The Media Loves Classic She-ra Now?

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @Dragonkid1801
    @Dragonkid1801 5 років тому +283

    here's something everyone that works on a reboot has to understand. the only reason they have the opportunity, is because the series was already popular. there is no reason to reboot something that failed before and the only reason they were successful in the first place was because the fans supported it.
    i have never watched nor really cared for daria, but if i ever ended up working on a daria reboot, i would immediately binge the entire series so that i could get the "daria" feel correct. that opportunity would only exist because of the original fans, so i would want to do right by those fans

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +33

      SAME SAME SAME. That's what I'm currently doing for a fan-made project; getting all the info I can get to make sure what I'm making is built with a solid bridge between the two as well as something that RESPECTS the first. Noelle n crew never respected She-Ra given how much they felt they had to change nearly EVERYTHING to the point where this is only She-Ra in name only.

    • @lehahiah81
      @lehahiah81 5 років тому +32

      @@SuperCosmicMutantSquid That's the whole ting with modern reboots, they rarely show any respect towards the original. They also say that it isn't for the old fans, but that doesn't make sense, because banking on nostalgia doesn't work if you kick the original in the face. If you aren't going to respect the property and it's fans, its better to just make new characters.

    • @KuatPronunciations1860
      @KuatPronunciations1860 5 років тому +7

      I still have hope for a reboot of Captain Planet, but it is better for the media to learn to respect the classics first.

    • @carlacarrero4975
      @carlacarrero4975 5 років тому +6

      Dragonkid1801 personally i love the new she ra but your actually right studios need to watch the original product in orden to get the feeling of the original back this is why some people despised disneys doug and this is why duck tales problaby succeeds as for the daria reboot I have a theory that it might actually turn out to be something nobody expects daria to be and that my friend is an anti sjw show if daria critizes sjw then this daria might feel like the old one because daria was never a show about being woke it was about pointing out hipocrosy and sarcasm

    • @JolietJakeBlues6
      @JolietJakeBlues6 5 років тому +1

      If it is any consolation, I was a fan of She-Ra growing up (not a whole lot of hero protagonist girls wielding swords back then...). So I was intrigued by the new one and I enjoy it a lot. Then I took a look at the old retro series again. It was good - for it's time. It's camp and silly, full to the bin with lame (by today's standards) puns, and, come on guys. It was a goofy show. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously by adults. Its popularity today is mostly among older LGBTQ crowds who adore that campy series BECAUSE of it's camp (and I adore the older LGBTQ crowd, too).
      I would love to see these huge scrutinizing UA-camrs put the same critical standards on the original series, too.

  • @elishawilliams5460
    @elishawilliams5460 5 років тому +103

    The disrespect young animators throw at their predecessors. If not for them keeping the animation scene alive during those times alot of animations that we love and are inspired by today wouldn't exist. No one was putting money into cartoons in the 80's. There was too much going on. These people worked their butts off to produce cartoons for kids and have more innovation in their tiny finger then alot of animators and directors today could even make the effort to have. Thoes cartoons had to have toy sales to keep their program running or else there was no money to make the cartoon with. I'm amazed nobody taught these people to respect the work of the animators who made their careers possible. For shame!

    • @vallaby2042
      @vallaby2042 4 роки тому +6

      But don't you know?!!! that Original cartoon did not have gay representation!!!👬👭😲

    • @inesatt1313
      @inesatt1313 4 роки тому +4


  • @vengeance1701
    @vengeance1701 5 років тому +187

    It's just like people giving classic Trek crap for attitudes and opinions of the 60s while ignoring that FOR the 60s, it was incredibly 'out there' and pushing boundaries. Or misunderstanding the era entirely. In the 60s, wearing a miniskirt wasn't sexualization, many women at the time wore miniskirts because it made them feel in charge of their own sexuality. That's why Nichelle Nichols would insist on getting a skirt for Uhura in the movie era, even when she had the option to wear pants.

    • @Hodaris_Darlin
      @Hodaris_Darlin 5 років тому +5

      vengeance1701 I thought Uhura DID wear pants in the movies. 🤔 She did do that sexy dance in one of the movies though.

    • @rayvenkman2087
      @rayvenkman2087 5 років тому +13

      Also another thing, it was Grace Lee Whitney that came up with the miniskirt look for the TOS era female crew uniforms.

    • @countofdownable
      @countofdownable 5 років тому +4

      She usually wore a skirt from the third movie.

    • @vallaby2042
      @vallaby2042 4 роки тому +4

      Can we please work on fixing the actual issues in the world and then work on fixing the dumb shit no one cares about?😐

  • @khfan4life365
    @khfan4life365 5 років тому +86

    So, the “fans” and creators of the new one are accusing the older fans as perverts because the original characters were attractive and some boys probably spanked it to them. That begs the question as to who is drawing the nsfw art of the new She-ra, whose characters are probably 14-15 years old or younger. It isn’t just the old fans who dislike this crappy reboot.

