Jake has the gift of being able to tell people things they already know, but organizing and delivering it in a way which helps them see past the delusion.
You mean the delusion of knowing what you know without knowing it? Or, the delusion of not knowing what you really know is what you really know without knowing it was delusional? Or, knowing what you know without the delusional knowing of what you know is delusional because being delusional is something you know you know but don't know you know that you know without deluding yourself about knowing, ya know?
Absolutely. When I ask Mormons what they think or believe, most give standardized answers because they haven’t been in a position where people don’t automatically agree with what the Church says. Once the discussion is moved out of the bubble, what is said comes under greater scrutiny. TLDR: the church has different beliefs shared with the public because people outside the organization aren’t persuaded by “God told me so.”
I pay my tithing the "faith based" way. I cash my paycheck and toss the money into the air, whatever God wants he can take....what falls on the ground he wants me to keep. Guess how much I've paid so far?
Sounds like a law to me. What did it mean when the curtain was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross ? We could come into the presence of God.
Nice summary, but there's more: Fast offerings are also cool, because they are used to help the poor, even though the Church has a huge surplus and tithing alone would be more than enough. Missionary funds are also great because they help missionaries, even tough most missions are paid by the missionaries themselves and their families, so, once again this force of about 50,000 missionaries selling the church doesn't cost the church hardly any money at all. Brilliant! Now, the church used to spend some tithing money paying janitors to clean and maintain church buildings. Not any more! Now the members are asked to do that for free! Church callings, home teaching, donation of professional skills, organizing and working at events for youth groups, family search and indexing, are some other ways to donate time and effort to the church, all of which are worth money, and MAY get you into VIP heaven, as long as you have fulfilled ALL the other requisites, and endured to the end, amen.
Grafight23 One thing, especially about the Missionary funds, is that families that pay for their kid's mission, pay a flat rate, no matter where they go. It's something like $400 a month, and then they can donate more if they are able to, which is strongly encouraged. Now the Church's reason for this flat rate, is that some missionaries are sent to places where the cost of living and food is more than the $400 (Western Europe or Japan), whereas some are sent to areas that cost very little to live (South America or Africa). So it all evens out (Except for the fact that there are a whole lot more missionaries sent to these poor countries than the rich ones, mainly because there are a whole lot less baptisms statistically in the rich countries). The church gets free labor everywhere from their members by calling it a Mission. Elderly couples can be called to actual missionary missions, where they essentially act like baby-sitters for the missionaries in their area. They help clean out apartments that have had too much garbage build up (I know this because I helped clean up the Cellar of 2 or 3 of my apartments when I served in Germany, and the elderly couple in the area was there helping), but they also just are glorified tourists as well (I spent a day taking an old couple missionary pair around Essen showing them the city). The other great thing, when an old person is single and goes on a mission, they typically get sent to a Temple mission, which is how they get all the work for their temples, cleaning, cooking, and ordinances being performed. But, it's all service for the church, and they make sure that they have decent living situations, so it's better than other "non-cults" that do the same thing, right?
Grafight23: Don't forget that the church only uses 1% of all tax free money from a 501C tax form used for Non-Profit organizations for humanitarian aid ! So where does the other 99% go? Oh ya to the new mall!
My children were starving. But I paid my damn 10%.. because... "The Lord will bless you and your family if you pay a full tithe." Absolute BULLSHIT!!! Spot on, Brother Jake!!!
Somebody just got excommunicated, mainly for telling people that they can pay tithing according to their surplus. My husband and I were very grateful for his well researched information. Rock on, Brother Waterman!
My great grandfather died in the flu pandemic of 1918, left behind his widow and five children, needless to say they couldn't pay their tithing, so the church put my grandfather to work during the summer in lieu of tithing. He thought the whole thing was bullshit and ended up leaving the church.
