thanks for this unbiased take on nu metal. many people would quickly shit on the genre the entire video but you showed restraint and held back until 0:01
Given that The Deftones aren't actually nu-metal, I'm perfectly fine with the collective dunking. Bimp Lizkit, Corn, Lincoln Park- that's just harder buttrock with aspirations toward hiphop.
It's funny that the most popular "nu metal" bands, i.e. Korn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, System of a Down and Deftones, all sounds very different from one another, despite often being lumped together under the same subgenre. Of course there are similarities, but you'd never mistake one for another even if you took out the distinct vocalists.
i never considered soad or slipknot nu metal, the other bands you mentioned are the actual nu metal bands with hip hop influences etc. i know slipknot and soad had some hip hop influences too, but it wasn't main part of their music, like in lp or lb.
Deftones dipped their toes into it a few times but were never really nu-metal. Chino turning up and rapping in random songs from other groups was probably because they told him to piss off because there was too much of it on White Pony already. Slipknot is nu-metal as shit.
I didn't hear the term "nu metal" until 2003, the same year the genre (arguably) died. People just called it "rock" or "alternative" when it was popular.
Linkin Park (HT and Meteora era) and Limp Bizkit are probably the only true nu metal bands. While Korn, Deftones, System of a Down and Slipknot were just alternative metal with a sprinkle of hip hop influences..
Kinda for me, I knew about traditional heavy metal like Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc in the past but never explored it. Nu Metal (and mostly Alternative Metal) gave me the push to explore more metal, and now im a huge fan of black, doom, death and grindcore.
For me, nu metal isn’t even a genre, it’s just a term applied to a bunch of heavy bands that all became popular at the same time because they didn’t fit neatly into any other categories. It’s like metal’s version of grunge. Edit: also, I think your hypothesis of why it’s blowing up again is likely spot on, along with all of the weird sound elements that made it popular 20 years ago.
I'd say that Korn and Deftones were actually nu metal, with all the dissonant sounds and the extremely low tunings and everything, and then bands like slipknot, disturbed, lp, limp bizkit, ecc... came out and people didn't know where to put them so they decided that they made nu metal, even if their sound was very different from what nu metal was when it was born. And then, when the said bands started making straight up rap metal songs, people got confused and the meaning of "nu metal" shifted, with the genre being relegated to rap metal songs.
You realize not every young nu metal fan discovered the music through tik tok? I'm only 20 and in was listening to korn and deftones back in 2017. And I knew 20 or 30 people who were into this kind of music. How many millenials knew about korn from TRL?
The thing with nu-metal it's that it's the perfect bridge to get young people into metal. It was like that in the 90-00, In middle school we were listening to Korn, SOAD, and Slipknot because we were young and those band felt like "transgressive" form the general pop culture and satisfied the need for the "I'm different from the rest" and high-energy. It's not a coincidence that almost no famous band of that movement used scream or growl, the music is in fact easy to listen and the perfect fit to introduce people to more heavy sounds. I'm honestly pleased that zoomers are going through this era as well almost 20 years later and they get to enjoy the things I enjoied at their age. We can call them cringe, but the thing is we were like them some time ago, we just didn't have a platform to show it.
Lol what? Slipknot used mostly growls, soad and korn had growls, and even linkin park had growls. I’d even argue nu metal was the most mainstream growls ever were.
I get why people hate it. It's so fucking goofy, but I think the reason why was because many of the bands that came out were sort of social misfits and outsiders. The music was suppose to match the vibe a bit. Ugly music for ugly people that sort of took pride in being ugly. I also that think nu metal had a massive impact on the SoundCloud rap scene as well, which I would argue is sort of like the spiritual successor to nu metal. Music that sounds just as ugly for people that wanted to take pride in being ugly. Not to mention the recent nu-core explosion where a fuck ton of core bands that grew up on nu metal injected the shit out of their music with their influences. Also pop artists that took to the styles as well as other up and coming bands that honestly add vastly more different and weirder inspirations to their music. I think nu metal at this point is less of a specific style and more of an ethic. Take what's popular outside of metal and apply as much of it as possible to metal. It's pretty much peak youthful rebellion music.
@@TheRealMycanthrope question whatever you want, they have plenty of songs with screams and breakdowns, unless you're one of those annoying nerds who has very specific definitions of "growl" vs "scream" in which case I don't care about your semantics when we all know what I meant
i, sorta agree with you. but with that being said, would that deem nu metal "important"? there are tons, and i mean tons of metal/rock bands that got people into metal, are they any more or less important than nu metal? i dont think so. to me nu metal is just a weird, kinda stupid era of metal. it didn't change the metal scene (like, AT ALL) and saying that people wouldn't have gotten into metal without nu metal is, kinda really dumb and not a great take as to why it's important. i'd argue that nu metal is just the same as the bling era of rap, while it was a weird stage for the genre it still spawned some great artists despite being so fuckin mid. names like system of a down, deftones, and linkin park come to mind when i think of good nu metal bands, but besides them, every other band is pretty eh, even deftones and linkin park had some really weird moments (not soad tho, the only weird moments they had were each band member's solo acts but who tf counts those anways) so i think the genre as a whole kinda sucked tbh (i do still kinda love it tho)
@@jmagowan12 understandable, i think slipknot is just, the most metal metal band. very basic, very angry, probably what you think of when someone asks you to think of a metal band.
@@acorn9595 i keep hearing this about every nu metal band, i'm starting to think maybe this never was a genre but just a loosely defined group of metal/rock bands from the same time period. only nu-metal band where i would actually say "ok that's rap +metal right there" is probably limp biscuit, the rest are just metal.
Nu Metal is interesting because its one of those genre's that most people pretend they love to hate. But secretly we all know those people just hate that they love it. And yes I'm one of them... *Puts Meteora back on*
Nu metal got me into metal when I was 12. And I was bullied for it pretty badly. It’s crazy to see alt kids being the it thing nowadays for those of us who grew up getting lunches smashed on our faces for looking that way and listening to that type of music.
@@skaldlouiscyphre2453 Can’t really speak about Ministry as I’ve only heard The Land Of R**e and Honey (which is not nearly as aggressive in sound), the thing with Static-X is Wayne’s vocals are more staccato in flow, there is a bigger emphasis on chugs and synths are not used very commonly. Tbf tho with American Industrial scene among the pioneers included Ministry so there are bands that are influenced by them.