    • @ll_6653
      @ll_6653 5 років тому +6

      as someone in the target demographic for she-ra, i do like the show. it’s cute, funny, and i like how the characters interact with their world.

    • @justyourlocalfandomtrash6755
      @justyourlocalfandomtrash6755 4 роки тому

      Ok, those people were only there for the boobs, that's it. And they're mad at the new design because she isn't "womanly enough". The NSFW art, is just a part of every fandom. This show is actually really nice. We get great representation! A good plot! Complex characters! The og was pretty good, but I still prefer the new one.

  • @NotMyRealName6
    @NotMyRealName6 5 років тому +59

    That passive-aggressiveness is a large part of why I'm still not watching the reboot. They need to acknowledge the negative criticism of the show, apologize for bashing the original, and disavow the attacks on fans of the original.

  • @Saltedroastedcaramel
    @Saltedroastedcaramel 5 років тому +81

    In the Thumbnail, She ra's face basically saying "Does this look like the face of mercy?"

    • @foxboy6145
      @foxboy6145 5 років тому +7

      Or “B***h, what do YOU think?”

  • @anamusementinprogress
    @anamusementinprogress 5 років тому +67

    After watching this show, I had this main impression - they choose the wrong property to adapt/reboot... it is clear from the creative choices that the creative team wanted to make a show focused modern reliable teenage characters, their personalities, their relationships to each other, and comment on issues like body positivity, representation, and other social issues - not a bad concept at all, but it is also clear they have little interest in world building, the war going on, actually showing the effects of that war on the regular people (something the original show did often), their world feels so empty everywhere they go is devoid of life and people, it never feels like a war is really going on because the actual conflict is secondary to the characters and their personal issues. This makes the show feel unbalanced and the tone is often off to the situation they are supposed to be facing... my major issues with the show stem from this, it doesn't feel like a real world at war with an all powerful evil force trying to dominate/control the planet. It wants us to like the enemies, or at least some of them and spend more time on each characters feelings than fighting a war with real stakes.
    ... but if they had instead done their own version of a magical girl show, like sailor moon it would have solved a lot of these problems. They are modern girls and boys (so vernacular and teenage attitudes would be fine) who are born with or given special powers to fight a mysterious evil that threatens their city/planet... but the world at large is pretty oblivious to the threat because they always manage to fight it off, so no need to do too much world building, they live in a world much like ours and can do normal things in their 'off' time. The kids can be chosen from all demographics within the city, covering all they various issues the creators want to tackle and be of various conflicting personalities types - this would creates the dynamics that the writers want to deal with as our teens eventually have to learn to trust and work together for the final battle to defeat their common enemy. Keep these characters and change the setting, I think it would work much better! IMHO.

    • @AlgaeNymph
      @AlgaeNymph 5 років тому +8

      ...You _sure_ you want them to touch Sailor Moon?

    • @Dave102693
      @Dave102693 3 роки тому +1


    • @Dave102693
      @Dave102693 3 роки тому +4

      @@AlgaeNymph the fuck no!

    • @AlgaeNymph
      @AlgaeNymph 11 місяців тому +1

      @@northproductions6104 Hm?
      "but if they had instead done their own version of a magical girl show, like sailor moon it would have solved a lot of these problems." That's from the start of the 2nd (admittedly wall-of-text) paragraph.

  • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
    @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +81

    The reason they flip flop is because they want to look like they're on the winning team rather than admit they were wrong in something they backed. There are moments in our lives where we've had shit like this happen to us, whether it was something we were REALLY hyped about being complete and utter shit you want to bash in with a bat (WiR 2) or something you thought was going to be complete shit because you're burned out at try-too-hard adaptations only to find its exactly what you crave (Mega Man Fully Charged) but as you said, seeing the media keep flip-flopping on this is INCREDIBLY frustrating, especially when there's no challenging in finding out WHY they do it. They always fucking do this when they think their horse is going to succeed without realizing that it's not just going to the glue's already glue at the starting line.
    They were being smug and condescending but as we've seen for ourselves, the show isn't drawing in the praise they wanted to wave around and Mattel seems to be ignoring it in wave of helping rebuild the ORIGINAL He-Man series to prepare it for the movies. They didn't even WAIT for the numbers to come in; they just acted as if they won before the race even began but as it's turning out, She-Ra is not the cash cow they hoped and they know they have to 'win back the audience' some way, even if their already tiny audience wants fuck all to do with them now. That's why I don't go to sites like this. They offer no actual information about the show and are just so nasty towards fans of said show they're reporting on. It's not like a critic who is WARNING an audience of a terrible movie or explaining why it's good. They're just going on the attack of fans and explaining NOTHING of the show they're supposed to be reporting on. A real journalist, reporter and critic wouldn't do this because that's not the view or position they're supposed to be writing for. They're all bloggers and bloggers write about THEMSELVES.
    I never thought I would live in an era where old reporting actually had a longer and more esteemed history than digital reporting. It took DECADES for newpapers to start folding but what is this? 20 years of 'digital news' and already we're seeing fronts starting to be downsized and shut? Maybe that's because ya hired people who are too concerned with talking about themselves in the god damn 'geek report' than the thing people actually have an interest in?
    Oh, and hiring high school and college kids who's only writing comes from Tumblr for 'experience non-paid internships'. That could also be apart of it.

