If Toyota wanted to “dethrone” the big 3 it would. The tundra is better than the others in many ways and when it comes to the cars suvs crossovers and other vehicles Toyota is undeniably the best choice
Toyota, you will have my money when that back seat is lifted up to reveal a large, FLAT floor for those of us who haul tool boxes etc. My current f150 has this. You guys shouldn't overlook this as a lot of folks really like that feature.
Not saying the new tundra are good but I can tell u in 2007 when that tundra came out it surpassed ford,chevy,dodge in every way except maybe fuel mileage. The tundra was over built ,never broke million mile truck,the best most dependable trucks out there and it's not even close,I'm saying this as a technician who works on everything. I will be interested to see the next couple years to see if this new tundra can be reliable like the old ones and im not just talking about the power train. Biggest issue for me about toyota is they wait way to long to change the Interior design. The 07 was pretty much the same all the way up until this new tundra was released and that was not cool,because it was very out dated
I just got rid of my 2021 F150 Powerboost hybrid . Bought a 2024 Platinum Tundra. Long box crew cab love it. Ford left me stranded and would not fix my truck so I fixed it.
My best Ford truck is my 2000 F150 Lariat 7700. I still own this truck. I have had 5 Ford F150 pickups sincee I bought the 2000 Lariat and I have not been happy with them for a variety of reasons. The quality of Ford, GM and Ram has been a big let down based upon my ownership experience and observations of friends and family that have had these trucks and their experiences. I just bought a 2024 Toyota Tundra and I have luke warm feelings about the whole thing. The dealer refused to provide me with the MSRP and window sticker. I did likely get a decent price in the end, but I don't like people hiding numbers and having to use other trucks at other dealers for comparison sake. AT 300 miles, my Tundra does not like to go out of 4X4 high and I need to take it to the dealer for that and also a recall on the transmission not shifting into neutral. I bought a Toyota to avoid this type of problems. I could have had this same headache for less money by buying a GM, Ford or Ram. I honestly beleive the days of buying a truck and doing 300,000 miles on it with mininal input are over and long gone. I think back to some of the trucks I had in the 1980's and onward, they were just better pickups. Everything being built these days is built to destruct right after the warranty is up. Either way, I am done with Ford... Plate C
You haven’t seen my local Toyota dealership - they had to build on to the shop & add 8 new bays w/ 6 lifts...and these bays are full, and it’s not oil changes & brake jobs...I can’t even see a Toyota tech for 2 weeks for my warranty work.
@@davek9378 what’s the name of the Toyota dealer. I wanna call and see if I can get my Toyota in for an oil change and see if they tell me that. Cause it’s odd it’s only in your area. 9 times outta 10 I can call my dealer and they can get me in the next day usually with a few spots open. But, maybe you live in a more populated area and they didn’t build a big enough garage initially to service the amount of Toyota vehicles in the area. Just because it’s busy, doesn’t mean it’s cause Toyotas in your specific area are having troubles. My Toyota is the only one near me and there’s not another one within a 45 mile radius….so they take care of a pretty large area, and they don’t have these type of issues that you’re claiming
@@edschobs5204 I didn't say oil change, I said warranty work on my 2023 tundra is 2 weeks out. My (nearest) dealer is 45 miles north of me, my nearest east dealer is 1.5 hours, or nearest south is 2.25 hrs. My nearest west dealer is Denver (265 miles west). So call the only dealer in SW NE and say I need a full day of service work and see what they say.
V8 sound is fake - pumped thru the speakers on Limited on up. Can be deleted at dealership. Not a simple setting in the dash or center screen. They have to plug in a computer to shut it off.
#1 mid size for sure. It doesn't handle towing 9000lbs like they say. Why does it require a computer screen? Should be an option package. It falls shy of American standards by being more complex than necessary and not robust enough to do American jobs. They should have made it larger rather than smaller. Mid size truck of the year for sure.
Haven't really looked into the Toyota tundra but, do they make a column shifter? Everyone I've seen the shifter is on the side. Me personally I like the old colum shift.
Good review. So many comments on how ugly the new Tundra looks. In person they look sharp. I’m sure most commenting are in love with their domestic truck brand and 20 years old. There’s a silver Capstone in my area. He did a black wrap on top of the cab and put on slightly oversized tires. Hands down the sharpest truck around. And I live in a higher end resort area where there’s a lot of $ and nice trucks. I talked to the owner the other day and he said he’s constantly getting compliments.
You are 100% right PLUS truck guys that talk about "pretty trucks" need to check their testosterone levels and buy a barbie doll. No Ford beats a Toyota on reliability.
What is the payload capacity? More emphasis should be placed on payload capacity as it is usually the limiting factor when towing a trailer. You mentioned payload capacity, but never told us what it was in this Tundra. How about taking a picture of the tire pressure label which lists that vehicle’s payload capacity? Might be beneficial. Thanks for the video.
Interesting video. A very good friend of mine was an F-150 loyal owner for years. That was the only truck in his garage. Bought 2021 one, took the 1794 for a test, just because, sold the Ford, ordered the Tundra Hybrid model. Every time I ask him, how is the Tundra, he replies: Magical. No issues with anything, so far. he is at 30K now.
I mean that’s not a very high bar to be better than a Ford. Don’t follow the money reviews and everyone is there. That said I would think Tundra will come out on top in real world reviews after everything is worked out from the redesign.
