@@defaultset School system be like: Omg you're dying man? But... Did you do your math homework? You're not gonna' pass this school year. Put some ice on it, whatever.
I quite literally dodged a bullet. The day that someone was caught in my school with a firearm, I decided to skip school that day to play video games. The student never shot anyone, but there is still a possibility that they could’ve been after a student in one of my classes.
About the "my appendix exploded" story: I feel like the first hospital also dodged a bullet there because I'm sure as hell she could have sued the everloving shit outta them for refusing her so carelessly.
fun fact! I don't know about other countries, but in the UK the NHS takes a minimum of 12 years to sue (I know as the exact same appendix story happened to a fam member but they didn't get the correct second opinon part), so the money it costs to hire a decent lawyer for that long would probably be more than the settlement anyway :(
This exact thing happened to me! I was 4 years old, one hospital didn’t find anything wrong with me (they said it was just a stomach bug) but my mom called my pediatrician and she sent us to another hospital. If we had waited one more hour I would’ve died.
A hospital refused to check me out when I went in after a car wreck the night before (my mom was worried) because "it would be a lot of paperwork". I always thought that was messed up. Luckily nothing major was messed up (going off the fact that I'm still alive) except possibly a cracked sternum, but you can't really do anything about that anyway
Oh yep, I can ralate. There is a spider web above my outside bins that Ive walked into each night when taking the rubbish out the last 3 times. I keep forgetting he's there. I was only covered in webs, no spider as far as I could tell, but there must have been a spider there to remake his web each time after I walked throught it. Anyway I spotted the spider today, in daylight. He/she a big MF. 😐 (I live in Australia, we know to not bother the critters. So thats how I am still here today.😁)
i can also relate, was easter and while my little cousins were picking up eggs , i spotted an egg in between two bushes and thought they must’ve missed one. So i went to pick it up and as i reached my arm in, there was a spider dangling from my face and it touched my forehead and i immediately recoiled. thankfully it didn’t try to bite me
I was engaged to a guy. Walked away from him when he said he didn't want to get married and didn't want children. Turned out he only wanted to marry me, to clear his £63,000 worth of debt, also turned out to be a druggie and a woman beater, who neglected his children cos they were girls and he had wanted boys. Never beat me. Never tried. He knew I'd do him serious harm if he did. No regrets at all leaving him.
I guess hindsight is truly 20/20. There were red flags, but it took me finding out and kiboshing his plans to diddle my dad out of his house to make himself solvent at my dad's expense, to completely shut it down. I'm not sorry at all. The joke was even after that he wanted to be friends with benefits. I shot him down on that too. He found out that I was going formula One and I was in the VIP section, having been invited by a friend. blew up my phone something Wicked because he wanted to go, so I threw it under my mate's car seat for a few days. He got blocked and deleted. Never saw him again.
@@Nothing-yf4ks let's just say I know the finer points of turning a Warren into a Wendy. Literally. Not just removing the parts that make him male, but constructing the parts that would eventually be recognised as female....
I once hooked up with 2 girls on a night out. Coincidentally they were both called Monica. By the end of the night I had made up my mind to go home with Monica1 as she was the cutest and most interesting. So drunk me said loudly "Hey, Monica, do you wanna go back to your place?" Turned out Monica1, who I wanted to go home with, was just out of earshot, but Monica2 heard me and said yes. It was too awkward to correct her and say I didnt mean her, and I would feel like a pos if I said I'd rather get with the other girl. So I went home with Monica2. Turned out we hit it off and became friends with benefits for a month or so. All chilled and mutual. One month later Monica1 was admitted to the hospital were I work as a psychiatric nurse. She was a psycho with severe bipolar and personality disorder. Bullet dodged!
@@crypie109 I thought they were just saying that because she was mentally ill the relationship would have been hell and that they're glad they didnt enter it...? Was it the "bullet doged" bit that made you think they were shaming people for needing help?
My ex miscarried. A month later found she was already married. Husband was deployed. She kicked me out of her apartment the day he came home. It was supposed to be a surprise. The only person surprised was me.
@@miztonda4907 about me? yes. The pregnancy no. I actually talked to him, told him everything. He didn't blame me because he knew that I didn't know about him.
15:21 seriously, whoever pushed him into the street should have been charged with attempted bodily harm, or attempted manslaughter. if a kid is capable of doing that, at that age, what are they going to do when they're adults? People have to stop letting youngsters off so easily. At the very least, frighten the living daylights out of them in a lock up for a night or two.
I've told this story in another Reddit video, but anyway: About 15 years ago a work colleague was completely head over heels in love with me. She would always talk about children, how many she wanted and that she would love to be a single mum. That made me back off, so she found another guy, and only a month later she told everyone that she was pregnant. They got married some months later, she gave birth to a little girl - and shortly thereafter she got pregnant again. I knew the marriage wouldn't last, because she was very dominant and abused the guy verbally. Plus her comments about being a single mum were stuck in my head. A week after their second child was born she bacially said she didn't love him anymore and divorced him. 14 months and two children later she was the single mum she wanted to be. Too bad she ruined a guy in the process. :/
Dude what a btch, how can she decide if her kids will have a father in their life or not?! Poor kids... If she wants to be a single mom she should have adopted instead of messing up with two kid's life plus a guy too, cuz he got tangled in the process.
Her selfishness is causing her children to be twice as likely to drop out of high school, twice as likely to end up in jail, and four times more likely to need help for emotional or behavioral problems among other things. Despicable.
When I was still in elementary school, my mother would never let me sleep over at a friends house on a school night. But I would ask anyway, being a optimistic kid. One Wednesday evening, she agreed and I got to sleep over at my best friends apartment, in the same apartment complex. That night, someone threw a shovel through my bedroom window, and the spade landed on my pillow, right where my head would have been. My Mothers gut intuition ( she told me that's what made her decide to say yes) dodged me a bullet and saved my life.
I woke up at 3am one morning with the worst gas pain of my life. Went to work and suffered through the first half of my shift, during lunch I decided to go lay in my car rather than eat lunch. My boss saw me and told me to just go home. Took a nap hoping I would wake up feeling better, but when I woke up the pain was even worse. I'm the kind of person that hates going to the doctor, but I caved in. An hour later i was on the surgical table getting my appendix removed. The last thing i remember before being put under was the surgeon looking at my chart and asking "so what are you here for?", and me replying "I'm here for the quadruple amputation".
Here’s one: my dad had a meeting to go to in the twin towers on 9/11. He was super late, and once he was on the train he saw the plane hit, and immediately went back home. This was four years before I was born, so if he wasn’t late I wouldn’t be here telling you this.
Dang I have one too, but I’ll keep it as short as possible. I was supposed to go out with a close friend years ago to drink at night, i ended up having to ditch because of something coming up, he ended up getting shot n passed away that night. It creeps me out to this day, a couple seconds probably made the difference of me being alive or not haha
My bosses daughter was supposed to go to the twin towers for some school thing. It was scheduled for a different day but my boss was still in a panic until she heard her daughter's voice.
My good friend broke up with his high school GF because he wasn't ready to sleep with anyone, and she was so darn pushy. She apparently cheated on him and got knocked up She wanted to convince him she was the father by sleeping with him.
About ten years ago, there was a really bad thunderstorm and my family was getting ready to go out for dinner. My dad accidentally left the keys for the car back in the house so he went back inside to get it. Moments after he started walking back to get the keys, lightning struck a massive tree just outside our house and it fell across a large part of the road. We would've been a family of pancakes if my dad didn't forget his keys
i was going shopping with some friends for party decorations. we met at one of our houses and were procrastinating a bit just watching youtube videos. we almost left but decided to watch “just one more video”. like 2 minutes into the video, we all get texts from our parents warning us to get inside. there was an active shooter on the same block as the dollar store we were about to go to. a cody ko video basically saved my life.
While listening to this I realized that we've all "dodged a bullet" of one kind or another. Haven't we all made some bad choices, unlucky choices, and some very good choices? Sometimes we consider the consequences of our actions or of a friend's actions and sometimes we get surprised.
Once thought about reconciling with an ex-best friend. Talked about it with a legit-best friend and she talked me out of it. Turns out ex-friend got even nastier, making her lose her remaining friends.
Geese are satanic little monster who only feed on human souls and fear, those feathered bottles of hatred live for nothing more than to cause absolute destruction and tragedy in their wake.
for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have eternal life"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 3:16."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 1:12. hi! JESUS loves you and died for you if you accept HIM! HE rose from the dead to show us that death cant hold HIM! repent and start living your life for HIM and when the time is right HE will get you to Heaven🧡
Not even a dodged a bullet story, but more of a “gun misfired and didn’t hit me with a fatal shot,” story. Was mowing my lawn last fall, and because I hadn’t mowed it in two weeks and it had rained the previous night, it was long and damp, perfect for gumming up your mower. Every couple of rows or so, I’d have to stop the mower and clean the rims of clumped grass, mud, what have you. Normally, when you stop the mower when it’s full of grass, the blades are stopped quicker than usual by all the accumulated crud inside the rim. Well, after the mower began making some telling “clean me” noises, I stopped the mower, got around to the side, lifted it up and reached in to clean the rim out, only the blades hadn’t stopped moving. Blade whacked me in the fingers, and immediately, I knew something was up. I reluctantly looked to my hand expecting my fingers to be gone or hanging by skin, but instead, my gloves were cut and there was a deep-looking cut and some gnarly bruising and blood blisters on a couple of my fingers. Had one of my roommates take a look, and they determined that I would not need stitches. Other than the pad of my most-hit finger being numb for a month or so, my finger has healed and you can hardly see a scar. But had I not worn gloves or the blades were spinning ever so faster, at best, I would have broken my fingers and I’d likely need stitches.
Unbeknownst to me and my mother at the time, I was having an allergic reaction to the tilapia I had eaten for dinner. Mom took me to the hospital when my skin turned red and I couldn't breathe. The doctor said I was literally minutes away from dying.
When I was about 5 or 6, we were visiting my Grandmother, who lived about a mile from Lake Michigan. We went to the beach one day. I hadn't learned to swim yet, so I decided to see how far out I could wade instead. I was up to my neck when I tripped on something on the bottom of the lake, and couldn't regain my footing. In those days, when cartoons showed someone drowning, they would always go under three times. I literally got my head above water for a split second three times before my Dad pulled me out. I spent the rest of the day playing in the sand. I was never able to pay my Dad back for saving my life before he died. Still hoping to 'pay it forward'.
Trust me, you "payed" your dad back by living your life! I'm sure you wish you could have given him a steak dinner or done some kind of specific gesture that just said "thanks dad!" but that's not what it's about. Us dads just want to be there for our kids😊😙
I grew up in Chicago, i was invited to a party when i was sixteen. Lomg story short i got a headache, stayed home and the party ended up getting shot up. 3 people died and 17 were injured several seriously.
Bully: let's push this kid lmao Kid: flops to ground with new gained matrix powers to dodge bus Bus: im a bus lmao Shoddy school system: yeah you almost killed a kid or whatever you get 2 days detention
I was born in my own fecal matter. Likely due to my moms doctor making her wait an extra week before inducing labor. My parents were told I was at a very high risk of infection, and may not survive the next 24 hours. Coincidentally, I'm turning 24 this year.
Keka Winter Star this happened to my nephew, he’s severely handicapped and brain damaged from eating his own feces. Deaf in one ear, can’t walk, stiff as a board or like a corpse in the rigor mortis stage of decomp. You really REALLY dodged a bullet.
@@sukindiamuzik Yeah, didn't turn out completely normal to some peoples social society standards because of my enjoyment of cartoon critters. Ah well :3 Your opinion matters! Just not to me :p
Oh man. Just a few weeks ago, I was driving home from an evening shift. Got off at 11pm. The plan was to head home, smoke a bowl, and chill out with my pet cat, Benny. Took the mostly empty highway with no issue, and reached my exit around 11:30pm. Stopped at a red light, with one car in front of me. Light turns green. The first fella makes his left turn, and I follow at a normal distance. Corner of my eye, I saw it. What every driver dreads to see. Two headlights gleaming, coming in HOT on the driver's side. I'll never forget that image. Well, the car must of missed me by centimeters (Canadian here). It barreled right behind me... The scariest part? When i saw him in my mirror? The car Just. Kept. Going. No brakes light, no swerve or nothing! It just kept driving. Speeding pretty hard too, at least 80-90km/hr in a 60 zone. Thought about life on the way home. All the good times. Family. Friends. My good little Benny Boi You know what I mean. "Not today." 💀
I had a similar thing happen, except I hesitated at the green light, one car runs a red right in front of me. So then I start to go and the person next to me turning left literally saved my life - they started honking, I stopped, and bam - a second car runs the red millimeters from my front end. It was my closest call probably Also choice name for a cat. My dog is named Benny
Nothing will ever compare to my great-uncle’s story. He was a pilot during WW2; one day he was flying and reached down to pick up some maps. A bullet went through the glass exactly where his head had just been.