@@Jona_The_Than_D No real disrespect to Static X, they just don't seem to do anything that White Zombie, Fear Factory and Ministry hadn't already done. They are to Ministry what Rammstein was to Laibach. Static X and Rammstein both seemed to get lumped in with nu-metal while really being continuations of industrial metal. Oh well, I can't complain too much because it certainly helped expose more people to less visible bands with similar styles.
@@skaldlouiscyphre2453 Static-X has completely different vocals, energy, rhythm, pace and beat (and of course different guitar riffs also) They are not the same
Hybrid Theory was the first album I bought with my own money, I wonder how many of us are out there. There has to be a whole formative generation off this one phenomenal album. I was a big Backstreet Boys fan growing up, and I gotta say the transition from boy band to Linkin Park was pretty smooth. I remember hearing drop tuning electric guitars and thinking "Is this "heavy metal?" I'm a little worried about Nu Metal getting the next batch of throwback pandering like Emo got cash cowed so Live Nation could pay Astroworld settlements. I think we'll keep our dignity and still have a fun time when all's said and done. Also listen to American Head Charge.
Nu metal and everything 2000s is popular again. I was born in 2000 and in around 2016 I got into nu metal and all things 2000s. I was 16 and absolutely loved this stuff but it wasn't "cool" back then. Now what pisses me off is that the same people that made fun of me for like this culture in highschool are the same people getting into it now because it's trending. This is why I support gatekeeping. Or I could just go along with it because I now I can say that I was ahead of my time.
Same, born in early 2001, I grew up around Nu Metal and especially LP since "Minutes to Midnight" which introduced me to their discography and the whole scene. Now it's trendy because it's cool, not because they care about the music, it's an identity badge people wear to get further away from the stagnating hip hop scene which has been the same since 2017. To me the very last extremely good hip hop album was "TPAB" by Kdot. After that just conformity
Yeah, different era but I can remember a period in the mid-90's when admitting that you liked anything about Nirvana was about the least cool thing you could possibly do... so I've always taken the Nu-metal hate with a grain of salt.
Born in 1988, and lived through this era. Honestly, other than Linkin Park and (to an extent) System of a Down, most people in my area had a pretty wishy-washy perspective towards nu metal bands. Even Slipknot was often looked at as a bunch of guys being pointlessly edgy as some new form of shock rock. Nu metal is, like @deficitstifflegzercherdead6221 said--a hodgepodge of slapped together artists who didn't neatly fit existing categories at the time. Pretty sure Coal Chamber 100% hated the nu metal label, and never considered themselves part of that movement despite becoming one of the clearest examples of early nu metal. Even if you like nu metal, you're likely to find "nu metal" bands that don't fit your idea of the genre, and that kind of variety is bound to cause negative feedback. Many people don't even like it when a band experiments with other genres and don't stick to "their sound." Not exactly sure how any of what you said supports a need for gatekeeping in the industry, but mass trends, ostracizing and flip-flopping etc. is basic human nature and 100% hate-able lol. Just don't go all hipster and get pissy with people because you liked nu metal "before it was cool." That's just more basic human nature bullshit we gotta look past if we want to enjoy anything with other people.
Same! I was born 2002 and was in high school 2017-21. I was really into grunge, punk, pop punk and emo. The first day of freshman year I wore a striped sweater, straight leg levis and black boots. The freshman girls that wore skinny jeans and white shoes were the same ones with big platforms and goth makeup senior year. Freshman year was when lil peep died, and suddenly all these dudes that tried so hard to act tough for 3 years were on thier "emo wave". Thats why I could never get into juice wrld. All his fans (to me) were the same blond dudes who called anyone who didn't exclusively listen to rap, gay. I'm not bitter about it. I knew rock had to have some kind of resurgence in these 20s. It's just the cognitive dissonance of some fans. But hey thats teenagers. People used to HATE hot topic. You also have to remember the old adage. "Metalheads dress crazy but are pretty much normies with good taste. Punks look like normies but are crazy with no taste." Most of my friends who are big into rock look vaguely alternative, kind of stoners/skaters/artist. Whenever I see someone around my age decked out in all black, it's almost always at college. I'm glad that I'm able to dress how I didn't back then.
This legit has become one of my favourite channels out there despite not being able to understand shit half of the time (mainly bcz english isnt my fisrt language) and hearing how some of my favourite genres getting shit on. I love this channel with all my heart
This is so weird to the 15 years old myself from the past. I mean, time seem to heal all the wounds, who would have thought in the late 90's coming from a thrash metal old school mentality that nu-metal would become something of a nostalgic respectable genre. But the testament to their talent in there, Slipknot, Korn, Deftones, SOAD...and god damn even Limp Biskit have become legends of the genre, and they deserve to be considered in the main canon.
The 20 year cycle lives on. Soon enough we'll all be reminscing about the glory days of Franz Ferdinand and the Killers and the indie rock boom, and then it'll be all about late 2000s club anthems and peak Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.
I'm 17 and my parents are in their late 30s so Nu Metal was a massive genre in my childhood, some of my earliest memories involved my parents blasting Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn, System Of A Down, and other stuff on a janky old CD player lol I've gone on to find comfort in 3 main bands, Green Day, Nirvana and Silverchair, but Nu Metal is still a big part of my life, it's a weird and wonderful genre
Good part about being an adult is you stop caring about what other people find embarassing and you just enjoy what music you like, what makes you feel good. You stop caring about peoples opinion in general.
Exactly, matter of fact I learned that I actually enjoy most of the music genres. I used to hate on rap when I was younger because it was mainstream, but now I don't care, if I like it, I listen to it. Simple
I should have pushed my fingers into my eeeeeyyyyes, it would've been the only way to not watch this videooooo but my attention span I'M NOT GONNA MAKE IT
I also credit the Antrax/Public Enemy remake of Bring the Noise (1991)Originally by Public Enemy (1988) PE as the crossover that had this huge effect. But I had heard some years before the joke song I Am the Man by Anthrax ( 1987) But a year after the remake, in 1992 ,Rage Against the Machine did their Debut and they toured to my country, Iceland, the year later, and had their top song at number one on the radio here. It topped Madonna, Ace Of Base and Guns N Roses. Mainstream Radio stations were blasting ''Fökk you, i won't do what you tell me!''. And i saw them at a concert that changed me here in Reykjavik. The Cringe stuff came a bit later. Like in any genre, when people trying to get rich do anything to get rich, it destroys the originality and the spark that had an impact in the first place. Good Video.
