Kripp, I just wanted to say thank you... You saved my life. I was laying down in a coma, they told my parents I was a vegetable and that they were going to pull the plug. Right before they did it, a doctor was watching one of your videos on their phone. I immediately woke up, ran over to him to skipped the kripp (22:15 for those curious) Upvote to save a life.
You wondered why blizzard didn't buff bad cards...They would rather saturate the game with strictly better magma racers and booty bay bodyguards than buff themBecause $$$$$$$$
Not strictly, what if you have a cult master and need to draw a card to win as a mage. Can't just ping your own frost rager. Magma rager is obviously better.
Jack Duripper Both those cards are common rarity, magma rager and BBB still deserve to exist in their own right. After all, what does it matter to you? You're not playing BBB or magma rager anyway.
2020 Blizzard releases HOLY RAGER after the failure of Chaos Rager and Doom Rager 5/5 for 3 mana People still don't pick it due the power creep makin all new 1 drops have 5 health
Mocky the thing is you can't really enjoy the game a lot of the time because some cards counter like 100 other cards. And some cards.... just can't do anything even in the ideal circumstance of living one turn. Its a lot of problems because it kind of reduces the ability to have niche win conditions that you can't play around. And all the current win conditions are really monotonous.
Aurelius they require a new class and or card archetype which allows for an alternate win/loss condition (similar to poison counters in MTG or a "land burn* deck) ... if this game is to slow its power creep it needs to keep branching instead of ramping up. having alternate win conditions or ways to effect conditions we players take for granted could completely shake up the meta.
Turn 1 - Northshire Turn 2 - Kvaldir + Kvaldir + Circle Heal Sure that dream opener will be extremely rare, but I can still think of worse cards that were released.
Jarekx2007 I was thinking they should have just made a 0 mana spell that "un-nerfs" your hero power to what it was in Alpha (or beta possibly, I'm not sure). The hero power daggers used to work the same was as poisoned blade, I believe. It was powerful then, but now I wonder if it's still a bit too slow, and therefore not too overpowered that it's broken. Maybe a 0 mana spell that gives your currently equipped weapon, be it a dagger or assassin's blade, the effect of poisoned blade would have been a playable card. It's a bad idea to start a habit of pressing the button with a weapon equipped, you could overwrite a buffed dagger or weapon if you forgot you hadn't played the spell :/
u totally underrate this card. on one or two mana this would see play everywhere. just compare it to the old rogue heropower. it had this effect and seemed awful but it was op af
Tim Fischer I don't understand why this effect would be OP? You're trading life for tempo down the line... By the time you swing tempo though, every aggro deck and most midrange decks would have already killed you.
RichieDcik first of all rogues are still pretty good,the oil deck is kinda popular right now and,what i meant was that every class had their popularity spikes like the rogue had the miracle rogue,now it seems like a lot of shamans gonna rise it up
noaiMMM Yes I know I play every type of Rogue deck. That still doesn't give any reason to not give the class decent cards this expansion. Our inspire card is THE worst card in the expansion. The best thing for a rogue this expansion is a 2/2 Cutpurse. Exciting...
Jacob Wheaton Don listen to him, Varian Wrynn is a safe bet, any1 who has some experience in playing CW can easily come to this conclusion. I too wil craft day 1, and the ladder will shiver in fear.
MrKarlSync I've pre-ordered packs and saved over 20 packs worth of gold, and I've saved up over 7k dust. Hopefully I won't even have to craft Varian, but if I do, I'm gladly spending the dust on day 1. There's no way a card that is sort of like Ancient of Lore and Aviana in one card (but a 7/7!) is going to be bad.
B. oamere Dont listen to him, Control Warrior has always been a top tier deck and it always will be. It sits there, armors up, plays big fuckin legendaries, and gives a fuck about the meta. And Varian ist the best legendary a CW could ever imagine.
After GvG control hunter just barely didn't make the cut, it could crush most control decks, had a pretty fair chance against midrange, and got decimated by aggro. When I look at Acidmaw and Dreadscale I see 1 card that screams anti control and the other that screams anti face decks. Dreadscale is clearly the anti aggro/face card. In many ways this card is exactly what control hunter needed to have, a way to stop decks like Face Hunter from killing it before it could ever get to late game. The reason that control hunter was never able to beat aggro was because there never was enough room to fit any kind of healing into the deck because you had to run a lot of cards that comboed for removal. The combos I am talking about were things like Wild Pyromancer + Arcane Shot for a 3 mana removal + 1 damage AOE, Hunter's Mark to combo with Wild Pyromancer, Steamwheedle Sniper for 2 damage removal, etc. While I think that many of these cards still have a good chance of being in a control hunter deck, it feels like there is a much lesser need to run 2 of most of these cards. Dreadscale means that you don't need as many spells to combo with Wild Pyromancer (which I would expect would only be a 1 of if you are running Dreadscale) meaning that you likely then have room for either a Antique Healbot or Bolf Ramshield. In addition to making room for much needed heals it also has the benefit of comboing with Acidmaw for late game board clears and being an activator for Gahz'rilla (Since Gahz needs to stick for one turn anyway it means that your opponent needs to either sacrifice their board to deal with the 12/8, kill it will 2 or 3 spells, or silence it making it a 6/8. no matter what they do it is hard to deal with it) Even if control hunter ends up fizzling Dreadscale still has potential in midrange hunter in certain metas. Paladin has always been a horrible matchup for midrange hunter due to it being hard to deal with the silver hands and deal face damage at the same time, you always had to either choose to ignore the silver hands and then lose to Quartermaster, or deal with all the Silver hands leaving you with no minions to attack face and running out of steam. Dreadscale is a really good way to deal with the silver hands and still have your other minions attack face. It is the same thing with face hunter, it is really hard to kill their minions and still deal enough damage to their face to have a chance to race them. Dreadscale gives you 2 turns to try to out race them since as midrange hunter all your minions have 2 health and Face hunter won't trade. Over all I have a lot of hope for Dreadscale and Acidmaw.
The thing with Injured Kvaldir is, that as a Priest you sometimes run in the situation (often in a mirror matchup, where you go first), that you need a healing target for your Northshire Cleric, and Injured Kvaldir just helps you to draw two cards in the early game.
I think the problem with new legendarys is, that you often cannot build a real deck around it. Thats is due to the fact that you can only include one of each legendary in your deck, which makes a deck based on some legendarys not consistent enough. For example, I think with 2 Mistcallers per deck, you might be able to build a really strong deck based on it.
I could see the Mistcaller being useful in a Murloc deck. Loads of little tiny minions plus the synergy of buffing cards the other shaman legendary gives you if you play Mistcaller the next turn.
