Directions for 2023: The Channel, Family, and Church

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @shellw1506
    @shellw1506 Рік тому +1

    Convenience is the enemy of creativity. Thank you for your video, food for thought in this digital age.

  • @SaltySeabug
    @SaltySeabug Рік тому +3

    Came for the tobacco reviews, stayed for the life advice. God bless you brother!

  • @elimckinley3940
    @elimckinley3940 Рік тому

    Stay the course! Endeavor to preserver! We all need comfort and encouragement through this journey called Life! My prayers for your family and continued success!

  • @garbagemanpiper
    @garbagemanpiper Рік тому

    Wilson thanks for sharing. I greatly appreciate it. PGU for you and your family. Christ in our lives, the ultimate journey. Blessings 🍭🐓👶

  • @warrenhart3149
    @warrenhart3149 Рік тому +13

    My life completely changed 4 years ago when my wife died. Went crazy for a year, lost faith for a while, but back on track. Prayer and friends helped.

    • @TheSpurgeonPiper
      @TheSpurgeonPiper  Рік тому

      Warren I can't imagine the grief that you've experienced, but I'm grateful to hear of your perseverance. Thank you for sharing.

    • @DV-ol7vt
      @DV-ol7vt Рік тому

      Take a deep breath and smile everyday even when you don’t think you can. Nights are the hardest but time, lots of time, time passed helps ease the solitude. Don’t loose your faith. It’s ok to be angry at God but keep your faith and find away back to him. When you wake up every morning make it a goal to make someone’s life better, don’t just think about it, do it.

    • @KaiFuzzybutt
      @KaiFuzzybutt 11 місяців тому

      My deepest condolences for you Sir. I would be an absolute wreck if something happened to my wife. Stay strong and keep the faith.

  • @Strick58
    @Strick58 Рік тому

    I always enjoy your channel. I'm looking forward to it in 23. Great testimonial thanks for sharing. God bless

  • @GR65330
    @GR65330 Рік тому +1

    With regards to contentment (or lack there of), Augustine said it the best:
    "Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you."
    God bless brother.

    • @TheSpurgeonPiper
      @TheSpurgeonPiper  Рік тому +1

      One of my favorite quotes from him. I've used it more than once in sermons and evangelism. Thanks brother!

  • @jeredsellers5998
    @jeredsellers5998 Рік тому

    Much love, my brother.

  • @thequadraphonicgospels7829
    @thequadraphonicgospels7829 Рік тому +2

    The role of a minister can be lonely, worth the price for the privilege of serving Christ, but lonely none the less. Thank you for opening up and being candid about your struggles and dreams, takes a lot of courage to do so.
    I pray that God continues to use you, and if you don’t have one, may God raise up a friend in your life, with a likeminded passion for Christ, that will encourage you in times of angst and discouragement. One of the stories that I find inspiring, is the friendship between David and Jonathan, and how Jonathan was a great comfort to David in his time of need. God bless you always.

    • @TheSpurgeonPiper
      @TheSpurgeonPiper  Рік тому

      Thank you brother. Having a friend(s) like Jonathan has shown to be more and more important as time goes on.

  • @dbpetty9093
    @dbpetty9093 9 місяців тому

    This is my favorite video on this channel.

  • @jcook1701
    @jcook1701 Рік тому

    Just discovered your channel. So much common ground, though I'm much older. Stay the course. The good days will overarch the tough days. Life is a journey, a struggle, and opportunity to be blessed. Honor God, love your family, and serve others. Blessings. Oh, and keep this channel going. Much prayers.

  • @rovey887
    @rovey887 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing. This caused me to reflect on areas of my life I was blinded to. Enjoy your videos. Thanks again brother.

  • @barryjohnston6964
    @barryjohnston6964 Рік тому +1

    I live in OK. 2022 was an incredibly difficult year. I own a Lawn Care business. We took it on the chin this year with inflation, fuel costs, chemical cost, draught...etc. The draught all but killed our business. You are not alone. Keep fighting the good fight.

