problematicc it’s disgusting but i’ve seen it in irl, in high school a guy killed himself and suddenly so many of the grade were claiming to be his best friend and would “cry” in lessons etc
As someone who has actually attempted suicide a few times, it has also made me sick. Suicide is not something that should be used for attention, and anyone who has actually been affected by it would prefer to not talk about it. I did not mention my attempts for attention (as someone will probably claim I did). I mentioned them so people can get insight from someone who has had to deal with what comes after.
2:18 he almost had me until he said she winked at him and the repeated mentions of how pathetic it was. Gives me heavy "and then everyone clapped" vibes
Really? Because it didn't read to me that OP was insinuating that her wink/smile was flirtatious. Just that the woman noticed Fuckboy's pathetic actions had garnered the attention of others and, seeing OP lose it her wink and smile was acknowldgement she found it hilarious too.
@Specky jakey I'd say it's more improbable rather than something that hasn't ever happened. Never underestimate the lengths fuckbois are willing to go. But you may be right in this case. Wouldn't be the first time someone faked a story for reddit fame.
"Billion times classier than him" "I got a smile and a wink" Damn, this is some pretty meta shit, the person telling this story about the most pathetic things done for attention just did exactly that...
Does your school/university offer any services for that? It might be worth looking into, personally I wouldn't have been able to pass any of the test heavy courses without it.
honestly I can see someone genuinely having panic attacks every time there's a test, I know a guy who would get really bad quiz/test anxiety and he frequently had to leave and retake at a later date. Rumors went around for a while that he was just doing it to have extra time to study and such, but it does happen. If she (the girl mentioned in the video) really was faking it that's stupid and awful, but I also know for some people it just really is that bad. So yeah... hooray for anxiety.........
Someone should’ve said “stfu you weren’t even there” to her That story made me mad But how did she get braces? Don’t they take xray pictures to see what is broken?
Honestly, no one should fake having an illness, mental or physical. It makes those who actually have them look like attention seekers as well when they just want to get help for their problems.
One place where I worked, a co-worker came in one day and said that her dad had just died. We had a collection, got her a card, etc. Few days later a supervisor commented that she looked pretty happy considering that her father had just died; a group went to her house,; they told us that as soon as her mother opened the door and saw them, she said "Oh, no, has she done it again?" She didn't work there much longer. But I wonder how many times she'd done it before.
A lot of people who really have conditions, especially mental illnesses, don't like to talk about them (partially because of bizarre assumptions people have and unfair judgments they make, or maybe they don't want people to feel sorry for them). Some people feel the same way about personal tragedies, being reluctant to share them with others.
Agreed. Depression is a great example. People fake depression for attention, making it look so people with real depresion (Which I don't have) look like an attention seeker.
That's fucked up though. Blowing up such a beautiful creature like a moose with a grenade launcher is so disrespectful to nature that it makes me sick and inspires hatred
My story: in 7th grade my friend tripped me to get the attention of two girls that he liked, I smashed my eye off a desk and had to go to the hospital. The girls only ended up hated him for that. He didn’t even get in trouble either because the teachers “didn’t want to ruin his reputation” or probably because his mom is a teacher there.
*"One guy accidentally hit a moose with his grenade launcher"* ... One does not just say someone *accidentally* hit a moose with a grenade launcher with no further explanation.
He never said it was an accident, he just plainly states that the moose was hit, which likely indicates it was 200% intentional but he's glossing over it I mean, I can't say I could resist the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get front-row seats to the "How Far Can A Thousand Pounds of Beef Splatter?" show
I can understand hitting a moose with a grenade fired from a grenade launcher, but hitting it with the actual grenade launcher? What did he do, walk up to the moose and beat it over the head with the launcher?
@@bluegum6438 You're right. I think I misread it since the botched grenade toss is right underneath it, but the point still stands... We're gonna need further explanation on why this moose was turned to mush during a training exercise
The one talking about the guy trying to get the woman’s number by flexing is a mix of r/thathappened and r/niceguys, the way he writes makes it clear he thinks he’s some sort of white knight compared to the other dude.
When I was in high school a kid a year ahead of me was in a car accident. He threw himself in front of his girlfriend (who was a friend of mine) to protect her. She had some broken bones, but he was killed. The next day the news was in the morning announcements, and by that afternoon about half a dozen girls in my class were going around crying that their boyfriend was dead. He had never dated any of those girls. Some of them had probably never even met him. It wasn't just pathetic, it was an insult to my friend who way lying in a hospital bed. Also we had a girl who used to fake seizures. She wasn't even convincing. Everyone knew she was faking but we had to pretend to be concerned because . . . what else are you going to do?
My fiance died about two years ago, and in addition to loosing my best friend, home, car, and trying to keep it together during the funeral had to deal with TONS of girls who "dated" him in elementary and middle school. Everyone came out of the woodwork too. It was a little funny, not at the time, because I had listen to my fiance complain and tell me how he actually felt about these people
@@midnight5592- yeah this kid is so open about it I always told that person that it was doing it for attention all the time and she always try's to herd to act depressed
Had this happen in one of my schools, when I called her out once she put on black clothes and got one of my best friends in trouble, it got so bad the principal got involved and she even made small cuts. She kicked me in the ass once because I got in front of her in a line
Well once my classmate pretended to have claustrophobia. We were at lunch, and lots of people were absent. All of a sudden, the kid just yells to the whole lunchroom "YOU ARE ALL SQUISHING ME AND ITS TRIGGERING MY CLAUSTROPHOBIA! GET AWAY! IT'S MAKING ME DEPRESSED!" I then proceeded to explain to him how depression and claustrophobia works. The guy wasn't even squished. At all.
Self-harmed herself with a piece of broken mirror _in class_ to attract the attention of her crush PS: I do understand that self-harm is no joke and I respect everyone that has went through/ is going through it but it pissed me of how she did that for attention
I had someone in my metal work class use a bit of metal to cut himself because everyone knew he was saying something just for attention , jeez people can be interesting
I mean self harm is a tricky subject, some do it for pleasure, some do it to feel something, some do it for attention. The ones that want attention typically never have scars, the ones that do it for pleasure have a shit ton of scars all along there thigh, hip and arms, ones that do it for self harm (aka to feel something) typically have scars in one area
@@holykonchu7250 my best friend has some stories about self harm and suicide thoughts (which she legitimately had) but then our other friend who I kinda dislike but still hangs out with us will completely make up stories about self harm and suicide just to "relate and impress" our friend, it is soo annoying because he's blatantly lying about it and she knows this but just brushes it off, but seriously don't lie or joke about self-harming or suicide
@@holykonchu7250 That's not the case all the time. Before I went into the hospital I have never (nor do I plan to) cut myself. But because of that I was only told I was doing it for attention but I just thought it was plain stupid to cut myself. I'm sorry for anyone got triggered for what I said and I know self harm is a touchy subject. So again, I deeply apologize for anyone i have might of offended.
I had a girl who the second midnight came messaged me to say happy birthday and then immediately changed the conversation to her self harming I spent the entire night talking about her not self harming after I reported it to the assistant head the next day and turns out she has never self harmed and had no scars
I always feel bad trying to get help for self harm because of people like that. There have been people who do nothing but diagnose themselves and try and fit into what society sees as depression and shit just for the attention. That's why when someone who really has it doesn't open up quite as easy, people blame them for "not seeking help". No Chad, I did but everyone thought I was attention seeking and ripped my jacket off and laughed at the "fake scars". Anyway, please stop faking any sort of illness for attention, hypochondiacs get a little pass now and then because I think theres actual psychology behind it, the rest of you should just let us be
A girl (my boyfriends old ex) purposely brought self harm utensils to school everyday and one day she cut herself in front of me and my boyfriend to make us feel bad
Me Combination of both Not trying to pull much attention cause I'm that dude that learns more from listening but enjoys talking small cool stuff about himself
I legit just dont like talking to ppl or having them around me. Well, depends on personalities. But alotta personalities such. And I lack the energy to be fake
I don’t know if it qualifies as introversion or not or if it really matters, I don’t think about whether I am or not, I just am not a social person. I’m not like I’m constantly sitting in a corner and don’t talk, I just prefer to be with a one person, myself, or a couple/few of my close friends .-.
Had a friend who claimed she drove to Paris one weekend. We live in Canada. She was 12 at the time, and even now, as she is almost 19, she still claims it's true. We have pointed out several times that there is no possible route to Paris from Canada by car alone, let alone one that could be made in a weekend, but she is still adamant that she did it.
Why do people brag to others that they visited places? Got a friend who claimed she went to London for one week, my mum sees her at the park during the time she supposedly visited London.