Best case for injured Kvaldir 2/1 --> trades into an enemy 1 drop or an enemy 3/2 (or the enemy used 2 mana to ping it) and then you use resurrect It's not that bad... but yeah without resurrect or something like it... then it pretty much is a worgen infiltrator without stealth
Jo Viljar Haugstulen In my opinion injured Kvaldir is just a strictly worse Abusive sergeant it doesn't even help develop a board because it doesn't help you in anyway. There is even the chance your opponent plays zombie chow and u cant trade it, Worgen is better, Abusive is better and Leper Gnome is better. There is no point in injured Kvaldir at all unless it is played through your enemies deathlord and that is not reliable at all.
Jo Viljar Haugstulen His stance on Injured Kvaldir really boggles me. Almost everything he said could be (and used to be) said about Injured Blademaster. Not that Injured Blademaster is the best card ever, but it clearly has potential to be useful.
***** Well yeah both Injured Kvaldir and Injured Blademaster has average stats for their cost 2/1 or 1/2 for 1 mana (and the Kvaldir is a 2/1) and the injured blademaster is a 4/3 for 3 (though 3/4 is generally better) The benefit of Injured blademaster is that it is generally better to pay 3 mana and two cards for a 4/7 then it is to pay 1 mana and 2 cards for a 2/4 (why not just play zombie chow... when it is almost as good) Though that 2/4 for 2 mana which requires you to hero power for it to attack is pretty garbage
Wtf is he talking about? Turn 1 Injured Kvaldir, turn 2 coin+injured blademaster+circle of healing is the best case scenario. Ok, it's not too consistent, but it is so unbelievebly OP, you just have won the game at turn 2.
Orshabaal OOOOOOR you just Northshire Cleric on Turn 1 which actually survives pings and contests 2/1s and then coin + Blademaster and CoH, draw a card and have roughly the same results. Injured Blademaster is at least a 4/3 for 3 without Circle, Kvaldir is so ass if you don't have Circle and I can't imagine that it has enough of an impact to be good, even with Circle of Healing. Just not worth wasting a deck slot for.
After thinking about Demonfuse a bit, I realized that if you're going second against someone and your turn 10 comes, you can PO/PO/Demonfuse/Demonfuse for +14/+14 for 6 Mana without giving your opponent two Mana Crystals, and at that stage in the game, you'll most likely be using these buffs to finish off your opponent anyways. It'll certainly be something I'm going to experiment with.
Chiller0891 True but I like to pause for a few minutes every now and then and Kripps videos are by far more understandable at double speed than some others.
How to possibly fix injured kvaldir: 1 mana 1/4 battlecry: deal 3 damage to this minion. At the start of your turn restore 1 health to this minion. This could make it actually possibly used in some decks as opposed to now
Mistcaller is like the Emperor Thurassian for just minions in a way. Emp almost never lives past 1 turn so you only really get 1 activation anyway, but it eats enemy minions in value or eats removal, which is exactly what Mistcaller would do. Then every play you make after it will slowly accumulate back its lost value, which is only like 2.5 mana crystals worth of cost, which is like 3 minions before break even.
Wes Whitacre Yes, but how about possible extra 10 cards in your deck/hand? 3 cards after this may not be that hard if meta slows down - especially for the shamans with their new healing, drawing and super AoEing. They could play some kind of super slow deck and get quite a bit of value (and tempo) for the rest of the game. Its exactly like Emperor Tharussian - investition in the future turns.
Psychol An ongoing effect that never sees more then one activation in any serious game. My whole point is, Emp has crap value the turn you play him, and only serves to make the cards you are going to play in the future have more value. This is exactly what Mistcaller does, but he just happens to do it by adding stats to a card, rather then reducing its cost.
The injured Kvaldir might work in a warrior deck...on turn two you can use the +3/3 buff for injured minions, so it is a 5/4 on turn two The poisonous blade has the advantage of keeping weaponbuffs alive, if it is like 5/1 or so you can heropower so it wont get destroyed (although you still take damage attacking minions and people still can destoy it with battlecrys)
Turn 3 coin Tournament Attendee x2 Bolster Turn 4 another bolster 6 mana for 2 6-5 s with taunt, and this is assuming you don't run some more annoying sticky taunt shit like annoyotron which you dropped before this
pizzarelaguy you are forgeting that you have thrown 4 cards into that not even counting the 1 turn set up and the coin think of it this way , 2 6/5s for 6 mana and 4 cards.....there are much much better turn 6 plays then that sure it sounds strong and once in a blue moon you will pull it off and it ill be incredible, but its gonna happen once in 100 games, the other 99 games its tournament attendee is a piece of crap 2/1 at best and bolster is ok
shuvo rahman depends if you go up against a leper gnome or those small weenie crap, I'd rather take the ogre. But yah I think I would take every other card in rogue before poisoned blade and most cards before ogre
Yo Kripp, Got a little question. With TGT getting out soon i started to save gold. I heard that if you get 3-4 wins on avarage in arena its better to invest the gold in arena than in card packs. But with the new expansion they changed the a bit the reward system for arena and i may not only get TGT packs but also GVG packs and calssic packs. So is it better to only buy arena or only buy TGT packs with my saved gold ?
For the injured kvaldir, maybe can we see the return of Lightwell? Turn 1, coin lightwell, turn 2, 1 cleric+1 kvaldir, turn 3, blademaster... With Inner fire to recycle Lightwell as 5/5 later maybe?
Something noone seems to mention about Demonfuse is that you can play it on turn 8-9 and basically get to ignore the downside, since your opponent probably won't need the extra mana crystal then. So it's not a card to play on curve, it's one you play as part of a combo (like, say, with Dreadsteed).
how will varian affect using battlecrys? you can loose shield maiden value and cruel task late game value with grom. it could be great or bad based on luck. similar to the jousts :]
if you get poisoned blade from blingtron as a different class does it get +1 attack when you hero power? if so why doesnt it just say inspire: +1 attack?
i think if injured kvaldir is gonna fit into a deck its going to be a warrior deck centered around your minions being damaged. for instance you could drop this before battle rage for one extra card or combo with warsong and rampage something like that wouldn't be super bad if that deck type ever takes off.
Kripparrian Varian Wrynn draws. If you draw a Chromaggus does it draw duplicates of the other two draws/put them on the field? Something to test later on.
turn 1 kvaldir, turn 2 coin Farseer to heal it :P. Also kvaldir is not weak to rogue's backstab. it would force the rogue to hero power to clear it,or shiv. It's basically a 2-1 with no effect, can dodge backstab and potentially be healed if it lives to the next turn. It's not really bad at all.
Injured Kvaldir can trigger Frothing Berserker THREE times if he its already on the table alongside with Warsong Commander when played, and all for 1 extra mana, plus his 2 damage could help remove a taunt or something else.
I would just like to know how Poisoned Blade should've been in order to be a some what playable card? I'm just thinking that it would be still 4 mana but with 2 attack and 4 charges.
arent those battlecry effects like from the mistcaller permanent ? even after he dies ? i mean shattered sunclarics effect doesnt wear off when it dies...?