  • @PanicAttackRecovery
    @PanicAttackRecovery Рік тому +2

    I found your video very moving. Thank you for sharing and doing this video. God bless you and your family. I have enjoyed your other videos as well.

  • @johnperryflytying2620
    @johnperryflytying2620 Рік тому +6

    Will be praying for you, your family, your church and your continued you tube videos!

  • @matthewrobinson4644
    @matthewrobinson4644 Рік тому

    As I’m sure you already know sometimes we are already doing what we are supposed to be doing we just don’t know it yet! Thank you for what you do!

  • @charlescollins8385
    @charlescollins8385 Рік тому

    We as Christians can often forget or fail to realize that the man behind the Bible, the pastor or preacher in the pulpit, he needs encouragement like the rest of us. People are always going to the preacher with their problems, not considering he has his own burdens to bear. We need to pray for our ministers and encourage them, for they all need it. I hope you have a great year, and I pray the best for you and the church. If you pastor a church, you have a great responsibility and burden. God Bless You Always!!

  • @piperken1656
    @piperken1656 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing Wilson. Happy smokes

  • @ddvd
    @ddvd Рік тому

    You are enough, brother. Thank you for being real, first with yourself, and then with us. The accuser plants seeds of discontent, but our Father says "My peace I leave with you.".
    I lost my brother in 2018, my mother in 2019, my wife's mother in 2020, and then my father-in-law in 2021 (after he lived with us for a year due to Alzheimer's). Through it all, we based our faith in Yahweh, but it's been hard to stay focused. That's part of why I recently took up the pipe as a way to force me to slow down and spend more time in the Word and in meaningful literature.
    If I may offer a little encouragement, we are called to sow, not to force growth. Farmers can plant, but the LORD gives the increase.
    Thanks for all you are and do.
    May peace be upon your house.

  • @BlakesPipes
    @BlakesPipes Рік тому

    I thank you for sharing, I have been through a lot in the last 2 plus years. Picked back up my most favorite hobby, motorcycling and running, as my life with my second wife came to an end and I let myself go over that relationship. I have found solitude with this new hobby of pipe smoking to think. Amazing! Thank you

  • @JohnMeadowsSoulPatchPiper
    @JohnMeadowsSoulPatchPiper Рік тому

    Great stuff! Appreciate the transparency and candor! We are considering some similar points for changes. Glad we have a Lord who provides the wisdom and power we need!

  • @doylecarter57
    @doylecarter57 Рік тому +1

    Enjoy watching your channel. We have much in common and my prayers are with you and your family. There are many hills and valleys in this Christian walk. Stay grounded and The Lord will help you through. Blessings

  • @tamper-proof3703
    @tamper-proof3703 Рік тому +6

    I enjoy your channel, but very much appreciate your call to ministry and for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My father was a pastor and I have seen the challenges and stresses that come with that call. My prayers are with you, your wife, family and church family. Be well and God bless!

  • @robertwest7197
    @robertwest7197 Рік тому

    Interesting thoughts Wilson, time for introspection is a good thing. Thanks for reminding me of that.

  • @peterlarosa1210
    @peterlarosa1210 Рік тому

    Wow! I'm just seeing this now brother and can definitely resonate with what you are saying. I also lost my father, 2 days before my first born was born. Within my first year of marriage, that was one of the many things that my wife and I dealt with, and unfortunately, I never took the time to process these things. Twenty years later, I'm now realizing the toll that not processing these things took on myself and my family. You are wise in prioritizing your family and realizing that contemplation and content, 2 key spiritual disciplines is needed. Both have been an immense help on my end. Praying that the Lord will bless you with discernment and peace.

  • @dennisvolpe7805
    @dennisvolpe7805 Рік тому

    Your video about contentment hit me at the perfect time. I have been struggling with that the last few years as well. God works in mysterious ways. Look forward to your videos when you can post them.between the pipe cottage, mutton chop piper, and yourself I listen when. Smoking my pipe as a great time for reflection and thought.

