@@Thecowthatcould55 Well,they'll have to find out the *meaning* on their own. I guess you could say that the meaning *is a jumper that you have to knit yourself*
This is just my 2 cents, but I think the tricky thing for most of us is grappling with the idea that meaning and inspiration are deeply intrinsic and spontaneous, but you are 100% responsible for creating the circumstances where you'll experience them. Most people stumble their way into something motivating by chance, like meeting their SO at a party; someone at work invites them rock climbing and they love it; or getting into an actually enjoyable career because their parents made them do the degree, but if you're waiting for those things to happen I really think it's a defensive/losing play. I think the most practical thing you can do is deciding to take the initiative/responsibility and invite your friends out to try new things, do a hobby alone, host a party, travel, watch/listen to inspirational people at the top of a field to see where you'd like to be, really just taste things that might grip you, and then once you see something bigger down the line, it's just a matter of figuring out how to progress there and that's meaningful. Even if you're paralyzed by choice, then tell yourself you'll try something just to prove it's not the right thing to do.
Casually Explained I agree. Nearly all depressed people I have tried to help have always accepted this "I'll wait until something happens." approach. It's really difficult to convince them to go out of their way to try new things, but I know personally it's done wonders for me.
Me too! I get caught up in the "everything is pointless" narrative, but his videos acknowlege that and then remind you that thats alright. They tend to end on a positive, empowering idea (you can find meaning yourself, focus on what actually matters, ect) that completely reframes my anxiety into something actually helpful.
This guy has gotten me through so much. It’s funny, because his videos almost seem pessimistic, but his tone, his way of speaking, the peppered in jokes, the music. It’s not an exaggeration to say he has saved my life.
Please don't ever delete this. I come back here periodically, take something new from it each time, and seriously need this video to remind myself of what really matters.
@urbad @urbad It's quite a task tailoring to a body ever changing, but I've tried to emphasise knitting it using a blend comprised of the soft warmth provided by family, and the durability of deeply woven connections. It still looks like complete ass, loose ends catch and it begins to fray without regular upkeep. The best part however, is that I can share some warmth with others when they look cold and in the process, refine the comfort, shape and quality of my meaning jumper. Your question came at the perfect time and reminded me that I needed to see this again even more than I knew. Hope you are well, friend.
This is the first time for me, and I imagine I'll be coming here periodically too, just to remind me that search for meaning maybe an endless one but it's ok and I should keep going. I hope everything is going well for you Ahypnion.
"It's one thing to get called into creation without being asked first. It's an insult-to-injury to then be expected, on top of that, to work out what the hell you're doing here in the first place." My thoughts exactly.
"What I am doing here"? What are my keys doing in the washing machine? We could both be where we are by pure accident and it would make no difference to either of us.
There literaly is a wohle (already Dead) Mankind (your ancestors) Who figured that out before you. If you live nihilistic with out ever having consideration for your family, that's evolutions way of kicking you in the ass. By living like your ancestors I don't mean sitting in a cave, I mean that you try to fulfill your urges only short term, which leads to happiness, but longterm fulfillment is literaly that, fulfillment.(aka don't fall for the postmodern meme of Arroganz, thinking of yourself as enlightened and smarter than those "cavemen".)
@@MrSqurk What even? I was literally talking about how you throw away the experiences your ancestors had, in favor of a lifestyle that is best described as Nihilism (which allows the materialistic Acquisition of goods, just for the sake of consuming)
"...certain breakaway British territories what what..." I genuinely laughed out loud. Thank you for that, and for your wonderful videos and sparkling wit. From an unseemly upstart resident of a breakaway British colony. What what. ☺️
Feel like joining the Empire again? We could do with some more self esteem and you could do with a sensible leadership. Oh wait, our leaders are shit too. Fuck.
These are kinds of concepts you get so freaked out thinking about that you have to dumb yourself down by putting on some Top 40 to forget that you were just thinking that deeply. Ignorance is bliss?
No matter what we are still ignorant. We dont know everything. And everything you've learned will be forgotten the more you learn. Just be and keep your head up.
Pretty presumptuous to say I didn't consent to being brought into life.. I like to imagine that I paid a lot of money for this simulation in the universe above, and while I'm here I intend to make the most of my money
@@americogracia8115 by the time you finish saying the word now or even thinking about it, it is gone forever. There is no now. That is what Im thinking right about now :)
youcanthear this your wrong now never passes it goes on forever. For if you think about the future you can only do it in the present and if you think about the past you can only do it in the present. Get it?
M1FF3D what the hell gives you a existential crisis. PLZ stop talking shit, it's not funny if you post something like this under a video that doesn't give you a existential crisis.
"An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions if their life has meaning, purpose, or value" The video is mainly about the meaning of life, seems to match the definition pretty well. Also, it's a sort of running joke on the channel so really if you don't find it funny don't bother responding.
Unsure if you’ll see this, but I work at a rehab facility in America and run a group based around this video once a month, essentially anatomizing our patients’ sense of meaning. It’s helped lead to a lot of therapeutic breakthroughs, so I just wanted to say thank you, keep doing what you’re doing
>buy a game >now you have a goal in life=meaning of life >to complete this game >you ultimately do it >then you buy another game and repeat >endless goals in life >??? >profit
@@saan4696 Dark Souls Veteran here, tbh a good chunk of my gamer friends just gave up playing Dark Souls. It was hard af but it fellt amazing beating the game.
For those who missed the cat frame, for you: To answer the inevitable question, The Destroyer of Worlds isn’t just imitating a plant pot, she’s just recovering from a bit of surgery. She’s amply fussed and is currently training for her participation in the No Giving a Fuck championships. Your welcome, I think
Our lives our sad and useless, yes, but we can fuck about and do stuff we think are important to make ourselves feel better. If devoting your life to making the perfect omelette and it makes you happy, just do it. Not much else to feel anyway
i love the quote said by mr peanutbutter wich kinda inspired by albert camus "The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually you'll be dead."
Depends on what you personally define as important; if spending the entirety if your life carrying out 'unimportant nonsense' is what feels like the right thing to do, keep calm and carry on. If you want to devote your life to achieving some grand future goal; do just that. From an outside perspective, there is no importance behind anything that exists, because why should there be? However within the intricacies of our species, there is no time for such a view; otherwise you'd probably end up suicidal. Yet for every individual; there would appear to be meaning behind our unique and personal constructs; such as sociality, work, love, health, materialism and money; all of which are important factors amounting to our overall sense of happiness. What I'm trying to say is that in the grand scheme of the Universe; life is insignificant, however for each and every individual; their sense of purpose, and the fulfilment thereof, is entirely dependant on whatever ethos which they do so wish to follow.
