  • Опубліковано 25 кві 2024
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  • @jackchop1576
    @jackchop1576 2 місяці тому +15

    My friends in the past who were terrible were the "I stay out of drama because I'm friends with everybody" people who'd do/say nothing about their other friends bullying me yet came for me the moment I matched their energy.

  • @willowleahy6491
    @willowleahy6491 Місяць тому +3

    I was there for this poly couple when one of the three died, it was during surgery. I help for two years pack up their hoarders house, I went to see them every week to every other week. We gave each other cash back and forth and though I always paid back and helped out, Trish always seemed to act like I was around them for their money. Danny was the flakest person to be around, and that was fine for the little stuff like meeting up.
    Then my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. I needed support from my friends, this was life shattering. My friend Danny said he would come and see me then would flake, not call for day and then not even apologize for it afterwards. The third time Danny did this to me, my wife was at her port surgery for her chemo port....
    I was wrecked, completely. I had been there for them in their time of need but when I needed support and help, I got shunned and ghost without a word. So I blocked them and just moved on.
    I think about how my wife's fight was for a year and a half, tbh it not quite over yet, and to have someone that flakey while I was going through all that would have probably killed me.

  • @bobdabldr323
    @bobdabldr323 2 місяці тому +10

    The first one you were never friends with

  • @myeternalteardrop
    @myeternalteardrop 2 місяці тому +7

    Not a friend but my sister. When I moved here, I hadn't seen her in person for about 10 years. We had stayed in communication however we could up until then, but I had not actually seen her in a decade. The year I moved here, Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp had come out and I managed to get my hands on a copy. We made plans to watch it together. Got 15 minutes in when her friend of 3 or 4 years called her to hang out. She asked if it was okay, and I told her it was but deep down I was hurt. She had at least 3 years of hanging out with her friend but couldn't give her own brother, whom she hadn't seen in a decade, 90 minutes of her time. I learned that day that me and her mom would always come second to her friends.
    Despite this story, my sister is not a horrible person at heart. She's actually one of the sweetest and kindest people you could ever hope to meet. She just has super fucked up priorities and a need to please her loser, scumbag friends, and I mean these people are as scummy as they come and regularly use and abuse her, which she is well aware of as I point it out to her at every turn, she just has no backbone to call them on it and that's why they keep her around. They can mistreat her and know for a fact that she won't do a thing about it. Anytime she does end up cutting someone off, it's short-lived and eventually she rekindles the friendship. I've talked to her quite a few times, but it made no difference. It is what it is, I guess.

    • @bluewavesdave
      @bluewavesdave 2 місяці тому

      So you are blaming the friends for her bad behavior? No this is 100% on her and you need to take it for what it is.

  • @fakelandtommy4471
    @fakelandtommy4471 2 місяці тому +11

    I asked my best friend for a hug about a month before my mom died of everywhere cancer. He told me that that was the actions of a rapist. He called me a rapist because I asked for a little support during a very hard time.

    • @elleumm
      @elleumm 2 місяці тому +3

      No, that is a *wild* thing to say. What? WHY?! Where tf did that even come from, like was there a prior conversation or something about that person that made any sense of him saying that? Because that’s just… what the hell. Also, I’m really sorry about your mom. I can’t even imagine how hard that must have been.

    • @bobdabldr323
      @bobdabldr323 2 місяці тому

      Either this is fake or a horrible Friend

    • @Allantitan
      @Allantitan 2 місяці тому +1

      @@elleummyeah no I’m struggling on figuring out how he made the connection between “I need a hug cause my mom’s dying” and his “friend” being a “rapist” and now my head hurt’s trying to do those mental gymnastics

