Lower Decks
Lower Decks
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Mariner Delights In Sito Being In Her First Year At The Academy - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x10
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Mariner Delights In Sito Being In Her First Year At The Academy - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x10
Mariner Saves The Science Station From The Venomous Tremble Lizards - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x09
Переглядів 101 тис.Рік тому
Mariner Saves The Science Station From The Venomous Tremble Lizards - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x09
Moss Gets Tendi To Tell Her Story - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x08
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Moss Gets Tendi To Tell Her Story - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x08
Rutherford Gets Pregnant And Gives Birth To A Baby - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x08
Переглядів 978 тис.Рік тому
Rutherford Gets Pregnant And Gives Birth To A Baby - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x08
Rutherford Admits Badgey As His Son And Asks For His Forgiveness - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x07
Переглядів 85 тис.Рік тому
Rutherford Admits Badgey As His Son And Asks For His Forgiveness - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x07
Badgey Becomes A Digital God And Ascends - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x07
Переглядів 174 тис.Рік тому
Badgey Becomes A Digital God And Ascends - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x07
Boimler Can't Stop Watching Ferengi's TV Program - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x06
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Boimler Can't Stop Watching Ferengi's TV Program - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x06
Captain Freeman Tricks Feregni Into Signing The Contract - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x06
Переглядів 346 тис.Рік тому
Captain Freeman Tricks Feregni Into Signing The Contract - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x06
The Team's Going Crazy - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x05
Переглядів 86 тис.Рік тому
The Team's Going Crazy - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x05
Boimler Dies On His First Day As A Lieutenant - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x03
Переглядів 291 тис.Рік тому
Boimler Dies On His First Day As A Lieutenant - Star Trek Lower Decks 4x03
Joker Tells His Family He's Going Back To Evil - Harley Quinn 4x06
Переглядів 505 тис.Рік тому
Joker Tells His Family He's Going Back To Evil - Harley Quinn 4x06
Oliver Has A Heart Attack - Only Murders In The Building 3x02
Переглядів 10 тис.Рік тому
Oliver Has A Heart Attack - Only Murders In The Building 3x02
Guys Find Ben's Dead Body - Only Murders In The Building 3x01
Переглядів 6 тис.Рік тому
Guys Find Ben's Dead Body - Only Murders In The Building 3x01
Harley Teaches Bat Family How To Fight Without Gear - Harley Quinn 4x04
Переглядів 89 тис.Рік тому
Harley Teaches Bat Family How To Fight Without Gear - Harley Quinn 4x04
Harley Decides To Move In With The Bat Family - Harley Quinn 4x03
Переглядів 8 тис.Рік тому
Harley Decides To Move In With The Bat Family - Harley Quinn 4x03
Ivy Offers Nora Fries A Job - Harley Quinn 4x01
Переглядів 96 тис.Рік тому
Ivy Offers Nora Fries A Job - Harley Quinn 4x01
The Fight Between Jordan And Spencer - All Aamerican 3x01
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The Fight Between Jordan And Spencer - All Aamerican 3x01
Burnham Says Goodbye To Georgiou - Star Trek Discovery 3x10
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Burnham Says Goodbye To Georgiou - Star Trek Discovery 3x10
Every Molecule Fights To Either Go Back In Time - Star Trek Discovery 3x09
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Every Molecule Fights To Either Go Back In Time - Star Trek Discovery 3x09
Georgiou Returns To The Mirror Universe - Star Trek Discovery 3x09
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Georgiou Returns To The Mirror Universe - Star Trek Discovery 3x09
Burnham Meets Her Mother - Star Trek Discovery 3x07
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Burnham Meets Her Mother - Star Trek Discovery 3x07
Missy Teaches Sheldon How To Ride A Bike - Young Sheldon 4x03
Переглядів 81 тис.4 роки тому
Missy Teaches Sheldon How To Ride A Bike - Young Sheldon 4x03
Sheldon Learns To Cope With Everything Himself - Young Sheldon 4x03
Переглядів 92 тис.4 роки тому
Sheldon Learns To Cope With Everything Himself - Young Sheldon 4x03
Sheldon Trains Before College - Young Sheldon 4x03
Переглядів 228 тис.4 роки тому
Sheldon Trains Before College - Young Sheldon 4x03
Mom Makes Sheldon Take A Walk - Young Sheldon 1x01
Переглядів 46 тис.4 роки тому
Mom Makes Sheldon Take A Walk - Young Sheldon 1x01
Missy Has Her First Period - Young Sheldon 4x02
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Missy Has Her First Period - Young Sheldon 4x02
USS Discovery Pulls Tikhov Out Of The Storm - Star Trek Discovery 3x05
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USS Discovery Pulls Tikhov Out Of The Storm - Star Trek Discovery 3x05
I Can't Give You The Answer, But What You Have Is Not Even Close - Young Sheldon 4x01
Переглядів 1,2 млн4 роки тому
I Can't Give You The Answer, But What You Have Is Not Even Close - Young Sheldon 4x01
Until The One We Had For My Son, Leonard Cooper - Young Sheldon 4x01
Переглядів 321 тис.4 роки тому
Until The One We Had For My Son, Leonard Cooper - Young Sheldon 4x01


