He didn’t want to give an incorrect answer, so he gave an open ended one. If he gave a date and for some reason it wasn’t met, then she would have a breakdown.
@@DavidJohnson-hg1mz Stop making excuses for pathetic and cowardly bureaucrats. All he needed to do was commit to a date, then FOLLOW THROUGH AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. Why is that so hard? These bureaucracies all need to be bulldozed, and the leeches that "sErVe" there all need to get a REAL job.
People who continue to evade questioning MUST begin to face removal from office and being barred from holding any public office in the future. The shear audacity of these unelected arrogant fools is unacceptable.
Noticed a pattern, even after proving total incompetence,corruption they all are still here mayorkas,debbie should be in prison.Shame on garland i really thought he was decent,he is worse than barr.Interior should never give money for personal projects in SF but she did $200 million for pelosi disgusting
And he thinks he's clever and his handlers think he's a good little tool. It's all so pathetic. This guy would fail being the mid afternoon manager at a rural Arbys. Just nothing there inside and you know he thinks he's some kind of Machiavellian genius.
@@Laneous14 right? I have noticed that there is a system to just eat time, say thank you for you question senator/congressman…5 or so seconds , but do this 8 or 10 times, and a 5 min question period is now 20% less..
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
Y’all are sheep. They are playing Politic Games. They do lot have to answer questions if they “promise they’re going to” as their answer. If you have the confidence and the knowledge politics are just semantic verbal bouts of logic and memory.
My dad told me long ago that when people knowingly do something wrong, there are 2 things they do when confronted. They either lie or won’t give you an answer.
@@bidibum In that case you shouldn't be testifying before congress and they should bring your boss in to testify instead. If your boss thinks you should be able to handle it, then your boss should replace you with someone who can. Unless you and your boss are on the same page about evading congressional inquiry because answering with the facts would incriminate you both.
It's about time that congress passed a law that actually holds anyone who refuses to answer a question or supply the data asked for to account , anyone appearing before congress who refuses to cooperate should be suspended without pay until the data requested is forthcoming
blame someone who cant answer every question they could ask. where was you on sept 18, 1980? i can get that info to you is the best anyone could say. and he did.
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
Not likely. This is a Uniparty show, so neither side wants too much traction and shift of voters to either side. The goal is divided, and so, weak electorates. Think how many times the Sergeant at Arms has been called out in response to ignored subpoenas and outright lies under oath.
lol who will be left in congress if that is done. Most of them behave like that when in that position. In fact, it is a response strategy which many are coached on
And it will go on and on and on and on and on and on... Get my point lol..this will never stop until they actually make a rule to answer questions or spend a few days in a rotten smelly cell.. of it will not happen as they make way to much money ...
When one keeps repeating the same nonsense, again and again it means: 1. I have no intention of providing what you're asking fr. 2. If I told you that it would be a problem for me. 3. If I tell you anything else it will be a bald face lie that you will call me out on later. 4. I am an ASS
Why don’t YOU Congress lady give this evading character a deadline of “one week” to get the data to you. You have oversight of these bureaucrats and they are acting as if you do not. Your momma should have also taught you to “believe what a man does, not what a man says, especially when the two are not the same.” STOP putting up with these people.
That's what they do DO Everyday and all Day!! Enough is enough!! HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!! Nuremburg triels that the main street MEDIA will never talk about!! Just like Nuremberg ! The FAKE MEDIA WILL FACE THE Gallows'!! But First and foremost should be OUR Administration!!!!
Its absurd that these stalling tactics in the democrappy party are allowed to continue I can't stop shaking my head reminds when loretta lynch was asked if the speed limit is 65 and you are doing 66 are you violating the law and our head of the doj could not say yes smh
How about give them no money until they give you exactly what you need. They aren’t doing it because they know you will still fund them. Defund them until all requests are filled.
Really? When Harris was trying to play silly gotcha games during the Kavanaugh hearings, do you think he should have just sat there and given yes and no answers on demand rather than trying to explain why it's not possible to so that honestly? When people insist on one word answers and try to cut off explanations you know they aren't questioning honestly.
@@nerdyali4154 if you are secure in your answers you shouldn’t be playing word games. These are adults and the leaders of our country. Not children bickering over who gets to play with the legos. If someone is asking gotcha questions then handle it. If you can’t handle a stupid gotcha question, you shouldn’t be in a position leading a country
Off course thats the game they play, and the blue dumbasses choose their government by these tricks and dare to say that the reps are the ones you cant trust😂
@@afrocraft1 He is an employee of the American people, there to *serve*, not rule. She is a member of Congress asking legitimate policy questions, including a commitment on schedule. That is her job, she is doing it. He is not.
“What color is your suit?”… “ma’am I will have my office contact you with a date when we will complete our research on the color of my suit.. maybe”… government in a nutshell.
Absolutely!!!! These people are ridiculous. It is BEYOND outrageous that every single one of the creeps in this Admin. - along with their toady bureaucrats refuse to answer even a single question from Congress EVER. Disgusting.
My mother was a school teacher for nearly 4O years. She taught in some great school systems and some not so good systems. She retired in 2005. By the time she retired, she was absolutely sick of the bureaucracy the school board was forcing down teachers throats. Teachers were essentially told “plan a course of success for students whatever it takes! If the students complain about homework-do away with it. If they are not performing well on tests - give them answers ahead of time! If they disrupt your classroom, negotiate with them.” She had little to no support from the parents who never attended PTA meetings, open houses, and would sign progress reports that indicated their child is performing at a 2 year old level. The only time you heard from most of the parents is when their kid came home with a report card full of D’S and F’s. Then they’d come storming up to the Principle’s office demanding to know why the teachers are failing their precious babies. Mediocrity has become the norm in our public schools. Teachers are no longer allowed or encouraged to challenge students. They are glorified baby sitters at this point.
Don't be so cynical. He takes requests about his suit colour very seriously, and will be working with his department to communicate an expected timeline to respond to that request in due course, either before or after August 1.
I'm not a republican, but this current trend of public service workers, or candidates for those offices, to give non-comittal answers to questions is infuriating. Somebody pull this guy aside and tell him to answer questions or we'll find someone more competent who will.
This could all be corrected if the line of questioning would be sent to the public service workers two weeks ahead of the hearings so that they could properly prepare the required information for the hearing. But that's not what they really want, they act like attorney's and are trying to trip them up on purpose on the record by surprising them with questions asking for very specific data. Even asking how long before they can get the data is forcing them to go on the record with an answer that they may not be able to support. Exactly who in our vast department of education is responsible for managing this particular data? Is the data readily available? Do they need to do some internal processing to get the information flushed out into a format that meets the objective of what is being asked? Is it even available or do they need to gather the requested data? Everything is about trying to be shocking and surprising and making the other side look stupid for a media soundbite. Both sides do it and it just makes the congressional committee members look like assholes that are wasting everyone's time. They don't want to be productive; they want to make the other side look stupid.
@@hskrgrad You're making a lot of excuses for this guy. He should have a VERY CLEAR idea of how long it takes to respond to Congressional questions since that's very much HIS job personally - at least provide an outside date...preferably one that's before this session ends. _Otherwise, Congressional Oversight is IMPOSSIBLE._
They are too incompetent to answer. Why are the incompetent? Because most of them were hired based on their race or gender not qualifications. Stop voting for these traitors.
of course they deserve an answer but if they want a better answer they should ask a better question instead of these partisan loaded questions. Both sides do this and it makes a mockery of the hearings. Instead of blaming the witnesses called in to waste their time, criticise the representatives for their posturing, biased rhetoric and condescending questions and requests for Yes, No responses. It's diabolic how poor the quality of conversation generated in hearings is. Are they trying to solve problems or create them. The latter I think.
@@donnavaresi4171 The two biggest issues facing society are Healthcare and Education and you want to get rid of government oversight and investment in one of them, maybe both. I'd have to say that is a pretty ridiculous idea. Surely, there must be government oversight of educational standards and outcomes, and investment. Even people who want charter schools and voucher systems want government involvement - who issues the bloody vouchers? Even if you want State oversight you are saying you don't want national standards. If you go local only then who sets the standard? Parents - give me a break.
I clearly reaslized that we, taxpayers,are getting short changed by the Department of Education and its officials. He is probably looking for a new job and does nto have time to worry about data about student loans.
The best way to deal with these liars is to ask them yes or no questions and then do what the Dems do, just talk over them saying reclaiming my time and answer for them by saying "you refused to answer" and just move on to your next question.
I agree. But im going to start with “I identify as a trans” the next time im in court and then commence to say a lot without giving any info on the subject at hand. I will let you all know how that goes. Probably from prison.
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
That was, admittedly, a brilliant (and out-of-the-blue) question. Kudos to her. It illustrated her point extremely well. HE should: 1) be fired on the spot, 2) be prosecuted for lying to Congress, misappropriating funds (specifically his salary for doing an absolute crap job yet taking pay), and 3) dropped immediately in jail until such time as his fellow bureaucrats get around to processing his paperwork.
He is following the "gaslighting" strategy of repeating a lie over and over again, because he knows that some people will believe any lie if they hear it repeated enough.
No, what he is doing is avoiding one word answers. They are super easy to edit into a lie. At 3:60 she asks a yes or no question. He answers with one sentence and uses the word "...absolutely..." Now, why isn't that acceptable?
congress has no authority to remove these directors. Only the POTUS can fire them. So his role (as director) is political. All he has to do is sit there and be humiliated for 5 minutes with no repercussions.