It's no longer called fire insurance. It's called afterlife insurance. And it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you die and find there is no afterlife, just contact us and we'll return all your money. *Guaranteed.*
if every person in america that tithes currently stopped tithing to the church and put that money towards health care for the nation, the entire nation would have a fully funded health care system. but no mormans and christians, lets keep giving our money to pastors so they can make 6 figures and build bigger, more ridiculous buildings.
for all the talk christians have of making the US a beacon for the world, they sure spend their money oddly... imagine what america could do with 83 BILLION dollars a year (statistic taken from www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/08/22/you-give-religions-more-than-82-5-billion-a-year/ and could be off). Imagine the country we could have if we took that money and spent it to help feed the poor, to educate our youth, to build our infrastructure. imagine what kind of world we could build... but no, lets build more churches...
I'm not clear on this tithing thing. So, I just pay 10% of my income and I get to go to super-special VIP heaven? Sounds great! Now, do I make my checks out to Brother Jake? Thanks for helping me get to heaven!
tacojohn9 I know this is three years late, but you don't just get guaranteed into Heaven because of tithing. It's more about faith than anything else. Being obedient to God's commandments demonstrates faith. If you can be obedient to God, He will bless you. It's not a VIP ticket to Heaven, but a way to walk your talk when you say you're willing to do what God says.
Well and you have to be married, you have to be straight, have to have complete faith, can't drink wine or coffee or tea, can't make out before marriage, you have to cover yourself (unless ur a guy obviously) and you can't do anything outside of the church on Sunday (watch tv, work, do homework, etc)
From December 2012 Ensign: After reading these scriptures together, Bishop Orellana looked at the new convert and said, “If paying tithing means that you can’t pay for water or electricity, pay tithing. If paying tithing means that you can’t pay your rent, pay tithing. Even if paying tithing means that you don’t have enough money to feed your family, pay tithing."
I'm a robber because I keep the gifts that were given to me. I'm a robber because I keep the money I earned through hard work. In order to justify my actions I need to give money back to other human men rather than god himself. They're the middle man between me and god. If I don't do this then I will not go to the highest kingdom of heaven in the afterlife and create my own planets.
I've been a member since I was a child. Lost my way and have been looking for a reason the church is true to start going again and restore my faith. But if I'm gonna be demanded to pay tithing and not even get to know what the money is being used for then I think that's dumb and not worth my faith. I'm not gonna believe in a hypocrite god. Not to mention it says that selfishness is a sin but god is gonna plainly say he's selfish multiple times. Hypocrisy smh. I believe more and more that I grew up in a cult
This one brought up a lot of pain. Ive struggled with money and my work life my whole life. A number of things have contributed to that. Having said that, i wonder what might have been if id spent my mission money on education and didn't have a high demand corporation standing on my neck all those years.
I would be interested to see a video on Mormon excommunication, discipline, accusation apostasy, etc. Also, a video discussing the Mormon defense of family/opposition to same sex marriage.
Well done! Should just use this at church and save myself the rest of the time, snicker! I stopped paying tithing when they built the great and spacious building so more people could sit in there and worship them.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus chases away the money changers calling them a "den of thieves". LDS church Might want to listen Jesus teachings. Specially considering his name is part of your church name.
You left out the part where people who leave the church "just can't leave it alone" because they keep telling their loved ones that they are having 10% of their money robbed in perpetuity. Seriously, if it weren't for tithing, I'd be far more inclined to take every LDS member's advice and "just shut up about it already," even though they constantly talk about their church.
Boy it would be nice to leave it alone, except here in Utah they're always in my face and using those tithing dollars to fight against my rights (and loosing because 'Constitution'). Boy do I wish I could "just leave them alone" but they won't leave me alone.
Brother Jake understands the tithing extorted by the Mormon church from its sheep. Incidentally, I recently toured the new temple just completed west of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. What a mind trip.
Fun fact, and if this comes off as defending Mormonism, it's not, just a fun fact. I served a mission in Germany. In Europe, the Catholic church automatically takes money out of your paycheck, without you seeing it (you see it, but you don't have to voluntarily give it to them). Most people in Germany had no issue, or seemed surprised that the tithe in the mormon church was so low. Catholic church doesn't practice Tithing here in America, but their grasp on the European continent is still strong, even though most people that I talked to that "were catholic" said that they don't believe it, they just don't take their name off the list, because the church does good things around the world...