When I was a kid, I was sometimes asked, as many were, what I wanted to do when I grew up. I was a bit strange - I didn't say I wanted to be an astronaut or fireman or anything like that... I said I wanted to make stuff. Didn't matter what. I wanted to make something. Fast forward ~30 years. I run a CNC laser. It cuts metal, specifically things like square tube, rectangle tube, pipe, etc. I make parts for a wide variety of things. Legs for scissor lifts. Parts for school buses. Oil rig parts. Refinery parts. Airplane parts. Bridge parts. Building parts. I recently cut thousands of pieces that are going into a building being made for Google. I don't just use Google, *I made part of it.* I don't often brag, but I go to work and create civilization. I think five-year-old me would approve.
I seem to have found that the same thing brings me the most fulfillment. I'm 18 and everytime I start thinking about what I want my life to be it comes back to creating. I've always did art as a kid, and I recently started working in construction. The feeling knowing that I had a part in making the walls go up around me is what I live for. Knowing that had a direct impact on the world around me... and just having the opportunity to create.
Chris Jones You’re probably young, don’t worry, one day you’ll figure out that hedonism will leave you feeling empty at the end of your existence. Hope it’s not too late.
Honestly, I went into this video expecting it to be either stupid or comedic, but it was unexpectedly comedic and meaningful. Had no idea what this channel is, but now I find myself subscribing.
Light This time with a wholly optimistic note suggesting that you really can try your best to work it all out and possibly, just possibly, have a few moments of happiness along the way.
This video introduced me to Frankl and the rest of the existential philosophers, and basically started me on the path of overcoming my nihilism and formulating my own meaning and purpose in life. It's been a couple years, so I'm just here to say: big thanks, depression turtle.
I'm 74, here's the secret. Life has no meaning for you anymore than the life of fly has meaning. The Cosmos doesn't care about either of you. Lower your expectations and just go get an ice cream. I like to think about James, he mended shoes in London in the 15th Century. Surely he was real or if not someone much like him. The mender of shoes is gone now. I hope he enjoyed something, maybe bread when it was nice and warm. I hope he had expectations that allowed him to enjoy something. Life is what it is and it most definitely isn't about me, James or you.
I don't believe this actually, but I respect your thoughts and please pass on your thoughts and experiences to young people( as you're doing now ). Thank you.
"The Cosmos" is not a person that can, as it were, choose to care about anyone or anything, lol, so that's a bit of an odd thing to say Edit: what I am trying to say, from an an analytical point of view, your statements are hollow And always be wary of people like Mr. Wee Aboo in this comment section who claim to know "THE TRUTH" whatever that may be
I don't know if you'll ever read this, but you've helped me through some tough times. Thanks to you and JBPeterson I've pulled myself up and knitted my meaning. Thank you, and unlimited pudding to you, sir.
Viktor Frankl also said “When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.” Humans, have, over the past thousand or so years been up to a great deal of technological advancement, societal development, and adaptation. Our history, really, is a testament to each person's drive to seek meaning. Because each persons drive for meaning follows them down a different path, human development was driven by the crossings of, and interactions between, these paths. Humans have become incredibly good at distracting ourselves with pleasure. Even in times of war and strife, we still look to outlets for pleasure: music, art, writing, VR hyper-porn, etc... I think existence like a pendulum, a sinusoidal cycle of our drive to carve out meaning and our drive for short term pleasure. Each persons' cyclical rate may be a bit different, but over all most people cycle between "Wanting happiness" and "Wanting meaning". Often times one will find happiness in their search for meaning, sure, but that pang of existential angst occurs when we don't. We look to pleasure, 'distraction' as Frankl put it, to assuage that feeling.
Caleb Andrews The difference between a master and a slave, the overman and the last man is one lives to make something great and the other lives to pleasure himself and shit on what the masters create
The masters are creators now are they? You should take a look at the leaders of the world, I doubt many have created or invented much of anything that has helped humanity, other than them having a huge personal ego to demand and posses whatever they choose like a child that has never been told no, with a following of slaves to worship and provide for their every move regardless of their worthiness or reason. If anything the masters we follow are the epitome of laziness and contempt, but humans are a fearful species, give us a god, a celebrity or a self obsessed loudmouth and we will worship them and hang on to every word to give us a tribe and something to believe in. We are victims of our masters but even as slaves we can still change the world, asking for permission first however from the masters is the wrong idea, they will always say no to just trust in the old ways and keep faith, in order to keep themselves in power and respect whilst holding the people back and keeping us as slaves to there bidding.
cattysplat Not all leaders are masters Some are just popular sheep among the flock Ie democracy. The sheep can’t choose their shepherd. A master is merely a man with a vision and the discipline to do what is necessary and endure great suffering to carry out that vision. Master mortality (strength, pride, wisdom, distinguishable, noble) Slave morality ( meekness, common, charitable) Power is what is, religion, governments, circuses, etc are just tools of power
I think that what we are truly seeking is not a sense of purpose or meaning, but rather something that is worth living for, that you love more than anything.
I’ve been binging your videos all day at work, and I get a very hitchhikers guide to the galaxy vibe from them. You should do a video on the ultimate answer of 42 and the possibilities of the ultimate question.
My father died of corona on April 15th. I've struggled to find any meaning in life since. Every day is a challenge to exist without him. But your videos are bringing new life, new color into a world where the color was stripped. Your videos are showing me the true beauty of life. Relighting the spark for existence that was once lost from me. Thank you.
1:54 To answer the inevitable question, The Destroyer of Worlds isn't imitating a plant pot, she's just recovering from a bit of surgery. She's amply fussed and is currently training for her participation in the No Giving a Fork championships.
Everything in life has meaning and nothing in life has meaning, humans are the architects of their perception of reality. It's a comfort to think that there is purpose to our pain which seems to be part of the contract of life. Meaning and resilience are connected and humans are resilient.
Ive been living like such a sloth for the first 19 years of my life. Finally tried to change that around since 3 months, still dont have any fucking idea what Im doing, why Im doing it or why Im still internally panicking when talking to strangers but it seems to get better and at least I just care a little less about it all which makes it much more bearable
Ludoviajante immer diese Spanier mit ihrer cauderwelch Sprache (die ich beherrsche und damit offiziell das Recht habe sie als solche zu klassifizieren), kommen an und verwirren einen Haufen unschuldiger Leute. Abschaum sag ich euch, das sind die Leute die in die Hölle und auf ewig gefoltert gehören!
Rafael Braga oh scheiße. Schande über mich. Habe den Kommentar nur überflogen und dachte die Person wäre zu blöd zum schreiben, jetzt wo ich es weiß ist es ziemlich offensichtlich.
I'm 25 years old, lived the last 11 years through a devastating war in Syria, I had a very limited amount of resources such as having only an hour of electricity per day, really slow internet and sometimes really bad quality food. Before the war broke out in Syria (2011) I fell in love with making electronic music, I never expected myself to reach anything, I just wanted to do something I loved because I was able to express my feelings in a time when I really felt mentally powerless because of the war. The act of creating became the meaning of my life so I set a goal for myself to leave this wasteland and live somewhere where I can have some basic life needs to continue doing what I love and I have finally achieved my goal and was able to leave Syria earlier this year. I never thought I'd share my story on the Internet but apparently the universe sent this video my way to say to all of the people who feel meaningless that don't be afraid to lose anything because it's the only way you would really grow and find the meaning of your life. Always remember that the only person who makes your life feel meaningful is you and & you only.
