Castlevania SOTN (Sega Saturn vs Playstation) Side by Side Comparison

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Castlevania Symphony of the Night Comparison - Sega Saturn vs Playstation/ Ps1.

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @silenig
    @silenig 8 років тому +379

    The memories with this game... The Saturn version had some extras (a few levels, new music, new items, Maria as a playable character) but PS plays smoother and has better graphical effects (Dracula teleport, the vortex background, water etc).

    • @Theshark15z
      @Theshark15z 8 років тому +34

      The Mist and the Transformation was done better in PlayStation due to Saturn's limited support for transparency.

    • @muhsogyny9148
      @muhsogyny9148 8 років тому +105

      Saturn actually has full support for transparency - in 2D. What limited it is that the game was made in 3D on the PlayStation (ALL of them are), using textured polygons to represent sprites. The PlayStation had no 2D engine; all of its "2D" games were programmed that way. Rather than create a new true 2D engine for the Saturn, the team ported their engine over to Saturn's 3D VDP. Had they created a new engine from the ground up, the Saturn version could have had perfect transparencies, a smoother frame rate, and a higher resolution, but it would have taken a long time to basically recreate the game from scratch with little financial incentive given the Saturn's poor sales.

    • @GranMaese
      @GranMaese 7 років тому +33

      Yeah, this is one of those cases were you can distinguish people who prefer graphics over content. (I take content over graphics any day).

    • @noop9k
      @noop9k 7 років тому +13

      Utilizing Saturn transparencies is hard and they are still not capable of exactly replicating PS1 effects such as blur and it is hard to apply them to specific objects. Also, PS1 GPU can blit rectangular 2D tiles slightly more efficiently than arbitrary polygons, so it does have some 2D-specific operations though they produce same results as polygons would. PS1 is both more flexible and simpler, also much more powerful at drawing polys or scaled sprites, while Saturn only has performance advantage when drawing several 2D layers, producing graphics similar to SNES on steroids. But this comes with tons of maddening limitations and quirks.

    • @williamproto6164
      @williamproto6164 7 років тому +24

      The new levels are out of place and lame, Maria wasn't fixed until the PSP version, some effects just flat out look bad on the Saturn, the amazing so bad it's good English voice acting isn't on the Saturn, and it takes *forever* to load (especially the menu) on Saturn. PS1 version easily wins

  • @ghost085
    @ghost085 8 років тому +357

    Why can't 2D retro indie games look like this?
    Edit: this comment was written 4 years ago, when most indie games tried to look like nes graphics. I know that nowadays many indie games look amazing (Iconoclasts, The Messenger, Owlboy, and many others).

    • @itsClaptrap
      @itsClaptrap 7 років тому +38

      Ik this comment is old but damnit I'm gonna reply, because instead of having limitations and working with those said limits back then they needed to be creative, now they try to simulate such limitations that just aren't there so it just looks and feels off. And also the nostalgia aspect is at play lol

    • @noop9k
      @noop9k 7 років тому +66

      It is much simpler. Because majority of indies can't program and can't draw. Also, this game is a relatively high-budget project and is also reusing assets from another high budget Castlevania - Chi no Rondo.

    • @thekenixkil
      @thekenixkil 7 років тому +25

      noop9k Cuphead is very good

    • @Yukatoshi
      @Yukatoshi 6 років тому +13

      Kowaijiwaru Indeed. One of the most visually interesting games in years.

    • @denguenavarrogomez8434
      @denguenavarrogomez8434 6 років тому +1

      yeah you jusy go straigth in line thas not an rpg. beside toon graphics suck.

  • @keithknight6745
    @keithknight6745 3 роки тому +62

    I always play this game like it's the first time I have ever played it. I never get tired of this master piece.

  • @christianpalmer225
    @christianpalmer225 4 роки тому +22

    Got to say that, back in the 90s when we would have been playing this originally, the mesh transparencies would have looked like real ones. On a regular old tube TV like we were using (and I still use for old-school gaming), mesh transparencies blended together because of how the pixels glowed and blended. Try playing this on an old school TV and see for yourself. (The PSX version is the original, and still plays a tad smoother though.)

    • @cybermx8896
      @cybermx8896 Рік тому

      To many slowdowns on Saturn, PS1 is the way.

    • @pentexsucks43
      @pentexsucks43 Рік тому

      Okay, played it on my CRT and it still doesn't look great. It's just a common fact that the Saturn wasn't the best with transparencies. Which is super apparent on the Resident Evil 1 port with the water/blood

  • @jediknightgeo
    @jediknightgeo 8 років тому +113

    Damn it really chaps my ass how many great Saturn games were left in Japan (this obviously being just one of them). Both versions have their plus and minus's but when it comes down to it you really cant go wrong with either version.

    • @Amishmediagroup
      @Amishmediagroup 7 років тому +1

      Yeah, the Saturn had a lot of great Japan exclusives. It sucks that it did so poorly here; some of them would surely have been localized if Sega had any clue what they were doing from 1994-1997.

    • @Yukatoshi
      @Yukatoshi 6 років тому +2

      jediknightgeo Was par for the course for SEGA at this point sadly. Communication between East and West divisions barely existed, so the only hope was 3rd partys, but obviously as the Saturn only sold well in Japan it made little financial sense for them to bring Japanese stuff Westwards to a small userbase. I have about 60 Japanese Saturn games, and most are great. SEGA really fucked up.

    • @capcom23
      @capcom23 4 роки тому

      if you want a fast gameplay Saturn aint one for you. Checking the map takes a lot of time. On ps1 you can see it very fast. I couldn't even bothered to wait such time when I had to check the map. Just not worth my time. First game play should be done on ps1 and later on saturn just for a second ride with the extra stuff

    • @DanielAyy
      @DanielAyy 4 роки тому +9

      @@Jackapher The Saturn version is far from unplayable. It may not be as smooth as ps1, but it doesn't break the experience. You get used to the slower map and menus after a while. There's even a hack that uses the 4mb cart you can download that cuts down the loading and slowdown a bit and greatly speeds up the menus and map.

    • @Fry09294
      @Fry09294 3 роки тому

      @@DanielAyy The 4mb cart mod has no impact on fps and even if it did, the game is still a hideous, dingy mess. The Saturn port is atrocious and an embarrassment to the system.

  • @joseteixeira3278
    @joseteixeira3278 8 років тому +68

    Seria legal ter usado para comparação a versão JAP do PS1, pois a US é capada. Na minha humilde opinião que joguei ambas nos consoles na época ambas são boas, mas a JAP de PS1 é definitiva. Das versões são os seguintes itens que me lembro:
    1 - A versão SATURN é um port da versão PS1 feito totalmente as pressas, prejudicando muito otimização e frame rate do jogo.
    2 - Os slowdown da versão Saturn é por culpa desse port as pressas, mas se repararem bem, até a versão PS1 tem slowndowns em algumas áreas e em alguns momentos onde se tem muitos inimigos na tela.
    3 - O SATURN não é muito bom com 3D e transparência, por isso os efeitos 3D tiveram que ser refeitos e mudados, exemplo disso são efeito de transformação, nevoa, efeito da cachoeira, efeito da barra de magia, efeitos de iluminação e alguns efeitos de mortes de inimigos que foram completamente modificados na versão SATURN.
    4 - Pra compensar isso a equipe incluiu esses extras no jogo e colocou um doc no disco do jogo explicando.
    5 - Creio que o maior vilão foi mesmo o curto tempo pra equipe portar o jogo, se os caras tivessem mais tempo, talvez o jogo ficasse melhor otimizado e quem sabe ele até criassem o software pra fazer o 3d todo via software usando exclusivamente um dos processadores do Saturn.
    6 - O jogo não faz uso do cartucho expansor de ram, provavelmente por causa do curto tempo pra portar o jogo.
    A versão do PS1 ficou como definitiva mesmo por causa desses detalhes que fizeram grande diferença no jogo. E a versão definitiva e a JAP, pois a US é capada tiraram dois familiares. Os americanos decidiram que eram inúteis, vai entender.
    Porém pra todo fã é bom se ter e jogar as duas, mas jogar no console mesmo em uma tv de tubo no emu não passa toda a beleza real do jogo. Pra quem não pode fazer isso jogo no emu mesmo que o importante é se divertir. rs