  • @iononcantomascrivo
    @iononcantomascrivo 2 місяці тому +1

    I have a story. I knew a lady who was quite a bit older than me. 18 years older, had two kids and was on her second marriage. Let's call her Sally. She came off as fun, happy go lucky, outgoing and generally pleasant. It should come as no surprise whatsoever, this was all an act. She was what we now refer to as the stereotypical Karen: huge opinion of herself, even more huge fragile ego, no respect for boundaries, zero regard for the word no being a complete sentence and nothing resembling a sense of accountability. It wasn't until I saw how she reacted to the most inconsequential, minor inconveniences and flipped out like her life was over. Another red flag was how readily she talked crap about anyone and everyone, including suppose that other close friends. Then it all started to add up: she had no long-lasting relationships with anyone, not even immediate or extended family, she was on the outs with her then supposed “best friend” and I was the replacement friend. The friend that was getting ready to cut her off had warned me about what kind of person Sally really is. Naturally, me being the young naive 20-something that I was, didn't believe it. After all, she had presented this false image, this charade to me and I fell for it hook, line & sinker. Then I saw how truly wretched she was when she would say the most racist, homophobic, xenophobic, ableist (you name it) things and hide behind the justification that she had a right to an opinion as well as free speech. The harsh realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn't know this woman at all I fell for a facade that didn't exist. All the quiet moments where we supposedly bonded over our own vulnerabilities and shared things in confidence was just her filing away as ammunition to emotionally blackmail me. It also was terribly hurtful that she was clearly saying equally bad, if not worse, things about me. This went far beyond venting about petty differences or squabbles. She had actively engaged in defamation of character against me both in written and verbal form. She adamantly refused to accept that saying things about people online could be a chargeable offense. Then, one day, Sally called me up flipping out about how she had been named in a libel suit as well as everyone else in the comments thread who was trash talking someone else's daughter. This girl happened to be the girlfriend of a mutual friend's son. Sally, who was perpetually broke, but always somehow found money to get her hair done, her nails done, have a full pack of cigarettes and booze in the fridge, was crapping herself at the prospect of having to get a lawyer to defend her in court. I took her to task and reminded her that she said she was going to start minding her own business and keeping her nose clean. She refused to acknowledge that I threw her words back in her face. I wouldn't let it go. Finally, she huffed and admitted that she remembered what she had said. she claimed she had learned her lesson and would be on the straight and narrow from then on out. I told her I didn't believe her and that the next time she found herself in a predicament I would remind her that she promised to do better but failed. Who do you thinks she focused her vitriol on next? Me. Since I had seen through her victimhood routine a long time ago, I used everything I had to let her know that I was done with her in every way, shape and form. She was dead silent as I took her to task on everything. Under the threat that I would sue her for slander, libel, defamation of character and harassment, she left me alone. In reality, all of those crimes are very hard to prove and I knew, even if I did win, Sally was so broke she couldn't even afford to pay attention. Even with a court order, the possibility of her paying up was not very likely. Defeated, Sally crawled back into the circle of hell from which she had emerged and I never heard from her again.

  • @KarmaTube5
    @KarmaTube5 28 днів тому

    First story: those were never friends just monsters that were clearly jealous.

  • @lonerkyle02
    @lonerkyle02 2 місяці тому +9

    I was the worker bee in my party of friends. Had a car, job, morals, and sense of order to my life for a 23 year old. the rest of the group were always unemployed, living on disability, too spiteful to be around people for long but unhappily single, and just generally lazy. I was always envious of two of them because they were charismatic and drew people to them like moths to a fire. Later on in life I realized they just weren’t good influences, especially when I found one of them dated people who were a little too young, like under 18 too young.

  • @PrincessQ-fj9ly
    @PrincessQ-fj9ly 2 місяці тому +10

    My heart breaks for the first OP. 💔 I just want to give her a hug. 😢 The third OP was lucky to be rid of a racist, entitled Karen. 😒 No shade to any nice ladies named Karen of course. And the ninth and tenth OPs were lucky to be rid of mean girls. The ninth OP in particular got the last laugh, seeing as she traded fake mean girl friends for some real friends. 😊❤ These stories particularly stood out to me, but all of today's stories make me glad these A-holes are not my friends. I'd have to watch my back.

    • @Basketball069
      @Basketball069 2 місяці тому +1

      That was a sad one, especially when she said her mom would’ve blamed her.

  • @scrappypirate2268
    @scrappypirate2268 26 днів тому

    About 5 years ago I was part of a circus crew who performed with fire for local festivals and fairs. I had just recently moved in with a childhood friend and another close friend in a house. One of my circus friends was on the brink of being homeless and we offered to have him, his dog and his girlfriend to move in with us. I personally vouched for him to the 2nd roommate. After 3 months the 2nd roommate moved out and directly in front of me the circus friend asked to buy some weed after not paying for bills I had to pick up the slack on so we still had power and internet. After saying "hey, you still owe me for the bills" he responded "I'll spend my money on whatever I fuck I want." and stormed off. We lost the house after another 2 months and I was forced to move back in with my parents. To this day they still owe me money. Fuck you Sebastian.