I'm reminded of something Joseph Campbell said: "Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on without bothering everybody with a lot of questions and then being unexpectedly called away before you find out how it ends".
pleeeeeeease do an audiobook version of your books, with your voice. That would be lovely. Most of the time, when riding the bus for example, I'm not able to read, because of nausea and distraction. Audiobooks are really nice in those situations. Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase do audiobooks. Thanks. ^^
This, but "everything you can do in a game" is also simultaneously defined by not having access to like 99.9% of the content because of a paywall. And the most efficient way to grind for in game currency is a daily 8 hour quick time event that never changes.
1:45 says the following for those who dont want to do the work "To answer the inevitable question, The Destroyer of Worlds isn't imitating a plant pot, she's just recovering from a bit of surgery. She's amply fussed and is currently training for her participation in the No Giving a Fuck championships."
Tom PAC why would you feel like that? For me it is the opposite. It is basically saying to stop worrying about things you can't control and enjoy your life while you can. If life has no purpose and there is nothing when you are not alive, wouldn't you want to spend your life living and experiencing things? Not sure if what I am saying quite getting across what I mean 😅
I love to watch nature. I can sit there and admire it. The feeling of the wind on my skin. The warmth of the sun and the sound of the birds. It's so peaceful and often all I need. Try it some time :)
until a bird shits on you and you swallow it, then trying to frantically clean yourself off, then you trip on a twig and slip in mud and fall down a hillside in a forest with pricks of godknowswhat everywhere in your skin. Then as you get up and try to breathe the calming air and feel the sunset, some insane bacteria hops up through your nasal cavity and gives you a debilitating neurological disease
I thought of doing the same thing many times before but never got to it as I have many things to do every day.But would love to do it sometimes because I really need some peace and quiet sometimes. I also dowel in art so I can combine that just to find some time.
I got it, 1:54 to 1:55 says "To answer the inevitable question, The Destroyer of Worlds isn't imitating a plant plot, she's just recovering from a bit of surgery. She's amply fussed and is currently training for her participation in the No Giving a F*ck championships."
how does it feel to serve such a great purpose to so many people? These videos makes so much of a difference to our perspectives on life, and you essentially improve people's lives overall. I love you, man, thank you so much.
Even after x amount of time, I genuinely can't believe how helpful and funny you are. Thank you for being one of the best content creators out here, and that's from the heart.
I just commented about how my meaning in life is getting some percentages on some 2D levels in a square game and I see this comment smh GD is everywhere now I guess :v
I come back and rewatch this video, and several other videos of yours, all the time, and I always get something new from them. You may joke that your Philosophy degree (I believe this is what you studied, but I could be wrong) was useless, but I would say it is doing me and many others a great service.
I would summarize it as "just live". People need to understand that absolute security does not exist. Just do it. Go out. Try things. Be confident in the job and if it's shit, go away. That's easier said than done. I know that very well. But it is like that. And just understand that "life" is not just pleasant. That happiness grows out of the diversity of emotions. I just do not like the term "meaning" very much. That's a distraction. People are ridiculously rewarded by their brain for pattern recognition. That's why we even see patterns where there are none. For example, in the stars or in conspiracy theories. This has evolved because pattern recognition is very, very important to us. Those who can read the tracks do not run into a pack of lions. Anyone who recognizes patterns finds prey, finds food, water, other tribes. Can estimate the time until sunset. Can foresee the weather to a limited extent. Can judge a friend or an enemy because of his behavior. And that's how we look for a pattern, in our lives and in the whole universe. We want to fit in somewhere. We want it to make sense somehow and we recognize the pattern. But the pattern is not there in reality. The way is the goal. Just live.
Mats Martensson meaning is a myth. It's a man made illusion. And i mean star constelations like the twins, or the arrow. Thats just things we see. Which are very important for people but just made up. Just enjoy the ride. Don't wait for the touch of the holy ghost or some nonsense
Bro I can't believe I'm coming back to this video a year later. I'm in such a different place now than when I first watched this. This video literally changed my MF life. This video has gotten me thru some of the darkest times in my life. Tbh everything is just a human construct and life is what you make it. I've learned slowly and painfully that YOU have to find meaning. YOU have to find your dream, and YOU have to go out and work towards it. I know it's scary, but stop doing shit just because you think you should, or because that's what others expect of you. Stop doing shit that makes you miserable! Stop being around people, eating things, watching things, and going places that make you miserable! Literally nobody is going to have to live with your decisions, no one is going to live your life or experience your experiences so stop living for them or doing what they want. If you're looking for a sign or you need a push, here it is. If it makes you miserable now it's going to make you miserable in 5, 10, hell, 20 years from now. "Why else are we here for if not to live for an unreasonable passion for things?" Find what sets your soul on fire and let it consume you. Just fucking ~do~ it. It's so easy to stay quiet, to do what's expected, to do what they want you to. But you'll be bored and miserable for the rest of your fucking life. This temporary discomfort now will turn in to joy and glory! If you take the risk, things could be worse. Or they could be much better. But if you never take that leap, if nothing ever changes, you'll never know, and there will never be the chance for things to get better. When you find your passion, let it set your heart on fire, and then set the rest of the world on fire with your passion for it. Idk who needs to hear this, but just fucking ~do~ it my guy!
simple: you become more aware of it than day-to-day life things. boom, terror. the solution: find a hobby/job/etc, ideally one that can help/entertain others. even if it does little for you, it helps _someone_.
Great video/analysis! :D I would like to add: 1. Life has no purpose (beside itself in a way): Surviving is our only purpose/mission, if you will. Most of us are so disoriented and lost/empty because we have been disconnected from life in nature and the struggle of survival for so long. We're trying to find something that was never there to begin with. Our goal should be to work together and ensure everyone's survival globally within the best possible and harmonious parameters/standard of life that we can achieve for all, while still actually being connected to our natural surroundings. Striving for a hybrid between the essential benefits of civilization and a grounded life outside. 2. Happiness helps and makes life more bearable. Interestingly, I have found that it is not dependent on external factors (events, people etc.) but can instead be harnessed at will (with practice/the right understanding and internalization). It's all in your head basically and what you allow yourself to feel.
This video should be shown as a welcome to earth video to every newborn.
I don't think they would be able to understand
@@Thecowthatcould55 Well,they'll have to find out the *meaning* on their own. I guess you could say that the meaning *is a jumper that you have to knit yourself*
That's what the "oh hello, you're alive" video is for
@@Thecowthatcould55 it's a joke.
