8 Blindspots (& Insecurities) of MBTI Types

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @YaburuRunyaru
    @YaburuRunyaru 5 років тому +153

    0:47 - Fe blind spot, ISTJs and INTJs
    3:27 - Te blind spot, ISFJs and INFJs
    4:44 - Si blind spot, ENFJs and ENTJs
    7:20 - Ni blind spot, ESFJs and ESTJs
    9:19 - Ti blind spot, ESFPs and ENFPs
    11:12 - Fi blind spot, ESTPs and ENTPs
    13:00 - Se blind spot, INFPs and INTPs
    14:32 - Ne blind spot, ISFPs and ISTPs

  • @sleekoduck
    @sleekoduck 5 років тому +58

    As an ENTJ, I asked an ISTJ friend what Si is about, and she said it is about comfort. I have noticed that my ENTJ friends have a tendency to force social situations that are uncomfortable, so I probably do the same thing. My ENFJ friends and family definitely have a slave driving streak.
    My take:
    Fe blind spot: rudeness
    Te blind spot: magical thinking
    Se blind spot: oblivious
    Ne blind spot: no sense of danger
    Fi blind spot: amoral
    Ti blind spot: chaotic/messy
    Si blind spot: makes others feel uncomfortable
    Ni blind spot: cannot predict outcomes of stupid decisions
    Sorry for being so blunt, that is my Te coming out. 😎

    • @mirjetagjika
      @mirjetagjika 4 роки тому +3

      Being in uncomfortable situation is not that bad. It helps them grow. I'm learning to be "comfortly" uncomfortable.

    • @Moana_moo
      @Moana_moo 4 роки тому +2

      Sleekoduck ESFP and ti blind Spot is true

    • @Am-js1ue
      @Am-js1ue 3 роки тому +6

      What do you mean by magical thinking?

    • @lostbuthopefull8788
      @lostbuthopefull8788 3 роки тому +1

      Omg that "no sense of danger" makes more sense for me than what was said in the video honestly XD i feel like mixing Se with good Ni i can keep up with my xNxP friends, although i go braindead under pressure, so for me this manifests more like being unaware of multiple possibilities, dangers and outcomes of your actions. That can sometimes make me incredibly impulsive and act dangerously, but sometimes unable to take action, bc of feeling only this one possible outcome, that's just bad. And i said feeling, bc in situation like that, it's usually more like a gut feeling than conscious vision.

  • @marcvesper
    @marcvesper 6 років тому +85

    (INFP) 35 years old. Had an additional 2 years of swimming lessons over my peers, still can't get the coordination and breathing down. Terrified of the practical side of learning to drive. Have walked into lamp-posts.

    • @tulip5210
      @tulip5210 6 років тому +7

      Dude.. i actually do relate to this one, i am good at somethings but there were others i just never got initially, i could never learn how to swim early on, it wasn't until i was 8-10 and i accidently learned how to swim and then i could finally be receptive towards the different corners of it. (have been taught since I was 3-4, everyone else passed but me but i was extremely determined and had sort of rage issues, working harder and harder on it.) It took me till i was like 9 to finally be able to tie my shoes, everyone kept trying to teach me but i kept failing until one day i just did it. Some things take me alot longer then the normal person but other things i just get immediately and can do it better then everyone else without instructions. Do you have instances like this?

    • @CasualCognition
      @CasualCognition  6 років тому +27

      INFP: I see youtubers recording videos of themselves while driving and I'm like HOW.

    • @marcvesper
      @marcvesper 6 років тому +3

      I was good at martial arts, basketball and dancing, conversely. I think it might be related to whether or not it's something that comes somewhat naturally, or perhaps to whether or not it is under conscious control: I'm afraid of flying and heights - except when I'm the pilot!

    • @marcvesper
      @marcvesper 6 років тому +3

      I think I relate to things having to accidentally happen the first times. Still suck at tying shoe laces, have to really slowly double-bow. :)

    • @zain4019
      @zain4019 5 років тому +1

      I’m an INFP and my coordination has been veeeery good since childhood. Couple that with the fact that plans changing last minute is something that is pretty exciting to me, maybe I’m not an infp:(
      I do lead heavily with Fi though.

  • @GlobusTheGreat
    @GlobusTheGreat 6 років тому +69

    I'm an INTP with Se blindspot, and I think it kind of makes sense. I can get anxious if I have to figure out even incredibly simple physical tasks on my own in public, like how to open the door in the middle of the bus from the inside (even though it just says on it that you just push it to cause it to open). I usually just watch someone perform any task first (if I'm in a line for something I watch intently on those in front of me so I can mimic their procedure) or ask someone I trust for very specific, unambiguous instructions for how to perform these things and follow it closely. I also have trouble sometimes with responding in the moment to things, especially as it has to do with what I want (Fi secondary blindspot)-like I will end up deciding to do something while the pressure is on and later realize that I in no way wanted to be a part of it from the start. Despite that though, I'm fairly athletic and pretty good at sports-and I like a fair number of them, too. I think it's just that once I get a hold of something physical all the anxiety and klutziness completely vanishes. It's just responding in the moment to unexperienced physical tasks that is the weakness. Just some rambling thoughts.

    • @camomane
      @camomane 3 роки тому +1

      This is so true I think im an ENTP (used to think ESTP for some reason (inferior ni made sense) but that statement is SO TRUE. I did this theater tech class where you construct stage sets with power tools and I had no fucking idea how to do anything and I had to watch someone else do those tasks beforehand. And i've always been somewhat clumsy also. Is Se 8th and 7th really that different?

    • @tink6225
      @tink6225 2 роки тому

      this exactly

    • @RaidenShogun..
      @RaidenShogun.. Рік тому +1

      For me, Se blindspot doesn’t like uncertainty and wants to get mentally prepared for anything in the future or else I won’t feel good. When going out with people, I want them to tell me where they going next cuz I alr have things to do later and I don’t want them to interfere with me.

    • @bethanysingsmrs849
      @bethanysingsmrs849 11 місяців тому +1

      I do that with everything. I but I'm autistic so ofc I wanna ask for instructions with stuff. I'm scared il fuck it up

  • @andrewolive5870
    @andrewolive5870 5 років тому +47

    im an INxP and have always been a bit confused on how Se is my blindspot since ive always been a really good athlete and appreciate beauty in the world ect but when you were talking about being slow as hell to everyday tasks and just normal things like getting your drivers license and stuff i just started cracking up because that has always been me 😂 im extremely slow to do normal stuff like i can stay at home for weeks on end without batting an eye and can take weeks even months to just make a simple phone call to the dentist and shit and once i do i might only sort out one part of something then leave the rest for another week hahaha it all makes sense now

    • @bethanysingsmrs849
      @bethanysingsmrs849 11 місяців тому +1

      I thought I was isfp but then I was reminded that I still am too scared to learn how to drive cuz fear of car crashing so now im not learning it ever

  • @piglet311
    @piglet311 6 років тому +110


  • @peregrination3643
    @peregrination3643 6 років тому +31

    My mom is ISTJ and I'm INTJ. We're terrible at registering what the ideal emotional-social conduct should be for a situation. We're still considerate when we interact with others, but "blind spot" is an accurate term for Fe. I frequently wonder, "How is this going to come off?" Yet no matter how much I try to figure that out, I still feel like I'm driving blind, I even have a car visual in my head with Fe as that kind of blind spot. Then for me I'm terrible at figuring out socially important rituals and whatever are the kinds of specific things most people enjoy or hate. It's like most people share this subculture or group of lifestyles that I'm not privy to. If a friend or my parents are around I'll often ask, "What's the social protocol for this situation?" which is something my mom rolls her eyes at because that is common sense for her. For my mom, well, let's just say I try to get her to join intellectual discussions and she just doesn't get overarching concepts or viewing things from other angles.