  • @jeremycowles46
    @jeremycowles46 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for pouring out your heart. Praying for you and your family and ministry. God bless

  • @carlosrissler4939
    @carlosrissler4939 Рік тому +2

    I enjoyed watching your video. I also struggle with contentment and always want to hurry everything up and then get impatient when things don’t go as planned but when I have moments to relax and look around , I realize God has blessed me and my family beyond measure

  • @jessejohns4783
    @jessejohns4783 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for sharing that. Contentment is something I have struggled with as well, so it's encouraging to hear you talk about it and bring light to something that I'm sure a lot of us feel. Appreciate you and this channel!

  • @Abbafarmershepherdman
    @Abbafarmershepherdman Рік тому

    Thanks for posting this. Hello, my name is Will, I am a brand-new piper and I find your videos extremely helpful!
    I ran a farm as an intern from 2019 until just recently. I don't know what it is like growing up on one but I know that my kids were blessed by the entire experience and gained an incredible work ethic. We are now in an apartment, it's hard transitioning from the farm to city life. We are looking to buy our own farm but the market has been so crazy that we haven't been able to find a place for our sheep yet here in TN.
    Thanks for posting this and being real. I appreciate you.
    Keep the faith and keep on piping brother!!

  • @alwentzel4776
    @alwentzel4776 Рік тому +1

    Looking forward to seeing what is ahead

  • @tramperscott
    @tramperscott Рік тому

    Good chat. I hope you achieve your goals

  • @tdhale4232
    @tdhale4232 Рік тому +4

    Just found this channel and absolutely love it. Big Spurgeon lover in the Gospel he preached. Just love it!

    • @TheSpurgeonPiper
      @TheSpurgeonPiper  Рік тому

      Thank you!

    • @chickensandwich1589
      @chickensandwich1589 Рік тому

      Agreed, The Pipe Cottage and Listen MY Son are two greats as well.
      Matches860 is another gem, but sadly he passed a few years ago...

  • @EmersonSouthernForged
    @EmersonSouthernForged Рік тому +1

    Wonderful video! Wish you nothing but success as you move through 2023.

  • @briarreport8408
    @briarreport8408 Рік тому +4

    Don't look at it as difficulties, look it as challenges that you overcame. Keeping your head screwed on straight and leading your family through it is what's important. Looks like you're doing a wonderful job.

  • @24electricservice
    @24electricservice Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing this video. Life is kind of complicated, in my opinion we need to keep a balance on personal, family and business. Stay motivated at all times, I know it’s hard but when we get difficult times just embrace them because they will make you stronger . You make a difference in a good way just posting this video. Keep it up and remember, enjoy the hard times and the good time as well.

  • @lilspnce49
    @lilspnce49 Рік тому

    You came into my recommendations. I just recently started pipe smoking. Have watched quite a few of your videos now and just watched this one. I am not a man of faith, I don’t have kids and my wife passed away 8 years ago. So even tho our lives my look very different, this video spoke to me. Regardless of belief, we are all similar in our journey. I too struggle with contentment. Have since my wife’s death. Thank you for this honest video. It has helped me immensely.

  • @kpkelsey
    @kpkelsey Рік тому +1

    Brother, please know that you are in my prayers, even tonight. Rest and know that He has a plan and you are asking the right questions. Love you man. Keep fighting the good fight.

  • @SmokingCardboard
    @SmokingCardboard Рік тому

    Nice, enjoyed the chat. I really need to get better at welcoming difficulty in my life so that I may become a better person as a result. Hope you have a great year Wilson!

    • @TheSpurgeonPiper
      @TheSpurgeonPiper  Рік тому

      Difficulty is...difficult! But it indeed builds character. Thank you my friend and I hope you have a great year as well.

  • @DiegoMalo88
    @DiegoMalo88 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for this video. Identified with a lot of what you talked about.

  • @rohangeddes5647
    @rohangeddes5647 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing brother. As someone now in ministry I can relate to some of your journey - especially that of contentment.
    I've had exactly the same pictures of gardening and weeds to do with body growth. Learning the patience of removing the right weed at the right time without disturbing new growth, and knowing what to focus on and what battle to fight. Isaiah 28:23 onwards has brought me revelation in this.
    If you haven't already I feel like you would benefit from Become Good Soil. I love your depth and honesty.
    Let's stay in touch - I'll email you.