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
What a waste of time and money. These people are clowns and should all be booted out of these positions. All of them. No one answers questions anymore. You don't hold them accountable, so why bother. All of you officials are fake.
Fire him and get someone capable of answering a question. He has 4000 employees and we’re supposed to be impressed that they responded to 45 emails!?!?!? God help us!
45 letters might each require considerate investigation and documentation. If each letter were to requests each school in the country to be contacted and for a different purpose, I'm sure that could take some time.
Imagine acting like this at work. This guy is smug, evasive, and totally unafraid of suffering any consequences. There needs to be serious consequences for people acting like this on our dime.
I believe this evasive behavior should be met with a suspension of all of the agency's funding until the requests from congress has been satisfied, that would light a fire under them and put an end to unnecessarily dodging questions with a direct answer.
In case you wondered how bureaucrats could ruin the lives, or even end them, of people so casually during the Soviet Union's existence: they were this type of person.
The president can only issue such arrest or investigation orders for these bureaucrats... this really needs to be changed but nobody can do that. The U.S. Government is in a sad and sorry state right now. Trump tried to fix it but you can see how well that went.
The debt relief hasn’t passed yet. They are ironing the details out now. While ppl have applied no one is approved yet. Republicans are refusing it. The data she wants can’t really be tracked if they haven’t approved the relief. He wants to work with her, and they will keep her in the loop but She might as well asked him to pull a unicorn out of his butt. He isn’t sure there is an answer and isn’t about to go on the record with fake data. It is called being honest with a woman that was being deliberately difficult asking for things only a completed tuition relief package could provide the answers for. But she knows that. Grand standing. He must not be a republican…a republican would have just pulled an answer out of his butt.
I am getting so sick of these officials answering these questions with "We take these matters very seriously" instead of answering the questions. It's like a robotic response programmed into their system. 😡
If they would be responsible and punished like everyone else he would respond. If this crap was pulled in China, he would get suitable punishment but democracyst cowards tolerate idiocy and treachery.
People should be compelled to answer questions frankly and without evading or filibustering lest they face consequences. Seriously, this kind of frustration should be made accountable.
Знаешь, американец, если чиновник ушлый и умный, то он может так отвечать на вопросы, не подставляя себя, что любой конгрессмен замучиться их задавать. Так что привлеть умного чиновника к отвественнгсти - практически невозможно.
I guess his department really isn't interested in the funding they are asking for! Her response should have been...When you supply the I formation this committee is requesting, then we will start looking at producing the funding for you, otherwise forget the money!!
We’re so far beyond these stupid questions. We know they’re not competent. We know they’re corrupt. Get rid of em one way or another or someone else will.
It's bound to happen. I will vote for Trump in hopes it is resolved. 4 years isn't long enough id assume since it takes the lefts jokers 6 months to answer a simple question.
@@diegojines-us9pc now that's actually an easy question because if you don't remember you can just go into your UA-cam history and guess what you can pull that data in the number of seconds to minutes, Ace just like he should have shown up with all the numbers he knows they're going to ask the questions too and not just him everyone that comes in for questioning do you think that the owner. Ceo, manager of your company or work place just flat-out has no idea any of their numbers?
@@norman6833 more saints than your by gone mentality. Who you worship? Beetlegeuse over by that who it name county that cant even support itself no more?
This is the perfect example of our Public Education System today. When you have the likes of him and the 'Board', why would you expect that the Children are getting an Education?
Whether you're religious or non-religious, it feels as though a staggering number of people (including myself) see the end of the world right at the doorsteps. And you know what --- maybe that wouldn't be so bad; no more hate, no more lies, no more Democrats or Republicans, no more poverty, no more social media making undeserving people rich while adding fuel to the fire of stupidity. I mean *DAMN* . So many people are so self-absorbed & detached that they've forgotten how to exhibit common-decency. That said, politicians seem to be the worse offenders of them all yet they are the ones passing laws and prohibiting others that suit their own crooked agenda.
Ok, so how long would it take YOU to gather that data? What is involved in gathering that data? Neither you of him has the specific knowledge to give a specific answer.
@@windmillacres679 If there are barriers to providing the data in a timely way, and they are legitimate ones that they don't feel the need to hide, why would they not simply explain the barriers? The fact that he's using vague canned answers AND refusing to explain them, that's what the actual problem is. If it is not reasonable for him to provide the answer there, he should be able to explain why that is.
@AxisXIViral He's not an idiot. He knows that she'll cut him off and refuse to allow him to explain anything. All we will hear is "Reclaiming my time." Like I said, this entire hearing isn't about answering any questions. It's about the stupid politicians getting sound bites. If she honestly wanted answers, she would have had her staff send the questions over a month ago. Then he would have had at least an estimate on when he could give her answers. Both parties pull this crap. All because too many people believe the soundbites.
Note To Rep McClain: Good Luck On Receiving The Information You Seek During This Session Of Congress Because This Administration Takes It Commitment To Stonewalling "Very Seriously"
You're absolutely right. I'm sure that when they're appointed, they take a crash course on how to frustrate the congress person or senator and run out their allotted time.
@@tommykinikin9335 -- He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
So typical - these “Public Servants” that we pay to work for us, all refuse to answer a simple question. If they refuse or can’t answer - Fire them, as they are not doing the job 5hey are hired to do, They wouldn’t last 5 minutes working at a MacDonalds Restaurant with an attitude like that. THEY NEED TO GO.
@@FraserIland His job is not to commit to anything on record that he isn’t sure of and certainly not his job to give deference to a brash woman trying to catch him in a trap for her own political gain. She’s more of a proxy client. As Secretary of Education, his actual clients are the students and teachers in the school system.
4000 employees when the Department of Education could exist with 100 and do their job. It's not that hard, take the money Congress appropriates for education and disburse it to the states based on population. The federal government should have no other role in education. It is a state and local issue.
Exactly. This guy is simply not accountable for his actions and has no intention to be. If he’s asked questions that exposes his scam, the only thing he has to do is respond “we will get back to you”
@@scottcarr3264 Problem is, being held in contempt don't mean Jack Shit anymore. Eric Holder was held in contempt for not turning over information. Left the hearing. Had a great day. Never turned over Jack Shit. Never thought about it again. 🧟🪓
If we would write in our income tax form "I will get my team to let you know what my income is as soon as possible", I don't think the IRS would let us off the hook. But these bastards always claim they know nothing and never answer questions.
When you are in a system that protects you against all of your wrongdoings and nobody is going to hold you accountable... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. I am not an American, and even I feel bad about USA. Ethically, morally, logically, legally... this is wrong on so many levels.
@@Seeman927 -- He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
The government has gotten too big and too powerful. We need to demolish this government. we need to go back to when this country was started as a country. A small limited government that is governed by the people, not the other way around, and the Constitution. We need term limits, not career criminals. The government has its nose in too much. Freedom is a meaningless word. You are not free if someone is running your life. (Aka government)
And this guy is the reason why we hate politicians! They refuse & dance around answering the simplest of questions! It's insane! They've made politics insane!
Seriously. Straw man fallacy crap. I took a shi* today...I wiped right standing, then flushed. Also the same pos that complain about how you speak or dont believe them.
It's the lawyers. Power positions are infested with them to the exclusion of just about everybody else. Even if they are behind the scenes. They put words in the politician's mouths and make them stick to them, no matter it makes them sound like NPCs.
quite the opposite.... he is EXTREMELY competent at using the system to fuck tax payers over with out consequences... by the way ... when Biden made vaccines injections mandatory.... ALL the members of his staff the White House congress , the senate & judiciary department WERE EXEMPT Brought to you by Pfizer
They most definitely are evasive, because they got paid$, and no accountability, so this is our Education* System on Government,(our tax$) and private donations. Accountability Now!
This is the best example of political speak I have ever seen. He wasn't going to answer a question no matter what. I doubt if she had ask him if he could respond within 25 years that he would have said yes. He doesn't want to give her the information, and he is smart enough to not be on record promising to do so by ANY date. The way he handled this, he will ALWAYS and forever be able to say "we are working on it". This is why Americans hate politicians. There was a time when most non-elected administrators were just experts in their field who also had good management skills. Now days, they are all every bit as much politicians as the ones who are elected i.e. Senators and Representatives). We might as well start having cabinet secretary positions be elected and stop pretending they aren't politicians.
@@dougferguson2563 Thank you so much. I didn't realize it at the time that I posted my comment. That's what I originally meant to say and it slipped right past me. I went and corrected my mistake. Thanks again. "Thumbs Up" on your comment. 👍
@@dougferguson2563 That's going to be easier said than done. They're already too firmly entrenched like ticks on a dog. Personally, I'm just hoping that one day that the entire System collapses or we have a Zombie Apocalypse. Given the choice, I'd rather have the latter.
@@Tricknologyinc What does a question from one person to another have to do with "MILLIONS OF REQUESTS COMING IN (weekly?/daily) TO A DEPARTMENT OF LESS THAN 4000 PEOPLE!" If you're going to scream it, at least draw a comparison that is relevant.
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
@@chiefscheider Yep, I'm so happy our executive branch leaders can just refuse to answer questions so calmly. Almost like they don't give a shit about answering to the people's representatives.