I'm running Injured Kvaldir in my shaman with Ancestral Healing for a 2/4 with taunt on turn 1. Doesn't always happen but when it does it's literally one of the best one drops in the game.
Yeah well and what if you play Darnassus Aspirant at turn 10 and you have it killed next turn. Does the 10th mana crystal regenerate when you already had 10 mana? I cannot remember how does it work for example with that charge 4/2.
im so sick of seeing everyone say cards are bad. it makes me so sad. im really excited to try out ALL of the new cards especially poisoned blade. no card is literally bad. every card has its purpose. im going to make decks with all of these cards that "nobody will ever play" just to make kripp a lier
I think he's talking about a few weeks after the expansion is released, when the artificial "let's try all the cards out" meta stops. After that, people will realize that certain cards just don't work. Yes, every card has it's place but sometimes that place requires a very specific situation to be relevant. They might end up being used later on, after a few meta shifts, or they might not.
rdmqwerty This isn't an FPS where you can make up the fact that your weapon sucks horseshit with your skill. This is a cardgame, where skill is almost non-existant. This isn't TF2, where you can pick a shitty loadout, roll with it, and "wreck" pubs. Have fun dropping 5-10 ranks just for using shit like Poisoned Blade in your deck.
ChrisGamerr poisoned blade ISNT BAD. there so many times late game where you are only hero powering every turn. instead of only dealing 1 useless damage, you can build up a huge weapon and eventually just 1 shot your enemy. i had a game earlier today where i was playing rogue against a priest. he didnt do anything. he sat there hero powering every turn and so did i. i didnt want to play anything into mind control or something. his hero power out scales mine, but if i had poison blade i could have won by building up a 30 damage weapon
rdmqwerty In arena? Sure that might work there, but not in constructed. Unless you're playing in the low ranks, where almost ANYTHING goes since people usually have 0 idea how tempo, card efficiency and deck building.
I think you're giving Injured Kvaldir a bit of a bad rap. It can be comboed with circle of healing for a turn 1, 2-4... that's pretty good right? The best case scenario is turn 1 Kvaldir (it doesn't get killed, which a lot of the time 2-1s don't), turn 2 coin + Injured Blademaster + Circle of healing = turn 2 2-4 + 4-7 which is insane! You'll get value if your enemy played a 3-2 and basically win the game right there. It's almost equivalent to the Warlock Void Caller dream. Also if not used in this way it serves as a way for getting value for your Northshire cleric straight away. On turn 2 (or later) you can Northshire+Kvaldir+Circle for a 1-3, 2-4 + 1 card turn two. While i think your analysis of cards is pretty accurate (most of the time), you tend to only review cards based on them being played by themselves, when so much of constructed is comboing cards.
Hey now, I think Injured Kvaldir could be good in priest, certainly not bad enough to be listed as one of the worst. Priests are usually desperate for 2-drops, and priests are the one class with a hero power that will do literally nothing on turn 2 a lot of the time from an empty board. You could Shrinkmeister on 2 but you want to save that battlecry. Pyromancer you can play on 2 but you usually want to combo it as a board clear. Gilblin stalker is the only other 2-drop priest has worth playing that is good in all cases to throw out there. The scenario where you turn 1 kvaldir, turn 2 heal will be quite common. It also plays nice with resurrect. If you have it later in the game, you use it as a cheap cleric target to cycle it, or to toss out into a scenario where you were going to circle heal or holy nova anyway. There's also the fringe possibility of warrior decks using rampage / battle rage.
Priest turn 1 play: Injured kvaldir, coin, injured kvaldir, circle of healing. Face priest for the win. I can actually see a deck like that working with zombie chows, velens, low cost spells and the deck capping at like 5 mana.
I actually use flame lance, when you run a spell damage/ archmage fireball deck it's really useful for killing what might kill your archmage or for just killing those random giants
Something I had a thought about although unlikely it would ever be a thing. Playing Far Sight along with Mistcaller. It is a very rare circumstance, but to be able to play Mistcaller on turn 3 would be unstoppable value =P.
I've always loved playing rogue in Hearthstone, I think its almost certain that Poisoned Blade is going to get a buff after release, what do you guys think needs to be changed to it? 3 mana would that be viable? that is probably not enough...
Would a 2 mana Poisoned Blade see play? A 1 mana Poisoned Blade is Hero Power + Deadly Poison with an extra durability, so I guess the question is whether you feel the extra durability and potential for further improvement is worth 1 mana. I feel like it could work at 2 mana.
Kvaldir is not that bad. It can work in warrior decks with Crush or Rampage or Frothing berserkers. The 2/1 taunt creature can work with taunt warrior as well with the new buff card so you can go annoyotron + 2 of those 2/1 guys and then u buff the all with +2/+2 for 6 mana and you have 4/3 + 4/3 + 3/4 with divine shield. Not bad
Injured Kvaldir just isn't as bad as you suggest. There's many ways to work around the bad battlecry. For example by not playing it from your hand. warrior could buff it, or draw cards from it.
I think Injured Kvaldir could be played in some priest decks with cards like lightwell, northshire cleric and power word shield. And about tournament attendee, I think it could be nice in the new Taunt Warrior coming.
I have a question about Competitive Spirit. As it stands right now Secrets cannot trigger on your own turn. Is this card an exception or are they changing this aspect of the game? If they are changing the game so Secrets can trigger on your own turn, this really really change how effective a lot of Secrets are. Aside from Duplicate for Mage, it would also give a huge buff for most Paladin Secrets. If so, this may be a massive intended buff for Paladin and a huge shift in the strategies available to them.
Question for le Kripp plebs, what will be the best class for the new exp in you guys opinions? I have hopes for druids and think aviana looks cool, also the shamans new cards. But for my money its, gonna go down between the SMOrc's and the Varian Wrynn's.
I think injured kvaldir isn't that bad. It does the typical 2/1 drop turn one to keep the opponent from dropping a 3/2, if you heal it, you basically played a 2/3 with charge. If you have coin you play this turn 1 and play cleric coin heal turn two for a 1/3 2/3 and a card.
Totem Golem is so broken because if you drop it on turn 2, it doesn't overload you enough to really handicap you as on turn 3 you can at the 100% very least you can still use your HP or play a lot of other good Shaman 2-drops.
With Tuscar Totemic theres a 3/7 chance you get really good stuff like totem golem, mana tide totem and even flame tounge totem would be pretty good. the other totems are pretty much always 0/2 and an effect so its almost like 3/4 with an effect. Even the 1/1 its still kinda an ok 4/3 and it can buff drainei totem carver and can be buffed by Thunder bluff valiant. I think it will see a lot of play.