    • @mitchfletcher2386
      @mitchfletcher2386 5 років тому

      Why exactly did you consider Wreck-it Ralph 2 to be a disappointment?

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +6

      Long story short since I've said it so many times, WiR 2 essentially erases characters, plot points and rules established and set up in the first just to give Vanellope everything she wants without her deserving it or earning it. It's more or less a super expensive fan fiction where Vanellope wins everything else, is the most powerful at everything, everyone loves her and all the other characters are pushed to the side, humiliated and worthless.

    • @Hodaris_Darlin
      @Hodaris_Darlin 5 років тому +6

      Super Cosmic Mutant Honey Candle Squid So, in other words, they Mary Sue-d her up the wazoo. Are they sure it's called Wreck it Ralph? Or is it Win it Venellope?

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +3

      YUUUP. The movie might as well just be called 'Vanellope Victory' since everything is just focused on her being perfect and annoying.

  • @TheChocoboKid
    @TheChocoboKid 5 років тому +48

    Of course Bo's voice actor likes the new one over the classic. It just looks like him. It's like Noelle had no design for Bo and just made it look like voice actor in the show.

  • @lucapeyrefitte6899
    @lucapeyrefitte6899 5 років тому +49

    I feel like they didn't watch the power of grayskull documentary on Netflix because that made me cry till the end more than any sappy movie. I hate the reboot and totally appreciate the original for what they were given, plus all that hard work/dedication should make any woman or man cry cuz it made this woman cry pretty hard.

  • @MaverickhunterXZero
    @MaverickhunterXZero 5 років тому +98

    Clownfish TV made a good video about this. They showed that a lot of the companies and outlets are related, so they can use them to shill a product. This is them just running damage control to get back into the good graces with scorned fans. It's not genuine, it's just them not wanting to admit they backed the wrong horse and made to shill for it.

    • @Dave102693
      @Dave102693 3 роки тому

      Both DreamWorks and SyFy are owned by UniversalNBC.

  • @Lone432345
    @Lone432345 5 років тому +130

    You know as a 6 year old boy. I wasn't all that attracted to she-ra. But i also didn't know all the function of the human body yet, either. You know nobody talks about the evil of the female gaze. Like if He-man was a real dude. That somehow women would not be checking him out. I mean come on.

    • @Raximus3000
      @Raximus3000 5 років тому +32

      The female characters from She-Ra definately checked him out, lol.

    • @justphil84
      @justphil84 5 років тому +12

      Raximus3000 def. Frosta says hi. Lol

    • @mitchfletcher2386
      @mitchfletcher2386 5 років тому +6

      @@justphil84 Hehehe.

    • @Hodaris_Darlin
      @Hodaris_Darlin 5 років тому +6

      Lone Star Right, it's the good old double standards routine.

    • @handsanitizer2457
      @handsanitizer2457 5 років тому +2

      @@Raximus3000 aren't they twins?

  • @queendsheena1
    @queendsheena1 5 років тому +58

    Thanks for posting. I'm glad the article gave creators of the original She-Ra their just due. While I agree that Netflix's She-Ra is more diverse, that doesn't automatically make the original version trash. Generations have always changed with media.
    Anyway, would you guys consider doing a review or episode by episode coverage of the new Carmen Sandiego series? I really liked how Vile worked and that there were consequences for those who got caught by the law enforcement.

  • @miriel7662
    @miriel7662 5 років тому +37

    The only thing I can hope for, is that the show flops so badly there won't be a third season. And then, in a few years, someone will reboot She-Ra in a way that honours the original.

    • @boshwa20
      @boshwa20 5 років тому +1

      So they should turn She-Ra back into a shameless toy commercial?

    • @noodle8259
      @noodle8259 5 років тому +7

      @@boshwa20 Oh no, here we go again. Why do reboot fans even come to videos that critique the show if all they are going to do is hurl insults? I don't know man, whatever floats your boat I guess.

    • @boshwa20
      @boshwa20 5 років тому +2

      @@noodle8259 I don't even watch the reboot. Just a couple of clips, but otherwise not interested.
      It's just surprising how many people think the original She-Ra is some kind of sleeper hit when it was basically He-Man but with boobs with enough budget to reuse animation

  • @industrialholywater
    @industrialholywater 5 років тому +32

    I honestly hate how supposedly its only "straight white men" who hate the show bc she ra isn't sexy no! Im a 15 teen year old female latino who doesn't really like the show. Im not just gonna watch your show just because you made Glimmer a darker shade or Bow black or She-ra/Adora manly. I grew up watching the og She-ra bc i lived with my grandparents and all we had were VHS and i love she ra and the princesses bc they were so kind yet strong, of course i couldn't relate to her but i wanted to be someone like she ra when i got older. I remember being excited to watch it again when we finally upgraded to netflix but...this reboot is they really didn't have any respect for she ra. None. Its really pathetic.

