I'll take this over Hicks dying like a punk in Alien3. The one thing that I admired Michael Biehn for is for playing hardball with those jackasses in Alien3. When they asked to use his likeness on the computer to show the report of his death, Michael Biehn said "Yeah, you can use my photo, but it's going to cost you a lot of money." Michael Biehn is still a badass and always will be.
I read that the first draft for alien 3 waas actually going to be set on earth and that hicks was going to be the main character with ripley taking a bit of a back seat, something like the company ends up spreading the xeno's on earth and hicks and ripley tryin to get away again, then alien 4 was going to continue that story but as ripley in led again and this time it was ripley, hicks and some rebels rising up to take down the company. how do you think that would have turned out??
CommanderShepardXII One of the original drafts for Alien 3 was for Newt (now older and more experienced) and Hicks going and kicking Xeno ass all over the place. Ripley was going to have a smaller part but the movie was going to center around Newt and Hicks. But the studio wanted Ripley and they killed off Hicks. Biehn was already signed on so he pretty much demanded his pay regardless of him being in it. I believe there is an "else where" comic that was taken from this particular draft of the script.
yves0010 aaah reet i didnt now the newt part, that would have been awesome man. yea the studio fucked up after aliens tbh but also as much as i like aliens i would have rather seen ridley do the 2nd over cameron, i feel like scott had an idea of where he would want to take it and that would hav been intresting i mean clearly he didnt intend there to be a queen and a hive etc, was still good though i loved it in fact and hicks is my fav character
CommanderShepardXII any alien movie that doesn't have ripley as its main is a horrible terrible idea. no offense but hicks was a run of the mill rambo, nothing even remotely interesting about the character.
I heard Michael biehn didn’t give it his full preformance because he felt like the developers themselves weren’t given it their fullest . And I believe him. And I’m not mad at him. If it were the developers who made Alien isolation . Biehn would have been giving his full attention and acting ability.
I don't care how bad Colonial Marines was written, I'll still accept this as Canon, Hicks was one of my favorite characters. Then again Hicks was played by Michael Biehn, so that maybe why as well. :P
I would rather have hicks be dead then to have this canon . I would love for him to live of course . But not like this . It’s like keeping a dead brain person alive who’s in contest pain .
Holy crap!!! I forgot all about this. Funny enough none of the comments showed up until the recent one. So sorry guys, I wasn't ignoring you it just didn't come up
Great thing. Ridley Scott approved the whole story along with Alien: Isolation, Alien: Out of the Shadows, Alien: Sea of Sorrows, Alien: River of Pain and Aliens: Fire and Stone.
Why the hell everyone's complaining ?! Hicks is a damn good character and actor, we may have a good movie or a videogame with him, aren't you happy to have him alive ?!
I love that everyone takes issue with how Hick's survives, while my biggest beef remains the same as in Alien 3: why, on a state of the art military starship is there no damn fire suppression system for this exact sort of emergency?
There was actually an unused idea for an ending for aliens where hicks and ripley live on earth and take care of newt as their child (yes really) so I like to think that that was the ending
they kinda had to unless you don't mind recasting. Michael Biehn had a schedule conflict, the actor that played newt; her mother wouldn't let her return to do another because she did not approve of aliens movie.
I really don't mind finding a way to keep Hicks alive but holy shit it could have been done a LOT more deftly than this. I think if they'd at least produced decent explanations, good cutscenes and an intriguing story then this wouldn't be such a hard pill to swallow, gameplay be damned. Hicks lives! In mediocrity but still alive nonetheless.
Alien 3 should be retconned. It would save the entire franchise. Keeping Newt alive would allow them to make a new movie with a new, younger survivor of the alien incident. A Newt in her 20s would fill their pockets, for a new generation of Alien fans wanting a female badass against the darkness from space.
Thank you SO MUCH for uploading this :) This is exactly what I wanted to see. THANK GOD gearbox had Hicks survive. One of Alien 3's biggest mistakes was killing off Hicks/Michael Biehn.
In an insane way, I like this. When Hicks walked out during the campaign I booed and threw the box across the room, but this actually ties in with the beginning of Alien 3. The acid falling on the floor, the ejections... the only thing not explained from the film is the blood.
They didn't have the rights to Sigourney Weaver's likeness. Additionally, it's unlikely they'd have something as sophisticated as DNA matching on Fiorina considered virtually nothing worked there.
The thing I don't like about this is that not only is it a bad game, it had the possibility of completely retconning the terrible film Alien 3 - and instead of finishing that, it starts and stops. We could have had Ripley and/or Newt back.
Hicks surviving does make sense. in the beginning of Alien 3, the computer says that Hicks is dead, however how would anyone on Fiorina 161 know what hicks looks like to identify him. during the Autopsy it is only Newts body that is examined. therefore, Ripley never saw Hicks to identify him. so as far as everyone was aware it was hicks. as Colonial marines explains, Turk (from the Legato) was shoved into the cryotube and ejected in the same crytube as Hicks. therefore assuming the cryotube had an ID ion it for who is inside, the prison staff would have assumed it was hicks inside. Admittedly it would have been nice to have Apone or Hudson survive, But hicks was the main soldier.
Bailey Smooth Colonial Marines have Dogtags, however Turk who was in the cryotube was not a Colonial marine and didnt have dogtags. As is seen in the video above, Hicks is wearing his Dogtags.
jason hurstknight Hicks wasn't even wearing any clothes when being put to sleep in his cryotub, he was only wearing bandages and boxer shorts, also did you see his face in Aliens 3? It didn't even look like Turk or Hicks, it looked like something ripped his face apart in the middle and leaved him in a bloody mess, so therefore, no identification.
I am a die hard fan of this season, and this sequence is so ill faithful the story its hard to believe it was made. Though that being said, if you hear Michael Biehn's voice acting in say Blood Dragon vs this you can see how much he hated the final product.
I'm sure he acted his best. His voice in Aliens is pretty monotone anyway. There is an Alien 5 coming out possibly after Alien Covenant. This may disregard Alien 3 and Resurrection as a different timeline. We may yet see Ripley, Hicks and Newt in a new movie, set 30 years after events of Aliens.
This facehugger took a shot on the body, the Facehugger on Kane had it's leg cut, which was nowhere near being able to drip any material onto Kane's head. Gunshots also create larger and more bloody wounds than a surgical cut, and any bleeding on the body of the hugger would drip down onto Riply's face, going right through it and, at best, severely maiming her by putting a hole through her head. Sprayed blood from a shot doesn't only go in the direction of fire either, it goes all over.
Newt was autopsied in Alien 3, so no way to bring her back. Ripley is also incinerated, so she's gone too. They were only able to slide Hicks's survival on by on account of his face being smashed beyond recognition at the beginning of the Alien 3.
