Sexual Dysfunction After Hysterectomy - HysterSisters Ask the Doctor

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2024


  • @bugbean5500
    @bugbean5500 10 місяців тому +4

    It really seems to depend on why the hysterectomy needs to be done. I had a total hysterectomy (uterus, cervix, tubes) because of severe adenomyosis and endometriosis when I was 30 years old and it was the best decision ever. I've been in bed half of the month, unable to do anything, needed narcotics to survive the pain, sex was so painful I was throwing up or passing out many times. I'm also very happy not to be able to have uterine orgasms anymore because they were extremely painful and the pain stayed for hours afterwards. I can now just have sex (with a bit of discomfort sometimes) and enjoy beautiful clitoral orgasms without worrying. I can finally live, work and do everything I want after 19 years of excruciating pain. I honestly wish I'd done it sooner but nobody wanted to do to surgery because I'm so young. I'm also looking forward to adopt and be a mom which would have been impossible because of how disabled I was before the hysterectomy.

  • @edithjimenez4200
    @edithjimenez4200 6 років тому +12

    Im glad i found this video very helpful with the way i feel 1 year and 4 moths after my full hysterectomy im having pelvic pains and problems with my libido

  • @mjf3570
    @mjf3570 5 років тому +14

    10 years post menopausal and was having wonderful sex. Less than a month after surgery I became extremely emotional, had night sweats for two weeks and more weeks of not sleeping well AT ALL. Total hysterectomy for a benign cyst took away the best part, uterine orgasms. That sent me over the edge, became suicidal, I still cry after a year since. I still had a libido till around my 7th month, by 8 months it disappeared. Haven't had sex with a partner since hysterectomy. In between all that I got atrophy, now rectocele. Surgeon said I didn't need my ovaries or uterus. I wish I never went back.

    • @tammyherbst2506
      @tammyherbst2506 11 місяців тому +1

      U are not alone.... This surgery is sick.... research before you get under them quaks knife.

  • @teebee2830
    @teebee2830 3 роки тому +3

    Doctor you on right on. The mental aspect of our sexual lives matters.

  • @stealthwarrior5768
    @stealthwarrior5768 5 років тому +14

    After full hysterectomy (castration as well) for stage 1 endometrial cancer I find sex extremely painful. Virginal estrogen has not worked. My doctors did not tell me any of this. Im feeling angry .

  • @qqq1q1qqqqqqq
    @qqq1q1qqqqqqq 4 роки тому +14

    I am way late to this conversation. For that, my apologies. I am 47 and exactly five weeks post-op. I had a total hysterectomy along with a bladder sling (TOT) and anterior cystocele (front vaginal wall) repair (Four kids, including a set of twins at age 21 {my first kiddos}, in approx 5 1/2 years. Forcep delivery with twin #1. They are now 26. And my biggest, #4, was only 6,11). I went for my post-op appt at three weeks and three days after surgery. My Dr asked if I had had intercourse since surgery, and of course I had not. I was extremely surprised when he said we could at that time, as long as we were really careful, but he preferred we wait a couple more weeks. Well, that day, it wasn't the intention buuuuuuut we were REALLY careful. No pain, not even discomfort, just mental worry. It was not bad, just not the same. He could feel the internal stitches that had not dissolved but said they were not a problem. Let me say this, he is VERY considerate and compassionate when it comes to these things. He takes it slow and puts NO pressure on me. If anything, it was I who jumped the gun that day. We have a GREAT sex life. It's been over five years and still feels like day one (Ok, maybe day two. Day one is almost always awkward, right? LOL). It still wasn't the same. I know we will get there. Of that I have no doubt. I truly believe having a man who will patiently and compassionately walk with you through this makes a HUGE difference. I have drive, I have will (I mean, he is super hot and at 54 you'd swear he was 24 in bed). What I also have is a lack of lubrication, which is not a big deal to him. We will just use the store bought kind 😉. Please let me be clear, I ABSOLUTELY do NOT recommend going at it after only three weeks. For your own safety, follow your doctor's instructions. Each of us is different and we each have different issues that are unique to us. After all, this is about our health and well-being. Don't let yourself get caught up in the fear of the unknown and do something that can harm you. Thankfully I had no problems. But we did decide to wait longer to try again just to be safe. It is give and take. And you just 'gave' your organs away, so you MUST 'take' care of yourself. You don't want to be back in the hospital for a vaginal cuff repair (though rare, they can happen), or worse, because you jumped the gun. Do what is best for you and your body. Any man worth his salt will be kind, understanding (to the best of a guy's ability) and let you heal. Like mine said, this is uncharted territory. So take your time, map out new routes so to speak and conquer new grounds!!! Sure, I'm still a little worried, but fear isn't going to stop me from enjoying the good stuff 😁😁😁!!!!!!!! Oh, and yes, I still have my ovaries. Best wishes ladies! 😊