I shall save this world by destroying it's population
This is just my 2 cents, but I think the tricky thing for most of us is grappling with the idea that meaning and inspiration are deeply intrinsic and spontaneous, but you are 100% responsible for creating the circumstances where you'll experience them. Most people stumble their way into something motivating by chance, like meeting their SO at a party; someone at work invites them rock climbing and they love it; or getting into an actually enjoyable career because their parents made them do the degree, but if you're waiting for those things to happen I really think it's a defensive/losing play. I think the most practical thing you can do is deciding to take the initiative/responsibility and invite your friends out to try new things, do a hobby alone, host a party, travel, watch/listen to inspirational people at the top of a field to see where you'd like to be, really just taste things that might grip you, and then once you see something bigger down the line, it's just a matter of figuring out how to progress there and that's meaningful. Even if you're paralyzed by choice, then tell yourself you'll try something just to prove it's not the right thing to do.
Casually Explained I agree. Nearly all depressed people I have tried to help have always accepted this "I'll wait until something happens." approach. It's really difficult to convince them to go out of their way to try new things, but I know personally it's done wonders for me.
I love your stuff dude.
But what do you do once you got all the meaning and shit???
Top ten anime crossover time already?
Ironically these videos help me with my existential dread.
Me too! I get caught up in the "everything is pointless" narrative, but his videos acknowlege that and then remind you that thats alright. They tend to end on a positive, empowering idea (you can find meaning yourself, focus on what actually matters, ect) that completely reframes my anxiety into something actually helpful.
This guy has gotten me through so much. It’s funny, because his videos almost seem pessimistic, but his tone, his way of speaking, the peppered in jokes, the music. It’s not an exaggeration to say he has saved my life.
I agree with all of you. The world feels so empty until I listen to him talk about it. He just lightens my despair yknow?
Try reading Albert Camus - find meaning in the suffering.
"One would imagine sisyphus happy"
Ironically, these videos give me my existential dread.
Please don't ever delete this. I come back here periodically, take something new from it each time, and seriously need this video to remind myself of what really matters.
@urbad @urbad It's quite a task tailoring to a body ever changing, but I've tried to emphasise knitting it using a blend comprised of the soft warmth provided by family, and the durability of deeply woven connections.
It still looks like complete ass, loose ends catch and it begins to fray without regular upkeep. The best part however, is that I can share some warmth with others when they look cold and in the process, refine the comfort, shape and quality of my meaning jumper.
Your question came at the perfect time and reminded me that I needed to see this again even more than I knew.
Hope you are well, friend.
Good idea
This is the first time for me, and I imagine I'll be coming here periodically too, just to remind me that search for meaning maybe an endless one but it's ok and I should keep going. I hope everything is going well for you Ahypnion.
Just save this video on the hard drive
Your videos are existential bliss. PLEASE continue to rip apart the human condition and sew it back together with rationality and compassion.
absurdistic bliss to be precise, the fuck you reality I'm going to live is the most absurdistic thing you can hear.
What if like one vid he just doesn't fix your condition like you're just fucked after that
Damn I would LOVE to refer to myself as an absurdist from now on, I might just do so
Unfortunately, he did rip *into* someones human condition...
@@CarlsCozyCorner It's not what happens to us that counts, it's how we react, learn and grow.
"It's one thing to get called into creation without being asked first. It's an insult-to-injury to then be expected, on top of that, to work out what the hell you're doing here in the first place."
My thoughts exactly.
My thoughts as well... lol
Wait what? Are you two the same people,or identical twins? Wtf.
My first thoughts out of the womb
Yeah then you just ignored the next point: we might have beaten that problem.
"What I am doing here"? What are my keys doing in the washing machine? We could both be where we are by pure accident and it would make no difference to either of us.
“When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.” - Viktor Frankl
Josh Gibson So true
This roughly explains how one of my best friends OD'd with opiates, barbiturates and benzodiazepines. RIP Rich.
Josh Gibson why do u think I'm here
Josh Gibson oof
No matter how bad you are, you're not useless. You can still be used as a bad example
This is how I'm viewing my mental issues rn for the sake of my future career in mental health
Those idiots think that they can improve whatever shit that they're doing
They're just a bad example
this is a crazily good one.
be the Asshole of zhe band!
"no one knows what they are doing" i live by that
Elon Musk would beg to differ. He materialized PayPal, Tesla Motors, Space-X through cleverness and hardwork.
There literaly is a wohle (already Dead) Mankind (your ancestors)
Who figured that out before you.
If you live nihilistic with out ever having consideration for your family, that's evolutions way of kicking you in the ass.
By living like your ancestors I don't mean sitting in a cave, I mean that you try to fulfill your urges only short term, which leads to happiness, but longterm fulfillment is literaly that, fulfillment.(aka don't fall for the postmodern meme of Arroganz, thinking of yourself as enlightened and smarter than those "cavemen".)
RoboPutin 4 President in 4000CE - All those words and you ended up saying nothing at all.
@@MrSqurk What even?
I was literally talking about how you throw away the experiences your ancestors had, in favor of a lifestyle that is best described as Nihilism (which allows the materialistic Acquisition of goods, just for the sake of consuming)
@@MrSqurk Absolute fucking Brainlet, my grammar might not be the best, but you can clearly tell what I meant.
(unless you have a IQ below 60)
'unfortunately, humans are not cats'
Most inspirational quote I've ever heard
"...certain breakaway British territories what what..." I genuinely laughed out loud. Thank you for that, and for your wonderful videos and sparkling wit. From an unseemly upstart resident of a breakaway British colony. What what. ☺️
u wot mate
Feel like joining the Empire again? We could do with some more self esteem and you could do with a sensible leadership.
Oh wait, our leaders are shit too. Fuck.
I just saw ur comment on college humour lol we follow the same channels good taste
ElyssaAnderson sweet last name 😉
just saw you on college humor
These are kinds of concepts you get so freaked out thinking about that you have to dumb yourself down by putting on some Top 40 to forget that you were just thinking that deeply. Ignorance is bliss?
Ignorance is a mirage of bliss. You won't always be happy living this way. Find meaning and persue your dreams. Help others or something
No matter what we are still ignorant. We dont know everything. And everything you've learned will be forgotten the more you learn. Just be and keep your head up.
O_O There's something so excitingly surreal about seeing a youtuber you follow commenting on another youtuber you also follow.
i learned ab the hierarchy of needs in freshman year of highschool, during the first class of the day
With knowledge comes truth and with truth comes acceptance
I was searching how to wash a knitted sweater.. and i end up finding you ._.
Aren't you fucking glad
blessing and a curse
You'll like it here, they all do....
the ones that fall in. 🕸
*what is your meaning!!!*
''there are no accidents''
Pretty presumptuous to say I didn't consent to being brought into life.. I like to imagine that I paid a lot of money for this simulation in the universe above, and while I'm here I intend to make the most of my money
Ok sent some cash lol
sounds like my dad
I just love the way you think about it!
@afootineachworld Don't. I want you to stay
If this game is pay to win, i hope my player could make some in-app purchases.
Out of the hundreds of channels I'm subbed, I'm always excited to see another video from you.
