mam im I'm always depressed just because I can't find a job. I have studied civil engineering and I am handicapped deaf due to which no one is giving me a job or asking me to give a job, so what should I do? My stress is increasing, I don't understand anything, what work should I do, no one offers me any job please give any suggestion what is best for me
@@midnightsoup333 man presantations are something i am very shy and i hate speaking in front of anyone even my parents and in school getting a grade for it almost kills me everytime
Asiozales Netzwerk Sektion Leipzig Yeah one time I just told the teacher to take off the 20 points from my grade for presenting and I didn’t present. It’s really hard but sometimes you HAVE to do it anyway, it’s always good getting it over with though and at least every time you do it you get better at it.
a few things that help me when nervous about presentations: 1. deep breaths are key, before, during and after the presentation! 2. remember that this presentation will come to an end and most likely no one will remember it, so don't stress about doing anything "embarrassing"! 3. act as if you're talking about something you're passionate about! i find that if i act as if i want to be there it helps me actually want to be there! 4. you can pray! i believe in God and ask for Him to calm my nerves before every presentation! hope this helped in some way :) you are far from alone my friend!
@@thenonhumanalien5423 same, I'm here because I was supposed to talk infront of the entire class and ended up sitting on the floor, shaking and crying as fuck heh..
I have a presentation in my class tomorrow and every time I get nervous my voice starts to sound choppy and I forget what was going to say it is so annoying
Hi Kali, eye contact is really important when presenting are talking to a group. If you have no eye contact your audience will feel disconnected and it will be much harder for you to bring the message across. Why is it so difficult for you?
Probably because it really 'brings it home' that I'm being watched, and analysed, or whatever... I'm not sure, but it's very unnerving. Thanks for replying :)
I have super bad social anxiety.. if I even think about something that isn't going to even happen but it'll be embarrassing I'll start getting butterflies in my stomach and feel like I'm about to get sick
To all the people that have anxiety, I know how u feel and its the worse feeling ever. Right before presentations its the worssstttt feeling and the only thing I'm worried about is what people think about me. I am trying to learn to not think about what people think about me but i have anxiety and its scary assssffff 😭😭 Here are some of my 4 tips for presenting I hope it makes u even a tiny bit better . 1. Drink water before presenting. It helps with the nervous system. 2. Breath 4 seconds breathing in 7 seconds holding ur breath and breath out 3. When ur presenting focus on what ur doing. TRY not to think about the people around and just try to just explain ur presentation if u know what i mean lol sorry I can't explain things!! 😂 4. Just think to get it over is it because just think about the AMAZZINGGG feeling that u have after u present something 😂 And just think that life will be ok just think positive. Whoever read this thank you lol I hope this helped even a tiny bit but just know that u are not alone because I know how u feel ❤ K byyyeeee 😂
I have social anxiety. I’ve tried breathing. I’ve tried not worrying about it. I’ve tried everything. It never works. Never. I actually like how honest this video this is. Nothing works. All you can do is fake it. At least, that’s how it is with me.
Your point is correct up to some extent. But if we continue to give public speech or presentations the body actually stops trembling and makes us look confident so, somewhere practice is the key..
Vikrant Verma For some yeah. But I had a job for 3.5 years that required me to do ceremonies in front of large groups. The last ceremony I did I was just as nervous as the first one I did.
One of the biggest things I came to terms with was standing in front of a group of people and not being prepared. Or, I honestly did not know the answer to a question. Once I got better at preparing, I got better at presenting the information and answered honestly, “I honestly do not know the answer” and would write down the question. During the break, I would find the answer. Everyone knows you don’t know everything and to be honest, not everyone is paying attention anyways. In a classroom presentation, most are just as nervous. You got it!
It's not a magic trick, but put your trust in God. He won't let you be embarrassed. You're not a fraud. You deserve to speak to that crowd. You've got this
Something to remember: most people are so nervous and focused on their own performance, they really don’t focus on you. Even if something embarrassing happens, they prob won’t remember. Hopefully this makes u feel a little better
@@ExpertEnglish I just had a presentation after I made that comment, it went very well and the teacher said I did amazing compared to the class, hopefully I get an A!
HEY YOU!!!! YES YOU- THE ONE READING THIS. don’t be nervous. you are talented and beautiful and so amazing! you’ve got this! It’ll be over soon, and once it is, you’ll feel sooo much better! 💗 I love you 💗
- your presentation/how well you do it doesn’t define you, you define it, and it’s ok if you mess up - you have information that you’ve studied that you’re trying to share. You’re not a professional presenter, so it won’t be perfect, but you at least know your material - have confidence in that - leave room for error - don’t expect yourself to be perfect, and stay calm when you make any mistakes
I used to cry back in high school when I had to do presentations. So embarrassing!! In varsity, when doing group presentations, I would ask to go first and do introduction part of the presentation and be over with it. Now, I’m a teacher and I stand in front of an audience everyday. I can safely say that’s it’s all in your mind. The nerves come and go but it’s not as bad now. So you can do it too!!
I just wanna reassure you. Last weeks I was LITTERALY scared because I had to prepare an oral presentation. I even cried sometimes at home, feeling a huge lack of confidence. The day when I have done my presentation finally, it was incredibly stimulating ! I thought i would have a big bug, forget my words... but absolutely not ! I have two advices from this experience : 1. Train MANY times at home, train a lot and prepare yourself as if you were in the classroom. The more you'll train, the more you will be at ease in real conditions. Secondly, participate at class sessions. I felt I was less intelligent than others. I also thought i had the bad answers while others have everytime the good answers to the teacher's questions. But it REALLY helped me when I made the step and decided to just ask a question, try to answer, to give my point of view in class sessions. It REALLY malkes the difference, it helpes you to GAIN A LOT of confidence !!! And of course, as a believer, I asked god and He of course responded positively and helps me during this hard time before my oral test, makes me feel way more confident. I hope my experience will help you !! :)
Micah Hacim Happy for you!! Haha, Quick question, does your mouth ever get dry when you speak? It happens to me so much and then it becomes hard to talk. On top of that when I look at the audience I pay attention to them and not my own topic, which makes me forget what I'm saying.
Universe I'm in college idk about you, but I've done a lot of presentations...and yes, my mouth always gets dry, heart pounds, and my hands get shakey, but worst of all my voice gets shakey and it's very embarrassing. I've figured out though that the more you practice your speech I mean dozens of times until you know it by memory word for word, then it makes it so much easier. It makes you less nervous. It's all just repetition :) these three presentations my voice wasn't shakey at all for the first time in a long time. The more you present in front of people it gets easier. Also try to practice in front of friends or family to get the feel for the pressure. Honestly, no matter how much you present you will always be nervous, you just have to learn to deal with it. Try to tell yourself, "I'm not nervous, I'm excited"..."I'm not scared to present, I'm excited to show people what I've done!" Almost trick yourself lol...and remember, everyone else in class is nervous too and no one is judging you. As for dry mouth, drink plenty of water before u present and u can try to chew gum, just don't chew while u present lol it's rude to the audience. Sorry for long reply, hope it helps mate
Universe and for the audience thing, I've never had that problem. The fact you look at the audience and make eye contact is a good thing though, my advice would be to not stare at one person too long. Try to instead, scan the audience. Make eye contact for a second or two, then move onto someone else across the room
My teachers always said to me that everyone has to do it so you'll be fine, but I never really am... I know that everyone has to do it but I still don't like it... for me standing is the hardest part. I could sit and speak and be perfectly fine
Same dude. I get so scared. My hands shake immensely and i stutter becouse im bilingual, and i think in one language but have to present in the other language. Does anyone else experience this? I hate standing up while presenting, i think im going to fall and crumple up inside like a leaf. I have a presentation today and i am just scared and anxious. I dont want to mess up i guess. I shouldn't be this harsh on myself, it doesn't have to be perfect. Telling myself that calmed me down. But still scared.
im not the only one who is pretty much failing english just becuase i cant present without freezong up, forgeting my lines and just shaking as if there was an earthquake right?
