+Robotputty Yes it does. the ambush effect only activates when they draw the card so if they have 10 cards and discard ambush you don't get a 4/4 and they don't draw a card. At least I'm pretty sure it works that way.
+Robotputty If they draw it when they already have 10 cards in their hand, Ambush is burned and no other card is drawn. If they draw it with less than 10 cards, you're right. Burning Ambushes sucks though.
+Lunchguy Not all spiders in the game are considered beasts. (Haunt creeper tokens for example) Nerubians are sentient so they would not be considered beasts even if they were spiders.
It sucks so bad that Anub'arak is so weak, he is an iconic Blizz character, he deserves better. He can easily cost 8 mana or give him can't be silenced or tageted at 9 mana, then he is at least a consistent if bad win condition. But knowing Blizz he will suck forever, GG
+Darth Mortus I think you misunderstand why he is "bad." It isn't because he's weak, it's because he's slow. That's a metagame issue, if everyone else is trying to go fast (which they are) then anyone wanting to go slow has to figure out how to force the others to go their speed. If you can get them to go slow this is suddenly an amazing finisher, it's impossible to remove without silence or polymorphing and outvalues almost everything else. The problem then isn't that Anub'arak is bad but that rogues currently lack the tools to make people go slow enough for him to be good. If it were a warrior legend he would likely become a competitive staple overnight but until they give rogue more reliable AoE, taunt, heal or whatever else it's going to be difficult to make it work.
+The Message's Movies I completely agree with you. If you can somehow build a control Rogue deck without mill mechanics it can be unstoppable. Its a weak card for being too slow. But it can win you a topdeck war. I kinda don't understand why Krip thinks this deck sucks. Not sure how it will do against a pure aggro/face deck but it can take the upper hand against control decks. He also have some "filler" legendaries which might be throwing the theme away.
***** Yeah, I think the problem is that it doesn't fare well against aggro since if they get ahead even a little it can be difficult to catch up. Your only AoE options are Arcane Explosion 2.0, a mass backstab that requires a very specific group of targets, a two card combo that requires having a weapon out and a mass bounce that just delays the situation most of the time. Hypothetically you can resort to big taunts and the neutral quasi-AoE dudes like explosive sheep, doomsayer, baron geddon and so on to help make up for this weakness but that's not ideal. The good news is that this won't necessarily be a problem forever. Shaman lacked AoE and card draw until this expansion, warrior lacked a bolt alternative that could get around taunt, druids lacked aggressive tools and so on... unless they want to only print tempo cards and oddities like gang up in rogue forever for some reason we're eventually going to get the tools to make solid control rogues, it's just a matter of waiting for it. The super good news is that his enter the battlefield sound will be extra ominous when nobody has seen or even heard about the card in two years. "From the depths I rise!" "Oh fuck, what the hell is that? Did I lose? I just lost to whatever that thing is, didn't I?"
The Message's Movies Nah, he is legit really, really bad. Look at any streamer's review if you don't trust me. Imo the main issue is that his design is to grind out the opponent but a simple silence or poly-effect will take him out and if you built your deck around him (and actually you could, if he was unsilencable/untargetable) then it would just be GG. If you knew with certainty that once you put down Anub he would give guaranteed value (and keep giving it as long as the game goes on) then a deck would have a good chance of popping up around him. The reason he sucks super bad is because that isn't true and no consistent deck can be made. Worse yet when silenced Anub loses like 4 mana worth of value on the spot, as if he wasn't bad enough to begin with. The alternatives of dropping him by one mana *or* just giving him no-silence *or* non-targetable or some mix of those is a halfway point that would make him bad but maaaaaybe playable in some theoretical rogue control. As is this card will never ever see play, mark my words.
Except they draw again after the ambush like burrowing mine. Otherwise it would be OP af. Due to this, you're playing the same mil deck with a high chance to happen upon another win condition or at least stupid value.
+Terioth What you're describing would be a fatigue deck, where they actually draw the card, and your goal is to stay alive, NOT kill their cards (though it could be a good thing, dont get me wrong). If you're playin a MILL deck, when the ambush gets discarded (not drawn, there is a difference), you DO NOT get the minion, and they DO NOT draw a second card. Thus, if you MILL with ambushes, you are getting negative synergy like Kripp stated.
In any mil deck, way more cards are drawn than discarded and, hence, more ambushes are drawn than discarded. This means the highest chance occurrence of Beneath the Grounds is getting 2 of the 3 ambushes drawn which means my original statement is correct. It doesn't need to be a 12/12 for 3 to be OP. 8/8 is still very OP, especially when combo'd with other overbudgeted mil rogue cards like Deathbringer, Dancing Swords, and Mukla. You can take away slightly from one win condition to fully establish another. Any other way of thinking is functional fixedness.
+Terioth "You can take away slightly from one win condition to fully establish another" Finally someone who gets it! I have seen, in my own mill/fatigue deck, which runs two BtG's, that having just a ass ton of nerubians wins the game quite often... In my opinion, the risk & or dis-synergy of this card is far outweighed by the benefit and alternate win path it provides. .... I guess I think of it like this as well: If I mill the ambush I'm sad, but at least I'm able to mill and probably am winning (because I'm able to mill) if I'm not able to mill (perhaps for lack of combo pieces) I don't just auto-lose. I have another way to come back!