My ex faked cancer so i wouldn't break up with her. Didnt work because I dont have a soul (actually because I knew she was lying). Then she married the guy she cheated on me with (the reason we broke up) on my birthday. She had her husband call me to harass me for nearly a year before i decided to take legal action. That was really fun because in the turmoil, her husband found out why she chose their wedding date. Turns out she hadn't told him it was my birthday. Yeah so that's why i got a no-contact order against a crazy ex
Moire Reilly Depends on whether the husband knew she already had a boyfriend at the time she was cheating, and if he ever knew, and why did he willingly call for a year.
Gabe Sanzo Maybe the ex convinced her husband that he would harass her endlessly, and the guy thought he’d pay it back eye for an eye... except that OP didn’t (I don’t see any reason why he’d even _want_ to lol)
Really? Lying about accident or using the death of someone for attention is very. Very. Extremely. Low and shitty in all aspects. I'm introvert, and I am not that attention desperate
I'm quietly desperate for attention - but I want it for something I've actually achieved by my own efforts. Any other kind of attention is for sympathy or pity.
Everyone seeks attention. But on other levels. Me: yeah ok sure. From like ppl that fn matter. So like my personal circle. Which consists of a handful. Everyone else? I mean if I didn't know why u died tomorrow I just wouldnt
When I was younger, my teacher was reading a book to my class, and the main character had a dead mom, I had a dead mom. The teacher asked me if I wanted to leave and I was so embarrassed. I didn’t leave.
@@ihmasAnna "Oh, so you're annoyed at the behaviour of somebody? You must be envious!" "Son, the children who tease you for your glasses, braces and bright red hair are just jealous of you!"
Now that we have online classes, there is this girl that everytime we have a zoom meeting she goes and grabs her baby sister and just sits there waiting for people to ask questions about the baby smh
Those don't bother me at all, it's everyone that edits their comment when they get awards. Some people do it 3 or 4 times for each one. Reddit should have a new rule to automatically delete awards for people that say "oH mY fIrSt GoLd tHaNkS gUyS"
A friend of my friend lied about overdosing on tylenol and trying to kill themself with it. They are 12, and when asked about how many tylenol’s they took they said a dose which would kill an adult.
One girl in my lower secondary school tried to put hamster in her mouth. She was very proud of it and showed video of this to almost everyone. I'm sorry for this poor little pet. English isn't my first language. I tried my best to write properly so sorry for potential mistakes.
Afraz Khan I never take any of the guests on Dr Phil or other talk shows seriously. “My family member is doing weird stuff. OH NO, MY UPPER CLASS LIFE IS RUINED!” Well, alot of people are going through actual mental problems and you don’t see them crying on national television or acting like entitled assholes.
I know a girl that dated a guy to get closer to his friend that she really liked. When it didn’t work she broke up with the guy, gave herself multiple bruises and told the guy that she liked, and anybody that would listen, that her new ex boyfriend did it. A lot of people hated him, the police got involved and many of his friends had to go tell the police that he was mentally and physically incapable of causing harm to anyone. Guy was a sweetheart.
Girl in my friends gym class who is known for being over dramatic "accidentally" ran into a wall, she bruised her arm and said she needed a wheelchair, nurse gave it her until her parents came, parents took her home. Next day she comes back she still has the wheelchair, she uses it for a week, then for 2 weeks uses crutches.
A co-worker of mine would have fake "anxiety induced seizures". She didn't have anxiety to begin with, but sure go ahead and make people who actually have it look like a joke. There was another girl who worked there who would fake a new illness every day. sometimes she would have a cast on, sometimes her eye "would swell". she ended up trying to kill her parents for insurance money.. lmao
Know someone who's used pregnancy, injuries, a disease, surgeries, and self harm..also being gay which I don't know how true that it is. My friend enables this person and it pisses me off.
And sometimes, people who actually have talents and those who have disabilities are most of the time the humble ones. That is how you distinguish between a red herring and the truth.
I had a friend And I suffer from depression And I called him out on some dumb shit And he started saying to everyone that he was suicidal and depressed and I was the one who pushed him to it. Made me sad that I got blamed for it And I lost all my friends.
Flush that thought...he no longer exists and you do...get a journal, write your thoughts , close the book go take a bath in some bubbles that smell good, clean pj's and dream of joy...not a person, not dishwashing liquid, lol, but going 1 hour without fear of joy never coming, but of what joy...a glass of water, a tasty meal you made yourself to share with your Joy...set the table and invite joy and have a talk about what brings you joy... Joy does not come from expectation, but I do it when I am alone...
A girl i used to be friends with told me her father died. This was a lie. After 3 months of her telling me she brought up her dad and menioned him in a sentence like he was alive or something. So i told her “I thought he died?” And she was like “oh uh no I meant my grandpa. I call him dad because he was like my dad.” I thought it was weird but thought nothing of it. Until she said ”they lied to me about that shit. He never died.” What good reason would her mom and step father have for lying to her about her dad’s death? but anyway just a week ago she claimed he died again. Some people never change.
The one with the adopted kid is confusing Being adopted isnt something to be ashamed of Its something to be proud of because it means your adoptive parents *wanted* you on their family
Some things were definitely embellished but I think an actual story may have happened that went along the lines of a self righteous first bro being rejected, but that's obviously not good enough for the thread so they lied 😐
@One vibing cactus juice boi and his pet, lord momo exactly, like the dude was just a random outsider viewing the situation, he didn't do anything or really have any involvement, i feel like he just added it in to insert himself in somehow despite it not making him look cool or anything
@One vibing cactus juice boi and his pet, lord momo Even then it sounded fake. It's very unlikely to find somebody that stupid, and the way he described the business woman as ''a billion times'' better looking just sounded like he wrote it for fun.
A girl who i had just met told me 1. she was about to have gender reaffirming surgery but ran away from the clinic 2. that she was bullied by a group of scenes for being emo (in 2019, there were no scenes at my school, probably more e-girls and emos) 3.she would talk about her multiple suicide attempts and show us her scars
Some girl at our school said she had cancer but she didnt and she dyed her hair purple and cut it to make it seem like a wig, but nobody had the guts to pull it off her head to see if she was lying
I went to a phone store, one that can fix phones. I was waiting in the line, when suddenly some woman stars screaming and saying : "I bought a cell phone here, and now that it's damaged you say you can't get it?" The lady who was attending said in a very politely way : Im sorry, theres nothing I can do. We dont have your phone parts anymore, so please can you wait there for me to see what I can do?" After that she called her supervisor, and started to resolve the situation. After some time the lady hold her phone and throws it down the floor and stars saying disconnecting things. They had to call the securities for her to leave (My english is bad)
There was this one girl in my class who would react like a hecking drama queen to everything, one day a person slightly bumped into her, she toppled over, even though he had barely even touched her Edit from 2 years later: LMFAO “hecking”
hey i want every one to know that this still makes me have nightmares and have mental breakdowns but its time for me to come out and say that when i was 6 i was sitting having a snack then all of a sudden it happened my hand as i reached for the salt it hit my cup and then...... my milk my poor white yummy milk spilled everywhere out of my cup and i sat there and cried for 2 minutes please donate to the cause of spilled milk its a very big tragedy in some lives hopefully soon i will get a little bit better but that day will always haunt me thank you for reading :(
As someone with general panic disorder, the story about the girl faking panic attacks pisses me off. If you never had one, your not missing out. Its torture.
I had a really good friend who I liked a lot and they always played with my feelings. Fast forward a couple months, we get into a fight and they start blaming everything they’ve done to me, on me, and everyone believed them. Everyone gave them support when I was the one who needed it 🤷♀️
I remember there was a kid in my middle school who randomly started wearing all black, talked to nobody, and actually started cutting his arms with a pencil. He told kids and even teachers that he wanted to kill himself. None of the kids took him seriously because he’s been seeking attention for years and actually did stuff like that in elementary school. The teachers took it very seriously and he was taken out of school by his family for a few months and the school started having more assemblies about depression awareness or something like that. When he came back, he still kept up his act for like a week until he finally realized that nobody cared and went back to his old annoying self. He went to a different school the next year.