  • @armmagedonepox
    @armmagedonepox 2 місяці тому

    I’m in the process of cutting out an extremely disgusting toxic woman (10 years older than me) who cut our friendship off the first time over a mistake I made involving cake (I never should’ve accepted her apology after that, seeing how she is now. That was a red flag).
    She is racist towards my fiancé (he’s white, she’s black, I am biracial with both), makes fun of my appearance and my weight, and continuously keeps threatening my one-year-old son with violence.
    All because she is jealous of the fact that I am in a long-term relationship, about to be married, have the ability to have children (I’m about to confirm if I’m carrying baby # 2), lived on my own since I was 20, and held a government job right out of college for years before becoming a SAHM.
    Meanwhile, she’s never had a relationship that’s lasted more than a few months, gossips and complains about everything, just found out that she cannot have children, has been living at home with her mother for all 40 years of her life, and works in retail without ever moving on up to manager or anything higher than sales associate.
    Disclaimer: I am not calling myself better than her. I’m no basket of fruit either. I’m full of faults too, and didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. I had to work my ass off for what I have, just like everybody else. It doesn’t matter what your race is, where you come from, what you’re living or financial situation is, or whatever else. If I care about you and befriended you, I will never look down on your situation. I will be there to lift you up, no matter what. And I hope for the same.
    But if you’re the complete opposite to the point where you don’t appreciate any of that, and have no appreciation for the blessings you do have, and shit on those who try to show you love and compassion, I have no sympathy for you.
    Seeing how she has acted since finding out I was pregnant with my first child and found out I was now engaged to the baby’s father and love of my life (we were best friends and in love for 5 years before becoming parents), this has led me and the rest of my family to believe this is pure jealousy and hatred, based on the pattern of behaviour over the course of the 9 years.
    I don’t want this lady in my house ever again, and my fiancé and I don’t want her anywhere near our children. I hope she eats at someone else’s table. Just not mine.

  • @nicholasnguyen5181
    @nicholasnguyen5181 2 місяці тому

    Whenever my friends told me to not talk to them anymore. That’s all

  • @genesisknight9948
    @genesisknight9948 Місяць тому

    My friends in high school pretty much just loved to fuck with me. Prank calling me, taking my phone whenever I had to step away then pretend they didn't have it, had a whole bunch of nicknames for people they gossiped about (I even apparently had a nickname) but never clued me into who they were talking about so for all I knew they could have been gossiping about me to my face, and constantly getting together without inviting me (although to be fair I was isolating myself at the time so I probably wasn't seeming invite worthy anyways) teasing me whenever I didn't understand something and just overall making me feel more shitty then I already did.

  • @Wheresthepepsibismol
    @Wheresthepepsibismol 12 днів тому

    I realized my friends were horrible when they were cyberbullying and trolling innocent people im glad I dont have as much contact with them because I was bullied in high school by other jackasses who thought they were hot shit because of the pranks they pulled

  • @allforlove18
    @allforlove18 2 місяці тому

    I had a very close friend and I stayed friends with them because we had been friends for so long but it was a very rocky friendship. Like they used to come to my house for sleepovers and I would think that it was a great time but they used to call/text me afterwards to tell me anything I or anyone else did that made them uncomfortable or unhappy. Yes, I would 1000% never want anyone to feel negative after they were at my house and understand making sure the next visit felt safer but this ended up happening many times..
    I ended up developing extreme anxiety during their time with me and after they left. They would go home and I would go over the whole time they were with me and try to pinpoint all my mistakes...
    The good news is I'm not friends with them anymore

  • @magoo1717
    @magoo1717 Місяць тому

    So I had 2 friends that were co-worker. They tease me a lot and I tease them back. A month ago one of them was bullying me and I was going away from that. Last week I teased other friend and reported me. My supervisor just said that those 2 people don't want me to talk to them. I am actually okay with it and good riddance

  • @sarahm8695
    @sarahm8695 2 місяці тому

    Lied about being physically abused by her autistic brother. Was also openly homophobic. She emotionally abused me 7 agonizing years. 5 years later, I'm still in therapy and still recovering from all the shit she put me through. What's messed up is that I still miss her sometimes...

    @-I-AM-ANONYMOUS- 2 місяці тому

    Always use people for money, make them steal things for them and base their entire friendship on what they can benefit which is extremely toxic. But, they make it seem that this is how a normal friendship should be.
    When you have troubles they are nowhere to be seen and even block you on social media platforms to avoid them even during times of need they are never available.
    End up beimg their 3/4 choice when planning nights outs.
    Relationships are one sided and they always want to be in control.
    They are also very manipulative & egocentric.

  • @jojobee2133
    @jojobee2133 2 місяці тому

    So I had a childhood friend from around third grade who was horrible at the end of the friendship, around when we were 20. Leaving out a lot of drama before this because its a long story, but they basically said I needed to pick between them or another friend they were not on good terms with. Some info to know is that I was horribly bullied in elementary school because one girl in my class made everyone choose between her or me. All but the friend in question picked her. I still have some trauma from it due to it getting worse after that, but I always made it clear to everyone that I will never pick a side because I know what it can do to someone. In the end, the person who should have understood that the best tried to make me do the very thing I said I would never do. What I hate the most about it is that by not choosing at all, I ultimately made a choice anyway knowing they would cut me off.