    @SMOKIN-STICK Рік тому +2

    Discipline = Freedom
    Good to hear from you, I’m glad you had such a great and meaningful vacation. I’m not religious, but I do agree with a lot of theology and I’ve had some feelings of discontent lately myself too. Need to take my own advice and tighten down. “A man who lacks purpose, distracts himself with pleasure.” -Viktor Frankl
    Take care buddy

  • @jonlynnseward2745
    @jonlynnseward2745 Рік тому +4

    Wilson, thank you for sharing your heart and I look forward to watching all of the content you have created. I found your channel because of my love for pipes, but I continued listening because of our shared love for the Lord Jesus. I am very happy that you and your family have been able to take some time to re-charge, the life of ministry can be taxing on the entire family and a respite is needed at times. I pray for you often! God bless you and your family!

  • @stevenkick5733
    @stevenkick5733 Рік тому +1

    I really resonated with your discussion of contentment. Too often we seek happiness or joy, but it is contentment that is of greater value, and for me, the path toward contentment is based on gratitude. This is a work in progress. Thanks for your thoughts.

  • @toferyo7473
    @toferyo7473 Рік тому

    Hey thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Wilson. I really appreciated this kind of video. I also found this inspiring to make me put some content out on ye old youtube myself.

  • @ahavah6622
    @ahavah6622 Рік тому

    This was an amazing video man. To be honest I kind of stopped watching your videos because I didn’t really think that as a pastor I heard enough about the Lord from you. But this is really heartfelt and beautiful. I will be praying for you brother and I love what you said about social media and tv. Me and my wife used to watch stuff like the office and we just realized after a while that if we witnessed people around us or in church exhibiting the same behavior we would be appalled. Definitely good to remind ourselves to redeem the time for the days are evil. I recommend the movie the Power of the Air btw it’s free on UA-cam and it will encourage you and your family to be separate and holy. God bless.

  • @Nighttrainpiper
    @Nighttrainpiper Рік тому +2

    Thought provoking video, Wilson. You have been through quite a bit, and it’s admirable that you are taking the time for that valuable introspection. My grandparents on my dad’s side were missionaries to Peru for 30 years. I still listen to and learn from my dad’s stories from that time. God is preparing you for blessings. I’ll keep you in prayer as you move forward in His grace.

  • @rockinmhomestead425
    @rockinmhomestead425 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your heart brother. Expanding discussion into more theology is a great idea. As I recently heard Alan on
    The Pipe Cottage say...someone needs to talk about it! I say...Amen to that! God bless you and your family.

  • @finstromtroy4812
    @finstromtroy4812 Рік тому

    May God continue to bless you and your ministry.

  • @yusufsayed1583
    @yusufsayed1583 Рік тому +1

    Good things come in small dosages 👌
    One video every 2 weeks is not a train smash , loved the content 🤙
    I know how it is , living and working on a farm 🚜 as I have one myself.
    We in S.A don't have hurricanes but floods , droughts and fires 🔥
    God bless you and your family 👪 🙏
    Greetings from south africa 🇿🇦

  • @razorbackpiper6821
    @razorbackpiper6821 Рік тому

    Praying for Gods guidance and blessings on you and your families. 🙏🏻

  • @spikeherbert391
    @spikeherbert391 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for this. I just finished watching and there’s a whole lot to digest, but your thoughts and ruminations are greatly appreciated. Take care, and the best to you and family and your congregation.

  • @hunt4historynv
    @hunt4historynv Рік тому

    Thanks brother, praying! Continue to cling tight.

  • @gentlemaninjapan1994
    @gentlemaninjapan1994 Рік тому

    I have such a problem with Contentment, and the hate just seems to be building and causing problems for myself. I'm not happy where I'm living and feel stuck where I am, so I kind of get it. I hope you feel better soon man! Take care of yourself and your family it'll all work out. Love the videos and I'll be watching for a long time coming Wilson!