I used to know this girl who was the friend of my friend and one time we started talking with eachother (this was one of our firsts conversations) and she told me she had to take a lot of different pills or else she would start having panic attacks and start crying because she had depression, anxiety and other stuff. I thought it was weird if her to tell me but I though maybe she just wanted to get it off her chest. I later found out that she told the same story to all of my friends (they also didn't know her that well). She was also in a choir and always talked about her performances and how she was the best singer there and she would start singing at random moments because she didn't get attention. She also showed us a video of her waxing her legs and screaming in pain because she thought it was funny. I think people only liked her because she was pretty
My ex had a suicide attempt at her school and she had really deep cut so she did a "goodbye everyone" post on Facebook with pictures 🤦🏼♀️ She was hospitalized and was in psychiatric for 2 months and thought that she'll be soo famous in school and everyone will love her. They hated her because they knew that she was an attention seeking bitch lmao
@I can't think of a funny name OwO cry for help? How is that a cry for help? What exactly does she need help for? Dude clearly stated she was an attention seeking bitch and those kind of people will do anything to get attention.
@I can't think of a funny name OwO Well I guess sometimes that's caused by a mental illness but trying to attempt suicide is NOT the way to get attention.
One time in our middle school, a kid got hit by a car in front of the school. He was fine but nobody knew yet because the ambulance was still there and we couldn't see. A few kids were saying"oh i hope he died hes really annoying" "yeah i know right" they weren't joking.... Edit: they were saying it loudly so people would hear. Didnt get in trouble.
I used to go to school with a girl that was a compulsive liar. 1. One time she ripped her school uniform herself and told everyone she got ran over by a car. When I asked her about it the next day she said “Oh I just ripped my clothes myself haha” 2. One day she told me that when she was 2 years old she carved her own name into her arm while her dad was chopping vegetables. 3. She constantly talked about how her parents kicked her out of the house for silly reasons and that she had to sleep outside for days. 4. This is the one that angers me the most: I passed by her in town and asked her how she was doing. Her response: “I’m pregnant but I lost it yesterday.” What??? She said it so casually and even joked about it afterwards. I don’t know how you can joke and lie about losing a baby.
Lol, I knew a guy when I was a teenager who did the same thing as the opener, his family moved to England for something like a year or so, and when they came back he spoke in the accent and claimed he just ended up picking it up while they were there and couldn't help it, but he had a brother who was around the same age and he spoke without the accent, that and his "natural accent" broke all the time and didn't even sound right half the time, and it was funny because his brother called him out on it all the time.
I had a friend who pretended to have a dead brother. First day I met her, she talked about having to go to her brother's funeral, and talked constantly to everyone about her dead brother (but she "didn't care about his death because they hated each other") for sympathy. I only started realising the lies after 5 WEEKS when she tried to dodge evidence that she did not have a brother by saying "oh, we hated each other so much we went to different schools", but then claiming they shared a single bed when I pointed out there was no seperate room in his house; and how his age seemed to jump from anywhere between 5 to 17 depending on who she'd been talking to. Most amazing of all, when asked about his name she couldn't make one up on the spot and so said that she'd forgotten it. Eventually asked her parents, who seemed perfectly fine and not at all grief-stricken, and they had no clue what she was talking about.
7:04 no matter how you slice it, using somebody’s suicide, attempted suicide, fatal/life changing accident, or death in general to get yourself attention is shameful. There’s no excuse for it. No one can change my mind.
I have a long story about my experience a person who just crave attention- tldr at the end- There's this one used-to-be online friend of mine who was faking his depression, he told people how much he hated himself and how much he wanted to end his own life. Somehow he took a liking to me since I was genuinely worried about him and wanted to help him. He kept making petty lies about how his parents are horrible people who hate him, pretended to be his mom who took his phone and messaged our gc in discord about and pretended to be lgbtqphobic just so people would think his parents are horrible. He also pretended to be his sister who's looking through his phone because he allegedly "ran away" from home. He also once said he broke his leg but then proceed to go inside a VC and turned his camera on to and I clearly saw him running down the stairs with no wheelchair or anything. Our friend group never questioned it because we didnt want to accuse someone of faking depression and their terrible life for attention. I had enough when he "confessed his love" to me the second time (I just speculate that it's for attention too since a lot of people shipped us and he just wanted to make us a thing so other people would like us better?? but I was never interested and I made it clear that I never really had any romantic feelings and rejected him the first time because of that reason, and he knew how guilty I felt afterwards, yet he did it again) so I rejected him for the second time and he started telling people how he wanted to kill himself, how he wanted to hurt himself in a discord server that i have access to, it made me feel guilty as hell. A friend of mine told me to end my friendship with him (because what kind of person openly tells others they wanted to kill themselves because they got rejected by me infront of MY FACE) so I told him how he was lying all the time and he confessed to everything and apologized and I was ready to forgive him, until he said "i hate my friends" in a discord server I WAS IN and can clearly see him saying it. He apologized to everyone for lying to them, afterwards he started saying that he got death threats from us, saying we told him to go kill himself because he lied to us or some bullshit, I knew my friends weren't the type to do that though. I kinda have trust issues now since I used to view him as my closest friend, I felt like I needed to take care of him everyday, like it's my duty or something. It was mentally tiring just trying to get this "depressed" person back to being happy when they're actually fine the whole time... TLDR: an online friend of mine faked depression and his horrible life and parents for attention, pretended to be his lgbtqphobic mom in discord and said lgbtqphobic things for attention.
I met a guy in college whose entire existence was pathetic pleas for attention. He was overweight, unattractive, annoying, clingy, loud, needy, in constant need of the approval of others, mentally unstable, a compulsive liar and braggart, and the most obnoxiously inept social misfit I've ever seen. At the time, my social circle was a bunch of creative theater/filmmaking types in the 90s, where being bold and different was the way to fit in (why yes, that is irony). So when he found us and started trying to buddy up, people made an effort to accept his oddness. This only encouraged him, and his eccentricities only got more insufferable. He drove everyone off, and I was one of the last holdouts. I eventually ghosted him, and after a few years, he left me alone. The example that comes to mind is when we went to a go-kart track. He deliberately angled his vehicle to ram head first at high speed into a barrier wall. He wasn't injured, but it was painfully obvious he did it just to have everybody look at him, and so he'd have another wacky anecdote to tell about himself.
I was like them when i was younger.I remember very well one day,i was out with some friends and my sister in my summer house,and because of an argument i went and lay down to the Asphalt,just to draw attention
my attention seeking friend story: so i have a friend who is an extreme attention seeker, but i still like her because she has a good personality, and she knows how bad she can get when she wants attention. there was even this one time when i bought two bags of chips, and gave her one then after a few minutes she threw it claiming she was too lazy to carry it. but this is her worse moment: so i went to a camp with her on winter break with a couple of other friends that only lasted about 3 days, and one the first day she was just talking about this guy she had like for 3 years and that she really wanted to ask him out since he was also at the camp with us. i kinda knew she was faking it, because a couple of months ago she was all over this other guy in her class. another friend and i finally convinced her to tell him how she felt bc she was making it extremely obvious, saying things loudly like “There’s (name) guys! he looks so cute!” when he was like a couple feet away. she said she gave him a letter that said “i like you” then ran away afterwards. she then proceeded to tell me she did it but didn’t know what he thought because she ran away. then the next day a friend of mine told me that he friend zoned her at first, but then she proceeded to break in his cabin at night whining about how she loved him. throughout the day she proceeded to mope about how “he was the love of her life” and how she’d “never get over it” then a week later after the camp, she tells me she’s officially over him and now hates him. the another week after that she’s completely moved on with a new boyfriend.
0:25 somehow i can clearly see the other side of the story. "and She thought i put myself in shock on purpose just so she can put me down in front of everyone and has a story to tell"
Had a classmate once who was just sitting down in an arm chair and dived to the floor and "collapsed" it left us all shook but the teacher came in and savagely just said "leave her alone, shes just pretending"
Crazy lady at the store faked a seizure. A little back story: My sister was very protective of her first kid (which is normal) and didnt let anyone besides family hold my nephew until he was about a year old. I was their nanny so i helped take care of my nephew and did some basic household things like chores and shopping. So one day i was out with my nephew and this lady asks if she could hold him. I politely decline. So she persists and i persist as well. She's not holding my nephew. She followed us around the store for a good minute or two as i was looking for security or an employee to help get her away from me. When i spotted one I explained what was going on. Half way through the lady falls on the floor and has a "seizure". Which was hilarious to watch as i work with people who have seizures (been part of my career for the last 10 years, 3 years at the point of when this story took place) and she looked more like she was trying to break dance. She also was shouting "its because i need to hold the baby! Babies cure the seizure! Just let me hold the baby! Youre killing me!" For those who dont know, you cant "cure" a seizure. You can just wait it out and keep the person safe. I laughed and walked away. Felt kinda bad for the employee but i wasnt gona stick around. I know he didnt get paid enough to deal with thst mess but i wasnt getting paid at all. Lol
When my cousin was in year 5 she told everybody at her primary school that she had cancer. People would buy her gifts, buy her lunch for her and give her lots of attention, she became very well known around the school. Eventually my aunt found out when one of the moms approached her with a charity fund all the parents had started and told her they was incrediably sorry for her daughter. My aunts reaction was What the fuck. My cousin is also a spoiled brat and still to this day is always pretending to be ill or have something wrong with her for attention. She is going to be 17 this year, She has no friends and is homeschooled because she was bullied so much due to her lies. I do not feel sorry for her
My sister invited a friend to a birthday party. Around half way through the party the friend said she felt sick. Then she legitimately tried to throw up in front of all of us but couldn’t. It was so funny because she wasn’t losing color, she had the usual temperature and she was just running around.