This is the worst time for me to really start getting into nu-metal because i feel like a poser. I just enjoy the music because its what ive grown up with thanks to my mom. I liked the music and would listen to it but i saw it was getting more popular and decided to delve in more and i fell even more in love, having more knowledge of the bands that my mom listened to alot made me feel more connected to her. It really sucks its getting a bad wrap bc its "trendy" now.
Linkin park is probably one of if not THE most unique band ive ever seen, also being my all time favorite band, hybrid theory and meteora were both huge hits, but since they released their album "a thousand suns" in 2010, they started to go to other genres then nu-metal, going to more electronic and hip-hop sounds and got alot of hate for it. Everybody that liked linkin park for their heavier side like Hybrid Theory and Meteora, they did NOT like their transition to different genres. but since they released their album "One more light" going to more pop sorts a music, the album got alot, and i mean ALOT of hate, and Chester Bennington, the lead vocalist ended up committed suicide about 2 months later.
Always sounded to me like back street boys, posers who wanted to sound like metal or rap at the same time. Btw, I'm respecting black rap and fan of tru metal.
@@Faaaaaaaaaaaaz ahh yes BSB the famous band for melodic screams to softer tones and back to 17 second screams.. mixed with some rapping and turn table scratches.. u might need to clean off your ear wax if they sound the same as some 2000s boy band
Love all of your guides! The weaving of shit posting and informativeness is hilarious and informative. Please do a guide Industrial music! I’d love to hear your take on what was basically everything I listened to in my teens and early 20s.
Coolea with yet another hit. Constructive criticism though, this video would've been better if it was titled "Ignorant Guide to Powermetal" and was just about Powermetal!
I’m pretty detached from social media and like trends and shit. I don’t listen to much new metal but I have a great deal of love and respect for linkin park cause they were the first band I ever got into as a kid and have a lot of nostalgia. Slipknot I have recently fallen in love with not because of the nu metal tag or the outfit, but the schizophrenic aggression. And deftones I’ve fallen in love with very hard because of it’s sensual but dark atmosphere that they have. It feels like I’m high while also living in poverty and it’s so angry and murky and muddy sounding. It’s definetly a vibe and an atmosphere that taught me to actually pay attention to atmosphere in other forms of metal and other bands.
You mentioned Helmet, that is a get-out-of-a-verbal-smacking-for-free card in my book. It does remind me of teenage angst and a lot of it is drenched in it.
My mom listens to a lot of different music, but she was the one who got me into nu metal, she had In The End in her playlist. It was probably my favorite song in it. Then I started to listen to other metal genres.
i saw this great video where they mashed up Slipknot vocals with the background music to the Spice Girls. i always knew there was something about Slipknot that i just thought was trying too hard and felt very saccharine. i couldn't place it but now it makes total sense.
I think the reason nu metal is trending now is the same reason why every old genre trends, time. People who grew up listening to nu metal are in their 30s and 40s had kids in their 20s those kids are 15 and going through their parents or uncles, CD collection and old T-shirts just like Gen x and the first millennials went through their hippie moms stuff. 30 years is the amount of time it takes for something to be cool again. the '70s were cool in the '90s and the '90s are cool in the 20s. In 10 years it'll be whatever was popular in 2005.. and in 30 years it'll be whatever's popular now. The reason I think that it works this way especially with the internet is that people in their 30s dictate the market, but teenagers dictate the trends. But if the trend is something that the 30-year-olds loved when they were teenagers then they'll back it. So it's a bunch of 30-year-olds watching tik toks of teenagers listening to korn, remembering the good old days.
I’ve always been attracted to hard rock music because it speaks to my personality and how I feel. As long as it has some edge and aggression I can relate to it. Metal or not. Don’t care if it’s “true” metal or not either. Music for me is about the vibe. I don’t care about technical skill.
I hate hate hate that deftones had been looped in with "tictok music" (yes i know that its because it has genuinely blown up on tictok) I genuinely want to talk about the evolution of deftones music, the content of their albums, and band in general with people l, however, every time someone says they like them they actually end up just liking the same 4-5 songs while never touching albums like adrenaline or gore. i totally get just listening to a few songs from certain artists, but if that's the case please don't fake being a fan of them, its not the end of the world, but is still kind of annoying when i want to talk about my favorite band.
@@Samurai-ss5qs i’m fine with the songs becoming popular just hate when it’s ALL they know but they say shit like “i LOVE deftones” no, you love change in the house of flys, just say that
This is what happens with all fandoms. Those who got into it early are ostracised and called weird because it strays from the norm. Then later when the popularity of an artist/fandom increases (because of tik tok) - the very same people who bullied you for being weird jump on the bandwagon because it’s a trend and they want to fit in with the crowd. I understand why people gatekeep because it feels unfair that they had to go through being mocked for liking something, now the newcomers don’t have to deal with the same thing. Another aspect is the fact that when you are a huge fan of an artist, listening to all of their albums, examining their lyrics etc. they resonate with you on a deep emotional level. When you see people not understanding the meaning behind songs and just listening to a few of them while claiming to be fans - it sort of discounts all of the effort you put in. I think it just comes down to simple human psychology. We’ve evolved to form communities and the concept of gatekeeping is necessary because it ensures that each person in the group has something in common with one another. Think of it this way - if you are a fan of a niche band, and you find another fan out in the world, then that means you have a pretty good chance of having things in common. If the band isn’t well known and their lyrics describe certain emotions, you can bet the other person has felt those same feelings and has the same interests. This will allow you to form a deep connection with someone similar to yourself. If this band becomes popular because of a trend and the fanbase widens, now a huge and varied swath of people know about it and if you meet one of these in the world, chances are you’ll have nothing in common in terms of experience, lifestyle, goals, worldview etc. the only thing in common you have is that they heard a few songs of the artist on tiktok. Essentially, as something becomes more popular, the chance for making deep connections in a fandom decreases.
A band that was weird to me that was considered Nu-Metal besides their first album which i can kind of understand was Dry Kill Logic. Criminally underrated band. I still have them in my most played bands.
I've had people get annoyed that I don't mention a certain artist, but this is the first time anyone has gotten on my case for mentioning an artist but not as many times as they'd want me to. Congrats.