    • @TheSpurgeonPiper
      @TheSpurgeonPiper  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for your feedback Charlie. And let me say, seeking contentment doesn't mean we must stay where we are. Only that we do the most with the time we have in our situation in life. It may be right for you to seek some sort of transition, but finding a peace with where you're at all the same.

    • @gentlemaninjapan1994
      @gentlemaninjapan1994 Рік тому

      @@TheSpurgeonPiper Thanks Wilson, Happy new year!

  • @izaak_w1968
    @izaak_w1968 Рік тому +1

    Have always loved your character, and your videos are a representation of how true you are. As long as you are being true to yourself I think you will always find support in your community.

  • @jeffreymullen4567
    @jeffreymullen4567 Рік тому +1

    I would thoroughly enjoy watching videos of the topics you spoke of. I'm a believer in God though I'm not the Christian man I ought to be a lot of times. You're always an inspiration and I wouldn't mind watching more faith based content and things of that nature. It's hard to come by in a world that has gone completely mad. Keep doing what you're doing! I'm a father of three kids and the struggle is real with the content of social media and tv. I myself would love to just farm!

  • @nickpapageorgio4944
    @nickpapageorgio4944 Рік тому +1

    Great video. Glad you're enjoying your trip. I love your content and will fully support any changes you make that you noted. I believe that everyone has a God given purpose and you're clearly on that journey. And it is a journey. I just figured out mine, but it will take time, money, and patience to get there. All good things with time. The first step is often the hardest, but it will be well worth it in the end.

  • @NMpastor1978
    @NMpastor1978 Рік тому +1

    hey brother good stuff! I am preaching through Philippians right now and encountering much of the same conviction. Learning to Rejoice in the Lord...Always (4:4 ) and learning like Paul to be content in whatever circumstances I am...(4:11) are things I need to work on myself as I preach to others. Praying for you and your family. Enjoy your videos and hope to see more!

    • @TheSpurgeonPiper
      @TheSpurgeonPiper  Рік тому

      Thank you brother! Philippians was the first book I preached through at the church I'm serving. Very encouraging.

  • @quietpiper6043
    @quietpiper6043 Рік тому +1

    Balance is so important and we need to take time it adjust our lives to keep the important people and things in balance. On contentment I will share that my career progressed very quickly and I enjoyed success after success.
    While I am grateful for all that success in 2017 my wife had a brain aneurism at the same time I was starting a business. Both emotionally and financially my life was in free fall. As an older man having sell our home and wipeout our retirement to pay debts I felt I had failed.
    At that time I had a discussion with God and basically acknowledged that no matter what challenges life had for me I was going to trust that his plan would take us to where we were supposed to be so long as I did not stop trying or believing.
    Fast forward to 2022 my business is successful not just for my benefit but also my employees and their families. We own a home we love that includes space for my father in law to live with us that we did not have in our previous home. My wife and I have never been closer because of the gift her health issues gave me to realize her importance to me.
    We are at a place now that in 2017 I could not see any path to get us here. I have more balance and truly understand what is important in my life. Everyday I am grateful for the path God has put me on because of the very challenges that brought balance to my life.

  • @pebrain21
    @pebrain21 Рік тому

    Thank you for your candor. Contentment, as you say, can easily slip away. Contentment is my focus this year as well. I will lift you and your family up in my prayers and look forward to more of your videos this year.

  • @Keliiyamashita
    @Keliiyamashita Рік тому

    Weep as you sow. This the season you are in. Look forward to more videos and seeing the process of growing your family into a fruitful tree! Thanks you for being vulnerable. 🙏🏼 ❤ 🌄

  • @malcolmspipeshop
    @malcolmspipeshop Рік тому

    I enjoyed your video very much. Your words were not only heard, but also your heart. Thank you for your honesty and transparency.