The biggest bullet I dodged was when I literally dodged a firework. Someone was careless 4th of July one year, the bottle rocket launcher tipped over, and it came flying right at me. Missed by a couple inches.
Did most of my growing up in a big old ranch style house, two stories tall... Right next to the upstairs bathroom was a linen-closet, but we were never so high class, and for years just used it for storing crap we weren't using... This closet had a window, and during cold or unpleasant weather, I'd "snipe" at soda cans with BB-guns and the like from up there. It was sill childish sh*t mostly... THEN one summer, as partial pay for mowing around one of the little sales stands around town, I was getting fireworks... and a large box of everything from roman candles to bottle rockets, chains of various sized "poppers" and all manner of fiery, multi-colored, explosive and incendiary monstrosities piled up in that closet... waiting for something clever in my asinine opinions... THEN some of the guys found out and came over... and we started lighting the rockets and slinging them out the window... We were using slingshots to shoot M-80's and Cherry bombs out too... It was great and we were having a blast (too literally)... Until one of the guys tossed a rocket and it fired off RIGHT BACK IN THROUGH THE DAMN WINDOW!!! Suddenly from a space about twice the size of your average shower-stall, there was about half a dozen of us, scrambling and screaming and swearing at each other... all jammed into the doorway... in the midst of this, fireballs of various sizes were blasting out over head... bouncing out across the hard-wood floors... Rockets were screaming in multitudes of directions... chains of explosions were rattling off like machine guns... It was bloody chaos... AND one of the "Super XXX" size cartons of BB's was blown to pieces... a TIDAL WAVE of copper spheres went cascading out of the doorway and over the edge of the balcony down the stairs. Pants were on fire... shirts smouldering... one of the guys "Mark" had lost about a third of his hair, and I didn't have eyebrows again... while we finally made it free of the closet, and I yanked the door shut behind us... waiting for all hell breaking loose to finally quiet down. There were many "bullets dodged" that day. I mean, nobody died... BUT there were a similar number that simply could not be avoided... ...I was lucky not to be skinned alive for that little stunt... even if it was hilarious. ;o)
Me and my cousins shoot fireworks at each other every single year I have been hit with bottle rockets, firecrackers, and Roman candles they don’t hurt that bad.
CaZualty That makes me feel a lot better, actually. All this time I thought they would have blown me up like a freaking missile, but if that's not the case, maybe I can finally stop being so nervous around the darn things...
Dodged bullet story: This takes place when I was just 7, I had learned to ride a bike not too long ago. Me and my dad would always ride together, and I thought of it as okay. I enjoyed spending the time with him, jut riding a bike (with training wheels on) was Just okay. Then, of course comes off the training wheels, and I hated it. I always fell, and I always came back from the biking trips with a scrape or two. But then I got used to it. I loved it: MO, I was obsessed with it. I rode all the time and found any excuse to go riding with my dad. And at some points, he wouldn't want to go, so I would just be riding in the front yard on the sidewalk or close to the side walk. As I got more comfortable, I noticed I could ride up and down slanted curbs. This too enlarged my obsession, and I would always look down when I would do it because I was still not the best at it. Then comes the day. I go out riding, usual day. My sister is watching over me as she grabs stuff from her car. I go up and down the sidewalk, and I near the neighbors. Keep in mind, I only looked down, and found no reason to look around for I'm on a sidewalk; I am safe, right? Then it hits me. Literally. One moment im fascinated by going up and down, then I'm laying sideways under a car, my vision black and blood in my mouth. I don't feel anything, and I can't move my left arm. I hear screaming. It's my sister. 2 minutes go by until 5 or 6 guys lift the car from my arm and drag me to safety. I look down and there's blood and brown stuff everywhere (my memory must be hazy as I saw brown substance with small cubes). Had I rode for a second more or less, the car coming out of my neighbour's driveway would have caused a fatal car accident. Yeah there's my story
My dad checked my phone my bro looked over and saw what was loading on safari lmao and quickly snatched it and deleted my search history so thank heavens.
OHHHHH BOY I have one. You remember the episode of South Park where butters had a shuriken/throwing star stuck in his eye? That was about 6 inches from being me. I bought a 4-pack of throwing stars back in high school at some Asian festival. They were different shapes and sizes, some with four points some with five. Most of them would consistently stick to any wooden surface, telephone poles, fence posts, even trees. But one day I was throwing at what must’ve been an extra hard tree from a “safe” 20 feet away... Threw a five point... stuck. Threw a four point... stuck Threw a five point... stuck Then I threw the last four point star which always gave me trouble. Btw I would throw them like a baseball pitch and spinning vertically. I have quite a good throwing arm. Normally when something flies at your face, your head has the best reflexes for dodging out of all your body parts. When I say this thing came back at me at the exact same speed I threw it the damn blade went RIGHT past the left side of my face before I could react (especially since I leaned into the throw and had zero expectation of this happening) I just stood there afterwards... picked up the three stars stuck in the tree, searched for the one that ricocheted, couldn’t find it, went back inside, and didn’t fuck with those again.
..Dodged another bullet when I was 14 years old. Was at a teen party when all of sudden the mother told everyone to leave. While my friends and I were leaving shots had rang out. Immediately I run for cover in the house but the door was being wedge by several people trying to get in too. Eventually I was able to get through the door and find some cover in the living room of the house. The guy was still shooting outside I wanna say for at least 2 min before he finally left. When I came outside I had to witness the aftermath.. Right next to the door I came in was a girl laying on the ground breathing very slowly but still breathing. Took what seemed like forever for the ambulance to get there. The Doctors say she was instantly brain dead on impact. Sadly there was nothing her family could do so they pulled the plug on her. RIP. Sierra Foster
I put myself through college without student loans or help from my folks. I'd started working for a major bank with a paid internship when I was only 15, so I learned a lot about the industry. I didn't take me long to realize that student loans were one huge trap that would take decades to pay off. So I just didn't get any. Everyone thought I was crazy at the time, but I knew better. My parents didn't help me, either; my dad was a deadbeat who was never around, and my mom lost my college fund on a bad investment. So I buckled down and worked 3 jobs. It was a brutal, ruthless lesson in self-discipline and focus. I sacrificed my social life to make it happen; most of the stuff people take for granted - going out to eat, seeing movies, eating ice cream - were and still are considered luxuries for me. I didn't sleep much, and my physical and mental health weren't doing too well, either. I didn't have much money when I graduated, _but I didn't owe anyone a cent._ I had to rebuild my finances almost completely from scratch after that. So I kept saving, investing, doing what I could. I never forgot the lessons I learned from that experience. I still work full time, but it's good to know I'm building towards something. After bills, investments, and savings, I can focus on what truly interests me, like books and traveling the world. I'm not rich by any means, but unlike most people my age, at least I'm not crushed under the weight of debt. All because of a decision I made over 20 years ago, and saw it through.
I was in a government owned hotel in Kashmir, and on the day of our departure we left early and got onto our flight and left. After we got home , headlines had been made: The very same hotel we were staying at, had been attacked by terrorists , 30 minutes after we had left for the airport 🤯
I don't know if it was really a bullet dodged because young relationships usually don't last anyway but... I got involved with a guy in college who turned out to be severely mentally ill and I stuck it out longer than should have thinking if he just stuck with the program, he'd get better. Nope. I eventually cut my losses and he wound up homeless for a time but it was no longer my problem. Sounds heartless but I am neither a medical professional nor social worker. I wasn't going to burn myself down to keep someone else warm whom I grew to loathe.
Got three almost death stories. 1/ I set my legs on fire with acetone. Was seconds away from having to lose both legs. Took 10 months to get back to running and walking normally. Now I do parkour. 2/ crushed fingers in my garage because of a counterweight. Managed to keep them all except for the distal phalanx of my right ring finger. Almost bled to death that day. 3/ almost falling of a cliff, managed to stay on cos I got a grip out of luck. This was in Greece. Trying to reach a natural pool, broke off the rock beneath me, got scraped up pretty good as I was just wearing swimming shorts. Also I’ve been in 22 places during some sort of bad event, mostly shootings. The most recent one was with my roommate, going to his city, which is really tame, and never has any crime at all. Suddenly someone gets stabbed halfway through my stay ( which was for one day) .
I had two job offers: one, I'll call A, looked like a chill job where i knew and kinda had a crush on one of their employees, the other, B, looked like a suit-and-tie office with super-high standards. However, A didn't match B's salary offer and i went with B. Two months later, A outsourced the department where i would have worked and B turned out to be an excellent job.
7 months pregnant, walking along the sidewalk, next to a tall building on the Navy base in Norfork, Va. It was quite windy outside. I heard a slight noise, looked up, and jumped back. A large piece of heavy metal roofing material had come off, and crashed right in front of me. If I hadn't jumped, it would have killed me.
Several. I was almost homeless last year, and if I had not decided to start the application process with the military (commissioning), then I would've been kicked out for sure by my pill loving dad. I didn't go in the military as they were going to war and meeting their quota with enough priors that my ass was the bottom of the stack every time. Because of the lack of attention from the recruiter and the fact that my father thought I was gettings six-figure position was able to get back to my old house when my mother realized that she couldn't do shit in her old age. Broke it off with Dad after a heated conversation that resulted in me getting a switch, car, and mattress as a result of having to live in his basement for a year while working two jobs and going to school full time. Shit sucked. I got yelled at both work and every level of the recruiting process you could imagine for appearing unprofessional. Still, what the military and work didn't know didn't hurt them as I had bigger things to worry about. I got away scot-free when home life was starting to settle down with their bullshit, and I was able to get my life back in order long enough for me to go back for grad school and get a slightly better job in the process.
The bullet I once dodged was when I was leaving a shopping mall and going to my parents house. I called my parents to tell them I was comming over. I could have taken the highway or the backroads. I decided to take the backroads. There was no reason for my choice. Sometimes I take one way and sometimes I take the other. While driving, the sky got dark and let loose with a downpour of hail. It was so bad that I had to pull over because I couldn't see. I pulled into a parking lot and waited it out. When it eased up, I went on my way. By the time I got to my parent's home the sky was sunny. My brother ran out of my parent's house and yelled, "Thank God you're ok." He then told me there was a major accident on the highway. It was on the news. I went inside and saw a 30 car pileup on TV. If I had taken the highway, I would have been a part of that pileup.
when I was 10 years old, I was stupidly running around with A chopstick in my mouth. Fell on my face and *(thank the heavens)* the chopsticks only pierced a wound in my inside top jaw. Barely missing my uvula/back of my throat and possibly severely wounding me. Painful to eat for a good few months though. *I think about it everyday because I don't know how that was logically possible.....*
@@anti-roxas850 hahaha damnnn didnt expect you knew abt it. I mean i definitely remembered it bcs it scarred me. Especially cause its my first few times watching anime
I died, briefly, when I was 17. Lots of concussions (diagnosed) from my teens to my mid twenties. Really bad neck trauma at 23 and still going. Dodged life's machine gun fire.
Ooh! I have one! About a year ago, I had pains in my hip, in the joint that connects my hip and upper leg. At first I thought it was achy bones because it was so cold, but it progressively got worse, to the point where I could bend my upper leg without extreme pain. I got taken to a hospital near my small town, and they checked me and said that I probably had a bruised muscle and it would go down in a few days. it got waaay worse. Eventually, my mom took me to a new hospital they built in the city. They checked my blood and told me that my blood showed signs of a staph infection, and that my hip joint was full of Pus and gunk, hence the reason it hurt so bad. They sent me to a bigger hospital in the wee-woo van, and hooked me up to some powerful antibiotics to fight it. Had to have 2 surgeries to remove the stuff Inside my joint too. the whole month that I was stuck inside the hospital sucked. Anytime I fell asleep and my leg relaxed and slightly moved, I woke up screaming because it hurt so much! Nearly died from it too if it weren’t from mom going with her instinct and taking me to another hospital. We thought about suing the other hospital but decided not to.