Just kept going off this video over and over. Your comment got two likes every time, while everyone else has about 1. Nice likebot...
Justin Y. Smae
Or that meant that someone else liked the video Not Rezza and decided not to like the other comments
I see you everywhere
Why are you already here?
“Yesterday doesn’t exist and tomorrow will never come we are in the eternal now”- Alan Watts
There is no present yet we only exist in it. Amazing!
youcanthear this what do you think now is?
@@americogracia8115 by the time you finish saying the word now or even thinking about it, it is gone forever. There is no now. That is what Im thinking right about now :)
youcanthear this your wrong now never passes it goes on forever. For if you think about the future you can only do it in the present and if you think about the past you can only do it in the present. Get it?
@@americogracia8115 ok buddy whatever you say
Ah just in time, really needed my monthly existential crisis.
M1FF3D what the hell gives you a existential crisis. PLZ stop talking shit, it's not funny if you post something like this under a video that doesn't give you a existential crisis.
"An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions if their life has meaning, purpose, or value"
The video is mainly about the meaning of life, seems to match the definition pretty well.
Also, it's a sort of running joke on the channel so really if you don't find it funny don't bother responding.
To me this video does the opposite
M1FF3D It is not funny under something that doesn't fit very well in the very context that it was funny in.
Alright humor police, you do know you're making it even more painful by commenting on and analysing a dumb joke
Notorious G.O.D lmao
Goddie smalls
(and by HOOD I mean Firmament)
Is that a Jojo reference?
"jumper is a sweater for those living in break away british territories * shows usa flag *"
Hahaha i sub already
Yeah, but these colonization jokes are not aging well.
Ah yes those rebellious colonies
Me: **coughs**
Unsure if you’ll see this, but I work at a rehab facility in America and run a group based around this video once a month, essentially anatomizing our patients’ sense of meaning. It’s helped lead to a lot of therapeutic breakthroughs, so I just wanted to say thank you, keep doing what you’re doing
>buy a game
>now you have a goal in life=meaning of life
>to complete this game
>you ultimately do it
>then you buy another game and repeat
>endless goals in life
@@saan4696 Dark Souls Veteran here, tbh a good chunk of my gamer friends just gave up playing Dark Souls. It was hard af but it fellt amazing beating the game.
@@mehmedkocinaj3144 Bloodborne got me into Dark Souls 3. There is nothing like that first blind playthrough.
Instructions unclear
Bought Minecraft
Found no real ending
@@karmox7782 watch a speed run or enjoy turotials
0:32 "Finding food"
*Procedes to show a picture of a berry that irritates the colon*
[[Insert Name]] ha ha
[[Insert Name]] I like to eat jam made of those
It's supposed to be ingested through the mouth
0rpheu Kay, you are a genius
It tastes like burning - Ralph wiggam
"You will never live through a war directly"
Me, a syrian who lived there two years during the (still ongoing) war: *nervous laughter
:( Im sorry about it
traumatized kids UNITE, jk I was there too :")
@jjohnn91 you really missed the point of this comment lmao
@jjohnn91 it wasn't a stab at the video lol
He was just making an ironic comment
Head up champ. Best wishes to you.
For those who missed the cat frame, for you:
To answer the inevitable question, The Destroyer of Worlds isn’t just imitating a plant pot, she’s just recovering from a bit of surgery. She’s amply fussed and is currently training for her participation in the No Giving a Fuck championships.
Your welcome, I think
I love you
the cat is named destroyer of worlds??
@@TheCollectiveHexagon no. That’s just one of the numerous titles of the tyrant queen.
Thank you :).
Had to scroll through comments longer than I should expect to. Thanks!
Exurb : “Were all balls in a cosmic game of pool”
Also exurb: “Have purpose!”
Our lives our sad and useless, yes, but we can fuck about and do stuff we think are important to make ourselves feel better. If devoting your life to making the perfect omelette and it makes you happy, just do it. Not much else to feel anyway
@@bruhd4560 Fair enough ideology that👏
@@bruhd4560 hey man thats pretty cool
One must think of Sisyphus happily pushing the rock up the hill just to see it roll back down at the end.
Your comment remind me of that. Well done.
But theres no instructions on how to find meaning, so ultimately Frankl reduces to you need x but we have no idea how you get it.
I'm happy this video exists
My name is Joey me too...
I'm happy exurb1a exists
Wont be for long
I find meaning in this video.
*certain breakaway British territories*
Apemanwithcalculator wot wot
Sorry I couldn't hear you over the sound of winning the revolutionary war
America, fuck yeah!
Only the original 13 colonies were ever under British control though.
No shit dude, so what?
"Meaning is a jumper that you have to knit yourself" is a quote that will always stick with me
*The wise turtle has spoken*
Vicho Deivis At first I wasn't going to upvote you, but then I noticed that your text was in bold. Now there's a convincing argument.
Master oogway
"If you've ever tried being human..."
That's a great line. I love it.
i love the quote said by mr peanutbutter wich kinda inspired by albert camus
"The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually you'll be dead."
I mean that's good for sounding edgy, but it's the total opposite in perspective to what would encourage you to find something meaningful.
That doesn't mean it isn't what most people end up doing.
That's not camus, that's full Pascal
Avicenna what if the search for meaning is making me edgy?
Depends on what you personally define as important; if spending the entirety if your life carrying out 'unimportant nonsense' is what feels like the right thing to do, keep calm and carry on. If you want to devote your life to achieving some grand future goal; do just that. From an outside perspective, there is no importance behind anything that exists, because why should there be? However within the intricacies of our species, there is no time for such a view; otherwise you'd probably end up suicidal. Yet for every individual; there would appear to be meaning behind our unique and personal constructs; such as sociality, work, love, health, materialism and money; all of which are important factors amounting to our overall sense of happiness. What I'm trying to say is that in the grand scheme of the Universe; life is insignificant, however for each and every individual; their sense of purpose, and the fulfilment thereof, is entirely dependant on whatever ethos which they do so wish to follow.
I watched this with a friend of mine while on LSD and it was a vital step towards healing from my PTSD, thanks dude
Woah dude. That's deep. Especially on LSD. I need to try this.
He be really understand
When I was a kid, I was sometimes asked, as many were, what I wanted to do when I grew up. I was a bit strange - I didn't say I wanted to be an astronaut or fireman or anything like that... I said I wanted to make stuff. Didn't matter what. I wanted to make something.
Fast forward ~30 years. I run a CNC laser. It cuts metal, specifically things like square tube, rectangle tube, pipe, etc. I make parts for a wide variety of things. Legs for scissor lifts. Parts for school buses. Oil rig parts. Refinery parts. Airplane parts. Bridge parts. Building parts. I recently cut thousands of pieces that are going into a building being made for Google. I don't just use Google, *I made part of it.* I don't often brag, but I go to work and create civilization. I think five-year-old me would approve.
Oddman1980 I think he would.
What do you work as?? Did you go to college?!
