Personally, I don't see anything wrong with long discussions. If they both prefer this rather than quick thoughts or hot takes, then let them do what they want. I think it shows that they both are fans, so fans do what comes naturally. Discuss, debate, and do the best they can to determine where the story might be going.
Great point by Shannon about Nynaeve. I hadn't thought about it but I think you are totally right that she is still, understandably, recovering from her experience in the arches. We really haven't seen her come fully back into her power since then.
I love that you came up with the "lead singer in the band" analogy for Rand & his friends right when you had that awesome "album cover" type shot on screen 😅
The horn based on things said in the show with slight non-spoiler expansion. The horn summons the heroes of the horn. Those are a small number of heroes that are tied to the horn and reborn again and again. Some heroes are in the show present are alive (at the beginning of Season 2 this includes Mat and Uno) and don’t show up. Uno who has died this could be summoned retains he’s most recent life appearance for audience simplicity. When Mat blew the horn he remembered he was a hero (´Im one of you’). Show isn’t explicit on how much he remembers of past lives/time between lives/part horn summons. Hope this helps.
I have to admit that I was surprised by how Nynaeve didn't have a moment in the finale while everyone else did. I just assumed that at the sight of her dear friend Rand dying she would be able to use the One Power and heal him. But after hearing your discussion and thinking about it more, I am glad that they didn't write it that way. I think that she needs to realize that being an Aes Sedai and a Wisdom are not two different things. In order to open herself up, she needs to remember her old tricks, listening to the wind and trusting in her skills, while also listening to the wisdom of others. I think they've been laying the bread crumbs for that path in the second half of the season, and possibly her seeing how helpless she was in this battle will help her see how she can use the power for good and could have made more of a difference if she just let her guard down sooner. Matt, I'm so glad you also noticed how that whole masquerading as Sul'dam/Demane thing went absolutely nowhere 😅 I thought that was a very odd choice to make in the writing. A lot of set up even in the previous episode went into a pointless tactic, haha. I suppose it served the purpose of teaching us more about the collars and how they work and like your wife said, it showed Nynaeve's edge, but like you said they could have written an equivalent scene using different circumstances... my only thought is that they were adapting a scene directly from the books so they wanted to keep it as is, but I haven't read them so I don't know if that's true.
The only thing I can figure the Whitecloaks considered their secret weapon was the trebuchet, since those did successfully take out the sul'dam and damane on the tower.
I think the thing they had that none of the others do is "The Light". They believe they're the most righteous people on the planet, and everything they do is right and good, and exactly what The Light would have them do. "God is on our side, we cannot fail!" I'm with @jamiecare1042 on this one.
To clarify on the colours of the weaves if you remember the lesson with the dirty water in the White Tower Alanna’s references threads in the one power being Earth water air earth & spirit. It’s also brought up when Egwene and the other damane were being tested for how powerful they were Rena said it was a simple weave of air. Depending on the effect you want you might only need to use say fire or air or you might need to combine some or all of them. The colours represent those threads. Brightness = how much power you are putting in to your channeling. The blackness you seem in Rands weaves was also presents in Logain’s season 1 weaves = the Dark Ones corruption. It’s easier to spot when Rand waves air(to pin Moiraine to the wall after she stabbed Lanfear) than when he weaves red fire like whe he unsliced Turok and his guards. PS The Seanchan don’t know sul’dam can channel. To reveal more would be spoilery.
The whitecloaks didnt reference a secret weapon. They said "they don't have what we have." They are referring to their beliefs that the Light is Guiding them directly and they will win because they are "Children of the Light"
Egwene is coming out of this more stronger, hardened, serious and dark and the losing of her hair symbolizes that change, and the loss of her innocence. She is definitely not the same anymore. I think that's what she was trying to say.
I don't think this leaves much ambiguity as to whether or not all sul'dam can channel. Egwene explicitly says, "You sul'dam are just so weak in the Power, the Searchers didn't find you." She describes the sul'dam-damane connection as Linking, and notes that "you" (I'd argue this is plural, not singular) can see "our" weaves.
@@TyrionTrakand Egwene doesn't have all the information, you can say something explicitly and be wrong. It happens all the time in the Wheel of Time. She may be wrong about why she wasn't found.