I like how they are adding more little obscure spells like flame lance. There are a lot of little benefits for this, even if it's not nearly as practical as fireball. For one it makes the cards that are random, like say, add a random spell to your hand, THAT much more interesting.
demonfuse is actually good, 2 mana 3/3 charge is like a mini doomguard late game and arcane golem is being played and it's 3 mana 4/2 with the same downside. If played on curve it sucks but if played on turn six, the difference between your opponent having 6 and 7 mana is small if they are going to loose next turn.
+Jimi Jams no you want better durb not attack we got deadly poison new 2/1 pirate that buffs a weapon when you summon it auto shop barbers tinkers oil some other weapon buff pirates seriously we want weapons to last longer not spam damage
I think you underrate Ice Rager, at least in Arena. It's a great 3 mana card in the late game if your opponent doesn't have an easy way to deal with it. And it is not a horrible 3-drop. It's a lot like a 4/3 as a 3-drop, it will probably die to a 2-drop, but if it doesn't you might use it to take out 4-drop.
i compare mistcaller with stormwind champion. SC has better stats, but mistcallers effect is permanent, and effects minions not on board, i have yet to decide if mistcaller is viable in control shaman
Injured kvaldir in priest could be interesting with circle of healing and power word shield It also has synergy with battle rage and rampage in a warrior deck!
mistcaller could be used in a shaman deck that has a lot of early game because then then there would be a point in playing all your 2/3s and 3/4s in the late game.
I don't see injured kvaldir as a normal 1 drop, I see it as one like abusive sergeant that doesn't get played on turn 1. It's still bad out of priest, but if it was like turn 1 northsire, turn 2 whatever, turn 3 injured and a 2 drop + circle. It's the same idea as a blademaster but you bring it out with other minions. You could even turn 3 coin+ injured + blademaster. It seems unreasonable but the amount of times priest seem to get perfect blademaster starts is also unreasonable.
I disagree with what you say about Injured Kvaldir, it has okay synergy in certain Warrior decks. Being able to play Crush for a total of 4 mana isn't bad, with it being Assassinate from Rouge AND a body, for one less mana. While Crush doesn't see much play, the fact that it's possible means something at least.
What about that 3 mana 2 2 which lets you use you hero power for free next time you use it? It could possibly be the card that makes inspire decks a thing, which would have a pretty large impact.
11:28 "Literally", The following 2 drops are all NEUTRAL meaning every class can play them: Mad Bomber, Ancient Watcher, Doomsayer, Millhouse Manastorm. I excluded those that would survive one turn but die on the 2nd+ one (Nat/Lorewalker/Creeper/Echoing/..)
best case scenario for injured kvaldir would actually probably be something like turn 1 northshire/injured and turn 2 northshire+injured+circle of healing. Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Kripp, I just wanted to say thank you... You saved my life.
I was laying down in a coma, they told my parents I was a vegetable and that they were going to pull the plug.
Right before they did it, a doctor was watching one of your videos on their phone. I immediately woke up, ran over to him to skipped the kripp (22:15 for those curious)
Upvote to save a life.
Not funny, not original. Try again in a few weeks from now. Good day to you.
Garviel Loken :(
That was a very intresting story
Trystan that was epic man dont listen to that boring in party guy thanks for giving me a good laugh
I agree with kripp, demonfuse is the new doctor boom
jackson seagraves Omfg XD
Im crying haha
Nope, you cant BGH demonfuse xD
Demonfuse is the new meta OP OP
xREDBEANx yes, deamonfuse will be better than dr boom .... obviously
jackson seagraves
You wondered why blizzard didn't buff bad cards...They would rather saturate the game with strictly better magma racers and booty bay bodyguards than buff themBecause $$$$$$$$
Not strictly, what if you have a cult master and need to draw a card to win as a mage. Can't just ping your own frost rager. Magma rager is obviously better.
lol you never going to use either of those anyway who cares
Jack Duripper Both those cards are common rarity, magma rager and BBB still deserve to exist in their own right.
After all, what does it matter to you? You're not playing BBB or magma rager anyway.
atindelta Both the 4 cost 5/4 taunt and the 3 cost 5/2 are, that is what i meant. ._.
Jack Duripper It worked with MTG
Blizzard releases HOLY RAGER after the failure of Chaos Rager and Doom Rager
5/5 for 3 mana
People still don't pick it due the power creep makin all new 1 drops have 5 health
that wath happenned with yu gi oh unfortunatley :(
Mocky the thing is you can't really enjoy the game a lot of the time because some cards counter like 100 other cards. And some cards.... just can't do anything even in the ideal circumstance of living one turn. Its a lot of problems because it kind of reduces the ability to have niche win conditions that you can't play around. And all the current win conditions are really monotonous.
Aurelius they require a new class and or card archetype which allows for an alternate win/loss condition (similar to poison counters in MTG or a "land burn* deck) ... if this game is to slow its power creep it needs to keep branching instead of ramping up.
having alternate win conditions or ways to effect conditions we players take for granted could completely shake up the meta.
relax is power hey say what you want about improving cards but you can still kick some butt with blue eyes decks :3
Totem golem is 3/4. Millhouse is 4/4. Totem golem still sucks. Kappa
EpicGameTroll I was about to give a serious reply to this. Then I saw your name. Then I decided to write this instead.
TheMawofMadness U better take him serious man.
U never know who ur fukin with
EpicGameTroll I wanted to make that comment then. Then i saw yours. Then i decided to write this instead
TheMawofMadness, Do you know what does the "Kappa" mean ?
TheMawofMadness And you haven't even noticed the Kappa .... FailFish
Injured Kvaldir - Hungry Dragon nerf
Pan Domagałke dont you mean buff?
RaymanEpicduel think about it
RaymanEpicduel How so? summon 2/4 for your enemy doesn't seem like a buff for me.
Pan Domagałke I messed Up, its a 2/4 because it summons it with full hp e.e
RaymanEpicduel hungry dragon gives your opponent the 1drop, not you
Turn 1 - Northshire
Turn 2 - Kvaldir + Kvaldir + Circle Heal
Sure that dream opener will be extremely rare, but I can still think of worse cards that were released.
A kripp video that isn't a movie!
***** Just wait for part 2 and 3
+Whissp underwhelming comment
+Whissp Don't make him a living nuke!
Poisoned Blade needs to be 1 mana.
Yeah, two mana is actually playable, one makes it pretty powerful.
Jarekx2007 I was thinking they should have just made a 0 mana spell that "un-nerfs" your hero power to what it was in Alpha (or beta possibly, I'm not sure). The hero power daggers used to work the same was as poisoned blade, I believe. It was powerful then, but now I wonder if it's still a bit too slow, and therefore not too overpowered that it's broken. Maybe a 0 mana spell that gives your currently equipped weapon, be it a dagger or assassin's blade, the effect of poisoned blade would have been a playable card. It's a bad idea to start a habit of pressing the button with a weapon equipped, you could overwrite a buffed dagger or weapon if you forgot you hadn't played the spell :/
u totally underrate this card. on one or two mana this would see play everywhere. just compare it to the old rogue heropower. it had this effect and seemed awful but it was op af
Jarekx2007 3 mana, +1 durability as well
Tim Fischer I don't understand why this effect would be OP? You're trading life for tempo down the line... By the time you swing tempo though, every aggro deck and most midrange decks would have already killed you.