I seem to have found that the same thing brings me the most fulfillment. I'm 18 and everytime I start thinking about what I want my life to be it comes back to creating. I've always did art as a kid, and I recently started working in construction. The feeling knowing that I had a part in making the walls go up around me is what I live for. Knowing that had a direct impact on the world around me... and just having the opportunity to create.
Chris Jones You’re probably young, don’t worry, one day you’ll figure out that hedonism will leave you feeling empty at the end of your existence. Hope it’s not too late.
Honestly, I went into this video expecting it to be either stupid or comedic, but it was unexpectedly comedic and meaningful. Had no idea what this channel is, but now I find myself subscribing.
you're in for a ride
Welcome, this dude is awesome
All of his videos leave you feeling like that. Enjoy the ride
Wow look at the clock
*It's existential crisis time*
Light This time with a wholly optimistic note suggesting that you really can try your best to work it all out and possibly, just possibly, have a few moments of happiness along the way.
It’s fuck with my head O’clock.
Exonat_ what the fuck
This video introduced me to Frankl and the rest of the existential philosophers, and basically started me on the path of overcoming my nihilism and formulating my own meaning and purpose in life. It's been a couple years, so I'm just here to say: big thanks, depression turtle.
I'm 74, here's the secret.
Life has no meaning for you anymore than the life of fly has meaning.
The Cosmos doesn't care about either of you.
Lower your expectations and just go get an ice cream.
I like to think about James, he mended shoes in London in the 15th Century.
Surely he was real or if not someone much like him.
The mender of shoes is gone now.
I hope he enjoyed something, maybe bread when it was nice and warm.
I hope he had expectations that allowed him to enjoy something.
Life is what it is and it most definitely isn't about me, James or you.
Thank you for that, you are definitely right
I love that.
I don't believe this actually, but I respect your thoughts and please pass on your thoughts and experiences to young people( as you're doing now ).
Thank you.
"The Cosmos" is not a person that can, as it were, choose to care about anyone or anything, lol, so that's a bit of an odd thing to say
Edit: what I am trying to say, from an an analytical point of view, your statements are hollow
And always be wary of people like Mr. Wee Aboo in this comment section who claim to know "THE TRUTH" whatever that may be
@@maximvandaele4825 you really dont think longer than the tip of your nose, do you?
[Reads title] That doesn't make sense!
[Watches video] That makes perfect sense!
My name is Joey i understood the title :(
[thinks about the video] That doesn't make sense!
i thought the title was funny
I don't know if you'll ever read this, but you've helped me through some tough times.
Thanks to you and JBPeterson I've pulled myself up and knitted my meaning.
Thank you, and unlimited pudding to you, sir.
whats it made of?
Yea, what it made off? ^^
what it made off dawg?
Yes, but what is it made of?
What is it made of?
i wish the "you will never live though a war directly" part would age well
Viktor Frankl also said “When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.” Humans, have, over the past thousand or so years been up to a great deal of technological advancement, societal development, and adaptation. Our history, really, is a testament to each person's drive to seek meaning. Because each persons drive for meaning follows them down a different path, human development was driven by the crossings of, and interactions between, these paths.
Humans have become incredibly good at distracting ourselves with pleasure. Even in times of war and strife, we still look to outlets for pleasure: music, art, writing, VR hyper-porn, etc... I think existence like a pendulum, a sinusoidal cycle of our drive to carve out meaning and our drive for short term pleasure. Each persons' cyclical rate may be a bit different, but over all most people cycle between "Wanting happiness" and "Wanting meaning". Often times one will find happiness in their search for meaning, sure, but that pang of existential angst occurs when we don't. We look to pleasure, 'distraction' as Frankl put it, to assuage that feeling.
Caleb Andrews
The difference between a master and a slave, the overman and the last man is one lives to make something great and the other lives to pleasure himself and shit on what the masters create
Mats Martensson
The masters are creators now are they? You should take a look at the leaders of the world, I doubt many have created or invented much of anything that has helped humanity, other than them having a huge personal ego to demand and posses whatever they choose like a child that has never been told no, with a following of slaves to worship and provide for their every move regardless of their worthiness or reason. If anything the masters we follow are the epitome of laziness and contempt, but humans are a fearful species, give us a god, a celebrity or a self obsessed loudmouth and we will worship them and hang on to every word to give us a tribe and something to believe in. We are victims of our masters but even as slaves we can still change the world, asking for permission first however from the masters is the wrong idea, they will always say no to just trust in the old ways and keep faith, in order to keep themselves in power and respect whilst holding the people back and keeping us as slaves to there bidding.
Not all leaders are masters
Some are just popular sheep among the flock
Ie democracy. The sheep can’t choose their shepherd.
A master is merely a man with a vision and the discipline to do what is necessary and endure great suffering to carry out that vision.
Master mortality (strength, pride, wisdom, distinguishable, noble)
Slave morality ( meekness, common, charitable)
Power is what is, religion, governments, circuses, etc are just tools of power
Goddamn love your videos man! Keep it up. (The classical music in the background is so satisfying and adds so much to the quality of your videos.)
Yes the music really ads a certain feel to his videos that I love about them, along with the topics he addresses.
Life is like recreational soccer; it's something you were signed up for without your permission
Pashgetti Life is a STD with a 100% transmission rate and a 100% chance of death
But it is fun anyway
@Shazzy is Asian America Canada India alot of countries call it that.
Shazzy is Asian but mexico is also apart of America and they call it fútbol
So basically: We are the ones that give life meaning
Well no
Really just trick yourself that you yourlife matters
We are the ones that give life meaning and it's all very personal. What makes you fulfilled will not fulfill me, etc.
We exist in a world of human construction. If you're not giving your life meaning, someone else is.
I think that what we are truly seeking is not a sense of purpose or meaning, but rather something that is worth living for, that you love more than anything.
@@singingintherain4750 lmao I’m dead
most important thing that i took away from this:
everyone shits
I’ve been binging your videos all day at work, and I get a very hitchhikers guide to the galaxy vibe from them. You should do a video on the ultimate answer of 42 and the possibilities of the ultimate question.
KING Parz1val We'll, there was the reference to telephone sanitizers in this one. That's a solid HHGTTG reference there.
XalphYT I caught that as well.
My father died of corona on April 15th. I've struggled to find any meaning in life since. Every day is a challenge to exist without him. But your videos are bringing new life, new color into a world where the color was stripped. Your videos are showing me the true beauty of life. Relighting the spark for existence that was once lost from me. Thank you.
I hope you'll come out of the whole terrible deal stronger and keep on keeping on.
You always know how to motivate me, space turtle.
To answer the inevitable question, The Destroyer of Worlds isn't imitating a plant pot, she's just recovering from a bit of surgery. She's amply fussed and is currently training for her participation in the No Giving a Fork championships.
Parent: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Child: "A telephone sanitizer of course!"
Flare We need those. We do not want to start an epidemic, do we.
@@kolelokaram8541 well damn...