About 20 years ago at a family friends 4th of July. They had an above ground pool with deck. Being a stupid kid, I ran to jump in and my feet slid out from underneath. My head was less than an inch from crashing into the deck. Thankfully I landed in the water… I still remember staying submerged thinking of how close I was to possibly dying. Also my first job. We were making bio fuel, and a co worker was smoking near touts of fuel. I was 18 at the time and told the guy he shouldn’t smoke near the fuel. He proceeded to put his hand in a tout with a lot lighter and the fumes ignited… burning his hand badly.. Thankfully the gas’s burned off. And the mixture itself didn’t explode. His hand healed surprisingly well. Live by the golden rule and be careful everyone 😇👍🏻
2008: We moved up farther north after my mother got remarried and we moved out of our grandmother's place; this was the end of 8th grade. Three years later, my mother told me that some people broke into her house and stole a bunch of stuff, including a fancy TV. This was winter season 2011, when I was a high school senior ready to graduate in 2012. I wouldn't have imagined my stuff being robbed if we still lived there, but at the same time, I'd be pissed. Plus, she couldn't afford surveillance and there were no witnesses; she and my great-grandmother were at church on a Sunday morning (as usual) when the burglary occurred. Police called, but simply asked her to file a report because there was no evidence proving that any of the neighbors did it. So all of her stuff is now a lost cause while I still have my belongings safe with me. Bullet dodged.
Fairly recent. Boarding an international flight with an outgoing domestic connection. We have loaded all the checkable baggage onto the plane, and just as we placed our carry-on overhead baggage on the scales, the desk attendant noticed it was 12kg - 4kg too heavy, and we had to scramble to lighten the lid of each suitcase. However it was the wheel of the heavy checked baggage that was touching the carry on overhead baggage that skewed the results: all were at 8kgs and therefore admissible for the flight. Same can’t be said for me smuggling three extra bed socks and a change of shirt in my jeans to spite my significant admin’s packing process - without noticing. The weight, understandable, but it’s nothing if you underpack the essentials (underpants especially) and end up running out if you don’t know how to launder them. Significant admin was steaming mad, and although was right to shame me over said smuggling of the shirt and socks, security officers let me past, and at least this was my only passive aggressive spite over being a little over ready for the trip. I still have the bed socks (three!) and hope to use them with the soft slippers soon to prolong their usage between washes. Packing smart and within the rules is one thing, but having others decide what you can and can’t have (of your clothes and your electronics), that’s an extra ibuprofen pill to take. If I ever get medical and psychological clearance to finally travel the world without significant admin getting under my skin, well, test me, real world!
Once my Spanish teacher saved my life. If I hadn’t listened to her I would be dead. I don’t go to the doctor that often, but my Spanish teacher told me that I should really go to the doctor because she could tell that something was off. So that day I asked my mom to go to the doctor. A week later I went and my hemoglobin was dropping rapidly (went from 4.1 to 3.8) in two hours. This means that I could’ve died at any second, My resting heart rate could get up to 160. The ER doctor diagnosed me with Leukemia ( they were wrong, but I freaked because my friend had recently passed from what I thought was Leukemia(it was Neuroblastoma)). I spent two nights in the PICU and one in Oncology/Hematology. I got 3 blood transfusions. What did I have? Severe Iron deficiency Anemia. So I didn’t really have cancer, and thanks to my Spanish teacher I didn’t die.
I fully broke one of my vertebrae and fractured some others around in an accident where a beam fell on my back, I was sent to a hospital in my city, they said I was fine and just needed rest, some days later, I still wasn't good, I was loosing blood all around and had a choice to go to the capital city of my country to be healed or to stay there, I chose to go to the capital and when I got checked in the hospital my doctor was shocked, there were parts of bones around and he did a surgery on me, after the surgery he said that if I stayed in the hospital in my city one day longer I would have been paralyzed from the waist down. I thank that Doctor so much, and that's my story of how I dodged a giant bullet.
True story: Was gonna turn 16 soon in the summer. Start looking for a summer job. Found a flyer nearby the school where I lived and rip off one of its telephone number tabs. Call them up. Next week, dude with a gold tooth shows up with one of those 'shuttle' vans at my house. Said that he is going to take me to that job via his 'shuttle' van. Went to the back; low and behold, saw a bunch of kids like they been capture by the FBI in the back of his van. Second guessing myself about this 'job'. Without any hesitation, turn back home and discuss the situation with parents about this 'job'. Scariest thing is if I would have gone with that guy I would turn up like one of those missing people postings at Wal-Mart or worse. Moral of story: YOU go get job, job don't come get you!!! Bullet dodge.
One time when my dog Bailey was about 3 or 4 months old, my dad and brothers took her up on a guys trip to Wisconsin (we have a cabin/property up by the UP that we go up to every year). One day, they were doing some work out in the yard, and then one of them noticed that Bailey had something in her mouth. They started to approach her, but because she was a puppy and a bitch, Bailey thought it was a game and started running around the yard. Eventually my cousin Ryne tackled her and found that she had eaten the rat poison in the garage. After a panicked phone call to the vet, they were advised to get some hydrogen peroxide and put a couple drops down her throat. One of them ran to the store and came back with hydrogen peroxide, trying to figure out how many drops to give her. My uncle (who was slightly intoxicated) grabbed the bottle, opened it up, and poured it down her throat. After a minute she threw up, and there was some green in her puke, so they were all relieved and celebrated by getting jacked up. About 15 minutes later, Bailey puked again, and out came a huge chunk of rat poison that was sitting in her stomach. Bailey is now six years old and she is a very good girl
When I was 17, I almost married a man who was 32. I would have been able to stay at home and just take care of the house. But he was weird and controlling and wanted me to learn how to sew and wear dresses and go to church and stuff 🤨 I was SO DESPERATE to escape my parents' home but I just couldn't do it. I was young but also very strong minded🧠 I ended it. Years later I met my husband,a truly perfect gift from heaven 💙 Never marry the wrong person just because it looks like the easiest way out.
@@nickb8507 That was the idea in the past I believe, but I actually just looked it up and now doctors are saying the chemical absorption into your body wouldn't be enough to harm the baby, so I guess that's changed.
8:00 is relatable because my mom probably has the world record for dying the most times then coming back to life, she has died because of allergies and a low immune system, last time she died was in 2020, and she has had a heart attack at the age of 34 and is currently on oxygen because of covid, but she is getting better.
Death bullets dodged... When I was 16, I was in bed very ill and somehow managed to walk downstairs late at night to tell my parents something was really wrong before I slipped into unconsciousness. From the bits and pieces I heard after that I was rushed to hospital and diagnosed with a vicious viral injection. If I had stayed in bed that night, the dr said I probably wouldn’t have woken up the next day. Last year my husband had stomach pains that sent him to a&e. He was misdiagnosed and sent home. By the next morning I insisted we had to go back. He was instantly diagnosed with appendicitis, and once in surgery they had to open him from above his bellybutton to his groin, as it had turned gangrenous. After surgery his liver and kidneys started failing and his wound went septic, forcing them to open him up and allow the wound to drain using a vac pump over the next months. If he hadn’t gone back to the hospital when he did, he would have been in serious serious trouble. My eldest daughter has a stupidly high pain threshold. By the time we realised something was wrong she was in agony and passing blood. She was rushed in and diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, then later Crohn’s disease, autoimmune hepatitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Any longer without medical care her liver would have failed and she would have lost a lot of blood, and tissue would have begun dying. Her conditions are now well controlled 4 years later. We haven’t had much luck over the years 😂
Here’s my bullet dodge story. I am an anesthesiologist living in NYC. After finishing my 3 year residency, I ultimately was not happy about where I was working. For those that do not know how residency works, you are paid around 70k a year, while still being a doctor, but you are not practicing independently. Admittedly, I was not the brightest in my medical school, so I was only offered a job at a mediocre hospital. However, this mediocre hospital paid bank(around $350,000 per year STARTING salary). I took the job, and always had a very uneasy feeling of just discomfort while working there. After finishing my residency I decided to apply for a job at a hospital that paid significantly less(we’re talking almost $120,000 less). I was offered a job at one of New York’s best and most competitive hospitals, and within 4 years of working there, my income went from $210,000, to around $690,000, and I have an annual 8% salary bonus, so in the next year i’m expected to be making almost $800,000. I did not join medicine for the money, but to genuinely help people. But the money is definitely a motivator and helps me give my kids the life I never received. PS--> I found out around 5 months ago that the mediocre hospital that was paying very good, barely allowed for salary mobility, so I would have probably bottomed out at around $490,000 to around $500,000 at the end of my career.
My mom was supposed to go to the concert the night of the Station Nightclub Fire, but my younger sister ended up getting sick so my mom stayed home to take care of her. The next morning when she heard the news, she couldn't believe it. Every time I passed the memorial for it, I thought about how my mom was almost there.
Brother and I were learning about driving. Our mother was driving her car when she asked one of us, "Who wants to drive us home?" My brother offered and as he took the wheel, coincidentally my stepfather was in another car and looked at him dead in the eye, giving my brother a face full of shock---none of us knew he was coming home after a few errands, so when we got home after driving class, my stepdad chewed him off for not having insurance and that he wasn't supposed to be behind the wheel. I overheard him later lament that he should have never taken the wheel in the first place. So I guess one of us would dodge that bullet, and I was the one who avoided the wrath of my stepdad, at least for now. (Yeah, he did see me also, but I was in the backseat, so he didn't think too much about it)
My friend was trying to get me to go to a party with her and her friend but I was too tired and decided to stay in. The next day she tells me there was gun shots at the party. She didnt know if anyone got hurt though
I saw a post that said: "When I was 14 I wanted to buy a fedora, but none of them fit me." Idk if it's in the video tho I'm still watching
5 років тому+7
11:30 reminded me of a fantasy story where two people were in a shed during a storm, and a bunch of trees fell over like dominoes, BUT a literal GHOST pushed the last tree to the side, saving them! 14:30 reminds me of a "Darwin Award" story where a crook stole an old gun from a WW2 veteran and tried to use it in a robbery. but it also had old ammunition, which caused what's known as a "hangfire", a delayed shot. the idiot LITERALLY looked down the barrel...
A think a few of these people don’t understand the phrase dodging a bullet. When you dodge a bullet in the sense the phrase means, you do something that prevents you from experiencing a bad event that later takes place, that had you not done whatever that “something” was, you would have experienced it. There’s a couple of these that’s not really what’s happening. Instead they are like where someone is working a job they don’t like, and then they stop working there, and that’s it. That’s not exactly dodging a bullet.
Top 3 actually; 1) Didn't marry my psycho ex (long story) 2) Didn't move in with my deadbeat SD (sperm donor as I refuse to acknowledge him as my father) because he was always drinking up to the day he died from drinking and driving (good riddance) 3) Ending my friendship with a former best friend of mine (he was my friend since 5th grade) during my senior year in high school. Long story short, the guy tried to hook me up with his underage cousin, as I was 19 at the time (got held back because my Guidance Counselor had beef with me over some stupid petty stuff), and I refused. He begged and pleaded with me, then proceeded to try and bribe me. I still refused and immediately went home. I ran into him at school the next day and I told him that I don't want anything to do with him, we were no longer friends, and I added that if I were to ever catch him around ANY of my family members (especially my brother) that I would kill him slowly and agonizingly (I went rather graphic). He asked me what he did wrong, and I told him briefly, then he gives out a weak argument before I shut him down with me telling him that I have plans in life and I'm not throwing them nor my future away for something like that. About a year later after I graduated, he got arrested for distribution of obscene material to minors. He is now a registered SO and he's been going back to jail more than one time on repeat offenses as well as not reporting in his registration and allowing a known pedo to live with him and he's had other charges thrown at him.