2 days ago, I finished Alien: Isolation. Yesterday, I watched Aliens and minutes ago I finished watching Alien 3. I looked up the Alien franchise on Wikipedia to know if there are any other movies, excluding Resurrection that elaborate on the fate of the Sulaco, started reading about Alien: Colonial Marines (which I heard was shocking), read about this happening and I just had to see what actually happened... All I can say is this is one of the worst pieces of acting and narrative I've ever seen for a franchise as valuable as something like Alien. I mean I've only seen 2:22 minutes of the game and it already looks like garbage. So in Aliens, Hicks was put in to hypersleep when he was unconscious, being in a pretty poor state medically, so I assume they were going to treat him after hypersleep, yet lo and behold, here he is getting out of his stasis pod fit enough to fight and with HEALED SCARS! So imagine you just went on a mission to kill aliens, which went badly wrong, but it's ok because bad-ass Ripley saved the day and got the girl (literally), and you all went to hypersleep, then SUDDENLY, some rando wakes you and only you up and you have no idea what's going on. What's the first thing you say to him? THAT'S RIGHT! NOTHING! You don't ask him what's going on, you don't ask complete strangers why they are being hunted down by men with guns, and you don't ask any questions as you beat down said men with guns! So Ripley gets sucked away and Hicks is probably distraught (and probably super guilty feeling for trying to save already infected Ripley, instead of Newt, who seemed to be entirely ignored throughout the whole sequence, despite the fact that the next time we see her, she's stone cold DEAD because she DROWN IN HER POD while Ripley got away just fine), so what do you say to a distraught guy who has NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON? "There's nothing more that can be done here Corporal, and you can bet they'll be sending more than these pissants to find out what went down!" Wait a minute, what did just go down? Literally none of this makes any sense what so ever. And don't get me started on the incidental music. You know what really goes well with suddenly shooting a PMC who was about to shoot some other guy for no good reason? Yep, a comedic fart horn. What a great way to end a dramatic score... I heard this game was bad, but I didn't think it'd be this bad... Alien Isolation on the other hand gets my thumbs up of approval.
Yeah. theres no way I'm ever going to consider this nonsense cannon. FOX should have disowned it as cannon as soon as it emerged that the story was a complete clusterfuck of stupid ideas.
Stedal1978 Uh huh so are you excepting the newer canon with The Engineers overpowering the Queen and putting there arms into her gob? The XenoHumans Thing mock ups? Captain Brackett and Luisa escaping Acheron and planning on taking down Wey-Yu? Ridley Scott new "Alien" his making for Prometheus 2? Just incase you been keeping up to date here.
CplDwayneHicks11 If something makes sense whilst not contradicting already established MOVIE canon then I would consider thinking about including it in what I consider cannon. I've not read or seen the things you are talking about but anything in comics has to be taken with a pinch of salt because the Alien movies have contradicted comic stories so many times that EU novels and comics have to be changed and re-written. However, nothing in Colonial Marines makes sense. The plot holes are gaping and appear to be written by someone with either no sense of Alien universe history or by someone who just wanted Hicks to be alive no matter what the cost to decent story telling. Also, I'd be interested in any link you can provide where Ridley Scott actually says Colonial Marines is canon, or any other article where FOX state Ridley has any authority over what in the EU is considered canon.
Stedal1978 Like to hear your plotholes. As Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual does mention Weyland-Yutani finding Derelict Ship on LV-426 that survived the explosion at the end of Aliens. Michael Biehn face on that body was not seen at all so he never died. The film canon has already been destroyed as of this year. River of Pain has changed Aliens around even more things on what happened offscreen. Ah only one thing I mentioned there was linked to the Dark Horse Comics Fire and Stone series. So you not really have not been paying much attention to the recent Titan Books trilogy which have been made canon by Fox. I've provided many links below to the new canon to people with what Fox have done with Dark Horse Comics and Games and the Titan Books this year. Ridley Scott has mentioned about getting away from the "Gods" and "Dragons". Fox hasn't dropped Colonial Marines brand at all and Dark Horse Comics would have out right said it but they didn't. Ridley gave his blessing to Aliens: Colonial Marines and he has the final say as long nothing effects his squeal is that not enough? Fox's Licensing Division after all. If you don't want the Aliens universe to expand with new stories its fine if you want the four films and nothing else. I'm sure you are a die hard Aliens fan too and sure you know that writers and even the people behind Isolation have mentioned Fox's Aliens Universal Bible and the amount of data they have stored. www.scified.com/site/aliensvspredator/exclusive-interview-with-dark-horse-comics-about-their-new-avp--prometheus-comics Is there a possibility of seeing Corporal Dwayne Hicks in a follow up story to Aliens: Colonial Marines? PAUL TOBIN: It’s a big universe out there. How involved was Ridley Scott on this project? PAUL TOBIN: From a broad overview mode. He’s the final say, of course. He never stopped by the writer’s summits, though. More cake for us. www.avpgalaxy.net/2014/10/30/avpgalaxy-interviews-christopher-golden/ Seeing the other side to Aliens with River of Pain. On how will connect which its does to the Fire and Stone series. forum.alienslegacy.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14610 James A. Moore the writer of Alien: Sea of Sorrows the second canon Titan book to be made this year. He has mentioned on what FOX are up too. "The premise of the novel is to offer a sort of "reboot" to the series, that honors all of the things that have gone before and establishes a continuity that keeps all of the previous situations intact, including the dissolution of Weyland-Yutani, the devastation of Europe at the end of A:R, ALL of the movies and events as well as several video games. After the first draft of the novel was written Fox went over it with a fine-toothed comb and several changes were made. [...] i did not make major changes to the Xenomorphs. That might be something that happens later on, but for now there are extremely strict rules because Fox wants to UN-muddy the waters that have been muddied again and again by comics, other books, etc. Ultimately nothing that happens in the book would have happened without either a) the express permission of Fox or b) the express DESIRE of Fox. in point of fact, the initial concept behind the novel came from the powers that be at Fox. That doesn't mean I didn't plot the beast out, but the concept of a descendant of Ripley was theirs, as was the empathic link." screenrant.com/prometheus-2-blade-runner-sequel-ridley-scott/ David going to play a even bigger role. www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=25024 Aliens Fire and Stone #4. www.scified.com/site/aliensvspredator/could-20th-century-fox-be-planning-to-retcon-the-alien-saga Fox are moving on with new stories. www.co-optimus.com/article/9085/aliens-colonial-marines-preview.html Ridley Scott Blessing. www.slashfilm.com/prometheus-2-new-alien/ No Gods and Dragons for Prometheus 2. facebook.com/Hiyatoys Fox are using the Colonial Marines license for next year with HiyaToys so expect Winter, Cruz, Reid ect figures. images.darkhorse.com/darkhorse/index_images/blog/dhpconex.jpg The Strongest Hint that Hicks' will return as this cover by Dark Horse Comics. Hicks never had any Bluetooth headset in Aliens nor SI nor CM and his wearing a new green shirt.
Right, I'm at work and can't read it all right now but I'm struggling to see any direct quote from Ridley regarding his blessing that CM is something he considers cannon. Regarding the plot holes, firstly, Hadleys Hope WAS nuked by a 30 megaton explosion, there would be nothing left. Secondly, hicks was wearing different cloths to what he went to sleep in at the end of the movie, there are many more that I can list when I get home if need be.
They REALLY SHOULD USE at least part of this has a remake of Alien 3 and 4, except change it so The Weyland Corporation steals Newt and Ripley's Cryo-sleep pods and instead of dying; are mysteriously hauled off somewhere unknown by the time Hicks wakes up, thus giving Weyland Yutani the chance to remove the Facehugger and have an Alien chestburster inside Ripley to be removed and toyed around with. Then they should have a new team of Colonial Marines put together in this Alien 3 remake, with Hicks leading of course, find the Weyland head-Quarter's fight them off and rescue Riply and Newt!. With a minor Predator cameo of course just has a throwback to the AvP games NOT THEIR MOVIES *WHY WHY WHY* if only they could.....it's not like the actor's aren't old enough for 20 years or so so have passed in cryo-sleep like the beginning of the 2nd film.