@LandonTheDM You're right, Egwene may be seeing it wrong - we need a 2nd source. For example, if Nynaeve describes her sul'dam time as Linking, that would arguably prove Egwene right since non-channelers can't Link. Having exactly 2 weak channelers among the already few sul'dam would be a huge coincidence.
@@TyrionTrakand or it's exactly like it is in the book with no change required Regardless, this isn't the point of my comment with regards to what was said in the video
28:45 - "What happened here?" What you see is the reverse of what Ishamael did to Lanfear. This is when Lews Therin imprisoned him in his seal, and when he appeared in S1 Ep8 he was just an illusion, like he was on top of the Tower when fooling Mat. He tricker Rand into breaking open his Seal like he later cracked upen Lanfear's Seal. I guess sliiiight spoilerwarning but all of this should be possible to deduce from the show already and I use evidence from the show. . . . . . . . Notice how they are all Men channeling? This is probably in reference to S1 Ep8 when Latra Posae Decume tells Lews Therin Telamon that his plan is flawed and will put the world in danger. Lews decided to not take any of the women with him and instead took only the men that liked his plan. Notice also that there is no darkness in their magic, like when Rand or Logain channel? This all must have happened before they sealed the Dark one away. Since we are slowly creeping closer to "the moment" of when they caged the Dark one, I'm guessing S3 Ep8 Cold Open could be the Sealing, or they will save that for a season closer to the end.
Jumping in to respond to the "was Nynaeve's plot a waste": I think maybe that's the point. I.e., for narrative and characterization purposes, it is important that Nynaeve have a moment where she realizes that she needs to overcome her block - otherwise, she might lose her friends. She's lucky Egwene had that 1-in-a-million chance to free herself, because her plan stopped working and she couldn't really salvage it. Especially given how important it is to her to be able to protect her friends, I think this experience is going to be a huge motivator going forward.
2:12:10 - "I thought only Rand could blow this horn" And Moiraine thought that the Last Battle would be fought at the Eye of the World. She has sworn the Oaths so he cannot lie, she geniunely thought so. Chalk it down to "Unreliable Narrator". Not all Prophecies are 100% correct. Sometimes the Prophecies describe things that will happen, sometimes people try to fulfill them because they think it is a required hoop to jump through. Rand proclaiming himself in Falme for example, could have been done any other place but because of the Prophecy about the Dragon proclaiming himself there even the Forsaken moved the characters there so that the Prophecy could be fulfilled. It is also possible that the interpretation of the Prophecies might change over time. People might interpret/translate the texts in a way that best fit their current language or someone might even intentionally be bending them to fit their own ambitions for Power.
Your first complaint about the show, not seeing enough from Èback thenÈ, that is from the books as well, much of a Age of Legends is left mysterious. You do get to see more than the show though.
Whoever blows the horn, the same heroes would show up. The wheel of time repeats over and over, so Mat remembers because the heroes are being pulled here from everywhere in history, and this event must have happened before. This is my interpretation.
About Mats staff. If you look at the end, it is split and half removed. The dagger handle splits at the bottom and nestles against the end of the split half and its tied. So if you stab, it is supported. Not saying it's a perfect connection, but it should be serviceable
My thoughts on Egwene's braid come from what I know from the books (not a spoiler). The braid is a rite of passage for women in the two rivers. When you come of age, you start braiding your hair. The cutting of the braid by Renna was to take away Egwene's identity as a women, furthering the Seanchan thought that Damane aren't human/women.
I hope this is not a Spoiler but, Alanna's actress's Instagram and the one Warder she spends time with. I haven't checked her Instagram so I'm not sure which Warder you are referring to but.. Remember that Taylor Napier, who play's Alanna's Warder Maksim, is Rafe's boyfriend/partner. Apparently they had a 10 year anniversary last year. So it is possible that Priyanka and Taylor just connected a bit extra if he is visiting Rafe more than just when needed to shoot a scene so they get more time to talk.
