What Have You LEARNED About A FRIEND That Made You HATE Him/Her?

  • Опубліковано 13 кві 2024
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  • @DeauxTheGreat1990
    @DeauxTheGreat1990 3 місяці тому +31

    That first story was so hurtful. "Oh my God, I Thought you left." As if that makes it ok.

  • @rochie4865
    @rochie4865 3 місяці тому +7

    I had a friend who I was really close with for three years. Her mom despised me and thought I was a bad influence on her. I tried to keep on her on the right path but she just did her own thing and didn't accept no for an answer. To anything. One day I invited her and a male friend over to my house to watch a movie together. I left them in my basement for two minutes while I went to go grab a dvd from my bedroom and when I came back the tension was palpable; she started grinding his leg trying to come on to him. He was not having it and tried to get her off him. He ended up shoving her off just as I came back in the room. I got the story from him as she ran upstairs to sulk awkwardly (I was her ride home so she had to wait for me lol). I was pissed. I took her ass home. Later I got a text from her mom blaming me for her daughter's actions. I told her that I was tired of her thinking her daughter was some golden princess and that her behaviour was disgusting and none of that was on me. I have never spoken to her since. My male friend continued to be a good friend until we stopped working together and lost touch.

  • @shayZcajun
    @shayZcajun 3 місяці тому +15

    My ex best friend slept with my husband in the hospital parking lot while I was on the 2nd floor having a C-section with mine and his first child.

  • @gamrboi99
    @gamrboi99 3 місяці тому +28

    My friend started drama over a girl who isn't even his. He's kind of a simp. But it doesn't bother me.

    • @banditman1986
      @banditman1986 3 місяці тому +4

      Then you need to be a good friend and check him. Real men don’t start drama

  • @AngelicGuardian36905
    @AngelicGuardian36905 3 місяці тому +12

    She ditched me at a big gathering she promised we would go together to in order to hang out with her friends, I caught her and she laughed at me, this was in my second year of Uni when I had no friends

  • @Seraphious
    @Seraphious 3 місяці тому +3

    I see her throw a lapdesk at her chihuahua. Our 20+ year friendship was over without a thought.

  • @EugeneGM1
    @EugeneGM1 3 місяці тому +44

    Found out he was a kiddy diddler. He threatened to kill her family if she told. He was caught in the act. I'm still surprised the father didn't kill him right then and there.
    Less worse, another friend, a groomsman at my wedding, accused me of marrying for money in a text to another friend. Same friend was trying to hook up with another buddy's wife (she wasn't having any of it). Dropped like a bad habit.

  • @HeyITs0B0r3D
    @HeyITs0B0r3D 3 місяці тому +9

    She falsely accused another dude of SA. Why she accuse? This will push every girl away leaving her no competition n he has no choice but to date her. It was her mastermind. Pure crazy. I had to opt out from her before i become her next target. I am a guy.

  • @lovely__shadow9305
    @lovely__shadow9305 3 місяці тому +31

    You only need 1 to 3 good friends

  • @michaeltelson9798
    @michaeltelson9798 3 місяці тому +51

    A friend told me about a terrible thing that he was involved with. I can’t condone what he joined in on. After 50 years I won’t accept a friend’s request from him, but I am friends with his older brother who was a classmate. Small town politics buried the situation.

    • @SirMrMystery
      @SirMrMystery 3 місяці тому +6

      You don't have to tell me but if you rate how bad was it from 0 to 100

  • @hayaq9991
    @hayaq9991 3 місяці тому +3

    There was a family friend(who eventually became my nieces aunt) who often bragged about exploiting men for child support publicly like its a flex in front of everyone including her kids and her new husband.. she did this for years.. the part that finally pushed me over the edge one day was how this pos got her church to bully her new husband into handing over his check to her.. so the second his check hits his account its transferred to her account but the worst part of it all.. she has him on child support.. so she takes 100% of his check and he has to figure out how to pay the child support.. that crushed me.. i never spoke to her ever again.. dont worry theres karma.. she eventually lost custody of all her kids, none of her kids speak to her and shes been struggling w homelessness.. the details are worst..i feel bad but she destroyed so many men.. she turned her children against good black fathers who wanted to be there but one died before his son figured it out 💔so whatever

  • @Sevness
    @Sevness 3 місяці тому +3

    I have too many of these stories, because every single person I thought I was friends with, that I went out of my way to help out the best I could, were terrible shameful people that betrayed me and stabbed me in the back.