Just moved into a new house and there was a snowstorm I heard some creaking so went to look out the window and saw nothing, had to use the restroom and right as I walked away from the front door the roof of the front porch collapsed, had I not gotten the urge to pee I would've been crushed
I live in Cincinnati and was there during the windstorm I appreciate the story so Ill share one of my own, my stepmom was standing where a tree was if I hadn’t called out and warned her she would’ve been crushed right there instead of running up the stairs like she did
I got a story. My ex gf was one of the typical Bible Belt types, always preaching about Jesus and whatnot. She broke up with me the summer before my freshman year of college so she could be with her childhood friend. Turns out she'd been secretly talking with him behind my back, but it didn't really matter since she can never have children due to PCOS, a condition that has slowly made her barren. Her parents also divorced shortly after our breakup. I don't feel sorry for her anymore. I've moved on and am about to receive my B.A, a supplement to my real education when I attend technical school for skill trades.
I ended up cutting my leg open on a rusty piece of playground equipment when I was a kid. My leg got swollen and red but we ended up waiting a day or two to see if went back to normal. Well it didnt so my parents took me to the ER and turns out I had a Strep A infection in my leg and had to go into surgery immediately. I was hospitalized for weeks and went through 3 surgeries to completely remove the infection. Had I waited just one more day they would've had to amputee half my entire leg
Who waits DAYS to see if one's injury heals after being cut with something RUSTY? AFAIK such injuries are an immediate visit to the ER if what wounded you is rusty. Rust is dangerous, yo.
@@abd-qadirgilani8871 Mate fucking relax jesus lol I was 7 years old and probably poorly explained to situation to my parents and failed to mention anything about rust 😂 take a chill pill
@@davisjphotos No he's right, that's pretty fucking dumb. It's rusty if course it's gonna cause infection, and the parents didn't ask where you cut your leg at in the park? What the hell.
I'm a cancer survivor and my radiation treatments thinned my scalp to a single layer of skin, in certain areas. I ended up getting an infection there, which I didn't know was possible, and that infection ate away at the remaining tissue on my head, exposing my scalp. I was joking around with my fiance, pretended to faint, and when my head met the floor, the sudden change in blood elevation, caused my head to start spewing blood, like I was in a horror movie. I went to see my neurologist the following day and she put me into surgery prep immediately. When I woke up after surgery, she said I had a severe infection in my scalp and had I waited another day, or so, that infection would've gotten into my skull. She further explained that if my skull was infected they would have to drill that section out, put me into a Clean Room, and allow the removed portion of my skull to naturally heal, which takes six, or more, months. Extremely happy I dodged that!!!!
9:17 I was like a couple hours late to go to Barcelona on that day. Pretty rough day seeing the Candles, flowers and people crying everywhere. More like a funeral than a sunny holiday... but still a bullet a could dodge by beeing lazy, sleepy and high.
Not me or my family, but a family with two young kids. This past November my family and I were driving up to my grandparents’ house for Thanksgiving. We saw a car right in front of us swerve and flip on to its side. It hit a power pole and a few power lines were down. I still remember the cracking sounds. I immediately called 911 and my dad and brother ran out to try and help(I’m disabled). After a few moments two little kids, one was around 4 and the other was around 7, crawl out of their wrecked car. We put the kids in our car and I cover them up in blankets and jackets. It was really cold outside and they were really shaken. Around this time emergency crews arrived. After a few more minutes the parents came out and went to their kids. The mom said that the dad took a drink of tea and started choking and crashed. The only casualty was some pumpkin pie that got smashed up. They certainly had a lot to be thankful for
My experience would be that one time on my birthday. I literally skipped school for it because I planned to prepare for the simple celebration with my friends in a restaurant at the mall. I picked them up and told them where I planned to treat them and they just went along with the plans but for some reason I changed my mind a booked a different resto just near the campus and not at the mall. A few hours in the resto, we saw facebook posts about the mall in a fire accident and half of the building and properties was damaged including the resto I had planned to go prior. That birthday could have turned for the first.
The experiences that I thought were failures in my life were actually God’s way of protecting me from danger/harm. He was redirecting and reserving me for the best blessings he has in store for me. I encourage anyone who is lost or going through difficulty to pray to God and he will show you your purpose and the plans he has for your life. The key is to keep those plans and revelations between you and God. I’m excited about my future!
Lived in a small Mayan village in the Yucatan with my bf in his house. When he first built there the village was very quiet and safe. After a few years, as tourism picked up in the greater area, more and more gangs came from other parts of the country, with increased cartel activity. We'd been hearing stories about gangs causing trouble in the village, like extorting local businesses, robbing people, one kid even got shot on the highway for a minor altercation. My bf wouldn't lock his doors at night , because it used to be a safe area, and he wanted his dogs to have the freedom to go outside whenever they wanted at night. We'd argue about it. He always said, my house is your house, but when it came down to it, if he didn't agree on something, I had to give in, because it was his house. So I became increasingly nervous and scared about potential intruders, mostly due to the unlocked doors at night. I'd always wake up in the middle of the night, not sure why, and stay up for a few hours, always feeling like I was being watched. Not being 'allowed' to lock the doors at night made me feel very vulnerable, and I resented not having any control over my own safety, just because it was technically his house. I decided, eventually, to leave him, knowing that my future was dim as long as I stayed with him. I also kept getting intuitive messages that I didnt' belong there. Two months after I left, my ex was killed in a violent home invasion. It was tragic and broke my heart and I am still suffering from PTSD about it. But if I hadn't have listened to my instinct, I would have been dead too. To this day I thank Spirit for guiding me.
Kid walks in with a sore ear Hospital: we'll get to you as soon as possible and make sure you're ok Woman walks in with an EXPLODED appendix and has 24 hours to live Hospital: naa can't be bothered dealing with this mess, would rather the easier stuff.
I escaped permanent nerve damage by getting a cancer diagnosis. I had a massive lump in my face. Had to go to doctor after doctor because no one knew what it was or who was the right kind of doctor to deal with it. Finally I ended up at an ear nose and throat doctor who told me, 1, it's a tumor but "probably" isn't cancerous because I don't chew tobacco, but that he wasn't going to biopsy it for fear of internal bleeding. And 2, he would do surgery on it that would in all likelihood leave me permanently disfigured. My uncle's a doctor and recommended we see an endocrinologist he knew. First appointment with him he biolosied the tumor, and within a week told me it was cancerous. I still needed surgery but he would work with a plastic surgeon to make the incision as unnoticeable and clean as possible, and fill in any cavities the tumor might leave. Also warned me of risk of nerve damage, but was prepared to repair the nerve with 3 different backup plans. I had my surgery in August of 2020. I'm now cancer free, no nerve damage, and my face is symmetrical. The scar is barely noticeable and will become even harder to see with time. Sometimes doctors have no idea what they're doing but still want to charge you money. That's the moral of the story.
Once i was on a hike and something literaly growled at me through some bushes i just started running bacwards and screaming like crazy until I found someone who was left behind from the group. I was told it was either a wild pig protecting its babies or a cougar idk if i dodged a bulet but anyways it gave me the chills.
I have some stories. All of that happened in bosnia. 1. Once i was driving home from my cousins place. They live in a small city in bosnia and i live in a small village near the croatian border. There was a curvy part which is fun to drive with pace. I switch to sport and started to hoon through these curves. I was taking a long right turn, driving as close as i could on the right side. Suddenly, a bus was driving to the city and was literally driving in the middle of the road and i dodged it with speeding. If i was driving normally, either my mirror would be gone, or i would be gone. 2. Was driving home from my sisters wedding. I have never been there, so i dont know the roads. Driving with normal speed, cars constantly driving in the opposite direction when all of a sudden, a car pops up on my side overtaking lile five cars on a cruvy part of the road. Luckily i managed to make a full emergency stop just to dodge the car by maybe 2 meters. If i was driving faster, i would be dead for sure. 3. Driving my quad ob the road. Going on a right curve when a car took it's left turn conpletely on the opposite side. Luckily it could dodge me on time. If he had hit me, i would have maybe flown 50 meters.
Whenever every introvert cell in your body starts reacting and cancels your plans, thank them. Getting sleepy might just save your life.
Bruh the without the mustache is a few comments abouve
Eyyy I havnt seen you around recently.
Oh, where is your brother without the actual moustache
And then the gas valve in your house fails. Or a plane falls from the sky on your house. Or you sleep through a house fire and never wake up
2-day detention is NOT enough for the kid who pushed op into the street. that’s like a jailable offense, or juvvie or something
Jail would've been reserved for the OP if he fought back. That's how the school system works.
@@TheDrapetomanic School systems is basically a shithole
@@defaultset School system be like:
Omg you're dying man? But... Did you do your math homework? You're not gonna' pass this school year. Put some ice on it, whatever.
@giorgai Was that an insult or just anoter school story? Because I cannot see where I have misspelled something ._.
He was adding onto what you said you fucking dense biscuit
I quite literally dodged a bullet. The day that someone was caught in my school with a firearm, I decided to skip school that day to play video games. The student never shot anyone, but there is still a possibility that they could’ve been after a student in one of my classes.
You're kinda everywhere. And lucky
Bro I literally see you everywhere wtf
He didn't shoot anyone because you were his target and didn't show up. So rude.
I swear ive seen you on furry, gun, video game, and SCP videos and its scury.
Skipjack647 Are you admitting you’re a furry?
About the "my appendix exploded" story: I feel like the first hospital also dodged a bullet there because I'm sure as hell she could have sued the everloving shit outta them for refusing her so carelessly.
What the hell kind of hospital would just turn you away when your appendix bursts?!?🤨
fun fact! I don't know about other countries, but in the UK the NHS takes a minimum of 12 years to sue (I know as the exact same appendix story happened to a fam member but they didn't get the correct second opinon part), so the money it costs to hire a decent lawyer for that long would probably be more than the settlement anyway :(
@@rubberduckie5894 That is fucked up. That is so fucked up.
This exact thing happened to me! I was 4 years old, one hospital didn’t find anything wrong with me (they said it was just a stomach bug) but my mom called my pediatrician and she sent us to another hospital. If we had waited one more hour I would’ve died.
A hospital refused to check me out when I went in after a car wreck the night before (my mom was worried) because "it would be a lot of paperwork". I always thought that was messed up.
Luckily nothing major was messed up (going off the fact that I'm still alive) except possibly a cracked sternum, but you can't really do anything about that anyway
I once actually dodged a bullet that someone shot at me in the woods
i swear, i end up finding you in every single reddit text video i watch
Hey guys so I went to the woods hunting and I saw a bear but it escaped sadly
I hear ya i dodged a stake . And sunrise. Almost got staked
Neo, what are you doing on this page!? get back to saving us from the matrix!!!!
Sounds like the last hunting trip I went on.
I was picking up sticks in my yard one day. I look up and see a spider with a five-inch leg span dangling from a web a foot from my face.
Oh yep, I can ralate. There is a spider web above my outside bins that Ive walked into each night when taking the rubbish out the last 3 times. I keep forgetting he's there. I was only covered in webs, no spider as far as I could tell, but there must have been a spider there to remake his web each time after I walked throught it. Anyway I spotted the spider today, in daylight. He/she a big MF. 😐 (I live in Australia, we know to not bother the critters. So thats how I am still here today.😁)
i can also relate, was easter and while my little cousins were picking up eggs , i spotted an egg in between two bushes and thought they must’ve missed one. So i went to pick it up and as i reached my arm in, there was a spider dangling from my face and it touched my forehead and i immediately recoiled. thankfully it didn’t try to bite me
Once a big, though not giant spider i caught in the corner of my eye and he was 2 inches from my back, this was in Australia, also, hi Dr.Shaym
Huh, didn't know you liked reddit videos. Your review content is good, keep up the good work.
Me wait a spider making a giant new web each day than I was like o Australia them mofos big
So a kid pushed another kid into the street in front of a school bus and got a two day detention
After that, I'd have beat his face to an unrecognizable pulp.
Meanwhile, a student defends himself from a bully and gets a three day suspension
An Apple or worse he gets expelled 😥 and the bully doesn’t even get a slap on the wrist 😠
instead of immediate expulsion and a record?
Out of all the stories, I questioned this one the least.
I was engaged to a guy. Walked away from him when he said he didn't want to get married and didn't want children. Turned out he only wanted to marry me, to clear his £63,000 worth of debt, also turned out to be a druggie and a woman beater, who neglected his children cos they were girls and he had wanted boys. Never beat me. Never tried. He knew I'd do him serious harm if he did. No regrets at all leaving him.