It has to do with the British/English casting system. Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 were made in the U.K. and there is some weird rule there that gives actors control over the use of their likenesses in any products related to the films they worked in. In the USA everything belongs to the studio, in the UK is not the case...
It doesn't fit in with the established gestation time of the series up until that point, Burke would still have the hugger on, thats why cameron kept it out.
Soooo, even though Hicks' body is cremated in Alien 3 (he is cremated with Newt), he's also missing an eyepatch/eye bandage, has much fewer injuries (at the end of Aliens, he could not move under his own power, he pretty much had to be carried to his pod)... So, I don't buy it.
I'm not buying the mistaken identity thing, besides doesn't the pod computer show biological/biometric data? if it does, it should have registered that the person in Hicks' pod isn't Hicks.
lunavixen015 Hick's cryopod was severely damaged when a pillar slammed and crushed Turk's head. Fury 161 doesn't have the facilities to investigate who is who. Therefore, it's a clever way in retconning Alien 3 to fit into Colonial Marines
A crushed head doesn't change your biometric data, and you don't need that much specialist equipment to repair a computer, Bishop was far more complicated than the shipboard systems and yet Ripley got him operational.
They are colonists from a ship called WYS Legato that intercepted the USS Sulaco. They were going to be used as xenomorph hosts by the company but they escaped.
Hicks is still dead. This game doesnt retcon the story. In Aliens movie, Hicks is put into stasis bandaged up on face and body with no shirt. In this shitty game he has a shirt on and no bandages. This storyline is alternate universe.
I always wanted to have a cocooned Cpl. Hudson to appear on camera when Ripley is racing through the hive to find Newt. There's a deleted scene of her finding Burke cocooned. It's VERY rare and many thought it to be a rumor; This was proved wrong as the scene is included as a bonus feature in the "Alien Anthology" blu-ray collection. Strange that James Cameron never re-inserted that scene along with the other deleted scenes into his Director's Cut of "Aliens". Doesn't affect the pacing at all.
If the creators of this game were going to branch off in their own direction anyway, they should have let Ripley and Newt live. It would have been a lot more redeemable...
There's a really great black and white graphic novel by Dark Horse comics where Hicks and Newt lived and he has to get her off earth before its totally overrun (there is also a color version that changed their names to accommodate the trash that is Alien3). The 6 part comic book series, which is also a graphic novel, was done by Verheiden and Nelson. It gives Hicks and Newt a good story.
Yes. It was written by Mark Verheiden. After Alien 3, the names of the characters were changed, but happily, the original version was rereleased with the characters we love, Newt and Hicks. If I remember correctly, Ripley showed up in the Earth War series. It’s nice to have an alternative to Alien 3.
LOL I noticed that but actually that is not an error since the acid ridden outfit was part of his military uniform and USCM BDU (Battle Dress Uniform). Maybe he just did not have a spare change...
LOL There are mp3s everywhere on the net with the audio of the Sulaco's computer speech taken directly from the movie, so they couyld have used one of those. And I read the whole stuff in a Sci-Fi Film magazine article. Can't remember if it was Starlog or Fangoria though...
Alien died as a series for me when Hicks died in Alien 3. I can still remember sitting in the cinema with my dad seeing the movie thinking “fuck this” when they declared Newt and Hicks deceased. I’m still waiting for a deep study on the fact that Alien, Predator and the Terminator all have fallen from grace because of idiot scripts and ideas. Alien and Aliens is the series to me. The rest is bullshit. So even if this game was a big failure i will still remember this clip as a positive thing.
@@Stedal1978 And I thought that William Shatner couldn’t be topped for unemotional delivery of his lines. This version of Hicks here blew that theory out of the water
While the game without a doubt has it's flaws, I do like the story and have no problem accepting it as canon. Especially since Hicks is still alive! *EDIT* It's worth noting that the script for Colonial Marines and Stasis Interrupted was in fact approved by 20th Century Fox. Interpret that as you wish, but as I already said, in my personal opinion, the story wasn't that bad. I mean, think about this for a second before judging it. We're comparing a story that's being told through a FPS game to one of the greatest movies of all time. It's never quite gonna live up to expectations.
it was a queen facehugger, they give two embryos, one queen embryo and a drone embryo (probably to protect the queen as the dog xenomorph didn't killed ripley)
Love how so many people want to believe Alien 3 wasn’t canon. It was! And it was great! Ended the trilogy perfectly! Stories don’t always go as you want them to!
Just made a custom Hicks (post Aliens) action figure for my older son because he loves Hicks. Also....I may have told him Hicks is a descendant of Johnny Ringo from Tombstone. Good stuff.
so people would rather have one of their fav characters die of screen with no explanation and forgotten about then have him alive and in a "terrible" story that at least gives some closure? Interesting.
You have closure and an explanation. He was killed by a support beam in the crash. Case closed. Welcome to the Lovecraftian universe of Alien. If by 'closure', you mean resurrecting him in a hilariously choreographed fight sequence, so that he can conveniently turn up on LV426, spout some horribly acted dialogue, tip the hat to the woeful AVP franchise, and run around playing Call of Duty.... well, sorry, that's just fanfiction as one contributor has already noted. Really, really bad fanfiction. I had closure. At least I could remember him as a badass before, who was tragically killed in a quirk of fate aboard the Sulaco. Now we can all remember Biehn's last performance as this wooden garbage. Thanks fanboys!
The problem with this game.. Hicks DIDN'T remain behind on the Sulaco. He was with Ripley, Newt and Bishop when their EEV crash-landed on Fury 161. Hicks died along with Newt. Bishop was destroyed and Ripley was unfortunately impregnated with one of those aliens.
That's not a problem with this game, that's a problem with the horrendous piece of shit that was Alien 3... I refuse to acknowledge Alien 3 as canon. I'm not against change, but Alien 3 destroyed everything that was great about the previous 2 films.
You got that right. The Sulaco was back on course to Earth. And for the life of me, I can't fathom how an alien got aboard the Sulaco in the first place. Alien 3 obviously wasn't thought of in advance before the movie was ever made..
dbzispimpin Alien3 (Assembly Cut) is great. David Fincher's touch is MUCH more obvious. And he isn't embarrased of Alien3, he just doesn't want anything to do with it because the producers kept trying to tell different stories than what Fincher wanted. FOX used to treat the franchise as nothing but silly B-movies until this one, then they got way too controlling. I'm not going to type its whole history out here. Just watch the Making Of video that's in the Alien Anthropology/Quadrilogy and also uploaded on UA-cam.
Alien3 all cuts suck to me personally. I've seen most of them since I'm such a big Alien fan, I've tried to find something to love about Alien3, I really, really have. I've actually found a mild liking to what they tried to achieve with Alien: Resurrection and I can now stomach that movie, but Alien3 is just unfathomably terrible. I can't seem to enjoy any of it's versions, no matter how hard I try, it's not just because they killed off Hicks and Newt or that they also killed off Ripley in the movie, among other reasons. I really tried to enjoy Alien3 and I've even found well rounded explanations for enjoying the film and I still can't seem to sit down and appreciate anything done in the film other than MAYBE some cinematography. As I said above I truly enjoy Fincher and think he's an amazingly talented director, I just can't enjoy the film. Which isn't me hating, it's me being disappointed.
