I told my Bishop that I was being physically abused by one of my parents because that's one of the KEY places they told me I should go if there was anything wrong. The bishop told me to obey my mother and father. THESE PEOPLE ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT QUALIFIED.
@@juiceman3668 Yeah. for years I was angry at him specifically, but I see now that it wasn't really him as much as it was the system working through him. Left to himself he would not even presume giving such a advice. At least from what I know of him. The system enables people to do bad things even if they are not bad people. And if they are bad people, it protects them.
Brother Jake, dude . . . your library of videos have made it so much easier to distance myself from this church. And I thank you for that -- after 46 years of conditioning, I finally feel free. Thanks, man!
Hi George. Check THIS out: THE DECEPTIVE PRESIDENT EYRING IS WARNED AGAINST COUNSELING: docs.google.com/document/d/1jMKg5_mXAxlI2ni-lEQQe7WWfMxxfxmiXi-plFIOeD8/edit?usp=drivesdk
Always appreciate your clearing up the misconceptions about the Mormon, er, LDS, er Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and some of their strange practices. Clearing up the obvious contradictions and rationalizing the “seemingly” ridiculous and harmful things going on is very helpful.
For anyone who doesn't know, Brother Jake recently suffered from cardiac arrest and is in the hospital. Here's a link to his gofundme. www.gofundme.com/gojakego?fbclid=IwAR2-p864CB7-h9z3VTUQNP-lNlTLOorUHwLi0ll9mrv3Gd8n2X1H9POhygg
This is fantastic! I love all your videos. I find it fascinating how, after leaving the church, it’s like we have 2 sides of our brain- Mormon brain and healthy critical thinking brain, and we can speak from either side or both together. You do it SO well! We should totally start calling it The Book of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, hilarious! 😆
god i feel validated watching this. 17 years old and have brought up many of these things to my parents as i have left and they've dismissed every one of them.
I know right? Every time. It's like he he's reading my internal monolog... obviously this young man has been blessed by the Lord with the power telepathy.
These “lay clergy” have no business asking these types of questions. Get someone with formal training, like a Catholic priest. Great timing Brother! XOXO!!
I get chills realizing you put this video out just before your brush with death in Nov. 2018. I was so relieved to see the one video you put out about a year after this (the BoM pt 4 video), knowing at least you recovered well enough to do one more video. I hope all has gone better since then. I hope to hear more from you in the future.
so about 7 years back, (i was 17/18) my dad left the church and was rather active on ukformerlds. this drew a lot of attention from church officials who just wanted to shut him up. one day a man invited him for a meeting to discuss his concerns with the church and such. he asked to bring my mum and me too. after his meeting with both my parents, he wanted to have a private chat. because i was primed for a mission, he told me to disavow my parents sinful lives or i wouldnt be able to go. i told him i still went to church and stuff. he asked if i had a girlfriend, i said i did so he questioned my chastity. i think it was some sort of threat to be honest. he told me to show him my underwear to 'make certain i wasnt wearing sexual clothing'. what a fucking creep.
the problem with that would be privacy concerns. its bad enough the kids have to talk with some old, out of touch dude about their sex lives, they sure as hell won't want it recorded.
I like how he is up to date in the new stuff - like he heard about how you're not supposed to say Mormon anymore, and then he adds it to the joke. I love Brother Jake.
I was an LDS bishop. You are correct that there is no training about interviews. A divorcée came to me because she’d had a one night stand. I listened a long time and only counseled her to “go and sin no more.” That’s what Jesus did.
Just realized hes making fun. I thought he was being serious. I have since deleted my comment. But yes... I stand with Sam. I feel bad that he was removed from the church because he seemed to actually want to change it an make it better from within. 5544 resignations on quitmormon right now. Almost 2000 alone in the last 24 hours. People are tired of the church protecting sexual predators.
My Aunt is a Member of the Church and is also a Child Psychologist. She's been keeping an eye on this for some time now. She said that the Problem is that Church Member's and Teachings have been mocked so much for so long that that is one of reasons the Church is both Slow and Secretive as far as how they react to Controversial Issues. And that reasoning while true doesn't excuse their lack of action it does make some sense. And the fact that one on one interviews are just that one on one and not recorded only serves to make things worse. If they have any real interest in protecting these kid's. They need to make some serious changes fast. And if this means I an active Member am questioning the Church Leadership then so be it. Even if the Church is mocked or ridiculed there's a cost sometimes for doing the right thing.
Mormons: Please don't call us Mormons anymore. Me: Okay, fair enough. LDS works. Mormons: Don't call us LDS either. Me: Uhmm... Mormons: Please call us 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints'. Me: That's really long. Mormons: If you want to abbreviate it, just call us 'The Church' or 'The Church of Jesus Christ'. Me: You realize those terms aren't very specific, right? Mormons: We'll know what you mean. Me: How about I just call you 'the self-righteous child rapists'? Mormons: 'Mormons' is fine.