  • @lavenderplace8591
    @lavenderplace8591 5 років тому +41

    Original She-Ra in the thumbnail seem rather agitated. Not that I blame her...

  • @egregiousprevaricator8659
    @egregiousprevaricator8659 5 років тому +34

    Yeah, it's too late to say sorry. And they're just a bunch of liers and nothing else...

  • @Slitheringpeanut
    @Slitheringpeanut 5 років тому +91

    So, the 'fans' and creators of Nu Ra, accused men of wanting to 'fap' to old She-Ra, as if somehow, finding a grown woman in a mini dress attractive was somehow wrong. But the sexual fan art of Nu Ra all depict Adora, Catra and the rest as teens and younger.
    Who exactly is sexualizing children again? And that's making a massive assumption that all the Old She-Ra fans were lonely men/boys in the first place.

    • @JamesJones-zt2yx
      @JamesJones-zt2yx 5 років тому +26

      It is rather odd how original She-Ra is called sexualized while new She-Ra's tiny pseudo-skirt seems to always frame her crotch.

    • @ninneplug
      @ninneplug 5 років тому +34

      Yeah, that's a good point: they pretty much flooded the internet with NSFW fan-art of "Catadora" after the show came out, both of which are clearly depicted as teenagers (and not only that but it's actually a pretty unhealthy relationship, as M&J have pointed out repeatedly), but that's apparently fine and nowhere near as creepy or sad as *POSSIBLY* being attracted to a depiction of an adult female with a nice figure.

    • @KuatPronunciations1860
      @KuatPronunciations1860 5 років тому +19

      I would not be surprised if the male fans are blamed for the NSFW, the show itself has never sexualized anyone else they treat the images of the rule34 as if the creators were guilty of the internet to exist.

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +16

      You're dealing with people who are triggered at the thought of men enjoying themselves without them. It's not that hard to figure out why they get upset over grown men liking a GROWN WOMAN.

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +12

      They're upset because are attracted to Adora's 'figure' and not theirs.
      Maybe one day they'll find out its their shit attitude that's driving EVERYONE away.

  • @WarsunGames
    @WarsunGames 5 років тому +17

    2:32 This is the most important part to me. An no. She-Ra was never sexy. Just feminine. At no point does she have her legs open inviting someone. Yet. Catra in the new series does it all the time.

  • @serenityjoy1872
    @serenityjoy1872 5 років тому +31

    This is way too little, too late. I can only hope that media & future show runners start learning from these mistakes and stop trashing past creators/fans to lift their projects up. It's such a turn-off to new projects.

  • @greenliongirl07
    @greenliongirl07 5 років тому +58

    I don't think this helps the case for new She-Ra. The new show clearly has a lot of issues, design and story wise. Ultimately, I don't think there was much quality control done. I've heard two stories on why this show got a season two: it was just part two of season one with a total of 26 episodes or Netflix already ordered the whole 52 episodes because it was DreamWorks. If either scenario is true, I think this is a poor business practice.The
    While no one can deny Voltron was popular at first, that series did struggle in later seasons. If New She-ra did struugle to get views, it makes it more likely that at least season 2 was already done when season 1 aired. Then again, the cast and crew of Voltron talked about their love of the original series openingly, even getting Netflix to put classic Voltron episodes up for a while. At the time of launch, the original He-Man and original She-Ra series were still on Netflix yet the cast and crew of new She-Ra was throwing it under the bus. Overall it feels like they really didn't know much about the original series, much less have seen it, including the show runner.
    I don't think there really is a good reason (at least for me) to bother with season 2 or subsequent seasons after seeing what "great" looked like in season 1. At a certain point you have to ask yourself are you watching it for enjoyment? or because you want prove you're not sexist, racist or whatever other insult they can throw? Or because you want to see how bad it gets? If they have pull cards to get viewers and down talk the original, it shows a lack of confidence in their own product. Blocking all criticism or dismissing it as hate is not something artist should do. One issue I had was with lack of details and shading prior to the shows release, but it was treated as either it was "the bad 80's style no one wants" or "it's the art style." Admittedly I have used the latter in my own work when someone told me to try not to outline in brush pens because of the harsh line, but it was for the art in my art journal and I like using them because it makes it easy to erase construction lines. If it was for a published piece, I might not use my brush pens because of that suggestion depending on the piece.

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +13

      Most animated shows in the West already have two seasons completed when the show airs in order to have a safety-net of sorts to complete a third should it get renewed. Any news that is brought to sites about a series getting a second season is done in order to keep fans excited and waiting for the series to continue as it's the 3rd season shows have to fight for. She-Ra seems to be a combination of the two points that you mentioned. It was already given the greenlight for another season but at the same time they just stretched out all the stories that should have been contained for season 1 into season 2 as well which explains why the pacing of the series is so slow and painful.