I am glad they didn’t make it a AWD or all the time 4x4. I use a truck as a truck whether it’s on a ranch, in the desert 4 wheeling or hunting. With that being said, you are more likely to get flat tires. I would be upset if I had to get all new tires if I had a non repairable flat since it’s an AWD vehicle.
Better than FORD??Toyota has ALWAYS been better than ford or any other main 4. If only toyota was a US owned company it would outsell everyone by millions. I, for one, dont give a crap about who owns it. Its not like the ford or gm are giving it back to us. Atleast toyota gives us a SOLID reliable cars or trucks back so we wont be stranded in the middle of the road. But it maybe just my opinion.
I agree. Hence, the mid sized truck of the year slur. It's a good grocery getter....a town truck. It's not worth a damn as a full sized truck. In my opinion they are only worth 30k....maybe not even that much. I wish i had kept my 2008 5.7 tundra and repaired it. @waynenoll1967
@Midwest.. I have some good news for you. The slur I put on it was premature and incorrect. My initial assessment was in error...based on v8 hypnotism. Yesterday, I loaded the dump trailer with leftover firewood and towed it with the trailer braking system CORRECTLY set up. Operator Error. Mine. The truck tows beautifully. You'll enjoy your new one. Quiet. Low rpm torque. Moved that trailer around the yard without revving the engine. My daughter and I drove to within 50 yards of several deer during hunting season. They didn't notice the engine noise as we approached. I passed a car so fast last week that it scared me it has so much torque. It's a different truck. It feels smaller. If the plastic interior was heavier gauge, it would be as solid feeling as our old one. Mine has 2200 miles on it. It's still too early to know much more about it.
I have a 2016 4runner absolutely love it and won’t part will it but I have been thinking of adding a tundra to the garage. The twin turbo v6 has me weary. I wish they kept the v8 I’ll wait and see if the new engine has any problems first. Plus sticker price is a bit much but then again all sticker prices are
Owned Silverados and Fords for years. I liked them, but the 24 Tundra is better by a bit. Wouldn’t mind driving either one. People commenting that the interior looks cheap are clearly bias because other trucks do the same thing😂
Anyone else bothered by the “full time 4 wheel drive” lol every truck needs to be put into 4x4 or now a days 4x4 auto, every truck is rear wheel drive unless you change it via the switch
guy has no idea what he is talking about! Whole rear window is opens down, the sound of the engine is fake and coming from the speakers, JBL is not standard on limited trim etc ... Source : - I own same truck
I'm debating leaving the long time f150 vs. the tundra. A truck should be able to pull and carry a load at least close to the competition Fuel mileage is a must as well. That's what I'm considering to lose if I go with the tundra.
Coming from diesel, turbos will go around 150k miles and cause catastrophic failures. No longer toyota reliable for 300k miles. Bring back the simple v8's. It's a truck needs to haul things, better suspension. Trash the coil overs.
The turbos now have electric cooling fans to slowly bring the turbos back to ambient temperature. Hopefully (I say hopefully because it's new technology) it will greatly extend the life of the turbos.
Toyota Chief engineer discussed how that was necessary to greater cooling requirements, Toyota knows that heat kills the engines. Domestics don't care about longevity.
i left ford due to lots of probs with the ecoboost, blew 6 turbos in 1 year so i was done after that, i chose the 2024 tundra, basically i was running lariats and platinums, this truck outpulls the ecoboost but i think the eco would take it light to light, have a24' pontoon boat and i didnt feel it at all, so far the truck is fun to drive and if it falls apart too soon ill be sure to post on this thread so people will know all problems, i run trucks to at least 250k miles so ill drive it like a rental haha, on the half tones i think its gonna be a good choice
I have a 3cyl Toyota hatchback and it screams. I put a custom downpipe and resonator on it and it's totally powerful. I've climbed a mountain with 8 people in it. So double that? yeah that's enough guys.
I love my 2024 limited TRD OR CREW MAX 4x4 it came with a 3 inch lift from the factory and by far it’s my favorite truck I’ve owned in 28years and I have practically owned ALL of them , hands down this Gen3 tundra is superior to any 1/2 ton truck out there !
Toyota has never sold more than 196,000 Tundras in a year in the U.S. and that was in 2007. At the same time, Ford sold over 800,000 followed by Chevrolet and GMC. I doubt Toyota is a threat to any of these brands. GREAT VIDEO!
Toyota is always a threat doesn’t matter the type of vehicle . All the American brand trucks are shit except the f150 even that can vary depending on the engine you get. A lot of American car sales are propped up by them being bought by the government and law enforcement.
Yeah with all those sales why are they bankrupt? Because of all the recalls and issues they have to fix. The new tundra has its flaws just as any truck does but Toyota will make it right.
The lack of full time 4wd is a deal breaker. Thats twice Toyota has lost my business over the lack of features its competition offers. I want to like them but damn sometimes, Toyota. Not to mention the recovery hook fiasco. It’s like they’re clueless on what the market wants.
The 5.0 coyote in the F150 rules in the half ton pick up. It's not close and if you think it is, you just don't know your trucks and you definitely don't know a suspension system. Crawl under a Ford watch any video with a high-speed camera connected to the bed on a obstacle course and you'll see
Yeah and they are fixing it correctly by replacing engines. Ford doesn’t fix things properly, they recently had an injector leak recall and it was too expensive to fix properly (change injectors) so they put in a drain tube instead. Nice.