Kartoffel ok I’m gonna be honest with you I freaked out and didn’t even go and the next day was when school closed Bc of corona and stuff. So I would say I was lucky but such a idiot 😭
I practice with my family with my school presentations. It is very nerve racking even when I practice with my family. I don’t like to be the attention in the center. But my best tip is HAVE A PLAN! Have a great plan that you are excited to tell people about it. That way you won’t be nervous to much
Thank you I have had many anxiety attacks in front of my is humiliating and makes me so embarrassed. This video has really helped hopefully I won't have another attack
Hi, @Juliet. I can definitely resonate with what you’ve said and would really love to hear more about your experiences relating to public speaking and/or any anxieties you may still currently face. I’m looking to gather insight from individuals like yourself (purely for my own research) to help me build a new workshop I’m working on. It would mean the world to me if we could hop on a quick call and I could ask you a few questions. OR if you know of someone who fits this description, please tag them below/introduce me. Feel free to tag me here with a reply if you’re interested :) Super appreciate your shared insights in advance.
I don't. Agree once i started i try calm down but im never actually fine and when i finsih i want to crumple myself up and leave. I am embarrassed and ashamed and i wish i could just write it down without saying it out loud.
I have a presentation in a couple days and reading these comments and watching this video helped my overcome part of my fear because I realized that other people feel the same way💖👍💖if you have a presentation coming up don’t worry you’re going to rock it!!
why can I find thousands of people online that suffer from anxiety and it makes me feel great and that I’m not alone, yet irl I can’t find one single person suffering from anxiety and everyone else presenting in my class is so confident. W H Y
David Sheeler I go bright red and stutter and forget what I’m saying, which is actually really good now considering I used to have panic attacks. I just hate being judged :(
Zoe Francesca It went well but I still shook and lost my spot.Im sorry about that I’m sure your really good at presentations compared to me.Just ignore them if they are judging and I’m sure there not but what I do is think nobody is looking at me and I’m just talking to my mom or something.😂
In high school I was decent at public speaking. I just thought of it as talking to my friends in my class. Now in college, I’m always nervous and my voice sounds shaky. Great :)
Aurora Cabriales I know exactly how you feel. Presenting is my worst nightmare and I avoid it in any way possible. I won't even raise my hand in class to answer a question cause I feel weird putting my voice out there but the best advice I can give you is to realize that nobody in your class wants to do it and EVERYBODY is nervous so they're not judging you. And have the mindset to just go up there and wing it and I don't mean do a terrible job and get it over with but do the best you can and think of other things while speaking. It will go by quicker
The other day, I had to present in Spanish class and a couple hours before I presented, I started crying, like having a mental breakdown. I finally calmed down when I asked the teacher to present only with her.
I have to present without a paper and I have to memorize every single word. When we share in class, I always pass because I'm too scared to say something. But I HAVE to present so get a good grade. Because once it's over I won't go back
Watching this now even though I have a presentation in 2 weeks, I hate it when I speak and my voice starts to get shaky and in my mind I'm like "Talk normally you moron" and in reality my voice acts different, I totally hate that..
When you’re presenting, do your best! Ignore your classmates and focus on one small group of people and switch between small groups. Also the way I think is that no one is gonna rlly pay attention cause they’re probably freaking out about their own presentation.
Honestly once I became a senior I’m not scared of presenting anymore. For some reason though when I hear my teacher say “You will present this” I still get that horrible feeling in my stomach at first, but after a few minutes I’m fine again. I’m not lying to when I say I was scared of presenting. When I would go up I would be shaking a little, my voice would be shaky too, and I would be sweating so much. It sucked! Hopefully once you guys get older this all goes away because it makes life so much better.
this helped me thanks i appreciate videos like this, i feel that my nervousness is stopping me from doing alot of things ive come to a point where i seriously considered not continuing my education in uni :(
Got a présentation tomorrow, I think the advice I can give is that you should always think like you are explaining something to your friend in a coffee shop, helps me a bit
all of a sudden, i feel a lot more nervous after watching this... this just basically explained how my body's supposed to act when I am nervous... gosh, must hit the back button to the previous 3 videos.
Presentations ruined me and put an end to my dream of succeeding at university. I was already battling depression and anxiety with my personal life, university just added to it. Thinking back to that evening in a class with around 20 other pupils, 6 weeks into the course with still no friends made gets to me emotionally to the point where i feel ashamed and like a failure. Not a day goes by where i think if only i was much stronger and where i could be in life right now. I tried to talk but the only 3 or 4 words which managed to escape from my throat and out of my mouth felt croaky. I felt an empty feeling in my stomach. My legs wanted to move but my knees remained motionless. It was at that moment i thought to myself, i can't battle this anxiety feeling any longer and managed to walk out the door never to return again ☹
@@b-41subject57 you can do it sky!!! How many people are you doing it in front of? I think i would have been comfortable doing it with up to 10 people maximum as opposed to the 20-25 who were sat in the classroom last time. If you know a lot about the topic you are going to speak about then you will be fine. Just keep telling yourself this will get you where you need to be in the long run. Good luck and let me know how you get on.
ambeh ak47 thank you! I did pretty good. My legs were still shaking and I was still nervous but I got my speech out. It was around 30 people in class today. I have another presentation at the end of this month, but it will be with a group. I think I'll have to accept that I'll never become an expert at public speaking, but I want to be good enough at it to not be so nervous. It's an awful feeling. I will continue to practice.
Hi, @Ambeh. I’m so sorry you’ve experience this. I too have experienced similar symptoms. I would be really interested in hearing more about your experiences relating to public speaking and/or any anxieties you may still currently face. I’m looking to gather insight from individuals like yourself (purely for my own research) to help me build a new workshop I’m working on. It would mean the world to me if we could hop on a quick call and I could ask you a few questions. OR if you know of someone who fits this description, please tag them below/introduce me. Feel free to tag me here with a reply if you’re interested :) Super appreciate your shared insights in advance.
Man everytime I'm doing a presentation I begin really good and the second I struggle saying something I can't get back to normal, I can't fucking speak, my voice is shaking and basic things like sweating awkwardly laughing.
What you have said isn't enough. I believe rehearsing is the cornerstone in any successful presentation. 2- you have to know your audience. 3- Prepare relentlessly. 4- leave no stone unturned in researching your subject. 5- families yourself with the tools,projector and the place. 5- take acting classes if you can. 6- take Dale Carnegie classes if you can. Finally remember this: you can't swim by reading how to swim only. Practice, Practice, and Practice. Even not enough!!! Perfect practice is what counts. Thank you.