Beneath the Ground works well when you draw cards for your opponent. So it's a card for milling rogue. And you do give cards to your opponent but whenever they draw "Ambush!" they draw another card so it's not negative synergy with milling.
The thing is: on a mill rogue, you DON'T want to play it on 3 versus control. You're gonna play it late game against a control deck and early against aggro or tempo. Midrange it depends if the opponent is holding a lot of cards or not. So, as a general rule, you want to start to mill hard. When opponent try to spend his cards, then you play "beneath the grounds". That's the strategy. Furthermore, it is awesome when played against an empty deck, for you get 3 4/4 right away. So, it's a fun card and can be very good if you play it on the right time.
I've been playing and experimenting with Mill Rogue and it's really good actually. It gives the mill deck great flexibility. Sometimes you can't expect to mill all decks, especially aggressive decks or patron decks you don't want to mill and you want to go more control focused, it shines there. Against decks you see you are going to mill, you hold off on playing them untill later when they have few cards left then you draw several in a row and it's great. You have to time it with when you use your oracles/shadowstep combos. Also learned that Gang up is really great to switch up your game if the mill strategy isn't going to work. Beat a couple of hunters by ganging up their highmanes
I will dance whole night the day that Kripp will post video that is not calculator quality, man this is your work, make sure you deliver good quality. Your 720p is like 360p
it is in theor for Oil Rogue... its a one card slot to get three minions that can attack on your turn and mkes your opponent have to del with something extra or face the oil burst.
@Kripparrian - Beneath the grounds doesn't make it harder to mill your opponent, those cards are drawn just like the mine from Juggernaut - it gets drawn, the effect triggers and then you draw another card.
+Kantrooo However if the card is burned, then no nerubian is summoned and it replaces the card burn. So it makes it harder to burn the cards + it isn't necessarily more likely that it will trigger. Or that is what kripp thinks.
Beneath the Grounds doesn't interfere with mill rogue, it works like the mines in the iron juggernaut. After they are drawn they also draw the next card in the deck.
Beneath the Grounds is a Mill Rogue card, it goes well with Gang Up + Coldlight Oracle. It's agressively costed, and I'm pretty sure we'll see more of Mill Rogue because of it.
FYI Kripp, I'm pretty sure that Beneath the Grounds Makes the opponent draw another card after the Nerubian is summoned, so the effect on a mill deck is still null.
I've been tuning a deck that is something like this. A dragon base, but with 2x preps, saps and a few other spells. I had some hilarious games where they drew into 2-4 Ambushes directly in a row.
I've actually been playing Mill Rogue with Beneath the Grounds and the Nerubians dont get burned when a player has a full hand, the Ambush activates and a new card is drawn, which is then burned. So drawing a Nerubian isn't actually the same draw mechanic as a normal draw, this also applies to fatigue damage. If your last card is an Ambush and you draw it, you will still take 1 fatigue damage. To conclude Beneath the Grounds is a very viable card in Mill Rogue.
I am confused With Iron Juggernaut, when your opponent draws the mine they also draw a replacement card so you didn't really add to their deck. is this not the case with Beneath the grounds? because if they don't replace it that makes the card really strong in another sense of denying draw.....otherwise like stated before you aren't adding to their deck if they replace the draw every time.....
I think beneath the grounds fits into some kind of a stax type deck with things like mana wraith and naru'abar weblord, if something like that is evening build able in hearthstone. Probably not enough taxing effects yet to make it work.
Anub'arak has single handedly managed to help me win alot of control games...especially against control warrior. Though i truly wish Anub'arak wasn't a rogue card, but a neutral
Kripp, I hear the statistics talk alot on your streamers forums. The term you are looking for is the price of variance (known as the sharpe ratio in statistics) which is value per unit of variance. Its the added value you obtain for decreasing the consistency of the deck.
mad props to you for testing all of these things. i actually had a situation where anubarak helped me keep up with CW late game, but that was about all that it's done for me. Unfortunately, the meta will never slow down to a point where anubarak is good enough (unless there is some kind of combo with it in future expansions).
about beneth the ground: when ambush is drawn, a 4/4 is drawn AND new card is always drawn, So it actually doesnt at all factor in mill deck ( well, except that you get a semi-free body on board) so its actually ok if you make your oponent draw cards it actually combos, his actual drawing card potential is the same, and you have more probability to get a 4/4 if you make your oponent draw cards
other thing is that I'd put one beneath the grounds into tempo rogue, mainly because if you happen to have free board at any point in game it good to play this card without any repercussions, and getting 4/4 makes your oponent have to answer it most of the times ( since you can combo it easily with tinker oil), and that can shift tempo into your favor. Of course it is only viable if you dont have better card ( for me, i have it instead of thalnos, because that is 1200 dust cheaper :P )
Curious idea, what if you ran a druid deck with basically only spells for the early mana, cards we saw in the summoners tavern brawl, then late game minions to really push the joust mechanic? Would try it myself but dont have the cards.