Bought the 23 Tundra limited loaded with Mooonroof, JBL sound, Skid plate, dash Cam, Crewmax, 6.5' bed , spray in bedliner, hard flip back bedcover,,, A lot of truck, biggest feature, the twin turbo V6 389 HP, 437 LB/ft torque, love the truck, YOU DON'T NEED A V8, with this beast, Trust me, i"ve had three previous Silverados withV8s, this beats them all, that said the MPG ratings are bullshit, in 6 months, the best i could squeeze out was 16 average combined, those Toyota ratings are a lie
This truck lacks utility in so many places . There is no back seat storage .( Ram , ford , Chevy , gmc .)No in floor storage . ( Ram ) . No seat storage ( Chevy & GMC ) . No side pocket storage in the front center console . No ram boxes . Come on Toyota .i lift up the back seat and see a battery pack ? Really . Your engineers should not of designed the truck this way .If you can’t make it work ,start from scratch and get it right .And don’t blame the government because you can’t design a truck where you can hide the battery more efficiently. 76 ,000 truck with no storage . My mothers Hyundai Elantra has more utility then this.
I opened my Tundra rear window once, totally by accident. I would never pay for that option (if it wasn't standard). All it does is allow dust to blow in from the bed (where I live).
If you think yhat chevy, ford or dodge are better trucks you ars out of your mind. I cannot comment on the v6 turbo, but i own a 2021 with the 5.7 and i love it
Toyota had 14 years to create a more superior product but fell short but once all the bugs are worked out in the mild refesh should fix most of the problems.
I see a lot of jealousy in the comments there's a reason for sells 800,000 F1 50s a year and it's because they work. They are by far the best riding the quietest and have the best suspension. Just look at any video matching them against any other truck running through gauntlet. Toyota tundra is overpriced and they went completely away from the V8 that's a huge mistake.
@@user-ql3ge2us4s The V8 sound you hear when you accelerate is fake. It’s a noise that’s played through the truck speakers inside. A turbo’d V6 doesn’t sound like that.
5L F-150 requires 3.73 Electronic Locking Axle Ratio to be able to get Tow/Haul Package, the 5.6L Nissan Titan also has the 3.7 Electronic Locking Axle Ratio to have towing package, both at 400HP. I wouldn't own a truck with the locking axle. They are about 3 MPG less than the Tundra 4.3L. Price from top to bottom Titan, Tundra then F-150. My buying research. If you want a new V8 you better get one soon. Our buddy Joe and crew are forcing their demise by every increasing MPG requirements and forcing EV's even though the grid is no where near ready for that and electric is only non emission if it is from a renewable source.
I just test drove a Limited yesterday. i have to say, I think they made a mistake by abandoning the 5.7 v8. I have a 2010 Tundra, with the 5.7, and love it. I am thinking of buying a GMC with the 5.3, or 6.0 V8! Bye bye Toyota
@@melvingibson4525 Get a Range module that deactivates DOD. For driving around town I leave it in the ODB port and it eliminates DOD/AFM and I average ~16 mpg on a 5.3L. When on a long trip on the interstate, I remove the Range module and average almost 21 MPG. Truck has 125K miles and working flawlessly. The Range module also smoothed out some of the shifting issues on the 8L90 transmission--eliminated the hashing between the ECM and TCM,
Ford f-150 don’t last much more than 150000 miles before you need lots of work done to them like new transmission, new timing chain, new exhaust manifolds new engine, you get the idea.
3000 some pay load on half ton trucks sounds like he is comparing it HD truck to me. I’m sorry but this guy needs to get his fax before he review shit PS. there is only two engine options.
I own a 2024 tundra and I am having my 3rd transmission installed at 10k miles. It’s a total nightmare between the dealership and Toyota corporation. They are not going to roll over and hand you your money back or put you in a new car…and sadly a new car may just lead to more problems. Would highly advise those considering to purchase this truck to look elsewhere.
Why is that even a question? It's been common knowledge for decades that Toyota makes better vehicles than any North America manufacturer. F 150s are fine if you can't afford a Toyota and if you realize that if you actually use a Ford truck regularly on dirt roads and snow you will be changing the front end every 80,000 klms and the body and motor will be toast by 300,000 klms. My little 2009 Tacoma has 400,000 klms of washed out dirt roads all summer and salted snow covered roads all winter and feels like it still has another 400,000 klms left in it before it's unreliable. My Fords would have been dead 100,000 klms ago without question.
@woodrmp1 live in Montreal and work in Northern quebec. My commute was 4000klms return twice a month for a decade on gravel or ice roads. Now I have a regional position covering gaspesie and magdeline islands and do several 6 hour return trips a week in order to attend 1 hour meetings + I'm often in the mountains on the weekends. Us remote workers are a small group but the vast majority of us end up with Toyota trucks, you really can put the miles and abuse on them without their falling apart better than any other truck on the market by a pretty big margin.
@@billbones1000 I never said Toyotas don’t last longer, I just don’t agree on the corrosion point. I don’t see any evidence that Toyotas avoid rust better than other brands. All I’m saying is an F150 would likely do better than a tundra on corrosion as it has an all aluminum body where there is a bunch of steel in the tundra. Also, F150’s are not less expensive to buy (new) vs Tundra
Its Yugo.... If you were even around back then when Yugos were on the lots.. Riiigghhttt.... Its cute how hard Toyota tries to emulate the F150 (even down to cosmetics), obviously Ford has it wrong with the F150... Unfortunately Toyota couldn't get the turbos or crank bearings figured out with their attempts.