I am not a Mormon, but your combo of self-conscious cutesiness and innocent contempt, as well as the breathlessly rapid delivery, makes me sympathetic to them.
I remember being told I was unclean and sinful because I happened to rub one out at age 14. I couldn’t take the sacrament for months because god had not forgiven me yet. Naturally I felt a lot of shame and guilt and diminished self worth. I felt quite depressed. I decided to mention how awful I felt. The bishop was so surprised I would feel that way. How could you feel shame??? Your worth has not changed! God loves you just as much and he is so happy you want to repent. I felt so silly for feeling shame. I can’t believe I felt that. So silly for me to miss that.
I grew up in Utah in a very strict Mormon home and didn't even know what masturbation was until I had an interview with the bishop. Talk about awkward! I wasn't even thinking about girls or sex! at this point I was still playing with GI Joes and Transformers. another fun fact my father left my crazy Mormon mother and moved to another state I guess It was character-building they decided to send me on a father-son camp-out by myself. Good times🤢😪
This reminds me of how the council in about 543 AD decided that the doctrine about a premortal life was heresy, abolished it, and threatened to put anyone to death who was caught teaching it. Fortunately, sometime during the 19th century they found a book written by Enoch teaching about it exclusively, and scholars have found evidence that it was used by the early christians. Fortunately our church brought it back even before that book was discovered. Last time we didn't have prophets and apostles to keep the doctrine pure which is why apostates like them were able to corrupt Christ's doctrine. In our day we still have people trying to corrupt Christ's doctrine but unlike last time the prophets and apostles haven't been killed off by wicked people so they're still here to keep the doctrine pure. That's why we kick people out who go to this much effort to criticize the way the church runs things. It's all about keeping Christ's doctrines, and ordinances pure.
@@jojones4685 I just double checked. I got my sources wrong. It was "The Seven Ecumeical Councils" that spoke out against the pre-mortal life. They did it in 553 A.D. www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf214.xii.ix.html My bad.
@@Alex808thegreat I think you still need to do more research ;) Regarding "The Seven Ecumeical Councils" - did you just read the heading and miss the "NPNF2-14" part" that was giving the actual context? The Seven Ecumenical Councils covers a time period of over 700 years. What you are referring to is the fifth ecumenical council (you do have the correct date, 553). Also did you do any research into whom that council was arguing against (it turns out to be a specific person)? Also are you aware that Book of Enoch was written in 100 BC? I ask because many Christians just assume that because it has a famous person in the name of the book then it was probably written by that person and have a very poor knowledge of the dating of the bible in general.
@@Alex808thegreat Have you read the book of enoch? It is available online. It contains A LOT of anachronisms so that is just one of reasons why we know that was written around 170 BCE and 100 BCE but it was well known at the time of the writing of new testament. It has also a lot of crazy stuff in it as well like giants, monsters, fallen angels, etc. The spares quotes from the Book of Enoch can be found in similar forms in other existent sources so your claim is clearly incorrect and not very scholarly.
I lied in one of my bishops meetings. Definitely smoked some weed that morning before church and went I high and got a temple recommend. Not a member anymore but I know my friends lied about a ton of stuff. It’s a dumb interview kids lie all the time.
That may indeed be a thing, regardless, is it really the Church's proper domain to 'handle' it. Should they be putting themselves and lay members into that line? If so, shouldn't they be trained, and comply with well recognized safety standards?
To be fair, they do receive some training and they're instructed to refer difficult cases to LDS Social Services when available. LDSSS has actual professionals working. But they don't usually refer children. Mostly adults. And some Bishops believe that they can handle it themselves with the "guidance of the Spirit".
He would have to go through a process, including a certain time period, and then he could say, "I'm sorry that I was more concerned about our youth being sexually shamed and abused than I was about my own salvation; I obviously had my priorities all wrong," and then, yeah, he could probably be re-baptized.
Bishops are completely not qualified to give any physical, emotional or psychological advice. Proof they need to be education FIRST is the church always teaches you to find the answers first to your questions then pray if those answers are right not just to sit back and pray for an answer without doing anything. So bishops NEED to be qualified first so they can bring what they should do to god for the spirit to inform them how to proceed. Until that happens bishops should never give advice but instead direct the people to a qualified person to help.