That is different. The Catholic Church used to own a lot of land in Europe, and when the land was seized in Germany, Germany and the Vatican eventually agreed to compensate the Vatican for the land they lost.
Perhaps the best videos I have seen on Mormonism. One where it would be difficult for a Mormon to say...oh that isn't how it is. yet I found it uncanny how discussions with mormons which take hours, days or weeks to occur can all be summed up in just minutes. Which is probably why there doesn't seem to be much discussion at all, other than to praise how good a job Jake is doing.
As a penny-pincher myself, I would probably never get over being duped by a cult to give away 10% of my annual income to them over a period of years....so I could go watch a D movie and play Simon Says in front of a curtain. The mega hurt of being suckered out of my hard-earned money like that would probably send me postal!
kay jay it does upset me when as a child and young mother I sacrificed believing it was serving a good cause.only to realize that none of that went to charity most went to build the creepy curtain temples and enticing more unsuspecting into building mansions homes for their church leaders
so the church is holding the money for god or the church is god and what about the poor if all the money belongs to god in the first place then you would think he would spread i around so that everybody can afford food at least
It's ironic. for a church that has all these rules, Joseph Smith played by little or no rules. he might've not been willing to have sex outside of what he considered marriage. maybe, maybe not, i'm not even sure if that was the case. beyond that, he looked like he didn't play by any rules at all. he just did whatever he wanted and let other people clean up his mess.
A few key items were not mentioned by "Brother" Jared. The church does not borrow money to build its buildings, this practice alone makes it perform much better financially than other faith-based organizations that are forced to finance everything heavily. People involved in the church know how the money is spent because they see it in action, it is very transparent to those involved. It pays for a lot but does little things in every program to control costs, it is very responsible in its day-to-day endeavors. The church receives donations of land, homes, and businesses--the video misleads to say the church purchased these entities with tithing money. This is misrepresented. It has used the profits from these businesses to pay for the expenses of some general authorities who do not have the means. Again, they are very responsible with the funds. All temples can be accessed with a recommend, there are no V.I.P. temples that are better than other temples. Anyone can go to the temple, and all are invited. The primary mission of the church is sharing the gospel with the hope that all will join and go to the temple. The part of the LDS definition of Priestcraft not mentioned is that those involved in its practice set themselves up as intermediaries between an individual and the Lord. The LDS church encourages individuals to pray directly to God and does not treat any layer of leadership as an intermediary. It encourages direct relationships with God. The church doesn't specify the math to use (gross or net) because it is a world-wide organization and different countries tax at widely different levels. Again, this is really between you and the Lord. Declaring yourself a full tithe payer is based on that same personal commitment. Bishops aren't there to try to sway you to higher payments. The church encourages members to pay a full tithing AND give directly to the poor. I see many examples of this every day including blessings received by both parties, giver and receiver. Many individuals live a higher law than Tithing and live by the spirit of giving in general. As a former financial clerk for a local ward of the church, my personal observation was that people who paid tithing were very blessed, while those who avoided it tended to have less blessings. Maybe this was God's rewards or maybe they were just more responsible in general and it worked out for them, or maybe the act of living on 90% made them keep better account of their spending choices. Personally, I believe it is all three. The overall tone of the video is belittling and mocking of the church. It is not an accurate portrayal and takes license to mislead in almost every area.
Carter James The church has a variety of different accounts that it manages. Tithing is just one of them. Others include fast offerings (charity for helping the needy), missionary, scouting, etc. In addition, they get donations of businesses, property, and other resources and they use these as needed. In this case, they partnered as an investor in an renewal project for the downtown SLC city area. As they are the primary resident of this area, it was a responsible decision that also benefited the community with jobs and residents/visitors with a convenient area that is newer and not deteriorating.
What in Heck "Je$u$ $ave$ $oul$, then Redeem$ them for Valuable Ca$h PRIZE$!" was the Last thing I wrote on the Seminary chalk board then Walked out of within 3 week. Used that extra 8th period to enroll into a Legit Credit course of Social and Civic Science class. that allowed me to Pre-Graduate out of High School. I guess some people are just Sheeple.