@@bobbyb.1743 A walk around the TRD PRO would show otherwise.... The move to a 3 1/2 TT V6, 12 o clock orange stripe on steering wheel grille marker lamps (not even needed on the Toyota), hood badges are all Raptor cues for alot of years.... Has nothing to do with GMC....
What I hate about Tundra is the interior which is cheap plastic all over. The door locks are even in thin cheap plastic and you can hear it click! The entire center console is cheap, i mean beyond cheap thin plastic. Further a massive design flaw exists where seat cracks by controls. Toyota claims this is abuse, meanwhile everyone i know has them broken . Mine broke 2x already in one year and I have never ever had one break ever before in any car or truck. The MPG too is a joke around town I get 12 mpg and this is the year 2024 and this is a 6 cylinder ! I mean seriously? Also it drives likea car does not feel like a truck in any way whatsoever!
If Toyota wanted to “dethrone” the big 3 it would. The tundra is better than the others in many ways and when it comes to the cars suvs crossovers and other vehicles Toyota is undeniably the best choice
Toyota, you will have my money when that back seat is lifted up to reveal a large, FLAT floor for those of us who haul tool boxes etc. My current f150 has this. You guys shouldn't overlook this as a lot of folks really like that feature.
12k lb max towing is nothing to sneeze at. I wouldn't tow that with any half ton rig.
Toyota has many companies in the US and employs many Americans, including both of my sons, so I am with you.
Not saying the new tundra are good but I can tell u in 2007 when that tundra came out it surpassed ford,chevy,dodge in every way except maybe fuel mileage. The tundra was over built ,never broke million mile truck,the best most dependable trucks out there and it's not even close,I'm saying this as a technician who works on everything. I will be interested to see the next couple years to see if this new tundra can be reliable like the old ones and im not just talking about the power train. Biggest issue for me about toyota is they wait way to long to change the Interior design. The 07 was pretty much the same all the way up until this new tundra was released and that was not cool,because it was very out dated
not a fucking chance i will ever buy another Ford F150.
its in the shop 2-3/12 months a year.
a boat would be a better investment.
I just bought 2025 Tundra limited TRD love it !!!!
Dude, the rear window rolls down completely and you said it doesn’t even open. Get it together man.
I just got rid of my 2021 F150 Powerboost hybrid . Bought a 2024 Platinum Tundra. Long box crew cab love it. Ford left me stranded and would not fix my truck so I fixed it.
Boss has a 2023 with around 60K miles & no issues so far
Fantastic review! One note, I believe the rear window is powered. The whole window can be raised and lowered.
My best Ford truck is my 2000 F150 Lariat 7700. I still own this truck. I have had 5 Ford F150 pickups sincee I bought the 2000 Lariat and I have not been happy with them for a variety of reasons. The quality of Ford, GM and Ram has been a big let down based upon my ownership experience and observations of friends and family that have had these trucks and their experiences.
I just bought a 2024 Toyota Tundra and I have luke warm feelings about the whole thing. The dealer refused to provide me with the MSRP and window sticker. I did likely get a decent price in the end, but I don't like people hiding numbers and having to use other trucks at other dealers for comparison sake.
AT 300 miles, my Tundra does not like to go out of 4X4 high and I need to take it to the dealer for that and also a recall on the transmission not shifting into neutral. I bought a Toyota to avoid this type of problems. I could have had this same headache for less money by buying a GM, Ford or Ram.
I honestly beleive the days of buying a truck and doing 300,000 miles on it with mininal input are over and long gone. I think back to some of the trucks I had in the 1980's and onward, they were just better pickups. Everything being built these days is built to destruct right after the warranty is up.
Either way, I am done with Ford...
Plate C
Good job in your review for the Toyota Tundra 🎉
Just the name “Toyota” puts it above all the American trucks! It’ll outlast them all
“American” trucks? More like Mexican trucks (nothing wrong with Mexicans) but the fact that they’re made in Mexico.
Toyota is the only American truck
You haven’t seen my local Toyota dealership - they had to build on to the shop & add 8 new bays w/ 6 lifts...and these bays are full, and it’s not oil changes & brake jobs...I can’t even see a Toyota tech for 2 weeks for my warranty work.
@@davek9378 what’s the name of the Toyota dealer. I wanna call and see if I can get my Toyota in for an oil change and see if they tell me that. Cause it’s odd it’s only in your area. 9 times outta 10 I can call my dealer and they can get me in the next day usually with a few spots open. But, maybe you live in a more populated area and they didn’t build a big enough garage initially to service the amount of Toyota vehicles in the area. Just because it’s busy, doesn’t mean it’s cause Toyotas in your specific area are having troubles. My Toyota is the only one near me and there’s not another one within a 45 mile radius….so they take care of a pretty large area, and they don’t have these type of issues that you’re claiming
@@edschobs5204 I didn't say oil change, I said warranty work on my 2023 tundra is 2 weeks out. My (nearest) dealer is 45 miles north of me, my nearest east dealer is 1.5 hours, or nearest south is 2.25 hrs. My nearest west dealer is Denver (265 miles west). So call the only dealer in SW NE and say I need a full day of service work and see what they say.
the tundra rear window does slide down all the way..not sure which package or trim level has that
Thanks! Wasn’t sure myself and didn’t look it up. Lol
V8 sound is fake - pumped thru the speakers on Limited on up. Can be deleted at dealership. Not a simple setting in the dash or center screen. They have to plug in a computer to shut it off.