@@MrEvdog15 my staff will get back with you, to tell you a timeline on how long it will take to get you the answer that you deserve. Because we take these requests very seriously...
These committees should have arrest powers and should have people that refuse to answer questions immediately tossed in jail for 60-90 days and then brought back in front of the committee to answer the questions they refused. If they refuse again then they are tossed right back in jail for longer terms.
You do realize that these committees refuse to give their requests for information ahead of time right? They do it so they can try to trip of the people being interviewed and get their "gotcha" moment for the cameras. If they would just send their requests ahead of the hearing then these people you are getting so angry with could actually come prepared to answer some questions. But they don't really want to make progress; they just want to make them look like fools. When they ask for specific data there is no way that they are going to be able to answer the question under oath and on the record if they haven't already prepared for it. Attorney's instruct anyone being questioned in this manner to simply answer with yes, no, or a predetermined answer to follow up with additional information. If you don't know with 100% certainty you don't just guess. Its all a clown show for your amusement.
People who avoid answering questions need to be personally held accountable for dodging questions. It needs to be illegal, with jail-time sanctions given ON THE SPOT!
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
Congress can’t force direct answers from people. I doubt you would say the same about the former education secretary. The fact that anyone would even want to hand a congress as incompetent as our own such an extreme authority is very telling of your rationale.
@@jacksoncowsert6964 I'd say that about anyone testifying before Congress. But maybe you're right... maybe it's better to be allowed to be vague and not get to the truth of things. Sounds productive.
Yeaah.. well.. I know it sounds artificial and constructed, but look at how you get crucified from both sides if you just answer a question in plain english. They will clip a 5 second segment for their news shows and you'll end up advocating for two polar opposites with the same testimoney, if you hear it on the TV. So unfortunately you have to make full sentences instead of saying "yes" or "no" to seemingly simple question, because of this dirty pratice of cutting and hacking everybodys speeches to one-line bits. (Also, most of these high ranking civil servants are either lawyers or very used to working with lawyers - and every single lawyer will tell you that you should never answer a question by opposing counsel with "yes" or "no" if you can at all help it. The answer to "Did you realize that you broke into the wrong house?" isn't "Yes." - it's "I realized that I was in the wrong house, but I did not brake in.")
The Dept of Education has only been around since the 1970s and since it's inception the quality of education and the level of educated has deteriorated immensely. It was an experiment that has now proven to be costly and unnecessary. Shut it down. While we are at it, it's time to start shutting down about 60-70% of the federal government that is not military and even then, we need to take a scalpel to cut out the bad actors.
Another case of a person in power failing to answer a question. Change your laws to make these people accountable for their actions as any normal person would be. If they break the law, deceive the people, throw them in jail where they belong
I think the issue is that he is technically answering the questions just enough to avoid such punishments. His insistence on answering with the specific wording "we take FOIA requests very seriously and we have been responding", a nonspecific answer that is neither yes or no, is verbiage he was instructed to use by a team of lawyers, presumably. Deviating from the scripted answers could lead to legal issues and that's why these hearings with bureaucrats like this are so insufferable to watch.
Cut their funding ............. and the STUDENT LOANS PROGAM. Hell, disolve the Department of Education, has it ever don't anything that has resulted in anything POSITIVE?
And, these are not just any normal person; these are people literally enriched by our hard-earned tax dollars! They must be accountable to our elected officials!!!!
She is being a brat. They guy is saying yes. Where is the respect for her to allow him to agree with her but instead she wants to force him to say it they was she wants. You earn respect and she isn’t earing
@@yanaandbear he should answer in the immediate affirmative then add context. He did no such thing he tried to dodge then he was called out made a half hearted dodge then answered in the affirmative. The fact he refused to answer the suit color question is telling with these lefty activist pussies. They know not to answer with a solid yes or no because it could be used against them later on. It's why Biden refused to answer in any yes or no questions with his son's laptop during the 2020 election cycle. He has now since said it's false but we will see on that as only time will tell... Should it even be fully pursued. The only ones I've seen throw temper tantrums and attack character are the Dems then they play victim when called out. But because republicans are playing the dems game and you're bitching about it now. 👏 Bravo to you 👏
Imagine this happens when it comes to your children's medical records. California governor just signed Sb1419 into law. Starting January 1st, 2024 parents will be prohibited from having access to their children's medical records, ages 12 and up. In addition mental health patients will be prohibited from having access to their own psychiatrist's notes. Please ring the bell!
No, he is actually very clever and disciplined. He doesn't want to cause any legal trouble that could be used against him or whoever he represents. The answers will come once they have been prepared well. Isn't that better than empty promises and wrong data?
What's the point of having congressional oversight if these department heads/employees refuse to answer questions or written requests by congress? What, exactly, are We the People paying congress to do? If witnesses won't answer questions or requests, make consequences for them. Suspend them without pay until every question and request is answered. If they still refuse to answer to congress, FIRE them!
@@jacksoncowsert6964 I've said the same thing about ANY witness that refuses to answer questions from congress or provide material requested by congress. Congress answers to We the People, these department heads are not answering to anybody. That goes counter to the US Constitution and the intent of our founding fathers.
If he answered “yes” and then some investigation found one lost request - he would be lying. Hence he has to answer like this. If he had stats at hand he could answer something like “99,9% of time we reply to requests within defined SLA as per our internal reporting system”. Same for «data”. Data is not information and information is not knowledge. He has 4k people reporting to him. So in order to collect exact figure he needs to get back to his team, set a task with appropriate priority, wait till this task goes through accepted process and then revert back to her. Normal process of big bureaucratic organizations. On top of that all these procedures are needed because they have to follow a lot of laws and procedures that were enforced upon them by other laws and security measures from other government departments etc. etc. It is inefficient - yes. But solution to this is not as straightforward as people in comments believe.
@Allan You’re talking about being called to testify over charges that didn’t rise to the level of impeachment. So in other words the charges were bogus and any testimony would just be useless if not harassment.
@@wearethewearethewearethhe yep that's exactly the same as outright refusing to answer any question posed to you. So you're saying he can't answer instantly in his head has his department been completing foia requests (at all, not even what pace, just at all), what is his budget (anyone at any level who has a budget should know theirs, inexcusable not to), and how long in general does it take them to respond to requests. A more accurate example would be me asking you "Do you have the capability to answer math problems, how long would it take you to get me the answer to this math problem, have you ever solved a math problem?" If you could not or would not answer ANY of those questions, that would be you being evasive.
@@wearethewearethewearethhe try telling a client who is asking for timeline for delivery of a project that you can't tell him when it will be delivered.
@@13game3 “hey client, we’ve never looked into this before but we’ll get back to you on this in our next scheduled meeting”. So common in places where people actually are trying to get work done. Of course, this political discussion is just a bunch of idiots crying.
These people are instructed by the administration. That those asking the questions are limited on time. And to answer with long winded retorts. That are little more than filibustering the questioners time.
@@tehmtbz -- He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
Refusal to answer a direct question should result in dismissal. These hearings are a ridiculous waste of time and money when politicians and public servants are allowed to get away with this behavior.
💡🙏😡 YES ... Agree it is a complete waste of time ... And the Republicans do NOTHING about it ... They all should lose there SALARIES and BENEFITS ... 🤷
@@troy6636 -- He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do. Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
America has a capitalist Democratic Party and a capitalist Republican Party. You can only have two parties under your system and in each party there are essentially "mini parties". For example Bernie Sanders calls himself a Social Democrat. Who is advocating for Government control of the whole economy? Not even Bernie. You have a mixed economy and that is supported by both parties. One advocates for greater government regulation to protect people, and the other advocates for less government regulation to enable greater exploitation of people. Finding a balance in between is what most Americans want. It's the same here in my country Australia. If you want to know the true nature of your politics you need a better voting system. If you want more choice then you need a preferential voting system (or what you call ranked voting). One election with more candidates and you vote 1,2,3 etc in preference. Those with the lowest number of votes eliminated and the votes reallocated to the next preference until someone has over 50% of the vote. The consequence will be splits in the parties, at the very least the Democrats will become equivalent to our Labor Party and Green Party and the Republicans will be split into the equivalents of our Liberal (or Conservative) Party and an extreme right such as our One Nation Party. Then you will get a chance to see more clearly the platforms for the far left and far right and the centre left and centre right. I think you will find the vote will tend to converge around the centre left or the centre right and the extremist views will fall from favour. Is your country mature enough to make such a change to establish a better electoral choice - probably not. Too arrogant to change I suspect!
Not incomptence! These incessant non-answers are very much intentional. You see it day in, day out from Biden appointees and leftist politicians in general. It’s just the “acceptable” way of stonewalling while technically not breaking the rules (eg; outright refusing).
Ah, I see your error of thought... They don't work for 'us', they work for the government. The people who do work for us, also do not work for us. And no one cares, and we know that because we keep hiring the same people to work for us, and they keep hiring the same people to work for them.... When enough people start caring about who works for us, and that will never happen, then those people we hire will start to care about who works for them!
Agree. House could Impeach Secretaries that don't answer Questions or not produce requested documents but they'd never get the extra Votes from other Party to actually remove them
All I see is another "empty suit". What a joke. Taxpayers deserve better
He didn’t want to give an incorrect answer, so he gave an open ended one. If he gave a date and for some reason it wasn’t met, then she would have a breakdown.