Kkisp Sripk : End of the Vid
srry i stupid Kripp
+Homem Pijama rip English
Morgan Freeman I'm sorry dear Morgan
Homem Pijama Thanks, you literally saved my life
Homem Pijama what does this mean?
Is it just me or does blizzard give no fcks about Rogue????
K-Swizz i guess you forgot all the free wins you could get with the miracle rogue LOL
K-Swizz Oil it up, or mech it out.
noaiMMM So because they had a playstyle that was nerfed into the ground they don't deserve any good cards ever?
RichieDcik first of all rogues are still pretty good,the oil deck is kinda popular right now and,what i meant was that every class had their popularity spikes like the rogue had the miracle rogue,now it seems like a lot of shamans gonna rise it up
noaiMMM Yes I know I play every type of Rogue deck. That still doesn't give any reason to not give the class decent cards this expansion. Our inspire card is THE worst card in the expansion. The best thing for a rogue this expansion is a 2/2 Cutpurse. Exciting...
Ive the dust ready to insta make Varian Wrynn. Beautiful warrior card.
Jacob Wheaton Don listen to him, Varian Wrynn is a safe bet, any1 who has some experience in playing CW can easily come to this conclusion. I too wil craft day 1, and the ladder will shiver in fear.
MrKarlSync I've pre-ordered packs and saved over 20 packs worth of gold, and I've saved up over 7k dust. Hopefully I won't even have to craft Varian, but if I do, I'm gladly spending the dust on day 1. There's no way a card that is sort of like Ancient of Lore and Aviana in one card (but a 7/7!) is going to be bad.
Orcbanger Listen to him, just wait until you see what happens to the meta
B. oamere Dont listen to him, Control Warrior has always been a top tier deck and it always will be. It sits there, armors up, plays big fuckin legendaries, and gives a fuck about the meta. And Varian ist the best legendary a CW could ever imagine.
Orcbanger Yes it will but this legendary could be too slow in this new meta.. wait and then craft
No time for top comment. I just want to be faster than Wisp. #Rekt
Máté Ormándi YOU WISH
Whissp you wisp
Máté Ormándi mission successful
After GvG control hunter just barely didn't make the cut, it could crush most control decks, had a pretty fair chance against midrange, and got decimated by aggro. When I look at Acidmaw and Dreadscale I see 1 card that screams anti control and the other that screams anti face decks. Dreadscale is clearly the anti aggro/face card. In many ways this card is exactly what control hunter needed to have, a way to stop decks like Face Hunter from killing it before it could ever get to late game. The reason that control hunter was never able to beat aggro was because there never was enough room to fit any kind of healing into the deck because you had to run a lot of cards that comboed for removal. The combos I am talking about were things like Wild Pyromancer + Arcane Shot for a 3 mana removal + 1 damage AOE, Hunter's Mark to combo with Wild Pyromancer, Steamwheedle Sniper for 2 damage removal, etc. While I think that many of these cards still have a good chance of being in a control hunter deck, it feels like there is a much lesser need to run 2 of most of these cards. Dreadscale means that you don't need as many spells to combo with Wild Pyromancer (which I would expect would only be a 1 of if you are running Dreadscale) meaning that you likely then have room for either a Antique Healbot or Bolf Ramshield. In addition to making room for much needed heals it also has the benefit of comboing with Acidmaw for late game board clears and being an activator for Gahz'rilla (Since Gahz needs to stick for one turn anyway it means that your opponent needs to either sacrifice their board to deal with the 12/8, kill it will 2 or 3 spells, or silence it making it a 6/8. no matter what they do it is hard to deal with it)
Even if control hunter ends up fizzling Dreadscale still has potential in midrange hunter in certain metas. Paladin has always been a horrible matchup for midrange hunter due to it being hard to deal with the silver hands and deal face damage at the same time, you always had to either choose to ignore the silver hands and then lose to Quartermaster, or deal with all the Silver hands leaving you with no minions to attack face and running out of steam. Dreadscale is a really good way to deal with the silver hands and still have your other minions attack face. It is the same thing with face hunter, it is really hard to kill their minions and still deal enough damage to their face to have a chance to race them. Dreadscale gives you 2 turns to try to out race them since as midrange hunter all your minions have 2 health and Face hunter won't trade.
Over all I have a lot of hope for Dreadscale and Acidmaw.
salty dog is a 5 manna 7-4, for 1 more manna you get +1 +1 but is has a 50% to hit the wrong enemy.
The thing with Injured Kvaldir is, that as a Priest you sometimes run in the situation (often in a mirror matchup, where you go first), that you need a healing target for your Northshire Cleric, and Injured Kvaldir just helps you to draw two cards in the early game.
who am I? none of your business.
I think the problem with new legendarys is, that you often cannot build a real deck around it. Thats is due to the fact that you can only include one of each legendary in your deck, which makes a deck based on some legendarys not consistent enough. For example, I think with 2 Mistcallers per deck, you might be able to build a really strong deck based on it.
Darnassus Aspirent into Spellbreaker, silencing it's Deathrattle, is probably the dream. I guess I'm making a druid deck then.
keeper > spellbreaker
TheZedman5000 Spellbreaker is ass, play Wailing Soul instead
+Mirza Ajanovic hey zed
hey racoon dog
TheZedman5000 Coin darnassus aspirent, turn 2 dancing swords, turn 3 wailing soul.
I could see the Mistcaller being useful in a Murloc deck. Loads of little tiny minions plus the synergy of buffing cards the other shaman legendary gives you if you play Mistcaller the next turn.
Best case for injured Kvaldir
2/1 --> trades into an enemy 1 drop or an enemy 3/2 (or the enemy used 2 mana to ping it)
and then you use resurrect
It's not that bad... but yeah without resurrect or something like it... then it pretty much is a worgen infiltrator without stealth
Jo Viljar Haugstulen In my opinion injured Kvaldir is just a strictly worse Abusive sergeant it doesn't even help develop a board because it doesn't help you in anyway. There is even the chance your opponent plays zombie chow and u cant trade it, Worgen is better, Abusive is better and Leper Gnome is better. There is no point in injured Kvaldir at all unless it is played through your enemies deathlord and that is not reliable at all.
Jo Viljar Haugstulen It may appear in priest decks as something u save for mid game to buff a lightwarden or lightwarden 2.0
Jo Viljar Haugstulen best case for Injured Kvaldir is turn 1 Kvaldir into Ancestral Healing turn 2 Totem Golem. ezzzz game :P
Jo Viljar Haugstulen His stance on Injured Kvaldir really boggles me. Almost everything he said could be (and used to be) said about Injured Blademaster. Not that Injured Blademaster is the best card ever, but it clearly has potential to be useful.