:13 seconds in, and there's a problem. Mormon doctrine teaches mormon god cannot create or destroy matter so how could mormon god create everything...just saying
Brother Jake, one question: Why talk so fast that nobody can grasp what you are saying? You should redo this presentation, not just speaking slower, but speaking MUCH slower. It would be interesting to hear what you have to say. EB
Ok, some good points, except your premise that "God made everything so everything is His in the first place." That is an untrue belief based on the untrue concept that God created everything ex nihilo (out of nothing). If nothing was existing prior to God, how did He come to be? Beyond that, my work and efforts, my intelligence and wise use of my resources were not made by Him--regardless of his desire to help me do all that. As Joseph Smith stated, we are co-eternal with God. We have always existed. Try studying your beliefs and doctrin in some depth. Don't just drink the Kool-Aid with no questioning.
Jake has the gift of being able to tell people things they already know, but organizing and delivering it in a way which helps them see past the delusion.
You mean the delusion of knowing what you know without knowing it? Or, the delusion of not knowing what you really know is what you really know without knowing it was delusional? Or, knowing what you know without the delusional knowing of what you know is delusional because being delusional is something you know you know but don't know you know that you know without deluding yourself about knowing, ya know?
Absolutely. When I ask Mormons what they think or believe, most give standardized answers because they haven’t been in a position where people don’t automatically agree with what the Church says. Once the discussion is moved out of the bubble, what is said comes under greater scrutiny.
TLDR: the church has different beliefs shared with the public because people outside the organization aren’t persuaded by “God told me so.”
I pay my tithing the "faith based" way. I cash my paycheck and toss the money into the air, whatever
God wants he can take....what falls on the ground he wants me to keep. Guess how much I've paid so far?
That joke hasn't worked for decades. Who uses cash anymore? Everything is paid in your bank account.
Sorry, I know it's a joke...
Guy Regular about tree fiddy
hhazze I sent my bank account and routing number in a prayer to God and told him he can take whatever he wanted.
Guess how much he has taken so far?
Sounds like a law to me. What did it mean when the curtain was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross ? We could come into the presence of God.
Upvoting years later because it reminded me of the movie Short Circuit.
Nice summary, but there's more:
Fast offerings are also cool, because they are used to help the poor, even though the Church has a huge surplus and tithing alone would be more than enough. Missionary funds are also great because they help missionaries, even tough most missions are paid by the missionaries themselves and their families, so, once again this force of about 50,000 missionaries selling the church doesn't cost the church hardly any money at all. Brilliant! Now, the church used to spend some tithing money paying janitors to clean and maintain church buildings. Not any more! Now the members are asked to do that for free! Church callings, home teaching, donation of professional skills, organizing and working at events for youth groups, family search and indexing, are some other ways to donate time and effort to the church, all of which are worth money, and MAY get you into VIP heaven, as long as you have fulfilled ALL the other requisites, and endured to the end, amen.
Grafight23 One thing, especially about the Missionary funds, is that families that pay for their kid's mission, pay a flat rate, no matter where they go. It's something like $400 a month, and then they can donate more if they are able to, which is strongly encouraged. Now the Church's reason for this flat rate, is that some missionaries are sent to places where the cost of living and food is more than the $400 (Western Europe or Japan), whereas some are sent to areas that cost very little to live (South America or Africa). So it all evens out (Except for the fact that there are a whole lot more missionaries sent to these poor countries than the rich ones, mainly because there are a whole lot less baptisms statistically in the rich countries). The church gets free labor everywhere from their members by calling it a Mission. Elderly couples can be called to actual missionary missions, where they essentially act like baby-sitters for the missionaries in their area. They help clean out apartments that have had too much garbage build up (I know this because I helped clean up the Cellar of 2 or 3 of my apartments when I served in Germany, and the elderly couple in the area was there helping), but they also just are glorified tourists as well (I spent a day taking an old couple missionary pair around Essen showing them the city). The other great thing, when an old person is single and goes on a mission, they typically get sent to a Temple mission, which is how they get all the work for their temples, cleaning, cooking, and ordinances being performed. But, it's all service for the church, and they make sure that they have decent living situations, so it's better than other "non-cults" that do the same thing, right?