@@williamkiss8517 darn Chinese phones
Everything in life has meaning and nothing in life has meaning, humans are the architects of their perception of reality. It's a comfort to think that there is purpose to our pain which seems to be part of the contract of life. Meaning and resilience are connected and humans are resilient.
“Certain breakaway British territories”
Oof he just burned Canada 🇨🇦
America is bigger and better than most other places tho
@@kingpiplup5258 Am laughing silently right now
@@kingpiplup5258 oh man, your innocence is blissful.
Well not anymore
This guy is undoubtedly a freakin genius, and maybe a madman too!
I took the wrong message from this video and that message is I wanna be a sloth
Instructions unclear: i became sloth.
Instructions unclear: Sloth became I
why wrong?
Ive been living like such a sloth for the first 19 years of my life. Finally tried to change that around since 3 months, still dont have any fucking idea what Im doing, why Im doing it or why Im still internally panicking when talking to strangers but it seems to get better and at least I just care a little less about it all which makes it much more bearable
"just being alive in the first place is FUCKIN ridiculous" that totally killed me. I love your videos man thank you
I pass the butter.
Road Work Ahead? Uh yeah I sure hope it does
The real question is if the putter is passed back or do you collect it
Oh my God
Yeah welcome to the club
I'm Rick
Nada melhor que assistir o exurb1a no meio de uma crise existencial.
Ludoviajante immer diese Spanier mit ihrer cauderwelch Sprache (die ich beherrsche und damit offiziell das Recht habe sie als solche zu klassifizieren), kommen an und verwirren einen Haufen unschuldiger Leute. Abschaum sag ich euch, das sind die Leute die in die Hölle und auf ewig gefoltert gehören!
Du weißt es ist nicht Spanisch, aber Portugiesisch, oder?
Nada que uns comentarios aleatorios em idiomas aleatorios porque sim...
Ludoviajante por falar em crise existencial, seu canal tb é muito bom nesse sentido, cliquei por curiosidade e curti!
Rafael Braga oh scheiße. Schande über mich. Habe den Kommentar nur überflogen und dachte die Person wäre zu blöd zum schreiben, jetzt wo ich es weiß ist es ziemlich offensichtlich.
The highlight of my saturday night.
Anastasia Christina same
And the highlight of my Sunday morning.
I pray for the wicked on the weekend
Oh, it's Saturday night yeah.
I'm 25 years old, lived the last 11 years through a devastating war in Syria, I had a very limited amount of resources such as having only an hour of electricity per day, really slow internet and sometimes really bad quality food. Before the war broke out in Syria (2011) I fell in love with making electronic music, I never expected myself to reach anything, I just wanted to do something I loved because I was able to express my feelings in a time when I really felt mentally powerless because of the war. The act of creating became the meaning of my life so I set a goal for myself to leave this wasteland and live somewhere where I can have some basic life needs to continue doing what I love and I have finally achieved my goal and was able to leave Syria earlier this year. I never thought I'd share my story on the Internet but apparently the universe sent this video my way to say to all of the people who feel meaningless that don't be afraid to lose anything because it's the only way you would really grow and find the meaning of your life. Always remember that the only person who makes your life feel meaningful is you and & you only.
This channel has to be put on prime time t.v.
Someone give this man a 30 min slot on NBC, CBS, something!!!!!!
These kinds of content are not for mediocre sheeps. It's only for us I mean
The general public won't handle thsi shit
That title is just perfect. And Exurb1a, if it means anything at all - I really appreciate the fact that you exist.
Well if money doesn't make you happy, money can at least make you can be sad in comfort
Your meaning of life is trying to get as many likes as possible.
Justin Y. If money can't buy happiness then why is it so fabulous?
Conqourer of Rats thanks for reminding about that song :D
Justin Y. Why is it that in roughly 70% of all videos i watch you are in the comment section?
Wow, he has no vids and 7.5K subs, his life is all about commenting. :D
Your videos are the only reason I have hope and sanity. Thank you
Well I guess your grandma is basically god
RobDoesRips ur grandma gay lol
So... you've met my mom.
God has dementia??
_the sun engulfed mercury_
Couch King no u
I can't achieve happiness, so I'll just ignore my sadness instead.
You don't find meaning, you create it.
Mike Llerena well that’s just lazy writing
If you were to round pi to a numerical approximation for practical purposes wouldn't you just be deluding your calculations?
same thing really
Apparently, from Western point of view, when you "find" something, means it's yours.
I searched "how to learn to knit for a beginner" and here we are
Bit of a jump, but an enjoyable one, I assume?
I'm reminded of something Joseph Campbell said: "Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on without bothering everybody with a lot of questions and then being unexpectedly called away before you find out how it ends".
pleeeeeeease do an audiobook version of your books, with your voice. That would be lovely. Most of the time, when riding the bus for example, I'm not able to read, because of nausea and distraction. Audiobooks are really nice in those situations.
Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase do audiobooks.
That'd be great.
"i say this not to guilt you" Thanks man not many people say that, and it's really nice to hear it for once.
It’s like when you pretty much do everything you can do in a game and you then have nothing to do and get bored
This, but "everything you can do in a game" is also simultaneously defined by not having access to like 99.9% of the content because of a paywall. And the most efficient way to grind for in game currency is a daily 8 hour quick time event that never changes.
1:45 says the following for those who dont want to do the work
"To answer the inevitable question, The Destroyer of Worlds isn't imitating a plant pot, she's just recovering from a bit of surgery. She's amply fussed and is currently training for her participation in the No Giving a Fuck championships."
Thank you kind sir/mam/they
Medicine for kurzgesagt
thank you for pointing this out
what do you mean?
Kurzgesagt is notorious for inducing existential crisis en masse. I wonder why you didn't think that exurb1a is also a gateway drug.
The meaning of life is trying to find the meaning of life
I like how Morty from Rick and Morty put it:
Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV.
Was looking for this comment, wondering if someone else was thinking of this too? 😅
I don’t like the way that quote is structured. It puts the idea in my head that I might as well kill myself every time I hear it.
Tom PAC why would you feel like that? For me it is the opposite. It is basically saying to stop worrying about things you can't control and enjoy your life while you can. If life has no purpose and there is nothing when you are not alive, wouldn't you want to spend your life living and experiencing things? Not sure if what I am saying quite getting across what I mean 😅
Your IQ must be extremely high. By any chance, do you snort any Jordan Peterson and wash your peepee?
Because TV solves everything
I love to watch nature. I can sit there and admire it. The feeling of the wind on my skin. The warmth of the sun and the sound of the birds. It's so peaceful and often all I need. Try it some time :)
I just wish I didn't live in a city so I could do it more
until a bird shits on you and you swallow it, then trying to frantically clean yourself off, then you trip on a twig and slip in mud and fall down a hillside in a forest with pricks of godknowswhat everywhere in your skin. Then as you get up and try to breathe the calming air and feel the sunset, some insane bacteria hops up through your nasal cavity and gives you a debilitating neurological disease
:D Awesome. Did you make that effort or did you have this joke from somewhere?