Had a big family Christmas party, and one of my cousins proposed to his long time girlfriend. One of my other cousins got married last year and the couple are absolutely attention seekers to a fault. Not even 10 minutes after the proposal, we all took a group picture, did the cheesy “say cheese!” And everything. At the end of the countdown, instead of saying cheese, the couple said “(Attention seeker girl) is 10 weeks pregnant!” They couldn’t even let the newly engaged couple have an hour before they got jealous since they weren’t the center of attention for once. Family of the newly engaged couple were livid after the party. Obviously I have much worse stories than this, but damn...this is our family we’re talking about lol.
The thing about the accent, it really is not hard to accidentally pick up an accent. I do it when I go to areas where English is spoken differently and won’t even know I’m doing it
A girl from my bffs old school lied about being in a wheelchair and having autism and dyslexia and things like that, then went to a different high school from the rest of the class so she could lie to them and say it was a "special" school ... for her whole life.. I also knew a girl who would lie about crazy stuff like what her room looked like, what her favourite colour was, but also serious things like she said she had twin sisters that died of cancer, her keyring on her bag is worth 2 thousand pounds and her mum got her it because her dog died, that her uncle's dog is actually hers and it got stolen from her, really her uncle just left the dogs with them for 2 days while he was away then took them back she also said she had 6 pet sharpies (dogs) that died of cancer, worms and a tumor, none of which is true... Also a girl in my class faked a pregnancy WHEN SHE WAS 12 and lied about being r*pped by her "abuser" stepfather which was how she claimed to have gotten pregnant, I'm pretty sure she even faked a miscarriage or an abortion something... None of that is true, and her dad's apparently a really nice guy
The one about the girl making up stories about the guy who committed suicide legitimately made me sick
problematicc it’s disgusting but i’ve seen it in irl, in high school a guy killed himself and suddenly so many of the grade were claiming to be his best friend and would “cry” in lessons etc
She would've got chewed the fuck out publicly for weeks until I graduated. Fuck that chick
As someone who has actually attempted suicide a few times, it has also made me sick. Suicide is not something that should be used for attention, and anyone who has actually been affected by it would prefer to not talk about it.
I did not mention my attempts for attention (as someone will probably claim I did). I mentioned them so people can get insight from someone who has had to deal with what comes after.
@Big Tyson you don't know what mental issues they may have dont be so quick to judge them
@Big Tyson Well excuse me, princess. I can't just snap my fingers and make all my mental problems go away.
Kid did a dangerous stunt for attention.
Went to hospital and got a cast.
Used cast to get more attention.
Internet in a Nutshell Channel sounds legit
*s t o n k s*
@@anthnylder8136 *yeP*
Dude, I see you everywhere, like Everywhere, r u stalking me?
2:18 he almost had me until he said she winked at him and the repeated mentions of how pathetic it was. Gives me heavy "and then everyone clapped" vibes
Well maube but maybe she wanted to make that chad uh.... Jealous ?
@@c.h.1839 There was no chad. It was all in his head.
Nice to know I'm not the only one who got " r/thathappened" vibes from that story. Was expecting something about a katana to pop up in the end.
Really? Because it didn't read to me that OP was insinuating that her wink/smile was flirtatious. Just that the woman noticed Fuckboy's pathetic actions had garnered the attention of others and, seeing OP lose it her wink and smile was acknowldgement she found it hilarious too.
@Specky jakey
I'd say it's more improbable rather than something that hasn't ever happened. Never underestimate the lengths fuckbois are willing to go. But you may be right in this case. Wouldn't be the first time someone faked a story for reddit fame.
My dog will randomly whine loudly, or sometimes just go and put her head on someone's knee and give them puppy eyes
She's trying to want you about the future
I love dogs
That is....
that pup deserves that attention. Dish it, now.
that is simply adorable af
The flexing one sounds like a scene out of a Disney teen movie
I y a n a the people that write the fake posts think people actually act like that
I cringed when i heard it
That one is so fake "she winked at me" sure bud
"Billion times classier than him"
"I got a smile and a wink"
Damn, this is some pretty meta shit, the person telling this story about the most pathetic things done for attention just did exactly that...
@@danharold5055 same
That faking panic attacks also ticks me off , I have actual panic attacks and I can’t leave the room for that crap I have to deal with it
That shit gets bad. My condolences guy/girl. I hope things get better for you.
Does your school/university offer any services for that? It might be worth looking into, personally I wouldn't have been able to pass any of the test heavy courses without it.
honestly I can see someone genuinely having panic attacks every time there's a test, I know a guy who would get really bad quiz/test anxiety and he frequently had to leave and retake at a later date. Rumors went around for a while that he was just doing it to have extra time to study and such, but it does happen. If she (the girl mentioned in the video) really was faking it that's stupid and awful, but I also know for some people it just really is that bad. So yeah... hooray for anxiety.........
For some reason the girl faking being in the bus accident made me the angriest.
I know right?.... what a bitch
The peace of mind she had. My word that is dyabolic.. She is most likely a sociopath. Or worse
Someone should’ve said “stfu you weren’t even there” to her
That story made me mad
But how did she get braces? Don’t they take xray pictures to see what is broken?
i wonder if thats the one where the bus driver had been up all night getting tattoos, idk
@@mingi1489 well probably in all that nobody even remembered she wasn't there
Honestly, no one should fake having an illness, mental or physical. It makes those who actually have them look like attention seekers as well when they just want to get help for their problems.
One place where I worked, a co-worker came in one day and said that her dad had just died. We had a collection, got her a card, etc.
Few days later a supervisor commented that she looked pretty happy considering that her father had just died; a group went to her house,; they told us that as soon as her mother opened the door and saw them, she said "Oh, no, has she done it again?"
She didn't work there much longer. But I wonder how many times she'd done it before.
A lot of people who really have conditions, especially mental illnesses, don't like to talk about them (partially because of bizarre assumptions people have and unfair judgments they make, or maybe they don't want people to feel sorry for them). Some people feel the same way about personal tragedies, being reluctant to share them with others.
Agreed. Depression is a great example. People fake depression for attention, making it look so people with real depresion (Which I don't have) look like an attention seeker.
But faking that you have a medical condition for attention is in itself a medical condition - Münchausen Syndrome :X
@@GinkgoBalboa142 True.
When someone writes "this is going to get buried, but..."
This is going to get buried, but
Nice too see you here Dr Shaym.
@Superintendent hello
"This ISN'T going to get buried, so"
Get back to destroying idiots.
"one guy hit a moose with his grenade launcher" ahh the old "I accidently hit a moose with a grenade launcher" prank
It sounded so unrealistic its probably true
Stuff like that happens in every military. In swiss it is manly deers and cows.
That's fucked up though. Blowing up such a beautiful creature like a moose with a grenade launcher is so disrespectful to nature that it makes me sick and inspires hatred
@@notthatguy4703 Yeah but comedy.
This could only happen in America
People who write ambiguous sad posts on social media to get people to ask what's wrong and give them likes/comments
my arm itches :C FEEL BAD FOR ME!!!
And their moron friends reply: "What's wrong hun? xoxo"
"Oh nothing, just pm me." ffs
@@fightinandirish exactly
2 Forty this is social media
“One guy hit a moose with a grenade launcher”
Your profile pic is my phone wallpaper
That’s just kinda epic
Can’t say I feel sorry that one of those idiots ended up committing neck-rope. Good riddance.
XenoPurifier f you
I watched a kid drink bleach on a Skype call back in 2014. He puked blood and had to go to the hospital. He wound up being okay.
*He wound up being ok*
Sadly :(
Jake B oh okay
@@comradestalin4826 - here he is, officers...
My story: in 7th grade my friend tripped me to get the attention of two girls that he liked, I smashed my eye off a desk and had to go to the hospital. The girls only ended up hated him for that. He didn’t even get in trouble either because the teachers “didn’t want to ruin his reputation” or probably because his mom is a teacher there.