    • @fqnfinancas3431
      @fqnfinancas3431 2 роки тому +8

      O Saturn não era tão ruim no 3D, aliás tem jogos em 3D que se saiu melhor que o Playstation. A questão mesmo era o sistema de desenvolvimento 3D que no Saturn era muito mais complexo que no PlayStation que tinha uma linguagem de programação mais amigável para os Desenvolvedores.
      Sobre a versão definitiva, discordo em partes, pq vc só falou da parte técnica que realmente você tem razão. Porém a versão do Saturn tem suas vantagens, como salas extras, mais personagens jogáveis e uma qualidade sonora um pouco melhor. Aliás não sei se você sabe, mas os fans além da fazerem a tradução, fizeram uma maneira de usar o cartucho de ram pra melhorar o loading e melhorar o frame rate do jogo. Ficou excelente e se você é fan, vale a pena dar uma conferida. Flw

    • @joseteixeira3278
      @joseteixeira3278 2 роки тому +4

      @@fqnfinancas3431 Eu joguei essa versão modificada, ficou muito boa. Espero que melhorem mais e consertem via mod os efeitos que ficaram ruins. Se consertarem esses pequenos detalhes, com todo conteúdo extra que a versão saturn tem, vai ser o supra sumo das galáxias. Que os modders coloquem a versão saturn como deveria ser, bem próximo ou até melhor que a versão do PS1. Pois o Saturn tem poder e capacidade com folga pra isso.

  • @spidermcgavenport8767
    @spidermcgavenport8767 8 років тому +35

    they need to re-release the Saturn version!

    • @alexlexusZXpredator
      @alexlexusZXpredator 3 роки тому

      i have been saying the same for years. it had more content and extra level locations. richter and marie were playable

    • @fishactivation5087
      @fishactivation5087 3 роки тому

      @@alexlexusZXpredator If you want to play as Richter and Maria that badly, just buy the mobile port.
      I agree with you on the exclusive content, though.

    • @alexlexusZXpredator
      @alexlexusZXpredator 3 роки тому +1

      @@fishactivation5087 wasnt aware of a mobile port. but i had both the saturn and psx ver. now currently the xbox BC on my series X. Saturn was my fav version minus some of the porting flaws but colors were better on psx

  • @synthoelectro
    @synthoelectro 7 років тому +13

    There will always be a warm place in my heart for the PS1 version.

  • @Ychigo100
    @Ychigo100 4 роки тому +13

    Jogo atemporal. Até hoje jogos ambas as versões nos dois consoles .
    A versão do Sega Saturn é ótima pelo conteúdo extra, e pelos personagens jogáveis logo de início.
    O ruim é a falta de um atalho para acessar o mapa diretamente, sem apertar o start e L, e um pouco mais de loading.
    Slowdown tem em ambas versões, no castelo invertido próximo a entrada do castelo, naquele corredor que tem os lobos, ambas às versões o fps caí bruscamente (15fps ou menos).
    A versão do ps1 os efeitos de transparência, das transformações, da névoa são melhores. Acesso ao mapa de forma direta sem loading.

  • @Galdelico
    @Galdelico 8 років тому +45

    To be honest, everytime I watch comparisons between these two versions of the game, I can't help but feeling that Saturn Dracula X gets a bit too much negative talk than it actually deserves. Sure, transparencies look rough, and there may be some slowdowns (but is it exclusive to the Saturn port?), yet the fullscreen play area is quite a noticeable plus, and the overall presentation looks just as brilliant to me.

    • @RyuHayabusa06
      @RyuHayabusa06 8 років тому +6

      +Galdelico I own both versions and I can say that the PS1 version is overall just a better game. It plays better, graphics are a touch better due to the resolution of the Saturn not matching up well with the PS1 original, and the extras like playing with Richter and Maria just aren't executed very well. The new levels and bosses are also just a yawn. PS1 wins this one.

    • @Galdelico
      @Galdelico 8 років тому +4

      +RyuHayabusa06 I don't know man. I'm in the same situation and - even though I'd probably recommend to go PS too, in the end - I don't really believe the Saturn version plays in any noticeably 'worse' way. Extra contents are a matter of tastes - you didn't like them, I did - and I don't see any problem with SS Dracula X' screen resolution. Even if you look at the comparison right above, you'll notice that everything is in the same exact place, only with more background graphics at the top/bottom.

    • @Medachod
      @Medachod 8 років тому +1

      +RyuHayabusa06, Try it on SSF. You will eat those words.

    • @Medachod
      @Medachod 8 років тому +1

      RyuHayabusa06 Heheh, okay. Guess you won't listen to me. You'll be sorry.

    • @Medachod
      @Medachod 8 років тому

      RyuHayabusa06 You must've not turned on the settings that fix all crosshatching and slowdown. Or, your rig is weak.

  • @BelmontKnight
    @BelmontKnight 7 років тому +15

    Having the two versions in my hand, I was able to enjoy the good of both, although the Saturn is very poorly implemented because of the porting KCET Nagoya, in a favor I must say that it has new items, apart from new rooms, new songs And even some unknown, with more familiars. And a " third hand equip" to use consumable items, I find that it is much longer and explorable. Besides having new sprites of Richter and Maria. A great adventure pitiful that his optimization was very poorly worked.

  • @thedoge8651
    @thedoge8651 7 років тому +19

    anyone else screaming the whole time he was fighting dracula "use hydro storm you idiot!" yeah i know he had a cross sub weapon so that wasn't possible but who cares :B

    • @darnellhagood1052
      @darnellhagood1052 7 років тому

      Rikku Freak I have an even better this boss battle, then play the Rondo of Blood version...

    • @ENiceGeo
      @ENiceGeo 7 років тому

      I was thinking more of why isn't he dodging the orbs and instead just letting himself get hit by them?

  • @LGDRetrogamer
    @LGDRetrogamer 8 років тому +22

    É uma obra de arte em ambos. Só joguei a versão de PS e pouco... :P

  • @Ashura893
    @Ashura893 8 років тому +5

    Ótimo vídeo como sempre. Só poderia ter sido um pouco maior, mostrando um pouco das áreas exclusiva da versão de Saturn.

  • @phonedork
    @phonedork 8 років тому +11

    There are some things I like better on the Saturn. Like the higher resolution. You can see more of the vertical field on the Saturn. But this may be the reason for the horrible slowdowns on the Saturn. Especially the boss fight with the bodies falling everywhere. It is shit slow on the Saturn. Water splashing effects better on the Saturn too. But the PSX version is still my favorite. There are things like the cathedral that look way better on the PSX. Game just runs smoother on the PSX. But the Saturn was still very enjoyable with Maria as a player character.