The Toyota Tundra is the number one half ton truck in America. # ☝️
No it is not, the Ford F150 is!!!!!!!!
#1 mid size for sure. It doesn't handle towing 9000lbs like they say. Why does it require a computer screen? Should be an option package. It falls shy of American standards by being more complex than necessary and not robust enough to do American jobs. They should have made it larger rather than smaller. Mid size truck of the year for sure.
🤣🤣🤣 not
I couldn’t have said it better myself! Tundra is superior to any 1/2 ton truck out there
What's the payload on the door sticker for this truck? It definitely isn't going to be 1900lbs.
I loved Tundra but they made the rear headroom smaller in this is just sad.
Haven't really looked into the Toyota tundra but, do they make a column shifter? Everyone I've seen the shifter is on the side. Me personally I like the old colum shift.
He mentions that in the video, saying that even though he's a Tesla guy, he likes this truck.
Tundra for me, all the way!!
Good review. So many comments on how ugly the new Tundra looks. In person they look sharp. I’m sure most commenting are in love with their domestic truck brand and 20 years old. There’s a silver Capstone in my area. He did a black wrap on top of the cab and put on slightly oversized tires. Hands down the sharpest truck around. And I live in a higher end resort area where there’s a lot of $ and nice trucks. I talked to the owner the other day and he said he’s constantly getting compliments.
You are 100% right PLUS truck guys that talk about "pretty trucks" need to check their testosterone levels and buy a barbie doll. No Ford beats a Toyota on reliability.
believe the rear window is powered on the limited... the button is next to the driver map light on the ceiling console which you didn't cover
Yeahhh I was wrong. My bad.
@@overdrive_reviews no big deal, we're human... and not perfect.... god knows Ive had my share..lol
Grab the door handle when the fob is in proximity and it will unlock. Touch the top front of the door handle and it will lock.
Best review of the Tundra, thanks.
thanks! glad you found it helpful.
You lost me when you said the those road tires had big and chunky tread 😂
Piano black on the steering wheel control? Really Toyota? This would drive me insane.
Toyota doesn't need to dethrone Ford, GM, or Chrysler. They are doing a great job of that themselves.
Accurate honestly.
What is the payload capacity? More emphasis should be placed on payload capacity as it is usually the limiting factor when towing a trailer. You mentioned payload capacity, but never told us what it was in this Tundra. How about taking a picture of the tire pressure label which lists that vehicle’s payload capacity? Might be beneficial. Thanks for the video.
I did mention it, you must've skipped by - it's 1940lbs, at the 8 minute 11 second mark! :)
Just sold my Sierra Denali w/6 2 v8 and got the 1794 hybrid version. The torque is insane. Trim is better than the Denali. Love the Tundra
i wish i had the 1794 edition to review!!
Interesting video. A very good friend of mine was an F-150 loyal owner for years. That was the only truck in his garage. Bought 2021 one, took the 1794 for a test, just because, sold the Ford, ordered the Tundra Hybrid model. Every time I ask him, how is the Tundra, he replies: Magical. No issues with anything, so far. he is at 30K now.
I mean that’s not a very high bar to be better than a Ford. Don’t follow the money reviews and everyone is there. That said I would think Tundra will come out on top in real world reviews after everything is worked out from the redesign.
I am glad they didn’t make it a AWD or all the time 4x4. I use a truck as a truck whether it’s on a ranch, in the desert 4 wheeling or hunting. With that being said, you are more likely to get flat tires. I would be upset if I had to get all new tires if I had a non repairable flat since it’s an AWD vehicle.
They have to work on the payload capacity in my opinion.
Better than FORD??Toyota has ALWAYS been better than ford or any other main 4. If only toyota was a US owned company it would outsell everyone by millions. I, for one, dont give a crap about who owns it. Its not like the ford or gm are giving it back to us. Atleast toyota gives us a SOLID reliable cars or trucks back so we wont be stranded in the middle of the road. But it maybe just my opinion.
I own one. I can honestly admit that it is the mid-sized truck of the year. Limit your towing to 6000 if you want to make life easy.
I test drove one and wasn’t overly impressed. I think that Toyota messed up getting rid of the 5.7
I agree. Hence, the mid sized truck of the year slur. It's a good grocery getter....a town truck. It's not worth a damn as a full sized truck. In my opinion they are only worth 30k....maybe not even that much. I wish i had kept my 2008 5.7 tundra and repaired it. @waynenoll1967
I have 08 Tundra when I buy new Tundra I'll still keep my 08 especially for boats towing 😊
@Midwest.. I have some good news for you. The slur I put on it was premature and incorrect. My initial assessment was in error...based on v8 hypnotism. Yesterday, I loaded the dump trailer with leftover firewood and towed it with the trailer braking system CORRECTLY set up. Operator Error. Mine. The truck tows beautifully. You'll enjoy your new one. Quiet. Low rpm torque. Moved that trailer around the yard without revving the engine. My daughter and I drove to within 50 yards of several deer during hunting season. They didn't notice the engine noise as we approached. I passed a car so fast last week that it scared me it has so much torque. It's a different truck. It feels smaller. If the plastic interior was heavier gauge, it would be as solid feeling as our old one. Mine has 2200 miles on it. It's still too early to know much more about it.