  • @TheReelDotCom
    @TheReelDotCom 6 років тому +31

    INFP here. I notice my Se blind spot a lot. I mean I have sensitivities about my relationship with physical space, keeping track of stuff, forgetting or not noticing what's right in front of me. When people criticize me in frustration for "not paying attention" or "not being aware of your surroundings" it makes me feel defensive and confused. I do reproach myself in hindsight for missed opportunities, feeling stupid for missing something so obvious that I would have benefitted from. I'm also painfully insecure about my abilities in sports requiring physical intelligence, even though I do love it when I can master something small in that area, usually with someone's coaching who is also patient with me.
    But there is another aspect of Se-- well, Socionics Se anyway-- of assertion and force. I noticed that this was absent from your description and I was like :o because for me, this is a huge part of how I experience polr. This "force" aspect of Se ties into sticking up for yourself, asserting yourself, and managing conflict or clashes in physical space: for example, moving forward (i.e. getting in someone's face) or taking up space, using/defending physical territory to represent psychic boundaries, territory such as your bubble, your room or your corner or possessions etc., or knowing how much and what kind of force to apply in order to defend something important or get a necessary result. This part of Se is extremely painful for me because my weakness in it feeds my enneagram Nine fears and fixations surrounding conflict and taking up space and permitting myself to "exist". So compared to this aspect of Se polr, which can give me anxiety attacks and incapacitate my thinking, the other Se sensitivities such as what you mentioned are rather mild.

    • @CasualCognition
      @CasualCognition  6 років тому +8

      INFP: Great point. I relate so much and plan to discuss how to stop being too nice on the next INFP Corner episode!

    • @TheReelDotCom
      @TheReelDotCom 6 років тому +1

      looking forward to watching

    • @KylePandapatan
      @KylePandapatan 4 роки тому +3

      Paloma Birde You’re not alone, I suck at those as well. Others often criticize me for things Se users find easy.
      One time a dog was guarding a section of a street in our neighborhood. I needed to pass to go home. I tried to look big and imposing but the dog saw through that and chased me away. Totally felt like I lost evolutionarily. 😂

  • @conradsmith9441
    @conradsmith9441 2 роки тому +9

    Im an ENTP and when I learned that I technically have all 8 functions I was fascinated. I think it is Interesting that the 7th function is actually our weakest instead of our 8th, but it definitely helps me confirm that I really am ENTP. With Fi blind spot I HATE it when people ask “what is your favorite_______?” Cause I simply don’t know or don’t care. I have also noticed that this carries into my relationships and is a very good reason why I and many ENTPs are usually single. I don’t know who I want. I can’t choose. Even when I’ve found someone gorgeous I can’t form an emotional connection. The few relationships I had ended because they thought I didn’t care for them, and the problem is they may have been right. I couldn’t tell if I cared for them or not. Fi blind spot is probably why many EXTPs are emotionally unavailable and don’t like committing. It is a strange experience cause I definitely have emotions (I’m going through depression) but I don’t understand them, connect with them, or know how to use them.

    • @Brxwn9
      @Brxwn9 Рік тому +1

      Nothing is wrong with someone asking, “what’s your favorite ____” 😂. That doesn’t make you an ENTP.
      If you have a problem giving someone emotional support, not being able to choose a partner, and can’t form AN EMOTIONAL CONNECTION, go get diagnosed for a mental disorder or some shit. That’s not an MBTI thing. Other than not being able to choose a partner (maturity tends to make the job easier), this sounds like some mental problem or stagnant growth in your body’s development.

    • @kiaadams104
      @kiaadams104 Рік тому +1

      @@Brxwn9 naw pimpin.... it makes sense from a functional stacking stand point. What the original guy said makes sense. Don't come on here playing therapist. Thanks

  • @mr.moodle8836
    @mr.moodle8836 6 років тому +53

    ESTJ here, Ni blindspot is real for me. Thanks for this description, however, I feel like it was a lot more accurate to me than most on the internet. So many people say the Ni blindspot is just "you dislike anything abstract or conceptual" which is just the opposite of true. I actually love playing around and seeing the different possibilities in abstract scenarios, it's seeing the implications and hidden meanings behind them that screws me up. For example, I was watching my first episode of Black Mirror today with an ISFP and an ENFP, and halfway through the episode I was like, "Woah, guys, I think this might take place in a simulation!" Turns out they had that figured out near the start and were questioning how on earth I didn't realise that earlier. With the same ISFP, I was watching a kind of shitty movie and there was a character dressed in all black and another in all white, and they said very sarcastically "Jesus, real subtle symbolism right there, I almost missed that one is good and the other is evil!" Of course, that flew so high over my head that it ended up in the sun, I felt like such a dumbass.
    I'm also glad you didn't go into "well, they simply avoid planning at all costs and just take everything as they come" because I think I plan more than anyone I know, Ni-doms included. However, the reason I'm planning so much is simply that I can't just IGNORE the other possibilities! What if this happens?!? What about that?!? Gee, I guess I'll just have to plan fifty years into the future in every single scenario taking every little detail into account (thanks, Si). Ugh, the life of a chronic worrier.

    • @MusicCrackhead
      @MusicCrackhead 6 років тому +8

      Lol this was fun to read. At least you’re blind spot isn’t Fe and Si. I can barely remember some of my family members birthdays and I could care less about remembering them in the first place. So of course this comes off to my family like I don’t care about them... smh. I have much respect and understanding for any Te user.

    • @intjtraveller7695
      @intjtraveller7695 6 років тому +10

      Your awareness level is very good for an ESTJ!

    • @mr.moodle8836
      @mr.moodle8836 6 років тому +8

      I like to think my awareness level is pretty good for an anyone lol.
      But really, Te-doms tend to view themselves pretty objectively, most ESTJs I know are quite self-aware. I know my anecdotal evidence can't say anything about ESTJs at large, the environment of people I know is likely to influence their development, but just from analysing the cognitive functions, it makes sense for ESTJs to be self-aware.

    • @intjtraveller7695
      @intjtraveller7695 6 років тому +3

      Haha, I did not realise it sounds bad when I say "for an ESTJ". Shame on me :D

    • @chadibenalioulhaj5998
      @chadibenalioulhaj5998 6 років тому

      I'm really curious about the interaction between Te (dominant) and Fe (8th), do you understand human interactions through actions ? or you have to organize or act in the world and the human interactions help you reach that ? (it's just speculations, i am Fe blind :p )

  • @aprilbl00m
    @aprilbl00m 6 років тому +19

    I'm an INFP, so Se is my weak spot. However, I'm actually really good at physical activities. I was told by a coach that I was good enough to be an elite level swimmer, and I'm also good at martial arts, tennis, dancing and driving a car. The problem comes with my tendency to detach from reality! I frequently (and sometimes suddenly) go into Fi and Ne mode and completely space out, forgetting where I am entirely. This is what makes me unsuited to competitive sports, especially team sports. Loud noises (like the bang of the starter's pistol) and screaming people frighten and startle me and I don't have a cut-throat desire to win, even though I'm good at the actual movements.
    I remember playing soccer at school when I was a kid. We were on the field, waiting for the game to start. I bent upside down and was imagining what it would be like if the grass was the sky and the sky was the grass. Next thing I know, the ball is coming towards me and people are screaming, "April, what are you doing?? Wake up!"
    It's no coincidence that so many INFPs have walked into lamp-posts! (As many of the INFP commenters have said!)