  • @tx_piper9631
    @tx_piper9631 Рік тому

    Glad you all had a wonderful time in the Ozarks! Will send a prayer for you and yours. 👍

  • @humdrumm5456
    @humdrumm5456 Рік тому

    Wonderful chat…contentment is fostered through reflection and you trip allowed you to capture a lot about yourself and your family through reflection. You’ve been through a lot and have accomplished a lot…use that to continue to give you strength and contentment. God bless you, your family and your church family…you are a guiding light just as Jesus and his disciples planned it. Carry on with your message. 🙏👍😀

  • @jerryspipe
    @jerryspipe Рік тому

    I do not know why, but after watching this video all I can do is thing about "An Irish Blessing" & that is my Wish & prayer for you and all involved with your life! Blessing Wilson!

  • @johnnyboy6480
    @johnnyboy6480 Рік тому

    I hear u man… I feel a call to be in ministry but I’m scared I’m going to treat it as a hobby and give up.

  • @westmorlandpiper
    @westmorlandpiper Рік тому +1

    Trying to find that contentment myself, in the midst of really hard times personally. Hope you find the right directions as time goes by.

  • @timroot4207
    @timroot4207 Рік тому

    I pray that the Lord will bless you in whatever direction you go.

  • @amybowman9906
    @amybowman9906 Рік тому

    Be of good courage! I live off grid in a tiny home and I firmly believe you can teach certain values in any living situation because we have still struggled with similar issues. I think sometimes we trick ourselves into believing that if we just changed our surroundings it would fix everything.

  • @ricknism
    @ricknism Рік тому

    Loved your thoughts, keep the faith

  • @PeterPiperNYC
    @PeterPiperNYC Рік тому

    Nice to see you... With Commitment and Consistency one can accomplish most anthing. Cheers

  • @EJGentleman
    @EJGentleman Рік тому

    I really enjoy your channel and this type of talk is good for everyone. We need to hear these things and I can appreciate your resolutions and respect them. Keep going and God Bless.

  • @redrun9467
    @redrun9467 Рік тому +1

    Dear Pastor Wilson,
    It is so good to hear from you again. You do bring a smile to my face whenever I see a video from the Spurgeon Piper.
    Could You possibly revisit Rattray's Old Gowrie? Also, have you tried Rattray's Black Mallory? John David said it might be a good substitute for Penzance But I was curious of your opinion since your palate seems to be similar to mine. All the best.

    • @TheSpurgeonPiper
      @TheSpurgeonPiper  Рік тому

      Thank you. I haven't tried Black Mallory yet but I'll make a note of returning to Old Gowrie.

  • @Mattysfamilychannel
    @Mattysfamilychannel 11 місяців тому

    Hello sir. I believe I’m twice your age and I have been enjoying your channel. I think I was a lot like you at your age. I think their should be a level of contentment in every day life. However, I have come to believe there is a season for contentment too. I’m entering that season now. I guess there is micro contentment and macro. I’m now entering macro. If you are driven this can be difficult to wait for.

  • @TaylorBrown_I_AM_ME
    @TaylorBrown_I_AM_ME Рік тому

    Keep your head up, the rotten fruit always falls from the tree

  • @bradkeough8073
    @bradkeough8073 Рік тому

    Amen brother, it sure sounds like you and your wife have a sound plan moving ahead this year, maybe throw in a marriage retreat. Discipleship is one of the most import things in the Church if you ask me. People come to Church except the Lord as their savior and then they get lost or forgotten about. All Churches fall short in this category in a way; I feel strong small groups that focused heavy on fellowship then worship will fall is the best. I think Satan stepped back during covid and let our countries churches implode falling to the way of the world. We need to refocus on the basics God, Faith, Discipleship, and remove the mentality church services are a thing of the past. Oh I grew up on a farm in NW Ohio and understand how you feel we now live on the outskirts of Fort Worth. Sorry for the ramble.

  • @ukpipeandcigar
    @ukpipeandcigar Рік тому

    I’ve really enjoyed your videos but in this you seem very stressed. Your ideals are admirable & very lofty, but may be adding to your stress levels. I’d try and get away for a bit to put things in perspective. With best wishes

  • @westbsa7424
    @westbsa7424 Рік тому

  • @cloudbearcustomblends
    @cloudbearcustomblends Рік тому

    Been watching you for couple years now send me a dm on instagram