Everybody will definitely get nervous standing in the stage whether it's doing presentations or speeches. It's just a matter of how good you can fake it, that's the difference between inexperienced & experienced speakers. I always get nervous when I am about to speak in front of a large crowd but I don't show that anxiety, that fear instead I stand confident & begin my speech. I used to participate in lots of speaking competitions, english story telling & others when I was about 10 to 11. When I was 12, I gained courage & joined the public speaking competition, when I was on that stage waiting for my number to be called, I was scared & nervous. Then, they called my number. I stood up & walked towards the microphone, staring at the large audience, all their eyes on me (like about hundreds of students & teachers) & let me tell you, it was frightening but I was ready for this moment, before starting my speech, I told myself "You can do this, me! You are so ready! Gambate!" & so I won first place! Eye contact is definitely important & the way you act, don't tense up, it's bad image instead move freely! I participated in another public speaking competition now but it's a huge challenge cause its in a different language! But I know one thing for a fact, YOU CAN WIN WITH LOTS & LOTS OF PRACTICE! It's been too long since I stood on the stage, therefore I am going to watch videos to boost up my confidence, always striving forward, competition's next week, I WILL WIN, LET'S GOOOOOO
I have a presentation In 10 mins and I’m shaking fr right now. This always happens to me and I really don’t know how to deal with it. Deep breaths don’t help and neither does pausing Edit- the presentation is over and I feel a lot better. I just made sure that I was speaking clearly and I just looked out into the audience at my parents
I actually got here for a completely different reason. Tomorrow's the first day of class, I’m currently in my 8th grade, which means introductions (yay!) (God I hate them so much) and I was just trying to find a way to not be nervous and be confident and stand tall. Hopefully, this will help me tomorrow-wish me luck!
Personally, I think some reactions are quite peculiar to some people. For instance, my hand gets really cold when i get nervous and i sweat profusely. But my voice NEVER shakes. So what I do most times is that I try not to get too hydrated before my speech or performance because my body does a really bad job at regulating the water I take. So the first big step is to understand yourself and the things that contribute to your anxiety or nervousness. Maybe it's your hairstyle, or your clothes etc. Try as much as possible to make yourself free and comfortable so as to REDUCE it. And one other thing I do, is to put myself in that nervous position of people looking at me right before my performance.
I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and spoken word performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my UA-cam channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates. 💙❤
I'm going into high school and I can't stand in front of people so this is helping me, and I've grown up with these people k-9th I'm nervous about high school but I hope everyone with social anxiety like me gets though it no matter if it's for school work or anything else. My mom told me to get "mad" at what I'm presenting on. When me or mom is mad we can just talk away no matter who's watching. But good luck to everyone
one time in english class we were doing a debate and i was too scared to say anything even though i knew exactly what to say, it was so embarrassing and my parter was mad at me. i felt like crying the whole rest of the day. hopefully this helps
IVE HAD THE EXACT SAME THING BEFORE!!!! It was in RE class about whether you would take an invincibility elixir, and I had SO MANY IDEAS I was the only one in the class that didnt contribute . No one noticed but everyone noticed. No one looked or mentioned it or probably thought of it after but everyone knew. I had recently switched class in my FIRST YEAR and was already the most awkward kid in the class because the way I entered. There was confusion as I was the only one to join that class, so on the first lesson I was 20 minutes late and I entered SO AWKWARDLY that everyone hated me in the class and I felt too nervous to even put my hand up. So much that whenever I put my hand up (so I didnt get called on randomly), I would get prioritised in an embarrassing way (I mean others would be interrupted just for me). And thats why I could never put my hand up which sucked! Glad w doing a lot better now but still dont volunteer enough. I dont think my new class hates me or notices anymore luckily.
I have a speech tomorrow infront of 120 people, and here are some tips that you can use to calm your nerves, and make you seem more confident! 1. Remeber that your speech will come to an end, and most of the audience will most likely not remember it, so don't worry that you are going to mess up, or that everyone is judging you. 2. If you fumble/mess-up/stutter, just keep talking or take a quick pause. The worst thing you can do in that situation is say, "oops" or "uhm". And remember, the audience does not care if you mess up. 3. If you are nervous before your speech, and it feels that you have butterflies in your stomach, make sure to take deep breaths. Also make sure that you are hydrated so your throat won't feel dry while speaking (which happens a lot) 4. To seem more confident, make sure that you have good posture, you are speaking loud, and instead of swaying side to side while speaking, make hand movements and walk around. 5. I know eye contact is hard, which is why i suggest you pick a small group of people and focus your gaze towards them and pretend that you are only speaking to them. It will make the amount of people in the audience seem smaller and less stress full. And if any of your friends are in the audience I suggest you look at them so you feel more comfortable. 6. Don't glue your eyes to your script. Look at your audience once in a while. (This will also make you seem more confident) 7. Make sure to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, before your speech. Trust me this will help you a lot. I also suggest to practice your speech infront of friends are family members! I really hope this helps, and have a wonderful day! 😊💗
2:14 you actually can run, last week i had a presentation and i felt my voice cracking and i felt like i was about to pass out, i am an extremly anxious person, and i don't know what snapped in me but i just ran away, like i literally brusted out of the classroom crying and locked myself in the public restrooms
Im so sorry! are you feeling at least a little bit better now? :( fight or flight can be such an ass, I do the third option which is freeze😭did your teach/prof excuse you?
I found that I don't really have a problem with public speaking. But in a school context, where I know everything I do and say, how I say it, how I stand is judged and graded, it becomes this massive scary task. Like, I can hold presentations just fine when my future doesn't depend on it
This helped me so much because the turkish education system created a system that students make a presentation about a subject/topic and it şs really hard..I wish good luck for all of the turkish students who became victims of the bad education system!
I have to remember an essay and go up in the front of the class and present while remembering the entire thing, I also have social anxiety so I am screwed
I’m actually so scared I will be doing my first presentation in college next week !! I literally can’t ! I’m so nervous I can’t even sleep I’m always thinking about it :(
Jihyun 187 you still have a week right? Practice, practice and practice again until you know it by heart and feel confident. Then your mind will relax because you know you can do it. Let me know your thoughts
Had a class presentation... I was so ready to talk about mine(practised for 3-4 days) but when the time was near my hands were beginning to shake so i just blamed the cold and my heart started beating fast. I wasn't sure of myself if I could say it without stuttering. My time came, I went up, the words wouldn't come out my mouth, I tried my best and I could finish it though I didn't say some of the sentences. Now I just hate myself cause when I see others who just got a copy of other's presentation and they say it with ease, not perfect but still good, I just don't know what's wrong with me. I practiced before sleeping, in the morning, on my way to school, at school too but.... I guess I'm just a loser
It gets better with practice Really Try putting yourself out there everytime you can, Its all flight and fight Your body needs to learn - that its okay , theres no ‘threat’ It gets better with time - someone who was great at public speaking in school, yet colossally messed up some presentations in uni ( think hand shaking- so much so that I couldn’t hold the mic ) I decided noones opinion matters as much as mine- about myself Take it as a game , its a task right? Just one skill you need to learn You dont beat yourself when you cant learn something in one go , do the same with this. An expert is someone who has failed more times than the beginner has tried Ik it sounds very cliche But try reminding yourself of these things and itll get better . Rooting for you!
