Discotek Halloween Stream Reaction

  • Опубліковано 30 жов 2022
  • As Always, Thank You for Watching! Happy Halloween~
    Watch the full Discotek Stream over here!: / 1633657066
    Discotek Twitter: / discotekmedia
    Again! These are only my opinions and responses to the announcements, and these slides are not mine they are Discoteks from the stream/twitter thread itself. I just wanted to make that clear, enjoy!
    Sidenote: I now know what the brave series is after looking it up, very cool, looking forward more titles from that line of shows : )
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  • @MrNage09
    @MrNage09 Рік тому +3

    Love the ultimate muscle announcement, fox box and 4kids was part of my childhood, even have a Japanese kinnikuman poster
    Really happy about the rescue of fist of the north star as I didn't get it
    Mononoke has been on my ebay saved searches for a few years now. I'm glad my procrastination came through here
    I'm glad they're ramping up the releases of live action stuff but was worried in the beginning since I collect boutique blus and the first couple discotek releases didn't have extras

    • @valkayink
      @valkayink  Рік тому

      It's very cool that they are putting Ultimate Muscle out, like I said, it's good! and I hope it sells well ^^ So cool that you have a poster, it's really loved in Japan so it's nice to see it has fans over here.
      The Fist of the North Star Movies look cool, i've never seen them, but I do like the dub cast they have, it's neat seeing all the work that they put into it.
      Monoke is great, and YES i love when Procrastination pays off, it's rare but it happens. I would pick up the blu ray if I were in your position, but I'm also the kind of person that is double dipping : P
      Good Point, sometimes the difference really does come down to extras (along with quality), I know it helps me decide on what I'm picking up too : ) Thanks Ice!

  • @apdo6107
    @apdo6107 Рік тому +2

    so hyped for Aim for the Ace!

    • @valkayink
      @valkayink  Рік тому

      Me too! I wasn't expecting that one so I was very happy when it came up so early n the stream : D