Okay, so my question is what was your plan going into that outside of "get their attention"?
@@FireballFlareblitz734 they're saying that their friend did that for attention
THAT'S the _good_ type of *typo.*
...where it means about the same as what you actually meant, e.g.
_tipped_ for _tripped_ GG
Who cares if it ruins his reputation? People need to know how horrible your friend is.
Should've punched him in the face as soon as you were better...
*"One guy accidentally hit a moose with his grenade launcher"* ... One does not just say someone *accidentally* hit a moose with a grenade launcher with no further explanation.
@@Geeky189 9:25
I'd like to think it's as easy as hitting a deer with a car
He never said it was an accident, he just plainly states that the moose was hit, which likely indicates it was 200% intentional but he's glossing over it
I mean, I can't say I could resist the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get front-row seats to the "How Far Can A Thousand Pounds of Beef Splatter?" show
I can understand hitting a moose with a grenade fired from a grenade launcher, but hitting it with the actual grenade launcher? What did he do, walk up to the moose and beat it over the head with the launcher?
@@bluegum6438 You're right. I think I misread it since the botched grenade toss is right underneath it, but the point still stands... We're gonna need further explanation on why this moose was turned to mush during a training exercise
Why do redditers always say " we'll call her 'random name' and then never mention that name again?
Maybe they thought they would but didn’t
Is something about ya girl that just makes my head wanna twirl
They see other people do it and want to join in to be cool.
@Sam Talking about yourself?
According to a person I'll call John, it's tradition.
The one talking about the guy trying to get the woman’s number by flexing is a mix of r/thathappened and r/niceguys, the way he writes makes it clear he thinks he’s some sort of white knight compared to the other dude.
Scott Wyllie no way that’s a real story
And then everyone clapped
It really does just sound like a Johnny Bravo bit. The wink the lady gave to him afterward just makes it all the more fantastical.
Scott Wyllie that fratboy sounds so cool. Lots of confidence to do that. God bless him.
The part that definitively made me think it was fake was when OP started describing the dude's expressions, it was way too specific
When I was in high school a kid a year ahead of me was in a car accident. He threw himself in front of his girlfriend (who was a friend of mine) to protect her. She had some broken bones, but he was killed. The next day the news was in the morning announcements, and by that afternoon about half a dozen girls in my class were going around crying that their boyfriend was dead. He had never dated any of those girls. Some of them had probably never even met him. It wasn't just pathetic, it was an insult to my friend who way lying in a hospital bed.
Also we had a girl who used to fake seizures. She wasn't even convincing. Everyone knew she was faking but we had to pretend to be concerned because . . . what else are you going to do?
Wow I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope those girls get what they deserve.
My fiance died about two years ago, and in addition to loosing my best friend, home, car, and trying to keep it together during the funeral had to deal with TONS of girls who "dated" him in elementary and middle school. Everyone came out of the woodwork too. It was a little funny, not at the time, because I had listen to my fiance complain and tell me how he actually felt about these people
@@jessicazurawicz429 wait, what?!
@@jessicazurawicz429 that last part, tho...
Lol, I thought it would turn out that he was a player and dating all of them.
I have this kid at my school who fakes being depressed and always say "i'm gonna kill myself" this lasted for 2 years
I have the same guy at my high school, but this dude does poetry, very bad depression poetry and shares it everywhere even on social media
aaaand how did it end?
@@midnight5592- yeah this kid is so open about it I always told that person that it was doing it for attention all the time and she always try's to herd to act depressed
What the heck- that’s like an issue on its own are they ok? Like going THAT far for attnetion is an issue
Had this happen in one of my schools, when I called her out once she put on black clothes and got one of my best friends in trouble, it got so bad the principal got involved and she even made small cuts. She kicked me in the ass once because I got in front of her in a line
Well once my classmate pretended to have claustrophobia. We were at lunch, and lots of people were absent. All of a sudden, the kid just yells to the whole lunchroom "YOU ARE ALL SQUISHING ME AND ITS TRIGGERING MY CLAUSTROPHOBIA! GET AWAY! IT'S MAKING ME DEPRESSED!"
I then proceeded to explain to him how depression and claustrophobia works.
The guy wasn't even squished. At all.
Self-harmed herself with a piece of broken mirror _in class_ to attract the attention of her crush
PS: I do understand that self-harm is no joke and I respect everyone that has went through/ is going through it but it pissed me of how she did that for attention
I had someone in my metal work class use a bit of metal to cut himself because everyone knew he was saying something just for attention , jeez people can be interesting
I mean self harm is a tricky subject, some do it for pleasure, some do it to feel something, some do it for attention. The ones that want attention typically never have scars, the ones that do it for pleasure have a shit ton of scars all along there thigh, hip and arms, ones that do it for self harm (aka to feel something) typically have scars in one area
@@holykonchu7250 I did it because I was bored and wanted to find out what the appeal was
@@holykonchu7250 my best friend has some stories about self harm and suicide thoughts (which she legitimately had) but then our other friend who I kinda dislike but still hangs out with us will completely make up stories about self harm and suicide just to "relate and impress" our friend, it is soo annoying because he's blatantly lying about it and she knows this but just brushes it off, but seriously don't lie or joke about self-harming or suicide
@@holykonchu7250 That's not the case all the time. Before I went into the hospital I have never (nor do I plan to) cut myself. But because of that I was only told I was doing it for attention but I just thought it was plain stupid to cut myself. I'm sorry for anyone got triggered for what I said and I know self harm is a touchy subject. So again, I deeply apologize for anyone i have might of offended.
I had a girl who the second midnight came messaged me to say happy birthday and then immediately changed the conversation to her self harming I spent the entire night talking about her not self harming after I reported it to the assistant head the next day and turns out she has never self harmed and had no scars
One time this girl ik cut herself and was literally bragging about it and showing it to people (eventhough she knew that a few of them do it too)
I always feel bad trying to get help for self harm because of people like that. There have been people who do nothing but diagnose themselves and try and fit into what society sees as depression and shit just for the attention. That's why when someone who really has it doesn't open up quite as easy, people blame them for "not seeking help". No Chad, I did but everyone thought I was attention seeking and ripped my jacket off and laughed at the "fake scars". Anyway, please stop faking any sort of illness for attention, hypochondiacs get a little pass now and then because I think theres actual psychology behind it, the rest of you should just let us be
A girl (my boyfriends old ex) purposely brought self harm utensils to school everyday and one day she cut herself in front of me and my boyfriend to make us feel bad
K that's just petty. Wtf.
Plot twist, all these stories are also made up for attention
WHAT a TWIST WHAT a TWIST. M. Night Shamalan would beat it over this plot twist even he couldn't pull off.
@your stinky yeah
I feel like at least half of these stories are
I mean it's entertaining so I don't care
Ungrateful people: *does anything for attention
Us introverts: *finds any way round being the centre of attention at all costs
Combination of both
Not trying to pull much attention cause I'm that dude that learns more from listening but enjoys talking small cool stuff about himself
@Yelena in one way or another
We all seek attention at one point
Its human nature
@Yelena good point
I legit just dont like talking to ppl or having them around me. Well, depends on personalities. But alotta personalities such. And I lack the energy to be fake
I don’t know if it qualifies as introversion or not or if it really matters, I don’t think about whether I am or not, I just am not a social person. I’m not like I’m constantly sitting in a corner and don’t talk, I just prefer to be with a one person, myself, or a couple/few of my close friends .-.
Had a friend who claimed she drove to Paris one weekend.
We live in Canada.
She was 12 at the time, and even now, as she is almost 19, she still claims it's true.
We have pointed out several times that there is no possible route to Paris from Canada by car alone, let alone one that could be made in a weekend, but she is still adamant that she did it.
What's the closest french speaking city to you
This might not be a lie, but an epic geography fail
@@Konpekikaminari Or she went to Paris, Ontario which is indeed in Canada
@@JackSmith-mj3pi probably this
Why do people brag to others that they visited places?
Got a friend who claimed she went to London for one week, my mum sees her at the park during the time she supposedly visited London.
@@mitchymasar9549 You realise the U.S isn't even the lowest intelligence country, right? Not even bottom 10.
My ex faked cancer so i wouldn't break up with her. Didnt work because I dont have a soul (actually because I knew she was lying). Then she married the guy she cheated on me with (the reason we broke up) on my birthday. She had her husband call me to harass me for nearly a year before i decided to take legal action. That was really fun because in the turmoil, her husband found out why she chose their wedding date. Turns out she hadn't told him it was my birthday. Yeah so that's why i got a no-contact order against a crazy ex
Moire Reilly Depends on whether the husband knew she already had a boyfriend at the time she was cheating, and if he ever knew, and why did he willingly call for a year.
when he was a harassing you what would he say?