  • @iononcantomascrivo
    @iononcantomascrivo 3 місяці тому +3

    She spilled every single thing I told her in confidence to everyone just for sport because it made her feel powerful to be this beacon of unnecessary and inappropriate information. She talked about the fact that I had been SA’d in high school. I'm a guy. She was of the mindset that “it doesn't happen to guys.” It wasn't until many years later I realized there was a term for people like her. Well, two terms. Narcissist and misandry. She even outed me to my deeply religious, conservative Italian Roman Catholic father when I wouldn't spot her any more money to take care of her kids. Did I forget to mention that she was incapable of obtaining and maintaining long-term employment yet somehow always had her hair done, her nails done, a full pack of cigarettes and booze in the fridge? As much as she liked to gossip, she loved being the center of attention. She told me things that I never care to know. Such as, whenever she was in bed with her husband, she had to fantasize about other men because she never loved him but only married him because she was pregnant and needed health insurance. She also admitted to never wearing her wedding ring. That checked out when I saw her left hand and there was nothing on it. Her husband was a saint for putting up with her and often worked long hours on the road for months on end to support her ungrateful behind, their child and his stepdaughter.
    When I pulled back completely, was the day my father died. she had the absolute nerve to be the first to call up to ask me “how I was doing” only to shift the direction of the conversation back at her to talk about her favorite subject (herself) and listen to her favorite sound (her own voice). She knew my father and I were estranged, that we didn't have a good relationship and she tried to turn his death into her moment. She also didn't know that I knew she was the reason my father had disowned me because she outed me to him. Her behavior was highly inappropriate to say the least. Not at all happy that I took away the spotlight from her, she had the nerve to say and I quote: “Well, you and your dad never got along anyway.“I ended the call after cursing her out.
    She tried repeatedly throughout the day to get in touch with me to “apologize” but in reality, her routine, was to give a non-apology while defending her atrocious behavior and to "win” by getting the last word. When I denied her the attention she felt she was so richly entitled to, she complained to anyone who would listen, including her harried, unappreciated husband. She was ripped to shreds by her husband and even her own kids. I got a ranty, shouty, grammatically incorrect, typo-filled text message later that day. The general tone of the message was: “I hope you're happy. My husband and I just had a fight.” I left her on read for a couple of days and I knew my not responding had drove her nuts. I eventually responded to her message: "Oh. Boo-hoo. Try not being a cheating kunt” and quickly screenshotted the conversation so she couldn't say that I was bullying her. Unsurprisingly, she left me alone after that.

  • @NeoCulexor
    @NeoCulexor 3 місяці тому +11

    Damn, these stories make me wonder about myself.

  • @victorvaldez8869
    @victorvaldez8869 3 місяці тому +4

    Story One: If it wasn't for the stutter I'd imagine OP saying "If you guys are saying this behind MY back, imagine what the others here say about you when YOU are the one who's not there."

  • @condorboss3339
    @condorboss3339 3 місяці тому +7

    Story 8: If that co-worker was harrassing OP by putting OP's name and pic up on M4M, he should be fired and probably charged.

  • @GwrachSeren
    @GwrachSeren 3 місяці тому +6

    My ex best friend sent nudes to my ex boyfriend. He showed me her messages. She refused to apologise on grounds that she was not ashamed of her body. It was the final thing that made me realise she had no respect for me as a person.
    I was spineless at the time so all I wanted was the apology. She really helped me out by refusing.

  • @lifewithadaemon6089
    @lifewithadaemon6089 3 місяці тому +4

    where to start...
    friend in highschool wouldn't listen to me when i would say no when hed offer me things like vhs tapes, to the point where he started slipping things in my bag. same friend would turn off school computers when i was in the middle of working on something.
    i dated a mentally unstable person and when he threatened to set me on fire, all my other freinds took his side.
    i had a freind that would constantly refuse to see or plan for something, and it got to the point where i ended up being alone on my birthday because my "friends" kept refusing to see or set something up

  • @p.d.l7023
    @p.d.l7023 3 місяці тому +2

    On the first story: My best friend of several decades tried to humiliate me in front of his new friends, and i cut him off, just like that.

  • @AutisticBearLover
    @AutisticBearLover 3 місяці тому +29

    Cheated on his girlfriend because she didn’t wanna have sex with him, literally days after she told him she was sa’d as a child.
    We just outcasted him and acted like he wasn’t even there. Worst part was the girl he cheated on her with was her best friend. We hated them both after that.

  • @banditman1986
    @banditman1986 3 місяці тому +1

    First story. I can totally relate to that. It sucks. People don’t realize the psychological effects of stuttering

  • @matthewbrown7775
    @matthewbrown7775 3 місяці тому +1

    In my late twenties, my friend is in his mid-twenties. I found out that he's been cheating on his girlfriend with a girl who's only been 17 for a couple of months. This cheating has been going on for over a year and a half, meaning that it started when this girl was 15. He has been reported to the police, and basically disowned by anyone who knows him.

  • @jessewilley531
    @jessewilley531 3 місяці тому +1

    I had a story similar to the sushi place. Only it was a Mexican place and the owner knew I was the only one who would have said anything. From then until the owner retired, I NEVER had to pay for churros there.

  • @GenderlessFurry_They-Them
    @GenderlessFurry_They-Them 3 місяці тому +1

    I used to have a best friend.
    She was a compulsive liar:
    -Lied about her antifurry bf no longer being antifurry (In fact, he denies she's a furry)
    -Lied about leaving toxic servers that bullied me (she stayed staff in them)
    -Lied about blocking assholes who bullied me (SHE LET THEM GO WITHOUT A WARNING)
    Worst part is she faked a mental disorder

  • @norml.hugh-mann
    @norml.hugh-mann 3 місяці тому +4

    Friends are enemies that lie their way into better positions to exploit you

    • @gokuxsephiroth4505
      @gokuxsephiroth4505 3 місяці тому +5

      What a miserable view of the world. Unless I'm being exploited for company in activities I also enjoy (oh, the horror), I really don't think that's true. At least not for my friends, but I surround myself with good people.