    • @miriel7662
      @miriel7662 5 років тому +11

      Noelle Stevenson admitted she has never watched the original show.

    • @gtf234
      @gtf234 5 років тому +11

      Voltron's problems in later seasons had more to do with executive meddling and the creative team kind of winging it too much by the time they got there- orders from up on high mandated they abort some major intended plot beats that rippled across the rest of the entire scenario- the biggest being Shiro was supposed to actually die. To compare his Go-Lion counterpart, Takashi Shirogane, died in the 6th episode; and Shiro was intended to to die as well. But Dreamworks ordered they keep in him in the show because as they correctly suspected he was going to be overwhelmingly the most popular and merch moving character. But that creates a 6th wheel in the cast for just about everything and they were not going to be able to rewrite and rework the entire scenario and script; a lot of the weird parts of the later seasons is them struggling to adapt to having to an extra character to keep relevant because they originally had no plan for him to still be alive this far in. Like an entire season where Keith just leaves the plot- that was to get the headcount back down, and Shiro was then pasted over where Keith originally would have been (which is why Shiro's body language is just wrong the entire season); it's janky but let them keep the bulk of their plan with only needing a minimal amount of extra episodes to get things relatively back in order.
      But all the problems aside, you can tell they cared about the IP going into it. They said they wanted to create the Voltron they remembered, not the Voltron they actually watched; and I would argue that is the correct mindset to have when doing a nostalgia-driven reboot. Keep the things you remembered being good, discard what didn't work, retain the aspects and imagery that are effectively sacred, and play around with everything else as needed. She-Ra did not have this sort of affection from its team, who all boasted how they never actually watched the original and promoted themselves by mocking it.

    • @greenliongirl07
      @greenliongirl07 5 років тому +13

      @@miriel7662 I know. She just played with the toys. I read one article that said her lack of familiarity with the original gave her creative freedom; that just confirms she never had any intention of making a She-Ra reboot, but her own show and the only way she got it green lit was disguising it as a reboot. I know I've heard stories both ways that she came to them and they came to her, but at this point we'll never know for sure what happened.

  • @roarkthehalf-orc6598
    @roarkthehalf-orc6598 5 років тому +11

    Gotta love it when douchebags strawman others criticism in order to sound better and more justified. It's funny because I confronted a friend who's a super SJW type who's all "listen and believe women no matter what" and he was perpetuating the lie that the criticism was because they're not sexy enough (when in reality was because they were too ugly or masculine). I showed him several tweets from women saying they didn't like how the show looked and he doubled down and said "well those aren't real women." Love the hypocrisy from these people.

  • @slicerneons3300
    @slicerneons3300 5 років тому +60

    My guess is this article was in response to orders from on high to try and heal the fan backlash over this terrible behavior by the media. Doesn't take a genius to know insulting your support base will have dire consequences.

    • @MasticinaAkicta
      @MasticinaAkicta 5 років тому +9

      You'll see it a lot more snubbing people will turn them against your product. And that means less sales, less support, just look at what happened to Starwars.

    • @slicerneons3300
      @slicerneons3300 5 років тому

      @MST3K Light Hope Hey my Chatty Angelic Soul Sister! Prep for Season 2 of Misery She Ra Theatre 3,000 well under way?

  • @Frostyviewer
    @Frostyviewer 5 років тому +12

    The internet never forgets, never forgives

  • @mitchfletcher2386
    @mitchfletcher2386 5 років тому +9

    They call it support, I call it "ass-kissing".

  • @leucetios
    @leucetios 5 років тому +37

    of course this is just them BSing respect to the old fan base with there money in hopes they will forgive and come back to buy there merch sense syfy here is owned by the same people that owns dreamworks now

    • @SoramimiKeiki
      @SoramimiKeiki 5 років тому +6

      I wouldn't want to wipe my ass with new She-Ra merch or DVDs.

    • @Hodaris_Darlin
      @Hodaris_Darlin 5 років тому

      Leucetios They must think we're stupid or something. 😏

  • @jasperspearl2768
    @jasperspearl2768 5 років тому +24

    I never saw She-Ra until the reboot happened. I gave the original a try, and I loved the story. Sure it's wierd they all wore booty shorts but really who cares?

    • @northproductions6104
      @northproductions6104 10 місяців тому

      Why is it weird. Both She-Ra and He-Man take place in an alien world. Who cares

  • @genebaker511
    @genebaker511 5 років тому +14

    The only way they can achieve success is to shame the ones that came before.

  • @evilworld3147
    @evilworld3147 5 років тому +30

    If Clownfish theory correct they already made season 2 before season one was release. (Aka they just slash half of season oneade the other half of season 2) make no room of improving their work. Chance are season 2 will probably be like season 1.

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +11

      Yes, that's how it is in Western animation now. Series usually get two seasons right off the back to keep fans occupied and interested for the chance of a third season to be greenlit. When you see 'news' of series getting a second season, especially SUPER EARLY ON it's only done to keep fans excited.