So I see you obviously have never had an interview with anyone! Bishops training is actually a "thing" and they are pretty regular... So they are training just like any other professional (except that they do not get paid for their work as Bishops). In many cases Bishops refers the members to specialists if they see a need (health specialist, registered councelors, social workers and others) in addition to this the church often pays in full or helps with the cost of those visits.... But you don't really want to know what the Bishops or the church really does! Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
@@colorin81colorado you sounded somewhat honest until you said "So they are training just like any other professional" you really are being dishonest with yourself if you compare anyone to a multi year trained psychologist. You really think I don't know anything about this subject? I worked as an admin stuff in a psychologist clinic where 3/4 of them were members and 2/3 of them have always stood by the fact that the bishop should refer members straight away to a trained psychologist. I know this because I have read the emails they wrote to the area head office asking them to relay to bishops that when it comes to mental health, abuse etc to refer them straight away to a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL not to try and fix them as untrained professionals (thats what bishops are) then send them to psychologist as a last resort. Please don't compare trained professionals in any field to anyone untrained in that field it is dishonest and completely disrespectful to people who have dedicated years of their lives and studied hard in those fields.
@@WilliamBrown-ds8nn ironically you misinterpreted my comment. Today (Nov 13th 2020) in my Stake all our Bishops attended their regular Bishop's training and that was my point. They do recieve training though they are not paid to do their work as bishops. In relation to mental health issues, our church does employ a number of trained mental health professionals under what used to be called (until recently) LDS Church Services. These professional staff work closely with Bishops, Stake Presidents and Mission Presidents to advise and (in some places where available) create a network of reputable therapists that our members may be referred to (and sometimes payed for). So I'm not too sure what your point is. Our Bishops are not called to their position as professional bishops like in other christian churchers and all come from all walks of life from farmers, cleaners, funeral directors, factory workers, construction and building workers to highly specialised professionals but that's how they make a living, they are not chosen because of it, nor do they revieve any income from their service as Bishops. However, the church makes sure that bishops are trained to understand the limits of their callings and works really hard to train them to use all other relevant resources and professionals to attend the needs of our members. In which way has my comment reflected otherwise?
@@WilliamBrown-ds8nn when I spoke of bishops being trained as other professionals I was referring to the regular PD (professional Development) that all professionals are required to undergo yearly (after they have completed the many years of qualification). You stated that bishops were not "qualified" to give advice on anything because "they" were not trained to do so... If they were being payed by our church I would agree with you. However, all active males in the church are called to serve in priesthood responsabilities but not as professionals. What training did the fisherman Peter recieve before being called as an apostle? God looks in the heart of man and not on the exterior appearance. So our Bishops are called to lead a congregation based on inspiration and not based on professional qualifications. Are all bishops perfect? No they are not. However, are all trained professionals perfect? No they are not either. That is not to say that we should not endeavor to improve ourselves constantly, so it is with our church leaders. You have the right to question God about the wisdom of any man being called as bishop and I am not taking that right from you but our bishops are called based on inspiration and personal worthiness rather than special training (although constant training of bishops does occur once they are called to serve as such!)
@@WilliamBrown-ds8nn I hope that my comments here did not come across as combative. It is true that I feel very protective of our bishops as they are called to give enormous amounts of their free time in service to others. I have served as counselor to four bishops and as a member of Stake High Councils on 4 different times across the 40 years since I was baptized as a convert of the church so I had a lot of dealing with bishops. On top of that my wife is a registered mental health professional and psychology is one of her university mayors. Though she has never been employed full time by the church she has been invited to donate time and take part of several bishop training sessions (typiscally bishop's training sessions/workshop goes for a minimum of 4hrs and includes many different professional trainers/instructors) Through her professional practice she has received many lds members that were refered by bishops and so I am very familiar in the way that the church works in my area of the world. My wife happens to be one of 17 registered mental health professionals whom the church often refers members to, so I know that it actually happens. However, it may not be so in all parts of the world. So I do apologise if I came into you too strong. My comments still stand but I see I could have been a little gentler in the way I fraced it.
Always changing, moving the target, just like Jesus "did and taught!" "Thus saith the Lord: Mine Church™ shall henceforth now be changed again and called The Church of Cheese n Rice of Latter-day Slaves™. Thou shalt show thine devotion and loyalty unto Me and unto Mine Anointed Leaders™ by passing Mine (and their) Holy New and Everlasting Shit-Test™ that all members Shalt goeth forth and proclaim mine Godspell™ of Truth, usething lies, deceptions and threats and by Bullying all of mine unto Me. Amen (Rah)!"
Jesus absolves us of our sins. There is ONE mediator between man and God, Jesus. He is our High Priest, the only Priest, all we need. His grace is sufficient. Bishops are not needed. They are attempting to usurp the role of Jesus in salvation. And attempting to "help someone be forgiven" is blasphemy.