I'm going to point out that BTG works better in Mill Rogue than you would think. Mill falters against aggressive decks because it lacks board presence and drawing cards for the opponent is really bad; BTG solves both those problems. Second, it doesn't actually add cards to their deck, because when they draw Ambush, they also draw one of their own cards. Now it's true that it fails when you mill off the Ambushes, but you can't win 'em all. I had a hilarious match where I used Prep+BTG on turn 1, then my Hunter opponent drew two Ambushes on his turn 1. He conceded.
Beneath the Grounds could possibly work in a Warlock-heavy meta. Both Zoo and Handlock draw a crap ton of cards, and the 4/4's should be able to trade 2 for 1 in most cases, especially since your opponent won't expect when the Nerubian will be summoned so he won't have the right cards at the right moment to deal with them. The 4/4's might be slightly less impactful against Handlocks, but will still come in handy versus Giants, I think.
Kripp why isn't beneath the grounds good in mill rouge? When they draw an ambush the opponent draws a card after that. If they didn't you wouldn't be able to get two ambushes in a row. So in effect it's the same as not adding cards to their deck with respect to milling them.
Beneath the grounds is definitly good in a mill rogue. You just have to be careful since the ambush makes your opponent draw UNLESS the card get discared so the best things to do is to play it when you are not going to have any opportunity to discard a lot of cards, It always happen: turn one against a face hunter, when you reach fatigue against an handlock. Actually I play mill rogue a lot and you can still discard one or two ambush against a midrange and still win the game later, you are just going to draw one or two fatigue card
Jeez, what the heck did they do to Anub'Arak's voice? He sounded so cool in Warcraft 3, Cold and calculating like the king he was, but still brutal in manner and combat... now he is just like a general villain really, and sounds way to much like another card - that I can't recall right now.
Darth Marr Well that's actually not that big of a deal, a lot of characters have similar lines. "From the depths I come" was also something the Naga Myrmidon said in the Frozen Throne.
+Otter They should have just rehired the same guy from WC3. He sounded a lot better back then. Now he just sounds like a less entertaining and charismatic KT.
Beneath the grounds is a win condition for mill rogue when they have no cards late assuring victory if they don't have ten cards in their hands or they have lethal but u know it just keeps drawing so if used right gains immediate value
i had a deck of similar concept. I put molten giants zombie chow and fairy dragon instead of the legendaries/one drop and had a ton of fun with it. beneath the grounds wasnt as good as i expected, but the deck itself was pretty fun
quick q - ive been trying btg in mill rogue a lot today (very low ranks around 14-15) and it seems (to my noby self) that even tho i burn some ambushes i still get several 4-4 nerubs that help a LOT with board presence. since most of my matches are aggro-midrange actually milling their cards only happens later in the game and by then it's in big quantities. it feels like im burning 2 nerubs tops, when i have very bad luck. considering this, btg seems to be good anyway. in control matchups its 100% bad because you mill more often and their card quality is much higher. but who plays control anyway....................
Kripp, did you think in using it in mill rogue I'm late game after all the milling process? Imagine he has 3 cards left an you play the ambushes, 50% each turn you get a 4-4
I've been running G. Jouster in Combo Druid and I've been really happy with the results. I'm glad to see that someone noteworthy has similar feelings. =]
I think Prep -> Beneath the Grounds is pretty good. If it's early in the game, you should always play something else on turn 3, but if you can prep it, it's fine early, if not then leave it for later. It's high RNG, but if you get 3 4/4s for 3 mana, that's ridiculous. You just need a very good control deck and I think the card is decent. Kripp is too obsessed with immediate value. He was highly critical of Gang Up for the same reason - you get nothing when it's played, but you get 3 copies of a card of your choice for 2 mana, which is insane. and why the card is so common now.
+QuantumBraced I think, i might have encountered mill rogue once in early BRM. So, it might actually be not that common. And dealing 2 damage to the enemy's face for 0 mana + getting a Card back to your Hand also sounds pretty good, but headcrack is still a crappy Card. As it turns out prepping almost everything else is much better.And immediate value is very important, since snowballing is a very common Thing in Hearthstone. So you pay a big Investment of 3 mana. Usually you would break even at the first nerubian, but since you already fell behind it actually doesn't. And the later your Investment profits, the bigger the Profit has to be and that's just not the case with this Card.
erm i believe that when they draw an ambush that doesn't count as they draw fro that turn, they still draw another card, so its not like your giving your opponent and extra three cards, and if they draw it with a full hand it doesn't get discarded, you still get your 4/4 and the card they draw after the ambush get discarded. blizz obviously would have thought about mill rogue when they designed the card.
chillmaw should freeze anything that survives. also beneath the grounds should put 2 ambushes in opponent's deck and just straight up spawn a 4/4 for you on your side of the board, or at least an egg
Is it just me or does Anub'arak sound completely different then in Warcraft? Or at least completely different then in WC3, and slightly different from Trial of the Grand Crusader.
You know the little button that allows you to skip youtube commercial's after 5 seconds ? I suggest adding a similar option to all of the kripp's video, allowing people to avoid the kripp and to save their life... Btw, 7:29 to skip the kripp
A rogue tried to run this kind of deck on me in constructed against my warrior and I only drew one Nerubian that was quickly dispatched by what was already on the board. He tried playing draw cards but drew the mines I put into his deck instead from my Iron Juggernaut/Youthful Brewmaster combo.