    • @JHKCreations
      @JHKCreations 4 роки тому +1

      Just found this channel. Had my hysterectomy 3 yrs ago and currently having sexual issues like lubrication and sensation. I don't know if it's just psychological. My husband is so understanding and supportive too. I don't know if it's just me being emotional. I just started to feel incomplete or incapable coz it's never been the same. Thankful that I stumbled across this channel then I found your comment. It brought me so much comfort knowing that I'm not alone and there's a woman out there like you who's so positive and enjoying their relationship and sex like after hysterectomy. Thanks a lot. Guess I need to move on and work on what I have left and appreciate life and everything I have. anyway, I had total hysterectomy too but I also still have my ovaries. Stay safe!❤️😊

    • @qqq1q1qqqqqqq
      @qqq1q1qqqqqqq 4 роки тому

      @@JHKCreations Hi there! I am so sorry you are having such a blah time. I should probably update my rather lengthy comment. I have run into a "snag". A month ago, I was all set to enjoy myself when I had a very disheartening experience. (hopefully it's not totally TMI) Immediately upon penetration, I was in pain. This had never happened before. It was very unpleasant to say the least. He and I had had a conversation that morning about my concerns over lubrication and orgasm. He was all great about being supportive and I should have stopped him when I first had the pain. But I didn't, cause I'm a dummy. Ending up with a lot of bleeding and a whole lot more pain. I got so sick and I almost called an ambulance because I thought I was going to pass out. He had left by that point. I was getting ready for work and was in tears. I was hurting and I was scared!!!! I really should have gone to the ER. My Dr was at the hospital doing surgeries that day. Turns out, even after 10 weeks (and being cautiously active) he caused a week spot from a stitch to rupture. It took a whole week to get better. I WAS SICK!!!!!! I WAS SCARED!!!! But, I was also stubborn. So I finally went to the Dr after trying again and having the bleeding again, though not as bad. He put me in vaginal estrogen inserts for a month to speed healing in that particular area. It tore the area at the top of the newly constructed vaginal cuff. Luckily it has almost healed on its own, but the dr wanted to help it along. I'm good with it. Also, it turns out that even after three months my natural lubrication hasn't improved. I still have ovaries so who knows. It may take a while, but it may not happen on its own. Either way, it's disappointing. I feel like I'm letting HIM down. He doesn't feel that way, but still. I love our intimate times, and we don't have to have intercourse in order to enjoy that intimacy. But I still have that nagging little voice in the back of my mind telling me I'm letting him down. Logically, I know it isn't true, bit still. Maybe we all feel that way at times, for a time. I don't know for sure. I just know keeping that open communication is important. With your spouse, boyfriend, etc. Be t also with your Dr. And if you're not totally comfy with the one you have, find another one who will listen and help. Another Dr, not partner. 😂 I hope you get some answers and begin to feel better. Quickly!! It's hard, I know. But a positive attitude about an eventual resolution might just be the difference. Best wishes!!!!!!

    • @maribelacosta450
      @maribelacosta450 4 роки тому +2

      @@qqq1q1qqqqqqq It's great to hear you are ok with your sex life after surgery. I unfortunately am not. It's been 2 years and it has never been the same. I also kept my ovaries. It doesn't matter as after about 1 year they die off due to no blood supply from uterus. Many women think that by keeping ovaries this won't affect them but it does.