@@DavidJohnson-hg1mz Stop making excuses for pathetic and cowardly bureaucrats. All he needed to do was commit to a date, then FOLLOW THROUGH AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. Why is that so hard? These bureaucracies all need to be bulldozed, and the leeches that "sErVe" there all need to get a REAL job.
Everyone that the Biden administration has put in place are woke jokes. They won't answer questions which to me should be illegal.
Not empty....they are corrupt.
@@DavidJohnson-hg1mz You give a date and try to get it done before that date or you contact the person and explain why the date cannot be met.
People who continue to evade questioning MUST begin to face removal from office and being barred from holding any public office in the future. The shear audacity of these unelected arrogant fools is unacceptable.
And they need to be denied any benefits or the ability to just retire. They get fired and not given one penny more.
100% agreed
I would love that but remember when the titantic had too many compartments flooded and how that turned out? That is what happened here.
I absolutely agree with that.
Noticed a pattern, even after proving total incompetence,corruption they all are still here mayorkas,debbie should be in prison.Shame on garland i really thought he was decent,he is worse than barr.Interior should never give money for personal projects in SF but she did $200 million for pelosi disgusting
This guy will just run the clock, and never answer ANY questions.
This system needs to change.
And he thinks he's clever and his handlers think he's a good little tool. It's all so pathetic. This guy would fail being the mid afternoon manager at a rural Arbys. Just nothing there inside and you know he thinks he's some kind of Machiavellian genius.
@@Laneous14 2:55
@@Laneous14 right?
I have noticed that there is a system to just eat time, say thank you for you question senator/congressman…5 or so seconds , but do this 8 or 10 times, and a 5 min question period is now 20% less..
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration
would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
PENALTIES ( held in contempt in jail ) until they DO ANSWER would change their minds very quickly.
The bad guys refuse to answer questions, and the good guys refuse to hold them accountable. The whole system is a sham.
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
If they try, the DOJ will do nothing.
There are few or no “good guys” in the system unfortunately.
@RollandB If you think identifying good and bad is childish, you have serious problems with reality and maturity.
@RollandB There are good and bad sides. Refusing to admit or see that is not a sign of maturity
This is the problem with this country. Someone like that should be removed immediately.
Nope. Those people keep my 2nd Amendment intact to shoot freely in the most free country that was freely stolen. You're welcome.
This from a guy who has a joke Arabic name.
@@steelcom5976 So what.
@@PureDWhiteCloud What does a tune by Miles Davis have to do with anything?
They should be able to hold people in contemp of congress or something. This is SUCH a mockery of our system.
Public caning should do the trick.
Yes ... if our Reps followed the constitution.
I've seen many instances of Contempt of Congress. I don't see anyone following up on this.
It's way of false prophets look who was making 170000 stealing luggage what sicknesses going on in WH not monacah
Time for "scorched-earth" politics! Bi-partisanship is deader than a nail in Dracula's coffin!
Since these people are incapable of answering a question, they need to be removed from office as mentally incompetent.
Better idea is to abolish the entire department and save lots of money
Y’all are sheep. They are playing Politic Games. They do lot have to answer questions if they “promise they’re going to” as their answer. If you have the confidence and the knowledge politics are just semantic verbal bouts of logic and memory.
@@rikuyomi So you'd rather not have, the people you call sheep, ask any questions?
Wouldn't that, I dunno, make them sheep?
@@rikuyomi The name calling isn't helpful to the substance of your comment
I agree! Let's start with our tyrant "leader" Justin Trudeau.
My dad told me long ago that when people knowingly do something wrong, there are 2 things they do when confronted. They either lie or won’t give you an answer.
Your dad was right.
Your dad is a very smart man
Sometimes you simply don't have the tools to give an answer 'cause it doesn't fully depends on you
@@bidibum In that case you shouldn't be testifying before congress and they should bring your boss in to testify instead. If your boss thinks you should be able to handle it, then your boss should replace you with someone who can. Unless you and your boss are on the same page about evading congressional inquiry because answering with the facts would incriminate you both.
It's about time that congress passed a law that actually holds anyone who refuses to answer a question or supply the data asked for to account , anyone appearing before congress who refuses to cooperate should be suspended without pay until the data requested is forthcoming
You need to give a valid answer, or be held in contempt.
You forget who's president of the United States. Only the American citizens, I'm sorry, Republicans, are held accountable for their actions!
blame someone who cant answer every question they could ask. where was you on sept 18, 1980? i can get that info to you is the best anyone could say. and he did.
Drag their pampas asses off to jail for an extended stay.
This is why we can’t have free college
Officials who behave this evasively to oversight should be charged with contempt of congress.
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration
would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
It appears the charges should be stronger than contempt and the punishnent should actually be carried out 😮
@@gregorymabrey7508 send them directly to prison.
Not likely. This is a Uniparty show, so neither side wants too much traction and shift of voters to either side. The goal is divided, and so, weak electorates. Think how many times the Sergeant at Arms has been called out in response to ignored subpoenas and outright lies under oath.
lol who will be left in congress if that is done. Most of them behave like that when in that position. In fact, it is a response strategy which many are coached on
I find it amazing how every single bureaucrat just refuses to answer a direct question. Mind boggling.
And it will go on and on and on and on and on and on... Get my point lol..this will never stop until they actually make a rule to answer questions or spend a few days in a rotten smelly cell.. of it will not happen as they make way to much money ...
Well it's not a lie if there's no answer 😂
When one keeps repeating the same nonsense, again and again it means: 1. I have no intention of providing what you're asking fr. 2. If I told you that it would be a problem for me. 3. If I tell you anything else it will be a bald face lie that you will call me out on later. 4. I am an ASS
I would deport his a$$ yesterday
What I find amazing is that they're allowed to get by with it.
Why don’t YOU Congress lady give this evading character a deadline of “one week” to get the data to you. You have oversight of these bureaucrats and they are acting as if you do not. Your momma should have also taught you to “believe what a man does, not what a man says, especially when the two are not the same.” STOP putting up with these people.
Its very obvious EVERYONE in this Administration has been explicitly coached on HOW to respond to questions and how NOT to answer the questions.
They're given training on how to be straight up NPC's.
That's what they do DO Everyday and all Day!! Enough is enough!! HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!! Nuremburg triels that the main street MEDIA will never talk about!! Just like Nuremberg ! The FAKE MEDIA WILL FACE THE Gallows'!! But First and foremost should be OUR Administration!!!!
I take your comment very seriously and will be reaching out to you in the future to tell you how well I think on my feet
I call it "doing the zuckerburg" he answers very vague or with a question about a question
Its absurd that these stalling tactics in the democrappy party are allowed to continue I can't stop shaking my head reminds when loretta lynch was asked if the speed limit is 65 and you are doing 66 are you violating the law and our head of the doj could not say yes smh
How about give them no money until they give you exactly what you need. They aren’t doing it because they know you will still fund them. Defund them until all requests are filled.
That’s what kills me about this GOP, they have the power of the purse! Squeeze em out of funds till they capitulate!!
Yep. Funding is SUSPENDED until you provide the information. Brilliant! Boy they would get her info quickly or go into full Democrat MELTDOWN
They do not have the ( you know what to hold them responsible.
Exactly, same old non compliant BS
Democrats would frame it as "Republicans are taking away food and after schools programs from poor kids because they're racist!"
Every person that is unwilling to directly answer a question in the government should immediately be released. Every one of them.
They are rewarded with a promotion for lieing and we are punished for telling truth
Really? When Harris was trying to play silly gotcha games during the Kavanaugh hearings, do you think he should have just sat there and given yes and no answers on demand rather than trying to explain why it's not possible to so that honestly? When people insist on one word answers and try to cut off explanations you know they aren't questioning honestly.
@@nerdyali4154 if you are secure in your answers you shouldn’t be playing word games. These are adults and the leaders of our country. Not children bickering over who gets to play with the legos. If someone is asking gotcha questions then handle it. If you can’t handle a stupid gotcha question, you shouldn’t be in a position leading a country
You can't do your job???? YOU"RE FIRED!!!!!
can you answer one question then if she asked you. what did you watch on youtube 3 weeks ago?
No wonder the average American is SO incredibly confused about EVERYTHING!
Disband the Department of Education it’s worthless
But who's gonig to teach your kids about transrights then? 😂
I agree.
It's worse than worthless.
There is no Constitutionally Enumerated Power for Dept. Ed.
@@diabollikealldaddy Or civil rights for that matter…🤦🏾♂️
He can't give her a date because he has no intention to give her what she requested.
Fine hold him in contempt fine the fuck out of him and motion for his dismissal for negligence and incompetence! Impeach every Demokkkrat!
Off course thats the game they play, and the blue dumbasses choose their government by these tricks and dare to say that the reps are the ones you cant trust😂
He's the Education Secretary, not an office secretary. He sets policy. It's not his job to respond to petty requests. She's just grandstanding.
@@afrocraft1 He is an employee of the American people, there to *serve*, not rule. She is a member of Congress asking legitimate policy questions, including a commitment on schedule. That is her job, she is doing it. He is not.
“What color is your suit?”… “ma’am I will have my office contact you with a date when we will complete our research on the color of my suit.. maybe”… government in a nutshell.
Absolutely!!!! These people are ridiculous. It is BEYOND outrageous that every single one of the creeps in this Admin. - along with their toady bureaucrats refuse to answer even a single question from Congress EVER. Disgusting.