Give Anub'arak COMBO: Charge (Since he's 9, you'll need low level spells or minions to trigger it so it should be a good prerequisite) and make Beneath the ground not make them draw after drawing it or make it cost less since it's big RNG.
rav3style That would also be too good. If you're in topdeck mode your whole turn would be wasted. And if you aren't you have less resources. Decks that miss card draw would be completely fucked by this one card.
This is a mechanism that blizzard needs to fix. Normal draw phase = Draw a card then put it into your hand. Otherwise it's draw a card and discard if your hand exceeds 10 cards. When your hand is not full and you "draw" the ambush you never put it into your hand. So by blizzard's logic, you shouldn't even get a 4/4 when the opponent draws the card, because you don't actually draw it, but discard it.
Kripp is such a buzz kill. I really want to craft Anub'arak, he seems like a really good value actually. You get a an 8/4 and a 4/4 for 9 mana and then you get him back. But now I have my doubts. Should I save my dust.....
Have you tried Beneath the Grounds with a mill deck? Ive seen it in action there and its a fucking headache. Ambush makes them draw a card so... you know its like it will still mill them no matter what.
1:53 uggghhh FailFish kripp it draws a normal card from their deck after the ambush. it doesn't interfere with mill rouge...
+Robotputty This Guy Legend EleGiggle
+Robotputty Yes it does. the ambush effect only activates when they draw the card so if they have 10 cards and discard ambush you don't get a 4/4 and they don't draw a card. At least I'm pretty sure it works that way.
Borjan peovski let somebody make it a mill rouge gang up deck see if it actually works..
+Robotputty If they draw it when they already have 10 cards in their hand, Ambush is burned and no other card is drawn. If they draw it with less than 10 cards, you're right. Burning Ambushes sucks though.
+Robotputty No Kripp is right, it is bad in mill rogue because when it gets discarded you do not get the 4/4 minion.
Is this the fishing tournament?
No it's the grand tournament Kappa
+Packfoundev No this is Patrick
+Packfoundev I can wait and fish AAAALLL day!
+Packfoundev I've been fishin' on this 'ere spot since mornin', son, sun went up and down again, but I pulled nothin' but those damn scary spiders.
+BadNewsBrod So accurate it hurts.
+BadNewsBrod heyguyshowsit ? animalcompanionhere
+Mr Waffles always huffer.
you're welcome
That was quick
+Dustin Breakey forgot to type skip kripp but I get what you implied still it is a novelty tradition that shouldn't be forgotten.
All hail our savior , may your childen always be fed, and may your balls never be dry
Ty mate I owe you my family
+Dustin Breakey You are a real hero.
I saved 17 people's live last time! Can I save more live's? Skipp da Kripp 7:29
Someone already beat yah to it bud.
+Brendan Marcus Magkasi no fack you xD
Cool story bro!
That long? Dang!
+Callie Because Nerubians aren't spiders. If they were, they would be considered beasts.
because the class is rogue not rouge hehe
+Lunchguy Not all spiders in the game are considered beasts. (Haunt creeper tokens for example) Nerubians are sentient so they would not be considered beasts even if they were spiders.
+Jack Kimball Actually, the haunted creeper tokens aren't actually spiders anymore. They're spectrals. So technically, they're ghosts.
(I had to search Google for that word, I need a shower now)
Still wonder how he does put that head throught that hole in the shirt... KAPPA
+Matěj Plachta zipper in the back :v
Still wondered if people bring this old joke... Well, not anymore
+Matěj Plachta hhahahahahahaha ive just realised
+Matěj Plachta he jumps in
+Matěj Plachta He puts his shirts on like pants, his legs and waste are smaller around then his head too KAPPA
It sucks so bad that Anub'arak is so weak, he is an iconic Blizz character, he deserves better. He can easily cost 8 mana or give him can't be silenced or tageted at 9 mana, then he is at least a consistent if bad win condition.
But knowing Blizz he will suck forever, GG
+Darth Mortus I think you misunderstand why he is "bad." It isn't because he's weak, it's because he's slow. That's a metagame issue, if everyone else is trying to go fast (which they are) then anyone wanting to go slow has to figure out how to force the others to go their speed. If you can get them to go slow this is suddenly an amazing finisher, it's impossible to remove without silence or polymorphing and outvalues almost everything else.
The problem then isn't that Anub'arak is bad but that rogues currently lack the tools to make people go slow enough for him to be good. If it were a warrior legend he would likely become a competitive staple overnight but until they give rogue more reliable AoE, taunt, heal or whatever else it's going to be difficult to make it work.
+The Message's Movies I completely agree with you. If you can somehow build a control Rogue deck without mill mechanics it can be unstoppable. Its a weak card for being too slow. But it can win you a topdeck war. I kinda don't understand why Krip thinks this deck sucks. Not sure how it will do against a pure aggro/face deck but it can take the upper hand against control decks. He also have some "filler" legendaries which might be throwing the theme away.
Yeah, I think the problem is that it doesn't fare well against aggro since if they get ahead even a little it can be difficult to catch up. Your only AoE options are Arcane Explosion 2.0, a mass backstab that requires a very specific group of targets, a two card combo that requires having a weapon out and a mass bounce that just delays the situation most of the time. Hypothetically you can resort to big taunts and the neutral quasi-AoE dudes like explosive sheep, doomsayer, baron geddon and so on to help make up for this weakness but that's not ideal.