    • @zain4019
      @zain4019 5 років тому +1

      Hey I’m exactly like you! It’s nice to find someone similar:)

    • @Am-js1ue
      @Am-js1ue 3 роки тому +2

      Having Se doesn't mean to be good at physical activities. It's just a perceiving function which perceives everything happening in the moment & make you aware of things happening around you.

    • @aprilbl00m
      @aprilbl00m 3 роки тому +2

      @@Am-js1ue That's true, having Se doesn't automatically make you good at physical activities, but it definitely helps! Just the fact that Se dom/aux are strongly anchored in the concrete, physical world, the here and now, means they tend to be able to react quickly to sensory changes. IMO this usually makes for quick reflexes and being ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

  • @SpaceyNYC
    @SpaceyNYC 6 років тому +22

    INFJ - just got in trouble at work for having an unorganized desk and I can never do anything by a step by step process.. my attitude is always as long as the work gets done what’s the point of how neat my desk is?? Neatness is just for appearances! Lol still feel that way. Also when it comes to teaching anything physical related I’m the absolute worst, I always understand it but I can never explain it to others without totally confusing them.. also I am terrible at speaking my thoughts out loud in a coherent matter

  • @dew3968
    @dew3968 3 роки тому +4

    For me (an INFJ) I feel like the Te blindspot manifests as a difficulty to see how my logic might be presented to others and just an overall hate of adhering to external systems. For example, sometimes I understand a topic so well, but then I just don't know how to communicate it effectively, or how it may be judged by the other person's criteria. In one instance, I forgot to tell a guy (who was my classmate) when a meeting (for an assignment) was going to happen, so I told him the day but not the time (RIP Si) and he just assumed (by his criteria that I didn't think of) that it would be in the morning, cuz that's when we had classes, and just didn't ask me about it (I think he was a Ti-dom). So, in the end, he just appeared in school in the morning AND in the afternoon, and BOTH times WE WEREN'T THERE, poor guy lol. And also, for hating to adhere to external systems, I feel like I have my own way of understanding and organizing things, even in my messiness, and my own personal and perfectionistic (Ti) way of doing things. So, I just kinda hate having to abide to rules that are there "just to get things done and facilitate conformity". This is purely evident in how I behave in chemistry, physics and math classes. I have my own ways of taking notes and my own logical systems of understanding. If a rule (Te) is there just because it is the way people have been doing it for a thousand years (Si), I'll question it and, most of the time, rebel against it if I really have a point against it. Sometimes I just don't care, and sometimes I just don't notice what other people value on logical-efficient terms. And I also don't like thinking of it as a "blindspot", cuz I feel like I understand Te when I see it being used, I connect with Te users, but I just can't use it myself and maybe it's because I never valued it much, cuz it's just not my preference in any way most of the time. I feel like all of the 8 "blindspots" are like that, people just have the 3 first functions in a way that makes them not want to use the "blindspot" at all, and maybe not need it sometimes, or do things differently even if it's not the easiest way to do it. In my case, even though I seem to be efficient and I get things done, It's usually because I work hard, not "smart", in the sense of taking the easy route. Like, if I have an essay to write, I just can't talk shit through 30 lines just to get it done. I can't copy others, or put not-well-thought things in. I just want it to be perfect or I may not want to do it at all if I don't have enough time to digest things. That's why, sometimes, I procrastinate even when I know I can get it done; in part, cuz I just don't want to do it poorly and shallowly. And I also have a Si-Te fear of doing something poorly just for the sake of "getting it done fastly/energy saving" and end up being caught by my back in the future with a mess (Se) caused by something I did in the past (Si) just for obeying that system of efficiency (Te-Si) and not going deep and being true to ethical purposes and how it actually works (Ni-Fi-Ti). In a way, I feel like the Te "blindspot" just makes me work harder and, sometimes, to exhaustion, even when I could get it done easier and "without problems". I also think it makes me ignore others thoughts on my actions and image and not manipulate people to be liked, even when it would do no harm, or not value much status, money and job positions. I love it when people help me not avoid Te (not get exhausted), by justifying that Te with an Fi reason, cuz then I feel less guilty for "not sacrificing my life-energy just to avoid doing something shallowly and for not striving for perfection". When it comes with Se, it also helps to push my Ni-Ti perfectionistic paralysis away, so I kinda like well balanced Fi-Te people with some Se, but in measured doses xD.

  • @mark1983peace
    @mark1983peace 6 років тому +21

    I am an INFP with an SE blind spot and also a martial arts instructor. I can use Fi to co-ordinate myself because good technique feels better to perform...or it feels safer to stand at a certain distance or to attack from a certain angle. Fi also allows me to be in my opponent's head and know his next move. Combine this with Ne creativity and it works pretty well.
    That being said, I will always try to carry too much and occasionally bump into door frames, lol.

    • @domesday1535
      @domesday1535 6 років тому +2

      yeah I've totally done the typical dog thing of trying to walk/run through a door with something too wide for the door frame. . .

    • @zain4019
      @zain4019 5 років тому

      derp man
      Fitting name :)

  • @er6730
    @er6730 5 років тому +5

    I know this is old, but yes. Absolutely true for me as an ENFP. I feel like I don't understand how the world works. People are constantly explaining things to me. My husband does all the money stuff and investing and whatnot. My sister explained how debit cards work after I'd been living on my own for ONE YEAR! I'd been walking to the bank for cash the whole time! Reservations, when to call the school office vs when to tell the teacher something, and anything government/regulation related goes in this THIS IS TOO BORING/HARD!!!1! part of my brain. It's difficult. I think of myself as able to learn, so I like to think I COULD do these things, but realistically it's unlikely. I have lots of smart, trustworthy people all around whom I can just ask, and they will help me. And then I learn that one thing, and can do it, but it doesn't transfer any skills to figure out the next thing.

  • @YesEthan
    @YesEthan 6 років тому +17

    Your assessment is fair. For the most part, I'm organized in my physical space. Speaking wise, it's hard for me to gather my thoughts quickly without sacrificing the exact thing I'm trying to convey. Or I get tongue tied. Writing is a lot easier, but it's so taxing. I'm a huge procrastinator when it comes to writing. And I hate confrontation because I either blow up or past the point of caring. Any other INFJs out there like this or just me? Anyone know which MBTI type is most susceptible to mental illness and which kind?

  • @brendangolledge8312
    @brendangolledge8312 6 років тому +10

    I'm an INTJ and I accepted a long time ago that most people will start to hate me at some random point, sometimes it's when we first meet, and I won't know why. I don't care anymore and I just move on. I really appreciate it if people are willing to point out what I'm doing that offends them, and then I try to fix it. But most of the time it seems like they just assume that I ought to know something that I don't and they accuse me of things and I don't know what they're talking about, and that is the point at which it no longer makes sense to continue the relationship.
    I think I have had a bit of trouble in my relationship with my mother who is an ESFJ because her primary judging function is my blind spot. She is often incapable of understanding my motives even when I tell her what they are.

    • @ddoyle3856
      @ddoyle3856 6 років тому +4

      hi are u me?? lol... (i'm also INTJ.) i have a few ppl who don't hate me but i know exactly what you mean it is a common experience for me also. my mom is also ESxJ & we just can't connect... it's like she never hears anything i say & i just can't relate/am uninterested in almost everything she says. so i get it what you're saying :)

    • @laurenchide
      @laurenchide 5 років тому +2

      Let me guess, you make jokes and it flies over everyone's head because of how serious you look when you deliver them? (INFJ married to an INTJ here :))

    • @ddoyle3856
      @ddoyle3856 5 років тому +1

      @@laurenchide haha i don't think your comment was to me but i happen to have INFJ sig other & have this experience. Sometimes i say something intended as a joke & i see an alarmed look & i have to say "that was a joke." so... yeah.