I have a 2016 4runner absolutely love it and won’t part will it but I have been thinking of adding a tundra to the garage. The twin turbo v6 has me weary. I wish they kept the v8 I’ll wait and see if the new engine has any problems first. Plus sticker price is a bit much but then again all sticker prices are
i like that you review both expensive cars and cheap cars
That power outlet is sick. Never seen that on a car before but as someone looking to start a butcher business that's amazing for hooking up a fridge.
Nearly every new truck has them at this point. It’s a very nice feature.
Owned Silverados and Fords for years. I liked them, but the 24 Tundra is better by a bit. Wouldn’t mind driving either one. People commenting that the interior looks cheap are clearly bias because other trucks do the same thing😂
Anyone else bothered by the “full time 4 wheel drive” lol every truck needs to be put into 4x4 or now a days 4x4 auto, every truck is rear wheel drive unless you change it via the switch
Right! Who is asking for that?😂
Exactly. That would be called AWD, or, if it was true full time 4WD, it would be called “broken diffs and transfer cases in 10 miles”
Ram calls it 4 wheel auto. When set, power is delivered to the front wheels when slip is sensed. Kind of nice to have in rainy wet conditions.
Better than Found On Road Dead definitely 😂
I just can't get over the looks 😐, most notably the front. The Sequoia's front grill is way more palatable.
The front end killed it for me. Also the price.
Does it have a trailer hitch?
Ford is awesome when they work but most of the time they are in the repair shop. Toyota is normal maintenance and that is it; 100% reliable.
I want a bench seat and no turbo.
You can actually get that with the F150 XL or base XLT & the 5.0 v8
guy has no idea what he is talking about! Whole rear window is opens down, the sound of the engine is fake and coming from the speakers, JBL is not standard on limited trim etc ... Source : - I own same truck
Is there a way to turn off the piped-in engine sound?
Great video!
I'm debating leaving the long time f150 vs. the tundra. A truck should be able to pull and carry a load at least close to the competition
Fuel mileage is a must as well. That's what I'm considering to lose if I go with the tundra.
…or gain maybe😃👍🏻
New new tundras are absolute junk
@@mjuberian you could be right, but I think their sales numbers might indicate otherwise.
@@bobbyb.1743 rarely see one on the road.. there is no way they are selling many.
That back window should come down.
Mine does on my limited.
It does
Coming from diesel, turbos will go around 150k miles and cause catastrophic failures. No longer toyota reliable for 300k miles. Bring back the simple v8's. It's a truck needs to haul things, better suspension. Trash the coil overs.
I have 190k on my 6.7 cummins original turbo absolutely no issues
@@melvingibson4525The Cummins is a superb engine!
The turbos now have electric cooling fans to slowly bring the turbos back to ambient temperature. Hopefully (I say hopefully because it's new technology) it will greatly extend the life of the turbos.
No they don't go 4k🤣🤣🤣
If it has a better front end I'd be interested
Toyota Chief engineer discussed how that was necessary to greater cooling requirements, Toyota knows that heat kills the engines. Domestics don't care about longevity.
Tundras completion, among other things, offers 4WD-auto and gd recovery hooks.
i left ford due to lots of probs with the ecoboost, blew 6 turbos in 1 year so i was done after that, i chose the 2024 tundra, basically i was running lariats and platinums, this truck outpulls the ecoboost but i think the eco would take it light to light, have a24' pontoon boat and i didnt feel it at all, so far the truck is fun to drive and if it falls apart too soon ill be sure to post on this thread so people will know all problems, i run trucks to at least 250k miles so ill drive it like a rental haha, on the half tones i think its gonna be a good choice
I have a 3cyl Toyota hatchback and it screams. I put a custom downpipe and resonator on it and it's totally powerful. I've climbed a mountain with 8 people in it. So double that? yeah that's enough guys.
Toyota or nothing. Toyotas are more American than Ford.
tundra is the only 100% american made half ton, its made in san antonio so i chose toyota for that very reason
I love my 2024 limited TRD OR CREW MAX 4x4 it came with a 3 inch lift from the factory and by far it’s my favorite truck I’ve owned in 28years and I have practically owned ALL of them , hands down this Gen3 tundra is superior to any 1/2 ton truck out there !
Toyota has never sold more than 196,000 Tundras in a year in the U.S. and that was in 2007. At the same time, Ford sold over 800,000 followed by Chevrolet and GMC. I doubt Toyota is a threat to any of these brands. GREAT VIDEO!
Thanks! Great stats
Toyota is always a threat doesn’t matter the type of vehicle . All the American brand trucks are shit except the f150 even that can vary depending on the engine you get. A lot of American car sales are propped up by them being bought by the government and law enforcement.
Yeah with all those sales why are they bankrupt? Because of all the recalls and issues they have to fix. The new tundra has its flaws just as any truck does but Toyota will make it right.
The lack of full time 4wd is a deal breaker. Thats twice Toyota has lost my business over the lack of features its competition offers. I want to like them but damn sometimes, Toyota. Not to mention the recovery hook fiasco. It’s like they’re clueless on what the market wants.
The 5.0 coyote in the F150 rules in the half ton pick up. It's not close and if you think it is, you just don't know your trucks and you definitely don't know a suspension system. Crawl under a Ford watch any video with a high-speed camera connected to the bed on a obstacle course and you'll see
What's the gas mileage on one of those?
I have owned 3 F-150 ecoboosts. The capability of the 3.5 surpasses the coyote.
@@TobinTwinsHockeyyou obviously haven't owned a 5.0 its better at everything
The rear window should go down.