Linkin Park was part of nu-metal but they branched out after their Meteroa album. Then their MTM was a brief of fresh air and ever so then, their music got so unique
When I was 9 I bought my first ever CD, which of course was by Linkin Park. 20+ years later and I have spent considerable money on metal albums, merch and live shows and I plan on doing so for as long as I live. There are purists who think nu metal should never have happened, but the reality is that it injected metal with a huge amount of new fans who went on to discover the rest of this massive and wonderful genre. I'm sure metal today would be a lot less healthy if it wasn't for nu metal. You don't have to like everything, just be grateful for the positives.
hold up, i started listening to nu metal 5 years ago when tiktok didnt exist, i just love the groove of slipknot first two albums and mudvayne and korn and deftones and so on
I find it funny that you throw Mudvayne throught out the video as the ridiculous standard for how nu metal bands looked like, considering that their first album was between the most unique within the sub genre.
The funniest thing to me was back then people who listened to nu metal didn't call it that, they just called it metal, and the people that listened to actual metal called it nu metal. It was a pejorative that stuck.
even doe I watched a 8 minutes and 44 seconds of a dude talking shit about my taste in music, i still loved your video man, your editing, your goofy sound effects and photos, and talking shit about Fred durst was funny.
The Judgement Night movie soundtrack was also surely a big influence too. Each track of the album paired a Hip Hop group with a Metal group in its most basic form.
A lot of bands got lumped into the tag of Nu-Metal that actually weren’t. SLIPKNOT - Had more in common with Grindcore bands like Nasum & Pig Destroyer. They just had a DJ 🤷🏽♂️ AMEN - Considered themselves Punk. STATIC-X were Industrial. EVANESCENCE- Symphonic Metal in the vein of Lacuna Coil. STAIND & PUDDLEofMUD - Post Grunge INCUBUS - Funk Metal, a heavier Chilli Peppers. And MACHINE HEAD were just straight-up Metal
been listening to Nu metal when my named me Cambria after Coheed and Cambria, my dad gave me a kindle fire and the only song on it was Living dead girl, my dad would pick me up from daycare playing tool, i’m a lil mad abt all these new ppl but at the same time also happy it’s finally getting popular again
Ah another video about a music genre that i like sounding like another so i can get confused about what the diffference is and likely emberass myself by thinking a band is part of said new genre when its not. Yippee!!!
thanks for this unbiased take on nu metal. many people would quickly shit on the genre the entire video but you showed restraint and held back until 0:01
a truly noble consideration
ngl you didn't have me in the first half, but you got me in the end
no1 shits on it now
Given that The Deftones aren't actually nu-metal, I'm perfectly fine with the collective dunking. Bimp Lizkit, Corn, Lincoln Park- that's just harder buttrock with aspirations toward hiphop.
Swing it on my nuts
@@H-Real_8massive if real
yes. fuck that album though
Ahh yes, a new vid by the channel where i can watch my music taste get absolutely shit on. Always fun
Calm down
love it!
I fucking love nu metal, but this man aint wrong. 😂
as god intended
How do you border the line between shitpost and informative video so effortlessly?
I can assure you its not effortless
Putting an e-girl on kyriakos grizzly is effort.
It's funny that the most popular "nu metal" bands, i.e. Korn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, System of a Down and Deftones, all sounds very different from one another, despite often being lumped together under the same subgenre. Of course there are similarities, but you'd never mistake one for another even if you took out the distinct vocalists.
@notmusYeah they don't do nu metal anymore, they're more shoegaze, alternative metal, experimental rock, post-rock these days.
i never considered soad or slipknot nu metal, the other bands you mentioned are the actual nu metal bands with hip hop influences etc. i know slipknot and soad had some hip hop influences too, but it wasn't main part of their music, like in lp or lb.
Deftones dipped their toes into it a few times but were never really nu-metal. Chino turning up and rapping in random songs from other groups was probably because they told him to piss off because there was too much of it on White Pony already.
Slipknot is nu-metal as shit.
I didn't hear the term "nu metal" until 2003, the same year the genre (arguably) died. People just called it "rock" or "alternative" when it was popular.
Linkin Park (HT and Meteora era) and Limp Bizkit are probably the only true nu metal bands. While Korn, Deftones, System of a Down and Slipknot were just alternative metal with a sprinkle of hip hop influences..
A lot of people got into the metal genre though nu metal, but only a few are willing to admit it.
Indeed, only the brave can say "My fav bands are Hour of Penance and Malevolent Creation" while admiting "I got into metal by Evanescence".
Kinda for me, I knew about traditional heavy metal like Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc in the past but never explored it. Nu Metal (and mostly Alternative Metal) gave me the push to explore more metal, and now im a huge fan of black, doom, death and grindcore.
Tru slipknot
I got in because of anime, Was hooked on maximum the hormone, lynch and SiM. Don't really like FALILV as much as before though.
I'm one of the few, I'll admit it
Nü metal is perfect music for when it’s just one of those days
When you don't wanna wake up and everything is fucked and everybody sucks
@@A.D-i4tYou don't really know why, but you wanna justify *ripping someone's head off*
@@olliegoriayeah . . .its just one of those days!!!
@@olliegoriano human contact, and if you interact, your life is on contract
@@diporazyou’re best bet is to stay away motherfucker! ITS JUST ONE IF THOSE DAYS
For me, nu metal isn’t even a genre, it’s just a term applied to a bunch of heavy bands that all became popular at the same time because they didn’t fit neatly into any other categories. It’s like metal’s version of grunge.
Edit: also, I think your hypothesis of why it’s blowing up again is likely spot on, along with all of the weird sound elements that made it popular 20 years ago.
I'd say that Korn and Deftones were actually nu metal, with all the dissonant sounds and the extremely low tunings and everything, and then bands like slipknot, disturbed, lp, limp bizkit, ecc... came out and people didn't know where to put them so they decided that they made nu metal, even if their sound was very different from what nu metal was when it was born. And then, when the said bands started making straight up rap metal songs, people got confused and the meaning of "nu metal" shifted, with the genre being relegated to rap metal songs.
yeah, GenX in a nutshell dude
@2st486 the sound of the first generation who grew up with mtv, cds, and hip hop/punk/edm post disco.
You realize not every young nu metal fan discovered the music through tik tok? I'm only 20 and in was listening to korn and deftones back in 2017. And I knew 20 or 30 people who were into this kind of music.
How many millenials knew about korn from TRL?