Wow I feel bad for his daughters and ex wives
Well I once told my gf I didn't want that. Also my brother is studying abroad and it costs quite alot. Damn.
I guess hindsight is truly 20/20. There were red flags, but it took me finding out and kiboshing his plans to diddle my dad out of his house to make himself solvent at my dad's expense, to completely shut it down. I'm not sorry at all. The joke was even after that he wanted to be friends with benefits. I shot him down on that too. He found out that I was going formula One and I was in the VIP section, having been invited by a friend. blew up my phone something Wicked because he wanted to go, so I threw it under my mate's car seat for a few days. He got blocked and deleted. Never saw him again.
@@woomeebly wait so what did you mean by "do him some serious harm"? Like physically or...?
@@Nothing-yf4ks let's just say I know the finer points of turning a Warren into a Wendy. Literally. Not just removing the parts that make him male, but constructing the parts that would eventually be recognised as female....
This guy's voice sounds like times new roman
@@rohitduda6702 except it is
Your voice sound s like a weiner
Victor Serge ok buddy
My comments go viral it sounds like the British male seri voice 😂
I once hooked up with 2 girls on a night out. Coincidentally they were both called Monica. By the end of the night I had made up my mind to go home with Monica1 as she was the cutest and most interesting. So drunk me said loudly "Hey, Monica, do you wanna go back to your place?" Turned out Monica1, who I wanted to go home with, was just out of earshot, but Monica2 heard me and said yes.
It was too awkward to correct her and say I didnt mean her, and I would feel like a pos if I said I'd rather get with the other girl.
So I went home with Monica2. Turned out we hit it off and became friends with benefits for a month or so. All chilled and mutual.
One month later Monica1 was admitted to the hospital were I work as a psychiatric nurse. She was a psycho with severe bipolar and personality disorder.
Bullet dodged!
Are you from the UK?
Hey, please don’t shame people for going into psychiatric wards. There’s nothing wrong with needing help.
@@crypie109 I thought they were just saying that because she was mentally ill the relationship would have been hell and that they're glad they didnt enter it...? Was it the "bullet doged" bit that made you think they were shaming people for needing help?
@@HJ-ju1dn I'm as confused as you
I married a Monica, pretty sure I got the wrong one 😜
My ex miscarried. A month later found she was already married. Husband was deployed. She kicked me out of her apartment the day he came home. It was supposed to be a surprise. The only person surprised was me.
Ehh you could have worded this better.
Edward Hernandez fair enough. Wrote it in haste.
Matthew Carlisle we get the point of it though
Did he find out?
@@miztonda4907 about me? yes. The pregnancy no. I actually talked to him, told him everything. He didn't blame me because he knew that I didn't know about him.
All the ones about people dodging death makes you realise how many people were in a similar situation but died :(
Literally, and/or figuratively.
15:21 seriously, whoever pushed him into the street should have been charged with attempted bodily harm, or attempted manslaughter. if a kid is capable of doing that, at that age, what are they going to do when they're adults? People have to stop letting youngsters off so easily. At the very least, frighten the living daylights out of them in a lock up for a night or two.
Amen 👏👏👏
Agreed. I would have probably beat that kid senseless too...
Kayenne54 that got my blood boiling I wanna fucking kick that kid
Attempted voluntary manslaughter is right.
I've told this story in another Reddit video, but anyway:
About 15 years ago a work colleague was completely head over heels in love with me. She would always talk about children, how many she wanted and that she would love to be a single mum. That made me back off, so she found another guy, and only a month later she told everyone that she was pregnant. They got married some months later, she gave birth to a little girl - and shortly thereafter she got pregnant again. I knew the marriage wouldn't last, because she was very dominant and abused the guy verbally. Plus her comments about being a single mum were stuck in my head. A week after their second child was born she bacially said she didn't love him anymore and divorced him. 14 months and two children later she was the single mum she wanted to be. Too bad she ruined a guy in the process. :/
Dude what a btch, how can she decide if her kids will have a father in their life or not?! Poor kids... If she wants to be a single mom she should have adopted instead of messing up with two kid's life plus a guy too, cuz he got tangled in the process.
Too long, not ganna read it.
Edward Hernandez Dick.
Her selfishness is causing her children to be twice as likely to drop out of high school, twice as likely to end up in jail, and four times more likely to need help for emotional or behavioral problems among other things. Despicable.
That’s horrible wow.
a 2 day detention for trying to kill somebody?! come on! I got a 2 day detention for being a couple minutes late to a study period.
Exactly lol, what that kid did should have been a more extreme punishment
Punishment: *Jail*
@@emily3805 punishment...
*d e a t h*
When I was still in elementary school, my mother would never let me sleep over at a friends house on a school night. But I would ask anyway, being a optimistic kid. One Wednesday evening, she agreed and I got to sleep over at my best friends apartment, in the same apartment complex. That night, someone threw a shovel through my bedroom window, and the spade landed on my pillow, right where my head would have been. My Mothers gut intuition ( she told me that's what made her decide to say yes) dodged me a bullet and saved my life.
technically, you dodged a shovel
a human, duh lol
Your mom is the best she saved your life :)
That’s amazing
I doubt it would have taken your life. However, it would have hurt.
I woke up at 3am one morning with the worst gas pain of my life. Went to work and suffered through the first half of my shift, during lunch I decided to go lay in my car rather than eat lunch. My boss saw me and told me to just go home. Took a nap hoping I would wake up feeling better, but when I woke up the pain was even worse. I'm the kind of person that hates going to the doctor, but I caved in. An hour later i was on the surgical table getting my appendix removed. The last thing i remember before being put under was the surgeon looking at my chart and asking "so what are you here for?", and me replying "I'm here for the quadruple amputation".
Dang! What happened to you?! Must’ve been painful
Here’s one: my dad had a meeting to go to in the twin towers on 9/11. He was super late, and once he was on the train he saw the plane hit, and immediately went back home. This was four years before I was born, so if he wasn’t late I wouldn’t be here telling you this.
Dang I have one too, but I’ll keep it as short as possible. I was supposed to go out with a close friend years ago to drink at night, i ended up having to ditch because of something coming up, he ended up getting shot n passed away that night. It creeps me out to this day, a couple seconds probably made the difference of me being alive or not haha
@@versacechang1521 nice
My bosses daughter was supposed to go to the twin towers for some school thing. It was scheduled for a different day but my boss was still in a panic until she heard her daughter's voice.
I was in high school when that happened. How the hell are you old enough to be typing?!
Ugh…. I’m so old. 👵🏼
🧢🧢🧢 U ain't 7 years old
I remember this one time plankton came into me office on a rocket. Thankfully, squidwards forehead acted as a shield!
Oh yeah
Oh dang, Mr. Krabs!
So that's how you supposedly killed squidward in the spongebob horror game red mist
Eugene H. Krabs dang bro that’s sick
And everyone started clapping
My good friend broke up with his high school GF because he wasn't ready to sleep with anyone, and she was so darn pushy. She apparently cheated on him and got knocked up
She wanted to convince him she was the father by sleeping with him.
I kinda didn't understand of she was the father and stuff
shyangelwolfgirl 2003 What’s there not to understand? The girl is obviously the father 🙄
@@ZeroSilverPhoenix No the girl got the father pregnant.
GeneralChangOfDanang i would r/woooosh you now but you seem like a nice dude
About ten years ago, there was a really bad thunderstorm and my family was getting ready to go out for dinner. My dad accidentally left the keys for the car back in the house so he went back inside to get it. Moments after he started walking back to get the keys, lightning struck a massive tree just outside our house and it fell across a large part of the road. We would've been a family of pancakes if my dad didn't forget his keys
"I hate my stomach and it hates me"
Story of my life...
i was going shopping with some friends for party decorations. we met at one of our houses and were procrastinating a bit just watching youtube videos. we almost left but decided to watch “just one more video”. like 2 minutes into the video, we all get texts from our parents warning us to get inside. there was an active shooter on the same block as the dollar store we were about to go to. a cody ko video basically saved my life.
Did you at least give the video a like. That is worth a big thumbs up.
babecat2000 i don’t even remember which one it was lol
While listening to this I realized that we've all "dodged a bullet" of one kind or another. Haven't we all made some bad choices, unlucky choices, and some very good choices? Sometimes we consider the consequences of our actions or of a friend's actions and sometimes we get surprised.
Once thought about reconciling with an ex-best friend. Talked about it with a legit-best friend and she talked me out of it. Turns out ex-friend got even nastier, making her lose her remaining friends.
When I was a kid I dodged a goose, I haven’t felt so scared in my life before (had to climb a tree to protect me cuz my family was just laughing lmao)
michi :v that’s amazing 😂😂
@@FreshLurks Oh yes, yes buddy...it's time for your needle now :)
My wife at one point got chased by a goose in her childhood and funny enough my daughter when she was 4. Crazy birds.
Geese are satanic little monster who only feed on human souls and fear, those feathered bottles of hatred live for nothing more than to cause absolute destruction and tragedy in their wake.
for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have eternal life"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 3:16."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 1:12. hi! JESUS loves you and died for you if you accept HIM! HE rose from the dead to show us that death cant hold HIM! repent and start living your life for HIM and when the time is right HE will get you to Heaven🧡
Not even a dodged a bullet story, but more of a “gun misfired and didn’t hit me with a fatal shot,” story.
Was mowing my lawn last fall, and because I hadn’t mowed it in two weeks and it had rained the previous night, it was long and damp, perfect for gumming up your mower.
Every couple of rows or so, I’d have to stop the mower and clean the rims of clumped grass, mud, what have you. Normally, when you stop the mower when it’s full of grass, the blades are stopped quicker than usual by all the accumulated crud inside the rim.
Well, after the mower began making some telling “clean me” noises, I stopped the mower, got around to the side, lifted it up and reached in to clean the rim out, only the blades hadn’t stopped moving. Blade whacked me in the fingers, and immediately, I knew something was up.
I reluctantly looked to my hand expecting my fingers to be gone or hanging by skin, but instead, my gloves were cut and there was a deep-looking cut and some gnarly bruising and blood blisters on a couple of my fingers.
Had one of my roommates take a look, and they determined that I would not need stitches. Other than the pad of my most-hit finger being numb for a month or so, my finger has healed and you can hardly see a scar. But had I not worn gloves or the blades were spinning ever so faster, at best, I would have broken my fingers and I’d likely need stitches.
moviemaster8510 hmm yeah no your fingers would’ve been gone. People don’t realize how delicate our bodies actually are
@@Softnsweetbb for reall
Unbeknownst to me and my mother at the time, I was having an allergic reaction to the tilapia I had eaten for dinner. Mom took me to the hospital when my skin turned red and I couldn't breathe.
The doctor said I was literally minutes away from dying.
When I was about 5 or 6, we were visiting my Grandmother, who lived about a mile from Lake Michigan. We went to the beach one day. I hadn't learned to swim yet, so I decided to see how far out I could wade instead. I was up to my neck when I tripped on something on the bottom of the lake, and couldn't regain my footing. In those days, when cartoons showed someone drowning, they would always go under three times. I literally got my head above water for a split second three times before my Dad pulled me out. I spent the rest of the day playing in the sand. I was never able to pay my Dad back for saving my life before he died. Still hoping to 'pay it forward'.
Trust me, you "payed" your dad back by living your life! I'm sure you wish you could have given him a steak dinner or done some kind of specific gesture that just said "thanks dad!" but that's not what it's about. Us dads just want to be there for our kids😊😙
I grew up in Chicago, i was invited to a party when i was sixteen. Lomg story short i got a headache, stayed home and the party ended up getting shot up.
3 people died and 17 were injured several seriously.
Bully: let's push this kid lmao
Kid: flops to ground with new gained matrix powers to dodge bus
Bus: im a bus lmao
Shoddy school system: yeah you almost killed a kid or whatever you get 2 days detention
"Im a bus lmao"
Incredible commentary xD
The school system sounds terrible
That's the best comment I've ever seen.
I was born in my own fecal matter. Likely due to my moms doctor making her wait an extra week before inducing labor. My parents were told I was at a very high risk of infection, and may not survive the next 24 hours.
Coincidentally, I'm turning 24 this year.