    • @phonedork
      @phonedork 7 років тому

      LOL! Working on it. I hate making videos! But I will have it sometime soon. I am also reviewing the OSSC Scaler. I am sure its going to be a conglomeration of crap packed into one video since my A.D.D. kicks in and the subject goes far and everywhere.

    • @Yukatoshi
      @Yukatoshi 6 років тому

      phonedork IIRC the Saturn version was ported by a different team than who created it. They didn't do a very good job at all. Instead of rebuilding for the Saturn's strengths it was essentially just the PS1 version's codes squeezed onto the Saturn with a few odd changes. Look up Digital Foundry's video on it. One of their guys covers retro games in a technical sense, and unlike a lot of us YT commenters actually knows what he's talking about lol.

    • @HsienKoMeiLingFormerYANG
      @HsienKoMeiLingFormerYANG 6 років тому

      Plus fix Richter outfit in sprite.

    • @ACosmicCastaway
      @ACosmicCastaway 6 років тому +1

      Transparency on Saturn are bad, very bad. Pixels seems displaced and it's visible when words of level up show in the screen. Loading after transcution screen on Saturn made me think one thing: Konami made a lazy job on Saturn and I don't know why.

    • @Yukatoshi
      @Yukatoshi 6 років тому

      A Cosmic Castaway The team that did this also ported Vandal Hearts to Saturn. They did a somewhat better job with that.
      I think they also did the Saturn port of Suikoden.

  • @vasileios6301
    @vasileios6301 7 років тому +61

    Inexperienced Konami Nagoya team's Saturn port,its a shame because Saturn is the king of 2ds (even without the 1/4 mb carts).
    And Saturn can do transparencies check out Sonic R,Burning Rangers and few other examples,just skilled effort needed.

    • @jessefisher1809
      @jessefisher1809 5 років тому +7

      From waht I understand its extremely difficult to do from a programming perspective. Having to constantly move info from one processor to the next. The saturn is cool but sega made it unnecessarily complicated and I totally understand why developers would rather just use dithering and call it a day.

    • @fisherdotogg
      @fisherdotogg 5 років тому +5

      @@jessefisher1809 On the old CRT TVs these systems were made to display on you could get away with it too, since you couldn't tell the transperencies were just faked with a mesh.
      What annoys me more about the Saturn port is that they seem to have just not bothered replicating a lot of the same 3D effects the PS1 version had, which the Saturn could absolutely do and honestly could probably do better by virtue of the Saturn often having less angle/perspective warping on polygons. Instead though, they just cheaped out and made facsimiles of things like the vortex in the Dracula fight and the arena shattering into the background. Like the effects are there but they're so scaled back it's almost insulting.

    • @Fry09294
      @Fry09294 3 роки тому +1

      The Saturn couldn't pull off transparency as rich and copious as the PSX version of SOTN in a million years. At best the Saturn port could be improved, but I highly doubt it'd ever could have matched the PSX version.

    • @vasopel
      @vasopel 3 роки тому +1

      @@Fry09294 well you are wrong, but anyway...

    • @Fry09294
      @Fry09294 3 роки тому

      @@vasopel nice argument.

  • @davidtyler6708
    @davidtyler6708 2 роки тому +2

    Make you wonder, can you just import the Saturn exclusive levels, enemies, and items into the PS1/PSP version of Castlevania SOTN.

    @SEGAHEADDY 8 років тому +214

    PS1 version is superior. The Saturn version was ported by Konami's C-Team of developers, who even admitted their shortcomings with the Saturn port in a text file found within the actual game disk data. Saturn version has lack of true transparencies and more slowdown along with lesser FMV/CG quality. Does have some bonus areas though, and you can play as Maria. One of the rare instances where a 2D game is better on PS1 than Saturn (mostly because 1) the game was developed for PS1 first, then ported to Saturn later, and 2) It wasn't the same developmental team at Konami.

    • @tbb033
      @tbb033 8 років тому +19

      Shame they never inserted the Saturn extra stuff into a later version based on the PSX original, like the one unlockable in the PSP version of Dracula X.

    • @hikari_no_yume
      @hikari_no_yume 8 років тому +13

      Lack of “true transparency” is probably due to Saturn hardware limitations. It doesn't support alpha blending for overlapping sprites.

      @SEGAHEADDY 8 років тому +24

      There's actually plenty of Saturn games with true 2D transparencies instead of the mesh seen here. It could have been done, but wasn't. It can be achieved in software. Hell, even true 3D transparencies ended up being reality on Saturn, as games like Sonic R and Burning Rangers show.

    • @hikari_no_yume
      @hikari_no_yume 8 років тому +4

      Oh, I know it has alpha blending support in some cases. But for the specific case of overlapping sprites, it can't do it, it blocks out the sprite underneath. It can do non-alpha blended overlapping sprites, it can do alpha blended non-overlapping sprites, it can do alpha blended background layers. But not alpha blended overlapping sprites. That's why many Saturn games have to use dithered 1-bit transparency for some transparency effects.

    • @magicmost1
      @magicmost1 8 років тому +6

      It's not "superior" dude stop bsing. They're waaay to close for you to say something like that. Each have it's own ups and downs. Anyone who think there's a huge difference, something wrong with them i'm serious. Either that or fanboys. Saturn is probably got the edge if all things are considered.

  • @johnsimon8457
    @johnsimon8457 6 років тому +3

    Cracking up at English Alucard “What?!”
    While Japanese Alucard “Shimata!”

  • @MadChristoph
    @MadChristoph 4 роки тому +3

    PlayStation looks better and feels better

  • @drakonolus7922
    @drakonolus7922 8 років тому +32

    I played and got both versions. I already finished the Saturn version. And i have to say, the Playstation version is the best of the best ever !!!!!
    -You can play as Richter and Maria since the beginning.
    -New musics.
    -New Room Levels, Enemies & Monsters and Bosses.
    -New Items.
    -Three hands instead of a two hands ( great right? )
    -A great Add-on for the Saturn library, that's for sure !!!!!
    -Low resolutions.
    -Lacks a lot of an a important amount of graphics, textures, special effects and
    shaders. ( at the Royal Chappel level, it's atrocious and very notable !!!! )
    -Not transparencies, they recreated those effects by using Dithering filters.
    -A lot of Loading times at the whole game and very annoying in every sense. Even on pausing and returning the game. LAME !!!!!
    -No Select button. To catch up with the Castle Map it's a Real Pain in the ass. And more Loading times for only that !!!!
    -The Alucards Wolf form: cannot dive and dig well inside at the water. So, you cannot make a great amount of percentage for your game on using that way.
    -Inside at the Japanese Playstation version only. The Sprite Fairy Familiar can chant the Nocturne song for Alucard. Even if you play the game for the first time ever.
    Meanwhile inside at the Saturn Version you have to buy another new Item. A some kind of a "Music Book" on where you can use it, and let the Sprite Familiar sing her Nocturne song for Alucard i'm afraid. And for that you need to finish the whole game once to unblock that item from the Master Librarian. ( well, not that bad after all ....... )
    -Those new bonuses; even including those new levels are totally useless ( o yeah, that's true )
    - This game port looked like if it were created for the GameBoy Advance console. I'm not joking about this !!!!!

    • @Marshal_Rock
      @Marshal_Rock 7 років тому +4

      DRAKONOLUS Man, you speak with reason, I don't know how some people prefer the Saturn Version over the PSX, the extra levels don't even add something substantial to the story though they might look fine and far way better if added in the PS version.