Gabe Sanzo Maybe the ex convinced her husband that he would harass her endlessly, and the guy thought he’d pay it back eye for an eye... except that OP didn’t (I don’t see any reason why he’d even _want_ to lol)
revenge is nice
Panic attack girl: I'm going to do what's called a pro gamer move
Just here to tell you you have 200 likes
Really? Lying about accident or using the death of someone for attention is very. Very. Extremely. Low and shitty in all aspects. I'm introvert, and I am not that attention desperate
I'm quietly desperate for attention - but I want it for something I've actually achieved by my own efforts. Any other kind of attention is for sympathy or pity.
Everyone seeks attention. But on other levels. Me: yeah ok sure. From like ppl that fn matter. So like my personal circle. Which consists of a handful. Everyone else? I mean if I didn't know why u died tomorrow I just wouldnt
When I was younger, my teacher was reading a book to my class, and the main character had a dead mom, I had a dead mom. The teacher asked me if I wanted to leave and I was so embarrassed. I didn’t leave.
That’s just mean.
In germany there is actually a whole meme going on for years now about these Girls who do a Semester in Australia and have to tell everyone 😂
@@ihmasAnna "Oh, so you're annoyed at the behaviour of somebody? You must be envious!"
"Son, the children who tease you for your glasses, braces and bright red hair are just jealous of you!"
You can tell who a German is by their last name, you're very German
@@beelzeboss9631 yeah thanks😂😂😐 this is the Name of my fathers family
Do they do an Australian accent? Im really curious what that might sound like.
Making up fake stories on r/AskReddit threads in order to get attention and upvotes.
Cough cough the second one
I doubt all of them are fake
You mean every single Entitled Parents story?
Like most of Reddit, unfortunately
Entitled parents, AITA, all the revenge subreddits etc.
1:09 Johnny Bravo went to college?
Darn it! You beat me to it!
@@jacobkohr7243 Fastest memelord in the west.
@@Swagmaster65 pretty cool title ngl
Exist. The audacity of some people.
I'm sorry 😔
How rude!
@@dabunnyrabbit2620 Are you Canadian by any chance? I have a hunch, I don't know why though ;)
Ugh I hate those people
@@Annabel-ew5nx People that exists? Canadians, or both?
There a girl in my grade faking being pregnant because she's so desperate for attention
You're pretending to be pregnant for attention?
I hope that same reply was just them having a student like that
The world needs more emphasis on "the boy who called 'WOLF!'" and whatever that story is about false alarms - the wolf alarm? Yeah.
Now that we have online classes, there is this girl that everytime we have a zoom meeting she goes and grabs her baby sister and just sits there waiting for people to ask questions about the baby smh
@@rednetherbrick3178 bro this is so true omg
Please fucking kill me
@@smile6676 ily
@@ilikeanarchy no homo
Any time someone says "This is going to get buried/Just had to say it/Late but etc." on Reddit.
Or saying that they're not part of the group of people that the question targets
Or saying they finally got this out there
Those don't bother me at all, it's everyone that edits their comment when they get awards. Some people do it 3 or 4 times for each one. Reddit should have a new rule to automatically delete awards for people that say "oH mY fIrSt GoLd tHaNkS gUyS"
The awards are also the worst because that means someone spent money on the group-think cumbrain cancer that is reddit.
This is going to get buried.
Oh wow this blew up!
“Op tried to run me over!”
“Woah, I did? Tell me more about it?”
“She had probably been planning that all week” about the drunk far girl exposing herself at the bar, omggg I lost it!!!
I would pay to see the look on the last girls face to hearing “wtf” 😂😂
A friend of my friend lied about overdosing on tylenol and trying to kill themself with it. They are 12, and when asked about how many tylenol’s they took they said a dose which would kill an adult.
One girl in my lower secondary school tried to put hamster in her mouth. She was very proud of it and showed video of this to almost everyone. I'm sorry for this poor little pet.
English isn't my first language. I tried my best to write properly so sorry for potential mistakes.
Better English than most English speakers.
@giana but shes on crack youre me but im you
I wish it would have shit in her mouth.
@White-Van Helsing ?
People going on Dr. Phil (or any other talk show) is the most pathetic attention seeking behavior.
Joshua Olson Cook true
Afraz Khan
I never take any of the guests on Dr Phil or other talk shows seriously. “My family member is doing weird stuff. OH NO, MY UPPER CLASS LIFE IS RUINED!” Well, alot of people are going through actual mental problems and you don’t see them crying on national television or acting like entitled assholes.
I especially hate the false pregnancy ones or the really stupid ones like the black girl who proclaimed that she was white.
@@joshuaolsoncook I thought that show was fake
Some of them are about kids mistreating their parents. Even when the parents can easily whoop them once and everything is back to normal
I know a girl that dated a guy to get closer to his friend that she really liked. When it didn’t work she broke up with the guy, gave herself multiple bruises and told the guy that she liked, and anybody that would listen, that her new ex boyfriend did it. A lot of people hated him, the police got involved and many of his friends had to go tell the police that he was mentally and physically incapable of causing harm to anyone. Guy was a sweetheart.
Girl in my friends gym class who is known for being over dramatic "accidentally" ran into a wall, she bruised her arm and said she needed a wheelchair, nurse gave it her until her parents came, parents took her home. Next day she comes back she still has the wheelchair, she uses it for a week, then for 2 weeks uses crutches.
The second one is an example of a pathetic person wanting attention. Sadly, they got it.
A co-worker of mine would have fake "anxiety induced seizures". She didn't have anxiety to begin with, but sure go ahead and make people who actually have it look like a joke. There was another girl who worked there who would fake a new illness every day. sometimes she would have a cast on, sometimes her eye "would swell". she ended up trying to kill her parents for insurance money.. lmao
That's a yikes from me
SupremeDragonQueen i have seizures from anxiety that girl can go fuck herself
Know someone who's used pregnancy, injuries, a disease, surgeries, and self harm..also being gay which I don't know how true that it is. My friend enables this person and it pisses me off.
if you really want all the attention, dont go to weddings pls
thank you for coming to my TED talk
And sometimes, people who actually have talents and those who have disabilities are most of the time the humble ones. That is how you distinguish between a red herring and the truth.
Fuck off
The heck
@@jamillatorres7226 the shit wanker is clearly talking about me
@@kylegovender6211 wtf?
@@Undademedina i'm 100% certain this can apply to me so fuck that guy
I had a friend
And I suffer from depression
And I called him out on some dumb shit
And he started saying to everyone that he was suicidal and depressed and I was the one who pushed him to it.
Made me sad that I got blamed for it
And I lost all my friends.
I cannot explain how sad i feel fir you rn
That happened
Flush that thought...he no longer exists and you do...get a journal, write your thoughts , close the book go take a bath in some bubbles that smell good, clean pj's and dream of joy...not a person, not dishwashing liquid, lol, but going 1 hour without fear of joy never coming, but of what joy...a glass of water, a tasty meal you made yourself to share with your
Joy...set the table and invite joy and have a talk about what brings you joy... Joy does not come from expectation, but I do it when I am alone...
i once saw a guy turn himself into a pickle, funniest shit ive ever seen
A girl I knew was constantly saying that she was depressed and was gonna kill herself. Another girl decided to call her bluff. That shut her up.
Well, some people comment on like every other video that you watch
So pathetic.
Ew, that's creepy. Who in their right minds would do that?
Not all are poeple I've noticed
A girl i used to be friends with told me her father died. This was a lie. After 3 months of her telling me she brought up her dad and menioned him in a sentence like he was alive or something. So i told her “I thought he died?” And she was like “oh uh no I meant my grandpa. I call him dad because he was like my dad.” I thought it was weird but thought nothing of it. Until she said ”they lied to me about that shit. He never died.” What good reason would her mom and step father have for lying to her about her dad’s death? but anyway just a week ago she claimed he died again. Some people never change.
The one with the adopted kid is confusing
Being adopted isnt something to be ashamed of
Its something to be proud of because it means your adoptive parents *wanted* you on their family
I'm gonna have to call R/Thathappened for the fratbro story.
Sounds like it was from a bad teenage movie..