***** Well yeah both Injured Kvaldir and Injured Blademaster has average stats for their cost 2/1 or 1/2 for 1 mana (and the Kvaldir is a 2/1) and the injured blademaster is a 4/3 for 3 (though 3/4 is generally better)
The benefit of Injured blademaster is that it is generally better to pay 3 mana and two cards for a 4/7 then it is to pay 1 mana and 2 cards for a 2/4 (why not just play zombie chow... when it is almost as good)
Though that 2/4 for 2 mana which requires you to hero power for it to attack is pretty garbage
I honestly think Sparring Partner will have a bigger impact than people think. a 3/2 for 2 with taunt that also gives another minion taunt.
Mazzmaker69 sunfury protector says hi
k4ffein Which doesn't have taunt itself. So it still isn't as good.
but it gives 2 other minions taunt
k4ffein Sparring Partner have black knight synergy though. And a 3/2 is usually better then a 2/3.
k4ffein Which only makes it more situational.
Wtf is he talking about? Turn 1 Injured Kvaldir, turn 2 coin+injured blademaster+circle of healing is the best case scenario. Ok, it's not too consistent, but it is so unbelievebly OP, you just have won the game at turn 2.
Orshabaal OOOOOOR you just Northshire Cleric on Turn 1 which actually survives pings and contests 2/1s and then coin + Blademaster and CoH, draw a card and have roughly the same results.
Injured Blademaster is at least a 4/3 for 3 without Circle, Kvaldir is so ass if you don't have Circle and I can't imagine that it has enough of an impact to be good, even with Circle of Healing. Just not worth wasting a deck slot for.
Orshabaal I was thinking more the possible value of playing kvaldir turn 1. It dies, and resurrect turn 2 for a 2/4.
Orshabaal Have you ever played this game? Kvaldir is not gonna live. Wtf
Orshabaal Injured Kvaldir into Ancestral Healing - crusher shaman !!
***** Ye right? Who the fuck cares about a vanilla 2/4 in constructed
i dont understand why he thinks ice rager is so bad in arena when it dies to basically the same as every other 3 drop and it kills 4 and 5 drops
After thinking about Demonfuse a bit, I realized that if you're going second against someone and your turn 10 comes, you can PO/PO/Demonfuse/Demonfuse for +14/+14 for 6 Mana without giving your opponent two Mana Crystals, and at that stage in the game, you'll most likely be using these buffs to finish off your opponent anyways. It'll certainly be something I'm going to experiment with.
totem golem doesn't kill my millhouse...
But the other player's hand with 2 pyros and 2 fireballs will kill you.
Franken Stein Shaman doesn't have either
Franken Stein Yes, because that's what you usually have in your hand on turn 3.
RandomUmbrellaGuy They do get that sweet discount on Totemic might, oh wait..
Franken Stein a shaman with 2 pyros and 2 fireballs at turn 2 sounds legit
I ran out of funny comments and memes. Just upvote this
Every video on double speed. SAVE YOUR LIFE TIME
Nyrom thats pretty good but you have to concentrate so you cant do your game at the same time
Chiller0891 True but I like to pause for a few minutes every now and then and Kripps videos are by far more understandable at double speed than some others.
Nyrom Mind Blown
Nyrom xD 1,5 seems fine to me
How to possibly fix injured kvaldir:
1 mana 1/4 battlecry: deal 3 damage to this minion. At the start of your turn restore 1 health to this minion.
This could make it actually possibly used in some decks as opposed to now
Aviana is a hidden Wisp Druid nerf
+Neodeleux mind blownnn
Mistcaller is like the Emperor Thurassian for just minions in a way. Emp almost never lives past 1 turn so you only really get 1 activation anyway, but it eats enemy minions in value or eats removal, which is exactly what Mistcaller would do. Then every play you make after it will slowly accumulate back its lost value, which is only like 2.5 mana crystals worth of cost, which is like 3 minions before break even.
Wes Whitacre
Yes, but how about possible extra 10 cards in your deck/hand?
3 cards after this may not be that hard if meta slows down - especially for the shamans with their new healing, drawing and super AoEing. They could play some kind of super slow deck and get quite a bit of value (and tempo) for the rest of the game. Its exactly like Emperor Tharussian - investition in the future turns.
Wes Whitacre Emperor has ongoing effect and Caller does not.
Psychol An ongoing effect that never sees more then one activation in any serious game.
My whole point is, Emp has crap value the turn you play him, and only serves to make the cards you are going to play in the future have more value. This is exactly what Mistcaller does, but he just happens to do it by adding stats to a card, rather then reducing its cost.
Wes Whitacre
Sure, but it makes him threat that you HAVE to remove, not just plain 4/4.
I will Poison Blade work
Zameer Patwa I will miss out a
Zameer Patwa I have going try not.
I will was be too work be was Poison Blade.
Zameer Patwa You might a word.
Zameer Patwa The "research center of unfinished researches" has come to a conclusion that
The injured Kvaldir might work in a warrior deck...on turn two you can use the +3/3 buff for injured minions, so it is a 5/4 on turn two
The poisonous blade has the advantage of keeping weaponbuffs alive, if it is like 5/1 or so you can heropower so it wont get destroyed (although you still take damage attacking minions and people still can destoy it with battlecrys)
Turn 3 coin
Tournament Attendee x2
Turn 4 another bolster
6 mana for 2 6-5 s with taunt, and this is assuming you don't run some more annoying sticky taunt shit like annoyotron which you dropped before this
and 2 target dummies
pizzarelaguy It's not close to being good enough. Cute combo though.
pizzarelaguy you are forgeting that you have thrown 4 cards into that not even counting the 1 turn set up and the coin
think of it this way , 2 6/5s for 6 mana and 4 cards.....there are much much better turn 6 plays then that
sure it sounds strong and once in a blue moon you will pull it off and it ill be incredible, but its gonna happen once in 100 games, the other 99 games its tournament attendee is a piece of crap 2/1 at best and bolster is ok
pizzarelaguy And four cards, and your coin....
But there are IMO worse, or cards that "oh have potential, inspire hurr durr" but will actually be shit anyway.
King's defender so bad he wont even mention it haha?
Id draft Mogor's champion every time over poisoned blade. At least the ogre is above average in top dick wars
Id rather not carft any of those 2 cards for god sake those 2 cards are worse then most basic card in the game
shuvo rahman depends if you go up against a leper gnome or those small weenie crap, I'd rather take the ogre. But yah I think I would take every other card in rogue before poisoned blade and most cards before ogre
You can play injured kvaldir in warrior with rampage as it's a 5/4 on turn 2 if you have rampage and it can be used for early board control
im gay no1 will see this
Pwned HA
Pwned i've seen yoou
An ogre brute found you by accident.