    • @FindingsOfAnArmouredMind
      @FindingsOfAnArmouredMind 5 років тому

      You speak with reason!!

  • @hopetagulos
    @hopetagulos 9 місяців тому +2

    A versão de Sega Saturn é melhor por ter extras e gráficos mais definidos graças à resolução, que tá maior. O cartucho de expansão corrige, acho, algumas lentidões ou queda de quadros na animação. Sobre o efeito de transparência, com a técnica de pontilhamento (dithering) no Saturn, não fazia muita diferença quando a TV da época era a de "tubo" ou "CRT". Hoje em dia há emuladores que têm filtros gráficos que simulam TVs antigas. Obs.: Eu disponibilizo um pacote de filtros.

  • @pkmemes01
    @pkmemes01 3 роки тому

    The WHAT??? The features in the saturn version are so cool, i wish they would release that version here for modern consoles

  • @iiiiii1449
    @iiiiii1449 3 роки тому +2

    The saturn version seems like it actually looks and runs pretty well.

  • @dianaroces3770
    @dianaroces3770 7 років тому +1

    So, the path to the underground garden is also closed early on the game on Saturn version. I saw some video clips that path was already open when they're going back there for some reason without clicking any switch or anything. Was going to the Cursed Prison triggered it open or something or a certain map percentage need to be accomplished first?

  • @mrshootinputin7251
    @mrshootinputin7251 8 років тому +88

    The Saturn version lets you play Maria, while PlayStation doesn't.

    • @capcom23
      @capcom23 8 років тому +18

      and don't forget the extra levels!

    • @thetrouthunter403
      @thetrouthunter403 8 років тому +11

      +Alucard8319 and new sound tracks

    • @haydengames3v2
      @haydengames3v2 8 років тому +2

      However the sound itself took a hit.

    • @crenado4389
      @crenado4389 8 років тому +5

      "Bloody tears" theme and long jacket + long hair for saturn's richter

    • @Medachod
      @Medachod 8 років тому +8

      +haydengames3v2, No it didn't. The Saturn has its own independent sound card and it sounds better, actually.

  • @Luschan
    @Luschan 2 роки тому +2

    After all the bad things I’ve heard about the Saturn port, it’s honestly not bad at all. The PlayStation version is obviously better, but if nobody told me about the transparencies issue, I’d never notice.
    I love the Saturn, so the novelty of being able to play this game for the first time and have it be on the Saturn is exciting to me. It’s clear now that I won’t be missing out or cheating myself out of a good experience. Also, the Saturn fan translation has the original Japanese voice acting, which is a huge plus. I don’t have any nostalgia or affection for the U.S. dub, so I’d way prefer to hear the badass hammy Japanese acting.

    • @lancepage1914
      @lancepage1914 Рік тому

      The 'transparency issue' isn't so much as an issue, the Sega hardware works differently to the Sony hardware, simply put it doesn't do transparency at all - it does a grid of pixels instead, just like the Genesis does. Many arcades of the time work the same way but it looks almost transparent viewing through a CRT. But it's ever so apparent now since we are watching this comparison on LCD/OLED screens that need to display pixel to pixel. What's more is the Saturn hardware is way better on paper than the PlayStation, especially for 2D games. But overall the PlayStation won the battle because it was way easier to develop games for it than Saturn, so developers could utilise tools that attracted more to consumer, even though on paper Saturn hardware was better.

  • @renatogois5966
    @renatogois5966 Рік тому +2

    Acho a versão do Saturn a melhor
    mesmo com seus problemas de transparência o interessante é que alguns efeitos de transparência estão idêntico ao do PlayStation na parte da água ou quando mata um lobo gigante e ele explode em fogo
    com transparência acho que a versão do Saturn so não ficou melhor em efeitos de transparência
    Por conta da preça para entrega o jogo.

  • @johnv7317
    @johnv7317 5 років тому +3

    Best Castlevania game every made shame that Konami didn't took advantage of the Sega Saturn hardware. But Saturn version is still a good game nonetheless.

    • @ciredecgellar8232
      @ciredecgellar8232 5 років тому

      true, but it's just frustrating to say that the capabilities of the machine were not used when it should have been easy.

  • @enriqueczarnian
    @enriqueczarnian 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome job man!!! 1 year ago or so i start thinking "it would be EPIC if Konami remastered Catlevanias (metroidvanias), starting with SotN, the 3 of GBA and the 3 from NDS: to make them have sounds and graphics like Bloodstained RotN...
    Some one else want to Konami make this type of remastered too???

  • @andrealexandriadonasciment4374
    @andrealexandriadonasciment4374 3 роки тому +1

    Dizer que do saturno se saiu melhor realmente é só questão de gosto pessoal mesmo, até pq no jogos 2D eram uma especialidade a parte no saturno, e nisso para mim Saturn ficou devendo nesse título...
    Só os extras para fazer um contra peso mesmo...
    Mesmo assim não tira o brilho que esse clássico é... Mas o PS1 se sai bem melhor principalmente nos efeito, em destaque os efeitos que envolve transparências

  • @mauricemike2927
    @mauricemike2927 2 роки тому +3

    Ps 1 definitively is the Best version.
    But nice there is a saturn version.

  • @rolandbaron5813
    @rolandbaron5813 9 місяців тому +1

    I don't see a difference between the two on video?

  • @BurningRangers
    @BurningRangers 6 років тому +1

    The PSX version is still the superior version technically given it was the lead platform for the game and used a lot of the transparencies and little particle effects the Saturn wasn't as capable of. KCE Nagoya handled a lot of the PSX to Saturn ports including this one and games like Vandal Hearts with some mixed results. Saturn version has longer load times, more rampant slowdown, missing little particle effects like in the waterfalls, no native transparencies (used sprite "screens"), and poorer quality FMV. Another thing was you could quick load the map from the game screen the PSX version where on the Saturn you had to load it from the menu screen requiring an additional button press.
    Given the Saturn port came out a bit over a year after the PSX version, KCEN tried to make up for the Saturn version's short-comings in the addition of an OP playable Maria from the start, a few more familiars, a couple exclusive weapons (like the Alucard Spear from Castlevania Bloodlines that Eric Lacarde used), and the two exclusive areas that aren't even a requirement to finish the game unless you're trying to 200%+ the map. Even despite Igarashi famously saying he's not a fan of the Saturn conversion and the overall poorer quality of the port compared to the PSX version, it's still quite a desired disc for Castlevania and Saturn owners that commands $100+ on ebay and amazon still because of the extras, OP Maria, and is still pretty import friendly to play despite the small language barrier. Even with the 2007 PSP version being easy to find and cheap to download, it didn't effect it's value much given SotN on it still differs from the Saturn version some.

  • @Metal-Gear-Moogle
    @Metal-Gear-Moogle Рік тому

    There's a guy working on a Sega Genesis demake of this game, looking pretty good so far

  • @JoseRicardo-js3pp
    @JoseRicardo-js3pp 5 років тому +2

    It would be magnificent if somebody translate the text of the saturn version

  • @wohdinhel
    @wohdinhel 2 роки тому

    whew, that saturn FMV encoding lmfao

  • @ThoughTMusic
    @ThoughTMusic 8 років тому +3

    Saturn has crisper textures but PlayStation has better effects.