My fear of social anxiety drives me to miss life-changing opportunities that really could have helped me become the person I always wanted to be. I really need to be brave so that I can end up happy.
Hi Sara! Sorry to hear that. Hope this video has helped you. If you feel you could use a boost of confidence, maybe this video can help too:
You are brilliant. Pouring a glass of wine.. and the neutral standing position from imitating news anchors. Those two tips alone will get me through tonight. I can work with that. Thank you.
I had my first presentation at collage yesterday, it was SO bad. My voice was shaking like im about to cry (i actually cried after getting in my seat), my hands were insanely shaking and I couldnt breath normally. And i forgot what i was going to say. I hate how my classmates were looking at me. at least they were nice enough not to laugh in my face. The prof. was nice she tried to calm me down but i was feeling awful.
I did a presentation today, and it was actually very good, the reason why this happened is because I did not show that I was nervous, of course I WAS nervous but I appeared fully prepared, practice is the key guys, I advice you to practice at least two days before the presentation day in front of the mirror or in front of others (family,friends..), and confidence is like magic, just start you presentation confidently and strongly and whatever negative feeling you get while you speak, just ignore them and focus on delivering the material to the audience, and be CONFIDENT. I messed up my first presentation, yes, but I've learned a lot from it. Just do not let stress control you.
Am I the only one that gets super nervous when we present but when you’re done presenting you low key feel like presenting again and you don’t feel nervous anymore like what?
How to begin a presentation? Watch this video:
Same here
mam im I'm always depressed just because I can't find a job. I have studied civil engineering and I am handicapped deaf due to which no one is giving me a job or asking me to give a job, so what should I do? My stress is increasing, I don't understand anything, what work should I do, no one offers me any job
please give any suggestion what is best for me
Same here
Its horrible when u didn't do the presentation but after your done it's like the best feeling in the world
Moises ibarra 2 same for me. And I understand the nerves prior to but that pure feeling of exhaustion after presenting is a special kind of high.
Frr. I signed up for the first day presenting so that I could get it over with and be relaxed the rest of the week while everyone else presents
@@midnightsoup333 man presantations are something i am very shy and i hate speaking in front of anyone even my parents and in school getting a grade for it almost kills me everytime
Asiozales Netzwerk Sektion Leipzig Yeah one time I just told the teacher to take off the 20 points from my grade for presenting and I didn’t present. It’s really hard but sometimes you HAVE to do it anyway, it’s always good getting it over with though and at least every time you do it you get better at it.
@@midnightsoup333 well at least my next presantation is about something i like so it should be easier
Am I the only one that feels kinda relieved that I'm not the only one that struggles with this
Same lol
im actually relieved
It's relieving but at the same time it doesn't help lol
Me too!! I can talk to anyone “one on one”, but put me in front of a group and I panic. It’s embarrassing!!
The best thing about watching these videos is reading the comments. Having the feeling that you’re not alone 😌
Cris Lucas true same here
Yeah! My class is nerves to but idk why if we know we are ALL nerves
This man spittin facts
I wish I could do presentation wearing a motorcycle helmet with dark visor and full body armor lol
Booty Boots Sameeee thoughhhh. 😂
Booty Boots That would be the best presentation I would ever have done! Lol
haha lol
This made me laugh bc I imagined someone actually doing that
Sanjana Kanilka ,,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥵
It's the *best* feeling when you finish your speech
And you survived :)
@@ExpertEnglish survived from anxiety? i dont think so lol
I didn’t I ran out of class and started crying and then my teacher made me finish it 😭😭
@@cheesey123 omg how did you survive ??? 😭😭
P' Deannn I didn’t 😭😭
a few things that help me when nervous about presentations:
1. deep breaths are key, before, during and after the presentation!
2. remember that this presentation will come to an end and most likely no one will remember it, so don't stress about doing anything "embarrassing"!
3. act as if you're talking about something you're passionate about! i find that if i act as if i want to be there it helps me actually want to be there!
4. you can pray! i believe in God and ask for Him to calm my nerves before every presentation!
hope this helped in some way :) you are far from alone my friend!
Thanks for your contributions!
Legend 👑
Thank you very much! 😊🤍
I get so nervous My voice sounds like I’m about to cry
Joh66y sammmee
I DO cry lol
@@thenonhumanalien5423 same, I'm here because I was supposed to talk infront of the entire class and ended up sitting on the floor, shaking and crying as fuck heh..
anxiety gurl I experienced something similar how do you deal with it?
@@irendogru7340 I suffer from that aswell but I think taking deep breaths helps.
I have a presentation in my class tomorrow and every time I get nervous my voice starts to sound choppy and I forget what was going to say it is so annoying
same here 😅
Katelin is here same I have mine tomorrow ughhhh Im shy
Hehehe where r u from
I hope that your presentation was good . If it wasn't soo good at least you tried your best and didn't give up ❤💞💕
Katelin is here I literally have one today😂
I think the worst part is the eye contact. I'd be fine with presenting if I didn't have to look at people.
Hi Kali, eye contact is really important when presenting are talking to a group. If you have no eye contact your audience will feel disconnected and it will be much harder for you to bring the message across. Why is it so difficult for you?
Probably because it really 'brings it home' that I'm being watched, and analysed, or whatever... I'm not sure, but it's very unnerving. Thanks for replying :)
I can relate to this. Teachers love to take points off as if they can sense your nervousness.
lol i told my classmates during the presatation not to make any eye contact with me because it makes me even more nervous
I messed up today because of that and I'm not happy😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I have super bad social anxiety.. if I even think about something that isn't going to even happen but it'll be embarrassing I'll start getting butterflies in my stomach and feel like I'm about to get sick
Emma ugh me too, especially when the teacher tell me you to “speak louder”
How did you get diagnosed and open up about it with your peers?
Same, and I start crying before, during and after every presentation
Emma me rn 😭
Linnea Marie I’m sobbing rn hahaha
To all the people that have anxiety, I know how u feel and its the worse feeling ever. Right before presentations its the worssstttt feeling and the only thing I'm worried about is what people think about me. I am trying to learn to not think about what people think about me but i have anxiety and its scary assssffff 😭😭
Here are some of my 4 tips for presenting I hope it makes u even a tiny bit better .
1. Drink water before presenting. It helps with the nervous system.
2. Breath
4 seconds breathing in 7 seconds holding ur breath and breath out
3. When ur presenting focus on what ur doing. TRY not to think about the people around and just try to just explain ur presentation if u know what i mean lol sorry I can't explain things!! 😂
4. Just think to get it over is it because just think about the AMAZZINGGG feeling that u have after u present something 😂 And just think that life will be ok just think positive.
Whoever read this thank you lol I hope this helped even a tiny bit but just know that u are not alone because I know how u feel ❤ K byyyeeee 😂
Narissa Kissoon so glad i saw ur comment thank u for this!!
@@beccaf5095 Omg npp
I have a presentation on Sunday and this helped a little thanks.