+mkhpsyco I once asked a Mormon to name one cult that calls itself a cult...he couldn't think of one...HHHMMM
Grafight23: Don't forget that the church only uses 1% of all tax free money from a 501C tax form used for Non-Profit organizations for humanitarian aid ! So where does the other 99% go? Oh ya to the new mall!
LDS charges admission to heaven.
pretty much.
To attend the temple, you have to pay a membership fee
My children were starving. But I paid my damn 10%.. because... "The Lord will bless you and your family if you pay a full tithe."
Absolute BULLSHIT!!!
Spot on, Brother Jake!!!
It makes me happy to think that a Molly Mormon will stumble upon this channel.
Somebody just got excommunicated, mainly for telling people that they can pay tithing according to their surplus. My husband and I were very grateful for his well researched information. Rock on, Brother Waterman!
Sara K but it's true. You're supposed to take care of your family first. They never quote those scriptures...
@@wildbluyawnder1Yes. Well said. ❤
My great grandfather died in the flu pandemic of 1918, left behind his widow and five children, needless to say they couldn't pay their tithing, so the church put my grandfather to work during the summer in lieu of tithing. He thought the whole thing was bullshit and ended up leaving the church.
This channel is awesome. No mormon will convince me to join their religion no matter how nice they seem. I wish an ex-muslim would do this about islam
That would be awsome. Unforuntately, Islam means business when it comes to people leaving the faith or being honest about it....
Islam executes its open apostates. It's far, far worse than Mormonism, but Mormonism is something we can deal with a lot better at the moment.
that person will has a ball size of the earth if he wants to make a video like this for islam... because allah hates when muslim left islam
you made it weird. oof
Even as a kid I watching my Dad go to Tithing "Settlement" I thought something was wrong
@kiwibrown I read church history and Mormon Doctrine and D & C 132 I can go on and on !
I remember feeling like a super special Mormon for paying tithing in my birthday money when I was a kid
+Amy Hardcastle that's fucked up. my parents (catholic) would only let us put in a dollar at most. glad i didn't waste a lot
+jbenvenga to be fair it was my idea and I bet my mum just thought it was sweet and that I'd get blessed..
Amy Hardcastle oh nvm, that's a lot less dark.
Same.... I took a quarter out of my tithing to fully afford some gum once and I felt awful
Well done, but you forgot to mention that tithing is "Fire Insurance" so you won't burn in the last days.
It's no longer called fire insurance. It's called afterlife insurance. And it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you die and find there is no afterlife, just contact us and we'll return all your money. *Guaranteed.*
So in other words, tithing is just a way to take income from families to fund more malls and campaigns?
Shhhh. We don't talk about that here.
if every person in america that tithes currently stopped tithing to the church and put that money towards health care for the nation, the entire nation would have a fully funded health care system.
but no mormans and christians, lets keep giving our money to pastors so they can make 6 figures and build bigger, more ridiculous buildings.
I actually never thought of it this way... but that's a great thought.
for all the talk christians have of making the US a beacon for the world, they sure spend their money oddly...
imagine what america could do with 83 BILLION dollars a year (statistic taken from www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/08/22/you-give-religions-more-than-82-5-billion-a-year/ and could be off).
Imagine the country we could have if we took that money and spent it to help feed the poor, to educate our youth, to build our infrastructure. imagine what kind of world we could build...
but no, lets build more churches...
I just love the picture montage at the end to remind you of the full picture, really hammers home the point. Love this channel
Commenting so the UA-cam algorithm will promote it
These are some of the few videos actually re-watch on UA-cam. I really love what you do.
I'm not clear on this tithing thing. So, I just pay 10% of my income and I get to go to super-special VIP heaven? Sounds great! Now, do I make my checks out to Brother Jake? Thanks for helping me get to heaven!
tacojohn9 I know this is three years late, but you don't just get guaranteed into Heaven because of tithing. It's more about faith than anything else. Being obedient to God's commandments demonstrates faith. If you can be obedient to God, He will bless you. It's not a VIP ticket to Heaven, but a way to walk your talk when you say you're willing to do what God says.