  • @mateusgomes742
    @mateusgomes742 2 роки тому +2

    No PS1 roda muito mais bonito, mas infelizmente n tem várias áreas do Saturn

  • @leonardodasilvarafael548
    @leonardodasilvarafael548 8 років тому +12

    Apesar do Saturn perder em graficos eu prefiro a versao dele pelos extras como novo personagem pra jogar e nova area pra explorar.LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @alemusg
    @alemusg 5 місяців тому

    Este juego fue una obra maestra... tanto en diseño como en ejecución técnica, ambas versiones son igual de buenas, técnicamente me llama la atención es que en Sega Saturn tampoco implementaron transparencias... lo mismo pasó con la Sega Genesis vs. SNES, donde esta ultima si tenia capacidad de manejarlas, gracias a la paleta de colores en pantalla; el FMV de SOTN en Sony esta muy bien logrado, a pantalla completa y a 30 fps... contrario a Saturn donde el FMV parece de 20 fps y a media pantalla

  • @rafasgameplay8664
    @rafasgameplay8664 8 років тому +18

    Visualmente a versão do PSone e um pouco melhor, principalmente com os efeitos em 3D! O framerate também parece melhor... Porem os extras da versão do Saturno, como mapas exclusivo e poder jogar com a Maria e o grande diferencial. So isto ja coloca a versão o PS1 no chinelo.

    • @felipesakazaki
      @felipesakazaki 5 років тому

      Kkkkkkkkk tá serto!

    • @Helheaven
      @Helheaven 5 років тому

      A versão do PSVITA também permite jogar com Maria depois de zerar o jogo

    • @henriquematiasbarbosa3001
      @henriquematiasbarbosa3001 4 роки тому

      Rapaz, me lembro na época que meu irmão e eu ficamos transtornados de como conseguiram fazer um port tão fraco pro Saturno. Sobre o som a gente não reclama, as músicas e sons são maravilhosos. Mas é 2D, 2D o Saurno destruia, mas parece que não conseguiram ganhar em nada, até nos loadings o jogo é maior e em alguns momentos tem SLOWDOWNS, sendo que o Saturn tinha mais memória ram e talz.
      Os extras realmente são ótimos!
      Concordo com o que você disse.
      Recentemente comprei a versão do Android, inclusive no dia do lançamento (10 continho), mas ainda não vi a versão HD desse jogo que tanto merece.

    • @shenlngbr7514
      @shenlngbr7514 4 роки тому

      @@henriquematiasbarbosa3001 isso pq a Konami não tá mais nem aí pra franquia... Se não fossem os BRs trabalhando duro pra traduzirem o jogo nas ROMs, nem isso a gente teria...

    • @mateusgomes742
      @mateusgomes742 2 роки тому

      Sqn não neh, no PS1 o som ta melhor tbm

  • @retrostansolo
    @retrostansolo 8 років тому

    Thing is its just gets intriguing seeing games in the 32 bit era, I find it interesting and makes me want to play the Saturn/PS1, they have a charm all to

  • @Kos4Evr
    @Kos4Evr 7 років тому +3

    If the Saturn version been properly ported over rather than this half hearted effort then it could have easily been the better version, but it wasnt. While it's certainly not bad it was done wrong which isn't to say that the Saturn wasn't up to the task, just that the dev team that ported it was not up to the task. If you look at a game. Like guardian heroes you can see the kind of things the Saturn could do with 2D side scrollers.

    • @Yukatoshi
      @Yukatoshi 6 років тому +3

      Kos4Evr No one is denying this lol.

  • @hannorino
    @hannorino 3 роки тому

    I wish I had see it for Sega Saturn, I do live in Brazil, and over here was extremely hard to find games in 1999 for Saturn, I bought Sotn for Xbox last week.

  • @IgnizFury
    @IgnizFury 8 років тому +4

    Saturn ver. was complete, PSX ver, was incomplete. Also, japanese ver. is the best, superior acting voices, and Norio Wakamoto!

    • @biphronte
      @biphronte 8 років тому

      Igniz nope, those were lame extras, even Iga hates the Saturn version

  • @pintcat
    @pintcat 5 років тому +1

    Generally, the Saturn has the better 2D capabilities, but when it comes to combine 2D with 3D effects, software development on the Saturn would be a real bummer and it shows.

    • @xtremegold2950
      @xtremegold2950 4 роки тому +2

      sega saturn fail on 3d textures it really looks nasty a pixelate mess .its a shame.on most 3d games however on 2d is a diffent story

  • @DigiPen92
    @DigiPen92 5 років тому

    Oh, so that's where the localization team got the name "Dracula X" for the SNES version port of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood called as "Castlevania: Dracula X" from. 6:03

  • @SDSOverfiend
    @SDSOverfiend 8 років тому +4

    Saturn..... No transparency. That's it.. All that other shits is cosmetic. Both are good.. Konami B-Team could've made the transparency happen..

      @SEGAHEADDY 8 років тому +1

      It's more than just cosmetic. Saturn version has load times all over the place that aren't on PS1. It's horrific. Check out some other footage to see how it loads from room to room unlike the PS1 version which concealed the load times in the "CD Rooms." Saturn version even has to load when you pause the game and go to your menu... that's ridiculous.

    • @SDSOverfiend
      @SDSOverfiend 8 років тому

      SEGAHEADDY Never noticed all that.. Played the Saturn first... As a 14 year old.. All that technical shit you noticing now in hindsight no one gave a fuck about...

      @SEGAHEADDY 8 років тому

      SDS Overfiend Well, yeah, if you played the Saturn version first then you must have thought that loading was normal and how it was supposed to be. Loading when leaving the menu/items screen to get back to the game is definitely not how it was supposed to be, haha! And of course, per room, even though you clearly still run through the "CD Rooms" that link them which were used to cover that up in the original PS1 version. Oh well, still a great game on both consoles.

    • @SDSOverfiend
      @SDSOverfiend 8 років тому

      ***** As a 13-14 year old kid Who played the Sega version first.. I didn't notice Load times.. Can you read!? I had the slightest clue about technical things are a early teen.

    • @SDSOverfiend
      @SDSOverfiend 8 років тому

      ***** Dude first off... I'm not reading all that bullshit you just wrote. Secondly I have eyes.. I noticed this after watching the video.. Thirdly I never disagreed with anything.. I just said I "Never noticed" now please.. Calm the fuck down.

  • @ciredecgellar8232
    @ciredecgellar8232 6 років тому

    Castelvania is an excellent game on both, the 2D graphics aren't marvellous closer from a Super Nes render than games like Princess crown or just Astal or Rayman. The result is surprisly better on PS1 than Saturn, but Saturn have more content so. Tie.

  • @Shadowlord1980
    @Shadowlord1980 6 років тому +72

    Playstation wins. Better graphics, runs smoother and I own this game personally. Castlevania SOTN is best castlevania game which i have ever played.

    • @GamerPlaying
      @GamerPlaying 6 років тому +4

      castlevania 3 ans super castlevanie are the best castlevania, sotn its other game, its a metroid with vampires

    • @Ai-fj1dc
      @Ai-fj1dc 6 років тому +15

      Saturn version has Maria and Richter, and exclusive rooms and tracks... it's better than the PSX release 😀

    • @obudanbondon
      @obudanbondon 6 років тому +5

      Can you own this game ..impersonally?

    • @carlosbarreto4695
      @carlosbarreto4695 6 років тому +3

      EspacioGamer Zero While I admit that these games are great, SOTN is Castlevania with _some_ Metroid features, not "Metroid with vampires".