  • @BlaizeV
    @BlaizeV Рік тому +1

    (holy crap enormous wall of text incoming...apologies lol)
    I really want to get the Kamen Rider set and truthfully get further into the Tokusatsu releases Discotek are doing. But I just don't know if I can afford it. I did really enjoy what I saw of the Garo tokusatsu series.
    Very hyped for Aim for the Ace, the show looks incredible. Thankfully the various sequels to Aim for the Ace are also held by TMS Entertainment I believe so hopefully we might get those as well, though I don't believe they have been released on Blu Ray in Japan as yet.
    The extras announced for Gunbuster, especially that full Clements commentary, blew my mind! Absolutely crazy release that I'm very excited for. You're so right about how the dub had that more classic feel, which considering the age of the property is totally fine with me. Also Lisa Ortiz still getting work makes me happy.
    Really tempted to get Ultimate Muscle, I never saw more than an episode or two back in the day but I want to support this release in the hopes of getting classic Kinnikuman stuff. Not sure if I will though as I know I'll likely struggle with the americanization of the bgm as most 'cartoons' have a habit of playing music constantly which I cannot stand.
    So happy for you that Saint Tail is finally happening. I will certainly pick this show up myself as I just can't resist cel anime in proper HD. It has a super appealing artstyle too. I feel slightly clever for predicting this one but like you say it was on the cards for awhile I think and fits perfectly into the discotek catalogue.
    Ghost Stories on BD was really surprising, especially since it isn't an astrores upscale. I'm curious about this release but I doubt I'll pre order it. I also have the DVD, Dylan actually sent it to me back in the day :D
    I think the Fist of the North Star films might be my favourite announcement of the stream. If only for how long I've been waiting for these to come out. As I mentioned in my prediction video unlike the early FOTNS stuff the movies were actually done by TMS Entertainment so It seemed weird that they just remained unlincesed for 15 years or so. I'm also happy they are getting dubbed, I mentioned in the wishlist video that I figured that if they released them individually that they probably would dub them. So that was a cool obscure prediction I'm happy to have come to fruition. If you never see yourself watching the classic series then I recommend trying these films if/when they stream on Retrocrush or something as they are good retellings of the more major parts of the series.
    Been meaning to get around to Mononoke for forever. Definitely will be double dipping on this title as well, the inclusion of an English dub is really surprising. Intrigued as to what the quality of that will be like.
    Definitely getting 90's Tetsujin. The mecha collection is a real drain on my finances, a beautifully awesome drain but a drain nonetheless lol. This series looks great and I hope it's going to be one of the many more 90's mech shows from Discotek in the future.
    Another is a superb horror Anime, this film look very low budget. I'm not a horror hound so definitely not on my radar. I might get the live action Golgo 13 film but I also feel I would only ever watch it once most likely. I have seen all the Anime portions of Golgo 13 so I'll have to fight against my completionist tendencies on this one.
    I recognized Treasure Island straight away as the OP is just incredible. I'll 100% be getting this series as it has been in my to watch list for along time since its been available fansubbed for years now. Crazy to think Discotek announced two full 1970's shows coming to Blu Ray, it still blows my mind that we are getting stuff like this come out. Hopefully Nobody's Boy Remi will follow up soon, kinda frustrating I picked that for my wishlist over the two Dezaki shows they did actually license. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see Gamba no Bouken come over too as while not as popular it's also a Dezaki show that has a Blu Ray in Japan.
    Very excited to complete Project A-ko. Shame they mentioned that Final Wars is out of their reach most likely as that is a title that appears on the 'vault' list on ANN. Which side note in the Q&A they mentioned that Mad Bull 34 is apparently unobtainable for some reason to relicense which break my heart. I can only hope that maybe Sentai are looking to replicate some of Discotek's success by doing licensing old OVA's with scans from the vault. I'll just have to keep dreaming lol.
    If I was to buy Digimon the Japanese version would be the one. I'm also really curious to see it with the AstroRes treatment. I think my issue would be that I would only really want this original series, I feel like it's mostly all someone would ever need but I'm worried it might lead me tempted to get the others when they probably do them as well. At least with the original it would allow me to enjoy all the modern movies and stuff as well which has looked pretty cool...I might be talking myself into a purchase lol. Depends when it comes out I guess.
    I was sorta worried they would actually finish on Sonic X, which is cool it's happening finally but I definitely won't picking up the series myself. Though I do agree I like all the Sonic designs and the like. This particular era reminds me of the Dreamcast and that era of Sega which is no bad thing. I bet the ost to this series is great. But I would never watch 78 episodes about Sonic. Though I would like to see Sonic SatAm one day, which is why I'm kinda sad they mentioned this was probably the last Sonic title for along time. Also no miracle Sonic the Movie/OVA rescue I guess, not surprising but the DVD is soooooo expensive.
    The GaoGaiGar announcement was super exciting. It was the last entry in the Brave series which was basically an annual Robot show from Sunrise in the 90's starting in 1990. Brave Express Might Gaine is one of the entries in that series :D. So now I'm really hopeful we might get the rest of the titles over the upcoming years, though hopefully after Sunrise have done Blu Rays of them all. And that was the other thing I was excited about is just the fact they licensed a Sunrise Mecha show for the first time in I think ages, like Giant Gorg might've been the last one? (which is also getting a Blu Ray in Japan). I've mentioned on my videos a bunch that I thought Sunrise might save some of their non Gundam titles for their deal with Right Stuf since they have mostly caught up on releasing Gundam. But seems they are available to license so hopefully we'll see more from Discotek in the future.
    I really enjoyed the panel and the video Val, my typings might take longer than your video to read so sorry about that haha. Discotek never fail to get me going on and on lol.