Give 20% and you get a tour of planet -Bollocks- Kolob too.
Well and you have to be married, you have to be straight, have to have complete faith, can't drink wine or coffee or tea, can't make out before marriage, you have to cover yourself (unless ur a guy obviously) and you can't do anything outside of the church on Sunday (watch tv, work, do homework, etc)
I love this. You are so spot on, Brother Jake!
"Like they were lillies of the field or something."! Brother Jake, you are the man.
Yay! A new brother Jake video! You really help me understands the Gospel.
From December 2012 Ensign:
After reading these scriptures together, Bishop Orellana looked at the new convert and said, “If paying tithing means that you can’t pay for water or electricity, pay tithing. If paying tithing means that you can’t pay your rent, pay tithing. Even if paying tithing means that you don’t have enough money to feed your family, pay tithing."
Is there a super VIP status if you pay 20% of your income?
I love how Brother Jake just makes everything easier to understand
I wonder if the church automatically withholds tithing from the GA's "living expenses".
No, but they do that with seminary teachers.
G.A's are exempt from paying tithing.
GAs are told that their salary has already been reduced in advance so it already includes tithing.
a lot of the tithing money will go into a 100 billion dollar account that was secret until a few years ago.
You just reminded me I forgot to pay tithing on my last check. Thanks :)
I've always felt the blessings of tithing.
The great thing about tithing is that it removes the temptation to spend your spare money on beer, cigarettes and loose women!
Haha brilliant! Sums the racket up perfectly!
HAHA! The visuals crack me up.
costanza lol
Wow! So full of awesome!!!
Keep up the good work Brother Jake!!!! Excellent videos
Great video. I really enjoyed it.
Dude, you are RELENTless. I love the quasi-rhythmic use of appropriate memes.
_Money, money, money, monnnney. MONEY!_
If I pay tithing, I can be Vegitto. Got it. :D
Well made video. Thanks for making this
Thank you Brother Jake. ❤
I love your videos. You are at your best when you give the impression that you are "Toeing the line".
Keep at it! These rock
When I think of a Mormon face walking down the hallway in the chapel, something like yours comes to mind.
I'm a robber because I keep the gifts that were given to me. I'm a robber because I keep the money I earned through hard work. In order to justify my actions I need to give money back to other human men rather than god himself. They're the middle man between me and god. If I don't do this then I will not go to the highest kingdom of heaven in the afterlife and create my own planets.
I've been a member since I was a child. Lost my way and have been looking for a reason the church is true to start going again and restore my faith. But if I'm gonna be demanded to pay tithing and not even get to know what the money is being used for then I think that's dumb and not worth my faith. I'm not gonna believe in a hypocrite god. Not to mention it says that selfishness is a sin but god is gonna plainly say he's selfish multiple times. Hypocrisy smh. I believe more and more that I grew up in a cult
This one brought up a lot of pain. Ive struggled with money and my work life my whole life. A number of things have contributed to that. Having said that, i wonder what might have been if id spent my mission money on education and didn't have a high demand corporation standing on my neck all those years.
On point as usual
I would be interested to see a video on Mormon excommunication, discipline, accusation apostasy, etc. Also, a video discussing the Mormon defense of family/opposition to same sex marriage.
Well done! Should just use this at church and save myself the rest of the time, snicker! I stopped paying tithing when they built the great and spacious building so more people could sit in there and worship them.
i live in utah and this is fucking hilarious
In the Gospel of John, Jesus chases away the money changers calling them a "den of thieves". LDS church Might want to listen Jesus teachings. Specially considering his name is part of your church name.
We pay what we can which isn’t much but the church can lump it m not damaging our financial position for the church.
Ten minutes of your time at quitmormon.org could save you 10% or more on fire and life insurance.
You left out the part where people who leave the church "just can't leave it alone" because they keep telling their loved ones that they are having 10% of their money robbed in perpetuity.
Seriously, if it weren't for tithing, I'd be far more inclined to take every LDS member's advice and "just shut up about it already," even though they constantly talk about their church.