I don't know what distresses me most - the abysmal 'explanation' or the fact that there are people who defend it! I know Alien 3 messed up, but this attempted retcon of its incoherent set-up makes it look even more ridiculous. Gotta love the way Hicks and redshirt both have matching chest wounds - niiiiice work devs.
It's a mess. Let's start: None of the games except for Colonial Marines and Alien Isolation are canon. However, due to bad reception, A-CM and Alien 3 (even if they're considered part of the story) won't be used and referenced in future movies. Movies outside the quadrilogy are considered non-canon, exception made for Prometheus and the upcoming Alien 5. None of the novels are canon. The three 2014 books are canon. Comic books are not canon
Don't worry about canon, man. Just enjoy the films for the individual works of art that they are. For instance, the Assembly Cut of Alien 3 or the Director's Cut of Alien are probably not canon, but I infinitely prefer them and - for me - they just are Alien and Alien 3. Alien Resurrection and the AVP franchise are canon, but I completely ignore their existence. Its happier like this. :)
The guy wearing sweatpants is a military veteran... a former USCM Gunnery Sergeant... This is shown in the expansion but you have to play it to find out... And Hicks is... well Hicks.
Call it whatever you want, Hicks is now alive. If that's all this game will ever give me, i'll take it with such an inter-ear grin on my face, you'll think i'm the joker.
The facehugger got shot in the legs, it remember in Alien where they try to laser it of an acid spills on the floor? That's the same thing that happend here. The face hugger must have survived, Ripley was pregnant in the third movie with the queen.
How did the alien egg get aboard the sulaco? I mean the egg should be on the dropship where Bishop rescues Hicks, Ripley and Newt. (That's where the Alien Queen was hiding). At the end of the movie Newt, Bishop , Ripley and Hicks get into cryosleep NOT in the dropship but in another part of the SULACO where it was basically impossible a egg was laid. Opinions please-
Turk and Samwell Stone proceeded to board the docked USS Sulaco via the umbilical as they been followed by Xenomorphs from outside the umbilical. You can see this all in-game.
This really is more of a fanfiction/what-if scenario rather than an official continuation. I don't care what Fox or Gearbox say. If they don't care about canonical accuracy then their Word means nothing to me.
I'm not too sure about that because a significant period of time had passed since Burke was attacked and cocooned after sealing the door in the fight scene that takes place in medical (the one where Hudson is taken through the floor). I believe since that scene and the point where Ripley goes to rescue Newt is quite a while. The facehugger probably had enough time to impregnate Burke and then fall off and die. Of course, that's just my opinion.
I dunno, people call this lazy storytelling but Alien 3 was lazy storytelling. Killng Hicks and Newt after all they went through in Aliens seemed like a waste of great characters. Th makers of this game are not the only ones who wish Alien 3 never happened...
Litshttam Alien 3 had multiples scripts and the studio started filming without a proper final script. The final script ended up being a smash of Ward's and Twohy's scripts, with a small touch from Giller and Hill. A complete mess.
@degree7 Tell me more about this 8ft tall Alien creature which grows to the size of a man without any biomass on-board a space freighter. Tell me more about the evil corporation which sends said freighter crew to their deaths on a planet with an alien warning beacon, and then 35ish years later conveniently colonises said planet and is completely oblivious to said aliens, evil plot or beacon. But don't worry, Alien 3 alone is the height of plot-hole ridden garbage.
I'll take this over Hicks dying like a punk in Alien3. The one thing that I admired Michael Biehn for is for playing hardball with those jackasses in Alien3. When they asked to use his likeness on the computer to show the report of his death, Michael Biehn said "Yeah, you can use my photo, but it's going to cost you a lot of money."
Michael Biehn is still a badass and always will be.
I read that the first draft for alien 3 waas actually going to be set on earth and that hicks was going to be the main character with ripley taking a bit of a back seat, something like the company ends up spreading the xeno's on earth and hicks and ripley tryin to get away again, then alien 4 was going to continue that story but as ripley in led again and this time it was ripley, hicks and some rebels rising up to take down the company. how do you think that would have turned out??
One of the original drafts for Alien 3 was for Newt (now older and more experienced) and Hicks going and kicking Xeno ass all over the place. Ripley was going to have a smaller part but the movie was going to center around Newt and Hicks. But the studio wanted Ripley and they killed off Hicks. Biehn was already signed on so he pretty much demanded his pay regardless of him being in it.
I believe there is an "else where" comic that was taken from this particular draft of the script.
yves0010 aaah reet i didnt now the newt part, that would have been awesome man. yea the studio fucked up after aliens tbh but also as much as i like aliens i would have rather seen ridley do the 2nd over cameron, i feel like scott had an idea of where he would want to take it and that would hav been intresting i mean clearly he didnt intend there to be a queen and a hive etc, was still good though i loved it in fact and hicks is my fav character
CommanderShepardXII any alien movie that doesn't have ripley as its main is a horrible terrible idea. no offense but hicks was a run of the mill rambo, nothing even remotely interesting about the character.
Right, same here! I prefer a live Hicks 'canon' over the ignominy of his death in Alien3.
I heard Michael biehn didn’t give it his full preformance because he felt like the developers themselves weren’t given it their fullest . And I believe him. And I’m not mad at him. If it were the developers who made Alien isolation . Biehn would have been giving his full attention and acting ability.
That explains why his acting feels lackluster. It’s always confused me because he’s not a bad actor by any stretch, even in his recent roles.
Good to see that Hicks still lives sadly Newt is still dead
Dark Horse Aliens comics beg to differ
Zelousmarineinspace Those comics are terrible tho (I own them btw)
What's gotta suck more is Turk dies instead of Hicks
I don't care how bad Colonial Marines was written, I'll still accept this as Canon, Hicks was one of my favorite characters. Then again Hicks was played by Michael Biehn, so that maybe why as well. :P
AND THEN WHAT?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?
@@Oisincolledge And the two make a good couple
I would rather have hicks be dead then to have this canon . I would love for him to live of course . But not like this . It’s like keeping a dead brain person alive who’s in contest pain .
Holy crap!!! I forgot all about this. Funny enough none of the comments showed up until the recent one. So sorry guys, I wasn't ignoring you it just didn't come up
@@Oisincolledge this! This right here is the Canon ending as far as I'm concerned. Aliens was the last movie, and the rest are fanfics as a cash grab
For all of the problems this game has, this retcon is one thing I'm totally okay with.
Great thing. Ridley Scott approved the whole story along with Alien: Isolation, Alien: Out of the Shadows, Alien: Sea of Sorrows, Alien: River of Pain and Aliens: Fire and Stone.
My only issue with this senario is Hicks went into cryostasis in his underwear at the end of ALIENS.
Obviously he grew a pair of pants
No he surprisingly did have pants on. But this wasn’t the same outfit as here and somehow his wounds are magically healed including his eye.
Why the hell everyone's complaining ?! Hicks is a damn good character and actor, we may have a good movie or a videogame with him, aren't you happy to have him alive ?!
Not when the story behind him being magically alive is far-fetched to the point of being cartoonish.
