤
Thank you for this one, Trevor and all the other guys of The Daily Show.
Who else thought of Avatar when the guy said " lives matter!"
Scott Baio is a crazy person. I don't think even Joanie loves him now.
damnit I miss Obama already!!
Trevor making the Daily show great again
Trevor has kept getting better since the start. This segment was great.
You can tell Trevor is so pissed off by this bullshit
That convention is the dumbest thing i've ever seen, and i've seen the new ghostbusters. But this wins by a mile. It's just stupid gone on overload.
What the heck means blue lives matter??? avatars?? smurffs?? Someone explaine to Me, i'm confused
The Blue Man Group
It means that cop lives matter.
people who think that a uniform is a living thing.
Trevor is really growing into this role, it's actually so cool to see him make his progress. Good luck Trevor, you're killing it!
Talk about hitting the nail on its head. Amazing.
Damn Trevor! I fucking love this.
lol america you need jesus. and bernie.
wow two people the internet dislikes in one comment. crazy.
America has to much religion in our government already. And we need Gary Johnson, actually
"Sarcasm mode engaged" But America already has Jesus, Nazi Jesus. Oh, and the Jesus that does all of the dirty work we don't want to do, I think his last name is Mexicano. We don't want bible Jesus, we heard that he was a Jew and you know their reputation when it comes to money and trustworthiness.
+Aiden Gilson Well the biblical jesus can't exactly make the Republicans worse and probably wouldn't make the Democrats worse either. Remember there's a reason they ignore most of well everything said in religion except the "how to control" sections.
Leave them alone, you clown. When in doubt, remember it's you that's disliked in this comment.
Well, considering, belief in Jesus is sort of the justification for homophobia and pro lifers. ..this country probably just needs Sanders. Jesus is of little to no importance.
"The non-white walkers:
Trevor it took me awhile to adjust but I love seeing you in that chair... Solid stuff, thank you!
Thanks Trevor!!!
Trevor is showing his mojo and I like it.
Boy said he had a 'Nice Tan'... HmmMMH Oh My God
Trevor, go back to South Africa! (before the election because YO....and take me with you!)
Trevor finally steps up! There is hope for him! This was the first Trevor daily show I really enjoyed! More of this Trevor!!! Please
Still one of the best rants Trevor has gone on!
Trump is a joke😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh america,where are you going.
Best Daily Show since Jon left... Keep it rolling Trevor...
You're so intelligent Trevor, proud of you
Top top top Trevor Noah, the very real news reporter. TOP, Noah Noah Noah................................ God bless you
Trevor Noah I love you!!! Good for who you are, a compassionate altruistic humble man brilliant and brave. Thank you!
When he said"have you heard Jon snow, the non white walkers are coming" I just died 😂
Can't get enough of Trevor's Comedy😂😂😂
Tell em Trevor!
Yeah Noah! I am finally begining to her your voice.
Trevor thank you for being so brave and intelligent with your words 🤓
You're awesome Trevor.
Boy, the interview with Michael Steel was pretty good. He asked some challenging questions. Great discussion. I also like this segment a lot. Great job.
I look forward to ur post,,, one love bro!!
Woot! Good news. Someone died because of police neglect and malfeasance and no one was found responsible. What a great day for America.
"Help us John Snow, the none white walkers are coming " 😂
I am IN LOVE with this South African brotha. Keep speaking your truth!
Trevor seems to have grown into the role now. He nailed this delivery
Well said!
That was awesome Trevor!
okay ! that blue thing is a half guitar. all this time I was thinking "what is the otter doing there ?"
Rudy Giuliani's speech looks like he's trying to do the Macarena and forgetting all the steps
good points there....thanks
That "yes, yes we can" reminded me of Phineas and Ferb lmao
I just watched an ad selling a gun holster that no one can see. . .I am very very scared
I like your stuff Trevor and the vast majority of your of is spot on and delivered in a way that the the audience is bogged down technical speack or just board of it and you right there is totally major hurdles to low income people who are disproportionately of color but when you shoot down any mention of problems indicative in their culture it's unfair and willfully indifferent to the real and pressing problems. It's similar to call for a ban on assault type weapons (witch desperately need background checks and some sort of qualification course at the LEAST) when the overwhelming majority of gun deaths are from hand guns. It doesn't address similar problems at all. Your show is great and you unlike most of us you get a real chance to have your voice (and that of the daily show staff) heard and we do need to talk about the fact that low income people in this country are getting unfairly treated and that generations of passive (and in some cases active) racism are almost trapped in a cycle of poverty but to pretend that cultural fueled epidemics aren't a real and pressing problem isn't going to help anyone. The same way the majority pretends that police violence isn't a thing.