  • @lorenzell3104
    @lorenzell3104 Місяць тому

    My hs friends, who were upper middle class hs seniors, made fun of a cleaning lady because she drove an old car. I ditched the whole lot. It starred a long trip to a very different life.

  • @gokuxsephiroth4505
    @gokuxsephiroth4505 2 місяці тому

    To the Excema person: they are MOST DEFINITELY doing it maliciously, bud

  • @juanvilas8509
    @juanvilas8509 2 місяці тому

    Same sadly i had no friends during high school then in university it got a bit better but not much i have acquaintances because they still have the "social status" bs mentality witch does not exist in the real world. They are going to be suprised when they graduate and literally nobody will care about who they are, only the trully nice people have friends, the popluar toxic ones end up forgotten.

  • @thebaldnerd1989
    @thebaldnerd1989 2 місяці тому

    My friend Joseph had a girlfriend who did not like me. Another friend, Josh, invited me to a bonfire for his birthday or something. Joseph’s girlfriend got me uninvited from Josh’s party.
    I stopped speaking to that group of friends after that.

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow 2 місяці тому

    The told my fiance I was an alcoholic and a drug user. I never did more than a couple shots of Fireball over a day and a single drag of a tobacco cigarette.
    But I already knew they were crap. One was crooked to girls friends and the other angered a whole town over a week after I brought him to where I lived to get him off the streets.
    Granted this was after I stopped being friends with this self styled "King of Hearts" and the fiance was his ex-girlfriend.

  • @ChefDuJour78
    @ChefDuJour78 17 днів тому +1

    What is the video game on the background?

  • @1bbasket
    @1bbasket 2 місяці тому

    When I listened to what they were saying.

  • @BendyStrawNeck
    @BendyStrawNeck 2 місяці тому +29

    2 min, 7 views, no comments. Imma change that😈😈

    • @bradllyb
      @bradllyb 2 місяці тому +6


    • @katsuragipapi3191
      @katsuragipapi3191 2 місяці тому +4

      Better than saying "12 seconds and no views," he fell off!!" Like some brain dead droid.

    • @cjgaming3605
      @cjgaming3605 28 днів тому

      Shut up

  • @ltllonnie
    @ltllonnie 2 місяці тому

    Yay new video

  • @user-pb8mt4gk3l
    @user-pb8mt4gk3l Місяць тому

    my middle shool friends group , that i had even created , betrayed me for the rest of the class group , and so , the last year of middle school ( they were 3 years ) i passed it in lonelyness hanging all the recess in the courtyard doing nothing , while in the meantime they said me that thay were still friends of mine , but to find " someone other " ;
    to a certain point , i had found a very funny place , a group of trees with fruits in the school courtyard , and i started ( for passing the time ) to smash them againist a wall ( without smashing all of them , i'm not a vandal ) ;
    the school discovered the thing and send my group to me for telling to stop , that i was in detention and come with them to the teacher .. i said no , that i was lonely all the time and that was the only thing i could do for having a littlle fun ( i was a victim of bullism , plus everithing was banned, even gameboy and trading card games , even during recess ) , they said me " find someone other ,and now came with us " ;
    i answered " no , force me if you can " , and they started to beaten me , 4 vs 1 and the teacher congrats with them for stopping me ..
    pfft , a bunch of fascists , and they allowed bullism in school
    for my luck i have found an entire new group of friends years later , we support each other and we are nearly unstoppable , but it's another story

  • @alexjeannite3506
    @alexjeannite3506 Місяць тому +1

    Game in the background?

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow 2 місяці тому

    Conservative doesn't mean racist. Heck, latino culture is conservative. Is that person saying all Mexicans are racist?

  • @favillionbellarion9655
    @favillionbellarion9655 2 місяці тому +2

    Im sorry but half of these stories are about massive pushovers who you cant help but not feel sorry for, as they endlessly it it happen with no punishment.

  • @myentertainment55
    @myentertainment55 2 місяці тому

    Hm, I expected worse, exept few stories people were just bad friends.

  • @mariecole9948
    @mariecole9948 2 місяці тому +3

    Anyone know what this game is?

  • @ackerjawaka4742
    @ackerjawaka4742 2 місяці тому

    When i stopped taking drugs 😜

  • @BraveryWing26
    @BraveryWing26 Місяць тому

    "A whole Decade of peace" So great.

  • @coolykooly
    @coolykooly 2 місяці тому

    Five minutes and only 22 views dang you fell off smh( seriously tho good video I like your voice)

  • @EzekielD69420
    @EzekielD69420 2 місяці тому +1

    Ghosted on my bday this year.

    • @briankeyes268
      @briankeyes268 Місяць тому +1

      Learning stoicism the hard way. You will be better from the experience.