"thats rare he wont go into detail" thats the issue they do go into detail every time every interview countless children. The children feel so ashamed they end up taking their own lives utah has the highest teen and child suicide in the country
There's a number of problems with this video. 1. Sam claims to have reported these issue's privately up the Chain of Command and got nothing positive in response. If that is true then he probably felt a need to go public in order to affect Change. 2. The Church preaches so much respect for the Leader's that often the Children do not to question them and probably won't opt to have witness present in these meetings. Then to whomever the Child reports it, it becomes a case of He said/He said or He said/She said. Then the Child has little or no proof to back up their claims. I say this not only a Mormon but as an Abuse Survivor Myself. In my case My Bishop was nothing but Helpful however in the 5 cases before mine that were reported against the same Man that molested me, the previous was not only not helpful, but also discouraged the Mother in 1 case from reporting it to the Police. Sam has compiled stories of more than 1000 cases of this Sexual Abuse or Harassment in these types of interviews. Many of them came to him after he began this work so don't even try convincing that these aren't True or that his actions are Unjustified. Because I've not only seen what stories like that are like. I've lived it, He did what He did to Protect Children not create a Claim to Fame.
@@bdf2718 Satirical Comedy for decade's has been poking fun at various things or People for Humor. The way He sounds at times makes that sound exactly like that's what He's trying to do.
@@TheLokiBiz I agree when i first commented a year ago. I don't know why i didn't see that it was satire. But I've become very active in Sam Youngs group now known as Protect Every Child. I even attended their march/rally in Salt Lake met Sam there. Turns out he only 3 hours from me so we even just before the quarantine had lunch together while he was in my town on business. I watched again about 2 or 3 weeks back after a friend mentioned it being satirical and i did get a laugh out of the fact that i ever took it seriously.✌
I told my Bishop that I was being physically abused by one of my parents because that's one of the KEY places they told me I should go if there was anything wrong. The bishop told me to obey my mother and father.
Becky Pennock they have zero qualifications to be giving counsel
@@juiceman3668 Yeah. for years I was angry at him specifically, but I see now that it wasn't really him as much as it was the system working through him. Left to himself he would not even presume giving such a advice. At least from what I know of him.
The system enables people to do bad things even if they are not bad people. And if they are bad people, it protects them.
Becky Pennock well yeah most of them are good people that shouldn’t be counseling people because they aren’t trained in counseling.
@@juiceman3668 agree 💯
Becky Pennock it caused me serious self esteem issues and suicidal thoughts because of being shamed because they have no idea what they are doing.
Brother Jake, dude . . . your library of videos have made it so much easier to distance myself from this church. And I thank you for that -- after 46 years of conditioning, I finally feel free. Thanks, man!
All the power to you. Better very late than never. :-)
I didn't realize how bound I felt until I felt the freedom of leaving the church behind
This is beautiful, brilliant satire. The Force is with you Brother Jake.
Hey George, how's it going?
Hi George. Check THIS out: THE DECEPTIVE PRESIDENT EYRING IS WARNED AGAINST COUNSELING: docs.google.com/document/d/1jMKg5_mXAxlI2ni-lEQQe7WWfMxxfxmiXi-plFIOeD8/edit?usp=drivesdk
New brother Jake video = good day
I *just* watched Sam Young read his excommunication letter for calling out sexually explicit "worthiness" interviews. Great video, Brother Jake!
Most valuable UA-cam channel subscription
Book of Jesus Christ of- wait
😂 I love it!
Been a while since we've had a Brother Jake video- it did not disappoint! :)
lol the book of jesus christ of latter day saints!
The beauty in these is how well they mirror what the church and its members and employees have said. He's so (dare I say it?) True to the faith.
Always appreciate your clearing up the misconceptions about the Mormon, er, LDS, er Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and some of their strange practices. Clearing up the obvious contradictions and rationalizing the “seemingly” ridiculous and harmful things going on is very helpful.
For anyone who doesn't know, Brother Jake recently suffered from cardiac arrest and is in the hospital. Here's a link to his gofundme. www.gofundme.com/gojakego?fbclid=IwAR2-p864CB7-h9z3VTUQNP-lNlTLOorUHwLi0ll9mrv3Gd8n2X1H9POhygg
"I mean, look at that thing. It's so nice and thick."
Quick, Brother Jake needs a priesthood interview now.
Mmm, thick 😏😏😏
Happy your still making videos :) love your style of video and subject matter.
Mormon - UH I MEAN churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints, gold
Wow. I never realized before that this was a thing in Mormonism
Yep. And I'm so glad I got out of it before I turned 13.
Always brilliant Brother Jake! 😂
I hope you get better real soon. Many people are very sad to hear about your health news. I love your work!!
This is fantastic! I love all your videos. I find it fascinating how, after leaving the church, it’s like we have 2 sides of our brain- Mormon brain and healthy critical thinking brain, and we can speak from either side or both together. You do it SO well! We should totally start calling it The Book of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, hilarious! 😆
I NEED a brother jake interview. I need to know his story! You are one fascinating guy, Jake! Keep it up!