@@hyunii5891 Aww npp
Narissa Kissoon ahh I can’t drink water before the presentation I’m gonna be fasting 😭😭😭
I have social anxiety. I’ve tried breathing. I’ve tried not worrying about it. I’ve tried everything. It never works. Never. I actually like how honest this video this is. Nothing works. All you can do is fake it. At least, that’s how it is with me.
Your point is correct up to some extent. But if we continue to give public speech or presentations the body actually stops trembling and makes us look confident so, somewhere practice is the key..
It's okay to be nervous. You dont need to hide it. Practice hard and you will become less nervous
Vikrant Verma For some yeah. But I had a job for 3.5 years that required me to do ceremonies in front of large groups. The last ceremony I did I was just as nervous as the first one I did.
One of the biggest things I came to terms with was standing in front of a group of people and not being prepared. Or, I honestly did not know the answer to a question. Once I got better at preparing, I got better at presenting the information and answered honestly, “I honestly do not know the answer” and would write down the question. During the break, I would find the answer. Everyone knows you don’t know everything and to be honest, not everyone is paying attention anyways. In a classroom presentation, most are just as nervous. You got it!
It's not a magic trick, but put your trust in God. He won't let you be embarrassed. You're not a fraud. You deserve to speak to that crowd. You've got this
Something to remember: most people are so nervous and focused on their own performance, they really don’t focus on you. Even if something embarrassing happens, they prob won’t remember. Hopefully this makes u feel a little better
Yes true! And if you feel anxious or nervous, keep in mind others won't probably notice (as much).
@@ExpertEnglish I just had a presentation after I made that comment, it went very well and the teacher said I did amazing compared to the class, hopefully I get an A!
I just cant help it i get so nauseous
don’t be nervous. you are talented and beautiful and so amazing! you’ve got this! It’ll be over soon, and once it is, you’ll feel sooo much better! 💗 I love you 💗
Thank you so much for thisssss uwuu
Thank you ❤️❤️
Thank you!
Thank You❤️
shut the fuck up u act like thats gonna help
- your presentation/how well you do it doesn’t define you, you define it, and it’s ok if you mess up
- you have information that you’ve studied that you’re trying to share. You’re not a professional presenter, so it won’t be perfect, but you at least know your material - have confidence in that
- leave room for error - don’t expect yourself to be perfect, and stay calm when you make any mistakes
I used to cry back in high school when I had to do presentations. So embarrassing!! In varsity, when doing group presentations, I would ask to go first and do introduction part of the presentation and be over with it. Now, I’m a teacher and I stand in front of an audience everyday. I can safely say that’s it’s all in your mind. The nerves come and go but it’s not as bad now. So you can do it too!!
Thank you for sharing! I love your story
i wish i could be great in that very bad at it
I’m glad I’m not the only one who cried during a presentation in highschool. I’m taking a speech class my senior year and I’m nervous 😣
I just wanna reassure you. Last weeks I was LITTERALY scared because I had to prepare an oral presentation. I even cried sometimes at home, feeling a huge lack of confidence. The day when I have done my presentation finally, it was incredibly stimulating ! I thought i would have a big bug, forget my words... but absolutely not ! I have two advices from this experience : 1. Train MANY times at home, train a lot and prepare yourself as if you were in the classroom. The more you'll train, the more you will be at ease in real conditions. Secondly, participate at class sessions. I felt I was less intelligent than others. I also thought i had the bad answers while others have everytime the good answers to the teacher's questions. But it REALLY helped me when I made the step and decided to just ask a question, try to answer, to give my point of view in class sessions. It REALLY malkes the difference, it helpes you to GAIN A LOT of confidence !!! And of course, as a believer, I asked god and He of course responded positively and helps me during this hard time before my oral test, makes me feel way more confident. I hope my experience will help you !! :)
Thank you for sharing and showing your support!
i will do an operation to remove my Amygdala in my brain...
Mad Life looooool😹😹😹
That's very bad idea and stupid. Think logically you homosexual
MCtech they are joking 💀
@@MCtechh whooshy
@@thesmooth8164 whatd dthat means?
Literally the only thing that stops me from graduating college...
Oh come on, you can do it!
@@ExpertEnglish I appreciate the comment :) I have one tommorow and I'll do my best regardless.
@@youssefb581 I wish you all the best. Let me know how it went ok?
@@ExpertEnglish sure will!
@@ExpertEnglish The presentation went very smooth and good! Thank you so much for the tips!
I literally started crying today when I found out about a debate and we have to do it in front of the class. Man I’m such a wusssy
Oh no! I hope you feel better now?
I have 3 presentations this week is the first one
How did it go?
Universe went very well! One presentation was by myself, the other two with groups. Got all A's :)
Micah Hacim
Happy for you!! Haha,
Quick question, does your mouth ever get dry when you speak? It happens to me so much and then it becomes hard to talk. On top of that when I look at the audience I pay attention to them and not my own topic, which makes me forget what I'm saying.
Universe I'm in college idk about you, but I've done a lot of presentations...and yes, my mouth always gets dry, heart pounds, and my hands get shakey, but worst of all my voice gets shakey and it's very embarrassing. I've figured out though that the more you practice your speech I mean dozens of times until you know it by memory word for word, then it makes it so much easier. It makes you less nervous. It's all just repetition :) these three presentations my voice wasn't shakey at all for the first time in a long time. The more you present in front of people it gets easier. Also try to practice in front of friends or family to get the feel for the pressure. Honestly, no matter how much you present you will always be nervous, you just have to learn to deal with it. Try to tell yourself, "I'm not nervous, I'm excited"..."I'm not scared to present, I'm excited to show people what I've done!" Almost trick yourself lol...and remember, everyone else in class is nervous too and no one is judging you. As for dry mouth, drink plenty of water before u present and u can try to chew gum, just don't chew while u present lol it's rude to the audience. Sorry for long reply, hope it helps mate
Universe and for the audience thing, I've never had that problem. The fact you look at the audience and make eye contact is a good thing though, my advice would be to not stare at one person too long. Try to instead, scan the audience. Make eye contact for a second or two, then move onto someone else across the room
My teachers always said to me that everyone has to do it so you'll be fine, but I never really am... I know that everyone has to do it but I still don't like it... for me standing is the hardest part. I could sit and speak and be perfectly fine
Lucky Missy hahah same
DUDE SAME. Whilst standing i feel like im going to crumple up like a leaf and i shake immensely, mostly my hands. I ve a presentation in 2.5 h.
The mere thought of a presentation sends me into a panic attack. I don’t know what to do about it
Oh my! What's on your mind when that happens?
Same dude.
I get so scared. My hands shake immensely and i stutter becouse im bilingual, and i think in one language but have to present in the other language. Does anyone else experience this? I hate standing up while presenting, i think im going to fall and crumple up inside like a leaf.
I have a presentation today and i am just scared and anxious. I dont want to mess up i guess. I shouldn't be this harsh on myself, it doesn't have to be perfect. Telling myself that calmed me down. But still scared.
Ioana Enachi :( how was it?
@@VeryIntellijent same here man, l have to do a presentation in weeks to get my collage degree and l don't know what to do about it.
@@VeryIntellijent how did it go?
Bro I feel at home in this comment section, I'm nervous for a presentation that I have to give tomorrow.
Cameron Coleman I wish u good luck I have I present something today by myself
The worst part for me is silence. I don’t want the crowd to be silent.
im not the only one who is pretty much failing english just becuase i cant present without freezong up, forgeting my lines and just shaking as if there was an earthquake right?