    • @Diaming787
      @Diaming787 3 роки тому

      INTJ here and I completely agree. Anyone who isn't aligned with my Fi moral code is bound for the inevitable for it to happen, which is why I'm doing whatever I can to save myself. Only those with the Fi at the same frequency as mine are the ones I want to rescue and escape with.

  • @laurenchide
    @laurenchide 5 років тому +6

    Weak TeSi in INFJs, YES. You've nailed it! Thank you! I often read that INFJs are fairly organized and I've always found this an insufficient portrayal. The problem for INFJs is the linear measurable procedures and the literal step-by-step goals.
    I'm deadly anxious any time I have to interact with the administrative side of life. Also, trying to implement any "productivity hacks" or "routine optimisation" in my life has so far invariably lead to paralysis, rebellion or Se grip rearing its ugly head. SMART goals are the death of me. "'specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, time-based", each of these words is a nail to the coffin for my life force and enthusiasm.
    What (sometimes) works is to infuse the literal-boring-factual-procedures with symbolic imagery, make it alive. For instance, after graduation I had a lot of job applications I wanted to do in a restricted period of time. I named the computer file in which I kept track of all this "Operation Machine Gun". It made me smirk every time I saw it and it made it easier to go through the mechanical motions.

  • @bhbhansen7128
    @bhbhansen7128 6 років тому +32

    I think its weird a lot of Infp´s claim to be bad at sports? I was quite good at sports like Tennis and I was playing it at a high level. I guess my Si helped me a lot with with muscle memory which is important in the sport. I liked the sport because it was one-against-one and it was easier to focus than in team sports (tho I was always a streaky player with ongoing concentration-issues). I think my Si helped me emulate certain strokes from the pros and apply it to my game, my somewhat poorly developed Te helped me be consistently attacking every ball, and I was a very stubborn with that, which made me a player constantly on the offense, my Ne helped me find solutions fast in match-play and helped develop my game plans on-court , which made me a creative, yet inconsistent and risky player, since my plans weren't always very well thought-out, lastly my Fi gave me that fire and anger, but unfortunately it often meant emotional breakdowns.
    All in all I was a brave, creative and aggressive player, with a big game, that often suffered from concentration-loss and emotional instability, which probably was one of the reasons I didn't go all the way.
    Now I absolutely love to watch the sport on Tv and in person, as I love the tactics, the drama, the big personalities, the fancy dresses and polos, the beautiful traditions and the wonderful atmosphere.
    Does this make sense for an Infp?

    • @bhbhansen7128
      @bhbhansen7128 6 років тому +3

      Oh yea, my hand-eye coordination i pretty good too

    • @CasualCognition
      @CasualCognition  6 років тому +24

      INFP: Makes total sense! You kept saying why YOU like tennis. INFPs have a propensity to get good at something that means a lot to them, even if that thing is traditionally associated with Se.

    • @tulip5210
      @tulip5210 6 років тому +2

      Would fi help you discover your own weakness as well as be able to recognize it in others because you understand it in yourself through fi-si loops? just wondering xD >.>

    • @bhbhansen7128
      @bhbhansen7128 6 років тому +3

      Ok cool, i thought it made sense too, but I was unsure! haha

    • @bhbhansen7128
      @bhbhansen7128 6 років тому +3

      Hey Tulop, I don't know to be honest, to me Fi is all about values and inner emotions, it doesn't appear as analytical. Often I have no clue whats going on in me, only that I have all these important values and these strong emotions I can't explain. The reason I think so much about myself and my weaknesses is because I am very self-centered lol, not selfish, but very self-centered haha.

  • @dew3968
    @dew3968 3 роки тому +3

    Some of "some blindspots' effects", in my perspective:
    Te - you push yourself to exhaustion to get things done perfectly and you hate adhering to external systems, preferring, instead, to do things in your own way. You also may have a hard time seeing how people will objectively interpret your actions, in some instances.
    Si - a fear of details from the past, an ignorance towards what oneself is feeling in the body (might use oversized or too short clothing items, might eat too much, or too little, ignore temperature, weather conditions and miss dates or important facts -> "emotional - birthday - logical - the specifics of how an experiment was conducted")
    Se - an ignorance towards the concrete, physical reality. Might stumble upon objects, have problems moving fast, don't see how a perfectionistic vision could be impractical or just hate people saying things just for the sake of playing and having fun with statements that are used shallowly, among other things.

  • @D2SProductions
    @D2SProductions 3 роки тому +2

    I seen another really good video about the blind spots, I don't remember the video, but one of the guys was an INTP and he always thought that he was socially awkward because of his inferior Fe function, he didn't even consider the idea that his social awkwardness was actually a product of his blind Se causing him to accidentally knock things over, or trip over something, and that makes sense, because that's his blind spot, he's not aware of it therefore he wouldn't even consider that to be the possibility.
    I'm an INTJ, I always assumed my social awkwardness was due to my inferior Se, but it's actually my blind Fe, so the exact opposite problem the INTPs have.

  • @joeysanchez5768
    @joeysanchez5768 6 років тому +23

    Great video! I think being Fe blind is one of the big reasons why IxTJs come off to people as really cold and emotionless. With the ISTJs i know, a lot of them will not hesitate to kinda spit fire at new ideas presented to them that they’re not comfortable with since they’re rejecting Ne and are attached to what they already have in a Te-Fi way. As an INTJ I tend to say things that often come off the wrong way to people because I’d only be thinking about the logical implications of my ideas without regard to how it’ll emotionally affect people. Mainly because I skipped over taking stock of my surrounding and went straight ahead to thinking (Se inferiror).
    Also to add to the Fi blind, I normally see this with ENTPs. With all the ones I’ve gotten into an argument with, they tend to think everything they say is factual and universally logical in a Ti way and they wont shut up until you’re on board with whatever ‘fact’ they give you. Almost as if there’s something wrong with you if you don’t recognize what they say as remotely interesting (seems also like a product of inferior Si). I’ve also noticed that when you actually do play the Fi card on them, whether it’s your own or theirs, they completely freeze and run out of things to say.

    • @enxl9945
      @enxl9945 6 років тому +3

      I've been working with Intj and istj recently at work, and as an Infj i don't really mind intj's blind Fe because usually they'll say something cold but in a very creative funny way which might come of as harsh to others and i can even feel how charged up my Fe becomes and usually i can't help but to externalize that with a small laugh because i can see how it shakes up the room but with Istj it's like they're watching your every move and i can't work when someones watching over me and i'm always walking on eggshells around them and its always like their thinking about something negative and i can feel that energy which boggs me down.

    • @joeysanchez5768
      @joeysanchez5768 6 років тому +1

      ENXL 994 Yeah, I’ve seen the same happen with ISTJs. Tho, I have seem also something similar with INTJs myself included. With either type (or with any TJ type in general) since they have such a high preference for Te, they just need to know that work is being done or that things are moving. And with any of them, the moment that they discover that shit hasnt been taken cared of, they’ll go nuts and probably already pass off others as lazy, incopetent, etc.
      Usually when I’d have to deal with other IxTJs, it’s best to just be completely upfront with them, especially when they’re starting to be jerks about it. Remember if they have Fe blind then Ti is the critical parent, so just reason out everything out with them and lay off after processing everything.