Nobody wants to admit to liking nu-metal, but we all still listen to it.
nah we've all grown up and don't give a shit what people think about what we listen to
I love learning about insane peoples music taste
I love my music taste too
i love learning about my mental state from people in the internet
Look, you might think I'm crazy, but the voices don't
Thank you, I am indeed insane.
Nu metal has the most sane people next to post grunge (I consider post grunge & nu metal to be the same)
The thing with nu-metal it's that it's the perfect bridge to get young people into metal. It was like that in the 90-00, In middle school we were listening to Korn, SOAD, and Slipknot because we were young and those band felt like "transgressive" form the general pop culture and satisfied the need for the "I'm different from the rest" and high-energy. It's not a coincidence that almost no famous band of that movement used scream or growl, the music is in fact easy to listen and the perfect fit to introduce people to more heavy sounds.
I'm honestly pleased that zoomers are going through this era as well almost 20 years later and they get to enjoy the things I enjoied at their age. We can call them cringe, but the thing is we were like them some time ago, we just didn't have a platform to show it.
Lol what? Slipknot used mostly growls, soad and korn had growls, and even linkin park had growls. I’d even argue nu metal was the most mainstream growls ever were.
I get why people hate it. It's so fucking goofy, but I think the reason why was because many of the bands that came out were sort of social misfits and outsiders. The music was suppose to match the vibe a bit. Ugly music for ugly people that sort of took pride in being ugly. I also that think nu metal had a massive impact on the SoundCloud rap scene as well, which I would argue is sort of like the spiritual successor to nu metal. Music that sounds just as ugly for people that wanted to take pride in being ugly.
Not to mention the recent nu-core explosion where a fuck ton of core bands that grew up on nu metal injected the shit out of their music with their influences. Also pop artists that took to the styles as well as other up and coming bands that honestly add vastly more different and weirder inspirations to their music. I think nu metal at this point is less of a specific style and more of an ethic. Take what's popular outside of metal and apply as much of it as possible to metal. It's pretty much peak youthful rebellion music.
@@sevel7556Linkin Park had growls? No. I question your definition of growl.
@@TheRealMycanthrope question whatever you want, they have plenty of songs with screams and breakdowns, unless you're one of those annoying nerds who has very specific definitions of "growl" vs "scream" in which case I don't care about your semantics when we all know what I meant
E girl clicks are going to make this video quite popular. Great video friend!
Crazy Town is singlehandedly responsible for the Goth E-Girl look. Change my mind.
True tbh
@@causerDAguv naw lmao
@@ElijahMiniBikes that's a reasonable answer as well. Both bands released an album in the same month.
as a nu-metal enjoyer, though not a most fav genre of mine, i can't even argue against coolea's points
I think NU Metal was important as it got many into metal and heavy and or Alternative music, in general who may not be watching this without it.
i, sorta agree with you. but with that being said, would that deem nu metal "important"? there are tons, and i mean tons of metal/rock bands that got people into metal, are they any more or less important than nu metal? i dont think so. to me nu metal is just a weird, kinda stupid era of metal. it didn't change the metal scene (like, AT ALL) and saying that people wouldn't have gotten into metal without nu metal is, kinda really dumb and not a great take as to why it's important. i'd argue that nu metal is just the same as the bling era of rap, while it was a weird stage for the genre it still spawned some great artists despite being so fuckin mid. names like system of a down, deftones, and linkin park come to mind when i think of good nu metal bands, but besides them, every other band is pretty eh, even deftones and linkin park had some really weird moments (not soad tho, the only weird moments they had were each band member's solo acts but who tf counts those anways) so i think the genre as a whole kinda sucked tbh (i do still kinda love it tho)
@@acorn9595 I don't like the term "NU" metal anyway as Slipknot isn't much like Linkin Park or Deftones or System of a down.
@@jmagowan12 understandable, i think slipknot is just, the most metal metal band. very basic, very angry, probably what you think of when someone asks you to think of a metal band.
@@acorn9595 i keep hearing this about every nu metal band, i'm starting to think maybe this never was a genre but just a loosely defined group of metal/rock bands from the same time period. only nu-metal band where i would actually say "ok that's rap +metal right there" is probably limp biscuit, the rest are just metal.
@@JackPorter I mean Slipknot did have some EDM & Hip-Hop elements like Linkin Park but they all sound very different.
I always felt the perfect combination of raw emotion, absurdity, and swag in mu metal.
I fucking love mu netal. It's literally my life frfr
Which one are you? 40 or a egirl?
Nu Metal is interesting because its one of those genre's that most people pretend they love to hate. But secretly we all know those people just hate that they love it.
And yes I'm one of them...
*Puts Meteora back on*
Nu metal got me into metal when I was 12. And I was bullied for it pretty badly. It’s crazy to see alt kids being the it thing nowadays for those of us who grew up getting lunches smashed on our faces for looking that way and listening to that type of music.
Lmao people who like nu metal still get bullied,what are you talking about?
@@johngilliam6764 i got called a satanist for wearing a slipknot shirt like i wore way worse things and this is what you pick 😂
Sorry you got bullied dude.
Do wanna mention Static-X who combined the vocal stylings and downtuned instruments of Nu metal with industrial styled riffs and drum beats
The Ministry knock-off?
@@skaldlouiscyphre2453 Can’t really speak about Ministry as I’ve only heard The Land Of R**e and Honey (which is not nearly as aggressive in sound), the thing with Static-X is Wayne’s vocals are more staccato in flow, there is a bigger emphasis on chugs and synths are not used very commonly. Tbf tho with American Industrial scene among the pioneers included Ministry so there are bands that are influenced by them.
@@Jona_The_Than_D No real disrespect to Static X, they just don't seem to do anything that White Zombie, Fear Factory and Ministry hadn't already done.
They are to Ministry what Rammstein was to Laibach.
Static X and Rammstein both seemed to get lumped in with nu-metal while really being continuations of industrial metal. Oh well, I can't complain too much because it certainly helped expose more people to less visible bands with similar styles.
@@skaldlouiscyphre2453 Static-X has completely different vocals, energy, rhythm, pace and beat (and of course different guitar riffs also)
They are not the same
humanity is alive because of the unmatched beauty of Fred Durst
"Fred Durst is fat"
Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory was also my first record. I don't relisten to their stuff really but Cure For The Itch I still play a lot. RIP
I clicked onto this video not because of the egirl but for the nujack
Literally me
That’s bernth you uncultured swine
Hybrid Theory was the first album I bought with my own money, I wonder how many of us are out there. There has to be a whole formative generation off this one phenomenal album.