Boy it would be nice to leave it alone, except here in Utah they're always in my face and using those tithing dollars to fight against my rights (and loosing because 'Constitution'). Boy do I wish I could "just leave them alone" but they won't leave me alone.
Outstanding, as usual. Shared.
LMAO great vid.... whole time I thought awesome wit and sarcasm. I was more sure at the end that tithing is extortion
Absolutely brilliant.
Brother Jake understands the tithing extorted by the Mormon church from its sheep.
Incidentally, I recently toured the new temple just completed west of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. What a mind trip.
Brother Jake, were you an Edward Currant fan back in the day?
Fun fact, and if this comes off as defending Mormonism, it's not, just a fun fact. I served a mission in Germany. In Europe, the Catholic church automatically takes money out of your paycheck, without you seeing it (you see it, but you don't have to voluntarily give it to them). Most people in Germany had no issue, or seemed surprised that the tithe in the mormon church was so low. Catholic church doesn't practice Tithing here in America, but their grasp on the European continent is still strong, even though most people that I talked to that "were catholic" said that they don't believe it, they just don't take their name off the list, because the church does good things around the world...
That is different. The Catholic Church used to own a lot of land in Europe, and when the land was seized in Germany, Germany and the Vatican eventually agreed to compensate the Vatican for the land they lost.
I can't tell if Brother Jake is mormon or not? Sorry if it's not obvious.
I'm sure he's a former Mormon. He's pretty spot on on his videos.
Perhaps the best videos I have seen on Mormonism. One where it would be difficult for a Mormon to say...oh that isn't how it is. yet I found it uncanny how discussions with mormons which take hours, days or weeks to occur can all be summed up in just minutes. Which is probably why there doesn't seem to be much discussion at all, other than to praise how good a job Jake is doing.
He's an ex-Mo
Hes an ex mormon from what I know
As an ex-mormon, I'd bet he's ex-mormon too, this is spot on
Wish I could get the 10% tithe I paid from 8yr on to that heretical and manipulating business mormonism.
Film is All true ,well done and informative, thanks.
35 years for me. Yeah.. I'd love all that tithing back. I could pay off my house.
As a penny-pincher myself, I would probably never get over being duped by a cult to give away 10% of my annual income to them over a period of years....so I could go watch a D movie and play Simon Says in front of a curtain. The mega hurt of being suckered out of my hard-earned money like that would probably send me postal!
kay jay it does upset me when as a child and young mother I sacrificed believing it was serving a good cause.only to realize that none of that went to charity most went to build the creepy curtain temples and enticing more unsuspecting into building mansions homes for their church leaders
Heidi Reis Oh please....
Who is brother Jake??
So spot on
Brother Jake is hysterical!
Do you have to pay 10%? What if I'm not making a lot to even get by and can only give 5%?
ScrambledCraig still gotta pay 10% otherwise no VIP heaven
Yep, even if you can't afford, it's 10% or you aren't a ""proper Mormon""
Dude.. This is brutal.
oh brother jake, how i love you
I would like the money I've been in tithe since I was 15.
Well said!
some of this i didnt even know, wow.
Damn... that's like a mob shakedown.
This guy is an awesome POE...it's awesome satire.
I feel so much better!!!!!
Why can't God just make some money? All powerful eh?
Do me a fuckin favour and get real.
so the church is holding the money for god or the church is god and what about the poor if all the money belongs to god in the first place then you would think he would spread i around so that everybody can afford food at least
It's ironic. for a church that has all these rules, Joseph Smith played by little or no rules. he might've not been willing to have sex outside of what he considered marriage. maybe, maybe not, i'm not even sure if that was the case. beyond that, he looked like he didn't play by any rules at all. he just did whatever he wanted and let other people clean up his mess.
can we pay tithing to brother jake? Jake have you started your super cool authentic based true JLDS
A few key items were not mentioned by "Brother" Jared.
The church does not borrow money to build its buildings, this practice alone makes it perform much better financially than other faith-based organizations that are forced to finance everything heavily.
People involved in the church know how the money is spent because they see it in action, it is very transparent to those involved. It pays for a lot but does little things in every program to control costs, it is very responsible in its day-to-day endeavors.