Nova Moon i’m the same, id rather fail than present :/
Dude I might just fail so I don't present
Yeah ugh I have a presentation I have to do tomorrow and I have to go up by myself I’m so scared
@@Mars-kt1kz How'd it go
Kartoffel ok I’m gonna be honest with you I freaked out and didn’t even go and the next day was when school closed Bc of corona and stuff. So I would say I was lucky but such a idiot 😭
When I speak infront of people I shake and my heart rate goes really fast then I have trouble breathing.
I forgot all things, and tells something out of syllabus 😂
And I pee on my pants😭
I practice with my family with my school presentations. It is very nerve racking even when I practice with my family. I don’t like to be the attention in the center. But my best tip is HAVE A PLAN! Have a great plan that you are excited to tell people about it. That way you won’t be nervous to much
Thanks I needed that
Thank you I have had many anxiety attacks in front of my is humiliating and makes me so embarrassed. This video has really helped hopefully I won't have another attack
Hey, how are you doing?
Hi, @Juliet. I can definitely resonate with what you’ve said and would really love to hear more about your experiences relating to public speaking and/or any anxieties you may still currently face. I’m looking to gather insight from individuals like yourself (purely for my own research) to help me build a new workshop I’m working on. It would mean the world to me if we could hop on a quick call and I could ask you a few questions. OR if you know of someone who fits this description, please tag them below/introduce me. Feel free to tag me here with a reply if you’re interested :) Super appreciate your shared insights in advance.
The teachers say “go up in front of 30 people and remember this..” and they do nothing for the kids who literally throw up thinking about it.
I HATE SPEAKING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE, funny thing is once I’m started/finished I feel so much more comfortable
AlohaMia same with me 😂. I get so nervous but once I start talking, I’m not nervous anymore.
I don't. Agree once i started i try calm down but im never actually fine and when i finsih i want to crumple myself up and leave. I am embarrassed and ashamed and i wish i could just write it down without saying it out loud.
@@Joyful_Jo_ i understand where your coming from
I have a presentation in a couple days and reading these comments and watching this video helped my overcome part of my fear because I realized that other people feel the same way💖👍💖if you have a presentation coming up don’t worry you’re going to rock it!!
Thank you for your support Helena. I think your words may be a help to many people who have presentations coming up!
Whenever I present the feeling after you present, is just like the best feeling ever.
I almost cried in all my presentations 😪
Oh no! That is so sad :( Hope you feel better now...
same but one time i did cry :(
Just finished a presentation today and it went great! If I can do it. TRUST me you can too 🎉 YOU GOT THIS!!
Great job! Thanks for sharing :)
why can I find thousands of people online that suffer from anxiety and it makes me feel great and that I’m not alone, yet irl I can’t find one single person suffering from anxiety and everyone else presenting in my class is so confident. W H Y
Exactly same thing with me and I have a stupid long type of presentation tommorow🙁
Zoe Francesca Your not the only one
David Sheeler did it go well? :)
David Sheeler I go bright red and stutter and forget what I’m saying, which is actually really good now considering I used to have panic attacks. I just hate being judged :(
Zoe Francesca It went well but I still shook and lost my spot.Im sorry about that I’m sure your really good at presentations compared to me.Just ignore them if they are judging and I’m sure there not but what I do is think nobody is looking at me and I’m just talking to my mom or something.😂
In high school I was decent at public speaking. I just thought of it as talking to my friends in my class. Now in college, I’m always nervous and my voice sounds shaky. Great :)
Thanks for sharing. Maybe try to think about your friends again :)
i don t know if i can present My Project in school im Really nervous
I know how you feel.
Aurora Cabriales I know exactly how you feel. Presenting is my worst nightmare and I avoid it in any way possible. I won't even raise my hand in class to answer a question cause I feel weird putting my voice out there but the best advice I can give you is to realize that nobody in your class wants to do it and EVERYBODY is nervous so they're not judging you. And have the mindset to just go up there and wing it and I don't mean do a terrible job and get it over with but do the best you can and think of other things while speaking. It will go by quicker
Ok thx
i made mistakes on my declamations beacuase i was nerveous
Ik i have 1 today, i guess im ditching it.
The other day, I had to present in Spanish class and a couple hours before I presented, I started crying, like having a mental breakdown. I finally calmed down when I asked the teacher to present only with her.
i need to do a presentation tomorrow....😭😭i cant im to nervous and all that
he probably died
MCtech 😂🤣🤣LMFAO
MCtech your comment cured my anxiety 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀😂😂😂😂👏👏👏
Who here also has a presentation tomorrow?
I have to present without a paper and I have to memorize every single word. When we share in class, I always pass because I'm too scared to say something. But I HAVE to present so get a good grade. Because once it's over I won't go back
Watching this now even though I have a presentation in 2 weeks, I hate it when I speak and my voice starts to get shaky and in my mind I'm like "Talk normally you moron" and in reality my voice acts different, I totally hate that..
I hate that omggg
When you’re presenting, do your best! Ignore your classmates and focus on one small group of people and switch between small groups. Also the way I think is that no one is gonna rlly pay attention cause they’re probably freaking out about their own presentation.
Focus on your story, keep breathing, and well prepare the ending and the opening of your presentation:
I have a presentation today at 11, this was excellent. Thank you.
Honestly once I became a senior I’m not scared of presenting anymore. For some reason though when I hear my teacher say “You will present this” I still get that horrible feeling in my stomach at first, but after a few minutes I’m fine again. I’m not lying to when I say I was scared of presenting. When I would go up I would be shaking a little, my voice would be shaky too, and I would be sweating so much. It sucked! Hopefully once you guys get older this all goes away because it makes life so much better.
this helped me thanks i appreciate videos like this, i feel that my nervousness is stopping me from doing alot of things ive come to a point where i seriously considered not continuing my education in uni :(
Got a présentation tomorrow, I think the advice I can give is that you should always think like you are explaining something to your friend in a coffee shop, helps me a bit
all of a sudden, i feel a lot more nervous after watching this... this just basically explained how my body's supposed to act when I am nervous... gosh, must hit the back button to the previous 3 videos.
Presentations ruined me and put an end to my dream of succeeding at university. I was already battling depression and anxiety with my personal life, university just added to it. Thinking back to that evening in a class with around 20 other pupils, 6 weeks into the course with still no friends made gets to me emotionally to the point where i feel ashamed and like a failure. Not a day goes by where i think if only i was much stronger and where i could be in life right now. I tried to talk but the only 3 or 4 words which managed to escape from my throat and out of my mouth felt croaky. I felt an empty feeling in my stomach. My legs wanted to move but my knees remained motionless. It was at that moment i thought to myself, i can't battle this anxiety feeling any longer and managed to walk out the door never to return again ☹
ambeh ak47 it's not an easy thing to do, especially if your an introvert like me. I have my presentation tomorrow but I will fight through it.