I love that everyone takes issue with how Hick's survives, while my biggest beef remains the same as in Alien 3: why, on a state of the art military starship is there no damn fire suppression system for this exact sort of emergency?
Lets go even further. How did a xenomorph egg get on the Sulaco in the first place?
@@Iriamu-Guillermo a xeno from the legato put it there?
@@Iriamu-Guillermo they say Bishop might have put the egg but i think it was the Queen right before it impales Bishop.
@@Iriamu-Guillermo they say Bishop might have put the egg but i think it was the Queen right before it impales Bishop.
It is honestly cool to see that Hicks is alive and not dead.
Just retcon everything after Aliens its that simple
They should have never killed him off in alien 3 or newt. That film ruined the whole series.
There was actually an unused idea for an ending for aliens where hicks and ripley live on earth and take care of newt as their child (yes really) so I like to think that that was the ending
totally agree
I agree
the comics get it right
they kinda had to unless you don't mind recasting. Michael Biehn had a schedule conflict, the actor that played newt; her mother wouldn't let her return to do another because she did not approve of aliens movie.
Wow.. i didn't know that they still made games for PS2.
Really? I thought it was a PS1 game.
Pretty good graphics for PS1 game
விஷ்ணு கார்த்திக் anyone can tell its n64 graphics
Kieron m more like Sega genisis
Buuuuuurn! XD
I'm glad Hicks survived. I wish he and Newt were in Alien 3😞.
Very comforting watching Alien 3 now knowing that Hicks is still up on the Sulaco trying to get to where Ripley is.
I really don't mind finding a way to keep Hicks alive but holy shit it could have been done a LOT more deftly than this. I think if they'd at least produced decent explanations, good cutscenes and an intriguing story then this wouldn't be such a hard pill to swallow, gameplay be damned.
Hicks lives! In mediocrity but still alive nonetheless.
Probably the most convincing way to bring him back, even if it still feels contrived.
Alien 3 should be retconned. It would save the entire franchise. Keeping Newt alive would allow them to make a new movie with a new, younger survivor of the alien incident. A Newt in her 20s would fill their pockets, for a new generation of Alien fans wanting a female badass against the darkness from space.
WRONG!!!! in alien 3 the computer says the stasis interrupted speech in a British accent, yet it's American now?!
and it was said way too fast in the film it was more robotic like m.o.t.h.e.r from the first film.
+Kyle Huxley well it doesn't matter now. This game ISN'T canon.
I hate the fact that this is canon (fox itself approved it)
for me it will NEVER be canon anyway
Obscure Entertainment nah this is canon
Alien 3 however...
@@obscureentertainment8303 Yes it is canon.
Thank you SO MUCH for uploading this :) This is exactly what I wanted to see. THANK GOD gearbox had Hicks survive. One of Alien 3's biggest mistakes was killing off Hicks/Michael Biehn.
Hicks being brought back was also approved by both Ridley Scott and 20th Century Fox.
Love Michael Biehn and the character of Hicks, so this was a brilliant way to bring him back to life! :)
Didn’t Hicks go into Stasis without a shirt?
while seeing & listening to Hicks, I can't stop comparing him with Rex Power Colt. Especially when he says "No!".
In an insane way, I like this. When Hicks walked out during the campaign I booed and threw the box across the room, but this actually ties in with the beginning of Alien 3. The acid falling on the floor, the ejections... the only thing not explained from the film is the blood.
I screamed WTF I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD LOL but after statis interrupted it all makes sense
They didn't have the rights to Sigourney Weaver's likeness. Additionally, it's unlikely they'd have something as sophisticated as DNA matching on Fiorina considered virtually nothing worked there.
Please this game in itself makes Alien 3 look like a masterpiece.
Only Alien and Aliens happened, rest is horse shit to me
Why skip out on Mark Verheiden epic Hicks and Newt trilogy.
Totally agree.
Love this Retcon to bring Hicks back. It might not be considered Canon by some, however it will always be Canon to me. This video is very well done.
The thing I don't like about this is that not only is it a bad game, it had the possibility of completely retconning the terrible film Alien 3 - and instead of finishing that, it starts and stops. We could have had Ripley and/or Newt back.
Hicks surviving does make sense. in the beginning of Alien 3, the computer says that Hicks is dead, however how would anyone on Fiorina 161 know what hicks looks like to identify him. during the Autopsy it is only Newts body that is examined. therefore, Ripley never saw Hicks to identify him. so as far as everyone was aware it was hicks. as Colonial marines explains, Turk (from the Legato) was shoved into the cryotube and ejected in the same crytube as Hicks. therefore assuming the cryotube had an ID ion it for who is inside, the prison staff would have assumed it was hicks inside. Admittedly it would have been nice to have Apone or Hudson survive, But hicks was the main soldier.
Don't these people have dog tags?
Bailey Smooth Colonial Marines have Dogtags, however Turk who was in the cryotube was not a Colonial marine and didnt have dogtags. As is seen in the video above, Hicks is wearing his Dogtags.
jason hurstknight
Hicks wasn't even wearing any clothes when being put to sleep in his cryotub, he was only wearing bandages and boxer shorts, also did you see his face in Aliens 3? It didn't even look like Turk or Hicks, it looked like something ripped his face apart in the middle and leaved him in a bloody mess, so therefore, no identification.
@@ShimmySchimeon a safety beam crushed his head and face
I'm glad that Hicks survived, it's payback against Alien 3.
20th Century Fox, if you're reading this, make this and Colonial Marines into a special feature. Many fans will love it.
I love how a trained marine points at an ally with a gun, while his finger is on the trigger -- good job Gearbox.
Searched down to see if someone would point this out. Stupid AF.
Prometheus occurs in the same universe of Alien. Ridley Scott, creator of the whole franchise, has confirmed this countless times.
Maybe. The hugger on Kane didn't continue to bleed beyond the initial spurt.
Well, (sighs) at least Michael Biehn put SOME effort.
He didn't enjoy it though.
In bright side Hicks is back
I am a die hard fan of this season, and this sequence is so ill faithful the story its hard to believe it was made.
Though that being said, if you hear Michael Biehn's voice acting in say Blood Dragon vs this you can see how much he hated the final product.
I'm sure he acted his best. His voice in Aliens is pretty monotone anyway. There is an Alien 5 coming out possibly after Alien Covenant. This may disregard Alien 3 and Resurrection as a different timeline. We may yet see Ripley, Hicks and Newt in a new movie, set 30 years after events of Aliens.
He already said the developers didn't care so he didn't.
+misstinwhistle1 stop dreaming. this will never happen.
Well don't forget, it was Gearbox's lack of interest and effort that killed and dumbed a possible good story about Hicks surviving.
Michael Biehn admitted to only giving a half hearted performance because he felt the developers lacked passion for the project
This facehugger took a shot on the body, the Facehugger on Kane had it's leg cut, which was nowhere near being able to drip any material onto Kane's head.
Gunshots also create larger and more bloody wounds than a surgical cut, and any bleeding on the body of the hugger would drip down onto Riply's face, going right through it and, at best, severely maiming her by putting a hole through her head.
Sprayed blood from a shot doesn't only go in the direction of fire either, it goes all over.
How Alien 3 should have begun.
Newt was autopsied in Alien 3, so no way to bring her back. Ripley is also incinerated, so she's gone too. They were only able to slide Hicks's survival on by on account of his face being smashed beyond recognition at the beginning of the Alien 3.