The church receives donations of land, homes, and businesses--the video misleads to say the church purchased these entities with tithing money. This is misrepresented. It has used the profits from these businesses to pay for the expenses of some general authorities who do not have the means. Again, they are very responsible with the funds.
All temples can be accessed with a recommend, there are no V.I.P. temples that are better than other temples. Anyone can go to the temple, and all are invited. The primary mission of the church is sharing the gospel with the hope that all will join and go to the temple.
The part of the LDS definition of Priestcraft not mentioned is that those involved in its practice set themselves up as intermediaries between an individual and the Lord. The LDS church encourages individuals to pray directly to God and does not treat any layer of leadership as an intermediary. It encourages direct relationships with God.
The church doesn't specify the math to use (gross or net) because it is a world-wide organization and different countries tax at widely different levels. Again, this is really between you and the Lord. Declaring yourself a full tithe payer is based on that same personal commitment. Bishops aren't there to try to sway you to higher payments.
The church encourages members to pay a full tithing AND give directly to the poor. I see many examples of this every day including blessings received by both parties, giver and receiver. Many individuals live a higher law than Tithing and live by the spirit of giving in general.
As a former financial clerk for a local ward of the church, my personal observation was that people who paid tithing were very blessed, while those who avoided it tended to have less blessings. Maybe this was God's rewards or maybe they were just more responsible in general and it worked out for them, or maybe the act of living on 90% made them keep better account of their spending choices. Personally, I believe it is all three.
The overall tone of the video is belittling and mocking of the church. It is not an accurate portrayal and takes license to mislead in almost every area.
Please explain how they built City Creek without using tithing money directly or indirectly then.
Carter James The church has a variety of different accounts that it manages. Tithing is just one of them. Others include fast offerings (charity for helping the needy), missionary, scouting, etc. In addition, they get donations of businesses, property, and other resources and they use these as needed. In this case, they partnered as an investor in an renewal project for the downtown SLC city area. As they are the primary resident of this area, it was a responsible decision that also benefited the community with jobs and residents/visitors with a convenient area that is newer and not deteriorating.
I don't know if you're being sarcastic.
He is.
Fenikkusu Kanji Oh kk,lol
He's being serious. I felt the spirit when I watched this video.
People who are paid salaries have to pay income and payroll taxes.
What in Heck "Je$u$ $ave$ $oul$, then Redeem$ them for Valuable Ca$h PRIZE$!" was the Last thing I wrote on the Seminary chalk board then Walked out of within 3 week. Used that extra 8th period to enroll into a Legit Credit course of Social and Civic Science class. that allowed me to Pre-Graduate out of High School. I guess some people are just Sheeple.
the LDS Church is less like a church and more like an insurance company. this video makes me mad.
Cause im not sure
Don't short change the Lord.
Have more children! (so they can have more tithe payers!)
oh shoot I've been stealing from the Lord!
you get more out paying tithing to a stranger!
:13 seconds in, and there's a problem. Mormon doctrine teaches mormon god cannot create or destroy matter so how could mormon god create everything...just saying
what the fuck. why can’t we just vibe?
Brother Jake, one question: Why talk so fast that nobody can grasp what you are saying? You should redo this presentation, not just speaking slower, but speaking MUCH slower. It would be interesting to hear what you have to say. EB
Ed Bliss You can click on Settings at the bottom of the video screen to change the video speed.
Lol, nailed it!
I wish I could like this video a thousand times. I'll just subscribe instead.
It was hard for me to feel the holy spirit watching this
Funneling easy money for Mormon Corp.
I assume your videos are meant to describe how ridiculous these beliefs are. Right?
Too much sarcasm dude
Ok, some good points, except your premise that "God made everything so everything is His in the first place." That is an untrue belief based on the untrue concept that God created everything ex nihilo (out of nothing). If nothing was existing prior to God, how did He come to be? Beyond that, my work and efforts, my intelligence and wise use of my resources were not made by Him--regardless of his desire to help me do all that. As Joseph Smith stated, we are co-eternal with God. We have always existed.
Try studying your beliefs and doctrin in some depth. Don't just drink the Kool-Aid with no questioning.
muck formonism