Still feel you get more bang for ur buck with the other big 3.
With Ram , yes for sure. GM are crap
Wearing a tesla shirt while doimg a toyota tundra review. Shame on you!
Hahahaha you caught me
Wearing a tesla shirt? All credibility is gone... All trucks are good, just depends on which brand you are loyal...
Forgot to talk about the massive engine recall !!
F150 had axels breaking off...
No recall on the 2024 yet
Yeah and they are fixing it correctly by replacing engines. Ford doesn’t fix things properly, they recently had an injector leak recall and it was too expensive to fix properly (change injectors) so they put in a drain tube instead. Nice.
Not hard to beat Ford these days
Engine lag with the turbo chargers, bad!!
there is zero lag in this engine. You have no idea what your talking about,
Bought the 23 Tundra limited loaded with Mooonroof, JBL sound, Skid plate, dash Cam, Crewmax, 6.5' bed , spray in bedliner, hard flip back bedcover,,, A lot of truck, biggest feature, the twin turbo V6 389 HP, 437 LB/ft torque, love the truck, YOU DON'T NEED A V8, with this beast, Trust me, i"ve had three previous Silverados withV8s, this beats them all, that said the MPG ratings are bullshit, in 6 months, the best i could squeeze out was 16 average combined, those Toyota ratings are a lie
Damn that sounds like a sick truck!!! And I hear you on the MPGs 🧐🧐
funny cuz my v 8 5.7 hemi gets 16 city and 19 hwy. and has had them numbers for 145000 miles. sounds like do need the v8.
It has 479 ft lbs of torque... not 437.
Do you have the I-Force Max, hybrid?
This truck lacks utility in so many places . There is no back seat storage .( Ram , ford , Chevy , gmc .)No in floor storage . ( Ram ) . No seat storage ( Chevy & GMC ) . No side pocket storage in the front center console . No ram boxes . Come on Toyota .i lift up the back seat and see a battery pack ? Really . Your engineers should not of designed the truck this way .If you can’t make it work ,start from scratch and get it right .And don’t blame the government because you can’t design a truck where you can hide the battery more efficiently. 76 ,000 truck with no storage . My mothers Hyundai Elantra has more utility then this.
Just Remember, Tundra tow rating is SAE, a much stricter standard. And every Crew Cab has the rear power Window, the entire window goes down.
I opened my Tundra rear window once, totally by accident. I would never pay for that option (if it wasn't standard). All it does is allow dust to blow in from the bed (where I live).
If you think yhat chevy, ford or dodge are better trucks you ars out of your mind. I cannot comment on the v6 turbo, but i own a 2021 with the 5.7 and i love it
Ford is better my friend
Yesh ok@@3peatowens534
@3peatowens534 Maybe you should ask the thousands of ford owners who had to spend $10,000.00 to get their eco boost engines replaced !!!
Actually, the 2021 has a 5.7 litre engine, not a 5.9 litre engine.
Toyota had 14 years to create a more superior product but fell short but once all the bugs are worked out in the mild refesh should fix most of the problems.
This Limited is basically a Platinum minus the badge name. My Limited has almost none of the options this one has
I see a lot of jealousy in the comments there's a reason for sells 800,000 F1 50s a year and it's because they work. They are by far the best riding the quietest and have the best suspension. Just look at any video matching them against any other truck running through gauntlet. Toyota tundra is overpriced and they went completely away from the V8 that's a huge mistake.
Guess that's why they are going bankrupt as well. With all those sales business should be booming.
If only the engine noise wasn't fake lol. It's just a sound they pump through the speakers
@@user-ql3ge2us4s The V8 sound you hear when you accelerate is fake. It’s a noise that’s played through the truck speakers inside. A turbo’d V6 doesn’t sound like that.
@@YaBoiTimbs mega lame
Who cares if you like it.
Bull shit@@YaBoiTimbs
Toyota gave there best looking grill to the SR5, that honeycomb grill look is dated and redundant.
Actually, the Sequoia has the best grill
5L F-150 requires 3.73 Electronic Locking Axle Ratio to be able to get Tow/Haul Package, the 5.6L Nissan Titan also has the 3.7 Electronic Locking Axle Ratio to have towing package, both at 400HP. I wouldn't own a truck with the locking axle. They are about 3 MPG less than the Tundra 4.3L. Price from top to bottom Titan, Tundra then F-150. My buying research. If you want a new V8 you better get one soon. Our buddy Joe and crew are forcing their demise by every increasing MPG requirements and forcing EV's even though the grid is no where near ready for that and electric is only non emission if it is from a renewable source.
I just test drove a Limited yesterday. i have to say, I think they made a mistake by abandoning the 5.7 v8. I have a 2010 Tundra, with the 5.7, and love it. I am thinking of buying a GMC with the 5.3, or 6.0 V8! Bye bye Toyota
You know I just got a 2024 SR5 4x4 loaded and yes I am thinking to loose some money I get a 5.3 Silverado
Why would you want cylinder deactivation?
@@melvingibson4525 I think the new ones coming without cylinder deactivation.
@@melvingibson4525 Get a Range module that deactivates DOD. For driving around town I leave it in the ODB port and it eliminates DOD/AFM and I average ~16 mpg on a 5.3L. When on a long trip on the interstate, I remove the Range module and average almost 21 MPG. Truck has 125K miles and working flawlessly. The Range module also smoothed out some of the shifting issues on the 8L90 transmission--eliminated the hashing between the ECM and TCM,
Lol that will be the worst mistake you ever made buying that trash brand.