I would like to go into game developing and I promise you that I will make a game and a Movie that saves Newt and Hicks.
2 days ago, I finished Alien: Isolation. Yesterday, I watched Aliens and minutes ago I finished watching Alien 3. I looked up the Alien franchise on Wikipedia to know if there are any other movies, excluding Resurrection that elaborate on the fate of the Sulaco, started reading about Alien: Colonial Marines (which I heard was shocking), read about this happening and I just had to see what actually happened...
All I can say is this is one of the worst pieces of acting and narrative I've ever seen for a franchise as valuable as something like Alien.
I mean I've only seen 2:22 minutes of the game and it already looks like garbage. So in Aliens, Hicks was put in to hypersleep when he was unconscious, being in a pretty poor state medically, so I assume they were going to treat him after hypersleep, yet lo and behold, here he is getting out of his stasis pod fit enough to fight and with HEALED SCARS!
So imagine you just went on a mission to kill aliens, which went badly wrong, but it's ok because bad-ass Ripley saved the day and got the girl (literally), and you all went to hypersleep, then SUDDENLY, some rando wakes you and only you up and you have no idea what's going on. What's the first thing you say to him? THAT'S RIGHT! NOTHING! You don't ask him what's going on, you don't ask complete strangers why they are being hunted down by men with guns, and you don't ask any questions as you beat down said men with guns!
So Ripley gets sucked away and Hicks is probably distraught (and probably super guilty feeling for trying to save already infected Ripley, instead of Newt, who seemed to be entirely ignored throughout the whole sequence, despite the fact that the next time we see her, she's stone cold DEAD because she DROWN IN HER POD while Ripley got away just fine), so what do you say to a distraught guy who has NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON?
"There's nothing more that can be done here Corporal, and you can bet they'll be sending more than these pissants to find out what went down!"
Wait a minute, what did just go down? Literally none of this makes any sense what so ever.
And don't get me started on the incidental music. You know what really goes well with suddenly shooting a PMC who was about to shoot some other guy for no good reason? Yep, a comedic fart horn. What a great way to end a dramatic score...
I heard this game was bad, but I didn't think it'd be this bad...
Alien Isolation on the other hand gets my thumbs up of approval.
Thank you! This is beyond awful!
Thank you! This is beyond awful!
from watching different vids i see that hicks has shorts on but when ur able to move around he has pants weird
LongshotStudios Well, you just pointed out another piece of evidence that shows how Gearbox didn't give a shit about this game.
Idk if Hicks being alive is canon but if so we should really get a series about him 🙏
-Hicks (2013)
No... Just... No! Canon? This??
Yeah. theres no way I'm ever going to consider this nonsense cannon. FOX should have disowned it as cannon as soon as it emerged that the story was a complete clusterfuck of stupid ideas.
Stedal1978 Uh huh so are you excepting the newer canon with The Engineers overpowering the Queen and putting there arms into her gob? The XenoHumans Thing mock ups? Captain Brackett and Luisa escaping Acheron and planning on taking down Wey-Yu? Ridley Scott new "Alien" his making for Prometheus 2? Just incase you been keeping up to date here.
CplDwayneHicks11 If something makes sense whilst not contradicting already established MOVIE canon then I would consider thinking about including it in what I consider cannon. I've not read or seen the things you are talking about but anything in comics has to be taken with a pinch of salt because the Alien movies have contradicted comic stories so many times that EU novels and comics have to be changed and re-written. However, nothing in Colonial Marines makes sense. The plot holes are gaping and appear to be written by someone with either no sense of Alien universe history or by someone who just wanted Hicks to be alive no matter what the cost to decent story telling. Also, I'd be interested in any link you can provide where Ridley Scott actually says Colonial Marines is canon, or any other article where FOX state Ridley has any authority over what in the EU is considered canon.
Stedal1978 Like to hear your plotholes. As Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual does mention Weyland-Yutani finding Derelict Ship on LV-426 that survived the explosion at the end of Aliens. Michael Biehn face on that body was not seen at all so he never died.
The film canon has already been destroyed as of this year. River of Pain has changed Aliens around even more things on what happened offscreen. Ah only one thing I mentioned there was linked to the Dark Horse Comics Fire and Stone series. So you not really have not been paying much attention to the recent Titan Books trilogy which have been made canon by Fox.
I've provided many links below to the new canon to people with what Fox have done with Dark Horse Comics and Games and the Titan Books this year.
Ridley Scott has mentioned about getting away from the "Gods" and "Dragons". Fox hasn't dropped Colonial Marines brand at all and Dark Horse Comics would have out right said it but they didn't. Ridley gave his blessing to Aliens: Colonial Marines and he has the final say as long nothing effects his squeal is that not enough? Fox's Licensing Division after all.
If you don't want the Aliens universe to expand with new stories its fine if you want the four films and nothing else. I'm sure you are a die hard Aliens fan too and sure you know that writers and even the people behind Isolation have mentioned Fox's Aliens Universal Bible and the amount of data they have stored.
Is there a possibility of seeing Corporal Dwayne Hicks in a follow up story to Aliens: Colonial Marines?
PAUL TOBIN: It’s a big universe out there.
How involved was Ridley Scott on this project?
PAUL TOBIN: From a broad overview mode. He’s the final say, of course. He never stopped by the writer’s summits, though. More cake for us.
Seeing the other side to Aliens with River of Pain. On how will connect which its does to the Fire and Stone series.
James A. Moore the writer of Alien: Sea of Sorrows the second canon Titan book to be made this year. He has mentioned on what FOX are up too.
"The premise of the novel is to offer a sort of "reboot" to the series, that honors all of the things that have gone before and establishes a continuity that keeps all of the previous situations intact, including the dissolution of Weyland-Yutani, the devastation of Europe at the end of A:R, ALL of the movies and events as well as several video games. After the first draft of the novel was written Fox went over it with a fine-toothed comb and several changes were made. [...] i did not make major changes to the Xenomorphs. That might be something that happens later on, but for now there are extremely strict rules because Fox wants to UN-muddy the waters that have been muddied again and again by comics, other books, etc. Ultimately nothing that happens in the book would have happened without either a) the express permission of Fox or b) the express DESIRE of Fox. in point of fact, the initial concept behind the novel came from the powers that be at Fox. That doesn't mean I didn't plot the beast out, but the concept of a descendant of Ripley was theirs, as was the empathic link."
David going to play a even bigger role.
Aliens Fire and Stone #4.
Fox are moving on with new stories.
Ridley Scott Blessing.
No Gods and Dragons for Prometheus 2.
Fox are using the Colonial Marines license for next year with HiyaToys so expect Winter, Cruz, Reid ect figures.
The Strongest Hint that Hicks' will return as this cover by Dark Horse Comics. Hicks never had any Bluetooth headset in Aliens nor SI nor CM and his wearing a new green shirt.
Right, I'm at work and can't read it all right now but I'm struggling to see any direct quote from Ridley regarding his blessing that CM is something he considers cannon. Regarding the plot holes, firstly, Hadleys Hope WAS nuked by a 30 megaton explosion, there would be nothing left. Secondly, hicks was wearing different cloths to what he went to sleep in at the end of the movie, there are many more that I can list when I get home if need be.