    • @valkayink
      @valkayink  Рік тому +1

      ( Don't worry! I always welcome the wall of text ^^)
      Ah same, every time I actually sit down and watch a tokusatsu I enjoy them, (but I haven't seen that many). I'm worried about stretching myself thin if I were to start yet another collecting venture. I just really hope Kamen Rider Black does well and they can bring even more over here, I want everyone to collect their favorites ^^
      Excellent point, I think we will also see the Aim for the Ace Sequels from Discotek. I wish I had thought of mentioning that, but yeah! I was very happy to see this one is coming, absolutely going to pick it up ^^
      I was already going to pick up Gunbuster but with those extras they are putting into it, what a treat! Yeah I look forward to digging into those commentaries as well, they sound informative as well as just fascinating : D
      I will say, just so you know, the dub for Ultimate Muscle is very American Cartoony. Extra loud, trimmed for time, lots of narrator extra bits, etc etc. Really solid voice performances though, I remember some of the lines being delivered were very sincere, so I won't knock that at all. I just don't feel compelled to own it, but I like that its here, and it fits discotek's catalogue really well ^^
      Saint Tail is my fav of the announcements, and I think you still 100% get credit for calling it in your video XD I need to go have a look through TMS' catalogue. I constantly forget how much they have somehow XD I mean, yes it's pretty standard as far as magical shoujo, but it's really charming. I look forward to watching it again : D
      Uh oh, you are convincing me I should get those Fist of the North Star Films now, I do want to hear the dub and just see the films on my tv, sooooo yeah I may just end up preordering those LOL and wow! Another excellent prediction on your part, well done : D
      You won't regret Mononoke, very much worth it, just for the animation alone ^^
      Tetsujin 28 FX is a fun mecha, I think it's totally up your alley so I'm glad you plan on getting it. I didn't see all of it mind you, but what I did see I enjoyed. I was surprised when it came up, but it also totally makes sense as a Discotek release ^^
      How funny, I also feel compelled to get Golgo 13 live action? I may have to go watch some and see if it's worth it in my collection though, I did like the trailer though. Love how it reminded me I should've collected Golgo 13 by now AH GEEZ
      LOL well you went with the predictions you did, and those may still come true in the end anyway XD Love the look and feel of Treasure Island, just literally didn't know about it until now XD Love that we are getting more Dezaki stuff though, I keep watching more and more stuff directed by him and loving it. I'm on the fence but don't be too shocked if this does end up in one of my future hauls XD
      I'm also looking forward to A-Ko! It is a shame that they can't license those, like you said, especially since I've seen a few people ask for a rerelease of Mad Bull 34. Would love to know why (I suspect it's like you say) but I also respect that its not for us to know outside of the company. For everyone's sake I hope in the future we get them.
      I'm also thinking about that >.> Do I want to open up the Digimon flood gates? I can't decide, part of me wants to because I do this it's fantastic, but also, holy shit my wallet at this point >.> ;;;;
      Ah, we're on the same page about Sonic, BUT I do stress, I think it's great that people are getting it, the demand is very much there! Very happy for Sonic fans, and the show is fun (yes the ost is very good, that I do recall).
      Blaize, this might be the dumbest thing I ever admit, but it's true, so what can I do: I legit just thought Sunrise liked the word 'Brave' in a lot of their titles. It didn't occur to me they had a design/project link like the 'Brave Series'. I read about that earlier today and held my head in my hands and went "omg what is wrong with me..." Although reading that Brave Express Might Gaine is one of them I'm going OOOO maybe we'll get that one day now? I would be very into that : D
      Very Good Point, we might be getting more Sunrise stuff, and I'm down for that! Like you said It would be very cool for Discotek to say they brought over the whole 'Brave Series' so maybe thats a future goal? Either way they seem to be doing well, and it's nice that we can get our favorite titles from them ^^
      Loved this comment, Thank you so much!
      OH and I was thinking about inviting you to talk about this stream with me, but figured you were doing your own ^^
      If you ever want to do a chat video in the future, just know you are always welcome ^^

  • @bizarreindividual4026
    @bizarreindividual4026 Рік тому

    Not sure how I missed this video :)

  • @Dmfriend26
    @Dmfriend26 Рік тому

    I'm most excited for Saint Tail and Ultimate Muscle. The latter mostly because I want Hamtaro on SD Bluray and I want to show the company that I will buy the older children's anime from my childhood.
    I'm so excited for Another! I love that show and I think you would enjoy it.
    I'm rewatching Digimon now! I've been super depressed lately and it's been nice to go back to my comfort anime.
    I'm also super excited for Kamen Rider Black! I've not seen any of that series, but I love Super Sentai so I'm completely up for supporting it.

  • @TheRonin22
    @TheRonin22 Рік тому

    I've been slowly getting into Kamen Rider recently. Sense I love power rangers/super sentai stuff. So I might get Kamen Rider Black, but haven't made up my mind.
    I was pretty impressed by the Gunbuster dub also.
    I definitely remember watching Ultimate Muscle on Fox. Like you I wasn't a huge fan. So probably gonna skip it. Though I am happy it's getting released cuz that manga been out print for so long and know lot people have fond memories of it.
    I'll probably be getting Fist of the North Star. Sense I've been picking up the manga and really enjoy the series.
    Digimon is the one I'm most excited for. Still debating if I want English dub or Japanese sub version. I don't know it's tough decision lol.
    Gaogaigar looked so dope! I'll definitely be picking that one up. It'll be a blind buy for me. Just happy we're getting more mecha titles.