I was a big Backstreet Boys fan growing up, and I gotta say the transition from boy band to Linkin Park was pretty smooth. I remember hearing drop tuning electric guitars and thinking "Is this "heavy metal?"
I'm a little worried about Nu Metal getting the next batch of throwback pandering like Emo got cash cowed so Live Nation could pay Astroworld settlements. I think we'll keep our dignity and still have a fun time when all's said and done.
Also listen to American Head Charge.
lol mine was "The mind is a terrible thing to taste" by Ministry.
other times i guess XD
sorry cant hear you over the sound of my 2024 playlist that includes Korn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Slipknot, Creed and Nickelback.
well now I have to ask, when's the ignorant guide to math rock video? And you better mention tricot
So many to mention... Tera Melos for sure too!
Nu metal and everything 2000s is popular again. I was born in 2000 and in around 2016 I got into nu metal and all things 2000s. I was 16 and absolutely loved this stuff but it wasn't "cool" back then. Now what pisses me off is that the same people that made fun of me for like this culture in highschool are the same people getting into it now because it's trending. This is why I support gatekeeping. Or I could just go along with it because I now I can say that I was ahead of my time.
or you could just join people and enjoy something all of you are into, you know
Same, born in early 2001, I grew up around Nu Metal and especially LP since "Minutes to Midnight" which introduced me to their discography and the whole scene. Now it's trendy because it's cool, not because they care about the music, it's an identity badge people wear to get further away from the stagnating hip hop scene which has been the same since 2017. To me the very last extremely good hip hop album was "TPAB" by Kdot. After that just conformity
Yeah, different era but I can remember a period in the mid-90's when admitting that you liked anything about Nirvana was about the least cool thing you could possibly do... so I've always taken the Nu-metal hate with a grain of salt.
Born in 1988, and lived through this era. Honestly, other than Linkin Park and (to an extent) System of a Down, most people in my area had a pretty wishy-washy perspective towards nu metal bands. Even Slipknot was often looked at as a bunch of guys being pointlessly edgy as some new form of shock rock. Nu metal is, like @deficitstifflegzercherdead6221 said--a hodgepodge of slapped together artists who didn't neatly fit existing categories at the time. Pretty sure Coal Chamber 100% hated the nu metal label, and never considered themselves part of that movement despite becoming one of the clearest examples of early nu metal. Even if you like nu metal, you're likely to find "nu metal" bands that don't fit your idea of the genre, and that kind of variety is bound to cause negative feedback. Many people don't even like it when a band experiments with other genres and don't stick to "their sound."
Not exactly sure how any of what you said supports a need for gatekeeping in the industry, but mass trends, ostracizing and flip-flopping etc. is basic human nature and 100% hate-able lol. Just don't go all hipster and get pissy with people because you liked nu metal "before it was cool." That's just more basic human nature bullshit we gotta look past if we want to enjoy anything with other people.
Same! I was born 2002 and was in high school 2017-21. I was really into grunge, punk, pop punk and emo. The first day of freshman year I wore a striped sweater, straight leg levis and black boots. The freshman girls that wore skinny jeans and white shoes were the same ones with big platforms and goth makeup senior year.
Freshman year was when lil peep died, and suddenly all these dudes that tried so hard to act tough for 3 years were on thier "emo wave". Thats why I could never get into juice wrld. All his fans (to me) were the same blond dudes who called anyone who didn't exclusively listen to rap, gay.
I'm not bitter about it. I knew rock had to have some kind of resurgence in these 20s. It's just the cognitive dissonance of some fans. But hey thats teenagers. People used to HATE hot topic.
You also have to remember the old adage. "Metalheads dress crazy but are pretty much normies with good taste. Punks look like normies but are crazy with no taste." Most of my friends who are big into rock look vaguely alternative, kind of stoners/skaters/artist. Whenever I see someone around my age decked out in all black, it's almost always at college.
I'm glad that I'm able to dress how I didn't back then.
This legit has become one of my favourite channels out there despite not being able to understand shit half of the time (mainly bcz english isnt my fisrt language) and hearing how some of my favourite genres getting shit on. I love this channel with all my heart
This is so weird to the 15 years old myself from the past. I mean, time seem to heal all the wounds, who would have thought in the late 90's coming from a thrash metal old school mentality that nu-metal would become something of a nostalgic respectable genre. But the testament to their talent in there, Slipknot, Korn, Deftones, SOAD...and god damn even Limp Biskit have become legends of the genre, and they deserve to be considered in the main canon.
great video, enjoyed every second of it
The 20 year cycle lives on. Soon enough we'll all be reminscing about the glory days of Franz Ferdinand and the Killers and the indie rock boom, and then it'll be all about late 2000s club anthems and peak Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.
I'm 17 and my parents are in their late 30s so Nu Metal was a massive genre in my childhood, some of my earliest memories involved my parents blasting Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn, System Of A Down, and other stuff on a janky old CD player lol
I've gone on to find comfort in 3 main bands, Green Day, Nirvana and Silverchair, but Nu Metal is still a big part of my life, it's a weird and wonderful genre
the clause "my parents blasting Limp Bizkit" did an undescribable damage to my psyche.
i'm 18 and with you brother
Great music taste
Awesome bands man! Silverchair is one of my favorites!
I'm glad to say I didn't find nu metal through tiktok, I found nu metal through a friend who was a long time fan of slipknot
The male description of a nu metal fan is literally my dad
Good part about being an adult is you stop caring about what other people find embarassing and you just enjoy what music you like, what makes you feel good. You stop caring about peoples opinion in general.
Exactly, matter of fact I learned that I actually enjoy most of the music genres. I used to hate on rap when I was younger because it was mainstream, but now I don't care, if I like it, I listen to it. Simple
Nu-metal is awesome, and that's a hill I'll die on. Slipknot, Korn and Limp Bizkit blew me away as a 14 year old kid.
I should have pushed my fingers into my eeeeeyyyyes,
it would've been the only way
to not watch this videooooo
but my attention span
All he gooot..all he got is numetal haaate!(8)
I love when the subtitles tell me a story about Limb Biscuit and Lincoln's Parc ❤
I'm a numetalcore vocalist. Everything you said is accurate and we degenerates support your documentation of our culture.
Q: "Do you like nu-metal?"
A: "Well, I like Linkin Park.
Pretty much just Linkin Park."