    • @lilyliciousss
      @lilyliciousss 6 років тому

      YES! My ex is an entp and I always noticed this!! It would annoy me so much. Even when I would correct him, he would remain stubborn

    • @youreworthyourweightinavoc7189
      @youreworthyourweightinavoc7189 5 років тому +1

      @@joeysanchez5768 OMG you are so right, when work is not getting done I just can't get past it and I do categorise those people as incompetent and lazy (and also wonder why they're employed). I also find I lose all respect for these people on any kind of human level, including thinking the world would not be a worse off place if they were dead. LOL. I just become and absolute d-bag about the whole thing. Don't actually know I can/want to change it. Needless to say I have poor working relationships with many people.

    • @gregsander8439
      @gregsander8439 4 роки тому +1

      Most likely you just werent smart enough to understand their point.

  • @akaboo69
    @akaboo69 6 років тому +6

    Now that my type has been corrected I am ISFP and yes most of my life I heard look at the big picture. I like mbti alot but it's still hard to grasp as a sensor because im.very literal at times

  • @Laura-et2xj
    @Laura-et2xj 6 років тому +7

    Te blindspot with weak Si 'general organization'. YES. It helps me to work with other people to get things done because often they have some kind of method and way to coherently organize everything and I just get so immersed in the content to be communicated (and overwhelmed about how much there is to communicate) I can't effectively communicate it. My sentences often come out, out of order.

  • @infjwitnesspoetry
    @infjwitnesspoetry 6 років тому +9

    Te blind here with low Si--I've always felt completely crippled when it comes to telling others what to do and figuring out normal procedures for things such as baby-sitting and teaching. Classroom management was my Achilles Heel. Not only did I hate it, I didn't know what I should do.

  • @kjdaniels3267
    @kjdaniels3267 3 роки тому +1

    I can relate as an ISFJ. Having a long term vision that’ll work in the long run is a massive insecurity if mine

  • @Emperor2Goodyy
    @Emperor2Goodyy 5 років тому +2

    Thank you for clearing things up for everyone. The more I learn about my type and functions the more they make sense in my personality and confirm my mbti type.

  • @masteraxe1453
    @masteraxe1453 6 років тому +16

    Blind spot Ne....I remember as a kid they would always ask me to brainstorm in school....nope....brainstorming is still not in my dictionary to this day. I was just....never good at it. Then I saw others brainstorming like it's nothing and I was like..."Are you serious? How are you guys doing this?"

    • @entropy8000
      @entropy8000 6 років тому +4

      as an Ne dom thats like all im good for haha

    • @hardlybreathe93
      @hardlybreathe93 5 років тому +4

      i would rely on others input first to get some ideas haha

    • @gregsander8439
      @gregsander8439 4 роки тому +2

      What. Thinking of random shit? You cant do this?

  • @PrototypeQuill
    @PrototypeQuill 3 роки тому +3

    I'm INFP. Was pretty sure my blind spot was Se, now I'm sure lol. I find myself really in my element with Ne and Si. So I feel really smart and powerful in the abstract world but feel so out of touch and distant with the real world. I'll miss things right in front of me. It's really embarrassing lol

  • @caramelunicorn8023
    @caramelunicorn8023 4 роки тому +2

    I can sort of relate to most of these blindspots interestingly, mostly the Se, Ti and Si blindspots, except that I do have more of a sense of Se urgency, but also hate it when plans change last minute at work. I also relate to the dislike of social norms, not agreeing with it and kind of being a rebel.

  • @aquarius1986
    @aquarius1986 6 років тому +5

    I'm a very introverted ENFP and my weakest function by far is Se. I definitely know ENFPs who are totally confusing to me because they seem to have no Ti logic at all for what they choose to do...I think because my Fi is so strong (giving me strong personal convictions/personal reasons for my actions) and my Te isn't too terrible, I somehow compensate for the Ti blindspot, because I feel like I'm really different from mostly ENFPs as an Enneagram 4w5 (the 7s tend to be way more extroverted). But I cannot explain how I reach the conclusions I reach, since I do that entirely through intuition and feeling. I have trouble breaking things down. Then again maybe all that was to say, I don't even understand what Ti is because I'm so blind to it?!?! :-P
    But yeah, logical principles in the real world = definitely hardest thing for me! haha I really related to the INFP here, I just do not get Se. I get stressed by plans changing too and I thought I was supposed to be more flexible as an ENFP but I'm not. lol I'm also scared of driving on highways and well I'm just scared of myself driving basically, I can be very spacey and leave food burning on the stove because I went to do something else, etc.

    • @emma72676
      @emma72676 5 років тому +1

      I agree with this, I don't drive either. And I don't understand what Ti is all about :D - enfp

  • @darrenfunk8798
    @darrenfunk8798 6 років тому +2

    INFP here. Despite my Se blind spot I did learn to drive a couple years late though I went through a period of learning not to bump the curb with my tires (driving by the braille method). I'm uncoordinated and hoping my three year old doesn't some day get into sports because it's one of few pursuits I'd genuinely struggle to relate to her on. Please, little girl, be an artist or a musician or a nurse or a gourmet chef or anything but an athlete! I'll still love her, I'll just have to learn out how to support her in this alien endeavor. At least I have enough INTPs in my life that I don't feel alone in my Se blind spot!

  • @morganlowder51
    @morganlowder51 4 роки тому +2

    The problem with Se being my blindspot as an Intp is how clumsy I am in public and how awkward my body and motor functions appear, my lack of awareness to things around me is a joke. It's a real struggle to appear normal, it's very noticeable alongside having a kind of flat affect when I don't feel like or can't at times express myself lmao.

  • @biboba604
    @biboba604 6 років тому +3

    I have Se blindspot as an INFP (INFj). I am always not as in the moment or as present in reality as others. I'm insecure about being able to execute some actions like the rest (weak Se and Te). Yes,would love to see u both delve into socionics if u can!

  • @joycedantas2269
    @joycedantas2269 6 років тому +2

    I really didn't know about blinds spots. In fact, I've always wondered what happened to the others 4 cognitve functions that wasn't in the structure of the MBTI type. That makes a lot of sense now! My Se and Ti sucks so much hahshs. Very useful video! Thank you so much!

  • @dr.hebagadallahclinicalpha9871
    @dr.hebagadallahclinicalpha9871 5 років тому +2

    Te blind spot is to be totally unaware of other people's opinion, combined with Si I forget other people's opinion. This is perfect for INFJ who is here to execute future vision into reality. Because so many people will tell us how impossible it is. I am highly organised. But I need NT suggestions on how to turn a dream into a vision and ENFP fresh ideas about the first step.
    Logic and linguistics are easily when we write. My logical conversations have shifted many people's perspectives to a higher more efficient belief system. I think INFJ are unmanageable and no one can shift our belief system without our permission, No matter how much they try. This is a built-in protection mechanism . I talk with people and if their arguments are not logical or practical or have a search thread , I forget all their frustration and disappointing thoughts about my future dream. After 5 minutes of departure.

  • @eval4495
    @eval4495 Рік тому

    INFP-T here, I still kind of remember the struggle of learning how to swim and ride my bike. Both of these things I needed to do in my own time and have that belief that I could do it. Now driving is a whole other subject. Even though I have a driver's license, it still terrifies me to drive. 😭 I think if I lived in an area without too much traffic I would feel better about it.