The good news is that this won't necessarily be a problem forever. Shaman lacked AoE and card draw until this expansion, warrior lacked a bolt alternative that could get around taunt, druids lacked aggressive tools and so on... unless they want to only print tempo cards and oddities like gang up in rogue forever for some reason we're eventually going to get the tools to make solid control rogues, it's just a matter of waiting for it.
The super good news is that his enter the battlefield sound will be extra ominous when nobody has seen or even heard about the card in two years. "From the depths I rise!" "Oh fuck, what the hell is that? Did I lose? I just lost to whatever that thing is, didn't I?"
+Darth Mortus The video has shown how Anub'arak works:)
The Message's Movies
Nah, he is legit really, really bad. Look at any streamer's review if you don't trust me.
Imo the main issue is that his design is to grind out the opponent but a simple silence or poly-effect will take him out and if you built your deck around him (and actually you could, if he was unsilencable/untargetable) then it would just be GG. If you knew with certainty that once you put down Anub he would give guaranteed value (and keep giving it as long as the game goes on) then a deck would have a good chance of popping up around him. The reason he sucks super bad is because that isn't true and no consistent deck can be made.
Worse yet when silenced Anub loses like 4 mana worth of value on the spot, as if he wasn't bad enough to begin with. The alternatives of dropping him by one mana *or* just giving him no-silence *or* non-targetable or some mix of those is a halfway point that would make him bad but maaaaaybe playable in some theoretical rogue control. As is this card will never ever see play, mark my words.
Except they draw again after the ambush like burrowing mine. Otherwise it would be OP af. Due to this, you're playing the same mil deck with a high chance to happen upon another win condition or at least stupid value.
+Terioth What you're describing would be a fatigue deck, where they actually draw the card, and your goal is to stay alive, NOT kill their cards (though it could be a good thing, dont get me wrong).
If you're playin a MILL deck, when the ambush gets discarded (not drawn, there is a difference), you DO NOT get the minion, and they DO NOT draw a second card. Thus, if you MILL with ambushes, you are getting negative synergy like Kripp stated.
In any mil deck, way more cards are drawn than discarded and, hence, more ambushes are drawn than discarded. This means the highest chance occurrence of Beneath the Grounds is getting 2 of the 3 ambushes drawn which means my original statement is correct. It doesn't need to be a 12/12 for 3 to be OP. 8/8 is still very OP, especially when combo'd with other overbudgeted mil rogue cards like Deathbringer, Dancing Swords, and Mukla. You can take away slightly from one win condition to fully establish another. Any other way of thinking is functional fixedness.
+Terioth "You can take away slightly from one win condition to fully establish another" Finally someone who gets it! I have seen, in my own mill/fatigue deck, which runs two BtG's, that having just a ass ton of nerubians wins the game quite often... In my opinion, the risk & or dis-synergy of this card is far outweighed by the benefit and alternate win path it provides. .... I guess I think of it like this as well: If I mill the ambush I'm sad, but at least I'm able to mill and probably am winning (because I'm able to mill) if I'm not able to mill (perhaps for lack of combo pieces) I don't just auto-lose. I have another way to come back!
Beneath the Ground works well when you draw cards for your opponent. So it's a card for milling rogue. And you do give cards to your opponent but whenever they draw "Ambush!" they draw another card so it's not negative synergy with milling.
The thing is: on a mill rogue, you DON'T want to play it on 3 versus control. You're gonna play it late game against a control deck and early against aggro or tempo. Midrange it depends if the opponent is holding a lot of cards or not. So, as a general rule, you want to start to mill hard. When opponent try to spend his cards, then you play "beneath the grounds". That's the strategy.
Furthermore, it is awesome when played against an empty deck, for you get 3 4/4 right away.
So, it's a fun card and can be very good if you play it on the right time.
I've been playing and experimenting with Mill Rogue and it's really good actually. It gives the mill deck great flexibility. Sometimes you can't expect to mill all decks, especially aggressive decks or patron decks you don't want to mill and you want to go more control focused, it shines there. Against decks you see you are going to mill, you hold off on playing them untill later when they have few cards left then you draw several in a row and it's great. You have to time it with when you use your oracles/shadowstep combos. Also learned that Gang up is really great to switch up your game if the mill strategy isn't going to work. Beat a couple of hunters by ganging up their highmanes
24:24 That Nerubian into MCTech into stealing the best minion was hilarious
Enemy draws two nerubians in a row at very low odds each, complains about rng when losing a 1 in 4. Typical saltarrian
It belongs in a fatigue rogue that doesn't aim to mill, just draw through the deck and stay alive.
+Brendan Beckett When you are playing fatigue you want to mill your opponent. Except in fatigue mage but it's not the same type of deck.
Lord Jaraxxus That doesn't necessarily have to be the case.
+Brendan Beckett it belongs to a museum
ϨρϘɌξ lol nice one xd
+Lord Jaraxxus Fatigue and Mill aren't the same things. When you want to mill your opponent, you're playing a mill deck, not a fatigue one.