Ty bro
Yo Kripp,
Got a little question. With TGT getting out soon i started to save gold.
I heard that if you get 3-4 wins on avarage in arena its better to invest the gold in arena than in card packs. But with the new expansion they changed the a bit the reward system for arena and i may not only get TGT packs but also GVG packs and calssic packs. So is it better to only buy arena or only buy TGT packs with my saved gold ?
For the injured kvaldir, maybe can we see the return of Lightwell? Turn 1, coin lightwell, turn 2, 1 cleric+1 kvaldir, turn 3, blademaster... With Inner fire to recycle Lightwell as 5/5 later maybe?
Something noone seems to mention about Demonfuse is that you can play it on turn 8-9 and basically get to ignore the downside, since your opponent probably won't need the extra mana crystal then. So it's not a card to play on curve, it's one you play as part of a combo (like, say, with Dreadsteed).
the injured kvaldir might see some constructed play with warrior - for combo'ing with armorsmith(s) or frothing berserker(s)
but you could cirlce of heal injured kvaldir which would make it pretty good right?
a 2/4 on turn 1 is pretty good . isn t it ?
how will varian affect using battlecrys? you can loose shield maiden value and cruel task late game value with grom. it could be great or bad based on luck. similar to the jousts :]
if you get poisoned blade from blingtron as a different class does it get +1 attack when you hero power? if so why doesnt it just say inspire: +1 attack?
i think if injured kvaldir is gonna fit into a deck its going to be a warrior deck centered around your minions being damaged. for instance you could drop this before battle rage for one extra card or combo with warsong and rampage something like that wouldn't be super bad if that deck type ever takes off.
Kripparrian Varian Wrynn draws. If you draw a Chromaggus does it draw duplicates of the other two draws/put them on the field? Something to test later on.
How does Mindgames work with Mistcaller? Do you get a copy of buffed minion?
injured kavaldir is used later in the game with a circel of healing, to get extra draw
turn 1 kvaldir, turn 2 coin Farseer to heal it :P. Also kvaldir is not weak to rogue's backstab. it would force the rogue to hero power to clear it,or shiv. It's basically a 2-1 with no effect, can dodge backstab and potentially be healed if it lives to the next turn. It's not really bad at all.
what does mogor's champion do? it nerfs recomb and efigy for 6drops.
Injured Kvaldir can trigger Frothing Berserker THREE times if he its already on the table alongside with Warsong Commander when played, and all for 1 extra mana, plus his 2 damage could help remove a taunt or something else.
I would just like to know how Poisoned Blade should've been in order to be a some what playable card? I'm just thinking that it would be still 4 mana but with 2 attack and 4 charges.
arent those battlecry effects like from the mistcaller permanent ? even after he dies ? i mean shattered sunclarics effect doesnt wear off when it dies...?
Darnassus Aspirent sounds like a lovely card. I'm looking forward to introducing her to both Ancestral Spirit and Reincarnate.
I'm running Injured Kvaldir in my shaman with Ancestral Healing for a 2/4 with taunt on turn 1. Doesn't always happen but when it does it's literally one of the best one drops in the game.
How do you get to this ratings like "Aviana => 7.61" do you have a full tier list so i could check your ranking?
Yeah well and what if you play Darnassus Aspirant at turn 10 and you have it killed next turn. Does the 10th mana crystal regenerate when you already had 10 mana? I cannot remember how does it work for example with that charge 4/2.
Weexry yes
Which do u think is worse, Mogor's Champion or Executus?
I feel like shaman might get a pretty good buff and might see some more play in Constructed. Thoughts?
If the Darnassus aspirant is bounced to the hand like from sap, do you get to keep the mana crystal?
im so sick of seeing everyone say cards are bad. it makes me so sad. im really excited to try out ALL of the new cards especially poisoned blade. no card is literally bad. every card has its purpose.
im going to make decks with all of these cards that "nobody will ever play" just to make kripp a lier
I think he's talking about a few weeks after the expansion is released, when the artificial "let's try all the cards out" meta stops. After that, people will realize that certain cards just don't work. Yes, every card has it's place but sometimes that place requires a very specific situation to be relevant. They might end up being used later on, after a few meta shifts, or they might not.
no card has ever been released that "doesnt work". everything works.... thats my point. name a card and i will say how it works
rdmqwerty This isn't an FPS where you can make up the fact that your weapon sucks horseshit with your skill. This is a cardgame, where skill is almost non-existant. This isn't TF2, where you can pick a shitty loadout, roll with it, and "wreck" pubs. Have fun dropping 5-10 ranks just for using shit like Poisoned Blade in your deck.
poisoned blade ISNT BAD. there so many times late game where you are only hero powering every turn. instead of only dealing 1 useless damage, you can build up a huge weapon and eventually just 1 shot your enemy.
i had a game earlier today where i was playing rogue against a priest. he didnt do anything. he sat there hero powering every turn and so did i. i didnt want to play anything into mind control or something. his hero power out scales mine, but if i had poison blade i could have won by building up a 30 damage weapon
rdmqwerty In arena? Sure that might work there, but not in constructed. Unless you're playing in the low ranks, where almost ANYTHING goes since people usually have 0 idea how tempo, card efficiency and deck building.
I think you're giving Injured Kvaldir a bit of a bad rap. It can be comboed with circle of healing for a turn 1, 2-4... that's pretty good right? The best case scenario is turn 1 Kvaldir (it doesn't get killed, which a lot of the time 2-1s don't), turn 2 coin + Injured Blademaster + Circle of healing = turn 2 2-4 + 4-7 which is insane! You'll get value if your enemy played a 3-2 and basically win the game right there. It's almost equivalent to the Warlock Void Caller dream.
Also if not used in this way it serves as a way for getting value for your Northshire cleric straight away. On turn 2 (or later) you can Northshire+Kvaldir+Circle for a 1-3, 2-4 + 1 card turn two.
While i think your analysis of cards is pretty accurate (most of the time), you tend to only review cards based on them being played by themselves, when so much of constructed is comboing cards.
Hey now, I think Injured Kvaldir could be good in priest, certainly not bad enough to be listed as one of the worst. Priests are usually desperate for 2-drops, and priests are the one class with a hero power that will do literally nothing on turn 2 a lot of the time from an empty board. You could Shrinkmeister on 2 but you want to save that battlecry. Pyromancer you can play on 2 but you usually want to combo it as a board clear. Gilblin stalker is the only other 2-drop priest has worth playing that is good in all cases to throw out there. The scenario where you turn 1 kvaldir, turn 2 heal will be quite common. It also plays nice with resurrect. If you have it later in the game, you use it as a cheap cleric target to cycle it, or to toss out into a scenario where you were going to circle heal or holy nova anyway. There's also the fringe possibility of warrior decks using rampage / battle rage.