L / M / A /O
I believe the education system has been perverted to a point of predatory practice. Forgiveness or not, things need to change
Not just the education system! All "systems"!
College students typically are very gullible.
My mother was a school teacher for nearly 4O years. She taught in some great school systems and some not so good systems. She retired in 2005. By the time she retired, she was absolutely sick of the bureaucracy the school board was forcing down teachers throats. Teachers were essentially told “plan a course of success for students whatever it takes! If the students complain about homework-do away with it. If they are not performing well on tests - give them answers ahead of time! If they disrupt your classroom, negotiate with them.”
She had little to no support from the parents who never attended PTA meetings, open houses, and would sign progress reports that indicated their child is performing at a 2 year old level. The only time you heard from most of the parents is when their kid came home with a report card full of D’S and F’s. Then they’d come storming up to the Principle’s office demanding to know why the teachers are failing their precious babies. Mediocrity has become the norm in our public schools. Teachers are no longer allowed or encouraged to challenge students. They are glorified baby sitters at this point.
Loved the suit color question. Good for Rep McClain!
Republicans never answer yes or no
Don't be so cynical. He takes requests about his suit colour very seriously, and will be working with his department to communicate an expected timeline to respond to that request in due course, either before or after August 1.
@@spodule6000 🤣
The art of being a politician, speaking a lot without saying anything
Don’t forget lying.
pretty much sums it up
It's called dissembling
The Talking Heads
Psycho Killer
@@joeshumo9457 run run run, run away
I'm not a republican, but this current trend of public service workers, or candidates for those offices, to give non-comittal answers to questions is infuriating. Somebody pull this guy aside and tell him to answer questions or we'll find someone more competent who will.
Why aren't you a Republican?
Start holding their paychecks and see how long it takes them to get some answers.
This could all be corrected if the line of questioning would be sent to the public service workers two weeks ahead of the hearings so that they could properly prepare the required information for the hearing. But that's not what they really want, they act like attorney's and are trying to trip them up on purpose on the record by surprising them with questions asking for very specific data. Even asking how long before they can get the data is forcing them to go on the record with an answer that they may not be able to support. Exactly who in our vast department of education is responsible for managing this particular data? Is the data readily available? Do they need to do some internal processing to get the information flushed out into a format that meets the objective of what is being asked? Is it even available or do they need to gather the requested data? Everything is about trying to be shocking and surprising and making the other side look stupid for a media soundbite. Both sides do it and it just makes the congressional committee members look like assholes that are wasting everyone's time. They don't want to be productive; they want to make the other side look stupid.
@@hskrgrad You're making a lot of excuses for this guy. He should have a VERY CLEAR idea of how long it takes to respond to Congressional questions since that's very much HIS job personally - at least provide an outside date...preferably one that's before this session ends. _Otherwise, Congressional Oversight is IMPOSSIBLE._
They are too incompetent to answer. Why are the incompetent? Because most of them were hired based on their race or gender not qualifications.
Stop voting for these traitors.
God bless you Lisa and we need to get rid of these kind of managers. In fact they should be in prison in my humble opinion.
Not only does the secretary owe the representative an answer, but every single taxpayer deserves answers at these hearings.
of course they deserve an answer but if they want a better answer they should ask a better question instead of these partisan loaded questions. Both sides do this and it makes a mockery of the hearings. Instead of blaming the witnesses called in to waste their time, criticise the representatives for their posturing, biased rhetoric and condescending questions and requests for Yes, No responses. It's diabolic how poor the quality of conversation generated in hearings is. Are they trying to solve problems or create them. The latter I think.
No more Dept of Education. All it has done is DUMB DOWN THE EDUCATIONAL standards for all of America's children.
@@donnavaresi4171 The two biggest issues facing society are Healthcare and Education and you want to get rid of government oversight and investment in one of them, maybe both. I'd have to say that is a pretty ridiculous idea. Surely, there must be government oversight of educational standards and outcomes, and investment. Even people who want charter schools and voucher systems want government involvement - who issues the bloody vouchers? Even if you want State oversight you are saying you don't want national standards. If you go local only then who sets the standard? Parents - give me a break.
I clearly reaslized that we, taxpayers,are getting short changed by the Department of Education and its officials. He is probably looking for a new job and does nto have time to worry about data about student loans.
the question on a specific date is kindergarten level stupid
The department of education takes everything seriously-EXCEPT being HONEST and FORTHCOMING!
The Founders stated never let the govt become an employer--cancel Dept of Education. Jill Biden is a fine example of how cheap a Doctorate is.
They seriously take everything. Very serious about that, since it's a mafia.
Or education!!
The best way to deal with these liars is to ask them yes or no questions and then do what the Dems do, just talk over them saying reclaiming my time and answer for them by saying "you refused to answer" and just move on to your next question.
They should hold these people in contempt. These sort of answers are criminal, and borderline treasonous.
I would deport his a$$ yesterday
I agree. But im going to start with “I identify as a trans” the next time im in court and then commence to say a lot without giving any info on the subject at hand. I will let you all know how that goes. Probably from prison.
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration
would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
Borderline Treasonous? 😮
@@MsK-xm7vw intentionally hiding information as the government from your oversight... Yes that seems quite clearly treasonous.
THAT is insane and such a smug government employee needs to be fired ASAP!
This is how criminals operate. “I know nothing. I will circle back to you “. How disgusting is this display of obstruction
He's stonewalling
This guy is a joke!
leaders dumbing down education in the country
Like watching John Gotti testify.
I Have to admit the question "what color is your suit" was a rather significant illustration of how willing he may have been to lie about the obvious.
And he refused to even answer that question.
That was, admittedly, a brilliant (and out-of-the-blue) question. Kudos to her. It illustrated her point extremely well. HE should: 1) be fired on the spot, 2) be prosecuted for lying to Congress, misappropriating funds (specifically his salary for doing an absolute crap job yet taking pay), and 3) dropped immediately in jail until such time as his fellow bureaucrats get around to processing his paperwork.
Robots freaking lizard Robots 😅😅
The answer to that question might have proved he was not color blind. Can’t have that!
"I'll have my team reach out to yours about the color of my suit (maybe next year)."
Why does he feel compelled to keep saying, 'in good faith'? Impeach that clown ASAP.
He is following the "gaslighting" strategy of repeating a lie over and over again, because he knows that some people will believe any lie if they hear it repeated enough.
No, what he is doing is avoiding one word answers. They are super easy to edit into a lie.
At 3:60 she asks a yes or no question. He answers with one sentence and uses the word "...absolutely..."
Now, why isn't that acceptable?
congress has no authority to remove these directors. Only the POTUS can fire them. So his role (as director) is political. All he has to do is sit there and be humiliated for 5 minutes with no repercussions.
Have you noticed the pattern? None of Biden's appointees are capable of giving a straight answer to a question. None of them!
Cardinal is a disgusting excuse for a leader
If they can't answer questions,GET RID OF THEM!
Dodged a simple one word answer. Outrageous.
I would deport his a$$ yesterday
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration
would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
I absolutely LOST it when she asked him what color his suit was and he responded with some word salad non-answer lmao! Her laugh was infectious!!
"Clowns In America."
@@HuntingTarg Now I understand what CIA really stands for.
Can you imagine a CEO responding to his Board of Directors with answers like that? They would be fired during the meeting
They actually do that frequently. Have BEEN to board meeting??
research operation mockingbird and sinclair soldiers..spread the message to awaken the collective consciousness
Yeah, this is exactly how CEOs talk
@@testaklese ex-CEO’s. No BOD would put up with this kind of obfuscation
@carlkil BODs don't edit meetings into 30 second sound bites that are lies.
What a waste of time and money. These people are clowns and should all be booted out of these positions. All of them. No one answers questions anymore. You don't hold them accountable, so why bother. All of you officials are fake.
Fire him and get someone capable of answering a question. He has 4000 employees and we’re supposed to be impressed that they responded to 45 emails!?!?!? God help us!
I can respond to even hundreds of emails if I’m going to be paid even just half of that of their single staff 😅
My wife responded to 60+ emails in ONE FKING SHIFT
he has "under 4000 employees". Which means absolutely nothing, as that could be 3999 or 5
45 letters might each require considerate investigation and documentation. If each letter were to requests each school in the country to be contacted and for a different purpose, I'm sure that could take some time.
@xSG1969x they wouldn't throw an odd # like 4000 unless it was close. If they had 5 employees, they would say under 10. You sound like a liberal
Imagine acting like this at work. This guy is smug, evasive, and totally unafraid of suffering any consequences. There needs to be serious consequences for people acting like this on our dime.
Evil always thinks it’s right!
Because there are NO CONSEQUENCES
All he does is lie…
Well, they may THINK there are no consequences but someday we'll all find out oh yes, there are consequences.
There’s no consequences for democrats in any position or wrongdoing. They’re above the law.
If a private sector agency was this elusive they would be fired immediately. This is insane .
I believe this evasive behavior should be met with a suspension of all of the agency's funding until the requests from congress has been satisfied, that would light a fire under them and put an end to unnecessarily dodging questions with a direct answer.
Did you mean to say a *private* sector agency? And yes, it is absolutely insane.
@@mlstovall00 yes meant public . Brain fart . Good observation.
Name, rank and serial number under interrogation. It's stock standard form for bureaucrats, too.
that's among other things because they're not rewarded and paid to be elusive, and to cover up for their department and its budget
If you don’t answer you can’t get in trouble. It’s pathetic but it’s how the law works.