    • @qqq1q1qqqqqqq
      @qqq1q1qqqqqqq 4 роки тому +2

      @@maribelacosta450 I'm so sorry. I hate to hear you have had such a negative experience. Though it has been only about nine months since my surgery, the only lasting effect I have had had been 🤫🤫 dryness. I have all the libido and such I did before. Sometimes it seems like even more, just because of no worries about bleeding all the time. And no more pain. We are free to explore, even at our "more advanced" (lol) age than when younger. I'm probably less emotional than I've ever been in my whole life. I still have an emotional struggle or two about not being able to get pregnant, but I wouldn't do that anyway. Not on purpose, since my youngest is closing in on 22 andy grand just turned three a week ago. I just didn't like not having that choice anymore. I think it's more of a control thing for me because I've never had a lot of control in my own life (control mother, controlling and emotionally abusive ex spouse). I'm in my late 40s, approaching the half century mark and my sex life is amazing. More than that, it's actually truly enjoyable for the first time. Granted part of that comes from being with a man who makes it enjoyable. He's complimentary, excited and truly enjoys himself and making me happy. It is about mutual respect and mutual pleasure. Never pushing to co against pain, conscience or will. It works well. He cares if there's a problem and concerned for my health and safety. That's big for me and it took a while to accept that a man could be that way. He isn't perfect by any stretch, but I think his attitude has had a lot to do with my recovery and life since. I'm not saying you can't have problems even with a supportive partner, just that I feel like that unconditional support and non-judmental attitude can make a difference in your own mental health during a physical recovery. And I believe it can be beneficial in a physical sense as well. I can buy things at the store or get a prescription to help with the dryness, and we can continue to act like we are 26. Even better. Because we are wise enough, respectful enough of one another and can play without fear. Sounds crazy and maybe a little off-putting to some (believe me, never expected to talk openly about my sex life, especially with my conservative upbringing and the sexual abuse in my past). But I have learned that even if you aren't necessarily helped by what you say, you might be able to help someone who just can't being themselves to ask questions or say how they are feeling. It's part of what I do. And if we can't help each other, this world is totally doomed. We are meant to be able to enjoy life, including sex. And we all know how babies are made, so if I can say or do anything that can help, even one person, I think it's ok. I'm grateful to have gotten some of my own questions answered by watching videos and talking to other people online. Different perspectives and experiences aren't bad, they are normal. And we can learn, and grow, from them all. My best wishes to you!!!!!

    • @hluvv7607
      @hluvv7607 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you for posting something so personal,

  • @mjf3570
    @mjf3570 11 місяців тому +1

    Now, after 5 years, I still don't have sex. However, I was so traumatized I just finished ONE YEAR of trauma therapy. I was told I went through medical menopause and documented my PTSD. I had no idea about what it means to go through menopause. I never even had hot flashes after my periods stopped. I miss my hormones, uterus and cervix. I also found out the importance of Iodine. Found out I had a very low level. With low Iodine breast and ovarian cysts can develop. I previously had a breast cyst the 10 years later an ovarian cyst developed. Was told I needed a hysterectomy. I didn't have cancer or needed that hysterectomy, My body needed Iodine.

  • @juney18
    @juney18 10 років тому +3

    I'm 51 and sooo needed the info u gave. You are a good communicator. Helps to know I'm not alone going through this major change. I wish more info was avaliable and researched. Thanks

  • @ahlmakkah7030
    @ahlmakkah7030 4 роки тому +6

    Your way of explaining is so beautiful. Its so informative as well. Can you pls avoid the distracting back ground music so one can concentrate well please. Thank you indeed.

    • @teebee2830
      @teebee2830 3 роки тому

      Close your eyes and listen

    • @ahlmakkah7030
      @ahlmakkah7030 3 роки тому

      @@teebee2830 closing the eyes never solves problems. We have to face and act upon it.

    • @feleciawallace8420
      @feleciawallace8420 2 роки тому

      I enjoy the background and music i=in this video - can't please everyone...

  • @melissaminerva1764
    @melissaminerva1764 7 років тому +8

    Thank you so much for sharing your information , I had never heard of vulvodynia, and I've experienced every symptom that you mentioned for so long. I am still so sad over my complete hysterectomy and now I have new knowledge of vulvodynia. Thank you so much.