  • @jtwright4095
    @jtwright4095 6 років тому +4

    2 thumbs up; could watch this one over&over -- alot of good info. DOOOO MOOOORE

  • @tommywolmart265
    @tommywolmart265 5 років тому +1

    Yeah, my Fi blind spot is a bitch. But I know what you guys are talking about with the idea that "all logic is subjective logic." I'm not sure if that's true, but a ton of things we apply logic to has assumed Fi preferences, ie, a decision is more effective, so we should do it, one must Fi value effectiveness to make that decision. I just realized that, and it's really sent me down a nihilistic spiral and made decision making even more difficult than it already was lmao. But other ENTPs don't seem to realize it and it's annoying, because they are unaware of some Fi thing underpinning their argument and they're radically blind to the idea of Fi so they can't understand when you try and point it out or they mistake it for some sort of Fe universal good truism type thing, like you mentioned. Also, I can understand people's motivations, I think? Actually, not sure how good I am relative to others in that regards, but will say, Fi blind spot more manifests itself for me as having a hard time building deep connections with people, communicating in a way that is not either explaining or having fun, obliviousness to why people are getting offended (I can anticipate they will though 😂 #trolllyfe) and inability to express genuine emotions without being awkward even in circumstances where it's completely normal to do so

  • @mathewtucker5329
    @mathewtucker5329 5 років тому +1

    I always wonder whether I'm going to relate to the INFP reasoning behind your videos, and almost always do I relate completely.
    I'm actually pretty physically adept, but I'm horrible at sports, however great at dancing. I'm always a featured dancer in all the musicals I'm a part of, and I have absolutely zero training. My mind however works much faster than my body when it comes to choreography. I always understand how to do it in concept, but it takes a few tries to get everything down completely.
    Anyway, my biggest insecurity is taking action. I'd always linked that to low Te, but had no idea that Se impacted it in a way too. I know I'm horrible at Se through things like walking into walls, clothing stands, tripping over my own feet, and really just failing to see things right in front of me. It makes sense for Ne to completely blindside Se.

  • @justhereforagoodtime88
    @justhereforagoodtime88 5 років тому +1

    Im intp and used to be in marching parades and military ceremonies. I could barely keep my feet in line or even pivot correctly when we would change directions unless I had my head down staring at the persons feet infront of me. My instructors knew to never put me as the lead cuz of walk into walls

  • @lisafoster3494
    @lisafoster3494 5 років тому +1

    Great video!! This explains my fear of escalators. I struggle with being in the moment enough to get down the coordination to get on the stupid things. Then my imagination kicks in and I am seeing all the worst case scenarios and I just shrug my shoulders and take an alternative route. Also when I am driving if it is steep and I cannot see the road on the other side, logically I know the road doesnt end but it freaks me out until I can see the road again. Weak SE bites:).....

  • @coolamericano
    @coolamericano 3 роки тому

    The 8th function and the first are actually pretty strong in every MBTI type, because both are on different ends of the same spectrum & work interchangeably, the Dom function being detailed and the 8th function being holistic.

  • @seventhsheaven
    @seventhsheaven 6 років тому +1

    I’m an ENTP and I also can’t ride a bike or drive, nor can I swim although I’m thinking of taking lessons. I’ve never tried to learn to drive but I do feel I’ll probably suck at it. So yeah, I think I’m equally blind to Se and Fi.

  • @jovynabong9522
    @jovynabong9522 4 роки тому +1

    Calypso you are so freaking funny with that moisturizer! 😹

  • @222Julchen222
    @222Julchen222 6 років тому +1

    i can agree so much with what you said to INTP at the end - INTP girl here o/

  • @DOsorio369
    @DOsorio369 3 роки тому

    Could you go more into depth with these examples (ENFP... FI block... Im trying to develop more on TE and Ti) Thanks you guys keep up the great work

  • @VeganCatgirl
    @VeganCatgirl 6 років тому +2

    I would love to learn more about socionics because I don't know anything about it.

    • @user-ji7ik7ef3s
      @user-ji7ik7ef3s 6 років тому

      That's awesome. You can start by reading articles on www.sociotype.com and www.socionics.com and signing up on 16types.info and discussing with others on the forums.

  • @jennyhelen406
    @jennyhelen406 6 років тому +1

    I'm insecure about Fe because it is my critical parent, therefore I wish I was better at it! Ti is my blind spot but I've always had ways of getting around it, maybe having several family members with high Ti has helped me to feel that it I don't need it as much?

  • @burnbabylonburn78
    @burnbabylonburn78 6 років тому +2

    Thanks for making these videos, I learn a lot from you guys!

  • @anaistwin
    @anaistwin 6 років тому +2

    ah yes, i get very stuck in my head and don't notice surroundings (INFP) but i am a good driver and a good dancer...i've even gotten compliments on my dancing. it's like i shut off everything else, and get in some sort of "zone"...i think it's the Si zone since the Se is so weak.

    • @anaistwin
      @anaistwin 6 років тому

      i relate! i can also be klutzy and fall up/down stairs, etc. sometimes i almost run into poles because i'm lost in my head. also, dancing is artistic/creative, so maybe that's why it's a bit different (for me) and i can see that applying to martial arts/synchronized swimming too. i did take dance as a child and in the beginning would have to count, but once i got into the flow/memorized the moves with Si i guess, i could let go.

    • @MachineGunBambi
      @MachineGunBambi 6 років тому


    • @rachelc3785
      @rachelc3785 6 років тому

      I read something once that said most dancers (ballet especially) are actually really clumsy while not dancing. I think this makes sense, but I can't explain why.

  • @youreworthyourweightinavoc7189
    @youreworthyourweightinavoc7189 5 років тому

    Totally identify with the Fe Si weakness here for INTJs. Would any Fe doms / auxiliaries please explain what life is like inside your heads? How do you see the world? And what do you want from it?

  • @jobr8693
    @jobr8693 6 років тому +2

    Interesting video. So I'm an INFP and my blindspot is Se. I do feel awkward driving a car, gym class, other "Se" activities, but I'm not necessarily bad at them. Are these blindspots not necessarily weaknesses, could they just be things we feel awkward about?

  • @rachelc3785
    @rachelc3785 6 років тому +1

    I so don't brainstorming out of nowhere. I could add ideas after I saw a theme going on the board, but I could never be first or sit there just with paper and write down random ideas. Give me a general topic, and then, I can pick a specific theme.

  • @Sperkelderg
    @Sperkelderg 6 років тому +3

    why is it the 7th function and not the 8th function? If I'm an INFP wouldnt Ti be my blindspot because it's my last? Why is it Se?

    • @pipersolanas3322
      @pipersolanas3322 5 років тому +1

      No Ti is your demon function according to socionics

  • @Sperkelderg
    @Sperkelderg 3 роки тому

    as an infp i am so bad at Se!! My whole life i've been really bad at sports because i'd never know what was going on in gym or like i physcially couldnt do the movements. I've always been super clumsy as well and i always spill my drinks and trip.... I would always space out as well (especially on car rides) and when my parents would talk to they would have to repeat bc i was just in my little world >_

  • @FrownyMascot
    @FrownyMascot 4 роки тому +1

    You girls are so cute, I love your videos!!!

  • @icanrelate
    @icanrelate 3 роки тому

    I'm an ENTJ and my sister is an ESTJ and I'm way more tactful than she is. She has zero regard for people's feelings. That's the 1 thing I'd have to disagree with here. Aside from that, I agree...my Si blindspot is irritating for me bc I have difficulty retrieving concrete examples for sensors. I can do it just enough to get my message across, but that blindspot is definitely a sore spot lol

  • @KylePandapatan
    @KylePandapatan 4 роки тому +1

    Can you convert this info into a website? It will make the insights searchable (SEO) and compiled. The page can also include the video for more views.