  • @thegreenmanofnorwich
    @thegreenmanofnorwich 2 години тому

    I love T'Ana accidentally getting on the Alhambra

  • @specialnewb9821
    @specialnewb9821 7 годин тому

    Was not expecting the Ferengi to drink the rootbeer

  • @h8GW
    @h8GW 19 годин тому

    I love how Mariner was so in shock her brain broke. uhhh......uhhhhhhh....Hi, I'm Beckett Mariner.........I uh, have you met your boyfriend, Ensign Boimler?

  • @josemejias5656
    @josemejias5656 День тому

    And this is canon by the way, this actually happened in universe, what!

  • @Muykle
    @Muykle День тому

    Which of these events are dreams? I wouldn't be surprised that the updates might have side effects of false realities as its getting updated.

    @ONEFATE9 2 дні тому

    Tendi: I'm glad that you're my friends. Shax: I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU!!!!!! Everyone:AAAAAH!!!!

  • @Wolfencreek
    @Wolfencreek 3 дні тому

    Rule of Acquisition #69: Ferengi are not responsible for the stupidity of other races.

  • @typacsk
    @typacsk 3 дні тому

    The Dropo of Starfleet, if you will

  • @quirkyhonor3427
    @quirkyhonor3427 3 дні тому

    Ugh, meetings

  • @GaijinCartoonist
    @GaijinCartoonist 3 дні тому

    I love the straight up Indiana Jones Horror Music during his ascension.

  • @h8GW
    @h8GW 4 дні тому

    It seems like Jet never washed his collar for months.

  • @GaijinCartoonist
    @GaijinCartoonist 4 дні тому

    I liked rutherford leading with the double fist hit

  • @swtofflemire
    @swtofflemire 5 днів тому

    Grand Nagus Rom..... Diplomacy is a Class at the Academy so Have Some. "Ferengi" is Just Disrespectful.

  • @Cameleonbates
    @Cameleonbates 5 днів тому

    Badgey just about to imprint a hyrdogen atom on his forehead, lol.

  • @jurassicdomination
    @jurassicdomination 6 днів тому

    Kind of reminds me of Slideshow Bob’s family in the Simpsons.😅

  • @BigTuk
    @BigTuk 6 днів тому

    Seruiously this may well be the best star trek series out there. The writers understand and RESPECT the loreestablished and love it enough to poke fun while still writing believable stories.

  • @OsirisLord
    @OsirisLord 8 днів тому

    Starfleet obviously the holo-deck is a non-essential system but within that system the safeties are essential. Therefore the safest thing to do is simply turn off the holo-deck and not let it run but turn the safety off.

  • @lucazeroblueversion9346
    @lucazeroblueversion9346 9 днів тому

    If i had a nickle for every floating yellow triangle trying to kill the main characters, i have 2. Which isnt a lot but its weird that it happend twice

  • @Ductos
    @Ductos 10 днів тому

    We could do Evasive Maneuver 8...8? "..." "...is he f****** serious?" "THAT was the wrong answer!" "I mean 84." "In *this* situation??? Are you crazy?!" They don't even need to explain what 84 is 😂

  • @vagabond4576
    @vagabond4576 10 днів тому

    Cant blame them with all the inflation.

  • @OsirisLord
    @OsirisLord 10 днів тому

    1:12 might be the only time in the show's entire run where T'Lyn actually expresses an emotion.

  • @jordanb8712
    @jordanb8712 10 днів тому

    I love that line! "Every molecule fights to go back in time or jump a cosmic divide!"