Logic and Reason it was completely spontaneous and genuine lol
I thought of doing the same thing many times before but never got to it as I have many things to do every day.But would love to do it sometimes because I really need some peace and quiet sometimes. I also dowel in art so I can combine that just to find some time.
The "etc, etc" kills me every time xD
"Being that one thing you want to be."
Me: "Ah yes, dead."
that's the spirit.
@@wasp4256 or lack thereof
My meaning in life is to make sure my two dogs knows that they are the goodest of bois every single day
You are a good boi too then :D
-Dash. That is a very good meaning of life, sir.
But they'll die soon
a life worth living
the best thing about this video, apart from the speaking british existential turtle, is the increase in entropy
I got it, 1:54 to 1:55 says "To answer the inevitable question, The Destroyer of Worlds isn't imitating a plant plot, she's just recovering from a bit of surgery. She's amply fussed and is currently training for her participation in the No Giving a F*ck championships."
Thank you
thank you :)
knowing that exurb1a has a cat named The Destroyer of Worlds makes me feel better at life
thank you
Thank you!
"You'll never live through war directly" aged like milk
how does it feel to serve such a great purpose to so many people? These videos makes so much of a difference to our perspectives on life, and you essentially improve people's lives overall. I love you, man, thank you so much.
That things are of the imagination doesn't make them insignificant. A comparison is placebo effect. If it works, then it has a significance.
Mats Martensson you might think you cracked the "code of life" or something, but we all have different perspectives.
Mats Martensson why do you include those obnoxious statements with a sigh at the end!
Even after x amount of time, I genuinely can't believe how helpful and funny you are. Thank you for being one of the best content creators out here, and that's from the heart.
why do you have the best rants?
Sylz sylz you watch this :o, i luv ur gd content brooo xd
Sylz Nice, other gd people that watch exurb1a :D
I just commented about how my meaning in life is getting some percentages on some 2D levels in a square game and I see this comment smh
GD is everywhere now I guess :v
I come back and rewatch this video, and several other videos of yours, all the time, and I always get something new from them. You may joke that your Philosophy degree (I believe this is what you studied, but I could be wrong) was useless, but I would say it is doing me and many others a great service.
I would summarize it as "just live". People need to understand that absolute security does not exist. Just do it. Go out. Try things. Be confident in the job and if it's shit, go away. That's easier said than done. I know that very well. But it is like that. And just understand that "life" is not just pleasant. That happiness grows out of the diversity of emotions.
I just do not like the term "meaning" very much. That's a distraction.
People are ridiculously rewarded by their brain for pattern recognition. That's why we even see patterns where there are none. For example, in the stars or in conspiracy theories.
This has evolved because pattern recognition is very, very important to us. Those who can read the tracks do not run into a pack of lions. Anyone who recognizes patterns finds prey, finds food, water, other tribes. Can estimate the time until sunset. Can foresee the weather to a limited extent. Can judge a friend or an enemy because of his behavior.
And that's how we look for a pattern, in our lives and in the whole universe. We want to fit in somewhere. We want it to make sense somehow and we recognize the pattern.
But the pattern is not there in reality. The way is the goal. Just live.
Mats Martensson meaning is a myth. It's a man made illusion. And i mean star constelations like the twins, or the arrow. Thats just things we see. Which are very important for people but just made up. Just enjoy the ride. Don't wait for the touch of the holy ghost or some nonsense
Exurb1a or how I stopped worrying and embrace the emptiness
yeah but to be honest it's "a spanish knight kill windmill" kind of world
Bro I can't believe I'm coming back to this video a year later. I'm in such a different place now than when I first watched this. This video literally changed my MF life. This video has gotten me thru some of the darkest times in my life. Tbh everything is just a human construct and life is what you make it. I've learned slowly and painfully that YOU have to find meaning. YOU have to find your dream, and YOU have to go out and work towards it. I know it's scary, but stop doing shit just because you think you should, or because that's what others expect of you. Stop doing shit that makes you miserable! Stop being around people, eating things, watching things, and going places that make you miserable! Literally nobody is going to have to live with your decisions, no one is going to live your life or experience your experiences so stop living for them or doing what they want. If you're looking for a sign or you need a push, here it is. If it makes you miserable now it's going to make you miserable in 5, 10, hell, 20 years from now.
"Why else are we here for if not to live for an unreasonable passion for things?"
Find what sets your soul on fire and let it consume you. Just fucking ~do~ it. It's so easy to stay quiet, to do what's expected, to do what they want you to. But you'll be bored and miserable for the rest of your fucking life. This temporary discomfort now will turn in to joy and glory! If you take the risk, things could be worse. Or they could be much better. But if you never take that leap, if nothing ever changes, you'll never know, and there will never be the chance for things to get better.
When you find your passion, let it set your heart on fire, and then set the rest of the world on fire with your passion for it.
Idk who needs to hear this, but just fucking ~do~ it my guy!
Very true
Damn, I needed this now. I've been a fan for years and have read all the books and re-watching this has re-invigorated me. Cheers!
Money can't buy happiness. But it can buy you a better state of misery.
The meaning of life explained by a knowledge turtle 🐢
Cosmic Tortoise.
Omniscient Shell
N and D Studios #justiceforpieke
Just when I was having an existential crisis ☺ Thank you!
How do you "have an existential crisis"? That's a base state for me.
simple: you become more aware of it than day-to-day life things. boom, terror.
the solution: find a hobby/job/etc, ideally one that can help/entertain others. even if it does little for you, it helps _someone_.
7:53-8:06 really resonated with me... So real!
Peter Kvačkay oh whoah you "outplayed" someone , nice
me too, shocking coincidence
Great video/analysis! :D
I would like to add:
1. Life has no purpose (beside itself in a way): Surviving is our only purpose/mission, if you will. Most of us are so disoriented and lost/empty because we have been disconnected from life in nature and the struggle of survival for so long. We're trying to find something that was never there to begin with.
Our goal should be to work together and ensure everyone's survival globally within the best possible and harmonious parameters/standard of life that we can achieve for all, while still actually being connected to our natural surroundings. Striving for a hybrid between the essential benefits of civilization and a grounded life outside.
2. Happiness helps and makes life more bearable. Interestingly, I have found that it is not dependent on external factors (events, people etc.) but can instead be harnessed at will (with practice/the right understanding and internalization). It's all in your head basically and what you allow yourself to feel.
Ah yes, the esteemed position of telephone sanitizer
This comment aged... interestingly
Very... interestingly.
I paused the video to look for this comment, thank you
I can't ruin the 42 likes. . .
@lukety9 no, you can’t, we worked too hard on that.
"We are the custodians of life's meaning."
-Carl Sagan
i always have a temporary existential crisis whenever i watch your videos... and i love it ^^
9:28 "Ah, it's the Prince of Milk"
English subtitles: THE PRINCE OF MILF
Lmao 😂