    • @charminbutterfly32
      @charminbutterfly32 2 роки тому

      I also found this video very informative to some issues I've had after my hysterectomy.
      I had to have a hysterectomy after going thru menopause. Finally no periods and no more menopausal issues. Still was cramping every month and so much pain, diagnosis fibrous and cysts.

  • @melissagodbey2977
    @melissagodbey2977 8 років тому +5

    Thanks. my man just left me over this problem! after being together 19 yers .you have helped me under stand a lot thank you...

    • @genevahnicole
      @genevahnicole 6 років тому +4

      am loosing mine over the same problem after 10 years and four 34 years old

    • @cherrydavis9121
      @cherrydavis9121 6 років тому

      Love ur comment

    • @kikis9294
      @kikis9294 6 років тому

      @@genevahnicole sorry to hear that. You can help yourself. By kegels & cleaning up your nutrition.

    • @aeromustang4054
      @aeromustang4054 4 роки тому +2

      After a happy sexual life that ended after wife's hysterectomy. Too tight and painful for her. It was done by a older local doctor and we feel it was sort of a castration and your play-time is over you two.

    • @tanjyhill1634
      @tanjyhill1634 Рік тому

      My ex husband left me after giving birth to his child he asked me for but it ended up being a wonderful blessing

  • @vagabondpetite
    @vagabondpetite 7 років тому +11

    Why is the camera panning back and forth? This looks super weird.

  • @suzh4187
    @suzh4187 5 років тому +10

    My doctor told me NONE OF THIS - after effects of full hysterectomy. I’m 😤 angry.

    • @lynnvs6372
      @lynnvs6372 5 років тому +3

      They dont tell you the truth. I'm 1 yrs into my full on hysterectomy. I hate sex. I avoid it and began to feel repelled just at the thought. The sand paper description is accurate! And stressors in a marriage can exacerbate all the issues. I could go the rest of my life w out sex. When you're not getting needs outside the bedroom met.. theres no point to it.

    • @InfoLunix
      @InfoLunix 3 роки тому +2

      Same 😭😭😭😭😭 I'm so upset 😡

    • @sweetberries683
      @sweetberries683 2 роки тому

      @@InfoLunix @ what happen? how's your condition now? how's your sex life, hurt or not?

  • @michaellemons5810
    @michaellemons5810 4 роки тому +8

    My wife had a hysterectomy back in 2011 she was left with 1 ovary, in 2015 she starting complaining that intercourse hurt and as time progressed we are now down to maybe 2 times a year. :-( She complains that it is just uncomfortable, hurts and she doesn’t want to have intercourse due to not enjoying it anymore with the problems that she encounters. She also experiences sharp pains in her pelvic region quite often, this happens at random times not just during intercourse. Are there any options that would possibly help her and possibly help our marriage?

  • @plutovenus4101
    @plutovenus4101 2 роки тому +4

    Why your camera person moving the camera ? It's just a discomfort for the viewers. You have good content. Especially educational videos like this is better with out moving your camera always!
    Just a suggestion.

    • @feleciawallace8420
      @feleciawallace8420 2 роки тому

      I like the movement of the camera, makes the video more relaxing...

  • @judd0112
    @judd0112 9 місяців тому

    Great informative video. Wife had hysterectomy at like 35 and kept one ovary (i think) maybe both I am afraid to ask. But been married 20+ years and her libido basically stopped abruptly. Years after the surgery. And I’ve done more research on it than her I told her it’s gotta be your hormones. And I went through the lack of sex no libido nightmare episode of exactly how you said. If not me than with who and it truly is very very hard to believe. And it puts much not necessary stress on marriage. Of me always being suspicious and let’s just say your imagination goes to dark places. Without intimacy or anything. But she would get defensive about the hormones suggestion then she finally asked and she has some topical cream estradiol possibly I’m not 100% positive on the name. But hot flashes have died down but maybe a little better on intimacy but not much. I’m thinking. She needs a bit of testosterone also. But I’ve been told to worry about my own health and not hers. Sorry venting a bit.