    • @evilworld3147
      @evilworld3147 5 років тому +4

      @@SuperCosmicMutantSquid that would work if done right. In case with She-Ra Reboot I highly doubt it would. I think only people that would watch show are the Tumbler crowds and people seem to like the show and come back when season two release believing they improved on the story. And the reviewer. Probably should add people with nostalgic blindness.

    • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
      @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 5 років тому +11

      By this point, the nostalgia has worn WAY off, especially when they started saying that older (male) fans were sex perverts for prefering an ADULT She-Ra over the pre-teen we've gotten. (Because adults being sexually attracted to other adults is bad, mkay?)
      And given that Noelle is just another Tumblr hire and most of her popularity came from Tumblr to begin with, it's not at all surprising that Tumblr would be the main source of attention the show gets but I think one thing that people tend to forget is that while Tumblr is LOUD, it's not as big as they think they are, especially after the purge. That's why people warn others on seeing Tumblr as a market because it's a tiny market. WiR 2 learned that the hard way when they ditched the older fans for catering to the Tumblr/BuzzFeed crowd and the return was LESS than the original, even when adjusted for different prices between 2012 and 2018.
      As I said, they keep bring in people who don't know how to market and advertise and assume that their small base can make up for the people they tell to fuck off. It can't. We're seeing that with comics and it was happening with games. You don't tell your core demo to fuck off and try to replace it with a market that won't purchase the products or in the case of She-Ra, just pirate the episode on Kimcartoon for free.

    • @gtf234
      @gtf234 5 років тому +6

      It's not exactly a theory, it's how Netflix operates- they bought a definite number of episodes already that have been divided into "seasons". Production began knowing they had more than the 13 episodes we already have. NOW is the time where they're going to have to fight via ratings and viewership to get more though.

    • @Cartoonist8000
      @Cartoonist8000 5 років тому +1

      Super Cosmic Mutant Honey Candle Squid Didn’t Noelle get her start with Disney?

  • @chasformer3091
    @chasformer3091 5 років тому +61

    What is it with SJWs attacking old 80s cartoons?

    • @wildsharday9652
      @wildsharday9652 5 років тому +19

      It the same reason as punishing a child, the minute you don't given them what they want, they start acting like a baby and make you seem like the bad guy of the group.

    • @Grim2
      @Grim2 5 років тому +11

      Because theyr'e servants of corporations. They serve to suppress any sort of critical thought so the corporations would be able to do things in any manner they desire.

    • @KuatPronunciations1860
      @KuatPronunciations1860 5 років тому +5

      I still have hope for a reboot of Captain Planet, but it is better for the media to learn to respect the classics first.

    • @Hodaris_Darlin
      @Hodaris_Darlin 5 років тому +5

      Chasformer They're jealous that they didn't have the awesome 80s childhoods we had.

    • @FallenSnowWolf
      @FallenSnowWolf 5 років тому +4

      Because it is easier to take something that is well loved and paste over it with some shotty animation, poor writing and 2D characters.

  • @darkstarjohnson9573
    @darkstarjohnson9573 5 років тому +66

    The reboot still sucks tho. Plus the damage is still done cause you know what they say: THE INTERNET NEVER FORGETS

    • @darkstarjohnson9573
      @darkstarjohnson9573 5 років тому +2

      @@casscarranza5032 That's you're opinion. Let's keep it as simple as that.

    • @noodle8259
      @noodle8259 5 років тому +2

      @@darkstarjohnson9573 A respectable conclusion, even if I have nothing good to say about the show lmao

  • @Nexsusthepro
    @Nexsusthepro 5 років тому +13

    I've only vaguely heard/seen he man from family guy references-but the Netflix she da was an okay binge- and I stumbled upon these informative critiques! Looking forward to more! M&J

  • @BlaquePauldron
    @BlaquePauldron 5 років тому +7

    This needs more views!!
    I had to educate so many people about the original when new She-ra came out.

  • @laughingfox1606
    @laughingfox1606 5 років тому +30

    I belive she-ra and he-man are actually adults, but adam and adora are teenagers

    • @tochiokeke5478
      @tochiokeke5478 5 років тому +8

      Yeah kinda like Captain Marvel (or Shazam depending on what you call him)

    • @Hodaris_Darlin
      @Hodaris_Darlin 5 років тому +11

      Yuki Shepard They were 19 in the original; fully grown adults.

    • @FallenSnowWolf
      @FallenSnowWolf 5 років тому +5

      They were 19 in in the original, but the 2002 reboot of He-Man made Adam and Tila 16/17 with He-Man Dolph Lundgren.

  • @lavenderplace8591
    @lavenderplace8591 5 років тому +35

    I heard that from Clownfish TV

  • @owenwildish331
    @owenwildish331 5 років тому +9

    There's one good thing about reboots to some degree unless it's something truly (worst-of-the-worse) terrible, is that you have something to compare and when a good showrunner comes along they could look at what worked and didn't work in both shows, then try to make something hopefully good that respects the original and the fans of both shows (having trouble putting my thoughts down properly)...