    • @cesarjezreelmolina8030
      @cesarjezreelmolina8030 6 років тому +3

      Is a Metroidvania, the best is rondo of blood... And Saturn is a better SOTN

  • @baconpancake1
    @baconpancake1 7 років тому +11

    Saturn version looks and sounds like a Chinese replica.

    • @Yukatoshi
      @Yukatoshi 6 років тому

      Biscuits: the retro squirrel Ouch! D:

    • @RichterBelmont02
      @RichterBelmont02 4 роки тому

      Both developer of that game are the same anyway and i must say that the Sega Saturn is legitimate.

  • @ryanfitzpatrick3256
    @ryanfitzpatrick3256 2 роки тому

    This was heartbreaking as a Sega devotee back in the day... Could have been something had the designers rewritten the code for the Saturn's hardware... but alas.

  • @jasonmartinez5116
    @jasonmartinez5116 3 роки тому +1

    The Sega Saturn version probably would have been the definitive edition of SOTN if it was rebuilt to tailor with the Sega Saturn's hardware and utilize the extra RAM of the 4MB RAM cartridge, rather than a lazy port. Konami should have taken notes from Capcom's amazing effort of the Saturn port of XMen vs. Street Fighter. Even though transparency would probably still be messed up due to the semi 3D effects and graphics. Despite the technical shortcomings it's still a great game

    • @kerrygamer9359
      @kerrygamer9359 3 роки тому

      It's useless, Konami is dead, those Konami it's just focus Japanese gambling slot machines (PACHINKO)

  • @DarkTemplarKain
    @DarkTemplarKain 2 роки тому

    wow, that is a VAST difference, i guess they weren't joking about the port for saturn, and usuallly i don't bitch about things like this, if it's a good game i just generally like it, but i can see how performance issues can get aggravating when done incorrectly.

  • @erickribeiro14
    @erickribeiro14 7 років тому

    Mas se o canal é de um(a) brasileiro(a), pq diabos não colocar as coisas em pt?

  • @gonzoindigenousone8939
    @gonzoindigenousone8939 7 років тому +77

    Graphics= PSX
    Content=Saturn .An extra Level not available on PSX.
    Saturn wins.

    • @ThatOldSchoolMagic
      @ThatOldSchoolMagic 7 років тому +13

      Gonzo Indigenous One
      No framerate?
      Then again you probably havent seen the test of the game.

    • @gonzoindigenousone8939
      @gonzoindigenousone8939 7 років тому +1


    • @ThatOldSchoolMagic
      @ThatOldSchoolMagic 7 років тому +17

      Gonzo Indigenous One
      Theirs a lot of points where the framerate drips a lot but ehh. If you like the saturn one better thats up to you

    • @gonzoindigenousone8939
      @gonzoindigenousone8939 7 років тому +9

      I had both. Saturn had some of the graphics wrong. Like the Giant Skulls flickering. PSX had slowdown during bosses. I still have em. Play them too. Saturn version is better. Sound design is better also. That's just my opinion.

    • @drakonolus7922
      @drakonolus7922 7 років тому +14

      All those people that who're already said that the Saturn Version of this game is by far superior, rather than the Playstation counterparts. They just simply doesn't played this game before yet, or even finished the whole game at it's fullest. NOT EVEN PLAYED THE ORIGINAL PLAYSTATION VERSION.
      The day when you, people played the Playstation version and then played / finished the Saturn version, you will find the whole sad truth. THE PLAYSTATION VERSION IS THE BEST.
      Those bonus are totally useless in this game.
      And speaking about Maria's Game. It's the only thing to have a real value inside on that very poorly rushed port. So on that case, play the PSP version. It's a much better port, but not match the original Playstation version. Not even close.

  • @ramirezmejiaignacio
    @ramirezmejiaignacio 3 роки тому +1

    It's a shame the Sega Saturn version was not release out of japan.

  • @ulissescostasantos6350
    @ulissescostasantos6350 7 років тому +58

    Sega Saturn is The best audio JAP is better.

    • @renyuuzu
      @renyuuzu 7 років тому +13

      The japanese voices are auful too :v

    • @CarloNassar
      @CarloNassar 7 років тому +6

      I actually really like the English voice for Dracula.

    • @technicalmachine1671
      @technicalmachine1671 7 років тому +1

      Ren Yuzu Finally someone said it.

    • @Bloodreign1
      @Bloodreign1 7 років тому +11

      The PS1 version also has the Japanese voices in their version. Dracula was voiced by legendary badass VA Norio Wakamoto.

    • @JohnDoe_69
      @JohnDoe_69 7 років тому +1


  • @samuelcamarillo1349
    @samuelcamarillo1349 8 років тому

    Wait, why is there a trasparency effect when Drcaula transforms in the Saturn version, but not when he teleports?

  • @momerion
    @momerion 8 років тому +13

    worst castlevania player ever...

    • @zenzeypher
      @zenzeypher 8 років тому


    • @SpaghettiJoBayBay
      @SpaghettiJoBayBay 8 років тому +2

      I think he played that way on purpose...

    • @anaberthacruzgarcia6245
      @anaberthacruzgarcia6245 6 років тому

      yah i at first try in the fight of dracula i did it without dmg

    • @HaidesTunicaRoja
      @HaidesTunicaRoja 6 років тому

      Saturn version is worst played than Playstation.... it hurts! xD

    • @Ekraelum
      @Ekraelum 6 років тому

      Honestly he's a master compared to me.

  • @ethanislaomateocruz8036
    @ethanislaomateocruz8036 8 років тому

    Como un fan desde el inicio de esta saga, sólo puedo decir...¡MEGA EXCELENTE! :D ... Una petición: ¿sería posible que hagas comparativas más profunda sobre este juego? Sé que aparte de este tienes otro en la que muestras la exclusiva de de "Maria Renard" para SEGA Saturn, pero me refiero a algo como las batallas con los Bosses o las áreas, para así ver las diferencias entre ports.
    Gracias por tan buenas comparativas y aquí hacía falta un canal como el tuyo.

    • @vcdecide
      @vcdecide  8 років тому

      +Ethanislao Mateo Cruz Gracias por los elogios, y veré lo que puedo hacer con su petición ^^

    • @drakonolus7922
      @drakonolus7922 8 років тому +1

      No has jugado a esta version para el Saturn?. Creeme hay mas decepciones que bondades. Y te lo puedo decir porque tengo a ambas versiones. La del Playstation y la del Saturn. Y e acabado a la version de Sega. Creeme en lo que te digo. La mejor version sigue siendo la del Playstation. Aunque jugar con Maria sea todo un lujo ..........

    • @hernandezluisarturo
      @hernandezluisarturo 8 років тому

      Yo nadamas tengo la version de SEGA Saturn en fisico, la version de PlayStation la juego en emulador, no los he jugado mucho, me quede atorado en una puerta que muestra un mensaje cuando la tratas de abrir y no se abre pero por estar en japones no se que dice el mensaje y ya no pude pasar de ahi, esa fue la razon por la cual descargue la version para PlayStation, para saber que diablos dice el mensaje, pero me empece a dedicar a otros juegos y ya no volvi a jugar Castlevania, en un futuro lo retomare.