In case you wondered how bureaucrats could ruin the lives, or even end them, of people so casually during the Soviet Union's existence: they were this type of person.
As an avid student of history, this comment is 100%, flawlessly true.
@@SisyphusOfSodom No it's not even 10% true, mental midgets.
That's because the bad guys won WWll.
I’ve been saying this since I was a kid.
The global technocrats won world war two.
@@citizenoftheninthdivision We should rename it the First Gentile Uprising.
Arrest him for contempt of congress. Absolutely disgusting
The president can only issue such arrest or investigation orders for these bureaucrats... this really needs to be changed but nobody can do that. The U.S. Government is in a sad and sorry state right now. Trump tried to fix it but you can see how well that went.
Man, if I acted like this in any courtroom, it would not go well for me
Easy with the “arrest that man!” Stuff or you’ll start to sound like a commie.
The debt relief hasn’t passed yet. They are ironing the details out now. While ppl have applied no one is approved yet. Republicans are refusing it. The data she wants can’t really be tracked if they haven’t approved the relief. He wants to work with her, and they will keep her in the loop but She might as well asked him to pull a unicorn out of his butt. He isn’t sure there is an answer and isn’t about to go on the record with fake data. It is called being honest with a woman that was being deliberately difficult asking for things only a completed tuition relief package could provide the answers for. But she knows that. Grand standing. He must not be a republican…a republican would have just pulled an answer out of his butt.
I am getting so sick of these officials answering these questions with "We take these matters very seriously" instead of answering the questions. It's like a robotic response programmed into their system. 😡
Because they answer to a higher, evil power.
If they would be responsible and punished like everyone else he would respond. If this crap was pulled in China, he would get suitable punishment but democracyst cowards tolerate idiocy and treachery.
research operation mockingbird and sinclair soldiers..spread the message to awaken the collective consciousness
@@Butterball3588 True!
@@Butterball3588 Yes, it's entertainment; accountability posturing.
People should be compelled to answer questions frankly and without evading or filibustering lest they face consequences. Seriously, this kind of frustration should be made accountable.
Знаешь, американец, если чиновник ушлый и умный, то он может так отвечать на вопросы, не подставляя себя, что любой конгрессмен замучиться их задавать. Так что привлеть умного чиновника к отвественнгсти - практически невозможно.
"Lack of Transparency is a HUGE political advantage" - J. Gruber
I guess his department really isn't interested in the funding they are asking for! Her response should have been...When you supply the I formation this committee is requesting, then we will start looking at producing the funding for you, otherwise forget the money!!
Agree 100% all federal employees should have to answer questions from Congress and Senate... Or lose your job before you exit the building
Laugh in French, what is an answer ?
We’re so far beyond these stupid questions. We know they’re not competent. We know they’re corrupt. Get rid of em one way or another or someone else will.
No you won’t you are all cowards
It's bound to happen. I will vote for Trump in hopes it is resolved. 4 years isn't long enough id assume since it takes the lefts jokers 6 months to answer a simple question.
That's real dedication right there. He's so committed to not answering questions that he won't even say what color his suit is.
can you answer one question then if she asked you. what did you watch on youtube 3 weeks ago?
@@diegojines-us9pc Nice false equivalence! Ad hominem is still the best though - of course, you're too stupid to prove me wrong.
You are. The Problem.
@@diegojines-us9pc now that's actually an easy question because if you don't remember you can just go into your UA-cam history and guess what you can pull that data in the number of seconds to minutes, Ace just like he should have shown up with all the numbers he knows they're going to ask the questions too and not just him everyone that comes in for questioning do you think that the owner. Ceo, manager of your company or work place just flat-out has no idea any of their numbers?
Can we have a law that removes people from their posts who refuse to answer questions directly. PLEASE! This is like a federal disease.
On the left it is. Did you notice that he sounded exactly like that worthless press secretary.
@@crisde2822 -- yes, this is ever important, we take this seriously, Shirley, you cannot be joking!
And we will circle back, on that!
@@drx1xym154 "Don't call me Shirley." ✈
@@crisde2822 oh yeah because the right is just full of saints 😂
@@norman6833 more saints than your by gone mentality. Who you worship? Beetlegeuse over by that who it name county that cant even support itself no more?
The Education Department needs to be disbanded and be run the each separate state.
"what colour is your suit?" Absolutely brilliant! AND he still could not give a concise answer.....Loved her eloquence!
Carson’s: oh no I am dog and woof 🐕
This is the perfect example of our Public Education System today. When you have the likes of him and the 'Board', why would you expect that the Children are getting an Education?
@@sjorspa exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sign him up for the GOP (goofy old people)
@@timtune174 It's interesting how the older and wiser people tend to go towards the GOP. I wonder why that is?
Where did this people all came from?! Hold them accountable all the way from alphabet boys to the last bureaucrat.
Over 4,000 an he’s the cream of the crop? 😱
From the Saul Alinsky School for the advancement of Communism.
@@dougbuchan5666 4,000 employees and they have delivered 2,400 pages of info... seems lackluster to me
How he repeats what he's been instructed to say legally is disturbing and obvious. Yikes!
Sounds like a robot 🤖🤦🏻♀️
Whether you're religious or non-religious, it feels as though a staggering number of people (including myself) see the end of the world right at the doorsteps. And you know what --- maybe that wouldn't be so bad; no more hate, no more lies, no more Democrats or Republicans, no more poverty, no more social media making undeserving people rich while adding fuel to the fire of stupidity.
I mean *DAMN* . So many people are so self-absorbed & detached that they've forgotten how to exhibit common-decency. That said, politicians seem to be the worse offenders of them all yet they are the ones passing laws and prohibiting others that suit their own crooked agenda.
Ok, so how long would it take YOU to gather that data?
What is involved in gathering that data?
Neither you of him has the specific knowledge to give a specific answer.
@@windmillacres679 If there are barriers to providing the data in a timely way, and they are legitimate ones that they don't feel the need to hide, why would they not simply explain the barriers? The fact that he's using vague canned answers AND refusing to explain them, that's what the actual problem is. If it is not reasonable for him to provide the answer there, he should be able to explain why that is.
@AxisXIViral He's not an idiot. He knows that she'll cut him off and refuse to allow him to explain anything.
All we will hear is "Reclaiming my time."
Like I said, this entire hearing isn't about answering any questions. It's about the stupid politicians getting sound bites.
If she honestly wanted answers, she would have had her staff send the questions over a month ago. Then he would have had at least an estimate on when he could give her answers.
Both parties pull this crap.
All because too many people believe the soundbites.
Simple. You don’t get paid if you don’t produce the documents in 2 weeks
Note To Rep McClain: Good Luck On Receiving The Information You Seek During This Session Of Congress Because This Administration Takes It Commitment To Stonewalling "Very Seriously"
You're absolutely right. I'm sure that when they're appointed, they take a crash course on how to frustrate the congress person or senator and run out their allotted time.
@@tommykinikin9335 -- He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most
transparent in U.S. history.
So typical - these “Public Servants” that we pay to work for us, all refuse to answer a simple question. If they refuse or can’t answer - Fire them, as they are not doing the job 5hey are hired to do, They wouldn’t last 5 minutes working at a MacDonalds Restaurant with an attitude like that. THEY NEED TO GO.
This man is the human equivalent of one of those HR papers we all get at our jobs that you never even bother reading because it's corporate fluff.
The fluff was her talking about her mom in her ear at the beginning and no ones cares. He actually did a decent job compared to how some of these go.
@@Originalman144 mmmmmm........not really
research operation mockingbird and sinclair soldiers..spread the message to awaken the collective consciousness
@@Originalman144 He made a wonderful salad of words and "he takes it very seriously"
She only asked When.
She is the client.
@@FraserIland His job is not to commit to anything on record that he isn’t sure of and certainly not his job to give deference to a brash woman trying to catch him in a trap for her own political gain. She’s more of a proxy client. As Secretary of Education, his actual clients are the students and teachers in the school system.
Why don't they fire the guy for not giving a straight answer 😂
They want a 600% increase in their budget but they cant' answer even simple questions... uh huh. They need to be defunded.
A budget increase for failing so badly that reading scores go down year after year. They can't even hold the line on Math either.
4000 employees when the Department of Education could exist with 100 and do their job. It's not that hard, take the money Congress appropriates for education and disburse it to the states based on population. The federal government should have no other role in education. It is a state and local issue.
Defund them now!!!!
I would deport his a$$ yesterday
They want that to help American citizens who studied and worked hard to make this country a better place for all of us. You should be thanking them
Shows just how powerless our “elected” officials are.
And how little our beurocrates understand their responsibility to participate in oversight.
Exactly. This guy is simply not accountable for his actions and has no intention to be.
If he’s asked questions that exposes his scam, the only thing he has to do is respond “we will get back to you”
They have the Power to Make them either Answer the Question, or be held in Contempt of Congress, but how often is that used.
Problem is, being held in contempt don't mean Jack Shit anymore. Eric Holder was held in contempt for not turning over information. Left the hearing. Had a great day. Never turned over Jack Shit. Never thought about it again. 🧟🪓
But theyre real good at playing the stock market.
If we would write in our income tax form "I will get my team to let you know what my income is as soon as possible", I don't think the IRS would let us off the hook. But these bastards always claim they know nothing and never answer questions.