  • @justgween7573
    @justgween7573 6 років тому +5

    Does the weak Se in INxPs lead to being terrible at flirting or receiving flirts? My INTP friend and I have the worst luck but our INTJ friend has men just throwing themselves at her

    • @CasualCognition
      @CasualCognition  6 років тому +11

      INFP: I read somewhere that young INFPs have trouble revealing their romantic feelings, which I definitely relate to. Not sure if it's related to my weak Se, but most of my intentional flirting is awkward, and most of my seductions are accidental.

    • @justgween7573
      @justgween7573 6 років тому +4

      INTJ & INFP Coffee As I got older I had more accidental flirting situations but yeah I've NEVER outright told someone I liked them. Perhaps another video topic? "INFP Corner: How INFPs can reveal their feelings to crushes and how to react" or something maybe?
      I never confront my crushes directly because I fear embarrassing them. Ik I'm a pretty big bozo and it's always embarrassing when the bozo has a crush on you! And when others are embarrassed I too feel embarrassed for them (but I think that's an xNFP thing, my ENFP friend feels super awkward when the people arow him are uncomfortable)

    • @Meysyx
      @Meysyx 5 років тому

      I mean..... I jokingly "flirt" with friends, and if I may say so myself, I think I'm rather creative at that, but I probably wouldn't be able to flirt the same way with someone I'm actually interested in romantically. I think I'm good at picking up when someone's flirting with me, but since I have low self-esteem, I just brush off whatever they say.

    • @Diaming787
      @Diaming787 3 роки тому +1

      INTJ here and flirting is an alien concept. Fe blindspot makes me miss the hints, and it's hard to express my feelings in a way to flirt back.

  • @AmbientDisguise
    @AmbientDisguise 8 місяців тому

    This was a good try, hopefully since this video your understanding has grown a bit.

  • @pipersolanas3322
    @pipersolanas3322 5 років тому +1

    I relate so hard with Se blind spot!!!

  • @trevorvaz7109
    @trevorvaz7109 6 років тому +2

    Hello can you do a video on the relationship between one's demonstrative (shadow function) and inferior (4th function). For example: ESTJ's and INFJ's are opposing duals, and their demonstrative and inferior functions are switched. I'm convinced that since supressing the fourth function leads to trouble, and using your demonstrative function unhealthily also leads to trouble, so one has to ignore their demonstrative function a little, and embrace their fourth function.
    Also can you do a video on what it means to demonstrate NI, as an INFP or INTP. I'm very intrigued that someone can demonstrate NI, that just sounds weird lol.

  • @ismahenelarbi7386
    @ismahenelarbi7386 4 роки тому

    I don't know how to run a bicycle and drive or swim. I relate to se blinds pot so much

  • @jakemoore4080
    @jakemoore4080 5 років тому +1

    The way socionics words this can often be a little confusing... Because how can something be both a blind spot and yet be the insecurity we all inherently know it to be... The latter implying awareness of it. The way I came to understand what it truly means by blind spot is not that we aren't aware of of the existence of said function, in fact, we are painfully aware of its strength in others and our own lack thereof, but, rather we have no idea of how to actually disseminate information in that particular manner - how to use the function in its natural form. So that what we often try to present to others is an artificial re-creation of what we understand the function to be in order to make ourselves feel better but which often to others (especially to those who excel in that function) seem flat and fake and can irritate them even more due to the functions obvious "misuse". For example, INTJ's (excuse me Alex) extroverted feeling to me at least often feels very forced and unnatural when they try to present themselves as adequate in said function... It creates a sense that theyre are not genuine emotions but "pre-planned" and their congeniality does not seem to exactly always be in line with what the situation required or they completely misjudged it all together and wonder why everyone is offended by what they said.
    Now using me as an alternate example... As an INFJ when I am around ISTJs or my ESTJ brother-in-law I will often be aware of how lazy, impractical and efficient I am with organising my day, financial decisions, lateness, career buildinh etc... So that I will try to over-compensate and present this pre-calculated image of being naturally capable in organising practical things and understanding the logistics of any given situation, etc. But this often falls on its face as I can't keep it up and my inadequacy in regards to certain practical matters will reveal itself in humiliating ways sooner or later. Which often ends up making the situation worse and them more irritated.

    • @theloniusmonk1263
      @theloniusmonk1263 5 років тому

      Because in socionics its not called a blindspot, but rather the PoLR function. The term blindspot is from the Beebe Model which is nothing to do with socionics.

    • @zeronegro11
      @zeronegro11 5 років тому

      This is interesting and may be true that's why it should be something that happens naturally and not to be forced.

  • @tulip5210
    @tulip5210 6 років тому +5

    Would blind se be related to not recognizing that someone is consistently hitting on you and your just like 'there so nice!' but your completely blind to them OBVIOUSLY hitting on you? For a long period of time? and your utterly clueless to real hints of 'hey i don't like you' (as a friend/person not as a romantic interest) and merely have theoretical hints in your head of what that would be but isn't in reality xD (oh complicated brain)

    • @alanerkkila4213
      @alanerkkila4213 6 років тому

      Yup. Then three years later, I'm like, Oooh!! Damn it!!
      Not even kidding.

  • @sakusaiyan
    @sakusaiyan 6 років тому +2

    New Video

  • @09kaustubh
    @09kaustubh 6 років тому +1

    This was intense!

  • @thesevenkingswelove9554
    @thesevenkingswelove9554 4 роки тому

    Tbh I also didn't know how to ride a bicycle. All of my family members forced me to ride it because I had "short height" I just hate se stuff but I am okay with walking around and talking what comes in mind but not like riding a bike and stuff

  • @Tumpz
    @Tumpz 2 роки тому

    ISTP understanding emotions, yup.

  • @bellarose8511
    @bellarose8511 4 роки тому +1

    What exactly IS the social protocall?

  • @ymerithebeloved
    @ymerithebeloved 3 роки тому

    as an infp, i notice my brother say to pay attention to my surroundings a lot. it frustrates me

  • @SirenoftheVoid
    @SirenoftheVoid 6 років тому +1

    I am not the most confident at sports and such. I believe it might be an Se thing to be insecure/uncomfortable about balancing ourselves on things. I have to stand up on a chair to reach a light bulb in my place here and i hate doing that. I feel like i'll fall so i am super conscious of that and it leads to some kind of fear. I'd appreciate feedback on this!
    On the other hand, i can learn quickly. I remember that one time i learned to drive a quad and it came to me near instantly.

    • @tulip5210
      @tulip5210 6 років тому +1

      SirenoftheVoid I think the fear can make us better once one gets it. When your afraid you think more deeply about it or your subconscious will be trying to make up for your fear without your notice. So once you try that thing you were adamantly sure you were bad at you find yourself actually doing it well. For me I used to just be a drawer I was very good at drawing but I did not like coloring, one day 10 years later I had to draw a comic for class in a group the teacher gave us oil and I was surprisingly good with it xD discovering a lot of interesting things on my first try. Or that time I joined the kayaking team and I had saw someone vaguely go on the waters and just did it myself (walked on it) before the instructor could tell us how. (Ok that doesn’t help my ego lol -drags self by the ear-} Maybe it is a matter of you get it or you dont? What’s your mbti?

    • @SirenoftheVoid
      @SirenoftheVoid 6 років тому

      Yea, in essence, what you are afraid of may just be what you really want to do *nod* and lol silly.