    • @kamikaze99999999
      @kamikaze99999999 8 років тому +1

      yo he jugado ambas versiones la de ps1 es superior en graficos pero la version de sega es full no solo juegas con maria hay mas familiares ,mas items , mas mapa en el comienzo con musica q no tiene la version ps1, mas enemigos, cuando te tranformas en murcielago su poder de avanzar rapido es igual al del lobo hay bastantes detalles me quedo con la version de saturn y una cosa mas tambien tienes q luchar contra maria en el antes de ir a luchar con richard eso es parte de la historia

    • @drakonolus7922
      @drakonolus7922 8 років тому

      DjEdgar anonimo
      Jugar con Maria es todo un lujo, es un hecho. Pero los Bonus que le pusieron exclusivamente para el Saturn ( sin poner a Maria adentro de esto ) para mi gusto no lo hace como la mejor version de todas. Ni siquiera son necesarios. A parte de que es la version inferior tecnicamente hablando, posee a excesivos loading times y mas largos aun que en comparación con el de Playstation. No puedes bucear con el perro con afan de tratar en completar al porcentaje. Para tratar de ver al mapa del Castillo, si que es todo un Drama para tratar de encontrarlo realmente.
      Muy mal Port.
      ......... Hablas de los nuevos Familiars? esos mismos Familiars te los encuentras adentro de la version japonesa para el Playstation. Los mismos. Ya que es el juego original. Y no tienes que andar comprando al libro de musica para que la Fairy cante a la cancion de NOCTURNE. Cosa que te lo vende el mismo Master Librarian. Si acabas el juego 1 vez. Pero no se en que porcentaje lo puedes desbloquear a ese Item.
      En la version japonesa para el Playstation. La Fairy canta a esa cancion sin necesidad de la compra de ese Item que es exclusivo para el Saturn.

  • @RedRanger2001
    @RedRanger2001 2 роки тому +1

    PS1 wins.
    Saturn has issues such as there's no dedicated button to open up the map.

  • @tbb033
    @tbb033 8 років тому

    Interesting that they cropped the FMV on the Saturn instead of just shrinking it.

  • @TheAxelay
    @TheAxelay 7 років тому

    It's really hard too chose via this because no mater how you look at CV SOTN is a great game no matter how you put it!!? The PS1/X just slightly edges out the Saturn version but the Saturn version has extra characters available right from the start while PlayStation's only Richter Belmont can be unlocked (Maria almost but never happened). The Saturn has 1 or 2 extra levels (nothing really to write home about though!!) while the Playstation has better lighting, transparencies effects and in a game like this, the little things counts. Also the FMV was an absolute dead give away as well but I dod like the Japanese voice over though and how Lord Dracula has a better attacks in his final form as possessed to the PSX/1 pansy attack. Also I'm going on the count saying the the PS1/X version is probably easier to emulate than the Saturn version as well. But on a rare occasion I love both versions equally because I love this game!! Hell even the Game Boy Advance now made a closer Symphony Of The Night game (with Aria Of Sorrow rom hack) called "Castlevania Dawn Of Symphony" that includes a custom Alucard sprite and SOTN-like music on it now and what else can I say about CV: The Lecarde Chronicles 2 , which is in a realm of it's own!! Love the franchise but not Konami much these days and I think we can all agree on that and their best days are long gone now....

  • @JBR
    @JBR 6 років тому

    Character playable = Saturn (playing Maria there)
    Levels = Saturn (has Underground Garden and Cursed Prison)
    Quality = PSX (its loading is just faster than Saturn)
    Castle Map = PSX (Saturn makes you pain in ass when trying to find the map)
    Gameplay = PSX
    I just finished playing SoTN using saturn and i find this console just little bit hard. so I go for PSX.

  • @medievalgamers8257
    @medievalgamers8257 6 років тому +1

    Foda. Simplesmente um dos melhores jogos na história do Vídeogame.

  • @cristianramallo8042
    @cristianramallo8042 3 роки тому +1

    el juego esta basado en el hardware de psx, muchos esperaban que en saturn sea mejor técnicamente ya que es casi todo en 2d, pero tuvo algunos problemas, alguna ralentización y lo que ya sabemos de las transparencias en 3d...para que este juego corra como debe ser necesitaba mas trabajo, o lo mejor seria rehacerlo desde 0 con las capacidades de esta consola.

    • @ramirezmejiaignacio
      @ramirezmejiaignacio 3 роки тому +1

      Efectivamente ese era el problema SOTN es un juego 3D. No creo que fuera imposible "reconvertirlo" a 2D pero se nota que el equipo de KCEN no quería quebrarse mucho la cabeza y prefirió forzar al Saturn a trabajar como el PlayStation, probablemente porque era más fácil, rápido y barato que volver a hacerlo de nuevo.

    • @cristianramallo8042
      @cristianramallo8042 2 роки тому

      @@ramirezmejiaignacio sabia que ps1 usaba polígonos no 3d con texturas para hacer gráficos 2d y así ahorraba mas memoria en varios juegos, saturn al tener un procesador de video especifico para 2d que maneja pixeles, le conviene usar eso y el otro vdp para los objetos 3d, se ve que usaron el mismo motor grafico de ps1 hecho con polígonos como decís vos.... y bueno ni salió de Japón en saturn y eso me hace imaginar que hasta podían haber usado el cartucho de 4mb si querían, creo que ese equipo de programación necesitaría 2 años para hacerlo bien y hasta salía mejor que ps1

  • @LM77va
    @LM77va 2 роки тому

    The Saturn had a long delay before you could access the map. Then you would have to wait just as long to re-enter the game. That alone makes the PS version better.

  • @billmalt2602
    @billmalt2602 6 років тому

    Playstation has transparency, but the Saturn looks sharper and has a higher resolution overall (look at the black bars at the top, bottom, and sides once the actual gameplay starts). The PS version is very good, but I'd rather have the Saturn version in English all things considered.

  • @Sinn0100
    @Sinn0100 2 роки тому

    Is it me or is the color slightly different between the two? Also what's with the Saturn having transparencies and dithering all at once. For example when Maria gives Richter her power you can see transparencies in full effect but then when Alucard kills the Whargs at the beginning they're all dithered to Hell on the Saturn port. I know transparencies are hard to do but you can't rock them right at the beginning and then say "it's impossible on the Saturn" it doesn't make sense. Don't get me wrong I love/loved the PSX port but the Saturn should have destroyed them with this game. Look at Parodious for an example of what a Saturn can do with sprites vs the PlayStation.

  • @gabriel21501
    @gabriel21501 8 років тому

    Voce está comparando pelo emulador ou pelos consoles ?

  • @ricalex0709
    @ricalex0709 4 роки тому +2

    O PS1 ganha pelos gráficos, o Saturn pelos extras.

  • @rockmanhunter
    @rockmanhunter 5 років тому

    I stay with the Saturn simply because of the extra content. The transparency issue to me is nothing more more than a cosmetic preference. The lack of It doesn't affected gameplay at all.

  • @shadowneto4429
    @shadowneto4429 8 років тому

    A versão do Saturn eh uma port do PSX,
    por isso a falha nas transparências e o baixo frame rate em contrapartida
    a konami colocou muitos extras no disco do Saturn para compensar

  • @toxicmanbaby7847
    @toxicmanbaby7847 5 років тому

    From what i can tell it looks better an has more animation of the character on the Saturn but those cutscenes are flawless on the playstation i noticed frame rate dropping on the Saturn where it didnt on the playstation making the cutscenes look considerably better than its counterpart on the Saturn

    • @sgtpepper91
      @sgtpepper91 5 років тому

      the biggest difference is higher resolution on Saturn
      PSX version uses low res mode which is why it's letterboxed

  • @nng1979
    @nng1979 8 років тому +1

    never really digged transparencies on a 2D game. They look so out of place. With that said the Saturn is fu screen and seems to have better parallax scrolling. PSX has obvious hardware support for alpha blending which is really its only advantage along with better stock video sequences. Sony and the NEC PC-FX were the only consoles to have JPEG compression.