  • @leptoceratops
    @leptoceratops 3 роки тому +6

    The creators of the new She-Ra and the media promoting it pat themselves on the back all day long about how great they are at female representation, while erasing ALL the women who have taken issue with the "reboot" (sensing the contempt it has for the source material) and pretending it's only sleazy men who could have a problem with it.

  • @JolietJakeBlues6
    @JolietJakeBlues6 5 років тому +6

    You guys should watch a clever show on Netflix called "The Toys That Made Us." There's one episode all about the creators of He-Man, and of course that involved the creation of She-Ra. Very interesting, entertaining, and funny. The original designer of Skeletor was particularly interesting, and creepy.

  • @trishachaudhuri3877
    @trishachaudhuri3877 3 роки тому +4

    I'm re-watching this but an idea came to me: wouldn't the people who were giving the original series grief realise that 2018 She-Ra will likely to also be hated for being old and therefore not up-to-date for a certain standard in the future by other people who aren't born yet since that's the logic they're (the complainers now) are using for their arguments?
    I get that the series is old but everything that is now new will become old due to time running the way it is, as well as standards changing because humanity in general doesn't like staying static if it can help it.

  • @SilverSpectre90
    @SilverSpectre90 5 років тому +8

    Hypocrasy, civilazation's greatest virtue.
    Michael De Santa - GTAV, 2013

  • @Dave102693
    @Dave102693 3 роки тому +4

    This reminds me of the Charmed reboot. The whole crew for that show did the same thing, and still are.

  • @Grim2
    @Grim2 5 років тому +6

    4:41 - Eh? Eternia was created by DC comics. Just Etheria was created by Filmation.

  • @mk_wizard
    @mk_wizard 4 роки тому +5

    I think this is why people should always do research before making accusations. Plus, not liking something is NEVER a personal attack. If it's just a cartoon, what's the big deal if people don't like or don't like the character designs? It's like not liking an ice cream flavor or a piece of clothing. You can't please everyone and that's ok. It's not a reflection of your worth or their character. And frankly, I always found counter-backlash to be childish. Even if people are complaining for the wrong reasons, let them. Be the bigger person and do something productive with your time.

  • @BrandonRaske
    @BrandonRaske 4 роки тому +3

    the original was good cause of storylines and it had a plot to follow

  • @FallenSnowWolf
    @FallenSnowWolf 5 років тому +3

    Beastman "She fainted"
    Skeletor "HA just like a woman..."

  • @savannasmokes6452
    @savannasmokes6452 5 місяців тому +2

    The 80s version may have been cheesy and it may have been a cashgrab of a cashgrab, but at least it didn’t portray an abusive relationship as a good thing.

  • @akanesaotome5924
    @akanesaotome5924 5 років тому +3

    I have to say, I like new She-ra, but I never really had a chance to watch original, even as a kid. It just didn't air on TV in my country when I was a kid . New show make me want to watch it a bit, but it was so much backlash to it calling it (in the nice case) boring show for little girls, no better than things like care bears. It's interesting to see point of view of people who are fans of old She-ra, even if I don't always agree about your criticism. But I must say, I can't imagine why people who made this show dislike original so much. Ducktales 2017 is completely different from original show and it's bothers me sometimes as a fan of ducks comics (not that og DT was faithful to it all the time) but I can see how much they love those characters. MLP:FIM was also made by a crew that loved old MLP, even if they mocked gen 3 once, they still included ponies from other generations. No one should just throw away and disrespect old fans just because its new idea and interpretation.

  • @carlacarrero4975
    @carlacarrero4975 5 років тому +5

    Just you wait i bet theyll bash johnny bravo for some stupid reason just you wait they will contaminante that show

  • @vermis8344
    @vermis8344 5 років тому +3

    A good review of the situation, thank you.

  • @lastminutewonder9602
    @lastminutewonder9602 2 роки тому +1

    Personally i like the camp ☺ it is nice to have a break from the gritty existential cris in a lot of shows. Some times after a hard day u just want a good time with a sold moral.

  • @castlevaniaskeletor5598
    @castlevaniaskeletor5598 5 років тому +4

    I absolutely hate the new She Ra. The originals are the best and always will be.

  • @pockygal18
    @pockygal18 5 років тому +4

    They needed the old fans views eh? (' - ' )

  • @C_Cheezz
    @C_Cheezz 5 років тому +2

    I wish you two could interview the cast and crew of the Netflix She-Re.

  • @rayvenkman2087
    @rayvenkman2087 5 років тому +1

    Media, don't expect the internet to forget what you did before. They always do and it's obvious to everyone that you're doing this to save face.

  • @Nr4747
    @Nr4747 5 років тому +3

    Sorry, M and J, but I regretfully have to inform you that liking the original She-Ra and/or disliking the reboot automatically makes you bigotted perverts !
    Oh wait, lucky you - I just got an update that informs me that the original She-Ra was actually great and people who liked that show are awesome, open-minded and not, in fact, perverts, my bad !