Good to hear P.O.D. mentioned as early band of the genre. Absolute truth
Props for mentioning Helmet and FNM. Just found your channel and it's fucking awesome!!!!!
Everything you just said is exactly why I love nu metal
I also credit the Antrax/Public Enemy remake of Bring the Noise (1991)Originally by Public Enemy (1988) PE as the crossover that had this huge effect. But I had heard some years before the joke song I Am the Man by Anthrax ( 1987)
But a year after the remake, in 1992 ,Rage Against the Machine did their Debut and they toured to my country, Iceland, the year later, and had their top song at number one on the radio here. It topped Madonna, Ace Of Base and Guns N Roses. Mainstream Radio stations were blasting ''Fökk you, i won't do what you tell me!''. And i saw them at a concert that changed me here in Reykjavik. The Cringe stuff came a bit later. Like in any genre, when people trying to get rich do anything to get rich, it destroys the originality and the spark that had an impact in the first place. Good Video.
This is the worst time for me to really start getting into nu-metal because i feel like a poser. I just enjoy the music because its what ive grown up with thanks to my mom. I liked the music and would listen to it but i saw it was getting more popular and decided to delve in more and i fell even more in love, having more knowledge of the bands that my mom listened to alot made me feel more connected to her. It really sucks its getting a bad wrap bc its "trendy" now.
listen to whatever you like, and thats coming from me who gatekeeps a lot
make nu metal great again
It was never great to begin with.
You need to go to the Institute of lower learning
Damn, why are yall hating when you can mind your own business?
love it how taproot, disturbed, staind and spineshank werent even mentioned XD
Linkin park is probably one of if not THE most unique band ive ever seen, also being my all time favorite band, hybrid theory and meteora were both huge hits, but since they released their album "a thousand suns" in 2010, they started to go to other genres then nu-metal, going to more electronic and hip-hop sounds and got alot of hate for it. Everybody that liked linkin park for their heavier side like Hybrid Theory and Meteora, they did NOT like their transition to different genres. but since they released their album "One more light" going to more pop sorts a music, the album got alot, and i mean ALOT of hate, and Chester Bennington, the lead vocalist ended up committed suicide about 2 months later.
Always sounded to me like back street boys, posers who wanted to sound like metal or rap at the same time.
Btw, I'm respecting black rap and fan of tru metal.
@@Faaaaaaaaaaaaz ahh yes BSB the famous band for melodic screams to softer tones and back to 17 second screams.. mixed with some rapping and turn table scratches.. u might need to clean off your ear wax if they sound the same as some 2000s boy band
Love all of your guides! The weaving of shit posting and informativeness is hilarious and informative. Please do a guide Industrial music! I’d love to hear your take on what was basically everything I listened to in my teens and early 20s.
Meteora was my first cd, respect man.
Coolea with yet another hit. Constructive criticism though, this video would've been better if it was titled "Ignorant Guide to Powermetal" and was just about Powermetal!
Metal heads: I hate this, worst, disgusting, crime
Also metal heads: First CD I ever got
I’m pretty detached from social media and like trends and shit. I don’t listen to much new metal but I have a great deal of love and respect for linkin park cause they were the first band I ever got into as a kid and have a lot of nostalgia. Slipknot I have recently fallen in love with not because of the nu metal tag or the outfit, but the schizophrenic aggression. And deftones I’ve fallen in love with very hard because of it’s sensual but dark atmosphere that they have. It feels like I’m high while also living in poverty and it’s so angry and murky and muddy sounding. It’s definetly a vibe and an atmosphere that taught me to actually pay attention to atmosphere in other forms of metal and other bands.
Ah yes, the perfect genre
slipknot was my reason for being at 16.
slipknot is now a guilty pleasure at 33.
i love nu metal. fred durst got me through dark souls 1 and one of my breakups
The fact that he said “also I hate you” after “Nu metal is the perfect genre for you” really shows how much he loves this genre.
Listening to the first slipknot album was the musical equivalent of having a seizure
You mentioned Helmet, that is a get-out-of-a-verbal-smacking-for-free card in my book.
It does remind me of teenage angst and a lot of it is drenched in it.
Helmet were in The Crow soundtrack. cant get edgier than that XD
@2st486 my God milktoast was good, burn was a hell of a banger
@@red420noscope i still have the original cd for Helmet's Meantime XD
My mom listens to a lot of different music, but she was the one who got me into nu metal, she had In The End in her playlist. It was probably my favorite song in it. Then I started to listen to other metal genres.
It's such a shame that Bungles biggest influence was seen in nu metal and not more avant-garde music
ever heard of Polkadot Cadaver and Dog Fashion Disco?
It sure as heck influenced one of the greatest avant-garde black metal bands: Sigh.
@@archaeorobboI had to reread that lol
Sepultura had a major hand in it with the chaos a.d. and roots albums.
the first couple limp bizkit albums are genuinely good considering everyone but Durst is actually very talented
Durst is too bozo
@@1950sWasPeakIf you didn't know he's just mimicking like a bozo. But he's able to get a gold bar out from a litre of piss of hate 😏
I liked nu metal when I was 15. I’m now 23
I still like nu metal
Not me watching this with a slip knot shirt on
Found you through Punk Rock MBA, and had to instantly sub. :D Time to binge all your content!
i saw this great video where they mashed up Slipknot vocals with the background music to the Spice Girls. i always knew there was something about Slipknot that i just thought was trying too hard and felt very saccharine. i couldn't place it but now it makes total sense.
I think the reason nu metal is trending now is the same reason why every old genre trends, time. People who grew up listening to nu metal are in their 30s and 40s had kids in their 20s those kids are 15 and going through their parents or uncles, CD collection and old T-shirts just like Gen x and the first millennials went through their hippie moms stuff. 30 years is the amount of time it takes for something to be cool again. the '70s were cool in the '90s and the '90s are cool in the 20s. In 10 years it'll be whatever was popular in 2005.. and in 30 years it'll be whatever's popular now. The reason I think that it works this way especially with the internet is that people in their 30s dictate the market, but teenagers dictate the trends. But if the trend is something that the 30-year-olds loved when they were teenagers then they'll back it. So it's a bunch of 30-year-olds watching tik toks of teenagers listening to korn, remembering the good old days.
glad this channel is growing
I’ve always been attracted to hard rock music because it speaks to my personality and how I feel. As long as it has some edge and aggression I can relate to it. Metal or not. Don’t care if it’s “true” metal or not either. Music for me is about the vibe. I don’t care about technical skill.