Keka Winter Star this happened to my nephew, he’s severely handicapped and brain damaged from eating his own feces. Deaf in one ear, can’t walk, stiff as a board or like a corpse in the rigor mortis stage of decomp. You really REALLY dodged a bullet.
but youre a furry so :/
*Looks at the pfp*
Yeah, you *_totally_* dodged a bullet
@@sukindiamuzik Yeah, didn't turn out completely normal to some peoples social society standards because of my enjoyment of cartoon critters. Ah well :3 Your opinion matters!
Just not to me :p
@@sukindiamuzik but your a bitch so.
Oh man. Just a few weeks ago, I was driving home from an evening shift. Got off at 11pm. The plan was to head home, smoke a bowl, and chill out with my pet cat, Benny.
Took the mostly empty highway with no issue, and reached my exit around 11:30pm. Stopped at a red light, with one car in front of me. Light turns green. The first fella makes his left turn, and I follow at a normal distance.
Corner of my eye, I saw it. What every driver dreads to see. Two headlights gleaming, coming in HOT on the driver's side. I'll never forget that image.
Well, the car must of missed me by centimeters (Canadian here). It barreled right behind me... The scariest part? When i saw him in my mirror? The car Just. Kept. Going. No brakes light, no swerve or nothing! It just kept driving. Speeding pretty hard too, at least 80-90km/hr in a 60 zone.
Thought about life on the way home. All the good times. Family. Friends. My good little Benny Boi
You know what I mean.
"Not today." 💀
Wtf. The driver of that car was drunk or sumn
Literally dodged a bullet.
I had a similar thing happen, except I hesitated at the green light, one car runs a red right in front of me. So then I start to go and the person next to me turning left literally saved my life - they started honking, I stopped, and bam - a second car runs the red millimeters from my front end.
It was my closest call probably
Also choice name for a cat. My dog is named Benny
Nothing will ever compare to my great-uncle’s story. He was a pilot during WW2; one day he was flying and reached down to pick up some maps. A bullet went through the glass exactly where his head had just been.
The biggest bullet I dodged was when I literally dodged a firework.
Someone was careless 4th of July one year, the bottle rocket launcher tipped over, and it came flying right at me.
Missed by a couple inches.
Did most of my growing up in a big old ranch style house, two stories tall... Right next to the upstairs bathroom was a linen-closet, but we were never so high class, and for years just used it for storing crap we weren't using... This closet had a window, and during cold or unpleasant weather, I'd "snipe" at soda cans with BB-guns and the like from up there. It was sill childish sh*t mostly... THEN one summer, as partial pay for mowing around one of the little sales stands around town, I was getting fireworks... and a large box of everything from roman candles to bottle rockets, chains of various sized "poppers" and all manner of fiery, multi-colored, explosive and incendiary monstrosities piled up in that closet... waiting for something clever in my asinine opinions...
THEN some of the guys found out and came over... and we started lighting the rockets and slinging them out the window... We were using slingshots to shoot M-80's and Cherry bombs out too... It was great and we were having a blast (too literally)... Until one of the guys tossed a rocket and it fired off RIGHT BACK IN THROUGH THE DAMN WINDOW!!!
Suddenly from a space about twice the size of your average shower-stall, there was about half a dozen of us, scrambling and screaming and swearing at each other... all jammed into the doorway... in the midst of this, fireballs of various sizes were blasting out over head... bouncing out across the hard-wood floors... Rockets were screaming in multitudes of directions... chains of explosions were rattling off like machine guns... It was bloody chaos... AND one of the "Super XXX" size cartons of BB's was blown to pieces... a TIDAL WAVE of copper spheres went cascading out of the doorway and over the edge of the balcony down the stairs. Pants were on fire... shirts smouldering... one of the guys "Mark" had lost about a third of his hair, and I didn't have eyebrows again... while we finally made it free of the closet, and I yanked the door shut behind us... waiting for all hell breaking loose to finally quiet down.
There were many "bullets dodged" that day. I mean, nobody died... BUT there were a similar number that simply could not be avoided...
...I was lucky not to be skinned alive for that little stunt... even if it was hilarious. ;o)
Swap "someone" out for" my dad" and you have the whole scenario.
Me and my cousins shoot fireworks at each other every single year I have been hit with bottle rockets, firecrackers, and Roman candles they don’t hurt that bad.
CaZualty That makes me feel a lot better, actually. All this time I thought they would have blown me up like a freaking missile, but if that's not the case, maybe I can finally stop being so nervous around the darn things...
@@LendriMujina hell yeah big fireworks will still give you some pretty decent damage tho but the little ones dont hurt.
Dodged bullet story:
This takes place when I was just 7, I had learned to ride a bike not too long ago. Me and my dad would always ride together, and I thought of it as okay. I enjoyed spending the time with him, jut riding a bike (with training wheels on) was Just okay. Then, of course comes off the training wheels, and I hated it. I always fell, and I always came back from the biking trips with a scrape or two.
But then I got used to it. I loved it: MO, I was obsessed with it. I rode all the time and found any excuse to go riding with my dad. And at some points, he wouldn't want to go, so I would just be riding in the front yard on the sidewalk or close to the side walk. As I got more comfortable, I noticed I could ride up and down slanted curbs. This too enlarged my obsession, and I would always look down when I would do it because I was still not the best at it.
Then comes the day.
I go out riding, usual day. My sister is watching over me as she grabs stuff from her car. I go up and down the sidewalk, and I near the neighbors. Keep in mind, I only looked down, and found no reason to look around for I'm on a sidewalk; I am safe, right? Then it hits me. Literally. One moment im fascinated by going up and down, then I'm laying sideways under a car, my vision black and blood in my mouth. I don't feel anything, and I can't move my left arm. I hear screaming. It's my sister. 2 minutes go by until 5 or 6 guys lift the car from my arm and drag me to safety. I look down and there's blood and brown stuff everywhere (my memory must be hazy as I saw brown substance with small cubes).
Had I rode for a second more or less, the car coming out of my neighbour's driveway would have caused a fatal car accident.
Yeah there's my story
My dad checked my phone my bro looked over and saw what was loading on safari lmao and quickly snatched it and deleted my search history so thank heavens.
He's a real g
Frosty Teacup ye
you have a great brother.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic very grateful
Buy your brother a good food for that
OHHHHH BOY I have one. You remember the episode of South Park where butters had a shuriken/throwing star stuck in his eye? That was about 6 inches from being me.
I bought a 4-pack of throwing stars back in high school at some Asian festival. They were different shapes and sizes, some with four points some with five.
Most of them would consistently stick to any wooden surface, telephone poles, fence posts, even trees. But one day I was throwing at what must’ve been an extra hard tree from a “safe” 20 feet away...
Threw a five point... stuck.
Threw a four point... stuck
Threw a five point... stuck
Then I threw the last four point star which always gave me trouble. Btw I would throw them like a baseball pitch and spinning vertically. I have quite a good throwing arm.
Normally when something flies at your face, your head has the best reflexes for dodging out of all your body parts. When I say this thing came back at me at the exact same speed I threw it the damn blade went RIGHT past the left side of my face before I could react (especially since I leaned into the throw and had zero expectation of this happening)
I just stood there afterwards... picked up the three stars stuck in the tree, searched for the one that ricocheted, couldn’t find it, went back inside, and didn’t fuck with those again.
6:50 dated a country girl like that back when I was overweight and had no self esteem.
-130lbs later and I’m doing great 😂
Nice bro
@@isha9300 thanks big dawg! I just got a new house!
@@qasw287 no problem man. Keep living your life!
Good job man, congrats. Everyone learns. Btw what df would 'spit Roasted' mean?+
..Dodged another bullet when I was 14 years old. Was at a teen party when all of sudden the mother told everyone to leave. While my friends and I were leaving shots had rang out. Immediately I run for cover in the house but the door was being wedge by several people trying to get in too. Eventually I was able to get through the door and find some cover in the living room of the house.
The guy was still shooting outside I wanna say for at least 2 min before he finally left. When I came outside I had to witness the aftermath.. Right next to the door I came in was a girl laying on the ground breathing very slowly but still breathing. Took what seemed like forever for the ambulance to get there.
The Doctors say she was instantly brain dead on impact. Sadly there was nothing her family could do so they pulled the plug on her. RIP. Sierra Foster
I put myself through college without student loans or help from my folks. I'd started working for a major bank with a paid internship when I was only 15, so I learned a lot about the industry. I didn't take me long to realize that student loans were one huge trap that would take decades to pay off. So I just didn't get any. Everyone thought I was crazy at the time, but I knew better. My parents didn't help me, either; my dad was a deadbeat who was never around, and my mom lost my college fund on a bad investment. So I buckled down and worked 3 jobs. It was a brutal, ruthless lesson in self-discipline and focus. I sacrificed my social life to make it happen; most of the stuff people take for granted - going out to eat, seeing movies, eating ice cream - were and still are considered luxuries for me. I didn't sleep much, and my physical and mental health weren't doing too well, either. I didn't have much money when I graduated, _but I didn't owe anyone a cent._
I had to rebuild my finances almost completely from scratch after that. So I kept saving, investing, doing what I could. I never forgot the lessons I learned from that experience. I still work full time, but it's good to know I'm building towards something. After bills, investments, and savings, I can focus on what truly interests me, like books and traveling the world. I'm not rich by any means, but unlike most people my age, at least I'm not crushed under the weight of debt. All because of a decision I made over 20 years ago, and saw it through.
You're the best. I wish I could've avoided those damn student loans. I'm not even doing what I went to school for.
Awesome 👍🏽
I was in a government owned hotel in Kashmir, and on the day of our departure we left early and got onto our flight and left. After we got home , headlines had been made: The very same hotel we were staying at, had been attacked by terrorists , 30 minutes after we had left for the airport 🤯
The one about the Vegas shooting is fake the golden knights first game was after
Tyler howitt JUST GOING TO SAY THAT, waited for someone else, because the game was played at 7
They get internet points
ObjectivelyInoffensiveUsername probably like a third of everything posted on reddit is made up. Place is a dump
Yeah but the more internet points you get the cooler you are
it's not even a very interesting lie...
I don't know if it was really a bullet dodged because young relationships usually don't last anyway but...
I got involved with a guy in college who turned out to be severely mentally ill and I stuck it out longer than should have thinking if he just stuck with the program, he'd get better. Nope. I eventually cut my losses and he wound up homeless for a time but it was no longer my problem. Sounds heartless but I am neither a medical professional nor social worker. I wasn't going to burn myself down to keep someone else warm whom I grew to loathe.
*Veteran who got shot at by a tank*
“This looks like a job for me”.
Got three almost death stories.
1/ I set my legs on fire with acetone. Was seconds away from having to lose both legs. Took 10 months to get back to running and walking normally. Now I do parkour.
2/ crushed fingers in my garage because of a counterweight. Managed to keep them all except for the distal phalanx of my right ring finger. Almost bled to death that day.
3/ almost falling of a cliff, managed to stay on cos I got a grip out of luck. This was in Greece. Trying to reach a natural pool, broke off the rock beneath me, got scraped up pretty good as I was just wearing swimming shorts.
Also I’ve been in 22 places during some sort of bad event, mostly shootings.
The most recent one was with my roommate, going to his city, which is really tame, and never has any crime at all. Suddenly someone gets stabbed halfway through my stay ( which was for one day) .
I had two job offers: one, I'll call A, looked like a chill job where i knew and kinda had a crush on one of their employees, the other, B, looked like a suit-and-tie office with super-high standards. However, A didn't match B's salary offer and i went with B. Two months later, A outsourced the department where i would have worked and B turned out to be an excellent job.
7 months pregnant, walking along the sidewalk, next to a tall building on the Navy base in Norfork, Va. It was quite windy outside. I heard a slight noise, looked up, and jumped back. A large piece of heavy metal roofing material had come off, and crashed right in front of me. If I hadn't jumped, it would have killed me.
I was almost homeless last year, and if I had not decided to start the application process with the military (commissioning), then I would've been kicked out for sure by my pill loving dad.
I didn't go in the military as they were going to war and meeting their quota with enough priors that my ass was the bottom of the stack every time. Because of the lack of attention from the recruiter and the fact that my father thought I was gettings six-figure position was able to get back to my old house when my mother realized that she couldn't do shit in her old age. Broke it off with Dad after a heated conversation that resulted in me getting a switch, car, and mattress as a result of having to live in his basement for a year while working two jobs and going to school full time.