Brother Jake, I hope you get well soon and make another brilliant video again.
Oh happy day, a new Brother Jake video!!!
god i feel validated watching this. 17 years old and have brought up many of these things to my parents as i have left and they've dismissed every one of them.
Another killer video! Please don’t ever stopping posting! Us ex mo- I mean ex church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day.. Saints? Sainters? Need it!
Brother Jake I missed the stock photo of the old lady shrugging her shoulders!
"but some of you might be thinking..." is always my favourite bit!
I know right? Every time. It's like he he's reading my internal monolog... obviously this young man has been blessed by the Lord with the power telepathy.
These “lay clergy” have no business asking these types of questions. Get someone with formal training, like a Catholic priest.
Great timing Brother! XOXO!!
Brilliant as always brother Jake
I felt so ignorant and anxious before watching your video. Thank you, brother Jake. Now i can commit apostasy with wonton sinful abandon!
Dun dun DUN!!!
I get chills realizing you put this video out just before your brush with death in Nov. 2018. I was so relieved to see the one video you put out about a year after this (the BoM pt 4 video), knowing at least you recovered well enough to do one more video. I hope all has gone better since then. I hope to hear more from you in the future.
23 MORMON Bishops disliked this video
Ha. Truth
You're back!! I've missed your vids, brother!
one of the seventy told me to remove my trousers in a meeting about chastity.
Go on?????
so about 7 years back, (i was 17/18) my dad left the church and was rather active on ukformerlds. this drew a lot of attention from church officials who just wanted to shut him up. one day a man invited him for a meeting to discuss his concerns with the church and such. he asked to bring my mum and me too.
after his meeting with both my parents, he wanted to have a private chat.
because i was primed for a mission, he told me to disavow my parents sinful lives or i wouldnt be able to go. i told him i still went to church and stuff.
he asked if i had a girlfriend, i said i did so he questioned my chastity. i think it was some sort of threat to be honest.
he told me to show him my underwear to 'make certain i wasnt wearing sexual clothing'. what a fucking creep.
That's horrible. I'm so sorry that happened.
i didnt do as he asked. this was when i stopped going. i have a vid about my mormon exp on my account but its a bit cringe
emojo1990 holy shit, that's terrible
What if they just record the conversations so someone knows that nothing funky going on?
John Remmers works for scientologists.
the problem with that would be privacy concerns. its bad enough the kids have to talk with some old, out of touch dude about their sex lives, they sure as hell won't want it recorded.
An adult in a room alone with someone underage, prying into their sexual lives, is already funky enough.
I like how he is up to date in the new stuff - like he heard about how you're not supposed to say Mormon anymore, and then he adds it to the joke. I love Brother Jake.
I was an LDS bishop. You are correct that there is no training about interviews. A divorcée came to me because she’d had a one night stand. I listened a long time and only counseled her to “go and sin no more.” That’s what Jesus did.
Thank you Sam, shame of church !!!
This is really warped and I love it!
Just realized hes making fun. I thought he was being serious. I have since deleted my comment. But yes... I stand with Sam. I feel bad that he was removed from the church because he seemed to actually want to change it an make it better from within. 5544 resignations on quitmormon right now. Almost 2000 alone in the last 24 hours. People are tired of the church protecting sexual predators.
My Aunt is a Member of the Church and is also a Child Psychologist. She's been keeping an eye on this for some time now. She said that the Problem is that Church Member's and Teachings have been mocked so much for so long that that is one of reasons the Church is both Slow and Secretive as far as how they react to Controversial Issues. And that reasoning while true doesn't excuse their lack of action it does make some sense. And the fact that one on one interviews are just that one on one and not recorded only serves to make things worse. If they have any real interest in protecting these kid's. They need to make some serious changes fast. And if this means I an active Member am questioning the Church Leadership then so be it. Even if the Church is mocked or ridiculed there's a cost sometimes for doing the right thing.
I told my bishop that l had been sexually abused by my father. He didn't believe me.
I was a good kid.
What's up with that?!
Mormons: Please don't call us Mormons anymore.
Me: Okay, fair enough. LDS works.
Mormons: Don't call us LDS either.
Me: Uhmm...
Mormons: Please call us 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints'.
Me: That's really long.
Mormons: If you want to abbreviate it, just call us 'The Church' or 'The Church of Jesus Christ'.
Me: You realize those terms aren't very specific, right?
Mormons: We'll know what you mean.
Me: How about I just call you 'the self-righteous child rapists'?
Mormons: 'Mormons' is fine.
Finally! It's good to have you back.
Anyone have an update on Jake? How is he coming along on healing?