Even though this is "Aliens: Colonial Marines", it's also "Alien: Resurrection", cause Hicks is back from the dead, brothers.
They REALLY SHOULD USE at least part of this has a remake of Alien 3 and 4, except change it so The Weyland Corporation steals Newt and Ripley's Cryo-sleep pods and instead of dying; are mysteriously hauled off somewhere unknown by the time Hicks wakes up, thus giving Weyland Yutani the chance to remove the Facehugger and have an Alien chestburster inside Ripley to be removed and toyed around with. Then they should have a new team of Colonial Marines put together in this Alien 3 remake, with Hicks leading of course, find the Weyland head-Quarter's fight them off and rescue Riply and Newt!. With a minor Predator cameo of course just has a throwback to the AvP games NOT THEIR MOVIES *WHY WHY WHY* if only they could.....it's not like the actor's aren't old enough for 20 years or so so have passed in cryo-sleep like the beginning of the 2nd film.
It has to do with the British/English casting system. Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 were made in the U.K. and there is some weird rule there that gives actors control over the use of their likenesses in any products related to the films they worked in. In the USA everything belongs to the studio, in the UK is not the case...
It doesn't fit in with the established gestation time of the series up until that point, Burke would still have the hugger on, thats why cameron kept it out.
Soooo, even though Hicks' body is cremated in Alien 3 (he is cremated with Newt), he's also missing an eyepatch/eye bandage, has much fewer injuries (at the end of Aliens, he could not move under his own power, he pretty much had to be carried to his pod)... So, I don't buy it.
simply put: the body cremated wasn't even hicks, it was Turk
I'm not buying the mistaken identity thing, besides doesn't the pod computer show biological/biometric data? if it does, it should have registered that the person in Hicks' pod isn't Hicks.
Hick's cryopod was severely damaged when a pillar slammed and crushed Turk's head. Fury 161 doesn't have the facilities to investigate who is who. Therefore, it's a clever way in retconning Alien 3 to fit into Colonial Marines
A crushed head doesn't change your biometric data, and you don't need that much specialist equipment to repair a computer, Bishop was far more complicated than the shipboard systems and yet Ripley got him operational.
LETS JUST FORGET that Alien3 never happened, & Strap this along side the Alien 3 for the SNES story.
so he survives cause goons dont know how to pull a gun trigger. seems legit
So, how does the body get crushed? The stasis pod didn't protect him from the vacuum of space?
I haven't played this game. I hear people hate it, but it obviously has one redeeming factor right here
They are colonists from a ship called WYS Legato that intercepted the USS Sulaco. They were going to be used as xenomorph hosts by the company but they escaped.
So that's how. These scenes were never mentioned in my video game.
Stasis Interrupted was DLC or free with the season pass at the time.
Hicks is still dead. This game doesnt retcon the story. In Aliens movie, Hicks is put into stasis bandaged up on face and body with no shirt. In this shitty game he has a shirt on and no bandages. This storyline is alternate universe.
I always wanted to have a cocooned Cpl. Hudson to appear on camera when Ripley is racing through the hive to find Newt. There's a deleted scene of her finding Burke cocooned. It's VERY rare and many thought it to be a rumor; This was proved wrong as the scene is included as a bonus feature in the "Alien Anthology" blu-ray collection. Strange that James Cameron never re-inserted that scene along with the other deleted scenes into his Director's Cut of "Aliens". Doesn't affect the pacing at all.
Oh so the dead guy in the escape pod wasn't hicks ... and this explains how the fire started !
I actually liked alien 3. I liked the sheer nihilism of it. After everything they went through in the first 2 movies they all died anyway.
If the creators of this game were going to branch off in their own direction anyway, they should have let Ripley and Newt live. It would have been a lot more redeemable...
So stupid. In Alien 3, Ripley would have realized this is what happened when she accessed the data from the ship's computer.
There's a really great black and white graphic novel by Dark Horse comics where Hicks and Newt lived and he has to get her off earth before its totally overrun (there is also a color version that changed their names to accommodate the trash that is Alien3). The 6 part comic book series, which is also a graphic novel, was done by Verheiden and Nelson. It gives Hicks and Newt a good story.
Yes. It was written by Mark Verheiden.
After Alien 3, the names of the characters were changed, but happily, the original version was rereleased with the characters we love, Newt and Hicks.
If I remember correctly, Ripley showed up in the Earth War series.
It’s nice to have an alternative to Alien 3.
I use to have that comic. Loved Earth War.
The better question is how the the broken pod and ripely survive the re-entry?
LOL I noticed that but actually that is not an error since the acid ridden outfit was part of his military uniform and USCM BDU (Battle Dress Uniform). Maybe he just did not have a spare change...
LOL There are mp3s everywhere on the net with the audio of the Sulaco's computer speech taken directly from the movie, so they couyld have used one of those. And I read the whole stuff in a Sci-Fi Film magazine article. Can't remember if it was Starlog or Fangoria though...
Alien died as a series for me when Hicks died in Alien 3. I can still remember sitting in the cinema with my dad seeing the movie thinking “fuck this” when they declared Newt and Hicks deceased. I’m still waiting for a deep study on the fact that Alien, Predator and the Terminator all have fallen from grace because of idiot scripts and ideas. Alien and Aliens is the series to me. The rest is bullshit. So even if this game was a big failure i will still remember this clip as a positive thing.
Same here. Everything that followed Aliens was utter garbage.
Hicks had bandages on his face when he went into the cryogenic sleep. YOU FUCKED UP TWICE, GEARBOX.
Anyone else think Michael Biehn’s performance could be used for teaching masters’ degree classes in phoning it in?
It's really fucking bad.
And I thought that William Shatner couldn’t be topped for unemotional delivery of his lines. This version of Hicks here blew that theory out of the water
While the game without a doubt has it's flaws, I do like the story and have no problem accepting it as canon. Especially since Hicks is still alive!
*EDIT* It's worth noting that the script for Colonial Marines and Stasis Interrupted was in fact approved by 20th Century Fox. Interpret that as you wish, but as I already said, in my personal opinion, the story wasn't that bad.
I mean, think about this for a second before judging it. We're comparing a story that's being told through a FPS game to one of the greatest movies of all time. It's never quite gonna live up to expectations.
Why does Hicks' face look so normal in the end of Aliens his entire left side was disfigured from the acid
it was a queen facehugger, they give two embryos, one queen embryo and a drone embryo (probably to protect the queen as the dog xenomorph didn't killed ripley)
What a mess, the writers of Alien3 really fucked up. Now this shit
a problem is Sulaco was on fire , a huge fire ball was going down one of the corridors in the movie
When i frist saw this part i was so happy that Corporeal Dwayne Hick is alive on that game
Love how so many people want to believe Alien 3 wasn’t canon. It was! And it was great! Ended the trilogy perfectly! Stories don’t always go as you want them to!
Since I'm a fan of Corporal Hicks, I prefer this as sequel for Aliens.
How did the bullet hit the alien and the acid didn’t effect riply and how did the alien not die after being shot
It’s is canon,even the developers and Ridley Scott confirmed this
Just made a custom Hicks (post Aliens) action figure for my older son because he loves Hicks. Also....I may have told him Hicks is a descendant of Johnny Ringo from Tombstone. Good stuff.
so people would rather have one of their fav characters die of screen with no explanation and forgotten about then have him alive and in a "terrible" story that at least gives some closure?