Shit sucked. I got yelled at both work and every level of the recruiting process you could imagine for appearing unprofessional. Still, what the military and work didn't know didn't hurt them as I had bigger things to worry about. I got away scot-free when home life was starting to settle down with their bullshit, and I was able to get my life back in order long enough for me to go back for grad school and get a slightly better job in the process.
@@marlonmontelhiggins8570 Good point. The grammar and sentence structure sucks!
I'm glad it worked out despite the mess
@@_.BlackArmor._ I know, right?
The bullet I once dodged was when I was leaving a shopping mall and going to my parents house. I called my parents to tell them I was comming over. I could have taken the highway or the backroads. I decided to take the backroads. There was no reason for my choice. Sometimes I take one way and sometimes I take the other. While driving, the sky got dark and let loose with a downpour of hail. It was so bad that I had to pull over because I couldn't see. I pulled into a parking lot and waited it out. When it eased up, I went on my way. By the time I got to my parent's home the sky was sunny. My brother ran out of my parent's house and yelled, "Thank God you're ok." He then told me there was a major accident on the highway. It was on the news. I went inside and saw a 30 car pileup on TV. If I had taken the highway, I would have been a part of that pileup.
when I was 10 years old, I was stupidly running around with A chopstick in my mouth. Fell on my face and *(thank the heavens)* the chopsticks only pierced a wound in my inside top jaw. Barely missing my uvula/back of my throat and possibly severely wounding me. Painful to eat for a good few months though. *I think about it everyday because I don't know how that was logically possible.....*
Bruh this reminded me of that umbrella stairs scene from an anime called another
@@aes4n *DON'T REMIND ME!!!!* 😂 that scene was fucking awful
@All Might yep
@@anti-roxas850 hahaha damnnn didnt expect you knew abt it. I mean i definitely remembered it bcs it scarred me. Especially cause its my first few times watching anime
@All Might Bingo
I died, briefly, when I was 17. Lots of concussions (diagnosed) from my teens to my mid twenties. Really bad neck trauma at 23 and still going. Dodged life's machine gun fire.
It‘s strange how well some ppl know about their ex‘s life after the break up
Ooh! I have one!
About a year ago, I had pains in my hip, in the joint that connects my hip and upper leg. At first I thought it was achy bones because it was so cold, but it progressively got worse, to the point where I could bend my upper leg without extreme pain. I got taken to a hospital near my small town, and they checked me and said that I probably had a bruised muscle and it would go down in a few days. it got waaay worse. Eventually, my mom took me to a new hospital they built in the city. They checked my blood and told me that my blood showed signs of a staph infection, and that my hip joint was full of Pus and gunk, hence the reason it hurt so bad. They sent me to a bigger hospital in the wee-woo van, and hooked me up to some powerful antibiotics to fight it. Had to have 2 surgeries to remove the stuff Inside my joint too. the whole month that I was stuck inside the hospital sucked. Anytime I fell asleep and my leg relaxed and slightly moved, I woke up screaming because it hurt so much! Nearly died from it too if it weren’t from mom going with her instinct and taking me to another hospital. We thought about suing the other hospital but decided not to.
About 20 years ago at a family friends 4th of July. They had an above ground pool with deck. Being a stupid kid, I ran to jump in and my feet slid out from underneath.
My head was less than an inch from crashing into the deck.
Thankfully I landed in the water…
I still remember staying submerged thinking of how close I was to possibly dying.
Also my first job. We were making bio fuel, and a co worker was smoking near touts of fuel.
I was 18 at the time and told the guy he shouldn’t smoke near the fuel.
He proceeded to put his hand in a tout with a lot lighter and the fumes ignited… burning his hand badly..
Thankfully the gas’s burned off. And the mixture itself didn’t explode.
His hand healed surprisingly well.
Live by the golden rule and be careful everyone 😇👍🏻
2008: We moved up farther north after my mother got remarried and we moved out of our grandmother's place; this was the end of 8th grade.
Three years later, my mother told me that some people broke into her house and stole a bunch of stuff, including a fancy TV. This was winter season 2011, when I was a high school senior ready to graduate in 2012. I wouldn't have imagined my stuff being robbed if we still lived there, but at the same time, I'd be pissed. Plus, she couldn't afford surveillance and there were no witnesses; she and my great-grandmother were at church on a Sunday morning (as usual) when the burglary occurred. Police called, but simply asked her to file a report because there was no evidence proving that any of the neighbors did it. So all of her stuff is now a lost cause while I still have my belongings safe with me.
Bullet dodged.
Fairly recent. Boarding an international flight with an outgoing domestic connection. We have loaded all the checkable baggage onto the plane, and just as we placed our carry-on overhead baggage on the scales, the desk attendant noticed it was 12kg - 4kg too heavy, and we had to scramble to lighten the lid of each suitcase. However it was the wheel of the heavy checked baggage that was touching the carry on overhead baggage that skewed the results: all were at 8kgs and therefore admissible for the flight.
Same can’t be said for me smuggling three extra bed socks and a change of shirt in my jeans to spite my significant admin’s packing process - without noticing. The weight, understandable, but it’s nothing if you underpack the essentials (underpants especially) and end up running out if you don’t know how to launder them. Significant admin was steaming mad, and although was right to shame me over said smuggling of the shirt and socks, security officers let me past, and at least this was my only passive aggressive spite over being a little over ready for the trip. I still have the bed socks (three!) and hope to use them with the soft slippers soon to prolong their usage between washes.
Packing smart and within the rules is one thing, but having others decide what you can and can’t have (of your clothes and your electronics), that’s an extra ibuprofen pill to take. If I ever get medical and psychological clearance to finally travel the world without significant admin getting under my skin, well, test me, real world!
Once my Spanish teacher saved my life. If I hadn’t listened to her I would be dead. I don’t go to the doctor that often, but my Spanish teacher told me that I should really go to the doctor because she could tell that something was off. So that day I asked my mom to go to the doctor. A week later I went and my hemoglobin was dropping rapidly (went from 4.1 to 3.8) in two hours. This means that I could’ve died at any second, My resting heart rate could get up to 160. The ER doctor diagnosed me with Leukemia ( they were wrong, but I freaked because my friend had recently passed from what I thought was Leukemia(it was Neuroblastoma)). I spent two nights in the PICU and one in Oncology/Hematology. I got 3 blood transfusions. What did I have? Severe Iron deficiency Anemia. So I didn’t really have cancer, and thanks to my Spanish teacher I didn’t die.
I fully broke one of my vertebrae and fractured some others around in an accident where a beam fell on my back, I was sent to a hospital in my city, they said I was fine and just needed rest, some days later, I still wasn't good, I was loosing blood all around and had a choice to go to the capital city of my country to be healed or to stay there, I chose to go to the capital and when I got checked in the hospital my doctor was shocked, there were parts of bones around and he did a surgery on me, after the surgery he said that if I stayed in the hospital in my city one day longer I would have been paralyzed from the waist down. I thank that Doctor so much, and that's my story of how I dodged a giant bullet.
True story: Was gonna turn 16 soon in the summer. Start looking for a summer job. Found a flyer nearby the school where I lived and rip off one of its telephone number tabs. Call them up. Next week, dude with a gold tooth shows up with one of those 'shuttle' vans at my house. Said that he is going to take me to that job via his 'shuttle' van. Went to the back; low and behold, saw a bunch of kids like they been capture by the FBI in the back of his van. Second guessing myself about this 'job'. Without any hesitation, turn back home and discuss the situation with parents about this 'job'. Scariest thing is if I would have gone with that guy I would turn up like one of those missing people postings at Wal-Mart or worse.
Moral of story: YOU go get job, job don't come get you!!!
Bullet dodge.
2:39 I'm willing to bet that guys from BC.
care to elaborate? im a bit confused.
Eh? In Canada? What’s that aboot?
@@imbawling Its a long story. I might've known that guy though.
Ian Bonnar Actually, I’m also Canadian. I also live in BC
One time when my dog Bailey was about 3 or 4 months old, my dad and brothers took her up on a guys trip to Wisconsin (we have a cabin/property up by the UP that we go up to every year). One day, they were doing some work out in the yard, and then one of them noticed that Bailey had something in her mouth. They started to approach her, but because she was a puppy and a bitch, Bailey thought it was a game and started running around the yard. Eventually my cousin Ryne tackled her and found that she had eaten the rat poison in the garage.
After a panicked phone call to the vet, they were advised to get some hydrogen peroxide and put a couple drops down her throat. One of them ran to the store and came back with hydrogen peroxide, trying to figure out how many drops to give her. My uncle (who was slightly intoxicated) grabbed the bottle, opened it up, and poured it down her throat. After a minute she threw up, and there was some green in her puke, so they were all relieved and celebrated by getting jacked up. About 15 minutes later, Bailey puked again, and out came a huge chunk of rat poison that was sitting in her stomach.
Bailey is now six years old and she is a very good girl
Almost getting gored by a buffalo in Yellowstone.
wtf how
When I was 17, I almost married a man who was 32. I would have been able to stay at home and just take care of the house. But he was weird and controlling and wanted me to learn how to sew and wear dresses and go to church and stuff 🤨
I was SO DESPERATE to escape my parents' home but I just couldn't do it. I was young but also very strong minded🧠
I ended it.
Years later I met my husband,a truly perfect gift from heaven 💙
Never marry the wrong person just because it looks like the easiest way out.
15:53 You shouldn't drink OR dye your hair while pregnant.
I don't think she cared about her baby...
Why can’t you dye your hair? Will your scalp absorb the chemicals?
@@nickb8507 Yes. and your lungs.
rand0mn33ss I think that if she was pregnant the boyfriend had to drink and dye his hair. But if she wasn’t them she has to drink and dye her hair
@@nickb8507 That was the idea in the past I believe, but I actually just looked it up and now doctors are saying the chemical absorption into your body wouldn't be enough to harm the baby, so I guess that's changed.
8:00 is relatable because my mom probably has the world record for dying the most times then coming back to life, she has died because of allergies and a low immune system, last time she died was in 2020, and she has had a heart attack at the age of 34 and is currently on oxygen because of covid, but she is getting better.
Death bullets dodged...
When I was 16, I was in bed very ill and somehow managed to walk downstairs late at night to tell my parents something was really wrong before I slipped into unconsciousness. From the bits and pieces I heard after that I was rushed to hospital and diagnosed with a vicious viral injection. If I had stayed in bed that night, the dr said I probably wouldn’t have woken up the next day.
Last year my husband had stomach pains that sent him to a&e. He was misdiagnosed and sent home. By the next morning I insisted we had to go back. He was instantly diagnosed with appendicitis, and once in surgery they had to open him from above his bellybutton to his groin, as it had turned gangrenous. After surgery his liver and kidneys started failing and his wound went septic, forcing them to open him up and allow the wound to drain using a vac pump over the next months. If he hadn’t gone back to the hospital when he did, he would have been in serious serious trouble.
My eldest daughter has a stupidly high pain threshold. By the time we realised something was wrong she was in agony and passing blood. She was rushed in and diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, then later Crohn’s disease, autoimmune hepatitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Any longer without medical care her liver would have failed and she would have lost a lot of blood, and tissue would have begun dying. Her conditions are now well controlled 4 years later.
We haven’t had much luck over the years 😂
Beka Rex holy hell thats a nightmare of mine
The prospect of going to bed and not waking up? Yeah it’s scary when you learn you dodged that
Guy: tries to kill someone
School: TwO dAy DeNtEnTiOn
When I was a kid I dodged and angry turkey.
Turkeys are mean sometimes
The duck chased by the turkey.....??
Here’s my bullet dodge story. I am an anesthesiologist living in NYC. After finishing my 3 year residency, I ultimately was not happy about where I was working. For those that do not know how residency works, you are paid around 70k a year, while still being a doctor, but you are not practicing independently. Admittedly, I was not the brightest in my medical school, so I was only offered a job at a mediocre hospital. However, this mediocre hospital paid bank(around $350,000 per year STARTING salary). I took the job, and always had a very uneasy feeling of just discomfort while working there. After finishing my residency I decided to apply for a job at a hospital that paid significantly less(we’re talking almost $120,000 less). I was offered a job at one of New York’s best and most competitive hospitals, and within 4 years of working there, my income went from $210,000, to around $690,000, and I have an annual 8% salary bonus, so in the next year i’m expected to be making almost $800,000. I did not join medicine for the money, but to genuinely help people. But the money is definitely a motivator and helps me give my kids the life I never received.