I hope he's doing all right
I am not a Mormon, but your combo of self-conscious cutesiness and innocent contempt, as well as the breathlessly rapid delivery, makes me sympathetic to them.
Brilliant! I loved the Mormon / TCOJCOLDS corrections :D
I remember being told I was unclean and sinful because I happened to rub one out at age 14. I couldn’t take the sacrament for months because god had not forgiven me yet. Naturally I felt a lot of shame and guilt and diminished self worth. I felt quite depressed. I decided to mention how awful I felt. The bishop was so surprised I would feel that way. How could you feel shame??? Your worth has not changed! God loves you just as much and he is so happy you want to repent. I felt so silly for feeling shame. I can’t believe I felt that. So silly for me to miss that.
So nice to have you back again Bro Jake. I am sure it was totally because of our faith and prayers, and medical science had nothing to do with it.
The eggplant. I lost it.
I demand part 4
Get well soon Jake, hope you recover from your recent heart attack...
I hadn't heard about that. Poor Brother Jake, I hope he's doing well now.
Excellent video. I like your channel. Subscribed.. Shared. Found out about you through Telltale
One thing nice about the hospital is you have your own Urinal and Thumb button for when you need to call a nurse. Get better soon!
You should do one on BYU Honor Code
I grew up in Utah in a very strict Mormon home and didn't even know what masturbation was until I had an interview with the bishop. Talk about awkward! I wasn't even thinking about girls or sex! at this point I was still playing with GI Joes and Transformers. another fun fact my father left my crazy Mormon mother and moved to another state I guess It was character-building they decided to send me on a father-son camp-out by myself. Good times🤢😪
I hope you get better soon Brother Jake!
Priesthood keys are special abilities, then show us HE Man and his sword lmao
This reminds me of how the council in about 543 AD decided that the doctrine about a premortal life was heresy, abolished it, and threatened to put anyone to death who was caught teaching it. Fortunately, sometime during the 19th century they found a book written by Enoch teaching about it exclusively, and scholars have found evidence that it was used by the early christians. Fortunately our church brought it back even before that book was discovered. Last time we didn't have prophets and apostles to keep the doctrine pure which is why apostates like them were able to corrupt Christ's doctrine. In our day we still have people trying to corrupt Christ's doctrine but unlike last time the prophets and apostles haven't been killed off by wicked people so they're still here to keep the doctrine pure. That's why we kick people out who go to this much effort to criticize the way the church runs things. It's all about keeping Christ's doctrines, and ordinances pure.
The council of Nicea didn't decide what was cannon and I think the gospel you're talking about was gnostic.
@@jojones4685 I just double checked. I got my sources wrong. It was "The Seven Ecumeical Councils" that spoke out against the pre-mortal life. They did it in 553 A.D. www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf214.xii.ix.html My bad.
@@Alex808thegreat I think you still need to do more research ;) Regarding "The Seven Ecumeical Councils" - did you just read the heading and miss the "NPNF2-14" part" that was giving the actual context? The Seven Ecumenical Councils covers a time period of over 700 years. What you are referring to is the fifth ecumenical council (you do have the correct date, 553). Also did you do any research into whom that council was arguing against (it turns out to be a specific person)?
Also are you aware that Book of Enoch was written in 100 BC? I ask because many Christians just assume that because it has a famous person in the name of the book then it was probably written by that person and have a very poor knowledge of the dating of the bible in general.
@@Alex808thegreat Have you read the book of enoch? It is available online. It contains A LOT of anachronisms so that is just one of reasons why we know that was written around 170 BCE and 100 BCE but it was well known at the time of the writing of new testament. It has also a lot of crazy stuff in it as well like giants, monsters, fallen angels, etc. The spares quotes from the Book of Enoch can be found in similar forms in other existent sources so your claim is clearly incorrect and not very scholarly.
'Worthiness" has nothing to do with these interrogations. They are actually OBEDIENCE interviews.
Sent from Tell Tale Atheist. Informative and entertaining video.
I lied in one of my bishops meetings. Definitely smoked some weed that morning before church and went I high and got a temple recommend. Not a member anymore but I know my friends lied about a ton of stuff. It’s a dumb interview kids lie all the time.
Kids who have healthy boundaries lie. Kids who are vulnerable to abuse don't.
Yay!!! New video. Brother Jake, could you debate the three Mormons UA-cam channel?
Pray for lost tbm’s
Endow TBMs with the knowledge needed to renounce their backwards and outdated views.
what would Jesus do? Suprisingly not what his "true church" does.
Sam Young is awesome!!
Everything about these videos are genius. He really rips everything apart
This is so stupid. You should not ask seven year olds those questions. That is for the parents to discuss privately. Its a very big issue.