At least his death of screen was handled with some decent writing. I'd rather him stay dead then be brought back in fan fic level trash.
+Stedal1978 true
Roberto you're stupid
You have closure and an explanation. He was killed by a support beam in the crash. Case closed. Welcome to the Lovecraftian universe of Alien. If by 'closure', you mean resurrecting him in a hilariously choreographed fight sequence, so that he can conveniently turn up on LV426, spout some horribly acted dialogue, tip the hat to the woeful AVP franchise, and run around playing Call of Duty.... well, sorry, that's just fanfiction as one contributor has already noted. Really, really bad fanfiction. I had closure. At least I could remember him as a badass before, who was tragically killed in a quirk of fate aboard the Sulaco. Now we can all remember Biehn's last performance as this wooden garbage. Thanks fanboys!
Alien3 was waaaaaay better than Aliens
The problem with this game.. Hicks DIDN'T remain behind on the Sulaco. He was with Ripley, Newt and Bishop when their EEV crash-landed on Fury 161. Hicks died along with Newt. Bishop was destroyed and Ripley was unfortunately impregnated with one of those aliens.
Yes he did thanks to Michael Biehn not giving them his likeness on that body in the film.
That's not a problem with this game, that's a problem with the horrendous piece of shit that was Alien 3... I refuse to acknowledge Alien 3 as canon. I'm not against change, but Alien 3 destroyed everything that was great about the previous 2 films.
You got that right. The Sulaco was back on course to Earth. And for the life of me, I can't fathom how an alien got aboard the Sulaco in the first place. Alien 3 obviously wasn't thought of in advance before the movie was ever made..
dbzispimpin Alien3 (Assembly Cut) is great. David Fincher's touch is MUCH more obvious. And he isn't embarrased of Alien3, he just doesn't want anything to do with it because the producers kept trying to tell different stories than what Fincher wanted. FOX used to treat the franchise as nothing but silly B-movies until this one, then they got way too controlling. I'm not going to type its whole history out here. Just watch the Making Of video that's in the Alien Anthropology/Quadrilogy and also uploaded on UA-cam.
Alien3 all cuts suck to me personally. I've seen most of them since I'm such a big Alien fan, I've tried to find something to love about Alien3, I really, really have. I've actually found a mild liking to what they tried to achieve with Alien: Resurrection and I can now stomach that movie, but Alien3 is just unfathomably terrible. I can't seem to enjoy any of it's versions, no matter how hard I try, it's not just because they killed off Hicks and Newt or that they also killed off Ripley in the movie, among other reasons. I really tried to enjoy Alien3 and I've even found well rounded explanations for enjoying the film and I still can't seem to sit down and appreciate anything done in the film other than MAYBE some cinematography. As I said above I truly enjoy Fincher and think he's an amazingly talented director, I just can't enjoy the film. Which isn't me hating, it's me being disappointed.
did gearbox actualy makes this dlc or did they give it to some other company like they did with the campaign for the game
I don't know what distresses me most - the abysmal 'explanation' or the fact that there are people who defend it! I know Alien 3 messed up, but this attempted retcon of its incoherent set-up makes it look even more ridiculous. Gotta love the way Hicks and redshirt both have matching chest wounds - niiiiice work devs.
Im sure hicks was all bandaged up after alien 2?
Can somebody please tell me which of the Aliens/AVP movies and games are cannon?
It's a mess. Let's start: None of the games except for Colonial Marines and Alien Isolation are canon. However, due to bad reception, A-CM and Alien 3 (even if they're considered part of the story) won't be used and referenced in future movies. Movies outside the quadrilogy are considered non-canon, exception made for Prometheus and the upcoming Alien 5. None of the novels are canon. The three 2014 books are canon. Comic books are not canon
Don't worry about canon, man. Just enjoy the films for the individual works of art that they are. For instance, the Assembly Cut of Alien 3 or the Director's Cut of Alien are probably not canon, but I infinitely prefer them and - for me - they just are Alien and Alien 3. Alien Resurrection and the AVP franchise are canon, but I completely ignore their existence. Its happier like this. :)
The guy wearing sweatpants is a military veteran... a former USCM Gunnery Sergeant... This is shown in the expansion but you have to play it to find out...
And Hicks is... well Hicks.
Call it whatever you want, Hicks is now alive. If that's all this game will ever give me, i'll take it with such an inter-ear grin on my face, you'll think i'm the joker.
The facehugger got shot in the legs, it remember in Alien where they try to laser it of an acid spills on the floor? That's the same thing that happend here. The face hugger must have survived, Ripley was pregnant in the third movie with the queen.
How did the alien egg get aboard the sulaco? I mean the egg should be on the dropship where Bishop rescues Hicks, Ripley and Newt. (That's where the Alien Queen was hiding). At the end of the movie Newt, Bishop , Ripley and Hicks get into cryosleep NOT in the dropship but in another part of the SULACO where it was basically impossible a egg was laid.
Opinions please-
Turk and Samwell Stone proceeded to board the docked USS Sulaco via the umbilical as they been followed by Xenomorphs from outside the umbilical. You can see this all in-game.
so in a way, it eliminates the "Xeno queen smuggling a royal facehugger" theory?
Yes very much so.
Game over man...
They should have saved Newt. Bah.
This really is more of a fanfiction/what-if scenario rather than an official continuation. I don't care what Fox or Gearbox say. If they don't care about canonical accuracy then their Word means nothing to me.
i dont care what anyone says this fucking game is NOT canon!
yes it is, get over it
Actually it is. It was confirmed by James Cameron. If the DIRECTOR of Aliens says it's canon it's hard to go against that
Why in the fffk is the black guy dressed as a GTA hobo though 😂 like dude... you're IN SPACE.... the fffk you wearing bruh?
I watched the credits and I saw the DLC cast and dev team, it was Dark Side Team. They worked on the main game too.
Anything is better than watching Newt and Hicks senselessly killed off at the begining of Alien 3.
I'm not too sure about that because a significant period of time had passed since Burke was attacked and cocooned after sealing the door in the fight scene that takes place in medical (the one where Hudson is taken through the floor). I believe since that scene and the point where Ripley goes to rescue Newt is quite a while. The facehugger probably had enough time to impregnate Burke and then fall off and die. Of course, that's just my opinion.
I dunno, people call this lazy storytelling but Alien 3 was lazy storytelling. Killng Hicks and Newt after all they went through in Aliens seemed like a waste of great characters. Th makers of this game are not the only ones who wish Alien 3 never happened...
i totally agree with you.
+Litshttam Deaths add realism when done realistically. Both Alien 3 and Colonial Marines had piss poor writing and senseless deaths.
Litshttam Alien 3 had multiples scripts and the studio started filming without a proper final script. The final script ended up being a smash of Ward's and Twohy's scripts, with a small touch from Giller and Hill. A complete mess.
@degree7 Tell me more about this 8ft tall Alien creature which grows to the size of a man without any biomass on-board a space freighter. Tell me more about the evil corporation which sends said freighter crew to their deaths on a planet with an alien warning beacon, and then 35ish years later conveniently colonises said planet and is completely oblivious to said aliens, evil plot or beacon. But don't worry, Alien 3 alone is the height of plot-hole ridden garbage.
Who's hicks is he the guy acm or the movie