Ignorance is the ideal state for democrats.
They just need a few more billion in budget and MAY get back to you months from now, but no promises.
That is an EXCELLENT response, Patrick.
When you are in a system that protects you against all of your wrongdoings and nobody is going to hold you accountable... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. I am not an American, and even I feel bad about USA. Ethically, morally, logically, legally... this is wrong on so many levels.
Hold them in contempt and arrest them if they won't answer.
Except he did answer.
@@Seeman927 -- He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most
transparent in U.S. history.
Congress is no longer the lawmaking authority in our nation. The Executive branch is.
You mean the deep state. Unelected bureaucrats in shadow alphabet agencies run everything.
It's not law, thats MAFIA enforcement
The government has gotten too big and too powerful. We need to demolish this government. we need to go back to when this country was started as a country. A small limited government that is governed by the people, not the other way around, and the Constitution. We need term limits, not career criminals. The government has its nose in too much. Freedom is a meaningless word. You are not free if someone is running your life. (Aka government)
Meaningless twaddle.
Isn’t that what the Nazis said? “The Reichstag has no power anymore”
And this guy is the reason why we hate politicians! They refuse & dance around answering the simplest of questions! It's insane! They've made politics insane!
Seriously. Straw man fallacy crap. I took a shi* today...I wiped right standing, then flushed. Also the same pos that complain about how you speak or dont believe them.
just this guy! I think he is better than most so if he is bad what about the likes of "shouting Jim Jordan" or "stupid MTG etc
It's the lawyers. Power positions are infested with them to the exclusion of just about everybody else. Even if they are behind the scenes. They put words in the politician's mouths and make them stick to them, no matter it makes them sound like NPCs.
"They've made politics insane!" - I don't think this is a new phenomenon.
Politics has always been insane.
Withhold any further funding until he gives the requested data. Period.
Mr. Cardona is a great example of how incompetent people work.
quite the opposite.... he is EXTREMELY competent at using the system to fuck tax payers over with out consequences... by the way ... when Biden made vaccines injections mandatory.... ALL the members of his staff the White House congress , the senate & judiciary department WERE EXEMPT
Brought to you by Pfizer
He succeeded in not saying a damn thing...and they do nothing🤣
Taxpayerz money at work
It's not about "incompetent", it's about "dishonest".
I work with a boss who speaks in this format. What is the reason to speaking in this manner?
Maybe next time phrase the question in Spanish.
I'd like to know how many times they actually "get back to" the legislator when they say they will. I bet it's pretty rare.
Yes ! especially when they say, ¨We take this very seriously and we will be HAPPY to get back to you..¨ ( when ever we feel like ti)
@@alicia4him1 that's a "go screw yourself" without being held in contempt of Congress
They most definitely are evasive, because they got paid$, and no accountability, so this is our Education* System on Government,(our tax$) and private donations.
Accountability Now!
These people who promise to contact Congress later, don't... remember that.
Promises only binds those who believe in them..
"And when can I expect to hear from your people? By what date?"
I say Congress should withhold all funding to any agency that refuses to be forthright in a timely manner.
fire that guy!
This is the best example of political speak I have ever seen. He wasn't going to answer a question no matter what. I doubt if she had ask him if he could respond within 25 years that he would have said yes. He doesn't want to give her the information, and he is smart enough to not be on record promising to do so by ANY date. The way he handled this, he will ALWAYS and forever be able to say "we are working on it". This is why Americans hate politicians. There was a time when most non-elected administrators were just experts in their field who also had good management skills. Now days, they are all every bit as much politicians as the ones who are elected i.e. Senators and Representatives). We might as well start having cabinet secretary positions be elected and stop pretending they aren't politicians.
...why EVERYONE hates politicians... FTFY :D
This country is run by bureaucrats who are masters at evading questions.
I'm not American and have never even heard of that guy before. But after watching that bit I can't say that I like him ...👎🏼
You can see why the Resident likes him, birds of a feather. Con-artist charlatans.
Double plus good, not!
The Department of Education needs to be Totally Defunded! It serves no useful purpose except to be a drain on the American Taxpayers.
@@dougferguson2563 Thank you so much. I didn't realize it at the time that I posted my comment. That's what I originally meant to say and it slipped right past me. I went and corrected my mistake. Thanks again. "Thumbs Up" on your comment. 👍
@@southtexasprepper1837 No worries! Lets vote these tyrants out!!!
@@dougferguson2563 That's going to be easier said than done. They're already too firmly entrenched like ticks on a dog. Personally, I'm just hoping that one day that the entire System collapses or we have a Zombie Apocalypse. Given the choice, I'd rather have the latter.
Sorry but that’s not gonna happen. The department of education will remain. 😊
She could have asked the Education Secretary, "What mark does a student get for completely failing to answer a direct question?"
That would've been gold! Although we know what would the answer be when coming from a criminal disguised of bureaucrat.
Life in prison for every government employee....
Or execution for Treason,
Their choice......
@@Tricknologyinc What does a question from one person to another have to do with "MILLIONS OF REQUESTS COMING IN (weekly?/daily) TO A DEPARTMENT OF LESS THAN 4000 PEOPLE!"
If you're going to scream it, at least draw a comparison that is relevant.
I am not even from your country and i am frustrated with this guy. He shouldn't hold any position of power.
When someone in the government says "We take this very seriously" it means they couldn't give a rat's ass about it.
so true.
Absolutely, that's exactly what they think and then do ZERO~!!! Stop the flow of money to these dimwits.
Right! Mayorkas takes border security very seriously too. Biden's folks are very serious people.
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration
would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
She was a delight and PROVED he refused to actually answer a single question. Well done my lady!
I'm amazed he was stupid enough to not answer the question about the color of his suit. It was obvious what she was doing.
It was hilarious how worked up she got and how calm he remained.
@@chiefscheider Yep, I'm so happy our executive branch leaders can just refuse to answer questions so calmly. Almost like they don't give a shit about answering to the people's representatives.
In his defense, his head was up his ass and he couldn't see what color it was.
@@chiefscheiderIt’s equally hilarious that he thinks evasiveness will keep the truth hidden.
Why do people keep getting away with not answering direct, measurable, articulate questions?
We take your comment question very seriously and I will direct my staff to get back to you...
@steverimi6123 Do you have a timeline on how long that may take, sir?
@@MrEvdog15 my staff will get back with you, to tell you a timeline on how long it will take to get you the answer that you deserve. Because we take these requests very seriously...
Is it me or is there a broken record in the room.
These committees should have arrest powers and should have people that refuse to answer questions immediately tossed in jail for 60-90 days and then brought back in front of the committee to answer the questions they refused. If they refuse again then they are tossed right back in jail for longer terms.
He did answer.
@@DavidJohnson-hg1mz What was his answer?
@@segevstormlord3713 we take FOIA requests very seriously... duh which obviously means he didn't put any points into speech or charm
For real like seriously this has to happen
You do realize that these committees refuse to give their requests for information ahead of time right? They do it so they can try to trip of the people being interviewed and get their "gotcha" moment for the cameras. If they would just send their requests ahead of the hearing then these people you are getting so angry with could actually come prepared to answer some questions. But they don't really want to make progress; they just want to make them look like fools. When they ask for specific data there is no way that they are going to be able to answer the question under oath and on the record if they haven't already prepared for it. Attorney's instruct anyone being questioned in this manner to simply answer with yes, no, or a predetermined answer to follow up with additional information. If you don't know with 100% certainty you don't just guess. Its all a clown show for your amusement.
This is really unacceptable and the chair needs to hold him in contempt until an answer is provided.
People who avoid answering questions need to be personally held accountable for dodging questions. It needs to be illegal, with jail-time sanctions given ON THE SPOT!
He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration
would be the most transparent in U.S. history.
Congress can’t force direct answers from people. I doubt you would say the same about the former education secretary. The fact that anyone would even want to hand a congress as incompetent as our own such an extreme authority is very telling of your rationale.
@@jacksoncowsert6964 I'd say that about anyone testifying before Congress. But maybe you're right... maybe it's better to be allowed to be vague and not get to the truth of things. Sounds productive.
@@patinage14mann16 He dodged it and you know it, ass.
@@patinage14mann16 um…the person who commented…
Defund and abolish the Dept of Education and abolish all of its regulations.
She tried to make a point and he couldn’t even pick up on it and ended up proving her right, can’t even answer a simple question. These ppl are a joke
Yeaah.. well.. I know it sounds artificial and constructed, but look at how you get crucified from both sides if you just answer a question in plain english. They will clip a 5 second segment for their news shows and you'll end up advocating for two polar opposites with the same testimoney, if you hear it on the TV. So unfortunately you have to make full sentences instead of saying "yes" or "no" to seemingly simple question, because of this dirty pratice of cutting and hacking everybodys speeches to one-line bits.
(Also, most of these high ranking civil servants are either lawyers or very used to working with lawyers - and every single lawyer will tell you that you should never answer a question by opposing counsel with "yes" or "no" if you can at all help it. The answer to "Did you realize that you broke into the wrong house?" isn't "Yes." - it's "I realized that I was in the wrong house, but I did not brake in.")
If they won’t provide transparent answers stop providing them with funding
Is the Dept. of Education needed at the Federal level? Shut it down and return it to the States.