This is a fun vibe to just have in the background while i do other stuff and have a good laugh with yall. Currently in the middle of the uncle earl bit and its hilariously accurate. Padan Fain the type of dealer to text you a menu with emojis as the options 🤣🤣
💯 agree with Shannon on the complex and ambivalent symbolism in Egwene having her hair cut off. It represents her both having her womanhood ripped from her as an enslaved person, AND coming out of it as a new, stronger person who will be able to exist beyond the cultural perspectives that she grew up with. I believe Shannon will be shown to have been more and more correct in her interpretation as Egwene’s story arc continues. I won’t say more cuz spoilers.
Shannon is right. The band analogy works well. Rand is the lead singer but without the other members there's no band. The show did almost nothing for the lead singer tho. But I think that the DR will start to sing in S3
UA-cam‘s copyright system is so insane that, when I post a video playing Bach on my instrument, I receive a notification saying that I used copyrighted music…
In response to the cold open you might benefit from watching Wheel of Time Origins (in the extras of S1) they are animated backstory of some of the topics.
cait feel free to delete this if you think it’s too spoilery but this is said outright in the show and was just kinda easy to miss/not put together fully (also hey this is moghedien from a certain site 😅) The Seanchan DIDNT know that Renna could channel. Egwene said that she was so weak that the searchers missed her. Also the other sul’dam can channel and were also just too weak to be noticed. If that wasn’t the case, then the collar wouldn’t have worked on the sul’dam that Nynaeve and Elayne kidnapped as Renna said that the collar only works on women that can channel. It isn’t just specific to Renna but is the case for all sul’dam
oh heyyyyyy, I dmed you on there ;) you are the best. Based on the show only, I think this conclusion is not spoilery, interested to see what the show does with this.
50:12 stripped her of her humanity. Then surprised when she got dog walked on that ledge 😂 - so the hair a lot of women especially cut their hair after a break up or big event. Welcoming the new them in
UA-cam blocking and Copyright claims I started to follow another channel which is more of a Podcast with purely talk and no reaction. Just four people looking into their webcams and discussing the show. I didn't have time to watch episode 8 until a few days later so I just opened their video in a tab so I could remember to watch it later. After having seen the episode I went through some Reactors (MVH included) and eventually reached the Podcast and I see that they have Copyright claims on that video and so it's been blocked. Unless they added something new to that last episode I cannot see how anything in their entire episode could be copyright claimed (unless they had a painting or poster in the background of their webcams, or if the thumbnail cause them issues. The video mentioned the company that had issued the claim and it's one of those "We protect you against online piracy"-companies.. Reminds me of the Tweet and Screenshot of someone who got Copyright Claim (think he got a second claim later) because a company had copyrighted the sound of typing on a mechanical keyboard and so when that person was typing in the video that got caught in the UA-cam filters and the video was blocked..
I don’t think the star was a good analogy because it’s making it sound as if the dragon reborn is a five headed dragon. I think the singer comparaison was better because a singer even a solo singer still needs musicians and producers and dancers etc. But people still go to the concert to see the singer even though there’ll be no show without the musicians. Rand is the only Dragon but he is also a leader of a team of spectacular people.
I like your long videos, but unedited too long. This might work better if it was a hotter take rather than days later. UA-cam caused issues for you so I'm still looking forward to more content, but not exactly like this. Still watching as I write and nearing the three hour mark.
I personally see nothing wrong if out of 200 videos, a couple are longer unedited ones. We never planned for it to be as long as it did but thats okay. We like having the freedom to just rant for as long as we want. Its rare we ever do videos this long lol.
@@Matthewvhaynes I've loved them all to this point and will continue to watch for sure, but at some point with video length it may be too much. I've seen people do live coverage of events that lasted unbelievablely long (trials come to mind), and they have been huge for a channel. But I just think this broken in two would have been better. To take it to an extreme if you did a ten hour straight video you start having a problem getting people to view something so long, if you edit it down some to help this well you're spending a ton of time for limited viewers, and there is no way to really win because the video is just too long. True live is another story and as an example Dusty Wheel probably does that well, but usually that is around an event, like live after a show. There you can interact directly with people. You experienced a live show with them so you know the limitations when you can't afford to be spoiled. I'll stop now, but just want you and Shannon to be extremely succesful. (I like your freedom to just rant a lot, but maybe your ranting is better with a bit more time pressure.)