Some things were definitely embellished but I think an actual story may have happened that went along the lines of a self righteous first bro being rejected, but that's obviously not good enough for the thread so they lied 😐
@One vibing cactus juice boi and his pet, lord momo exactly, like the dude was just a random outsider viewing the situation, he didn't do anything or really have any involvement, i feel like he just added it in to insert himself in somehow despite it not making him look cool or anything
@One vibing cactus juice boi and his pet, lord momo Even then it sounded fake. It's very unlikely to find somebody that stupid, and the way he described the business woman as ''a billion times'' better looking just sounded like he wrote it for fun.
Writing the flexing guy story was attention-seeking itself. r/thathappened
It sounds like he was probably jealous of a fratguy getting with a girl he liked or something
Throw their lunch away
Or better yet, eat it.
Quiet the damn your voice
consider yourself thrown away
A girl who i had just met told me
1. she was about to have gender reaffirming surgery but ran away from the clinic
2. that she was bullied by a group of scenes for being emo (in 2019, there were no scenes at my school, probably more e-girls and emos)
3.she would talk about her multiple suicide attempts and show us her scars
Some girl at our school said she had cancer but she didnt and she dyed her hair purple and cut it to make it seem like a wig, but nobody had the guts to pull it off her head to see if she was lying
0:43 such a good feeling to a cellist to see that others are playing this instrument too.Its so underrated.
mom:whats wrong sweetie
daughter:op tried to hit me with her car!!
mom:so you have chosen death
69 likes nice
One can only imagine what happen next
I once saw someone make low quality content by stealing posts off of Reddit for attention.
Can't remember where though.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah shit why am i here
Right in the jugular vein.
Gotta get a bag of ice
thavidu78 😂
This one too me a minute to get
I went to a phone store, one that can fix phones. I was waiting in the line, when suddenly some woman stars screaming and saying : "I bought a cell phone here, and now that it's damaged you say you can't get it?" The lady who was attending said in a very politely way : Im sorry, theres nothing I can do. We dont have your phone parts anymore, so please can you wait there for me to see what I can do?" After that she called her supervisor, and started to resolve the situation. After some time the lady hold her phone and throws it down the floor and stars saying disconnecting things. They had to call the securities for her to leave
(My english is bad)
English is good, not bad...
There was this one girl in my class who would react like a hecking drama queen to everything, one day a person slightly bumped into her, she toppled over, even though he had barely even touched her
Edit from 2 years later: LMFAO “hecking”
Neymar female version
hey i want every one to know that this still makes me have nightmares and have mental breakdowns but its time for me to come out and say that when i was 6 i was sitting having a snack then all of a sudden it happened my hand as i reached for the salt it hit my cup and then...... my milk my poor white yummy milk spilled everywhere out of my cup and i sat there and cried for 2 minutes please donate to the cause of spilled milk its a very big tragedy in some lives hopefully soon i will get a little bit better but that day will always haunt me thank you for reading :(
Hope this is a joke buddy
@@thedarkgunslinger2869 more of a joke than my future bro 💀🥴🤡🤡🤡
Dont cry over spilled milk bro
@@lisadavis1044 this is so litteral and I love it 😂
@@lopsidedlobster8869 lol
Granted the way the SIL is, i honestly wouldnt be too mad at OP if they tried to run her over with a car in the near future. 🤣🤣🤣
And dent the poor car with how full of shit she is? The money used for the paint job and the repairs wouldn't worth it, despite the satisfaction.
Shizuko Rose KTK oh. So gacha. Those H**tai things?
Yeah you're right.
As satifying as it would be. The car shouldn't have to suffer. 🤣🤣🤣
@don't call me carson Grow up and move on kid. You sound fucking ridiculous.
As someone with general panic disorder, the story about the girl faking panic attacks pisses me off.
If you never had one, your not missing out. Its torture.
I had a really good friend who I liked a lot and they always played with my feelings. Fast forward a couple months, we get into a fight and they start blaming everything they’ve done to me, on me, and everyone believed them. Everyone gave them support when I was the one who needed it 🤷♀️
I remember there was a kid in my middle school who randomly started wearing all black, talked to nobody, and actually started cutting his arms with a pencil. He told kids and even teachers that he wanted to kill himself. None of the kids took him seriously because he’s been seeking attention for years and actually did stuff like that in elementary school. The teachers took it very seriously and he was taken out of school by his family for a few months and the school started having more assemblies about depression awareness or something like that. When he came back, he still kept up his act for like a week until he finally realized that nobody cared and went back to his old annoying self. He went to a different school the next year.
I used to know this girl who was the friend of my friend and one time we started talking with eachother (this was one of our firsts conversations) and she told me she had to take a lot of different pills or else she would start having panic attacks and start crying because she had depression, anxiety and other stuff. I thought it was weird if her to tell me but I though maybe she just wanted to get it off her chest. I later found out that she told the same story to all of my friends (they also didn't know her that well). She was also in a choir and always talked about her performances and how she was the best singer there and she would start singing at random moments because she didn't get attention. She also showed us a video of her waxing her legs and screaming in pain because she thought it was funny. I think people only liked her because she was pretty
My ex had a suicide attempt at her school and she had really deep cut so she did a "goodbye everyone" post on Facebook with pictures 🤦🏼♀️ She was hospitalized and was in psychiatric for 2 months and thought that she'll be soo famous in school and everyone will love her.
They hated her because they knew that she was an attention seeking bitch lmao
Karma really played the Uno reverse card on her ass
rotten ___ lol that’s so common my ex threatened to kill herself I damn near said ok
@I can't think of a funny name OwO cry for help? How is that a cry for help? What exactly does she need help for? Dude clearly stated she was an attention seeking bitch and those kind of people will do anything to get attention.
Wtf would you post a goodbye message before cutting yourself? If the person truly wanted to commit suicide they wouldn’t have shared it to the world
@I can't think of a funny name OwO Well I guess sometimes that's caused by a mental illness but trying to attempt suicide is NOT the way to get attention.
One time in our middle school, a kid got hit by a car in front of the school. He was fine but nobody knew yet because the ambulance was still there and we couldn't see. A few kids were saying"oh i hope he died hes really annoying" "yeah i know right" they weren't joking....
Edit: they were saying it loudly so people would hear. Didnt get in trouble.
I used to go to school with a girl that was a compulsive liar.
1. One time she ripped her school uniform herself and told everyone she got ran over by a car. When I asked her about it the next day she said “Oh I just ripped my clothes myself haha”
2. One day she told me that when she was 2 years old she carved her own name into her arm while her dad was chopping vegetables.
3. She constantly talked about how her parents kicked her out of the house for silly reasons and that she had to sleep outside for days.
4. This is the one that angers me the most: I passed by her in town and asked her how she was doing. Her response: “I’m pregnant but I lost it yesterday.” What??? She said it so casually and even joked about it afterwards. I don’t know how you can joke and lie about losing a baby.
Lol, I knew a guy when I was a teenager who did the same thing as the opener, his family moved to England for something like a year or so, and when they came back he spoke in the accent and claimed he just ended up picking it up while they were there and couldn't help it, but he had a brother who was around the same age and he spoke without the accent, that and his "natural accent" broke all the time and didn't even sound right half the time, and it was funny because his brother called him out on it all the time.
I had a friend who pretended to have a dead brother.
First day I met her, she talked about having to go to her brother's funeral, and talked constantly to everyone about her dead brother (but she "didn't care about his death because they hated each other") for sympathy. I only started realising the lies after 5 WEEKS when she tried to dodge evidence that she did not have a brother by saying "oh, we hated each other so much we went to different schools", but then claiming they shared a single bed when I pointed out there was no seperate room in his house; and how his age seemed to jump from anywhere between 5 to 17 depending on who she'd been talking to. Most amazing of all, when asked about his name she couldn't make one up on the spot and so said that she'd forgotten it.
Eventually asked her parents, who seemed perfectly fine and not at all grief-stricken, and they had no clue what she was talking about.
2:10 they had me until they added this. Doubt that ever happened.
7:04 no matter how you slice it, using somebody’s suicide, attempted suicide, fatal/life changing accident, or death in general to get yourself attention is shameful. There’s no excuse for it. No one can change my mind.
I have a long story about my experience a person who just crave attention- tldr at the end-
There's this one used-to-be online friend of mine who was faking his depression, he told people how much he hated himself and how much he wanted to end his own life.
Somehow he took a liking to me since I was genuinely worried about him and wanted to help him. He kept making petty lies about how his parents are horrible people who hate him, pretended to be his mom who took his phone and messaged our gc in discord about and pretended to be lgbtqphobic just so people would think his parents are horrible. He also pretended to be his sister who's looking through his phone because he allegedly "ran away" from home. He also once said he broke his leg but then proceed to go inside a VC and turned his camera on to and I clearly saw him running down the stairs with no wheelchair or anything.