@@b-41subject57 you can do it sky!!! How many people are you doing it in front of? I think i would have been comfortable doing it with up to 10 people maximum as opposed to the 20-25 who were sat in the classroom last time. If you know a lot about the topic you are going to speak about then you will be fine. Just keep telling yourself this will get you where you need to be in the long run. Good luck and let me know how you get on.
ambeh ak47 thank you! I did pretty good. My legs were still shaking and I was still nervous but I got my speech out. It was around 30 people in class today. I have another presentation at the end of this month, but it will be with a group. I think I'll have to accept that I'll never become an expert at public speaking, but I want to be good enough at it to not be so nervous. It's an awful feeling. I will continue to practice.
Hi, @Ambeh. I’m so sorry you’ve experience this. I too have experienced similar symptoms. I would be really interested in hearing more about your experiences relating to public speaking and/or any anxieties you may still currently face. I’m looking to gather insight from individuals like yourself (purely for my own research) to help me build a new workshop I’m working on. It would mean the world to me if we could hop on a quick call and I could ask you a few questions. OR if you know of someone who fits this description, please tag them below/introduce me. Feel free to tag me here with a reply if you’re interested :) Super appreciate your shared insights in advance.
Glad to see 1.1 million people also struggle with nerves before speaking
I can’t stop smiling while watching this video cus she’s SO right about me. 😅
Man everytime I'm doing a presentation I begin really good and the second I struggle saying something I can't get back to normal, I can't fucking speak, my voice is shaking and basic things like sweating awkwardly laughing.
Oh my, well if you make a good start that's already a good thing. Just try to keep that focus and energy :)
That happened to me too recently. Wasnt fun :)
I watched this video 30 min before my presentation, My presentation was tremendously improved from awkward to poor.
What you have said isn't enough. I believe rehearsing is the cornerstone in any successful presentation. 2- you have to know your audience. 3- Prepare relentlessly. 4- leave no stone unturned in researching your subject. 5- families yourself with the tools,projector and the place. 5- take acting classes if you can. 6- take Dale Carnegie classes if you can. Finally remember this: you can't swim by reading how to swim only. Practice, Practice, and Practice. Even not enough!!! Perfect practice is what counts. Thank you.
abousbsas yes I agree. Practice is very important. The more you do it the better you will become
How am I supposed to practice presentations? Its not like I have people who I can order to sit down so i can present them shit.
@@eeurr1306haha so true
Everybody will definitely get nervous standing in the stage whether it's doing presentations or speeches. It's just a matter of how good you can fake it, that's the difference between inexperienced & experienced speakers. I always get nervous when I am about to speak in front of a large crowd but I don't show that anxiety, that fear instead I stand confident & begin my speech. I used to participate in lots of speaking competitions, english story telling & others when I was about 10 to 11. When I was 12, I gained courage & joined the public speaking competition, when I was on that stage waiting for my number to be called, I was scared & nervous.
Then, they called my number. I stood up & walked towards the microphone, staring at the large audience, all their eyes on me (like about hundreds of students & teachers) & let me tell you, it was frightening but I was ready for this moment, before starting my speech, I told myself "You can do this, me! You are so ready! Gambate!" & so I won first place!
Eye contact is definitely important & the way you act, don't tense up, it's bad image instead move freely!
I participated in another public speaking competition now but it's a huge challenge cause its in a different language! But I know one thing for a fact, YOU CAN WIN WITH LOTS & LOTS OF PRACTICE!
It's been too long since I stood on the stage, therefore I am going to watch videos to boost up my confidence, always striving forward, competition's next week, I WILL WIN, LET'S GOOOOOO
Fake it until you make it! :)
I have a presentation In 10 mins and I’m shaking fr right now. This always happens to me and I really don’t know how to deal with it. Deep breaths don’t help and neither does pausing
Edit- the presentation is over and I feel a lot better.
I just made sure that I was speaking clearly and I just looked out into the audience at my parents
I actually got here for a completely different reason. Tomorrow's the first day of class, I’m currently in my 8th grade, which means introductions (yay!) (God I hate them so much) and I was just trying to find a way to not be nervous and be confident and stand tall. Hopefully, this will help me tomorrow-wish me luck!
looks like you gradated already
I start shaking and my face turns red
River same
Personally, I think some reactions are quite peculiar to some people.
For instance, my hand gets really cold when i get nervous and i sweat profusely. But my voice NEVER shakes.
So what I do most times is that I try not to get too hydrated before my speech or performance because my body does a really bad job at regulating the water I take.
So the first big step is to understand yourself and the things that contribute to your anxiety or nervousness. Maybe it's your hairstyle, or your clothes etc.
Try as much as possible to make yourself free and comfortable so as to REDUCE it.
And one other thing I do, is to put myself in that nervous position of people looking at me right before my performance.
Watching this during my school exams, tomorrow I have a book report and some of these comments really seem helpful
Good luck smikkelbeertje. Love your nickname ;)
I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and spoken word performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my UA-cam channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates. 💙❤
Just look at your friend or someone you like. It always makes me feel better.
i finished a presentation just now , thanks a lot !! i watched this as a joke but it actually really helped me a lot tysm 😭😭
Glad it helped! So kind of you to share 🥰
I'm going into high school and I can't stand in front of people so this is helping me, and I've grown up with these people k-9th I'm nervous about high school but I hope everyone with social anxiety like me gets though it no matter if it's for school work or anything else. My mom told me to get "mad" at what I'm presenting on. When me or mom is mad we can just talk away no matter who's watching. But good luck to everyone
one time in english class we were doing a debate and i was too scared to say anything even though i knew exactly what to say, it was so embarrassing and my parter was mad at me. i felt like crying the whole rest of the day. hopefully this helps
You can do it!
It was in RE class about whether you would take an invincibility elixir, and I had SO MANY IDEAS
I was the only one in the class that didnt contribute . No one noticed but everyone noticed. No one looked or mentioned it or probably thought of it after but everyone knew. I had recently switched class in my FIRST YEAR and was already the most awkward kid in the class because the way I entered. There was confusion as I was the only one to join that class, so on the first lesson I was 20 minutes late and I entered SO AWKWARDLY that everyone hated me in the class and I felt too nervous to even put my hand up. So much that whenever I put my hand up (so I didnt get called on randomly), I would get prioritised in an embarrassing way (I mean others would be interrupted just for me). And thats why I could never put my hand up which sucked! Glad w doing a lot better now but still dont volunteer enough. I dont think my new class hates me or notices anymore luckily.
I have a presentation tomorrow and I’m so scared I’m crying while just sitting here. I’m praying it goes okay
It went well! im soo happy :D
Glad to hear. I hope mine goes well too.
*What helps me is these comments relating*
a good tip is to tell yourself "its really not that big of a deal"
That's right, it's just a talk :)
I have a speech tomorrow infront of 120 people, and here are some tips that you can use to calm your nerves, and make you seem more confident!
1. Remeber that your speech will come to an end, and most of the audience will most likely not remember it, so don't worry that you are going to mess up, or that everyone is judging you.
2. If you fumble/mess-up/stutter, just keep talking or take a quick pause. The worst thing you can do in that situation is say, "oops" or "uhm".
And remember, the audience does not care if you mess up.
3. If you are nervous before your speech, and it feels that you have butterflies in your stomach, make sure to take deep breaths. Also make sure that you are hydrated so your throat won't feel dry while speaking (which happens a lot)
4. To seem more confident, make sure that you have good posture, you are speaking loud, and instead of swaying side to side while speaking, make hand movements and walk around.