I will dance whole night the day that Kripp will post video that is not calculator quality, man this is your work, make sure you deliver good quality. Your 720p is like 360p
it is in theor for Oil Rogue... its a one card slot to get three minions that can attack on your turn and mkes your opponent have to del with something extra or face the oil burst.
@Kripparrian - Beneath the grounds doesn't make it harder to mill your opponent, those cards are drawn just like the mine from Juggernaut - it gets drawn, the effect triggers and then you draw another card.
However if the card is burned, then no nerubian is summoned and it replaces the card burn.
So it makes it harder to burn the cards + it isn't necessarily more likely that it will trigger.
Or that is what kripp thinks.
Beneath the Grounds doesn't interfere with mill rogue, it works like the mines in the iron juggernaut. After they are drawn they also draw the next card in the deck.
otherwise you'd deny card draw and that'd be way to OP
this video shows me why i love ur content so much, i wished that kind of card presentation i was missing when i played magic back then, Thumbs Up!
Beneath the Grounds is a Mill Rogue card, it goes well with Gang Up + Coldlight Oracle. It's agressively costed, and I'm pretty sure we'll see more of Mill Rogue because of it.
FYI Kripp, I'm pretty sure that Beneath the Grounds Makes the opponent draw another card after the Nerubian is summoned, so the effect on a mill deck is still null.
I've been tuning a deck that is something like this. A dragon base, but with 2x preps, saps and a few other spells. I had some hilarious games where they drew into 2-4 Ambushes directly in a row.
I've actually been playing Mill Rogue with Beneath the Grounds and the Nerubians dont get burned when a player has a full hand, the Ambush activates and a new card is drawn, which is then burned. So drawing a Nerubian isn't actually the same draw mechanic as a normal draw, this also applies to fatigue damage. If your last card is an Ambush and you draw it, you will still take 1 fatigue damage. To conclude Beneath the Grounds is a very viable card in Mill Rogue.
I am confused With Iron Juggernaut, when your opponent draws the mine they also draw a replacement card so you didn't really add to their deck. is this not the case with Beneath the grounds? because if they don't replace it that makes the card really strong in another sense of denying draw.....otherwise like stated before you aren't adding to their deck if they replace the draw every time.....
I think beneath the grounds fits into some kind of a stax type deck with things like mana wraith and naru'abar weblord, if something like that is evening build able in hearthstone. Probably not enough taxing effects yet to make it work.
Anub'arak has single handedly managed to help me win alot of control games...especially against control warrior. Though i truly wish Anub'arak wasn't a rogue card, but a neutral
Kripp, I hear the statistics talk alot on your streamers forums. The term you are looking for is the price of variance (known as the sharpe ratio in statistics) which is value per unit of variance. Its the added value you obtain for decreasing the consistency of the deck.
mad props to you for testing all of these things. i actually had a situation where anubarak helped me keep up with CW late game, but that was about all that it's done for me. Unfortunately, the meta will never slow down to a point where anubarak is good enough (unless there is some kind of combo with it in future expansions).
No nerubian egg? You disappoint me Kripparino Dissapointerino
That Nerubian Egg + Backstab combo opportunity
+Steven meh, thats 2 cards for a 4/4. Pretty bad really.Good for turn 2, but if you get out valued, you will be topdecking the rest of the game.
+diskausity thx captain obvious
about beneth the ground: when ambush is drawn, a 4/4 is drawn AND new card is always drawn, So it actually doesnt at all factor in mill deck ( well, except that you get a semi-free body on board) so its actually ok if you make your oponent draw cards it actually combos, his actual drawing card potential is the same, and you have more probability to get a 4/4 if you make your oponent draw cards
other thing is that I'd put one beneath the grounds into tempo rogue, mainly because if you happen to have free board at any point in game it good to play this card without any repercussions, and getting 4/4 makes your oponent have to answer it most of the times ( since you can combo it easily with tinker oil), and that can shift tempo into your favor. Of course it is only viable if you dont have better card ( for me, i have it instead of thalnos, because that is 1200 dust cheaper :P )
Curious idea, what if you ran a druid deck with basically only spells for the early mana, cards we saw in the summoners tavern brawl, then late game minions to really push the joust mechanic? Would try it myself but dont have the cards.
I'm going to point out that BTG works better in Mill Rogue than you would think. Mill falters against aggressive decks because it lacks board presence and drawing cards for the opponent is really bad; BTG solves both those problems. Second, it doesn't actually add cards to their deck, because when they draw Ambush, they also draw one of their own cards.
Now it's true that it fails when you mill off the Ambushes, but you can't win 'em all. I had a hilarious match where I used Prep+BTG on turn 1, then my Hunter opponent drew two Ambushes on his turn 1. He conceded.
Beneath the Grounds could possibly work in a Warlock-heavy meta. Both Zoo and Handlock draw a crap ton of cards, and the 4/4's should be able to trade 2 for 1 in most cases, especially since your opponent won't expect when the Nerubian will be summoned so he won't have the right cards at the right moment to deal with them. The 4/4's might be slightly less impactful against Handlocks, but will still come in handy versus Giants, I think.
Kripp why isn't beneath the grounds good in mill rouge? When they draw an ambush the opponent draws a card after that. If they didn't you wouldn't be able to get two ambushes in a row. So in effect it's the same as not adding cards to their deck with respect to milling them.