  • @OsirisLord
    @OsirisLord 10 днів тому

    The Cosmic Koala is my favorite running gag in this show.

  • @shadowofbosstown
    @shadowofbosstown 11 днів тому

    They stole this directly from my name is Earl when Crab Man's Dad comes into the picture.

  • @fandomshuzzah1907
    @fandomshuzzah1907 12 днів тому

    God i love rom's signature

  • @scottbigley5126
    @scottbigley5126 12 днів тому

    I hope they decide to bring this back in a couple years but with a new lower decks cast with the originals all higher officers! Peak trek here!

  • @markzilla6895
    @markzilla6895 13 днів тому

    "Fuck! They all look the same!" "Who the hell was that?" Best part of this episode XD

  • @PrincessLizzyHere
    @PrincessLizzyHere 14 днів тому

    Boimler is now my favorite character😎

  • @prerna95
    @prerna95 14 днів тому

    Coffee 🍀

  • @TheDogGeneral
    @TheDogGeneral 14 днів тому

    I think it's utterly inhumane that the Federation which could have had the technology to rectify the instance with yor shoes to let a living being die and send him home I understand the basis of the temporal Accords but the issue I take is you are tying your hands with solutions to problems rather than lament about them

  • @Gestrid
    @Gestrid 14 днів тому

    Badgey was actually Bill Cipher all along!

  • @Evil0tto
    @Evil0tto 14 днів тому

    Honestly a diplomatic coup like that shows Freemen is worthy of promotion to admiral. I heard there was a slot available after a recent... unfortunate event.

  • @StagFiesta
    @StagFiesta 15 днів тому

    My favorite part is them bringing Shax back after this. They 100% knew they couldnt leave him behind, hes too good.

  • @minecraft_fal6923
    @minecraft_fal6923 15 днів тому

    That simulated badge is like all the people I went to school with

  • @MaxCarnage1984
    @MaxCarnage1984 15 днів тому

    That’s not how you spell ascension…

  • @TinyDeskEngineer
    @TinyDeskEngineer 15 днів тому

    Damn, lots of people seem to be ascending to higher planes of existence in this show.

  • @ElJorro
    @ElJorro 16 днів тому

    Spoiler: He Descends.

  • @LifeofDeeKayy_
    @LifeofDeeKayy_ 16 днів тому


  • @robertmolnar8543
    @robertmolnar8543 17 днів тому

    "Hey psycho keep it down we're trying to sleep". "Oh shut up Jen". Ah young love

  • @supersaiyanwilch
    @supersaiyanwilch 18 днів тому

    "They had a long road, getting from there to here 🤣I'm DEAD!!!

  • @jackphillips3354
    @jackphillips3354 18 днів тому

    1:57 YEAH! Tell ‘em Nora!

  • @madslayer4197
    @madslayer4197 19 днів тому

    Victor didn't die for that

  • @Friendlyneighborhoodpoolguy
    @Friendlyneighborhoodpoolguy 20 днів тому

    They need to give us at least one new season of The Big Bang Theory to let everybody know what Leonard and Penny named their child

  • @linz8291
    @linz8291 22 дні тому

    You know we're not recommend anyone to visit our reptilian-lizard-draconian friends if they didn't have invitation or telepathic communications firstly...because humanoid ET and onland earthlings are belongs to lyran races according to current life form.

  • @greyeagle7713
    @greyeagle7713 22 дні тому

    I like to think that upon becoming Grand Nagus, Rom brought Baseball to Ferenginar. The Ferengi Baseball League has many teams, each one sponsored by a major business. The teams wear company colors and iconography on their uniforms, to advertise their sponsors, and the betting is intense.

  • @jake-leejones8320
    @jake-leejones8320 22 дні тому

    What is the song in the background? Does anyone know?

  • @ifeelbetterabouthis.louis3
    @ifeelbetterabouthis.louis3 24 дні тому

    He got a c section 😂

  • @echobravo5517
    @echobravo5517 25 днів тому


  • @Greyinkling276
    @Greyinkling276 26 днів тому

    I like how the gorns ignored a ship crashing behind them and didn't look back until Rutherford shouted.

  • @Doughboy24-r5d
    @Doughboy24-r5d 26 днів тому

    Jordan felt that hit boy started walking backwards