Love the sound effect for......APOSTACY!
I'm so sharing this
Guess I'm not going to mega heaven
I think in the church the biggest problem isn't Bishops abusing children but parents abusing children and Bishops giving children bad advice about it.
That may indeed be a thing, regardless, is it really the Church's proper domain to 'handle' it. Should they be putting themselves and lay members into that line? If so, shouldn't they be trained, and comply with well recognized safety standards?
To be fair, they do receive some training and they're instructed to refer difficult cases to LDS Social Services when available. LDSSS has actual professionals working. But they don't usually refer children. Mostly adults. And some Bishops believe that they can handle it themselves with the "guidance of the Spirit".
The bishop doesn't need to know my personal business. I give myself my temple recommend.
I know ya were in the hospital awhile ago, I'm hoping ya made it through.
Sam Young is a rock star!
*super VIP heaven*
So Sam Young was excommunicated recently. Can he still repent in the church?
He would have to go through a process, including a certain time period, and then he could say, "I'm sorry that I was more concerned about our youth being sexually shamed and abused than I was about my own salvation; I obviously had my priorities all wrong," and then, yeah, he could probably be re-baptized.
Gold star response!!
I saw this and I was *hyped*
Bishops are completely not qualified to give any physical, emotional or psychological advice. Proof they need to be education FIRST is the church always teaches you to find the answers first to your questions then pray if those answers are right not just to sit back and pray for an answer without doing anything. So bishops NEED to be qualified first so they can bring what they should do to god for the spirit to inform them how to proceed. Until that happens bishops should never give advice but instead direct the people to a qualified person to help.
So I see you obviously have never had an interview with anyone! Bishops training is actually a "thing" and they are pretty regular... So they are training just like any other professional (except that they do not get paid for their work as Bishops). In many cases Bishops refers the members to specialists if they see a need (health specialist, registered councelors, social workers and others) in addition to this the church often pays in full or helps with the cost of those visits.... But you don't really want to know what the Bishops or the church really does! Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
@@colorin81colorado you sounded somewhat honest until you said "So they are training just like any other professional" you really are being dishonest with yourself if you compare anyone to a multi year trained psychologist. You really think I don't know anything about this subject? I worked as an admin stuff in a psychologist clinic where 3/4 of them were members and 2/3 of them have always stood by the fact that the bishop should refer members straight away to a trained psychologist. I know this because I have read the emails they wrote to the area head office asking them to relay to bishops that when it comes to mental health, abuse etc to refer them straight away to a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL not to try and fix them as untrained professionals (thats what bishops are) then send them to psychologist as a last resort.
Please don't compare trained professionals in any field to anyone untrained in that field it is dishonest and completely disrespectful to people who have dedicated years of their lives and studied hard in those fields.
@@WilliamBrown-ds8nn ironically you misinterpreted my comment. Today (Nov 13th 2020) in my Stake all our Bishops attended their regular Bishop's training and that was my point. They do recieve training though they are not paid to do their work as bishops. In relation to mental health issues, our church does employ a number of trained mental health professionals under what used to be called (until recently) LDS Church Services. These professional staff work closely with Bishops, Stake Presidents and Mission Presidents to advise and (in some places where available) create a network of reputable therapists that our members may be referred to (and sometimes payed for).
So I'm not too sure what your point is.
Our Bishops are not called to their position as professional bishops like in other christian churchers and all come from all walks of life from farmers, cleaners, funeral directors, factory workers, construction and building workers to highly specialised professionals but that's how they make a living, they are not chosen because of it, nor do they revieve any income from their service as Bishops. However, the church makes sure that bishops are trained to understand the limits of their callings and works really hard to train them to use all other relevant resources and professionals to attend the needs of our members.
In which way has my comment reflected otherwise?
@@WilliamBrown-ds8nn when I spoke of bishops being trained as other professionals I was referring to the regular PD (professional Development) that all professionals are required to undergo yearly (after they have completed the many years of qualification).
You stated that bishops were not "qualified" to give advice on anything because "they" were not trained to do so... If they were being payed by our church I would agree with you. However, all active males in the church are called to serve in priesthood responsabilities but not as professionals.
What training did the fisherman Peter recieve before being called as an apostle? God looks in the heart of man and not on the exterior appearance. So our Bishops are called to lead a congregation based on inspiration and not based on professional qualifications.
Are all bishops perfect? No they are not. However, are all trained professionals perfect? No they are not either.
That is not to say that we should not endeavor to improve ourselves constantly, so it is with our church leaders.
You have the right to question God about the wisdom of any man being called as bishop and I am not taking that right from you but our bishops are called based on inspiration and personal worthiness rather than special training (although constant training of bishops does occur once they are called to serve as such!)