Beneath the grounds is definitly good in a mill rogue. You just have to be careful since the ambush makes your opponent draw UNLESS the card get discared so the best things to do is to play it when you are not going to have any opportunity to discard a lot of cards, It always happen: turn one against a face hunter, when you reach fatigue against an handlock. Actually I play mill rogue a lot and you can still discard one or two ambush against a midrange and still win the game later, you are just going to draw one or two fatigue card
beneath the ground works fine with mill rogue because the nerubian card they draw makes them draw an extra card
kripp next video can be about immune hunter tempo ? may acidmaw leads the anti meta control if after tgt control deck arise
Jeez, what the heck did they do to Anub'Arak's voice? He sounded so cool in Warcraft 3, Cold and calculating like the king he was, but still brutal in manner and combat... now he is just like a general villain really, and sounds way to much like another card - that I can't recall right now.
+Otter Anub'arak also says ''From the depths I come'' similliar with Voidcaller ''from the void i come''
Darth Marr Well that's actually not that big of a deal, a lot of characters have similar lines.
"From the depths I come" was also something the Naga Myrmidon said in the Frozen Throne.
+Otter They should have just rehired the same guy from WC3. He sounded a lot better back then. Now he just sounds like a less entertaining and charismatic KT.
+Otter yep, its bothering me as well :/
+Otter I know dem feels. This would've been my first legendary craft if they didn't fuck up the voice.
Beneath the grounds is a win condition for mill rogue when they have no cards late assuring victory if they don't have ten cards in their hands or they have lethal but u know it just keeps drawing so if used right gains immediate value
i had a deck of similar concept. I put molten giants zombie chow and fairy dragon instead of the legendaries/one drop and had a ton of fun with it. beneath the grounds wasnt as good as i expected, but the deck itself was pretty fun
I love this deck the combination of the cards work together so well
quick q - ive been trying btg in mill rogue a lot today (very low ranks around 14-15) and it seems (to my noby self) that even tho i burn some ambushes i still get several 4-4 nerubs that help a LOT with board presence. since most of my matches are aggro-midrange actually milling their cards only happens later in the game and by then it's in big quantities. it feels like im burning 2 nerubs tops, when i have very bad luck.
considering this, btg seems to be good anyway.
in control matchups its 100% bad because you mill more often and their card quality is much higher. but who plays control anyway....................
What's the first deck that Druid was playing? I know Krip said it but I don't know how to spell what he said lol.
I wonder, if you were to play Anub'arak, and sack him off while Baron Rivendare is on the board, do you get two of him while summoning two 4/4s?
Beneath the grounds actually makes them draw another card, so you still mill them just as well.
Kripp, did you think in using it in mill rogue I'm late game after all the milling process? Imagine he has 3 cards left an you play the ambushes, 50% each turn you get a 4-4
Isn't it that the ambush has neutral effect on milling rather than "negative effect", as you will draw until you don't have ambush.
I've been running G. Jouster in Combo Druid and I've been really happy with the results. I'm glad to see that someone noteworthy has similar feelings.
Yo Kirpp, when are you going to bump up the shit quality on these videos? Why 720?
+B0st0nBru1ns Not like 1080p or higher would change much.
He hit legend, 720p is the legend quality
+B0st0nBru1ns I agree, he needs to just sharpen up the image quality a touch :)
60fps hearthstone pls
plz 4K 120 fps tetris next tiem
if the effect on the Ambush card was to draw 2 instead of 1, would it be played in mill?
Kripp the ambush is great in mill because it does make them draw when they draw it so it cycles through their deck.
This is why I watch Kripp. I get to see new cards and new decks. Meanwhile, over at Trump - "Let me put in 2 new cards into Handlock and try hard."
I think Prep -> Beneath the Grounds is pretty good. If it's early in the game, you should always play something else on turn 3, but if you can prep it, it's fine early, if not then leave it for later. It's high RNG, but if you get 3 4/4s for 3 mana, that's ridiculous. You just need a very good control deck and I think the card is decent. Kripp is too obsessed with immediate value. He was highly critical of Gang Up for the same reason - you get nothing when it's played, but you get 3 copies of a card of your choice for 2 mana, which is insane. and why the card is so common now.
+QuantumBraced I think, i might have encountered mill rogue once in early BRM. So, it might actually be not that common. And dealing 2 damage to the enemy's face for 0 mana + getting a Card back to your Hand also sounds pretty good, but headcrack is still a crappy Card. As it turns out prepping almost everything else is much better.And immediate value is very important, since snowballing is a very common Thing in Hearthstone. So you pay a big Investment of 3 mana. Usually you would break even at the first nerubian, but since you already fell behind it actually doesn't. And the later your Investment profits, the bigger the Profit has to be and that's just not the case with this Card.
the Gadgetzan Jouster can also tell you what deck your opponent is using as well
Can someone please explane why beneath the grounds has negative synergy with mill? It doesn't really give them cards right cus it cycles?
"It really is bad" you mean beneath the grounds or just rogue TGT cards in general?