@@meles3740i appreciate your concern honestly and where its coming from. But theres a lot, probably too much to discuss here concerning the choice in making this a longer video. I have seen substantial growth on this channel across the board and I dont compare myself to others, I use my data for self comparison and thats it lol. Saying all that to say, we know what we are doing as this is our full time paid profession. That being said, if I wanted views on this video, there are 20 things i could think of doing for that purpose but this video was made for those who want to listen all the way or even partly. This video gives the wot community the option of choice, you pick hownlong or short you wanna consume te content. A majority have voiced their love for the 4 hour video and you are voicing your own opinion and I respect your right to it.
I have 2 problems with this show the major one is Rand needs to level up we have yet to see him do anything of note yet he had been shielded by aes sedi he has not had anyone of his big Powe moments yet the second was moraine in this episode attacked the fleet of ships how could she use the one power against them the fleet was not attacking her or Lan shouldn't that break the 3 oaths if so we saw what happened when you go against the oath rod
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with long discussions. If they both prefer this rather than quick thoughts or hot takes, then let them do what they want. I think it shows that they both are fans, so fans do what comes naturally. Discuss, debate, and do the best they can to determine where the story might be going.
Great point by Shannon about Nynaeve. I hadn't thought about it but I think you are totally right that she is still, understandably, recovering from her experience in the arches. We really haven't seen her come fully back into her power since then.
I love that you came up with the "lead singer in the band" analogy for Rand & his friends right when you had that awesome "album cover" type shot on screen 😅
I really enjoy your lengthy review videos, so keep em coming!! And that star debate had me rollin!! I'm here to agree with the star comparison!!
The horn based on things said in the show with slight non-spoiler expansion.
The horn summons the heroes of the horn. Those are a small number of heroes that are tied to the horn and reborn again and again. Some heroes are in the show present are alive (at the beginning of Season 2 this includes Mat and Uno) and don’t show up. Uno who has died this could be summoned retains he’s most recent life appearance for audience simplicity.
When Mat blew the horn he remembered he was a hero (´Im one of you’). Show isn’t explicit on how much he remembers of past lives/time between lives/part horn summons.
Hope this helps.
Well phrased, it's hard to explain things well yet not be spoilery 👍
I have to admit that I was surprised by how Nynaeve didn't have a moment in the finale while everyone else did. I just assumed that at the sight of her dear friend Rand dying she would be able to use the One Power and heal him.
But after hearing your discussion and thinking about it more, I am glad that they didn't write it that way. I think that she needs to realize that being an Aes Sedai and a Wisdom are not two different things. In order to open herself up, she needs to remember her old tricks, listening to the wind and trusting in her skills, while also listening to the wisdom of others.
I think they've been laying the bread crumbs for that path in the second half of the season, and possibly her seeing how helpless she was in this battle will help her see how she can use the power for good and could have made more of a difference if she just let her guard down sooner.
Matt, I'm so glad you also noticed how that whole masquerading as Sul'dam/Demane thing went absolutely nowhere 😅 I thought that was a very odd choice to make in the writing. A lot of set up even in the previous episode went into a pointless tactic, haha. I suppose it served the purpose of teaching us more about the collars and how they work and like your wife said, it showed Nynaeve's edge, but like you said they could have written an equivalent scene using different circumstances... my only thought is that they were adapting a scene directly from the books so they wanted to keep it as is, but I haven't read them so I don't know if that's true.
The only thing I can figure the Whitecloaks considered their secret weapon was the trebuchet, since those did successfully take out the sul'dam and damane on the tower.
That makes sense. At the time I thought they were saying that the Light is on their side.. like actual religious zealots
I think the thing they had that none of the others do is "The Light". They believe they're the most righteous people on the planet, and everything they do is right and good, and exactly what The Light would have them do. "God is on our side, we cannot fail!" I'm with @jamiecare1042 on this one.
To clarify on the colours of the weaves if you remember the lesson with the dirty water in the White Tower Alanna’s references threads in the one power being Earth water air earth & spirit. It’s also brought up when Egwene and the other damane were being tested for how powerful they were Rena said it was a simple weave of air. Depending on the effect you want you might only need to use say fire or air or you might need to combine some or all of them. The colours represent those threads. Brightness = how much power you are putting in to your channeling. The blackness you seem in Rands weaves was also presents in Logain’s season 1 weaves = the Dark Ones corruption. It’s easier to spot when Rand waves air(to pin Moiraine to the wall after she stabbed Lanfear) than when he weaves red fire like whe he unsliced Turok and his guards.