  • @queenstatus3049
    @queenstatus3049 7 років тому +15

    I thought this was about sexual issues after hysterectomy.

    • @InfoLunix
      @InfoLunix 3 роки тому +2

      But IT IS indeed!
      You sure you watched the whole thing? 🤔

  • @mahlenghleta7050
    @mahlenghleta7050 Рік тому

    Thank You for the Information Dr.

  • @conscioussouthernsoul
    @conscioussouthernsoul 9 років тому +3

    I'm 23yrs old and I am about to go through a full abdominal hysterectomy on the 30th of this month. I have no children and been diagnosed with Endometriosis since age 12. What kind of advice would you give me as far as diet, sex, energy etc.

    • @Gahanika
      @Gahanika 9 років тому +2

      +Mya Kelley I would recommed you go to the hystersister website, lots of info.

    • @conscioussouthernsoul
      @conscioussouthernsoul 8 років тому

      I just signed up, thank you.

    • @RE-bg9ds
      @RE-bg9ds 7 років тому +1

      Ms. Remedy411 I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 25 after about two months I was able to start having sex again he want to take it slow in the beginning you're going to be a little bit sore so make sure your partner understands and then after you're not sore anymore basically the more often you do it the less pain you have if you don't have a partner I hate to say this but use a toy because you want to keep the stimulation of the blood flow through the tissue and make sure you do some type of hormone replacement I would suggest something natural and not something synthetic it's all really about trial and error

    • @tpatrick6409
      @tpatrick6409 5 років тому +7

      I believe you should do more research before you decided on this life changing decision

    • @InfoLunix
      @InfoLunix 3 роки тому +3

      This comment is 5 years old! I wonder how it went for her.

  • @stylist_empress9957
    @stylist_empress9957 2 роки тому +1

    Oh my God,soon I will do surgery due to fibroid and abnormal uterus.😓😓😓hard to accept it.

  • @suninapawaroo3024
    @suninapawaroo3024 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much doctor you helped me a lot

  • @jeanbermond1638
    @jeanbermond1638 10 років тому +2

    Hello doctor,
    My 23 yo girl-friend wants to have an hysterectomy so that she shouldn't have periods any longer. What would you advise?

    • @laraoconnor9409
      @laraoconnor9409 9 років тому +1

      Depends if she wants kids eventually.. If she wants to have kids, she needs her uterus.

    • @suzh4187
      @suzh4187 5 років тому +9

      That’s just stupid. All those various hormones protect a woman from many many other things like heart disease

    • @melissamcdaniel165
      @melissamcdaniel165 4 роки тому +5

      Don’t do it!

    • @marah7170
      @marah7170 3 роки тому +2

      Please tell her not drink a lot of ginger tea and if she get pregnant she will not have periods pain

    • @mjf3570
      @mjf3570 2 роки тому +3

      @@suzh4187 and Alzheimer, low bone density (broken hip mostly), atrophy in genitals, thyroid disease, the list goes on.

  • @alesiaoreilly1538
    @alesiaoreilly1538 2 роки тому

    Great Video. Thank You

  • @manoshishi9904
    @manoshishi9904 5 років тому

    Hello Dr , I have hysterectomy since 2018 but I'm unhappy because I want to have a baby.what should I could do on that case .

    • @marlenejojo1
      @marlenejojo1 4 роки тому +3

      You can still have one just not physically. Consider adoption or fostering.

  • @Myriel67
    @Myriel67 4 місяці тому

    I am scheduled for the hysterectomy in July. I am already depressed. And I don’t feel a woman any more.
    I can’t understand how someone even think about having sex after such surgery. You are not whole any more! And are we even women after it??

    • @TheAfiyfah
      @TheAfiyfah 3 місяці тому

      You should get some help, and I mean that seriously. Having a hysterectomy doesn't make you less of a woman. The depression will be worse if you don't get help soon.

  • @April-201
    @April-201 3 роки тому

    So informative..T.y

  • @traeyberkley3672
    @traeyberkley3672 8 років тому +1

    life after surgery

  • @conscioussouthernsoul
    @conscioussouthernsoul 9 років тому