  • @co-jt6gd
    @co-jt6gd 21 день тому

    I found out sophomore year that a girl was recording me without my consent, and had committed other crimes towards other students and teachers at our high school. This was around 5 years back, and luckily, no one I’m friends with is friends with her anymore (not even her twin sister). Apart from that, I don’t know what else has happened to her since then.

  • @toddtaylor9576
    @toddtaylor9576 3 місяці тому +1

    Holy fuck the first story, I have a really bad stutter as well and though I've gotten some control over it now, back when I was younger it was impossible to get through a sentence without it, it was always one of the main things that I got picked on for

  • @Whendidweloseit.
    @Whendidweloseit. Місяць тому +1

    I dropped a childhood friend because i found out she was talking trash about me. Now these are the 3 things that broke the camals back. 1. I found out i was pregnant and excitly told my "best" friend. I asked her not to tell anyone i wasnt ready yet. She told everyone! ( Small town ) 2. I found out my baby was a boy. Again she told everyone ruining the gender reveal for the family. ( Cute video i planned with my daughter. ) She told everyone at her job. So of course everyone in the family found out. 3. I had bad postpartum depression. I ended up trying to kill myself. My husband had texted my two best friends and confided in them about the situation. She told everyone. Thats when my husband told me i need to end that friendship. I did and so did my other friends after they found out what she did.

  • @Lamis93Liyana
    @Lamis93Liyana 3 місяці тому +1

    I use to really like this one girl in our group. Never really chilled with her alone but she always hung out with this other girl in our group and they been best friends for maybe 6 years or more. Well turns out she just stole her best friends husband and the wife had her 3rd kid. I’m the only one who knows so far I’m just waiting everyone else to find out. I feel bad for the wife she’s lost so much weight and was betrayed by her best friend and husband.

  • @TondrilaTube
    @TondrilaTube 3 місяці тому

    The best bet if you're charged less than what you owed is to pay the difference in tips

  • @LunaP1
    @LunaP1 3 місяці тому +1

    First story would've warrented violence.

  • @mastercrow19
    @mastercrow19 3 місяці тому +1

    Ah, I enjoy having no friends

  • @golett0331
    @golett0331 3 місяці тому +1

    I found out a mate hit on his sister. I should have saw it coming, as he's from Tassy

  • @alisonbailey2636
    @alisonbailey2636 2 місяці тому

    I made friends with someone my husband made friends with, what killed the friendship was them having an affair and her getting pregnant

  • @vossabe
    @vossabe 2 місяці тому

    So i studied with this guy and thought he was pretty cool, but 6 months after i quit that school i discovered he basically was telling everyone i m@sturbated, behind my back, just because he saw some "white stuff" on my white striped bed, while i was messing with a lot of water

  • @dvg7093
    @dvg7093 3 місяці тому +10

    < one hour gang

  • @bigdexmedia5233
    @bigdexmedia5233 2 місяці тому +1

    What is the name of this game?

  • @gfg758
    @gfg758 3 місяці тому

    I had a friend hate calling him that wish I never knew the POS it was found he F'ed a Baby if correct the Mother of the Baby knew he did that & was in a relationship after it was found out that he did that everyone at the place I was said instantly he was no longer our Bro let alone our friend & heard he got out early & heard he like to be our friend again none of wanted him as a friend

  • @Thunderbolt210
    @Thunderbolt210 3 місяці тому +6

    Nahhh that missing sushi is staying off the bill fuck that lmao

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 3 місяці тому +8

      It did stay off the bill lol it was about the principal of the situation

    • @gokuxsephiroth4505
      @gokuxsephiroth4505 3 місяці тому +4

      It did, but this way, a poor server wasn't going to have to skip meals.

    • @Stickman470
      @Stickman470 3 місяці тому +5

      Be a better person

    • @proudarmedreadytobugaloode6295
      @proudarmedreadytobugaloode6295 3 місяці тому

      Thanks for reinforcing the stereotype you pos

  • @yukiutaware1064
    @yukiutaware1064 3 місяці тому +1

    Went to a party with mostly friends. One girl I was always close with since middle school and I got into a conversation after a few drinks about our relationship. I told her that I really admired her and would have loved to date her and she said the same. But I made the mistake of being pragmatic and told her that she was in a good college and was far more geared towards I life I could never be her equal in. I loved her, and that's why I couldn't hold her back.
    Thought it went fine.
    Next day almost all of my friends suddenly started dropping me one by one. I was very confused. Learned later her response to our conversation was to accuse me of using force on her. None of our friends bothered to even tell me until years later what had happened and even then it was only two of them that eventually realized she'd lied.
    So not just one friend over one thing. But many over one. I'd never been so hurt in my life when these people should have known me best.