PS The Seanchan don’t know sul’dam can channel. To reveal more would be spoilery.
The whitecloaks didnt reference a secret weapon. They said "they don't have what we have." They are referring to their beliefs that the Light is Guiding them directly and they will win because they are "Children of the Light"
Maybe the catapults too
@@justin-md4xm probably not. The "enslaved witches" could fling rocks with the one power too.
1:13:44 “my best and poorest customer” HEAVY dope schlanger vibes
Egwene is coming out of this more stronger, hardened, serious and dark and the losing of her hair symbolizes that change, and the loss of her innocence. She is definitely not the same anymore. I think that's what she was trying to say.
The sul'dam Nynaeve and Elyane captured also had the a'dam work on her. That potentially sets up a pattern
I don't think this leaves much ambiguity as to whether or not all sul'dam can channel. Egwene explicitly says, "You sul'dam are just so weak in the Power, the Searchers didn't find you." She describes the sul'dam-damane connection as Linking, and notes that "you" (I'd argue this is plural, not singular) can see "our" weaves.
@@TyrionTrakand Egwene doesn't have all the information, you can say something explicitly and be wrong. It happens all the time in the Wheel of Time. She may be wrong about why she wasn't found.
@LandonTheDM You're right, Egwene may be seeing it wrong - we need a 2nd source.
For example, if Nynaeve describes her sul'dam time as Linking, that would arguably prove Egwene right since non-channelers can't Link. Having exactly 2 weak channelers among the already few sul'dam would be a huge coincidence.
@@TyrionTrakand or it's exactly like it is in the book with no change required
Regardless, this isn't the point of my comment with regards to what was said in the video
I would also like more information on how the Forsaken became Forsaken. That would have been a very interesting book.
A lot of your comments are too close to spoilers. I left this one but plz refrain from hinting in future comments
28:45 - "What happened here?"
What you see is the reverse of what Ishamael did to Lanfear. This is when Lews Therin imprisoned him in his seal, and when he appeared in S1 Ep8 he was just an illusion, like he was on top of the Tower when fooling Mat. He tricker Rand into breaking open his Seal like he later cracked upen Lanfear's Seal.
I guess sliiiight spoilerwarning but all of this should be possible to deduce from the show already and I use evidence from the show.
Notice how they are all Men channeling? This is probably in reference to S1 Ep8 when Latra Posae Decume tells Lews Therin Telamon that his plan is flawed and will put the world in danger. Lews decided to not take any of the women with him and instead took only the men that liked his plan.
Notice also that there is no darkness in their magic, like when Rand or Logain channel? This all must have happened before they sealed the Dark one away.
Since we are slowly creeping closer to "the moment" of when they caged the Dark one, I'm guessing S3 Ep8 Cold Open could be the Sealing, or they will save that for a season closer to the end.
Jumping in to respond to the "was Nynaeve's plot a waste": I think maybe that's the point. I.e., for narrative and characterization purposes, it is important that Nynaeve have a moment where she realizes that she needs to overcome her block - otherwise, she might lose her friends. She's lucky Egwene had that 1-in-a-million chance to free herself, because her plan stopped working and she couldn't really salvage it. Especially given how important it is to her to be able to protect her friends, I think this experience is going to be a huge motivator going forward.
The Seanchan Empire is headed by an empress at the time of the show. She is the top dog. Both Suroth and Turak mentioned her in passing.
Since the show won't say it, I'll say it: May she live forever
2:12:10 - "I thought only Rand could blow this horn"
And Moiraine thought that the Last Battle would be fought at the Eye of the World. She has sworn the Oaths so he cannot lie, she geniunely thought so.
Chalk it down to "Unreliable Narrator".
Not all Prophecies are 100% correct. Sometimes the Prophecies describe things that will happen, sometimes people try to fulfill them because they think it is a required hoop to jump through. Rand proclaiming himself in Falme for example, could have been done any other place but because of the Prophecy about the Dragon proclaiming himself there even the Forsaken moved the characters there so that the Prophecy could be fulfilled.