Our friend group never questioned it because we didnt want to accuse someone of faking depression and their terrible life for attention.
I had enough when he "confessed his love" to me the second time (I just speculate that it's for attention too since a lot of people shipped us and he just wanted to make us a thing so other people would like us better?? but I was never interested and I made it clear that I never really had any romantic feelings and rejected him the first time because of that reason, and he knew how guilty I felt afterwards, yet he did it again) so I rejected him for the second time and he started telling people how he wanted to kill himself, how he wanted to hurt himself in a discord server that i have access to, it made me feel guilty as hell.
A friend of mine told me to end my friendship with him (because what kind of person openly tells others they wanted to kill themselves because they got rejected by me infront of MY FACE) so I told him how he was lying all the time and he confessed to everything and apologized and I was ready to forgive him, until he said "i hate my friends" in a discord server I WAS IN and can clearly see him saying it.
He apologized to everyone for lying to them, afterwards he started saying that he got death threats from us, saying we told him to go kill himself because he lied to us or some bullshit, I knew my friends weren't the type to do that though.
I kinda have trust issues now since I used to view him as my closest friend, I felt like I needed to take care of him everyday, like it's my duty or something. It was mentally tiring just trying to get this "depressed" person back to being happy when they're actually fine the whole time...
TLDR: an online friend of mine faked depression and his horrible life and parents for attention, pretended to be his lgbtqphobic mom in discord and said lgbtqphobic things for attention.
Pure nonsense
I met a guy in college whose entire existence was pathetic pleas for attention. He was overweight, unattractive, annoying, clingy, loud, needy, in constant need of the approval of others, mentally unstable, a compulsive liar and braggart, and the most obnoxiously inept social misfit I've ever seen. At the time, my social circle was a bunch of creative theater/filmmaking types in the 90s, where being bold and different was the way to fit in (why yes, that is irony). So when he found us and started trying to buddy up, people made an effort to accept his oddness. This only encouraged him, and his eccentricities only got more insufferable. He drove everyone off, and I was one of the last holdouts. I eventually ghosted him, and after a few years, he left me alone. The example that comes to mind is when we went to a go-kart track. He deliberately angled his vehicle to ram head first at high speed into a barrier wall. He wasn't injured, but it was painfully obvious he did it just to have everybody look at him, and so he'd have another wacky anecdote to tell about himself.
Ah yes, fake panic attacks. The reason why real panic attacks aren't taken seriously and everyone is just told to "deal with it".
Purposely putting one's self in the hospital or jail...
In really poor areas there are people who purposely put themself in jail. They get food and shelter and all the basics
2:20 r/definetlyhappened
That dude taking his shirt off was great. Also got interrupted 3 times with ads.
0:17 I’m Australian and most Australian accents you here on TVs and stuff are completely off, so she probably did it wrong 😂
I was like them when i was younger.I remember very well one day,i was out with some friends and my sister in my summer house,and because of an argument i went and lay down to the Asphalt,just to draw attention
my attention seeking friend story:
so i have a friend who is an extreme attention seeker, but i still like her because she has a good personality, and she knows how bad she can get when she wants attention. there was even this one time when i bought two bags of chips, and gave her one then after a few minutes she threw it claiming she was too lazy to carry it. but this is her worse moment:
so i went to a camp with her on winter break with a couple of other friends that only lasted about 3 days, and one the first day she was just talking about this guy she had like for 3 years and that she really wanted to ask him out since he was also at the camp with us. i kinda knew she was faking it, because a couple of months ago she was all over this other guy in her class. another friend and i finally convinced her to tell him how she felt bc she was making it extremely obvious, saying things loudly like “There’s (name) guys! he looks so cute!” when he was like a couple feet away. she said she gave him a letter that said “i like you” then ran away afterwards. she then proceeded to tell me she did it but didn’t know what he thought because she ran away. then the next day a friend of mine told me that he friend zoned her at first, but then she proceeded to break in his cabin at night whining about how she loved him. throughout the day she proceeded to mope about how “he was the love of her life” and how she’d “never get over it” then a week later after the camp, she tells me she’s officially over him and now hates him. the another week after that she’s completely moved on with a new boyfriend.
ok but the one that ended at around 5:50, those girls had every right to be upset and that teacher absolutely should not have said that
its a literal civil rights class. what are you expecting
0:25 somehow i can clearly see the other side of the story. "and She thought i put myself in shock on purpose just so she can put me down in front of everyone and has a story to tell"
Had a classmate once who was just sitting down in an arm chair and dived to the floor and "collapsed" it left us all shook but the teacher came in and savagely just said "leave her alone, shes just pretending"
Crazy lady at the store faked a seizure. A little back story:
My sister was very protective of her first kid (which is normal) and didnt let anyone besides family hold my nephew until he was about a year old. I was their nanny so i helped take care of my nephew and did some basic household things like chores and shopping.
So one day i was out with my nephew and this lady asks if she could hold him. I politely decline. So she persists and i persist as well. She's not holding my nephew. She followed us around the store for a good minute or two as i was looking for security or an employee to help get her away from me. When i spotted one I explained what was going on. Half way through the lady falls on the floor and has a "seizure". Which was hilarious to watch as i work with people who have seizures (been part of my career for the last 10 years, 3 years at the point of when this story took place) and she looked more like she was trying to break dance. She also was shouting "its because i need to hold the baby! Babies cure the seizure! Just let me hold the baby! Youre killing me!" For those who dont know, you cant "cure" a seizure. You can just wait it out and keep the person safe.
I laughed and walked away. Felt kinda bad for the employee but i wasnt gona stick around. I know he didnt get paid enough to deal with thst mess but i wasnt getting paid at all. Lol
When my cousin was in year 5 she told everybody at her primary school that she had cancer. People would buy her gifts, buy her lunch for her and give her lots of attention, she became very well known around the school. Eventually my aunt found out when one of the moms approached her with a charity fund all the parents had started and told her they was incrediably sorry for her daughter. My aunts reaction was What the fuck. My cousin is also a spoiled brat and still to this day is always pretending to be ill or have something wrong with her for attention. She is going to be 17 this year, She has no friends and is homeschooled because she was bullied so much due to her lies. I do not feel sorry for her
My sister invited a friend to a birthday party. Around half way through the party the friend said she felt sick. Then she legitimately tried to throw up in front of all of us but couldn’t. It was so funny because she wasn’t losing color, she had the usual temperature and she was just running around.
Had a big family Christmas party, and one of my cousins proposed to his long time girlfriend. One of my other cousins got married last year and the couple are absolutely attention seekers to a fault.
Not even 10 minutes after the proposal, we all took a group picture, did the cheesy “say cheese!” And everything. At the end of the countdown, instead of saying cheese, the couple said “(Attention seeker girl) is 10 weeks pregnant!”
They couldn’t even let the newly engaged couple have an hour before they got jealous since they weren’t the center of attention for once. Family of the newly engaged couple were livid after the party.
Obviously I have much worse stories than this, but damn...this is our family we’re talking about lol.
The thing about the accent, it really is not hard to accidentally pick up an accent. I do it when I go to areas where English is spoken differently and won’t even know I’m doing it
A girl from my bffs old school lied about being in a wheelchair and having autism and dyslexia and things like that, then went to a different high school from the rest of the class so she could lie to them and say it was a "special" school ... for her whole life..
I also knew a girl who would lie about crazy stuff like what her room looked like, what her favourite colour was, but also serious things like she said she had twin sisters that died of cancer, her keyring on her bag is worth 2 thousand pounds and her mum got her it because her dog died, that her uncle's dog is actually hers and it got stolen from her, really her uncle just left the dogs with them for 2 days while he was away then took them back she also said she had 6 pet sharpies (dogs) that died of cancer, worms and a tumor, none of which is true...
Also a girl in my class faked a pregnancy WHEN SHE WAS 12 and lied about being r*pped by her "abuser" stepfather which was how she claimed to have gotten pregnant, I'm pretty sure she even faked a miscarriage or an abortion something...
None of that is true, and her dad's apparently a really nice guy
Some kid in my class started to repeatedly scream “Big Chungus” until he was sent home.
Big chungus
@@Watcher_1-b3q Big chungus
One time an ex who “wanted to he just friends” put her almost entirely exposed chest on me
Big cap on that
At my camp, a thirteen year kid wanted attention, so brought over a dirty sock he found.
As soone who suffers from legit crippling panic attacks but now am on medication the fake panic attacks pisses me off
The last one was fricking hilarious
"Hey I almost got ran over by (persons name)"
"You mean (persons name) who is feeding her baby in the other room?"