No way the F150 has a 3200 pound payload
why you should take internet with grain of salt......3200 is 3/4 ton territory
3200 pound payload is in fact available on the F150, rare, but available.
I think that Ford and Toyota are about the same nowadays
Nobody else seems to think that.
Love it. Beautiful truck.
How much Toyota pay you for this add???
I don’t get paid for reviews. So $0.
@@overdrive_reviewsnice truck and review. It'll be better as time goes on and the early issues get worked out.
It doesn't matter because I can't reasonably afford any of them.
Ford f-150 don’t last much more than 150000 miles before you need lots of work done to them like new transmission, new timing chain, new exhaust manifolds new engine, you get the idea.
That’s 12-15 yrs ownership for most people though. Still should last longer but 150k is hardly “just broken in”.
A pair of roller skates are better than a ford in fact anything is better than any American car
I drive this truck in my dreams which I tow a 24" travel trailer with. LOL
The TRD Pro sucks at towing. The fox shocks are too soft. The hybrid has insane power
I rented a 24 F 150 for a couple of months, hated it. I bought a new Tundra and love it
3000 some pay load on half ton trucks sounds like he is comparing it HD truck to me. I’m sorry but this guy needs to get his fax before he review shit PS. there is only two engine options.
I own a 2024 tundra and I am having my 3rd transmission installed at 10k miles. It’s a total nightmare between the dealership and Toyota corporation. They are not going to roll over and hand you your money back or put you in a new car…and sadly a new car may just lead to more problems. Would highly advise those considering to purchase this truck to look elsewhere.
Ugh. Sorry man. What the hek is going on? Unusual for Toyota to have these issues.
Ty for the review
Which dealership?
Are you not aware of the lemon law ? They are obligated to refund you the entire truck.
Why is that even a question? It's been common knowledge for decades that Toyota makes better vehicles than any North America manufacturer. F 150s are fine if you can't afford a Toyota and if you realize that if you actually use a Ford truck regularly on dirt roads and snow you will be changing the front end every 80,000 klms and the body and motor will be toast by 300,000 klms. My little 2009 Tacoma has 400,000 klms of washed out dirt roads all summer and salted snow covered roads all winter and feels like it still has another 400,000 klms left in it before it's unreliable. My Fords would have been dead 100,000 klms ago without question.
So F150 aluminum body will be toast at 300k?
What do you do for a living where you are putting 300-400k on several vehicles? That’s like 15-20 years driving for most people on one car.
@woodrmp1 live in Montreal and work in Northern quebec. My commute was 4000klms return twice a month for a decade on gravel or ice roads. Now I have a regional position covering gaspesie and magdeline islands and do several 6 hour return trips a week in order to attend 1 hour meetings + I'm often in the mountains on the weekends. Us remote workers are a small group but the vast majority of us end up with Toyota trucks, you really can put the miles and abuse on them without their falling apart better than any other truck on the market by a pretty big margin.
@@billbones1000 I never said Toyotas don’t last longer, I just don’t agree on the corrosion point. I don’t see any evidence that Toyotas avoid rust better than other brands. All I’m saying is an F150 would likely do better than a tundra on corrosion as it has an all aluminum body where there is a bunch of steel in the tundra. Also, F150’s are not less expensive to buy (new) vs Tundra
So basically you don’t like it
bumper looks 3d printed
Ford spends more time in the shop getting fixed than any other truck. They suck.
This is true all the time!worst vehicles r fords
Doesn’t matter both are way overpriced
Buy a Corolla then.
Its Yugo.... If you were even around back then when Yugos were on the lots..
Riiigghhttt.... Its cute how hard Toyota tries to emulate the F150 (even down to cosmetics), obviously Ford has it wrong with the F150...
Unfortunately Toyota couldn't get the turbos or crank bearings figured out with their attempts.
Actually the Tundra is closer to a GMC than a Ford, especially in looks.
A walk around the TRD PRO would show otherwise.... The move to a 3 1/2 TT V6, 12 o clock orange stripe on steering wheel grille marker lamps (not even needed on the Toyota), hood badges are all Raptor cues for alot of years.... Has nothing to do with GMC....
@@highwayman1218 i hear you, agree, just the overall aesthetic & sheetmetal appears more like a GMC than a Ford….to me anyway. 👍🏻
Easily better than a Ford
we have them blowing up with as little of 66 miles shitty truck toyota should have rebadged a F150
Ha! 8 months later these are sitting on the lots and no one is buying them!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Was actually just at the largest Toyota dealer in my area they had sold a ton lately had only half the options the usually do
I think its worth 70k for what yoy get. Its an amazing truck.
😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤🎉 6:35 ❤engine failure 22_24 tundra Lexus 24 engine failures Toyota's junk bad rar end bad windows nope 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
What I hate about Tundra is the interior which is cheap plastic all over. The door locks are even in thin cheap plastic and you can hear it click! The entire center console is cheap, i mean beyond cheap thin plastic. Further a massive design flaw exists where seat cracks by controls. Toyota claims this is abuse, meanwhile everyone i know has them broken . Mine broke 2x already in one year and I have never ever had one break ever before in any car or truck. The MPG too is a joke around town I get 12 mpg and this is the year 2024 and this is a 6 cylinder ! I mean seriously? Also it drives likea car does not feel like a truck in any way whatsoever!
Interior design looks too much, really don't like the center hump on the back floor.