5. I know eye contact is hard, which is why i suggest you pick a small group of people and focus your gaze towards them and pretend that you are only speaking to them. It will make the amount of people in the audience seem smaller and less stress full. And if any of your friends are in the audience I suggest you look at them so you feel more comfortable.
6. Don't glue your eyes to your script. Look at your audience once in a while. (This will also make you seem more confident)
7. Make sure to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, before your speech. Trust me this will help you a lot. I also suggest to practice your speech infront of friends are family members!
I really hope this helps, and have a wonderful day! 😊💗
my teacher is making us present every other week
Jillian Smith OMG!
Thanks! I'm giving a best man speech in 24hrs and really want it to go well. This was great advice.
Thank you Mike! How did it go with you speech?
It was a success! :) I was nervous as hell, but I pulled it off and got lots of compliments after.
Good to hear :-) A job well done it seems!
@@MikeRogers483 are you alive now after 7 years?
VictorEAJ I’m so glad I could help :))
Before I present my heart beats really fast and after I’m done I start crying quietly and hope that nobody sees me but after that I feel way better
I think I have social anxiety but idk
@@firla2101 hope u feel better
and rem that your not alone
I am relieved this is not just me. I get nervous so much that I don't do it and fail
Hope it helps! Here's another video that can be useful:
2:14 you actually can run, last week i had a presentation and i felt my voice cracking and i felt like i was about to pass out, i am an extremly anxious person, and i don't know what snapped in me but i just ran away, like i literally brusted out of the classroom crying and locked myself in the public restrooms
Im so sorry! are you feeling at least a little bit better now? :( fight or flight can be such an ass, I do the third option which is freeze😭did your teach/prof excuse you?
I found that I don't really have a problem with public speaking. But in a school context, where I know everything I do and say, how I say it, how I stand is judged and graded, it becomes this massive scary task. Like, I can hold presentations just fine when my future doesn't depend on it
You've got a lovely calming accent and perfect English 🇳🇱
Thank you! 😃
This helped me so much because the turkish education system created a system that students make a presentation about a subject/topic and it şs really hard..I wish good luck for all of the turkish students who became victims of the bad education system!
Presentation in half an hour, mouth is dry, feeling nauseas...
I have to remember an essay and go up in the front of the class and present while remembering the entire thing, I also have social anxiety so I am screwed
How'd it go?
He died
Metro_lit-as-fucc LMAOOOO
Its Not Free Real Estate memorizing word for word is the only way I can present
@@ASOSkateDK 😂😂
I am bold but in front of one teacher i get nervous but afteer watching this videos i done best❤❤😊😊
Keep it up
I have a presentation tomorrow! Can't calm down... 😰😣
I love the pouring of the wine analogy...makes so much sense
I’m actually so scared I will be doing my first presentation in college next week !! I literally can’t ! I’m so nervous I can’t even sleep I’m always thinking about it :(
Jihyun 187 you still have a week right? Practice, practice and practice again until you know it by heart and feel confident. Then your mind will relax because you know you can do it. Let me know your thoughts
How it went?
I have 3 presentations this week. The first one is in a few minutes... though, this video and the comment section make me feel better.
How did it go? I have a ten minute presentation tomorrow for my final exam and I’m sooo terrified. 😔
@@cinnamoroIIz it went pretty well! :)
Don't be worried, time flies fast, so you'll be done with your presentation in no time!
Tomorrow i have a presentation
How dit it go?
He died
Chris Peguero same I’m really nervous 😩
Tomorrow I have a presentation too
He caught ligma!
HA Got em, epic gangam style xddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Thanks for making this presentation so real. I am not the only one fighting with this nervousness but I need to learn to have mastery over it
I can guarantee you will feel better about presenting when you accept the stress and see it as a good thing.
Had a class presentation...
I was so ready to talk about mine(practised for 3-4 days) but when the time was near my hands were beginning to shake so i just blamed the cold and my heart started beating fast. I wasn't sure of myself if I could say it without stuttering. My time came, I went up, the words wouldn't come out my mouth, I tried my best and I could finish it though I didn't say some of the sentences. Now I just hate myself cause when I see others who just got a copy of other's presentation and they say it with ease, not perfect but still good, I just don't know what's wrong with me. I practiced before sleeping, in the morning, on my way to school, at school too but.... I guess I'm just a loser
You are NOT a loser! Believe in yourself🙏
Your not alone, the exact same will happen to me tomorrow when i do mine
It gets better with practice
Try putting yourself out there everytime you can,
Its all flight and fight
Your body needs to learn - that its okay , theres no ‘threat’
It gets better with time
- someone who was great at public speaking in school, yet colossally messed up some presentations in uni ( think hand shaking- so much so that I couldn’t hold the mic )
I decided noones opinion matters as much as mine- about myself
Take it as a game , its a task right? Just one skill you need to learn
You dont beat yourself when you cant learn something in one go , do the same with this.
An expert is someone who has failed more times than the beginner has tried
Ik it sounds very cliche
But try reminding yourself of these things and itll get better .
Rooting for you!
I'm dealing with the exact same Problem, however, Our worth isn't defined by how well we did in presentations.
Got my presentation tomorrow, and this is really helpful 🙂😁
i am about to do my presentation next week and i am so nervous right now i am shaking trying to know how to stop being nervous
My fear of social anxiety drives me to miss life-changing opportunities that really could have helped me become the person I always wanted to be. I really need to be brave so that I can end up happy.
Hi Sara! Sorry to hear that. Hope this video has helped you. If you feel you could use a boost of confidence, maybe this video can help too:
when i think about my presentation , i get nervous and my hands starts sweating.
i don't know what I'll do while doing it😥😥😥
You are brilliant. Pouring a glass of wine.. and the neutral standing position from imitating news anchors. Those two tips alone will get me through tonight. I can work with that. Thank you.
I had my first presentation at collage yesterday, it was SO bad. My voice was shaking like im about to cry (i actually cried after getting in my seat), my hands were insanely shaking and I couldnt breath normally. And i forgot what i was going to say. I hate how my classmates were looking at me. at least they were nice enough not to laugh in my face. The prof. was nice she tried to calm me down but i was feeling awful.
Thank you for sharing. First presentations are always a challenge. Hope it will go better
I did a presentation today, and it was actually very good, the reason why this happened is because I did not show that I was nervous, of course I WAS nervous but I appeared fully prepared, practice is the key guys, I advice you to practice at least two days before the presentation day in front of the mirror or in front of others (family,friends..), and confidence is like magic, just start you presentation confidently and strongly and whatever negative feeling you get while you speak, just ignore them and focus on delivering the material to the audience, and be CONFIDENT. I messed up my first presentation, yes, but I've learned a lot from it. Just do not let stress control you.
It's a big help for me really because im going to present this Saturday i felt shy and nervous because i never stand and speak infront of people😕
Wishing you all the best with it! Let me know how it went ok?
Am I the only one that gets super nervous when we present but when you’re done presenting you low key feel like presenting again and you don’t feel nervous anymore like what?
🤘🏾😁yah dude
Its better presenting to a few people, like school rather than being embarrassed in youtube and be seen all over the globe.
FBI I think if your intentions are good and you do your best you should never feel embarrassed