I hate hate hate that deftones had been looped in with "tictok music" (yes i know that its because it has genuinely blown up on tictok) I genuinely want to talk about the evolution of deftones music, the content of their albums, and band in general with people l, however, every time someone says they like them they actually end up just liking the same 4-5 songs while never touching albums like adrenaline or gore. i totally get just listening to a few songs from certain artists, but if that's the case please don't fake being a fan of them, its not the end of the world, but is still kind of annoying when i want to talk about my favorite band.
They will be scared to death if they'll listen to "Headup".
@@Samurai-ss5qs i’m fine with the songs becoming popular just hate when it’s ALL they know but they say shit like “i LOVE deftones” no, you love change in the house of flys, just say that
This is what happens with all fandoms. Those who got into it early are ostracised and called weird because it strays from the norm. Then later when the popularity of an artist/fandom increases (because of tik tok) - the very same people who bullied you for being weird jump on the bandwagon because it’s a trend and they want to fit in with the crowd. I understand why people gatekeep because it feels unfair that they had to go through being mocked for liking something, now the newcomers don’t have to deal with the same thing. Another aspect is the fact that when you are a huge fan of an artist, listening to all of their albums, examining their lyrics etc. they resonate with you on a deep emotional level. When you see people not understanding the meaning behind songs and just listening to a few of them while claiming to be fans - it sort of discounts all of the effort you put in. I think it just comes down to simple human psychology. We’ve evolved to form communities and the concept of gatekeeping is necessary because it ensures that each person in the group has something in common with one another. Think of it this way - if you are a fan of a niche band, and you find another fan out in the world, then that means you have a pretty good chance of having things in common. If the band isn’t well known and their lyrics describe certain emotions, you can bet the other person has felt those same feelings and has the same interests. This will allow you to form a deep connection with someone similar to yourself. If this band becomes popular because of a trend and the fanbase widens, now a huge and varied swath of people know about it and if you meet one of these in the world, chances are you’ll have nothing in common in terms of experience, lifestyle, goals, worldview etc. the only thing in common you have is that they heard a few songs of the artist on tiktok. Essentially, as something becomes more popular, the chance for making deep connections in a fandom decreases.
I started getting into nu-metal like a year ago and genuinely had no idea that it was popular again...
A band that was weird to me that was considered Nu-Metal besides their first album which i can kind of understand was Dry Kill Logic. Criminally underrated band. I still have them in my most played bands.
mentioned soad just once... yeah title checks out
I've had people get annoyed that I don't mention a certain artist, but this is the first time anyone has gotten on my case for mentioning an artist but not as many times as they'd want me to. Congrats.
But System Of A Down ain’t Nu Metal
They say that you hate what you don't understand, but now I feel like I understand Nu-metal and I still hate it.
This is journalism!
Linkin Park was part of nu-metal but they branched out after their Meteroa album. Then their MTM was a brief of fresh air and ever so then, their music got so unique
the constant hate on fred durst is hilarious
When I was 9 I bought my first ever CD, which of course was by Linkin Park. 20+ years later and I have spent considerable money on metal albums, merch and live shows and I plan on doing so for as long as I live.
There are purists who think nu metal should never have happened, but the reality is that it injected metal with a huge amount of new fans who went on to discover the rest of this massive and wonderful genre. I'm sure metal today would be a lot less healthy if it wasn't for nu metal. You don't have to like everything, just be grateful for the positives.
hold up, i started listening to nu metal 5 years ago when tiktok didnt exist, i just love the groove of slipknot first two albums and mudvayne and korn and deftones and so on
I find it funny that you throw Mudvayne throught out the video as the ridiculous standard for how nu metal bands looked like, considering that their first album was between the most unique within the sub genre.
Was I clickbaited by the girl in the thumbnail? yes.
The funniest thing to me was back then people who listened to nu metal didn't call it that, they just called it metal, and the people that listened to actual metal called it nu metal. It was a pejorative that stuck.
Nu Metal Supremacy
40% of this video is Fred Durst getting ahit on and i love it
hey man this is probably the funniest video i've seen in a while keep it on
nu metal is the best thing ever created in human history I love nu metal I’m so glad nu metal exist live laugh love nu metal
even doe I watched a 8 minutes and 44 seconds of a dude talking shit about my taste in music, i still loved your video man, your editing, your goofy sound effects and photos, and talking shit about Fred durst was funny.
Nu Metal has such raw and intense riffs, i love it. The new Revival Scene has some really good bands.
like what?
@blackpillspear2592 InDharma, Tallah, Tetrarch, From Ashes To New, I'm The Storm, Ashes Like Rain, Arimea, Vein.FM, Alpha Wolf and etc.
As a Slipknot fan, this is accurate
6:36 this cat killed me 😂😂😂😂
The Judgement Night movie soundtrack was also surely a big influence too. Each track of the album paired a Hip Hop group with a Metal group in its most basic form.
grew up on soad and korn since i was 2 years old headbanging in the back of my moms car. still love it
One day you will talk about slam.... one day...
“Deathcore but dirtier” *video ends*
A lot of bands got lumped into the tag of Nu-Metal that actually weren’t.
SLIPKNOT - Had more in common with Grindcore bands like Nasum & Pig Destroyer. They just had a DJ 🤷🏽♂️ AMEN - Considered themselves Punk. STATIC-X were Industrial. EVANESCENCE- Symphonic Metal in the vein of Lacuna Coil. STAIND & PUDDLEofMUD - Post Grunge
INCUBUS - Funk Metal, a heavier Chilli Peppers. And MACHINE HEAD were just straight-up Metal
Static X where evil disco iykyk ;)
been listening to Nu metal when my named me Cambria after Coheed and Cambria, my dad gave me a kindle fire and the only song on it was Living dead girl, my dad would pick me up from daycare playing tool, i’m a lil mad abt all these new ppl but at the same time also happy it’s finally getting popular again
Keep your Nu off my metal please
dont forget the non-existent nostalgia for early 2000s
Ah another video about a music genre that i like sounding like another so i can get confused about what the diffference is and likely emberass myself by thinking a band is part of said new genre when its not. Yippee!!!
Waiting for "An Ignorant Guide to Speedcore"
Real Deftones fans got into the band from Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge 🗣️
They are also in the Lord Slug movie toward the end as well.