The audio between both of you is crystal clear, probably the best I’ve heard on YT. There are quite a few vloggers changing to the Action 3 cameras due to the constant problems with GoPro. You’d think they would fix it so there are no file corruptions or overheating hassles.
Hi Jeff Thanks for watching and thank you very much for the compliment! Yeah, GoPro have serious competition, think DJI are going to significantly impact on their market share.
The audio between both of you is crystal clear, probably the best I’ve heard on YT. There are quite a few vloggers changing to the Action 3 cameras due to the constant problems with GoPro. You’d think they would fix it so there are no file corruptions or overheating hassles.
Hi Jeff
Thanks for watching and thank you very much for the compliment!
Yeah, GoPro have serious competition, think DJI are going to significantly impact on their market share.