It is also possible that the interpretation of the Prophecies might change over time. People might interpret/translate the texts in a way that best fit their current language or someone might even intentionally be bending them to fit their own ambitions for Power.
Your first complaint about the show, not seeing enough from Èback thenÈ, that is from the books as well, much of a Age of Legends is left mysterious. You do get to see more than the show though.
Whoever blows the horn, the same heroes would show up. The wheel of time repeats over and over, so Mat remembers because the heroes are being pulled here from everywhere in history, and this event must have happened before. This is my interpretation.
I'm not sure if you got it, but I sent you an email about songs you used in your older videos.
About Mats staff. If you look at the end, it is split and half removed. The dagger handle splits at the bottom and nestles against the end of the split half and its tied. So if you stab, it is supported. Not saying it's a perfect connection, but it should be serviceable
My thoughts on Egwene's braid come from what I know from the books (not a spoiler). The braid is a rite of passage for women in the two rivers. When you come of age, you start braiding your hair. The cutting of the braid by Renna was to take away Egwene's identity as a women, furthering the Seanchan thought that Damane aren't human/women.
I hope this is not a Spoiler but, Alanna's actress's Instagram and the one Warder she spends time with. I haven't checked her Instagram so I'm not sure which Warder you are referring to but..
Remember that Taylor Napier, who play's Alanna's Warder Maksim, is Rafe's boyfriend/partner. Apparently they had a 10 year anniversary last year. So it is possible that Priyanka and Taylor just connected a bit extra if he is visiting Rafe more than just when needed to shoot a scene so they get more time to talk.
I liked your thoughts about Egwene's braid and I think you're both right 😅
This is a fun vibe to just have in the background while i do other stuff and have a good laugh with yall. Currently in the middle of the uncle earl bit and its hilariously accurate. Padan Fain the type of dealer to text you a menu with emojis as the options 🤣🤣
OMG 😭🤣🤣
I know this video is from months ago. I’ve heard rumors that season 3 will be out in the spring! Wanted to let you know.
The heron blade is the mark of a master swordsman
What do STARSHIP TROOPERS and TOTAL RECALL have in common?
They were both directed by Paul Verhoeven, who also directed ROBOCOP! 🤞🤞🤞✌️
💯 agree with Shannon on the complex and ambivalent symbolism in Egwene having her hair cut off. It represents her both having her womanhood ripped from her as an enslaved person, AND coming out of it as a new, stronger person who will be able to exist beyond the cultural perspectives that she grew up with.
I believe Shannon will be shown to have been more and more correct in her interpretation as Egwene’s story arc continues. I won’t say more cuz spoilers.
Shannon is right. The band analogy works well. Rand is the lead singer but without the other members there's no band. The show did almost nothing for the lead singer tho. But I think that the DR will start to sing in S3
UA-cam‘s copyright system is so insane that, when I post a video playing Bach on my instrument, I receive a notification saying that I used copyrighted music…
Thanks for answering my question! Even as I book reader, I don't exactly know what is coming next.
In response to the cold open you might benefit from watching Wheel of Time Origins (in the extras of S1) they are animated backstory of some of the topics.
Nyneve did have a glow up she admitted she couldn't do something and if you know anyone who is stubborn to a fault that's huge.
Yep definitely check these out, theyre super cool! I would love to see reactions to them personally (they're only about 3 minutes each)
cait feel free to delete this if you think it’s too spoilery but this is said outright in the show and was just kinda easy to miss/not put together fully (also hey this is moghedien from a certain site 😅)
The Seanchan DIDNT know that Renna could channel. Egwene said that she was so weak that the searchers missed her. Also the other sul’dam can channel and were also just too weak to be noticed. If that wasn’t the case, then the collar wouldn’t have worked on the sul’dam that Nynaeve and Elayne kidnapped as Renna said that the collar only works on women that can channel. It isn’t just specific to Renna but is the case for all sul’dam
oh heyyyyyy, I dmed you on there ;) you are the best. Based on the show only, I think this conclusion is not spoilery, interested to see what the show does with this.