  • @vicbaez
    @vicbaez 5 років тому +8

    You know, this is the first negative review of the show that I have seen that I agreed with. Maybe your points are the sames other commentators have said before, but because you focused on "the mistakes made by a animation production" and not "the culture war against sjws who want to hypnotize our kids to become transgender" it was easier to take you seriously. I don't have an emotional attachment to any incarnation of the show. I know that both shows had different challenges while being in developement at different eras on the industry. But maybe it was the fact that the first rows videos I saw about the topic ware about people complaining they made her into "a trap" (including a video from a guy who admired that he didn't watched the original show) made it easier for me to dismiss most complaints, specially those that seemed to be entirely based on politics. In regards is that particular can of worms, I always saw the new desing as a younger preteen version of her, so that's why the transgender allegations seemed particularly silly. Now, course the show can have issues, any show can. Reboots have a long history of being both good and bad. But until now the discussions seemed to be less about the actual show and more about the politics around it. So I didn't even bothered to see it to try and keep away from it. I had enough of that shit after the last Jedi.

  • @LadyBelleslettres
    @LadyBelleslettres 5 років тому +3

    I haven't watched She-ra yet, but my parents watched the original 80's show when they were kids. Even though the character designs are pretty good, I have to say that I'm not a fan of the anime-like art style of the reboot. I know that the original characters look similar to each other and had 'swim-suit models' body shapes, but I really do like the mature art style of the original show. The reboot looks a bit too kiddy for me. I think it would've worked with a show like Sailor Moon, but not She-ra.

  • @IKnowThatFeelBr0
    @IKnowThatFeelBr0 5 років тому +6

    Eh, I liked old She ra, but I also like new She ra. As a separate one.
    Though to be honest I liked He man better.

  • @psychicflora
    @psychicflora 5 років тому +1

    Like me with Kirito from SAO, after the season without him lol

  • @Alina_Schmidt
    @Alina_Schmidt 3 роки тому +2

    Stevenson said the reactions to the show were positive... and therefore she blocks out criticism? But what kind of criticism comes from where? And what people think of as criticism will also influence the answer. Having a positive memory of the responses doesn‘t necessarily mean that you never listened to criticism. If they had not at all this wouldn‘t even have been produced.
    The example of criticism you give (9:26) is about the characters being more masculine so femininity appears to be lesser. Of course this is a valid concern, I just do not see how the characters (some, most of them or all?) were not feminine in the reboot. What would be examples? What is seen as feminine attributes for that matter?

  • @calvinfoo
    @calvinfoo 5 років тому +2

    reboot are plain stupid. They have no clue as they never watch it.
    So far I never seen any reboot did a good job.

  • @lukevankleef4245
    @lukevankleef4245 4 роки тому +3

    Ironically, I'm drawing Reboot She-Ra fan art right now. I don't even know why I'm so obsessed with this show at this point since the writing is shit and the crew is disrespectful. I guess it's because I'm the only non-fan who actually likes the new designs.

  • @xSoporific1
    @xSoporific1 5 років тому +1


  • @calvinfoo
    @calvinfoo 5 років тому +2

    They are crazy. The original always a classic and well polished, nobody watch She-Ra because she is charming and nobody watch it and think about sex.
    The reboot are just horrible. The charm is just not there and the art are badly designed and unpolished.

  • @YeagerBomb-ww3bn
    @YeagerBomb-ww3bn 5 років тому +6

    Go woke, go broke.

  • @s3studios597
    @s3studios597 5 років тому +1

    Clownfish TV actually did a whole video about the original She-Ra. I don't exactly remember the original to any notable degree and especially considering my current tastes, I'd likely have a very hard time watching it, but I gotta say I respect what those people did and seeing these ass clowns try to throw them under the bus as well as spreading misinformation just to push shitty narratives and prop up their shit is just disgusting.

  • @annettemader5436
    @annettemader5436 5 років тому

    Für reboot is shallow with its characters!

  • @gone5815
    @gone5815 5 років тому

    Reboots always suck ass

  • @piecookies3488
    @piecookies3488 5 років тому +1

    Ok I watched a lot of Heman and Shera as a child. I was also so happy at the idea of a shera reboot as it was a favorite of mine. I loved having a female cast and I wanted to see how they could farther expand the story and ideas from the original since they didn’t have a high budget. I was overall really happy with the new show it wasn’t the original but it took character concepts and story into such a fun direction and I enjoyed it. I get that it’s got faults but i would like to say I don’t care its a tv show for children and why be a critic when u can enjoy a solid show. It brought back a ton of nostalgia for me with out me hating it for being different it’s a remake done right. Not because they made it more diverse or because social justice bs, but because the show expanded on the world and made an awesome story for us to enjoy even tho it’s got plenty of faults 😊

  • @MewDenise
    @MewDenise 5 років тому

    Then let me say it... they weren't good. Stop lying to yourself