Priest turn 1 play: Injured kvaldir, coin, injured kvaldir, circle of healing. Face priest for the win. I can actually see a deck like that working with zombie chows, velens, low cost spells and the deck capping at like 5 mana.
I actually use flame lance, when you run a spell damage/ archmage fireball deck it's really useful for killing what might kill your archmage or for just killing those random giants
Something I had a thought about although unlikely it would ever be a thing. Playing Far Sight along with Mistcaller. It is a very rare circumstance, but to be able to play Mistcaller on turn 3 would be unstoppable value =P.
I've always loved playing rogue in Hearthstone, I think its almost certain that Poisoned Blade is going to get a buff after release, what do you guys think needs to be changed to it? 3 mana would that be viable? that is probably not enough...
Would a 2 mana Poisoned Blade see play? A 1 mana Poisoned Blade is Hero Power + Deadly Poison with an extra durability, so I guess the question is whether you feel the extra durability and potential for further improvement is worth 1 mana. I feel like it could work at 2 mana.
Kvaldir is not that bad. It can work in warrior decks with Crush or Rampage or Frothing berserkers. The 2/1 taunt creature can work with taunt warrior as well with the new buff card so you can go annoyotron + 2 of those 2/1 guys and then u buff the all with +2/+2 for 6 mana and you have 4/3 + 4/3 + 3/4 with divine shield. Not bad
Injured Kvaldir just isn't as bad as you suggest. There's many ways to work around the bad battlecry. For example by not playing it from your hand.
warrior could buff it, or draw cards from it.
I think Injured Kvaldir could be played in some priest decks with cards like lightwell, northshire cleric and power word shield. And about tournament attendee, I think it could be nice in the new Taunt Warrior coming.
How would we feel about Poisoned Blade if it was a 2 mana 1/2?
I have a question about Competitive Spirit. As it stands right now Secrets cannot trigger on your own turn. Is this card an exception or are they changing this aspect of the game? If they are changing the game so Secrets can trigger on your own turn, this really really change how effective a lot of Secrets are. Aside from Duplicate for Mage, it would also give a huge buff for most Paladin Secrets. If so, this may be a massive intended buff for Paladin and a huge shift in the strategies available to them.
Question for le Kripp plebs, what will be the best class for the new exp in you guys opinions? I have hopes for druids and think aviana looks cool, also the shamans new cards. But for my money its, gonna go down between the SMOrc's and the Varian Wrynn's.
I think injured kvaldir isn't that bad. It does the typical 2/1 drop turn one to keep the opponent from dropping a 3/2, if you heal it, you basically played a 2/3 with charge. If you have coin you play this turn 1 and play cleric coin heal turn two for a 1/3 2/3 and a card.
Kvaldir can be played with rampage that is a kind of sick opener for a aggro deck.
Totem Golem is so broken because if you drop it on turn 2, it doesn't overload you enough to really handicap you as on turn 3 you can at the 100% very least you can still use your HP or play a lot of other good Shaman 2-drops.
where can i see these in play? cause kripp says he has seen some of them? :3
Flame Lance would have been perfect for the last brawl because there is a 5mana-spot missing in a spell-only mage-deck for that brawl.
Injured Kvaldir could be used in warrior to proc any injured minion effects and battle rage draw
With Tuscar Totemic theres a 3/7 chance you get really good stuff like totem golem, mana tide totem and even flame tounge totem would be pretty good. the other totems are pretty much always 0/2 and an effect so its almost like 3/4 with an effect. Even the 1/1 its still kinda an ok 4/3 and it can buff drainei totem carver and can be buffed by Thunder bluff valiant. I think it will see a lot of play.
I like how they are adding more little obscure spells like flame lance. There are a lot of little benefits for this, even if it's not nearly as practical as fireball. For one it makes the cards that are random, like say, add a random spell to your hand, THAT much more interesting.
demonfuse is actually good, 2 mana 3/3 charge is like a mini doomguard late game and arcane golem is being played and it's 3 mana 4/2 with the same downside. If played on curve it sucks but if played on turn six, the difference between your opponent having 6 and 7 mana is small if they are going to loose next turn.
Would Poisoned Blade be worth it if it got +2 attack every use of the hero power instead?
+Jimi Jams no you want better durb not attack we got deadly poison new 2/1 pirate that buffs a weapon when you summon it auto shop barbers tinkers oil some other weapon buff pirates seriously we want weapons to last longer not spam damage
I think it would be pretty, 5/4 for 8 mana is not that strong but 7/4 is pretty damn good
danebengeschissen i am not sure blizzerd would want such a weapon ghorhoul is then just a weaker versoin
I think you underrate Ice Rager, at least in Arena. It's a great 3 mana card in the late game if your opponent doesn't have an easy way to deal with it. And it is not a horrible 3-drop. It's a lot like a 4/3 as a 3-drop, it will probably die to a 2-drop, but if it doesn't you might use it to take out 4-drop.
injured kvaldir + coin + injured kvaldir + circle = 2x 2/4 is that not good kripp?
i compare mistcaller with stormwind champion. SC has better stats, but mistcallers effect is permanent, and effects minions not on board, i have yet to decide if mistcaller is viable in control shaman
Injured kvaldir in priest could be interesting with circle of healing and power word shield
It also has synergy with battle rage and rampage in a warrior deck!
mistcaller could be used in a shaman deck that has a lot of early game because then then there would be a point in playing all your 2/3s and 3/4s in the late game.
I don't see injured kvaldir as a normal 1 drop, I see it as one like abusive sergeant that doesn't get played on turn 1.
It's still bad out of priest, but if it was like turn 1 northsire, turn 2 whatever, turn 3 injured and a 2 drop + circle. It's the same idea as a blademaster but you bring it out with other minions. You could even turn 3 coin+ injured + blademaster.
It seems unreasonable but the amount of times priest seem to get perfect blademaster starts is also unreasonable.
I disagree with what you say about Injured Kvaldir, it has okay synergy in certain Warrior decks. Being able to play Crush for a total of 4 mana isn't bad, with it being Assassinate from Rouge AND a body, for one less mana. While Crush doesn't see much play, the fact that it's possible means something at least.
Whens it coming out?
What about that 3 mana 2 2 which lets you use you hero power for free next time you use it? It could possibly be the card that makes inspire decks a thing, which would have a pretty large impact.
Darnassus Aspirant - why is the artwork so dark?
Kripparrian what addons you use in hearthstone?? thx
11:28 "Literally", The following 2 drops are all NEUTRAL meaning every class can play them: Mad Bomber, Ancient Watcher, Doomsayer, Millhouse Manastorm. I excluded those that would survive one turn but die on the 2nd+ one (Nat/Lorewalker/Creeper/Echoing/..)
best case scenario for injured kvaldir would actually probably be something like turn 1 northshire/injured and turn 2 northshire+injured+circle of healing.
Yeah, it's pretty bad.