50:12 stripped her of her humanity. Then surprised when she got dog walked on that ledge 😂 - so the hair a lot of women especially cut their hair after a break up or big event. Welcoming the new them in
UA-cam blocking and Copyright claims
I started to follow another channel which is more of a Podcast with purely talk and no reaction. Just four people looking into their webcams and discussing the show. I didn't have time to watch episode 8 until a few days later so I just opened their video in a tab so I could remember to watch it later.
After having seen the episode I went through some Reactors (MVH included) and eventually reached the Podcast and I see that they have Copyright claims on that video and so it's been blocked. Unless they added something new to that last episode I cannot see how anything in their entire episode could be copyright claimed (unless they had a painting or poster in the background of their webcams, or if the thumbnail cause them issues. The video mentioned the company that had issued the claim and it's one of those "We protect you against online piracy"-companies..
Reminds me of the Tweet and Screenshot of someone who got Copyright Claim (think he got a second claim later) because a company had copyrighted the sound of typing on a mechanical keyboard and so when that person was typing in the video that got caught in the UA-cam filters and the video was blocked..
UA-cam has a horrendous and outdated copyright detection system. Im hoping one day this will change but its been like this since I started 7 years ago
Is Cait up in here?!?!
Lots of spoiler speculation going on in my head, we should make sure someone’s looking out😁
If you’re goin do a live stream formatted show just do it live. Much more benefits from growing your community perspective
That may be true but time is a factor and other behind the scenes things this should and will suffice for now
I don’t think the star was a good analogy because it’s making it sound as if the dragon reborn is a five headed dragon. I think the singer comparaison was better because a singer even a solo singer still needs musicians and producers and dancers etc. But people still go to the concert to see the singer even though there’ll be no show without the musicians. Rand is the only Dragon but he is also a leader of a team of spectacular people.
DONT GOOGLE ANYTHING!!!!!!! “Research” is encouraged, but do it with fans like The Dusty Wheel, etc., else you will be spoiled forever! Haha
Yeahhh sadly learned my lesson haha
ISHAMEAL swore to the dark thats why he was sealed away.
I like your long videos, but unedited too long. This might work better if it was a hotter take rather than days later. UA-cam caused issues for you so I'm still looking forward to more content, but not exactly like this. Still watching as I write and nearing the three hour mark.
I personally see nothing wrong if out of 200 videos, a couple are longer unedited ones. We never planned for it to be as long as it did but thats okay. We like having the freedom to just rant for as long as we want. Its rare we ever do videos this long lol.
@@Matthewvhaynes I've loved them all to this point and will continue to watch for sure, but at some point with video length it may be too much. I've seen people do live coverage of events that lasted unbelievablely long (trials come to mind), and they have been huge for a channel. But I just think this broken in two would have been better. To take it to an extreme if you did a ten hour straight video you start having a problem getting people to view something so long, if you edit it down some to help this well you're spending a ton of time for limited viewers, and there is no way to really win because the video is just too long. True live is another story and as an example Dusty Wheel probably does that well, but usually that is around an event, like live after a show. There you can interact directly with people. You experienced a live show with them so you know the limitations when you can't afford to be spoiled. I'll stop now, but just want you and Shannon to be extremely succesful. (I like your freedom to just rant a lot, but maybe your ranting is better with a bit more time pressure.)
@@meles3740i appreciate your concern honestly and where its coming from. But theres a lot, probably too much to discuss here concerning the choice in making this a longer video. I have seen substantial growth on this channel across the board and I dont compare myself to others, I use my data for self comparison and thats it lol. Saying all that to say, we know what we are doing as this is our full time paid profession. That being said, if I wanted views on this video, there are 20 things i could think of doing for that purpose but this video was made for those who want to listen all the way or even partly. This video gives the wot community the option of choice, you pick hownlong or short you wanna consume te content. A majority have voiced their love for the 4 hour video and you are voicing your own opinion and I respect your right to it.
I have 2 problems with this show the major one is Rand needs to level up we have yet to see him do anything of note yet he had been shielded by aes sedi he has not had anyone of his big Powe moments yet the second was moraine in this episode attacked the fleet of ships how could she use the one power against them the fleet was not attacking her or Lan shouldn't that break the 3 oaths if so we saw what happened when you go against the oath rod
unsubbibg all of my stuff because I hate the youtube ad BS