  • @bobyrob9261
    @bobyrob9261 6 років тому +1

    Gonna halfway disagree with you guys on si blind spot. I am some what concerned with remembering details of what I care about, but I would definitely say it comes out more in me by having absolutely no idea what looks good or not. I have no taste what so ever in clothing or anything like that and when I ask for advice from people, and they don't give it to me, I get really mad. As far as FE I get along with people really well, but can be off putting with rolling up on people being super familiar with them.

  • @hat_maker
    @hat_maker 2 роки тому

    spot on with infj omg

  • @HodsBroo
    @HodsBroo 4 роки тому

    Great video!

  • @bethanysingsmrs849
    @bethanysingsmrs849 11 місяців тому

    I'm se blind until I'm doing lazertag then I'm good at se

  • @lexiemedina8215
    @lexiemedina8215 5 років тому

    The INFJ one was so accurate

  • @bobyrob9261
    @bobyrob9261 6 років тому +4

    Infp best friend has no drivers ether lol.

  • @rodkali2863
    @rodkali2863 6 років тому

    The te part is so true for me.

  • @frnkr-ze2db
    @frnkr-ze2db 6 років тому +3

    Entp weakness not acting consistently on values
    What does that even mean
    I get the neglecting own feelings but my values are don't be a dick.
    I don't get fi

    • @justgween7573
      @justgween7573 6 років тому +1

      frnkr1212 ...perhaps seeing other people act like dicks and not being able to do anything about it?

    • @frnkr-ze2db
      @frnkr-ze2db 6 років тому +1

      That's lack of te

    • @MusicCrackhead
      @MusicCrackhead 6 років тому +1

      The general theme behind Fi is “what is important”. The general theme behind Fe is “what we need”. Fi is about managing your own feelings/reactions and Fe is about managing the feelings/reactions those around you.

    • @DGolden247
      @DGolden247 6 років тому +5

      If it helps, Fi is similar to Ti, but not in the Logical context. Rather Fi is like Ti in the Ethical context. So, while Ti can pinpoint _logical_ inconsistencies, Fi can pinpoint _ethical_ inconsistencies. And while Ti can create very rationally sound arguments, Fi can create very morally sound arguments.

    • @MusicCrackhead
      @MusicCrackhead 6 років тому

      Golden this is good, where did you get this information?

  • @lauracruz2021
    @lauracruz2021 6 років тому +3

    What were you going to say at 15:46, Calypso??

    • @CasualCognition
      @CasualCognition  6 років тому +1

      INFP: Wow good catch! I don't remember, sorry!

    • @lauracruz2021
      @lauracruz2021 6 років тому +1

      INTJ & INFP Coffee Awwww, you just seemed so excited to share your thought!! 💡💡💡 It's hard to squish in all those Ne ideas into a neatly trimmed video, I bet :)

  • @catvalentine4317
    @catvalentine4317 6 років тому

    Before watching: my blindspot is definetly fi! After: yup.

  • @cedricburkhart3738
    @cedricburkhart3738 6 років тому +1

    My ethical reasons for my actions are very consistent and I don't find it hard to understand other people value and why they do. And I am an ENTP so am I very special or something?

    • @Lizzzi86
      @Lizzzi86 2 роки тому

      I'm ENTP and I find that having blind Fi it's more about that I feel like "guilty" or "wasting time" when I do something just because I like it, without a consistent reason behind that benefits me.
      Also I don't want to think about what I like or what not 🤣

    • @cedricburkhart3738
      @cedricburkhart3738 2 роки тому

      @@Lizzzi86 Why would that make you feel guilty?

    • @Lizzzi86
      @Lizzzi86 2 роки тому

      @@cedricburkhart3738 because I'm not doing the best thing to do with my time, in a sense of useful.
      Maybe it's because I'm enneagram 8, but I have associated that with blind Fi...

    • @cedricburkhart3738
      @cedricburkhart3738 2 роки тому

      @@Lizzzi86 Do you have any religious beliefs?

    • @Lizzzi86
      @Lizzzi86 2 роки тому

      @@cedricburkhart3738 No. Why?
      And you?

  • @happilyeverafter1528
    @happilyeverafter1528 3 роки тому

    I can relate. My Ti is shit lol.

  • @koala4996
    @koala4996 5 років тому

    this is perfect

  • @partacanna
    @partacanna 6 років тому

    The way INTJ talks reminds of my middle sister. I wonder if she's an INTJ?

  • @carnationsensation
    @carnationsensation 6 років тому +2

    Right at 6:27 Alex moved her shoulders for no apparent reason kinda like a Perceiver even though she's a Judger.

    • @CasualCognition
      @CasualCognition  6 років тому +4

      INTJ: I moved with my whole upper back, arms pinned at my side, swiveling at my lower back. I think it's a great example of stiff Judger movement :)

  • @gabrielsena1145
    @gabrielsena1145 3 роки тому

    INTP here. I just love sports and have such no problem with physical activities at all.
    However I am very turned off about material reality most of the time.

  • @aham9570
    @aham9570 4 роки тому

    3:33 spot on

  • @cedricburkhart3738
    @cedricburkhart3738 6 років тому

    I am an ENTP with what seem to be a very developed FI. Any Questions?👽

  • @bilalkhares9337
    @bilalkhares9337 3 роки тому

    Is your blindspot your 8th function?

  • @pichofiraviyah8492
    @pichofiraviyah8492 6 років тому +3

    you say "I feel like" quite a lot for an INTJ.

    • @luarn9176
      @luarn9176 6 років тому +2

      Pich Ofir' Aviyah
      I noticed that, too. Not only that, Calypso says "I think" a lot. Thinking and Feeling.

    • @skidibidup
      @skidibidup 6 років тому +1

      I know you might be stereotypically joking but intjs do feel based on morals and values{which depends), they just have hard time expressing it. while INTPs are (relatively) the opposite! Fe(empathy) vs Fi(sympathy)

    • @luarn9176
      @luarn9176 6 років тому

      Livontad It's actually interesting because they-INTJs-still have a preference for Thinking.

    • @CasualCognition
      @CasualCognition  6 років тому +10

      INFP: I've known for a long time that I come across as ditsy, and made a conscious effort to get rid of expressions like "I feel like," "kind of," "it's possible that" and "in my opinion" whereas in one Tea and Type episode, Alex said that she adopted the expression "I feel" to soften her TJ demeanor.

    • @luarn9176
      @luarn9176 6 років тому +2

      INTJ & INFP Coffee
      I relate so much. I almost did the same thing.

  • @penguinsarecool6324
    @penguinsarecool6324 3 роки тому

    Se blindspot sucks

  • @margaretgaby4506
    @margaretgaby4506 4 роки тому

    I liked their other videos but now whenever the girl on the right talks I fast forward... I guess she seems too giggly for no reason

  • @frijevc
    @frijevc 6 років тому

    You don't seem like an INFP, you have FI and Ne though, but you look more extroverted.

    • @aquarius1986
      @aquarius1986 6 років тому +1

      Some introverted types are more outgoing, some Extroverted types are more quiet. I'm like the quietest ENFP ever but it's still my function stack, though I relate strongly with INFP as well as ENFP. The more videos I watched and the more I read I realized I was not INFP. Then I was professionally typed as ENFP. The INFP in the video seems very much INFP to me, she just has a well developed Ne.

    • @zain4019
      @zain4019 5 років тому +3

      Lone Wolf
      A lot of INFPs come off as almost child-like and bubbly (similar to ENFPs) in my experience.

  • @joshuakirschenbaum417
    @joshuakirschenbaum417 4 роки тому

    You both are hot