PS--> I found out around 5 months ago that the mediocre hospital that was paying very good, barely allowed for salary mobility, so I would have probably bottomed out at around $490,000 to around $500,000 at the end of my career.
My mom was supposed to go to the concert the night of the Station Nightclub Fire, but my younger sister ended up getting sick so my mom stayed home to take care of her. The next morning when she heard the news, she couldn't believe it. Every time I passed the memorial for it, I thought about how my mom was almost there.
Brother and I were learning about driving. Our mother was driving her car when she asked one of us, "Who wants to drive us home?" My brother offered and as he took the wheel, coincidentally my stepfather was in another car and looked at him dead in the eye, giving my brother a face full of shock---none of us knew he was coming home after a few errands, so when we got home after driving class, my stepdad chewed him off for not having insurance and that he wasn't supposed to be behind the wheel.
I overheard him later lament that he should have never taken the wheel in the first place. So I guess one of us would dodge that bullet, and I was the one who avoided the wrath of my stepdad, at least for now. (Yeah, he did see me also, but I was in the backseat, so he didn't think too much about it)
My friend was trying to get me to go to a party with her and her friend but I was too tired and decided to stay in. The next day she tells me there was gun shots at the party. She didnt know if anyone got hurt though
I saw a post that said:
"When I was 14 I wanted to buy a fedora, but none of them fit me."
Idk if it's in the video tho
I'm still watching
11:30 reminded me of a fantasy story where two people were in a shed during a storm, and a bunch of trees fell over like dominoes, BUT a literal GHOST pushed the last tree to the side, saving them!
14:30 reminds me of a "Darwin Award" story where a crook stole an old gun from a WW2 veteran and tried to use it in a robbery. but it also had old ammunition, which caused what's known as a "hangfire", a delayed shot. the idiot LITERALLY looked down the barrel...
A think a few of these people don’t understand the phrase dodging a bullet. When you dodge a bullet in the sense the phrase means, you do something that prevents you from experiencing a bad event that later takes place, that had you not done whatever that “something” was, you would have experienced it. There’s a couple of these that’s not really what’s happening. Instead they are like where someone is working a job they don’t like, and then they stop working there, and that’s it. That’s not exactly dodging a bullet.
Almost got tricked into joining the Marines when I was in college 😭
Top 3 actually;
1) Didn't marry my psycho ex (long story)
2) Didn't move in with my deadbeat SD (sperm donor as I refuse to acknowledge him as my father) because he was always drinking up to the day he died from drinking and driving (good riddance)
3) Ending my friendship with a former best friend of mine (he was my friend since 5th grade) during my senior year in high school. Long story short, the guy tried to hook me up with his underage cousin, as I was 19 at the time (got held back because my Guidance Counselor had beef with me over some stupid petty stuff), and I refused. He begged and pleaded with me, then proceeded to try and bribe me. I still refused and immediately went home. I ran into him at school the next day and I told him that I don't want anything to do with him, we were no longer friends, and I added that if I were to ever catch him around ANY of my family members (especially my brother) that I would kill him slowly and agonizingly (I went rather graphic). He asked me what he did wrong, and I told him briefly, then he gives out a weak argument before I shut him down with me telling him that I have plans in life and I'm not throwing them nor my future away for something like that. About a year later after I graduated, he got arrested for distribution of obscene material to minors. He is now a registered SO and he's been going back to jail more than one time on repeat offenses as well as not reporting in his registration and allowing a known pedo to live with him and he's had other charges thrown at him.
WW2 soliders sitting in trenches nearly being hit with a mortar strike.
being rejected by someone and learning that their rejection was God's protection.
Just moved into a new house and there was a snowstorm I heard some creaking so went to look out the window and saw nothing, had to use the restroom and right as I walked away from the front door the roof of the front porch collapsed, had I not gotten the urge to pee I would've been crushed
That is lucky
I live in Cincinnati and was there during the windstorm I appreciate the story so Ill share one of my own, my stepmom was standing where a tree was if I hadn’t called out and warned her she would’ve been crushed right there instead of running up the stairs like she did
The biggest bullet dodge was when I was in an American school. Damn I swear I dodged a whole magazine of those things.
I got a story.
My ex gf was one of the typical Bible Belt types, always preaching about Jesus and whatnot. She broke up with me the summer before my freshman year of college so she could be with her childhood friend.
Turns out she'd been secretly talking with him behind my back, but it didn't really matter since she can never have children due to PCOS, a condition that has slowly made her barren. Her parents also divorced shortly after our breakup.
I don't feel sorry for her anymore. I've moved on and am about to receive my B.A, a supplement to my real education when I attend technical school for skill trades.
I ended up cutting my leg open on a rusty piece of playground equipment when I was a kid. My leg got swollen and red but we ended up waiting a day or two to see if went back to normal. Well it didnt so my parents took me to the ER and turns out I had a Strep A infection in my leg and had to go into surgery immediately. I was hospitalized for weeks and went through 3 surgeries to completely remove the infection. Had I waited just one more day they would've had to amputee half my entire leg
Who waits DAYS to see if one's injury heals after being cut with something RUSTY? AFAIK such injuries are an immediate visit to the ER if what wounded you is rusty. Rust is dangerous, yo.
@@abd-qadirgilani8871 Mate fucking relax jesus lol I was 7 years old and probably poorly explained to situation to my parents and failed to mention anything about rust 😂 take a chill pill
@@davisjphotos No he's right, that's pretty fucking dumb. It's rusty if course it's gonna cause infection, and the parents didn't ask where you cut your leg at in the park? What the hell.
I'm a cancer survivor and my radiation treatments thinned my scalp to a single layer of skin, in certain areas.
I ended up getting an infection there, which I didn't know was possible, and that infection ate away at the remaining tissue on my head, exposing my scalp.
I was joking around with my fiance, pretended to faint, and when my head met the floor, the sudden change in blood elevation, caused my head to start spewing blood, like I was in a horror movie.
I went to see my neurologist the following day and she put me into surgery prep immediately.
When I woke up after surgery, she said I had a severe infection in my scalp and had I waited another day, or so, that infection would've gotten into my skull.
She further explained that if my skull was infected they would have to drill that section out, put me into a Clean Room, and allow the removed portion of my skull to naturally heal, which takes six, or more, months.
Extremely happy I dodged that!!!!
Video: " I chose B, an-"
My BT earphones: *BUUMM* "BATTERY LOW"
Me: *smiles and laughs*
9:17 I was like a couple hours late to go to Barcelona on that day. Pretty rough day seeing the Candles, flowers and people crying everywhere. More like a funeral than a sunny holiday... but still a bullet a could dodge by beeing lazy, sleepy and high.
I just want ONE story about someone dodging an actual bullet
Not me or my family, but a family with two young kids. This past November my family and I were driving up to my grandparents’ house for Thanksgiving. We saw a car right in front of us swerve and flip on to its side. It hit a power pole and a few power lines were down. I still remember the cracking sounds. I immediately called 911 and my dad and brother ran out to try and help(I’m disabled). After a few moments two little kids, one was around 4 and the other was around 7, crawl out of their wrecked car. We put the kids in our car and I cover them up in blankets and jackets. It was really cold outside and they were really shaken. Around this time emergency crews arrived. After a few more minutes the parents came out and went to their kids. The mom said that the dad took a drink of tea and started choking and crashed. The only casualty was some pumpkin pie that got smashed up. They certainly had a lot to be thankful for
My experience would be that one time on my birthday. I literally skipped school for it because I planned to prepare for the simple celebration with my friends in a restaurant at the mall. I picked them up and told them where I planned to treat them and they just went along with the plans but for some reason I changed my mind a booked a different resto just near the campus and not at the mall. A few hours in the resto, we saw facebook posts about the mall in a fire accident and half of the building and properties was damaged including the resto I had planned to go prior.
That birthday could have turned for the first.
The experiences that I thought were failures in my life were actually God’s way of protecting me from danger/harm. He was redirecting and reserving me for the best blessings he has in store for me. I encourage anyone who is lost or going through difficulty to pray to God and he will show you your purpose and the plans he has for your life. The key is to keep those plans and revelations between you and God. I’m excited about my future!
Back in high school, we were supposed to skip school, 5guys, 5,girls, I didn't skip, they got to swapping, they all ended up with an STD, not me.
Simps and thots got what they deserved.good on you man
Lived in a small Mayan village in the Yucatan with my bf in his house. When he first built there the village was very quiet and safe. After a few years, as tourism picked up in the greater area, more and more gangs came from other parts of the country, with increased cartel activity. We'd been hearing stories about gangs causing trouble in the village, like extorting local businesses, robbing people, one kid even got shot on the highway for a minor altercation. My bf wouldn't lock his doors at night , because it used to be a safe area, and he wanted his dogs to have the freedom to go outside whenever they wanted at night. We'd argue about it. He always said, my house is your house, but when it came down to it, if he didn't agree on something, I had to give in, because it was his house. So I became increasingly nervous and scared about potential intruders, mostly due to the unlocked doors at night. I'd always wake up in the middle of the night, not sure why, and stay up for a few hours, always feeling like I was being watched. Not being 'allowed' to lock the doors at night made me feel very vulnerable, and I resented not having any control over my own safety, just because it was technically his house. I decided, eventually, to leave him, knowing that my future was dim as long as I stayed with him. I also kept getting intuitive messages that I didnt' belong there. Two months after I left, my ex was killed in a violent home invasion. It was tragic and broke my heart and I am still suffering from PTSD about it. But if I hadn't have listened to my instinct, I would have been dead too. To this day I thank Spirit for guiding me.
Kid walks in with a sore ear
Hospital: we'll get to you as soon as possible and make sure you're ok
Woman walks in with an EXPLODED appendix and has 24 hours to live
Hospital: naa can't be bothered dealing with this mess, would rather the easier stuff.
2:43 I live in Montreal and heard about this story in the news
1 new item added to my personal lexicon: "spit-roasted"
I escaped permanent nerve damage by getting a cancer diagnosis.
I had a massive lump in my face. Had to go to doctor after doctor because no one knew what it was or who was the right kind of doctor to deal with it. Finally I ended up at an ear nose and throat doctor who told me, 1, it's a tumor but "probably" isn't cancerous because I don't chew tobacco, but that he wasn't going to biopsy it for fear of internal bleeding. And 2, he would do surgery on it that would in all likelihood leave me permanently disfigured.
My uncle's a doctor and recommended we see an endocrinologist he knew. First appointment with him he biolosied the tumor, and within a week told me it was cancerous. I still needed surgery but he would work with a plastic surgeon to make the incision as unnoticeable and clean as possible, and fill in any cavities the tumor might leave. Also warned me of risk of nerve damage, but was prepared to repair the nerve with 3 different backup plans. I had my surgery in August of 2020. I'm now cancer free, no nerve damage, and my face is symmetrical. The scar is barely noticeable and will become even harder to see with time.
Sometimes doctors have no idea what they're doing but still want to charge you money. That's the moral of the story.
Once i was on a hike and something literaly growled at me through some bushes i just started running bacwards
and screaming like crazy until I found someone who was left behind from the group. I was told it was either a wild pig protecting its babies or a cougar idk if i dodged a bulet but anyways it gave me the chills.
I have some stories. All of that happened in bosnia.
1. Once i was driving home from my cousins place. They live in a small city in bosnia and i live in a small village near the croatian border. There was a curvy part which is fun to drive with pace. I switch to sport and started to hoon through these curves. I was taking a long right turn, driving as close as i could on the right side. Suddenly, a bus was driving to the city and was literally driving in the middle of the road and i dodged it with speeding. If i was driving normally, either my mirror would be gone, or i would be gone.
2. Was driving home from my sisters wedding. I have never been there, so i dont know the roads. Driving with normal speed, cars constantly driving in the opposite direction when all of a sudden, a car pops up on my side overtaking lile five cars on a cruvy part of the road. Luckily i managed to make a full emergency stop just to dodge the car by maybe 2 meters. If i was driving faster, i would be dead for sure.
3. Driving my quad ob the road. Going on a right curve when a car took it's left turn conpletely on the opposite side. Luckily it could dodge me on time. If he had hit me, i would have maybe flown 50 meters.