@@WilliamBrown-ds8nn I hope that my comments here did not come across as combative. It is true that I feel very protective of our bishops as they are called to give enormous amounts of their free time in service to others.
I have served as counselor to four bishops and as a member of Stake High Councils on 4 different times across the 40 years since I was baptized as a convert of the church so I had a lot of dealing with bishops.
On top of that my wife is a registered mental health professional and psychology is one of her university mayors.
Though she has never been employed full time by the church she has been invited to donate time and take part of several bishop training sessions (typiscally bishop's training sessions/workshop goes for a minimum of 4hrs and includes many different professional trainers/instructors)
Through her professional practice she has received many lds members that were refered by bishops and so I am very familiar in the way that the church works in my area of the world.
My wife happens to be one of 17 registered mental health professionals whom the church often refers members to, so I know that it actually happens.
However, it may not be so in all parts of the world. So I do apologise if I came into you too strong.
My comments still stand but I see I could have been a little gentler in the way I fraced it.
And yet Joseph Bishop is still a member???
Always changing, moving the target, just like Jesus "did and taught!"
"Thus saith the Lord: Mine Church™ shall henceforth now be changed again and called The Church of Cheese n Rice of Latter-day Slaves™. Thou shalt show thine devotion and loyalty unto Me and unto Mine Anointed Leaders™ by passing Mine (and their) Holy New and Everlasting Shit-Test™ that all members Shalt goeth forth and proclaim mine Godspell™ of Truth, usething lies, deceptions and threats and by Bullying all of mine unto Me. Amen (Rah)!"
Bishop helped quit porn addiction.
Gods job. Telltale sent me
(Eggplant... ha ha ha!) BRAVO, another smash hit, and well explained in a caring appropriate way
This is sooo true 🤣🤣
How the hell was I Mormon for most of my life
Downvoted by 4 of the 70. That's like not even a couple percent, pssh!
Telltale sent me. Damn cool work.
I gotta be honest, that "apostasy" picture gives me the creeps, lol.
Telltale send me here.
This Worthy Interview. STOP IT!
It's hilarious how many people who comment here don't get at all that this is state od the art satire. Damn, it's so freaking obvious.
Jesus absolves us of our sins. There is ONE mediator between man and God, Jesus. He is our High Priest, the only Priest, all we need. His grace is sufficient. Bishops are not needed. They are attempting to usurp the role of Jesus in salvation. And attempting to "help someone be forgiven" is blasphemy.
This is good satire.
Love "the book of the church..um the Book of Mormon" so funny
New video! Unlisted at the moment.
I think it's great Brother Jake is criticizing the LD$ church. that said, I don't like all the sarcasm.
Umm, did you read Sam youngs book of children and youth who attempted, thought about or completed suicide over this issue?
I can't tell if this is a parody or not.
Watch it again. Pay more attention to the pictures. And the words.
"thats rare he wont go into detail" thats the issue they do go into detail every time every interview countless children. The children feel so ashamed they end up taking their own lives utah has the highest teen and child suicide in the country
There's a number of problems with this video. 1. Sam claims to have reported these issue's privately up the Chain of Command and got nothing positive in response. If that is true then he probably felt a need to go public in order to affect Change. 2. The Church preaches so much respect for the Leader's that often the Children do not to question them and probably won't opt to have witness present in these meetings. Then to whomever the Child reports it, it becomes a case of He said/He said or He said/She said. Then the Child has little or no proof to back up their claims. I say this not only a Mormon but as an Abuse Survivor Myself. In my case My Bishop was nothing but Helpful however in the 5 cases before mine that were reported against the same Man that molested me, the previous was not only not helpful, but also discouraged the Mother in 1 case from reporting it to the Police. Sam has compiled stories of more than 1000 cases of this Sexual Abuse or Harassment in these types of interviews. Many of them came to him after he began this work so don't even try convincing that these aren't True or that his actions are Unjustified. Because I've not only seen what stories like that are like. I've lived it, He did what He did to Protect Children not create a Claim to Fame.
"Satire" - look the word up in a dictionary.
@@bdf2718 Satirical Comedy for decade's has been poking fun at various things or People for Humor. The way He sounds at times makes that sound exactly like that's what He's trying to do.
@@jonjahr3403 yeah, no shit - It's pretty obvious a satire on Mormon apologistics - a hillarious one at that.
@@TheLokiBiz I agree when i first commented a year ago. I don't know why i didn't see that it was satire. But I've become very active in Sam Youngs group now known as Protect Every Child. I even attended their march/rally in Salt Lake met Sam there. Turns out he only 3 hours from me so we even just before the quarantine had lunch together while he was in my town on business. I watched again about 2 or 3 weeks back after a friend mentioned it being satirical and i did get a laugh out of the fact that i ever took it seriously.✌