The Dept of Education has only been around since the 1970s and since it's inception the quality of education and the level of educated has deteriorated immensely. It was an experiment that has now proven to be costly and unnecessary. Shut it down. While we are at it, it's time to start shutting down about 60-70% of the federal government that is not military and even then, we need to take a scalpel to cut out the bad actors.
This was so disheartening. Could he not answer one question! How is this even allowed? This speaks of clear corruption.
Another case of a person in power failing to answer a question. Change your laws to make these people accountable for their actions as any normal person would be. If they break the law, deceive the people, throw them in jail where they belong
I think the issue is that he is technically answering the questions just enough to avoid such punishments. His insistence on answering with the specific wording "we take FOIA requests very seriously and we have been responding", a nonspecific answer that is neither yes or no, is verbiage he was instructed to use by a team of lawyers, presumably. Deviating from the scripted answers could lead to legal issues and that's why these hearings with bureaucrats like this are so insufferable to watch.
Cut their funding ............. and the STUDENT LOANS PROGAM. Hell, disolve the Department of Education, has it ever don't anything that has resulted in anything POSITIVE?
And, these are not just any normal person; these are people literally enriched by our hard-earned tax dollars! They must be accountable to our elected officials!!!!
Fire that man. It’s shameful that government leaders believe dodgy answers are acceptable
She is being a brat. They guy is saying yes. Where is the respect for her to allow him to agree with her but instead she wants to force him to say it they was she wants. You earn respect and she isn’t earing
Answer yes or not without context is a trick for use against him.
@@yanaandbear he should answer in the immediate affirmative then add context. He did no such thing he tried to dodge then he was called out made a half hearted dodge then answered in the affirmative. The fact he refused to answer the suit color question is telling with these lefty activist pussies. They know not to answer with a solid yes or no because it could be used against them later on. It's why Biden refused to answer in any yes or no questions with his son's laptop during the 2020 election cycle. He has now since said it's false but we will see on that as only time will tell... Should it even be fully pursued. The only ones I've seen throw temper tantrums and attack character are the Dems then they play victim when called out. But because republicans are playing the dems game and you're bitching about it now. 👏 Bravo to you 👏
Imagine this happens when it comes to your children's medical records.
California governor just signed Sb1419 into law.
Starting January 1st, 2024 parents will be prohibited from having access to their children's medical records, ages 12 and up.
In addition mental health patients will be prohibited from having access to their own psychiatrist's notes.
Please ring the bell!
No, he is actually very clever and disciplined. He doesn't want to cause any legal trouble that could be used against him or whoever he represents. The answers will come once they have been prepared well.
Isn't that better than empty promises and wrong data?
What's the point of having congressional oversight if these department heads/employees refuse to answer questions or written requests by congress? What, exactly, are We the People paying congress to do? If witnesses won't answer questions or requests, make consequences for them. Suspend them without pay until every question and request is answered. If they still refuse to answer to congress, FIRE them!
Did you say the same thing about the last education secretary?
@@jacksoncowsert6964 I've said the same thing about ANY witness that refuses to answer questions from congress or provide material requested by congress. Congress answers to We the People, these department heads are not answering to anybody. That goes counter to the US Constitution and the intent of our founding fathers.
@@richard7386 yeah just type “Betsy DeVos refuses to answer” into your UA-cam search bar. So easy.
That sounds Great, when does it Start.
If he answered “yes” and then some investigation found one lost request - he would be lying. Hence he has to answer like this. If he had stats at hand he could answer something like “99,9% of time we reply to requests within defined SLA as per our internal reporting system”.
Same for «data”. Data is not information and information is not knowledge. He has 4k people reporting to him. So in order to collect exact figure he needs to get back to his team, set a task with appropriate priority, wait till this task goes through accepted process and then revert back to her. Normal process of big bureaucratic organizations.
On top of that all these procedures are needed because they have to follow a lot of laws and procedures that were enforced upon them by other laws and security measures from other government departments etc. etc.
It is inefficient - yes. But solution to this is not as straightforward as people in comments believe.
WoW....that guy needs to be replaced. Incompetence is a scary thing that affects many!
This kind of swamp monster behavior is sickening.
@Allan You’re talking about being called to testify over charges that didn’t rise to the level of impeachment. So in other words the charges were bogus and any testimony would just be useless if not harassment.
I understand some questions aren't easy to answer with a "yes" or a "no." But this guy has taken non-answers to a whole new level.
What’s 3838585949x2294958? If you can’t answer instantly in your head and have to research then you’re being evasive.
she even said she would accpet an "I dont know"
@@wearethewearethewearethhe yep that's exactly the same as outright refusing to answer any question posed to you. So you're saying he can't answer instantly in his head has his department been completing foia requests (at all, not even what pace, just at all), what is his budget (anyone at any level who has a budget should know theirs, inexcusable not to), and how long in general does it take them to respond to requests. A more accurate example would be me asking you "Do you have the capability to answer math problems, how long would it take you to get me the answer to this math problem, have you ever solved a math problem?" If you could not or would not answer ANY of those questions, that would be you being evasive.
@@wearethewearethewearethhe try telling a client who is asking for timeline for delivery of a project that you can't tell him when it will be delivered.
@@13game3 “hey client, we’ve never looked into this before but we’ll get back to you on this in our next scheduled meeting”. So common in places where people actually are trying to get work done. Of course, this political discussion is just a bunch of idiots crying.
These people are instructed by the administration. That those asking the questions are limited on time. And to answer with long winded retorts. That are little more than filibustering the questioners time.
I wish she had asked him, who instructed him to stonewall like that
He is a cabinet member. He isn't "instructed by", he is one of the schemers who puts the statist policy into action.
@@tehmtbz So he is on his own. And has no meetings with other members and advisors?
@@tehmtbz -- He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be the most
transparent in U.S. history.
Is he an education secretary? Am shocked. All these ministers who can’t answer questions with yes/no should be SACKED.
Refusal to answer a direct question should result in dismissal. These hearings are a ridiculous waste of time and money when politicians and public servants are allowed to get away with this behavior.
💡🙏😡 YES ... Agree it is a complete waste of time ... And the Republicans do NOTHING about it ... They all should lose there SALARIES and BENEFITS ... 🤷
@@troy6636 -- He's doing what his boss, Pres. Biden, wants him to do.
Remember, Pres. Biden promised that his administration would be
the most transparent in U.S. history.
I agree with you 100% you hit the nail on the head
I agree with you 100% you hit the nail on the head
Then, the entire GOP would be expelled. This is just how we respond to years of your bullshit.
How do these people get away with not answering a damn question when asked without bs excuses
Can you say "bill clinton"? They think they have perfected the lie.
They answer to no one but their clique and high masters.
He educated me on how to lie without lying. The entire Socialist Democrat Cabinet is like this.
Sadly partial truths is the same as partial lies.
America has a capitalist Democratic Party and a capitalist Republican Party. You can only have two parties under your system and in each party there are essentially "mini parties". For example Bernie Sanders calls himself a Social Democrat. Who is advocating for Government control of the whole economy? Not even Bernie. You have a mixed economy and that is supported by both parties. One advocates for greater government regulation to protect people, and the other advocates for less government regulation to enable greater exploitation of people. Finding a balance in between is what most Americans want. It's the same here in my country Australia. If you want to know the true nature of your politics you need a better voting system. If you want more choice then you need a preferential voting system (or what you call ranked voting). One election with more candidates and you vote 1,2,3 etc in preference. Those with the lowest number of votes eliminated and the votes reallocated to the next preference until someone has over 50% of the vote. The consequence will be splits in the parties, at the very least the Democrats will become equivalent to our Labor Party and Green Party and the Republicans will be split into the equivalents of our Liberal (or Conservative) Party and an extreme right such as our One Nation Party. Then you will get a chance to see more clearly the platforms for the far left and far right and the centre left and centre right. I think you will find the vote will tend to converge around the centre left or the centre right and the extremist views will fall from favour. Is your country mature enough to make such a change to establish a better electoral choice - probably not. Too arrogant to change I suspect!
because a republican has never lied. why do we point fingers at others,, when we should just point at ourselves. we ALL suck.
Since you're open to being educated, I'll draw your attention to the concept of 'lying by omission'.
Some Democrats cannot even define if what is a woman.
Is water wet? We take water very seriously.
That’s such a classic career bureaucrat response. “Don’t call us we’ll call you” 🤣🤣
The check is in the mail, so to speak.
The incompetence is beyond belief…no wonder the state of our education systems is in shambles.
can you answer one question then if she asked you. what did you watch on youtube 3 weeks ago?
Not incomptence! These incessant non-answers are very much intentional. You see it day in, day out from Biden appointees and leftist politicians in general. It’s just the “acceptable” way of stonewalling while technically not breaking the rules (eg; outright refusing).
Just unbelievable. They work for us and refuse to answer questions.
Based on their public behavior in these sessions across the board, one might think otherwise.
Ah, I see your error of thought...
They don't work for 'us', they work for the government. The people who do work for us, also do not work for us. And no one cares, and we know that because we keep hiring the same people to work for us, and they keep hiring the same people to work for them....
When enough people start caring about who works for us, and that will never happen, then those people we hire will start to care about who works for them!
Agree. House could Impeach Secretaries that don't answer Questions or not produce requested documents but they'd never get the extra Votes from other Party to actually remove them
Evading a question or stalling should be finned 1000$ the first time, and doubled each time they're not answering.