Actually, when someone draws an ambush, they draw an additional card, so it doesn't really affect the deck size.
is there a program that shows your cards you got left in deck like in the video?
watching the Ebola back and forth on stream and now on youtube is still funny both times lol
Ambush is awesome in fatigue rouge because you can be sure your opponet draws it
I heard there was a decent Oil rouge with beneath the grounds in it.
erm i believe that when they draw an ambush that doesn't count as they draw fro that turn, they still draw another card, so its not like your giving your opponent and extra three cards, and if they draw it with a full hand it doesn't get discarded, you still get your 4/4 and the card they draw after the ambush get discarded. blizz obviously would have thought about mill rogue when they designed the card.
@Kripparrian , will you go back to rate cards and if you do, when will you do it? I really miss those episodes.
Hey Kripp the Nerubians works like the Iron Juggernaut mine. It won't mill the 4/4. It will play it and then mill the next card.
actually getting value from dark iron skulker, god damn dude you really are a legend
"4 mana taunt... can't think of one"... Nice one Kripp
chillmaw should freeze anything that survives. also beneath the grounds should put 2 ambushes in opponent's deck and just straight up spawn a 4/4 for you on your side of the board, or at least an egg
He couldn't think of one 4 mana taunt lol TASDINGOOOO ANYBODY??
Love you Kripp!
Holy shit i just thought about if kripp already tried beneath the grounds and suddenly this video pops up in my subscriptions
I love that card solely for it's quote "AAAAHOOOOBLIVION AWAITS YOU!"
Angine has a rogue decklist with beneath the ground That is compétitive ?
Kripp are you going to do new series of 'How good is' cards for TGT?
I think when an ambush appears, another card is drawn. So it might be ok for mill, isnt it?
It doesn't have negative synergy with mill. If you're opponent is in fatigue you get 3-6 Nerubians guaranteed, it's a great finisher for mill.
Is it just me or does Anub'arak sound completely different then in Warcraft? Or at least completely different then in WC3, and slightly different from Trial of the Grand Crusader.
I believe that Beneath the Grounds would work well in a mill hybrid.
Mill your opponent first, when they're low on cards, play beneath the grounds?
at 20:20, what's on the left behind Kripp?
26:20 - Pretty insane Dark Iron Skulker.
I havent seen someone do it, but...
If you had Baron Rivendare on the board with Anubarak, will you get 2 of them in your hand from the deathrattle?
+IMLR. You get two nerubians but only one Anub'arak goes to the hand, because there's only one to be returned.
Has anyone figured out what happens if a ambush is drawn with a full board??
Was just sitting here, waiting for this exact video to come out :P
You know the little button that allows you to skip youtube commercial's after 5 seconds ? I suggest adding a similar option to all of the kripp's video, allowing people to avoid the kripp and to save their life...
Btw, 7:29 to skip the kripp
But isn't drawing a card The card + Nerubian so your opponent discards it and then draws his card like explosive mine ?
30:10 You heard it here first guys, Anub'Arak is the ultimate grindr card.
i love this deck but i don't really like the 1 cost joust card, and i have not chillmaw, which cards can replace them if someone can help me :x
A rogue tried to run this kind of deck on me in constructed against my warrior and I only drew one Nerubian that was quickly dispatched by what was already on the board. He tried playing draw cards but drew the mines I put into his deck instead from my Iron Juggernaut/Youthful Brewmaster combo.
hi kripp I bought 40 pack and I go so unlucky I didn't get jack non legendary at all can you explain this how it's work please thanks
Give Anub'arak COMBO: Charge (Since he's 9, you'll need low level spells or minions to trigger it so it should be a good prerequisite) and make Beneath the ground not make them draw after drawing it or make it cost less since it's big RNG.
I put it in Mill rogue... but play it when they have less than 5 cards left... next turn I typically get at least one. I've gotten all 3 before.
Do you think beneath the ground would be better if it replaced three random cards?
lol it would be overpowered
+rav3style Illidan was nerfed to shit for doing the same. So it'd be stupid broken at 3 mana. Basically kills all combo decks.
+rav3style Then it would be incredibly overpowered.
Ok so it would be too good, what about if it just counts as your drawn card, ie you don't draw another card after pulling the nerubian?
rav3style That would also be too good.
If you're in topdeck mode your whole turn would be wasted. And if you aren't you have less resources.
Decks that miss card draw would be completely fucked by this one card.
This is a mechanism that blizzard needs to fix.
Normal draw phase = Draw a card then put it into your hand.
Otherwise it's draw a card and discard if your hand exceeds 10 cards.
When your hand is not full and you "draw" the ambush you never put it into your hand. So by blizzard's logic, you shouldn't even get a 4/4 when the opponent draws the card, because you don't actually draw it, but discard it.
Crafting golden Anub'arak today he's so op I mean come on look at that endless Nerubian play he is so fun and awesome
Kripp is such a buzz kill. I really want to craft Anub'arak, he seems like a really good value actually. You get a an 8/4 and a 4/4 for 9 mana and then you get him back. But now I have my doubts. Should I save my dust.....
Have you tried Beneath the Grounds with a mill deck? Ive seen it in action there and its a fucking headache. Ambush makes them draw a card so... you know its like it will still mill them no matter what.
Kripp could make just about any obscure card somewhat competitive.
Why is twilight drake in this deck? Silly Kripp. (Also where is burgle?)
What the heck was that begins Krip at 20:20?!
why doesnt the fire elemental have the elemental text?