  • @NicolasSilvaVasault
    @NicolasSilvaVasault 2 роки тому

    does anyone knows why the ps1 version got so much content? was it due to exclusivity contracts with sega? or maybe censorship from ps? cause i don't think is related to lack of memory in the playstation

  • @brianwalker7771
    @brianwalker7771 6 років тому

    I love both versions. I still want to see a fan re do on the Saturn version.IF they would have taken there time witch yes I get it a 1998 Saturn title was pretty late in it's life but still there was potential there that was never realized. IF the optional 4meg memory would have bean utilized the game could have beam tweaked quite nicely. The mpeg card would be a nice touch as well for those lousy FMV segments. The potential was there just NOT utilized.

    • @Yukatoshi
      @Yukatoshi 6 років тому

      BRIAN WALKER The FMV isn't too surprising given the lack of inbuilt decode hardware on Saturn. Even SEGA struggled to get decent video quality out of it (leaving aside the VCD cart).
      The RAM cart would likely of helped little. The issue is how it was ported. Mostly running on one CPU and VPU (IIRC), using most of the PS1's code. It was also handled by an external B-team within Konami. Not a great set of circumstances for a decent port.

    • @Bloodreign1
      @Bloodreign1 2 роки тому

      It wasn't so much of time constraints, but the programmers at Konami Nagoya weren't very experienced with programming, they were learning as they went.

  • @matilija
    @matilija 7 років тому

    PS1 has higher resolution fmv's, better load times, true transparencies and slightly better framerate, the gameplay however is pretty much identical and in game graphics are pretty much identical minus the aforementioned transparency differences, and the extra content on the Saturn is pretty sweet, I'd say a wash overall, but only because I like the bonus content, otherwise not counting the extra content, the ps1 version is superior.

  • @boogooog
    @boogooog Місяць тому

    why konami messed up with saturn i have no clue

  • @SK91NO
    @SK91NO 5 років тому

    Rondo of blood is still my favorite but this is still pretty good

  • @cinemadoom
    @cinemadoom 7 років тому

    The graphics in Playstation are best, but in Sega Saturn there more content. I prefer the verison of Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles, but if is Saturn or PS One, I prefer Ps One.

  • @dablaccaiyan9152
    @dablaccaiyan9152 4 роки тому

    Was just playing the saturn ver. Last night and I noticed that its slower than the ps1 ver.

    @SEGA_SKY 7 років тому

    The Saturn win. This version had some extras (a few levels, new music, new items, Maria as a playable character).

  • @francescosilvestri6215
    @francescosilvestri6215 4 роки тому

    They should remake it , with the saturn extra areas included. Masterpiece

    • @VOAN
      @VOAN 4 роки тому

      The Saturn stuffs are on the PSP and PS4 versions.

    • @thomasbeall9069
      @thomasbeall9069 3 роки тому

      @@VOAN no it's not, Saturn used totally different content without creators permission. Psp Maria is different and Saturn had totally different parts of the castle added that PSP didn't have.

  • @TonyStarkCLC
    @TonyStarkCLC 6 років тому

    Sega Saturn was better suited for 3D than PSX. It culd handle more poygons, although without gouraud shading and other effects. 2D was okay on Saturn, whereas it was well done on PSX

  • @felipebrasil5
    @felipebrasil5 Рік тому +1

    PS1 better flow and a lil brighter... mickey from saturn is better darker dou...

  • @MusicWizard79
    @MusicWizard79 6 років тому

    Playstation Version got better sound effects quality and better lightning on movable objects.
    That's all, the rest is the same, except the character selection in the begining on the Sega Saturn version and of course the text and speech.
    Good game in general, one of them best if not the best Castlevania this far, i hope for wonders in the future.
    A remake of SOTN would crush anything this far an probably quite a lot of the coming pieces in the series. ;)

  • @ozmafioso8347
    @ozmafioso8347 8 років тому

    Damn, Konami took a big shit on the Saturn version, lol. PSX version is VASTLY superior in this one. Still love this game to this day :)

  • @generalhezakiyageorge3070
    @generalhezakiyageorge3070 4 роки тому


  • @metalislaw2114
    @metalislaw2114 2 роки тому

    Eu prefiro a versão do saturn pq além de ser a versão q eu cresci jogando ela tem mais fases e o richter e a Maria n são desbloqueados por códigos

  • @Kuesoth
    @Kuesoth 5 років тому +1

    Speaks in anime vs Die monster

  • @VoidReplicant
    @VoidReplicant 6 років тому

    Dude do a Suikoden SS vs Ps1 please!!

  • @AllCoolThingsStoneMountain
    @AllCoolThingsStoneMountain 7 років тому

    I think the Saturn had better sprite details and effects, but the PSOne killed it with background effects.
    I'm really not sure which one was better.

    • @orderofmagnitude-TPATP
      @orderofmagnitude-TPATP 3 роки тому

      There is a comment on here explaining why the Saturn version is poor compared to ps1.
      Because they use a 3d engine etc for the background instead of 2d....
      Its complicated but its not just as clearcut as Konami just being lazy with the world's most powerful 2d console at the time.

  • @ailtonpassos9020
    @ailtonpassos9020 7 років тому

    ei rede canal não me levem a mal não mas o certo para essa versão seria versão japonesa do ps1 contra a versão japonesa do Saturn pois os familiares extras não existem na versão americana

  • @Theryo2007
    @Theryo2007 3 роки тому

    Saturn got full 4:1 screen on gameplay while PS1 has cutted up & bottom screen.

    • @TurboXray
      @TurboXray 2 роки тому

      4:1? Is that like 4:3, but wider or something?

  • @-nottobetakenseriously-7179
    @-nottobetakenseriously-7179 7 років тому

    This is one of those moments where a 2D game was so much better in the PS1 port than the Saturn, mostly because they fucking blew it. Blew it to all hell, I tell ya. It's so sad. It had so much potential as the best version of the game.

  • @avalond1193
    @avalond1193 8 років тому +1

    the saturn version although still one of my favs was a rushed sloppy port end of story it's why they never bothered to use it when they ported sotn on psp and xbox 360 and instead chose to use the psx version

    • @joanthedark
      @joanthedark 8 років тому

      What? PSX is the rushed version not Saturn, because Sony paid Konami to release the game first on Playstation, so they rushes it and that's why there are lots of features in Saturn that are not present on Playstation.

    • @Medachod
      @Medachod 8 років тому

      Wow, so Sony was being a dick before Konami made it cool? How sad.
      Still, I feel bad for them. It is not like the game had to be rushed, but Sony realized that SEGA had some great 2D games and wanted to compete sooner than later.
      It is rather unfortunate that SEGA wound up having rights to port the game at the end of the day, though. Cause, well the port was not that good on the console, playing it on the PC certainly makes it compete well with the PlayStation port. Combine that with the extra features and it sucks for Sony, really.
      Their only exclusive 2D game and SEGA took it away. They always did beg for those.

  • @gabrielzurita429
    @gabrielzurita429 3 роки тому +1

    Playstation best game, intro, graphics and sound, Saturn Only content...